J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT...

prr- - -- nTr whtfw JT F- - Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?; W' r Tn-MtRjnr- Vi J' BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN STATESMAN OF LATE YEARS, BELIEVED IN RECIPROCITY 1 TheBulletin Reciprocity I BELIEVES TOO, IN Evening Bulletin AND ADVERTISER RECIPROCITY BETWEEN READER Consult Oar Advertisers. -- u Vol. V. No. 1017. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBElt 15, 1898. Pkioh 5 OlJNTS. TARHERS, NOT LABORERS USEFUL BIRDS INTRODUCED HAWAII'S YOICE IN PARIS NEW PASTOR'S RECEPTION LIVELY SCENES IN COURT IN THE HIGHER COURTS Great Scheme of Manner Lowrle for The Laughing Jackass a Yalued Ally of Memorial From the Hawaiian Board Rev. W. II. Kincaid Introduced to His At the Trial of Captain Milnor for Will of Antone Rosa Presented With Ewa Plantation. Humankind. to the Peace Commission. . Honolulu Charge. Imprisoning an Actress. Petition for Probate r- - H v I ' - t First Colony from California Id October-H- oped Solution of Problem or Labor In Sugar Raising. W. J. Lowrio, whoso arrival back from tho Const was noticed yosteiday, conversed nbout his trip with a Bullutin reporter on board thi train for Ewa yesterday afternoon. ''My chief orraud was to obtain farmers to raise BUgar enno. 1 succeeded woll for a start. From fourteen to twenty farmers, some of them with families, will" arrive horo by sailing vebBol about the middle of October. "It is not lnhorors, you under stand, but farmers. A soou as annexation was accomplished, 1 cousiderod tho time had pome to make a test of tho practicability of Bottling American farmers on cuu lauds. "I went to Modesto in the Sau Joaquin Valley, whero it is hotter than in tho-t- islands, so as to got poplo adapted to our climate The proportion I sought was twelve men of family to eight sin glo men. Yea, tho engagements made aro in that propurtion. "The families are all from one place, bo thit thoy ore acquainted -- with each other, hence will uot bo liable to quarrel when settled horo. They are a good class of pooplp. "If tho sohomo prove successful as I hopo it will be, it will bo the means of bringing any amount of po plo of that class. The San Francisco Chronicle gavo a straightforward account of what "i was doing in California. I gnvo the particulars to Walter G. Smith, ono of tho editors, who wiib formorly in Honolulu, and ho reproduced tho information very satisfactorily." Those California farmers will bo given a cortain area to cuhi-"vat- e, tho company doing tho breaking of tho ground and the plautiog. They will havo free bouses with plots of ground at- tached to cultivate product) upon for thoir own uso. Water, fuel, medical attendance and school facilities aro also assured tho Bo- ttlers. If thoy desiro it, wages at the rato of $18 a month will bo advancod. Tho cano they culti- vate will bo ground soparatoly and ono-sixt- h of tho not value of tho sugar therefrom will bo o rod i tod to them, less whatever amount they may havo drawn as advance wages. IIUSSIA AND UMII.VNI). Maid to Haw lltmcliril Aurrrimiil China,- - London, Sept. G. The Daily Mail says this morning: We learn from good authority that an An glo-Russi- undorstandiug is praatically coraplote. Groat Bri-tai- u recognizes Russia in M Russia unUi rtakes to sat- isfy Great Britain in Chineso railway matters and to rospoot England's sphoro in the valley of the Yaug-ts- o Kiang. Tho Daily Mail also under stands that Cecil Rhodos, acting in behalf of South African inter- ests, is going to purchase tho Do-lag- oa Railway from Portugal. lllotlnir In Crete. Candia, Island of Crete, Sept. G. Cindia is in a stato of anarchy. A collision botwoon Ino Mussul- mans, who wore demonstrating against European control, and the British authorities, who bavebeon installing Christians as revenue oflioials, culminated today in bloody fighting between tho Mm Bulmans and the British troops .Hints took place in various parts pf the city and many havo boon Li Hod. Gay Plumaged Birds from Australian Forests They are Insectivorous and There- fore Doubly Welcome Here, J. W. Chapman is accumulating quito an aviary at his villa restau-inu- t at Peurl Oi y. Yestonlay he dded, 111 pur-lM'- b on board the Alameda, niuo birds. Six of them aro of thogorgoous plumago com- mon among tho nativo birds of Australia. They comprise n pair onch of rosollas, lowreys and par (hkeets. Two healthy young mag- pies and a lone specimen of the laughing jtckass complete tho bill. A mountain parrot was terribly surprised w en two pairs of tho other parrot species wore put into its hitherto exclusive cnge, but al though it is a much smaller bird thoy made no attempt to molost it E. 0. Smith, manager of the I'earl City Fruit Co., said to a ro portor at Pearl City station: '' Thoso aro bird- - tho magpies anil tho luughiug jackuss that you ought to advocate in your paper for getting as many of thorn as possible into this country. Thoro would be nothing to equal them in golting away with centi-- p dee, Japaueso booties, rats, mice and othor posts." The laughing jackass, with 11 body tho size of a largo pigeon, bns a prodigious cuived beak about four inches long. It is ready to uso this weapon, too, upon fingers having the temerity to handle it. This bird has a roost peculiar method of dispatching its p'cy. It will socluuo Hsolt, motionless, in a treo until snake or rat mako its appearance. Thou it Hwoops down with tho speed of lightning and, grasping iU quarry in its sharp "edged mandibles, soars aloft and sails around until it comos over a rock. Hero it lots tho victim drop to bang its life out ou the rock, and if the first full do not kill ropeats tho operation un- til tho end is accomplished. Auothor tbiug tho laughing jackass doos, in the case of ser-pent- is to warn with it cachinat iug voico any human being who approaches tho rosting place of a do idly reptile. A lady informed tho writer that for this implaca- ble enmity to tho serpent family the Australians aro quite avorso to seoing tho bird takon out of thoir country. Ti ore is a small snako thoro whose bito is spaodily fatal, and any creature that gets away with it is oitromod an especial friend of man. l'rnnre'a New Wr .lllnlaler. Paris, Sept. C General Zur-liud- en, Military Govornor of Pa- - i', has accepted tho Ministry of War, in succession to M. Cavaig-ifi- e, resigned. General Zurlindon was a mom-tie- r of the Ribot Cabinet, which went out of ollico in 1805. His decision to accopt tho war port folio was communicated to Presi- dent Faure. Royal makes tba food pure, wholesome and dcllclMM. MK & POWDER Absolutely Puro WWU BAKINO KtHDM go., r xnc. Announced by Dr. Bingham at Missionary Meeting Interesting Discussion on Caro- lines at Central Union Church. Rov. Hiram Bingham, D. D., tho vouerablo missionary and translator of tho Biblo into tho Gilbort Island languogo, niado an announcement of international interest at tho prayer meotiug of Central Union onurch last night. It was "misiionary" pvening and the congregation in tho locture room wns lur'e, as Rov. W. M. Kiucaid, tho now pastor, was to be seen and heard for tho first timo by tho socioty. Rov. 0. W. Hill conduclod the devotion, giving a short leoturo on tho last chaptor of Luke. Fr. d. J. Lowroy read a paper on Mijrooosian missions in gen-ora- l and tho mission to the Caro linoIsJandsinparticular.Hetoldof the series of molestations that tho American aud Hawaiian mission- aries suffered at Pouape, after its recession by Germany to Spain sorao years ago, at tho hands of tho Spanish military rulers under instigation of the priests. The United States Becurcd from Spain $17,500 damages for tho American LSoard of Missions, but tbo settlo. mout involved tho exclusion thence- forth of tho Protestant mission- aries. Dr. Bingham aroso and contin- ued tho discussion. Ho mado the interosting statement that, within tho past week, a momorial had noon forwarded by tho Hawaiian Board of Missions to the joiot American and Spanish Peace iommission that will assomblo in Pari not la'or than tho mouth of October. Tho momorial prayB that all Spanish aithoriiy and rule iu tho Caroline Islands shall forth- with ceaso and determine, and that froedora of religion and ent shall bo established in tho group. Tho Board did uot presume, Dr. Bingham said, to diotato to the Commission, but it folt called up- on to intercede for tho natives of tho Carolines, who had provod very roceptivo to tho gospol and wero a tractable people. Without dictating as stated, tho Board d that an American protoo-jorat- o would bo right for tho islands. Their peoplo were capa-bl- o govornmont. Dr. Bingham concluded by offering up a foivent prayer for the Caroline Islandora. Rov. Ph. A. do la Porte said ho could testify to tho good work of iho missionaries in Micronesia Twice last October ho addressed moetings ot live hu idred people thoro, who Ud eHgor to hoar the gospel. While they wero prayiug nhould not forget Pleasant islaud. i uis isiunu is Bituateu south ot the Carolines and fifteen inilos bolow the equator. In connoction with Mr. do la Porta loter, tho roportor was in formed tilnt llfl wna nninn ii I'lnn- - Bout Island by tho Morning Star uuxi reurunry, as a mihsiouary undor (lie auspices of the. Ameri- can Board and a Honolulu mis sionory socioty. After tho missionary exorcised were concluded. Mr fTill ;.,(,-,.- . dnced Mr. Kincaid, tho uew paB- - ior, 10 mo congregation. Trouble In l'lilllipnen. Madrid, Sopt. C Tho Minister of War has received a dispatch dated at Iloilo from General Rine, Captain Gonoral of tho Spanish possessions in tho Philippines and Govornor. of the Visaja isl- ands, as follows: "Our flotilla has visited tlin wlmln iimliiriulnrrn Tliero was uo sign of tho threat encd rebellion iu tho Visnyas." American Messenger aervico. Masonic Toraplo.Telephono He Is of Stalwart -- Makes an Exce- l- lent Impression In His luliUl Address In Meeting. At thi close of tho stated mid- - w U devotions iu the lecture room of Central Unioii church yesterUy vein g Rv. O. W. Hill, who has boon acting pastor for sonio weeks past, introduced Rev. Win. M. Kiucaid. loto f Minuoanoii- - to tho congregation as its new pastor. Mr. Kiucaid had eat on tho platform from the opening ot tun meoling, a specta tor and auditor of tho exercises. Tho uuw pastor is n man of ntnlwiirt iirmre. with n rnrumf couutonanco that looks used to tho opon air. His hair is dark sMghtly touched with gray, begin- ning well back from a high brow, and ins taco smooth snavon for a Drizzled mustache Theso personal characteristics taken with tiroiniiieiit ivnlirniuo nud a demeanor of manly frank ness will indicate that. Central Union's new shnnhenl in n rrnml SDecimen of stnrdv ChiisiianUv. That he does not try to "look tho parson" waovulont in hisnpparol for tho firet introduction. Ho work a rlnrl- - mnrtiinrr anit. but with a white waistcoat, and a heavy black bowknot instead of a whito "choker." Mr. Kiucaid. in brief nddrena. ..... . . a . . . . i saiu tuat tne church should be the ceutor of active roligiouB work in tho community. If ho had thought that this church was to bn ntlinr- - wise, uo would not bo Rtandmg UOtoro tuom. llo wanted to lin n pastor in real oarnost to bo thoir spiritual guide, philosophor and frinnd. His sola nurnnnn in (lin pulpit would bo to proach the gospol of Jesus Christ. If a pas- tor dojired to teach politics the forum was his place, if scionco ho had only to go to tho laboratory. As a speaker Mr. Kiucuid evinced that nervous intensity, with an offect of reserved power, which denotes ono gifted with tho quality called animal magnetism. His voico without high pitching is Donctratincr. Altnrrntlipr lin seomed to proiluco a most favora- - mo impression upon all who hoard him on this occasion. Mr. Kincaid is 47 vnnrn nf nm. a native of Utica, N'. Y. His education is of Williams College anu ivociiobtor luoological oomiu- - ary. After filling pastorates in towns of New York Stato, the first ono beginning in 1874, ho became nastor of tlm First linn. tist church, San Francisco, in 1880 Ten years later ho becamo a Prosbvtoriau and as such bn. eamo pastor of Andrew church, lUiuneapoliB, whence ho comes to tako tho ohargo in Honolulu. He brio us a wifo aud thrnd chil dren ns acquisitions to tho com munity, Opium an Iiuo Iteeil, The Isaac Reod was searched by I -p tor Short and members of his watch this morning. Tho cook was found with a smokiug outfit. He told tho wholo story. Ho will not be prosecuted. Bailey's Honolulu (Wry. 231 King Street. Hj been uppulnleJ agint In the Hawaiian IslanJs for the famous "STORMER" Dloclet well known for Ihelr abllllv to sUnJ hard wear. Tlu-- are LOV In price but HIGH In oualltv. Thi--v hive MORGAN & WHIGIITS DOUI1LE TUHE TIHXS, flush Joints. Tauber liangers, U Ulock chain anJ every moaern Improvement. Enamel n4 finish equal to any. fully guaranleei as to material anJ workmanship In eviry wavcouilto hlirh nrlceJ mi chines for tiarj work anJ wear. Price spot cash $40 00 LaJlesana gentlemen s In stock. Contracts taken to repair all punctures anJ keen I bike In cooj orJer at Ji.uu 1 er month. Attorney Davis Frozen Out In Prosecutio- n- Judge Stanley Clears the Court on Account of Demonstrations. Judgo Wilcox declined to take jurisdiction iu tho District Cnuri agaiust ono criminal caso arising out of 1 10 o. ntful v MM of thi-st- mBhip C 1 1 in bin from Seattle to Hilo. Thor f r the ut-- pro- secution of tho sorifl waB brought iu tho District Court. Judge Stanloy began its tirirjg yP6ter day af ornoon, and it ended amidst thunders and bluo light ning this foreuoou. This was tho com pi out, in tli namo of tho Itepublio of Hawaii, rando by Roso Berliner, nil actress in a troupe now playing iu Honolulu, against Walter Milnor pastor of thoBtoara6hip Columbia. Tho dofendant was charged with imprisoning tho fair plaintiff for two days and two nights on board his ship aforesaid. A gontloman with a Deulscher scollop in his speech uns ou th witness stand this morning. Mr. Davis, attorney "assisting tho pro sedition," was pressing this wit ness to Bay whothor ho had for gotton to say auythiug that he might say. "Forgot I Neinl How could I forgot? Dondt get Oggsyted, Mr. Lawvof. If yon want mo to toldt you Boraodtingsl" Mr. Davis mado his chair jump under him at this advice from the witness stand, and tho passengere of tho 8toamer present in force roared out laughing. Judgo Stanloy eolpred up with the Hush of judicial dignity troatod with respect and announc ed that upon any further dom ho should order the court cloarod. After a while Captain Milnor on tho 6tind emphatically declar- ed that if his ship wero tied up at tho wharf in Seattle, Hilo, Hono- lulu or San Francisco, or clearing tho billows on tho high seas, he would not tolerato econos among uis passengers as some ho had (Ih scribed in his evidence At this tho Columbia passon- - gors presont lod in a burst of np- - ulauBe that would sot a Thespiau up in DiiBinorS for a yoar. Judge Stanloy immediately ordered tho bailiff to clear tho court. "When all tho ovidenco, includ ing rebuttal on tho part of tho plum till, h l I) en put in Deputy tVttornoy Uonoral Dole intervened in tho case. He had been a muto spectator of the case after, at tho outset, introducing Mr. Davis as uounsol assisting the prosecution. llus generally moans doing all tho prosecuting. Mr. Dole now only desired permission, ou bo- - half of the Attorney uonorars department, to enter a nolle pro-- o qui in the case. This is a formal ity that has tho eiiect ot a dis charge without birring futuro proceedings at tho ploasuro of the stato authorities. You could havo knocked Mr. Davis down with a feather then. but not if ho had hold a club in his hand with permission to use it on tho "Attorney General's depart ment." Attor too court roso tho aggrieved attoruoy followed Mr. Dolo to tho otlico of Judge Perry and bittorly upbraided him, vocal ly registormg a rosolvo that from uow honcefofth and forevor, thoir respective paths iu Ufa must of necessity bo irrevocably divergent. Jidgar (JaypleBS, a newly ad mitted attorney and ono of tho Columbia's inward passengnrs.con ducted tho cneo of tho defoudaut. Tho General Gordon has haul od in nlongaido the Fort street wharf and is uow discharging nor cargo of coal. Estate or $8000 Devised to His Wife -J- ot n Y. Colburn Named a Executor Supreme Court Calendar. John F. Colburn petitions for probato of tho will of Antono Rosa, iu which he in named as tho executor aud tho widow as guar- dian of the threo childron. Thn estnte is valued at SSOOO, of which 87000 relates to renl estate, and is entirely left to Mrs. Rota. In tho will tho childinn nro commended to the care of their mother. Tho will was executed Septembor ft 1898, in presence, of Edmund H. H.Hrt, John Lot '"''ikou. and AVm. Blaisdoll. Judgo Stanloy' has ordered tho executor, pending probato of tho will, to pay tho widow n certain weekly allow- ance. Following is a list of cases for the Supreme Court term to open on Monday: Kohala Sugar Compauy vs. Job. Wight. Minister of Interior vs. Oahu Railway & Land Co. M. O. Aldrich ot al. vs. P. E. Hussingor ot rI. H. M. .Vist vs.S. M. W.Kawolo. E. O. Hobron vs. Hiknalani johron. Hikaahui Hobron vs. E. O. Hobron. F. L. Dortch vs. A. Y. Goir. J. K. Sumner vs. R W. Wilcox et al. OuarJiauBhip of John K. Sum ner. H1. Zerbo n. Republic of Hi waii. G. L. Edwards vs. Republic of Hawaii. Kahului Riilrnnd Co. vs. Ha- waiian Commercial & Sugar Co. N. Russel n. Tax Assessor Ha- waii. Tonc On vs. Tai Keo. G. K. Wilder vs. O. S. Bradford" K. Kahooraann et nl. vs. V. A. Cnrvalho. f DEPARTED SUDDENLY, Gaorge R. Gran, clerk in H. Hackfeld &, Co., Lt 1., did uot re port for duty this morning. Mr. Suhr, manager of tho en rp nation's business Bays thoy are informed mm umu ion in tiio steumer Ala- meda yesterday. In ansvsor to a question Mr. Suhr said ti.oy woro not awaro of Buy defalcation to thorn. If thoro was it had to bo discovored. J'hia di'HnnnPH fnr thn. present of a rumored $1000 defa- l- cnurn 10 mo corporation. a geiu einnu who know .Grau's ways declares that when he was hnrd un ha could nnt ilmw rn iiSa employers, lt is gonorally bo- - I,11V.31 flint tn Inft .. 1 t ..um.. iiiiiura iuii u uoilBKluraUlO of unpaid obligation behind him. i lew weoKs ago Mrs. Urau, n, Hawaiian lndy, obtained a tlivorco from her limlmllll f.ir Inn nonlnnt ot hor through Tho liriucitilll emiriTV utnrna in lown givo nntico iu uuother col umn of closing ou Heg.itta Uay. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Oold Medal, Alldwlnter Fair. VWCfX CREAM BAKING nmm A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powilff. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARDS y a Mi j - - .. j'ihAk'-Jbifca- a i.i: . t i . .(.

