J T FURNITURE WARE ROMMS, mm Hinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1850-09... · Marsh;—Oa...

-«Iv .-- nplain , nod if » fleet taiion re tjje travel. rediace asf: De jg& of jegiy- jcialfy, »drur<s uuda- s, snoh a- y* igaiiist •' meces- » PWttOfe^ . 5, isja. ^ ocated, making aent of CUCtidn, ^-grades but 40 4 Ron- "eet irc a tld have aesiion, siogthe ting the ', lailroad Rouse's the foot sofa "why j along T to put s, when, ere is no >roperty naviga- expedi- point of tion, the ige over aterially naviga- Rouse's poyages,^ boil's*. I •• an irtflu- jranting rqf+tlib sh to an i object, meansJf faettfres^ " [ think a sion this to navi- c o n v e n - _' et, when " different a other raiffbad; through iring re- raters of regions iu,etipn% any one ort mile •prevent wo. such with no tb!e ob- ' than is ind it is any and ttj-allow \K .The ' e West, ry-barrel e West- iBeapen- . respect- f vhieh is. ons be- mtry, is pith; .the i if such occasion eal- jeal- terprise, * . to bear \ t for re- ^ ittt-r and -i ipletion, nd theirs d tra$el v . a gerif- nstrgct-" purpose, system, pAndSas- it. SweeUers>otiiEKerJI«tt tlia Htrnse; -**m>. was doing 4jrie^ ^ ^ i ? m wnitheww* about to d < ^ t * t i i K | ^ ^ | i g ^ h a t would a j m f e i t n » p l % « i p ^ ^ ^ g p ^ ^ « s - mine. It.*ar^epj^i&a^r^l^ni>er^ whom I ' t a M M i S i P ^ -^ insult on. ttje|pj0:'o||ptyiy ~p^|»,^oss, wsDton,|n4 : fn|D^^^ ^IP^Sfl^*^*" zer had &6 m e ^ s | § | | b i f t ^ a ^ H P nave been warranted i n J ^ £ W f i ^ n g % i s '"&•, «% ..*%;• TerriUri? «x»,*5a*»# ite I*W *>& | By Telegraph.,) WisntnaToit, Sept 4V[ SENATE—Jhe ; ^i$t^3S^jolll was fur- ther debate!, but not «oi*|uifec| : upoft. Adj. to Monday. . .' < HOUSE-|-After ajgain' reeonsfdenng, the Texas Boundary bill wasj ordered, to be en- grossed—Ajres 108; Naysf 98. Order being restored, the bill was passed r_y\yes 107J Nays 97 ; and thus, clinched and" ' its. title amjendef to include the territorial, ffovernmentifor New Mexico, amid much e# citement and disorder, adj. f - **-' what resembles the bid cami fever. In the lieighborhood where it preVnls, 38 Jhlil can sea have the fast accounts.the mother and the only reJ m«n|ng c|n|d^r«re^tif3tp * tod to «irwe. Tnephysicfans^are nearly uom dowt with the extraordinary labor whit h has l>een itapo sed on them.—Oneida HepaU .«•!• Marsh;—Oa Siid&yj n mm i amed Po terj masonf' tjy trldeliin^'fiis'sblf aghif yeaiS"oia| belonging to^T^psfiefd, while aoV-i gunning excursion^ came* to their deahsin'the follow- ing ho;rjibl[| "tjbanner.." It V supposed .^liat they, during their excursion, ti iedsto cro ss the Ipswich'^arshes^the.jKtfeer y ith hi* « n'^Pt on hjiaf. $a#>.,bui^at^e" w 3J j^ijLaf,!tni CS^?. ciintr' .4.1,n> ^thav^mfn fha *«4Y ti aA'^fnfti: ^1 ^ .-ur*a sunk the-father into the invd impossible forhini to extrTcatfe;4imSelfi'" Prbhi appearances, the son, after the {father wa^ thus fixed fasti*%tent Some distance' BO'that 1; was iu." Niw YORK, Thursday* Sept i5—"-P.M.' IrrivaY of the Empire City witk $1,156,W0 la C«M. ' The Empire CMyta^d from Chagres this morning with g7o6,0p.0 in gold dust, and §400,000 in the hands of passengers, of whom she has 18&, Her dates from California are to the 1st oJ" August, but she brings no mail. The steatier Panama arrived at Panama on the 21st nlti? bringing down the sum of $2,- 300,000, and 2,40 passengers... .... t h ^, The .chqi«5ra broke iO.tit.oa board the P^naf< ma, and 40 passengers feit; victims to it A complete lis; of theirnames?hasnotyet been ascertained; bat* amongst those- known was Capt. Robinson, of Buffalo. At San Franciseo, on the" 14th August, flour was sold at advanced^price^' ".' 'V Accounts ifrom the minestare generally-of a very cheering .character j .«nd^t&ere-iSj»^»l4j lv increase df gold as the Water recedes.' Murphy piggings4^& company of seven men have taken out in one spot in this place,' in seven weeks, fciCOffo' in gold dust: ' *Fbis is their nett proceeds clear of expenses'. Another company of «ix; took ont of the >> same {Aaee : last week; 42 lbs. of gold dust.— They are working 54 feet below the surface; The Sacramento'people boast now and then of a ten and twenty pound tump. A lueky digger at the head waters of the Mereedesphas extracted a lamp weighing eighty-tbrpe pounds, nearly all pure gold. At SanrAntoniOf Which was deserted last winter, five nien have been taking out eleven ounces daily. The reports generally from the mining-re- gions are gobd, and the yield is greater than. at any previous s&ison. •' ,'"" San Fraitcis&o, July. .30.—The markets have opened, more .briskly yAt ia not. glutted. with any commodtty, and, most of ffie pr.Qmi-' nent articles, liiaWan upward tendency, and- show muc v h firmness. h , This is; t h e case;t^ith lard; iold'er^^k^n^ad'vayce'otfTOe 1 j>ri6e M' last week, Atji large sale at auction, thefol- r lowing prices- wererehlizea': Yell6w*corri,'&t per lb.,|n bags of 136 lbs.; white corn, 8c, per lb.; 37 bbls. new hams^ 38c per lb,; 18 eases lard 2tc. ;'209f bbls. e"xtriiiiess jjofk, $13.50 and '$Ut The amount of treasure in coin and dust; further, j >fbb^i bly to ."gel asst?t4nce tp,ex|rj tiate him: when "healso.snnkinth,^^mi«;.raanherjjnlhe^t!eaclt« I erous Tiog:" Wnile'tlfef w§re' in fliis he tilesi •position the tide began,to rise andlthey were both droWned.' ] Their deaths. wejre nbt snbw'h un|il'tljey *were missed from home, wne J a-searcl was made,and theh* horse and waifc n found M^here they had left them. .Afurther- search,brnught to light the dead bodies of f itierand^snyin the places where they, sank, fa ;o the muA i vhicli' held them fast:while thewaWi overwhdmed them : Their feelings, ht the g radUal ad raHde of the water, from .which, i i'' «jas iippo: isible for' them to flee> roust have t een ! <terril le.-s— > Boston 'Traveller. This.traC. has Jately been?.pnrenasedfrom-jtbe-heirs \o' the late Jo1in r "Br1).wh'T)y Mr.' 7. R Lyon, of '""'" county, Mr, Hoffister-df Uticja, and othe|rsi-ri Lowviffe 'JoirtidJ, On Iteight.: in handset paaseneers... .$736,000 i toofiaa ^T.I^-'tM #M%Jf jre, Ust of Tieri sons of note says the Albany •• ' Register, who. have deceased dnring the "first half prssent year embraees /many, distinguished n^une* We notice sdme of them' £^* JoHi}Jp^.^a^ov^n, J'ranliiii'. Et. ,El nore, Sergeaoiit »Erentiss,i Daniel) I . King, Mat- thew L. Daviss Jacob %aysj Gen. Zashary . V^8J*1< •£,-*™'hg> lib W'V' ' 'iJ-i T' '*•'"' Taylo^grig^^n|^ason,i,QQ,n modbre. J ones, John NiMaffiC Adam 'Rami jFulletj Emperor of China^ Sfr. ©ukeof CambridgejPresident '. Jobn-JBrown's- Tract.fr •Tjr^wm-iwi* 7T' In Henvelton, 29th inst. by Rex..W. e..Suyex»Gi ;i ------ ^>i>$ort^!i SXITHCRS, to MAKUJA. THORKT6S,J DIED. In thisvUlngconrfiwM iBsViiEtpterSJfjijr^^srM of Jacksoa. Youn|. »fed20 yearj and !} day*. Slorriitown"(N.. J.). J«^'S please.doi y. In RnsseH, on'ine 5<h inst, Bosxiu POLMAN, l'oipaerly "flpm Venncmt, in tlje 15th yeaj^of Jier »go. " "Atrres^fu:'C'^bn tliFsth^nki, >Irs. Asslitiiir- 1 ROBERTSO*, Aife of David KoVefttbn, aged 28 yet is. At WSterTiile, dhloVon'fteijrth'aii?.. BoeER Sii o*jrr, of HenvetfonV St.lsawience. co.v»i«'iS -jla the 71t t year of his age. I' .• - ( • - *" a C(h board uto bri«.£<rf«i,May!S5lIi,»« », oCChiJI. ?el eleven aayvfroni Panama, anion his way to Call iirnla' Sr-ni R.*P6TSASCioFHopkinton,'St Lawrence ep., 8r,Y.' aged 33 yean. The deceased has (eft a .wife" ai A two'- little girts,a»aboa large cireleofrelalvei.to mo^rmhis' nntimely 1 .deMa. n j... „ . •. ,!•'.]- •£MJS1UJ. !* announce UJ'the ctt^tehs ofOg will clvertwomiriienl SntertainriieB INSTKUMESTAL, at TL j s.Ct>& • '/• •A .1... fnfora i •. - mmittee ^thiFln- ' in^ftsti appiic*-.5 oflice.— . ittee; to fou will ^ts5*na*J * esh-liave-' --^ titnet* ..--£ .titntioa jnsljingi ( , x" recent \ i„ .^>l t-tii ti iii .1 _-'! t*:tA*TJ ilias&'^i!" 7 .'^ •'? iirusfra^ ;. usittjj t>Hf: Horning 6*esfri' r '" motion i ,% P ' Z Ss'setf*"'" '"' romhis jnacinf o-tt^« '- ! &§&'••'< . g: ' *U56,O0O . The steamshipSewWean%arrived.at Pa- nama on th£J23d of August,and was to leave for San Francisco on the 3d September, and will pr<3^I>J|y take up, the passengers intended for the^Panama,--. K -*-' *«<•• -> t •••> •- We;^6 indebted to Mr. Q,, (j.JJirdseye, for. the foUojK«ig«painful particulars of the voy- age of I *ner'P*j!iama;!|» whieKhe Was a passes ger. - , H ; . . .. ;«•,., " Thelsteamep Panama;left-San'Franeisc(),, August r ^ m ^ i ^ ^ B f l d r ^ d an<J twenty' passengers,^stopped, at- Monterey,- Matzalan, San Bias and AcapnTco;,,' At^capultfO;! t»ifc eases of cholera reported Remained there two days foi'eoal and water, passengers pjf^' mitted, to g<^ o'^ sTjiore. jLe'ftthe' evening; of the- 14th, arriving Panama the 21stj evening.' The fourth) day out onf jCase. of chojerii upi to the morning of the 22d twenty were buried from the ship—«very cas'e'^iroVing fatal;;.,",1.0"! died in Panama.; ,'five.on the road from Paiia-- ma to Graces; three at'Chagresiand ;one jbn;! hoard the st|feam^'Etijpi|e»C.i^ .before .satJipg,? the only ease on that-steamer. 'It'is estinta*" ted, by the 'suryfvingpasseng6r^°thatfcf|y ofc our number are dead.' We^havealstfonderi! stood that not one of^;the? passetigerS iittaclfe^, recover.ed.'*' , v ^ -,„ .Z* "'••'.*.-. •- ' ' ' • '^L '"'"' •••''••'•< - r , -«- >;• ~" / '.-.',"" t " : Jemiy XtpttTg,.. ^0wr,—'Sih£', Bt^gCWtkr* (England). TjaneV sa|s :f£|p?fir ^;;|hte^eS,; ting tomany wfonrieMers'to hear,-that*hist week JohnlinnVmarinerfof Stockholm;so» of Haas Lind, scfiqolnias'ter*Kiffli^jb(alttiei:l of Jenny L^rid, : |5 ( e4 i ^e|8s|*'J|ii was married in the^Rerfster" ©ffiisfr^ini -iM& town to Mjss< Mary Gee, : of PillfWenlly.— Jqhn had ni)t seen iSs sister for many years, until he accidentalijsmffewtluhjr JtW other day at L^rp^pJ>oji:iei profeiaonal. viitfti ' ' ' "• JTJDSON KAt:^ Sattnrolay and lWonawy-EV< intnffS, Sept. , _ i|Md' , fg,] <; , , '_ i ;;" i ' " On which, occasion Jthey .'will UitroHnc 9 'a 'great variety of popnra^-SdsoVi Dtrtrra, Taiosr <*t a&krticg, ikc^S. Also several Overture* -aiid' GranV Ml .reJieir-t-jrtn»tte ehestra.|;„, f, . : -i .».£/(, '. e-J P--<IA'• )• .'fit-' Focal £cogg—Tw^Ij^csandjwolSjontjeroeji*,. ,, t j p " The" Orchestral music of the Bljakeley faiaUyjiii. Boyer. BKB •xt bill el laBnrin, An:tBej*- mm "X* ^&SS^S^^^"^&^,^' x y'^^^ ; '^ 1 ^"^^i!T-' "i APPLE TREES. T I M E wkaeribertaf.fcfMl»at hU Knrsery oa toe t 8t.L«wrw»ili ( »wr l 4MlU*fa>ov» OgJwUurgb, >ux>o.?.et4ft«k. 10^HM> ? .( A»#l« l Ti»««»- ofjoodiUe,a»dll»a«e, healthy eondlon •„. The talccikMH hajre Wen maJe with n ference to the best itandiMKorthera Apple*. M4 at the same Use to a, luceewttoa of ftnlt through the year. ^ ... ,, nsxm.jro'--'jfTE'i «H? 80^KM> 8 o e « l l a g A y f l e T r e e * , j,jK,vjaji W; ™4&w--wmmm Mj^m^^wmhik SAI.E. T HE uadenlgned wltfr«iil(jtt^^M^at thewi- deDeebftenlelB.Eood.iBthe.towaofHainnioiMi, 00 Monday, the.93<luay of September aext, at 3 o'clock; KM. of t»ui|S«ty, the 4 D&ai(iS:;H^uie;;8t?re and^lBara,;: and about thretaeres of land, situated in the to.wn of Hilnrooriaf. beigflSe pfM^ynpw<^upl«d'by the»»«iji' O^B. » x % » M ' i o r i n W ^ l f ^ kyChijdes Stonedes ceased. $j$>' - ^ ? j PiSrS'.-'iC-' '.i* ,. ' . i ''Termsmade lt|own-.S®ii/a%y-oriamIe^|Wted'aani- Jn%nd,,,Ai^.t.MSe?llil*-^.---'*>.:^<-^i4 i „'. >•'•*;,- y„A38-Hw AMigaees of BanleUB. Rood. { '^ ST. i*-W»E5r,C.E <|0»7«TV . TSSiti TE'ACBOEilS*' " IKTSTIi ...^..-JiB-HE^The; second annual meeting oftoeSt. lawrence -Music Te|chers' Institute .,_. will be held at Beethoven Hall, lit Potsdam, enm.- wenclng on'WedhesanyjJSept'.ISth. at 3 o'clock T/Mi— Tne Seisloh-wIUcontlnue'sli or eight days, during which time Lectures will W given By_-Messr»i A. N. Johnson, «eo. W.Pratt of Boston.andWl W. Partridge,of Pdts- ^'dam,,in the following branches as follows, Viz: .TEight o'cl«l?rffMmWny and Thorough Bass. Nine o'clock. Elementary Principles. Ten o'clock, Cultlvntlon- JoTthe Voice, Pronunciation,fce.Eleven o'clock, Chureh .Music. tTwo oMock;Glee:Singing;» Three o'clock, Ele* •nenwry Principles. . Font o'clock^Church Music. Seven o'clock, Chorus and Glee Singing. '~''\n conneetloawlth.thesabove lectures, the class ,will receive a thorough drilling in the various departments relating, to-the "theory and practice of sacred and secular Music, accompanied Kith such remarks and criticisms as ' are'calculated ;tc(sconvey-. correct ideas of taste and the moat approved, style of musical performance. In short; the class will receive all the advantages enjoyed la any of the musical conventions in the cities of .Boston or TheTiadie«;will-reeeive .very- excellent aid from two voting ladies, <one Sop. the other Alto,) both superior singers andmeinners of Mr. Johnson'* Choir, who will accompanyahim and remain with him during the class. There wilt be given two or three Concerts by the class "dttrlnglU\»»saion?aiid.l»opk* necessary to be used, will Be furnlihed.free of charge. . , . .-TuitibnjrotiUia tenn,«t3ior,eMh gentleman, who, may introduce with, him one or two ladies, for each lady, .not" accompanied by a gentleman, »1. For each gentle- «ntn forth* evenjlnrexercises only,$l. Tickets of ad- Msiidn can b*had of W . W..Partridge. ; , . Jsi .J. H. CHANDLER, President A. H. LAMBHEABi Secretary. 39-Sw FURNITURE WARE ROMMS, Becretajiae'. Bur*aq*f- Partd^^^o'calttmt dS. -z. O«co.wr^ ; ehm%m@€ Oikdo5 e O|i| ) a^«s|'.S&.S, 1 # ;!*a*»iiMH«- CBrLDXEWS CH.9/fiS r pr^tSBBX KhRmTT. ^^^^^^^^^&S^&i h*? •SflPfll •'et at$>*. ^.»-^^v^.''.:i^, , '; J j*Siwi'^;- wmm. .;;;,'vS'sSsfc.-.'• •- \ •.. mm OrmdiDatevf tl T^AVINti neeived MM. structloa atBelleVne; ^dEtt'Inft>a»ry/rpe;s£i:"«i( .,. a 7 _ services; a| S u i ! ^ ajid Phralesaa to t>* peb] Snsb H rg?a« r d"ylclnliy. O t e on s i t e aS. iJi.-> iKO,0<K» lr«Wc<)l:wantedby-tne aus«rib^ athis^ • J !storei»Ogde»sburgh, In exchange <<weash. woollen cloths and other-goods.;'- - .... «— Ogdeasburgh, May 88,-1830.; "SAMUEL DCS. ' wtSrfe' All competition. ~i?Zfy A «, -...^.A ,»»* »* w -. »-. K»epers of Hotels and those furnishing houses, will find t for their Interest to call and examine DBfore prir- chMlngelsewhere. i< '-."•GEOKGE'BOYD." Ogdensbnr t htNv¥.(Auf.8,1850i.< - , 38, , . ._.. ,n.i / t VH.--» !s-?;)'i"»y f - • ->' -• ' *;•'.:• •< '• CliEVEIiAND •'••'.• ; Curled H^'ffliriMct^ T H E proprietors respectfnllyin'form the public :hat -,« > ;«hey have fitted up the above'ostabUshment, with new and powerful ntachlnery.'stenm apparatus, t c , t c . , for the manufacture^pf .Cur>»d;Ualr-and Mattrasses, on the loostextenslve.aitd economical plan known. . , They.nre prepared to furol^h iSteamooats; Hotels, Up- holsterers, and.the trade with;curled hair and mattrasses on the most-liberui.teruu.» -, ; , . | -1 .. : .I' •' '••?.- ygaPPMi ^USSELLfc CO. The subscriber, as, Agent for, theioove celebrated es- tablishment, keeps constantly on hand at hU.FuamTuni ROOMS on Ford street.a great variety of Curled SXaalr OTattrautaoa, of diffisrentslxes and qualities, which are ojOTered at/actery rrices. ., r ._ I Orders fbr.any particular f»«/i'tj or s i n which he may nothave on hand, will be attended to with promptness anddUpatch. - , v . , GEORGE BQYD. Ogdensburgh, N. V., Aug. 6,1850.. • 36 K 6 , 0 0 0 lbs'rVpoi wanuSJaJ, ihiMM^EMf^Q^-'. jMay^ifoOj'',' tV ! ::K 1 Tr'HASKELt Valatl UNION, rlMsT ARTS. If'JH. T?« PENNSYI.VANIA ART ,j'o.|l Tl'l rlOHOTtOK OFTHK i FREE GALLERY. K ' N o . 