J Raycroft This jsj we i J auce I Here are some Leaders j ... · THE MEEKER HERALD...

THE MEEKER HERALD JAMES LYTTLE. Editor A Proprietor SATURDAY. BEPTEMHER 26. 1915 Mrs. Evan G. Thomas of the Park, was shopping Monday. Mr. Chester Mann of the LO7 com- pany, was a town visitor, Thursday. It is reported that a 4-pound Native was caught up at Buford this week. Mrs. Frank Gibbons of Oak ridge park, visited the town folks Saturday. A. I*. Worliek was saying “How!” to Meeker friends forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goeder of Rangely, were town visitors mid- week. » Mrs. Ida May Linder, the milliner, will remain in Meeker till after Monday. Meeker citizens fattened the rail- road dividends this week. A large number of them were either going or coming. Note the announcement of C. L. Curtis, the fruit man, in another column. The White River Garage company sold Dan Moog a Dodge Runabout car, this week. Henry Frahm, was in from Grand river this week—visiting his friends on south branch of White. Winter will soon be here. Prepare for it. Call and see those Cole’s Hot Blast Stoves, a^Oldiand's. Frank Vaughn of the Leadville Herald-Democrat force, was in this week on his annual outing to the White River country. The second cutting of hay is about up, and, from all accounts, it is the best in years. The anticipated short- age will be light—if any. Thd next meeting of the Women’s Club occurs October 2nd. Members are urged to attend. A change in the by-laws will be considered. B. W. Robbins, the popular assist- ant general freight agent of the Rio Grande, mingled with Meeker and White river people, midweek. Miss Mary Moulton departed Sun- day for Washington, D. C., where ■he will resume here collegiate studies at the Cathedral seminary. The weather has been fine for weeks, but Old Man Boreas is gather- ing his strength to sound iiis first trumpet blast of approaching winter. Old King Sol and Old Man Storm King battled all day yesterday, in this section, for the mastery, with the points slightly in favor of the latter. Ernest M. Hurlburt, from Middle- town, Conn., spent the week here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blair. Mr. Hurlburt is a cousin of Mrs. Blair's. Miss Mildred Joy is now book- keeper in her father’s garage and auto agency establishment. Miss Mildred makes good wherever she is placed. Mrs. B. F. Nickel, daughter of the late Mr. J. H. LaKamp, writes from her home in Nebraska, sending cordial greetings to up-river and Meeker friends. Those of our citizens who wish to advance the educational interests of their children, should note the an- nouncement of the Raycroft school, which appears in another column. Arthur Burnham is back from the Pacific Coast, and reports a fine time. The fairs are worth seeing. Mr. Burnham met a brother at Frisco that he hadn't seen for nearly thirty years. Hugh Lyttle left Thursday after- noon. After a short visit with rela- tives at Pittsburgh, Hugh reports at the U. 8. Naval Academy, Septem- ber .’loth, for the beginning of the academic year. Mrs. J. G. Broome and children have gone to Oklahoma for the coin- ing winter. Mrs. Broome received a letter announcing that her mother was very low, so concluded to go and stay till next summer. Miss May Wildhack came in this week on a visit to tier parents. Miss Wildhack has been residing with her grand mother at Pekin. 111., for some years. She may conclude to remain in Meeker till next spring. Messrs. J. L. Tagert and A. L. Strehlke left Sunday for Denver, to attend the annual communication of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Colo- rado. On Thursday, Messrs. A. C. Moulton and W. S. Montgomery de- parted to attend the annual encamp- ment of the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Colorado, which assembles at Denver this year. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured ••.My attention was first called to J Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and J Diarrhoea Remedy as much as twelve i years ago. At that time I was seri- ously ill with summer complaint. One dose of this remedy checked the trouble,” writes Mrs. C. W. Florence, Rockfield, Ind. For sale by All Dealers. . Again the cow begins to look ex- pectantly at the straw hat. Complexion Blemish Yes, that sluggish liver often causes it. Dr. King's New Life Pills clears the complexion, throws off impuri- ties and releases bild naturally and easily. Unless the bowels move freely and regularly all the powder in the world will not permanently cover “muddy complexion.” This laxative is mild yet effective. It does not gripe or sicken in its effects. You will not dispute the merits of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Start a treatment today. 