J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho...

mnf'Mv i. KTfr? , .. . )frpw?,TBy iji ,tA- - y- - giHWuty wrT- - J u . vy Wht JI4JVJI'Jv JvJr IJI r- - i VOL. IX. NO. 1335. HONOLULU, H. L, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 18U5. PRICE 5 CENTS. M i . o I .', &,, THB DAILY BULLETIN PRINTED AND rCBLlSUED EVERY AFTERNOON txctn SCKDAY BY T1IK Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd , at the orricc, tan fc 328 ttetcuant bt.. Honolulu, B. I. dUBbUKlVTION 8ix Dollam a Year, Oeliverrd In Hcmoluli. at Fifty Cts a Month, iu advance. THE IfflKLi RDLLRTIK -- 18 PUBLIBNKIJ BV1DK.V MONDAY it Fcub Dox-la- i YtAh to Dommuu, nd t'tvi Holla Rt to Korelisn SubieriW layable In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING coni in icrsiuon tl rKLEI'HONE m l 0. BOX Si. rna Daily Boliitih Is printed una d by the Dhlly Bulletin Publishing Company, Limited, at Its olflce, Mer-cha- street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- and. Daniel Logan, editor, resides on Alskea street. Honolulu. aforesaid. Address letters lor the prttwr "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Dally Bullrtiu Publishing Ooruyany." Using a personal address may cause delay In attention. Builneu Card. LXWEBS A OOOKE. iHFOBTRM AND DEALERS IN LUMBER AND ALL KINDS or BCILMNO MaTEBIALB. Fort Btreet, Honolulu, H. HA0KFEU3 A OO UkNEBAL COMMISSION A0ENT8. Corns r Fort and Queen Btrreu, Honolulu, mO. 8. 8MITHIE8 Auctioneer and General Bcsiness Aoent. MahukouH, Kohala, Hawaii. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch maker. KueuI Jewelry specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds ol repairs Campbell Block, Merchant Street. HONOLULU IKON WOBKB, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass and Lead Cabtinos. Machinery of Bvery Description Matt to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blacksmllhlng. Job Work execnted at Short Notice. Atlas Assurance Go. or XiOxtsox? ASSETS, . 110,000,000. EI. W. SCHMIDT & SQNS Apent for Hawaiian Island City Carriage' Co., Comer King and Bethel Bta. - BOTO TELEPD0NE3 113 - Pine Carriages & Civil Drivers To be had at all hours. J. S. ANDRADE, l(Vi.tl Manauer Consolidated Soda Water Go,, L'd ESPlLiA.Kr-A.rID- ; Cor. Allan ft Port Sts., - Honolulu. iinu.rsTum coM lOSS-t- r AgenU. Sequah Speaks ! THIS THURSDAY NIGHT At 7:30 o clock at UNION SQUARE Shquaii will lecture from his Gilded Chnriot on his REMEDIES and MEDICINES. Sufferers WITH Rheumatism 8,For your own henefit, come, see, hear and judge for yourselves. Sequah Speaks ! 1807-- tf IF-u.r- e IMIilik:. The business of the country is sottling into its former groove. Our gentlemanly driver has returned from his vacation, the cows in the switch flies instead of bul-ot- s with their tails and the cream ie richer in consequence. Wo boliove wo havo satisfied uvery one of our customers who have tnueu milk from us and wo are in a position to sup- ply a great many moro The people who from choice or necessity visited Waialao during tho past two weeks havo had an opportunity to boo just what sort of diet our stock feeds upon, and no longer wonder at the riohness of tho milk from our dairy. Our facilities for delivery are the best. With the exception of a day or two early in tho late unpleasant- ness our drivers have always beou on time at our customers' residences. We take this opportunity to thank those who havo been patieut with us and to solicit a coutiuuanco of their patronage. Wo will bo pleased to fill all orders telephoned to us and guarautee all milk to be pure and free from adulteration. The WAIALAE RANCH. AYER'S Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR AN- U- PROMOTES Abundant Growth or thk UlM HAIR. ,i w " it cures iicuing hu- - jr A0 mors, . .. nml keeps tlie hr .itmr-- - i ,i.. 9C.II1' U"I i"il liraltliy. ami frco from (laiulnid. s'CSsjsS A lady V&gzg?. v3 writes. i2Si to slate, Ti fur III A 4 ... .. .iafeteySM lieneflt of u otlicri, that six year iiko I lint nearly lialf ol my lialr, nml what wii t turned isrny. Alter mini! Aycr's llalr Vlisnr cciiil months my lialr legnn to tirmv again, and with tlio natural color restored." Ayer's Hair Vigor I'lir.t'Aiir.n nv DR. J. C. AYER 4 CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. MT'llewsri.of rliran linltntliun. Tlie unne VVtit Ii proiiihifiil i'ii It blunu In Hi. k1i i' I erli v( nr imltlo. Hollister Drug Co., L'd., Sole Agents 'or Ilf Iteptiu lc of Hilwrtll. People ft ho Write on typewriters marvel that busy business men still eliiitf to the pen pro- cerus. The Jjunints-- t man Ubinif a typewriter would not voluntaiily return to the old method, because ho can turn off more work, of a better quality, and with leus effort on his machine. Tlie Man Who Nwr Ustd a Typewriter believes the task of le.trn-in- g to write a difficult r and hopeless one. Try. Others have learned ; you can. Your first attempt will probably reveal the fact that you do faster work with the pen. That's quite natural; L yuti uiu JiinL learning. Your next trial will sur prise you. Your fingers l go lo the right keys in- stinctively. It becomes easier and you will then begin to r alize the use- fulness and benefit of a 1 typewriter. CHOICE OF A TYPEWRITER will either make or mar your writing happinsn. For the business man desiring u machine, that combines speed, durabi- lity, docs perfect work, and lastly, has the easiest 'keyboard to learn, buy tho NEW CAL1GRAPH, This typewiiter stands at the head. It has all the r L latest improvements. Let me show you a New Cauoiuimi. T. W. HOBRON, Agent. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. Japan Denies Russsia's Right to Interfere in Her Concerns, Tlie Nicaragua Affair Is Amicably Settled and British Troops Have Been a Withdrawn from Corlnto. The steamship Alameda arrived ' this tuoruini; brincinc five d.tvs' later news from tho outside world, which is more than usually interest- ing. The IhiMian demands on Japan and the settlement of the Xicaraguau affair seem to be the two most important matter. There is nothing ikmv concerning the Venezuelan affair, probably owing to the tipn-arrivn- l of tho regular South American mail steamerB. The news brought by tho Alameda will be found below under appropriate headings: JAPAN VS KUS9IA. Serious Complications Have Arlsun Bo twee n Thoio Governments) Tho troaty of peace betweeu China and Japan which war to have been ratified yesterday seems to have had .the approval of all the European powers except Itussia. Tho latter country lias addressed a very forci- ble uoto to Japau demanding that certain provisions of tho treaty bo rwcinded, as affecting tho iutercsts of Bussia iu the Pacific. Japan has boon given until May7th,theday be- fore the signing of the treaty to reply, to Itussia. As far as can be gather- ed from columns of newspaper dis- patches on the subject tho Japanese Government has refused to recog- - uize the right of Russia or auy other ' powor to interfere in tier concerns. It would appear that Russia is be- - ing backed up by Germany and Franco but who is behind Japan will be known only when a conflict occurs. That this is liable to occur momentarily is apparent from the following dispatch: A cable special to tho Herald from St. Petersburg savs: In the event of I Japan refusing to accede to tho do- - mauds of Russia, Franco and Ger- many, in regird to the retention of tho Liao Tang peninsula, it is most probable that Russia will at ouca declare a blockade of Japanese ports. THK NIOAKAQUAN AFFAIR. Thu British Will Withdraw Upon Payment of Indemnity. London, May 1. It is learned on good authority that Great Britain has agreed to tho proposed settle- ment of her dispute with Nicaragua. Tho payment of the indemnity is guaranteed. It is said tho affair has beon praoti.'ally settled. The following semi.ollicial was made this evening: The statement that the Salvadorau Miuistor has submitted to Great Britaiu on behalf of Nicaragua cer- - tain propositions is correct. Tho matter is now being considered, aud if reasonable security is given for the fulfilment of any undertaking to comply with Great Britain's every proposal in tho matter will bo arranged without inflicting further humiliation. Wasiiixoto.v, May 1. The guaran- tee of the payment by Nicaragua of the indemnity as required by Great Britain will be mado in tho amplest maimer posible, so that there ap-pot- rs to be no further obstacle be- tween the two countries as to the final adjustment. The guarantee will be in any one of several formi, as follow: First The promNo of tho Nicara-gua- u Government, whioh, inasmuch as the Government lias never de- faulted in its obligations, is of itself regarded as a guarantee. Second Tho Bank of Nicaragua, national institution, with recog- nized standing in London, will, if need be, givo a guarantee. Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje- state, stands ready to do-pos- it 15,500 in a London bank if Nicaragua desires the favor. Fourth Tho Nicaragua C.vl Company, whoso word iu London will bo accept iblo in the liighcnt financial circles, will givo either a guarantee or cash if need be. Besides these guarantees, any one of which is available, and is regard- ed as ample, tho Nicanguati autho- rities are said to have actual funds immcdia'.ely a tillable without call- ing for outside help. A guarantee by tho United S'ates is not regardeil as otsential under the foregoing cir- cumstances. The final proposition as now con- cluded between Nicaragua aud Great Britaiu will, therefore, be as follows: Great Britaiu agrees to iuimo-- I diately evacuate Coriuto acd with-- i draw her fleet. Nicaragua agrees to pay tho 15,500 in London fifteen days from tho sailing of the fleet from Coriuto. According to these terms tho fifteen days does not be- gin to ruu uutil the actual sailing of the fleet. Tho latter feature was in- - sisted upon by Nicaragua as a moans of checking popular agitation and as a step toward maintaining her dignity. Dr. Guzman called at tin Stato Department at 11 o'clock today. Up to that time ho had not received official confirmation of Great Bri- - tain's acceptance, although tho cor- - rectness of the unofficial advices was not questioned. From tho British ht and point tho acceptance of the compromise aud the immediate evacuation of Coriuto establishes tho good faith of Great Britain iu her declaration that there-wa- s no purpose of occupying terri- tory. From tho first the British authorities have assured Embassa- dor Bayard, aud tho latter has so advised Secretary Gresham, that thero was no purpose of aggression or of securing a foothold iu Nicara- gua. Tho only purpose, Earl Kim-berle- y has said, was to collect a debt by bucIi force as was necessary aud then depart. Nicaragua, notwithstanding these assurances, has maintained that tho .collection of 577,500 was merely a covert means of occupying her terri- tory. This view has prevailtd very widely here, even in some official quarters, although the policy of tho Government has been to accept tho good faith of Great Britain's repre- sentation. Tho withdrawal of troops from Coriuto and tho departure of tho fleet not only ends all question of British territorial extension in Nica- ragua, but also puts at rest tho fears entertained that the control of the canal route would bo seriously affect- ed by tho proximity of British forces. The affair has cost Nicaragua moro thau the original 177,500. It was necessary to raiso !HXK) extra troops at a cost of S3000 per day. The abandonment of Coriuto as a cus- -

Transcript of J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho...

Page 1: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

mnf'Mv i.KTfr? , .. . )frpw?,TBy iji ,tA- - y- -

giHWutywrT- -





r- - iVOL. IX. NO. 1335. HONOLULU, H. L, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 18U5. PRICE 5 CENTS.


i .


I .',





Daily Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd ,

at the orricc,tan fc 328 ttetcuant bt.. Honolulu, B. I.

dUBbUKlVTION 8ix Dollam a Year,Oeliverrd In Hcmoluli. at Fifty Cts aMonth, iu advance.



BV1DK.V MONDAYit Fcub Dox-la- i YtAh to Dommuu,nd t'tvi Holla Rt to Korelisn SubieriW

layable In advance.


coni in icrsiuon tlrKLEI'HONE m l 0. BOX Si.

rna Daily Boliitih Is printed una d

by the Dhlly Bulletin PublishingCompany, Limited, at Its olflce, Mer-cha-

street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-

and. Daniel Logan, editor, resides onAlskea street. Honolulu. aforesaid.