1 3 6 Chestnut Street, •-'l PHILADELPHIA. '' Taosr-ICTOS, No. 2. Pennsylvania Art Union, established on the Plan of Bois' ' ' £ Art Union, of London, offers great inducements to the lovers of "°« Paintings and Engrav- •rr lags to become subscribers. ,. ..Believing that it will create a more general love for the Fine Arts, to distribute a large number of beautiful Paint- ings atjsuoderate prices among subscribers, than the dls-r tributioo of amore limited number of costlier works of Art and in order that a large number of persons, may iiave an opportunity of possessing beautiful Oil Paint- Vrigs and Snsmvings than would otherwise.beiadnced to ' snMcribe, where the chance is so small of obtaining very vajuable pictures, the Manager his adopted the following 01' , PLAN; -. " ^nbscrlption pPivc DoI.las.ra. 1st. There will be one hundred Rolls of Eegravibgs (15 Prints in each Roll,) and one hundred' Prize Paint- ; ings. (one prize picture for each Roll,) valued as follows. ""5 Landscapes, Marine and Historical Oil Paintings, each, . - . . . . *100,00 W " " " " 75,00 39; " " " '• 50,00 :<igo " " " " *>,00 1 Jte, " . ' 1 " ' " " 30.00 ' "3d. Fifteen subscribers will constitute one list or r OW6, which will secure one Roll of (Fifteen) Enrrav- ings:of the Choristers, or the Hunter's Return, and one iOr the prizes, which will )Se forwarded immediately after the.llit.is received. "The'flrst five Clubs that' are for- id, will bach be entitled to a Roll of Engravings; a prize valued if One Hundred Dollars.' The'next ij,«iach a Roll of Engravings, and a prize valued »t Seventy five Dollars. The next twenty each a Roll of Engravings, and a prize valued at-Fifly Dollars; and to "•ob in the order of the dateofjforwarding their lists. ,8di The Agent will deliver the Engravings tosuhscri-' ber«j (free of *xpense,)-when they may drawfor, or de- clde.auiong themselves who shall nave the prize Paiat- ihg. : ' -' •' .1'- •"-'- "Thus for the srtm of Five Dollars, every subscriber Is sure of receivings magnificent Engraving worth alone the: amount of his subscription, and one chance In fifteen of obtaining a valuable Oil Painting. ' The unprecedented success, and early disposition of i-the first list'of prizes that were offered to the public, affords a gratifying and undeniable proof that a lively interest has been manifested for the encouragement of this.Art Union'wherever It is known, and that the Plan- eannotfail to become a favorite-one, witha large major- ity of the Lovers of the Fine Aru. . .'--All eommuuications should be addressed to . <" a. H; DOTY, M&nigtr of Pennsylvania Jlrt Unin, A: J - - ' Philadelphia. J. H. GUESTi Agent Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y. :<T -judges la New' Yjork^nd Boston, .not tcjbe'surpassi id-, the country.. The, Quartette aw of the Bo«top.,sehopi of Messrs. Slasonifc Weob,' and have bein) under their tut- jsloa^Mtre'q'rftm'ibr ten yean, ; j y TrckETS'gS* 'deaiH. : Dooisl olpen at T ( 'o'c oSL ' Cbncert*to»«omrnenca- at : ?J4 'preciselir. Fof pariici liars' see programme. . - -»* - . . -t Ogdensburgh, S e p t 9,1850, flhy Iffll' work for his bread; altfitffibls&'^f 3 ^^^ I NFORM AT MAJOR, son of Geoi ,:2 J e n his fatheiSf "TOnSfc da 1 . ..employmenriri' the States; Bis pai "?5epolri, within the hist tlireejveel XE,ll-«f,J3HN, '%ey,"C.'VVJwh6' i ^il'laTiijtSjeelf to ha^ v fie»d a »? t&at he had! been drowned at risWego'^6r"af Syricuie:.(Saia'John Major, It: living? Is '93 y « a » Or^agS' 1 ; iTmT^SWi'glri^tf'pgritl* dark h^irp pale .complexioo," and stoipa slightly when^ .wilking.».. i .u ^,"-ji .T-4CS«S .Li, '•.. i - « , J 3 ^ Pibs^ersi-at Sswes»nn4iS)iratrij»«i,and, < vJcinte, . vHH conTer ftvorby^noticing Ao-»b>ve,.aaVi,send) »i',a3»y, ^information touching the said : pers^,fto'thlsotriCii,'or*to -=S33S| , s •,. 'lilt £1 " " r " , ? Tf wg -'- ~Z* . ripAH,Os»-Shdp«rip6sll ataiflU^takl^S anll ? clu>iirY' ; proal r _ L JChangetorJstaVworKJt'i '"• **«M--B-«6 »!«>}a uiatm ''•"tdf^ CimiBg ( doae,.eheiiper:*«vhii /shop tsuui aiaayc «Marble Row, Water street. *"!"" '-" l - n—•; rrfPT,ry,. 4r« •" fees :i.?t ;iawsfaaKwocww < &r.'.,&u:a\ " PEIWDERS' EXGlf^NOE; T»RONNEl|a.>'^ r K K A E 1 ^ara.now- MM Sing by the various steamers; si.-c isnplei oo( ENGLISH,^KEN«B,*IMl,GE^i , sadaptid to tn^hSPoSef whlch^th if oTBr ithe. uiiost^li^r^te lWt»ts?oTb*ii<«to' k'.'iion.lsftf isaFrencti, English and German Broat cloths, .1 m6ther.ain«e'»he:3s?«8isixt os. Shawls, Hdkfi, DfLaines, hamij Klin leU, Prints offer him an annni'ty l|o cexerhJ>i>hirS l«>r he le^Hu^na^i^p^liifcOxx^^BlltfWt-*^™^ a "«s; Kumons, uioves, fccJitjc^^ Lw> the mi^mM^M^m^^^^^^^^^^mi^in !'^%*€^hMi TiaA tt nd *eVlio1$^3heTe»go<^Jrl,^ 5, ^W^ ^o ^ro»^l*hJ^slOTalin«r0Mwarj |-.:-".^'>'<'-K: «tetfaJK.: was to recf«%r?» f W i * ^ v ^ ' e i i r i i l f e ^ ' , ? w f e i >^voman of kceexiingljii^lM^er.•"" *Tliose* who h&v<^MmeV*K£!^fair ingthat8h^#8»%g»^ '""'* relir^ ^ Aa<yvwinpwK»miswssss.jiauieii:j iniS«eoKl,ft*et« 3 she w«s-,as*oeUted girl m u r d e ^ i ^ ^ ^ adopt^ I daagttw,'«aJsd*w«>aee<^infIf tw«W ed with no]litt|e a%«t^»^A|i|dne«»<2-» Mrs! Secor4^^n^fJ^^^«ffi^^Sliv#^ : whom, she wjahed v to t^nre, herhu»b«uad'* property, i<mn««;fote%##l iuioVUkn that smimiw^k0^t J h °^'" Since that '-^aato«Ba»n^as«teo1»«-:|»»tii -^' L ^;art•sib^^]*^^r>Ws«•ri , ' ; ' itts^'ssnllM.otiJsMiltasf ttTAAfla^ieiarrtorthislf faces; x An4 swe^abssrss*to grewlag rgjjXa^mmiei*)* oikaod, ^I&ehtad tlM eoiiaser.-eool-and-si ^They'll treat yonmllwilMdiH (Ntverosie-wlth cold neglect) They love lose* their frl «1 " f CaU, in, call in, there is no?«u_ •"ThoVujh piles of goods on shelvi Wil J strike yon with surprieeaa to *Tts,Botthe"£xi!*«ajre" yon'i 9 For such a place is tbuad close J- ; >At the"PzpLaas' Excuuioz"' Tbe;gooda*o " ,ijTb«re'iSamuel Bionnsr^n«ssflite»it«o," * > ^sayiaiwaysto^s»«ow;.yootbroilg>t,ts--'I yW«£t- uang«««all-f i»H|-«»d«»,-, IKt»4»r,i-»«''• lBtrjff>*-« !,J > y i«iwm find -. _-,—jsjf.tosyonr'nlS*H&es •»•» t> e b m ; s s ^ i i a i ^ t f >^sm*i{>s ^Utore, I^SL! i«fi sbsft* siioa lice sao '- hats at SM Mei Glng-" A G E N C Y O P . P I T C H ' S CJELEBJOLTIJI) MDIQmES. F VffiijmiN'jaifii{ Balsam^ Pectoral; Expectorant, Pulmonary Lirilment Depurative Syrup, Heart CoV- nctor, Humor Corrector.Pure aid Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, Antl-Dyspeptlc Mixture, Nervine, Vertnifuge, Cough and Cathartic Pills, Female Pills, Female Specific, kc, fcc—used by him constantly arid .with unprecedented, success in the treatment 6C ' ' ' ! Ooldt, Qnigkt, Contumirtwn, [Jlitlm*, HetrtDtitmm, DytpcptU, Scnfuli, Skin Ditttns, Rkeumtlitm, JtomfOt ,CrmfI*int£, POtb r . *e, f-c. Dr. Filch** H^eiuaVeiJPatcASifcer-rlapd JlUminii snrportir*.•'.. ;' ' .J',. , . :. r ;..;' " Dr. FitihU TmprmiiLPfaUi SUfi-.Sfpng SftsaMcr Brace. . ' Dr. SlUk't Silver inK<aiHg%t<Hle.> '',. . —L-^••- ••«"•' CHAMPLAIN BV A . H. H01SE, DUNTON, Clinton Co., N..Y, CHixruiic ViiLioi, lO^spIeWid'Houie, recently erected ByT. fcBv Ny«,.%»i.n.-pP«"-'''^»l">recentlOB rif vWtnrx. ,An Omn!6ns ! run» four times a dayto meet the Lake Champlain Steamboat! j.and passengei»,.*hJ!iadi|It,to.j .'goWest'and arrive by the noon or two •oJjjloeEBoats;* .can reach this House, wilhonf incoivenlehce, aid 'tiloi r i to take tea. an entire new feature as connected wUh-a yocaLcoi cirt- ,<ne moming train of cars. . { ". '. . ugcomp^fty,Tind%e^'rAriterrnah^pivSi^ Cars'from "tBe^West stop fthrce-quarters of with unhonridfedar^.^eirhertTerthe ,'iave giver cotf- t^»i"-'——---i---^ *-—>-. ... » certs. It.atlords.a uiuchgreater vane y..of ,music ; ?|6^ enables jfiemJo. cabwjforthe^rrasvcal -* I.J~. •mtu^i^i ir^iu . _ . u - ^nnjiieire, mrpet , |Osi a term of years, a Lot pn Isabellastreet _ . tween. Ford aad Division streets. ' < *' ; -- Sl i._ 11^ A«ply?w , . J. N. OSWEEti A^Mt^-lgSO: •',..• 3Mf,» •a ; ^EEEfcTION'. NOTICE, Gentrai Election is to be held In the County ofSt. Lawrence oh'Tueaday, the 5th day of November, . next at which will he chosen, the officers mentioned in ,'the notice from-the Secrewry, of State, of which a copy ^annexed.—Dated at Canton, this 23<1 day of August 3850; , ' ' HENRY BARBER, ... " Sherif of St. Latorence Ceimty. STATE OF NEW'TORK, j Seerttarji'* Qficc, { AMAKT,Augnstl5,1850. • Tirtke Sheriff of OeOnuitm of,St, Zatfrencc. ^tflir: Notice is hereby given "that at the'Gcnerar Elec- ; tio«;tobeheld in this State'on tWTuesday succeeding *ine first Monday of November next, the following officers ^a.%Beelee«Bdi'to'.y»ifr: ' •"•«"•.•• '' " —;••' "j^AGovernorfn-pla(i*'Of Hamilton Fish: ^AJJeutehant Governor in place o< George W. Patter- ; Bi Alien . cfcona.'fcsATcanalComnd4ioner (n place'of llaeoi) Hinds-, i $ "' »e,publH; hafeijae -,«A> Inspector of Stale Picons 4n place of David Dv : ^ J H R S l S ' l g ^ i ' i f ^ p i e ' r k of. ^be.Court,pf Appeals' In' place of Charles^: /»:d«3Cepresenfative In the ,32d Congress.ol) the. United. ? S»tes, for .the^ighteenth district la place of Preston, vi **™' ConntyOjfjcfrM>to&e ftcttiftr M*i4.,Q>unty';\..:, ',.. Three Members of Assembly. _ .,,j,i ,.tiA Superintendent of theiPoor in place of Josepbi .Barnes. .',^*..'!•-«•. •,••=.( .:« . -,•...,- -«'Ag)i«triet;Attorney in placeofiCharles G. Myers. . -: xAlso, a Superlntendertt o f t b e Poor in place of Jehlel 3te»en«V.wJ»o was eletted'at the fast election, but failed fo take theoath of officei«»»«!5 .-»,». . ••a ,*-,t.-, :t "'All of whose'terms.of.orace will expire, oa the last, d»y*f Decemberinextr; .'•.^.^'.•f 1? 3 - \ < t •.<,i'ff '»'*. atuThe electors thronghonf the 8Ute! are also to'.vol*for: DR. nTCH?S CELBBRATJED SIXXECTIIEES oit'TBs! y««v«HTtoit" 1 50rb c u i i ' dr.-, Con«is^ption/^MU^a; isl>c^ Hcnrt, Ac.,' and «n the jrnetbod of preswrTiuB, Hualtlt and Beauty - . to ah old aye. This Bookshould-bftiln every family.: To the Con'. snmptive.lt potntaouttheonlyrcusswS/irhope for relief. To mothers, the directions it gives for the care and edu- eationof Children.are invalhable. 78,00 copies of this fiook have passed-through' the press,, and the sale cbrf-' tinues unabated., » < - • • , For sale by &>SZJUWCIl*- CO., TOT Broadway, New- York; and.M; •.•,-.,- •"' , » « A . ORVIS,sole^geMfcr,Waddlngton. ^iST-Dr. Fitch's Guide Invalids, or Directions to persons using Dr. Fitch's Remedies, to be iad, < T<!Xf»,6f.alKhUA|enta^-' ' l.i 36-3ml . . : -•£ r-.'..--„-v- : , »-,-, a t>.',:««^ . .'W-iYf nt*3 •< A P I T A ^ I S T S wishlsurto Invest rnoswy . _ .-in!Bb'Mwr«!nce''iC^nty?i«»'.?l»"vltt^^ia^^^ IL«nd examine the property of the subscriber before purchasing |elsewherc. The short 'distance from'. thU' place to the Rail Jl6adf>!poton*iJieriver.Mndersiit one of the best locations In the county. The river posseuing thedrestadvonUgt*tr-*fing2thx§iati? itttrkl.time* •err In the short space of Ji of a, mile.. .The subscriber will selllaifd oh either•aMffityl&MWMQriitilWitft' poses, or (if desired) will selleither; or both his Grist and Saw Mills; which are neatlyaew.builfin^iriost substantial manner, large, and calculated for'doing a heavy business. A better property cannot be found In thU or Franklin county, or Mills .capaile of doing more, business than the above mentioned. 35 or 40 acres of ngotd (if not the besti.platUng ground in the-villaf« it l> oflered In connection with the Mills. , ,..,-,, , - ;i * Few chances like the presentjlbta res^t tar/atXimd a? paying jroswly, have been presented, in this county*n> The property is too-well know* in this and Franklin counties to need further iucriptiom or.anysiaJfa>. j, Also, for sale by the subscriber.' five or six improved Farms, with good buildings, within a short, dUlance of the village and the Railroad Depot. ,.. ; -.,,. :•'•--.„ ....-.- siu- E:-S. HULBURD.i i Brasher Falls, St Law. co., N. Y,, v May, J850. i .58-^y ^S^lS ^^-.„^§aii -,&.* > w ^.> .-V!ri,^lK^BA8Ir*SHARBORii» "«H -:- JT^ •"ifSg:.BKai.Jol4. ! B^SiS^M&'Sf**'** 1 *' .^..iiOT:^^^ J< -<"S..~ 'CAtrr.j'ftsF^p.tiBFEY,..- « rYiU-'rurf V^^feh^,^^^^^^, ^fbUojjs:, %iri . ..,.•'•« »aiWT;'5»K4«V4^«iarjtt>* " ! " " ! Leave Weitport, at'TH < «;ctock,-.A.M;i' •"*-• < fie*;i - i * " •."> intQK'o'- 4* clock,tAt : 5f:- f^cIoik^P^M, at3^o'- Leave Westport forVer- gennes,'atflyycllt;A.M; Leave 'Basin Harbor, at 8' o!cloekf A».M.« ' i t- -S-W-rfr.-,'. .. . ata jj;- o'clockjP.M." ' l 'iiivirviergchnes-.for.Westr' -' T#ftfqt l$£,o*.clk,* P. M, *?s , 'Srsft'r , ,I^SS5* ! i^hutJSi^i.hffiSfni^ nom <h^l§^^iju*mdlii.tne jcountry, ieepsat|all times a very exteBsiyeahd^^v^^^ leeujd assc^ent, of Brown Sheetingsrand^B /»ontherrj / r|Btton,Yant^§ajts,,^cJf, f .TmBe^js^^ . »ob«riber,,devotes-his whole time andjattentibn-to the' !purchs«,andi»ale>fthe above articles only.' and knows that by so doing ho is enabled to ofler to merchanU gen- ierally, such lnduceiriehts"iiS 'are rarely rait yiili. Mer- chants visiting; New York, and.the trade generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine the prices, &c, as-he is at all limes ready to exhibit his goods, and give any .information respecting the market, whether they ^-purchase or not. fS-IyJ- WM.'A.;-GUEST. * MACHINERY. £,uf ,,-sy " Hi - 9^ek*mmm4^^^t^^Uua^M^^w»miia^ "'•'• i'- -<aB3K*$&°*i£ f &"''-r£--~i7Z m J E / E L a j manmacture, to order, at short notice,. 'ff ifereatliies Sieafb Engines and Boilers, in Jf^TQIGS'.*Btitit.Eife§'.« I ; Westp\jr%Jf.Y^,April,J850:,:, ( ; . „-^Jferjm., CHAMPLAIN TRANSPORTATION ..i.-iii j'.?».-V;K.: ; '• .'i'lNEi-'-*;<"-> 4»t-."--.• , . i * - ' . Toj Sfer^an"t4;Lymberrn,ehi " 'arid' ptherslnteresfisd in 1 Sigi wf the GtWen Kcjr, - ' •• •««-• -j.--. .• ;: , a' ^"V&i 1 C BEAUCEES A S B l I , E X i Importer of E«//i.* am! Omasa Hardware, tUt*. CutteryySiw,, Onni, pitteit,^t*hv- ingTtekU, Saddle^-Harnei^X-CarrUgt IfardKtre.Bmrlr^'tnd SteiU—A'tetitio*- the sale of American Hardware, dealer in - P a i n t s , O l l a s V VaraUheiH- opposite.the St Lawrence Hotel, Ogdens- burgh; ;- .* .--.-*• ;».. ' ;,!•': j- :?- %t. The-subscriber-having, taken the store corner of Ford and Slate streeu, sign of the Golden Key;! far the purpose of transacting a general JHardwarelm-i porting and Commission business, wonldrespectfully in-; foim the public that bo has, and will continue to keep; on hand, a full and complete assortment of Foreign and. Domestic shelf and lieavy HARDWARE and CUTLE- RY, em^pjclng: eYery,yai^^rofJtl»V > trade."\0^>iu1a'i invite the attention of purcliasers to hjs stock and prF" ces. Having had along experienceWn the business, he? will be enabled to furnish every article In his line at thai lowest market prices. Ogdensburgh, May, 1850. I'ransportatiou to'. aridjfro.m , tfie ; Northern Counties to Jv x. , u,.-> .r-o.^^-^ "'NewiY4flc,"" J; '"."' *"""•-" "":'•' - ^ H E undersigned are prepared with ample ncconi- :'. mcaatrorisattfieirDocfe.^dlSrorefibuses at the terminus of the Chnmplalh Branch of-the Northern •(N.-Y.) Railroadi to*T6r\vard frefgHtto all intermediate; •pointsofJkndings;^Havlngfofmedia* * ' ' -•'-'••' LINE OE'LAKE AND CANAL BOATS, ' ' *. -xitkkika'Ki'cdraECTtoir#i-rrr "* '" - DAILY TOW BOATS ON THENORTH'KIVER, they propose to' transport at as Tow*" rates as Uriy other line on the Lnke,and'wlth equal'prompuiesi aad care. ' -.- '• ; "''- •,-•*- AainTs:-' * ( '"' '" "'" Li P. r GARDNER. No>' 17 Coeatfes Slip,New-Y6rV. SILLIMAN' *. GARDNER,WtS, 3B-lt^i£."'Trdy. • :.,- »• h..;: .,*».-.!. ^-SlC)ORB 5 ifa'OYL : E > ' ' AsWit»Xnd-ProprletoWbfthe ,; . •?, '.'