26c. No man is so ignorant that you can't learn something from him. Konopik's for furniture, stoves, beds, mattresses, springs, pictures, mirrors, enameled ware and cooking utensils. Next door west of court house. Persian Burials. In Persia two sticks a foot long nre placed In the coffin to prop up the arms of the corpse when it rises from the grave und is questioned by the angel Gabriel. After the risen body lyis sat- isfied the angel that it Is the tiody of a true Mussulman it will receive strength to stand alone. A glance from a dog is necessary to drive away the spirit of defilement, and for this purpose a street cur is brought Into the room of death und its eyes led to the corpse by a tempting bit of hreud laid on the still breast.—Poll Mall Gaaette. How to Glace Nuts. Glace nuts are always great favor- ites Use walnuts, filberts, almonds. Brazil nuts and pecans. For the glace turn into an enameled saucepan one- half pound of granulated sugar and one-half cupful of water. 801 l until it threads, then add three tablespoon- fuls of vinegar and boil again, remov- ing from the fin* the very instant it changes color. Dip the nuts us quick- ly as possible, let them dry and dip again and cool upon paraffin paper. If many nuts nre to be dipped it is better to set the sirup Into a larger vessel of warm water, so that It will not harden. Stage Paint. Fnlnting the face on the stage Is « barbarous custom coine down to ut from the age of oil lamps and candles. With gas and electric light and opera glasses for the remote seats in the house It Is not needed.—London Dra- matic Journal. Charges. “Your lawyer made some pretty se- vere charges against the other fellow, didn’t he?” “Y-o-e-s. but you ought to see how he charged me!” There Is a sufficient rrc mipense in the very consciousness of a noble deed. —Cicero. I Want Your Business Office one door westof Court house; five years experience in the land business; all kinds of property ex- changed; trading is my specialty. Will sell your land if it is priced right. D. F. McCarvili.r, my80 Meeker, Colo. Gocd Sewing Machine For sale. Cheap. Call at the Miller House Annex. s26 Restoration to entry of land* In National Forest. Notice Is hereby given that the lands described below, em- bracing Urt.47 acres, within the White .River Notional Forest,Colorado, will be subject to settlement and entry under the provi- sions of the homestead laws of the United states and the act of June II, IflOtl (84 Stat., S6l», at the United States land office at Glen- wood springs,Colorado, on November#!, 11*15 Any settler who was actually ami In good faith claiming any of said lands for agri- cultural purposes prior to January I. finis, and has not abandoned same, has a prefer- ence right to make a homestead entry for the lands actually occupied. Said lands were listed upon the applications of the persons mentioned l»elow, who have a pre- ference right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided such settler or applicant Is qualllled to make homestead entry and the preference right la exercised prior to November 20, 1015, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and en- try by any qualified person. A tract of land within Secs. IH and It, T. 1 N., K. HO W., nth P. M., described as follows: Beginning at corner No. I, Identical with corner No. 1 of List tai, whence the quarter section cor- ner between Secs. SI and SS, T. I N.. H. W> W.. hears 8. «i° 07' W., 1:11.72 chs.; extending thence N. 0° Sir E., H.t7 chs.; thence N. dll®20* K.,57.10chs.; thence N. «7° 22’ E., 2I.H6 chs.; t hence S. 45" E., 22.68 chs.: thence 8. (15° UP W., :I7.:«chs.; thence 8.7H° 14* W..8».50chs.. to the place of the Iteglnnlng, except that portion heretofore restored under List 404, the net area hereby listed being2U.HRacres, application of W. J. McNamee, Marvlne, Colorado; List 2-2101. A tract within 8ecs. 25and20, T. 8 N., It. no W., described as follows: Beginning at Cor- ner No. I of II.K. 8. No. 150; extending the- nce 8. 