Address letters lor the prttwr "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerDally Bullrtiu Publishing Ooruyany."Using a personal address may cause delayIn attention.

Builneu Card.




Fort Btreet, Honolulu,



Corns r Fort and Queen Btrreu, Honolulu,

mO. 8. 8MITHIE8

Auctioneer and General Bcsiness Aoent.

MahukouH, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing Jeweler and Watchmaker.

KueuI Jewelry specialty. Particularattention paid to all kinds ol repairs

Campbell Block, Merchant Street.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Iron, Brass and Lead


Machinery of Bvery Description Matt toOrder. Particular attention paid to Ships'Blacksmllhlng. Job Work execnted atShort Notice.

Atlas Assurance Go.

or XiOxtsox?

ASSETS, . 110,000,000.

EI. W. SCHMIDT & SQNSApent for Hawaiian Island

City Carriage' Co.,Comer King and Bethel Bta.

- BOTO TELEPD0NE3 113 -Pine Carriages & Civil Drivers

To be had at all hours.

J. S. ANDRADE,l(Vi.tl Manauer

Consolidated Soda Water Go,, L'd

ESPlLiA.Kr-A.rID- ;

Cor. Allan ft Port Sts., - Honolulu.

iinu.rsTum coMlOSS-t- r AgenU.


Speaks !



At 7:30 o clock at


Shquaii will lecture from

his Gilded Chnriot on his





8,For your own henefit,come, see, hear and judge foryourselves.


Speaks !

1807-- tf

IF-u.r- e IMIilik:.The business of the country is

sottling into its former groove. Ourgentlemanly driver has returnedfrom his vacation, the cows in the

switch flies instead of bul-ot- s

with their tails and the cream ie

richer in consequence. Wo boliovewo havo satisfied uvery one of ourcustomers who have tnueu milk fromus and wo are in a position to sup-ply a great many moro The peoplewho from choice or necessity visitedWaialao during tho past two weekshavo had an opportunity to boo justwhat sort of diet our stock feedsupon, and no longer wonder at theriohness of tho milk from our dairy.

Our facilities for delivery are thebest. With the exception of a dayor two early in tho late unpleasant-ness our drivers have always beouon time at our customers' residences.We take this opportunity to thankthose who havo been patieut with usand to solicit a coutiuuanco of theirpatronage. Wo will bo pleased tofill all orders telephoned to us andguarautee all milk to be pure andfree from adulteration.


AYER'SHair Vigor




Abundant Growth

or thk

UlM HAIR.,i w " it cures iicuing hu- -

jr A0 mors,. ..

nml keeps tliehr .itmr-- - i ,i..9C.II1' U"I i"illiraltliy. ami frco from

(laiulnid.s'CSsjsS A ladyV&gzg?. v3 writes.

i2Si to slate,Ti fur III A

4 ... .. .iafeteySM lieneflt ofu otlicri,

that six year iiko I lint nearly lialf ol mylialr, nml what wii t turned isrny. Altermini! Aycr's llalr Vlisnr cciiil monthsmy lialr legnn to tirmv again, and with tlionatural color restored."

Ayer's Hair VigorI'lir.t'Aiir.n nv


MT'llewsri.of rliran linltntliun. Tlie unneVVtit Ii proiiihifiil i'ii It

blunu In Hi. k1i i' I erli v( nr imltlo.

Hollister Drug Co., L'd.,Sole Agents 'or Ilf Iteptiu lc of Hilwrtll.

People ft ho Write

on typewriters marvelthat busy business menstill eliiitf to the pen pro-cerus. The Jjunints-- t manUbinif a typewriter wouldnot voluntaiily return tothe old method, becauseho can turn off morework, of a better quality,and with leus effort onhis machine.

Tlie Man Who NwrUstd a Typewriter

believes the task of le.trn-in- g

to write a difficult r

and hopeless one. Try.Others have learned ; youcan. Your first attemptwill probably reveal thefact that you do fasterwork with the pen.That's quite natural; L

yuti uiu JiinL learning.Your next trial will surprise you. Your fingers lgo lo the right keys in-

stinctively. It becomeseasier and you will thenbegin to r alize the use-

fulness and benefit of a1 typewriter.


will either make or maryour writing happinsn.For the business mandesiring u machine, thatcombines speed, durabi-lity, docs perfect work,and lastly, has the easiest'keyboard to learn, buytho


This typewiiter stands atthe head. It has all the r


latest improvements.

Let me show you aNew Cauoiuimi.

T. W. HOBRON, Agent.


Japan Denies Russsia's Right

to Interfere in Her Concerns,

Tlie Nicaragua Affair Is Amicably Settled

and British Troops Have Been a

Withdrawn from Corlnto.

The steamship Alameda arrived '

this tuoruini; brincinc five d.tvs'later news from tho outside world,which is more than usually interest-ing. The IhiMian demands onJapan and the settlement of theXicaraguau affair seem to be thetwo most important matter. Thereis nothing ikmv concerning theVenezuelan affair, probably owingto the tipn-arrivn- l of tho regularSouth American mail steamerB. Thenews brought by tho Alameda willbe found below under appropriateheadings:


Serious Complications Have ArlsunBo twee n Thoio Governments)

Tho troaty of peace betweeu Chinaand Japan which war to have beenratified yesterday seems to have had.the approval of all the Europeanpowers except Itussia. Tho lattercountry lias addressed a very forci-ble uoto to Japau demanding thatcertain provisions of tho treaty borwcinded, as affecting tho iutercstsof Bussia iu the Pacific. Japan hasboon given until May7th,theday be-

fore the signing of the treaty to reply,to Itussia. As far as can be gather-ed from columns of newspaper dis-

patches on the subject tho JapaneseGovernment has refused to recog- -

uize the right of Russia or auy other '

powor to interfere in tier concerns.It would appear that Russia is be- -

ing backed up by Germany andFranco but who is behind Japanwill be known only when a conflictoccurs. That this is liable to occurmomentarily is apparent from thefollowing dispatch:

A cable special to tho Herald fromSt. Petersburg savs: In the event of

I Japan refusing to accede to tho do- -

mauds of Russia, Franco and Ger-many, in regird to the retention oftho Liao Tang peninsula, it is mostprobable that Russia will at oucadeclare a blockade of Japanese ports.


Thu British Will Withdraw UponPayment of Indemnity.

London, May 1. It is learned ongood authority that Great Britainhas agreed to tho proposed settle-ment of her dispute with Nicaragua.Tho payment of the indemnity isguaranteed. It is said tho affair hasbeon praoti.'ally settled.

The following semi.ollicialwas made this evening:

The statement that the SalvadorauMiuistor has submitted to GreatBritaiu on behalf of Nicaragua cer- -

tain propositions is correct. Thomatter is now being considered, audif reasonable security is given for thefulfilment of any undertaking tocomply with Great Britain's

every proposal in tho matterwill bo arranged without inflictingfurther humiliation.

Wasiiixoto.v, May 1. The guaran-tee of the payment by Nicaragua ofthe indemnity as required by GreatBritain will be mado in tho amplestmaimer posible, so that there ap-pot- rs

to be no further obstacle be-

tween the two countries as to thefinal adjustment. The guaranteewill be in any one of several formi,as follow:

First The promNo of tho Nicara-gua- u

Government, whioh, inasmuchas the Government lias never de-

faulted in its obligations, is of itselfregarded as a guarantee.

Second Tho Bank of Nicaragua,national institution, with recog-

nized standing in London, will, ifneed be, givo a guarantee.

Third The republic of Guatemala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-

state, stands ready to do-pos- it

15,500 in a London bank ifNicaragua desires the favor.

Fourth Tho Nicaragua C.vlCompany, whoso word iu Londonwill bo accept iblo in the liighcntfinancial circles, will givo either aguarantee or cash if need be.

Besides these guarantees, any oneof which is available, and is regard-ed as ample, tho Nicanguati autho-rities are said to have actual fundsimmcdia'.ely a tillable without call-

ing for outside help. A guaranteeby tho United S'ates is not regardeilas otsential under the foregoing cir-

cumstances.The final proposition as now con-

cluded between Nicaragua audGreat Britaiu will, therefore, be asfollows:

Great Britaiu agrees to iuimo-- I

diately evacuate Coriuto acd with-- idraw her fleet. Nicaragua agrees topay tho 15,500 in London fifteendays from tho sailing of the fleetfrom Coriuto. According to theseterms tho fifteen days does not be-

gin to ruu uutil the actual sailing ofthe fleet. Tho latter feature was in- -

sisted upon by Nicaragua as a moansof checking popular agitation andas a step toward maintaining herdignity.

Dr. Guzman called at tin StatoDepartment at 11 o'clock today.Up to that time ho had not receivedofficial confirmation of Great Bri- -

tain's acceptance, although tho cor--rectness of the unofficial advices wasnot questioned.

From tho British ht and point thoacceptance of the compromise audthe immediate evacuation of Coriutoestablishes tho good faith of GreatBritain iu her declaration that there-wa- s

no purpose of occupying terri-tory. From tho first the Britishauthorities have assured Embassa-dor Bayard, aud tho latter has soadvised Secretary Gresham, thatthero was no purpose of aggressionor of securing a foothold iu Nicara-gua. Tho only purpose, Earl Kim-berle- y

has said, was to collect adebt by bucIi force as was necessaryaud then depart.

Nicaragua, notwithstanding theseassurances, has maintained that tho

.collection of 577,500 was merely acovert means of occupying her terri-tory. This view has prevailtd verywidely here, even in some officialquarters, although the policy of thoGovernment has been to accept thogood faith of Great Britain's repre-sentation.

Tho withdrawal of troops fromCoriuto and tho departure of thofleet not only ends all question ofBritish territorial extension in Nica-

ragua, but also puts at rest tho fearsentertained that the control of thecanal route would bo seriously affect-

ed by tho proximity of British forces.The affair has cost Nicaragua moro

thau the original 177,500. It wasnecessary to raiso !HXK) extra troopsat a cost of S3000 per day. Theabandonment of Coriuto as a cus- -

Page 2: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

lows point has also resulted in muoh

loss. The disturbance to business j

and commerce is a loss which cannotbe measured in dollars.


Tho Now York Assembly CondotnneIlia Nlcdrajjunn Policy.

Albany, (N. Y.), May 1. Resolu-

tions in coutlemnatiou of the Admin

istration at Washington for itsiu regard to tho seizures at

Corinto, Nicaragua, wore adoptedby tho Assembly to-da- uudor afusponsiou of tho rules, tbo vote

standing 91 ayes aud 15 uoos, oneDemocrat voting with the Repub-licans.

Th resolutions rocito iu tho pre-

amble tho receut events in tho Re-

public of Nicaragua aud tho actionof tho British Government in occu-

pying tho soil aud declare that suchforcible interfereuco by a Europeanmouarchy iu tho affairs and author-ity of a member of tho great sister-hood of American republics is auopen and flagrant violation of thoMonroe doctriue. Tho resolutionsconclude as follows:

llesohed, By the Senate aud As-

sembly of the Stat" of Now York,that wo condemn and denounco thodilalorinois and lack of national audpatriotic spirit which have charac-terized tho Administration at Wash-

ington iu dealing with this compli-

cation; andResolved, That wo regard as a be-

trayal of fundamental Amoricauprinciples tho omission and neglecton tho part of tho Chiof Ezecutivoand tho head of tho Department ofStato to interpose resolutely andeffectively against such forcibleinvasion of a sister republic audagainst such infraction of the prin-

ciple and precept of the Monroedoctrine.



Plotters Said to ba Buyfae Quur andAmmunition.

Tout Townscnd (Vah.), April 30.

Tho authorities of Hawaii aud thepolice of this city beliovo thoy havodiscovered a plot whereby a largoahipmont of contraband munitionsv( war are to be or have beeu ship- -

pod to Hawaii for a contemplatediu3iirrottion.

For sovoral days secret serviceagents headed by a man named '

Stimpou have been iu tho vi.iuityjof I'ort Towusoud watchiug theoperations ot a gang of men, two of"vhoui are said to havo boon banish-ed from Hawaii. They aro allegedto have purchased all tho availabloanus and ammunition from thesmall dealers in various PugetSound towns, preparatory to goingto Alaska, they said.