Transcript of J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT...

Page 1: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN

prr-- -- nTrwhtfw JT F- - Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?; W' r Tn-MtRjnr- Vi




ReciprocityI BELIEVES

TOO,IN Evening Bulletin AND



READERConsult Oar Advertisers.

--u Vol. V. No. 1017. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBElt 15, 1898. Pkioh 5 OlJNTS.


Great Scheme of Manner Lowrle for The Laughing Jackass a Yalued Ally of Memorial From the Hawaiian Board Rev. W. II. Kincaid Introduced to His At the Trial of Captain Milnor for Will of Antone Rosa Presented With

Ewa Plantation.Humankind. to the Peace Commission. . Honolulu Charge. Imprisoning an Actress. Petition for Probate








First Colony from California Id October-H- oped

Solution of Problem or Labor

In Sugar Raising.

W. J. Lowrio, whoso arrivalback from tho Const was noticedyosteiday, conversed nbout histrip with a Bullutin reporter on

board thi train for Ewa yesterdayafternoon.

''My chief orraud was to obtainfarmers to raise BUgar enno. 1

succeeded woll for a start. Fromfourteen to twenty farmers, someof them with families, will" arrivehoro by sailing vebBol about themiddle of October.

"It is not lnhorors, you understand, but farmers. A soou asannexation was accomplished, 1cousiderod tho time had pome tomake a test of tho practicabilityof Bottling American farmers oncuu lauds.

"I went to Modesto in the SauJoaquin Valley, whero it is hotterthan in tho-t- islands, so as to gotpoplo adapted to our climateThe proportion I sought wastwelve men of family to eight singlo men. Yea, tho engagementsmade aro in that propurtion.

"The families are all from oneplace, bo thit thoy ore acquainted--with each other, hence will uot boliable to quarrel when settledhoro. They are a good class ofpooplp.

"If tho sohomo prove successfulas I hopo it will be, it will bo themeans of bringing any amount ofpo plo of that class. The SanFrancisco Chronicle gavo astraightforward account of what

"i was doing in California. I gnvothe particulars to Walter G.Smith, ono of tho editors, whowiib formorly in Honolulu, and horeproduced tho information verysatisfactorily."

Those California farmers willbo given a cortain area to cuhi-"vat- e,

tho company doing thobreaking of tho ground and theplautiog. They will havo freebouses with plots of ground at-

tached to cultivate product) uponfor thoir own uso. Water, fuel,medical attendance and schoolfacilities aro also assured tho Bo-ttlers. If thoy desiro it, wages atthe rato of $18 a month will boadvancod. Tho cano they culti-vate will bo ground soparatoly andono-sixt- h of tho not value of thosugar therefrom will bo o rod i todto them, less whatever amountthey may havo drawn as advancewages.


Maid to Haw lltmcliril AurrrimiilChina,- -

London, Sept. G. The DailyMail says this morning: We learnfrom good authority that an Anglo-Russi- undorstandiug ispraatically coraplote. Groat Bri-tai- u

recognizes Russia in MRussia unUi rtakes to sat-

isfy Great Britain in Chinesorailway matters and to rospootEngland's sphoro in the valley ofthe Yaug-ts- o Kiang.

Tho Daily Mail also understands that Cecil Rhodos, actingin behalf of South African inter-ests, is going to purchase tho Do-lag- oa

Railway from Portugal.

lllotlnir In Crete.Candia, Island of Crete, Sept. G.

Cindia is in a stato of anarchy.A collision botwoon Ino Mussul-mans, who wore demonstratingagainst European control, and theBritish authorities, who bavebeoninstalling Christians as revenueoflioials, culminated today inbloody fighting between tho MmBulmans and the British troops.Hints took place in various partspf the city and many havo boonLi Hod.

Gay Plumaged Birds from Australian Forests

They are Insectivorous and There-

fore Doubly Welcome Here,

J. W. Chapman is accumulatingquito an aviary at his villa restau-inu- t

at Peurl Oi y. Yestonlay hedded, 111 pur-lM'- b on board the

Alameda, niuo birds. Six of themaro of thogorgoous plumago com-

mon among tho nativo birds ofAustralia. They comprise n paironch of rosollas, lowreys and par(hkeets. Two healthy young mag-pies and a lone specimen of thelaughing jtckass complete tho bill.A mountain parrot was terriblysurprised w en two pairs of thoother parrot species wore put intoits hitherto exclusive cnge, but although it is a much smaller birdthoy made no attempt to molost it

E. 0. Smith, manager of theI'earl City Fruit Co., said to a roportor at Pearl City station:'' Thoso aro bird- - tho magpiesanil tho luughiug jackuss thatyou ought to advocate in yourpaper for getting as many of thornas possible into this country.Thoro would be nothing to equalthem in golting away with centi-- p

dee, Japaueso booties, rats, miceand othor posts."

The laughing jackass, with 11

body tho size of a largo pigeon,bns a prodigious cuived beakabout four inches long. It is readyto uso this weapon, too, uponfingers having the temerity tohandle it. This bird has a roostpeculiar method of dispatchingits p'cy. It will socluuo Hsolt,motionless, in a treo until snakeor rat mako its appearance. Thouit Hwoops down with tho speed oflightning and, grasping iU quarryin its sharp "edged mandibles,soars aloft and sails around until itcomos over a rock. Hero it lotstho victim drop to bang its life outou the rock, and if the first full donot kill ropeats tho operation un-til tho end is accomplished.

Auothor tbiug tho laughingjackass doos, in the case of ser-pent-

is to warn with it cachinatiug voico any human being whoapproaches tho rosting place of ado idly reptile. A lady informedtho writer that for this implaca-ble enmity to tho serpent familythe Australians aro quite avorso toseoing tho bird takon out of thoircountry. Ti ore is a small snakothoro whose bito is spaodily fatal,and any creature that gets awaywith it is oitromod an especialfriend of man.

l'rnnre'a New Wr .lllnlaler.

Paris, Sept. C General Zur-liud- en,

Military Govornor of Pa- -

i', has accepted tho Ministry ofWar, in succession to M. Cavaig-ifi- e,

resigned.General Zurlindon was a mom-tie- r

of the Ribot Cabinet, whichwent out of ollico in 1805. Hisdecision to accopt tho war portfolio was communicated to Presi-dent Faure.

Royal makes tba food pure,wholesome and dcllclMM.


POWDERAbsolutely Puro

WWU BAKINO KtHDM go., r xnc.

Announced by Dr. Bingham at Missionary

Meeting Interesting Discussion on Caro-

lines at Central Union Church.

Rov. Hiram Bingham, D. D.,tho vouerablo missionary andtranslator of tho Biblo into thoGilbort Island languogo, niado anannouncement of internationalinterest at tho prayer meotiug ofCentral Union onurch last night.It was "misiionary" pvening andthe congregation in tho loctureroom wns lur'e, as Rov. W. M.Kiucaid, tho now pastor, was to beseen and heard for tho first timoby tho socioty.

Rov. 0. W. Hill conduclod thedevotion, giving a short leoturo ontho last chaptor of Luke.

Fr. d. J. Lowroy read a paperon Mijrooosian missions in gen-ora- l

and tho mission to the CarolinoIsJandsinparticular.Hetoldofthe series of molestations that thoAmerican aud Hawaiian mission-aries suffered at Pouape, after itsrecession by Germany to Spainsorao years ago, at tho hands oftho Spanish military rulers underinstigation of the priests. TheUnited States Becurcd from Spain$17,500 damages for tho AmericanLSoard of Missions, but tbo settlo.mout involved tho exclusion thence-forth of tho Protestant mission-aries.

Dr. Bingham aroso and contin-ued tho discussion. Ho mado theinterosting statement that, withintho past week, a momorial hadnoon forwarded by tho HawaiianBoard of Missions to the joiotAmerican and Spanish Peaceiommission that will assomblo inPari not la'or than tho mouth ofOctober. Tho momorial prayB thatall Spanish aithoriiy and rule iutho Caroline Islands shall forth-with ceaso and determine, andthat froedora of religion and ent

shall bo establishedin tho group.

Tho Board did uot presume,Dr. Bingham said, to diotato to theCommission, but it folt called up-on to intercede for tho natives oftho Carolines, who had provodvery roceptivo to tho gospol andwero a tractable people. Withoutdictating as stated, tho Board d

that an American protoo-jorat- o

would bo right for thoislands. Their peoplo were capa-bl- o

govornmont. Dr. Binghamconcluded by offering up a foiventprayer for the Caroline Islandora.

Rov. Ph. A. do la Porte said hocould testify to tho good work ofiho missionaries in MicronesiaTwice last October ho addressedmoetings ot live hu idred peoplethoro, who Ud eHgor to hoar thegospel. While they wero prayiug

nhould not forget Pleasant islaud.i uis isiunu is Bituateu south ot theCarolines and fifteen inilos bolowthe equator.In connoction with Mr. do la

Porta loter, tho roportor was informed tilnt llfl wna nninn ii I'lnn- -Bout Island by tho Morning Staruuxi reurunry, as a mihsiouaryundor (lie auspices of the. Ameri-can Board and a Honolulu missionory socioty.

After tho missionary exorcisedwere concluded. Mr fTill ;.,(,-,.- .

dnced Mr. Kincaid, tho uew paB- -

ior, 10 mo congregation.

Trouble In l'lilllipnen.Madrid, Sopt. C Tho Minister

of War has received a dispatchdated at Iloilo from General Rine,Captain Gonoral of tho Spanishpossessions in tho Philippinesand Govornor. of the Visaja isl-ands, as follows: "Our flotillahas visited tlin wlmln iimliiriulnrrnTliero was uo sign of tho threatencd rebellion iu tho Visnyas."

American Messenger aervico.Masonic Toraplo.Telephono

He Is of Stalwart -- Makes an Exce- l-

lent Impression In His luliUl

Address In Meeting.

At thi close of tho stated mid- -

w U devotions iu the lectureroom of Central Unioii churchyesterUy vein g Rv. O. W.Hill, who has boon acting pastorfor sonio weeks past, introducedRev. Win. M. Kiucaid. loto fMinuoanoii- - to tho congregationas its new pastor. Mr. Kiucaidhad eat on tho platform from theopening ot tun meoling, a spectator and auditor of tho exercises.

Tho uuw pastor is n man ofntnlwiirt iirmre. with n rnrumfcouutonanco that looks used totho opon air. His hair is darksMghtly touched with gray, begin-ning well back from a high brow,and ins taco smooth snavon

for a Drizzled mustacheTheso personal characteristicstaken with tiroiniiieiit ivnlirniuonud a demeanor of manly frankness will indicate that. CentralUnion's new shnnhenl in n rrnmlSDecimen of stnrdv ChiisiianUv.That he does not try to "look thoparson" waovulont in hisnpparolfor tho firet introduction. Howork a rlnrl-- mnrtiinrr anit. butwith a white waistcoat, and aheavy black bowknot instead of awhito "choker."

Mr. Kiucaid. in brief nddrena...... . .a

. . . . isaiu tuat tne church should be theceutor of active roligiouB work intho community. If ho had thoughtthat this church was to bn ntlinr- -wise, uo would not bo RtandmgUOtoro tuom. llo wanted to lin npastor in real oarnost to bo thoirspiritual guide, philosophor andfrinnd. His sola nurnnnn in (linpulpit would bo to proach thegospol of Jesus Christ. If a pas-tor dojired to teach politics theforum was his place, if scionco hohad only to go to tho laboratory.

As a speaker Mr. Kiucuidevinced that nervous intensity,with an offect of reserved power,which denotes ono gifted with thoquality called animal magnetism.His voico without high pitchingis Donctratincr. Altnrrntlipr linseomed to proiluco a most favora- -mo impression upon all whohoard him on this occasion.

Mr. Kincaid is 47 vnnrn nf nm.a native of Utica, N'. Y. Hiseducation is of Williams Collegeanu ivociiobtor luoological oomiu- -

ary. After filling pastorates intowns of New York Stato, thefirst ono beginning in 1874, hobecame nastor of tlm First linn.tist church, San Francisco, in1880 Ten years later ho becamoa Prosbvtoriau and as such bn.eamo pastor of Andrew church,lUiuneapoliB, whence ho comes totako tho ohargo in Honolulu.He brio us a wifo aud thrnd children ns acquisitions to tho community,

Opium an Iiuo Iteeil,

The Isaac Reod was searchedby I -p tor Short and membersof his watch this morning. Thocook was found with a smokiugoutfit. He told tho wholo story.Ho will not be prosecuted.

Bailey's Honolulu (Wry.231 King Street.

Hj been uppulnleJ agint In the Hawaiian IslanJsfor the famous

"STORMER"Dloclet well known for Ihelr abllllv to sUnJ hardwear.

Tlu-- are LOV In price but HIGH In oualltv. Thi--v

hive MORGAN & WHIGIITS DOUI1LE TUHETIHXS, flush Joints. Tauber liangers, U Ulock chainanJ every moaern Improvement. Enamel n4 finishequal to any. fully guaranleei as to material anJworkmanship In eviry wavcouilto hlirh nrlceJ michines for tiarj work anJ wear. Price spot cash $40 00LaJlesana gentlemen s In stock.

Contracts taken to repair all punctures anJ keen I

bike In cooj orJer at Ji.uu 1 er month.

Attorney Davis Frozen Out In Prosecutio- n-Judge Stanley Clears the Court on

Account of Demonstrations.

Judgo Wilcox declined to takejurisdiction iu tho District Cnuriagaiust ono criminal caso arisingout of 1 10 o. ntful v MM of thi-st-

mBhip C 1 1 in bin from Seattleto Hilo. Thor f r the ut-- pro-

secution of tho sorifl waB broughtiu tho District Court. JudgeStanloy began its tirirjg yP6terday af ornoon, and it endedamidst thunders and bluo lightning this foreuoou.

