•J I WAN - Barrington Area · PDF fileirtf:

irtf: <llf{\ t*<-> v». '••tp-f' Kj \l . •J_ I WAN WORK WANTED./feSi^T^- - ins and repairing- Reliable 'a. r.fl c a ii p. Bw*r,.tel. Barrfr d: :;<:!»->!. ' J , " t WORK WAXHftT~Ikms^rtp d Waning by the day or hour. Wl :•< l.iumlry work at home. Cortahj a sj.-. iiitty. Til. Barrington 290-W . aU_nt ,">01 S. Cook street. WANTED, w i w^iP^; )|i.u-..-wofk or its hou,sek.*ep er- « -j.«^isi!.l.-. -Write'Barrington Revie v\i\TKi> FOR CASIITVT^; }f..t .!.,.> fur from Harrington, p^ .jhiv w...«l«<l. Give description fa .)...11 >»na pri...-. Write BaVrtiiBta i:4"'" 22.10.. ' *«i ; MlSClTLhANKOlTH U\,( IIANGK (.Mir T< K ,m moTfftrtJ*^- nc" rh Ilurritiirtori for n nm A In or iur.. iJK .., Write B«rrin«t« *M»o UAD10 HKKVIOR" . M'v. nuiU ri'iilio repaired f«f j | ^ ' l"' <^>* y>ur- radio, J^o, |i".il BMii<lilOei,|», Electric motoi |ir.<) iiml rewound.' Call Barring ,»•^7 K. a ii'l KM A tlCKING—RKPAIRlNcj «« ..(,,.l.t.,,-..,) furniture Cleaned T F. WI1JIOFF I'. 1. [.ii.mi- Itttrritij/ton {>;|-ll •Ms Grove Avomn* ; 'Notice•"" " * i."uti4>ury. Chapter No. 45. •I",. S. will sponsor a card parti fr-iby. Aug. 18 at the Lake'/Jul .,~I(;M.is..uiy hull ut K:00 p. t». \1 'n.,>[ ,''.n n,V\ 1: i Notice )li"- f.<.;iK (Jrpvc cider mill will 1 .',|jj f.-r business every Tuesday ai S;tj.jir<l.iy -ijjrting August 16.. dd< _:u-1 f..-r «:iI. Grape juice 5c per %i "-" 'l| >..I,H 7.V. Barrels and kegs tt .!. IJ. Kissler. prop.' Telephoa I'vv.lit' 0.77-M-l. il. r^t "Jf.r i»; :• r-4 t9a f.-JSi- JT' iers 4 T"' «0« 15 ie oz pit lib. Pkff. p^g*- 2Zc lb. pk. 23C i|4c ^'2-ib. 57c pnj , . I9C . large pkg. 20C , tGETABLES 15< .... 5* sh. feunkist, 2 #oz. 45$ % rM.&i. ${I4$ES, 2 lbs - X.|jN.4vS ANYiESJ 4vS lb. C C.W.|5b SC&l l l i . ijlt.sl •:i ftj ltt». v<iv siiRnn Hi 5* «r Aug. nth 10 Aug. 18 Inc. ipner's, 3 pkgs. 14$ 5»$ Zft \%t ,...,,„ SttVIft, 3 ; for ""' " . . . W )Ni,Ef li(Kl>,Ni Royal, No. 2 *$ i,.,... ...J„.I..H ^ ta]| cftn g©^ , JEE THE KIDDIE BIKE K" 1 'KRYKiqDIE NI.VNTS ONE Not i Chain Store INq ^E SELL me 'tj if .mutiit'ipality lliicrao' rate _ :*•;;*» (Vn«ius. Orclinanc Dipped i luinin s | MKKK »3 Bans Hilk"and Labels •s on Ordinance :11,.:1 Is Self i.ttorv - On' villuK<' i |p.«' I fiiii"- u. v- «'..rr..»'k :,, -...ii'ilitig fo •:'iilil!ini: III" ill; .•!•. pamifil- M.|:I,V liiK'it' I .hi,:; f". thn,; lilllllHT «11« ..p. r ili'siri- nn liy whirli I V ,IV di|l)H',l ;!,!•, l>nil?», - wltirll Mil' | 1>. Il'fl (lilt- , . <>z ..„ th.. j. , ^!T:r.' fn.vi ; -. :ii', ..riliii); , r»nril. ' * i (ntcs . A i ']lll<1llll V'fr prwe ti.it if. .«»4 '.• Nlii'l' lilll t i% »t j. r > Hiiili, p. n. tiu|i' ' cliilh itKaln(it Kipi of tht Bar ington, Palatine l r ions in Bus Party to Music Festival roup of 50 men ami women, ITS ol tho Llonx dud and wiveM, nri'.i»sp*H'ted t»i font- tb« -li'ti'M pjtrty to UMI Chl> »'iii|i«i»4inl MIIHII! F*HllVttr Saturn Tliirtjr.flvo i»orw)J)(t, inclutt-j 2^ifoin INtlHtitif, nlrtutdy iHiidt" v iytu>rvutU)ii8 for t|i« •'»>. : : ( ><J ''•. ' . • • linn wilfNhMive .ltiirHu'ftton o'clock n^»r\\vlU AJTIVO nt r«i Field nhortly before 7 The BitrrliigtoiKjitttl l»«ln- H|HMI und'wMDen w»lsj>e i»n( of tlii* (.'hieaijo dldtrlct \I,loim uhri l>unn, Cary, Dies Following Long; Illness .11::^ 1..-1.1, \ s;,«'";. and ; milk <.|";iny 1 :> ol'iliiiMIU't' r" marked [ n:•• tits, the ' i such are ' i i.f Miis ,.r- : •mi/.i'd'' if ^ti-n'ri/>,V "rl :v purpose, ' i-ti'i'ii's - lire ' II••• r ..r i!i.«- ' B ipj• iriir <"ates : J milk (listnttii- '. |.i-..<lii<-ts from' : ..ii- the street ,. •.."•' or in any j :pproVj.«l milk | |.|..-.| milk is .1.,1. It shall j ili, fountains. stahlish- j milk or ! .«• .1 in this or- ' •' original «50n-1 - r.-r.'ivcd-'from 1 i.-i-or..- ' I NinUern who will '..enihvete . the Chit-men 'ttltttrM. tin eltih nlHcer» as. oiwpnrtN IIIUNIC fentlviil pronrani. len'ryntion«. for the IHIK riile cai|j le made prhir to Niittii'dny wit|h 1». IK I'ohlman or N; »). I'14'S A. H. Clnireh and |Vrn< Fliillei-tl.«Tvii-eK'Were'held M«>iifh«v 1-^ 1 - ^^ 1 ^ 41 -«f »'"' 'prfux'rn for John Dunn. Cary reM- f ^^ u '«', <".iit several good HunurtiiiiK ii'iitl diy'iiitf aetn engaged. Jtiss Claudia I irtii(!is ut," i wl 0 died last Thursday after- after a ? lingering n il a I", Bkirri Several Entiies tt; RRINCTON, ILUNOIS, THUR8I AY, AUGUST 18. 1032 Already in Beauty Contest Water ^amival AUK. Bring: Diving S t « j to Barrington I 0.1 Mm'cnil enlrloH have lilci nlready (or the batblng b itnimlarity content whit'b w <nitHtandlitK -feature of the ] MOIIN ej.iib water eimilvu I'Venlrig, Augt)Mt 2(1. , I'llor to ThurHtliiy mor iii M t b e live following girlH wlr nanieN In tlie iMipnlijiri iolhjrKthelda Gnare, Jent Sebrelhi'i', Marion Muth 11 Hay. Several other glrl|» 'Invited and are eonaider the eoiitest. The nffai limited to 1« glr ( l'>(. Wbe s tilled, no add'ljionnl 'em ecelved. ion ;ut bis. IHUUC nesif. 'ITie the Ca-tiv 1 rial! vas-.jn. Evergreen >n. Mr.j Jtjuiin js survived by two sons, El.. Ijiin'i of Cary and Will Dtmn of irriijist in, and a daughter, Mrs. Lil- 'ary cemetery, for Will duty tiid wbleli time a nriigriiiri \,.iis rendered reenlvi lU'l'lll'gt, n Krtdi Rev. and Mrs on*Furlough Missionary \Suhr * Frhm Service Rev-, and Sirs. Theodoie \,, (', Ruhr and* their dAiigh'tcr,.' K, who. Im've" beeii ciigiiKed 'I work in China under the xlniiH of the' KvuiVgelleh turned to Rurrbigtnn inoriilnii on fiiriongh. f, TIK^ rtilhHloniiry- family "weleome bonii>" 11'iider of the W, M. H. TiiHt. Hu a t ,rhe- MnlpHi Kvimgelloti ther LtiHl(*e, 11 uuHnlonary lioard of JIIIH- ehnreji. re- litNt 'Friday f one yeiir, yt\n given 11 the atitmleeN idny evening I --church, lit 11 be. the ""«' words of weleoijie frieni|k d enter y eontejti ong, Iiijn Natbnl live betta entei'ii g bus bee he qnot * will 1 id; II, s»s. n have r, a in.'lieu have. bet lekert, l'.Kl > services were conducted•! J i" ,i " 1 ' ' ,ivi "»f <'!wnip.ion .ol the A. A ./lie church at Cary and \: . w,u \ w m BH*riiiKtmi^ w an exhi Jtntion of fancy diving. Tw "teams, from ;.ahe Park I'liiines poi'd have been eji'gaged, an I two divers frofti the Fox River GroV Tju KJ"! i. lian Oleott also of Barrington. Thrte Petitions I \gainst New Milk Regulation Out swimming, diving and comedy rners am. Additional will .take part i n th.l li-igh class il! "be announced next w The carnival next we filled with thrills, the committee charge has promised.. It will be th ?ek. k w V>4 1 HIV 1-ompiilsory rtitied milk ftro- Suits Pianist of Iinance • which.' I't sale, exposed . f\. hanged or de-', ." '•'.••(/ in accord- j .on of pnsteuri-' orilijiance.^ pro- nothing herein! '.' the bringing j iii'.'inn raw milk ' \ io pusteuriza- mi!k or dairy ",•-. , ' 'I .l.'.-heil on page . Review is Jhe •"•'•d at the vil- ^ :,-.1-.( S except Lrapli relative Conoid'ruble opposition to the new Inge) n^ilk ordinance, or rather to which prohibits sale of milk neither pasteurized nor verti- deyeloped'since the 'passage I v tb it pjirt Which IH >fi«{d,has the < ek. ; Three tbdrjnw W| ha af ed <>i mi .1...1 The board •'s till- llf-llillr I (In- addition. 1 payment of . from dairies Ii milk wa- its mo-. •'• instruction lo make the' of ra SOI Persons Sigh Protest rVgaihst Ban of , Raw Milk to of u 'at Mn la|st -show eye^t of thei season at tin B)irrington park district p flirts are. being made to g possible, talent for a full r wl, and ef [•t the bes rogram. 34 Frolm Barrington Attend State Legion Cor vention at Danville »on.-Tue$ Barrington >il|at No.. American legion and t-n.r? Auxiliary chapiter were Rented at the st^te convention at Dan ly with 3^ rdinnncc' was reported last jietition-i to-the board to . the pasteurization feature ve beeil .firculnted. I,ate Tburs4lay 'vijlo Monday and Tuesda members of the two ofgnt attendance "DanviHe opened its aijms to liegion, • vveb-onied ., us 1(KJ pet cn!(|>on these petitions were rei>ort- bii.-e attracted 104 iignnturCH. (jhe men respoimibre for eir- f the pel It ions sta feil that if the signers will uttvtirl the I'ohlmnn, one of the ineml ed. "The .•• convent ion w'ai lierly." The il I'll in and bugle. village bfiird meeting next Thursday 0 protest the recent action milk regiilutMu in the vil- ! ev »nllljf I ta ten on lnie, l>wo] «Jf the petitions have been paiwd bj dairy, operatora who want to retain the right td Wdl raw milk Mi ny of pie- Higners, tliey report, are cm tomjers who buy raw milk at a lo\,er !pr ee\ tbaii that charged for paifeurizfil milk untUwho feel they w i p halve to pay a higher price if) the pro •talent stunt 1 ill 58. of th,. Barrihgtoi well repre iiintiohs it tin cent an given by leuKcber. the pimtor. Itey. rblllp In his reninrl(s In rWomling to the welcome by five pa»tnr, Mr. Subr iiientlotied that Chlitn van hard hit with cholera tlils'ycHi , 1 e'en us curly nn May when they were nuking their . prcpnriiUoiiN to leave. And along ceo 11 considered In America ally normal ten country with floods IV wars, .po n and just mimic lilies, what has lie, an abnormal condition the last three years In China, for that Ntrlc iV chronically distresKed drought, famine, pestilent lltical unrest/ coiiununlH about all the ills tliathssiiil humanity. Fifty-Ninth Anni Evangelica| Cai Opens Here Frii Mr*. Suhr, daiighfef of L. Lageschulte and siste Ji, Lageschulte, was born It mile and one-half south the'late F. of George in the farm, of Barring- PromiTicnt Figures in Ch irch Work Arc Eni;nged oft i Progra»i ton. She with her husbnnl first went in terms o.f of Ilunann. third te.J-m to China in 1008 serving seven years in tbe Provinc China, and aceqrdiug to : he rules of the mission are now" permitted a fur lough at the end of their of service. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Suhr.nre Scheduled to give addresses at the Ban- Camp meeting on Tuesda which is designated as Day. Later they .pla"ir--tb tion work under the IboaWl of mu sions in Various .parts J)f :he church. i|ngton Park /Aug. 2S, Missionary do dep'uto- BudgetforNext School Term Is Cut 15 PerCent . ' . ' , . " 1 .1 , • Building Is Renovated Uev. j*. K. Keen, pijtifew«or of New TeHtametit lltt'i'iitiiw nml cioge*!* at tlie Kvaugelleal TheoliWleul Semitinry. Nnpoh'llle.. will premfu the opmiiig sermon Friday morhiiM «t>d will fthii duet, Bible stud leu (hiring the >pep Ing tbiya of tltit fifly-nhith nnnunl Isl- day encaaipment of roiiNtltuenia of the Evangel leal cjiurtjli of the Om» ciigo tiiul surrounding] areas at the camp grounds at. the Houlhtmijt od||o of Barrington. The meeting w.ill eoii: tinue every day .from li'rlday mornlnji, Aug. 10 until Monday Many well known . teachers In the e<5jiferjineo have been engaged to appear 1 on the program. Considerable work h^s been dojic to place the camp in reiidiness foi the linndreils of visitors \ylio a-tteiici the meetings annually. Tile Wimp betides containing one lnrge^hnd one'lfmall tabernacle and prtvnto cottngei, has hotel and dormitory nccommodn ions and a general restaurant. The pnrk is owned and. managed by the C«mP Meettag flssooiation. land has 1 been maintained since 1$73.' J. C. Plagge is president of the controlling bjoard of trustees, j noon. Au». 20, nreaehers and School Opening on day, Sept. 6 Tues- Only a little niore than two weeks remain before high school and grade and let us have /full sWi y," P. H* pupils will be tramping the sidewalks er»j report; . very or orjis win rejjulatlioti theW \t utilk of Filed ngiters 1 avi ig Bonds* as a j cal led - j started i .T^Mp^t men ' ^KIJP'JJ the village of W.u ^1' *•. •'..I .1 "J rn " T :ii Suit: ,i \ >' .I'I-I .•o|,t -I'.', .'I, I when paving j R, v . 1,. Kleeman, Former la^t.i • „ i . r . were tiled it in Waukc- to collect on I by special at- :ht by Charles a ?560 bond, t»»; village treas- "• H. .1. Lages- |mer. The other Fred Kuckuck, C. Cadwallader, M<-Coy, village s. village attor- 1, n*. tib'tl by A. V. y. Suggest «d u ts fur collection been suggested. •it, Ml, * 1,1 . I -il ,1' I 'owers, Thomp. actors, - on the ni attorney rep- sold the bonds, <•<•'• paid £ut of ale of each li*- suggested Bliit receiver of the li'b bought the 1 ml resold' to many holding them. iti< s .of Barring- ^-.. led. civil unit anoilirr nlterna-: i.v of these HvtitH 'titer 'of cohjei:- mmm I ll<" tWOJ SUitS the aiying Mr. be aei'iirute men f, r.'ii, the '"tig", wlttl lo il-be! I I'-'ii-ringtoi road rm-'.-Mv t!,,. tirst id will b* open .'"' of weeks. rcc goes into ^'effect. Some jieople declare they prefer and would be without, a supply if the right to sell uii lasteurized milk -^is Withdrawn. The village boa rut iii creating tihe ne v rtgqlation, reportled that' pas- tel riEe)l miilC is- safe from disease, ami the action ;was necessary sanitary measure. Tbey ren- ins tanCes of disease epidemics h\ camraunities by poor milk present tilt hough not enter >d .'In coin- petition, A , few of t,h« members wot down in advance guard Sunday with the rest of the organination foi lowii|g on Monday. The <lrn.np and bugle corps members in attendance: included : Color Bearers iind <]uiirds—F Delhi, II. Brandt, F. Miclt, K. Shoup. Drummers—P. Pnrcell, F. Hark. ness, F. Sehumaker, F. Bmtley. Base drummers—W. Bjemel and .1. Mntyzik. •IJuglers—II. Dorwaidt, J'. Ktnyner, .T. McIiCnnan, E. .1. I.ntigind(>r.f, W Kessler, C. E. Paxton^ L. Raiche, T, R#lfo and 0. Kuebler. Other post and,Auxiliar 1 members in attendance were George VVhiteomb, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Pohlman and two children, John Freye, Mrs. Kuebler. Mrs. WhitcombV E. J. Xlifljer, 43eorge Miller,-; Mrs. Inez' Brown, maker, Mrs. Deihl, Mrs. r^ssler, and, Mrs. Brandt. SftL J'aul Churc^i pastor, 4s in Indianapolis, Ind. Rev. I^iuis A. Kleenian, pastor of the St. P ml Evangelicijl church here fro 11 102.* until his retirement ftop the active 1 ministry in J1928, died £t his home in Indianapolis, Ind., Snjn- daj ni;ht, Aug. 14,. a[t the age cf 70 yeai-s. Death followed an iJlnesH of ieve-al months. V !• ltevepcud Kleeman was for. two years president and f<fr four years vie' pEiisiAent of the Indiana district tbeisyiod. He waq chairman of jhe pastor il conference of the Indian- apt lis eir!uit 12 years and for 10 years hea led , the ministers' pension fun £ tl le district. j 1 [evefen 1 Klceinan was born Febru- ary 28 18(12 In Hoyleton, 111. He att-iided BImhurst college /and the Ed n Theological seminary in St. liOi lis, He was ordained in Hi***-* nnt held pastorates in Aurora, Neb.: K'n isas C ty. Knijs., Cumberland and Imtannpolti. ImJ., be«UVei<] the. one her >. ! 'I lie hiarrietl MIM €aroftne BUM* of ti t i^«Hkft City, Neb. f In 1888. 81» diet foilr years ago. Surviivoi»*re three dnuKhters, Mrs. Wl lltun f If|fder t Mrdl Frank Rientnri ant Miss Clrtra Kleeman of Indian* apt:lis; th ee sons, IK ills Kleeman of liitli«nu|pois, raul Kipemnn and Jul- ius Kltlcmiin of New York; two «ls- ter)i,'JHw. Lydin IMnk and Mrs.. Mn 7 jW« lerfeld of 1 loyleton, III. i n f>rotheft Henry Kleemin of Nashville, III. nhd tvo granilsoi s,'Robert Kke- nmi and llcliawl Itieinnn.' I'une'riil services, fcwe held In the lint le alt : :30- p. jm. Wednesday nnd ut 2:30 oVloek in $ . Mm'» Kvan- gelieal i'hi rch in Cun,b«land, a sub- urb of Indianapolis. Burial was in Washington Park cen etery there. 1 | and four f along Lincoln avenue, Hough i'Lakc'"streets ta'" the faihilliir ^tinies a day parade to an I from the school building. [Preparations are al- most' complete for opening of the term on Tuesday inorniiig, Sept. 0, the day lifter ijabor Day. The biiildfug has been thorotighly cleaned .and; disinfected, has been given siiiiie interior paint work, and has been placed In iix.gooil condition 8:00 p. ni„ Sermon by Prof. Paul generally as limited linnnc-s will pe.r>-K. Keen of K. T|. Seminary. iuit. The budget for l»!l2[33 is more/ . 8 ^ ^ ^ - Aug. 20 than lTiper cent lower than the bud- - 10':30. a. m.* Bible study—-Pr< get for (he year 10,31-¾^. Whereyer IN" 1 ' ty™- * . .., „, possible, needed, improve, .enti have j ft J,'^J n .•»• ».,-^hcnnon^Dr. W, been postponed fiir anothe|'-year.. Tbej 7:lr , '„, n j _ Youiig people's f L ..... ! .... „»_..* 1....1..^ ...i..„i. „..„ .^ p jj arKti of-Barrington E. L. C. 8/:00 p.- m., Sermon to young pe —Rev.. W. L. Bollman. heating plant boiler, which a year ago was condemned fi» the RCihp heap by Ihe state fire inspector, was this spring given a lease of ] fe for one more year provided eertiiin impairs were effected. These repairs have been made and on Tuesdin the boiler Local Woman Pays $12.50 to Li am Ypeddle^s Lesson Attention of the Barriiijhon police has been called ; recently 10 another ease in which a Barrington woman paid out a suni of money, S 12.50 was the aniount!, for a lesson in i apericuce, taught by an unscrupulous '-iBi'd. ir- responsible transient: peddler. . Tbe peddler called af ti.' borne of the woman, whose. name tias hyb withheld, to sell "high quality Hbo- iw wrice." wig the wholesaler 0 fool the She was leu in at an unbelievably 1< The old tale about climin profit of the retailer and was retold cleverly enougli Barrington housewife, %hown a sample of linoleiim which looked pretty good. Wheil the trans- action was completed ant) the floor measured, the linoleum' wot delivered tied up in a'"roll. The peddler de- parted with bis twelve anjl one-half dollars, "Linoleum" Was Tar Paper " The sad awakening occii -red when a workman wu»| hired to tf|y the }lh- oleuau The roll of materia done nnd found to be 11 r 1 a thin linoleum design, il wirface. wns easily torn iiufl r band. "By the time t notified, the peddler playing his mock shell far off [community., The He In that .storjj 1 abt nting the wholesaler and easily detected. In he eliminating the wholemlor jble factory could sell go meal to .peddler ngei' njoncy' without chnrgi apart dice w pped ie \\ [IVIlH ganilo In some rates. A factory mnkes qui selling goods in' large wholesalers, and obviously goods at,a profit in l»tRe Continued on pftge ts "" j -"-'- >: -iw-g^ii-iy 1 was in nper with It t».v We probably ut ellinln- •etnller Is matter of no. reput «ls piece mil makii lg e (horbilimt money by ntitleM to can sell quantities , Have Strong Personnel Besides Reverend Keen^the leading personnel includes Dr, W. L. !3oll man, eMcAtive secretary-treasurer of the general missionary society Of the church; who will giv-a sermons the first -Saturday" and Sun lay. Rev. „W. W. Shannon, eyangelit t of Oak] and, Califi. will' be hoard every evening .from' Tuesday until the close of (he meeting. Charles H Wieand of Aurora, who'has directed the singing for several years, will again d.rect the singing at all services begirtiiing with tbe' first S«mlny evening. Rev and Mrs. T. L;.C/Suhi, who rccintly returned to Barrington on furl nigh . I fronji missionary "duties in, Chinn, and r, .MiSH Susan Baucrnfeiiid, snperinten dent of the BiWe 'Woiaen's Training school in Tokyo, j'Jnpt n, will saeak at the missionary (lay rallies on Tues- day. ''••.'.'' , . . . ' Mr. jind Mrs. Wilbjird M«ehlJ ex pcrienced workers with Children nnd youth, will hold classes for ehililven both in the furcnooiis riinj af term ions Thoy \i«ill' also' be. in cljarge of aip re- creational activit-ies, A uniform program of aotivitieij for each week-day ftymi the rising" be 1 at 0:30 a. m. nnftl the retiring bell at 10 p, m. has ht'«j) arranged, Tlie 1 igh ligiits of tM first' week's -program f«l low: - fVlday, Aug. 7 :-in ji, m., Opening sotig servilee. Th|at Fellow With the Tiniest Conscience Robs Birthday Bank win 1 tlie VlNl ti the no mitt 1 Ai«r Tflint meanest, kiijd of « held verj The tlid fleia sing heat look J0.H1 state eijals; atTou bucket ground Quoin came fallen some been! ground a subt strip Te; Is 82.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, thief, has nlways^been held up 11s superlative in monnncsH, has led Brtrrlngtoiv. ; Ifo would .'row' '«' elijnroh" Is deseriptioti of the miiii wltli ctmselence 'nt; nil. Well, Hint finally dime to Bnirrliigtoii. Jiip did roll 0 clmreh, I bo Mcihotllst eltuh'h. Tin? mnn or boy WIIH siH'ceiisful only lit Iind- iiig tlie blrthdiiy box-i-lhe one in vhleli tfte boys utul ih'ls drw». their pennies 11« utio of! the. cefo' brut ion evwtts of their foh'thdivyN., It I i bt'llevcrftlittt, loss ihitji 01HV doll ir In pennies,, nickels, nnd dltn m wits ^lolen, I'lio lilrtlidny box had been (•mi) lied ,ftbout »wo weeks en t'l ler' |. coiipequently (hero Wn» n o t _n largo ncciimtilalion of coliis. theft was discovered when ImiiU was-picked up by nil of- I of tiio Siindiiy~scliool. Ho finird tbe lock broken nnd one (Umo on thft shelf under- Ii Hie bank—probably) .over- d by the thief. •>• Review circulation) is paid circulation . . . ~. that to the kind thai counts.' 3i SINGLE COPIES, F|(VB CENTS CompetitiveMeet, ; WaterCarnival at! P o c J I r ^ Night Events Limited. jo Bpys ^ind GIris of lliirrinjrton V Park District -- 1 I'ind Bucket Stave far Underground at DuQuoin G. Miilbouse, director of tho cparttnent (if mines niid miri- ias received a.probable explan- if.thc appearance of; a keg or stave, some 20 feet under- in a strip mine near. Du- The theory is that tbe stave rom a well bucket that had ipart, years and years ago, in lioneer settler's -well,'i and had ?arried tjirough some undcr- passiige'by the, movement of errane'an ;water 'course. The lit employes had stated that dhere \ i s no evidence-of a well at or near tie place ^he stave,.was'found. Compfete for Facul ty Composed of 19 Re- turping Teachers and Six New Members es- -Is- illv E. iple . I , Sunday, Aug. 21 0:15 ft^vm., Prayer and prAise ser- vice in the tabernacle. , , 10 :00 a., m-, Lord's ; Day worship approved by , the in\pector for; 8 «rjvtce. Anthem by ^ehoir of Salem use until the-summer of ; ] 933. Cut 15 Per Cent Expenses prior to schtol opening have been forced down b j a budget slash of more- than 15 per (cent. The actual budget- for. the year J932-33 is-15.26 per cent lower thiin/f'he bud- get for 1031.32. The fiidds called for will entail lower taxes than Bar- rington school district 'res dents have been paying .in the/fiast but will be sufficient to. cover/the normal operat- ing expenses unless a heavier enroll- ment than ^/anticipated forces the board of education to add , to the faculty. ThiMipening day enrollment in the high/school and "grade school last year w£s 684, the largest in tbe historyj m the school.', Supt rintendent ErmaiJ 8. Smith reported Ithii week that he anticipates H slight increase in the Johiirch, Barrihgton. Sermon—'Dr. ! L. Bollman, ''Cleveland, 0. i l;45p, m., Music by the orches oi Elgin and Barrington churches. 2:00 p. m., Sunday.school sess I Continued on page* 5 W. ras ion. Parents Request Kindergarten Be in School Plan Mothers of pre-school age^ cbik rert disappointed with the dropping of kindergarten instruction from tjhe :ur- riculum of the public school are delug- ing Ermjan S. Smith, siiperintenvent of schools, with letters urging : hat the chsg for five year olds be retai led. Although the Parent-Tcacljer as- ^ .. , ., sociation js not officially responsible enrollment.this year but not .enough for the imovement? lead 4 B in \{l e or . l^ufll?^"^^ * a " y ad(lltlo ; ns ! unitization are lending their effirts ^ ^ program to persuade "fb$] se 100I to the faculty Money Problem Looms , In addition to the problem of hold- ing down expenses, the scbool board and superintendent difficult problem to. which- has upsei will have a more meet, the problem school systems throughout Cook county for tbe last T8 months—that of getting the tjctunl tan money whicb is."dwe, Cook county is no further advanced now in getting in delinquent taxes than It was twelve months ago,: The local' superinten- dent sees: about enough money on the horizon to pay school teachers' salaries for four nionthfl. During'the fobr months the Joenlwbool board, along with every other school njid mtinicipul board dependent in part \nt whole on Cook county taxes, will hojie for a wudden nnd definite Imiirojvement in collections. '*pbe county pfoperty as- sessment and tax collectkn machinery has been patched up «1 fllclcutty to cmifte hope for this Improvement.' l Car for Police' A used but' reihilNhcd , Hutomoblle has v been added to the Barrington no)ijt'e departtnent equipment, Tlie machine, a light coupe, ,nnw bears the police- insignia slid is really for ser- vice, i ff w ' hoard that a kindergarten is npecsiury nnd is wanted. ! For years the Barjrington* school hns bad a kin/lergarten. How -ver the shortage o^' whiMil money from Cook county last spring, the general clamor for lower taxes in Barriniton school district as well as evcrypvjiere else, resulted in pressure on' board for curtailed expenditure, Curtailed expenditures meant in salaries of teachers and elimlna of some phases of education. 1 school board considered every slide vednet Ion: dropping^6f tfie ilergiirtei), dropping ut manual tr ing nnd printing Instruction, hi elnsscji with fewer teachers, reduc in payment on bonded Indebtedn etc. Some of the suggestions were n< on while others were not. Tlie dergarten was decided on,as one get for iconmny. No teacher f*r denft.rtmutt hu« been,engaged, and allowance in the budget has b made fur this Instruction. If the >choril board ' and. siip«s tendent change their plans and a pre-'sclioo) «ge class,,part of the nse may be paid from tax receipts and the balance rained by tuition l %y tbe parents. The .when jt of tlie Of these, >ix will 'be.'new liigton iind 11) will be nii'ii nnd, Avbo were on; the leaching tlie uts inn Tho 108- (lll- llll- 'KPr ion l»SH, ted iln. t»r« Ills no ecu in* idd ex- nil Barrington school facility,, .assembles" for the bejriuninf 1032-33 term, will be. composed of 25 loemberN including the ^uperiiir titinlent in Huh \yo*nen< staff hi st year. Tht".- teachers are gra'diiates. of veuchev* colleges, stiite universities, and other'colleges in the Middle West, nnd ni.>st of'them have studied-at more tl an one college. E. S. Kmitli, superin endent, iuis asKifred. parents of jloca pupils that their sons and daughteis will wcfliyc.thJB'benefit of instruction from. a " experienced fnudi- ty with 24 lif the. memhers having had at leas 1 ! three years* of ; tenehiiig experience, and an, average of 1^0re than ei {lit years each eachers, and the colleges tbey include: . ' . Vernu : Covey, Nationals Col Education; first grade. Esther 'Bratzler, Northern State Teachers college; Na- College Of, Ediiica'tion; first Tlie nttcude. Miss lege of Miss E llinois ional grade. Miss State 1 eachers college; Second grade, college Miss sity of Miss Miss Miss linols pervisoi, : MisN degree, Oft Mary 'Roller, Westerii Illinois Louise Laird, B. E. degree State Normal university, II- college; second and third Illi- Miss Illinois linois grades. Miss Mildred Miller, Northern nois St »to Teachers college; Colonv dp Sti ttrvreachers college; third g-ade. Y Miss Beu'lah Beckley, Iowa, State Teacheis college, Iowa State. college, Unijertity of Colorado; fourth grade. JWJss Bernice Hauley, Northern II linofs' i !tatc Teachers college; fourth and fifth grades. Miss Eunice Shots, Illinois State Normal university, Chicago universi- ty, Northern Illinois State Teachers fiftbVgrade. Beatrice' Dean, Northern Il- linois f tate Teachers coljege, Univer- Minnesota; sixth' grade.. Annette Sheel, Iowa State Teachers college, B. A. degree f Uni- versity of Chicago; seventh grade. Willi rd Watson, Western Illinois State Teachers college; eighth grade. Fern, Nichols,' Iowa State Teacheis college; seventh grade,- Esther Mtrouss, Northern II' ttnte Teachers college, Knox conserv iltory, Bns)i- conservatory, bnchelof of music degree,-; music sif- > AlDbea Cbrlnteiison, B. A. I'liiversity of Wlscomjln, Continued on page 0 Conductors Need Not Get i fl- at protected Crossings if'hjkiiiio street car conductors no longer |i (ced to get off it heir ears to see If! mllroud crossings arc clear where lugmcn are stationed. In 0 mmiillcn tlon of an order of the Illinois Commerce commlssibn, official,flagmen BiithorkiMl to act Jointly for the. rail- road nnl street railway, may not ot't for the cohductor. Hpceinl iftiiKle liilM.-liecn..planned for the MH'Oitll iitiiitilil liJKyil c<tmpHltlvi> wittiH', meet, andi oitrijivn^ "wMr\\ will' be eoritliietcd *ll. the SAViumting |Miot Friday Evening, Angi lif. stiirUifg at X p, 111, Kriisl-l'viiim illiytliin Kings orchcHtrii will' p)ay ithropghout tho evening*.': ' . • * •' This meet will "initi'k lliii .viilinhur* tlon (if Jiitercst, for local juirk district' biiys. nnd g;lils who "hay*' made tho swimming pool; fliclr vncatlou liem). qiirtrtei's during the hot days <»f .lune, .TWly and August,: No/oiifside talent 1 will be'"enlcred In iiny;of, the conipetl- live went si' iillhimgh aii outside clown team \yill lie present to add a little extra /.est to the program;' « ! .• t3 Invent(* t)ii Fl'ogiuiit - i" ; The' program will injchidiK 13 eieats, starting wit!)i. t-hjfe «irls 4fl yard I red style race. Most of the evrtits will 1 show the skill, of. the-jboys and girls' developed<-during thei season' under the tutelage, of ;lticha'N Drwer and Miss Dola Bever. following tho , girls 40 yard rac«vihe|'e will he boys fancy diving: from Wie low board, faliry high diving. gir|s diving from . the low board; 40 i'hn\ free 'style* swim .for the younger Jnds, and a'40 yard race for .boys'lfl years old or more. The boys, and jgirls under 10 years -old, theV youngsters tutored by Miss Bever, Avill give i{ diving exhibi- tion. ' Gold jriedals will bo prescirte<I to the wimiers of these' cvepts and to th^ winners'jitf the reluiy races. These nitidals- are /on exjiibit! in the show window of .the Arnold ^ass -|Iardwaro store, .••.''•• .';.•'•'• Style Show Featured ' , An added attraction, lone which will l lend variety to the progrnui, i^ tho bathing style show. The style show will not only show hrithing beautioB 1 n styles of. today but will present styles'of years goiie by,, An interest- ng collection of, suits jlias been pro- cured for- this' eyeht. The tuk race will be"another amusing hdvelty Vvent. Boys and girls who, nave -had life *av|ng instruction - nnij hiive jiassed the" tests (is required .for certilieiites, will, .be a warded their ."(ibis; and Iiislg-' lia. ; " ',.. - ; The. pvogrinn will start |it S p. ind probably will be-' coil<luded 111 o'clock." :. >•••: . 111. by stockholders Liability CUse Will Be! Re-Opened A' petition:' for li reifjieiiing' of -the IiirtJia Barton jia/e, Involving the iabillty of stockholdei-s in closed niiks, lias; been,filed iiji the supremo V ourt. The,move Is' regarded by at- oriicys ivi the ease -as iiin1i.ly xlgiiifl- aiit and indicating,a c.huuge inay-be fiirthconriiig In 1111 ultlmiji'. decision of he -court, .holding hefts of, former ttockholders niiswehlble for debts ac- '. ruing against a .closed, t» t m'k during . t iie^iieriutl ,they held the slyd'es. '''•:.-• , •".-':•• " : ' I . I . . , ^ . ... . ,. ; .. Authorized School Books / j JReady for Purchase Monday- ' Robert Ulbridh to Attend Eagle Village, at Fair Robert Ulbrich, of Harrington and 1 lugenc Page of Park Itiltge, (wo eagle F?outs, left early Wednestlay morning f>r Springfield, IH. where they will rspresent! .the .Northwest suburban (tvuncil at the" Eagle -VlHhge in con- icction with the' state 'fair which. <pens Saturday.3 Ulbrich and Page , t rere selected 1 , fw>' this 'honor altfng > 'ith ' Eagle Scout Bruce Beckmatui, cf Park-Ridge because of their out- e landing record as] eagle scouts. Beck- rinnn, wboi also won an honor enmnar sward at Camp jOh-Dft-Ko-Tn, will t ike the special trip through Wis-', consin- along with the' oth<fr honor (arnpers Instjead-of attending the I ag|o VillSge. I 1 .< ' The .Englc. VJll*t<- Is A regular fea,- t ire of tlie state fair.' If I* made up 0^ 32 eagle scouts, fnm cnuiu'lls all' ever the state of .ijllinofw. While t.icre Miey operato^n model troop e imp where -they, live within the fair g OH nils. Several UlneH each day they sage nn exhibition-of various phases <,>'. scouting mid similar 'activities, fume of- the speclrtftW's awu (dive*, craft, whip cracking, first aid, hall s Jiiling, fiincy marching^ lentliercrnft, .r 1 IIMI Kpliuilng, lire building, 'hatchel* !tl ir.nviiig, Jmglliig, woodciirving, arch- - l("y, tent pitching, rope »i»Uci»(i, and I ulli 11 lore, Tlie scouts of ibcKligb)! ;\Jllii|{c nlw 'perform many kinds <<>(> nurvlfes about tho fair ground*. "* During their stay at Springfield t i'es*j scouts Will also have an oppor-, ti nlt,v to vlsl| Kome^of tlie places of li terest'.in and-nroulrtl the city* Tticy v ill return Sunday, Aug. 2K follow •ii g tlie close of ,th» fair. t i .*! ! 1 ! \" \i III' T ./ I il Grade and high; school.pupils will | e able to| buy their boohs for scbool ' Hoaday. Aug. 22, or during Jhe wet t,., t lereafter.' The list of books requited , ill be posted at the store where' they •' re on sale. -1 i I j