A local paper which has been in-

vestigating tho caso avers that avussyl is now at sea bound to Ha-

waii with a cargo of arms. ThoChi'if of Police has a letter from A,

D. McKvoy ot tho Hawaiian secretnorvico asking him to bo on tho alertto Mippres3 any filibustering expedi-tion that might attempt to fit outhere for tho purpose of overthrow-ing the Oovorumeut of Hawaii.One or two little vessels have beeniu tho straits lately, and thoso arebeliovod to bo connected with thoattempt to smugglo arms to the isl-

ands. (Enough has beeu ascertaiued to

prove boyond question that soraomysterious things have been goingon which point to such an expedi-tion as tho Honolulu Chiof fears.Several strangers havo been in thecity at intervals of threo or fourdays for the past month, and aftorthe receipt of tho letter mentionedabove, Chief of Poliee Wilkes koptthorn under surveillance but with-

out learning anything conclusive.The secret sorvico agent Stimpson

lias beeu more successful audho has spoiled some conspira-

tors' plans at least. Ho stated to-

day that since operations hero havoboon temporarily concluded thorowas no reason why ho should uottell what ho know of tho matter.

"1 have beeu working on this casofor six weeks," he said, and willdimply say that thoro havo beenseveral sucrot meetings held iu thevicinity of Port Towueond. There

are some shrowd people manipulat-ing tho affair, for they learned in avery short timo that they were be-

ing watched. As a result, my woikhero has boen partly useloss. Youcan depend, though, that those fol-

lows meant business, aud they havegone far toward completing theirwork. I am suro of this because ofseveral facts that I havo loarued.Ono is that dealers iuguns aud ammunition havo had auunusual salo of rifles during tho lastmouth, fovoral mm purchasiug.They claimed to be fitting out hunt-ing expeditions to Alaska. EvenPortland dealers havo beeu leviedon.

"It is evident to tne that thosoguus are stored away somewhere onshore noar hero or on Whidbyinland, or if tho oxpodition has near-ly completed Its plan of operationsthey are perhaps in the hold ofsome speedy vessel. Sevoral schoon-

ers havo beeu sold of late iu differentup'ouud ports, and two arosomo-wher- e

hidden away on the sound,though report has it that they areoutside tho cape.

"There is no question iu my mindthat there will be trouble iu Hawaii.It is almost au impossibility to pre-

vent tho plotters from landing audhiding arms, as most of the nativesare in sympathy with them." S, F.Chronicle.


A. -- ..jJTllrtt 1Ntiri.u. ttinf... tlia.. TtTnatnt- -..... w.tt tha. -Cratble Wat Blanieloia.

Lowestoft, (Englaud), May 1.

Tho Coroner's Jury which has beeninvestigating the cau.o of tho sink-

ing of the North Gorman Lloydsteamship Elbe aftor the collision ofJanuary 30th returned a verdict to-

day of gross negligence upon thepart of the mate and tho lookoutman of the British steamer Crathie,which rau into and sauk tho Elbe.

The two men mentioned worefound by Sharp, tho steward of theCrathie, in tho galley of tho steamor when the steward went on dockat 5 o'clock on the morning of thecollision, although on the port sideof tho Crathie there were a numberof lights which tho steward thou be-

liovod to be on fishing boats. Thothroe stayed in the galley until thocollisiou occurred.

Iu spite of this, owing to thoabjuueo of evidence from tho survi-

vors of the Elbe, tho jury found thatthere was not sufiicieut proof thatthe Crathie was solely to blame fortho collision, aud ou tho question ofstanding by tho rulo of tho roa.l thojury exonerated Captain Gordon,tho commander of tho Crathio, fromall blame.

Oondenaed Nowa Items.

During a firo iu Chicago thefamous Columbian liberty bell camenoar being melted, but the firemengot control of tho firo just iu timeto save it.

Lieutenant Gallego, who surren-dered fifty Spanish soldiers to therebels aud who was aftorward arrest-ed aud turned ovoi to the militaryauthorities at Havana was, aftor atrial by courtmartial, seuteuced tobe shot. ThiB sentence was carriedout in the fortress of Cabana.

Li Hung Chang has arrived in Pe-

king and had au audience with theEmperor.

W. T. Loner, night manager of theUnitod Pross in Now York city, com-

mitted Buicide at the Arlington Ho-

tel by inhaling gas.An incendiary fire dostroyod seven- -

toon out of thirty-fiv- e businesshouses at Lorimor, la. Estimatedloss, $75,000; partially iusurod.

Dr. Witto, Russian Minister ofFinance, has disapproved the pro-posals of tho Staudard Oil Companyfor uniting tho Russian aud Amori-

cau petroleum interests.Tho Duohoss of Marlborough, re-

cently widower, and who was form-

erly Mrs. Louis Hamuiersly of NowYork, is married again. Hor presenthusband is Lord William Bercsford,formerly colonel of tho Ninth Lan-cers, who gained tho most coveredot all the military decorations iuGroat Britain tho Victoria Crossby riding bauk into tho thick of thofight at (Jlulandi to rescuoa lancer,whom ho placed across his saddleand then cut his way out to safety.

--, - - f Vf 4 w rT a !rw"w; t; -ft



Did you notice that wo

made no mention of the ar-

rival of tho goods purchasedfor us by Mns. Kkeimannwhile on her recent trip ExstV

There was a reason for itand a simple enough one too,if you will only stop to think.

You knew and everybody

clo knew that we were goingto bring something into thismarket that was new andcatchy. There was no n ed

to advertise it, the judiciousbuyers of Honolulu wutch thearrival of our goods, theyknow that if there is anythingnice to be had we get itj in

fact that we set the pace on

New Goods, Stylish Goods,at prices that arc just right.

This week, in addition tothe regular run, we are goingto make a hole in our pile of

Comforters !

Comforters ! !

While the counters loaded upwith

Colored Cotton Ducks,Colored Cotton Duoks,


Pique, Pique, Pique,will also be an attractivefeature.



Wholesale Dealers In

Liprs ui Manila CigarsAUD

General Chinese Merchandisesreu ai -

Nnt OIK Rice, Matting,Chinese Silks, Teas, Ktu.

English and American GroceriMBy Every Coast Steamer.



The Beit Lunch in Towi.

SfHP--re& a.n.d OofT&



Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OH HAKD.

H. J". NOLTH, Prop,Regan Yapor & Pacific Gas

Engines & Launches


The; cannot be eurrasned for motivepower.


JOS. TINKER,1033--tt Bole Agent, Nnuanu street

Real Estate and Loans

Tbo enlargement of tho LOAN Marketto as to cover the wants and necessities otthe large number of honorable people whoare not owners ol unincumbered HealEstate was one of the moat noccssary Inno-vations of rorent year. To many It hasmeant relief from pressing claims at thevery time wncn most essential, wnenproperly and honorably conducted thisbusiness Is of eiiuallv ereat Importanceand value to tho community as iiulldlngand I)an Associations have proved themselves to uo.

Tbe Hawaiian Investment Go,

Makes a specialty of Negotiating and Pro-curing Loans for Borrowers who are un-able to discount their Notes at the Banksand who do not enre to. obligate them-selves to some friend or acquaintance byasking his endorsements to their Not.

This Company will make Loans uponHousehold Furniture, Pianos. Organs.Horses, Mules, Wagons, Carriages andPersonal Property without removing theProperty from the Borrower's possession,and all business will bn conducted on aBTKIOTLY CONFIDKMIAL BABIB.

The Hawaiian Iattatment Co.,

General Real Estate Agents,13 and 15 Knahumann Btrtcta,

(Nar Poxt Omco )

Notary Public. Mutual Telephone 639,

viftJ K.'l- - T

V. F3 vXITOJT.rVNr. h

Wholesale f Retail.


Japanese'. Goods!Silk Mod Cotioo Orttes Goods,

to. ato.. Nu., nv...

Silk, Liiieii and Crape Sbirts


Made by Yamatoya of Yokohama

When you are In need of anv tintot Japanese Goods, give as 0rt nail andiav going all around town.

ITOIHLAJSTa OS TFext S3t near Cuatam Koum


Win. U. Irwin, President aud MuiiKrClans BprrckoU, nt

W. M. Glflard, Secretary and TreasurerTboo. O. Port' Auditor

Sig.r t'aotoreA.MH

Commission A.humAGENTS OF THE

Oceanic Steamship Company,OP HAN KUANOIHCO. OA.L.

Bell Tel. 881. Mutual Tel. 607.P. 0. BOX 321,

HONOLULUOarriage Manufactory


Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

IN ALL ITBBlacksmithing BHAN0HE8.

Orders from the other Islands In

BnlldUfl, Trimming, Piloting, Etc, Etc.,

Promptly Attended to.

w. W. WRIGHT, Prop.(Boooeaaor to O. West.)

rilRRK JOJII8. t. a. stiirsoN.

JONES & SIMPSON,Accountants and Commission Agents.


General Business Agency,

Conveyance and Legal DocumentsDrawn Up.


Cm-- Translations In French, German.Spanish, Portuguese. Dutch, Italian andHawaiian. Bills Collected and AccountsAdjusted.

Offloe, SOS Morohant St.

O. B.Does ill kinds o! Work In

foment & Stone Sidewalks & Cubing.

He has on hand a Iari;n sn pply of Chi- -ntBe Granite Curb and alway kreps Ha--walian curbing stone, j h elverand lowest prices tsmreil. Ball Telephone

.m. Ut&tf





Four great requisites of

Men's "Wearing Apparel to

be found in all the Suits

made by Johnston & Sto-

rey. Mr. Storey was for

some years one of the best

known cutters on the Coast,

consequently the best dress-

ed men in town wear clothes

made by

Johnston & Storey,

4 13 Fort StreetW. W. AHANA.



w- -Kn&llstj, Scotch and American Goods.

Style and Fit Gnarntfd.

Cleaning & RepairinglOtOll Tele. 668. P. 0. Box 144.

KM2-6- IB

Beautiful4blHorses !

The Celebrated Bayawater Stallion


Also tho Splendid

SPAN OF GRAYSBy "Ivanhoc" aro for sale. Apply to

GEORGE HOUGUTAILINO.1301-t- f Bay Horse Stables.

"SAVE MONEY"c n. coijOiixaTs,

Till N

Practical Carriage Trimmer(Has no connection with any car-

riage shop.)

TOPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONFenders, Dashes, Storm Aprons, Etc.,

at Lowest Possible Prices, andWorkmanship of the Best.

I use First-olaB- s Material of my own im-porting. Manufacturer of all kinds ofHarness.Workshop 210 King Street near Mannakea,

P. O. Box 400.

W. M. SMITH,Zjleotrioia.il.


Electric Bolls,Dining-roo- m Bells,Burglar Alarms,Private Telephones,Everything in the Electric

Line.K Refers toE.O.IIall &

Son, where orders may bo left.

3Pt$o vrtcobm

avr.tv"m;' JWr nrttt S

pvemptlji altvtul t.

TUTC DA DPR is kopt nn flle at E. 0.1 UlO rArritt DARE'S AdvertisingAgeney, (11 and (13 Merchant's Exchange,Ban Francisco, California, where contractsfor advertising can be made for it.



Page 3: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

JMV rli'i' . .. p




Stop That Cough !



HOLLISTER DRUG CO.,5S3 Fort. Street,.

316 Fort Street.Medical Hall, - -

C. E.Williams & SonHJSTA.BT-jISBCEi-r) 1 SB.

The Largest Stock of Bedroom SetsEver imported to Honolulu. Eight Different Style

to select from. Prices ure a clincher

jtrom see 00 xjf.Aho a Fine Lot of CHIFFON I Ellfl nt tbo Latest DeKna nml I'ntti-rn-s

Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless Mattingfur Roll of W Yrts, $12.00.

And a Fine Quality for $9 per Roll

Headquarters for Baby Carriages I

tar TET-iEFH-O N HJ IT -

809 611


from sll the iltbratcd V

Factories in the United t&S


Pipes and



fTTWmn SHIW?.F?iflimSfPr?rnijmr?

50c. per

Pioneer Furniture HouseAND KING STREET.







Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars.

KOLiLilSTBR c OO.Cor. Fort and Merchant StreotB.

Daily Bulletin





V 3 .? f J AW 2 i aj r tfw I 2e "H sun fw f 5" P W

YA SJ5 fe-- (j)W Z ej ii 5 p Tssm,! fjW f 3?i-- eIB. A

yy 1 " u fcSTTSM Ay) ? tVA 5Ktw( 0 5 jf 1 1--. P m

III ;)--- ;. HF iVC

3? u J Vrsf)vlA f"(('LlZy.- - IHV Wftiri? M

Sworn Btatoninnts Rotating to Out-rnK- B

Perpi-tratp- d at Honolulu

Wasiiisotox, D. C, April 27

UnlM Stats Mtuictur Willis atHonolulu has trMninitted (o Socretary Gresbatu a number of state-ments, sworn to before Consul Gou-ora- l

Mills, of American citizens whowore arrested by the Hawaiian Gov-

ernment for complicity in the rebel-

lion and wore permitted to leaveHawaii, only uodur promise not toreturn duri ug their lifetime.

Claim for damages were niaile ineach case an d are included in thestatements. The names of theseAmericans are

P. M. Koonoy, bun in 1819

Dutchess Count, X. V., late in

ajjor of the daily Holomua in Hon 0lulu, who claims Si)0,000 damage

H. A. Juen, born in StamfordConn., a painter, customs-hou- e inspectoraud Chief of Police underthe Provisional Goxernmeut, whoclaims $5 per day during imprison- -

ment and exemplary damages.Henry von Wertheru, born in

Xuvr Orleaim in 1872, general busi- -

hops agent, claims tbo per monthduring forty-liv- e day cotifinnmeut.

Charles F. Molteuo, a Hawaiian,'naturalized in San Francisco in

1873, a barber, damages ?1 per dayduring confinement.

James Durroll, born in Xew Or-leans in 1838, shopkeeper, damages$23,000.

John Ros, born in Scot laud,naturalized in Xew York, planterdamages $100,000 .V. F. CnU.

X Onat Uattlo

Is continually going on in the hu-

man system. The (lemon of impureblood strives to gain victory overthe constitution, to ruin health, todrag victims to the grave. Hood'sSarsaparilla is the wonputi withwhich to defend one's self, drive thedesperate enemy from the field, andrestore bodily health for many years.

Hood's Pills cure nausea, sickness,indigestion and biliousness. 25c.

m m

If, you want your watch repaired.It you want jewelry maue up neatly.If you want souvenir spoons, or any- -thfng in the jewelry liue. H. G.uiart, at U. Uertz a store, tort street,is your man. lie was for ton yearsthe practical watchmaker for Vou-n- r

& Co.


VJL. ?

kWLMjasfeiK'.' i.yfN


Burning PainErysipelas In Face and EyesInflammation Subdued and Tor

turea Ended by Hood's.M I am io glad to b rellcrcJ of rnj tortures

that I am billing to tell tho beneflU I hartfrom llood'i BuiaparlUa. In April and

Mar,Iwai afflicted with erysipelas In my faeand ejei, which spread to mjr throat and neck.I tried dlrers ointments and aueratlres. hutthere was no permanent abatement of tho burn- -

torturing piln, peculiar to this complaint.icgan to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla and

Felt Marked Reliefbefore I had finished the first bottle. I con-tinued to Improve until, when I had taken (out


CURESbottles, I v.n.1 completely cured, and felt that allslKtis, mirks ami symptoms of that dire com-I'lil- nt

had forocr vanished." Mm. E. 12.Ottawa, IlllUboro, Wisconsin.

Hood's Pills are prompt nnd efficient, ytleasy la action. Sold by all Uruiuilsts. ii,Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,

Bole Agent fur thn Jtnimhllc of Hawaii.

A Chance for HorsemenFOK 3AI.TS

i LaUsi ImpioYort Frazler Sulky

With I'neiiMintlo V1icIk. Alto,

1 Snt Bill 0rlug HIqU WhlK.All In Kldt-cltt- ti Order. Inquire of

1321-t- f 0. W. MAOKAUI.ANE.


'it U 1 tint' ,m

w rv.r

f4 9 w fcvisssssssW ll J

As 5

fills P Ir r -- i- .ssv tn

'a il P3

iimU fiIftiiSSK T "T W

Birsii w

(ft 5r VI (ft



Spreads !

, .' I aii just received a com- -

plete line, in the LntcHt

Deignrt, in



The qualitica and patterns

are very choice and were im-

ported specially for my fim

trade. AIho have a full line of

Honeycomb ami


jMarseilles Spreads

At ReaHonable Prices.

flST While you are wuik

ing for the car come in and

see them.

j". cr.E3--A.is- r

514 Fort Street

BOCK BEER!First Consignment of HOOK I1RKK

arrived at


From the l'teilerickslie rp Ilrewlnj; Coof Hivn Jose, Cal.

2-- For 25c.--S13W WM. CUNNINQIIAM. lw



a, substitotbforOH, PAINTAND"WHITEWASH.


Especially DesignedFor INSIDE Work oa . .

Factories and Public Buildings

It in a dry ltowilcr which cm bom-pare- for uk) by simply ttirriiii;n COLD WATKIt and can b nj-jll-

by unyonu nnd will always pro-Inc- o

good work.It i VEKY WHITE, extrenuly

nnd hitidfim on a wall likoitonu and will tuku any tint

It will litnt for yvart), and io tin-it- ri

clod by ptFcn.Ono uoat covers bt'ttor llian two

oats of oil paint or wliitcwanli.It can bo uard on any mirfaco and

or till clacM of work, oven for tholncit docoratinc.

It will not rub, tcalo or crack nor"ill it Hoftnn with ii gu or di.colo

It will not in the mixing v.n fact it improves by ituudiug u icwlays.

It can bo U'td to ooil advantageivcr old whituwnHh without tcrajdng.


It in cheaper tlinn uliitcwusli, dura-lilit- y

coiiiiidcrcd.Ii) in supplied in biirrel from 300

o 400 lb-- ., aKo in boxe- - of 100, fiO

ud 25 pound.

Outside Murine I

This U for OUTSIDE Work

Such an Fences, Outbuilding andLaborer's Quarters. It is a thick;nsto to bo diluted with cold water;itunds rain and exposure us well hhill puhit, nml costs but ft fraction asmich. It is as it con-,ai-

no oil, and has no equal as aight reflector in dark basements,lamp collars nnd similar place. .It

supplied in colors.

.... FOIt SALE II Y ....

Illi.lutPllK2m Ift! .0i tteVfilllJi!. (i!i)!ll!8

EncyclopedicIs n turn that lias been Justlynitplleil by moiiy to the treat-m-i- it

kIvcii Mi''j?cts in the



A. ilon-- new ways of findingthe word you want. A ttclontlficAlphabet to aid in ttiu pronun-ciation. Is recognized authority.

l'or partlcu'ara address


1318--1 m Gonernl Delivery.

Beach House To Let I

A FUUNISHEI) HOU8K 1 JULI .xjl is to let or lease ntWnlklkl beach, a few mill-- 1 t;Mntes' nalk from the train- - I

ear. It lias Cook lloiun, llatli House anilGood Ken llatliine. iIoiitelioM Utensilsami Dishes are all complete. Idioms maybe let with bathing privileges, If the wholepremises are not taken.

Have otlitr Houtos in town nml stiburl sto let, furnished ami unfurnished.

Also. Uullilini; Lots for rnln.Inquire of DAVID DAYTON,

1277-- tf 4'J Merchdiit Btreet.

Merchants' Exchange8. I. KHAW, Proprietor

Cor, King and Nuuuuu 8:rwt, Himolula.

Choice Liquors and Fine Beer.


Page 4: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank



Onlng to the drought and scarcity olwater, tho resident above Judd street andon the slopes of Punchbowl Hill are

to collect what water they may

riulre for hnusehold purposes betweentho hoars ol 6 and 10 o'clock a. m.

ANDUKW BUOWN,Hucrlntcndeiit Honoltiln Water Works.

Honolulu, April 11, 1805. 13lMf


Holders of water privileges, or those '

paying water rates, are hereby notifiedthat the hours for Irritation purposes arcfrom 7 to 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 to (J o clockp m. ANDREW 1MOWN,

Superintendent of Water Works.Approved:

J. A. Kino,Minister of tho Interior.

Honolulu, March 12, 1M.

all? jpnilji ihiltctin.Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,Put Ettablished fur the Penefit of All.

THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895.

Oovoruor Mortou of Now YorkBooms to bo loomiug up as a presi-dential candidate.

"Comparisous aro odious." Compare the letter of Captain Julius A.Palmer in this morning's Advortisorwith the editorial matter on thoname subject and draw your ownconclusions as to which is tho betterman and scholar.

"Fools step in whore angels fearto tread" is an old and wiso raying.It applies aptly to many people whorush into print ami to othen whorush into law. An illustration ofthis appears in tho Spreckols family,which is at present washing itsdirty linen in San Francisco courtsof justice, aud incidentally beiugplayed for a whole family of"wealthy suckors" by a horde ofsmart lawyers

According to tho Washington cor-respondent of tho Now York Heraldit would appear thst tho Britishand United States govern mouts havobeou iu perfect accord over thoNicaragua!) affair since early iuJanuary last. He claims tho Wash-ington Department was not only in-

formed of Great Britain's intentionof onforcing collection of tho in-

demnity demanded, but was politelyasked to give a prompt answer as towhat tho position of tho UnitedStales would be. Answor was madewithin twenty-fou- r hours to thooflcct that tho United States wouldnot iuterfero with the collection oftho indemnity demanded of Nicara-gua so long as Great Britain did notattempt to possess itself of anyNicarnguau soil or ninko any en-

croachment on Nicaragua!) territoryboyond that absolutely necessary tocollect tho amount of indemnity iucustoms dues at Nicaraguau ports.Equally as positive assurances thatthoro would be no violation of theseconditions were received from GreatBritain aud thus a perfect under-standing was reached.


Elaborate Preparations Beiug Hadefor Saturday's Celebration.

Tho different committees appoint-ed to make arrangomonts for thoJapanoso colobration on Saturdaywish it publicly undorstood that noinvitations will bo issued. Tho onlyinvitations will be by cards whichwill bo handod out by members ofthe committeos. Thero will be twocards, one for tho reception at theConsulate on Nuuanu slroot, andtho other for Independence Park.No refreshments will bo served audthoro will bo no resovpd soats. Thecommittees request that Honolulupoople who havo Japanese iu theiremploy give thorn a holiday ouSaturday.

This kind act will bo fully appre-ciated aud the committees assuresuch employers that tho empolyocswill work faithfully in tho futuroand make up for lost time, Thoprogram will appoar


An Immense Crowd Was Prasent toBee the Steamer Off.

Long before 4 o'clock yostordayafternoon, the time sot for the de-

parture of the S. S. Australia forSan Francisco, crowds of peoplecould be seon wending their way totho Oceanic wharf. At 8 o'clock theHawaiian National baud, coveredwith lois marched down from thoresidence of W. Aylett followed bytho Salvation Army Sunday School,of which Sam Kamakaia, a member ofthe Nationals, in headmaster. Thowharf was literally packod when thoband arrived. Tho governmentband was at its usual post to playthe steamer oh". Tho Nationalssang three native songs from theupper deck, winding up with thoold favorite air, "Aloha Oe." Thoband also rendered a fow instru-mental selections after which timewas passed iu oxchauging goodbyeswith ''huapalas," aud waving ofhandkerchiefs.

The Australia did not start outuntil after 1:30 o'clock owing to thestern line becoming tangled up withtho propeller. It was got off, how-ove- r,

and the good ship was sosu onhor way. Prof. Bergor gavo theNationals as a parting ralutation,"Tho Girl I left Behind me," audtho Philadelphia baud, "HomoSweet Home."

Several bluejackets aud marinesfrom tho Philadelphia wore onboard tho Australia bound for MareIsland. As the steamer passed thocruiser's buoy throo oheors woregiven the departing men by thoPhiladelphia crow.