This was tho com pi out, in tlinamo of tho Itepublio of Hawaii,rando by Roso Berliner, nilactress in a troupe now playing iuHonolulu, against Walter Milnorpastor of thoBtoara6hip Columbia.Tho dofendant was charged withimprisoning tho fair plaintiff fortwo days and two nights on boardhis ship aforesaid.

A gontloman with a Deulscherscollop in his speech uns ou thwitness stand this morning. Mr.Davis, attorney "assisting tho prosedition," was pressing this witness to Bay whothor ho had forgotton to say auythiug that hemight say.

"Forgot I Neinl How could Iforgot? Dondt get Oggsyted, Mr.Lawvof. If yon want mo to toldtyou Boraodtingsl"

Mr. Davis mado his chair jumpunder him at this advice from thewitness stand, and tho passengereof tho 8toamer present in forceroared out laughing. JudgoStanloy eolpred up with theHush of judicial dignitytroatod with respect and announced that upon any further dom

ho should order thecourt cloarod.

After a while Captain Milnoron tho 6tind emphatically declar-ed that if his ship wero tied up attho wharf in Seattle, Hilo, Hono-lulu or San Francisco, or clearingtho billows on tho high seas, hewould not tolerato econos amonguis passengers as some ho had (Ihscribed in his evidence

At this tho Columbia passon- -gors presont lod in a burst of np- -

ulauBe that would sot a Thespiauup in DiiBinorS for ayoar. Judge Stanloy immediatelyordered tho bailiff to clear thocourt.

"When all tho ovidenco, including rebuttal on tho part of thoplum till, h l I) en put in DeputytVttornoy Uonoral Dole intervenedin tho case. He had been a mutospectator of the case after, at thooutset, introducing Mr. Davis asuounsol assisting the prosecution.llus generally moans doing alltho prosecuting. Mr. Dole nowonly desired permission, ou bo- -

half of the Attorney uonorarsdepartment, to enter a nolle pro-- o

qui in the case. This is a formality that has tho eiiect ot a discharge without birring futuroproceedings at tho ploasuro of thestato authorities.

You could havo knocked Mr.Davis down with a feather then.but not if ho had hold a club inhis hand with permission to use iton tho "Attorney General's department." Attor too court roso thoaggrieved attoruoy followed Mr.Dolo to tho otlico of Judge Perryand bittorly upbraided him, vocally registormg a rosolvo that fromuow honcefofth and forevor, thoirrespective paths iu Ufa must ofnecessity bo irrevocably divergent.

Jidgar (JaypleBS, a newly admitted attorney and ono of thoColumbia's inward passengnrs.conducted tho cneo of tho defoudaut.

Tho General Gordon has haulod in nlongaido the Fort streetwharf and is uow discharging norcargo of coal.

Estate or $8000 Devised to His Wife -J- ot n Y.

Colburn Named a Executor Supreme

Court Calendar.

John F. Colburn petitions forprobato of tho will of AntonoRosa, iu which he in named as thoexecutor aud tho widow as guar-dian of the threo childron. Thnestnte is valued at SSOOO, of which87000 relates to renl estate, and isentirely left to Mrs. Rota. In thowill tho childinn nro commendedto the care of their mother. Thowill was executed Septembor ft

1898, in presence, of Edmund H.H.Hrt, John Lot '"''ikou. and

AVm. Blaisdoll. Judgo Stanloy'has ordered tho executor, pendingprobato of tho will, to pay thowidow n certain weekly allow-ance.

Following is a list of cases forthe Supreme Court term to openon Monday:

Kohala Sugar Compauy vs. Job.Wight.

Minister of Interior vs. OahuRailway & Land Co.

M. O. Aldrich ot al. vs. P. E.Hussingor ot rI.

H. M. .Vist vs.S. M. W.Kawolo.E. O. Hobron vs. Hiknalani

johron.Hikaahui Hobron vs. E. O.

Hobron.F. L. Dortch vs. A. Y. Goir.J. K. Sumner vs. R W. Wilcox

et al.OuarJiauBhip of John K. Sum

ner.H1. Zerbo n. Republic of Hi

waii.G. L. Edwards vs. Republic of

Hawaii.Kahului Riilrnnd Co. vs. Ha-

waiian Commercial & Sugar Co.N. Russel n. Tax Assessor Ha-

waii.Tonc On vs. Tai Keo.G. K. Wilder vs. O. S. Bradford"K. Kahooraann et nl. vs. V. A.


Gaorge R. Gran, clerk in H.Hackfeld &, Co., Lt 1., did uot report for duty this morning. Mr.Suhr, manager of tho en rp nation'sbusiness Bays thoy are informedmm umu ion in tiio steumer Ala-meda yesterday. In ansvsor to aquestion Mr. Suhr said ti.oy woronot awaro of Buy defalcation tothorn. If thoro was it had to bodiscovored. J'hia di'HnnnPH fnr thn.present of a rumored $1000 defa- l-cnurn 10 mo corporation.

a geiu einnu who know .Grau'sways declares that when he washnrd un ha could nnt ilmw rn iiSaemployers, lt is gonorally bo--I,11V.31 flint tn Inft .. 1 t..um.. iiiiiura iuii u uoilBKluraUlOof unpaid obligation behind him.

i lew weoKs ago Mrs. Urau, n,Hawaiian lndy, obtained a tlivorcofrom her limlmllll f.ir Inn nonlnntot hor through

Tho liriucitilll emiriTV utnrna inlown givo nntico iu uuother column of closing ou Heg.itta Uay.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Oold Medal, Alldwlnter Fair.



A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powilff.40 YEAPS THE STANDARDS y a

Mi j - - .. j'ihAk'-Jbifca- a i.i:. t i . .(.

Page 2: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN

V .


f -

''.WWM "

Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.



No. 45 Qnien Street.

Expert Appruisomont of RealEstato unci FurmttirH.


Mercantile Agency210 Klu street.

Difficult Collections a Special!)


Queen street, llotioluln, 11.1.

AGENTS FORhiwtllin Agricultural Compiny, Onotnj SbmiCompany, llonomu Suicar Company, WallukiBujrar Company, Waihec Sufcar Company, Make.BoaarCompan), HaleaVala Ranch Company, ka

Ranch. rianters' Line Sau Kranclciactcta, Chaa. Brewer & Co.'a Line of Boston

Packet. "Agents Boston Board of UnderwritersAzenta Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or orriGEiuiP 0 Jones, President; George- II Robertson,Manager; E F Dtshop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary! Col. V F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,1 Waterhonso, A V Cartor, Directors.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbora ol

European and American Dry Good

Fort and Qneen Btreeti.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - Fros'dont nnd MnnngeiGToub Hpreokels, - - -W. M. GifTnrd, - Secrctnry and TreasurerTLeo. 0. Porter, - Andilot

Sugar Factors

Commission Agents.AQENTH OF THIS




BESEEM, commission agents

Oor. Fori and Queen Streote, Honolnir.

Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'r

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts.. Honolulu

HOLLJSTER &. CO.,AstelltS.

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd.121 Queen Street.

Curi'lnge nnd Wngon liuildu's.'!


WILSON 4WHITEH0USE,Bole Lluenees HnwallUn Tslnnds.

m121 Queen Streot,

rjiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is pro pared to furnish

Nltrnto of Soda, Ilouo Moid, raw ordissolved;Florlila and Iicly KUlot IslandGuano, Kiilphato of Aiiimonlu, Murlatoand Sulphate of Potash and Kuinlto, Co-

ral Lime. Stone and Manures. In quanti-

ties to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

Id WasliinMon Feed Co.

Cor. Queen and Fort iSts.

Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ilaj'i Grain, Pcod,....ITlour, IMoals, etc

Our Goods arc Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.

Phone 422.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Oat and Split (ready for tho Stove),Also.



At Lowest 1'ricori, delivered to any part oltho City.


HUSTAXJIif & CO.,31 Qaoon Street.


Watch our show windows



ORGANDIES8 yards for $1

10 yards for $1

Quality of goods, considerinc

these prices, cannot be dupli-


New line of dress goods re-

ceived on the Australia.

EGAN'S,IF o StreetArchitects, Contractors and Builders.


ARCHITECT223 Merchant St., Honolulu,

Between Fort nnd Alnken,

Tei.kimione : : : 734


Contractor and BuilderOUlcceaud Stores titled np and

Estimated len on

THE 1898.



rST Ollice and Shop. No BID Fort street,adjoining IV. V. WrlKbt'a Carriage Shop.

To My Patrons and the Public.

Having recovered from ray recent illuesp, I am npnin preparedto tlo all kinds of Tinpimtli andPlumbing work aa beretoforeTbatikiug you for pust favors, 1

rPHpectfully solicit a continuauctof tho sntne.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.car Tel. 8 U.

Monnments and Headstones,

Tho undorsigned Is prepared to docKMirrniiY work of all kinds,and supply MONUMENTS nnd IIKAD-STOXI- S

of which ho has n gront va-

riety of tho Ijitost and Most ArtisticDesign, ami ulllalo supply Stone Cop-

ing separately for surrounding remo-te ty lots.

t3T Estimates given In Marblo, Gra-

nite, Hawaiian Stono, otc.FItKD. HARRISON.

A.LLEN & ROBINSON.Doulors in Lumbor and Coal

nd Building MtitorialB of niluuds

Queen Htroot. Honoluln,

A New Paint Shop.

Having associated with us Mr. JohnII. Woht, n practical Houso 1'idnlor,Decorator nnd Wood I'olislior, wo uronow prepared to give cKtliuatos on nilkinds of work In that Hue.

Mr. West having had n practicalof over twonly yenVs in San

Fmnclsco nnd other largo eltlos on thoCoast, wo feel confident that any workoutriihtod to us will glo entire satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Clieapeston- -

Tho IKON FKNCINO, OHNA- -MKNTAI. IKON andWIHH WORK ofall klmU sold by us. Tho Fencing is

J-u-s t the Thinto ho.iutlfy your grounds, nnd It Is

Call and Inspect It.Wo hao somo

Great liarguinH in Ileal Estate I

Hawaiian Iron Foi.co'and Monu-mont- al


ANKROM & HENDRICKfout STiti:irr.

fiSTJUSolo agency of the" Swift .k Co.Kicking House Products of Chicago.


Nicoly furnished rooinB at thePopular IIoubo, 154 Fort stroot,from Sl.OO por week up.


M D. Monsnrrat is back fromIvHtini.

Litoit in walking lints at Mrs.Hnunn's.

J. P. Oonko wnt to Luliniimon ihe Kntini yes'otdsy.

Tho Orot'ou mid Inwn will botent to the Pacific tstatiou.

Tho Commi-'sionpr- s of Educa-tion will met at tbo luunl hourthis nftornoou.

Reception to Mr. autl Mrs.I'ro. k in tb; ball of tbo Y. M. 0.A. this eveuiug.

Tho tronpi that arrived bero intho Arizona oxpoet to roinaiu inHonolulu for two month yot.

Mist Anna Roeo enibd for SanFrancisco yo tfnlay aftornoon onlior way to tbo Topckn carnival.

Tbero will bo no paperismed from ibis oflicf on Satur-day, September 17, Konatta Day.

Tbo morchnnts are respondingvery liberally to tbo rail for fundsto defray Regatta. Day expeusos.

Work on tbo new two storycottage on tbo botol grounds isprogressing rapidly. Tho frame-work entire is now in placo.

Hollister it Co..tho tobneconipts,have beon anpoiutod auontH fortho "Lillian Ruwir" cigar. Thiscigar in of all eloar Ilavaua tobnoco and in tho StnteB is consideredthe best o cont cigar in tbo mar-ket.

Clearings for tbe'Honolulu Sugar Co.'s plan'atinn are now inevidenco fmro tbo train of Ibe0. It. & L. Co. Laborers' bar-rae- ks

and plantation wnrnbnusesrnnko quite a hnmlet at Hxlaw.

For Fovpnteen yrnrs John Pbil-li- n

lias been in tbo rlnmHnebnsibes in Honolulu. The finestsnni'nry plumni g in the e'ty hobas put 'n. He has thf ln'eet do-sir-

in bath tubs nnd lavatoryfurnishing.

As the reeult of a elnah behyofiitwo factions of Coloradorepresentatives to eain pnfosionnf a convention lisll at Cob-rad- o

Sprincs, Charles Hnrris of Dnver wa kill-- d, and others wound-ed. Tbo polico wore iu poEsessionat Inst accounts.

PMrlotle Lrntfiir.The Womnn's Pntri tia Lenpne

has decided to act quickly. Aftervory much discussion, the mem-

bers have decided to present amnmorisl to the Commiesinn, themain point of which will bo a potilion for the franchise to bocranted tho Ilawaiinus. Tho Pa-trioii- o

Lpbduo, it will bo remembered, is a branch of tbo AlohaA inn and a grent deal of tbo workof that organization lms beenaccomplished through tho unsworving efforts of the women.

Tbo memorial will be roady bytomorrow and will probably bepresented at that time.

Hoard of Ilrnllh.A short so'sion of the Board of

Health was held yesterday aftor-noon nt tho usual time.

Tho report of Inspector Kelii-pi- o

showed fish receivednt tho market during tho past throew eks.

Tbo resignation of L. Turneras mnnngor of tho Ililo hospitalwas accepted. Sheriff Andrewswill bo BBked to nssumo tho dutiesof that oflico.

School matters were then dis-cussed and the 13oard adjourned.

m m

Folio Court Xot.In tho Polico Court yesterday

the following cases wero disposedof:

J. P. Kahohawai, profanity, re-primanded.

Ncdu, assnult with intent tomurder, continued until moved on.

Joo Corren, malicious injury, SOand costs.

Tbo uso of tho Singer in mil-lions of homes shows tho unpro- -'cedonted succosb of theso idealsowing machines. It is convinc-ing proof thnt tbo Singer oxcolsin nil kinds of family sewing andart needle work. All our Bowingmachines nro of tbo boat construc-tion, beautifully decorated, audare mounted on selected woods infinely finished cabinets of artisticdesigns. B. Bergorsen, ogont, 10JBethel street.

Henttln liver.TIub ovor popular Ranior boor

is bocoming a housobold wordand "will you bavo a glass ofSenttle" is more often heard thananything olso. Tho CriterionSaloon have tho boor on tap or inbottlos.

Fraternal Societies.


Meet ovory Mmuliiy evening nt 7:30,In Harmony Mull, King Htrect.

O. I.. KOIUIKNMDN, N. O.11 It. 1IHNUUY, Seenliiry.

All vlttitlug brothers vory vnnlhillyln Itcit. 1003

HAWAIIAN TItlliE o. 1,Improved Oidor of lied Men.

Meets on Uiof.ccont1 nnd fourth Fridayof oiu'h nioiitli, at "::'.() i. in., In Knightsof I'ythlns Hull, Fort Itrcet. VlslthiKbrotlioMnro eorillully Invited to attend.S J..SAi;r-:it,Snuliom- ; .r.F.FCKAllDT,Chief of Itecorilx. 10U3

MYSTIC LODGENo. 2, K.of P.,Mvolt every Weditcaday evening nt

7:.'!0 o'clock, Cnslle Jlnll, Fort ctreet.VMtlng brothers cordially Invited toattend.1015 A. L. MORKIS, K. R. S.

Hotels and Restaurants.


Offers special Inducements In comfortnnd excellence to travelers nnd families.

A notably clcnn kitchen; prompt nndpolite (orvlco to pioMs.


partment.W. K. AZI1IH,, Proprietor.

Tolophono bU9. P. O. IJox 74U. 1010

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL HOUnS.


Cigars and TobaccoAXWAT8 ON HAND.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOS HOTEL 8TKBET&

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Cream.

Onr Establishment is the Finest lienor!in the City. Call acd see ns. Open till 11

clock p. M

Excelsior Dining Saloon333 NUUANU ST.,


CHAS. UND, Prop'r.First-clas- s meals, under tho supervis-

ion of n ulillo man, sorved from f a. in.to8 p. in. MKALS TWENTY-FIV- E Cts.

Experienced Caterer.

J. W. CHAPMANAnnounces to tho public that ho Is now

open for engagements to tnko chargo of

IlaiKjUots, Balls, Dlnnors nnd Gnrdou

Parties, Socials, etc.

Address enro Union Kxpross Company

cry RdaraAnd Ice Cream Parlors.