-" r " * '• - Champlain TrtrispOHation Line.' fit'"" i JProdnt^s^ ,. , -{•} : W^-.^l%*iid' J I# , W^'t*r-Strcet, Make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to their care. .r, J.L.CONDIT,' '„,. •«: ..-• .-p. EnRTisNOBLE; -35-,tf -, •- g. D.MOODY. & CO., 19-tr Kit if** '• -; JH^^iiSr 5 *"' NORTHERN* CANADA EXPRESS. CHARLES ASHLEY.. i -''savao. - o N C O N S I C N M E N T ' ^ P a i e n f revolving Spout," . . WclUhdCi3temPCJW% an article superior to any. thing of {he kind in uie:" For s^le low as agent of the manufacturers,;by ;' , 'f. : >',« r •-u- CH^RJLEa ASHIiEY, Blga of the Golden Key. 1 \/JFarm; for .4%^,-. FW^HE subscriber offers for sale his Farm In, M. Lisbon, on the road leading from Ogdeas-' .bu^h to Columbia Village, nine miles from" Rail Road Depot at Ogdensburgli, and about two miles from Well's Sution.formerty owned by oldiMr. Aikln, one of the first settlers of Lisbon, containing 63>i acres of land, a dwelling house- nearly: newifof sufficient size for a large family, two barns, and crops enbughwearly to' more than fill them. Also, an excellent orchard, garden, currants, wells, cisterns,-Ac.,fcc,- Call and aee for your- self and yon cannot tail of being suited, i For terms, or other Information, reference may ibo had to G. N. Seymour, Esq., Ogdensburgh, on the subscriber on the premises. ' • • 36-3m -£/:>* . . ; •• LCKE DEAN. Atfy, '•emmrug- ' T having perfeclod Ihelr arrangements l and grinding PURB ROCK-SALT, for-Tablej and Dairy use,.are prepared to filmIslflhe trade with It In packages «J&*BMM#t*rW^ heretofore M £ | . . . ..„ _. ,_ accpiiut of tneTmpuiriilesitconta'fiis^ 'wlilpo longer'aj> ..u,. -™^,,_ t _ _. -everj. For ply to salt raannfwtumd at this eilabllshment.as i particle of it ls^|fe^Uy cleahseaSre' griSdin^. somplpsand terms apply at the o%ce, 100 Broad st. New.-Yortt?"^- ' " « <S ">"» ~>~ "' •BlTlXMOS.' ! '" N.. B. Unwashed Ground "Rocb Salt 'he description sold in thisuiarket, fnntishedito ordetat redBcedrates. August, 1850,' .-„-, , 36-a«o»;l Carpenter's & Joiner's Tools •***-' -" •• TOENCH'andHonldirf? J j Planei'.'Broadaies, Adz, Hand, panel, ripping, back Jc tebnipass Saws,firmerand' socket Chisels, steel and try- ing Sijuaro;' Plarie'-lrohs, Companies, Drawing Khlvei, Oil Stones, Augewand au- ; g«r.Bltts, Braces and Bltut, Hand* Axes, spirit Levels, chalk Linesand Spools,panel and common Gunges.kc, irjcluaingeyery description of other mechanics' tools, of various manufketurea and qnallUei; mrsale low by ? ' CHARIilp/ASHLET, '•' .:•:••.•,• '^i|h bf «He Golden Key. P CBE CIDER ^ r N E C T A K f - i k v e r y supe- rior article oft Cider Vinegar just -rscelredand- for sale by „,, u _ . ,H.S. : I|UMPHREy?*l:QOi, I . .% Druggists and Apothecaries.,.:.. Aug; 10,1850. '^ 36'."f ^i .'• a.:].-.,' a .•; ,-J T » ATCi:»tIflf.—Afew dozen-. Bottle* o&BayRum, "direct, front St, Thomas, for sale h •Ang. 10,1830. -«..Q,i -zci *>ij 1 nomas, tor sale .by , • « .1JL. S,flUMpHRfiY t Jp^.,. "' Druggists and" Apothecarjek HJ0use-B^il<ler8 , Hardware. ' B B A S S f a c e d mortise Locks i t Latches, Irqli " ' ' " do - do "ib 1 do "Villa" mortise do do "••Cottage" rim do , do "Knial" and"People's" do I do , "CarE°riteJ l 's" and Scotch spring do; •* i/'Daflr*Argilla':Knoris and Bell Pulls,' '' *'. Agnte and pearl white ,\.do do ; Best electro.and close; plated'do.' Bell-Trimmings, in aetTcornplete';' Clark's-patentTariff Butts; patent wln- -dowiswrlngs'ajid sash Fasteners; Thumb Latches, ward- robe.Uookjt^crewSj'tc.i together with every article ne- , cessary In building, 4cc. k forsal.e low b' ^di.na .*? ;•' Aug. 13;<liH} si' »J oar f i&.•» »1 Ufatl kuatoag-a,^ t n. (}t&riage# Harness makers' *ns WBT*-'*** J. C, SPRAGUE, ».tMji, ^..d Js4al«r 1st B»ok» and'Sttftionerr. . rUf.'i 3 ••' ONE COOK BrLow,!^,*'.:o«wTitc^ro»D"sT''{»'la»«iti|2 .-*' BO**t'l :Si.,flPWM& w .; v ;SM>.n.;ii>i: -su^v. v«i! "Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of School; Library^w^J^edical, rjbWc^.ilassJsyvn^Jiiscel-. ... ... i laneous Bodies.. 1TEW, BOOKSn JUST ilRECEEVfExsV f M l H E . AugustNo.Harper's.MagaxIne,! i|<u.-»-.-.t JL ^«rf,' H3 *:V5-I»t««itftto«siJ4i«e»l|asvyi- •> •• 1$ Vol *lW!. C % Jr'W>»2k 0 .w,, U-a. .'I-!.... Slaves SLEBI , -ngrand.by^i^TKe^ifdal... . _,. Stn.bb's*Calender',''8FTatar Bo^ts^BrTriaekeray. an,- thoit of Vanity Fair, ,J " ** * For sale at i tiW W aSi aih&tM&RVgSgi S U B S C R I P T I O N S received for Ilarper'sKagaV iine,«ndSlringerJt.Townsend'sintecnatioaal Mis- cellany, at:..:,- i, v .<*.».,«,. l».o,1..J 4 . J CjoBERAGUE'«iu.re ithe •hUu-- 'iit entitled a* act EetmMilkmr.'Kri* Seh—l* thrngl **> "i^" 1 ''«f 3* til* "5A|J f&SxS: ' " n6stL. tAcRfc.ia. =?! „_ xmt»S*lu*l«A^Mvv«AJbiliV*f^^«l»s!«f«t^ , t^ .*-. .a|agfiMt!UN3Nsss«J<tIl.s^ImMtai,^ ^present them, giving if»y and date foreaehiiem.-.i,;-,-,.,!;, 3 The several Field Officers of sald.ReaimenU are here- ' f ? t Bw%di'r'GcttjF&Mmm.ndinr. % w|LinAiiBi : g^JP^gg< .IP icnang*,-"lceiftW»llas Hiek- Mbswlayohe ja^Sd^dX.-QeJohfj; 'fwg«f«eei|rittj FOR; 8AsLE-..:AOP. x.SFBAKCE'Sy--^ - - •M" «ONGFto'EOW , SJCdrrlplete-.Po«tlesi|!Works, 3 vols. 1 JLi\Trav«ls ; -in Mianesota, the New. England of that ,", »Vf#t. .«<! .a .*.*;.s w' .j.ux . ,.j,i4,^.>. . '.'a '.-.^, ;•& .-, , PoeU of America. , ' 1 Sights Hi-iEe ^Tdliegldn 1 .- ^'« , « 1 •"-'•' • ^uu-t Living^tr«toftS>fEntlaBa>« ^- - *• ••• "*.-• do pdolivrKOf^niitlca^n a-*^i>- »j - - t>.-l ':• Evenings at Wood Lawn;by..Mrs. Elletl .... ,,.._.-. , ... ' Deck and Port by,Coltan. _ ' ' • >Ti>e Puritanafid hif DaUghVer. by J. K. Paulding.. , jX^.kw«rit^if«1srdi^iS%fs>&? '•'''- ' ' n »™ "'••+- .i Notes frentosin-ithaSasv;^ ?•»: •)•.' ~JO. ..--i. .i> -' *"r.>Kn: I Observations In the East ,-, Sketches and- Rambles, ,by Hcadley,^,, .. , , H»-awrrt-MtmBjia^iiy ;" .,h ',dd,.. : ,„ „ i. , i; . Scenes ftn^Chiuayeri.if tt ,, i( dq.,; .• !.3S-»f,u.f * t. ;.f«jtt;.'^ ^•.ttfc..m'l.jB«'.ff^*T v.Ax;*>l. .'wnitO-D ^^^^M#^^^gW^. «aE^«ON_tAW^s'»sr"t»50-fd Mar Iron and Steel. .yJWjr3re'«ul)$cxlh*r^is now Receiving »nd^ I M will.conlinne tokeeponhandafuU, assortment of Foreign k. Domestic Bar :iro.a t ass«. Steel, which he offers, for sale at the lowest rates. •,, Sr8i#edU^t«^ w nara<Iroi},, ... \ , English round, flat and square Jro n . , American.round,'fUt:"and square do. -' .Norway and old Sable flat- do. V Noiwayjxad old Saaleaall and spike Rods, ; -: • •- .Norway and old Sable, lieid, Dash and Nut Iron, English and American Hoop/Band and Scroll iron, "JSanderson, Brothers Jc-Co's" Cast Steel, all sixes, Hapenclever and English German ; do (L) English, Swedes add American blistered do. Warranted spring and round Machinery» do. Burden's patent Horse.SHoes. - Ljjfldon refined BpraxJserewPlates.Files, Rasps, smith's Bellows.Vlces, tcv.icc.-? CHARLES ASHLEY, . .-'• ' Sign of the Golden Kay.' MS'ft "H : t- >j^eHj ASHLEY. , ,,jt^Tij^jt*«^jiMg>i-Jss«t.Bn>| n «, t c»Wag?Bro4dcl0thVbrsW>and iwirtw te^fein ^G!Qth/pa«ent'-I*affier< coach Varnish, Axles, brass and Opiated Bands, Hahdlesi- Dashes, Top-- BoVj-sfiyorrfindNuts, Lamps, Damask,'Plush; «ai/««Wj Tronof all kinds, silver, plated, brass,:covered, tinned aad Japaned narness Trimmlngli; of different qualities and patterns, for sale by - ' CHARLES ASHLEY, •Sign of the Golden Key. ' -^OJsi.Xja'^AXNTE;'- WjtSXgXZkt "•CO.w.,. TKJ-OTICE.—Mr. CHARLES ASHLEY has been i^l appointed agentof the' above Company for the county of St Lawreacejiand wlll'Sllanyorders sent to ' hlm.'gt the prices' of the CompanyinSi. •>; -:«..it'.. • < tew->!i ..... .. .„... . 'HIRAafcGs.-WmTEJ -Agent for the sute of New-York. mm; i ^'fte*..p-:-^J ! a.W-iassortm'r -"»i6f'B : a'irib 0<> > i-tCalinttes'ioui- ted aiid walk- ing cane Fish ,v*i3*J;*=c- Poles.Klrbyfc *'•=' ^""-'-FIshT j, --* ... V4 ; il<ltnerfck 'Hocis.TroutFriM.llMntgw^ brass Reels, cork Flosits. Sinkers,- pole Rings; Swivels, paten,! spring Fish Hooks, Drinking Cups, «cc„ fcci'fot iafeiy •. -<i. ; CHARLES,ASBLEY, , T, .. '" ' ' ', .<-.:.';»'. v.- iuS^'WV^^a^U^tgf.: s t^.c-*i K E G f t cnt Nails and Spike for sale inlarge or small quantities, at low prices, b; ,--. . •:.. .CHARLES AS' ULEs cross-cut and «m$iM$m^ (JDUJLTE) #f« --^ps, Hand-saws,, [e^iYorsj.pciees.,' *™ TnrtlSSEIilj & CO. stillcbntlrinetheExpresSbn - MM/ siness,.in connection- with WELI-S-fciGO^ at Rome and Htien,forthe TRANSPORTATION of-BANK NOTES and SPECIE; also PACK AGES and FREIGHT^ of all kimls, to all parts of the United-Statesr-lnrough the different lines of- Express ; -and' -to' Europe through-' HAMDEN fcCO.» alsoto theCitnadas. •*• -' •'' -AGENTS': "- ! t * F.KITTLE, Utica,, . • , J.BjBOlSJCrdswego/' '"'" : M: L. Kenydh, Rome. WM. WARE, Kingston. W;GENNETT; Wafert'h. J. McMULLEN, Brockvillel L. COOK, Sackets Harbor/ TUT. MYERSrMontreal, S.F.BENJAMrN,Clayton. ...n. .. . GrA^eHABllAN^Morristown. .u#-. •'• > * I .,.- .i J?RrNCIEALOFElCE,.Ogdensburgh. * - ••••* .-MI it -my-'} V->-- . - '•' Produce CpmmisBiQp. Merchants, i T P i t i R i . STOfiT.Xbelow Broad,) | NEW-TPOBK. No. THOS.E. BROWN, -HENR.Y J. BROWN, S3T" Liberal advances made upon property consigned •- - - Enquire of W. C. BKOWK, Esq., Og- to themfor sale densburfh. -- , - 43-tf &&%dW3B!im$4p& CO., flllil ; 7.'-'.'*v, '' " A .ND L^ Commission Merchants, 58 PEAHL STREET, ; •Mvao-y NEW-YOHIi;. dif= , r ., •j.-the most substantial •manner, combininjgali.the modern im- proyements, at as low' prices and on nsfliberal terms as •any- other; esublishmenf in the country.' The Engines 'Constructed at our establishment have proved as success- ful! as any in operationi and-are J guarantied to work OTIEfJ".' -^-^ l ^ ^ " S ^ S t p r e d at our works, ih"tie greatest perfection. 'SSSS. n ?°* 0 f'W ewaepj MillWhts,-and others, «»3rW^;^^ n?,u P** s " dIn P omt pf value and ntility, J™ f r«n which many-of (he CeleiriUed Onega AEIU, hlsfnS? U w^iF^'l*: «- iaifcrtanflirajicit of onr bnsUtesSj in, wldeh, ajsjtoeyerysojner dewirtment.we., can accommodate the puBScro^rfetionV^^ 7 n A W 'TBottie ; ^piiarNER'T, J '- *** ^ B « i . n .?',^? 0, °P ,at «iiiaue on an inarmed" with i _ economical plan, whicj j has,pro.yeijyery^ucces«6ir JMANl^ACTtWEitS,-'' Alto, of d i l f e r e n t k i n d s of Hydraulic Engines? Engine*'for \Pliming' Tron], Stave Machines,, Shingle Machines, iron\ Capstans, Winches Water Wheels, Water Pipes, Ploughs, Stoves and. Ma- chinery generally. ' I • -J. Our works are supplied with superior Planing Engines, for planing Iron,,and Cutting Engines, foi cutting Gears, either Spur, Bevel or Spiral. The favorable location of Oswego, and its convenien- ces for shipping in different directions, makes it a desira- ble place for purchase. ' -t i' Letters addressed to the subscribers will be promptly responded to. TALLCOT & CANFIELD. Oswego, .New-York. 37-6nf FOR SALE. A Sa^sLENniB PATIST-ACSIOH," rich, fnll.bril-.' . liant; toned P I A N O FORTE, in a highly finished ROSEWOOD CASE, and made expressly, to or- ; der by Lemuel Gilbert, Boston. Apy person wishing «vX fine instrument of the kind, will do well to. call and exJ"% amine this one. Terms reasonable STor cash or approved ~" Paper. J. H. GtTEST. Aug. 13 ....... ...-• ..j- . ,. . 36itf . r BOSTON. •-i: f . t ;;"h - .1 t.'i; Pt'.-^u, hm ^..,- '-*•-*' ••'.-:. «USSELL k CO.'S 0GDEN8BUKGH, CHAM- ',.. PBi'MT* 'MOiWK^'EXPRESS. " ','•'. Oh or before the completion of the Northern "Rail Road from Ijike Champlain, to Ogdensburgh, the above named firm Will-run jt^SEMl-WEEKLY EXPRESS from Og- derisbnrgh.to ;Champlain and Montreal, in connection with all the Eastern Expresses from Boston, New York? Albany.Troy.and.Whitehall.,,!,,. «.;; ,. v * IST^ Agents along the line will beappointed indue Ime*. i "". ' . n ' : 31-Cin NORTHERN BAIL ROAD. O N i n d after MONbAY, JUJJE 3 , 1 8 5 0 , the Cars will run between Lake Champlain and Chateaugay dally. (Sundays excepted) as follows: Leaves ROUSES'/POINT^t ........ 33* A.M. ;" CHATEAPG'AY* at..:...'..'. G% P. M. ' * Passengers whp i leave.Rouses*Point.in the morning, will-'reach* Ogdensburgh Uie aathe dayj.by taking,the' stage at Cbateaugay ( bh' thd aiTrftat'df theX!ar8 at that "place., lV ' '" ' • ' - ' - . '"•' ''. ' !S.tages leave Ogdensburgh In the morning in season to' r cbniae;ct with thb evening train" at Chtiteftugay for Rouses' Point' On the. arrival of the cars at Rouses' Point passengers can go immediately on board the boats which run north and south on Lake Champlain. CHARLES L: SCHLATTER, ' May 28, .1850. '26'tf. ."'Chief Engineer. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 41) Rail Road Block, Lincoln Street Forthe sale of' El«ur t Ratter, Cheese, Ashes, Wool, . i- . AND OTHER-PRODUCE. . C ? " Prompt attention will be given to all consign- ments, returns and correspondence. jdHN,S.~ KELLY, -•>• t ' -f • rf '.CHARLES, SPRING, \ . 1] References. J.M. Beebe, t Co.,. Boston. J, W ^Blodgett—..- , : do , Almy, Patterson He Co^ do Nevins feCOi,-, JVeac York. StephenH. Bennett,esq.,., ......... , ...^Brighton, . James Averell, esq., President Ogdensburgh Bank. TE..B: AllenfcSons, Ogdensburgh. O. V- B'raihard, Cashier JefT. Co" Bank. ,23-6m / '•' ROSSIE I jPouridry and Macliine Shop. Rossie, Sit. Lawrence County, N. IT; THE above establishment is prepared to .execute all orders for CASTINGS AND MA- CHINERY, made from the best Charcoal Pig iron, at current prices, for cash or credit, and from the weJl,lcno,w ) n character of the Ros<ie Iron, particularly veepmmends itself for every description of Rail Road and other Castings requiring strength, as also from.the tacllfty with, which deliveries can be effected at any Port on the.. Lakes or River St Lawrence during navi- gation. ' Prompt attention will be paid to orders or enquiries, addressed to* , G. R. WILSON, Buffalo, J. ROSSEEL, Ogdensburgh, " D. W. BALDWIN, Rossie. , ARTICLES MANUFACTURED.^ Car VFheelaf^Rail Road "XJhairs, Frogs, "Switches, Bridge Castings, etc. . Shafts, Cylinder!!, and every description of Machinery, finished or u» the rough. Reservoirs, Tanks, Pipe of all sizes, Plates, Frames, Til bus, Railings, Kettles, etc.. Under a Guarantee, where required, to-stand any'test ngreed upon. Patterns supplied at moderate charge. - Jannary, ISSO; — i\ • 7-tf IBB- OTLEJSBID^STEAMEHS 1faRTHl»W3BB, Gapt.R. F. CHILD, MMW •«**TJE, -3 « ' J. VAN CLEVE, ONTARIO, _; ' . « "H. N. THROOE, pA.TA3ELA.CUei « R. B. CHAPMAN, Will leave this port for Lewlston, daily, at,7 o'clock '.:. ijB t l t e E v e n i n g , Saturdays excepted. TRC hiw rrppta CABIN STUAKKRS Britisn Empire & British Queen Running in connection with the above named boats, will leave Ogdensburgh for Montreal dolly at 5 o'clock in the morning, (Mondays excepted) touching atLoulsviUe and other intermediate ports. ' ^^derubmgh, July;X, 1850. ; . ' • ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, Otrdensbnrsrh, N* "IP* T ' TAICOTT A WH4R^)N, Proprietors. ' •>'• -: "3 r*"-. (-3." - i"v f'r- J" ;- -' . . . ' .^ 'd . T H E undersit^ed. having assumeilthelcharge' of. the svbove house wouldannounce to the public that, they are prepared to receive and accommodate guests in 1 the most comfortable, and, acceptable manner, .This. Houseis too welj known "to need any special commenda-. . tioiis ;ibn't the proprietors may be "permitted to suy, that ^fheu"whole time and attention will be seduously devo- 'ited tothe wants of its visitors. - -Large additions have been made to the furniture .of the hpuse, and with their long experience at 'th*e business, and their determination •to procure the best supplies to be' had In the market it is believed the St. Lawrence. Hotel "under their charge: will be found every thing lobe desired i .. •..'