24° 27’ K., 44.50 chs.; thence 8.54° 57’ W., ll.Ort chs.; thence N. 2H” 02' W., 10.24 chs.; thence 8.60° 10' W>, I5.MI chs.; thence N. 88° 54' W., 40.no chs.; thence N. 60° 00* E.,U.on chs.; thence N. Hr 17’ E., 20.01 chs., to the place of beginning, except that portion heretofore restored under Lists 600 and 2- 5u» respectively, the net area herely listed being 0.04 acres, application of Joseph W. Konilnek, Pngoca. Colorado; List 2-2102. A tract within Hoes. 7 and n, T. 1 N., K. no W., described as follows: Beginning at Cor- ner No. I of I of H. K. 8. No. 145; extending tlienee 8. 10.07 chs.: thence 8 K4° 5M' E.. 1H.02 chs.; thence N. 0H° 07' K., 10.20 chs.; thence 8. I7( E., 14 chs.; thence 8. 74° 22' W..8I.H8 chs.; thence N. 04° 4»’W., 20.60 chs.; thence H. H7° 17' W., 10.JW chs.; thence 8.68° 10' W.. 28.00ehs.; thence N.83.80 chs.; thence E. 45., to place of !>eglnnlng, except that portion heretofore restored under under List 408, the net area hereby listed being 7H.0H ncres, application of Robert K. Potter, Marvlne, Colorado; List 2-210(1. Heptcmher H, 1015. C. M. Hkitce, Assistant Commissioner of the General I>and Office. t>26-ol0 Restoration to entry of landh In National Forest. Notice Is hereby f liven that the lands described below, em- irnclng 817.50acres, within the White River National Forest, Colorado, will he subject to settlement and entry under the provi- sions of the homestead iaws of the United Htates and the act of Jnne II, 1000 <84 Htat., 288). at the United Htates landolllce at Glen- wood Springs, Colorado, on November 20, 1015. Any settler who was actually and In goo<l faith claiming any of said lands for agricultural purposes prior to January 1, I MM. and has not abandoned same, has a preference right to make a homestead en- try for the lands actually occupied. Maid lands were listed upon the applications of the persons mentioned below, who have a preference right subject to the prior right of any such settler, provided suon settler or applicant Is qualified to make homestead entry and the preference right Is exercised prior to November20,1HI5, on which date the lands will be subject to settlement and en- try by any qualllled person. The lands are as follows: The aeli nw'-L the ne', sw%, the ii'm se 1 swV 4 , the se}$ se)- 4 sw%, the ne*- 4 sw'4 sev 4 Hec. 2H, the wVi nw'i neV., See. •'«. T. 8 N„ R. hi W., nth I*. M., application of Harvey K. Evans, Oak Creek, Colorado; List 2-2I0H. The u l A nw'- 4 sw*$, the se'i nw'- 4 sw*4, the ne'4 sw' 4 iiw. 1 .-, sw 4 i. the n'4 ne'i sw'4 sw' 4 , the se*4 ne' 4 sw'i sw* 4 . Sec 2n, T. 8 N., It. hi W., 40 acres, application of L'.uls F. John- son. oak Creek, Colorado; List 2-2110. The sVi nw> 4 ne' 4 , the nw 1 -, ne l 4 ,then‘-~ se>the w 1.,sw‘ 4 seV 4 , Sec. 2n, T. 8 N., It. no W., IW acres, application of Arthur E. Coupon. Oak Creek, Colorado; List 2-2111. The s' a ne) 4 ne‘ 4 sw' 4 , the sw!i ue 1 , *w' 4 , Hec. 11. T. 2 N., It. HOW., 16 acres, applica- tion of Mary B. Miller, Yampa, Colorado; List 2-2112. September H, 1HI5. C. M. Bruce. Assistant Commissioner of the General Office. sl5-o!0 LOST Tuesday, fountain pen. J Finder please return to Margaret £ Taylor. *1H | Feed Barn Moved I will move, Monday, September | 20th, to the Bed Barn, where I will S be pleased to meet all old patrons j and the public generally. Fred John- | son continues with me. j slH Charley Miller. a Fine Ranch For Sale In Oakridge park section;280acres; all hut about 20 acres under plenty of water; water right the best; cattle, horses and farm machinery to go with farm; also household furnish- ings. Fine residence on place. For particulars call at this olllce. jyl7 Send The Hearld to your eastern friends. | The Raycroft School- 1 ; Will open Monday, September 27, 9 a. m. Rooms jsj 1 have been fitted up for school work in Annex of the ® Miller House. f ® College preparatory and general courses, <|j also primary and intermediate classes ® I miss auce McCarter, | | MISS NINA CUNNINGHAM, | Principals. $ Your Big Game Hunt T UST as soon as game became scarce enough to make I aJ men critical about their rifles, sportsmen in every community got to demanding Remington-UMC. The demand for Remington-UMC Big