13. POPPIjISTOX. M'o'lt.This Is n modorn Americanrcstntlrnnt. Excollont meals for 25 conts.


Seaside Resort(LATE SARATOGA)

"W aikiki.CARL KLEMME, PnorniKTOit.

.Tho most delightful spot inthe Islands. Extensive Improveinentabeing mndo for tho cntertalumeut ofthe public. Cottages for rent. RowlingAlley nnd Cofleo Ourden.

AFIoodofKlectrloLIrht!Fine Pea Bathing!

Rooms by tlio day, week or month.Telephone 889. 1013

D ewey Restaurant.A First-clas- s ItosoVt in every respect.

Tho bostSo cent monl to bo had.ICK CREAM 15 CENTS A PLATE.

LOOK HOP ,t CO.,1003 Ttorotnuln and Fort stroots.

To Let.A cottago containing flvo rooms nnd

part of a house, situated corner of AdamsIjiiio and Union stroot. Apply at Hid-lotl- n

oflico. 1014-t- f


These Lots Are Now Offered on Easy Terms:


Sold aM

5, o. w

" '28 27

t IOC5



S Mui






95 95

1G 15

Sold Sold

I95 95


- U i 13 i

95 95



rm CO




' csD or

to &



95 95

2 1

. Sold Sold

95 95


210 King street. Telephone 2.

The Remington TypewriterHAS BEEN AWARDED A

Diploma of HonorAT




tJtS Tins is tlio HionifsT Possible Award, rankingabove a Gold Medal.

H. HACKFELD& CO. LTDSole Dealers.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the "Best.

Just Opened TJp anInvoice of . . .

SelrpLuf ej's Best Ti$consisting; of

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Alsr,SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.

dive them a trial. Money baok If you don't like them. Also, Just received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Haras, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to tho Arlington.

- h Ui 'i ll!,J,.j.j

Page 3: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN





"W,T 'P'MH! ' '" "' """WP Tyj- - ) i WyiW ''p' f WHl)m '.lyTwytiWHrwHWW?



Pawaa Tract"

? g ?




it) - CO

5 - J

o O

--a CD

MROAD 30 $



4 uj tJ

j yj Jo

i vw . to- 4.

" O vw

to (J" O to


3 CO

t41 5 MM



The abovo Lots will b9 Sold on


Telephone 92. P. o. Box 145


'Groceries, Provisions and FeedTJaw rrnniln rpnnlvpil nvprv rmnlrpf frnm Cttnta ,l

PEESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All onlors fHl'lifnlly uttenilcd to, and cnodo delivered

TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FREE.Gonornl Agents for tbo Sanitarium brand of Health Poods.

Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

East Corner Fort and King Sts.Beer and Wine Dealers.


fine and Liwr Dealers.Acents for the BottleJ Rainier Beer of Seattle.

No. 10 Nuua.nu STRKirrU Foster Dlock, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

O. Bokijt, Mutual Telephone o8.




t. aEVjnisr.Depot, 536 GUiaen St.

rmulllos siippliod at $1 por do., lutnrts.Tolophono 8S8.

Brelxam'sHop Beer!

It can obtalnod In all of Its orig-

inal purity from tlio original Uroliam.This Justly fnniod boor 1h particularlyadapted for tlio cllniato of Honolulu.

tg&Famlly trade a Rpoclalty.N. 11UKIIAM.

Popot 17 Konla stroot.Box 185.

HOP --A-TjE.

Aeloso rosoiublaneo to Iloor,llioiu IIcntiHh Hops.TAn admlrablo ImlUtlon." Londop


Tolophono 032. 1014

i ... -t






vj CN "oH

10 vl

2 ""

O "

vO to S

140.7 I40.

B CO -- 3



. . . . . .

Itv Mia r. t.




p. O.






W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

Igents forWestern Sugar Kefinsry C3o. of San

JUldwiti Looomotivo Works of Fliiln-deliilil-

Puuu,. n. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Onue Shredder), New York, U. 8. A.N.OhUudt & Go's Ohomioal fertilizers.Alex Gross & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cane and Coffee.!Heeds Steam Pipe Covering


Offer for SaleParnfflne Paint Go's I & B Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Linseed oils, rawand'boiled.

Indarine. (a cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andilrioks.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekaawila Sta.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Eloctrioal plants.

Marino Wiring a spooialty.


Millinery and Gowning.



Ex aM:a.ri;posa.Hats, Flowers,Feathers,Ribbons andLaces, andDress Trimmings

TIio goods aro of tlio.nlost doslgn, nowost ollect. Novoltlos'.hat nro wonderfully ntlractlvo at tlmolyprices

HISS . B. KILMAN,KCotel Street

ARTISTIC GOWNING.Ladios nrn lonllnllv Invllml in -- .ti i

tlio Arlington Uuttago, HotuI Mrnot amiInspect designs for artl.stlo gowningStylish and ported fltllng Mudlos, Intlio hoight of fashion; and speciallymlnptcd to tlio Individual wcaror.Lauios unalilo to visit this city aro furIliHllnil with Nkntnllnu mill Lii,t.,.li.i n.i.1guarantood a porfect lit without per--nuum interview.

MADAMI3 LK VAN'WAY. nfs. I.MIlS. 1). K. OHAMUIMtS, of N Y.



William A. Henshall,A-ttorn- at Law

113 Kaahuttanu Street Tclo. 663.

W. S. EDING-S- ,

Counsellor at Law.Comer Bethel and King Streets,

Honolulu, H. r.


Attorney at Law and2STotarv IPublic.

Kaahnmauu Htreet.


Corner of King and BetLel Streets,Bocond Floor.



John D. Willard,ATTORNEY - AT - LAW.

In raulXoumann,Monico.2ll nnllnIltHtreot, Honolulu. inio


Counsellor at Law.121 Moruliuiit Street OipMHlrs),

Honolulu, H. I.


DR. C. L GmVINOillco: C37 Ki.mi Snil.T. neiirPiiiiidi.

bowl, Honolulu, II. I.TKLKPIIONi: Xo. 118

Hours: 8::i0 to 11 a. in.; 3 to 0 p.m.;i to b p. in.

Mrs. Savant-Jerom- e, M. D.

HOMEOPATH.Office: Progress Block, cor. Fort & Berctania sts.

IIourH 0-- a.m., mid a p.m.Tel. 131.

Kvening houm by uppointiiiuiit only.Special stodies male of m& and Dietetics

Kes. 518 Fort St. Cor. ClmplalnSt.Resilience Tel. 4.r)8.


Wanted.Poriiiauciit lioard and rooms for ouo

or two gentlomon. May also inakofor uso of piano. Addrosti

"Voeal Instructor, "101 w Cnro llullotln Oillco.

To Let.Houso and 1m at Walklkl, In roar of

Jamos Camiibell'H rosldonco. Itontal ?30por month. Eiumlro of

J. S. WALKKH.893-t- f

The Eueiiuu HMeuu. la eta. nmonth.


An Example or Maritime Delays in

Sonth America.

Renewal of Combustion In Port-Off- icials

Terrlfled at Floating Volcano-H- igh

Priced Fire Tugs.

Mr. Thrum, in writing to hiepnronlH from Vnlpnraiuo, tnlU ofthe boarding of tlio ehip Kenilworlh by otliciala thoro. and tbooffer of a powerful steam fire tugto nil tbo ship with water, whicb,however, wb not deemed neceBenry. Tby wont nshoro tbo dnyof arrival with tbo captain of tboport, Cnptain Campbell, and motIho American consul nndMr. Shipley, vico consul, ronroaenting W. It. Grace & Co. of Newlorlc. lltoro was to bo a court ofinquiry tbo next dny, and full in-- s

ructions wore expooted from tboiigeuts.


daja nud uottiing don nbunt as- -IUC UIIU1U OJ. 111U UIO Of

xtent ot (ininage, by tuo nutuoritifs, iiiMuriiuoo uuoLtB or owutra.oatnpiHH ot gas uavo beon takenfrom dilT trout ptrts of tbo Bbip.

Tlio ollur day the llev. F.Tbotupsou oamo nboard aud webad n mnsr rilpn.nut i.ln.f tin !.,.nil I rod after Hiln nnonlx nnrlinnlurly, Laving been locnted tboro ntouo time.

still Later.VALPAnAISO. Aim. n..IT,wlnnl,t

edly Iho whole cat go will havo tobe taken out. Tlio vessol is under-goin-

extotiHivo repairs, uecessi-tnlin- g

bor boing boro for two orthree monlbs. In vostigations begauto take a deGuito Hlmno Maof ,,.day morning aftor delays causodby the iueurnuco Hgeuts, sugarchemiats probing for gas and bent,etc

After an examination lasting nilI'ridnv morniiif witlmnt tuCin.,tl) IllltcllHR (lit. tlin itlinmiata ...- -pointed by the iusuranco pcoploiamo to tbo conclusion .thattiro was out, reporting to theagents in writing that they couldgo abead oud tako out tbo cargo totilld tbo extent nf tlin rlnmnnn A I

2:3() p m tbnt day tbo board ofSttrvovors annninlnil liu ilm nnn.nlof the United Slates, aftbo con- -tain's request, otdored tbo hatchesoff. Alter half an hour sraoko be-gan increasing aud tbo batchesworo immediately ordored ou, weall goinL! ashoro thinking littlo ofwhat WO hnd nnnn. Aftor w. I.r.,1been iu the cousul's oDico but ashort timo the telopbono rang, in- -lunuiuy ua mm iuo

SHIP WAS ON FIRE.almost redhot and smoking tooeni tuo nana, xuo captaiu of tboport had been nn linnrrl uriti. ..oof tho olorks from the agents' of-fice, aud they wero properly frightened, wanting to know "if every-thing was going to hell."

Mr. Thrum hero tells of venti-lators and hntnllPH llm"nr n.a,nclosed, tbo conditions being thesame as thoy wero at sea. Satur-day morning it was found necessary to employ a steam fire tug, astbo sido of tbu ship was so hot ouocould not touch it ivitbout gatingburnt. Tbo first tug charged S50au hour, but another was hirod at9iou u uay.

The rout of tho story, includingiho sailing of tho Kouilwortb, wastold iu yestorday'd pipor.

Troo, for Honolulu,JL'llO naill nT n lltirn nr or.nl,l io

almost instantly roliovod by ng

Ohauibrlaiu'a Pain Balm.ii nihil nenis tuo injur, d partsmoro nuiuklv tlinn nnv iillipr i.nnfinent, and without tbo burn is verymhvoio noes not ioavr n ecur. i'ursiilo bv nil dnnlorn. Hhiwmm H,..ii.it Co., General Agents.

MuOllUnlUH' lllilllll mirimr Unfuland Ntiuunu streets, lodging b I

lay, woek or month. Torms: 26ind 60 cents por night. $1, and1.2G nor " v.

Uaod Nuvi.D. J. Camariuos has rocoivednn

tho steamer Australia a bigof delioaciofl, oompriHiug

tho followincr: Frond HlmnnCrnbs, Frozen Oysters (tin audsholl), Apples, Orapos, Figi, Le-mons, Pure Olivo Oil, DryFruit, oto., etc.

Iloalani Rililinnn nf rinblnnItulo Bazaar.

Real Estate and Insurance..

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merohant Stroot.

FOll BALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; $1

each,TO LET.

A furnished or unfurnished house,at No, 1211 Ueietaula street.

Also, au 8 riinni unturiiMiHl lioiitewith all modern Improvements, ouI'unchtmwl Htreet.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers aro tarnished uith from fivi

to six lints per week kIvIur an anoiiruKreeord of all deeds, morlKaves, leases,

powers of attorney, oto., etc, whichire placed on record.

Subscription Price, i!.00 per Month,

A. V. GEAR,210KlncHt.llnnolnln.

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agenoy.

Houses for Rent.Rent Estate Agents.

Brokers in Japanese Goods.Employment Airents.

Collections Made.Legal nud other ilocumeuts trans-tatc- d

into any luuguage.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


U. $. Jaoii Houe Beolpg,Itoom No. 1, Spreekels Block. Tele-phon- o


W. C, ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIK-

SEALJSTATEpT Wo will Boy or Sell ItU Estatoin

iU parts of the group.EST Wo will SellPropertleapnlteason.

ible Oommissionsi

OFFICE. 10 West Kiug Street


r Pfr'T'W-irTf-Tfrf-r,


AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

J. S. WALKER,Ubheiui, Aobnt ob Hawaiian Islahdj.

Royal Insurance Company. '

Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and General Assnrancf

Company.San Life Assnranco Company of Canada,Wilhelmaof Madgebarg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurant


Room 13 Hprcckcls Block, Honolulu, 11. 1.

Brucs Waring & Co.

Lands for Sale.Money to Loan on Mortgages.

Wb are Aqcsts forSvea Fire Insurance Co. of Gothenburg


American Fire Insurance Co. of Phili.

PROGRESS BLOCK.Roomi t nl t. Telephone 6,8.

L. C. ABLE 3,

Ileal Estate and I'inaiioialAgent.

315 POUT STItKlfT.


Olllce: 203 Morclmnt street, Camhell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's olllce

. W, JIIIX jui.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT.General Manager ot

rhe Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Omani Merohant street, Honolnlui

P. SILVA,Aount TO Takb

Acknowledgnuots to Ins'ruraents,District of Kona, O.ilm.

At W. C. Aehl's oillco, KiuK stroot, noarniiuaiui.

, .f

Real Estate and Insurance.


Stocks, 11ind and Otiiimi cint'immM.Loans Negotiated Heal littato.

Honoi.ui.i-- , II. I.


Fort St.


There are 8 Good ResidenceLots on the Waikiki side ofFort Street, for sale, about 70feet above the east corner ofFort andjVineyard Streets.

The lots are leveled and

ready to be built on at once.

The location is in a quiet

and respectable neighborhood

The prices are cheap and


The terms are very easy.

For further particulars applyto

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Real Estate Brokers.

July 21.1R08.

Plantation Investments.

Lanai Sugar Go.The SUBSCIUITION LIST for tho

above Plantation In now open at myoillco.

The prospectus may be liail on ap-plication.


Shake Hkokkk,1003 Corner Kins and llutliul HU.

Nahiku Plantation.

Tho fiUBSCKUTION LIST nf (,abovo Plantation Is now open and theprospectus may be seen at my oince.


Koal Ktato and Share Bro

Corner King sud Bethel streets.K)O0

Hawaiian Stamps Purchased.

I 11111 lirtMinri.ll (tt .ntcM....... ..w(iiantity of iihimJ Hawaiian stamps forwnii, nun win iHiyinoioiiowiinr pricesfor tho hist Issue :

' dec per 1002o 50o "ro $i ii

Itlo ii-''' (I

irAll stamps to bo In khx1 conilltlon.I'rlci'H fiiriituliixl .in.... ,ii. .11..... i ..I , -- ..... ..ii, i.iiii. ii nir

...i..-- .

All shlpniniits hIiouIi bo mmlo byri'L'lHlcri'il .limn, and reiiiltlaiicu willalways follow within three ihiya or

Kuforeni-o- : Clans Sprcekles & C.'"- - SALMAN,MamCastilnlSt.,NewY,,rk,N.Y.

Wanted, 500 ftlento oirr. I

Shaved for 5 CentsAtOlOJi Kort Ht- - ' i,,lto tho Cliifi

S tallies.H..li:i'i. .prietor.

Notice.I)It. .1. It. ir v M.,vii ..i .,.".. Bivi;b IUK1I--11.,.. ho Ins resumed his prmtleo, witholllo..i.ilU.rntaiil htreet, near K mum,and i.ischamjnd ,N m,; ,flllri ,

and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.'

'loOO-l- m

u. iMk'lk- - j'iJi Jlb&i&fkte&w-&dL- l



, V;


i. m




Page 4: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN

mimwyi i" '" "" w

TIL Miiwui mi iMiiii.MiWMayiwwwwwJ JiimiifIf






Evening Bulletin,abllshed Cvety Day, except SunJay, t sio King

street, Honolulu, It I , by the



SiiIm rlptiiitt iliiii'Kt

EJItorCity KJItor

Per month, anywhere In Hawaiian Islanjs 5 7S

Per year " " " .... &o

Peryear.postpali toAmcrlcJ.Canaia orMelco 10 oo

Per year, postpaid, other f urelan countries . i J oo

2Payablc Invariably In advance.


Business Otnce '2 .'.(I. CJItorlal Rooms, 1 (111.

Postoffice Il.x, 4M.