.•'• -' The different departments Of the House-will be under the careful supervision of;competent persons, and special attention will be paid tothe good management of the whole; ; .';<;..!• -, ; -- ;i„i,; .•: ^ .• -u-w •,. -.- .,. The jStasreOfficea - r )are kept at trie St.'Lawrence Hotel. : -Stage Passengers eithergolng or arriving, will find this house the mostcon- ^id .comtortnMe'to ; i»''-fd!jjid.' ' ijrementanu , i«i KJft'Carefal and attentive servants employed.' !l i. * ' CarrlttsresWi .«..!- -: • . Kept constantly at hand, to convey'passi'ngers and bagf gage to and from the boatsijfree of dhairge.} ri : ''' ^<#.'TAX(Mnrr;V:V'.-.-A"fc^.«H. 1 tt%HAl*TON. ' ^•.Jdne..4,1850.;?y" -~' : •"'-''• i'" ' •SW.ff' ; ' ; ' ' !UHEjfJPER;i * H * H ' E V E R t - J n s t recol^ Brbjljic iSS«r IjAngola, aad Wool Halt. ,T»wpico, ! Mexict jr»^SW*»:aad;St^*r^t»£^^ . :»»wula'teatatyl»si!bi5!tha i 4oaf*ii»tj!s«:g«^^ forcafir,^^ K t ^ *JCfWyJB*'« ifrOmBWGj$ l TPlUE-.ts>b 'Ot#^.!^h>\>Uy^il^ r . f rfe| ; r- l a.t'. •'•u^U'l ,;.;,..w""-''' .-i-->-lj. J '•" lotofiCapa' ,ihflap >t ^Bopfcffo ; -hU old stand'' iJFoidsatreet—-May^lSSO. «, .. . m ! Wjit"Jwci»'"<n ''**" w lsli»SPW»^- ire w«'s»T-'S*» ,.•>'-' ertaker;: \tfoSl-M or ca'iiBpsn j>0*!Pq pA ^tirtSPIUIOUtBISs'e. lL^'--iil4i Ttj i in ' lr ^tsp-' 11t -1"" M r '~ :V -"'- Z^anding. ICiPKER^rPros*'WoHr»for»«leatiM/.'.rtiIM. 1 -TO tiS & 1. javiso'iiii tsLi MStSRSalflirapSti'.. ,' .l)-,il«l"V* i >" 1 -- ~- 'B''" 1 -'*< •-" liJ-J ' ' WMaJB^JilU^A.vJw^fadje^p^M-aott. i».cnti9f s rsoT}tj?apj(ii swd«Vl|»iiuid. »vlado»r.cni> '*'"L, .-'tJu-ortiaabaiJtui i>K ti** 8 /^^* 1 .'""'' r^^T: ,(age Lots, including many Lou beautlrult: ^ooki^ia»^uLawiW<»s»d-'Os' ' -«."-- -Fa«hlo»»We-; ll«t;»»«is*i- m, SEELT & FREEMAN, @x £USB Manntactiiriiis' Jewelers, SujJL FORD STREET OGDENSBURGH, H A VE,just received a good assdrtment of'Watches Jewelry, and-Silver Spoons. Alsoi'a fine lot of UritanHia Castors, Buffalo Horn Combs, Teeth and Hair ^Brushes, Fiolins, Aceordeons, Walking Canes, tec, together with some .of the BEST Cutlery noujinuse,an article that is^^AKTLAJSTKD. They .Will also. MANUFACTURE FINE JEWELRY, "~ - ~.- o d d s. '. attention, land war- ranted, " aVtkful.ljj'j kinds.,! J Jkvoj«.-«lMi3r hope •syitrstrlctTaten'; in^c^blisiness'tb merit a continuance; of the same. ' J*. B.—Cash patd.for old Gold and SUver. , June 3d, 1850. '" e ~ ' ^ H. R. BARE,, and. " 24-tf U r a l _ „Jst ' a n d . Apothecary: C4IGN of the BLUE MORTAR, Ford street Ogdens- j>3| burgh, oflefs at the lowest prices for cash, a great as- sornonbnt of genuine Drugs, Medicines, ChendcjijjttPertahery,' DytvStufls, .„ ' Paints, Colors',". **. Linseed Oil, Varnish, Japan,," Gold Leaf Bronze, ,j?aintBrus1ies,. ', Window Glass, Putty, Lamp &. Laid,Oil, . Camphene,,' ;' , * Lamp Wicks, \ , Bird Seed, Confectionary, Salad Oil, Hair, Tooth, Nail, and Shaving Brushes, Graefenberg Medicines, Townsends Sarsaparilla, Fahne»tock's Vermifuge, Moffat's Pills.& Bitters, Brandreth's Pills, Ayers CherryPectoral, Magnetic Ointment,, Dalley's Pain Extractor, Phaion's Hair Invigorator, Together with all the popularPatent Medicines of the day. . . .- l-tf EstablUhed In 1882. A. CHANEY j& 'CO.,! mi tMA.VI.NG enlarged their HARDWARE m^g.MM.. STORE, where, for tne last "eighteen <KyW years they have endeavored to accommodate ^gr their customers and the public— T o T t r i c e its former kHmenstons, and having greatly increase the quantity and variety of (heir Goods, would now invite the attention of their old. customers, and the community at large, to their greatly! improved store and enlarged stock df goods. Their stock may be enumerated under the general beads, of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, iron and Steel, Nails and Spikes, Anvils, Vices, Shovels and Spades; Chains, Saws, &c, Agricultural Implements, Wood and Willow Ware, !Cast and Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Ware. In connection with the above, at the O g d e n s b u r g h ; S t e a m Foundry, They manufacture all kinds of Iron, and Brass CAST- INGS, and execute -forging and finishing of Iron, in all its varieties required, viz: Machinery,'Engine, Car and Stove work. Please call and examine our store, stock and prices- Nos. 5 and 6 "Water Street. Ogdensburgh, 4th July, 1850. 32-ly I R O N . — A large stock, and great variety of sixes, of, Russia, Swedes, American, English and Norwegian Iron, in bars, rods, bands, hoops, angle, oval; sheet &c., for sale at the Water st. Hardwarefetore,by 33-ly A. : CHANEY k CO, <Oarpenters' and Joiners' Tools—Of sn- ^5T peripr quality. Saws, Chisels, Augers, Auger Bitts, Adze; Squares, Rules, Bevels, Hatchets, Axes, Saw setts, Spirit Levels and Plumbs, &c., Ice., m great vari- y, sold at the Water st. Hardware " July 4th, 1850. A- ety, sold at the Water st. Hardware Sure, by " CHANEY & CO, Ttjouse Builders' Materials.—Nails, JUL Spikes, Locks and "Latches, in great i JSlLvariety," very cheap. .Butts, and other Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Bell Pulls, Bells and Bell Fixtures, sic, sold by ' ; A CHANEYpfe CO. : ^.anes.—Bench' and Moulding Planes, *BoxwoodV -"" > Ebony and Common Plows,^Mortice, 1?anel anl— Common Gages, Rules, Plane and' Saw Handles,«ChaUc Line Heels, Chisel and Auger Handles, Bench.and band Screws, &c, Sic, sold at thb Water' street Hardware Store, by A> CHANEY & CO. A iiTicultnral Implements.—Plows, Rich's Patent Cast Iron Beam, and a variety of other good Plows, Straw Cutters, Cultivators, Seed sowers, Dirt scrapers. Horse Powers and Threshers, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, Horse .and Hand Rakesv Scythes and Snaths, Forks, Grindstone Cranks and Rol- lers, &c., sold by . A. CHANEY ;fc CO. ; **'.?*.-s;."isni?<p.-T *.- r.^^5^*f»i\ sw-wv TREiTlONX HOV»£i ,'-,;4j.;. Voter Street, ' , :^"-, :\P;fDiN'SB.UR.GH,-.N. Y. rnHE undersMe'd-respectfuliy announces that he has ^•...reropenedTOS- TBEISOSTHOTII. knder new auspices, and on a new blan.' ,K He has detciaiihed to banish from his bar all kinds or intoxicating liquors, ami to try the •experiment, so long needed; of keepip'g a ^". -' >•; \ ; t ; _ ;qCElxl|iPERANGE. AOVSiB. .athis Home is favorably located, Within a few rods of the Steamboat Landing -Mi is- comfortably and hand sonjely fitted up, and every attention will be paidtothe 'comfort arid convenience of the traveller.. A share of public pntronage is Solicited; !• , The Bams andShedsarelB firstrate order. ••-•• „. N.B. Baggage taken-itb and from the 'Boats free of "cliargaf! /'«-..' ,fx'ti'.ur. . '. . -.-• k' -r^%-v--". . . ; ',"' "Gwd Parlors, and Bed Rooms atU ched, for the accbrri- 'BK^flcflidr"Jfiurihlesi< * « f JOHN -B: HAGGETT. ,., 'Ogdensburs*i.Mavl; : 1849.'' ?.i.-.;;d.-f ., .ts.,, -;. a* ' A Tract of Land for Sale, ; IN ST. LAWRE&JCE CpUNTY, NEVV-YORK. T H E subscriber offers for sale, a Tract of about Nine Thousand Acres of Land, situated in the south-west part of the township of Sarahsburg, St. Law-, rerice County, New-York, being Sections, or Great Lots Nos. 9, 10, 13; 14 and 15. Township 9, Great Tract Three, Macomb's Purchase, excepting such parts as have been sold to settlers, being about 1800 acres. It is near the villages of Edwards and South Edwards, and . the road from South Edwards to the town of Fide runs about five miles through it. Tteire, are on the tract large quantities of valuable' White'and Black AshYBlack Cherry,. Spruce, Hemlock„fcc,,.and considerable. Pine, and the Oswegatchie river w.hich. runs through the sotfth-west part affords very'extetislvtfwater power near the road, and the village of South'Edwards. ' " 'V The business.of Tanning, *nd Lumbering, could be' • carried on here to great advantage, j TMp,ropej£y ja.dis- lant from the BlackTtttor Canal, at Carthage, about 30 miles, by a good road. Title indisputable. For farther information, astoprice, &c, application can be made to the eubscriber, or to jRoLnrx C, JACKSOM, Es»., of RusselUSC Law. CorrDated Cherry Valley, OtsegodCounty.N.Y., June 9,-1850.! - °* 33-«m ' . \ . OLIVER A. MOHgE. FARM FOR S i l X E . '•'.; '" ' T H E Faim now occupied by Mr. Tra S. Bar-. lliil her, two and: a half miles north of the village, of LCanton. The Fanns jjoatains -304.acres,of land, mostly under a good state of cultivation. There is a good frame House,'Cheese House, and two Barns on the place. ' j There will also be sold with the place,, if desired, the Cows, Oxen, Young Slock, Farm Topis, and Dairy Uten- sils. ] Terms easy, to a good purchaser. -Enquire afthe Land Office, MorleyiVf \f. H. HARISOIJ. : Morley, St. Law. Co., N. Y-, Ang: 15,1850. ' "37-Sm P EANK ROAR NOTICE.—An assessment, ot twenty, fiite per cent, or $12f5D on each stare of the capital stock of the Henvelton and Dekalb Plank Road Company, has been laid by ifhe Directors of said Company, payable to the Treasurer at the office of the Company, in Henvelton, on the 3f)tii day of. September next. 374tv LEWIS SAMBHRN, Treasurer; tlisbn'i History, Plutarch, fcc^ W»«sizeih-Kbinding, 3sand' VLWB W^overlobki^iis«^Ul*WT«*<»ss«d-'Oswe«atcWiVlv- *Wveral o*ln^£^^"n£rtan'tiara^ ;h«u«e< s«Wyj»wj oi;Uis«,%ort^«ith; to 'MirP : !«»*l^l»»«'W!donM»l>Sfi'aj' K53-WB5& asteiBI <-: .; jAfe,.ssrvat»I'.WjsarfjL»tsJ-.-«lsilSyfcs*«»s^ k**or. -IT^e»»illbetaa,ijad Utta.ns^a^tlosisii^i »<il -A , J ,^iira <1 fHeJ..Ji,e.rjao»«s»t,-^a^ iJ»%&' -<^ *>»&"( ,wsW-AwuBfpia^oiHrifK5 ripm ithall size, like •M , i4sto5s.— . „. Duodecimos, FALL iSEED WHEAT. T HE subscribe has for sale from 100 to COO bushels s of SOLES ,lfja£^r,.called[ia Englandthe "gpi- denvDrop." which is the very choitest article for seed or .. family use to be found. j Samples of this Wheat can be seen at the store of G. •N. Seymour & Sons; at Ja». G. Averell's,- at the Grist Mill,and at the officer? lieSt.Jj,awreaceiRep.u)|Ucan. SPrice $1,50 per bushel. Apply at either of the aboye„ places., """ '"" ' M A N E. TAELMAN.^ a "Ogdensburgh, August20,.I850i |? * : >32^w. ^ r t r O U E O ' notify, their ifriends- and enstomersi > and WM, .;• ciUiens generally; that they ; have received their spring supply of -•>«•,-.•<:;-.' : ~: v. ^ "' '""'"' -1- ,„-.- —,-, .»«,- 5 5 W »™:-,rT r =.#,«.U»!C n w turoaUykept by Mm?}BmMm ^Kf^rJmm: »«vet hronghyto -a Friendfecall^ind ex^»mine,pur..(f90<U, and see, for your-. fc lTe » w HM" 0 rfw^-WW?mri*<*l.»«»»'OMayand Jenny Jjlndjli^leji,,^,,, ,, W Krfg 8£-^t S - •,- .-•-"' •• H "?>•:-- .2J5* , H'^%«^I^>1 i^SSm^nW/LWSnWBM . t ^.,|wlll-il^f«|1^^^4^r^g|| itttttfj-f* :.;.« niton'/.^.KtWJMa^B^^pasi'''' 5»nne»i ,j£iz&- J.j'- t ORBAX-->msVm»BAIl«^?!'5-t3-i^ IH V,Ul«^bf?.Os|sV»«is**rifcy'"^ -M dtnost. •')JaeotM»s, f w>r>s aadTl . IMsfColUrs gr^fkTCIssM sOTkln4s Glovw aM Hoetacy v :-,fe^;ii,;". WlAV^-U - -' •itt*Jf^ft> «w».-oai'iJ3sgd , 's«s««T»«utjftf>»*iyt'a^rt''ig>fcd^ ' Bi««iJ»i^y*l«ta«rt«».pttfoJli»»sMa«t, t Lawrissc^. 11MItoiH* i* aawjy-lrMniU.Srtxty p«^aUat»tos4» ! sbr..twp'W»iiW.jJj*»V^?J^ I ' '. "idsVwi** *n ^»^ti*SSS^W</& f nAi-itifttH-tx irab-l^^B.-*.HHJ*!PRB«*R«sjtt' ,.I_J^. ,_,_—. » ...... - -- ^- im -^,f0^s ;BaUsnd-CM,*l^uUM ; aivlcl* m: .,i«^e^Bb # 0^^ m cjd& c «^^.t^B»s Tf^TT^- iL ,,.,,* „. t <<rj» .o ,%, ssmm^ge^Smi^^ [j— s^swmfla^~a IsjgaWi^ Wsety from ii&nMmgff&to&f ' f 7-a «™ : i a T » AW^lBOOPat.—A «siajwrssrt»tf —'——".»» of IjadlesT ..new^strJ^kytb* •;J H eUMT.^- rtvmr, - I "> *-» i " M x«r. t *'** l ^i »fMtAwWfm*M**i*\2'*fX lMin Thi •»<»»• ITa^^a^ia^J^iaVM**^*^«a# IS m^l^fm^SSlBAva^wi wjtaa M sflsflfflr BE8HEE* CORN-^Jusf^re ERN FEOCR ANB WHEAT orml« Apply;tb ;j,ii-joHH BOWSSELJ.*. '• T H E subscriber oners' for "sale his residence In.the'imias^'flf rj,kalrj,.%nulnln Hbnji«,Outhousesv -Bam, 'Blacksmith Shop, and two^elU;ofJwater,iMsteraylrj;^»S.{ plesuahtly situatiBd ^"ktlf«|BMIprisAllw.OsMs«iktn^^ ."»« •^'i'l" '..rAI«c^5fa«ii4fiPasj*rag«^Mesidri 'contajilngm«»tia«^0«.n^^^ J ^il«fiiBS'f ; SS5^a^*? , ?* ioB'tliipreiiilaesiorioXfeD^POMEROY;Ogdensbnrghl= } a J^S^MSW^M»WY^,ot^.^atinsbn^.jnteaisaiaax.'i.ujya;i ?>• - «--$«; »a **! tit WtetfiW CHANCE elosebuslaeas in th ,., , .»«at1rei»toctof5goo !flGS: >•£':••• ii-.'.'MSiy- : -n4':C" .ii^U- t S»^BtaaBrViHI*8^'_^i>"Jn* q <:-•- Pitt |MiE»ub>^berwiihingtoel(^:buslBe«sinthlsvplaee U.wou^lil jjie.to seU out his eatir* stock of goodsi.con-, 'rti i>'» „-ta3 ^^H-.-rjgj •Sim MtaUnhmeat has IjMn d<>la% biuiieu rbr ato« aix years,!a«dk well known all o»er the eonntry. ^ Itis^MirJsMtakeswtMiBftlWssHt^iMiatt^^ laOgdeHbnrfh »p^*. - vs su. " f ? •+ .s^ternH,sr^y-toTtlMsubscriber; -- •-•, J - • • **$!&,. WKJ 4 I i. st« * * tall A rUATtM,), ^ gOgdensbBrgh Jan, i8S8.jHa> i m J i JJakery, ; C4^r'¥f taOMllsV [ ->AnHy,at ttia^JmSaaslsiaisrstl ' ^ " JOSEPH. ROSflEl «iJi»%J5^ MORE NEW.600D8! i **"i{ }" «8 tiinntlA'w'.i ' - 5 t u ' j i £ c5" •>. 11 'J 0«].EN«CReH t,H tionery. mTial.n*.., T O I M ^R ARRsBRs-I Bais«E^*-^0»J«^ « f ,-hssjs ta (i*«,.w>Uco to th* ipliiBjn^'IWcesttlMMa itojearry aa tfcbtMlaaai o f staMtts^a* hlsjnt* atassd, «o- RRaSa^iasOiwSssH^J^^ __ . hssjs l« Hs^Mttle* to th* ipliiBjn^'IWcesttlMMa „. jurmtfcbtMlaaai«<Bakss#drt «*2fP*««aAta- •tsseev-! Sicfclty 11^wiUln>sv««ra<uMLi SO»A BISCUIT, A T ? THRLOWKrRAT K8 l^?rf^ on GENESEE T > H E subscribers have, this day received -' 600 b b l s . F l o u r , I 8 0 0 b b l s ; M e » « P o r k , •' 500 bfela. NeW S«lt, .. . 1,000 biifsb. Co ' " -500 ...... SOO^batri Dairr Salt, .„ . •Which! theyjyilJ sell^cteab^y.ft^Mtd;^^ LANETON ' Ogdaksbnigli, June I 8 . a &*> ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ New Books at Po ^&M?fi^ .PremtlvfiJof: . . Llfe;pf t James JK, Polk«*y^ jE.^t^-gfm^ ,_ D g««.Tt'SaikSetesqJ- SS do t.Ne%t3larrj»^a»WtanH-T do wJ^-do .I^B^tlvaMifJnBdSlty^byReffi.^ ^-. Webb t " do Old OakChestr _,_--,-^.,..-__-,., , ... ., The TbjjTis£iftf sWoneOTianteinip^ ' Three Stmni.,J«Bn-lA -»A - •" V 'H' •'• do-' dtf- =de>£ J&inmmpie** E R < S Poismr-^Insr pabusbjsst.- «id.t«lit_ do ;.«do Wf Three Strong.afen-if- ••»•* r vv .t •,*»••'. . . „ The Virgin's Ks»-^tf:^Vv'm-«s)yA61os,^ "#§d 0 Business Man's, ; A»sistant—Thefmost useful hook lor K ''Mrchants.'Tarmejrs, engtaej^»6^ea*j^^ffci, 1 =ik%,feverprlntedi**. ™ O ^ R - « -ITO SS ^ «S * t 3 r A C E N T S WANTBO.'to-cinraxsNorlh- : ernN. |Y., for the ; Li,fe,of Jas,;K.iPolk.=t J.CGalhoun. ;•:•;;.: r i -Rfci«»»r-is«i|rffis t zri!._^ a Tr|T?lji' received a large sup *',i-*.very superior article. quahtit)>i«he lowest rates.' - June.aS, 18S0.iia»-3m -G.N. large saprtrfotBIpoa'a • S G I ^ E S ifawtctg. %r8a!6singly of DSLtha HOUSE To MJet. EYMOXTR:*.'SOHf&fM I "A i __ TO -EET^n-Divtemn Street, 3«»»^>W8'^^a' !!1.' Am-119.1850. '. "BS«ifeiSMSS* 18tf ,.AjKi4»,1850,. JliSiS .i^iwkeAfocBlackamlth'jinse.*!,: sfti^ ^ J -i^^S^J^ ''Mam"*"'- "- K, ""ffi.ejfo z^lv~-a&TLM&GBH&mSkitzs aanieriberla«i4Cretwdgta>^^4>H| witk 1B ^ita*W«^>adf^^aW>isr<aC»-^ > liortlwliberaiiriejaMsflar^osr^xjjw^Msa -s „_ to know whose turn-is aext«* a* is always V^ ^ He has 'fitted^hls f w 4 < f«t» *4pl><i»tsjs« s s^towsM&lo«l^ ^Lawrence Hotel, nnataan, ..JpH "ivtn^*^* s-O ,_ >mmmmM*mm* •^ '*'—3S8s Kit -sMjt" 1 ju«s«2^?' 9, WT^^^S^S^SSV- Is^stTlBstsfsssnVVK- mmvBxma A pM**T , B^BasMsasssaeg^aBs^pjs^^ii^s^^p^gajW^ i*m««asBB»Kt!-«P"* f ---" i-.s***?** **" IfU ^ %*JfJtf' tv 5 r? "*""•* ™**"®^**f**°T PnljfMHi