Game Rifles ajid Remington Metallic Cartridges has been growing ever since. The Remington-UMC Dealer here in thincommunity is the man to go to. Heknows what's happening in the sport today. Ysu’ll know him by t he Red Ball Mark of Remington-UMC —and his store is Sportsmen’s Headquarters. Sold by your home d e a 1 e r and 908 other leading merchants in Colorado Remingtan Arau-Union Metallic Cartridf e Co., Wool worthBldg. (233 B’way) N. Y. City l ) II ' ■" $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In nil Its singes, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only Ksltlve cure now* known to the medical iternlty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat- ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken In- ternally, (feting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, there- by destroying the foundation or the dis- ease. and giving the patient strength by bundin'; up the constitution anil assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative Pow- ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O. Sold hp nil DriiKKlsts. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. DU. It. H. TAYLOR DENTIST Room 7 First National Stank Building Phone. No. to-J nirkrk, Colorado I>It. CLYDE C. ENGLUND DENTIST Room 14. Ilugiis Block (Formerly occupied by Dr. Fox) Phone, fll-W mrkkkk, colo. A. L. QOURLEY FUNERAL DIRECTOR ami REGISTERED EMIIALMEft License No. 11 EDNA W. COURLEY Registered Lady Assistant Phone, Meeker 12 Res., Meeker 51 ..RIVERSIDE DAIRY.. IRA DUNHAM, Piop. POWELL PARK A Sanitary Dairy. Good Milk and Cream. Twenty Quarts for fl. Give your orders to the delivery man, or phoneto the dairy—UR-J 2 POLLARD MINE The Favorite Coal with Housekeepers. At the Mine 10 per centdiscount for Cash I-cave orders at the Meat Market (Card & Stephpnson) Phone No. 14; or with I. A. Watson, Phono No. Real Estate and Loans If you want to buy or sell a Ranch we me. 1 can save you time and make you money. If you want to buy or sell a relinquishment call on me. List your property with me—cither real or personal. T. B. SCOTT Mrrkrr Colorado Peaches This is your last chance to get those peaches you want Fancy Elbertaa sent postpaid for 88 eta per Standard Box Reference: First National Bank C. L. CURTIS, Cedaredge, Colorado THE Palace Restaurant Formerly the Davltt House Dining Room Reopened Under the management of A. JACKSON Good Service and Moderate Prices Meeker. Colorado I BLACK DIAMOND COAL Square deal—Coal always on hand New Chutes and New Screens Reynolds & Babcock Bros. Lessees Leave orders with Jeffries Brothers Telephone, JUKI Meeker, Colo. MEEKER HOTEL BARBER SHOP First CIB4S work In all Harboring lines A. HOMEY, Prop. I This is a week of extra value giving in Desirable Merchandise Here are some very unusual offers which we I make for Two Days only. j Saturday and Monday Leaders Children’s Coats $3.75 Ladies’ Coats •’ $3.75 j| If Ladies’ Suits . $3.75 1 || Children’s and Ladies’ Shoes .... $1.98 2 ® Good Wool Skirts $2.50 1 Hand Bags and Belts -25 I Ladies’ and Children’s Underwear, pr garment .15 1 I THE NEW YORK STORE 1 I "WHKRE PRICES ARE RIGHT” ® * ® 1 FORD p theuniversalcar ® The best, cheapest, and cost less to | | maintain than any Car on the Market | I MEEKER GARAGE CO. | I Agents . I I White River Garage and Machine Shop f H AGE NTH FOR * | Buick, Dodge, and Chevrolet Motor Cars | y Five-Passenger Cars ranging in price from $490.00 to $1,485.00 @ H Repair work guaranteed. ® 1 Well drilling, plumbing and sheet metal work | | Heating Plants Installed | i, Mills and Offlca—Carbondale, Colorado (5) j Carbondale Monument Co. 1 DEALERS IN |{ | GRANITE AND MARBLE Plans and Estimates Furnished I F. N. JoHANTGEN, Local Agent | International Soil-Products Epxosition Denver September 27th to October 9th International Dry Farming Congress Denver October 4th to 7th $13.32 DENVER AND RETURN $13.32 byway of DENVER & RIO GRANDE Tickets on sale September 26 and 27, and October 3 and 4 Return limit, October 11th For train schedules and further detailed information, call on W. E SALTMARSH, Agent, Meeker, Colo F. A. WADLEIGH, P. T. M., Denver Place old papers under your car- pets; 25 cents per 100, The Hkrali* office. - STOVE CASTINGS-Stove, re- i> paired, new and second hand stove., at the Meeker Cabinet Shop. .4-26