Transcript of •J I WAN - Barrington Area · PDF fileirtf:

Page 1: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:


ltl l f


vraquo bullbulltp-f Kj


bullJ_ I WAN WORK W A N T E D f e S i ^ T ^ -- ins and repairing- Reliable a r f l c a i i p B w r t e l Barrfr bull d ltraquo-gt J

t WORK W A X H f t T ~ I k m s ^ r t p d

W a n i n g by the day or hour W l bull bulllt liumlry work a t home Cortahj a sj - iiitty T i l Barrington 290-W aU_nt gt01 S Cook street

WANTED w i w ^ i P ^ )|iu--wofk or its housekep e r - laquo

-jlaquo^isil- - W r i t e B a r r i n g t o n Revie

viTKigt FOR C A S I I T V T ^ ft gt fur from Harrington p^ jhiv wlaquollaquoltl Give description fa )11 gtraquona pri- Write BaVrtiiBta

i 4 2210 bull laquoi


U ( IIANGK (Mir TltKm moTfftrtJ^-nc rh Ilurritiirtori for n nmA In or iuriJK Write Blaquorrinlaquotlaquo

Mraquoo U A D 1 0 H K K V I O R Mv nuiU riiilio repaired flaquof j | ^ l lt^gt raquo ygtur- radio J^o

|iil BMiiltlilOei|raquo Electric motoi |irlt) iiml rewound Call Barring

raquobull 7 K a

i i l KM A t l C K I N G mdash R K P A I R l N c j laquolaquo (lt-) furn i ture Cleaned T

F W I 1 J I O F F I 1 [iimi- Itttrritijton gt|-ll

bullMs Grove Avomn

Noticebull iuti4gtury Chapter No 45

bullI S will sponsor a card parti fr-iby Aug 18 at the LakeJul

~I(Misuiy hull ut K00 p traquo 1 ngt[ n nV


i Notice )li- fltiK (Jrpvc cider mill will 1

| j j f-r business every Tuesday ai Stjjirltliy -ijjrting August 16 ddlt _u-1 f-r bull laquoiI Grape juice 5c per i - l | gtIH 7V Barrels and kegs tt

IJ Kissler prop Telephoa Ivvlit 077-M-l il

r t Jfr

iraquo bull

r-4 t9a f - J S i -


iers 4

T laquo0laquo


ie oz pit

l i b

P k f f

p g- 2 Z c lb p k 23C

i |4c ^2-ib 5 7 c pnj I9C

large pkg 20C



sh feunkist 2 oz 4 5 $

rMampi $I4$ES2 lbs-X|jN4vS


4vS lb


CW|5b S C amp l bull bull l l i ijltsl

bulli ftj

l t traquo

vltiv siiRnn



laquo r Aug n t h traquo


Aug 18 Inc

ipners 3 pkgs 14$ 5 raquo $ Zft t

bdquo SttVIft 3for W )NiEf li(KlgtNi Royal No 2 $

i J bdquo I H ^ t a ] | c f t n g copy ^




Not i Chain Store INq ^ E SELL

me t j

if mutiitipality

lliicrao rate

_ bullraquo (Vnlaquoius


Dipped i luinin

s | MKKK raquo3

Bans Hilkand

Labels bulls

on Ordinance 111 Is S e l f

i t t o r v -

On villuKlt i |plaquo I f i i i i -

u v- laquorrraquok -ii i l itig fo bull i i l i l in i I I I ill bullbull p a m i f i l -

M|IV l i i K i t I

hi f thn l i l l l l l H T laquo11laquo

p r ilisiri-nn liy whirl i I V IV di | l )H l bull lgtnilraquo

- w l t i r l l M i l |

1gt I l f l ( l i l t -

ltgtz bdquo th j

^Tr f n v i - ii r i l i i i )

rraquonril i

(n tc s

A i ]llllt1llll

Vfr prwe

tiit if

laquoraquo4 bull Nli i l l i l l l t

i raquot jrgt Hiiili p n tiu|i

cliilh itKaln(it K i p i of tht

Bar ington Palatine lrions in Bus Party

to Music Festival

roup of 50 men ami women ITS ol tho Llonx d u d and wiveM nriiraquospHted traquoi font-tblaquo -litiM pjtrty to UMI Chlgt

raquoiii|ilaquoiraquo4inl MIIHII FHllVttr Saturn Tliirtjrflvo iraquoorw)J)(t inclutt-j 2^ifoin INtlHtitif nlrtutdy iHiidt viytugtrvutU)ii8 for t|ilaquo

bull raquogt (gtltJ bull bull bull linn wilfNhMive ltiirHuftton

oclock n^raquorvlU AJTIVO nt rlaquoi Field nhortly before 7

The BitrrliigtoiKjitttl lraquolaquoln-H|HMI undwMDen wraquolsjgte iraquon(

of tlii (hieaijo dldtrlct I l o i m

uhri lgtunn Cary Dies Following Long Illness

bull 11^ 1-11

slaquo and

milk lt|iny 1 gt o l i l i i i M I U t

bull r marked [ bull nbullbull t i t s t h e


such are i i f M i i s r -

bull bullmiid if ^ti-nrigtV r l v purpose i - t i i i i s - l i r e IIbullbullbull r r iilaquo-


ipjbull iriir ltates J milk ( l is tntt i i -

|i-ltliilt-ts f r o m ii- the s t ree t bullbull or in a n y j pproVjlaquol m i l k | ||-| milk is

11 It shall j bull ili fountains bull

stahlish- j milk or

laquobull 1 in this or- bull original laquo50n-1 - r-rivcd-from 1

i - i - or - I

NinUern who will enihvete the Chit-men ttltttrM

tin eltih nlHcerraquo as oiwpnrtN IIIUNIC fentlviil pronrani

lenryntionlaquo for the IHIK riile cai|j l e made prhir to Niittiidny wit|h 1raquo IK Iohlman or N raquo) I14S

A H Clnireh and |Vrnlt Fliillei-tllaquoTvii-eKWereheld Mlaquogtiifhlaquov 1-^1 - ^ 1 ^ 4 1 -laquof raquo prfuxrn

for John Dunn Cary reM- f ^ ^ u laquo ltiit several good HunurtiiiiK iiiitl diyiiitf aetn engaged Jtiss Claudia I

irt i i ( i s ut i wl 0 died last Thursday after-

after a lingering n il a I Bkirri

Several Entiies tt R R I N C T O N I L U N O I S T H U R 8 I AY A U G U S T 18 1032

Already in Beauty Contest

Water ^amival AUK Bring Diving S tlaquo j to

Barrington I 01

Mmcnil enlrloH have lilci nlready (or the batblng b itnimlarity content whitb w ltnitHtandlitK -feature of the ] MOIIN ejiib water eimilvu IVenlrig Augt)Mt 2(1

Illor to ThurHtliiy mor iii M t b e live following girlH w l r nanieN In tlie iMipnlijiri iolhjrKthelda Gnare Jent Sebrelhii Marion Muth 11 Hay Several other glrl|raquo Invited and are eonaider the eoiitest The nffai

limited to 1laquo glr(lgt( Wbe s tilled no addljionnl em ecelved

ion ut bis IHUUC nesif ITie

the Ca-tiv 1 rial v a s - j n Evergreen

gtn Mrj Jtjuiin js survived by two sons

E l Ijiini of Cary and Will Dtmn of irriijist in and a daughter Mrs Lil-

ary cemetery


2laquo Will

duty t i i d wble l i t i m e a nriigriiiri iis rendered



n Krtdi

Rev and Mrs onFurlough Missionary

Suhr Frhm Service

Rev- and Sirs Theodoie ( Ruhr and their dAiightcr K who Imve beeii ciigiiKed I work in China under the xlniiH of the KvuiVgelleh turned to Rurrbigtnn inoriilnii on fiiriongh f

TIK^ rtilhHloniiry- family weleome boniigt 11iider of the W M H TiiHt Hu at rhe- MnlpHi Kvimgelloti

ther LtiHl(e 11 uuHnlonary lioard of JIIIH-

ehnreji re-litNt Friday f one yeiir ytn given 11 the atitmleeN idny evening I --church lit

11 be the laquo words of weleoijie

frieni|k d enter y eontejti ong Iiijn Natbnl live betta enteiii g

bus bee he qnot will 1

id II sraquos n have r

a inlieu have bet

lekert lKl gt services were conductedbull Ji i1 iv iraquof ltwnipion ol the A A lie church at Cary and w u w m BHriiiKtmi^w an exhi

Jtntion of fancy diving Tw teams from ahe Park Iliiines poid have been ejigaged an I two divers frofti the Fox River GroV Tju KJ

i lian Oleott also of Barrington

Thrte Petitions bull I

gainst New Milk Regulation Out

swimming diving and comedy

rners am Additional

will take part i n thl

li-igh class

il be announced next w The carnival next we

filled with thrills the committee charge has promised It will be th

ek k w

Vgt4 1



rtitied milk

ftro- Suits Pianist


Iinance bull which It sale exposed f hanged or de- bullbullbull( in accord- j on of pnsteuri- orilijiance^ pro-nothing herein

the bringing j bull iiiinn raw milk io pusteuriza-

mik or dairy

bull- I l-heil on page Review is Jhe bullbullbulld at the vil-

^ -1-( S except bull Lrapli relative

Conoidruble opposition to the new Inge) n ilk ordinance or rather to

which prohibits sale of milk neither pasteurized nor verti-deyelopedsince the passage

I v

bull tb it pjirt Which IH

gt filaquod has the lt

ek Three tbdrjnw W|

ha af ed ltgti



T h e board bulls t i l l - l l f - l l i l l r I

(In- addition1

payment of from dairies Ii milk washy

its mo- bullbull instruction lo make the of

ra SOI

Persons Sigh Protest rVgaihst Ban of

Raw Milk

t o

of u at Mn

la|st -show eye^t of thei season at tin B)irrington park district p flirts are being made to g possible talent for a full r

wl and ef [bullt the bes rogram

34 Frolm Barrington Attend State Legion Cor vention

at Danville raquoon-Tue$

Barrington gtil|at No American l eg ion and t-nr Auxiliary chapiter were Rented at the st^te convention at Dan

ly w i th 3^

rdinnncc was reported last

jietition-i t o - t h e board to the pasteurization feature

ve beeil firculnted Iate Tburs4lay

vijlo Monday and Tuesda members of the two ofgnt attendance

DanviHe opened its aijms to liegion bull vveb-onied us 1(KJ pet

cn(|gton these petitions were reigtort-bii-e attracted 104 iignnturCH

(jhe men bull respoimibre for eir-f the pel It ions sta feil that

if the signers will uttvtirl the

Iohlmnn one of the ineml ed The bullbull convent ion wai lierly

The il Ill in and bugle

village bfiird meeting next Thursday 0 protest the recent action milk regiilutMu in the vil-

ev raquonllljf I ta ten on lnie

lgtwo] laquoJf the petitions have been paiwd bj dairy operatora who want to retain the right td Wdl raw milk Mi ny of pie- Higners tliey report are cm tomjers who buy raw milk at a loer pr ee tbaii that charged for paifeurizfil milk untUwho feel they wip halve to pay a higher price if) the


bulltalent stunt 1


58 of th Barrihgtoi well repre

iiintiohs it

tin cent

an given by leuKcber the pimtor Itey rbll lp

In his reninrl(s In rWomling to the welcome by five paraquotnr Mr Subr iiientlotied that Chlitn van hard hit with cholera tlilsycHi

1 een us curly nn May when they were nuking their

prcpnriiUoiiN to leave And along ceo 11 considered In America ally normal ten country with floods IV wars po n and just

mimic lilies what has lie an abnormal condition the last three years 1raquo In China for that Ntrlc iV chronically distresKed drought famine pestilent lltical unrest coiiununlH about all the ills tliathssiiil humanity

Fifty-Ninth Anni Evangelica| Cai Opens Here Frii

Mr Suhr daiighfef of L Lageschulte and siste Ji Lageschulte was born It mile and one-half south

thelate F bull of George in the farm of Barring-

PromiTicnt Figures in Ch irch Work Arc Eninged oft

i Prograraquoi

ton She with her husbnnl first went in terms of

of Ilunann

third teJ-m

to China in 1008 serving seven years in tbe Provinc China and aceqrdiug to he rules of the mission are now permitted a fur lough at the end of their of service -

Mr and Mrs Suhrnre Scheduled to give addresses at the Ban-Camp meeting on Tuesda which is designated as Day Later they plair--tb tion work under the IboaWl of m u sions in Various parts J)f he church

i|ngton Park A u g 2S Missionary do deputo-

Budget for Next School Term Is

Cut 15 PerCent bull 1

1 bull

Building Is Renovated

Uev j K Keen pijtifewlaquoor of New TeHtametit llttiiitiiw nml cioge at tlie Kvaugelleal TheoliWleul Semitinry Nnpohllle will premfu the opmiiig sermon Friday morhiiM laquotgtd will f th i i duet Bible stud leu (hiring the gtpep Ing tbiya of tltit fifly-nhith nnnunl Isl-day encaaipment of roiiNtltuenia of the Evangel leal cjiurtjli of the Omraquo ciigo tiiul surrounding] areas at the camp grounds at the Houlhtmijt od||o of Barrington The meeting will eoii tinue every day from lirlday mornlnji Aug 10 until Monday Many well known teachers In the elt5jiferjineo have been engaged to appear1 on the program

Considerable work h^s been dojic to place the camp in reiidiness foi the linndreils of visitors ylio a-tteiici the meetings annually Tile Wimp betides containing one lnrge^hnd onelfmall tabernacle and prtvnto cottngei has hotel and dormitory nccommodn ions and a general restaurant The pnrk is owned and managed by the ClaquomP Meettag flssooiation land has1 been maintained since 1$73 J C Plagge is president of the controlling bjoard of trustees j

noon Auraquo 20 nreaehers and

School Opening on day Sept 6


Only a little niore than two weeks remain before high school and grade

and let us have ful l sWi y P H pupils will be tramping the sidewalks erraquoj report

very or

orjis win

rejjulatlioti theW

t utilk of

Filed ngiters

1 avi ig Bondsas a

j cal led -j started

i T^Mp t men ^KIJPJJ the village of


^ 1

bull bullI

1 J rn

T i i S u i t

i gt

I I - I

bullo | t

- I I I

when paving j R v 1 Kleeman Former la^ti bull bdquo i r were tiled

bull it in Waukc-to collect on

I by special at-

ht by Charles a 560 bond

traquoraquo village treas-bull H 1 Lages-

|mer The other Fred Kuckuck

C Cadwallader Mlt-Coy village

s village attor-1 n

tibtl by A V y

Suggest laquod u ts fur collection

been suggested

bull bullit Ml


I -il 1 I

owers Thomp actors - on the ni attorney rep-bull sold the bonds ltbullltbullbull paid poundut of

ale of each li-suggested Bliit

receiver of the lib bought the

1 ml resold to many holding them

itilts of Barring-- led c iv i l unit

anoilirr nlterna- iv of these HvtitH titer of cohjei-


I lllt tWOJ SUitS the

aiying Mr

be aeiiirute

men f rii the tig wlttl lo

i l -be I I-ii-ringtoi road rm--Mv t tirst id will b open of weeks


goes into ^effect Some jieople declare they prefer bull and would be without a supply if the right to sel l

uii lasteurized milk - is Withdrawn The village boa rut iii creating tihe

ne v rtgqlation reportled that passhytel riEe)l miilC is- safe from disease

ami the action was necessary sanitary measure Tbey renshyins tanCes of disease epidemics

h camraunities by poor milk

present tilt hough not enter gtd In coin-petition A few of thlaquo members w o t down in advance guard Sunday with the rest of the organination foi lowii|g on Monday The ltlrnnp and bugle corps members in attendance included

Color Bearers iind lt]uiirdsmdashF Delhi II Brandt F Miclt K Shoup

DrummersmdashP Pnrcell F Hark ness F Sehumaker F Bmtley

Base drummersmdashW Bjemel and 1 Mntyzik bullIJuglersmdashII Dorwaidt J Ktnyner

T McIiCnnan E 1 Intigind(gtrf W Kessler C E Paxton^ L Raiche T Rlfo and 0 Kuebler

Other post and Auxi l iar 1 members in attendance were George VVhiteomb Mr and Mrs P H Pohlman and two children John Freye Mrs Kuebler Mrs WhitcombV E J Xlifljer 43eorge Miller- Mrs Inez Brown maker Mrs Deihl Mrs r^ssler and Mrs Brandt

SftL Jaul Churc^i pastor 4 s in Indianapolis Ind

Rev I^iuis A Kleenian pastor of the St P ml Evangelicijl church here fro 11 102 until his retirement ftop the active 1 ministry in J1928 died poundt his home in Indianapolis Ind Snjn-daj niht Aug 14 a[t the age cf 70 yeai-s Death followed an iJlnesH of ieve-al months V bull

ltevepcud Kleeman was for two years president and fltfr four years v i e pEiisiAent of the Indiana district

t b e i s y i o d He waq chairman of j h e pastor il conference of the Indian-apt lis e iruit 12 years and for 10 years hea led the ministers pension fun pound 0laquo tl le district j

1 [evefen 1 Klceinan was born Februshyary 28 18(12 In Hoyleton 111 H e att-iided BImhurst college and the Ed n Theological seminary in St liOi lis Mlaquo H e w a s ordained in Hi- nnt held pastorates in Aurora Neb Kn isas C ty Knijs Cumberland and Imtannpolt i ImJ belaquoUVeilt] the one her gt I

l i e hiarrietl M I M euroaroftne B U M of titi^laquoHkft City Neb f In 1888 81raquo diet foilr years ago

Surviivoiraquore three dnuKhters Mrs Wl lltun f I f | fder t Mrdl Frank Rientnri ant Miss Clrtra Kleeman of Indian aptlis th ee sons IK ills Kleeman of liitlilaquonu|pois r a u l Kipemnn and Jul-ius Kltlcmiin of New York two laquols-ter)iJHw Lydin IMnk and Mrs Mn 7 jWlaquo lerfeld of 1 loyleton III i n fgtrotheft Henry Kleemin of Nashville III nhd t v o granilsoi sRobert K k e -n m i and llcliawl Itieinnn

Iuneriil services fcwe held In the lint le alt 30- p jm Wednesday nnd ut 2 3 0 oVloek in $ Mmraquo Kvan-gelieal ihi rch in Cunblaquoland a subshyurb of Indianapolis Burial was in Washington Park cen etery there

1 |

and four

f along Lincoln avenue Hough iLakcstreets ta the faihilliir ^tinies a day parade to an I from the

school building [Preparations are alshymost complete for opening of the term on Tuesday inorniiig Sept 0 the day lifter ijabor Day

The biiildfug has been thorotighly cleaned and disinfected has been given siiiiie interior paint work and has been placed In iixgooil condition 800 p nibdquo Sermon by Prof Paul generally as limited linnnc-s will pergt-K Keen of K T| Seminary iuit The budget for lraquol2[33 is m o r e 8 ^ ^ ^ - Aug 20 than lTiper cent lower than the bud- - 1030 a m Bible studymdash-Prlt get for (he year 1031-frac34^ Whereyer IN1 tytrade- bdquo possible needed improve enti have j ftJ^Jnbullraquobull raquo -^hcnnon^Dr W been postponed fiir anothe|-year T b e j 7 l r bdquo nj _ Youiig peoples f L bdquoraquo_ 11^ ibdquoi bdquobdquo ^ p j j a r K t i of-Barrington E L C

800 p- m Sermon to young pe mdashRev W L Bollman

heating plant boiler which a year ago was condemned firaquo the RCihp heap by Ihe state fire inspector was this spring given a lease of ] fe for one more year provided eertiiin impairs were effected These repairs have been made and on Tuesdin the boiler

Local Woman Pays $1250 to Li am Ypeddle^s Lesson

Attention of the Barriiijhon police has been called recently 10 another ease in which a Barrington woman paid out a suni of money S 1250 was the aniount for a lesson in i apericuce taught by an unscrupulous -iBid irshyresponsible transient peddler

Tbe peddler called af t i borne of the woman whose name tias hyb withheld to sell high quality Hbo-

iw wrice w i g the

wholesaler 0 fool the She was

leu in at an unbelievably 1lt The old tale about climin profit of the retailer and was retold cleverly enougli Barrington housewife hown a sample of linoleiim which looked pretty good Wheil the transshyaction was completed ant) the floor measured the linoleum wot delivered tied up in aroll The peddler deshyparted with bis twelve anjl one-half dollars

Linoleum Was Tar Paper The sad awakening occii -red when

a workman wuraquo| hired to tf|y the lh-oleuau The roll of materia done nnd found to be 11 r 1 a thin linoleum design i l wirface wns easily torn iiufl r band By the time t notified the peddler playing h i s mock shell far off [community

The He In that storjj1 abt nting the wholesaler and easily detected In he eliminating the wholemlor jble factory could sell go meal to peddler n g e i njoncy without chnrgi

apart dice w

pped ie [IVIlH ganilo In some

rates A factory mnkes qui selling goods in large

wholesalers and obviously goods a t a profit in lraquotRe

Continued on pftge


j---gt -iw-g^ii-iy

1 was in nper with

I t traquov

We probably

ut ellinln-bulletnller Is matter of no reput laquols piece mil makii

lg e (horbilimt money by ntitleM to

can sell quantities

Have Strong Personnel

Besides Reverend Keen^the leading personnel includes Dr W L 3oll man eMcAtive secretary-treasurer of the general missionary society Of the church who will giv-a sermons the first -Saturday and Sun lay Rev bdquoW W Shannon eyangelit t of Oak] and Califi wil l be hoard every evening from Tuesday until the close of (he meeting Charles H Wieand of Aurora whohas directed the singing for several years will again drect the singing at all services begirtiiing with tbe first Slaquomlny evening Rev and Mrs T L C S u h i who rccintly returned to Barrington on furl nigh

I fronji missionary duties in Chinn and t deg r M i S H Susan Baucrnfeiiid snperinten

dent of the BiWe Woiaens Training school in Tokyo jJnpt n will saeak at the missionary (lay rallies on Tuesshyday bull bull

Mr jind Mrs Wilbjird MlaquoehlJ ex pcrienced workers with Children nnd youth will hold classes for ehililven both in the furcnooiis riinj af term ions Thoy ilaquoill also be in cljarge of aip re-creational activit-ies

A uniform program of aotivitieij for each week-day ftymi the rising be 1 at 030 a m nnftl the retiring bell a t 10 p m has htlaquoj) arranged Tlie 1 igh ligiits o f tM first weeks -program flaquol low -

fVlday Aug 1raquo 7 -in ji m Opening sotig servilee

Th|at Fellow With the Tiniest Conscience Robs Birthday Bank

win 1 tlie VlNl


the no mitt 1 Ailaquor

Tflint meanest kiijd of laquo held

verj The tlid fleia

sing heat look

J0H1 state eijals atTou bucket ground Quoin came fallen some been ground a subt strip

Te Is

8250 A Y E A R I N A D V A N C E

thief has nlways^been held up 11s

superlative in monnncsH has led Brtrrlngtoiv

Ifo would row laquo elijnroh Is deseriptioti of the miiii wltli

ctmselence nt nil Well Hint finally dime to Bnirrliigtoii Jiip did roll 0 clmreh I bo

Mcihotllst eltuhh Tin mnn or boy WIIH siHceiisful only lit Iind-iiig tlie blrthdiiy box-i-lhe one in vhleli tfte boys utul ihls drwraquo their pennies 11laquo utio of the cefo brut ion evwtts of their fohthdivyN It Ii btllevcrftlittt loss ihitji 01HV doll ir In pennies nickels nnd dltn m wits ^lolen

Ilio lilrtlidny box had been (bullmi) lied ftbout raquowo weeks en tl ler | coiipequently (hero Wnraquo not _n

largo ncciimtilalion of coliis theft was discovered when

ImiiU was-picked up by nil of-I of tiio Siindiiy~scliool Ho

finird tbe lock broken nnd one (Umo on thft shelf under-

Ii Hie bankmdashprobably) over-d by the thief bullgtbull

Review circulation) is paid

circulation ~ that to

the kind thai counts


Competitive Meet WaterCarnival at P o c J I r ^ Night

Events Limited jo Bpys ^ind GIris of lliirrinjrton V Park District --1

Iind Bucket Stave far Underground at DuQuoin

G Miilbouse director of tho cparttnent (if mines niid miri-ias received aprobable explan-ifthc appearance of a keg or

stave some 20 feet under-in a strip mine near Du-The theory is that tbe stave

rom a well bucket that had ipart years and years ago in

lioneer settlers -welli and had arried tjirough some undcr-

passiigeby the movement of erranean water course The lit employes had stated that

dhere i s no evidence-of a well at or near t i e place ^he stave wasfound

Compfete for

Facul ty Composed of 19 Re-turping Teachers and Six

New Members


- I s -

illv E iple

I Sunday Aug 21

015 ft^vm Prayer and prAise sershyvice in the tabernacle

10 00 a m- Lords Day worship approved by the inpector for 8laquorjvtce Anthem by ehoir of Salem

use until the-summer of ] 933

Cut 15 Per Cent Expenses prior to schtol opening

have been forced down b j a budget slash of more- than 15 per (cent The actual budget- for the year J932-33 is-1526 per cent lower thiinfhe budshyget for 103132 The fiidds called for will entail lower taxes than Barshyrington school district res dents have been paying in thefiast but will be sufficient to coverthe normal operatshying expenses unless a heavier enrollshyment than ^anticipated forces the board of education to add to the faculty

ThiMipening day enrollment in the highschool and grade school last year wpounds 684 the largest in tbe historyj m the school Supt rintendent ErmaiJ 8 Smith reported Ithii week that he anticipates H slight increase in the

Johiirch Barrihgton SermonmdashDr L Bollman Cleveland 0 i l 4 5 p m Music by the orches oi Elgin and Barrington churches

2 00 p m Sundayschool sess 1raquo I

Continued on page 5




Parents Request Kindergarten Be

in School Plan Mothers of pre-school age cbik rert

disappointed with the dropping of kindergarten instruction from tjhe ur-riculum of the public school are delugshying Ermjan S Smith siiperintenvent of schools with letters urging hat the chsg for five year olds be retai led

Although the Parent-Tcacljer as-^ sociation js not officially responsible

enrol lmentthis year but not enough f o r t h e i m o v e m e n t l e a d 4 B inle o r l ^ u f l l ^ ^ ^ a y a d ( l l t l o n s unitization are lending their effirts

^ ^ program to persuade fb$] s e 100I to the faculty

Money Problem Looms

In addition to the problem of holdshying down expenses the scbool board and superintendent difficult problem to which- has upsei

will have a more meet the problem

school systems throughout Cook county for tbe last T8 monthsmdashthat of getting the tjctunl tan money whicb isdwe Cook county is no further advanced now in getting in delinquent taxes than It was twelve months ago The local superintenshydent sees about enough money on the horizon to pay school teachers salaries for four nionthfl Dur ing the fobr months the Joenlwbool board along with every other school njid mtinicipul board dependent in part nt whole on Cook county taxes will hojie for a wudden nnd definite Imiirojvement in collections pbe county pfoperty as-sessment and tax collectkn machinery has been patched up laquo1 fllclcutty to cmifte hope for this Improvement l

Car for Police A used but reihilNhcd Hutomoblle

h a s v b e e n added to the Barrington no)ijte departtnent equipment Tlie machine a light coupe nnw bears the police- insignia slid is really for sershyvice i f f w

hoard that a kindergarten is npecsiury nnd is wanted

For years the Barjrington school hns bad a kinlergarten How -ver the shortage o whiMil money from Cook county last spring the general clamor for lower taxes in Barriniton school district as well as evcrypvjiere else resulted in pressure o n board for curtailed expenditure

Curtailed expenditures meant in salaries of teachers and elimlna of some phases of education1

school board considered every slide vednet Ion dropping^6f tfie ilergiirtei) dropping ut manual tr ing nnd printing Instruction hi elnsscji with fewer teachers reduc in payment on bonded Indebtedn etc

Some of the suggestions were nlt on while others were not Tlie dergarten was decided o n a s one get for iconmny No teacher fr denftrtmutt hulaquo beenengaged and allowance in the budget has b made fur this Instruction

If the gtchoril board and siiplaquos tendent change their plans and a pre-sclioo) laquoge classpart of the

nse may be paid from tax receipts 1laquo and the balance rained by tuition l y tbe parents

The when jt of tlie

Of these gt ix will benew liigton iind 11) will be niiii nnd

Avbo were on the leaching


uts inn

Tho 108-(lll-llll-KPr ion lraquoSH

ted iln traquorlaquo Ills no


in idd ex-


Barrington school facility assembles for the bejriuninf

1032-33 term will be composed of 25 loemberN including the ^uperiiir titinlent in Huh yonenlt staff hi st year

Tht- teachers are gradiiates of veuchev colleges stiite universities and othercolleges in the Middle West nnd nigtst o f t h e m have studied-at more tl an one college E S Kmitli superin endent iuis asKifred parents of jloca pupils that their sons and daughteis will wcfliycthJBbenefit of instruction from a experienced fnudishyty with 24 lif the memhers having had at leas1 three years of tenehiiig experience and an average of 1^0re than ei lit years each

eachers and the colleges tbey include

Vernu Covey Nationals Col Education first grade

Esther Bratzler Northern State Teachers college Na-

College Of bull Ediiication first

Tlie nttcude

Miss lege of


Ellinois ional

grade Miss

State 1 eachers college Second grade

college Miss

sity of Miss


Miss linols

pervisoi MisN degree


Mary Roller Westerii Illinois

Louise Laird B E degree State Normal university II-

college second and third


Miss Illinois linois grades

Miss Mildred Miller Northern nois St raquoto Teachers college Colonv dp Sti t trvreachers college third g-ade Y

Miss Beulah Beckley Iowa State Teacheis college Iowa State college Unijert i ty of Colorado fourth grade

JWJss Bernice Hauley Northern II linofs i tatc Teachers college fourth and fifth grades

Miss Eunice Shots Illinois State Normal university Chicago universishyty Northern Illinois State Teachers

fiftbVgrade Beatrice Dean Northern Ilshy

linois f tate Teachers coljege Univer-Minnesota sixth grade Annette Sheel Iowa State

Teachers college B A degreef Unishyversity of Chicago seventh grade

Willi rd Watson Western Illinois State Teachers college eighth grade

Fern Nichols Iowa State Teacheis college seventh grade-

Esther Mtrouss Northern II ttnte Teachers college Knox

conserv iltory Bns)i- conservatory bnchelof of music degree- music sif-

-raquo gt

AlDbea Cbrlnteiison B A Iliiversity of Wlscomjln

Continued on page 0

Conductors Need Not Get

i flshy

at protected Crossings

ifhjkiiiio street car conductors no longer |i (ced to get off it heir ears to see If mllroud crossings arc clear where lugmcn are stationed In 0 mmiillcn tlon of an order of the Illinois Commerce commlssibn officialflagmen BiithorkiMl to act Jointly for the railshyroad nn l street railway may not ott for the cohductor

Hpceinl iftiiKle liilM-liecnplanned for the MHOitll iitiiitilil liJKyil clttmpHltlvigt wittiH meet andi oitrijivn^ wMr will be eoritliietcd ll the SAViumting |Miot Friday Evening Angi lif stiirUifg at X p 111 Kriisl-lviiim illiytliin Kings orchcHtrii will p)ay ithropghout tho evening bull bull

This meet will initik lliii viilinhur tlon (if Jiitercst for local juirk district biiys nnd glils who hay made tho swimming pool fliclr vncatlou liem) qiirtrteis during the hot days ltraquof lune TWly and August Nooiifside talent1

will beenlcred In iinyof the conipetl-live went si iillhimgh aii outside clown team yill lie present to add a little extra est to the program laquo

bull t 3 Invent( t)ii Flogiuiit - i The program will injchidiK 13 e i ea t s

starting wit)i t-hjfe laquoirls 4fl yard I red style race M o s t of the evrtits wil l1

show the skill of the-jboys and gir ls developedlt-during thei season under the tutelage of ltichaN D r w e r and Miss Dola Bever fo l lowing tho girls 4 0 yard raclaquovihe|e will he boys fancy diving from Wie low board faliry high diving gir|s diving from the low board 4 0 ihn free style swim for the younger Jnds and a 4 0 yard race for boys l f l years old or more The boys and jgirls under 10 years -old theV youngsters tutored by Miss Bever Avill give i diving exhibishytion Gold jriedals will bo prescirteltI to the wimiers of these cvepts and to th winnersjitf the reluiy races These nitidals- are on exjiibit in the show window of the Arnold ^ass -|Iardwaro store bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

Style Show Featured An added attraction lone which w i l l l

lend variety to the progrnui i^ tho bathing style show The style show will not only show hrithing beautioB1

n styles of today but will present stylesof years goiie by An interest-ng collection of suits jlias been proshy

cured for- this eyeht The tuk race will beanother amusing hdvelty Vvent

Boys and girls who nave -had life av|ng instruction - nnij hiive jiassed the tests (is required for certilieiites will be a warded their (ibis and Iiislg- lia -

The pvogrinn will start |it S p ind probably will be- coilltluded

111 oclock gtbullbullbull

111 by

stockholders Liability CUse Will Be Re-Opened

A petition for li reifjieiiing of -the IiirtJia Barton jiae Involving the iabillty of stockholdei-s in closed niiks lias beenfiled iiji the supremo V ourt The move Is regarded by at-oriicys ivi the ease -as iiin1ily xlgiiifl-aiit and indicatinga chuuge inay-be

fiirthconriiig In 1111 ultlmiji decision of he -court holding hefts of former

ttockholders niiswehlble for debts ac- ruing against a closed traquotmk during

t iie^iieriutl they held the slydes bull - bull bull - bull bull I I


Authorized School Books j JReady for Purchase Monday-

Robert Ulbridh to Attend Eagle

Village at Fair

Robert Ulbrich of Harrington and 1 lugenc Page of Park Itiltge (wo eagle Fouts left early Wednestlay morning fgtr Springfield IH where they will rspresent the Northwest suburban (tvuncil at the Eagle -VlHhge in con-icction with the state fair which ltpens Saturday3 Ulbrich and Page t rere selected1 fwgt this honor altfng gt ith Eagle Scout Bruce Beckmatui cf Park-Ridge because of their out-e landing record as] eagle scouts Beck-rinnn wboi also won an honor enmnar sward at Camp jOh-Dft-Ko-Tn will t ike the special trip through Wis- consin- along with the othltfr honor (arnpers Instjead-of attending the I ag|o VillSge I 1 lt