Transcript of J T FURNITURE WARE ROMMS, mm Hinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1850-09... · Marsh;—Oa...

Page 1: J T FURNITURE WARE ROMMS, mm Hinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1850-09... · Marsh;—Oa Siid&yj n mm i amed Po terj masonf' tjy trldeliin^'fiis'sblf aghif yeaiS"oia| belonging

-«Iv .--

nplain , nod i f » fleet taiion re tjje travel.

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\K .The ' e West, ry-barrel e West-iBeapen- . respect- f

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ipletion, nd theirs d tra$elv. a gerif-

nstrgct-" purpose, system, pAndSas-it.

SweeUers>otiiEKerJI«tt tlia Htrnse; -**m>. was doing i» 4 j r i e ^ ^ ^ i ? m wnitheww*

about to d < ^ t * t i i K | ^ ^ | i g ^ h a t U« would a j m f e i t n » p l % « i p ^ ^ ^ g p ^ ^ « s -mine. I t . * a r ^ e p j ^ i & a ^ r ^ l ^ n i > e r ^

whom I ' t a M M i S i P ^ - ^ insult on. ttje|pj0:'o||ptyiy ~ p ^ | » , ^ o s s ,

wsDton, |n4 :fn |D^^^ ^ I P ^ S f l ^ * ^ * " zer had &6 m e ^ s | § | | b i f t ^ a ^ H P nave been warranted i n J ^ £ W f i ^ n g % i s '"&•,

« % . . * % ; •

TerriUri? «x»,*5a*»# i t e I*W *>&

| By Telegraph.,) „ WisntnaToit, Sept 4V[

SENATE—Jhe ; ^i$t^3S^jol l l was fur­ther debate!, but not «oi*|uifec|: upoft. Adj. to Monday. • . .' <

HOUSE-|-After ajgain' reeonsfdenng, the Texas Boundary bill wasj ordered, to be en­grossed—Ajres 108; Naysf 98.

Order being restored, the bill was passed r_y\yes 107J Nays 97 ; and thus, clinched and" ' its. title amjendef to include the territorial,

ffovernmentifor New Mexico, amid much e# citement and disorder, adj.f - **-'

what resembles the bid cami fever. In the lieighborhood where it preVnls, 38 Jhlil can sea have

the fast accounts.the mother and the only reJ m«n|ng c|n|d^r«re^tif3tp * tod to « i rwe . Tnephysicfans^are nearly u o m dowt with the extraordinary labor whit h has l>een itapo sed on them.—Oneida HepaU

. « • ! •

Marsh;—Oa Siid&yj n mm i amed Po terj masonf' tjy trldeliin^'fiis'sblf aghif yeaiS"oia| belonging to^T^psfiefd, while aoV-i gunning excursion^ came* to their d e a h s i n ' t h e follow­ing ho;rjibl[| "tjbanner.." I t V supposed .^liat they, during their excursion, ti iedsto cro ss the Ipswich'^arshes^the.jKtfeer y i t h h i* « n'^Pt on hjiaf. $ a # > . , b u i ^ a t ^ e " w 3J j^ijLaf,!tni CS^?. c i i n t r ' .4.1,n> ^ t h a v ^ m f n f h a *«4Y ti • aA'^fnft i : 1 ^ . - u r * a sunk the-father into the invd impossible forhini to extrTcatfe;4imSelfi'" Prbhi appearances, the son, after the {father wa^ thus fixed fasti*%tent Some distance'

BO'that 1; was


N i w Y O R K , Thursday* S e p t i5—"-P .M. '

IrrivaY of the Empire City witk $1,156,W0 la C«M. '

The Empire CMyta^d from Chagres this morning with g7o6,0p.0 in gold dust, and §400,000 in the hands of passengers, of whom she has 18&, Her dates from California are to the 1st oJ" August, but she brings no mail.

The steatier Panama arrived at Panama on the 21st nlti? bringing down the sum of $2,-300,000, and 2,40 passengers... .... t h ^ ,

The .chqi«5ra broke iO.tit.oa board the P^naf< ma, and 40 passengers feit; victims to i t A complete lis; of the i rnames?hasnotyet been ascertained; bat* amongst those- known was Capt. Robinson, of Buffalo.

At San Franciseo, on the" 14th August, flour was sold at advanced^price^' ".' ' V

Accounts ifrom the minestare generally-of a very cheering .character j .«nd^t&ere-iSj»^»l4j lv increase df gold as the Water recedes.'

Murphy piggings4^& company of seven men have taken out in one spot in this place,' in seven weeks, fciCOffo' in gold dust: ' *Fbis is their nett proceeds clear o f expenses'.

Another company of «ix; took o n t of the >> same {Aaee: last week; 42 lbs. of gold dust.—

They are working 54 feet below the surface; The Sacramento'people boast now and then

of a ten and twenty pound tump. A lueky digger at the head waters of the

Mereedesphas extracted a lamp weighing eighty-tbrpe pounds, nearly all pure gold.

At SanrAntoniOf Which was deserted last winter, five nien have been taking out eleven ounces daily.

The reports generally from the mining-re-gions are gobd, and t h e yield is greater than. at any previous s&ison. •' ,'""

San Fraitcis&o, July. .30.—The markets have opened, more .briskly yAt ia not. glutted.

• with any commodtty, and, most o f ffie pr.Qmi-' nent articles, liiaWan upward tendency, and-show mucvh firmness. h, This is; the case;t^ith lard; iold'er^^k^n^ad'vayce'otfTOe1 j>ri6e M' last week, At j i large sale a t auction, thefol- r

lowing prices- wererehlizea': Yell6w*corri,'&t per lb. , |n bags of 136 lbs . ; white corn, 8c, per lb. ; 37 bbls. new hams^ 38c per lb , ; 18 eases lard 2 t c . ; ' 209f bbls. e"xtriiiiess jjofk, $13.50 and '$Ut

The amount of treasure in coin and d u s t ;

further, j >fbb^i bly to ."gel asst?t4nce tp,ex|rj tiate h im: when

"healso.snnkinth,^^mi«;.raanherjjnlhe^t!eaclt« I erous Tiog:" Wni le ' t l fe f w§re' in fliis he tilesi •position the tide began,to rise andlthey were both droWned.' ]

Their deaths. wejre nbt snbw'h un|i l ' t l jey *were missed from home, wne J a-searcl was made,and theh* horse and waifc n found M^here they had left them. .Afurther- search,brnught to light the dead bodies of f i t i e r a n d ^ s n y i n the places where they, sank, fa ;o t he muA i vhicli' held them fast:while t h e w a W i overwhdmed them : Their feelings, ht the g radUal ad raHde of the water, from .which, i i'' «jas iippo: isible for ' them to flee> roust have t een!<terril le.-s—> Boston 'Traveller.

This.traC. has Jately been?.pnrenasedfrom-jtbe-heirs\o' the l a t e Jo1inr"Br1).wh'T)y Mr.' 7. R Lyon, o f '""'" county, Mr, Hoffister-df Uticja, and othe|rsi-ri Lowviffe 'JoirtidJ,

On Iteight.: in h a n d s e t paaseneers . . .

.$736,000 i toofiaa

^T.I^-'tM #M%Jf jre, Ust of Tieri sons of note says the Albany ••' Register, who. have deceased dnring the "first half prssent year embraees /many, distinguished n^une* We notice sdme of them' £^*

JoHi}Jp^.^a^ov^n, J'ranliiii'. Et. ,El nore, Sergeaoiit »Erentiss,i Daniel) I . King, Mat­thew L. Daviss Jacob %aysj Gen. Zashary ™ . V^8J*1< •£,-*™'hg> lib W'V' ' 'iJ-i T' '*•'"' Taylo^gr ig^^n |^ason , i ,QQ,n modbre. J ones, John NiMaffiC Adam 'Rami

jFulletj Emperor of China^ Sfr. © u k e o f CambridgejPresident

'. Jobn-JBrown's- Tract.fr

•Tjr^wm-iwi* 7T' In Henvelton, 29th i n s t . by Rex. .W. e..Suyex»Gi ;i

• - - - - - - • ^ > i > $ o r t ^ ! i S X I T H C R S , to M A K U J A . T H O R K T 6 S , J

D I E D .

In thisvUlngconrfiwM iBsViiEtpterSJfjijr^^srM of Jacksoa. Youn|. »fed20 yearj and ! } day*.

Slorriitown"(N.. J.). J«^'S please.doi y. In RnsseH, on'ine 5<h inst, Bosxiu POLMAN, l'oipaerly

"flpm Venncmt, in tlje 15th yeaj^of Jier »go. " "Atrres^fu: 'C'^bn tliFsth^nki, >Irs. Asslitiiir-1 R O B E R T S O * , Aife o f David KoVefttbn, aged 28 yet is.

At WSterTiile, dhloVon'fteijrth'aii?.. BoeER S i i o*jrr, of HenvetfonV S t . l s a w i e n c e . co.v»i«'iS - j l a t h e 71t t y e a r of his age. I' .• -( • -*" aC(h board uto bri«.£<rf«i,May!S5lIi,»« » , oCChiJI. ?el e leven aayvfroni Panama, a n i o n his way t o Call iirnla' Sr-ni R.*P6TSASCioFHopkinton,'St Lawrence ep., 8r,Y.' aged 33 y e a n . T h e deceased has (eft a .wife" a i A two'-little g i r t s , a » a b o a large c i r e l e o f r e l a l v e i . t o mo^rmhis' nntimely1 .deMa.nj. . . „ . •. , ! • ' . ] -


! * announce UJ'the ctt^tehs o f O g wi l l clvertwomiriienl SntertainriieB I N S T K U M E S T A L , a t



s.Ct>& • '/•

•A .1... fnfora

i • . -mmittee ^thiFln- ' in^ftsti appiic*-.5 oflice.— .

ittee; to fou will ^ts5*na*J * esh-liave-' --^ t i tnet* ..--£ .titntioa jnsljingi ( , x" recent


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iirusfra^ ;. usittjj t>Hf: Horning

6*esfri' r'"


i ,%P' Z Ss'setf*"'" '"'


jnacinf o- t t^« '-!


. g: ' *U56,O0O . The steamshipSewWean%arrived.at Pa­

nama on th£J23d of August,and was to leave for San Francisco on the 3d September, and will pr<3 I>J|y take up, the passengers intended for the^Panama,--.K-*-' *«<•• -> t •••> •-

We;^6 indebted to Mr. Q,, (j.JJirdseye, for. the foUojK«ig«painful particulars of the voy­age ofI*ner'P*j!iama;!|» whieKhe Was a passes ger. - , „H; . . .. ;«•,.,

" Thelsteamep Panama;left-San'Franeisc(),, August r ^ m ^ i ^ ^ B f l d r ^ d an<J twenty' passengers,^stopped, at- Monterey,- Matzalan, San Bias and AcapnTco;,,' At^capultfO;! t»ifc eases of cholera reported Remained there two days foi'eoal and water, passengers pjf ' mitted, to g< o'^ sTjiore. jLe'ftthe' evening; of the- 14th, arriving Panama the 21stj evening.' The fourth) day out onf jCase. of chojerii upi to the morning of the 22d twenty were buried from the ship—«very cas'e' iroVing fatal;;.,",1.0"! died in Panama.; ,'five.on the road from Paiia--ma to Graces; three at'Chagresiand ;one jbn;! hoard the st|feam^'Etijpi|e»C.i^ .before .satJipg,? the only ease on that-steamer. 'It'is estinta*" ted, by the 'suryfvingpasseng6r^°thatfcf|y ofc our number are dead.' We^havealstfonderi! stood that not one of ;the? passetigerS iittaclfe^, recover.ed.'*' , v -,„ .Z* "'••'.*.-. •-

' ' ' • ' ^ L '"'"' • • • ' ' • • ' • <

- r, -«- >;• ~" / '.-.',""t ":

Jemiy XtpttTg,.. ^0wr,—'Sih£', Bt^gCWtkr* (England). TjaneV sa | s :f£|p?fir ^; ; |hte^eS,; ting tomany wfonrieMers'to hear,-that*hist week JohnlinnVmarinerfof Stockholm;so» of Haas Lind, scfiqolnias'ter*Kiffli^jb(alttiei:l of Jenny L^rid, : |5 (e4 i^e|8s|* 'J | i i was married in the^Rerfster" ©ffiisfr ini -iM& town to Mjss< Mary Gee,: of • PillfWenlly.— Jqhn had ni)t seen iSs sister for many years, until he accidentalijsmffewtluhjr J tW other day at L^rp^pJ>oji:iei profeiaonal. v i i t f t i

' ' ' "• J T J D S O N K A t : ^ S a t t n r o l a y a n d lWonawy-EV< i n t n f f S , S e p t .

, _ i | M d ' , f g , ] < ; , , ' _ i ; ; " i ' " On which, occasion Jthey .'will UitroHnc 9 'a 'great variety of popnra^-SdsoVi Dtrtrra, Taiosr <*t a&krticg, ikc^S. Also several Overture* -aiid' GranV Ml .reJieir-t-jrtn»tte ehestra.|;„, f, . : -i . » . £ / ( , '. e-J P--<IA'• )• .'fit-'

Focal £cogg—Tw^Ij^csandjwolSjontjeroeji*,. • ,, t jp" The" Orchestral music of the Bljakeley faiaUyjiii.



•xt bill

el laBnrin, A n : t B e j * -


"X* &SS^S^^^"^&^,^'xy'^^^;'^1^"^^i!T-' "i


TI M E wkaeriber taf. fcf Ml»at hU Knrsery oa toe t 8t.L«wrw»ili (»wr l4MlU*fa>ov» OgJwUurgb,

>ux>o.?.et4ft«k. 10^HM>? . ( A » # l « l T i » « « » -ofjoodiUe,a»dll»a«e, healthy eondlon •„.

The talccikMH hajre Wen maJe with n ference to the best itandiMKorthera Apple*. M 4 at the same U s e to a, luceewttoa of ftnlt through the year. ^ ... ,,

nsxm.jro'--'jfTE'i «H?

80^KM> 8oe«l lag A y f l e Tree*,


™4&w--wmmm Mj^m^^wmhik

S A I . E .

THE uadenlgned w l t f r « i i l ( j t t ^ ^ M ^ a t t h e w i -deDeebftenlelB.Eood.iBthe.towaofHainnioiMi,

00 Monday, the.93<luay of September aext, at 3 o'clock; KM. of t»ui|S«ty, the4D&ai(iS:;H^uie;;8t?re and lBara,;: and about thretaeres of land, situated in the to.wn of Hilnrooriaf. beigflSe pfM^ynpw<^upl«d'by the»»«iji' O^B. » x % » M ' i o r i n W ^ l f ^ kyChijdes Stonedes ceased. $j$>' -^?j PiSrS'.-'iC-' '.i* , . ' . i ''Termsmade lt|own-.S®ii/a%y-oriamIe^|Wted'aani-

Jn%nd,,,Ai^.t.MSe?llil*-^.---'*>.:^<-^i4 i„'. >•'•*;,-

y„A38-Hw AMigaees of BanleUB. Rood. { ' ^ S T . i * - W » E 5 r , C . E < | 0 » 7 « T V .

TSSiti TE'ACBOEilS*' " IKTSTIi . . . ^ . . - J i B - H E ^ T h e ; second annual meeting of toe St. lawrence -Music Te|chers' Institute

.,_. will be held at Beethoven Hall, lit Potsdam, enm.-wenclng on'WedhesanyjJSept'.ISth. at 3 o'clock T/Mi— Tne Seisloh-wIUcontlnue'sli or eight days, during which time Lectures will W given By_-Messr»i A. N. Johnson,

« e o . W.Pratt of Boston.andWl W. Partridge,of Pdts-^'dam,,in the following branches as follows, Viz: .TEight o'cl«l?rffMmWny and Thorough Bass. Nine o'clock. Elementary Principles. Ten o'clock, Cultlvntlon-JoTthe Voice, Pronunciation, fce. Eleven o'clock, Chureh .Music. tTwo oMock;Glee:Singing;» Three o'clock, Ele* •nenwry Principles. . Font o'clock^Church Music. Seven o'clock, Chorus and Glee Singing.

'~''\n conneetloawlth.thesabove lectures, the class ,will receive a thorough drilling in the various departments relating, to-the "theory and practice of sacred and secular Music, accompanied Kith such remarks and criticisms as

' are'calculated ;tc(sconvey-. correct ideas of taste and the moat approved, style of musical performance. In short; the class will receive all the advantages enjoyed la any of the musical conventions in the cities of .Boston or

TheTiadie«;will-reeeive .very- excellent aid from two voting ladies, <one Sop. the other Alto,) both superior singers andmeinners of Mr. Johnson'* Choir, who will accompanyahim and remain with him during the class. There wilt be given two or three Concerts by the class

"dttrlnglU\»»saion?aiid.l»opk* necessary to be used, will Be furnlihed.free of charge. . , • . • .-TuitibnjrotiUia tenn,«t3ior,eMh gentleman, who, may

introduce with, him one or two ladies, for each lady, .not" accompanied by a gentleman, »1. For each gentle-«ntn forth* evenjlnrexercises only,$l. Tickets of ad-Msiidn can b*had of W. W..Partridge.

; , . J s i . J . H. CHANDLER, Pres ident A . H . LAMBHEABi Secretary. • 39-Sw


Becretajiae'. Bur*aq*f-

P a r t d ^ ^ ^ o ' c a l t t m t dS. -z. O « c o . w r ^ ; e h m % m @ € Oikdo5 e O| i | ) a^«s | ' .S&.S , 1 # ;!*a*»iiMH«-


^^^^^^^^^&S^&i h *?

•S f lP f l l

•'et at$>*. .»-^^v^. ' ' . : i^, , ' ;J j*Siwi '^;-


.;;;,'vS'sSsfc.-.'• •- \ •..

mm O r m d i D a t e v f tl T ^ A V I N t i neeived MM. structloa atBelleVne; ^dEtt'Inft>a»ry/rpe;s£i:"«i( . , . a 7_ services; a | S u i ! ^ ajid Phralesaa to t>* peb] SnsbHrg?a«rd"ylclnliy. O t e on s i t e a S .


iKO,0<K» lr«Wc<)l:wantedby-tne aus«r ib^ athis^ • J !storei»Ogde»sburgh, In exchange <<weash. woollen cloths and other-goods.;'- - . . . . « —

Ogdeasburgh, May 88,-1830.; "SAMUEL DCS.

' wtSrfe'

All competition. ~i?ZfyA «, - . . .^ .A ,»»* »* w -. »-.

K»epers of Hotels and those furnishing houses, will find t for their Interest to call and examine DBfore prir-chMlngelsewhere. i< ^« '-."•GEOKGE'BOYD."

OgdensbnrthtNv¥.(Auf.8,1850i.< - , 38, , . ._.. • , n . i / t VH.--» ! s - ? ; ) ' i " » y f - • ->' -• '

*;•'.:• •< '• C l i E V E I i A N D • ' • • ' . •

; Curled H^'ffliriMct^ TH E proprietors respectfnllyin'form the public :hat

-,« > ;«hey have fitted up the above'ostabUshment, with new and powerful ntachlnery.'stenm apparatus, t c , t c . , for the manufacture^pf .Cur>»d;Ualr-and Mattrasses, on the loostextenslve.aitd economical plan known. . ,

They.nre prepared to furol^h iSteamooats; Hotels, Up­holsterers, and.the trade with;curled hair and mattrasses on the most-liberui.teruu.» -,;, . | -1 ..

: .I' •' '••?.- ygaPPMi ^USSELLfc CO.

The subscriber, as, Agent for, theioove celebrated es­tablishment, keeps constantly on hand at hU.FuamTuni ROOMS on Ford street.a great variety of C u r l e d SXaalr OTattrautaoa, of diffisrentslxes and qualities, which are ojOTered at/actery rrices. .,r ._ I

Orders fbr.any particular f»«/i'tj or s i n which he may nothave on hand, will be attended to with promptness anddUpatch. - ,v . , GEORGE BQYD.

Ogdensburgh, N. V., Aug. 6,1850.. • 36

K 6 , 0 0 0 lbs'rVpoi wanuSJaJ,ihiMM^EMf^Q^-'.

jMay^ifoOj'',' tV ! • ::K 1



U N I O N , rlMsT ARTS.

I f 'JH.

T ? «

P E N N S Y I . V A N I A A R T ,j'o.|l T l ' l r lOHOTtOK OFTHK

i FREE GALLERY. K ' N o . 1 3 6 C h e s t n u t S t r e e t ,


'' Taosr-ICTOS, No. 2. Pennsylvania Art Union, established on the Plan of Bois' ' ' £ Art Union, of London, offers great inducements

to the lovers of "°« Paintings and Engrav-•rr lags to become subscribers. ,.

. .Be l iev ing that i t wi l l create a more general love for t h e F ine Arts, to distribute a large number o f beautiful Paint­ings atjsuoderate prices among subscribers, than the dls-r tributioo of a m o r e limited number of costlier works o f A r t and in order that a large number o f persons, may i iave an opportunity o f possessing beautiful Oil Paint-Vrigs and Snsmvings than would otherwise.beiadnced to

' snMcribe, w h e r e the chance is so small of obtaining very vajuable pictures, the Manager h i s adopted t h e following 0 1 ' , P L A N ; -. "

^ n b s c r l p t i o n p P i v c D o I . l a s . r a . 1st. There will be one hundred Rolls of Eegravibgs

(15 Prints in each Roll,) and one hundred' Prize Paint-; ings. (one prize picture for each Roll,) valued as follows. ""5 Landscapes, Marine and Historical Oil

Paintings, each, . - . . . . *100,00 W " " " " 75,00

39; " " " '• 50,00 :<igo " " " " *>,00 1 J t e , " . ' 1 " ' " " 30.00 '

"3d. Fifteen subscribers will constitute one list or rOW6, which will secure one Roll of (Fifteen) Enrrav-ings:of the Choristers, or the Hunter's Return, and one iOr the prizes, which will )Se forwarded immediately after the.llit.is received. "The'flrst five Clubs that' are for-

id, will bach be entitled to a Roll of Engravings; a prize valued i f One Hundred Dollars.' The'next

ij,«iach a Roll of Engravings, and a prize valued »t Seventy five Dollars. The next twenty each a Roll of Engravings, and a prize valued at-Fifly Dollars; and to

"•ob in the order of the dateofjforwarding their lists. ,8di The Agent will deliver the Engravings tosuhscri-'

ber«j (free of *xpense,)-when they may drawfor, or de-clde.auiong themselves who shall nave the prize Paiat-i h g . • : ' -' • ' . 1 ' - •"-'-"Thus for the srtm of Five Dollars, every subscriber Is

sure of receivings magnificent Engraving worth alone the: amount of his subscription, and one chance In fifteen of obtaining a valuable Oil Painting. ' The unprecedented success, and early disposition of

i-the first list'of prizes that were offered to the public, affords a gratifying and undeniable proof that a lively interest has been manifested for the encouragement of this.Art Union'wherever It is known, and that the Plan-eannotfail to become a favorite-one, witha large major­i ty of the Lovers of the Fine Aru. . .'--All eommuuications should be addressed to

. <" • a . H; DOTY, M&nigtr of Pennsylvania Jlrt Unin, •

• A: J - - ' Philadelphia. J . H. GUESTi Agent Ogdensbnrgh, N. Y.