Transcript of J Raycroft This jsj we i J auce I Here are some Leaders j ... · THE MEEKER HERALD...

Page 1: J Raycroft This jsj we i J auce I Here are some Leaders j ... · THE MEEKER HERALD JAMESLYTTLE.EditorAProprietor SATURDAY. BEPTEMHER26. 1915 Mrs.EvanG. Thomasof the Park, wasshopping



Mrs. Evan G. Thomas of the Park,was shopping Monday.

Mr. Chester Mann of the LO7 com-pany, was a town visitor, Thursday.

It is reported that a 4-pound Nativewas caught up at Buford this week.

Mrs. Frank Gibbons of Oakridgepark, visited the town folks Saturday.

A. I*. Worliek was saying “How!”to Meeker friends forepart of theweek.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goeder ofRangely, were town visitors mid-week. »

Mrs. Ida May Linder, the milliner,will remain in Meeker till afterMonday.

Meeker citizens fattened the rail-road dividends this week. A largenumber of them were either going orcoming.

Note the announcement of C. L.Curtis, the fruit man, in anothercolumn.

The White River Garage companysold Dan Moog a Dodge Runaboutcar, this week.

Henry Frahm, was in from Grandriver this week—visiting his friendson south branch of White.

Winter will soon be here. Preparefor it. Call and see those Cole’s HotBlast Stoves, a^Oldiand's.

Frank Vaughn of the LeadvilleHerald-Democrat force, was in thisweek on his annual outing to theWhite River country.

The second cutting of hay is aboutup, and, from all accounts, it is thebest in years. The anticipated short-age will be light—ifany.

Thd next meeting of the Women’sClub occurs October 2nd. Membersare urged to attend. A change in theby-laws will be considered.

B. W. Robbins, the popular assist-ant general freight agent of the RioGrande, mingled with Meeker andWhite river people, midweek.

Miss Mary Moulton departed Sun-day for Washington, D. C., where■he will resume here collegiatestudies at the Cathedral seminary.

The weather has been fine forweeks, but Old Man Boreas is gather-ing his strength to sound iiis firsttrumpet blast of approaching winter.

Old King Sol and Old Man StormKing battled all day yesterday, inthis section, for the mastery, withthe points slightly in favor of thelatter.

Ernest M. Hurlburt, from Middle-town, Conn., spent the week herevisiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blair.Mr. Hurlburt is a cousin of Mrs.Blair's.

Miss Mildred Joy is now book-keeper in her father’s garage andauto agency establishment. MissMildred makes good wherever she isplaced.

Mrs. B. F. Nickel, daughter of thelate Mr. J. H. LaKamp, writes fromher home in Nebraska, sendingcordial greetings to up-river andMeeker friends.

Those of our citizens who wish toadvance the educational interests oftheir children, should note the an-nouncement of the Raycroft school,which appears in another column.

Arthur Burnham is back from thePacific Coast, and reports a fine time.The fairs are worth seeing. Mr.Burnham met a brother at Friscothat he hadn't seen for nearly thirtyyears.

Hugh Lyttle left Thursday after-noon. After a short visit with rela-tives at Pittsburgh, Hugh reports atthe U. 8. Naval Academy, Septem-ber .’loth, for the beginning of theacademic year.

Mrs. J. G. Broome and childrenhave gone to Oklahoma for the coin-ing winter. Mrs. Broome received aletter announcing that her motherwas very low, so concluded to go andstay till next summer.

Miss May Wildhack came in thisweek on a visit to tier parents. MissWildhack has been residing with hergrand mother at Pekin. 111., for someyears. She may conclude to remainin Meeker till next spring.

Messrs. J. L. Tagert and A. L.Strehlke left Sunday for Denver, toattend the annual communication ofthe Masonic Grand Lodge of Colo-rado. On Thursday, Messrs. A. C.Moultonand W. S. Montgomery de-parted to attend the annual encamp-ment of the Grand Commandery,Knights Templar of Colorado, whichassembles at Denver this year.

Diarrhoea Quickly Cured••.My attention was first called to J

Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and JDiarrhoea Remedy as much as twelve iyears ago. At that time I was seri-ously ill with summer complaint.One dose of this remedy checked thetrouble,” writes Mrs. C. W. Florence,Rockfield, Ind. For sale by AllDealers. .

Again the cow begins to look ex-pectantly at the straw hat.

Complexion BlemishYes, that sluggish liver often causes

it. Dr. King's New Life Pills clearsthe complexion, throws off impuri-ties and releases bild naturally andeasily. Unless the bowels move freelyand regularly all the powder in theworld will not permanently cover“muddy complexion.” This laxativeis mild yet effective. It does not gripeor sicken in its effects. You will notdispute the merits of Dr. King's NewLife Pills. Start a treatment today.


No man is so ignorant that youcan't learn something from him.

Konopik's for furniture, stoves,beds, mattresses, springs, pictures,mirrors, enameled ware and cooking

utensils. Next door west of courthouse.