THURSDAY, SEPT. lfi, 1898

Judging from tlio number olStock EKclmupo sales, tlio sngniBtock crnsw has not roiiolied n veijdangerous pitch.

Tlio City of Colnrunm ownorp

havo tlio Buliifnction Mint misfor-tunes nt tlio bcginuiuH often fore-

shadow n good endiug.

Ernoht Tlirutn cin say with theman Uln want through a rnilroiulwreck, "It was a groat experience,but onco ip enough for me."

The West wants tlio Philippines and the East does not. Itcertainly npppnre that tlio ultraconrorvatiw oloiuont of tlio wholecountry uow holds the balance ofpower.

It would bo interesting to knowwhtt sort of a rnply Carl Schnrzwoultl givo to the request of theHawaiian Hoard n Missions th t

nono of the conquered South Settisland be retunifil to Spain.

Thoro is talk of i possible surplus in tli United States trou-nr- y

n a result of tlio war taxTho clianeiH aie, however, that lliegovHrninnt finaueiprs are notanxious to have the war tax repealed.

No local responsibility ia ucceptod fortlm: The Peace comtnission has its Day to Frye Spniu,but if tlio Hawaiian Coinmia iongot- J- liful, i is Frear to 11 littho people it is working for thunany American bo I v.

It U quitu apparent that theToluuteor8 are putiefied to allowtho regular uiiny to hold dov.nnew AmenVui possessions. A

good majority of the men in ti erauka, volunteered for fightii tionly. Many of iliom havo privatebusiness that lined a'teulion.

Great Britain had its firstKhartjiiui episode that

created as much or more commenithan the Smiting i campaign of theUnited State. It is to bo hopedthat miy future American campaiguB will 6how the eame im-

provement the British have madein Khartoum.

Senator Aler nays there is nonecessity to investigate the waysand mentis of tho "War Department. He will havo hard workconvincing the ppoplo that ho isright. If, howover. tho presentfuroro results in a reorganizationof the War Department on a buciness Insi, tho peoplo will bofairly satisfied.

It is Rtn't'd on fnirly good au-

thority that n big corporationbacked by ouu hundred millions ofSugar Trust and Standard Oilcipitil is waiting for settlementof affairs in Cuba, to start intotho Huar biuiu Mi on u largoecale. Well, Hawaii is not to bo

Beared out f business yot a while.

As an evidence of the increneoof, AmerioHii interests in thoOriout, it is tiot'd that in 1880 tlioUnited Stat 's exported to Chinaonly $3,078,7 7.i woitli of proiluetuwhile En .ml op itpd inoro than

w.nh. Lust yearAnieiieaii ("ipvU to the countrywero vii I u kI at S17.!)S1,172, whilethoeo "f Etig'nud wiro sometliinglots than fc30,000,000.

immmmtu MuMimt-r- u


P,1IIIII,T"r,r- v j A",r


Jilt. LOKIi:" 1'I.AN.

Manngor Lowrio's experimentwill g i a long ways toward assihtiuu in tho solution of tho pluntatiou labor problem of Hawaii,llie ponplo cau now bo positivethat this is an honest experimentaud every ellort will be mndo toassuro its success if possible. Now

that annexation is accomplishedthere cau bo no accusations of n

BCliemo put forward to "iuiluoucoCongress." Tho expenraout canba put down as a plain, every dryihisuicbs proposition, an inuovation mnde with honest intentionaud positive hopes and determin-ation for suuetss if buccoss can bohad.

Manager Lowrie will also bo ina way to prove the truth or falsi)of contentions made by tho Portu-guese. It has often been statedthat tho Portuguese ask too muchaud are not satisfied with a fairdivision. This has boon deniedas often, but now tho situationis down to a bedrockcondition. Picked American families fresh from the land of thefiee arc to take up the work oflabor in tho sugar fields. Tho rosuits they turn out and tho mentaland financial condition of the colony after a year's work will provethe white labor classos now hereeither false prophots or capnblejudges of tho situation.

There is no question of thowhite plantation family schemebeing received favorably by thpmercnntile men since it means awidening of the market for Amorican goods. Thoro is everythingto win, since success means a godwad to tho now American citi!'hh, iind if ihe id ill is n failur.

iho territory will not suffer anyI'oticcablc Iosps.

The following from tho TocomaLedger gives some inkling of howtiie memorials touching on shipping and tariff will bo received inthe States:

The sailing of n Btparaship fromTicoma for Hawaii, loaded will'Wa hingtou products, will n''ubi be followed by many othersfrom tho Fame port. While outmerchants and manufacturers arunking tlortB to develop trarleMill the ishuidh others are doingthe same thing, and European andJapanese mi roliants are gottiug in

stojkH of goods from theiiuvn countries, in anticipation of

tho going into effect of the American tatitf. This is ample reason

hy the taiiiT laws rhould be extended to Hawaii without dele ,

aud also our navigation laws, sothat Amorican products will haveto bo carried to the islands inAmerican bottoms. Much of tintrade now coes by tho British linefrom Vnucouver, which ought togo from Tacoma in tho Columbiaor othor American ships.

Ono tlung is noticoablo, how-over. Tho grudge Tacoma is supposed to bear tho British lino in

moro uowspipor tnlk than nctnalbusiness fear, since both lines employ tho same local ogeuts nntlboth receivo a fair business deal.


liluliterii Out nf Twenty Docliirr forAmerican Utile.

Mauila, Sopt. (5. At a meetingypstorduy of twenty leadors of thoFilipinos of all sections called todiscuss the policy of thesoislnndfl,eightcon of them were emphati-cally iu favor of outright anuoxation to the United States and twowero iu favor of a republic. ThogMioral nativo opinion IB that it isbpst to adopt United Stntoa Con-sul Wildinan's suggestion andoffor lib-r- al iuaucomentB to theindopondriut factions toco-opera- to

anil to reward the services ronderotl.

Tho United Statos oruisorsOlympia and Ralcicrh returnedfrom Hongkong today.

Nclilry In Porto Illc.San Juan de Porto ltico, Sopt

C Tho United States transportSoupco, carrying Renr AdmiralW. S Sohloy and Hrigadior Oou-er- al

Q inlin of tho Porto llicomilitary commirHion, arrived oilthe harbor last night, but did nottutor until this morning.


Mr. Ileliileraon Itfiirmentlnif ThcoiihiI.oluir In lliotull.

Tho Tacouia Ledger of recentdate sty: Tno Ledger soudB MrE. A. Henderson, managing editor, to represent Tiicorua on thefiist trip ot tho btenmship City ofColumbia from Pngct Sound toHawaii. Mr. Henderson iccentlycome to Tlio Ledger from TheChicago 'lritmno, whero he Iihbfor many yours hold importantand responsible positions in theuows aud editorial departmentsHe is n newspaper man of wideoxporioucp, a writer of great abili-lit- y

and his observations on thenew child of tlio ltepublio will bevalunble aud entortniuiug.

Tno Ltdger tends Mr. Henderson on this trip for the solo purpose of btudying tho conditions ofratio ot the lslauds in all its

branches, and to make a truthfuland comprehensive report. Hewill make a special study of thepossibilities of trade with Tacoma.He will find out what tho peoploin the island want that wo have tosell, how they transact business,what the growth of trado maylikely reach, and all other factsthat may guide our manufacturersand meichauts in the futuro.

Several thousand copies of ThoDaily Ledger wero Bent fordistribution iu Honolulu, in additionto seerafhuudred copies of thosouvenir edition showing tho pictiiresquo side of Tncomn. A permanent agpney of Tho Lodgor willbo established in Honolulu fortho dissemination of informationabout the Pncifio coast and Tacoma aud for the purpose of obtaiuing news from the Island.

Homo Atriiln.David Douglas, Ewa plantation

blacksmith, returned in tlio Moanafrom n two mouths' vacation ontho Coast, bringing his wife and"on who havo been visiting friendsover thoro for four mouths. HeKainul twenty Dounds in weicl tand looka stronger than ho oetdid b fore. Mrs. Douglas and sonaUo show tho change agreed withthem. "Davo," ns he is known to

host of friends here, is enihudastie over the scenery of thpSound country.

School Goods

School Tablets !

School Composition Books !

School Crayons!

School Pencils!School Slates!

School Pons!School Straps!School Lunch Iioxes!

School Hags!

And everything else

needed in school stationery,at tho



316 Fort Street,

In the Circuit Court First

Circuit of the Hawaiian


In the Matter of tho Bankruptcy of

Kate S. Tregloan.

UK)ii ro.iclIiiK ami llllngtlw putllloii ofKATi: S. Tlti:t!I.OAN. of llonolulii.ulloKliiKtliit moro than hIx moiitlis li:iofl.iiisod hIiuo sho wuh luIJiutii'Jtud ubankrupt, unit praying for u clisth.irgoironi mi nor (lOiiiM.

It Ik ordorod tluit MONDAY, Soptoin-bo- rM, 1808, In Alllolunl IIiilo, IIoiu-luh- i,

yt 10 n. ni. of tli.it day, boforo Mr.JiiMtko lorry,bo mid tlio wnio Isliorobyappointed for tlio hearing of wild potl-tlo- n,

at width tlmo and pl.no all credi-tors who h.ivo proed their clulinsailiiht K.ild bankrupt may appear andhIiow ciiiiho, if any tlioy havo, why thoprayor of said bankrupt nhould not bognintod.

lly tho Court:J. A. THOMPSON,

Doputy Clork.Honolulu, Sopt. 0, 1808. 1012 2w



E Ladies seeing our Dress Goods Depart-- 5

ment this season will find a very large pro- -

portion of our increased space taken up byfc recent direct importations of Cotton andJ Woollen Dress Fabrics. Popular Goods ati Popular Prices has been our aim.




We have nothing but rapidsellers. We only want you to look !

Our prices will the rest.Visitors can see at a glancethat shopping with amoney-savin- g task.

We only want you look



LAMPS,Table Cutlery and Plated Ware

Kitchen LainnsYeranda LampsDimng-Kooi- n LampsParlor LampsHedroom Lamps

Tho high quality of tlio goods and tholow prices will plcaMJ jou.

Uy tho way, do you havo troublo withchlmneyx?

Do you break many?Try our now OIL riNISIIED 1'MNT

CIIIMXKYS. Thoy will cost you nomora than tho common article

Wo me Just openod a now lot ofTADI.i: CUTLKHY and SIIA'KH

WAlti:. Call In and Inspect.Wo havo mado a now schcdulo of

prices In this lino as well as in manyothors. SILVHK PITi:i) Tll.- -HPOONS, good wo aro nowsoiling for J2.85 jior doon. l'ormorprice J.1.30.

All oth6r artltlos in

You can gtt the most and the belt furthe leait at

The People's Store.


KZing Street.


210 Kino STitncT.

Commission BrokersStock aud Donds bought and sold undor

tho rulos and in tho boardrooms of tho

Honolulu Stock Exohange

To Let.Tho promises belonging to Mrs. 0. O.

Ilorgor. sltuato on tho coruor of Iloro- -- taula and Piinaholl streets. Tho houso

which Is largo and commodious, hitsJust boon put lu tluough lopair, and tho

Persons wishing to obtain bo ml at grounds consisting of two acres, aroMakawao, Maul, can bo accommodated nlantod with fruit and ornamuntal trims.at MItS. II. II. HAILKV'S. Kor further particulars annlv to

Terms, $10 por wook. 055-Oi- n 070-t- f F. W. MA

"Popular Priced

Dress Goods."


us is

to !



IPsople's IFrovidorsFORT STELEHJT.



In favor of our "ready mado"Is our ready lit.You expect tho tailor to lit you.Your expectations

realized horo at half thotailor's price

Auothor strong argument$10 to $15.

It's time for nober thoughtIn tho matter of tlio youugstor'sncods. Ills days of study moreagrooably welcome when hisclothes aro to his liking.Tho othor kind aro not to bo foundlioro.

The9 Hotel Street

Eash,": WavcrlcyBlocl

Agents for Dr. Deimora Llnen-Me- ah

Underwear. Send for Cutnlogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.



GK DlbiTZ,Practical Watchmaker

417NUUANUBT.Repairs fine complicate.! Watches, Clucks, Music

Dones anj Jewelry.All work euaranieeJ. Thlrtyfiveyears experience

LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last steamer from the Couat.


At my store, wboro the


Ta doue repairing and new worl-ootn. fins, riuijs, bracelote, wMchmaking, etc.

H. G. BIART, -- 404FortSt.

fi&e0i(i33J JMWWIV5L ssfBaAA Vi.w

i; H



.. ..And you will flint tho host placo to....

For the Daily



r.m'rrl eftte (Examitict;

tmwngfyff mii'.;yg ?& "'&iy iW.tsst .,nwc xw


ofthoIIIgThreoSan I'lanclsco Daily Papon.



ProposedBuilding.Tho undcralgiicil nronobo Ercctlna

a modern store anil olllce building onuio Kiistoriy corner of King and Ala-t-

streets, and Invito the attentionof persons deslilng stores or ollluis Intho proposed building to sketch pluuanowj on view at tliolr olllco whorofurther iwrtlculnra may bo obtained.

AM,EX & KOUINSON.IlonoluUi, August 80, 1898. lOOJ-l- m

A lahtt 05oo ting'IIeitglion r.Sr., nijaii Nuhaiu.

John H. Lang, Proprietorhl l the only Sliuotlne Gallcrj-- In the city

Drop In anj try yuur marksmanship.

ati.iyik1rfkiiL btU)rE-- Alik&juuvi . j"i Mb) ..




Page 5: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN



Lnt papers from tlio Coloniostoll of! Dame, iIih magician's, coutinned miccosa iu Now Zealaud.

Oliarles Cook has bean rip-po- int

il notary public for thelirst judicial dtstiict.

Edgar Cnyplo'8 nnd George O.MoHugli have boeu admitted totbo priirtiae of law iu tbo Hawai-ian Islands.

MiB L. A. Ourlis has openr-- d

mnnicuro parlors at GIG Fortstreet. Slid bus mucb experiencein tbf Stiites in atimiuibteriug facialmassage and iu tlio treatment oftbo scalp.

Prof. J. U. Widraan. a professional Gbiropodifit, can bo foundin tbe Love block on Fort Btrct.The Professor bas been in thecity a number of months and hasboon very successful in romovingpainful foot blemishes.

Miss Ed j th Dietz, daughter ofGeorge Dietz, tbo Nuuaiiu streetjowolor, and ono of tbo most popular sell oo I teachers iu NorthernCalifornia, wis a passenger in tboMoana Ms Dietz is vory favora-bly impressed with Honolulu. .

Although special invitations tomsmbor8 and contributors havobeon Bent out for tho recoption toMr. and Mrs. Urock at tho Y. M.C. A. this evoning, the generalpublic is cordially invited to bepresent to meet tbo new assistantand his wife.

The only sales reported on thoStock Exchnngo wero 225 sharesMutual Telephone at 'SM. Hono-m- u

dropped from S330 to S325;$200 was bid for Hawaiian Elec-

tric, $250 asked; Ookala droppedto $100. Oabu assessable wont upfivo points to S130.

lMillmlrltiliU Crnvi Kick.

Tho boat crows from tho U. S.S. Philadelphia are now kickingagainst tbe entrance of tho pilotboat boys in two of tbe racesscheduled for Regatta Day. Tbe)say thoy will not go into eitherono of those if tbo pilot boat bojsenter. AVby this is uo one cansay without hurting the fveliugsof some people. Tho people iutorostod iu snort do not look upontho move of tho Philadelphiaboys as a very sportsmanlike one,particulaily since tho police boat,ono of tho vory best in tho har-

bor, has beon loaned thorn. Thoysay something about cold pedalextremities.

Aaalalnnt nt Dlnpfninry.

Dr. "Winslow of tho EngineersCorps having been granted afurlough, has accepted tho tem-

porary position of assistant to Dr.Honry W. Howard of the Governmont Dispensary. Tho Board ofHoalth considered, from tho

of tho last two years,that tho iuoreased work which al-

ways falls to tho lot of the Gov-ernment physician in Honoluluat this time, when tbe schoolshavo just opened, is too much forono man. Hence tbo assistant.

Had an 15ye to Ilullnm.Somo of the soldiers

camp of tho Now Yorkerslooking for a certainuntil rooontly, wasSbll soda water, pies,boys ira blue.

Tho nativo was a

in thearo

uativo who,vont to

etc., to the

good,panionahle fellow and tbe boys,when thoy lacked money (whichwas by no moans seldom), leftsuch articles bb watches, rings,revolvers and tho like as soourityfor what tbey had taken.