Owing to an Accident to BehronsThat Club May Get Left

A registered letter has just beenreceived which says that Behrons,one of the men expected for theStar's battery, met with au unfortun-ate accident which will compel hisbeiug laid up for four or five months.Two days before he was to leave forSau Francisco Behrons wont outwith others driving cattle. Whileso doing he was thrown from hishorso aud broke his right leg. Tholetter did not statu whether KidKiug would como or not. Tho fact,however, is established that theStars will not havo a battery fromtho Coast in tho very near futuro.Tho team is very unlucky in thisrespect, considering that it has nosubstitute battery.


Why It Was Given Recognition byQront Britain.

London, April 29. Sir EdwardGrey, iu the House of Commons to--

day, replying to a question, said thatj official recognition was given to thoHawaiian Government upon tho

I stability of tho form of governmentbeiug ascertained. Ho knew of noprecedent for the withdrawal of Buchrecognition.

While in Stockton, Cal., some timeago, Thos. F. Langau, of Los Bauos,mat state, was tauon very sovorelywith cramps and and diarrhoea. Hechanced to meet Mr. C. M. Carter,who was similarly afllicted. He says:"I told him of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, andwo wont to the Holden Drug Storoaud procurod a bottle of it. It gaveMr. larlnr nrnmn! rnllof unil T ..vouch for its having curod me." Forsale by all dealers. Benson, Smith

I& Co., agentB for the Hawaiian

Boon for DairymenAND



For Ml'ch Cows and Yonng Stock.

Arte as a tonlo au I greatly increases midonnohes the milk. Young btook will thriveand develop fully 60 per cant, by its use.Sold Iu 7 lb. bags at lSo, per lb,

C W. MACFARLANE,Agent lor Dr. Puttie's Remedies.


- 7VU,. ...w rvr ;r.


Jimely Jopie

May 7, 1S95.

Yesterday witnessed one of

the quietest elections ever held

in Honolulu or elsewhere. It

was a good deal like some of

the elections in the SouthAmerican republics where youalways vote the government

ticket or stay away from thepolls. Although only 111

votes were cast, that numberwas even larger than was ex-


Talking about the election,

however, reminds us that wehave just received a novelty in

the shape of a newly invented

can opener, which is simplicityitself. It is called the A. B. C,and we are the only firm hand-

ling them. This can opener is

different to any other in use.It takes the entire top of thecan of! with a single turn of

the wrist. All you have to dois to lay the machine on thetop of the can, strike a little

wooden knob similar to thoseused in opening soda-wat- er

bottles and the can opener doesthe rest. There is no possibil-

ity of injuring the hands orlosing your temper.

Did we hear anyone call out"rats?" We thought we did,and that brings to our mindanother novelty in the shape ofa French rat trap. This is a

family concern and will accom-

modate whole families of thesepestiferous rodents. Mr. Ratwalks into the trap until hereaches a little platform whichgives way under his weightand he is caught before heknows where he is, beinglanded in an entirely differentcompartment to that which hefirst entered. Mrs. Rat followsto see what the old man wasdoing out so late at night andsoon joins him. We have

caught ten rats in one night in

one of these traps. They mustbe seen to be appreciated.

This warm weather makes

one think of ice-crea- m and

an ice-cre- am freezer thatwill suit a small family is

a desideratum. We have justimported a new style of freezer

which cannot fail to commenditself bv its usefulness. It is

provided with a heavy cap

which fits tightly over the re-

ceptacle holding the cream,and is so constructed as to re-

quire less ice, less salt and lesstime in freezing. If you wantone of these ask for the Gem.It is a gem and we guaranteeit.

The Hawaiian Hardware Co. Ltd.

OiqKMiltu SjireoltoUi' IDook,

aov port xixcxci.



to me that good goods and lowprices are still appreciated in Ho-

nolulu. I therefore intend to givemy customers and the public ingeneral another opportunity. Ibeg to call attention to the specialbargains, in our line of

Wool Goods, Cashmere, Flannelettes & Flannels,

Sale will commence MONDAY, April 22d.

IStE. S. LEVY,"Port, Street

Havana Fiats

is the latent novelty in cigars. This is a per-fectly ilat cigar. The filler is Havana of avery high grade and laid in, like the sheets ofa book, in the same way aH cigars that cost$150.00 per thousand The outside appear-ance of the cigar conforms to tho filler, and isperfectly flat. Those of our cigar customerswho have sampled thom pronounce tho Ha-

vana Flats of excellent quality aud of uniqueand attractive shape.

Havana Cigars

by reason of their superior quality and nameare UHiially sold at high prices. We have anexcellent line of these cigars direct from Ha-

vana. While the quality of these cigars is atthe top-not- ch our prices have been scaled downto bring these popular cigars within the reachof all.

Manila Cigars

need very little said in their praise, for thoy arowell known here to every smoker. It wouldbe difficult to get a better cigar for tho priceat which Manilas are sold. We allow no oneto undersell us in this line. Wo compete withany nationality. Remember that when look-

ing for Manila Cigars.



New Goods ! New Goods !

Suitings, Serges, Trouserings,Linen Duck, Linen Drill, Flannels.

Lace Stripes, Organdies, Pongees, Ginghams,Sateens, India Linens, Victoria Lawns,

Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons,Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Etc.

SAILOR HATS !Mosquito Nets, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, Madapolains, spe-

cially adapted for Ladies and Children's Underwear.SOLE AGENT FOIt THE

Renowned "PEARL" Sewing Machine!At tho marvelously low price of $30.00. Guaranteed

equal if not superior to any machine ever imported.

L. B. KERR, Qneen Street, Honolulu.

Page 5: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

f 1 ' m '".

-t T'


LOO AX ANT) OKNKRAL ttWB.Sequah ipeakB at Union

Square.A cottage aud lot are advertised

for sale in this paper.

Havo you seen the Ladies ShirtWaists for $1.00 at N. S. Sachs'.

The S. S. Alameda will leave forthe colonies at 4 o'clock this after-noo- n.

George "Wainee was fined $100 byJudge Wilcox to-da- y for conductinga che-f- a gamo.

Hon. G. N. Wilcox, Hon A. S. Wil-cox and Miss E. L. Wilcox returnedon the Alamoda.

T. F. Dredge, formerly in the em-

ploy of T. H. Davies & Co., cameover on the Alameda.

Judge Wilcox is presiding in thoDistrict Court during the absonco ofJudge Ferry through illness.

The Pilot ChattTof"tho NorthPacific Ocean for the month of Mayhas been recoirod at this office.

Georco Straterneyor is home againand has boon busy all day tollingpeoplo what a good timo ho had.

Clarence Macfarlane his for salo nFrazor sulky with pneumatic wheols,also a pair of ball-bearin- g highwheels.

Tho Cosmopolis, the now acquisi-tion to tho 1. 1. S. N. Co.'s fleet, loftSan Francisco on tho morning ofMay 2d for this port.

The Japanoso from tho interiordistrict have begun flocking intotown already for the festivities totake placo on Saturday.

During T. W. Rawlin'a visit toSan Francisco, he will buy largelyfor tho California and HawaiiauFruit and Produce Company.

Two desorters are already report-ed from the Hawaiian ship HelenBrewer and a reward of 110 for eachman is offered by Captain Mahany.

Mechanics' Home, corner Hoteland Nuuauu streets, lodging by day,week or mouth. Terms: 25 and CO

cents per night; $1 and $1.25 porWHk.

T. J. King of tho California FoodCompany is home again. It is hard-ly necossary to stato that a shiploador two of hay and grain will shortlyfollow him.

For stealing a hen valuod at SIfrom a follow-countrvma- n Lau Inwas sentenced to six months' im- -

risonmont at hard labor in theistriot Court today.Tho crowd on tho Ocoanio wharf

yesterday afternoon to witness thodeparture of the S. S. Australia wasthe largest over soon at tho sailingof any steamor from this port.

Tho Myrtle Boat Club met lastnight and elected a number of nowmembers. It also accepted tho re-

signation of Alex. Lyle as captainof tho club, tho samo to take effectin June next.

J. C. Edwards, an old resident ofHonolulu, who has been in Samoafor some time past, is in the city andis kept busy shaking hands with hisformer acquaintances. He arrivodon tho Alamoda this morning.

United Carriage Company's stand,besides having superior hacks al-

ways roady at tho coll of "290," fur-nishes fino livery outfits at tho short-est notice good horses and nice car-riages, from buggy to wagonette.

G. R. Harrison, practical pianoand organ maker and tuner, can fur-nish boBt factory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-ceive prompt attention. All workguaranteed to b the same a dnnein factory.

If you want to buy a really goodclock or watch at Coast prices in-

spect the stock of Brown s, Kubey,at No. 4. Masouio Temple; there youwill find the largest variety in Ho-nolulu at the lowest prices; clocksand watches sold on weekly andmonthly payments. Brawn & Kubeymake a specialty of rubber stamps.

The Battalion Drill.

A ploasing incident in connectionwith the battalion drill last nighton Union Squaro was tho presenta-tion by Mrs. Dole of a beautifulsilk flag,

In making tho preBontation Mrs.Dolo said:

"Colonel Fishor and gentlemen oftho National Guard of Hawaii: Itako great ploasuro in presenting toyou to-nig- this Hag, in recogni-

tion of your valuable sorvicos dur-

ing tho recent unploasautnoss, Ihopo that this regiment will carryit until replaced by the Stars audStripes."

Colouol Fisher on bohalf of thoregiment made a suitable response.


The Defonsp Introduces Many Wit-nesses This Morning.

Tho conspiracy trial of J. E. Bush,E. C. Crick and Jos. Nawahi wascontinuod in tho Circuit Court thismorning. The following witnesseswere examined for the defense: J.Nawahi, Archie Sinclair, Kahaloluhi,Hoopii, Eaanaana, Eoanu, Punini,Sam. K. Pua and Kanoalii. Nothingnew was brought out, seven of thewitnesses testifying as to tho posi-

tions of Crick and inthe office of the Ka Leo, where thealleged conspiracy is supposed tohavo been hatched. A recess wastakon at noon.

This afternoon Bobort Wilcox,Mrs. Bush, E. O. Crick, Lot Laneand John Bowler will testify for thodefense.

The following cases were orderedto be got ready: Patrick Cullen,murdor; Kahakauila and Kualii,adultery; Hailania, assault with adeadly weapon.

During the foronoou Colonel Mac-Loa- n,

who arrivod by tho S. S. Ala-

meda, was escorted into tho court-room by President Dole. Ho stayedabout ton minutes. The colonolcomes to tako obargo of tho NationalGuard of Hawaii.

Tho Supreme Court heard thocaso of Allen & Robinson vs. thetrustees of tho Masonic Temple, anold dispute on a matter of legal lia-

bility. It is a question as to whothorthe trustees or tho contractor, F. H.Redward, are responsible for thecost of material furnished.


The Scheme Before the SydneyChamber of Commerce.

Sydney (N. S. IT) May 1. Mr.Larke of Canada submitted to theSydney Chamber of Commerce yes-

terday a schomo for laying a Pacifiosubmarine cablo from Great Britainaud Canada to Australia. Thescheme contemplates the expendi-ture of 1,600,000 as the cost of thework, which sum, the projectors be-

lieve, can be borrowed at 2J percent,It is estimated that half of the pres-

ent Australian and Canadian busi-

ness at 2 shillings a word would re-

pay tho capital in twenty-fiv- e years,besides paying the annual expenses.

H. A. A. O. Races.

Tho following program has beenarranged for tho Handicap mootingof tho Honolulu Amateur AthleticClub to bo held on Juno 15th:

1. mile Dash.2. 1 mile Bicycle Race.3. 120 yds. Hurdlo.4. Pole Vaults5. J mile Bicycle Raco.C 100 yds. Dash.7. 1 milo Raco.8. Running High Jump.9. 3 miles Bicycle Raco.

10. Ruuniug Broad Jump.11. 220yds.DMh.12. Consolation Raco.

Sequah lectures again ht onUnion Square.


18 HEHEBY GIVEN TO AlbNOTICE that there are at tb Govern-ment Pound at Malctkl, May 8, 1805, 0Estrar Animals, viz.:

1 dark horse, branded J on both hips,1 bay stallion without brand3 buckskin colored donkeys.1 bay stallion without brand, white streak

on forehead and white spots on foreand bind legs.