The Englc VJlltlt- Is A regular fea-t ire of tlie state fa ir If I made up 0^ 32 eagle scouts f n m cnuiulls all ever the state of ijllinofw While ticre Miey operato^n model troop e imp where -they live within the fair g OH nils Several UlneH each day they s a g e nn exhibition-of various phases ltgt scouting mid similar activities fume of- the speclrtftWs awu (dive craft whip cracking first aid hall s Jiiling fiincy marching^ lentliercrnft r1 IIMI Kpliuilng lire building hatchel tl irnviiig Jmglliig woodciirving arch- -l(y tent pitching rope raquoiraquoUciraquo(i and I ulli 11 lore Tlie scouts of ibcKligb) Jllii|c n l w perform many kinds ltltgt(gt nurvlfes about tho fair ground

During their stay a t Springfield t iesj scouts Will also have an oppor- ti nltv to v l s l | Kome^of tlie places of li terestin and-nroulrtl the city Tticy v ill return Sunday Aug 2K f o l l o w bullii g tlie close of thraquo fair

t i




I i l

Grade and high schoolpupils will | e able to| buy their boohs for scbool

Hoaday Aug 22 or during Jhe wet t t lereafter The list of books requited

ill be posted at the store where they bull re on sale

-1 i



I f 1-

l j - bullbull

bullS f

M-1 bull

i bull v-I gt f-



M i shy

l l 7-


I 1



1 I

bull bull 1 4

K ftffeP bull i a i j itll- gt

M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a laquo ^ i f t ^ g i i e g raquo g -







m i n i



to VI


of V



hundred iliVl seven made in the raquo

show raquof tli Lake ^raquorilt y Woman dub

mill 1hui ltduy afternoon Kviiiinelicul

exhil it drew i par ish

good nt


vv tli


nltiiililiraquorlii^ II

bull iliraquo[iliiyi


Like Zurichs 2nd Annual Flora Bijings 217 Bntr Larcc Crowd View) Klojwer

Exhibit Sponsor td by Womans Ch|b


IIIMI en trie

ml iuijninil

h evciiint in

hall lendilm


liiiiton Floyd IIIIKCI llrs Puul Naftcy of

Fiigtngt nf Highland (IUIIJKH Weaver wji sixtf by Nlesduiiies A lrioi H Uiehler A (Jeonfc IlnliiliiiHttick Mi laquobull( Ffcik and Ruth Thin

Mis Otto Frank wns the refreshment ciiiiimitti


Mrs as-

A tfeh Serbian



latk el a im ii) n I ohm


a ssi and

F ribb whit Win

Bt st K


ns second prize red thipd ml honorable IIH-II tioti yjlt

tern in tile order nn npd fi collection of house pin A Irion perfect coitus

jjnst H

Y o n i liirnl on


Will K J

e| by M I Hans

bullsilmnis Fi

Exhibit I

st prize winners rce iv

Mrs M

YI)UIR F I rnmdashMi

of I6laquor -ins



all i

ik Hi








7frac34 bade jrive even viuiinlt

H a n d Concert Aug 20 Prairie View band under the

hip raquof Lloyd RltaentlialerwiH mi open air concert Saturday laquo AUK laquogt at 8 n m laquo laquo

lit between theHtnelnir Oil ttiitlxinnd Franks h e Cream parlor

M-it Mis Tonli

MM Fniiu local

Mr of tin

A l l s e v e n from while

Tin urilt


Local and Perianal



take Zurich Nine


was Inter

blue prize lhw low



mdash B i inn bwlt


X i Vonl H o w Hon tit ingt don orah

l i ly I r i o n bull Peifjjy K c h t e r limiiirali ltc|| Ave rimili

Krnitinsr Kxhillt III

ranueiiieiit of aiiniia iller Alice Toll lie Al ice Imlie l ion

Mrs Wen VIM Tin r Al ice T o n n e Mr lie Mrs ( Herschl trgit

mention Alice 111 ine

le i lent ion

i anjjemeiit of perenni its coiitlinermdashMrraquo Hesiliain Irngt iny In sniiill cunt J II we Mrs Miijme Pre

At imijeiiieiit of (buyeri VII i e

bask haije tnent ket

illlfc contirlliett Al bullllllteiiients of both i

pcri l i i ia l i in 1 Tont 1- Mrs 1 Howe I i t a i ilt rmdashMrs Hehweri Miiyi ie Prehin

MJ Mrgt V lirjno able

( Weavejj Mrs Au-Froelich Mrs Williltm KifiRRe

tljoniamdashMrs^ l)igtHrhraquogti K Mrs K IJramlinj

Mrs August FrKielii bber plantmdashMrs Ulaquoraquoe I w j nf not otherwiltiitlitf4lmdash

urn Knijj^e Mrs p f tojiiijr Ih-wirp-

KvhibiS II iVifraiieeiiieiit of (lowers bgt~ J-hlldriMi

an Mrs Mrs


s- ill Mrs



r l im im nun

n Mr r

l is


bullMiss M Fink l iltiijeinelit of Mowers ilk

ltil mdash Mi lt llllMlt u r n Mrs (pint Good Kms 0 I va rit You i f Wen runt inn

I gtn Aliiji mdashAl ponj Mrs Mrs Miss Alici Alici

bullK i Siilaquoi i | )s tioi)

Di H

Mrs hlaquoni

t Mrs Simmis f Mrs ltr Hichter

on Mrs Simons [ jMis Irimi Mrs

Kxhlbit IV iolm (red and bullbullear

(ieorije F n i s l i n i gtn M r s I V o u i u j

ii ir e v a r i e t i e s ) -Mr (J Krnsi i i i j M r s (

nut nwe vir eties | -i i k Mrs I 1 Sin

tjlse ho|nor|ab| srujill


hue honorable fineitionj rust ire I Inveiiilar unl pi s I mdash llilllot able llielitl Ml ^Ir

I basket aiTjViiieine(it) er Mrs A I l e y b e c k (vasi iiuiitraquo Mrs ( F n stinjj inldliistoi k Mrs 1 Kriji ili is (il r a t i v e i mdash A l i c e T

Tiiini AI fee T o i i n i (cai bull T o i i n - Mrs P Yu nifjl (

- M r s A (r ieseke M i - i P jY A (Jieseke honora fJieseki ( v a s e of


H vjiri holllil


he-chmier Mrs


Ton lie Tonne


irse J


II rlaquoe (1


Mint bullA l ife



lurtje Vil

CO able and

M(iinryer Frjust

-Mr Hi MH

holf irylili

i men dahl ia i)

5 I^in iraquons ment ion

I lescl i iuer Mice T o n n e hon

M i s IfrrsehlierKer ph raquo i i i in i - -Mrs Albe

Mrs ltJeorue | K 1 l w - i r raquo Mrs able inenio in M r s K

-t I|re uliilens

K m T | )eA

Kv bull r l a s t i n u mdash M r s ( I n h i h M i s

lt r e Toil

Ki Agt i

man frenlfc niertT Mrs hnno

(i M

Srl ilaquo iirnb


in Mrs Tom


IllilMlillstork Al

Exhibit V pdrnjjons-mdashMrs II Aelwil-idfr

Wt^i^v r ersmdash Mrs ( niasmdashnjiant) Mr

Mrs C Weaker lionorable nientiojn tdvarfraquo Maijorii )omliraquoiiville ( I I

alile mention Alire llardiamdashMrs Mayme riRivldmdashAlire Toiim IWII Mrs F l s i e l i r i e j j e

mention^ Mrs -Mai comlgt-^Mrs H Schi OT mdash (sinjjle) Mr St-hwerman (di


otli Pro nuni

It Mrs

nion men

Mar Mrs Mrs

er -Oraee l afrenu Mrs C

hbejgp^ owt


Vi bullhena-^-Mrs C HMM Si |MKlosi-iMr J tl

Frwl Krltraquolaquo Ilt imiiimdashMr 0 Richi

Krm linu Mrs A Seliwirmnii He ibiosa (Mournimr Bllaquolf

Ttraquoni e Mrs A Sehwermin How

Si rraquofl(raquowiTmdashironornbl Alici Tuiitip

A iraquoy iithir flowers nraquot In tinmdash Mingle WHltlaquohaK|n

Kjrojr Mr A Prehm h gtiin iraquort Mr Kittle Kruijupr

Exhibit VI re^t nntilnor flower dnnt


liMtUo Witdhftgou Mr Urs OtM Itohn In

ionl Mrs 0 Ernntini laquoenieraquot of vylfd rj

Itose Orimm find dauKhtiM Virifiiuii HlKwalt- lind iMr^Hiflji

ntrendeil the i-urvl party al Biltmbre Country cltih Monday nt-terholii

Waltir P h w lid ilaiiKhl isigti HaiTinKton iihMl laquoiti frieinli Thill-Hdjiy

and Mrn JMuytotr -IlutfhjinK--Ditimiiiid liiikt visited Hunday nt

Bin it home bull bullrt Uoeft has IetMi laid UD for

days from injuries rtwultlnii teppinu on a rusty nail Mnhdiiy workinlaquo on his house

executive boitfil nf thi ^laquoraquo1laquo Ii lommiiiiity wtmiaiis Oluh met iy af teniooii with M rs K Jack-teVire president to formulate for the pntitnutt next year I V

business was transacted and pej-ial nieethiK raquof the board will be

Thursday afternoon August 25 rs George Williams stf Vhair-

of committfis will report for the wok

and Mrs Ed Hutchinson of oni T are campins in Iioefts

Mobdquon son plan roijitii i 11

held at M men yea r

Mr Roekf

takers Collect Run in Fif h and


B|li[nd th thtlaquo Itike other victor Mt PtOHptMJt locals Inn (gt1i atltl HeVtMltll scored the

IV A t e rc i l iiit^


iC6-4 rheir Five

tenth Imi inp

rates hitt them led the it|)iece

Next Sunday tlilaquo Pj|ralltraquos will play Nine tenn from Chicago diamond

Croive j -Mitses Marjory Sodjrrbefg and Jean

Si-hat fer are visiting this week with rijlatires in Joliet

SMr and Mrs E Jackson Devyire bad ns guests oivr the week-cmlj Mr and Urs F N Culver of Nohvwul Park Mr and Mrs H 0 Caitldwell and Mr and Mrs Chesttfr Dewrre of Chicaso

Tlio Myosotis Bridue club of Oak Wooiis subdivisiiin had a luncheon Mondiy at the Pink Poodle at Half lgtay lollowed by bridjje

M n E IWntz and son of Chicago lire i isiting Mr and Mrs Philip ftcfiat fer T

Mrs laul Laseschulte Glcnwood Eiciitiuin and Junior Boegan attendshyed th- Charley Grimm day at Wrig-ley tii 111 in Chicago Tuesday

Lkse entertftiiifcd Mrs Gussle l lnrt

Mr| anl Mrs E Mrs Vivian Scott nud Iliarry X Cole at dinner Monday eveniijig aiul all attended Lounsbury Iliapt -r

(Sii-sls Sunday of Mr rtml Mrs W 1- Buhr were Mr anil Mrs G Erickson mid daughter of Chicago and Mr iuraquod Mis Kby and daughter J of Nlaquogtrwoilaquof| Park gt

Thursday evening at the home of

the Varsity on the local T h e box tcore

iiake Zurich 5-

FranlCxss FizenuPxlb StPtfens 2b Anders If |gt Branding poundgt C Meyer c E Ernst ef A Meyer if Tohne p Pohlman p i I Ernst c -bullbull

Totals t-

Mt Prosr etft 4-

Ii H^aas 11 L C Klopp c Kirchhoff If II Haas 31 Flesch 2b Diederich i ss Ratieke rf HI Klopp ltf Hasz p


Slnm|nary H by I In HZ Tonno 1 o f

nhlif pltihlng of Toniii drlfh Pirate wnired an

Suid)iv lgt r tlefcn lug the A C M B to f -Tlio

H tbelr It ts In the Hftli Innings h which they

flvfl rtinlaquo raquo WMTO llvKti to raquoU KCfttr

pl^derich itetting two of Fissit n^ A Mejcr and Tonno

bull im with ttwo

$84199 Is Due LakeCountyFrom

Sheriff Belie vi o Organised Gang StealingBoat otors

Theft of anothci Antiochlast Thuridny night l e i L a k e county sheriff tlaquo organized band of

Mi dee gtJr t he i r man

Mr] to B Tli ii r

- MH i|iiilt in the

Heorlaquo by Lake Zurlicli Mt Prospect

ml Mrs1 Herman Beth in Duiir andMij Julius Geary hail

tie son cljirisleited Louis Her- bull Hev Irion ninl Mrs L 1 Smith drove

ar Lake Mich Wednesday and lay last week Charles Wendell attended the show in Libertyville Thursday

Methodist church

W C Petty of (he live issistant st dents to be

inu l o s e

ltJ Mrs rple f p ~A ar-

Viv-r line his



Sirs rable

B nen-

im gtCK

H s e r ire

oek ne -

fcjptrade rsciJraquoMi oni(e Prifbn


me eide^r A


1laquo Ho-

isen er

11- M


ludrd In an mr


Fred Thies Fred Pepper and Harry Bergh trn of the IOCJII ofiice of the Lake County Farm Supply Co atshytended (he get-to-gelluM- meeting of the company Thursday evening at the Cosy Inn

Mr anil Mrs Frank Schramm nud two ilnuglvters of Chicago visited with Mr and Mrs O IgtVauk on Thursday

M sheim IHOIJH Grove

Mr Itasca Mrs bull Mr son at da ugh iters Libert

anil Mrs and family r

lug the Illinois State I to art Mr Petty will gresslonal districts 1 ti

county The appi

stt actors wals made bj

eludes Lake l(gtth district

Stfuefc 4 Bttst

J la sa 2

inn nigs

Five Lak Countians at State Pair Sen wgtl Petty

Assistant Su)erintlaquondent

County Superintend has been

AB 3 4 -3 -4 3 1 4

3 3 1

-3 32



A 3 4 4 4 A4 3 34

R 1 0

u 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 5

0 0 o-2 0 1 1 0 0 4


i 2 I 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0

Coimtief Receive Oxie-Thiwl of Three-Cent Tax for

Road linprovements

Lake wtinty will Klaquogtt $SL1ttlgt0ttas

ils share (if the three-eent state laquoas-

ollne taxriraquor the first iraquoU tiHHitlis of

1032 iiecorillhu to u Utatement by

Garrett Kinney^ dlrwlW of Uw -ft-

naiico (lepttr-tmetit oil the stages colshy

lection on itasolltie for thw- l i f t half

of the year bull bull Dufltig the half year the Piitlre

stale of Illinois netted laquo1312441)41 a fljrtwo that ripreseiits a loss of $1(gt$S2203 its compared to tilt name period Inst yenr

The net ilwrease lists esulted b^ cmfse of tij reduction In the Amount of refuinilNijvaldJ)ut this year It yvm exiilaiiictl^y the state finance depart-nient J

Goeii to Iload Im|gtrlaquoveihlaquont The moneV collected by the gasoshy

line tax is not - immediately paid to the counties I t is held gty the state as long as pbsslble until the counties obligate themselves for foad improve-ment Estlmjates on roaiLlwork which must be approved by the state ihigh-way department are sent to the state after which the director o l t h e finance department pays part of Ijhe fund to the county treasurer to apply against I the road work

Of the northern Illinois eoijnties l a k e county is among the leaders in distribution of -the first half year EuPage county with a share of yen08-074 and Lagal le county with a share of$laquo7803 afrejliig-h among the leaders in the northern part of thebullstitfi

McHenry county lis far down (the list with a refund amounting to $ p -0 )0 Cook county will receive ithe lirgest allotment $2046757

Of the three-cent state gas t a x t w o c n t s gpes to the state and one cent oT the tax is distributed to counties in proportion to tlve number of autoshymobiles they have Registered wilth the state bull bull -

Doe summer

Johnson residency

Stiper iulfo 8oiiiet line bull iluring

bullordlng ftiiHsell MeUrldei t-lunt vUlaquo II iktilaquo tlaquo

hoped t h a t iltlaquouingt viraquortgtit fhroiislh laquo011)0

laquoomlaquo prop-

hisMimiinrirhonieh subdivision on J P ix river tic to IVptity Sheriff

A report on the (Miieugo police In toPrfwoiiid be inici femV there who ijil^ht tliro^ Uglit on where hi received 11raquo bullfly A bull

Fully las^ wieli Juiljto rsteflraquon traquof (IIICIIKJI who liveji I -Sincivil tlurliij t new speiulbont Thoinpw)ii Speed

The Hnum troul the latter part of Fox tiver district

outboard n n t o ^ a t

believe tl nt ari thieve^ steal ag ohtf

board ittotbrs is operating In-tjie hikij fejionHr

a Chicagoiin Is Antioeh


wlnwe lost a

Thtirst day night Hlsbt jut was nwjin d heaT

i Fox Rlyof i$tM

laquo i i Vi tilled

summer I iijitolen It

nk inodel le was exju jasl summer

fonbrietl to outboard tiiotors

Breaks Vertebra Diving in Too

Wilson Iteenholi ter in Ids neck when low water itiltjhe Henry while ii friends on Wedne ulay becaihe paralyzed a Woodstock hosJiitnl wiiere placed in a plaster cast

mtmdashby Tonne on ballsmdashoff

(M) 030 200mdash5 0(M 100 201-

nt of Sihools selected an one ate s(iperltjiten-

in chnrgi1 of the Boys State Ifair Mchool at Mprlngfleld dtir

in(indent Bl Ur Conn

jWHJiam Wicker-visitijil the formers

Edward anjd family in Long Sunday ( and Mrs Leslie - Stoike of j visited -Sunday with Mr and

kVillimn Luerssen and Mrs William Slieehiin and d Eliiiisr Ileideiiiaii and son and1

er visited the Bferman Sehnei-J and Mrs Rymifr Schneijler in yville Sunday

attend the school were the -irgrlcuitiral depatfmenta of the -various high schools of

Those represent lug I the school a JaineH Paddi

the state rake county at

re Raymot d Graff Ela ck yalaquoC(inda Beitrainl

Galiger Lftkle Villa j d o l p h Maimer Newport Ilabert Fult

Classified Ads Bri

A Iiraquon-


Pr hm Alice



Robert Hnrkuess of Bacine istierc j this -eltk while Ferguson Harkness is attending the Legion convention in I lgtanville | I

RegtH and Mrs Bizer and family of Huhbard 1raquo arej guests of Mr and j Mrs Henry Hillman They will v i s i t Rev Bizers brother in Northbrook mid attend a falnily reuhioh the last of the week Rev Bizer is a former pastor of Stw Peters Evangelical cburclr

^MeMlnmes William J Pretzel A J Cr wford and Aliss Alargaret Fink atteniled the meeting of the Countryshyside CardeB Study club Friday aftershynoon at the home of Mrs Norman Nestle rode Vin Cuba township Mrs Fred tei-ortf gave a paper on peonies On Friday) Mrs E Jackson Dewire joined the hieiribers on a days outing inspedtihg the lotus beds in Gralaquos l ake bull bull

Mr and Mrs Lee Landwef and


ltAlklaquol rraquo J

nrvt Fink Mtat Man Oj Richter honttral Wfaver


A f i s t i c arrangement o|f s irujli Blau MrsJAi Schwerman Mrs

J I gtwigt W ill pocketsmdashMarilyn I gti h gardensmdashMrs Fi ed

Vidt Cmbdenstock Mrs


B A I ion

M ss Phyllis Soderbet i r jtw rned 8atu day from a short visit it J diet

wl II


mu riible

Mis aatm l^lnk 1laquo inert ion

le| ipr



will len-vv Sunday for a two trip to North Dakota They

tisjt the Black Hills on theii-

and Mrs George Williams at-t he Nqrwegla n Old Peoples

picnic in Norwood Park Sun^

fa in ill weeks will trip

Mr tendet Homo day

Mril Ii V Dondonville lircom-panleij Mf and Mrs Herman Humiii and djiuiKhter of Byron to Clmmpnisn Thnrnldiiy whore Miss Hiimm enrolled laquos a t eshman

A 11 Pay ton and Mra JdWd Potrlfci nccoippanied Mr and Mm Kd Aiseneau of Kankakee to Bruclaquo VU Kirn weeks v|lt with relatives

bull- J T T i3 0 r l f f l t h raquo bullraquo laquolaquobullltbull ford 6 gter t | e week-end

Mrk 0 - R Weaver visited her aunt Mrs J B Convbrae In Fox Lake Fridai afternoon and also took in thlaquo 3rd cintitml flower laquohow of the Fox Lake Garden d u b

Mm Louis Walbatim wa hostens to thr Bunco d u b Monday evening at her home Honors Were awarded Mrs Oarrie Tank Mr L L Smith and 4rs Catherine Williams and Mrs Francis Prelim

Mis i Marian Weaver accompanied Miss Margaret Hughes to visit Miss Wilmi Beckmau at Camp Reinberg Deer aroye

II Ir August 20 reiiresent ton-10 whicl^in-

i part of the Inlment ot in-

Statn Super-y delegates to selected from

gtn Waukegan

ig Results



bull SEE-US bullbull

$ 1 0 t o $ 3 0 0 Obtained Quickly

- W E lt

on Stocks Bonds lt IJveMock Auto Sulory

P H O N E mdash W R I T E mdash C A L L


1547 ElUnwood St i Phone 489 Des Plaines

Walter I Lafen tul his VilM a

riencetl In the

with the loot being

Shallow Water

0440 8 W avenue Chlcujo broke a Iris neck when he dived inlio shal-

Fox rrirer swinv|iiiii(J

and wnsjt brojught to ie was

Dangfer in Moons Ray It la siiid tbat bull -to be moon

struck Is a s bad as If not worse than being suns n t c k As t lie sun burns theskin the moon s sup posed to dry ant wear It out



Business Notiess Bring Remits


Cuba Township d home from

and children

raquoiii of Sblidy Connor Slaquoilaquolaquo-


i t Mc-with

110 He

Lucilli Claude return Sherman hospital- Fridajy

Mrs John Thurow Knymond and Lenorfc wjre( visitors Ui Chicago Monday j

Mrs Wi l l i am Storii Hill called on Sfrs M I

laquoilaquoy - bull - bull bull - 1 J A Kinijiey of (J5I

guest Tiiewlayj old Kitlsey

Carl PhllUpjs was rei t o the l W l i y e H a i i liosidtiih An opshyeration l ito ie pprforn etl 6iiltliuik$ Moiidiiygt- W ft PlilH remains nt ft stiiudraquotlll nitraquout luring i h raquovu

jforlfert III

ieago was n of Mr nul Mr I l t i i

loVed Suiidii|r

p f condlt Ion no improve-


hinoiul relurnutiytohi

Domroes and ltd jMr Paul

a lid Minnie Hers Monday Mr and M w

1IOUHraquo lii (Jliletko Hwniliijj having spitit nu eiijoyniilc vttefc lit Bjiy View laquotib division- bull

Mr and Mj( Albert iltiughter GiitSt Mr ii Mimiilng and Wraquon Hoy Zliilt of Xihlcngo were c evening a t thltHlaquoraquome of Henry Frekl ig

Mr and Mt Frank KeltJw attend ed the Cook nounty far Tuesday

Mrs-Clittrl raquotilraquo McGi Mw M 0 OConnor- ]|lonltUiy after noon ^ Ruy Pudilolk of VaJiconda culler at the H D Kraquo Weanowlityi bull

Mr and Mrs ^ u i j l d were callers Monduy e honie of-Mr and Mxs Fjraiik Kirby

Mr ami -Mifs Vilfre ehadfen Verdolle Ward Mis and Mrk Myron daughters Shirley and cagoe Mr and Mrs gt

20 POUNDS OF FAT Lost Her Proinkent Hiamps-^- Double Chili- -Sluggisl ness

Gained Phgt sical y i g o f - - A Shopiily Figure


the If youre fat-j-first |re)tno|ve citusc

Take one half t Biispoonful o clien Salts in a-glass of hot w the morning Tt hatrten fes

light on fatty meuti potatoes and pastries-^-in JTweuks get scales and note] how many of fat have vanltt bed

Notice also the t you have lu energymdashyour gkln 1B cleafdrmdashyou feet younger in to idymdashKruilch n will give any fat perso i a Joyous surprise

But be sure It Kruschen health comes ttistmdashand SAtFETV first iiit the Krusel en promise

Get a bott(n tf Kruschoii fromall druggists anywhere in lea (lasts 4 weck|s) and the but a trifle

Krus-Bter in llts go

cream on the pounds


Salt) i Atniit-

cost is

and sons George oddl Fran Downers GroveMrs Beuhan selle Maude Mish of Crvst t

and Mr and Mrs Oliver Fnt-guests Sunday of Mr and Mil Kelsey of Shady Hill

Mr and Mrs Frank K-l - ) to WnukeganSaturday bull Mr^ John Thurow enterHiii dames FKelsey Fitts K n

Snnmaciier tit ii 1101111111- |bdquo -hOnie yeijnesdny and Tlmr-

Mr ntbi Mrs Harnbl |lti children Roland and Phvltu and Mrs Frank Ivlrby nnt 1 Myrtle Marie attended ih K Liner State fair^lesi lav

Mr lind Mrs Oliver ltFIIK to Woodstock Saturday iMeni M N I L K Mi-yerH-of I ttuhillvtslon Vet untied-in her OhlciiKobullbullbull Muhdnvj The VHMI foot is almost Iiealed - 111 wtis able to be out of bed Smv the first time since ||ugt nci i| condition Is cotislilereil iv

though lier lieu ring Is null m Mr lind Mrs August Ki

parents of an eight pnun Friday Aug lAi

of It

kp rigt


ni-i H T


n uii HI

11 | i r

raquo)) ui H(f-v

Start SAVINC^ with an

electric refrig erator NOW

bull Thousands o f rljrirify women are discovering that tbcfa electric refrigerttori ^practically paying for thcnuclvts They save in so many ways In time and convenience if course Butalso it money There are no left-overs to spoiled foods to throw away Perishable foods can le bought in iarge lt uandtieswhenever prices are low Do7xi s of tasty inexpeisive salads and desserts canbe frozen in an hbur ox two Why not ihvestigate now Electric rcfrij erator prices hav e never been so low See the new mode at jout P^blkSer faStortotyGuslj)^

BmyouRcoAL IN


Its just Ike putting money in your pocket

tlaquoi buy yii ur coal ww while low of f-season

pnees are in effect You can be sure of sav-

irg at less 20 over this winters prices

when the big rush conies Thats a return

on your In vestment that cant be beaten anyshy

where the raquoe days Call usmdashBarrington 5 or

4 iOmdashlean 1 our rockbottom price schedule for

August dlt liveries

Ijageschulte amp H a g e r INCORPORATED

Paihtn - Feed bull Fuel bull Garden Stones

A Complete I ine of Dependable Building Materials

tbdquo bull

T y|our thin risky tires

for new GOODYEAR

AIL-WEATHERS bull bull bull bull - - bull bull bull - I

J 110 Cook S



Open from 730 a m to 600 p m Barrington

TeL Rarringion 382^ USED tl itES $100 UP - EXPERT TIRE VULCANIZING

A l Every Price

Yeaits the FIRST-choice tire I Aptl Ine Greatest Valuel

Proof MUUoiu M^re people buy Goodyeart

la tes t Lifetime 1 Guaranteed

GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Supertwlst Cord tires





bulllaquoL ir^S-Tubeflt 1




Tube f i e

SH-W $dS ^r^fnt I TubeVMs



ll^To^g twttoonttrun from b w d t o l M d -f r laquo r e a l t y c teMlcer 1 itrlpe ami the fa iv lAtweatJ l t h e m a l t bullerna t i e c a l l th^ta Pile






these Prjces Are for Cash Also these and latter bullises in the famous



Tylraquojei laquoS

CM-as-i $CfJ


K bdquo


$iraquoa7 Vofceffcei



Whennew tires cost so little more than ever i t pays to buy the best Whosays Goodyears ARE best The people who use


say Itmdashtfiey buy r more years than any other kind y have been doing that for

seventeen successive years If that isnt enough proof come itimdashwe can actually demonshystrate the REASONS WHY you get more lor your dollars in Goodyeart

bull+bullbull Something New out of

the Sky I bull Ask us to show you the


mdashon the new

Goodyear ATOV WHEEL tires


Hedvy Duty Truck Tires A ^ C 5

3 ^ 1 frac12 32i6lgt^

Outstandi igFilms ppcar o T Program for Week

^ -mr-i

bullIh - u


harles Farrell First Year dnesday

- fbullgtr IflVtTM of

iin Kerfpri nt Irnlnv i|raquo(l Sat- Km Tin Tin bdquo The Light-Hi Imnl Jraquoix n-

bull i ritT Illntys rv mehulrnmn

liny- of hardy - i-on-liilit dull-

ulna ludinnx U fill I IT lUIlllHlj

f till set t lers iVvninr a w y s -

i i i i x i i l i i u i d i

whites nnd

|pylraquor kid inv|)ortifnt bulli tlio story

V i i -

Ill Lightning-A h t - | i sSlCCCS-

-iiiiti(i romance bull Richard Dix 1 ruisteringcnp-

-ir-tiontmdashwill) rin hnndits His tJwili Andre Judge luiN the i tin story The 1 nit liy several MTsntilf ehnrnc-lv Ziisu Pitts l-Mwiird Everett




tyog Days

01 01 v

higt for Friday i to laquoereen mi

win IT carnival ^ lelltle riJji- will ill in f

II- of T icy

go i ft w o 11laquo fti

gt l l l m t n i K h t

~ which pljivs night all the

unit iirotiud ii ] billiwt building

tielit for owner-r tin at tempted diamond mer-lt

Liiimi liy a |iool i lrokifriiiio office all the Mg nnd

iiriiii^ nnltl rival-v - iif those win)

I radio station I

itll a million- tin- tower anri^fdift Mr

d-at tires to he 1- tallest sky-iIIJ on the stu-


bullbull to the screen bull f the leading j York stage in i- Teasdalc who iili I tenner War-lie leading male o Sullivan Nor-1

r-lmlt and_Greg-- I hat an energetic

w lu-ni he takes nllt them and lets

the-jj m a y are ~j$M My Face

iWl to play]

ilrarna Rieardo gt A York tabliMd

n gossip wise- Mlt I


tir lead opposite i-lvetrees while east arc Robert mlge am) Jill

Vauconda Mlt line Rossdei itcher Weds

A maii inge of int people occurred

erest to many of at Spring itirov^

ed^emlny aftctjnoon when Miss daughter ltf Dr nnd Mra

issdluticher of Vi lo became the

will muke thlaquo bullr a motor

Paul OLfnry (if Chicago ir hohic in Chi-trip in northern

Attnda Funerall of Cousin Mr IHIII Mrs Ileijry Stndtfcldt at-iided f i e funeral ltjf Nicholas Web-r ui ht -Peter s church at Spring ove Wednesday a i r Webber wiis eouijdn of Mrs Htadtfeldt

Yi tb-Breaks Arm In Fall lacki

I wjhil

Whjfc pi rentjs

4laquoy I G a dog


Prof isor F i n d s c f K u y p f

i r a n

bullbull Sol

Mrs leraquo o] tht past M irshnll ili s

Mesdailies Alda Sihith Alvin Case Millie) Stewart aind Mrs Anna Case wlt re ii n Waukegan I Saturday

Mr a i d Mrs E l n e r E Grove of E-lison 1ark spent the week-end at thstr Summer hoBie ^t Spencer High-la ids

Mr re atives

Gl Geo-gel Blackburn

the bliss and Year that most bullriml-j of young

Ira-ma tic motiva-r- and Charles

re whieh will be litirs-dny and Figti-

^ - prom-ises a new haii jdres with

lniF is said to sh portrayal to

t entirelygrown-different

rtnjg plnyers of Minna (JoniibeH

medy role Leila A 1-1-1 a nd George -i ^


Mrs the

Mrs e i tended

ford 10 j mpking | i laquo home w

and Mrs

ears old who is th his grandpar-Dennis Murphy

out p lay i ig and fractured rt arm above the th bonps in his lc


Bi t by

it Cooks w )etz aged


Expect Iargest Entry in Stale Fair Harness Race

spending Thursday with dods our

little fane was- bitten

l a r r y Stewa t and son Cbar-aCroraquojie Wis have spent iveek here with relatives the Smith and the CaW- fam-

anrLMrs Hugh Reid called on here Saturd raquoy

i le t Xuin^ay morning ri-hin

Mis d i y s y i t cago

Mr M iss ]E hvir

and Mrs Andrew Sorensen loura Harris endMr and Mrs

I r o m atterided the circus in l C licajo Friday evening

Iieiia Stroup of Bowdle S D guest of hoij daughter-in-law

M b Natalie Stroup bullftotert Dickson t fepent last

w tb relatives at Iraquo i ihard l i lmef G m l u m is making nn

S t i x c n and ft mily at Wilmot

i lt

^ l bull


- | S

bull I l l



I t s

rli misty Tbfs nn-

ti car t lie (Jrent mill Is tl ietotnl) n liniy to bear It is built bullk which forms imsc measures

dk l a -en of the pyn

bull laquo|gt square ynrd hat it Is soinewhitt

il rd pyrainld It liffcrent In forma-

n fourth pyrn-(ted for a t o h -

I ie pyrnnild now 11 I iy disappeared

t an twenty cen-

Irfing Mn

so ns pa nied

Mr xe dde tovn

in history o f the i i for ages been

Mir Hassan re-bullrii-k temple riot I yramld a n d n s

its temple be t his discovery

^bullhereabouts of


visit with


accompanied by Blhckburn and Lester Caughey

for a-two weeks tf-ip- to Yellowstone park

ary Jepraquoo 1 spent Several Miss Virginia Kirk in Chi

The bigjest and clasAlest list of entries t in t the harness racing proshygram of the Illinois Sto p fajr eve-has attracted will start ftp the granjl circuit racs August 22 prediction waH trade by O Ireland |gtf Ieorla splt teiident of the fair j

With only two halrness remaining tpoti the speed IIIIH HuHlcliiit Information stall reservations It has mined nov that niuiiy viiltiable ract horses will have to V stabled In ten porary ltpuraquorters as the bin though retVtttly increased adequate HT Ireland stn

T l i q ten latcloidng which entries have been nlt ing the pi st week attrat

bullof 245 triitters and pace equally divided i

Five events for trotters clpsing list average 24 fe itrles enc-li and the fle events for1 pacers hav an average of 25 bullpotentinl starters ^ These rices for 2-AH 2 J 1 laquo 21 and 2 2 0 class pacers bullgt 1 21frac34 2 16 and 120 class trottlaquorii a 2 1 to 2 21 d a s s claimingraw for pacerjlt and a 2 1 0 class clai ini ig race for-trotters hnvc an aggrega e the winncru of $8800

The two events remaining open for overnight entriesiare thejll40O handi cap trot aim the $400 handicap pace in which n i p t of the starters arc ex pected to be from Illihois stables These two novelty races will -Intro duce the practice of start ng harnesn horses from a standing position a tfistanccs reflecting their relativi speed for the first time in the censhytral west bull)

d 2laquo Thilaquo gt1 Walter eil su perir

races nov depnftmen

to bull chect been del ei-

n room-al is sadly in ted

i ivents fob icebted tlut ted a totli rs almltis|t

in the late

Co-operate to Stop Borer at Indiana Linlaquo

Stuart El Plerson-director of thlaquo state department of agriculture nai been assured the aid of ounty offi cials all along the Indiana border ii the movement to protect the statii from an invasion of the Europeai laquoornborer The restrictions govern ing importkitions of commidities tha might carr y the insect int J the statlt from the infested territory are to blt enforced by county official i who wil have the impport of organized agrishyculture snd other local lenders

value t ^


her cousin Mrs

ahd Mrs Graquoorgc Scott nhd (h lighter Mary Mrs Mary Harris

1 aril Mist Laura Harris spent Thursshyday in| Aurora

Ralph Stoxen hnn sold his farm w u r IVltodatoek ami ptirehasetl oiie n m r Unon His sisters Miraquo Ruth Htoxeti Irs Glenwtiy Dorwtri Mrs Ni tall gt i froup accot ipanicd by Mrs

T o r r i b

F i r s t Q u e e n

d discovered nt in Hassan is be-omit of Quetn as poss ib lyptbe J n a |Jtr nip of Bowjlle S P visited

a m i h e $ amp r d a t b l s hltroe Thurwhy bullbull t - - I ix l s Hubbard D r Orton Hi^b-i

1m rd Mt s Carrie Vblte and Misa L ira Ila rrlson eal le l on Miss Majry BfseJejy i t the Farley Wade home-In

I1 irk Wednoiday evening a i d Mrs Mai shall Hmith and a n l Mrs Anna Case accotn

br their g m s t s Mrs Harry S t t w a k rtnl son (Carles visited the ni|igtnrt at Wheeling Sunday

ard Mrs Chtrles Scharf who on thw Cloogh farm north jofi

an lounce- the birth of a son lait week Hie chifdjhas-been named Jerome llerrnan

Mrs I H Simes and children of Hbroh tpent Sundijiy at the Glen w iy - i W via home