-judges la New' Yjork^nd Boston, .not tcjbe'surpassi id-, the country.. The, Quartette aw of the Bo«top.,sehopi of Messrs. Slasonifc Weob,' and have bein) under their tut-

jsloa^Mtre'q'rftm'ibr ten yean, ; j y TrckETS'gS* 'deaiH.: Dooisl olpen at T('o'c oSL

' Cbncert*to»«omrnenca- at:?J4 'preciselir. Fof pariici liars' see programme. . - - » * - . . -t

Ogdensburgh, Sept 9,1850,


Iffll' work for his bread; a l t f i t f f i b l s & ' ^ f 3 ^ ^ ^

I N F O R M A T MAJOR, son of Geoi

,:2 J e n his fatheiSf "TOnSfc da 1 . ..employmenriri' the States; Bis pai "?5epolri, within the hist tlireejveel

XE, l l -« f ,J3HN, '%ey,"C.'VVJwh6'i ^il'laTiijtSjeelf to ha^vfie»da»?

t&at he had! been drowned at risWego'^6r"af Syricuie:.(Saia'John Major, It: living? Is '93 y«a» Or agS'1; iTmT^SWi'glri^tf'pgritl* dark h^irp pale .complexioo," and stoipa slightly when^ .wilking.»..i.u ^ , " - j i . T - 4 C S « S .Li, '•.. i - « , J 3 ^ Pibs^ersi-at Sswes»nn4iS)iratrij»«i,and,<vJcinte,

. vHH conTer ftvorby^noticing Ao-»b>ve,.aaVi,send) »i',a3»y, ^information touching the said:pers^,fto'thlsotriCii,'or*to

-=S33S| — , s •,. 'lilt £1 " " r " ,? Tf w g - ' - ~Z*

. ripAH,Os»-Shdp«rip6sll

a t a i f l U ^ t a k l ^ S anll?clu>iirY';proalr_L JChange tor JstaVworKJt'i '"• **«M--B-«6 »!«>}a uiatm ''•"tdf^ CimiBg (doae,.eheiiper:*«vhii /shop tsuui aiaayc

«Marble Row, Water street. *"!"" '-"l-n—•; rrfPT,ry,.

4r« • " fees :i.?t ;iawsfaaKwocww < &r.'.,&u:a\


T » R O N N E l | a . > ' ^ r K K A E 1 ^ara.now-MM Sing by the various steamers; si.-c isnplei

oo( ENGLISH,^KEN«B,*IMl,GE^i , sadaptid to t n ^ h S P o S e f whlch^th if oTBr ithe. uiiost^li^r^te lWt»ts?oTb*ii<«to' k'.'iion.lsftf

isaFrencti, English and German Broat cloths, .1


os. Shawls, Hdkfi, DfLaines, hamij

Klin leU, Prints offer him an annni'ty l |o cexerhJ>i>hirS l«>r h e l e ^ H u ^ n a ^ i ^ p ^ l i i f c O x x ^ ^ B l l t f W t - * ^ ™ ^ a"«s; Kumons, uioves, fccJitjc^^ L w >

the mi^mM^M^m^^^^^^^^^^mi^in !'^%*€^hMi TiaAttnd * e V l i o 1 $ ^ 3 h e T e » g o < ^ J r l , ^ 5 , ^W^

^o^ro»^l*hJ^slOTalin«r0Mwarj |-.:-".^'>'<'-K: «tetfaJK.:

was to recf«%r?» f W i * ^ v ^ ' e i i r i i l f e ^ ' , ? w f e i

>^voman of kceexiingljii^lM^er.•"" *Tliose* who h&v<^MmeV*K£!^fair i n g t h a t 8 h ^ # 8 » % g » ^ '""'*

relir^ ^ Aa<yvwinpwK»miswssss.jiauieii:j

iniS«eoKl,ft*et« 3 she w«s-,as*oeUted

girl m u r d e ^ i ^ ^ ^ adopt^Idaagttw,'«aJsd*w«>aee<^infIf tw«W ed with no]litt|e a%«t^»^A|i|dne«»<2-» Mrs! S e c o r 4 ^ ^ n ^ f J ^ ^ ^ « f f i ^ ^ S l i v # ^ :

whom, she wjahedvto t^nre, herhu»b«uad'* property, i<m n««;fote%##l iuioVUkn

that smimiw^k0^tJh °^'" Since that

' -^aato«Ba»n^as«teo1»«-: |»»t i i - ^ ' L^;art•sib^^]*^^r>Ws«•ri ,';'

itts^'ssnllM.otiJsMiltasf ttTAAfla^ieiarrtorthislf faces;

x A n 4 s w e ^ a b s s r s s * t o grewlag rgjjXa^mmiei*)* o i k a o d , ^I&ehtad tlM eoiiaser.-eool-and-si ^They ' l l treat yonmllwilMdiH

(Ntverosie-wlth cold neglect) They love lose* their frl «1

"fCaU, in, call in, there is no?«u_ •"ThoVujh piles of goods on shelvi

Wil J strike yon with surprieeaa to *Tts,Botthe"£xi!*«ajre" yon'i 9 For such a place is tbuad close J-;>At the"PzpLaas' Excuuioz"'

Tbe;gooda*o "

,ijTb«re'iSamuel Bionnsr^n«ssflite»it«o," * > ^sayiaiwaysto^s»«ow;.yootbroilg>t,ts--'I

yW«£t-uang«««all-f i»H|-«»d«»,-, IKt»4»r,i-»«''•


y i«iwm find -. _-,—jsjf.tosyonr'nlS*H&es •»•» t> ebm; s s ^ i i a i ^ t f >^sm*i{>s Utore,

I ^ S L !

i«fi sbsft*


lice sao

'- hats at


Mei Glng-"

A G E N C Y OP. P I T C H ' S

CJELEBJOLTIJI) M D I Q m E S . F VffiijmiN'jaifii{ Balsam^ Pectoral; Expectorant,

Pulmonary Lirilment Depurative Syrup, Heart CoV-nctor, Humor Corrector.Pure aid Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, Antl-Dyspeptlc Mixture, Nervine, Vertnifuge, Cough and Cathartic Pills, Female Pills, Female Specific, k c , fcc—used by him constantly arid .with unprecedented, success in the treatment 6C ' ' ' ! Ooldt, Qnigkt, Contumirtwn, [Jlitlm*, HetrtDtitmm, • DytpcptU, Scnfuli, Skin Ditttns, Rkeumtlitm,

JtomfOt ,CrmfI*int£, POtbr. * e , f-c. Dr. Filch** H^eiuaVeiJPatcASifcer-rlapd JlUminii

snrportir*.•'.. ;' ' .J',. , . :.r;..;' " Dr. FitihU TmprmiiLPfaUi SUfi-.Sfpng SftsaMcr

Brace. . ' Dr. SlUk't Silver inK<aiHg%t<Hle.> '',. .

—L-^— ••- • • « " • '


H 0 1 S E , DUNTON,

Clinton Co., N..Y, CHixruiic Vi iLio i , lO^spIeWid'Houie, recently erected ByT. fcBv Ny«,.%»i.n.-pP«"-'''^»l">recentlOB rif vWtnrx.

,An Omn!6ns!run» four times a dayto meet the Lake Champlain Steamboat! j.and passengei»,.*hJ!iadi|It,to.j

.'goWest'and arrive by the noon or two •oJjjloeEBoats;* .can reach this House, wilhonf incoivenlehce, a id 'tiloir

i to take tea.

an entire new feature as connected wUh-a yocaLcoi c irt- ,<ne moming train of cars. . { ". '. . ugcomp^fty,Tind%e^'rAriterrnah^pivSi^ Cars'from "tBe^West stop fthrce-quarters of with unhonridfedar^.^eirhertTerthe ,'iave giver cotf- • t^»i"-'——---i---^ *-—>-. . . . » certs. It.atlords.a uiuchgreater vane y..of ,music; ? |6^ enables jfiemJo. cabwjforthe^rrasvcal -*

I.J~. •mtu^i^i ir^iu . _ . u - ^nnjiieire, mrpet , |Os i a term of years, a Lot pn Isabellastreet

_ . tween. Ford aad Division streets. '<*';--Sli._ 11^ A«ply?w , . J. N. OSWEEti A^Mt^- lgSO: • ' , . . • 3Mf ,»

•a ; ^ E E E f c T I O N ' . N O T I C E , Gentrai Election is to be held In the County ofSt. Lawrence oh'Tueaday, the 5th day of November,

. next at which will he chosen, the officers mentioned in ,'the notice from-the Secrewry, of State, of which a copy ^annexed.—Dated at Canton, this 23<1 day of August 3850; , ' ' HENRY BARBER, . . . " Sherif of St. Latorence Ceimty.

S T A T E O F N E W ' T O R K , j • Seerttarji'* Qficc, {

AMAKT,Augnstl5,1850. • Tirtke Sheriff of OeOnuitm of,St, Zatfrencc. ^tflir: Notice is hereby given "that at the'Gcnerar Elec-;tio«;tobeheld in this State'on tWTuesday succeeding *ine first Monday of November next, the following officers ^a.%Beelee«Bdi'to'.y»ifr: ' •"•«"•.•• '' " — ; • • ' "j^AGovernorfn-pla(i*'Of Hamilton Fish: ^AJJeutehant Governor in place o< George W. Patter-

; Bi Alien . cfcona.' fcsATcanal Comnd4ioner (n place'of llaeoi) Hinds-, i $ "' »e,publH; hafeijae - ,«A> Inspector of Stale Picons 4n place of David Dv

: J H R S l S ' l g ^ i ' i f^p ie ' rk of. ^be.Court,pf Appeals' In' place of Charles^:

/»:d«3Cepresenfative In the ,32d Congress.ol) the. United. ?S»tes, for .the^ighteenth district l a place of Preston, vi**™' ConntyOjfjcfrM>to&e ftcttiftr M*i4.,Q>unty';\..:, ',..

Three Members o f Assembly. _ .,,j,i , .t iA Superintendent o f theiPoor in place o f Josepbi

. B a r n e s . • .',^*..'!•-«•. •,••=.( .:« . -,•...,--«'Ag)i«triet;Attorney in placeofiCharles G. Myers. . -:

x A l s o , a Superlntendertt o f t b e Poor i n place o f Jehle l 3te»en«V.wJ»o was eletted'at the fast election, but failed fo take theoath o f officei«»»«!5 . - » , » . . ••a ,*-,t.-,

: t"'All o f whose'terms.of .orace wi l l expire, o a t h e l a s t , d » y * f Decemberinextr; . '• .^.^'.•f 1?3 - \ < t •.<,i'ff '»'*.

atuThe e lectors thronghonf the 8Ute! are also to'.vol*for:

DR. nTCH?S CELBBRATJED SIXXECTIIEES oit'TBs! y««v«HTtoit"150rb cu i i ' dr.-,

C o n « i s ^ p t i o n / ^ M U ^ a ; i s l > c ^ H c n r t , A c . , ' a n d « n t h e j r n e t b o d o f

p r e s w r T i u B , H u a l t l t a n d B e a u t y - . t o a h o l d a y e .

This Bookshould-bftiln every family.: To the Con'. snmptive.lt potntaouttheonlyrcusswS/irhope for relief. To mothers, the directions it gives for the care and edu-eationof Children.are invalhable. 78,00 copies of this fiook have passed-through' the press,, and the sale cbrf-' tinues unabated., » < - • • ,

For sale by &>SZJUWCIl*- CO., TOT Broadway, New-York; and.M; • . • , - . , -•"' , » « A . ORVIS,sole^geMfcr,Waddlngton. ^iST-Dr. F i t c h ' s G u i d e t « I n v a l i d s , or Directions to persons using Dr. Fitch's Remedies, to be iad,<T<!Xf»,6f.alKhUA|enta^-' ' l.i 36-3ml

. . : -•£ r-.'..--„-v-:, »-,-, a t>.',:«« . .'W-iYf nt*3 •< A P I T A ^ I S T S wishlsurto Invest rnoswy

. _ .-in!Bb'Mwr«!nce''iC^nty?i«»'.?l»"vltt^^ia^^^ IL«nd examine the property of the subscriber before

purchasing |elsewherc. The short 'distance from'. thU' place to the Rail Jl6adf>!poton*iJieriver.Mndersiit one of the best locations In the county. The river posseuing thedrestadvonUgt*tr-*fing2thx§iati? itttrkl.time* • e r r In the short space o f J i o f a , mile. . . T h e subscriber will selllaifd oh either•aMffityl&MWMQriitilWitft' poses, or (if desired) will selleither; or both his Grist and Saw Mills; which are neat lyaew.bui l f in^ir iost substantial manner, large, and calculated for'doing a heavy business. A better property cannot be found In thU or Franklin county, or Mills .capaile of doing more, business than the above mentioned. 35 or 40 acres of ngotd (if not the besti.platUng ground in the-villaf«itl> oflered In connection with the Mills. , ,..,-,, , -;i*

Few chances like the presentjlbta res^t tar/atXimd a? paying jroswly, have been presented, in this county*n> The property is too-well know* in this and Franklin counties to need further iucriptiom or.anysiaJfa>. j,

Also, for sale by the subscriber.' five or six improved Farms, with good buildings, within a short, dUlance of the village and the Railroad Depot. , . . ; -.,,.

:•'•--.„ ....-.- siu- E : - S . HULBURD. i i Brasher Falls, S t L a w . co., N . Y,,vMay, J850. i .58-^y

^S^lS ^ ^ - . „ ^ § a i i

-,&.* > w ^ . > .-V!ri,^lK^BA8Ir*SHARBORii» "«H -:- J T ^ •"ifSg:.BKai.Jol4.!


.^..iiOT:^^^ J <

-<"S..~ 'CAtrr.j'ftsF^p.tiBFEY,..- « rYiU-'rurf V^^feh^,^^^^^^, ^ fbUojjs : , %iri . ..,.•'•« »aiWT;'5»K4«V4^«iarjtt>* " ! " "!

Leave Weitport, at'TH < «;ctock,-.A.M;i' • •"*-• < fie*;i - i*" •."> intQK'o'-4* clock,tAt:5f:-

f^cIoik^P^M, a t 3 ^ o ' -

Leave Westport forVer-gennes,'at flyycllt; A . M ;

Leave 'Basin Harbor, at 8 ' o!cloekf A».M.« ' • i t-

-S-W-rfr.-,'. .. . a t a j j ; -o'clockjP.M." ' l

'iiivirviergchnes-.for.Westr' -' T#ftfqt l$£,o*.clk,* P. M,


i^hutJSi^i.hffiSfni^ nom < h ^ l § ^ ^ i j u * m d l i i . t n e jcountry, ieepsat|all times a very exteBsiyeahd^^v^^^ leeujd a s s c ^ e n t , of Brown Sheetingsrand^B

/»ontherrj/r|Btton,Yant^§ajts,,^cJf,f.TmBe^js^^ . »ob«riber,,devotes-his whole time andjattentibn-to the' !purchs«,andi»ale>fthe above articles only.' and knows that by so doing ho is enabled to ofler to merchanU gen-

ierally, such lnduceiriehts"iiS 'are rarely rait yi i l i . Mer-chants visiting; New York, and.the trade generally, are respectfully invited to call and examine the prices, &c, as-he is at all limes ready to exhibit his goods, and give any .information respecting the market, whether they

^-purchase or not. fS-IyJ- WM.'A.;-GUEST.

* M A C H I N E R Y . £,uf ,,-sy "


- 9^ek*mmm4^^^t^^Uua^M^^w»miia^ "'•'• i'- -<aB3K*$&°*i£f&"''-r£--~i7Z

m J E / E L a j manmacture, to order, at short notice,. ' f f ifereatliies Sieafb Engines and Boilers, in

„ Jf^TQIGS'.*Btitit.Eife§'.«I;

Westp\jr%Jf.Y^,April,J850:,:,(; . „-^Jferjm.,

CHAMPLAIN TRANSPORTATION ..i.-iii j'.?».-V;K.: ; '• .'i'lNEi-'-*;<"-> 4»t-."--.• , . i * - ' .

Toj Sfer^an"t4;Lymberrn,ehi " 'arid' ptherslnteresfisd in 1

Sigi wf the GtWen Kcjr, - ' •• •««-• - j . - - . • .• ;: , a' ^"V&i1

CBEAUCEES A S B l I , E X i Importer of E« / / i . * am! Omasa Hardware,

tUt*. CutteryySiw,, Onni, pitteit,^t*hv-ingTtekU, Saddle^-Harnei^X-CarrUgt IfardKtre.Bmrlr^'tnd SteiU—A'tetitio*-the sale of American Hardware, dealer in

- P a i n t s , O l l a s V V a r a U h e i H -opposite.the S t Lawrence Hotel, Ogdens­burgh; ;- .* . - - . -*• ;».. ' ;,!•': j- :?- • %t.

The-subscriber-having, taken the store corner of Ford and Slate streeu, sign of the Golden Key;! far the purpose of transacting a general JHardwarelm-i porting and Commission business, wonldrespectfully in-; foim the public that bo has, and will continue to keep; on hand, a full and complete assortment of Foreign and. Domestic shelf and lieavy HARDWARE and CUTLE­RY, em^pjclng: eYery,yai^^rofJtl»V>trade."\0^>iu1a'i invite the attention of purcliasers to hjs stock and prF" ces. Having had along experienceWn the business, he? will be enabled to furnish every article In his line at thai lowest market prices.

Ogdensburgh, May, 1850.

I'ransportatiou to'. aridjfro.m , tfie; Northern Counties to Jvx. , u,.-> .r-o.^^-^ "'NewiY4flc,""J;'"."' *"""•-" "":'•' -

^ H E undersigned are prepared with ample ncconi-:'. mcaatrorisattfieirDocfe.^dlSrorefibuses at the

terminus of the Chnmplalh Branch of-the Northern •(N.-Y.) Railroadi to*T6r\vard frefgHtto all intermediate; •pointsofJkndings;^Havlngfofmedia* * ' ' -•'-'••'

LINE OE'LAKE AND CANAL BOATS, ' ' *. -xitkkika'Ki'cdraECTtoir#i-rrr "* '"

- DAILY TOW BOATS ON THENORTH'KIVER, they propose to' transport at as Tow*" rates as Uriy other line on the Lnke,and'wlth equal'prompuiesi aad care. '

-.- '• ;"''- •,-•*- AainTs:-' *('"' '" "'" Li P.rGARDNER. No>' 17 Coeatfes Slip,New-Y6rV. SILLIMAN' *. GARDNER,WtS, 3B-lt^i£."'Trdy.

• :.,- »• h..;: .,*».-.!. ^-SlC)ORB5ifa'OYL:E> ' ' AsWit»Xnd-ProprletoWbfthe,;. •? , '.'-" r " * '• - Champlain TrtrispOHation Line. '

fit'"" • i JProdnt^s^ ,. ,

-{•} : W ^ - . ^ l % * i i d ' J I # , W ^ ' t * r - S t r c e t ,

Make liberal advances on all Produce consigned to their care. . r , J.L.CONDIT,' ' „ , . •«: ..-• . - p . E n R T i s N O B L E ; -35-,tf -, •- g. D.MOODY.

& CO.,

19-tr Kit if** '• -; JH^^iiSr5*"'


CHARLES ASHLEY. . • i -''savao. -

o N C O N S I C N M E N T ' ^ P a i e n f revolving Spout,"

. . W c l U h d C i 3 t e m P C J W % an article superior to any. thing of {he kind in uie:" For s^le low as agent of the manufacturers,;by ;' , 'f . :>',« r • • - u -

CH^RJLEa A S H I i E Y , Blga o f the Golden Key. 1

\/JFarm; for .4% ,-. FW^HE subscriber offers for sa le h i s Farm In, M. Lisbon, on the road leading from Ogdeas-'

. b u ^ h to Columbia Vil lage, nine miles from" Rail Road Depot a t Ogdensburgli, and about t w o miles from Wel l ' s Sut ion. formerty o w n e d by oldiMr. Aik ln , one of the first settlers of Lisbon, containing 63>i acres o f land, a dwelling house- nearly: n e w i f o f sufficient size for a large family, two barns, and crops enbughwearly to ' more than fill them. Also, an excel lent orchard, garden, currants, wel ls , cisterns,-Ac., fcc, - Call and aee for your­se l f and yon cannot tail o f being suited, i

For terms, or other Information, reference may ibo had to G. N. Seymour, Esq. , Ogdensburgh, o n the subscriber on the premises. ' • •

36-3m - £ / : > * . . ; •• L C K E D E A N .