Any person or persons owning these ani-mals are requested to come and take thesame on or before 12 o'clock noon SATUR-DAY, May 11th, otherwlto said animalswill be sold at publlo auction on said dateand hoar. HENUY KUALII,

1335 3t Pound Master.


COTTAGE AND LOTA for sale. Inquire atthe Arlington Barber ShopHotel Street. 1335-l- w ISSsEi


FINE HOUSE OF 8A Rooms, Parlor, DiningRoom, Bedrooms, Bath-room, P'jJfc.etc. Wilder Avenar Bnll Grounds Fine Flower (Jnnten,lib per month. Inquire at tlilt Olllce.

1833-- tf


ROOMB AND 1IOAHD axMK-- tifew persons) can beuna at iiuiuwui, on me wai- - l"HKlicCHkiki ueacu.

V. S. BAHT1.KTT.1175-- tf Proprietor.

h" ledC-


feesis- -


Look At Thisf

and Smile- -


Fine Soft Kid ButtonBoot, new diamond tipand Spanish arch, only

S3.00.Out o! Sight !

Elegant French Kid Ox-

ford, Pump sole, patentback stay, for

f4 U

ssHslI (sii. kissini




ji MclnernyShoe Store.

Jewelry !

Our stock of SpringGoods is acknowledged byeverybody to be the fineston the Honolulu market,and consists of everythingUseful and Ornamental.Our prices arc moderate.Jewelry in special designsmanufactured to order onshort notice.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER,P. O. Box 287. Fort Street.


I IOHT BAY UII).(nir Ilnrnn tr.wwl- -

slzcil and hliowy minimi, fesfor buIu. Also a uoodMilch Cow.

MHS. O. W. ASHFOKI),1300-- tf Near Ice Works,

why Are We Thronged?What Ts the Attraction?

SEASONABLE GOODSS2 At the Right Prices -


PRINTED MUSLINS and CRINKLED MULLS-Ca- n't help but attract!they are new, not atone in Material but also In Patterns.

PRINTED niul SOLID COLOR COTTON DUCK-- in Cream, White andEcru, In pretty Polo Dots and Strips. There's wear; there's styleand only 'JOots. a ynrd.

CRINKLE CREPONS and FANCY DKESS GINQHAMS-- ln 8trlpes andPlaids, fast colors; 8 yards for ft.

PRINTED IRISH LAWNS ntul PRINTED DIMITIE8-- In the latestdesigns.

FRENCH PRINTED PKROALKS-- ln pretty Stripes and Figures; Justthe thing for Ladli' Shirt Waists.

Art Denim ! Art Denim !

A nlre Hn In Od'l nnd Prc'.tv Shades, the most serviceable mnterlal forcovering Cushions, Pillows, etc. They are Washable nnd they wear. Don'tfall to see them.

52Q Fort St Hcxnol-mTu.- ,


mwT3' E",MMM A' 'sHHHIHlLi.Jwsk km

J "Sa sHHHIHsBsL',abtwjsllH. JHafe

K 'nciBj,. r7 mWmMMMMMm


Tliat's --Wlist I lAke."Everybody likes IIIKEb' Koot Bkkii because it

gives everybody health as well as pleasure. It's the purestbeverage that human skill can compound from the purestingredients of nature. There is not one drop of anythingin this delicious temperance drimc but what promotes goodhealth and happiness It's del cious flavor is acquired bythe skillful blending of the most wholesome herbs, roots,barks and berries, and not by essential oils and flavoringextracts, of which the many counterfeit ' Root Beer" arecomposed. A package of the Genuine

Hires Root Beermakes five gallons of good, pure, health-givin-g Root Beer.

Icsr Ask your storekeeper for it. Madeonly by the Chahlhs E. Hires Co., Philadel-phia, U. S. A.

Testim.orIsils :"I havo uacil over fifty bottles of jour Root Beer and always

havo it on hand. Mitn. J. II. Wai.kkh, X. . Cor. H. 11. Avo. itSchiller St., Alameda, Gal., U. S. A."

"Wo havo used your Hoot Boor for several years ami do notbcliovo it could ho excelled. I). Hakmku, 2210 Hancock St.,Phila., Pa., U. S. A."

JOBBERS:Hobron Drug Company "Wholesale DruggistBenson, Smith & Company " "Hollistkr Drug Company, Ltd. .. . " "Lewis & Company Grocert

The Favorite Gurney

Refrigerators and Ice Chests;

REVERE GARDEN HOSE!J-u-s- t Received






Page 6: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

KregwwwiaiHMHiiwra'A"TPV 1'tf'MJCWTV' i7 "T T t "


Theo. H. Davies & Co.


White Brothers' Cement,

Corrugated Iron Boofiing,

Galvanized Water Pipe,

Paints and Oils,


Roche Earbor Lime,

C. & C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc.,


doner mil Dealer la Ennwii Dry siiil Fancy MLlle' Ware of every description. Also, fresh line of Chinese Goods.

Pongee Sc "Wliite Silk. Pajamas.No. 1 White and Colored Mattings !

Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Crepe Shawls, Etc.

fV Fit Guaranteed. Prices Moderate. aiMAitueil TeleDlione 542-- w




Fresb California Roll Batter and Island Batter


mi Goods. Received bj Biery



Etc., Etc.


from San Francisco



and Ooodt liwrrtFHY.K.

SAttMrtiTlti UmtMriKiriO

tW All Orders faithfully attend to. Hallsfartlnn nriinurt Inane )rnrriw.iintiprf vn'l packet! with

Lincoln Block, Kino Stbkct, list. Fori and Alaska STBurra.



Importers. Wholesale it Retail (iraim

Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFreeh Good by Etoy CalilornU Steanei,





Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew OinkU KrviHrt lCvtiry Piukitt frum Katm K'inir- -


I'Miifalli attendedl'rt of Hi.

Ui.ki Onnrn- - Sriui'iTrr.

Iff (VitCNreK iMUft

p. O. BOX 872

" HO 2JI7

-- f O H


to nru

ini hTHKfc'Jb.


- - - -


- -

Uy llir runt- Him



The Jury Disagreed and the Defend-an- tWill be Be-trle- d.

The Benantional trial of OscarWildo which has nltrnctod world-wid- o

attonliou ended on May 1st.Tho jury reported thoy were unableto agree and wore discharged.

In his charge to the jury JusticeCharlos scored some of tho wit-

nesses for lLo prosecution most un-

mercifully. Ho also urged tho jurynot to he iiifluoucod in making uptheir verdict by anything that Wildohad written, saying that many groatmen had written indecently.

When tho news of tho dimgree-men- treached the outside of the

court there was great excitement,and extra edition of tho oveningpapers wore brought up quickly.When Sir Edward Clarke, counselfor Wilde, rnkod for bail JusticeCharles said the application mustbo made in chambers.

Wilde will be tried again at thonext session of the Central CriminalCourt. As Sir Edward Clarko, coun-

sel for the prisoner, loft the courthe was heard to remark, "Truth ismighty and will prevail."

IFyou Insure It Is well to On so In com-penl-

whose reputations Iihvh builtupon strong foundation.

THECompanies represented by Jons M.Dowsktt (successor to thn Inte O. O.llorncil liavo itood the tsts ne-cessary to convince any one thnttheir capital Is ample nii'l tlie prt'.clples upon which they nro governed,the highest.

LOSSESarc paid promptly nml without. nnitecesynry dolms. The assets of hcompany Is the best proof of Its ty

and nblllty to pav loc. Thelist Riven wl'I satisfy even ' Tho OnoHundredth Man."

The New York Life,Assets, $155,453,428.73.

London & Lancashire Fire Insur-"an- ce


Assets, $2,641,029.V. S. Branch.

Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,378,092.

Palatine Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $2,255,974.

V. 8. Branch.

Thames & Mersey Marine Insur-

ance Co.,

Assets, $6,124,057.

ji" PoifcicB for either Lifo,

in any of tho nhovo named Com-

panies at tho lowes-- t rates and onany of tho numerous plans ad-

vertised. Your patronage is so-



1290-l- m Merchant Strent, Honolulu.

Criterion SaloonF'irt, near Hotel St.

t'HAB. J. Mu'Vbtiiy, ManiH'er.

Popular Brands of Straight Goods


I'ry thf Gieat Appetizer Tiik UsownikOorKTAlt-- B sieclnlty lih this report.


FaraouH Wieland Lagor Beer

FITS CURED('com U. S. Journal qfiMMnr.)

I'rof,V.IMYfkc,whomkea ipccialtyof Epllcpy,h w Itliou t doutit treated nml cured moru enw-- tliuuanyllvlni!l'liytlclan:lildiiicci'Mliiatoiillili)i;. Woliitulii'arilufciiKi'of20yoarii'taiu)lnKcuriilbylilm.

HtuU u Itli a Inrno liottlo of ln cure, f ri o toliny mitlerer who may send their P.O. and Kx prc

Wo ailvl'O anyono wiIilnu a euro to aildrt n,I'rof. W. IL l'KU, 1". I)., Cidar ht., New York.

N. F. BURGESSl now prepHruJ to repair flrd'-- HeeRp'li'ktf's, Water Tup, et . rsw Flllmand mII kind, of Timn thrp-iu-- d, rcj :lDip CiTvlnc Kiil'ei1 "ni' l.pwiMoerd .t'evin t ' nio O't's; Infact l W'ni'n i f J.dib'n'i. "'or oaile'l forand Muri ed. King itp 8W Mutual 'Pule-phon-

llTU-t- f



Mr. John A. Scott, Manager of tho Hilo Sugar Company, gives tho follow-ing wonderful record of tho working of tho NATIONAL OANE SHRED-DER, which was erected by their works at the commencement of tho cropjust harvested:

" During tho past week the Hilo Sugar Company's mill exceeded any ofits former records by closing tho 120 hours grinding with an output of 300)tons. This is fully 10 percent more than the best work of former years.

"Tho three roller mill being 20 in. by Gl in. and the two roller mill 30 in.by GO in. '1 he first mill doing this amount of work in an efficient mannerand with great onec, compared with work on wholo cano, owing to thoroughpreparation of tho cano by the National Cane Shredder, recently erected bythe Company.

"And by its tuo tho extraction has been increased from 3 percent to 6 per-cent on all kinds of cane, and in eomo canes 80 percent has been reached;tho average being 75 to 78 percent, according to quality.

"T continue to find the megass from shredded cano better fuel than fromwholo cano.

"Tho shredder has beeu working day and night for seven mouths and baagiven mo entire satisfaction, having shredded during that tinio about seventythousand tons of cine, and a large part of it being hard rutoons.

"The shredder and engine- require very littlo care or attention."JfjaVI'lan mid specifications of these Shicddcrs may bo seen at the office ol


20 lbs. Wof o

Nestled i

Your doctorwill tell you

it Is theeafcot dietfor baby


HOLLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,Agents for (he Hawaiian Islands.

Illustrated Catalogue

We KXI'OKT General Family and Planta-tlo- n

Supplies In tiny quantity. Bend forour Yearly, Monthly and Dully Price List.


jgHSuill Jill 1L

414-41- 8 Front Street,San Francisco, California.

Wall Paper !

We have Just Received direct fromNew York the

Largest InvoiceAND

Greatest VarietyKver brought here at one time.

Patterns of 1895Prices Kedm-cd- l

WILDER & CO.,Limited.

w p oHALLAhON.

Carpenter and Builder

- KHTIMATKH GIVEN ON -Brick, Stono & Wooduu Rustlings.

Jobbing promptly attended to.

73 King t trust, Rodward'i Old, Stard.

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents (or tbe Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFKOM THE WOHK8 OK

Burham, Williams &c Co.,Philadelphia, Pnn

Are new prepared to give Estimates andreceive Orders for these Engines,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation PurposeA number of which have recently been

received at these Islands, and we will havepleasure In furnishing plantation agentsand managers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes Is known not onlyhere but Is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sols AganU lor the Hawaiian Iilandi.

r. 0. JONES. E. A. JONES.


Safe Deposits lomtKotdn

Have for sale a few Shares of




' For particulars apply to

Tbe Hawaiian Sifo Deposit and Invest-

ment Company,


California and Hawaiian Fruit


Opp. 0. R. & L. Depot, on King Street.