Mrs J isejdiine Wi a v er and son of Sl iaWi W i s acrotipanied by Mr rftnl Atrs Ilhrry Broivn spent Thursshyday with relatives here

Mrsi ] toy Turner] of Waukegan ea led on tobo OnlWednesflaj

Mrs] E Jith Brown and children and M Joh l Ross and daughter Jacquc^ line sfeijt Friday ii| Chicago at Uie

ci cusl Mr anl Mrs Johnl Brown and chjl

dien ygti Mi i s Kate Hess attended ImdashIhiladelpSia the 4nne|ral of -Mrs Browns father

Mr Stil l ing ijt Jobisbnrg Tuesdayj

bull y j raquo i

her sister A Irs Phyl l is H u n -



- D I S T R I B U T I O N 1 gt F M I L K I N T H E V I L L A G E OF B A R I t l N G -TON COOK A N D L A K E C O l N-



BE l l OIIDAINED by the President and Hoard of Trustees of 1 the Village of Barrlngton Comities of Cook and Lake andHtflte of Illinoisbull

SEtTlHSrN 1 D E F I N I T I O N S The following tlelltiltlotis shall apply In the interpretation and t|he Bnioreeiuenjt of this ordinance

(A) MILK Milk Is hereby dellned t o b e the - laefeul secretion obtained 1gtw the eotijplete milking of one or more healthy cows excluding that obshytained within fifteen days before and rare days after calving or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically -colostrum free which contains not less than eight and one-half petr cent ( 8 frac12 ) of solids hot faf -ami not less thon Ithree per cent (8) of milk fl it |

( B ) S K I M M E D MILKgt [Skimmed milk is milk from which a sufficient portion of milk fat has lwen removed to reduce its milk fat percentage to less than three per eent (3-)

(C) PASTEURIZATION T h e terms pasteurization- pasteurized and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the process of heating every article of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 142degF and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes 1n pasteurr izatioih apparatus approved by the health officer provided that approval shall be limited to apparatus which requires a combined holder artd indishycating thermonjeter temperature tolershyance of hot more1 than lfc^F as shown by official t e s | with suitable testing equipment jana provided that such apparatus sball be operated as directed by the health officer and so that the indicating thermometers and the recording thermometer charts both indicate a temperature of not less than 143-fF continuously throughout the holding period proshyvided ithat nothing contained in t h i s definition shall be construed as disshybarring any other process which has been demonstrated as of a t least equal efficiency and is approved by the state health authority

ltIraquo MILK PRODUCER A milk producer is any person who owns or controls raquone or more cows a part or all of the milk o- milk products from which is sold a m delivered to another person

bull(E) MILK D I S T R I B U T O B A milk distributor is any person who has in possession offers for sale sells

or delivers to another any mill milk products for consumption manufacturing nurposes

( F ) DAIRY OR D A I R Y FAttM A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises where one or more cows are kept a jrart orall of the millf or milk products from which is| sold delivered to any person

(dS)^MILK P L A N T A milk plant is i ny place or premises or establ ish-picnt where milk or milk products arc collected handled processed stored bottled pasteurised or prepared for distribution ( II ) H E A L T H O F F I C E R rite term health officer shall mcn|n the health Authority of the Village of Barrlngton or his authorized represhysentative

( I ) BACTERICIDE The Inrm bactericide shall bo taken to n e a n anygt bactericidal substance or pro ess approved by the health olBcer

( J ) PERSON The word pert m as used In this Ordinanceshall hienn person tirm partnership eorp (rashytion or asMoelatfon

( K ) OIMITIFIBD MILK C irti-ffed milk Is milk which conforms Mitly the current rtu|ulrlaquomlaquonts of the Aije^r lenn ANsoeiatlon of tho Medical Isllltf (VmimlsHlonn and Is produced jtiampm the supervision of the Medical Millraquo Commission gtf the Medical Soclet of Cook County nnd of the Dlihols De-pHrtment of Publje Ilealtfl or of the village of Barriugtou I

SECTION 2 SALI Olf ADJt T- 15UATHSD OR M V s p R A N D J l ) IMILK OR M I L K J P R 0 D U C T 8 V 10-1I1B1TED It shall be unlawful for tiny person firni or corporation withshyin the Village limits of t|ic VII age of Bnrringtoii to piroducc sell ofer or expose fcir sale or have in possesshysion with tlic intent to sell any ni lk ot milkproduct which is adulteret or misbmwlcd bull - bull


sliall be unlawful for any person to bring into or to receive within the limits of the Village of Barring on for sale or to sell or to offer for talc therein or to have on hand for the purpose of sale or offering for iale any milk or mflk product as def ned in thfs ordinance unless such person shall first make application for- and obtain from the Village Clerk of (the Viljlage of Borringtoh license in acshycordance wjith this ordinance and such license shall be placed in a on-snicuous place on the vehicle or i ehi-cics driven by such person and the said license number or permit nunber

of sucl

the sail (C)

person ceive w

license t The Board of Trusshytees shhll at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof [either confirm the revocation of such license or CUUIHC

license -to be restored t TJOENSE F E E Every raquoueblt who shall bring into or r e Ithin the limits of the Village

of Bar ington milk for male toSell or offe1 for sale therein or to hatv on ham for the purpose of siile slml) annuall f on or before the 1st (lav- of January of each year hereafter pay n-Iieento fee toamptho Village Clerk of the Vil age of Harrington of the sum of -Twe rty-ftye ($2500) Dollars and on additional s u m o f Five ($500) Dollars for each vehicle used by such person in the handling delivery or distribution of isuch milk provided however tlwiytr the license feci for the balance o f t h e I year 1082 mll be the sun of Ten | ($10()0) Dollars and thi sutiKofTwo ($200) Dollars for CIMII y^lilchvnsed in the handling do-llv ry ir distribution of HUth milk Eraquo h 11ense HIIUII expire In eami year on the 81st -dniy-jof Decrnhfiir next

fo| owli g the-dmte of Issuance bull ^ t O N 4 1 COWS

shall bo In figures at least three 13) inches high and one and onejhtuf ( 1 frac34 ) inches wide

( B ) R E V O C A T I O N O F LI-D E N S E In the event the person to whom such license may be issued ylo lntgtg any of the terms of bull this or dlnahce or In ease of any cmcrgRtiey when In the Judgment of the h alth oflieer of the Village of Barringtoi the milk supply in quenth n has hecot m u publlic health menace such h nlth officer of the Village of Barrlngton shall have power and is htreby granted power to revoke uny such lishycense granted to any suen p e s o n provided however that such h nlth officer shall report to the Pres dent and Board of Trustees of the VI Inge of Borringtoh at the meet ing uext succeed ing the cancellation of such permit the fact of and the ret sons for such cancellation and the said person or holder of such license or permit may appear before the Presi-


H E L T O N 4 1 COWS W B K U C U L I N E T E S T E D All milk or its derivrtt veraquo delli|ed in laquohgt Ordinance shall b from cows whfoh are free of tub treuloslH as uliali Ititvo braquoen determined by the tnbvivuiliie tetf as HtlttilniHlered uiider - HutierviHion of State n r Fedeitil uuthorltles empoxy-ered to supervise such tests SWIMS bullraquo LABMLING bull A N i i PLACM RDlN|3j All bottles en us pnekngi s ttbjl jot her containers en- closingmilk or any milk product deshynned In this Ordinance shall be plainshyly laboed or marked with (1) the name o the coiiteuts as given m the definlticns in this Orditiance (jjrtlic gradeo the contents if said contents a m grailed undeigt thlaquo provision of^thrs Ofdihaice i (3) the word pasteurshyized if the contents have been pas-teurizet or subjected to beating for any pui pose (-1) the word raw if tho contents aro r a w (5) the name of the producer] or distributor T h e label 6i mairk Shall be in lettwrs nf a size hind land color approved by the health officer tiftd shall contain ho marks gtr words not approved by the health ifficer i bull

8JHClaquo ION fl C O M P U LS O R Y PASTEURIZATION- All milk (exshycepting certified miJk) as defined in thljli 0 dihancc which ball be sold offered for sale exposed for sale disshyposal of lexchahged or delivered shall bo pasteurised ifci accordance with tlie definiti raquon of pusteurlzatlojiirfound in this I rdinance iprOvldeaT however that untiling herein cotisectfif|icd shall

dent and Boaiil of Trustees at meeting and may present any relating to his right to a restorijtion

tli^ Village lely for de^ plants or

ijicts plants

such nets

prevent) the bringing Into of Bur ington raw milk s livery to pasteurization other milk or dairy proi

S E t J T I O N f PABTJSTlRIZED MILK - P a s t e u r i s e d milk is milk which has been pasteurised^ cooled and hot I led in ft milk plant conformshying vyl hall ofjthe i t e m s of eonstrue-tlon fipiljHncnt and operation specishyfied Ii Minimum Requirements bull for (Vmstr letloh Ennipment find Opejo-tlon o Milk Pasteurisation Plants as formulated by the Illinois Departshyment lt f Public Health and the nver-URe bfcterial onint of which nt no time i fter pasteurisation and until delivery exceeds 50000 per cubic ccn-tlmctei I bull bull -- bull bull bull bull bull

8 H I T 1 0 N 8 T R A N S F E R R E D OR D [PPED MILK No milk proshyducer gtr milk distributor shall transshyf e r m l k products from one container to anolher upon the street or in any vehicle or store or in any place ex-

i iept in art approved milk plant The f file of dipped milk is ihereby expressly ] prohibited

1 If shall be unlawful - for hotels lotla fountains restaurants nmd sitni-Inr estnblitthments to sell or serve n n y

nilk o r milk products ins defined in i his Ordinance except in the original

ontfliner in which it was received rom the producer or distributor I S E C r r O N 0 F U T U R E DAIR1K8 CND MILK P L A N T S All dairies ind milk plants from which milk Is liippUed to tjhe Village of Barrlngton vhlch are hereafter const meted shall (inform In their construction to the i requirements of the health laquojill|cer vhich shall not be less than the tnW- nurd requirements of the Illinois fhgt- uirtlnieut of Public Healtlj t

SIX^TION 1 0 PENAIPY Any lersiin Who shall violate any provft linn of this Ordinance ^linl) Ite fined tot more than one hundred dollars ($10000) j i t the discretion of the fecoTd(r Each and every Violation if the - provision of this Ordinance

ihall-constitute a separateoffense 8 E C1M 0 N l i t HKOONHT1TU-

1 T O N A L I T Y CLAUHEJH Shouhl any lection paiHgrnph sentence clause ir phrase of th|s OrtllmitiCe be de-la red unconstitutional of hivnlld for

iny-reason the remninder of said Or- l

(llnance shall hot be affected thereby SEtrWON 1 2 R E P E A L A|l Oeraquo

i iiujltces or parts of Ordinance In (onjllet with this Ordltmtice he nnd he same are hereby repealed

SlflCTlON 1H This (Irdinance shall-l laquo l i i - i u U foVjCO and effect fntttvuihl itUw its passage and publication and

pprovnl according to gtiiw Passed this Nth day of August D 1082 A Y E S 5 N A Y S 1 Approved this 8th day of August

- raquo 1032 bull bullL J C CADWALLADER1

V President of the Village of Harshyrington CookAnd Luke Cuwi-

ties Illinois bull Attested nnd tiled this Sth day af

tUgust A D 1032 A C R r R A N D T

( S E A R ) Village Cleric STATE O F I L L I N O I S SS COUN-


liereby certify that I am the regularshyl y elected and acting Clerk of tho Village of Barrlngton Counties of Cooknnd Lake State of Illinois -

I DO F U R T H E R CERTIFY that llier annexed and foregblhg Ordinance is n true and correct copy of an Orshydinance passed by the President nnd Board of Trustees of the Village of Barrlngton on the 8th day -of August A D 1032 that said Ordinance passed as aforesaid was deposited and tiled In the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Harrington on the 8th day of August A I) 1032 and was approved by the President of the Village of Barrlngton nit the 8th dfiy of August A D 1032 -

1 DO Ft fRTf tER (CERTIFY that the original of which the foregoing-is bull a true copy is entrusted to my care for safe-keeping and I am the keeper of the sumc

I 1)(frac34 F U R T H E R C E R T I F Y that I rim the kraquopper of the records Jour mils entries - and ordlnaiicis of the Village of Barrlngton j

I N W I T N E S S WHER1laquoOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Villas) of Bar- rlngton this 8th dlaquoy of AngUst A D 1032- - - i v

A CJBURANDT ( S E A L ) bull Vl l la ie Clerk

Second Annual Local dl Competitive

and Carnival BarringtcnM


mdash at the mdash

niclpal S wii tutting Pool n North Side Park

Starting at Si 00 p in

] Thirteen FUN FOR ALL

1 Girls 40-Yard Free Style Race 2 Boys Fancy Diving Prom Low Board 3 Boys (12 to 15) 40-ard Free Style Race

Bift Events

right across the home plate Be sure yotfr radio is in jerfect order to receive the scores of thjese fit tai game i of the season You know mdashthe Worlil Seriejs gamlts are coming soon

Our Radio Repair Department Will Do Your Work Right and at the Right Price

Schrceder ijaidwajre Cq

r i

-- V^MTiii^jyii^MMiB1 m m m m m


ug 19

4 1948 Paris Olympic Diving Champions 5 Style Show-+Styles Old and New i 6 Boys Fancy Diving ] rom High Board ]

7 Tu gt Racje 140-Yard |Free Strte I [

8 Bos Medley Relay 9 Pnsentation of Life Sav-

inj Awards j 10 GUIs Fancy Diving From

Low Board^

11 Boys (1frac34and over) 40-Yard FfirBtyle Race

12 GhfsMedrel Relay 13 Clorvn Act

Regular Admission Prices to Pool


ERNSfEVAfe Rythm Kings






lt v




bull i





I t

bullM us Troxjrt Become -Bride of


Crystal Mr am rriiiKton

tl ir ilnu F jink If-iit



C fa


Clubs Lahlaquo Man

Mrs Ore ri announce tlie nianiage of

hter Charbtte Mae tar-driiek son ol Mr and Mrs

gtrmiin Itamirnck of [Meljtanpy nve-igt Crystal Lake quiet-weddiiiR was solimt izeltl at lit oclo k Saturday evejiinp A tig with t t Hev thoran church Crys

formed tliij ceremony flio bride anil groom werje n Mi1 Lillian Hamln ck jjnil

I f lndrock sister am] irottycr Kr iltini

Iflilt bride won1 a di ltiraquo ami carried a 1raquo do flowers

llie bridesmaid also laquoift crepe dress and wir

garden flowers The liride is employe] and the ^room at tl tory near Crys ta l I rhey will lgtigt at h

fr lids after AiiKiist 15 tii i near Harr ington

ie immediate fniikilis pres-Kufhnert if tile Jerinaii

lal j al e per-

tteuded Albeit of the

c repe | )f car-


a It life

ieil a bouquet

at Jevtel Tea e Tfrr^ fotta ike gtimraquo to at Cu t

In jsill tnpiet


Mi ny Attend 0 E S bullgt M|e4ing

ffimt fvgt luinilre tei ilcil tin meetim of t i-h jttirof the (raquo E S in at the lnil|raquoigt rooms i Ti nple on Cook street

raquobullgt rescn ta fives from an 1 many visitors from nrampiborinK

ills were present JJtl sts of the ltgti ssie Har t Mrs V H rry X Cole of Chicifco

The hall was beautifully decorated w h an abundance uf (jti sts were served lish

the i-love f the meet at

Bltlal Slu wet Held for s MurteiLr

raquofrs William fJutt-^luilk an Conk me i i jt

TL l|Osti SS|4 jjf 1 I

ii for Miss fmrille V e v e n i n g A b o u t veli | ty re p r e s e n t T I I O M f ru n ltraquolt re M r s (Je u-ce Felu eim a n H e i l l e l bdquo f ( l l i l U l gt r s g f i

I r a i r i - V i e w nml M I L Ki s K l u i e r IJ iV-c a n d M

bull V Ki gti k V pretrv ireen and u Ii

Be enii was cnrriI nut in an I table deivdat intigt 111 cheiili VMS bullTVI a1 Til a ihasiint eveiiini

Ft ti ter Ins t ructor H| Ta tes Itridn bull

LlllHMItie III lit ha e of t h e m a n i i ^ e i lvs AiiiiHidlaquo-11^111 ( l e (

laquooi tot III 11

o f

II se I

he l a W

Ii- IleiiilrieliMiu is the da onis AniuinKrn Li [arii)ift Ili-iili-n taught ii) bullbull1 from lrjl to 1 I alhb-ti- hn h fi |

be l l eni[ I y J i n si-hio si t J

te Lh-Ilosford Ni ilials

mi-i in bullbullvh i~- ngt i| n a - bull Miss r-tii 1 of Ur agtid Mis V K Ion t T C isfnl on | i i i ngt t H a t 11 igtgt|gt

lie Iliitiinnv was bullIJf I V I-istbdquo a hri |s fitnilv ai| t hoi gtgtbull in Joy Aftur lal s rixiiiu in Wi-ron wi he af hmie at str er Iaiiii-in whet is in ingttit i in the

V on II


evei i i ru

( f iner ii-(f11lt-1bull gttbull in thel H a r r i ^

J Troxel of

Fifteen Attend Pl tn l f

rift Birl uIII II e l t l l

raquo 1 the ill1 Da Iter to the lie wet

een members of the BarritiRton flub nttondcd the prganizntions

al picnie laquot the Biltinorft Country beiuh Friday eveniiiR Following

icnii supper served at 8 j oclock memhers w-ere engaRed in a bird

iipoundifi(J|iitiigtn wtitest WJillilmi O son prepared a list of niiwtions ailiiui to birds habits [flint were

be answered 1 the members in mariiier of aspell down Mrs

ter Hiicsins and James IlaSRe the winners in the contest

meitibi rs - at-

li e Mor fc insbury

even-i the Maxouii

bullft lt lapters

rihe -wpre

an Ni

flower refre


Tit hm n j^

I Miss street

shower Miirtett i Tues

Rliests f tOVVll 1 Mrsj d Htitt MiVis lU-e|vn


biiij r I Miss CI I I -

i-e| race

i i l r j i k-

hi^-h sehi| whi i-h laquo Ui r i i i -t -- i n [

URhfer M r

t^le lix-Bll gtbullbull Jan I w a s h i t I t i l l ie l i e

l l r l c i 1 W here

of bull lit- niar-bullbullih raquol-i iRliter eijll bull) TrVr f l iani i ton-

Mi v Hyle Ttsvtliolimiru t o Piiuxhle Club

lenbers uf the Iinoi ertained at the hump

pa bulltlioloniew pHt Si T l irsdiy Honors wen1

lliam Hoffnian Mrs nv Mrs UiiRiist Sl r r y Welaquoe r Z e r

Mt InHlist Clioir Hlt ds I irnic

he eleiir of the Mel en Veil a pietlie supper of Mr and Mrs W A IV stal Lake Friday

sld iarraquoili

iUiize(l A HIT

leTfi|rt l friend


Hi| in the 5tgt2 is

Mr II i i^ j i |sc | i igti


iii lt

ert it

i list at th

Kvan ni

Kva i IIK

Package and Hull

0 urjide creaniis frozen rigit before y(|ur eyes in dur[ from the highest qual|ity materials obtainable


Vanilla i New York Chocolate

Dont bullnildren

Miller i


Ziirderfi Fgtntertain a t Beieflt i icnic

^jlr and Mrs WJ C Zander entei-t a i i ed about one hundred atiid fifty friends from Chicago at a picnic ltiinheoii Wednesday a t their home in C u l a township- AVidnesday fnr the bulliiii gtfit of the Old Peoples hpme of St Pau l s church in Chicago

iss their M i

bulla S tn- a t lt

frac34 ess Sat pa n son

oliored M r s

tt and

M Mr dre pici

M Mai wer am r i i iv

color borne | - j

dainty j t gtse of (

s t r W o

spe - dau

Sarah Dawson Entertains orn Koast

iss Sa rah Ann Dawson w o a group of friends at a cor lrday evening at the home nts Mr and Mrs Roberl west of town The youn

the evening playing gji ing

n t

Saliirt Sunday Sdidor Class Entertained

i i T

Su hon son iug f i ^ -sup |

he Delta AJfiha class of the lay school was entertained bull o f Mr and Mrs F r a n k near Lake Zurich Tuesdn bullIt was guest uightf am were present to enjoy the

icr and sm-ial hour which f

he Woman s Relief Corfo will have only irtie meeting d i i r i tg Sep-ten her It will be on Septenjber 14 A jiirge at tendnnce is expect


eag Mr Co

-tun a w Li

M and ores mit

^ Ma X tliof Yldl

t by gtf Hie at h i ^

tin | cottplt j

Cook is ford j

R fain Mrf


M t e r wet Mrs

M ilam CJio Sufi Iak ton

lull were of Mrs Hyle lltll liVitni won bf Mrgt|] -M

nvlraquo- It irMioi-t laquoon 1 Mrs

hurc l i home




M r s C l a of Oak Vafi K Selniltie Inst wpek

Guests Euifwit 0 Sunday w seina am Miss Ida Calif

i t t h j horn nfftjJ 201 fiu f^fr an

children riensema

3h- an sou Ifowart were^ ifties Foelschow Ktruing a ters

M r s F t of Cen

tsj of Mr |4(X E ml Mrs I

s host-l roast of her Daw-

j f o l k s jes and

t and Mrs Magill and family-mid and Mrs A Oheiiiluf at d cbil

417 Grove HVIMIUI fnj gtyed a ic near St ChilrleH^Sutlda

Miss E was Mi1


velyn Senner of Vera Ci dys

Mr am Russell and Mrs Joseph is a siste

Mrs E street aro


MP^ Eibma Aline Lowe of ChienRo ah ^fer of A itioeh mot ton Moiidiy to visit Louise So

Andrew week of fi

It 108 E

Pede rsen bulliliing a t 0

near Blooner Wi

Saletn at tliej Peder-

even-ahout picnic

I lowed

W a l t e r Calif is Louise ship

Martin of

s Vivian Scott Mrs t and H a r r y X Cole of

bull dinner guests Monday Mrs J Kdwatd Ieiss

Ion township

fiiistfic hicago bullf M r f Itar-

r C P Ilitwley was hostjss itt a and bunco party Wedneraquoilny ajf-

IMIII af her home lM lt ltocik t given for the heneit

nans Reliiff corps of ihe

r- and Mrs Albert Allen spent Sunday it the h ind Mrs Edward Ost tgt0M S street bull bull

of flli-ilue of

iss Leoline 1-raquoix of WauliOian re-ed home Sa turday after s lendiii eel with her cousin Miss Phvflis

r and M r s William Somiuprfield son William and daughter Dol-were guests ofVMrs N Stein-of Rogers P a r T h u r s d a V

Mr anlt children un lay foi two wee father T

Mr C 42 Grovej


is w i t h Helrriirian

Mrs Keith 2L1

Laurii La Coolidge

na iromi-th 10laquo F and Mrs Chicngo week a t and Mrs

Louis Sunday a 221 Cool

Mr an S Hough over the V Mitch

Mr am Rranson visited at E Libert

Mr nni son Edwa Wis to of Mr (J Mis J G

Mr an son Wayi Coolidge i the-1iome of Fr iends

rs K F l iralidt and daughter-ami sons JamiK and Uwiry 417 lough street leTf^Wttlidavt for a

gtr trip to I the Black Hi(ls and iwstone pafk

v and Mrs Charles Dnisisel and y were guests a t the hnme of

and Mrs Leon Newton o|f May- 1 Sunday

rs Cora Purcell and gcaiiddaugh-Lortdei Langendurf spent the -end at the home of Mr and bullWilliam Rut t of Waukegan

r and Mrs George Folkrbd and hters Florence and Mildr^dgt 808

avenue motored to Michigan lay to visit friends a t M ^ g i e l t f n

near IHowagia and also a t Ben-Harbor

r and Mrs William Grunau and Charles of Edisjgtn P a r k visited

Mn Grunau s - parent^ Mr atpl Mrs W Unman Sunday- raquo i

Mlstf Miirjorie Ivuhlman Who is in tra ining at Presbyter ian hosptfai Chiiago is spetidina two weeks vacashytion at tlie home of her parents Mr ami Mrs Higtrniriu Kuhhnan 800 Iibt rty streot

tiLA VOM F^tllSH Strawberry Pintapple-Nui Ban ma-Nut

foi^et Xrt to slaquond| the p ^ n ^ -iftlaquor tliat great bi tgtt V 4 U I I C

P tm

Ask About Our Week-End Specials

Fruits Black Walnut Maple NUt Palmer House



rles Albei tson and children ijk wore 1 uets of M rs B

uf Mr and Mrs Main street on Mrs John Ben-

of Onarga and if Los Angeles

imk Strains and er Square NV Y and Mrs W C

Jlaiiv street Mrs uelschow itpe sjss-

of Mrs

iWallacc 223 W enter ta in ing Dr Morr is of St k Mrs Morris SVallace

and Miss Clara 1 Mrs J e a n All-gtred to Barr ing-their aun t Mrs

Lincoln avenue

i s enjoyang a Id Timers resort

Martjn visit ing

J Sweitz pent the

^)1 wan ken William II

iri inm of the W a n

IjsffD nvonut I -

l Mrs Tl( 4treiit ha

wiokjend 11 ol Eva

Mrs |Fre iikd MIS H

tlie ludd ( 1 street k

Jfrs rjl let plMlll (thlHilltls

thmi ii


Pa Sll 1 w

and dan eiiut vis

)f Mr a lit li p Wis

C nd Saturdij Only

f Los Angeles is bull mother Mrs

larrington town-

) I l e r r in iah and avenue left SiVt-Mich to spend

Mr IFerr imans

idwer and son avenue Miss Ed-

Stat ion strent and children of

irst par t of the a s guests of Mr )mnth

Chicago spent Olmslead home

bert Marsh (U52 as their guests

dr and Mrs A iston

I Olson Mrs- A Mildred Branson alkitis home 14 nrliiy

I Grothtnan and iday for Merrill bullek (it ihe- home lurenls Mr and

PPP bull bull bull bull

m vffi


guests at the Golden home |wcrte Mr and Mrs Sandfort Rieke and fwn Jack Mrs Ernest Rieke and Mrs Mason Coe and daughter Mary Alice and wn Ned of Barrinilton and Mrr iinna Gomm of Chicago

Jfr and1 M ra daughter Audrey of Wayne traquoont Sunday at- the Henry Wolthhuueu tfitte 0UAV Main sj^et

Little Mis$ riefii Oimsteads spent the welaquok-end JTT the home of Mrs Wallace Qrlttiin of Chieajfo t

a^ied Miss to spend t|ie

ering home

Pickering ho me

Mc and Mrs [jnmilyi of Edison it the home of

Park spent Mr and Mrk

Waldo HeMungH and dore schutt Tieir daughtr Rose r a longer y

I Mr awfl Mrs Roy Klepper and son RoyJr 22raquo V Lincoln avenue sbeM from Sunday until Wednesday ar the Dells

mary remained ft Iter grandparents

Miss Etna Dai Is of aiico a gjiest- of Miss Adeline Okt f day imtil Tuesday

Dr and raquotrs W O Biirklu rdt Iil2

Mrs M a s Lines was amonsr the guests a t a bridge-luncheon Thur sday given by Mrs L C Bobbit of Chishycago bull

Miss Virginia t j jeske-of Wheeling is visiting her uncle and- aiint Mr and Mrs Henry Schroeder

Mrs Ida Jjones of Chicago is spendshying the week 130 W Main s t reet

with Mrs Henry Donleaj

Mr and Mrs E lmer Jackson 31J Grove avenfe are motoring through Canada this month bull

Mr and Mtrade George P rudau and Bernice Collins of Chicago were guests of Miss Ju l ia Lamey Tuesday

Mr and Mrs Charles Wendt and family and Missl Florence Niss of Bar r ing ton spent Tuesday i r i E lg in

Miss Grace Cast le at tended a bridge-luncheon S a t u r d a y - a t the homw of Miss Mary Elizabeth S t ewar t of l ies Pla ines

Mrs Janies Hafftier and daughte r Nancy re turned Sa tu rday from Pal i shysades Mich where they spent the pas t month with Mrs Wesley1 Par shyker

Cooltd-ge avenuf from Cable- W

[the pasttwo wee Their son-in-law and Mrs A L have been their their home in Atlanta Ga S

Mr and Mrs returned Sunday tion at Pelican

D amp and iMrsJ Sa tu rday f i r Can The i r Mild who have spent a d a W j l l re tu rn home with tl em

Mr and Mrs infant daughter Mr and Mrs nesday

Dr and Mrs

Mrs B u r k h a r d t Ehman of Chicaro

Mr and bull Mrs daughters Ellen

M r s F rank Par t r idge and Mrs I I Blood- spent Monday a t thej J Corr home in Woodstuck-

Miss Anna Jean Beck of Wausau Wis is spending the week here with h e r g r a n d m o t h e r Mrs J o h n Welch He-

Miss Evelyn Pickering of-Sheldon Wis was a guest of Miss J u n e Ketel this week Mr and Mrs Albert Ketel and (laughters J u n e and Leona aegt

ctor Rieke and ghter Carol 215 ted last week at airs E Golden

On Sunday other

ny Kind of


flRT MILLER Prop 114 S Cook Street


August 19 to 1 September 3rd

Inclusive Our Regular $7 Permanent Only

$5 Complete with Shampoo and Finger jWave

We test your hairmdashand adshyvise the type of I Wave thats exactly suited to YOU Noth-

bull ing can add more charm to your appearance than peiv

fectly groomed hair Have one of our Permanentsmdashandj be ready for any festivity-

Open Tuesday Fiiday and Satshyurday evenings Other evenings ltby appointment

VANITY BeautySKoppe

POR WQypSS WBiO CARE bull 110N Hough St

Tel Barrington ^01

nd Saturday Aug 19-20


Spring thickens Lamb Smoulder Lamb Stew

furger 2 ax

per lb 23C IA18c iraquo10c ib9 29c

Quck Arrow er 8c

Soap Chips pkg 25c Strawberry Peach (XJ

Mb jar for l t C

Pejuiuf Butter Malco

Rice Krj spies Fresh

We^cSivei Phone 28 Open

10c 2 pkgs 23c

Frui t i anil Vegetables

61 Sunday Morning 800 to 103

( bull



Albert Schutt and

returned where til

ts at Camp i and dauil

rice and fat guests bullbull rett

Friday y spent rescent ter Mr illy who riled to aturday

E Burns an 1 family from a weeds vaea Iiake Wis

Dean Bro Interna tiortal ren Polly ai the summer

Fred Gusjtke and of Chicago Visi ted

D Churifh Wed-

W G Bi 132 Coolidge avenue1 are entertaining

s sister Miss Ida

iv N S4 and Beth


Sunday Tlieb-

sft with

nda was oin gtrf

)ks left Falls

d Deane in Canr


tmvd Sioux Falis 8 I^Tuesday f^en ing Mis JS Iward Jt) dd of Dubuque

acompanied them visit several Rev and ahs Charts DrusselK

bullbull Mr D Hough street Flock and e|iildfeh fHotn a two Black HIHH

1 RkhtiteMi 42 IN and Mrs Win nf tur^e^SunSfJiy

weeks m|gttor trip to tm 8 i)

Mr land Mrs nolluid Butler flnd dauffhtec Betty of dinner guestf of Mr Sehwemiii

Walter ( street and ( ton spentSaturday n at Waupaca

and Mrs Pa MW Chicagoraquospeijt Sunday Gossell horn

Mr and Mrs W family of Jewel park at Woodruff Wis tl

Mr and Mrs daughter Bety Mae frfr Kansas City Mo Monroe f6r a week

Mr and W Station s Mrs Audley t d v e Sunday


weeks w home and bull will t h h e r BAWljitSj

and Mr r

Qlaquok -Park wore and Mrs War)


ijinon i 1 Jharles P

bull - bull bull bull

i SV nusseU iwllk of WHea bulllit and Sunday


a rs and re turned

family Miss ton family M r

son and fain O G511y of

Chailes Wendt and illy of Barring-illiam Niss jjmd Ijeon Fredrick

dnd Mrs Daniel


Tulesday August X3|iid ALL SEATS

il Andrews bull of at the August

838 V Jake street

F Conrad find ace vacationing is week

Dellnyrt Weber and eft Wednesday o visit Mrs M

drs George Butler 2(17 treet entertained Mr 4laquo1

Smith gtf Washington


0 Ricartfo Cort BZ mdash Robert Armstrong

Helei i Twelvetrees in Brightest inappiestNewspaper Stotff

j oftheSeason 1

Nevis Comedy and Sport l ight Added

S h o w s at 700 and 900 d m





Ry-Crlip NiB0 r

torna Doono ihort Bread Cookljus LB Elglt Oclock offlaquoe



2 2 bullgtTL8gta|5e

PKQ i o r

Red Circle Col Fee Bokar Coffee bull Cer o 1 ( ) 1 ( 1 ( 4 Na^ y Beanraquo Blulaquo gt Roce Rice Jel le Oood Luck Margarine

American Family Soap Amitrlcan Fan illy Flakei Noi lhernTluue

Watermelons Cantaloupes Ji|mibo Indiana Blberta Peaches or Barthtt Pears




m LB 1raquoe

LB 23c LB 27c

Bomearc 3 LD8 1 ) r

isa CIO 2-LB mmm PKQ a M




Round Indiana ea 29t 2fgtr25c]


4 lbs 19C

9c PKO

A ta-oz CAN3

4 PKQ 50C

AampP Food Stores C r r a l M l

S T E I U lt D I V I S I O N

a m i I a i i l i i 1 I I lt O I I I I

-Pranli Rutehlns MrVand M HutcHniR Mr and Mnraquo K and flmily ot Oak tfirk w at bull ^Icnjc atr the home of GilJyfBftrriogtdn townVhip day

fitrittn-dAlrM O BlerjJvi 4the following guests iSmu and M rH B Kempner |nnl Heijetw lraquolaquork MIHWlaquo Antm ma Bietsel| of iieerji m Biickiimn -of HnvenswooH

bullV B wick ItiMii 1-1 I


bullbullI mi Mr iv of

bull bull l l urv


GEORGE BRBN 10c imd 30c to s

alter 8^0--15c anc


0 T 00

4 M

after 630



m urn -s

iVED-THURS-Fl AUG] 245-2laquo

ECIAL ADMISS All Seats 1 0 c


7(rrf-H E A V E N

bullF TH1



10c and 30c to 8(0 aftiej-8C0mdash 15c and | 0



Pifty-NinthAiinu| bull bull bull bull i n v 1

Evang OpensHete

lTnl m (bdquo^ed from I1-

bull i K-firlwrn ltuperintelaquodeatt bullIf rifc-l laquoraquogtlaquo bullnlaquoMo u n rJ lh nn lltlaquossltyi espojraquoftion

ampVvZ ltbullKelaquoraquo K T 8 V

bullP liildroiiHdivisionX

l ^ (Vlr nni Mrs VV L t Mult(

lunV M- Wiliiin bullrfWlan Kl44 Slgt bdquo KviiijtilistiV wtrn ia i

AV I ISIIIJIIJIII Bjl in Open H4rorebfttr-

^ i J i T i n - V ^ok 1ieo|ils mpoiii bull (H-hL-afto B r ~ lt V led lgtgt i bulliKi H-iIJyinS laquoIP gt bullraquogt

- i i - i 1 d i a r i e s H - H V a i

bullAvrfllaquop r ^ Kv-tiinS laquotraquoHVPE J |bull raquo- Keen ^

Monday Vu8- Sft bull L bdquo MinistV- i-)iimfil

^ - r-rofessor Keen _ - j

10 sor |llte

I bull)laquo(

|v plvfl mdash bullbullbdquo l i | ) l e s i l l i lymdashil- ro^ i i FelligtWNlngt ^r^n-

n iv nbdquo K_ J Bruso De in

i f-r-y - -

1 Workers J o iferei iiliK-iiHoMal Tafk of j


f i 1 - U ltltgt f hiMHlt 1 -igt

hiivli I I i i r i n i - t i k i i v h x a ^ bull laquo laquo laquo Mraquolaquol- - bull bull j trade-j- ]gt m- Quiet half hirt -riV-n mljtaiiMi anlaquol prjraquoyr

-^7-1- p m-lt s raquo wTvief lit- JrMr Wiewid- ltbull bull j-bull [i-(lii l1 iraquo -Kvonniff wraquo)rslii]raquo serv J y Kev V K Klaquoen -j