Atfy, '•emmrug- ' T having perfeclod Ihelr arrangements l

and grinding PURB R O C K - S A L T , for-Tablej and Dairy use,.are prepared to f i lmIslf lhe trade with It In packages «J&*BMM#t*rW^ heretofore M £ | . . . . . „ _. , _ accpiiut of tneTmpuiriilesitconta'fiis^ 'wlilpo longer'aj>

. .u , . -™^,,_t_ _. -everj. For

ply to salt raannfwtumd at this eilabllshment.as i particle of it ls^|fe^Uy c l e a h s e a S r e ' griSdin^. somplpsand terms apply at the o%ce, 1 0 0 Broad st . New.-Yortt?"^- ' " « <S ">"»~>~ "' •BlTlXMOS.' !'"

N.. B. Unwashed Ground "Rocb Salt 'he description sold in thisuiarket, fnntishedito ordetat redBcedrates.

August, 1850,' .-„-, , 36-a«o»;l

Carpenter's & Joiner's Tools •***-' -" •• TOENCH'andHonldirf?

J j Planei'.'Broadaies, Adz, Hand, panel, ripping, back Jc tebnipass Saws, firmer and' socket Chisels, steel and try­ing Sijuaro;' Plarie'-lrohs,

Companies, Drawing Khlvei, Oil Stones, Augewand au-;g«r.Bltts, Braces and Bltut, Hand* Axes, spirit Levels, chalk Linesand Spools,panel and common Gunges.kc, irjcluaingeyery description of other mechanics' tools, of various manufketurea and qnallUei; mrsale low by

? ' CHARIilp/ASHLET, '•' . : • : • • . • , • ' ^ i | h bf «He Golden Key.

PC B E C I D E R ^ r N E C T A K f - i k v e r y supe-rior article oft Cider Vinegar just -rscelredand- for

sale by „ , , u_ . ,H.S.:I|UMPHREy?*l:QOi,I. .% Druggists and Apothecaries.,.:..

Aug; 10,1850. '^ 36'."f ^i .'• a . : ] . - . , ' a .•; ,-J T » ATCi:»tIflf.—Afew dozen-. Bottle* o&BayRum,

"direct, front St, Thomas, for sale h

•Ang. 10,1830. -«..Q,i -zci *>ij

1 nomas, tor sale .by , • « .1JL. S,flUMpHRfiYtf£ J p ^ . , . "' Druggists and" Apothecarjek

HJ0use-B^il<ler8, Hardware. ' B B A S S f a c e d mortise Locks i t Latches, Irqli "' ' " do - do "ib 1 do "Villa" mortise do do "••Cottage" rim do , do "Knial" and"People's" do I do •

, "CarE°riteJl's" and Scotch spring do; •* i/'Daflr*Argilla':Knoris and Bell Pulls,' ' ' • *'. Agnte and pearl white , \ .do do ;

Best electro.and close; plated'do.' Bell-Trimmings, in aetTcornplete';' Clark's-patentTariff Butts; patent wln--dowiswrlngs'ajid sash Fasteners; Thumb Latches, ward-robe.Uookjt^crewSj'tc.i together with every article ne-

, cessary In building, 4cc.k for sal.e low b' ^di.na .*?

;•' Aug. 13;<liH} si' »J oar f i&.•» » 1 Ufatl kuatoag-a,^ t n.

(}t&riage# Harness makers'

*ns WBT*-'***

J. C, SPRAGUE, ».tMji, ..d

Js4al«r 1st B»ok» and 'St t f t ionerr . . rUf.' i 3

••' ONE COOK BrLow,!^,*'.:o«wTitc^ro»D"sT''{»'la»«iti|2

.-*' BO**t'l :Si.,flPWM&w.;v;SM>.n.;ii>i: -su^v. v«i! "Keep constantly on hand a full assortment of School;

Library^w^J^edical, rjbWc^.ilassJsyvn^Jiiscel-. ... ... i laneous Bodies..

1 T E W , B O O K S n J U S T i lRECEEVfExsV f M l H E . AugustNo.Harper's.MagaxIne,! i|<u.-»-.-.t JL ^«rf,'H3*:V5-I»t««itftto«siJ4i«e»l|asvyi- •>

•• 1$ V o l*lW!.C%h ¥Jr 'W>»2k0 .w, , U-a. .'I-!.... Slaves SLEBI , -ngrand.by^i^TKe^ifdal. . . . _, . Stn.bb's*Calender',''8FTatar Bo^ts^BrTriaekeray. an,-

thoit of Vanity Fair, ,J" ** * For sale at i t i W W aSi aih&tM&RVgSgi

SU B S C R I P T I O N S received for Ilarper'sKagaV iine,«ndSlringerJt.Townsend'sintecnatioaal Mis­

cellany, at:..:,- i,v .<*.».,«,. l».o,1..J4.JCjoBERAGUE'«iu.re

ithe •hUu--'iit entitled a* act EetmMilkmr.'Kri* Seh—l* thrngl

**> " i ^ " 1 ' ' « f 3* til* "5A|J

f&SxS: ' " n6stL. tAcRfc.ia. =?!

„_ xmt»S*lu*l«A^Mvv«AJbil iV*f^^«l»s!«f«t^ , t^ .*-. .a |agfiMt!UN3Nsss«J<tIl .s^ImMtai,^

^present them, giving if»y and date foreaehiiem.-.i,;-,-,.,!;, 3 The several Field Officers of sald.ReaimenU are here-

' f ? t Bw%di'r'GcttjF&Mmm.ndinr. % w|LinAiiBi :g^JP^gg< . I P

icnang*,-"lceiftW»llas Hiek-Mbswlayohe ja^Sd^dX.-QeJohfj;


F O R ; 8AsLE-..:AOP. x . S F B A K C E ' S y - - ^ - -•M" «ONGFto'EOW,SJCdrrlplete-.Po«tlesi|!Works, 3 vols.1

JLi\Trav«ls;-in Mianesota, the New. England of that ,", »Vf#t. .«<! .a .*.*;.s w' .j.ux . ,.j,i4, .>. . '.'a '.-. , ;•& .-, , PoeU of America. , ' 1 Sights Hi-iEe ^Tdliegldn1.- ^'«,«1 • " - ' • ' • ^uu-t

Living^tr«toftS>fEntlaBa>« ^- - • • *• ••• "*.-• do pdolivrKOf^niitlca^n a-*^i>- »j - - t>.-l ':•

Evenings at Wood Lawn;by..Mrs. Elletl....,,.._.-. , ... ' Deck and Port by,Coltan. _ ' ' • >Ti>e Puritanafid hif DaUghVer. by J. K. Paulding.. , jX^.kw«rit^if«1srdi^iS%fs>&? '•'''- ' ' n»™ "'••+-.i Notes frentosin-ithaSasv;^ ?•»: •)•.' ~JO. ..--i. .i> -' *"r.>Kn: I Observations In the East ,-, Sketches and- Rambles, ,by Hcadley,^,, .. , , H»-awrrt-MtmBjia^iiy ;" .,h ',dd,.. : ,„ „ i. , i ; .

Scenes ftn^Chiuayeri.iftt ,, i (dq.,; „ .• !.3S-»f,u.f

* t. ;.f«jtt;.'^ •.ttfc..m'l.jB«'.ff *T v.Ax;*>l. .'wnitO-D

^^^^M#^^^gW^. « a E ^ « O N _ t A W ^ s ' » s r " t » 5 0 - f d

Mar Iron and Steel. .yJWjr3re'«ul)$cxlh*r^is now Receiving »nd^ I M will.conlinne tokeeponhandafuU, assortment of Foreign k. Domestic B a r : i r o . a t a s s « . S t e e l , which he offers,

for sale at the lowest rates. • , , Sr8i#edU^t«^ w nara<Iroi} , , ... \ ,

English round, flat and square Jron. , American.round,'fUt:"and square do. -'

.Norway and old Sable flat- do. V Noiwayjxad old Saaleaall and spike Rods, ; -: • •-.Norway and old Sable, lieid, Dash and Nut Iron, English and American Hoop/Band and Scroll iron, "JSanderson, Brothers Jc-Co's" Cast Steel, all sixes, Hapenclever and English German ; do (L) English, Swedes add American blistered do. Warranted spring and round Machinery» do. Burden's patent Horse.SHoes. -

Ljjfldon refined BpraxJserewPlates.Files, Rasps, smith's Bellows.Vlces, tcv.icc.-? CHARLES ASHLEY,

. .-'• ' Sign of the Golden Kay.'

MS'ft "H : t ->j^eHj A S H L E Y .

, , , j t ^ T i j ^ j t * « ^ j i M g > i - J s s « t . B n > | n « , tc»Wag?Bro4dcl0thVbrsW>and iwirtw

te^fein ^G!Qth/pa«ent'-I*affier< coach Varnish, Axles, brass and Opiated Bands, Hahdlesi- Dashes, Top--BoVj-sfiyorrfindNuts, Lamps, Damask,'Plush; «ai/««Wj Tronof all kinds, silver, plated, brass,:covered, tinned aad Japaned narness Trimmlngli; of different qualities and patterns, for sale by - ' CHARLES ASHLEY,

•Sign of the Golden Key.

' - ^ O J s i . X j a ' ^ A X N T E ; ' - WjtSXgXZkt "•CO.w.,. TKJ-OTICE.—Mr. CHARLES ASHLEY has been i ^ l appointed agentof the' above Company for the county of S t Lawreacejiand wlll'Sllanyorders sent to

' hlm.'gt the prices' of the CompanyinSi. •>; -:«..it'.. • < tew->!i . . . . . . . .„... . 'HIRAafcGs.-WmTEJ

-Agent for the sute of New-York.

mm; i ^'fte*..p-:-^J!a.W-iassortm'r

-"»i6f'B:a'irib0<>> i-tCalinttes'ioui-

ted aiid walk­ing cane Fish


Poles.Klrbyfc *'•=' ^""-'-FIshT j, --* . . . V4;il<ltnerfck

' H o c i s . T r o u t F r i M . l l M n t g w ^ brass Reels, cork Flosits. Sinkers,- pole Rings; Swivels, paten,! spring Fish Hooks, Drinking Cups, «cc„ fcci'fot i a f e i y •. -<i. ; CHARLES,ASBLEY, , T, .. '" ' ' ', .<-.:.';»'. v.- iuS^'WV^^a^U^tgf.:

s t .c-*i

K E G f t cnt Nails and Spike for sale in large or small quantities, at low prices, b;

,--. . •:.. • .CHARLES AS'

ULEs cross-cut and

«m$iM$m^ (JDUJLTE)

# f « --^ps, Hand-saws,, [e^iYorsj.pciees.,' *™

T n r t l S S E I i l j & C O . stillcbntlrinetheExpresSbn -MM/ siness,.in connection- with WELI-S-fciGO^ at Rome and Htien, for the TRANSPORTATION of-BANK NOTES and SPECIE; also PACK AGES and FREIGHT^ of all kimls, to all parts of the United-Statesr-lnrough the different lines of- Express ; -and' -to' Europe through-' HAMDEN fcCO.» alsoto theCitnadas.

•*• -' •'' - A G E N T S ' : "-!t *

F.KITTLE, Utica,, . • , J.BjBOlSJCrdswego/' '"'" : M: L. Kenydh, Rome. WM. WARE, Kingston. W ; G E N N E T T ; Wafert'h. J. McMULLEN, Brockvillel L. COOK, Sackets Harbor/ TUT. MYERSrMontreal, S.F.BENJAMrN,Clayton. . . . n . .. . GrA^eHABllAN^Morristown. .u#-. •'• > * • I .,.- .i J?RrNCIEALOFElCE,.Ogdensburgh. * - ••••* .-MI i t -my-'} V->-- . - '•' •

P r o d u c e CpmmisBiQp. M e r c h a n t s , i T P i t i R i . STOfiT.Xbelow Broad,)

| N E W - T P O B K .



S3T" Liberal advances made upon property consigned • - - - Enquire of W. C. BKOWK, Esq., Og-to themfor sale

densburfh. --,- 43-tf

&&%dW3B!im$4p& CO.,

flllil ; 7.'-'.'*v, ' ' " A . N D L Commission Merchants,

5 8 P E A H L S T R E E T , ; •Mvao-y N E W - Y O H I i ; .

dif= , r . , •j.-the

most substantial •manner, combininjgali .the modern im-proyements, at as l o w ' prices and on nsfliberal terms as

•any- other; esubl i shmenf in the country. ' T h e Engines 'Constructed at our establishment have proved a s success­ful! a s a n y in operationi and-are J guarantied to work

OTIEfJ".' - ^ - ^ l

^ ^ " S ^ S t p r e d at our works, ih"tie greatest perfection. ' S S S S . n ? ° * 0 f ' W ewaepj MillWhts,-and others,

« » 3 r W ^ ; ^ ^ n ? , u P * * s " d I n P o m t pf value and ntility, J ™ f r « n which m a n y - o f (he CeleiriUed Onega AEIU,

hlsfnS? U w ^ i F ^ ' l * : « - iaifcrtanflirajicit of onr bnsUtesSj in, wldeh, ajsjtoeyerysojner dewirtment.we., can accommodate the puBScro^rfet ionV^^ • 7

n A W 'TBottie ; ^ p i i a r N E R ' T , J '-*** ^B« i .n .?' ,^?0 ,°P , a t«ii iaue on an inarmed" with i _

economical plan, whicj jhas,pro.yeijyery^ucces«6ir J M A N l ^ A C T t W E i t S , - ' '

Alto, o f d i l f e r e n t k i n d s o f Hydraulic Engines? Engine*'for \Pliming' Tron], Stave Machines,, Shingle Machines, iron\ Capstans, Winches Water Wheels, Water Pipes, Ploughs, Stoves and. Ma­chinery generally. ' I • -J.

Our works are supplied w i t h superior Planing Engines, for planing Iron,,and Cutting Engines, foi cutting Gears, either Spur, Bevel or Spiral.

T h e favorable location o f Oswego, and i t s convenien­ces for shipping in different directions, makes i t a desira­ble place for purchase. ' -t i '

Letters addressed to the subscribers wil l be promptly responded to. TALLCOT & CANFIELD.

Os wego, .New-York. 37-6nf

FOR SALE. A S a ^ s L E N n i B PATIST-ACSIOH," rich, fnll.bril-.' .

liant; toned P I A N O F O R T E , in a highly finished ROSEWOOD CASE, and made expressly, to or- ; der by Lemuel Gilbert, Boston. Apy person wishing «vX fine instrument of the kind, will do well to. call and exJ"% amine this one. Terms reasonable STor cash or approved ~" Paper. J. H. GtTEST.

Aug. 13. . . . . . . . . . - • . . j - . , . . 36itf . r


•-i: f .t ; ;"h - .1 t.'i; Pt'.-^u, hm ^ . . , - '-*•-*' ••'.-:.

«USSELL k CO.'S 0GDEN8BUKGH, CHAM-• ',.. PBi'MT* 'MOiWK^ 'EXPRESS . " ','•'.

Oh or before the completion of the Northern "Rail Road from Ijike Champlain, to Ogdensburgh, the above named firm Will-run jt^SEMl-WEEKLY EXPRESS from Og-derisbnrgh.to ;Champlain and Montreal, in connection with all the Eastern Expresses from Boston, New York? Albany.Troy.and.Whitehall. , ,! , , . «.;; ,.v

* IST^ Agents along the line will beappointed indue Ime*. i "". ' . n • ' : 31-Cin


ON i n d after MONbAY, JUJJE 3 , 1 8 5 0 , the Cars will run between Lake Champlain and Chateaugay

dally. (Sundays excepted) as follows: Leaves ROUSES'/POINT^t. . . . . . . . 33* A.M. ;"

C H A T E A P G ' A Y * at..:. . . ' . . ' .G% P. M. ' * • Passengers whpileave.Rouses*Point.in the morning,

will-'reach* Ogdensburgh Uie aathe dayj.by taking,the' stage at Cbateaugay (bh' thd aiTrftat'df theX!ar8 at that "place., lV' '" ' • ' - ' - . '"•' ''. ' !S.tages leave Ogdensburgh In the morning in season to'

rcbniae;ct with thb evening train" at Chtiteftugay for Rouses' Point' On the. arrival of the cars at Rouses' Point passengers can go immediately on board the boats which run north and south on Lake Champlain.

CHARLES L: SCHLATTER, ' May 28, .1850. '26'tf. ."'Chief Engineer.

C O M M I S S I O N M E R C H A N T S , No. 41) Rail Road Block, Lincoln Street

Forthe sale of' E l « u r t R a t t e r , C h e e s e , A s h e s , W o o l ,


. C ? " Prompt attention will be given to all consign­ments, returns and correspondence.

jdHN,S.~ KELLY, -•>• t ' -f • rf ' .CHARLES, SPRING, \ . 1]

R e f e r e n c e s . J.M. Beebe, t Co.,. Boston. J , W ^Blodgett—..- , : do

, A lmy, Patterson He Co^ do Nevins feCOi,-, JVeac York. StephenH. Bennett,esq., . , . . . . . . . . . , . . .^Brighton, . James Averell, esq., President Ogdensburgh Bank. TE..B: Allen fc Sons, Ogdensburgh.

• O. V- B'raihard, Cashier JefT. Co" Bank. ,23-6m / '•' R O S S I E I

jPouridry and Macliine Shop. R o s s i e , Sit. L a w r e n c e C o u n t y , N . IT;

T H E above establishment is prepared to .execute all orders for CASTINGS AND MA­CHINERY, made from the best Charcoal Pig

iron, at current prices, for cash or credit, and from the weJl,lcno,w)n character of the Ros<ie Iron, particularly veepmmends itself for every description of Rail Road and other Castings requiring strength, as also from.the tacllfty with, which deliveries can be effected at any Port on the.. Lakes or River S t Lawrence during navi­gation. '

Prompt attention will be paid to orders or enquiries, addressed to* ,

G. R. WILSON, Buffalo, J. ROSSEEL, Ogdensburgh,

" D. W. BALDWIN, Rossie.

, ARTICLES MANUFACTURED.^ Car VFheelaf^Rail Road "XJhairs, Frogs, "Switches,

Bridge Castings, etc. . Shafts, Cylinder!!, and every description of Machinery,

finished or u» the rough. Reservoirs, Tanks, Pipe of all sizes, Plates, Frames,

Til bus, Railings, Kettles, etc.. Under a Guarantee, where required, to-stand any'test

ngreed upon. Patterns supplied at moderate charge. -Jannary, ISSO; — i\ • 7-tf


1 f a R T H l » W 3 B B , Gapt.R. F. CHILD, MMW • « * * T J E , -3 « ' • J. VAN CLEVE, O N T A R I O , _; ' . « "H. N. THROOE, pA.TA3ELA.CUei « R. B. CHAPMAN, Will leave this port for Lewlston, daily, at,7 o ' c l o c k '.:. ijB t l t e E v e n i n g , Saturdays excepted.


B r i t i s n E m p i r e & B r i t i s h Q u e e n Running in connection w i t h the above named boats, wi l l l eave Ogdensburgh for Montreal dolly at 5 o'clock in the morning, (Mondays excepted) touching a tLoulsv iUe and other intermediate ports. ' ^^derubmgh, July;X, 1850. ; . ' •

ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, O t r d e n s b n r s r h , N* "IP* T '

TAICOTT A WH4R^)N, Proprietors. ' •>'• • -: "3 r*"-. (-3." - i"v f ' r - J" ;- -' . . . ' . 'd .

TH E undersit^ed. having assumeilthelcharge' of. the svbove house wouldannounce to the public that,

they are prepared to receive and accommodate guests in1

the most comfortable, and, acceptable manner, .This. Houseis too welj known "to need any special commenda-.

. tioiis ;ibn't the proprietors may be "permitted to suy, that ^fheu"whole time and attention will be seduously devo-'ited tothe wants of its visitors. - -Large additions have been made to the furniture .of the hpuse, and with their long experience at 'th*e business, and their determination

•to procure the best supplies to be' had In the market it is believed the St. Lawrence. Hotel "under their charge: will be found every thing lobe desired i .. • . . ' . • ' • -' The different departments Of the House-will be under the careful supervision of;competent persons, and special attention will be paid tothe good management of the whole; ; .';<;..!• -,; -- ;i„i,; .•: ^ .• -u-w • , . -.-

.,. T h e j S t a s r e O f f i c e a -r)are kept at trie St.'Lawrence Hotel.:-Stage Passengers eithergolng or arriving, will find this house the mostcon-

id .comtortnMe'to;i»''-fd!jjid.' ' ijrementanu , i«i KJft'Carefal and attentive servants employed.' !l i. * ' CarrlttsresWi .«..!- -: • . Kept constantly at hand, to convey'passi'ngers and bagf gage to and from the boatsijfree of dhairge.} ri: ''' ^<#.'TAX(Mnrr;V:V'.-.-A"fc^.«H.1tt%HAl*TON. ' ^•.Jdne..4,1850.;?y" -~': •"'-''• i '" ' •SW.ff' ;' ;' '

!UHEjfJPER;i * H * H ' E V E R t - J n s t recol^

Brbjljic iSS«r IjAngola, aad Wool Halt. ,T»wpico,!Mexict

jr»^SW*»:aad;St^*r^t»£^^ . :»»wula'teatatyl»si!bi5!thai4oaf*ii»tj!s«:g«^^ forcafir, ^ K t ^ *JCfWyJB*'« ifrOmBWGj$lTPlUE-.ts>b ' O t # ^ . ! ^ h > \ > U y ^ i l ^ r . f r f e | ; r - l a . t ' .