Groceries, l'rivllnns and Ice HouseGoods, Fish, Vegetables, Frozen Oysters,Etc., received by every steamer from SanFranoro and Vancouver.

XH-Y- Ti.e Shipping Trade supplied.

Geo. Cavanagh, - Manager.TELEPHONE No. 765

-- T!


Page 7: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank

i qmi"Kvrmirmrtwmr'i- - r?vww 'ESjMMpp 'rmgijyi.ynri7w






New Furniture !

New Furniture !

JXJST APRIVEDPer bark "Andrew Welch," Schooner "Robert Lowers" and

Steamer "Australia."

Every varioty, stylo and price

best and most varied in Honolulu.

in tho Furniture line. The

Hopp &, Co.,No V Kixig Street.

H. Hackfeld & Co.,Offer to the trade on the most liberal terms their

large and varied stock of


Boots and Shoes, Hats, Shawls,Clothing, Saddlery, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Furniture sP Hardware,Bags, Bagging, Building Material, Crockery and Glass-

ware, Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Etc., Etc.

Call and iusncct our slock."


Oolden Gate 3Tlour, t8parry's Flour,Diamond Flour,

Aerolia.xit riour.

Fort Sc Queen Streets








Yours Artistically,

Hotel Street, "Robinson Block."



A Jury Decides That Ho Sid NotTake Fart in the Hespsr Murder.

Herman Sparf, one of tho Hosporsailors accused of the crime of miir- -

tiering Mate Fitzgerald, was ouMay 1st found not guiltj by thejury in the United States CircuitCourt.

Fitzgorald was killed during a tripof the bArk Hesper from Sydney toHonolulu about a year and a halfago, and Herman Sparf, Hans Han- - j

son, Thomas St. Clair and HonryGroou wore taken to San Franciscoand charged with mutiny and mur- -

der.Greon turned State's oridonco,

and under his testimony tho othorthreo men were found guilty. Tho j

cases wore appealed to tho UnitedStates Suprome Court, and, with thoexception of that of St. Clair, woresent back for rotrial.

Upon the firtt ballot tho jurystood nine for acquittal aud.tliroofor conviction. A second ballotchanged the vote to a uuanimousverdict for acquittal.

iNow that tho war of the revolu- -'

lion is over, it js tho duty of evoryman to support tho oxisltng form ofgovernment. Although things maynot move with that cordiality thatwould onsure an evorlastiug peaco,still thoy may bo allowed to subsideinto that indlfferenco without animo-sity that would allow eithor partyto work out thoir best interests. Allthings oonsidorod it may bo for thobest, but time, the only arbitrator insuch cases, must alone decido thatJames T. Stewart is a Plumber andwill do your work iu good shapeand at figures that will give yousatisfaction.

James T. Stewart.15 Bethel Street, Honolulu.


Swral Cottages at Moderitt Rentals.


House Lota, IU miles from Post Office, onand near King Street, a lew steps

beyond tho KamehsruehaSchool grounds.

JsV This oilers a good chance to secureHomesteads at modorato prices. With an.nrxatlon assured In tho near future, nHmise I)t so near the business centerforms ono of the most desirable invest-ments for a small sum of money.

Corporations or anyone desiringto Invest In Largo Tracts of SuburbanLand van be accommodated at reasonabletlgures with Tree's of from 5, 10 to 60Acres.

Land on the other Islands, inTracts suitablo for a Dairy, Hog Kanoh orCotlce nnd Sisal Plantation for salo orlease. Enquire of

iio.-o- m E. M. NAKUINA.

Partnership Notice.

HENRY H WILLIAMS ANDA. Williams have this day

the partnership heretofore existingbetween them under the ilrm name oiPioneer Furniture Company as well as ofWilliams Brothers In tho I'urnllurn andUndertaking Business in Honolulu, In theIsland of Oabu.

Henry H. Williams retires from sslddrm and business and Edward A. Wil.lama remains In said business, hnvlngformed a partnership therein with hisfather, 0. E. Williams.

The new Urm consists of 0 E. Williamstnd E. A. Williams, and henceforth willsarrvonsald Furnlturo and UndertakingBusiness In said Honolulu, under the ilrmaame of 0. E. Williams fc Sou.

The new ilrm will collect all accountsJwlng to the old firm and pay all liabilities'.hereof.

Dated March 30th, A. D 1895.H. H. WILLIAMS,ED. A. WILLIAMS,

1303-- 2 O. E. WILLIAMS.


A Valuable Pish PondAND

SEA FISHERYYielding a safe income. Address

"II. C.,"132fl-3- HUM.KTIN Olllco.



saddleand harness) Harness JCand Light Easy Drake.The outfit $60 csh. Jthis Ollice. lSUit

Dr. LIEBIG & CO.Special Doctors ftir Chronic,


Dr. I.lehlg's Invlitorator the greatest re-medy for Seminal weakness, Loss of Man-hood and I'rlvute Diseases, overenmes I'ri.maturoness and prepares all for marriagelife's duties, pleasures and responsibilities,II trial bottle given or sent free to any onedescribing symptoms; call or address 100Geary Bt., private entrance 405 Mason 8tBan Francisco. 1113.:ttly

Ordway & PorterMl

rsi-.HiFiioisr- js

From New Zealand

Change of Climate Brought onRheumatism

Perfect Cure Effected by Hood's Sarsaparil la-B-etter

Health Than Ever.Jinny homos arc sad becauso of the

fnllltiL' lip.illh of Bomo dear one.mother breaking down under heavyhousehold cares, father weakened byadvancing yean nnd hard, Incessant

HrAnpu. nj.La Crosse, WK

toll, brother or Rlster growing thinnerevery day, or suffering from some in-

sidious dlscaso of tho blood. Suchhomes may bo niado bright and happyagain by tho restoration of health nndvigor which will follow the uso ofHood's Sarsaparllla. It makes pureblood and thus cures disagreeableemptions, gives nerve strength, goodappetite, and perfect digestion. In tho

Hood's Sarsaparillamost natural and healthy way Hood'sSarsaparllla really makes tho weakstrong. Every sufferer should cure-full- y

rend tho following letter:"i-- 0 King Street,

" La Crosse, Wis., April 21, 181U.

"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:"Dear Sirs: I camo hero from New Zea-

land and Australia twelve months ago,and owing to tho chango of climate, eightmonths ago, I was taken very sick with asevers attack nf rheumatism In nil mv

ftjoints, from head to foot. My right arm'

was drawn so had that I could not dress


LOSThours of comfort by not

having worn

good reliable

PAIR OFWichmun's

GLASSESthe hint.



JUST RECEIVEDI'er 8. 8. "Australia"


Genuine German

Bologna SausagesFOR SALE BY


IlSW-t- f Fort Btreet.


myself or undress, and somn dav I rotiMnot walk across tho room. Ono tlma I

I shoutd havo to uso crutches.' I"asaucu uyiwo doctors ami they did

" Jf1 h ,1eallnS "'-o-

to givo It a fair trial, andI Bloss tho Happy Day

I did, for tho good it has done mo. Ican't siicak too highly of It, and I am sumall who suffer with rheumatism, If theywill havo tho faith In Hood's Sarsaparlllaand give It a fair trial, It will do tho gamafor them as it has dona for me. I am nowtaking tho eighth botllo and I can safelysay 1 feci ag well today as any day In mylife. My ago is 32 years, and I havolived In New Zealand since 15 years of ago.

I am glad to learn from a copy of your'New Banner' that Hood'g Sarsanarllla 1st v

now on salo In Now Zealand, and that thoheadquarters is at Chrlstehurch. I am wellacquainted in that city and know many ot

Tho Loading Drug Storesthere, somo of which I will mention.There aro


"O.S. Cookk," W. V. TOWNSKHD,"GOUMJ it Co.,"CoOKd: B083,"J. IlAXTKK," Baiinktt,"W.J. COOPKlt," Stkvunbon, and others." I shall write to my friends in Christ.

church and recommend Hood's Sarsaparlllato them. Wo also lived in Tort Lyttleton

the shipping port of Christchurch InWellington, Omani, and Dunedln.

' Wo Intend to go to Now Zealand againsoon, and I shall be glad to uphold tioaboo testimonial and advertise Hood'sSarsaparllla for tho benefit of othersufferers.

" I am still taking Hood's Sarsaparlllaand Hood's Tills ami feel Letter andstronger every day. Theso cer-

tainly eclipso all others, and must goonhavo a large salo In New Zealand.

"Truly yours,"Mitt. Amiiip.w Okay."

Building Lots!

$200, S250, $275.$375 axd $550.

Easy Payments,e.vokllknt location,

Magnificent Vikw.- ALSO -

$1000, $1200, $1300.$1600 LOTS.

tf Incjuiro,O. 3D. CHASE

Safe Deposit 40i FortStreet.

Hood's) Pills arotliolic.it j Hood's Pills euro all l.lu--r Hit. Iilllouvassist dlRestioD, prevent constlpaUon. 25c. I nuss, Jaundice, liKllgcMlon, Sick Headache.


You have


Take Don't buy






EMPIRE SALOON,Comer Nuuanu and Hotel Bta.

K. N. REQUA, . . . . . . Manage)

Choice Wines, Liquors, Ales,


Half and Half on Draught.MoBRAYHR' S

Hand-mad- e Sour MashA Sl'EOIALTY.

MERCHANT - TAILORFino Cassimoros, Serges,

White Linens, Eto.

Suits Mtido to OrdojON SHORT NOTICE.


C. AK1.MA - - 10 Nuunuu Strooi120(Mim

Page 8: J Wht - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home...Third The republic of Guate mala, one of tho richest Central Am-orje-state, stands ready to do-pos-it 15,500 in a London bank



Are Receiving Now Invoices of





Where they nro fully prepared to do nlkinds of work in the latest styles, at

the shortest notlco mid nt themost Kcasonnblo Hates.

Fine Job 'Work in Colors a Specialty '


Executed In the Most Attractive





Read tho following partial list of spec-ialties and get tho Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so dolm;you will save both time and money.

Letter HeadB,Noto Heads,

Bill Heads.Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,StatcmonU


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blanks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal CarcUTime Cards

Milk Tickets,Meal Tickets,

Theatro Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,Marriage Certificates

Receipts of all kinds,Plantation Ordors,

Promissory Notes,Pamphlets,


Labels of ovcry varioty,Petitions in any language,

Envelopes &, Loiter Circulars,Sporting Scores & Records,

Perpetual Washing Lists,General Book Work

Etc.. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

Printed and Ulocked when desired.

iQr No Job is allowed tn leave the of.Ilco until it gives satisfaction.

Wilder's Steamship Go.

TIME TABLEO. L. WIGHT, Pres. 8. B. KOBE, 8eo.

Capt. J. A. KING, Port Bupt.

8tmr. KINAUCLARKE, CoiuuBdM.

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. M.. touching atLabalna, Maalaea Day and Makena thesame day; aianuxona, Kawainaeanu lu- -

pahoehoe the following ilay arriving at '

Hllo the same evening t


Friday.. . May 3 Friday May 10Tuesday May 14 I Tuesday May 21Friday. . . May2t Friday May 31Tuesday . June 4 Tiiff(fiv Jnnn IIFriday ..June 14 Vrlilnv .llinn'JITuesday June 25 Tne-day..- .. July 2Vrldav.. July 6Tuesday July 1(1 rnesJay. . . . July 2J '

Friday juiyz" Vrliinv Allif. 'J

Tuesday... .aui. 0 Tuesday.... Aug. 13

Friday.. .. Aug. 1(1 Friday, Aug. 2tTuesday. .. Aug. 27 TueHday....Fept. 3Frlitay Sept. (J Kriday Hept.13Tuesday. ...Srpt. 17 Tuesday.. ..bept. 21Friday Sept. 27 Friday Oc . 4TucsdHy Out. Tiusday Oct. 15Friday .... Oc.10 Friday Oct. 25Tuesday Oct. 2U Tuesday ....Nov, 0Frldav Not. 8 Frli'ay Nov. 15Tuesday Nov. 10 2o lFriday Nov. 2!l Fiiday Den.Tufoday... Die, 10 Tuday ... Dtc. 17 I

Friday JJw ill Friday Dec. 27

Upturning, will leave Hllo at 1 o'clockr. u., lourtnng at Latipahoehoe, Matin-kon- a

and Kawalhae same day; Makena,Maalaea Hay and Labalna tho followingdav: arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tti'sdavs and Fridays

gJWF" No Freight will r vl fler12 noon .lay f sailing

Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMEH0N. nomminrlBr,

Will leave Hunuililu Tuesdays al 0 t. Mi.tonching at Kahuiul Hana. Hamoa amiKlpahuln, Maul. Ketumlng arrives atHonolulu Pnnttay mornings

Will cll at Isiiu Knpi, on eoorul tripof each month.