Tnltsday A B 3 3 f v n i in Minis ters ro invU

ihgt ilislriet superir-tesule bull clwir pn i ii Missionary prayer nje

ine- bull bull il Id II i is Adilress-ny njgtvinaj

bull_]( 1 1 ( jSulir o f j h ia- ]o | A in - Wonien s n ii-si

gtBf-r - -V Hy -Mrrt li i Mi mati

4 raquoM 11-11 i m Mltsioniify lally i

[vliar ( li unftiittee Add res v j Misgt S i i n liiiierirfiind s i i i e r i n t u Idem i lil|Ie Wgtnieiix rairiih gtwhltraquo1 T1-V- Jigtpnn bullbull 1

(IMi1 p i n Workers ooi fefen^ hTlwiin bull il l-dueatioHiil ask (tho Clinr h II Missionary fmgta^

_Sli- 1 II Itaiiyrii(vJiid I p in (osul Sniijraquogtlaquo rvii-iraquo S (lii ( ii Ivifyiretilaquorieinyllaf

s-inr IV lr- W W Sh-iii^ I IJneMla) Aliff 21 j -

Nl i iii bull Alilllstirs laquoom rilfe i ilplaquo- in-gt uiiTeli^in by traquor Kwilui

-Hi i in Hi-ldi -bulljtiidymdashJe- V pound1-11 i i (Jeniuiu fMeueJi ng frac34 j l i e bull - i i 1 i igtmdashUev M K I filllj I-U i

2 -II | LI Fellowship sltrvii-c Jnmn In li-v 1 -L ^bullIjweifzifr ( i 1in p in Wor^Vs confer pTIiiiiii- Ti IvIin-iiLiiHiiil Tasll

J-Clltir- I l l Ieade|gtliii S | l-ltiv II I Siiinsi-n (

Tlmrvl iy n K 27i l i -Sgt(i i m M i n i v e r s -41111-IjAtiliy| -i^li r r o ^ r a m IV-| WIISI-ln-f (bull

Wlaquo 1 fii Pilil^ sliv I W- Hhi imtVii 2i P uy Kllvvgthn

111011 h i-v p j I W0e| an-1111

0-iU -p 11 Worker Illiiine --n Fliiifi)na|

nmiili- J v lovaltv gt nraquo N is-- bull bull T

S-MKI bdquo Ki-ancelivii I Wm h Kev W W ampbdquobdquo

^oca Womafti Pays $12^ ( lo Ioarn Peddlers i f c x i

raquo piei-ielji l t i i i thl rj If 5straquojk -r a tui |it ^X^ll^e-Ji aiji l i e -drill -

se lU l l f l | ( t l 2

$il I

1-^igt| f |utf llIH


in eat tinii

O v i i i erhei Iter


bullbullii iniie from |^ i l

ttaiiil iM bdquosgtihly d In til 11-1r f | i m i l l

laquo0laquor Hi pelll^ hinvs ty 1 bdquo- l lllK r t l L I (

nlaquo-ki Igt A1 | bdquo r ) tHilt CNils bdquo -f i j s S M i s

|laquor fbdquo nwi bdquo | n v n W i n bdquo U-I]MIK a t a l l

bulllaquobullltgtgtbull Me h a s t o t a i n

^ ^1 v bdquo lt 1PVV1 Nlil1 raquo H - X p e bdquo r l r o | i s

totraquo|l-f-| is mlt-j KH Kti n bdquo n m l l i v t i Wl Hiiin s |bdquo rtverhoai

gtraquobull r-iil - 1 bdquo U [ t ( gt

raquoltbull laquo 1 - r l bdquo bdquo l o n i

JJ-I ~0 |00ti T1 e |aribdquo 11 1 - 5 I 1-11 in long p m t I $ mdash bull bdquogt 1

|-A- and TonnageJSnlei ^rop 393 Per

I i1 l)bullgt-for fh | S B bullbullraquobullraquobull raquoraquo were t t I--- with w 1frac34laquobullbull rj-lod in-11frac34frac34

III- ^V^saiO i^-V1 S S I M l


I K V i-laquolaquoraquolaquoraquo iw nluinti bull HtaW 1laquo V


^ 1 Mi V^ ^ MS bdquo imred laquolaquo Il^ tijjiV rr wn

^V11 decreuKi

111 I

bullFujy 11

bully IIS



of bullHinititi1

Ith of 4


fjer I lisoif


S-1 ^--


Ilj rHi


eoniertip Tiskvlt |

bull bull - bull bull bull bull bull ) amp

+rvv raquo1raquoraquo

1 if ai|gt 4V

ily hi nfi) r bull KKO-S gti- bull

n a n uy~trraquo t


i3U four

SraquoM t)27laquo 11 nd i

toir gtei4

t mi o f iraquoV| or X

laquo4amp of h


k 1 y^

sgtia 5S- ffl i

raquodl laquo pr 1

We| 1-111frac34

Ti reimii

W i

iraquolaquofnlii wer

$y7m Knli^H Wet ton4^2

005 li

There Is a ^Marketfo

JEAL ESTATE L ^ D S bull if in default arl Ki

- frac34 qo t r ^od laftd ^bullurit^s -

m-^ Hiai

pfault W e buy unlived

eouponi cashed

G ^ raquo E i i D r j ^ laquoCdMFAr

l S bull t a l l es t ^ 4 ^ W i o n

4 7 laquo -


bull 1

irmlriit In 1 y HIIlS IMO-|nisitii)n by

T S vi-igtnL

In in

Poui -H Club ROUT d-Up

H i 4-H ( picnh Farm

u h M|iihl IpA bullmummdash


r-itra or

1 lt

-bull fbull Wi

Mr i en-u j iiddreses

r 1113

1- v i bull bull i i l l l i

-Ai l -

Ex at [ITorntr lor r jIJ S Igt s

- t l

TV fraquo ])eer

and to

spOns OFCU

and I [ome

liib ljounduj raquoml farmers by the Lake County Bureaus Pure Milk

a s s o c a t i o k Hotytefr 1 reeders asao-ejr Breeders associashy

tion I Farm Supply cltmpany and Dairj Hejrd Improvement association will lie held at Cedar Crest Country luh igtn l|toujte 59 one k|alfmile north of Grind avlt nue

H ^

govern raquo m IK


bull bull senat


to El

(Mill Ti -k

S bulliS

ceno bdquojf the

h o u r lVlT bull - d i r e c t

bull l i p i T V i

(ltgtX j [Lak( Co System Cuts Bonded

Ijnd^bt edness j $ 139305

Report Shews

bull 1 1


Ni-ii in (bullbullmlcnf

1 vy meet

iin-fiiiV ii 11 missionary

1 IKIgt |

raquoiJlv in Address by -r]raquoi-|iiiin-


bull bullinigtiriiiiiraquo I Task of igt Speaker

1111 OptU

sehediles ltlu



on |

lt I scho




s coninicnted

hllaquo) a





bull bull 111II ad- Sluiiillotl gtbullbull Ilev V I-llillC SCI-

| K-isid-

v I1 S T -1 gty lt J race

bullgtnfitviiltilaquo Y-i if tllli


bullitiH (bulliir liv Philip

ymdashDr W

bulll id ST-i-ii Loek-

bullmfiTcnee bullTask of the

bullaker Rev

Iiiii Will 1

I a ke oiiUry sraquof port

ti tt Illbtf 1 itybt

of anI

dlstrit tin

ts have no Will feel tilt

ill reilficid Inconi only slight-tlieitH 1 Hist cut the corners more Hyj t l te Hii|MvrviitltjnltuU pointed

A Mli l l

Ixper p bulllt siuref nllt

Stall istics prepared fk the report liowi il t|)ht teachers Inijtlio eloriien

Jury IIKJ |MlaquoM owlary schools lnit year eariicl $(115017(1 Tt(ls bullIIKIIV all SI bsfllutes 111

yVuts win ti tight half t

Mnlutuln High

ckniiilv boasls Ilit sell on distri (JllltlM iiuiki llllllV and lM7

4 prop )2S

aimers Picnic Be Held August 30

resijlerit will deliv a t 8 p m D

of th nien v h o have heird Mrs Mies in Lake o u n t y recom-

ery man h^ar Mrs Mies aldreis a^ t i e picnic

bull Mies Stale Home Biir-er one of her S T Many

|gtr Len Sraitll will speak S T ane either Judge

is running for bovernor Dieterich iand^ate for r w i l l s p e a i at 12 noon

p Expicted Run on Normal


ake einintj

15 and open

vounty ho

ring the coning year W ounty superintendent of


w l e u he made

inual reporj to the state

it Monday indelitediiMs

and wl ifh

lijiimhrr r Tp



ut w4uonrgtK-ou

schools will

to on ljormal

IniliuliiiR re-aiul interjext- pity incuts

all Hchool In iniliidlug tirade and xec-

gtts nciOrdiiig to the re-

Hgure lushyll Hiiperlnten-mi or moii

Itank lt cisht high

10(1 ehintjiiiiirv sthool iucliiilc an unprecf-bull with -superior

sdiool liopulntion in-iu th secondary schonls n tfi grades a totiit of

~il ttathers on lllitrp iiro Kiiliir Ktaff imattd valtif of tin stiioo bullty anil pquipiiutilt is S7S0-igainstj -which is Outstanding a

bondc 1 djbt of S2S-(Uirraquo0 Tax in come froni the various districts isjii-27041 If) ntu the total income from ill si Urces for operating the -county

-1 laquopound


S degrse Uni-


Teaching Staff Is Comphite for

Local Schools Continued from page 1

^tate Teachers eol|eje Whitewater

W i s commercial A

Harold Hunter I

versify of IUinb|s

bookkeeping and -assistant-detach

Miss Olive VYinn B A degree

Iowa State Teachers college Iowa

State university mathematics arid

physical education bull

Miss Esther McKercher B A deshy

gree Iowa State university Univershy

sity of Wisconsin foreign la iguages

T C Hosford B 3 degre 5 ^Cnox

college M A degree University of

Chleago social science awl a|ssistant coach

Paul ^ Clark B p- degree Knox college^1niversity of western university science apd head coach bull bull -gt Miss Ethel Schwab1 B A North Central college dramatics

Miss Annabel Leon hard A B deshygree Northwestern tiniversitjf Engshylish

Miss Marjorie Benjnett B S deshygree University of iJinnesota| home economics

Lee T Smiley 1 A B degreje Iowtt State Teachers-college manui 1 tra^n-iiiR

Miss AgnesWlaquolcli Northeifn Illinshyois State Teachers cq lege Ui iverstty of (hieago Northwestern university junior high librariaij girls education

Drives-Chevrolet Six Through African Jungle

Dr Arthur Torrence antliropolo gist specialist on tropical and Fellow of the Hoyiil So England Ktopped off In Dot cintly on hist way honje front tirlp to Africa on s^ieutllh 11OIIN

(hurrying him on his viny fornia where lie is a


ilisenses-bullletjrof roit re-Hs fifth expedl

0 Cali-nieinbti of the

Hooper foiinilation iiml of th eal School of the University Hforhhi was n 102raquo Chevr whlc-h he drove iKroiJM the ct of Africa from the list to t jcoast through -1000() niiles 0 passage all under the ciir pmyer except for an Iminmsii niiles

Studies of gtjlecpingt

bull Medl-of Ciil let Six Mitinent lie west

Jungle own

hie 100

which Dr Torrence Isan iitt11

al authority took hi in on h niisiion^ to Africa There 1 surveys of Ihie deadly -Tsr spreader of The disease and

sickiiess on rant ion-is early e j made so- fly among


Cents Admission Lharge for Movie a t

c4f-low Nes t Tuesday

his strange cargo there vereit|vo small crocodiles afllieted with the

j which he was taking home ther observation They -are reservoirs nf the parasitic g reported

On an earlier expedition I rence happened into a stranite of dwarfs in the Lake Chad on the edge of the Sahara which one school of scientists

- v bull are a remnant of pre-histori zdtlon and may prove to h|e Cradle of -flip Human Race live in caves a cent1 have a jabber instead of -language on rootsand vegetables and rjesemble

nickelodeon pictures jvhen a small

an adult to recalled next gtple bull of Bar-

pygmies a-Uhougltgt lacking in a ml stflmi lia Dr Tprrenees

courage further-

studies of them during his niost re be set dow n in a

Jnt|gle-ttent tnpj are book from -hispen entitled munia

State Anti-Rabic Treatimeiijt Costs Are Inci eased

Declaring that bankrupt infected with nind dogs nre ly imposing on -the state by If a enforce regulations concerijti and quarantine laws relating io-fan

l)r Andy l lull sfjitt pointed out In 0 rltcet

counties serious-llnre to J

s d

heal h tf stats-

ment thill the demand for ai ti-ruhic treatments at state expentfe this year has exceeded all pciiciirc and that funds


laquo0 ant e

appropri is pur

fur i-

degree sh arid

What part of the tax dollar as It

limes into the federal treasury must

lib expended because of warmdashto meet

charges growing out of wars we have

already had and to pay the cosjt of

national defense maintained in antici

c|ation of possible future wars

That is a question which has been

tsked many times and variously an-

8 wered the answers apparently de-

Iending ratter upon whether those

making them preparedn ojr against i|t than upon any exact

ilrulation But here ils the answer of the sec-

rfetary of the treasury computed upon t i e expenditures of the fiscal year

mi The total

elrnment for t il expenditt revenues) Were $42o725727953 t l i s total current expenditures

ational defense accounted for $70$-531805 p i 1 6 5 2 per cent cent1-02155995707 or 24 per cent repre-s intji niilitar7 pensions annuities alshylowances and life insurance claims on

ocount of p i s t wars and fixed debt c iarges and debt-(principally wrar debt) amount t gt $105201 S98182 or 2471 per c raquo n t Tlie l i s t two amounts aggre-g i t ing $207 09384892 or 4871 per cmt represent- the current cost of r(ast Wars

Tlie expend therefore or

st] nd for national defense during the steal years 1

1)2302950 0 t raquotals expend

spendltures craquopta) for thnt period

Tlie percflMnges -may vary car to year agtNraquoi result of the Inelu

s o n of extnovtlhMjrv itetris perhaps o a tempqri|irv chihacter but there

icy t ttiii r 11 vlti

Sti lion


nley as I tea

11 el IfiHi an 0111 it Lake

ecelved il requl

Mis 1 Injun

y uit lein nisi

lilment or fur-epfable ilm he

Tor-tribe I

strict desert believe civili-The

TJicy tind of subsist

fi|5 Per Cent of Tax Dollar in Federal Treasury Spent

for Past and Future Wars

expenditures of the gov-1931 (exclusive of pos-res payable from postal

Of for

itures of the government^ account of past warsj

)31 amountedto $27774 C 05231 per cent of the[ ures (exclusive of postal payable from postal i-e-i

are for laquo523

nd for

Thgt meir-w to Will hi fir roke inelui line was out ampn art

^ r Kuebler Violthausen

uesday mor


imed Kenni


were for

interest on the publie up Henjry M Stegniattsuggests to

Health Seal Idea Taken Up in Delaware in 19017

The idea of a health seal or the antl-tuberculosls seal was suggested by Jacob Rilsj the social reformer and author In an aftlcle In ihe Outlook for 1907 he told ho Christmas stamps or seals had been sold in Dent mrk for the supshyport of a chlldrei8 hospital and his article suggested the adoptio|n of the Idea In this country i

His Idea was taken uraquo In thill year by Miss 13milyi P Blssell lt f Wilmington Del In a- local camshypaign By this method she raised $1000 toward paying for the site of the first tuberculosis gahitarttiiQ In Delawarei-Hope farm^ -f

bull - - bull bull - bull - i

The nation-wide sale ofiseals wns thereafter sponsored as a means ltf raising funds bythe Red Cross The distribution of them now hOweve Is fn the hands of the National Tushyberculosis association and Its 21C0 state and local branches The double-barred cros which appeals on the Christmas seals Is the symshybol of that organization

Nap Dis t inct V a l u e Thle nap mnly s e r v e a s a plck-m-


1931 For^war past and cents of evtraquorv tux tlo1raquo

ill the KovernimMital aclaquo gts o f piiice 3472 cents

red lit Accident Iflurllu son-- of Mrs

ilou and Will (lalushii iiiitoinoliile Hceldenl near MI Friday evening 8tun-so iliiany scalp wounds red 20 si itches to close oiiiiiiiiiloh was not Her-

(otToetioJt ho found the body of I he Miller who died from a cd (leorge Kuebler The unintentionally omitted Ily published last week

accompanied by Henry inade the discovery on ling of last week

Births and drs Waldo Shuett an-

nbunee the tiirth of a son burn-Fri-d iy Aug 12 at the Barrington Oen-

rul ixospita bull The hoy has been th Lee i

Ads Bring 1esults

-laquogt bullbull ii m-i|i

J C Cadwallader High Grade

Watch and Clock Repairing

the readers of Hygela Magazine- I little snooze for the nervoui tired man in the afternoon ma make his night s leep more soothim

Many persona who have long rides oti elevajed trains or s u b w a j s catch an bour or two of sleep 1 a this wily ft Is surprising bow one ennmechanica l ly t ra in oneself p i t to i sleep past ones destination Others before going out in theeveshyrting catch n few winks of sleep Housewives have found a short hap after the lunch hour of -greijt benefit

One can get n better quality df sleep In n imp than In tho average of u full nights rest for tho ^flrt|t two hours of sltMp are the deepoa The imp Is hardly In consonanqH Willi lite bustling American splri but thnt la nil the more roasoh

It ^ X


ENTERTAINMENT PRICES SLASHHD Fltlr Twerity^ive Cents Admission

Americas Greatest Agricultural Show

The |V

Illinois State Fair j


Aug20to27 Presents t

1 2

bull3 i-4


National Swine Show National Shorthorn Exposition National Hereford Exhibition Regional Jersey Catshytle Show

and bull y All Veterans Day bull Aug 21 A i

Grand Circuit R a c ^ g Aug 22 to 26

fs An Inexpensive Outshying for the Entire Family

vacation Idndmdash rom your Telephone back to the folks at

home let them| hear about the

fun you are hating and know that

you are well and enjoying the priceshy

less vacation days Wherever you

are you will find a Bell System

telephone nearby Remember the

7 it our aim to Jar nisb the best postiile telephone service at bulltbe lowest possible cst cost lis smalL Wherever you call

New Tcrraplane Cars on Display at Hudson-Essex

Driven here from Detroit where Amelia ICarhnrt the first woman aviator tgt make a solo flight ocrosg the Atlai tic christened the first^-of tlie new models by smashing a bottle containini airplane gasoline over i t s radiator the (first of th l new jEssex terraplan i automobiles haye reached Barringtoa and are at the showrooms ofj Barrin [ton Hudson-Essex company lofcal Hudson-Essex dealers

JNamed the terraplane because of its many characteristics in common with the lirplane the mvr car paintshyed a beautiful bronze and with the winge(f)tt rraplape emblem painted on its sides will sell at a lower price

Da It



HDlll now on the American market r he cur ijrrlvlng heri riraquodraquontly

OIK of morn than pound 0 0 0 Whichwet drl en a way from Detroit In a parade Inn icdlately following the dedication of enr No 1 for Orvllle Wright o f

ton 0 inventor of the alfylaae was the biggest driveaway e w r l

stated by any automobile company eve i In Detroit the automobile c a p shyital of the world

The parade route through Detroit wat a sea of banners flog add bunt as testifying1 to the importance wh eh Detroit ] placed on the huge demonstration officially introducing

new Essex gt tcrraplane to the American and Canadian public

Classified Ads Bring Results

Ladies9 and Gent Gleaning Pressin A Iterations and Belining at jprice|s traquo suit every pocket book


5 5 6

Wo C ll and DeUveir





158 V IASTbdquo YEAR


bull A I last winter the Wei ither rep 3ft was Fair attd Wafmia this Wilmette honje (93 free fuel heated its seen^oonGS at a total cost ofjoniy

J under the present house-hlt ating rateitWJby not find what gas heat will gt ost for y nr home Call now] for a ^estimate Public Service Cot tpam of^rtbem Illinois



Elmwo )d Avenie|( Gas thefcare-

Telephonie Harrington

tMnliB yoor appoinf-mpri now for Fn) fan ace inspection t

Arnold H

wiinmhni^ D

WJ will itakc orderdTor fn e heating plant iin-sp iction for the next six da S j Aug 19]25 Inci an I we- will make thi spi ctions prior to Sept 1

PLUMBING mdash H mrim

[f your heating plant needs a new sm )ke pibe wewill njake the installation Of cast pipe at our low- aiummer jate and wi 1 clean ybur furnace or boile bull free i We win install sheet iron nace p| gte and clejan the nace or boiler at a special price

Other r pairs changed at s ack season rates The cosy ltf gt good repair joh will be paid back slt vera times over your saving on fuel


Sass i i



raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 2: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:

I f 1-

l j - bullbull

bullS f

M-1 bull

i bull v-I gt f-



M i shy

l l 7-


I 1



1 I

bull bull 1 4

K ftffeP bull i a i j itll- gt

M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a laquo ^ i f t ^ g i i e g raquo g -







m i n i



to VI


of V



hundred iliVl seven made in the raquo

show raquof tli Lake ^raquorilt y Woman dub

mill 1hui ltduy afternoon Kviiiinelicul

exhil it drew i par ish

good nt


vv tli


nltiiililiraquorlii^ II

bull iliraquo[iliiyi


Like Zurichs 2nd Annual Flora Bijings 217 Bntr Larcc Crowd View) Klojwer

Exhibit Sponsor td by Womans Ch|b


IIIMI en trie

ml iuijninil

h evciiint in

hall lendilm


liiiiton Floyd IIIIKCI llrs Puul Naftcy of

Fiigtngt nf Highland (IUIIJKH Weaver wji sixtf by Nlesduiiies A lrioi H Uiehler A (Jeonfc IlnliiliiiHttick Mi laquobull( Ffcik and Ruth Thin

Mis Otto Frank wns the refreshment ciiiiimitti


Mrs as-

A tfeh Serbian



latk el a im ii) n I ohm


a ssi and

F ribb whit Win

Bt st K


ns second prize red thipd ml honorable IIH-II tioti yjlt

tern in tile order nn npd fi collection of house pin A Irion perfect coitus

jjnst H

Y o n i liirnl on


Will K J

e| by M I Hans

bullsilmnis Fi

Exhibit I

st prize winners rce iv

Mrs M

YI)UIR F I rnmdashMi

of I6laquor -ins



all i

ik Hi








7frac34 bade jrive even viuiinlt

H a n d Concert Aug 20 Prairie View band under the

hip raquof Lloyd RltaentlialerwiH mi open air concert Saturday laquo AUK laquogt at 8 n m laquo laquo

lit between theHtnelnir Oil ttiitlxinnd Franks h e Cream parlor

M-it Mis Tonli

MM Fniiu local

Mr of tin

A l l s e v e n from while

Tin urilt


Local and Perianal



take Zurich Nine


was Inter

blue prize lhw low



mdash B i inn bwlt


X i Vonl H o w Hon tit ingt don orah

l i ly I r i o n bull Peifjjy K c h t e r limiiirali ltc|| Ave rimili

Krnitinsr Kxhillt III

ranueiiieiit of aiiniia iller Alice Toll lie Al ice Imlie l ion

Mrs Wen VIM Tin r Al ice T o n n e Mr lie Mrs ( Herschl trgit

mention Alice 111 ine

le i lent ion

i anjjemeiit of perenni its coiitlinermdashMrraquo Hesiliain Irngt iny In sniiill cunt J II we Mrs Miijme Pre

At imijeiiieiit of (buyeri VII i e

bask haije tnent ket

illlfc contirlliett Al bullllllteiiients of both i

pcri l i i ia l i in 1 Tont 1- Mrs 1 Howe I i t a i ilt rmdashMrs Hehweri Miiyi ie Prehin

MJ Mrgt V lirjno able

( Weavejj Mrs Au-Froelich Mrs Williltm KifiRRe

tljoniamdashMrs^ l)igtHrhraquogti K Mrs K IJramlinj

Mrs August FrKielii bber plantmdashMrs Ulaquoraquoe I w j nf not otherwiltiitlitf4lmdash

urn Knijj^e Mrs p f tojiiijr Ih-wirp-

KvhibiS II iVifraiieeiiieiit of (lowers bgt~ J-hlldriMi

an Mrs Mrs


s- ill Mrs



r l im im nun

n Mr r

l is


bullMiss M Fink l iltiijeinelit of Mowers ilk

ltil mdash Mi lt llllMlt u r n Mrs (pint Good Kms 0 I va rit You i f Wen runt inn

I gtn Aliiji mdashAl ponj Mrs Mrs Miss Alici Alici

bullK i Siilaquoi i | )s tioi)

Di H

Mrs hlaquoni

t Mrs Simmis f Mrs ltr Hichter

on Mrs Simons [ jMis Irimi Mrs

Kxhlbit IV iolm (red and bullbullear

(ieorije F n i s l i n i gtn M r s I V o u i u j

ii ir e v a r i e t i e s ) -Mr (J Krnsi i i i j M r s (

nut nwe vir eties | -i i k Mrs I 1 Sin

tjlse ho|nor|ab| srujill


hue honorable fineitionj rust ire I Inveiiilar unl pi s I mdash llilllot able llielitl Ml ^Ir

I basket aiTjViiieine(it) er Mrs A I l e y b e c k (vasi iiuiitraquo Mrs ( F n stinjj inldliistoi k Mrs 1 Kriji ili is (il r a t i v e i mdash A l i c e T

Tiiini AI fee T o i i n i (cai bull T o i i n - Mrs P Yu nifjl (

- M r s A (r ieseke M i - i P jY A (Jieseke honora fJieseki ( v a s e of


H vjiri holllil


he-chmier Mrs


Ton lie Tonne


irse J


II rlaquoe (1


Mint bullA l ife



lurtje Vil

CO able and

M(iinryer Frjust

-Mr Hi MH

holf irylili

i men dahl ia i)

5 I^in iraquons ment ion

I lescl i iuer Mice T o n n e hon

M i s IfrrsehlierKer ph raquo i i i in i - -Mrs Albe

Mrs ltJeorue | K 1 l w - i r raquo Mrs able inenio in M r s K

-t I|re uliilens

K m T | )eA

Kv bull r l a s t i n u mdash M r s ( I n h i h M i s

lt r e Toil

Ki Agt i

man frenlfc niertT Mrs hnno

(i M

Srl ilaquo iirnb


in Mrs Tom


IllilMlillstork Al

Exhibit V pdrnjjons-mdashMrs II Aelwil-idfr

Wt^i^v r ersmdash Mrs ( niasmdashnjiant) Mr

Mrs C Weaker lionorable nientiojn tdvarfraquo Maijorii )omliraquoiiville ( I I

alile mention Alire llardiamdashMrs Mayme riRivldmdashAlire Toiim IWII Mrs F l s i e l i r i e j j e

mention^ Mrs -Mai comlgt-^Mrs H Schi OT mdash (sinjjle) Mr St-hwerman (di


otli Pro nuni

It Mrs

nion men

Mar Mrs Mrs

er -Oraee l afrenu Mrs C

hbejgp^ owt


Vi bullhena-^-Mrs C HMM Si |MKlosi-iMr J tl

Frwl Krltraquolaquo Ilt imiiimdashMr 0 Richi

Krm linu Mrs A Seliwirmnii He ibiosa (Mournimr Bllaquolf

Ttraquoni e Mrs A Sehwermin How

Si rraquofl(raquowiTmdashironornbl Alici Tuiitip

A iraquoy iithir flowers nraquot In tinmdash Mingle WHltlaquohaK|n

Kjrojr Mr A Prehm h gtiin iraquort Mr Kittle Kruijupr

Exhibit VI re^t nntilnor flower dnnt


liMtUo Witdhftgou Mr Urs OtM Itohn In

ionl Mrs 0 Ernntini laquoenieraquot of vylfd rj

Itose Orimm find dauKhtiM Virifiiuii HlKwalt- lind iMr^Hiflji

ntrendeil the i-urvl party al Biltmbre Country cltih Monday nt-terholii

Waltir P h w lid ilaiiKhl isigti HaiTinKton iihMl laquoiti frieinli Thill-Hdjiy

and Mrn JMuytotr -IlutfhjinK--Ditimiiiid liiikt visited Hunday nt

Bin it home bull bullrt Uoeft has IetMi laid UD for

days from injuries rtwultlnii teppinu on a rusty nail Mnhdiiy workinlaquo on his house

executive boitfil nf thi ^laquoraquo1laquo Ii lommiiiiity wtmiaiis Oluh met iy af teniooii with M rs K Jack-teVire president to formulate for the pntitnutt next year I V

business was transacted and pej-ial nieethiK raquof the board will be

Thursday afternoon August 25 rs George Williams stf Vhair-

of committfis will report for the wok

and Mrs Ed Hutchinson of oni T are campins in Iioefts

Mobdquon son plan roijitii i 11

held at M men yea r

Mr Roekf

takers Collect Run in Fif h and


B|li[nd th thtlaquo Itike other victor Mt PtOHptMJt locals Inn (gt1i atltl HeVtMltll scored the

IV A t e rc i l iiit^


iC6-4 rheir Five

tenth Imi inp

rates hitt them led the it|)iece

Next Sunday tlilaquo Pj|ralltraquos will play Nine tenn from Chicago diamond

Croive j -Mitses Marjory Sodjrrbefg and Jean

Si-hat fer are visiting this week with rijlatires in Joliet

SMr and Mrs E Jackson Devyire bad ns guests oivr the week-cmlj Mr and Urs F N Culver of Nohvwul Park Mr and Mrs H 0 Caitldwell and Mr and Mrs Chesttfr Dewrre of Chicaso

Tlio Myosotis Bridue club of Oak Wooiis subdivisiiin had a luncheon Mondiy at the Pink Poodle at Half lgtay lollowed by bridjje

M n E IWntz and son of Chicago lire i isiting Mr and Mrs Philip ftcfiat fer T

Mrs laul Laseschulte Glcnwood Eiciitiuin and Junior Boegan attendshyed th- Charley Grimm day at Wrig-ley tii 111 in Chicago Tuesday

Lkse entertftiiifcd Mrs Gussle l lnrt

Mr| anl Mrs E Mrs Vivian Scott nud Iliarry X Cole at dinner Monday eveniijig aiul all attended Lounsbury Iliapt -r

(Sii-sls Sunday of Mr rtml Mrs W 1- Buhr were Mr anil Mrs G Erickson mid daughter of Chicago and Mr iuraquod Mis Kby and daughter J of Nlaquogtrwoilaquof| Park gt

Thursday evening at the home of

the Varsity on the local T h e box tcore

iiake Zurich 5-

FranlCxss FizenuPxlb StPtfens 2b Anders If |gt Branding poundgt C Meyer c E Ernst ef A Meyer if Tohne p Pohlman p i I Ernst c -bullbull

Totals t-

Mt Prosr etft 4-

Ii H^aas 11 L C Klopp c Kirchhoff If II Haas 31 Flesch 2b Diederich i ss Ratieke rf HI Klopp ltf Hasz p


Slnm|nary H by I In HZ Tonno 1 o f

nhlif pltihlng of Toniii drlfh Pirate wnired an

Suid)iv lgt r tlefcn lug the A C M B to f -Tlio

H tbelr It ts In the Hftli Innings h which they

flvfl rtinlaquo raquo WMTO llvKti to raquoU KCfttr

pl^derich itetting two of Fissit n^ A Mejcr and Tonno

bull im with ttwo

$84199 Is Due LakeCountyFrom

Sheriff Belie vi o Organised Gang StealingBoat otors

Theft of anothci Antiochlast Thuridny night l e i L a k e county sheriff tlaquo organized band of

Mi dee gtJr t he i r man

Mr] to B Tli ii r

- MH i|iiilt in the

Heorlaquo by Lake Zurlicli Mt Prospect

ml Mrs1 Herman Beth in Duiir andMij Julius Geary hail

tie son cljirisleited Louis Her- bull Hev Irion ninl Mrs L 1 Smith drove

ar Lake Mich Wednesday and lay last week Charles Wendell attended the show in Libertyville Thursday

Methodist church

W C Petty of (he live issistant st dents to be

inu l o s e

ltJ Mrs rple f p ~A ar-

Viv-r line his



Sirs rable

B nen-

im gtCK

H s e r ire

oek ne -

fcjptrade rsciJraquoMi oni(e Prifbn


me eide^r A


1laquo Ho-

isen er

11- M


ludrd In an mr


Fred Thies Fred Pepper and Harry Bergh trn of the IOCJII ofiice of the Lake County Farm Supply Co atshytended (he get-to-gelluM- meeting of the company Thursday evening at the Cosy Inn

Mr anil Mrs Frank Schramm nud two ilnuglvters of Chicago visited with Mr and Mrs O IgtVauk on Thursday

M sheim IHOIJH Grove

Mr Itasca Mrs bull Mr son at da ugh iters Libert

anil Mrs and family r

lug the Illinois State I to art Mr Petty will gresslonal districts 1 ti

county The appi

stt actors wals made bj

eludes Lake l(gtth district

Stfuefc 4 Bttst

J la sa 2

inn nigs

Five Lak Countians at State Pair Sen wgtl Petty

Assistant Su)erintlaquondent

County Superintend has been

AB 3 4 -3 -4 3 1 4

3 3 1

-3 32



A 3 4 4 4 A4 3 34

R 1 0

u 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 5

0 0 o-2 0 1 1 0 0 4


i 2 I 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0

Coimtief Receive Oxie-Thiwl of Three-Cent Tax for

Road linprovements

Lake wtinty will Klaquogtt $SL1ttlgt0ttas

ils share (if the three-eent state laquoas-

ollne taxriraquor the first iraquoU tiHHitlis of

1032 iiecorillhu to u Utatement by

Garrett Kinney^ dlrwlW of Uw -ft-

naiico (lepttr-tmetit oil the stages colshy

lection on itasolltie for thw- l i f t half

of the year bull bull Dufltig the half year the Piitlre

stale of Illinois netted laquo1312441)41 a fljrtwo that ripreseiits a loss of $1(gt$S2203 its compared to tilt name period Inst yenr

The net ilwrease lists esulted b^ cmfse of tij reduction In the Amount of refuinilNijvaldJ)ut this year It yvm exiilaiiictl^y the state finance depart-nient J

Goeii to Iload Im|gtrlaquoveihlaquont The moneV collected by the gasoshy

line tax is not - immediately paid to the counties I t is held gty the state as long as pbsslble until the counties obligate themselves for foad improve-ment Estlmjates on roaiLlwork which must be approved by the state ihigh-way department are sent to the state after which the director o l t h e finance department pays part of Ijhe fund to the county treasurer to apply against I the road work

Of the northern Illinois eoijnties l a k e county is among the leaders in distribution of -the first half year EuPage county with a share of yen08-074 and Lagal le county with a share of$laquo7803 afrejliig-h among the leaders in the northern part of thebullstitfi

McHenry county lis far down (the list with a refund amounting to $ p -0 )0 Cook county will receive ithe lirgest allotment $2046757

Of the three-cent state gas t a x t w o c n t s gpes to the state and one cent oT the tax is distributed to counties in proportion to tlve number of autoshymobiles they have Registered wilth the state bull bull -

Doe summer

Johnson residency

Stiper iulfo 8oiiiet line bull iluring

bullordlng ftiiHsell MeUrldei t-lunt vUlaquo II iktilaquo tlaquo

hoped t h a t iltlaquouingt viraquortgtit fhroiislh laquo011)0

laquoomlaquo prop-

hisMimiinrirhonieh subdivision on J P ix river tic to IVptity Sheriff

A report on the (Miieugo police In toPrfwoiiid be inici femV there who ijil^ht tliro^ Uglit on where hi received 11raquo bullfly A bull

Fully las^ wieli Juiljto rsteflraquon traquof (IIICIIKJI who liveji I -Sincivil tlurliij t new speiulbont Thoinpw)ii Speed

The Hnum troul the latter part of Fox tiver district

outboard n n t o ^ a t

believe tl nt ari thieve^ steal ag ohtf

board ittotbrs is operating In-tjie hikij fejionHr

a Chicagoiin Is Antioeh


wlnwe lost a

Thtirst day night Hlsbt jut was nwjin d heaT

i Fox Rlyof i$tM

laquo i i Vi tilled

summer I iijitolen It

nk inodel le was exju jasl summer

fonbrietl to outboard tiiotors

Breaks Vertebra Diving in Too

Wilson Iteenholi ter in Ids neck when low water itiltjhe Henry while ii friends on Wedne ulay becaihe paralyzed a Woodstock hosJiitnl wiiere placed in a plaster cast

mtmdashby Tonne on ballsmdashoff

(M) 030 200mdash5 0(M 100 201-

nt of Sihools selected an one ate s(iperltjiten-

in chnrgi1 of the Boys State Ifair Mchool at Mprlngfleld dtir

in(indent Bl Ur Conn

jWHJiam Wicker-visitijil the formers

Edward anjd family in Long Sunday ( and Mrs Leslie - Stoike of j visited -Sunday with Mr and

kVillimn Luerssen and Mrs William Slieehiin and d Eliiiisr Ileideiiiaii and son and1

er visited the Bferman Sehnei-J and Mrs Rymifr Schneijler in yville Sunday

attend the school were the -irgrlcuitiral depatfmenta of the -various high schools of