Tho nativo evidently had aneyo to business for, when he hadaccumulated qui to a store of thearticles raontioned, ho and histable suddenly disappoarod andneither has been heard of sinco.

There is no Better



Cleveland.H. E, WALKER

Masonic :: Temple :: Block

Cull and inspect thoui.

com- -








THE H. 1., 1G, 1898.

TT, 111

tfsm. yA fL -.

if Wff V 3Ft S

i.Io 7ST



o-u- .

That tho Tribunes IJIcyclo hns been Hold hiHonolulu since 1893, and that every purcluixcr wll tell you thathis wheel now runs an easy and i;lve hlni the same satisfaction aiho day he uoimlit It. and this without expending u centon repairs?Ask Tribune riders about their mounts.

Wo do eiinniulliiK and tepalrliig. King Telephone 740, and wowill call for your wheel.

EAKIN & WHITMAN,Telephone 746. FORT ST.


Next to Golden Rule Bazaar.


NOW OPEN1 The Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd. (--

fake pleas



ure in stating that their store is complete in every depart-

ment, is the finest in the Islands the equal ofany on the Pacific Coast. They carry a complete stockof musical instruments, musical sundries sheetmusic.





Pianos for Rent. Tuning, repairing polishing doneby competent men.








Corsets I

?Famed for Perfect Fit, Ease and Comfort.They are similar to the French P. D. Corset. Each

corset marked 'XTIT'-O-C-X which assures its


TJYrt Street.



and and











An lehi(? u nood Interest on an In-vestment. You aro (jnlto right InbulluvlnpKo. Now Just think a mo-mo-

anil eonxldor tlio advlwibllityof renewing your old Hnlr, Tooth,Null or Flesh !rush, boforo tlio

of prieo tnkon plneo, and kiivo16 percent.

FINESTWo havo anticipated tho change

which annexation would bring aboutIn nrlcoH, and in roaso(iionco wolmvo ltnKrtod a largo nnd coinplotoline of lino Ilrlstlo llrusheH fromDunoiit, tho leading niakur of Franco.

EVERWc now nroiHiso to clvo our cuh- -

tomors tho lonoflt of our purchasingnt low llguroH, nnd will continue tosell nil brushes nt tlio IS per cont. re-duction.

IMPORTEDAll Ktiulls.li, Fronch nnd Qorninn

goodft must Increaso In prlco. Availvoursolf of tliN onnortunlty.Toot Ilrushcsj from lUo to GOo

Null " 10oto$1.2fiHnlr " 25o to U.mFlesli " 2fio to JJ3.00


EST Manufactured.

Hollister 0 rug Co.


The Big Sale Still Goes On !

'. J.

OF--But this wei'k closes out the

To bo found on tho Btirgnin Counter.

Soo our windows for it displuj of goods iuid rri cs.Big drive on

ieji-.o-?in nil styles nnd prices. Consult your pocket book andthen consult us.

OFPort street.

flr" -

4 I



a 1



nisnsrs b:ats,SILVA'S TEMPLE FASHION",

"v7"e 3aa,T7-- e "been sippoixrted. .g-era.t-

s for


CIGARHost Cigar jIado. . .

All Clear Havana Tobacco.


TOBACCONISTS.Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets.

E. W. JORDAN3STo. lO ort Street.

A largo assortment ofCenter Bugs, Art Squares, Bovorsiblos,Sofa Bugs, Fancy and Pibro Door Mats,Ilall and Stair Oarpots, Hassocks, oto.Japanese Bugs and Straw Mats,Floor Linoleum, Oil Cloth,Hall Linoleum and Bath Mats.

Bed Spreads.Marcolla, Toilet and Honoycomb, .

(for Doublo Bed, Three-quart- er and Single),Cheapest to Best.


A splendid Assortment in all qualities,widths and sizes.

TowelsTurkish in Linen and Cotton.Turkish Bath Blankets,)amask and Huckaback,

fringed and hemstitched.All especially good valuo.

Curtains'"A big choice in Nottingham Lace.Also Oroton by tho yard.

, ."Worth inspection.

" Oomo early and got first ohoico at

E. W. JORDAN'S,No. lO Fort Street.





m IfiiWi'iiifBiiiMHiMHHHHMIB AvF

Page 6: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN

1 ?' Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous.









TypowriteRTypowriterS ! ! !

Yost and Densraore


fain to Co., lid


Hoidtiuatters for T. W. Supplhe.

Merchant Street.

This Day

The Last Invoices of

New Goods..foil.

D. If. Schmidl & Sin's

Have arrived and are being

S-O-- L-D

at the samelow prices and extra 10 percent, discount as former impor-


D. l Sdnidt & Son's,

King Street, Von Holt Block.

Just Like Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS" PAINKILLER stood tho tostagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong the medicines that arobo essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a now fanglo romodynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-

tion of the ingredients that en-

ter into the manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p xfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becomingHabitually inclined to its use.J For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house.

Your forefathers used itand found it boncficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

IS-- Tho now 35c. size con-

tains ovor double tho quantityif tho 25c. size.

HoISister -:- - DrugCompany,

cole Agents for the Islands.

..B.lajArL -J- M.ua,, .,lj, A. . .




Wo aro prciarcd to furiilnliolllccrs ii'iid moil In regulation uniforms,ill tlio shortest notice, ami at reasonablerate.

Kit guaranteed in ovory case.

tUSr 641 King Street, "1&l


'lU'YSl'llltGKBLS. WM. Q. IHW1N



1in Itanciwo AgtnUt Tub Nevada Bank orSan Fhancisco.

dhaw exchange onlis ?hanci9Co The Nevada Bank of flan

Francisco.,ono.n The Union Dunk of London, Ltd.Jsw Vuiik American Exeliniigo National

,,.Bank.... f.....1tnnf. Vntlnnnl tlnnk.fAKis Comptoir National d'Kscompt dc

rang.Jeiilin Drcedncr Bank:Ionokono and Yokohama Hongkong A

SliMiglinl UnnMng Coriiorotion.SbwZeaiamumi AcstiiaLIA Bank of New

Zcalt ":ictohiv ANti Vancocvkii Bank of Brltleli

North America.

fransac! a Qeneral BacXlng anrl Eictange Business

Dcpolste Received. Loans made onSecurity. Commercial and Traveler

Credits iMticd. Bills of Exchange bouRhtud fold.KU KOTIONS PnOiirTLT ACCOtTNTBD FOB.

Kstnblisliod 1858


Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-xbl- c

in all tho principal citiesf tho world.Intorest allowed aftor .Tuly

1, 1808, on fixed deposits 3months 3 per cent., G months3i per cent., 12 months 1

per cent.

TJjb Yokohama Specie BBnh;

LIUtTKO.Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yen 7,600,000tteserve Fund Yen 5,464,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, ShaufiUal,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts n General Banking and Exohange Bnsineas.

Agency Yokohama Spetie BankNew Republic Balltiu. Ill tins St, Molnlo.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets June 30, 189S, $113,032.61.Honey Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Unlit on tho Monthly Installment

Plan.Seventeenth Series of Stook now open.

For farther particulars apply toA. V. G ISAlt, 8ocretory.

Chamber of Commeroe Kooms.Office honrs. 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373.U

BjISHQg &: CO.

SavingsBankOn October 1st, 1898, and

continuing until further notice,Savings Deposits will be re-

ceived, and interest allowed bvthis Bank, at four and one-ha- lf

per cent, per annum.The terms, rules and regula-

tions of the Hawaiian PostalSavings Bank will be adoptedas far as it is practicable to ap-

ply them, and the Cash Re-

serve of ?0,000 required under the Postal Act will bemaintained.

Printed copies of the Rulesand Regulations may be ob-

tained on the first of Octoberon application.

BISHOP & CO.Honolulu, Sept. 7, 1898.

1010-- tf

,l- " '

;SW W W W W W--

Iyou meed3" to be cautious about your food.

Kevor buy mluiturnlcil Oro- - I

ccrli'H when you can buy ptirofood ul tlio same or almost the Jsame price. S


PURE food : ;;



Stock is the best in tlio City.

J. T, WaterhouseWaverley Block, lietliol St.

V W- w w w w

r t m w ir - v k1 x - rr" i w


Xn n g i a

Xtin op

r mBjiSs. ? or 52- -

r 2 r&a c Stn 13 St E to r. 1

Chinese and Japaneso Firms.

MANILA CIGARS!If you wnnt to urclinso tlio bestbrand of Munll.i Clears at ltciiKon-ubl- o


Call on KAM TAI,llotol .St. near Tort.

IS. EIMTJJEIA.Importer of Japanese

Fancy and Staple Goods.Corner of Qnoen anil Kiuianu Strouts.


K. OKTJRAMerchant Tailor

Shitts nnil Suits mado to ordor. Per-fect fit Kuarantood.LAUGK STOUIC OF GOOD3 ON HANI).

CQ)U Hotol street noar Nuiianu; oppo-slt- o

Wavorloy Illook. 0U1.

HOP WO COMPANY.King Streot, 1'alaco Square

Merchant Tailor.Crash Duck and Llnon Suits mado to

ordor. Flno nssortinontof now and latentdesigns Just arrived, l'orfoct Fit Guar-antoo- d.

Lovost Prices.

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWing WoTai & Go.

214 Nuuanti Street.

Yee Sing TieLarge

. WioketChairsof thoLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all Linds.

Fort Stroot, opp. Club Stables


Ilo IKiirecKtej Hit. Pultllcntlnn "fOr-tnt-nIlrporli.

, August 31. Itcauuot bo Hiiiil that Alper is intlilTorput to tho miiuysoiiBntiiUirtl BiorinB tbnt nrn priut-f-d

us to tbo couditiouB provmlinnlu tho gruat militttry camps, forhis iirst intnrppt lies iu tbo welfaro of tlio individual troops. Butuo eaid today that, with a fallkn'owledo of tho lack of founda-tion for most of thuec stories, hedeprecated such publications, notbeciiiiHO of fear that tbo Americanpcoplo would bo mixtakon in tli-- ir

undorotindiuK of tho Hctunl fHCts,i ut ralhcr from apprehension oftbo hviI olTect such publicationswould produco abroad. Theretbo pooplo who, with their fullmilitary trniuiup know jut whathardships must bo encouutoiodly troops in u campaign, and es-

pecially iu military camps andmaueuvorp, would rpgitd withuiuueed surprise tbo innumerablecomplaiuU that aro pouring forthupon tho Govorumeut bora uponpoti xts that would bo disregarded entirely in Europe, aud theycould scarcely fail to gain tboimpression that tlio Americanupopln aro lacking iu sohlieilyqualities.

fcjcietary Alger nd Mrs Alqerpaid n virtit to Fort Myer lattuvoning and inspected the ni rangeincplH at the hospital tburo for thettcatmeut of tbo ciues of fevoifrom Camp Alor. , These wen-foun-

to bo of tbo iirdt order. Therurgeons iu ubargo aro suppiiodwith overytbiug conducive to tbocomfort of the pulioutitbnt moneycan buy.

It was n uoticenble fact thatmany of tho sick soldiers com-plained of hunger, and this inspite of tho fact that they arogiven all tho food that the natureof their ailment;) will permit. Fewof tho visitors to tho army boepital who see tbo typhoid patients,emaciated in appearance, callingfor food, realize that to grant theirdesire for solid food would bo tocondemn tho patients to death;that the immediate result of tboadministration of anything moiothan limited quantitns of liquidfood would cause perforation ftbo inflamed intestines, bomorrl-ag- e

and death. Secretary Alger'sattention has been strongly dirocted toward this fact by tho reportsthat corao to him from the medicalnflicers of tho field and garrisonhotpitals

m:vs ami miths.Lohner, tho colebrated watch

maker of Berlin, has perfected amechanism capablo of measuringand recording tho tuoiuaudthpart of a second. It is just whatis needed iu Honolulu to tiuioboat and bicycle races.

Tlio organization of an envelope.truBt was perfected iu Bostonlately. It is tho United StatesEuvelopo Company, and has ncapital of Bovorul million dollars,including most ot tho envelopeplants in this country. This is atrust that ougi t to stick.

An aitatinu was raised inEinjlaud latoiy to have tbo bouseof ltobort Louis Stevenson

from Samoa to Loudon. Ithas beon learned, with more orless surpriBO, that tho Vailitnahomo cost $15,001), and it is Bug-neste-

that perhaps tho room inwhich Stovouson is roportcd tohave lived is offered tho wholeplace for SIO.OOCX

Made Right!Schilling's Best baking

powder does its work as wellin the wetness of Japan asin the dry heat of Arizonaor Mexico, the cold of Mon-

tana, and the gold fever ofKlondyke. ew

InllieC ciit Court of Hie


In Probate At Chambers.In tlio matter of tbo Ustnto of Kanlo-w- al

I'oart-ou- , lute of Honolulu, Oaliu,decoasod lnto-tnt-

Petition having boon fllod by I.oiiIhPearson, widower of wild lntostato, pray-ing tliat lottors of administration uponsaid obtato bo lHsuod to" blui, notice Islioreby given, that Friday, tbo 30tli dayof Soptomber A. D. 1808, at 10 o'clock a.in., iu tlio Judiciary Building, Honolulu,1h appolutod tlio tiuio and pluco for hear-ing mild petition, when aud wboro allpornons concerned may- - npjiour andhIiow catiNo, if any tbey iiavo, why saidPetition dhould not bu giuutod.

Ily the Court. J. A. THOMPSON,Honolulu, Aug. .tint, 1808. Clork.

Thursdays 8,15,22

U.J.itoV..!. .i.lt.r.it J .nrfrfl

""Hardware, etc.

Do you Aviuit

Artists' MaterialsGo to thoPacific llnrdwarc Co.

Do yon want

Tim Best Outlury "i

Go to thoPacific Ilardwaro Co.

Do you want

A Stove 1

Go to tho

Pacific Hardware Co.

Anything in the

Hardware Lixk'I

Wo can supply you.

ware ui., no.,Fort Stroct.

Koine Decorating

Gold Paint:

Which is a Hubitltuto for goldleaf, and will LAST.


For Imparting a hard and glasHysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain llnlsh on tubs,tlower pots. etc. Not nflcutcuby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

iQrFiill directions for use. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.


"BJohb iBip fouLe$ MoneiJ"

Than any iu tbo niarkot.

In two k170n $25 and $28


John HTott,75-7- 9 KING ST.

Tolopbono No. ill.

The Club StablesLimited.

O. Belltna, : Manager.FORT STREET,

Telephone 477LiYery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Sale Drivers.

Wo aro ospoclally equipped to cator toyour trade. Fair dealing and good 8or- -vico Is wliat wo uopoml upon to got It.

Wo liavo forsalo Family Carriugo andDriving Horses, sluglo or double tonuifj.Tboy aro In good condition aud will boSold on favorablo tonus.

Dr. ltowut 1h always In attoudauco attho Stablos.

Cmb Stables Hack StandCor. Union A Hotol Sts.



or Double Teams at a moment's notice.Hack Nos. 125, 183, 100, 70, 77.


ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerohant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Storo. my 18,

ttAll.ii. lJ-- " - ' 'j '


Pate Oe

Foie GrasA delicacy nought aftor by conno-

isseurs In all parts of tbo world; Itis rich and dolicato, aud Is usod atbanquets and for luiichos at ovon-ln- g


To corvo l'ato do FoloOras is to bo

ultra fashionable.

No houso In Honolulu carries any-

thing llko tho variety in tills lino

that wo do. Our assortment Is vorylargo and coiuleto.


nro olives stuffed with piinlontos,a sweet Spanish Toppor.

Kvon tho bilno tastos good.

Thoy nro a rich morsol, dollghtlngtho palato and assisting dlgostion.An ollvo fori; frco with each bottlo.



'225 Quoen Btrcot, Honolulu, H, 1.

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

G15 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluTelephoner 2'2 P.O. Box 470


Annexation has alreadyhad tho eli'eot of lowcrimr thoprices at thoPalama Grocery Co.

You can savo nuito n fewdollars monthly hy dealingwirn us.

The airs stop right at our door.

Palama Grocery Co.Opposite Hallway Depot, KingSt.The Plan is

proving a gonuino success totho L'onoral nuhlio as woll assuhscrihors.