Persian Burials.In Persia two sticks a foot long nre

placed In the coffin to prop up thearmsof the corpse when it rises from thegrave und is questioned by the angelGabriel. After the risen body lyis sat-isfied the angel that it Is the tiody ofa true Mussulman it will receivestrength to stand alone. A glancefrom a dog is necessary to drive awaythe spirit of defilement, and for thispurpose a street cur is brought Into theroom of death und its eyes led to thecorpse by a tempting bit of hreud laidon the still breast.—Poll Mall Gaaette.

How to Glace Nuts.Glace nuts are always great favor-

ites Use walnuts, filberts, almonds.Brazil nuts and pecans. For the glaceturn into an enameled saucepan one-half pound of granulated sugar andone-half cupful of water. 801 l untilit threads, then add three tablespoon-fuls of vinegar and boil again, remov-ing from the fin* the very instant itchanges color. Dip the nuts us quick-ly as possible, let them dry and dipagain and cool upon paraffin paper. Ifmany nuts nre to be dipped it is betterto set the sirup Into a larger vessel ofwarm water, so that It will not harden.

Stage Paint.Fnlnting the face on the stage Is «

barbarous custom coine down to utfrom the age of oil lamps and candles.With gas and electric light and operaglasses for the remote seats in thehouse It Is not needed.—London Dra-matic Journal.

Charges.“Your lawyer made some pretty se-

vere charges against the other fellow,

didn’t he?”“Y-o-e-s. but you ought to see how he

charged me!”

There Is a sufficient rrc mipense inthe very consciousness of a noble deed.—Cicero.

I Want Your BusinessOffice one door westof Courthouse;

five years experience in the landbusiness; all kinds of property ex-changed; trading is my specialty.Will sell your land if it is pricedright. D. F. McCarvili.r,

my80 Meeker, Colo.Gocd Sewing Machine

For sale. Cheap. Call at the MillerHouse Annex. s26

Restoration to entry of land*In National Forest. — Notice Is hereby

given that the lands described below, em-bracing Urt.47 acres, within the White .RiverNotional Forest,Colorado, will be subjectto settlement and entry under the provi-sions of the homestead laws of the Unitedstates and the act of June II, IflOtl (84 Stat.,S6l», at the United States land office at Glen-wood springs,Colorado, on November#!, 11*15Any settler who was actually ami In goodfaith claiming any of said lands for agri-cultural purposes prior toJanuary I. finis,and has not abandoned same, has a prefer-ence right to make a homestead entry forthe lands actually occupied. Said landswere listed upon the applications of thepersons mentioned l»elow, who have a pre-ference right subject to the prior rightofany such settler, provided such settler orapplicant Is qualllled to make homesteadentry and the preference right la exercisedprior to November 20, 1015,on which date thelands will be subject to settlement and en-try by any qualified person. A tract of landwithin Secs. IH and It, T. 1 N., K. HO W.,nth P. M., described as follows: Beginningat corner No. I, Identical with corner No. 1of List tai,whence thequarter section cor-ner between Secs. SI and SS, T. I N.. H. W> W..hears 8. «i° 07' W., 1:11.72 chs.; extendingthence N. 0° Sir E., H.t7 chs.; thence N. dll® 20*K.,57.10chs.; thenceN. «7° 22’ E., 2I.H6 chs.;t hence S. U° 45" E., 22.68 chs.: thence 8.(15° UPW., :I7.:«chs.; thence 8.7H° 14* W..8».50chs..to the place of the Iteglnnlng,except thatportion heretofore restored under List 404,the net area hereby listed being2U.HRacres,application of W. J. McNamee, Marvlne,Colorado; List 2-2101.

A tract within 8ecs. 25and20, T. 8N., It. noW., described as follows: Beginningat Cor-ner No. I ofII.K. 8.No. 150; extending the-nce 8. 24° 27’ K., 44.50 chs.; thence 8.54° 57’W., ll.Ort chs.; thence N. 2H” 02' W., 10.24 chs.;thence 8.60° 10' W>, I5.MI chs.; thence N. 88°54' W., 40.no chs.; thence N. 60° 00* E.,U.onchs.; thence N. Hr 17’ E., 20.01chs., to theplace of beginning, except that portionheretofore restored under Lists 600 and 2-5u» respectively, the net area herely listedbeing 0.04 acres, application of Joseph W.Konilnek, Pngoca.Colorado; List 2-2102.