• ' • u ^ U ' l , ; . ; , . .w""-'' ' . - i - -> - l j . J '•—— "

lotofiCapa' • ,ihflap>t

^Bopfcffo ;-hU old stand'' iJFoidsatreet—-May^lSSO. «, .. .

m !Wjit"Jwci»'"<n ' '**" w ls l i»SPW»^-ire w«'s»T-'S*» ,.•>'-'

e r t a k e r ; : \tfoSl-M

or ca'iiBpsn j>0*!Pq pA ^tirtSPIUIOUtBISs'e. lL^'--iil4i Ttj iin'lr ^tsp-' 11t -1"" M r'~:V-"'-


ICiPKER^rPros*'WoHr»for»«leatiM/.'. rti IM. 1 -TO tiS & 1. javiso'iiii tsLi MStSRSalflirapSti'.. ,' .l)-,il«l"V*i>"1-- ~- 'B''"1 -'*< •-" liJ-J ' ' W M a J B ^ J i l U ^ A . v J w ^ f a d j e ^ p ^ M - a o t t . i».cnti9fsrsoT}tj?apj(ii swd«Vl|»iiuid. »vlado»r.cni>

'*'"L, .-'tJu-ortiaabaiJtui i>K t i * * 8 / ^ ^ * 1 . ' " " ' '


,(age Lots, including many Lou beautlrult: ^ooki^ia»^uLawiW<»s»d-'Os' '

-«."-- - F a « h l o » » W e - ; l l « t ;»»« i s* i -

m, SEELT & FREEMAN, @x £ U S B M a n n t a c t i i r i i i s ' J e w e l e r s , SujJL


HA VE,just received a good assdrtment of'Watches Jewelry, and-Silver Spoons. Alsoi'a fine lot of

UritanHia Castors, Buffalo Horn Combs, Teeth and Hair ^Brushes, Fiolins, Aceordeons, Walking Canes,

tec, together w i t h some .of t h e B E S T Cutlery noujinuse,an article that is^^AKTLAJSTKD.

T h e y .Will also. M A N U F A C T U R E F I N E J E W E L R Y , " ~ - ~.- o d d

s. '. attention, land war­

ranted, " aVtkful.ljj'j


JJkvoj«.-«lMi3r hope •syitrstrlctTaten'; in^c^blisiness'tb merit a continuance; of the same.

' J*. B.—Cash patd.for old Gold and SUver. , June 3d, 1850. '"e~ ' ^

H . R . B A R E , , a n d . "


U r a l _ „ J s t ' a n d . A p o t h e c a r y : C 4 I G N of the BLUE MORTAR, Ford street Ogdens-j>3| burgh, oflefs at the lowest prices for cash, a great as-sornonbnt of genuine Drugs, Medicines, ChendcjijjttPertahery,' DytvStufls, .„ ' Paints, Colors',". **. Linseed Oil, Varnish, Japan,," Gold Leaf Bronze, ,j?aintBrus1ies,. ', Window Glass, Putty, Lamp &. Laid,Oil, . Camphene,,' ;' , * Lamp Wicks, \ , Bird Seed,

Confectionary, • Salad Oil, Hair, Tooth, Nail, and Shaving Brushes, Graefenberg Medicines, Townsends Sarsaparilla, Fahne»tock's Vermifuge, Moffat's Pills.& Bitters, Brandreth's Pills, Ayers CherryPectoral, Magnetic Ointment,, Dalley's Pain Extractor, Phaion's Hair Invigorator,

Together with all the popularPatent Medicines of the day. . . .- l-tf

EstablUhed In 1882. A. CHANEY j& 'CO.,!

mi tMA.VI.NG enlarged their HARDWARE m^g.MM.. STORE, where, for tne last "eighteen <KyW years they have endeavored to accommodate

^gr their customers and the public— T o T t r i c e i t s f o r m e r k H m e n s t o n s ,

and having greatly increase the quantity and variety of (heir Goods, would now invite the attention of their old. customers, and the community at large, to their greatly! improved store and enlarged stock df goods.

Their stock may be enumerated under the general beads, of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, iron and Steel, Nails and Spikes, Anvils, Vices, Shovels and Spades; Chains, Saws, &c, Agricultural Implements, Wood and Willow Ware, !Cast and Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Ware. In connection with the above, at the

O g d e n s b u r g h ; S t e a m F o u n d r y , They manufacture all kinds of Iron, and Brass CAST­INGS, and execute -forging and finishing of Iron, in all its varieties required, viz: Machinery,'Engine, Car and Stove work. Please call and examine our store, stock and prices- N o s . 5 a n d 6 " W a t e r S t r e e t .

Ogdensburgh, 4th July, 1850. 32-ly

IR O N . — A large stock, and great variety of sixes, of, Russia, Swedes, American, English and Norwegian

Iron, in bars, rods, bands, hoops, angle, oval; sheet &c., for sale at the Water st. Hardware fetore, by

33-ly A.: CHANEY k CO,

< O a r p e n t e r s ' a n d J o i n e r s ' T o o l s — O f sn-^5T peripr quality. Saws, Chisels, Augers, Auger Bitts, Adze; Squares, Rules, Bevels, Hatchets, Axes, Saw setts, Spirit Levels and Plumbs, &c., Ice., m great vari-

y, sold at the Water st. Hardware " July 4th, 1850. A-

ety, sold at the Water st. Hardware Sure, by " CHANEY & CO,

T t j o u s e B u i l d e r s ' M a t e r i a l s . — N a i l s , JUL Spikes, Locks and "Latches, in great i

JSlLvariety," very cheap. .Butts, and other Hinges, Screws, Bolts, Bell Pulls, Bells and Bell Fixtures, s i c , sold by ' ; A CHANEYpfe CO. :

^.anes .—Bench' and Moulding Planes, *BoxwoodV -"" > Ebony and Common Plows,^Mortice, 1?anel anl— •

Common Gages, Rules, Plane and' Saw Handles,«ChaUc Line Heels, Chisel and Auger Handles, Bench.and band Screws, &c, Sic, sold at thb Water' street Hardware Store, by A> CHANEY & CO.

Ai i T i c u l t n r a l I m p l e m e n t s . — P l o w s , Rich's Patent Cast Iron Beam, and a variety of other good

Plows, Straw Cutters, Cultivators, Seed sowers, Dirt scrapers. Horse Powers and Threshers, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, Horse .and Hand Rakesv Scythes and Snaths, Forks, Grindstone Cranks and Rol­lers, &c., sold by . A. CHANEY ;fc CO.

; **'.?*.-s;."isni?<p.-T *.- r . ^ ^ 5 ^ * f » i \ s w - w v

T R E i T l O N X H O V » £ i , '- ,;4j.;. Voter Street, ' ,

:^"-, : \ P ; f D i N ' S B . U R . G H , - . N . Y . • rnHE undersMe'd-respectfuliy announces that he has ^•...reropenedTOS- TBEISOSTHOTII. knder new auspices,

and on a new blan.',KHe has detciaiihed to banish from his bar all kinds or intoxicating liquors, ami to try the

•experiment, so long needed; of keepip'g a ^". -'

>•; \ ;t; _ ;qCElxl | iPERANGE. AOVSiB. .athis Home is favorably located, Within a few rods of

the Steamboat Landing -Mi is- comfortably and hand sonjely fitted up, and every attention will be paid to the 'comfort arid convenience of the traveller.. A share of public pntronage is Solicited; !• , The Bams andShedsarelB firstrate order. ••-•• „ . N . B . Baggage taken-itb and from the 'Boats free o f "cliargaf! / ' « - . . ' ,fx'ti'.ur. . '. . -.-• k' -r^%-v--". . .; ',"' " G w d Parlors, and Bed Rooms atU ched, for the accbrri-'BK^flcflidr"Jfiurihlesi< * «f J O H N -B: H A G G E T T . ,., 'Ogdensburs*i .Mavl; :1849.' ' ?.i.-.;;d.-f ., . t s . , , - ; . a* '

A Tract of Land for Sale, ; IN ST. LAWRE&JCE CpUNTY, NEVV-YORK.

TH E subscriber offers for sale, a Tract of about Nine Thousand Acres of Land, situated in the

south-west part of the township of Sarahsburg, St. Law-, rerice County, New-York, being Sections, or Great Lots Nos. 9, 10, 13; 14 and 15. Township 9, Great Tract Three, Macomb's Purchase, excepting such parts as have been sold to settlers, being about 1800 acres. It is near the villages of Edwards and South Edwards, and . the road from South Edwards to the town of Fide runs about five miles through it. Tteire, are on the tract large quantities of valuable' White'and Black AshYBlack Cherry,. Spruce, Hemlock„fcc,,.and considerable. Pine, and the Oswegatchie river w.hich. runs through the sotfth-west part affords very'extetislvtfwater power near the road, and the village of South'Edwards. ' " • 'V

The business.of Tanning, *nd Lumbering, could be' • carried on here to great advantage, j TMp,ropej£y ja.dis-lant from the BlackTtttor Canal, at Carthage, about 30 • miles, by a good road. Title indisputable.

For farther information, as to price, &c, application can be made to the eubscriber, or to jRoLnrx C, JACKSOM, Es»., of RusselUSC Law. CorrDated Cherry Valley, OtsegodCounty.N.Y., June 9,-1850.! - • °*

33-«m ' . \ . OLIVER A. MOHgE.

F A R M F O R S i l X E . '•'.; '" ' T H E Faim now occupied by Mr. Tra S. Bar-.

lliil her, two and: a half miles north of the village, of LCanton. The Fanns jjoatains -304.acres,of land,

mostly under a good state of cultivation. There is a good frame House,'Cheese House, and two Barns on the place. ' j

There will also be sold with the place,, if desired, the Cows, Oxen, Young Slock, Farm Topis, and Dairy Uten­sils. ]

Terms easy, to a good purchaser. -Enquire afthe Land Office, MorleyiVf \f. H. HARISOIJ. :

Morley, St. Law. Co., N. Y-, Ang: 15,1850. ' "37-Sm

PE A N K R O A R N O T I C E . — A n assessment, ot twenty, fiite per cent, or $12f5D on each stare of

the capital stock of the Henvelton and Dekalb Plank Road Company, has been laid by ifhe Directors of said Company, payable to the Treasurer at the office of the Company, in Henvelton, on the 3f)tii day of. September next. 374tv LEWIS SAMBHRN, Treasurer;

tlisbn'i History, Plutarch, fcc^ W»«sizeih-Kbinding, 3sand'

VLWB W^overlobki^iis«^Ul*WT«*<»ss«d-'Oswe«atcWiVlv-

*Wveral o * l n ^ £ ^ ^ " n £ r t a n ' t i a r a ^ ;h«u«e< s«Wyj»wj oi;Uis«,%ort^«ith; to 'MirP:!«»*l^l»»«'W!donM»l>Sfi'aj' K53-WB5& asteiBI <-: .; jAfe,.ssrvat»I'.WjsarfjL»tsJ-.-«lsilSyfcs*«»s^ k**or. -IT^e»»illbetaa,ijad Utta.ns^a^tlosisii^i »<il -A , J ,^i ira< 1 fHeJ. .Ji ,e .rjao»«s»t , -^a^

iJ»%&' -< *>»&"( ,wsW-AwuBfpia oiHrifK5 ripm

ithall size, like •M , i4sto5s.—

. „. Duodecimos,

F A L L i S E E D W H E A T .

TH E subscribe has for sale from 100 to COO bushels s of SOLES ,lfja£^r,.called[ia Englandthe "gpi-

denvDrop." which is the very choitest article for seed or .. family use to be found. j

Samples of this Wheat can be seen at the store of G. •N. Seymour & Sons; at Ja». G. Averell's,- at the Grist Mill,and at the officer? lieSt.Jj,awreaceiRep.u)|Ucan.

SPrice $1,50 per bushel. Apply at either of the aboye„ places., " " " '"" ' M A N E. T A E L M A N . ^ a

"Ogdensburgh, August20,.I850i |? * : >32^w.

^ r t r O U E O ' notify, their ifriends- and enstomersi > and WM, .;• ciUiens generally; that they ;have received their

spring supply of -•>«•,-.•<:;-.': ~: v.

^ "' ' "" ' " ' -1-

, „ - . - —,-, .»«,-55W»™:-,rTr=.#,«.U»!C n w turoaUykept b y Mm?}BmMm ^Kf^rJmm: »«vet hronghyto

-a Friendfecall^ind ex^»mine,pur..(f90<U, and see, for your-. fclTe»wHM"0rfw^-WW?mri*<*l.»«»»'OMayand Jenny Jjlndjli^leji,,^,,, , ,WKrfg 8£-^tS - •,- .-•-"' •• H "?>•:--

. 2J5* , H'^%«^ I^>1

i^SSm^nW/LWSnWBM .

t ^ . , | w l l l - i l ^ f « | 1 ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ r ^ g | |

itttttfj-f* :.;.« ni ton '/.^.KtWJMa^B^^pasi''''

5»nne»i ,j£iz&- J.j'-tORBAX-->msVm»BAIl«^?!'5-t3-i^ IH


-M dtnost.

•')JaeotM»s, f w>r>s aadTl . IMsfColUrs gr^fkTCIssM sOTkln4s Glovw aM Hoetacy

v :-,fe ;ii,;". WlAV^-U - -'

•itt*Jf^ft> «w».-oai'iJ3sgd,'s«s««T»«utjftf>»*iyt'a^rt''ig>fcd^

' Bi««iJ»i^y*l«ta«rt«».pttfoJli»»sMa«t,

t Lawrissc^. 11MItoiH* i* aawjy-lrMniU.Srtxty p«^aUat»tos4»!sbr..twp'W»iiW.jJj*»V^?J^ I ' ' . "idsVwi** *n ^ » ^ t i * S S S ^ W < / & f " »

nAi-itifttH-tx i rab- l^^B. -* .HHJ*!PRB«*R«sj t t ' , . I _ J ^ . , _ , _ — . ».. . . . .- -- ^-im-^,f0^s

;BaUsnd-CM,*l^uUM ; aiv lc l*

m: .,i«^e^Bb#0^^mcjd&c«^^.t^B»s

Tf^TT^- iL ,,.,,* „.t <<rj» .o ,%,

ssmm^ge^Smi^^ [j— s^swmf la^~a I s j g a W i ^ W s e t y from ii&nMmgff&to&f ' f 7-a « ™

: i a T » AW^lBOOPat.—A «siajwrssrt»tf


of IjadlesT ..new^strJ^kytb*

•;J H eUMT.^-

rtvmr, - I "> * - » i " M

x«r. t *'** l^i »fMtAwWfm*M**i*\2'*fXlMin

T h i •»<»»• I T a ^ ^ a ^ i a ^ J ^ i a V M * * ^ * ^ « a #


m^l^fm^SSlBAva^wi wjtaa

M s f l s f l f f l r B E 8 H E E * CORN-^Jusf^re

E R N F E O C R A N B W H E A T orml« Apply;tb ; j , i i - joHH BOWSSELJ.* .

'• T H E subscriber oners' for "sale his residence In.the'imias^'flf rj,kalrj,.%nulnln Hbnji«,Outhousesv -Bam, 'Blacksmith Shop, and

two^elU;ofJwater,iMsteraylrj;^»S.{ plesuahtly situatiBd ^"ktlf«|BMIprisAllw.OsMs«iktn^^ ."»« •^'i'l" '..rAI«c^5fa«ii4fiPasj*rag«^Mesidri ' c o n t a j i l n g m « » t i a « ^ 0 « . n ^ ^ ^ J

^i l«f i iBS' f ; SS5^a^*? , ?* ioB'tliipreiiilaesiorioXfeD^POMEROY;Ogdensbnrghl= }aJ^S^MSW^M»WY^,ot^.^atinsbn^.jnteaisaiaax.'i.ujya;i ?>• - «- -$«;


* * ! tit


CHANCE elosebuslaeas in th

,., , .»«at1rei»toctof5goo

!flGS: >•£':••• ii-.'.'MSiy- : - n 4 ' : C " .ii^U- t

S»^BtaaBrViHI*8^'_^i>"Jn* q <:-•-


|MiE»ub>^berwiihingtoel(^:buslBe«sinthlsvplaee U.wou^lil jjie.to seU out his eatir* stock of goodsi.con-,

'rti i>'»

„-ta3 ^ ^ H - . - r j g j • •Sim

MtaUnhmeat has IjMn d<>la% biui ieu rbr ato« aix years,!a«dk well known all o»er the eonntry. ^ Itis^MirJsMtakeswtMiBftlWssHt^iMiatt^^ laOgdeHbnrfh »p^*. - vs su. " f ? •+

.s^ternH,sr^y-toTtlMsubscriber; -- •-•, J-•• **$!&,. W K J 4 I i. s t « „ * * tall A rUATtM,),

^ gOgdensbBrgh Jan, i8S8.jHa> i m J i

JJakery, • ;C4^r'¥f taOMllsV

[ ->AnHy,at ttia^JmSaaslsiaisrstl ' ^ " JOSEPH. ROSflEl

« i J i » % J 5 ^

MORE N E W . 6 0 0 D 8 ! i **"i{ }" « 8 tiinntlA'w'.i ' - 5 t u ' j i £ c5" •>.

11 'J

0 « ] . E N « C R e H t,H

tionery. m T i a l . n * . . ,

T O I M ^ R ARRsBRs- I B a i s « E ^ * - ^ 0 » J « ^ « f ,-hssjs ta (i*«,.w>Uco to th* ipliiBjn^'IWcesttlMMa itojearry aa tfcbtMlaaai o f staMtts^a* hlsjnt* atassd, «o-

R R a S a ^ i a s O i w S s s H ^ J ^ ^ _ _ . hssjs l« Hs^Mttle* to th* ipliiBjn^'IWcesttlMMa

„. jurmtfcbtMlaaai«<Bakss#drt «*2fP*««aAta-

•tsseev-! Sicfclty 11^wiUln>sv««ra<uMLi


? T H R L O W K r R A T K 8

l ^ ? r f ^ on


T > H E subscribers have, this day received -' • 6 0 0 b b l s . F l o u r , I

8 0 0 b b l s ; M e » « P o r k , •' 5 0 0 b fe la . N e W S « l t ,

.. . 1 , 0 0 0 b i i f s b . C o ' " - 5 0 0

. . . . . . SOO^batr i D a i r r S a l t , .„ .

•Which! theyjyilJ sell^cteab^y.ft^Mtd;^^ LANETON

' Ogdaksbnigli, June I8 . a &*> * ^ ^ ^ ^

New Books at Po ^ & M ? f i ^

.PremtlvfiJof: . . Llfe;pft James JK, P o l k « * y ^ jE.^t^-gfm^

, _ D g « « . T t ' S a i k S e t e s q J - SS do

t.Ne%t3larrj»^a»WtanH-T do wJ^-do . I^B^t lvaMifJnBdSl ty^byRef f i .^ ^ - . W e b b t " d o

Old OakChes tr _ , _ - - , - ^ . , . . - _ _ - , . , , ... ., T h e TbjjTis£iftf s W o n e O T i a n t e i n i p ^ ' Three Stmni.,J«Bn-lA - » A - •" V'H' •'• do-' dtf- =de>£

J&inmmpie** E R < S Poismr-^Insr pabusbjsst.-« i d . t « l i t _ d o ; . « d o


Three Strong.afen-if- ••»•* •r v v.t •,*»••'. . . „ The Virgin's Ks»-^tf:^Vv'm-«s)yA61os,^ "#§d0 Business Man's,;A»sistant—Thefmost useful hook lor

K''Mrchants.'Tarmejrs, e n g t a e j ^ » 6 ^ e a * j ^ ^ f f c i , 1 =ik%, fever prlntedi**. ™ O ^ R - « -ITO SS ^ «S *

t 3 r A C E N T S WANTBO.'to-c inraxsNorlh-:ernN. |Y., for the;Li,fe,of Jas,;K.iPolk.=t J.CGalhoun. •

;•:•;;.: ri-Rfci«»»r-is«i|rffistzri!._^ aTr|T?lji' received a large sup

*',i-*.very superior article. • quahtit)>i«he lowest rates.' - June.aS, 18S0.iia»-3m -G.N.

large saprtrfotBIpoa'a • S G I ^ E S ifawtctg. %r8a!6singly of DSLtha

H O U S E To MJet.


"A i__ T O -EET^n-Divtemn Street, 3«»»^>W8'^^a' ! ! 1 . ' Am-119.1850. '. "BS«ifeiSMSS* • 18tf ,.AjKi4»,1850,. JliSiS

.i^iwkeAfocBlackamlth'jinse.*!,: sfti^ ^ J - i ^ ^ S ^ J ^ ' ' M a m " * " ' - "-K,""ffi.ejfo z^lv~-a&TLM&GBH&mSkitzs

aanieriberla«i4Cretwdgta>^^4>H| witk 1 B ^ i t a * W « ^ > a d f ^ ^ a W > i s r < a C » - ^ > liortlwliberaiiriejaMsflar^osr^xjjw^Msa -s

„ „ _ to know whose turn-is aext«* a* is always

V ^ ^ He has ' f i t ted^hls f w 4 <

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