Those represent lug I the school a JaineH Paddi

the state rake county at

re Raymot d Graff Ela ck yalaquoC(inda Beitrainl

Galiger Lftkle Villa j d o l p h Maimer Newport Ilabert Fult

Classified Ads Bri

A Iiraquon-


Pr hm Alice



Robert Hnrkuess of Bacine istierc j this -eltk while Ferguson Harkness is attending the Legion convention in I lgtanville | I

RegtH and Mrs Bizer and family of Huhbard 1raquo arej guests of Mr and j Mrs Henry Hillman They will v i s i t Rev Bizers brother in Northbrook mid attend a falnily reuhioh the last of the week Rev Bizer is a former pastor of Stw Peters Evangelical cburclr

^MeMlnmes William J Pretzel A J Cr wford and Aliss Alargaret Fink atteniled the meeting of the Countryshyside CardeB Study club Friday aftershynoon at the home of Mrs Norman Nestle rode Vin Cuba township Mrs Fred tei-ortf gave a paper on peonies On Friday) Mrs E Jackson Dewire joined the hieiribers on a days outing inspedtihg the lotus beds in Gralaquos l ake bull bull

Mr and Mrs Lee Landwef and


ltAlklaquol rraquo J

nrvt Fink Mtat Man Oj Richter honttral Wfaver


A f i s t i c arrangement o|f s irujli Blau MrsJAi Schwerman Mrs

J I gtwigt W ill pocketsmdashMarilyn I gti h gardensmdashMrs Fi ed

Vidt Cmbdenstock Mrs


B A I ion

M ss Phyllis Soderbet i r jtw rned 8atu day from a short visit it J diet

wl II


mu riible

Mis aatm l^lnk 1laquo inert ion

le| ipr



will len-vv Sunday for a two trip to North Dakota They

tisjt the Black Hills on theii-

and Mrs George Williams at-t he Nqrwegla n Old Peoples

picnic in Norwood Park Sun^

fa in ill weeks will trip

Mr tendet Homo day

Mril Ii V Dondonville lircom-panleij Mf and Mrs Herman Humiii and djiuiKhter of Byron to Clmmpnisn Thnrnldiiy whore Miss Hiimm enrolled laquos a t eshman

A 11 Pay ton and Mra JdWd Potrlfci nccoippanied Mr and Mm Kd Aiseneau of Kankakee to Bruclaquo VU Kirn weeks v|lt with relatives

bull- J T T i3 0 r l f f l t h raquo bullraquo laquolaquobullltbull ford 6 gter t | e week-end

Mrk 0 - R Weaver visited her aunt Mrs J B Convbrae In Fox Lake Fridai afternoon and also took in thlaquo 3rd cintitml flower laquohow of the Fox Lake Garden d u b

Mm Louis Walbatim wa hostens to thr Bunco d u b Monday evening at her home Honors Were awarded Mrs Oarrie Tank Mr L L Smith and 4rs Catherine Williams and Mrs Francis Prelim

Mis i Marian Weaver accompanied Miss Margaret Hughes to visit Miss Wilmi Beckmau at Camp Reinberg Deer aroye

II Ir August 20 reiiresent ton-10 whicl^in-

i part of the Inlment ot in-

Statn Super-y delegates to selected from

gtn Waukegan

ig Results



bull SEE-US bullbull

$ 1 0 t o $ 3 0 0 Obtained Quickly

- W E lt

on Stocks Bonds lt IJveMock Auto Sulory

P H O N E mdash W R I T E mdash C A L L


1547 ElUnwood St i Phone 489 Des Plaines

Walter I Lafen tul his VilM a

riencetl In the

with the loot being

Shallow Water

0440 8 W avenue Chlcujo broke a Iris neck when he dived inlio shal-

Fox rrirer swinv|iiiii(J

and wnsjt brojught to ie was

Dangfer in Moons Ray It la siiid tbat bull -to be moon

struck Is a s bad as If not worse than being suns n t c k As t lie sun burns theskin the moon s sup posed to dry ant wear It out



Business Notiess Bring Remits


Cuba Township d home from

and children

raquoiii of Sblidy Connor Slaquoilaquolaquo-


i t Mc-with

110 He

Lucilli Claude return Sherman hospital- Fridajy

Mrs John Thurow Knymond and Lenorfc wjre( visitors Ui Chicago Monday j

Mrs Wi l l i am Storii Hill called on Sfrs M I

laquoilaquoy - bull - bull bull - 1 J A Kinijiey of (J5I

guest Tiiewlayj old Kitlsey

Carl PhllUpjs was rei t o the l W l i y e H a i i liosidtiih An opshyeration l ito ie pprforn etl 6iiltliuik$ Moiidiiygt- W ft PlilH remains nt ft stiiudraquotlll nitraquout luring i h raquovu

jforlfert III

ieago was n of Mr nul Mr I l t i i

loVed Suiidii|r

p f condlt Ion no improve-


hinoiul relurnutiytohi

Domroes and ltd jMr Paul

a lid Minnie Hers Monday Mr and M w

1IOUHraquo lii (Jliletko Hwniliijj having spitit nu eiijoyniilc vttefc lit Bjiy View laquotib division- bull

Mr and Mj( Albert iltiughter GiitSt Mr ii Mimiilng and Wraquon Hoy Zliilt of Xihlcngo were c evening a t thltHlaquoraquome of Henry Frekl ig

Mr and Mt Frank KeltJw attend ed the Cook nounty far Tuesday

Mrs-Clittrl raquotilraquo McGi Mw M 0 OConnor- ]|lonltUiy after noon ^ Ruy Pudilolk of VaJiconda culler at the H D Kraquo Weanowlityi bull

Mr and Mrs ^ u i j l d were callers Monduy e honie of-Mr and Mxs Fjraiik Kirby

Mr ami -Mifs Vilfre ehadfen Verdolle Ward Mis and Mrk Myron daughters Shirley and cagoe Mr and Mrs gt

20 POUNDS OF FAT Lost Her Proinkent Hiamps-^- Double Chili- -Sluggisl ness

Gained Phgt sical y i g o f - - A Shopiily Figure


the If youre fat-j-first |re)tno|ve citusc

Take one half t Biispoonful o clien Salts in a-glass of hot w the morning Tt hatrten fes

light on fatty meuti potatoes and pastries-^-in JTweuks get scales and note] how many of fat have vanltt bed

Notice also the t you have lu energymdashyour gkln 1B cleafdrmdashyou feet younger in to idymdashKruilch n will give any fat perso i a Joyous surprise

But be sure It Kruschen health comes ttistmdashand SAtFETV first iiit the Krusel en promise

Get a bott(n tf Kruschoii fromall druggists anywhere in lea (lasts 4 weck|s) and the but a trifle

Krus-Bter in llts go

cream on the pounds


Salt) i Atniit-

cost is

and sons George oddl Fran Downers GroveMrs Beuhan selle Maude Mish of Crvst t

and Mr and Mrs Oliver Fnt-guests Sunday of Mr and Mil Kelsey of Shady Hill

Mr and Mrs Frank K-l - ) to WnukeganSaturday bull Mr^ John Thurow enterHiii dames FKelsey Fitts K n

Snnmaciier tit ii 1101111111- |bdquo -hOnie yeijnesdny and Tlmr-

Mr ntbi Mrs Harnbl |lti children Roland and Phvltu and Mrs Frank Ivlrby nnt 1 Myrtle Marie attended ih K Liner State fair^lesi lav

Mr lind Mrs Oliver ltFIIK to Woodstock Saturday iMeni M N I L K Mi-yerH-of I ttuhillvtslon Vet untied-in her OhlciiKobullbullbull Muhdnvj The VHMI foot is almost Iiealed - 111 wtis able to be out of bed Smv the first time since ||ugt nci i| condition Is cotislilereil iv

though lier lieu ring Is null m Mr lind Mrs August Ki

parents of an eight pnun Friday Aug lAi

of It

kp rigt


ni-i H T


n uii HI

11 | i r

raquo)) ui H(f-v

Start SAVINC^ with an

electric refrig erator NOW

bull Thousands o f rljrirify women are discovering that tbcfa electric refrigerttori ^practically paying for thcnuclvts They save in so many ways In time and convenience if course Butalso it money There are no left-overs to spoiled foods to throw away Perishable foods can le bought in iarge lt uandtieswhenever prices are low Do7xi s of tasty inexpeisive salads and desserts canbe frozen in an hbur ox two Why not ihvestigate now Electric rcfrij erator prices hav e never been so low See the new mode at jout P^blkSer faStortotyGuslj)^

BmyouRcoAL IN


Its just Ike putting money in your pocket

tlaquoi buy yii ur coal ww while low of f-season

pnees are in effect You can be sure of sav-

irg at less 20 over this winters prices

when the big rush conies Thats a return

on your In vestment that cant be beaten anyshy

where the raquoe days Call usmdashBarrington 5 or

4 iOmdashlean 1 our rockbottom price schedule for

August dlt liveries

Ijageschulte amp H a g e r INCORPORATED

Paihtn - Feed bull Fuel bull Garden Stones

A Complete I ine of Dependable Building Materials

tbdquo bull

T y|our thin risky tires

for new GOODYEAR

AIL-WEATHERS bull bull bull bull - - bull bull bull - I

J 110 Cook S



Open from 730 a m to 600 p m Barrington

TeL Rarringion 382^ USED tl itES $100 UP - EXPERT TIRE VULCANIZING

A l Every Price

Yeaits the FIRST-choice tire I Aptl Ine Greatest Valuel

Proof MUUoiu M^re people buy Goodyeart

la tes t Lifetime 1 Guaranteed

GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY Supertwlst Cord tires





bulllaquoL ir^S-Tubeflt 1




Tube f i e

SH-W $dS ^r^fnt I TubeVMs



ll^To^g twttoonttrun from b w d t o l M d -f r laquo r e a l t y c teMlcer 1 itrlpe ami the fa iv lAtweatJ l t h e m a l t bullerna t i e c a l l th^ta Pile






these Prjces Are for Cash Also these and latter bullises in the famous



Tylraquojei laquoS

CM-as-i $CfJ


K bdquo


$iraquoa7 Vofceffcei



Whennew tires cost so little more than ever i t pays to buy the best Whosays Goodyears ARE best The people who use


say Itmdashtfiey buy r more years than any other kind y have been doing that for

seventeen successive years If that isnt enough proof come itimdashwe can actually demonshystrate the REASONS WHY you get more lor your dollars in Goodyeart

bull+bullbull Something New out of

the Sky I bull Ask us to show you the


mdashon the new

Goodyear ATOV WHEEL tires


Hedvy Duty Truck Tires A ^ C 5

3 ^ 1 frac12 32i6lgt^

Outstandi igFilms ppcar o T Program for Week

^ -mr-i

bullIh - u


harles Farrell First Year dnesday

- fbullgtr IflVtTM of

iin Kerfpri nt Irnlnv i|raquo(l Sat- Km Tin Tin bdquo The Light-Hi Imnl Jraquoix n-

bull i ritT Illntys rv mehulrnmn

liny- of hardy - i-on-liilit dull-

ulna ludinnx U fill I IT lUIlllHlj

f till set t lers iVvninr a w y s -

i i i i x i i l i i u i d i

whites nnd

|pylraquor kid inv|)ortifnt bulli tlio story

V i i -

Ill Lightning-A h t - | i sSlCCCS-

-iiiiti(i romance bull Richard Dix 1 ruisteringcnp-

-ir-tiontmdashwill) rin hnndits His tJwili Andre Judge luiN the i tin story The 1 nit liy several MTsntilf ehnrnc-lv Ziisu Pitts l-Mwiird Everett




tyog Days

01 01 v

higt for Friday i to laquoereen mi

win IT carnival ^ lelltle riJji- will ill in f

II- of T icy

go i ft w o 11laquo fti

gt l l l m t n i K h t

~ which pljivs night all the

unit iirotiud ii ] billiwt building

tielit for owner-r tin at tempted diamond mer-lt

Liiimi liy a |iool i lrokifriiiio office all the Mg nnd

iiriiii^ nnltl rival-v - iif those win)

I radio station I

itll a million- tin- tower anri^fdift Mr

d-at tires to he 1- tallest sky-iIIJ on the stu-


bullbull to the screen bull f the leading j York stage in i- Teasdalc who iili I tenner War-lie leading male o Sullivan Nor-1

r-lmlt and_Greg-- I hat an energetic

w lu-ni he takes nllt them and lets

the-jj m a y are ~j$M My Face

iWl to play]

ilrarna Rieardo gt A York tabliMd

n gossip wise- Mlt I


tir lead opposite i-lvetrees while east arc Robert mlge am) Jill

Vauconda Mlt line Rossdei itcher Weds

A maii inge of int people occurred

erest to many of at Spring itirov^

ed^emlny aftctjnoon when Miss daughter ltf Dr nnd Mra

issdluticher of Vi lo became the

will muke thlaquo bullr a motor

Paul OLfnry (if Chicago ir hohic in Chi-trip in northern

Attnda Funerall of Cousin Mr IHIII Mrs Ileijry Stndtfcldt at-iided f i e funeral ltjf Nicholas Web-r ui ht -Peter s church at Spring ove Wednesday a i r Webber wiis eouijdn of Mrs Htadtfeldt

Yi tb-Breaks Arm In Fall lacki

I wjhil

Whjfc pi rentjs

4laquoy I G a dog


Prof isor F i n d s c f K u y p f

i r a n

bullbull Sol

Mrs leraquo o] tht past M irshnll ili s

Mesdailies Alda Sihith Alvin Case Millie) Stewart aind Mrs Anna Case wlt re ii n Waukegan I Saturday

Mr a i d Mrs E l n e r E Grove of E-lison 1ark spent the week-end at thstr Summer hoBie ^t Spencer High-la ids

Mr re atives

Gl Geo-gel Blackburn

the bliss and Year that most bullriml-j of young

Ira-ma tic motiva-r- and Charles

re whieh will be litirs-dny and Figti-

^ - prom-ises a new haii jdres with

lniF is said to sh portrayal to

t entirelygrown-different

rtnjg plnyers of Minna (JoniibeH

medy role Leila A 1-1-1 a nd George -i ^


Mrs the

Mrs e i tended

ford 10 j mpking | i laquo home w

and Mrs

ears old who is th his grandpar-Dennis Murphy

out p lay i ig and fractured rt arm above the th bonps in his lc


Bi t by

it Cooks w )etz aged


Expect Iargest Entry in Stale Fair Harness Race

spending Thursday with dods our

little fane was- bitten

l a r r y Stewa t and son Cbar-aCroraquojie Wis have spent iveek here with relatives the Smith and the CaW- fam-

anrLMrs Hugh Reid called on here Saturd raquoy

i le t Xuin^ay morning ri-hin

Mis d i y s y i t cago

Mr M iss ]E hvir

and Mrs Andrew Sorensen loura Harris endMr and Mrs

I r o m atterided the circus in l C licajo Friday evening

Iieiia Stroup of Bowdle S D guest of hoij daughter-in-law

M b Natalie Stroup bullftotert Dickson t fepent last

w tb relatives at Iraquo i ihard l i lmef G m l u m is making nn

S t i x c n and ft mily at Wilmot

i lt

^ l bull


- | S

bull I l l



I t s

rli misty Tbfs nn-

ti car t lie (Jrent mill Is tl ietotnl) n liniy to bear It is built bullk which forms imsc measures

dk l a -en of the pyn

bull laquo|gt square ynrd hat it Is soinewhitt

il rd pyrainld It liffcrent In forma-

n fourth pyrn-(ted for a t o h -

I ie pyrnnild now 11 I iy disappeared

t an twenty cen-

Irfing Mn

so ns pa nied

Mr xe dde tovn

in history o f the i i for ages been

Mir Hassan re-bullrii-k temple riot I yramld a n d n s

its temple be t his discovery

^bullhereabouts of


visit with


accompanied by Blhckburn and Lester Caughey

for a-two weeks tf-ip- to Yellowstone park

ary Jepraquoo 1 spent Several Miss Virginia Kirk in Chi

The bigjest and clasAlest list of entries t in t the harness racing proshygram of the Illinois Sto p fajr eve-has attracted will start ftp the granjl circuit racs August 22 prediction waH trade by O Ireland |gtf Ieorla splt teiident of the fair j

With only two halrness remaining tpoti the speed IIIIH HuHlcliiit Information stall reservations It has mined nov that niuiiy viiltiable ract horses will have to V stabled In ten porary ltpuraquorters as the bin though retVtttly increased adequate HT Ireland stn

T l i q ten latcloidng which entries have been nlt ing the pi st week attrat

bullof 245 triitters and pace equally divided i

Five events for trotters clpsing list average 24 fe itrles enc-li and the fle events for1 pacers hav an average of 25 bullpotentinl starters ^ These rices for 2-AH 2 J 1 laquo 21 and 2 2 0 class pacers bullgt 1 21frac34 2 16 and 120 class trottlaquorii a 2 1 to 2 21 d a s s claimingraw for pacerjlt and a 2 1 0 class clai ini ig race for-trotters hnvc an aggrega e the winncru of $8800

The two events remaining open for overnight entriesiare thejll40O handi cap trot aim the $400 handicap pace in which n i p t of the starters arc ex pected to be from Illihois stables These two novelty races will -Intro duce the practice of start ng harnesn horses from a standing position a tfistanccs reflecting their relativi speed for the first time in the censhytral west bull)

d 2laquo Thilaquo gt1 Walter eil su perir

races nov depnftmen

to bull chect been del ei-

n room-al is sadly in ted

i ivents fob icebted tlut ted a totli rs almltis|t

in the late

Co-operate to Stop Borer at Indiana Linlaquo

Stuart El Plerson-director of thlaquo state department of agriculture nai been assured the aid of ounty offi cials all along the Indiana border ii the movement to protect the statii from an invasion of the Europeai laquoornborer The restrictions govern ing importkitions of commidities tha might carr y the insect int J the statlt from the infested territory are to blt enforced by county official i who wil have the impport of organized agrishyculture snd other local lenders

value t ^


her cousin Mrs

ahd Mrs Graquoorgc Scott nhd (h lighter Mary Mrs Mary Harris

1 aril Mist Laura Harris spent Thursshyday in| Aurora

Ralph Stoxen hnn sold his farm w u r IVltodatoek ami ptirehasetl oiie n m r Unon His sisters Miraquo Ruth Htoxeti Irs Glenwtiy Dorwtri Mrs Ni tall gt i froup accot ipanicd by Mrs

T o r r i b

F i r s t Q u e e n

d discovered nt in Hassan is be-omit of Quetn as poss ib lyptbe J n a |Jtr nip of Bowjlle S P visited

a m i h e $ amp r d a t b l s hltroe Thurwhy bullbull t - - I ix l s Hubbard D r Orton Hi^b-i

1m rd Mt s Carrie Vblte and Misa L ira Ila rrlson eal le l on Miss Majry BfseJejy i t the Farley Wade home-In

I1 irk Wednoiday evening a i d Mrs Mai shall Hmith and a n l Mrs Anna Case accotn

br their g m s t s Mrs Harry S t t w a k rtnl son (Carles visited the ni|igtnrt at Wheeling Sunday

ard Mrs Chtrles Scharf who on thw Cloogh farm north jofi

an lounce- the birth of a son lait week Hie chifdjhas-been named Jerome llerrnan

Mrs I H Simes and children of Hbroh tpent Sundijiy at the Glen w iy - i W via home

Mrs J isejdiine Wi a v er and son of Sl iaWi W i s acrotipanied by Mr rftnl Atrs Ilhrry Broivn spent Thursshyday with relatives here

Mrsi ] toy Turner] of Waukegan ea led on tobo OnlWednesflaj

Mrs] E Jith Brown and children and M Joh l Ross and daughter Jacquc^ line sfeijt Friday ii| Chicago at Uie

ci cusl Mr anl Mrs Johnl Brown and chjl

dien ygti Mi i s Kate Hess attended ImdashIhiladelpSia the 4nne|ral of -Mrs Browns father

Mr Stil l ing ijt Jobisbnrg Tuesdayj

bull y j raquo i

her sister A Irs Phyl l is H u n -



- D I S T R I B U T I O N 1 gt F M I L K I N T H E V I L L A G E OF B A R I t l N G -TON COOK A N D L A K E C O l N-



BE l l OIIDAINED by the President and Hoard of Trustees of 1 the Village of Barrlngton Comities of Cook and Lake andHtflte of Illinoisbull

SEtTlHSrN 1 D E F I N I T I O N S The following tlelltiltlotis shall apply In the interpretation and t|he Bnioreeiuenjt of this ordinance

(A) MILK Milk Is hereby dellned t o b e the - laefeul secretion obtained 1gtw the eotijplete milking of one or more healthy cows excluding that obshytained within fifteen days before and rare days after calving or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically -colostrum free which contains not less than eight and one-half petr cent ( 8 frac12 ) of solids hot faf -ami not less thon Ithree per cent (8) of milk fl it |

( B ) S K I M M E D MILKgt [Skimmed milk is milk from which a sufficient portion of milk fat has lwen removed to reduce its milk fat percentage to less than three per eent (3-)

(C) PASTEURIZATION T h e terms pasteurization- pasteurized and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the process of heating every article of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 142degF and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes 1n pasteurr izatioih apparatus approved by the health officer provided that approval shall be limited to apparatus which requires a combined holder artd indishycating thermonjeter temperature tolershyance of hot more1 than lfc^F as shown by official t e s | with suitable testing equipment jana provided that such apparatus sball be operated as directed by the health officer and so that the indicating thermometers and the recording thermometer charts both indicate a temperature of not less than 143-fF continuously throughout the holding period proshyvided ithat nothing contained in t h i s definition shall be construed as disshybarring any other process which has been demonstrated as of a t least equal efficiency and is approved by the state health authority

ltIraquo MILK PRODUCER A milk producer is any person who owns or controls raquone or more cows a part or all of the milk o- milk products from which is sold a m delivered to another person

bull(E) MILK D I S T R I B U T O B A milk distributor is any person who has in possession offers for sale sells

or delivers to another any mill milk products for consumption manufacturing nurposes

( F ) DAIRY OR D A I R Y FAttM A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises where one or more cows are kept a jrart orall of the millf or milk products from which is| sold delivered to any person

(dS)^MILK P L A N T A milk plant is i ny place or premises or establ ish-picnt where milk or milk products arc collected handled processed stored bottled pasteurised or prepared for distribution ( II ) H E A L T H O F F I C E R rite term health officer shall mcn|n the health Authority of the Village of Barrlngton or his authorized represhysentative

( I ) BACTERICIDE The Inrm bactericide shall bo taken to n e a n anygt bactericidal substance or pro ess approved by the health olBcer

( J ) PERSON The word pert m as used In this Ordinanceshall hienn person tirm partnership eorp (rashytion or asMoelatfon

( K ) OIMITIFIBD MILK C irti-ffed milk Is milk which conforms Mitly the current rtu|ulrlaquomlaquonts of the Aije^r lenn ANsoeiatlon of tho Medical Isllltf (VmimlsHlonn and Is produced jtiampm the supervision of the Medical Millraquo Commission gtf the Medical Soclet of Cook County nnd of the Dlihols De-pHrtment of Publje Ilealtfl or of the village of Barriugtou I

SECTION 2 SALI Olf ADJt T- 15UATHSD OR M V s p R A N D J l ) IMILK OR M I L K J P R 0 D U C T 8 V 10-1I1B1TED It shall be unlawful for tiny person firni or corporation withshyin the Village limits of t|ic VII age of Bnrringtoii to piroducc sell ofer or expose fcir sale or have in possesshysion with tlic intent to sell any ni lk ot milkproduct which is adulteret or misbmwlcd bull - bull


sliall be unlawful for any person to bring into or to receive within the limits of the Village of Barring on for sale or to sell or to offer for talc therein or to have on hand for the purpose of sale or offering for iale any milk or mflk product as def ned in thfs ordinance unless such person shall first make application for- and obtain from the Village Clerk of (the Viljlage of Borringtoh license in acshycordance wjith this ordinance and such license shall be placed in a on-snicuous place on the vehicle or i ehi-cics driven by such person and the said license number or permit nunber

of sucl

the sail (C)

person ceive w

license t The Board of Trusshytees shhll at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof [either confirm the revocation of such license or CUUIHC

license -to be restored t TJOENSE F E E Every raquoueblt who shall bring into or r e Ithin the limits of the Village

of Bar ington milk for male toSell or offe1 for sale therein or to hatv on ham for the purpose of siile slml) annuall f on or before the 1st (lav- of January of each year hereafter pay n-Iieento fee toamptho Village Clerk of the Vil age of Harrington of the sum of -Twe rty-ftye ($2500) Dollars and on additional s u m o f Five ($500) Dollars for each vehicle used by such person in the handling delivery or distribution of isuch milk provided however tlwiytr the license feci for the balance o f t h e I year 1082 mll be the sun of Ten | ($10()0) Dollars and thi sutiKofTwo ($200) Dollars for CIMII y^lilchvnsed in the handling do-llv ry ir distribution of HUth milk Eraquo h 11ense HIIUII expire In eami year on the 81st -dniy-jof Decrnhfiir next

fo| owli g the-dmte of Issuance bull ^ t O N 4 1 COWS

shall bo In figures at least three 13) inches high and one and onejhtuf ( 1 frac34 ) inches wide

( B ) R E V O C A T I O N O F LI-D E N S E In the event the person to whom such license may be issued ylo lntgtg any of the terms of bull this or dlnahce or In ease of any cmcrgRtiey when In the Judgment of the h alth oflieer of the Village of Barringtoi the milk supply in quenth n has hecot m u publlic health menace such h nlth officer of the Village of Barrlngton shall have power and is htreby granted power to revoke uny such lishycense granted to any suen p e s o n provided however that such h nlth officer shall report to the Pres dent and Board of Trustees of the VI Inge of Borringtoh at the meet ing uext succeed ing the cancellation of such permit the fact of and the ret sons for such cancellation and the said person or holder of such license or permit may appear before the Presi-


H E L T O N 4 1 COWS W B K U C U L I N E T E S T E D All milk or its derivrtt veraquo delli|ed in laquohgt Ordinance shall b from cows whfoh are free of tub treuloslH as uliali Ititvo braquoen determined by the tnbvivuiliie tetf as HtlttilniHlered uiider - HutierviHion of State n r Fedeitil uuthorltles empoxy-ered to supervise such tests SWIMS bullraquo LABMLING bull A N i i PLACM RDlN|3j All bottles en us pnekngi s ttbjl jot her containers en- closingmilk or any milk product deshynned In this Ordinance shall be plainshyly laboed or marked with (1) the name o the coiiteuts as given m the definlticns in this Orditiance (jjrtlic gradeo the contents if said contents a m grailed undeigt thlaquo provision of^thrs Ofdihaice i (3) the word pasteurshyized if the contents have been pas-teurizet or subjected to beating for any pui pose (-1) the word raw if tho contents aro r a w (5) the name of the producer] or distributor T h e label 6i mairk Shall be in lettwrs nf a size hind land color approved by the health officer tiftd shall contain ho marks gtr words not approved by the health ifficer i bull

8JHClaquo ION fl C O M P U LS O R Y PASTEURIZATION- All milk (exshycepting certified miJk) as defined in thljli 0 dihancc which ball be sold offered for sale exposed for sale disshyposal of lexchahged or delivered shall bo pasteurised ifci accordance with tlie definiti raquon of pusteurlzatlojiirfound in this I rdinance iprOvldeaT however that untiling herein cotisectfif|icd shall

dent and Boaiil of Trustees at meeting and may present any relating to his right to a restorijtion

tli^ Village lely for de^ plants or

ijicts plants

such nets

prevent) the bringing Into of Bur ington raw milk s livery to pasteurization other milk or dairy proi

S E t J T I O N f PABTJSTlRIZED MILK - P a s t e u r i s e d milk is milk which has been pasteurised^ cooled and hot I led in ft milk plant conformshying vyl hall ofjthe i t e m s of eonstrue-tlon fipiljHncnt and operation specishyfied Ii Minimum Requirements bull for (Vmstr letloh Ennipment find Opejo-tlon o Milk Pasteurisation Plants as formulated by the Illinois Departshyment lt f Public Health and the nver-URe bfcterial onint of which nt no time i fter pasteurisation and until delivery exceeds 50000 per cubic ccn-tlmctei I bull bull -- bull bull bull bull bull

8 H I T 1 0 N 8 T R A N S F E R R E D OR D [PPED MILK No milk proshyducer gtr milk distributor shall transshyf e r m l k products from one container to anolher upon the street or in any vehicle or store or in any place ex-

i iept in art approved milk plant The f file of dipped milk is ihereby expressly ] prohibited

1 If shall be unlawful - for hotels lotla fountains restaurants nmd sitni-Inr estnblitthments to sell or serve n n y

nilk o r milk products ins defined in i his Ordinance except in the original

ontfliner in which it was received rom the producer or distributor I S E C r r O N 0 F U T U R E DAIR1K8 CND MILK P L A N T S All dairies ind milk plants from which milk Is liippUed to tjhe Village of Barrlngton vhlch are hereafter const meted shall (inform In their construction to the i requirements of the health laquojill|cer vhich shall not be less than the tnW- nurd requirements of the Illinois fhgt- uirtlnieut of Public Healtlj t

SIX^TION 1 0 PENAIPY Any lersiin Who shall violate any provft linn of this Ordinance ^linl) Ite fined tot more than one hundred dollars ($10000) j i t the discretion of the fecoTd(r Each and every Violation if the - provision of this Ordinance

ihall-constitute a separateoffense 8 E C1M 0 N l i t HKOONHT1TU-

1 T O N A L I T Y CLAUHEJH Shouhl any lection paiHgrnph sentence clause ir phrase of th|s OrtllmitiCe be de-la red unconstitutional of hivnlld for

iny-reason the remninder of said Or- l

(llnance shall hot be affected thereby SEtrWON 1 2 R E P E A L A|l Oeraquo

i iiujltces or parts of Ordinance In (onjllet with this Ordltmtice he nnd he same are hereby repealed

SlflCTlON 1H This (Irdinance shall-l laquo l i i - i u U foVjCO and effect fntttvuihl itUw its passage and publication and

pprovnl according to gtiiw Passed this Nth day of August D 1082 A Y E S 5 N A Y S 1 Approved this 8th day of August

- raquo 1032 bull bullL J C CADWALLADER1

V President of the Village of Harshyrington CookAnd Luke Cuwi-

ties Illinois bull Attested nnd tiled this Sth day af

tUgust A D 1032 A C R r R A N D T

( S E A R ) Village Cleric STATE O F I L L I N O I S SS COUN-


liereby certify that I am the regularshyl y elected and acting Clerk of tho Village of Barrlngton Counties of Cooknnd Lake State of Illinois -

I DO F U R T H E R CERTIFY that llier annexed and foregblhg Ordinance is n true and correct copy of an Orshydinance passed by the President nnd Board of Trustees of the Village of Barrlngton on the 8th day -of August A D 1032 that said Ordinance passed as aforesaid was deposited and tiled In the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Harrington on the 8th day of August A I) 1032 and was approved by the President of the Village of Barrlngton nit the 8th dfiy of August A D 1032 -

1 DO Ft fRTf tER (CERTIFY that the original of which the foregoing-is bull a true copy is entrusted to my care for safe-keeping and I am the keeper of the sumc

I 1)(frac34 F U R T H E R C E R T I F Y that I rim the kraquopper of the records Jour mils entries - and ordlnaiicis of the Village of Barrlngton j

I N W I T N E S S WHER1laquoOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Villas) of Bar- rlngton this 8th dlaquoy of AngUst A D 1032- - - i v

A CJBURANDT ( S E A L ) bull Vl l la ie Clerk

Second Annual Local dl Competitive

and Carnival BarringtcnM


mdash at the mdash

niclpal S wii tutting Pool n North Side Park

Starting at Si 00 p in

] Thirteen FUN FOR ALL

1 Girls 40-Yard Free Style Race 2 Boys Fancy Diving Prom Low Board 3 Boys (12 to 15) 40-ard Free Style Race

Bift Events

right across the home plate Be sure yotfr radio is in jerfect order to receive the scores of thjese fit tai game i of the season You know mdashthe Worlil Seriejs gamlts are coming soon

Our Radio Repair Department Will Do Your Work Right and at the Right Price

Schrceder ijaidwajre Cq

r i

-- V^MTiii^jyii^MMiB1 m m m m m


ug 19

4 1948 Paris Olympic Diving Champions 5 Style Show-+Styles Old and New i 6 Boys Fancy Diving ] rom High Board ]

7 Tu gt Racje 140-Yard |Free Strte I [

8 Bos Medley Relay 9 Pnsentation of Life Sav-

inj Awards j 10 GUIs Fancy Diving From

Low Board^

11 Boys (1frac34and over) 40-Yard FfirBtyle Race

12 GhfsMedrel Relay 13 Clorvn Act

Regular Admission Prices to Pool


ERNSfEVAfe Rythm Kings






lt v




bull i





I t

bullM us Troxjrt Become -Bride of


Crystal Mr am rriiiKton

tl ir ilnu F jink If-iit



C fa


Clubs Lahlaquo Man

Mrs Ore ri announce tlie nianiage of

hter Charbtte Mae tar-driiek son ol Mr and Mrs

gtrmiin Itamirnck of [Meljtanpy nve-igt Crystal Lake quiet-weddiiiR was solimt izeltl at lit oclo k Saturday evejiinp A tig with t t Hev thoran church Crys

formed tliij ceremony flio bride anil groom werje n Mi1 Lillian Hamln ck jjnil

I f lndrock sister am] irottycr Kr iltini

Iflilt bride won1 a di ltiraquo ami carried a 1raquo do flowers

llie bridesmaid also laquoift crepe dress and wir

garden flowers The liride is employe] and the ^room at tl tory near Crys ta l I rhey will lgtigt at h

fr lids after AiiKiist 15 tii i near Harr ington

ie immediate fniikilis pres-Kufhnert if tile Jerinaii

lal j al e per-

tteuded Albeit of the

c repe | )f car-


a It life

ieil a bouquet

at Jevtel Tea e Tfrr^ fotta ike gtimraquo to at Cu t

In jsill tnpiet


Mi ny Attend 0 E S bullgt M|e4ing

ffimt fvgt luinilre tei ilcil tin meetim of t i-h jttirof the (raquo E S in at the lnil|raquoigt rooms i Ti nple on Cook street

raquobullgt rescn ta fives from an 1 many visitors from nrampiborinK

ills were present JJtl sts of the ltgti ssie Har t Mrs V H rry X Cole of Chicifco

The hall was beautifully decorated w h an abundance uf (jti sts were served lish

the i-love f the meet at

Bltlal Slu wet Held for s MurteiLr

raquofrs William fJutt-^luilk an Conk me i i jt

TL l|Osti SS|4 jjf 1 I

ii for Miss fmrille V e v e n i n g A b o u t veli | ty re p r e s e n t T I I O M f ru n ltraquolt re M r s (Je u-ce Felu eim a n H e i l l e l bdquo f ( l l i l U l gt r s g f i

I r a i r i - V i e w nml M I L Ki s K l u i e r IJ iV-c a n d M

bull V Ki gti k V pretrv ireen and u Ii

Be enii was cnrriI nut in an I table deivdat intigt 111 cheiili VMS bullTVI a1 Til a ihasiint eveiiini

Ft ti ter Ins t ructor H| Ta tes Itridn bull

LlllHMItie III lit ha e of t h e m a n i i ^ e i lvs AiiiiHidlaquo-11^111 ( l e (

laquooi tot III 11

o f

II se I

he l a W

Ii- IleiiilrieliMiu is the da onis AniuinKrn Li [arii)ift Ili-iili-n taught ii) bullbull1 from lrjl to 1 I alhb-ti- hn h fi |

be l l eni[ I y J i n si-hio si t J

te Lh-Ilosford Ni ilials

mi-i in bullbullvh i~- ngt i| n a - bull Miss r-tii 1 of Ur agtid Mis V K Ion t T C isfnl on | i i i ngt t H a t 11 igtgt|gt

lie Iliitiinnv was bullIJf I V I-istbdquo a hri |s fitnilv ai| t hoi gtgtbull in Joy Aftur lal s rixiiiu in Wi-ron wi he af hmie at str er Iaiiii-in whet is in ingttit i in the