A tract within Hoes. 7 and n, T. 1 N., K. noW.,described as follows: Beginning atCor-ner No. I of I of H. K. 8. No. 145;extendingtlienee 8. 10.07 chs.: thence 8 K4° 5M' E.. 1H.02chs.; thence N. 0H° 07' K., 10.20 chs.; thence8. 1° I7( E., 14 chs.; thence 8.74° 22' W..8I.H8chs.; thence N. 04°4»’W., 20.60 chs.; thenceH. H7° 17' W., 10.JW chs.; thence 8.68° 10' W..28.00ehs.; thence N.83.80 chs.; thence E. 45.,to place of !>eglnnlng,except that portionheretofore restored under under List 408,the net area hereby listed being 7H.0H ncres,application of Robert K. Potter, Marvlne,Colorado;List 2-210(1. Heptcmher H, 1015. C.M. Hkitce, Assistant Commissioner of theGeneral I>and Office. t>26-ol0

Restoration to entry of landhIn National Forest. Notice Is hereby

f liven that the lands described below, em-irnclng 817.50acres, within the White RiverNational Forest, Colorado, will he subjectto settlement and entry under the provi-sions of the homestead iaws of the UnitedHtates and theact of Jnne II, 1000 <84 Htat.,288). at theUnited Htates landolllce at Glen-wood Springs, Colorado, on November 20,1015. Any settler who was actually and Ingoo<l faithclaiming any of said lands foragricultural purposes prior to January 1,IMM. and has not abandoned same, has apreference right to make a homestead en-try for the lands actually occupied. Maidlands were listed upon the applications ofthe persons mentioned below, who have apreference right subject to the prior rightof any such settler, provided suon settler orapplicant Is qualified to make homesteadentry and the preference right Is exercisedprior to November20,1HI5, on which date thelands will be subject tosettlement and en-try by any qualllled person. The lands areas follows: The aeli nw'-L the ne', sw%, theii'm se 1. swV4 , the se}$ se)- 4 sw%, the ne*-4 sw'4sev4 Hec. 2H, the wVi nw'i neV., See. •'«.

T. 8 N„ R. hi W., nth I*. M.,application ofHarvey K. Evans, Oak Creek, Colorado;List 2-2I0H.

Theu lA nw'-4 sw*$, the se'i nw'-4 sw*4, thene'4 sw' 4 iiw.1.-, sw 4 i. the n'4 ne'i sw'4 sw' 4,the se*4 ne' 4 sw'i sw* 4 . Sec 2n, T. 8 N., It. hiW.,40 acres, application of L'.uls F. John-son. oak Creek, Colorado; List 2-2110.

The sVi nw> 4 ne' 4 , the nw 1-, nel 4 ,then‘-~se>the w 1.,sw‘4 seV 4, Sec. 2n, T. 8 N., It. noW., IW acres, application of Arthur E.Coupon. Oak Creek, Colorado; List 2-2111.

The s' a ne) 4 ne‘ 4 sw'4 ,the sw!i ue 1, *w' 4 ,Hec. 11. T. 2 N., It. HOW., 16 acres, applica-tion of Mary B. Miller, Yampa, Colorado;List 2-2112. SeptemberH, 1HI5. C. M. Bruce.Assistant Commissioner of the General

Office. sl5-o!0

LOST — Tuesday, fountain pen. JFinder please return to Margaret £

Taylor. *1H |Feed Barn Moved •

I will move, Monday, September |20th, to the Bed Barn, where I will Sbe pleased to meet all old patrons jand the public generally. Fred John- |son continues with me. j

slH Charley Miller. a

Fine Ranch For SaleIn Oakridge park section;280acres;

all hut about 20 acres under plenty ofwater; water right the best; cattle,horses and farm machinery to gowith farm; also household furnish-ings. Fine residence on place. Forparticulars call at this olllce. jyl7

Send The Hearld to your easternfriends.

| The Raycroft School- 1; Will open Monday, September 27, 9 a. m. Rooms jsj1 have been fitted up for school work in Annex of the ®

Miller House. f® College preparatory and general courses, <|j• also primary and intermediate classes ®

I miss auce McCarter, || MISS NINA CUNNINGHAM, |

Principals. $

Your Big Game HuntT UST as soon as game became scarce enough to make I

aJ men critical about their rifles, sportsmen in everycommunity got to demanding Remington-UMC.

The demand for Remington-UMC Big Game Rifles ajidRemington Metallic Cartridges has beengrowing ever since.