No Freight will h r.i.ii ner4 r. M. on day of -- ailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomake changea in the time of departuie andarrival of Its steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must' be at tho Landings toreceive their Freight: Ill's Company willnot hold Itself restKUisllilu fur freight afterIt lias been landed.

Live Block only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valunbles of passengers unlessplaced In the care of Pursers.

Passengers ar requested to purchasetickets embarking. Those falling todo so will be subject to an additionalchargo of twenty-fiv- e mr cent.




CulstiraiBO HIgir Grade Cans lanums

We are also prepared to take orders for

4aara. N. Oh.la.Xldt 4 Onr'ortlllzorci

Iiihiirlng prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOl.2Tliltt ( .n,ui.ln, Patnl fill ...in.

turning less pliment than Linseed Olf, andgiving a lasting Druuancy to colors.Used with drier It gives a splendid floorsurface.

Lime, Oemeni,Refined Bugars, Salmon,

Falibuk Canning Co.'i Cornad BhhI


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

liid'i Patent Steam Plpi Connui

JuboM' Diamond, Bnamal Everlasting Paint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans

Jose Do Espirito Santo,

Guitar Maker

Taro Patch & Ukulele Guitars

Made of Hawaiian Wood.


130 Fort Street, Opposite Club Stables.





Thcmoat, May P.

BSAlaniMla, Morse, 0 days and 10 hoursfrom San Francisco

Btmr James Mnkee from Kapaa

DepartureThursday. May 9.

S 8 Alameda, Morse, fur the Colonies at 4

) tndor ship II F Glade, IlrrcKscn, for Ban


Voaaela LeavingBtmr Jas Makee for Kapaa at t p m

Cargoes from Island PortBtmr James Makee 2700 Lags s'tgnr and 2



Mny o u KB!rt nn(1 0 Uci;k,From San Franclsc , per 8 B Alameda.

May 9 Ms Mr ry Alexander UlchardJHums, wife and child, Miss Grace C oke,J T Crowley. E I' I ole, T F Dredsc. 8 MDodge JOKdwnrds, K V Hull and w fc,TJ King, Mrs Ruth McClellnn. 11 H Mc-Lean, John F Negent, Mrs H H l'nxton,Chas K Richardson, Geo G htratemeyer,Martin Smith and wife, Lyle Dickey, HonG N Wilcox, Hon A 8 Wilcox, Mlts E Lwncox, li it w iiiinms ana 7 steerage.

DIPABIUSI8.For San Francisco, per ship H F Glndo,

May 0 U V Dainkovlez.

Shipping Nottia

The Orniaii ship U. F. Glade, Hcrck.sun master, sailed today fo rnn Fran- -Cisco with 24,4 IS hags Migxr shlptwd by H.Hackfeld .fc Co., an t lO.ISd bog do by M8. Grlnhanni & Co. II. HaclcMd it Co.nlso shipped 2i(J bales wool. Domesticvalue, $12H,3j8.8'I.

The S. B. Alameda, H. G. Morso com-mander, nrrlvcd this morning, 0 days and10 bourn from Han Francisco, n smart pas-- Isacu Purser J. 11. Sutton fumi-he- s thofollowing memurnniHim of the trip: LeftBan Francisco on Mny 2d nt 0:15 p. m.Stopped for Honolulu pilot on May Oat6:60 h. in. Had modurato southwett andnortheast winds throughout with smoothsea. Tho AUmula will reume her voyage to the Colonies at 4 o'clock this after-noo- n



FromAlameda, " San Friu clco. . MayChina, China and Jspau .May 20Mlowcra, " Vancomo May 24Australia, ' Ban Francisco.... May 27Arawa, " Colonies May 30Warrlmoo, " Colonies June 1

City l'eklng, " Bun Francisco . . Juno 1

Mariposa, " San Franosco ... Juno nCoptic, " China and Japan .June 17Australia, " Ban Francisco. .. Juno 21Warrlmoo, " Vancouver June 21Alameda, " Colonics.... ..... Juno 27Mloweru, Colonies. .July 2Arawa, " ban Francisco ... .July 4Coptic, " Ban Francisco.... July 10

Auhtralia, " Ban Franrlsco. . July InCity Peking," China and Japan July 17Mlowrra, " Vancouver .Jnly2Mariposa, " Colonies .July 25


ForAustralia, " Ban Francisco.... ,.Mav S

Alameda, " Colonies ..May 0China, Ban Francisco..,. . .May 20MIowera, " Colonies . MayV4Arawa, " han Francisco. .. ..May 30Warrlmoo, " Vancouver Juno 1

City I't king," China and Japan June 1

Australia, " Bhii Francisco.... ..June 3MarliHisa, " Colonies ..June (I

Coptic, " Ban Francisco.. . . .June 17Australia, ' Ban Francisco ..June 21Warrlmoo. " Colonies ,. Juno 24Alameda, " Ban Francisco..., ..June 27M owera, " Vancouver ..July 2Arawa, " Colonics ..July 4Coptic, " China nnd Japan, ..July 10City l'eklng, " San Francltco .. ..Juyl7Australia, " Ban Francisco..., ..July 20MIowera, " Colonies July 2 1

Marlosa, " Ban Francisco . ..July 25

Valuable House"


Poi Sale I

IHatOFFEIl SOME VERY CHOICEWE IOls on the premises formerly

owiitd by J. A. Hasslngrr, Esq., locatedbetween l'cnsacola and Pllkol streets,These Ltts are of uniform s'ze, 60rl"fl,which is as larg as most ersons like tohave the caro of. Tho soil Is very rich andthere are many well grown Frnit and Or.liumentnl Trees on all of tho Lots,

If you want n home in n good, quiet, res-

pectable and healthy neighborhood, takeone or morn of these Lots, which wo oilernt reasonable prices ami upon easy lernifns to piyment.

UOv For particulars uppl) to

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit and Invest-

ment Company,

40S 3Tort Street.ISOfMf


Arcocntant, Collector and Copyist.

OfllcH with ('. D. Chiico, Safo Deposit Build-ing, Wi Vort Strecr. Telo)hone lt

ttr The Collection of 0Vfrnment Billst specialty l'.'75-t- f

ttb .Jh -

Canadian -- Australian Steamship Line

Steamers of the above Line, running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYHetwn Vatimnvet. B. O., and Sydney, N. B. W.. anil ralhuir at Vtetnria, B. O.

Honolnln and Suva (Fiji).

A.R.H3 DXJHJ A.T KCOKT OJL.U3JXJOn or abint the dates below stated, vlz.l

From Hydney and 8uvi, for Victoriaand Vancouver. B. O.i

Btmr"WARRIMOO' JunelBtmr"MIOWKIlA" July 1

Btmr"WARRIMOO" August 1

Through Ticket iMnad from Honolnln


U. MuNICOLL, Montreal, Canada.H011KRT KKKK, Winnipeg, CanadaM. M. BTERN. Ban Francisco, Cal.O. MoL. BKOWN, Vancouver. B. 0.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Hail Smut

tot San FranoiBco

Inr Nmi and Fine Al Hteel htesm-- i'

"ARAWA''Of tne Oceanic Bteamshlp Couipnui lllbe due at Honolulu from Bydnevand'Anekland on or about

May 30thAna will leave for the above pud withMall and Passengers on or abont that date.

,Por Sydney and Auckland .

rtiH New and Kine Al titel Stamli;t" vALAMEDA

Ut ttie Oceanlo Bteamshlp Couit.nuj willbe due at Honolnln. from Han Knmi'taro.on or ahont

May 9 th.And will hare prompt despauu, mil,Malls and Passengers for the above ports.

The undersigned an now prepared to ioTHBOUQB TICKETS TO ALL POINTS


for further nartlculari. riornmim;r nilgai or jtrassaice apply to

WM. Q. IRWIN k CO., Ltd.,l-- Qaneral Auanta

Oceanic Steamship Go.

rime TettJioLOCAL LINK


Arrive Honolulu iare Honolulufrom 8. F for B. K

May 3 May 8May:J7 June3June !U JuneaiJuly 16 ,...Juiy2uAug. 0 Aug. 14Bept a Bept 7Bept. 30 Oct. 2Oct. 2t Ofit. 27Nov. 15 Nov.20

THROUGH LINEKruw Ban Krancisr Prom Bydney toi

for Bydney. San Francisco

Arrive Honolulu Uaxt Honolulu

ALAMKI)A..May 0 I MARII'OBA. May 2MARIPOSA. .June (J i AUAWA....Mav S(lARAWA July 4 I ALAMKl)A.June27ALAMKl)A..Aug 1 MARIPOSA July 23MARIl'OSA.Aug.S) I ARAWA ...Aug.22ARAWA.... Sept. 'JO I ALAMKDA.Bept. 19ALAMKDA..Oot. 24 I MARII'OBA .Oct. 17

General Business Agent

F. O. Box 4 11.

AT THE ANCHOROyutor Cocktails I

Bauer Brunnen I

Fredericksburg Jiuerl

Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds and Best Quality,

8onlbweal fternar Kino & Knuann 8ta.

From Victoria etna Vnuiouvtu. a O..for Suva and Sydnnyt

Btmr "MIOWERA" May24Rtmr"WARRlMOO" June 24BtuirMIOWKRA" July 24

lo Canada, United States nrl Bnrnpa

For Frelichl and Passant, aurt allUeneral Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.Agenttor the Hawaiian Iilandt

Pacific Mail S.S. Go.

fi r

0(rCii)eniai nuU Uneoial S S Co,

?i,-'fa- !


Bveamers of the ahove Compame. wiicall at Honolulu on tholr way to theporta on or about the following daterBtmr "CITY OF l'LKIN'G'

8t;nr6Ic"..::....JJ,!ye,o;iOF PEKING''.. ; ....'..

Rt"t,','r"i.;7iVpin V ' o A"l.nt Rli lf!

il!n?"?oPkfej:December 2, is


aieamera of the abuve CoumauieL wincall at Honolnln on their way from Hongor sbont the followlns dates :

Bimr' CHINA" ikmBtmr COPTIO....:..V.VjSK 1?' 1803Btmr "Cm OF IKKING... ..'...Stmr'"'iJkl.G iU'K '. '.'.'.'.'. '. Aukusi"' 1K03Btmr "CITY OF IHO n ! JANKIKO''

September 0, 1896btmr "CHINA" October 0 I8(B

i!m'0?T?PKk?'Btmr ' CHINA" February 24, 1896


' 0 TOKO- - ro DOBU- -HAM4 (OHO.

JJD,i 160 ft 1176 00Cabin, round tripmonths .. rt3 u m uCabin, ronnd trip IS

.. months... tin a. 6 unaropean Bteflraue s5 K 100 OC

.lll!'1"".'1 Uly,nli "" 'e "111 bpercent oft return fure if rMnrn-n- rwithin wl months

STST-- Kor KrelRht ana Pasaaire apply

8, HACKFELD & CO.,7 Agentv


At Walklki on car line and on TalamaRoad Hear Fertllltlng I'lnnt. These Lotsare Very Cheap and Bold on easy terms.Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for Sale.

BRDCE WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

m'-t- f 603 Fort Street, near King.


jpy KING SI 3SXWholesale antl Retail Butchers

- aNI)


Q. J. Wallkb, : i M.inaKr.

California Fruit MarketCorner King nnd Alakea fits.

riDos mIly Every Btnmer from Ban

Francisco with

Fresh Fruit, Oysters,Salmon, Poultry, Etc., Etc.