V on II


evei i i ru

( f iner ii-(f11lt-1bull gttbull in thel H a r r i ^

J Troxel of

Fifteen Attend Pl tn l f

rift Birl uIII II e l t l l

raquo 1 the ill1 Da Iter to the lie wet

een members of the BarritiRton flub nttondcd the prganizntions

al picnie laquot the Biltinorft Country beiuh Friday eveniiiR Following

icnii supper served at 8 j oclock memhers w-ere engaRed in a bird

iipoundifi(J|iitiigtn wtitest WJillilmi O son prepared a list of niiwtions ailiiui to birds habits [flint were

be answered 1 the members in mariiier of aspell down Mrs

ter Hiicsins and James IlaSRe the winners in the contest

meitibi rs - at-

li e Mor fc insbury

even-i the Maxouii

bullft lt lapters

rihe -wpre

an Ni

flower refre


Tit hm n j^

I Miss street

shower Miirtett i Tues

Rliests f tOVVll 1 Mrsj d Htitt MiVis lU-e|vn


biiij r I Miss CI I I -

i-e| race

i i l r j i k-

hi^-h sehi| whi i-h laquo Ui r i i i -t -- i n [

URhfer M r

t^le lix-Bll gtbullbull Jan I w a s h i t I t i l l ie l i e

l l r l c i 1 W here

of bull lit- niar-bullbullih raquol-i iRliter eijll bull) TrVr f l iani i ton-

Mi v Hyle Ttsvtliolimiru t o Piiuxhle Club

lenbers uf the Iinoi ertained at the hump

pa bulltlioloniew pHt Si T l irsdiy Honors wen1

lliam Hoffnian Mrs nv Mrs UiiRiist Sl r r y Welaquoe r Z e r

Mt InHlist Clioir Hlt ds I irnic

he eleiir of the Mel en Veil a pietlie supper of Mr and Mrs W A IV stal Lake Friday

sld iarraquoili

iUiize(l A HIT

leTfi|rt l friend


Hi| in the 5tgt2 is

Mr II i i^ j i |sc | i igti


iii lt

ert it

i list at th

Kvan ni

Kva i IIK

Package and Hull

0 urjide creaniis frozen rigit before y(|ur eyes in dur[ from the highest qual|ity materials obtainable


Vanilla i New York Chocolate

Dont bullnildren

Miller i


Ziirderfi Fgtntertain a t Beieflt i icnic

^jlr and Mrs WJ C Zander entei-t a i i ed about one hundred atiid fifty friends from Chicago at a picnic ltiinheoii Wednesday a t their home in C u l a township- AVidnesday fnr the bulliiii gtfit of the Old Peoples hpme of St Pau l s church in Chicago

iss their M i

bulla S tn- a t lt

frac34 ess Sat pa n son

oliored M r s

tt and

M Mr dre pici

M Mai wer am r i i iv

color borne | - j

dainty j t gtse of (

s t r W o

spe - dau

Sarah Dawson Entertains orn Koast

iss Sa rah Ann Dawson w o a group of friends at a cor lrday evening at the home nts Mr and Mrs Roberl west of town The youn

the evening playing gji ing

n t

Saliirt Sunday Sdidor Class Entertained

i i T

Su hon son iug f i ^ -sup |

he Delta AJfiha class of the lay school was entertained bull o f Mr and Mrs F r a n k near Lake Zurich Tuesdn bullIt was guest uightf am were present to enjoy the

icr and sm-ial hour which f

he Woman s Relief Corfo will have only irtie meeting d i i r i tg Sep-ten her It will be on Septenjber 14 A jiirge at tendnnce is expect


eag Mr Co

-tun a w Li

M and ores mit

^ Ma X tliof Yldl

t by gtf Hie at h i ^

tin | cottplt j

Cook is ford j

R fain Mrf


M t e r wet Mrs

M ilam CJio Sufi Iak ton

lull were of Mrs Hyle lltll liVitni won bf Mrgt|] -M

nvlraquo- It irMioi-t laquoon 1 Mrs

hurc l i home




M r s C l a of Oak Vafi K Selniltie Inst wpek

Guests Euifwit 0 Sunday w seina am Miss Ida Calif

i t t h j horn nfftjJ 201 fiu f^fr an

children riensema

3h- an sou Ifowart were^ ifties Foelschow Ktruing a ters

M r s F t of Cen

tsj of Mr |4(X E ml Mrs I

s host-l roast of her Daw-

j f o l k s jes and

t and Mrs Magill and family-mid and Mrs A Oheiiiluf at d cbil

417 Grove HVIMIUI fnj gtyed a ic near St ChilrleH^Sutlda

Miss E was Mi1


velyn Senner of Vera Ci dys

Mr am Russell and Mrs Joseph is a siste

Mrs E street aro


MP^ Eibma Aline Lowe of ChienRo ah ^fer of A itioeh mot ton Moiidiy to visit Louise So

Andrew week of fi

It 108 E

Pede rsen bulliliing a t 0

near Blooner Wi

Saletn at tliej Peder-

even-ahout picnic

I lowed

W a l t e r Calif is Louise ship

Martin of

s Vivian Scott Mrs t and H a r r y X Cole of

bull dinner guests Monday Mrs J Kdwatd Ieiss

Ion township

fiiistfic hicago bullf M r f Itar-

r C P Ilitwley was hostjss itt a and bunco party Wedneraquoilny ajf-

IMIII af her home lM lt ltocik t given for the heneit

nans Reliiff corps of ihe

r- and Mrs Albert Allen spent Sunday it the h ind Mrs Edward Ost tgt0M S street bull bull

of flli-ilue of

iss Leoline 1-raquoix of WauliOian re-ed home Sa turday after s lendiii eel with her cousin Miss Phvflis

r and M r s William Somiuprfield son William and daughter Dol-were guests ofVMrs N Stein-of Rogers P a r T h u r s d a V

Mr anlt children un lay foi two wee father T

Mr C 42 Grovej


is w i t h Helrriirian

Mrs Keith 2L1

Laurii La Coolidge

na iromi-th 10laquo F and Mrs Chicngo week a t and Mrs

Louis Sunday a 221 Cool

Mr an S Hough over the V Mitch

Mr am Rranson visited at E Libert

Mr nni son Edwa Wis to of Mr (J Mis J G

Mr an son Wayi Coolidge i the-1iome of Fr iends

rs K F l iralidt and daughter-ami sons JamiK and Uwiry 417 lough street leTf^Wttlidavt for a

gtr trip to I the Black Hi(ls and iwstone pafk

v and Mrs Charles Dnisisel and y were guests a t the hnme of

and Mrs Leon Newton o|f May- 1 Sunday

rs Cora Purcell and gcaiiddaugh-Lortdei Langendurf spent the -end at the home of Mr and bullWilliam Rut t of Waukegan

r and Mrs George Folkrbd and hters Florence and Mildr^dgt 808

avenue motored to Michigan lay to visit friends a t M ^ g i e l t f n

near IHowagia and also a t Ben-Harbor

r and Mrs William Grunau and Charles of Edisjgtn P a r k visited

Mn Grunau s - parent^ Mr atpl Mrs W Unman Sunday- raquo i

Mlstf Miirjorie Ivuhlman Who is in tra ining at Presbyter ian hosptfai Chiiago is spetidina two weeks vacashytion at tlie home of her parents Mr ami Mrs Higtrniriu Kuhhnan 800 Iibt rty streot

tiLA VOM F^tllSH Strawberry Pintapple-Nui Ban ma-Nut

foi^et Xrt to slaquond| the p ^ n ^ -iftlaquor tliat great bi tgtt V 4 U I I C

P tm

Ask About Our Week-End Specials

Fruits Black Walnut Maple NUt Palmer House



rles Albei tson and children ijk wore 1 uets of M rs B

uf Mr and Mrs Main street on Mrs John Ben-

of Onarga and if Los Angeles

imk Strains and er Square NV Y and Mrs W C

Jlaiiv street Mrs uelschow itpe sjss-

of Mrs

iWallacc 223 W enter ta in ing Dr Morr is of St k Mrs Morris SVallace

and Miss Clara 1 Mrs J e a n All-gtred to Barr ing-their aun t Mrs

Lincoln avenue

i s enjoyang a Id Timers resort

Martjn visit ing

J Sweitz pent the

^)1 wan ken William II

iri inm of the W a n

IjsffD nvonut I -

l Mrs Tl( 4treiit ha

wiokjend 11 ol Eva

Mrs |Fre iikd MIS H

tlie ludd ( 1 street k

Jfrs rjl let plMlll (thlHilltls

thmi ii


Pa Sll 1 w

and dan eiiut vis

)f Mr a lit li p Wis

C nd Saturdij Only

f Los Angeles is bull mother Mrs

larrington town-

) I l e r r in iah and avenue left SiVt-Mich to spend

Mr IFerr imans

idwer and son avenue Miss Ed-

Stat ion strent and children of

irst par t of the a s guests of Mr )mnth

Chicago spent Olmslead home

bert Marsh (U52 as their guests

dr and Mrs A iston

I Olson Mrs- A Mildred Branson alkitis home 14 nrliiy

I Grothtnan and iday for Merrill bullek (it ihe- home lurenls Mr and

PPP bull bull bull bull

m vffi


guests at the Golden home |wcrte Mr and Mrs Sandfort Rieke and fwn Jack Mrs Ernest Rieke and Mrs Mason Coe and daughter Mary Alice and wn Ned of Barrinilton and Mrr iinna Gomm of Chicago

Jfr and1 M ra daughter Audrey of Wayne traquoont Sunday at- the Henry Wolthhuueu tfitte 0UAV Main sj^et

Little Mis$ riefii Oimsteads spent the welaquok-end JTT the home of Mrs Wallace Qrlttiin of Chieajfo t

a^ied Miss to spend t|ie

ering home

Pickering ho me

Mc and Mrs [jnmilyi of Edison it the home of

Park spent Mr and Mrk

Waldo HeMungH and dore schutt Tieir daughtr Rose r a longer y

I Mr awfl Mrs Roy Klepper and son RoyJr 22raquo V Lincoln avenue sbeM from Sunday until Wednesday ar the Dells

mary remained ft Iter grandparents

Miss Etna Dai Is of aiico a gjiest- of Miss Adeline Okt f day imtil Tuesday

Dr and raquotrs W O Biirklu rdt Iil2

Mrs M a s Lines was amonsr the guests a t a bridge-luncheon Thur sday given by Mrs L C Bobbit of Chishycago bull

Miss Virginia t j jeske-of Wheeling is visiting her uncle and- aiint Mr and Mrs Henry Schroeder

Mrs Ida Jjones of Chicago is spendshying the week 130 W Main s t reet

with Mrs Henry Donleaj

Mr and Mrs E lmer Jackson 31J Grove avenfe are motoring through Canada this month bull

Mr and Mtrade George P rudau and Bernice Collins of Chicago were guests of Miss Ju l ia Lamey Tuesday

Mr and Mrs Charles Wendt and family and Missl Florence Niss of Bar r ing ton spent Tuesday i r i E lg in

Miss Grace Cast le at tended a bridge-luncheon S a t u r d a y - a t the homw of Miss Mary Elizabeth S t ewar t of l ies Pla ines

Mrs Janies Hafftier and daughte r Nancy re turned Sa tu rday from Pal i shysades Mich where they spent the pas t month with Mrs Wesley1 Par shyker

Cooltd-ge avenuf from Cable- W

[the pasttwo wee Their son-in-law and Mrs A L have been their their home in Atlanta Ga S

Mr and Mrs returned Sunday tion at Pelican

D amp and iMrsJ Sa tu rday f i r Can The i r Mild who have spent a d a W j l l re tu rn home with tl em

Mr and Mrs infant daughter Mr and Mrs nesday

Dr and Mrs

Mrs B u r k h a r d t Ehman of Chicaro

Mr and bull Mrs daughters Ellen

M r s F rank Par t r idge and Mrs I I Blood- spent Monday a t thej J Corr home in Woodstuck-

Miss Anna Jean Beck of Wausau Wis is spending the week here with h e r g r a n d m o t h e r Mrs J o h n Welch He-

Miss Evelyn Pickering of-Sheldon Wis was a guest of Miss J u n e Ketel this week Mr and Mrs Albert Ketel and (laughters J u n e and Leona aegt

ctor Rieke and ghter Carol 215 ted last week at airs E Golden

On Sunday other

ny Kind of


flRT MILLER Prop 114 S Cook Street


August 19 to 1 September 3rd

Inclusive Our Regular $7 Permanent Only

$5 Complete with Shampoo and Finger jWave

We test your hairmdashand adshyvise the type of I Wave thats exactly suited to YOU Noth-

bull ing can add more charm to your appearance than peiv

fectly groomed hair Have one of our Permanentsmdashandj be ready for any festivity-

Open Tuesday Fiiday and Satshyurday evenings Other evenings ltby appointment

VANITY BeautySKoppe

POR WQypSS WBiO CARE bull 110N Hough St

Tel Barrington ^01

nd Saturday Aug 19-20


Spring thickens Lamb Smoulder Lamb Stew

furger 2 ax

per lb 23C IA18c iraquo10c ib9 29c

Quck Arrow er 8c

Soap Chips pkg 25c Strawberry Peach (XJ

Mb jar for l t C

Pejuiuf Butter Malco

Rice Krj spies Fresh

We^cSivei Phone 28 Open

10c 2 pkgs 23c

Frui t i anil Vegetables

61 Sunday Morning 800 to 103

( bull



Albert Schutt and

returned where til

ts at Camp i and dauil

rice and fat guests bullbull rett

Friday y spent rescent ter Mr illy who riled to aturday

E Burns an 1 family from a weeds vaea Iiake Wis

Dean Bro Interna tiortal ren Polly ai the summer

Fred Gusjtke and of Chicago Visi ted

D Churifh Wed-

W G Bi 132 Coolidge avenue1 are entertaining

s sister Miss Ida

iv N S4 and Beth


Sunday Tlieb-

sft with

nda was oin gtrf

)ks left Falls

d Deane in Canr


tmvd Sioux Falis 8 I^Tuesday f^en ing Mis JS Iward Jt) dd of Dubuque

acompanied them visit several Rev and ahs Charts DrusselK

bullbull Mr D Hough street Flock and e|iildfeh fHotn a two Black HIHH

1 RkhtiteMi 42 IN and Mrs Win nf tur^e^SunSfJiy

weeks m|gttor trip to tm 8 i)

Mr land Mrs nolluid Butler flnd dauffhtec Betty of dinner guestf of Mr Sehwemiii

Walter ( street and ( ton spentSaturday n at Waupaca

and Mrs Pa MW Chicagoraquospeijt Sunday Gossell horn

Mr and Mrs W family of Jewel park at Woodruff Wis tl

Mr and Mrs daughter Bety Mae frfr Kansas City Mo Monroe f6r a week

Mr and W Station s Mrs Audley t d v e Sunday


weeks w home and bull will t h h e r BAWljitSj

and Mr r

Qlaquok -Park wore and Mrs War)


ijinon i 1 Jharles P

bull - bull bull bull

i SV nusseU iwllk of WHea bulllit and Sunday


a rs and re turned

family Miss ton family M r

son and fain O G511y of

Chailes Wendt and illy of Barring-illiam Niss jjmd Ijeon Fredrick

dnd Mrs Daniel


Tulesday August X3|iid ALL SEATS

il Andrews bull of at the August

838 V Jake street

F Conrad find ace vacationing is week

Dellnyrt Weber and eft Wednesday o visit Mrs M

drs George Butler 2(17 treet entertained Mr 4laquo1

Smith gtf Washington


0 Ricartfo Cort BZ mdash Robert Armstrong

Helei i Twelvetrees in Brightest inappiestNewspaper Stotff

j oftheSeason 1

Nevis Comedy and Sport l ight Added

S h o w s at 700 and 900 d m





Ry-Crlip NiB0 r

torna Doono ihort Bread Cookljus LB Elglt Oclock offlaquoe



2 2 bullgtTL8gta|5e

PKQ i o r

Red Circle Col Fee Bokar Coffee bull Cer o 1 ( ) 1 ( 1 ( 4 Na^ y Beanraquo Blulaquo gt Roce Rice Jel le Oood Luck Margarine

American Family Soap Amitrlcan Fan illy Flakei Noi lhernTluue

Watermelons Cantaloupes Ji|mibo Indiana Blberta Peaches or Barthtt Pears




m LB 1raquoe

LB 23c LB 27c

Bomearc 3 LD8 1 ) r

isa CIO 2-LB mmm PKQ a M




Round Indiana ea 29t 2fgtr25c]


4 lbs 19C

9c PKO

A ta-oz CAN3

4 PKQ 50C

AampP Food Stores C r r a l M l

S T E I U lt D I V I S I O N

a m i I a i i l i i 1 I I lt O I I I I

-Pranli Rutehlns MrVand M HutcHniR Mr and Mnraquo K and flmily ot Oak tfirk w at bull ^Icnjc atr the home of GilJyfBftrriogtdn townVhip day

fitrittn-dAlrM O BlerjJvi 4the following guests iSmu and M rH B Kempner |nnl Heijetw lraquolaquork MIHWlaquo Antm ma Bietsel| of iieerji m Biickiimn -of HnvenswooH

bullV B wick ItiMii 1-1 I


bullbullI mi Mr iv of

bull bull l l urv


GEORGE BRBN 10c imd 30c to s

alter 8^0--15c anc


0 T 00

4 M

after 630



m urn -s

iVED-THURS-Fl AUG] 245-2laquo

ECIAL ADMISS All Seats 1 0 c


7(rrf-H E A V E N

bullF TH1



10c and 30c to 8(0 aftiej-8C0mdash 15c and | 0



Pifty-NinthAiinu| bull bull bull bull i n v 1

Evang OpensHete

lTnl m (bdquo^ed from I1-

bull i K-firlwrn ltuperintelaquodeatt bullIf rifc-l laquoraquogtlaquo bullnlaquoMo u n rJ lh nn lltlaquossltyi espojraquoftion

ampVvZ ltbullKelaquoraquo K T 8 V

bullP liildroiiHdivisionX

l ^ (Vlr nni Mrs VV L t Mult(

lunV M- Wiliiin bullrfWlan Kl44 Slgt bdquo KviiijtilistiV wtrn ia i

AV I ISIIIJIIJIII Bjl in Open H4rorebfttr-

^ i J i T i n - V ^ok 1ieo|ils mpoiii bull (H-hL-afto B r ~ lt V led lgtgt i bulliKi H-iIJyinS laquoIP gt bullraquogt

- i i - i 1 d i a r i e s H - H V a i

bullAvrfllaquop r ^ Kv-tiinS laquotraquoHVPE J |bull raquo- Keen ^

Monday Vu8- Sft bull L bdquo MinistV- i-)iimfil

^ - r-rofessor Keen _ - j

10 sor |llte

I bull)laquo(

|v plvfl mdash bullbullbdquo l i | ) l e s i l l i lymdashil- ro^ i i FelligtWNlngt ^r^n-

n iv nbdquo K_ J Bruso De in

i f-r-y - -

1 Workers J o iferei iiliK-iiHoMal Tafk of j


f i 1 - U ltltgt f hiMHlt 1 -igt

hiivli I I i i r i n i - t i k i i v h x a ^ bull laquo laquo laquo Mraquolaquol- - bull bull j trade-j- ]gt m- Quiet half hirt -riV-n mljtaiiMi anlaquol prjraquoyr

-^7-1- p m-lt s raquo wTvief lit- JrMr Wiewid- ltbull bull j-bull [i-(lii l1 iraquo -Kvonniff wraquo)rslii]raquo serv J y Kev V K Klaquoen -j

Tnltsday A B 3 3 f v n i in Minis ters ro invU

ihgt ilislriet superir-tesule bull clwir pn i ii Missionary prayer nje

ine- bull bull il Id II i is Adilress-ny njgtvinaj

bull_]( 1 1 ( jSulir o f j h ia- ]o | A in - Wonien s n ii-si

gtBf-r - -V Hy -Mrrt li i Mi mati

4 raquoM 11-11 i m Mltsioniify lally i

[vliar ( li unftiittee Add res v j Misgt S i i n liiiierirfiind s i i i e r i n t u Idem i lil|Ie Wgtnieiix rairiih gtwhltraquo1 T1-V- Jigtpnn bullbull 1

(IMi1 p i n Workers ooi fefen^ hTlwiin bull il l-dueatioHiil ask (tho Clinr h II Missionary fmgta^

_Sli- 1 II Itaiiyrii(vJiid I p in (osul Sniijraquogtlaquo rvii-iraquo S (lii ( ii Ivifyiretilaquorieinyllaf

s-inr IV lr- W W Sh-iii^ I IJneMla) Aliff 21 j -

Nl i iii bull Alilllstirs laquoom rilfe i ilplaquo- in-gt uiiTeli^in by traquor Kwilui

-Hi i in Hi-ldi -bulljtiidymdashJe- V pound1-11 i i (Jeniuiu fMeueJi ng frac34 j l i e bull - i i 1 i igtmdashUev M K I filllj I-U i

2 -II | LI Fellowship sltrvii-c Jnmn In li-v 1 -L ^bullIjweifzifr ( i 1in p in Wor^Vs confer pTIiiiiii- Ti IvIin-iiLiiHiiil Tasll

J-Clltir- I l l Ieade|gtliii S | l-ltiv II I Siiinsi-n (

Tlmrvl iy n K 27i l i -Sgt(i i m M i n i v e r s -41111-IjAtiliy| -i^li r r o ^ r a m IV-| WIISI-ln-f (bull

Wlaquo 1 fii Pilil^ sliv I W- Hhi imtVii 2i P uy Kllvvgthn

111011 h i-v p j I W0e| an-1111

0-iU -p 11 Worker Illiiine --n Fliiifi)na|

nmiili- J v lovaltv gt nraquo N is-- bull bull T

S-MKI bdquo Ki-ancelivii I Wm h Kev W W ampbdquobdquo

^oca Womafti Pays $12^ ( lo Ioarn Peddlers i f c x i

raquo piei-ielji l t i i i thl rj If 5straquojk -r a tui |it ^X^ll^e-Ji aiji l i e -drill -

se lU l l f l | ( t l 2

$il I

1-^igt| f |utf llIH


in eat tinii

O v i i i erhei Iter


bullbullii iniie from |^ i l

ttaiiil iM bdquosgtihly d In til 11-1r f | i m i l l

laquo0laquor Hi pelll^ hinvs ty 1 bdquo- l lllK r t l L I (

nlaquo-ki Igt A1 | bdquo r ) tHilt CNils bdquo -f i j s S M i s

|laquor fbdquo nwi bdquo | n v n W i n bdquo U-I]MIK a t a l l

bulllaquobullltgtgtbull Me h a s t o t a i n

^ ^1 v bdquo lt 1PVV1 Nlil1 raquo H - X p e bdquo r l r o | i s

totraquo|l-f-| is mlt-j KH Kti n bdquo n m l l i v t i Wl Hiiin s |bdquo rtverhoai

gtraquobull r-iil - 1 bdquo U [ t ( gt

raquoltbull laquo 1 - r l bdquo bdquo l o n i

JJ-I ~0 |00ti T1 e |aribdquo 11 1 - 5 I 1-11 in long p m t I $ mdash bull bdquogt 1

|-A- and TonnageJSnlei ^rop 393 Per

I i1 l)bullgt-for fh | S B bullbullraquobullraquobull raquoraquo were t t I--- with w 1frac34laquobullbull rj-lod in-11frac34frac34

III- ^V^saiO i^-V1 S S I M l


I K V i-laquolaquoraquolaquoraquo iw nluinti bull HtaW 1laquo V


^ 1 Mi V^ ^ MS bdquo imred laquolaquo Il^ tijjiV rr wn

^V11 decreuKi

111 I

bullFujy 11

bully IIS



of bullHinititi1

Ith of 4


fjer I lisoif


S-1 ^--


Ilj rHi


eoniertip Tiskvlt |

bull bull - bull bull bull bull bull ) amp

+rvv raquo1raquoraquo

1 if ai|gt 4V

ily hi nfi) r bull KKO-S gti- bull

n a n uy~trraquo t


i3U four

SraquoM t)27laquo 11 nd i

toir gtei4

t mi o f iraquoV| or X

laquo4amp of h


k 1 y^

sgtia 5S- ffl i

raquodl laquo pr 1

We| 1-111frac34

Ti reimii

W i

iraquolaquofnlii wer

$y7m Knli^H Wet ton4^2

005 li

There Is a ^Marketfo

JEAL ESTATE L ^ D S bull if in default arl Ki

- frac34 qo t r ^od laftd ^bullurit^s -

m-^ Hiai

pfault W e buy unlived

eouponi cashed

G ^ raquo E i i D r j ^ laquoCdMFAr

l S bull t a l l es t ^ 4 ^ W i o n

4 7 laquo -


bull 1

irmlriit In 1 y HIIlS IMO-|nisitii)n by

T S vi-igtnL

In in

Poui -H Club ROUT d-Up

H i 4-H ( picnh Farm

u h M|iihl IpA bullmummdash


r-itra or

1 lt

-bull fbull Wi

Mr i en-u j iiddreses

r 1113

1- v i bull bull i i l l l i

-Ai l -

Ex at [ITorntr lor r jIJ S Igt s

- t l

TV fraquo ])eer

and to

spOns OFCU

and I [ome

liib ljounduj raquoml farmers by the Lake County Bureaus Pure Milk

a s s o c a t i o k Hotytefr 1 reeders asao-ejr Breeders associashy

tion I Farm Supply cltmpany and Dairj Hejrd Improvement association will lie held at Cedar Crest Country luh igtn l|toujte 59 one k|alfmile north of Grind avlt nue

H ^

govern raquo m IK


bull bull senat


to El

(Mill Ti -k

S bulliS

ceno bdquojf the

h o u r lVlT bull - d i r e c t

bull l i p i T V i

(ltgtX j [Lak( Co System Cuts Bonded

Ijnd^bt edness j $ 139305

Report Shews

bull 1 1


Ni-ii in (bullbullmlcnf

1 vy meet

iin-fiiiV ii 11 missionary

1 IKIgt |

raquoiJlv in Address by -r]raquoi-|iiiin-


bull bullinigtiriiiiiraquo I Task of igt Speaker

1111 OptU

sehediles ltlu



on |

lt I scho




s coninicnted

hllaquo) a





bull bull 111II ad- Sluiiillotl gtbullbull Ilev V I-llillC SCI-

| K-isid-

v I1 S T -1 gty lt J race

bullgtnfitviiltilaquo Y-i if tllli


bullitiH (bulliir liv Philip

ymdashDr W

bulll id ST-i-ii Loek-

bullmfiTcnee bullTask of the

bullaker Rev

Iiiii Will 1

I a ke oiiUry sraquof port

ti tt Illbtf 1 itybt

of anI

dlstrit tin

ts have no Will feel tilt

ill reilficid Inconi only slight-tlieitH 1 Hist cut the corners more Hyj t l te Hii|MvrviitltjnltuU pointed

A Mli l l

Ixper p bulllt siuref nllt

Stall istics prepared fk the report liowi il t|)ht teachers Inijtlio eloriien

Jury IIKJ |MlaquoM owlary schools lnit year eariicl $(115017(1 Tt(ls bullIIKIIV all SI bsfllutes 111

yVuts win ti tight half t

Mnlutuln High

ckniiilv boasls Ilit sell on distri (JllltlM iiuiki llllllV and lM7

4 prop )2S

aimers Picnic Be Held August 30

resijlerit will deliv a t 8 p m D

of th nien v h o have heird Mrs Mies in Lake o u n t y recom-

ery man h^ar Mrs Mies aldreis a^ t i e picnic

bull Mies Stale Home Biir-er one of her S T Many

|gtr Len Sraitll will speak S T ane either Judge

is running for bovernor Dieterich iand^ate for r w i l l s p e a i at 12 noon

p Expicted Run on Normal


ake einintj

15 and open

vounty ho

ring the coning year W ounty superintendent of


w l e u he made

inual reporj to the state

it Monday indelitediiMs

and wl ifh

lijiimhrr r Tp



ut w4uonrgtK-ou

schools will

to on ljormal

IniliuliiiR re-aiul interjext- pity incuts

all Hchool In iniliidlug tirade and xec-

gtts nciOrdiiig to the re-

Hgure lushyll Hiiperlnten-mi or moii

Itank lt cisht high

10(1 ehintjiiiiirv sthool iucliiilc an unprecf-bull with -superior

sdiool liopulntion in-iu th secondary schonls n tfi grades a totiit of

~il ttathers on lllitrp iiro Kiiliir Ktaff imattd valtif of tin stiioo bullty anil pquipiiutilt is S7S0-igainstj -which is Outstanding a

bondc 1 djbt of S2S-(Uirraquo0 Tax in come froni the various districts isjii-27041 If) ntu the total income from ill si Urces for operating the -county

-1 laquopound


S degrse Uni-


Teaching Staff Is Comphite for

Local Schools Continued from page 1

^tate Teachers eol|eje Whitewater

W i s commercial A

Harold Hunter I

versify of IUinb|s

bookkeeping and -assistant-detach

Miss Olive VYinn B A degree

Iowa State Teachers college Iowa

State university mathematics arid

physical education bull

Miss Esther McKercher B A deshy

gree Iowa State university Univershy

sity of Wisconsin foreign la iguages

T C Hosford B 3 degre 5 ^Cnox

college M A degree University of

Chleago social science awl a|ssistant coach

Paul ^ Clark B p- degree Knox college^1niversity of western university science apd head coach bull bull -gt Miss Ethel Schwab1 B A North Central college dramatics

Miss Annabel Leon hard A B deshygree Northwestern tiniversitjf Engshylish

Miss Marjorie Benjnett B S deshygree University of iJinnesota| home economics

Lee T Smiley 1 A B degreje Iowtt State Teachers-college manui 1 tra^n-iiiR

Miss AgnesWlaquolcli Northeifn Illinshyois State Teachers cq lege Ui iverstty of (hieago Northwestern university junior high librariaij girls education

Drives-Chevrolet Six Through African Jungle

Dr Arthur Torrence antliropolo gist specialist on tropical and Fellow of the Hoyiil So England Ktopped off In Dot cintly on hist way honje front tirlp to Africa on s^ieutllh 11OIIN

(hurrying him on his viny fornia where lie is a


ilisenses-bullletjrof roit re-Hs fifth expedl

0 Cali-nieinbti of the

Hooper foiinilation iiml of th eal School of the University Hforhhi was n 102raquo Chevr whlc-h he drove iKroiJM the ct of Africa from the list to t jcoast through -1000() niiles 0 passage all under the ciir pmyer except for an Iminmsii niiles

Studies of gtjlecpingt

bull Medl-of Ciil let Six Mitinent lie west

Jungle own

hie 100

which Dr Torrence Isan iitt11

al authority took hi in on h niisiion^ to Africa There 1 surveys of Ihie deadly -Tsr spreader of The disease and

sickiiess on rant ion-is early e j made so- fly among


Cents Admission Lharge for Movie a t

c4f-low Nes t Tuesday

his strange cargo there vereit|vo small crocodiles afllieted with the

j which he was taking home ther observation They -are reservoirs nf the parasitic g reported

On an earlier expedition I rence happened into a stranite of dwarfs in the Lake Chad on the edge of the Sahara which one school of scientists

- v bull are a remnant of pre-histori zdtlon and may prove to h|e Cradle of -flip Human Race live in caves a cent1 have a jabber instead of -language on rootsand vegetables and rjesemble

nickelodeon pictures jvhen a small

an adult to recalled next gtple bull of Bar-

pygmies a-Uhougltgt lacking in a ml stflmi lia Dr Tprrenees

courage further-

studies of them during his niost re be set dow n in a

Jnt|gle-ttent tnpj are book from -hispen entitled munia

State Anti-Rabic Treatimeiijt Costs Are Inci eased

Declaring that bankrupt infected with nind dogs nre ly imposing on -the state by If a enforce regulations concerijti and quarantine laws relating io-fan

l)r Andy l lull sfjitt pointed out In 0 rltcet

counties serious-llnre to J

s d

heal h tf stats-

ment thill the demand for ai ti-ruhic treatments at state expentfe this year has exceeded all pciiciirc and that funds


laquo0 ant e

appropri is pur

fur i-

degree sh arid

What part of the tax dollar as It

limes into the federal treasury must

lib expended because of warmdashto meet

charges growing out of wars we have

already had and to pay the cosjt of

national defense maintained in antici

c|ation of possible future wars

That is a question which has been

tsked many times and variously an-

8 wered the answers apparently de-

Iending ratter upon whether those

making them preparedn ojr against i|t than upon any exact

ilrulation But here ils the answer of the sec-

rfetary of the treasury computed upon t i e expenditures of the fiscal year

mi The total

elrnment for t il expenditt revenues) Were $42o725727953 t l i s total current expenditures

ational defense accounted for $70$-531805 p i 1 6 5 2 per cent cent1-02155995707 or 24 per cent repre-s intji niilitar7 pensions annuities alshylowances and life insurance claims on

ocount of p i s t wars and fixed debt c iarges and debt-(principally wrar debt) amount t gt $105201 S98182 or 2471 per c raquo n t Tlie l i s t two amounts aggre-g i t ing $207 09384892 or 4871 per cmt represent- the current cost of r(ast Wars

Tlie expend therefore or

st] nd for national defense during the steal years 1

1)2302950 0 t raquotals expend

spendltures craquopta) for thnt period

Tlie percflMnges -may vary car to year agtNraquoi result of the Inelu

s o n of extnovtlhMjrv itetris perhaps o a tempqri|irv chihacter but there

icy t ttiii r 11 vlti

Sti lion


nley as I tea

11 el IfiHi an 0111 it Lake

ecelved il requl

Mis 1 Injun

y uit lein nisi

lilment or fur-epfable ilm he

Tor-tribe I

strict desert believe civili-The

TJicy tind of subsist

fi|5 Per Cent of Tax Dollar in Federal Treasury Spent

for Past and Future Wars

expenditures of the gov-1931 (exclusive of pos-res payable from postal

Of for

itures of the government^ account of past warsj

)31 amountedto $27774 C 05231 per cent of the[ ures (exclusive of postal payable from postal i-e-i

are for laquo523

nd for

Thgt meir-w to Will hi fir roke inelui line was out ampn art

^ r Kuebler Violthausen

uesday mor


imed Kenni


were for

interest on the publie up Henjry M Stegniattsuggests to

Health Seal Idea Taken Up in Delaware in 19017

The idea of a health seal or the antl-tuberculosls seal was suggested by Jacob Rilsj the social reformer and author In an aftlcle In ihe Outlook for 1907 he told ho Christmas stamps or seals had been sold in Dent mrk for the supshyport of a chlldrei8 hospital and his article suggested the adoptio|n of the Idea In this country i

His Idea was taken uraquo In thill year by Miss 13milyi P Blssell lt f Wilmington Del In a- local camshypaign By this method she raised $1000 toward paying for the site of the first tuberculosis gahitarttiiQ In Delawarei-Hope farm^ -f

bull - - bull bull - bull - i

The nation-wide sale ofiseals wns thereafter sponsored as a means ltf raising funds bythe Red Cross The distribution of them now hOweve Is fn the hands of the National Tushyberculosis association and Its 21C0 state and local branches The double-barred cros which appeals on the Christmas seals Is the symshybol of that organization

Nap Dis t inct V a l u e Thle nap mnly s e r v e a s a plck-m-


1931 For^war past and cents of evtraquorv tux tlo1raquo

ill the KovernimMital aclaquo gts o f piiice 3472 cents

red lit Accident Iflurllu son-- of Mrs

ilou and Will (lalushii iiiitoinoliile Hceldenl near MI Friday evening 8tun-so iliiany scalp wounds red 20 si itches to close oiiiiiiiiiloh was not Her-

(otToetioJt ho found the body of I he Miller who died from a cd (leorge Kuebler The unintentionally omitted Ily published last week

accompanied by Henry inade the discovery on ling of last week

Births and drs Waldo Shuett an-

nbunee the tiirth of a son burn-Fri-d iy Aug 12 at the Barrington Oen-

rul ixospita bull The hoy has been th Lee i

Ads Bring 1esults

-laquogt bullbull ii m-i|i

J C Cadwallader High Grade

Watch and Clock Repairing

the readers of Hygela Magazine- I little snooze for the nervoui tired man in the afternoon ma make his night s leep more soothim

Many persona who have long rides oti elevajed trains or s u b w a j s catch an bour or two of sleep 1 a this wily ft Is surprising bow one ennmechanica l ly t ra in oneself p i t to i sleep past ones destination Others before going out in theeveshyrting catch n few winks of sleep Housewives have found a short hap after the lunch hour of -greijt benefit

One can get n better quality df sleep In n imp than In tho average of u full nights rest for tho ^flrt|t two hours of sltMp are the deepoa The imp Is hardly In consonanqH Willi lite bustling American splri but thnt la nil the more roasoh