T. B. CLAPH4M.VetBrinarF SurgBon s Dentist

Olllco : Hotol Stables. Calls, day ornight, promptly answorod. Specialties:Qbstotrlcs and Lninono8s. 1005

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.


Orders left nt Club or PantheonStables will bo received and promptlyattended. Diseases of dogs a specialty.


Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.TELHPIIONi: 700.

8Sy,'Modorn and Hmn.ino Treatmont



EMBALMINGA specialty.

Office and Parlors514 & 610 Fort St., near Hotel.

Tulophnne 170.

i t.'Ju'-lr.J 1


Page 7: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN

F(JW,W!1WWMW v"',m

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company,

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Pnssengor Steamers of This Lino "Will Arrive ot ann

Loavo This Port bb Horouudor.

From San. Francisco:MARIPOSA AubuhU7

MOANA September

ALAMEDA October 12

In connection with tho Bulling of tbo abovo steamers, tho Ageui

aro prepared to isauo, to intouding passengers, coupon throuir

tiokots by auy railroad from Ban Francisco, to all points in tl.

Unitod and from Now York by any steamship lino to a)

European ports.

For farther particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Lines of Travel.

O. R, & L. Co.



(Outward). ss tl

3 3

A. M. P. M.

Honolulu . t: io j:io Si ioPurl City. 8:07 J "I J! $0

EwaMIII.. 8t 17 4:01 6: 10

Walanae. . o, : 97 i:lWalalua . .

SO ttlI.Sj

I sr


3 y 5S 0(Inward). n S


$1 5 11P M. P.M

Walalua .. 6:i a: wWalanae.. :ssEw.Mlll.. 4: i !4SPearl City. 6: is 4 t : 19

Honolulu . 6 : sol S:6 114!

F. C. Smith, Oon'l Pass. TicketAfiont.

G. P. Dr.NisoN, Siiporlntondont.


Annexationof theIslands !

The Offloial

in Pictures

Ill illllSllas nunil!

Tho following aro soino of thoviown:Offlclnl landing of Troops.

Prosonting New-land'- s Resolution to

v.Trnlilont Dolo by

So wall.Loworlng of 0110 Flag and tbo Raising

of tho otbor.

Last shot of tho 21 (Minting tho King,

All incidents connected with tho coro

monies. .

At the old stand In Fort street.


F. ANTON SEVERIN, PROP'R.J l...aiunrlf cnlIaltV: Tine ISLAND

VIGWS rafo?MTe.B ThefineVt-- wofkm.nhlp al the

lowest prices. Amateur an J KoJaK worn tunu.ca,


STRtCT. f"knn PmniA Hall,NUUANU OPP.1 dot. Cabinets. Si. --Work Neatly ExecuteJ.

Pu.rejylill.Tho Tlalryinon's Assoclntlon Is AL-

WAYS prepared to sttpjily PURR MILKand ORKAM lnunyquantltlos,dullvorodto nny part of tbo city.

FRESH ISLAND 11UTTER nlwnysonbund.

Found.A small whlto torrlor with black spots

on cars nnd imirkod on collar Tlgor. Own.or can have name by paying oxponsos.

MANUKliMACKDA,At Fred Harrison's stable, Kownlo.

Li3-- t


Tvf.r.ii'. '07 MODKL. IIUT Ll'ITLliqKn Prlco $')0. For nil particulars

regarding this bargain cull t1012 THE UUM.IUTN OFFI01




For San Francisco:MOANA August 1?

ALAMEDA September -

MARIPOSA October 1:

Lines of Travel.

Sleamsh JD IM

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Pret . S. B. HOSE, Boo.

Oapt. J. A. KINQ, PortSnpt.

Stmr. "kINAU,CLARKE, Commander.

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 10o'clock a. mi, touching at Lidialna, Maa-lae- a

Bay and Mukona the same dayjMabnkona, Kawalhao and Lanpnboehoethe following day, arriving at Illlo ouWeihiriulay.. Returning, will sail from Hilo evervFriday t o'clock p. M., touching atLnupnhoehoo, Mabukona aud Knwulhne4'iuio dayt Makeup, Maalaoa Hay andLabalnn tho followirjp day; arriving atllonolnln riundxy a m.

' Will cull at Pohoiki, Pnna, on (heteeonri trip ol each mmitli, univitigthereon the morning of llio tiny otxiling from Hllo 10 Honolulu.The populur route to the Volcano In

via Hllo. A good carriage roatl theentire illftunce.


Will leave Uouolulu Tuesday at 5 p. m.touching at Kuhnlul, liana, IlanioanndKtpahulu, Mani. Returning arrives atUonolala Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nan, Kanpo, on second tritof each month.

"No Freight will be received aftei4 p. m. ou day of sailing.

This 0 impany will reserves tho right Umake changes in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice antit will not b? responsible for anyconsc-qnencc- s

arising therefrom.Consignnos must be at tbo Landings tc

reoeive tboir Freight) this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight aftoiit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be rcsponsibli

for Money or Valuables of passengeronions placed in the care of Pursers.

Packages containing porsonal olfocts,whotbor shipped us baggago or frolght,If tho contents thoroot exceed $100.00 Invabio, must liavo tho vnluo tboroofplainly htatod nnd marked, nnd thoCompany will not bold itself llablo forany loss or damago In oxcoss of thissum oxeopt tho goods bo shipped undora spoclnl contract.

All omployoos of tbo Company nroforbidden to recolro freight without

a shipping receipt thorufor Intbo form proscribed by tbo Companyand which may bo toon by shlpporsupon application to tbo punters of thoCompany's Slenmors.

Shippers nro notlllnd that if frolght Isshipped without mich rocolpt, It will bosolely nt tho risk of tho shipper.

Passengers are requested to purchasetiokot J before embarkine. Those falllnri todo so will be subject to an additionalohargo of twentv-Hv- o per cent.


NoticeOn nnd after Monday, September 10,

1898, nil local malls for the Island ofOnhu will closo at tho General PostOlllco at 0 a.m. dnlly, Sundays ex-

cepted.JOS. M. OAT,

1014 Postmaster General

Irrigation Notice.Holders of water privileges, orthose

paying wuter rates, are hereby noti-

fied that tho hours for irrigation pur-

poses aro from (I to 8 o'clock a. m. andfrom 4 to 0 o'clock p. in.

II. Holders of water privileges ontho slopes of Punchbowl abovo Greenstreet, and In Nuunnti Valley abovoSchool street aro hereby notified thatthey will not be restricted to tho irri-gation hours of 0 to 8 a. 111. and 4 to

p. 111., nut will ho allowed to Irrigatewhonuversullluient water Isavullnblo,provided that tney do not uso thowatei for Irrigation purposes for intirothan four hours In evory twenty-fou- r.

ANDREW imOWN,Supl. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved: J. A. KING,Minister ot Interior.

Honolulu, II. I Sept. 7, 18JB,1010-t- f

SHIPPING NtWSAJJItlon-il- , ini the latest Shipping News, will be

(ounJ on the eighth raR


- 031 tos3ll f nDay.-- 5! EH

a" C7

a.m. i.m. p. m. p 111.

Monday.., 6 7.22 0.25.11 53 2.55

Tuesday.. 0 8.22 7.30 a.m. 5.25

Wednesday.. 7 0 20 0.5512.13 0.55Tl 111 rod ay ..... 810.30 11.58, 12.44 12.44

p.m. P-'- -

Friday .0,1.34 11.111 7.0. 1.00

'Saturday 10 12.20 12.50 8.03 4.20

Sunday 11 1.02 1.42 8.10 5.5!)

Tho Standard time whistle sounds at12h. Om. Os. (midnight), Greenwichtime, which is Hi. 30m. p. 111. of Ha-waiian Standard time.


Steamers duo nnd to sail tomorrowand for tho next six days nro as fol-lows:

ARRIVE.Stpamciis. Fiiom. Due.Moann San Francisco Sept 14Alameda Sydney Sept 14

MauiiaLon Maul audlIawall...Scpt 10

Klunu Mntii and Hawaii Sept 17Lehua Molokat and Laual Sept 17W U Hnll Kauai Sept 18Clnudlne Mnul Sept 18Upolu Kohnla and Kona Sept 20


Steamers. Fort. Bails.Australia San FranclRCo Sent 12UtMilu Kohnla and Konn Sept 13Klunu Mnul nnd Hawaii Sept 13Clnudlne Mnul Sept 13w u rinn Kuuni sept mAlamcdu Snu Francisco Sent 14

iuonnn uolotnes sept 14MiUinaLoa Maul and Hawaii. Septal

Clirotilo Diarrhoea Cured.This is to certify that I have

had chrnuio diarihnea over sincetho war. I pot bo weak I cmildhardly walk or do anylhing, OnoI'ottlu of ChnraliprlHin's Colic,Cholera and Diarihnea Itemedcured mo sound and well.

J. It. Gibbs, Fincatt'e, Va.I had chronic diarrhooa for

Iwolvo years. Throo bottles ofOhatnbprlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhooa Hotnedy cured mo.

d. Jj. bhaver, iMncastlo, Va.Both Mr. Gibbs aud Mr. Shaver

aro prominont farmers nnd residenear Fiucastlo, Va. They nro-cure- d

tho remedy from Mr. W. E.Casper, a druggist of that placo,who in well acquainted with themnnd will vouch for tho truth ofthoir statements. For sale by alldealers, Benson, Smith & Co.,Gouoral Agents.


BEST OF MEATS.Families doslrlng tender roasts,Juicy steaks nnd chops shouldcull on tho

Central Meat MarketWo mako a specialty of family trndonnd soil tbo best nt reasonablellguros.

H. E. GARES, Proprietor.21 1 Nimnnu St. Tolophouo 101,

CityMeatMarketIOSEPH TINKER, Propr.

Family anii Siiii'I'inq Isutciikiu

( Poultry nnd tho eholuestof meats kopt,Vegotnblos fresh evory morning.

I All ordors quickly dolivorod.


108 KING STREET.G. J. "Waller, : : Manaot.ii

Wholesalo and Retail


Naw Gaiatractors.Refrigerated Poultry



ttopolita HJeat do.

Telephone 45.


I'lio James Mtltco dischargedHuur into the Wiloa iliis momiuy.

ThoChnsE Falk hauled oveiIo the railrond wharf this forenoon.

Too follow! 'K ship3 have snil dfrom NuwuHsttp fur this pir:Aug 8 Nor bk Uuvfruen, MBr bkHelen Denny.

The following vessels aro duehtMP t 'innrrow: Wiiialeale fioiuOnhu nnrts, Keauhou fiom Laha- -iint, iNofaii from Kami), MsunaLoa fiom Kona, Kau, ManlaeanntlLnlniina.

The American Bhip.Icaic Iteod,Watts muster, arrived in poit

altt-rnoon-, 158 daya tromUaltimore wiih a cargo of 1900tons coal consigned to tho UnitedStales Government.


From Kspai, per stmr JamesMHkee, S-- pt 11 Miss Lily Ke- -

aloha, M D Mousarrat, C vonBnmm, Max Kelly and 4 ou deck.

rARSENOERS DEPART.For Sydiioy, pr RMS Moana,

Sept 14 Ow'ii Moore, J H Brin-t'l- i,

S S Meriill and w fe, J JlHoward, H H Edwards, J Hdrew, J Martin Miller.

For Lahaina, per stmr Kauai.S-- pt 14--J P Cooke, F Clark, FSilva.

UKN. Wlli:i!Li:il'H MKTIIOD.

Will Get to It'ittom of Trouble ntCunip WlkofT.

Now Yoik, August 30. CampWiknff is to bo investigated. General Wheeler has ordeiod GenerslAdelbort Ames, chiff of s'nCf on

Guieral Kent's Btatf, to conductati investigation, lie i'h givn nl

mot-- t nutocintit! powers. GouorilWbeiler hhB ord- - reil him to get at j

he bottom ol all the things wlnehhave been complained of. 'I'llsubject' to be iuvefrtiiiiitpil nro:

Why is the guieral condition ofthe camp so poor ?

Why do tho conditions that provail exist ?

Who is responpiblo ?Why wore troops sent to fho

cimp before it was ready to receivethem '

Why, einco there wes but 01:0tnilrond loading into ilia camp,were boats not used to cury mnand provisions from New Yorkcitv ?

Why were needed mediciueB notordoied, or if they were ordeiod,whv were they not distributed ?

Why aro tho hospitals crowded?Why transports wero allowed to

lie in the harbor without suppliesand relief seut to them ?

Wfiikiiraa ami Xirvnuiir."I have beou taking Hood's la

for weakness of the spinennd liorvouaiipfH, autl in a shorttime it had done, mn a great dealof good. I caunot recommoudHood's Sarsaparilla too highly. Ihave- novor been troubled as muchwith weakness takingHood's." alary E. Lewis, E.University Avo., Guthrie, Okla.

Hood's Pills aro tho only pillsto tako with Hood's Sarsiiparillu.Easy nnd yet olliciont.

President Pnul Kruger hasgiveji a decision that discountsSolomon's baby awnrd. Twobrothers came to him with aldis--puto about tho division of proper-ly. After hearing ovidonco OnmPaul decided that tho elderbrother should havo tho dividingof tho propei ty, nnd that theyoungor should hnvo his choiceof the two poitions.

Good Knoiitfli to Tukr,Tho finest quality of loaf sugnr

is used in the manulncturo ntChamberlain's Cough Remedyand tho roots used 111 its preparation give it a llavor similar to thatof maplo syrup, making it veryploaeaut to tako. As a rocdiciiiofor tho euro of coughs, colds, lagrippe, croup and whooping coughU is uneqtuiled by auy othor. Italways cures, and cures quickly,for side by all denlers, IJonson,Smith tfc Co,, Gonornl Agents.

Tln I.mt Cur.The last cars of tho King street

lino going to Waikiki Bnd Pulnmapass tho Anchor Saloon. Thecleverest mixologists in tho cityaro there always to put you upnnythiug you may doeiro. Dropiu aud tako a diop lioforo you taketho car. Tho celebrated Seattlebeor is to bo had here on drauchi.A full lino of liquors iucludiugJohu Dowar's Scotch, O. P. S.,01c, always on haud. Tho mostexnetinu' and vnried deniHiidi CBnbo sntisficd. Tho Anchor Saloon

I is hero to please its patrons.


1 KLjj S I va


The Well-know- n-

The Unexcellcd- -

The Up-to-Da- te-


Agents following


The Juvenile Elfine

Also Bicycle Sundries, staoli asTires, Rims, Spokes, Lamps, Etc.

you know you want, our bicycle man,R. C. Geer, will you out.




don't what


Mgmm&gmTT.J'WVa-- 4 itHbITL.LJ3UW









780. Hoiiiih: 0 n. 111. to I p. in.


DENTISTS.New llullclinK, Fort


DR. F. E.

DENTIST.13-- 14 1'rogroHs lllock, rornor llorotnnlft

and Fort Btroets, Honolulu.

- -- w-- --wft","?r-

k 1


0'l ' ' JMZ 'LM 1 ' W




0 m

H.111 lrittrwlll not euro UhoU. ToIk freo of Ityon muNt trout yourImir and with homo remedy

Our Dandruffprojurod and Bold only by inj Is

"Warranted to Gave I

Faoheoo &Arlington IHock, Hotol Strnft. .

The Evcnini Bulletin jlve Aishthe news for 75 cents 0 month.

A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Complaint, DisoasoB of tho Kidnoyand liluddor, Skin Eruptions, Etc.

Benson, Smith. & Co.,Corner rind Hotel Streots.

Celebrate the Raising of the Flag!.MliliiliiHHLHHLMHHBHBHLHtw



" Pommery Sec ChampagneIklEETS THE CONDITIONS FULLY.

For SaleC. PEACOCK CO.,Ltaw.




Tj:i.Kiiioni:h: lteHldonio,


Love's Btroeti









'h' -- .'i"lt&u' ri J. vji. V

,ir ,1



Page 8: J' nTr whtfw Jr W' Tn-MtRjnr- Vi TheBulletin Evening Bulletin · 2015-06-01 · prr----nTrwhtfw JT F--Jr w?r,Trr. r'Tpsp 'mTWRHF JW WW?;W' r J' Tn-MtRjnr-Vi BLAINE, THE LEADING AMERICAN






Chamber Suites, .

? Chiffonieres, ?! Wardrobes,

fiSiae Boards, ?China Closets, y

? Extension Tables, ?