The Remington-UMC Dealer here in thincommunity is the man to go to.Heknows what's happening in the sport today. Ysu’ll know him by t he RedBall Mark of Remington-UMC—and his store is Sportsmen’s Headquarters.

Sold by your home d e a 1 e r and 908other leading merchants in Colorado

Remingtan Arau-Union Metallic Cartridfe Co., Wool worthBldg. (233 B’way) N. Y. City

l ■ ) II ' ■"

$100 Reward, $100The readers of this paper will he

pleased to learn that there Is at least onedreaded disease that science has beenable to cure In nil Its singes, and that IsCatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only

Ksltlve cure now* known to the medicaliternlty. Catarrh being a constitutional

disease, requires a constitutional treat-ment. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken In-ternally, (feting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the system, there-by destroying the foundation or the dis-ease. and giving the patient strength bybundin'; up the constitution anil assistingnature In doing Its work. The proprietorshave so much faith In Its curative Pow-ers that they offer One Hundred Dollarsfor any case that It falls to cure. Sendfor list of testimonials. .» ■Address: F. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Toledo. O.

Sold hp nil DriiKKlsts. 75c.Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.



First National Stank Building

Phone. No. to-J nirkrk, Colorado


DENTISTRoom 14. Ilugiis Block

(Formerly occupied by Dr. Fox)

Phone, fll-W mrkkkk, colo.


License No. 11EDNA W. COURLEY

Registered Lady AssistantPhone, Meeker 12 Res., Meeker 51


POWELL PARKASanitary Dairy. Good Milk and

Cream. Twenty Quarts for fl. Giveyour orders to the delivery man, orphonetothe dairy—UR-J 2

POLLARD MINEThe Favorite Coal with Housekeepers.At the Mine 10per centdiscount for Cash

I-cave orders at the Meat Market (Card& Stephpnson) Phone No. 14; or with I.A. Watson, Phono No.

Real Estate and LoansIf you want to buy or sell a Ranchwe me. 1 can save you time andmake you money. If you want to buyor sell a relinquishment call on me.List your property with me—citherreal or personal.

T. B. SCOTTMrrkrr Colorado

PeachesThis is your last chance toget those peaches you want

Fancy Elbertaa sent postpaidfor 88 eta per Standard Box

Reference: First National Bank

C. L. CURTIS,Cedaredge, Colorado

THEPalace RestaurantFormerly the Davltt House Dining Room

Reopened Underthe management of

A. JACKSONGood Service and Moderate Prices

Meeker. Colorado


Square deal—Coalalways on handNew Chutes and New Screens

Reynolds & Babcock Bros.Lessees

Leave orders withJeffries BrothersTelephone, JUKI Meeker, Colo.

MEEKER HOTELBARBER SHOPFirst CIB4S work In all Harboring lines

A. HOMEY, Prop.

I This is a week of extra valuegiving in Desirable Merchandise

Here are some very unusual offers which we

I make for Two Days only. jSaturday and MondayLeaders

Children’s Coats $3.75

Ladies’ Coats •’ $3.75 j|

If Ladies’ Suits . $3.75 1|| Children’s and Ladies’ Shoes ....$1.98 2

® Good Wool Skirts $2.50 1Hand Bags and Belts -25 ILadies’ and Children’s Underwear, pr garment . .15 1


* ®

1 FORDp theuniversalcar ®

• The best, cheapest, and cost less to || maintain than any Car on the Market |


II White River Garage and Machine Shop fH AGE NTH FOR *

| Buick, Dodge, and Chevrolet Motor Cars |y Five-Passenger Cars ranging in price from $490.00 to $1,485.00 @

H Repair work guaranteed. ®

1 Well drilling, plumbing and sheet metal work || Heating Plants Installed |

i, Mills and Offlca—Carbondale, Colorado (5)

j Carbondale Monument Co. 1<§ DEALERS IN |{

| GRANITE AND MARBLEPlans and Estimates Furnished

I F. N. JoHANTGEN, Local Agent |

International Soil-Products EpxositionDenver

September 27th to October 9th

International Dry Farming CongressDenver

October 4th to 7th

$13.32 DENVER AND RETURN $13.32byway of

DENVER & RIO GRANDETickets on sale September 26 and 27, and October 3 and 4

Return limit, October 11th

For train schedules and further detailed information, call on

W. E SALTMARSH, Agent, Meeker, ColoF. A. WADLEIGH, P. T. M., Denver

Place old papers under your car-

pets; 25 cents per 100, The Hkrali*office.


i> paired, new and second hand stove.,at the Meeker Cabinet Shop. .4-26