9 iiiuiai yajKraiiui iduicaChairs,






And want you to liolp burn tliem. If you have notgot a riflo or shot-gu- n to burn them in, avo can furnish youtho rotiuircd articles in that lino, also. Wo havo a linostock of smokeless and black powder shot-gu-n cartridges ;

also powder, shot, shells, wads, and loading tools for thosewho wish to load their own ammunition.

Shut-gun- s, Rifles, Revolvers, Air-gun-s, &c, &c.

E. 0. HALL & SON, Limited,

Corner Fort" and Kinr Streets.



Full Line ol Delivery Wagons and Other Vehicles.

JS O XX XT 3VE A. TXT TXT SJCarriage and Harness Repository

Jr Island orders promptly filled.




.FOUT bTltlJIIT, AIIOVK Ci.uii 8taiii.i:h.


Imperial Wheels!Best Bicycle for general use made in the United States.

See for yourself and be convinced.. 3i- -

PEARSON & HOBRON, Agts312 FORT ST. Telephone 565.


Almost BlindScrofula Affects tho Eyos Llttlo

Boy Troatocl b nn Oculist With-out Rollof-R- ut Now Ho Is Well."When my llttlo boy was three months

old his eyes becamo very sore and he wasalmost blind. I took him to an oculistwho treated him (or six months, and lcthim as bad as he was at tho beginning.Finally Hood's Sarssparllla was recom-mended and I begun giving It to him.In less than three weeks ho was ableto go into tho Bun without coveringhis eyes, and today his cyos aro perfectlywell, and his cars and nose, which wcrobadly affected, aro also well. Hood'sBarsaparllln has certainly done wondersfor my boy." tins. James II. Paintkr,Amador, California. Itemombor

HoodsSarsaparilla, the


Purifier. All druggists. Jl.slx for $5. Oct Hood's.

arc the only pills to takenOOd S FlliS wltb Hood's Sarsaparilla.

PEOG-- E .A. Ivj...OP TIIK.,

Third Celebration

. OF.

Regatta Day!...TO UK II KM) IN...

Honolulu HarborSaturday, Sept. 17,1898,


llrst-rlas- s Yacht Unco. First prize,$10; second, VM.

Six-oare- d Sliding Neat I largo. .?.r)0

trophy.Tub jftici. Prlzo ?3.Steamer lloat Uace. first prlo,Sij; second, 815; third 10..Swimming Itaee. 100 yards. Tr-olly. ,

lo Cnnoo Itaci). First prize,$1; second, $5.Jnp.incso Pishing lloat Itnco. Prizos,?10 and 85.


8. Socoiid-clus- s Yacht ltiico. Firtprlzo, $10; socoud, $20; third, $10.

9. Four-oare- .Sliding Seat Ilargo Unco.iirsi prlzo, J0; second, $15. Tro-phlo- s.

10. Diving Contost for Distance. Prio,$5.

11. l'unt Itaco. Prlzo, $15.11!. Flvo-oaru- il Whuleboat Hat-o- . Flrtt

prlzo, flO; second, $10.Two-oare- d Shore lloat Unco. 1'rlzon,

$10 and $.1.

14. Cliinuso FiHhlng Hoats. Prizos,$ 0 and $5.

15. Ilalf-inil- o Swimming Contest.Prlzo, $15. Trophy.

lu. Twolvo-oarc- d Cutler Itaco (for men-of-w- ar

boats only) Prize, $50.17. Six-oare- d Oig Itaco (stationary

seats). First prlzo, $10j Hocoml, 10,

18. Sailing Cnnoo Itaco. First prlzo.$15; second, 5.

19. Diving Contost Tllilo. l'rizo, S5.Itaces open to all : no entrv fee.

Swimming, diving nnil tub races entries open till tliu .start or tuu races.

All rowing races are to bo governedby tlio Racing littles of tho lluwuliunItowiug Association.

For the othor races entries must bemade to J. V. Smithies, nt PuclfloHardware Conipiuiy's. F.ntrles closeThursday, September 15th, at 4 p. m.

Knelt entry shall Includo the nameof the bout, or if it have noi.e, thename of the person who ei.ters 1; Intho ra e.

There must bo at least throe boatsentered before tho second prize can beawarded, at least four boats before thotlilnl prize can bo awarded.

For further information apply totho Regatta Committee S. K. 1 Tay-lor, G. II. Gere, C. S. Crane. 1015

Hawaiian Opera House.

Thursday and Saturday Evenings

and Saturday MATINEE.


sa's AinoriI IA

III J. F. Fost's LaughableComedy,


An played over live years in the Unit-ed Stute.s, England and Australia.

Songs, Dances, Medleys, Quartottsand I rving Emery's cole jiated

Illustrated Songs and

War Pictures !

I'Ol'ULAlt PltlOKS

Iteserveil seats on sale at Wall,Nichols & Co.'s. iom


Tor aJJItloTut Shipping Newt it seventh pine.

Diamond Head Signal Station, Sopt15, 1 pm Weather cloudy, wind freshN rc.

"Weather F.ureau, runnhou, Sept 15.Temperature Morning minimum,

71;Mlddny maximum, 83.nitrometer," , S0.0J. Rainfall,

do, .01.Humidity 01 per cent


Ktnir James Makce, Tullett, fromKapaa. .

Am sp Isaac Reed, W'uttM, fromHaltlmoro.

DEPAIlTOItES.Thursdny, Sept 15.

Stmr James Makee, Tullett, forKapaa, at 4 p in. .


Inrlclriiti of the Ilrltlih on Kuvv-ti- nt


London, Sept. 7. A special dis-

patch from Omdurmnn says:Unhurt Hownrd, tho correspon-

dent of tbo Times, met doath ow-

ing to his eagerness to got the firstnews of tho fate of Karl NoufehltiuhI tho other European prisonersof tho Khalifa. Ho prcsecd I) in

wsy into tho city hoforo it wasuitn to do so, and was going allalone along a narrow alley lead-ing to tbo prinou when ho wasattacked and killed.

the first display of heroism onthe Dnrvish side was raado by theKuulifn's brother, Yantub, withliis adhorents, who, utterly

of out teniiic fire, madea superb attempt to retrieve tin-day'- s

fortune. Far from askingquarter, thoy simply huggoudoath. Yantub died in tho pro-H'Tic- o

of his old enemy, SlatiuPasha.

Tho war correspondent of theDaily Telegraph at Omdurmansays:

"After tho ontry of tho troopsinto the Dervish capital it wasfound necessary to furthor bom-bard tbo Khalifa's house. Gene-ral Kitchener and his staff wore

in the vicinity and nar-rowly escaped being killed by thoshells.

''I ostimato tho onomy's killedat more than 15.0U0."

Coyne and Mclirten.

Within a couple of days tbosogontleraen will bo bidding forpublic patronago in an upholsterybusiness. Thoy havo located ini bo Masonic Temple building.Both men aro practical upholsti'rers and havo had a great dpalof experience in their lino. Untilrecently Mr. Mohrton was withOrdway & Porter, and prior tohis working with that firm be wasengaged at J. Hopp & Co. Oapt.Coyne learned his trado in thowll known firm Portor & Co.,Toronto, Canada, and beforo en- -

t. ring the National Uuaru herewas employed by Hopp & CoTho now firm has tho best wishesfor succGBB fr m its many frionds.

-Wunt to Go Home.

Tho enginoers out in camp ontho slopes of Diamond Head havosent in a petition to hoadquartersin Washington asking that thoybo returned to Now York andmustered out. They consider thatthoy aro doing no gopd hero forthemselves or tho Government.

Asked why they did not consi-der their services would bo needod in laying out tho proposedbarracks and nocossury surrouud- -int'H, one of tbo olucers replied:' That work is not for us. It isalways let out by contract."

H -

Kupnlnma Hclionl,

Tho bida for the Palaraa schoolbuilding complete, without foun-

dation, were as follows: Fred.Harrison S22.409; John Ouderkirk S19 309; Wm. Wagnor 19 --

300; H. L Korr & Co 819,050; J.N. Craig S1U.U17; Arttiur iiam-so- n

S18.7G1; 0. H. Patzig S187u0.

Anirlo-Germ- AKrit.Loudon, Sopt. C The Pall Mall

Gazette today publishes allegeddetails of tho ngreoraout said to

havo boon arrived at botwoenGreat Britain and Germauy, butthey wero not cabled to the Aseo-ciat- od

Press, as tho officials of tboForeign Ollice hero said they werefar beyond tbo truth.

Tbo Foreign Office offioialsadded that tho acreoment is yotincomplete. It relates generallyto Anglo Gorman iuterodts inChina, Africa and elsewhere, butit is not preoiso in its stipula-tions.


Ilrltlull nnil liuipllnn Vlrnu llolatril

0er Hip 1'hIhc.London, 8ept. 5. The War

Office rccemd this oveniug thofollowing dispatch, dated at Om-

durman yesterday, from GeneralSir Herbert Kitchener:

"This morning tho British andEgyptian Hugs wero hoisted withduo csremouy upon tho walls oftho palaco in Khartoum. All theBritish wouudul havn left forAbadia in barges towod by steam-ers. I saw them bofore leaving.Thoy wero all doing well and werecomfortable. Tho cavalry sent iupursuit of tbo Khalifa woro compellcd to abaudon tho attempt,owiug to tho exhaustion of theborsoH, but I havo ordered caraolBquads to continue tho pursuit."


Sew Muilc Tmclirr llrre.Prof. Frank W. Jacobs of San

Francisco arrived yestordaymorning in tho Moaua. Ho expeels to loci to iu Honolulu wherehe will opeu a studio'for tbe culti-vation of the voLo. He will alsogive instructions on tho violin.Prof. Jacobs is woll mid favorablykuowu iu San Francisco and Oak-lau- d,

Oal , wbero ho has mot withwonderful success iu the scientificcultivation of tbo voice. Prof.Jacohd has a tenor voice, and Ihomusic lovine people of Honoluluwill no doubt wolcome him intotheir midst.

m m

Fire In Knrunnin.Thore was u firo iu tho stnblo on

the grounds of G. W. 0. Joups,Ilobollo Lano, at 12:45 o'clockthis morning. G. W. 0. JoneJr. wakoned in tiino to boh tinflames just starting. Tho depait- -

mnnt will tint niillnil nut. I'linfamily fought tbo firo with lhecarom uoso and buckets lor nnllnnr and n hnlf. 'I'lin linrai. Iimla closo shave from boing killed.while a lino Spanish saddle ownedby Priuco David Kawauaunkunwas burned.

American Meneouger Sorvice,Masonic Temple. TelephoneMi.

Honolulu Messonger Service de-livers mescngos nnd packagesTelephono 378.

If you want a nico Itubber tirohack with a careful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tel. 319,and wo guarauteo you will besatisfied.


Notice.Tho undernamed grocers bog to noti-

fy tholr customers and tho public Ingonoral tlmt thoy will not open theirstores on llcgattu Day, Saturday, Sept.17, 18U8.



1017 IIKNHY MAY it CO .

Power of Attorney.During my absonco from tho Hawaiian

Islands, Messrs. Wilson it Wliltoliousowill act for mo undor full powor of uttor-no- y.

C. A. JOHNSKN.Honolulu, II. I. Septombor l'Jth, lhuS.

10t7-:- it


If you want MODERN PLUM1I-IN- G

at MODEltN PltlC'ES coiiHttltme.

Latent dealuns in Bath Tubs anilLavatory Furnishings.

JOHN II. PHILLIPS,1017 -- S Hotel street.


610 Fort street. Telephone 610.Manicuring, Facial Massimo, Mass.ngo,

Kloctrlcity, ISluiiipooliig and Scalp tro.it-inoii- t.



Residence, The Villa, 7111 Fort St.

Olllco Hoiuh: 0 a. in. to Vi in., and 2to 5 p. in., I.OVK HUILDINQ. Cornsand llunlons curod by a now process.IiiKrowlng nails a spocialty. No pain.KiiLMKoinonlH inado attor olllco hours



Notice.OIIAIU.K3 OLAUK, KSQ., has this

day boon appolntod a Notary Public fortho Flrol Judicial Circuit of tlio Ha-

waiian Islands,J. A. KINd,

Mlntstor of tlio Intorior.Interior Olllco, Sopt. 14, 1893. 1017-3- 1

bjkmiiiifkisiiAi''-t- i X4o.iir ..'- -At" j t -- i- i. ,JM L

Do you want

Consumption ?


Wo aro ruro yon do not. Nobody wantsIt. But it comes to many thousands everyyear. It comes to those who have hadcoughs nnd colds until tho throat Is raw, andtho lining rncmlrano of the lungs is in-

flamed. Stop your cough tthen It first ap-

pears, and you rcmoro tho great danger offuturo trouble


Ofierry Pectoralntups coughs of all kinds. It docs so becauseit U a soothing and healing remedy of greatpower. This makes it tho greatest proven,tiro to consumption. It is not a question ofmany bottles and largo doses. A few dropswill often malco a complete euro. Don't ncg.let t your cough: you cannot ndord to run thorik. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral will sootho yourraw throat nnd quiot your Inflamed lungs.

Il.. nm nf heip Imitation. See that tlip natnoA t liurry I'tdoral, W lilnnu Iu Iho shnru'h little. 1'iit mi In larue mill rmulltMUlM.

Hollister Drue Co., Ltd.,Sola Agonts for tlm Itopubllo of Hawaii.

Auction Sale.OF.

CARRIAGESOn FRIDAY, Sept. 10, 185)8


At my puU'irci'iiii, tjtieen street, byorder of J. M. Dowsett, Ksi., iidniln- -Istrtitoror thu estate of .1. I. Dowsett,I will sell by public auction,


One Royal State Carriage, one pole.Also at the same time will be sold:I UUAKI-V- PH.liro.VS.1 UOAI) CAUT, 1 CANOPY TOP .


JAS. P. MORGAN,1010 Auctioneer.


Hawaiian Iskaxiw,Isivndoi'Oaiii;, IIomii.vi.u X1

To tho Marshal of tlio Hawaiian Isl-ands or his Deputy: (ireetlng:

Whoroiis a llliol has boon tiled In thoCircuit Court of tlio First Circuit inAdmiralty, by II II Colegrovo, of salilHonolulu, against the American hteum-shi- p

"City of Columbia," her tucklo,engines, bollortt nnd uppurols, tho saidvessel now being In tho port of Hono-lulu, Island of Oahtl, and within tlioJurisdiction of tills Honorable Court,and against all person lutorvoned fortholr Interests therein, In cuttho of contract civil and umrltlmo for breach of anugroomellt as sot out iu tho libel on llloIn tins Court anil for tlio recovery ofdamiigo,for breach of said contract andagreomont and praying for an attachment to against tlio said stoamshin"City of Columbia," hor tackles, on- -itliios, hollers and apiurols, anil that aJudgment may bo entered and decrcomailo for tlio sum or Two ThousandDollars and costs for tlio breach of saidcontract and agreomont.

Now, therefore, you aro horoby com-manded to attach tho Mild stcnmshlp"City of Columbia" her , engines,bollor and apparel and detain tlio samolu your custody and until tho furthoroiil or of this Court respecting tlio sumoby pulillcatlon dairy until tlio return dayaspiovided by the Statute, and to glvonotice hereof to all Hirsous iu gonoralwho havo or orotund to havo any right,title or interest in the said stoamshlp orproporty to 1k and appear beforo thoCourt, on HATUUDAY, tho IMth day ofSeptomber, A I) 1HU8, at 10 o'clock Inthe forouoou, at tho Judiciary Iluilding,at Honolulu, then and there to showcanso If any thoy havo why the prayorof said libel or process us prayed forshould not bo granted and what youshall do lu the promlsos do you thou andthere nmko return thereof together withthis writ.Witness tho llonoiablo A Perry, Plrst

Jiulgo of the Circuit Court of thoTlrst C'lifiut at Honolulu, H. I.,this 14th day nf September, A. 1).1K1I8.



Notice.In pursuance of tho within Order of

Couit, the Steamship "city of Colum-bia," together with her tackle, onglno,boiler and apiMrol, has been attached,and all persons iiiteiested In tlio aboveprocoedmgs aro hereby notified to boand appear bofoio thu Circuit Court oftho First Circuit, Judiciary Iluilding, ontho iilth day of September, A I) I80S,at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day,to show cause, if any thoy havo, why thoprayer of tho aboio stutod libel shouldnot bo grunted according to the Lawsand Statute lu such caso inado and pro-vided, A M IIUOWN,

Marshal, Itopuhho of Hawaii.Honolulu, Oalui, September 14, 1HIM.