It ^ X


ENTERTAINMENT PRICES SLASHHD Fltlr Twerity^ive Cents Admission

Americas Greatest Agricultural Show

The |V

Illinois State Fair j


Aug20to27 Presents t

1 2

bull3 i-4


National Swine Show National Shorthorn Exposition National Hereford Exhibition Regional Jersey Catshytle Show

and bull y All Veterans Day bull Aug 21 A i

Grand Circuit R a c ^ g Aug 22 to 26

fs An Inexpensive Outshying for the Entire Family

vacation Idndmdash rom your Telephone back to the folks at

home let them| hear about the

fun you are hating and know that

you are well and enjoying the priceshy

less vacation days Wherever you

are you will find a Bell System

telephone nearby Remember the

7 it our aim to Jar nisb the best postiile telephone service at bulltbe lowest possible cst cost lis smalL Wherever you call

New Tcrraplane Cars on Display at Hudson-Essex

Driven here from Detroit where Amelia ICarhnrt the first woman aviator tgt make a solo flight ocrosg the Atlai tic christened the first^-of tlie new models by smashing a bottle containini airplane gasoline over i t s radiator the (first of th l new jEssex terraplan i automobiles haye reached Barringtoa and are at the showrooms ofj Barrin [ton Hudson-Essex company lofcal Hudson-Essex dealers

JNamed the terraplane because of its many characteristics in common with the lirplane the mvr car paintshyed a beautiful bronze and with the winge(f)tt rraplape emblem painted on its sides will sell at a lower price

Da It



HDlll now on the American market r he cur ijrrlvlng heri riraquodraquontly

OIK of morn than pound 0 0 0 Whichwet drl en a way from Detroit In a parade Inn icdlately following the dedication of enr No 1 for Orvllle Wright o f

ton 0 inventor of the alfylaae was the biggest driveaway e w r l

stated by any automobile company eve i In Detroit the automobile c a p shyital of the world

The parade route through Detroit wat a sea of banners flog add bunt as testifying1 to the importance wh eh Detroit ] placed on the huge demonstration officially introducing

new Essex gt tcrraplane to the American and Canadian public

Classified Ads Bring Results

Ladies9 and Gent Gleaning Pressin A Iterations and Belining at jprice|s traquo suit every pocket book


5 5 6

Wo C ll and DeUveir





158 V IASTbdquo YEAR


bull A I last winter the Wei ither rep 3ft was Fair attd Wafmia this Wilmette honje (93 free fuel heated its seen^oonGS at a total cost ofjoniy

J under the present house-hlt ating rateitWJby not find what gas heat will gt ost for y nr home Call now] for a ^estimate Public Service Cot tpam of^rtbem Illinois



Elmwo )d Avenie|( Gas thefcare-

Telephonie Harrington

tMnliB yoor appoinf-mpri now for Fn) fan ace inspection t

Arnold H

wiinmhni^ D

WJ will itakc orderdTor fn e heating plant iin-sp iction for the next six da S j Aug 19]25 Inci an I we- will make thi spi ctions prior to Sept 1

PLUMBING mdash H mrim

[f your heating plant needs a new sm )ke pibe wewill njake the installation Of cast pipe at our low- aiummer jate and wi 1 clean ybur furnace or boile bull free i We win install sheet iron nace p| gte and clejan the nace or boiler at a special price

Other r pairs changed at s ack season rates The cosy ltf gt good repair joh will be paid back slt vera times over your saving on fuel


Sass i i



raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 3: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:

Outstandi igFilms ppcar o T Program for Week

^ -mr-i

bullIh - u


harles Farrell First Year dnesday

- fbullgtr IflVtTM of

iin Kerfpri nt Irnlnv i|raquo(l Sat- Km Tin Tin bdquo The Light-Hi Imnl Jraquoix n-

bull i ritT Illntys rv mehulrnmn

liny- of hardy - i-on-liilit dull-

ulna ludinnx U fill I IT lUIlllHlj

f till set t lers iVvninr a w y s -

i i i i x i i l i i u i d i

whites nnd

|pylraquor kid inv|)ortifnt bulli tlio story

V i i -

Ill Lightning-A h t - | i sSlCCCS-

-iiiiti(i romance bull Richard Dix 1 ruisteringcnp-

-ir-tiontmdashwill) rin hnndits His tJwili Andre Judge luiN the i tin story The 1 nit liy several MTsntilf ehnrnc-lv Ziisu Pitts l-Mwiird Everett




tyog Days

01 01 v

higt for Friday i to laquoereen mi

win IT carnival ^ lelltle riJji- will ill in f

II- of T icy

go i ft w o 11laquo fti

gt l l l m t n i K h t

~ which pljivs night all the

unit iirotiud ii ] billiwt building

tielit for owner-r tin at tempted diamond mer-lt

Liiimi liy a |iool i lrokifriiiio office all the Mg nnd

iiriiii^ nnltl rival-v - iif those win)

I radio station I

itll a million- tin- tower anri^fdift Mr

d-at tires to he 1- tallest sky-iIIJ on the stu-


bullbull to the screen bull f the leading j York stage in i- Teasdalc who iili I tenner War-lie leading male o Sullivan Nor-1

r-lmlt and_Greg-- I hat an energetic

w lu-ni he takes nllt them and lets

the-jj m a y are ~j$M My Face

iWl to play]

ilrarna Rieardo gt A York tabliMd

n gossip wise- Mlt I


tir lead opposite i-lvetrees while east arc Robert mlge am) Jill

Vauconda Mlt line Rossdei itcher Weds

A maii inge of int people occurred

erest to many of at Spring itirov^

ed^emlny aftctjnoon when Miss daughter ltf Dr nnd Mra

issdluticher of Vi lo became the

will muke thlaquo bullr a motor

Paul OLfnry (if Chicago ir hohic in Chi-trip in northern

Attnda Funerall of Cousin Mr IHIII Mrs Ileijry Stndtfcldt at-iided f i e funeral ltjf Nicholas Web-r ui ht -Peter s church at Spring ove Wednesday a i r Webber wiis eouijdn of Mrs Htadtfeldt

Yi tb-Breaks Arm In Fall lacki

I wjhil

Whjfc pi rentjs

4laquoy I G a dog


Prof isor F i n d s c f K u y p f

i r a n

bullbull Sol

Mrs leraquo o] tht past M irshnll ili s

Mesdailies Alda Sihith Alvin Case Millie) Stewart aind Mrs Anna Case wlt re ii n Waukegan I Saturday

Mr a i d Mrs E l n e r E Grove of E-lison 1ark spent the week-end at thstr Summer hoBie ^t Spencer High-la ids

Mr re atives

Gl Geo-gel Blackburn

the bliss and Year that most bullriml-j of young

Ira-ma tic motiva-r- and Charles

re whieh will be litirs-dny and Figti-

^ - prom-ises a new haii jdres with

lniF is said to sh portrayal to

t entirelygrown-different

rtnjg plnyers of Minna (JoniibeH

medy role Leila A 1-1-1 a nd George -i ^


Mrs the

Mrs e i tended

ford 10 j mpking | i laquo home w

and Mrs

ears old who is th his grandpar-Dennis Murphy

out p lay i ig and fractured rt arm above the th bonps in his lc


Bi t by

it Cooks w )etz aged


Expect Iargest Entry in Stale Fair Harness Race

spending Thursday with dods our

little fane was- bitten

l a r r y Stewa t and son Cbar-aCroraquojie Wis have spent iveek here with relatives the Smith and the CaW- fam-

anrLMrs Hugh Reid called on here Saturd raquoy

i le t Xuin^ay morning ri-hin

Mis d i y s y i t cago

Mr M iss ]E hvir

and Mrs Andrew Sorensen loura Harris endMr and Mrs

I r o m atterided the circus in l C licajo Friday evening

Iieiia Stroup of Bowdle S D guest of hoij daughter-in-law

M b Natalie Stroup bullftotert Dickson t fepent last

w tb relatives at Iraquo i ihard l i lmef G m l u m is making nn

S t i x c n and ft mily at Wilmot

i lt

^ l bull


- | S

bull I l l



I t s

rli misty Tbfs nn-

ti car t lie (Jrent mill Is tl ietotnl) n liniy to bear It is built bullk which forms imsc measures

dk l a -en of the pyn

bull laquo|gt square ynrd hat it Is soinewhitt

il rd pyrainld It liffcrent In forma-

n fourth pyrn-(ted for a t o h -

I ie pyrnnild now 11 I iy disappeared

t an twenty cen-

Irfing Mn

so ns pa nied

Mr xe dde tovn

in history o f the i i for ages been

Mir Hassan re-bullrii-k temple riot I yramld a n d n s

its temple be t his discovery

^bullhereabouts of


visit with


accompanied by Blhckburn and Lester Caughey

for a-two weeks tf-ip- to Yellowstone park

ary Jepraquoo 1 spent Several Miss Virginia Kirk in Chi

The bigjest and clasAlest list of entries t in t the harness racing proshygram of the Illinois Sto p fajr eve-has attracted will start ftp the granjl circuit racs August 22 prediction waH trade by O Ireland |gtf Ieorla splt teiident of the fair j

With only two halrness remaining tpoti the speed IIIIH HuHlcliiit Information stall reservations It has mined nov that niuiiy viiltiable ract horses will have to V stabled In ten porary ltpuraquorters as the bin though retVtttly increased adequate HT Ireland stn

T l i q ten latcloidng which entries have been nlt ing the pi st week attrat

bullof 245 triitters and pace equally divided i

Five events for trotters clpsing list average 24 fe itrles enc-li and the fle events for1 pacers hav an average of 25 bullpotentinl starters ^ These rices for 2-AH 2 J 1 laquo 21 and 2 2 0 class pacers bullgt 1 21frac34 2 16 and 120 class trottlaquorii a 2 1 to 2 21 d a s s claimingraw for pacerjlt and a 2 1 0 class clai ini ig race for-trotters hnvc an aggrega e the winncru of $8800

The two events remaining open for overnight entriesiare thejll40O handi cap trot aim the $400 handicap pace in which n i p t of the starters arc ex pected to be from Illihois stables These two novelty races will -Intro duce the practice of start ng harnesn horses from a standing position a tfistanccs reflecting their relativi speed for the first time in the censhytral west bull)

d 2laquo Thilaquo gt1 Walter eil su perir

races nov depnftmen

to bull chect been del ei-

n room-al is sadly in ted

i ivents fob icebted tlut ted a totli rs almltis|t

in the late

Co-operate to Stop Borer at Indiana Linlaquo

Stuart El Plerson-director of thlaquo state department of agriculture nai been assured the aid of ounty offi cials all along the Indiana border ii the movement to protect the statii from an invasion of the Europeai laquoornborer The restrictions govern ing importkitions of commidities tha might carr y the insect int J the statlt from the infested territory are to blt enforced by county official i who wil have the impport of organized agrishyculture snd other local lenders

value t ^


her cousin Mrs

ahd Mrs Graquoorgc Scott nhd (h lighter Mary Mrs Mary Harris

1 aril Mist Laura Harris spent Thursshyday in| Aurora

Ralph Stoxen hnn sold his farm w u r IVltodatoek ami ptirehasetl oiie n m r Unon His sisters Miraquo Ruth Htoxeti Irs Glenwtiy Dorwtri Mrs Ni tall gt i froup accot ipanicd by Mrs

T o r r i b

F i r s t Q u e e n

d discovered nt in Hassan is be-omit of Quetn as poss ib lyptbe J n a |Jtr nip of Bowjlle S P visited

a m i h e $ amp r d a t b l s hltroe Thurwhy bullbull t - - I ix l s Hubbard D r Orton Hi^b-i

1m rd Mt s Carrie Vblte and Misa L ira Ila rrlson eal le l on Miss Majry BfseJejy i t the Farley Wade home-In

I1 irk Wednoiday evening a i d Mrs Mai shall Hmith and a n l Mrs Anna Case accotn

br their g m s t s Mrs Harry S t t w a k rtnl son (Carles visited the ni|igtnrt at Wheeling Sunday

ard Mrs Chtrles Scharf who on thw Cloogh farm north jofi

an lounce- the birth of a son lait week Hie chifdjhas-been named Jerome llerrnan

Mrs I H Simes and children of Hbroh tpent Sundijiy at the Glen w iy - i W via home

Mrs J isejdiine Wi a v er and son of Sl iaWi W i s acrotipanied by Mr rftnl Atrs Ilhrry Broivn spent Thursshyday with relatives here

Mrsi ] toy Turner] of Waukegan ea led on tobo OnlWednesflaj

Mrs] E Jith Brown and children and M Joh l Ross and daughter Jacquc^ line sfeijt Friday ii| Chicago at Uie

ci cusl Mr anl Mrs Johnl Brown and chjl

dien ygti Mi i s Kate Hess attended ImdashIhiladelpSia the 4nne|ral of -Mrs Browns father

Mr Stil l ing ijt Jobisbnrg Tuesdayj

bull y j raquo i

her sister A Irs Phyl l is H u n -



- D I S T R I B U T I O N 1 gt F M I L K I N T H E V I L L A G E OF B A R I t l N G -TON COOK A N D L A K E C O l N-



BE l l OIIDAINED by the President and Hoard of Trustees of 1 the Village of Barrlngton Comities of Cook and Lake andHtflte of Illinoisbull

SEtTlHSrN 1 D E F I N I T I O N S The following tlelltiltlotis shall apply In the interpretation and t|he Bnioreeiuenjt of this ordinance

(A) MILK Milk Is hereby dellned t o b e the - laefeul secretion obtained 1gtw the eotijplete milking of one or more healthy cows excluding that obshytained within fifteen days before and rare days after calving or such longer period as may be necessary to render the milk practically -colostrum free which contains not less than eight and one-half petr cent ( 8 frac12 ) of solids hot faf -ami not less thon Ithree per cent (8) of milk fl it |

( B ) S K I M M E D MILKgt [Skimmed milk is milk from which a sufficient portion of milk fat has lwen removed to reduce its milk fat percentage to less than three per eent (3-)

(C) PASTEURIZATION T h e terms pasteurization- pasteurized and similar terms shall be taken to refer to the process of heating every article of milk or milk products to a temperature of not less than 142degF and holding at such temperature for not less than 30 minutes 1n pasteurr izatioih apparatus approved by the health officer provided that approval shall be limited to apparatus which requires a combined holder artd indishycating thermonjeter temperature tolershyance of hot more1 than lfc^F as shown by official t e s | with suitable testing equipment jana provided that such apparatus sball be operated as directed by the health officer and so that the indicating thermometers and the recording thermometer charts both indicate a temperature of not less than 143-fF continuously throughout the holding period proshyvided ithat nothing contained in t h i s definition shall be construed as disshybarring any other process which has been demonstrated as of a t least equal efficiency and is approved by the state health authority

ltIraquo MILK PRODUCER A milk producer is any person who owns or controls raquone or more cows a part or all of the milk o- milk products from which is sold a m delivered to another person

bull(E) MILK D I S T R I B U T O B A milk distributor is any person who has in possession offers for sale sells

or delivers to another any mill milk products for consumption manufacturing nurposes

( F ) DAIRY OR D A I R Y FAttM A dairy or dairy farm is any place or premises where one or more cows are kept a jrart orall of the millf or milk products from which is| sold delivered to any person

(dS)^MILK P L A N T A milk plant is i ny place or premises or establ ish-picnt where milk or milk products arc collected handled processed stored bottled pasteurised or prepared for distribution ( II ) H E A L T H O F F I C E R rite term health officer shall mcn|n the health Authority of the Village of Barrlngton or his authorized represhysentative

( I ) BACTERICIDE The Inrm bactericide shall bo taken to n e a n anygt bactericidal substance or pro ess approved by the health olBcer

( J ) PERSON The word pert m as used In this Ordinanceshall hienn person tirm partnership eorp (rashytion or asMoelatfon

( K ) OIMITIFIBD MILK C irti-ffed milk Is milk which conforms Mitly the current rtu|ulrlaquomlaquonts of the Aije^r lenn ANsoeiatlon of tho Medical Isllltf (VmimlsHlonn and Is produced jtiampm the supervision of the Medical Millraquo Commission gtf the Medical Soclet of Cook County nnd of the Dlihols De-pHrtment of Publje Ilealtfl or of the village of Barriugtou I

SECTION 2 SALI Olf ADJt T- 15UATHSD OR M V s p R A N D J l ) IMILK OR M I L K J P R 0 D U C T 8 V 10-1I1B1TED It shall be unlawful for tiny person firni or corporation withshyin the Village limits of t|ic VII age of Bnrringtoii to piroducc sell ofer or expose fcir sale or have in possesshysion with tlic intent to sell any ni lk ot milkproduct which is adulteret or misbmwlcd bull - bull


sliall be unlawful for any person to bring into or to receive within the limits of the Village of Barring on for sale or to sell or to offer for talc therein or to have on hand for the purpose of sale or offering for iale any milk or mflk product as def ned in thfs ordinance unless such person shall first make application for- and obtain from the Village Clerk of (the Viljlage of Borringtoh license in acshycordance wjith this ordinance and such license shall be placed in a on-snicuous place on the vehicle or i ehi-cics driven by such person and the said license number or permit nunber

of sucl

the sail (C)

person ceive w

license t The Board of Trusshytees shhll at such meeting or at any adjournment thereof [either confirm the revocation of such license or CUUIHC

license -to be restored t TJOENSE F E E Every raquoueblt who shall bring into or r e Ithin the limits of the Village

of Bar ington milk for male toSell or offe1 for sale therein or to hatv on ham for the purpose of siile slml) annuall f on or before the 1st (lav- of January of each year hereafter pay n-Iieento fee toamptho Village Clerk of the Vil age of Harrington of the sum of -Twe rty-ftye ($2500) Dollars and on additional s u m o f Five ($500) Dollars for each vehicle used by such person in the handling delivery or distribution of isuch milk provided however tlwiytr the license feci for the balance o f t h e I year 1082 mll be the sun of Ten | ($10()0) Dollars and thi sutiKofTwo ($200) Dollars for CIMII y^lilchvnsed in the handling do-llv ry ir distribution of HUth milk Eraquo h 11ense HIIUII expire In eami year on the 81st -dniy-jof Decrnhfiir next

fo| owli g the-dmte of Issuance bull ^ t O N 4 1 COWS

shall bo In figures at least three 13) inches high and one and onejhtuf ( 1 frac34 ) inches wide

( B ) R E V O C A T I O N O F LI-D E N S E In the event the person to whom such license may be issued ylo lntgtg any of the terms of bull this or dlnahce or In ease of any cmcrgRtiey when In the Judgment of the h alth oflieer of the Village of Barringtoi the milk supply in quenth n has hecot m u publlic health menace such h nlth officer of the Village of Barrlngton shall have power and is htreby granted power to revoke uny such lishycense granted to any suen p e s o n provided however that such h nlth officer shall report to the Pres dent and Board of Trustees of the VI Inge of Borringtoh at the meet ing uext succeed ing the cancellation of such permit the fact of and the ret sons for such cancellation and the said person or holder of such license or permit may appear before the Presi-


H E L T O N 4 1 COWS W B K U C U L I N E T E S T E D All milk or its derivrtt veraquo delli|ed in laquohgt Ordinance shall b from cows whfoh are free of tub treuloslH as uliali Ititvo braquoen determined by the tnbvivuiliie tetf as HtlttilniHlered uiider - HutierviHion of State n r Fedeitil uuthorltles empoxy-ered to supervise such tests SWIMS bullraquo LABMLING bull A N i i PLACM RDlN|3j All bottles en us pnekngi s ttbjl jot her containers en- closingmilk or any milk product deshynned In this Ordinance shall be plainshyly laboed or marked with (1) the name o the coiiteuts as given m the definlticns in this Orditiance (jjrtlic gradeo the contents if said contents a m grailed undeigt thlaquo provision of^thrs Ofdihaice i (3) the word pasteurshyized if the contents have been pas-teurizet or subjected to beating for any pui pose (-1) the word raw if tho contents aro r a w (5) the name of the producer] or distributor T h e label 6i mairk Shall be in lettwrs nf a size hind land color approved by the health officer tiftd shall contain ho marks gtr words not approved by the health ifficer i bull

8JHClaquo ION fl C O M P U LS O R Y PASTEURIZATION- All milk (exshycepting certified miJk) as defined in thljli 0 dihancc which ball be sold offered for sale exposed for sale disshyposal of lexchahged or delivered shall bo pasteurised ifci accordance with tlie definiti raquon of pusteurlzatlojiirfound in this I rdinance iprOvldeaT however that untiling herein cotisectfif|icd shall

dent and Boaiil of Trustees at meeting and may present any relating to his right to a restorijtion

tli^ Village lely for de^ plants or

ijicts plants

such nets

prevent) the bringing Into of Bur ington raw milk s livery to pasteurization other milk or dairy proi

S E t J T I O N f PABTJSTlRIZED MILK - P a s t e u r i s e d milk is milk which has been pasteurised^ cooled and hot I led in ft milk plant conformshying vyl hall ofjthe i t e m s of eonstrue-tlon fipiljHncnt and operation specishyfied Ii Minimum Requirements bull for (Vmstr letloh Ennipment find Opejo-tlon o Milk Pasteurisation Plants as formulated by the Illinois Departshyment lt f Public Health and the nver-URe bfcterial onint of which nt no time i fter pasteurisation and until delivery exceeds 50000 per cubic ccn-tlmctei I bull bull -- bull bull bull bull bull

8 H I T 1 0 N 8 T R A N S F E R R E D OR D [PPED MILK No milk proshyducer gtr milk distributor shall transshyf e r m l k products from one container to anolher upon the street or in any vehicle or store or in any place ex-

i iept in art approved milk plant The f file of dipped milk is ihereby expressly ] prohibited

1 If shall be unlawful - for hotels lotla fountains restaurants nmd sitni-Inr estnblitthments to sell or serve n n y

nilk o r milk products ins defined in i his Ordinance except in the original

ontfliner in which it was received rom the producer or distributor I S E C r r O N 0 F U T U R E DAIR1K8 CND MILK P L A N T S All dairies ind milk plants from which milk Is liippUed to tjhe Village of Barrlngton vhlch are hereafter const meted shall (inform In their construction to the i requirements of the health laquojill|cer vhich shall not be less than the tnW- nurd requirements of the Illinois fhgt- uirtlnieut of Public Healtlj t

SIX^TION 1 0 PENAIPY Any lersiin Who shall violate any provft linn of this Ordinance ^linl) Ite fined tot more than one hundred dollars ($10000) j i t the discretion of the fecoTd(r Each and every Violation if the - provision of this Ordinance

ihall-constitute a separateoffense 8 E C1M 0 N l i t HKOONHT1TU-

1 T O N A L I T Y CLAUHEJH Shouhl any lection paiHgrnph sentence clause ir phrase of th|s OrtllmitiCe be de-la red unconstitutional of hivnlld for

iny-reason the remninder of said Or- l

(llnance shall hot be affected thereby SEtrWON 1 2 R E P E A L A|l Oeraquo

i iiujltces or parts of Ordinance In (onjllet with this Ordltmtice he nnd he same are hereby repealed

SlflCTlON 1H This (Irdinance shall-l laquo l i i - i u U foVjCO and effect fntttvuihl itUw its passage and publication and

pprovnl according to gtiiw Passed this Nth day of August D 1082 A Y E S 5 N A Y S 1 Approved this 8th day of August

- raquo 1032 bull bullL J C CADWALLADER1

V President of the Village of Harshyrington CookAnd Luke Cuwi-

ties Illinois bull Attested nnd tiled this Sth day af

tUgust A D 1032 A C R r R A N D T

( S E A R ) Village Cleric STATE O F I L L I N O I S SS COUN-


liereby certify that I am the regularshyl y elected and acting Clerk of tho Village of Barrlngton Counties of Cooknnd Lake State of Illinois -

I DO F U R T H E R CERTIFY that llier annexed and foregblhg Ordinance is n true and correct copy of an Orshydinance passed by the President nnd Board of Trustees of the Village of Barrlngton on the 8th day -of August A D 1032 that said Ordinance passed as aforesaid was deposited and tiled In the office of the Village Clerk of the Village of Harrington on the 8th day of August A I) 1032 and was approved by the President of the Village of Barrlngton nit the 8th dfiy of August A D 1032 -

1 DO Ft fRTf tER (CERTIFY that the original of which the foregoing-is bull a true copy is entrusted to my care for safe-keeping and I am the keeper of the sumc

I 1)(frac34 F U R T H E R C E R T I F Y that I rim the kraquopper of the records Jour mils entries - and ordlnaiicis of the Village of Barrlngton j

I N W I T N E S S WHER1laquoOF 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the Villas) of Bar- rlngton this 8th dlaquoy of AngUst A D 1032- - - i v

A CJBURANDT ( S E A L ) bull Vl l la ie Clerk

Second Annual Local dl Competitive

and Carnival BarringtcnM


mdash at the mdash

niclpal S wii tutting Pool n North Side Park

Starting at Si 00 p in

] Thirteen FUN FOR ALL

1 Girls 40-Yard Free Style Race 2 Boys Fancy Diving Prom Low Board 3 Boys (12 to 15) 40-ard Free Style Race

Bift Events

right across the home plate Be sure yotfr radio is in jerfect order to receive the scores of thjese fit tai game i of the season You know mdashthe Worlil Seriejs gamlts are coming soon

Our Radio Repair Department Will Do Your Work Right and at the Right Price

Schrceder ijaidwajre Cq

r i

-- V^MTiii^jyii^MMiB1 m m m m m


ug 19

4 1948 Paris Olympic Diving Champions 5 Style Show-+Styles Old and New i 6 Boys Fancy Diving ] rom High Board ]

7 Tu gt Racje 140-Yard |Free Strte I [

8 Bos Medley Relay 9 Pnsentation of Life Sav-

inj Awards j 10 GUIs Fancy Diving From

Low Board^

11 Boys (1frac34and over) 40-Yard FfirBtyle Race

12 GhfsMedrel Relay 13 Clorvn Act

Regular Admission Prices to Pool


ERNSfEVAfe Rythm Kings






lt v




bull i





I t

bullM us Troxjrt Become -Bride of


Crystal Mr am rriiiKton

tl ir ilnu F jink If-iit



C fa


Clubs Lahlaquo Man

Mrs Ore ri announce tlie nianiage of

hter Charbtte Mae tar-driiek son ol Mr and Mrs

gtrmiin Itamirnck of [Meljtanpy nve-igt Crystal Lake quiet-weddiiiR was solimt izeltl at lit oclo k Saturday evejiinp A tig with t t Hev thoran church Crys

formed tliij ceremony flio bride anil groom werje n Mi1 Lillian Hamln ck jjnil

I f lndrock sister am] irottycr Kr iltini

Iflilt bride won1 a di ltiraquo ami carried a 1raquo do flowers

llie bridesmaid also laquoift crepe dress and wir

garden flowers The liride is employe] and the ^room at tl tory near Crys ta l I rhey will lgtigt at h

fr lids after AiiKiist 15 tii i near Harr ington

ie immediate fniikilis pres-Kufhnert if tile Jerinaii

lal j al e per-

tteuded Albeit of the

c repe | )f car-


a It life

ieil a bouquet

at Jevtel Tea e Tfrr^ fotta ike gtimraquo to at Cu t

In jsill tnpiet


Mi ny Attend 0 E S bullgt M|e4ing

ffimt fvgt luinilre tei ilcil tin meetim of t i-h jttirof the (raquo E S in at the lnil|raquoigt rooms i Ti nple on Cook street

raquobullgt rescn ta fives from an 1 many visitors from nrampiborinK

ills were present JJtl sts of the ltgti ssie Har t Mrs V H rry X Cole of Chicifco

The hall was beautifully decorated w h an abundance uf (jti sts were served lish

the i-love f the meet at

Bltlal Slu wet Held for s MurteiLr

raquofrs William fJutt-^luilk an Conk me i i jt

TL l|Osti SS|4 jjf 1 I

ii for Miss fmrille V e v e n i n g A b o u t veli | ty re p r e s e n t T I I O M f ru n ltraquolt re M r s (Je u-ce Felu eim a n H e i l l e l bdquo f ( l l i l U l gt r s g f i

I r a i r i - V i e w nml M I L Ki s K l u i e r IJ iV-c a n d M

bull V Ki gti k V pretrv ireen and u Ii

Be enii was cnrriI nut in an I table deivdat intigt 111 cheiili VMS bullTVI a1 Til a ihasiint eveiiini

Ft ti ter Ins t ructor H| Ta tes Itridn bull

LlllHMItie III lit ha e of t h e m a n i i ^ e i lvs AiiiiHidlaquo-11^111 ( l e (

laquooi tot III 11

o f

II se I

he l a W

Ii- IleiiilrieliMiu is the da onis AniuinKrn Li [arii)ift Ili-iili-n taught ii) bullbull1 from lrjl to 1 I alhb-ti- hn h fi |

be l l eni[ I y J i n si-hio si t J

te Lh-Ilosford Ni ilials

mi-i in bullbullvh i~- ngt i| n a - bull Miss r-tii 1 of Ur agtid Mis V K Ion t T C isfnl on | i i i ngt t H a t 11 igtgt|gt

lie Iliitiinnv was bullIJf I V I-istbdquo a hri |s fitnilv ai| t hoi gtgtbull in Joy Aftur lal s rixiiiu in Wi-ron wi he af hmie at str er Iaiiii-in whet is in ingttit i in the

V on II


evei i i ru

( f iner ii-(f11lt-1bull gttbull in thel H a r r i ^

J Troxel of

Fifteen Attend Pl tn l f

rift Birl uIII II e l t l l

raquo 1 the ill1 Da Iter to the lie wet

een members of the BarritiRton flub nttondcd the prganizntions

al picnie laquot the Biltinorft Country beiuh Friday eveniiiR Following

icnii supper served at 8 j oclock memhers w-ere engaRed in a bird

iipoundifi(J|iitiigtn wtitest WJillilmi O son prepared a list of niiwtions ailiiui to birds habits [flint were

be answered 1 the members in mariiier of aspell down Mrs

ter Hiicsins and James IlaSRe the winners in the contest

meitibi rs - at-

li e Mor fc insbury

even-i the Maxouii

bullft lt lapters

rihe -wpre

an Ni

flower refre


Tit hm n j^

I Miss street

shower Miirtett i Tues

Rliests f tOVVll 1 Mrsj d Htitt MiVis lU-e|vn


biiij r I Miss CI I I -

i-e| race

i i l r j i k-

hi^-h sehi| whi i-h laquo Ui r i i i -t -- i n [

URhfer M r

t^le lix-Bll gtbullbull Jan I w a s h i t I t i l l ie l i e

l l r l c i 1 W here

of bull lit- niar-bullbullih raquol-i iRliter eijll bull) TrVr f l iani i ton-

Mi v Hyle Ttsvtliolimiru t o Piiuxhle Club

lenbers uf the Iinoi ertained at the hump

pa bulltlioloniew pHt Si T l irsdiy Honors wen1

lliam Hoffnian Mrs nv Mrs UiiRiist Sl r r y Welaquoe r Z e r

Mt InHlist Clioir Hlt ds I irnic

he eleiir of the Mel en Veil a pietlie supper of Mr and Mrs W A IV stal Lake Friday

sld iarraquoili

iUiize(l A HIT

leTfi|rt l friend


Hi| in the 5tgt2 is

Mr II i i^ j i |sc | i igti


iii lt

ert it

i list at th

Kvan ni

Kva i IIK

Package and Hull

0 urjide creaniis frozen rigit before y(|ur eyes in dur[ from the highest qual|ity materials obtainable


Vanilla i New York Chocolate

Dont bullnildren

Miller i


Ziirderfi Fgtntertain a t Beieflt i icnic

^jlr and Mrs WJ C Zander entei-t a i i ed about one hundred atiid fifty friends from Chicago at a picnic ltiinheoii Wednesday a t their home in C u l a township- AVidnesday fnr the bulliiii gtfit of the Old Peoples hpme of St Pau l s church in Chicago

iss their M i

bulla S tn- a t lt

frac34 ess Sat pa n son

oliored M r s

tt and

M Mr dre pici

M Mai wer am r i i iv

color borne | - j

dainty j t gtse of (

s t r W o

spe - dau

Sarah Dawson Entertains orn Koast

iss Sa rah Ann Dawson w o a group of friends at a cor lrday evening at the home nts Mr and Mrs Roberl west of town The youn

the evening playing gji ing

n t

Saliirt Sunday Sdidor Class Entertained

i i T

Su hon son iug f i ^ -sup |

he Delta AJfiha class of the lay school was entertained bull o f Mr and Mrs F r a n k near Lake Zurich Tuesdn bullIt was guest uightf am were present to enjoy the

icr and sm-ial hour which f

he Woman s Relief Corfo will have only irtie meeting d i i r i tg Sep-ten her It will be on Septenjber 14 A jiirge at tendnnce is expect


eag Mr Co

-tun a w Li

M and ores mit

^ Ma X tliof Yldl

t by gtf Hie at h i ^

tin | cottplt j

Cook is ford j

R fain Mrf


M t e r wet Mrs

M ilam CJio Sufi Iak ton

lull were of Mrs Hyle lltll liVitni won bf Mrgt|] -M

nvlraquo- It irMioi-t laquoon 1 Mrs

hurc l i home




M r s C l a of Oak Vafi K Selniltie Inst wpek

Guests Euifwit 0 Sunday w seina am Miss Ida Calif

i t t h j horn nfftjJ 201 fiu f^fr an

children riensema

3h- an sou Ifowart were^ ifties Foelschow Ktruing a ters

M r s F t of Cen

tsj of Mr |4(X E ml Mrs I

s host-l roast of her Daw-

j f o l k s jes and

t and Mrs Magill and family-mid and Mrs A Oheiiiluf at d cbil

417 Grove HVIMIUI fnj gtyed a ic near St ChilrleH^Sutlda

Miss E was Mi1


velyn Senner of Vera Ci dys

Mr am Russell and Mrs Joseph is a siste

Mrs E street aro


MP^ Eibma Aline Lowe of ChienRo ah ^fer of A itioeh mot ton Moiidiy to visit Louise So

Andrew week of fi

It 108 E

Pede rsen bulliliing a t 0

near Blooner Wi

Saletn at tliej Peder-

even-ahout picnic

I lowed

W a l t e r Calif is Louise ship

Martin of

s Vivian Scott Mrs t and H a r r y X Cole of

bull dinner guests Monday Mrs J Kdwatd Ieiss

Ion township

fiiistfic hicago bullf M r f Itar-

r C P Ilitwley was hostjss itt a and bunco party Wedneraquoilny ajf-

IMIII af her home lM lt ltocik t given for the heneit

nans Reliiff corps of ihe

r- and Mrs Albert Allen spent Sunday it the h ind Mrs Edward Ost tgt0M S street bull bull

of flli-ilue of

iss Leoline 1-raquoix of WauliOian re-ed home Sa turday after s lendiii eel with her cousin Miss Phvflis

r and M r s William Somiuprfield son William and daughter Dol-were guests ofVMrs N Stein-of Rogers P a r T h u r s d a V

Mr anlt children un lay foi two wee father T

Mr C 42 Grovej


is w i t h Helrriirian

Mrs Keith 2L1

Laurii La Coolidge

na iromi-th 10laquo F and Mrs Chicngo week a t and Mrs

Louis Sunday a 221 Cool

Mr an S Hough over the V Mitch

Mr am Rranson visited at E Libert

Mr nni son Edwa Wis to of Mr (J Mis J G

Mr an son Wayi Coolidge i the-1iome of Fr iends

rs K F l iralidt and daughter-ami sons JamiK and Uwiry 417 lough street leTf^Wttlidavt for a

gtr trip to I the Black Hi(ls and iwstone pafk

v and Mrs Charles Dnisisel and y were guests a t the hnme of

and Mrs Leon Newton o|f May- 1 Sunday

rs Cora Purcell and gcaiiddaugh-Lortdei Langendurf spent the -end at the home of Mr and bullWilliam Rut t of Waukegan

r and Mrs George Folkrbd and hters Florence and Mildr^dgt 808

avenue motored to Michigan lay to visit friends a t M ^ g i e l t f n

near IHowagia and also a t Ben-Harbor

r and Mrs William Grunau and Charles of Edisjgtn P a r k visited

Mn Grunau s - parent^ Mr atpl Mrs W Unman Sunday- raquo i

Mlstf Miirjorie Ivuhlman Who is in tra ining at Presbyter ian hosptfai Chiiago is spetidina two weeks vacashytion at tlie home of her parents Mr ami Mrs Higtrniriu Kuhhnan 800 Iibt rty streot

tiLA VOM F^tllSH Strawberry Pintapple-Nui Ban ma-Nut

foi^et Xrt to slaquond| the p ^ n ^ -iftlaquor tliat great bi tgtt V 4 U I I C

P tm

Ask About Our Week-End Specials

Fruits Black Walnut Maple NUt Palmer House



rles Albei tson and children ijk wore 1 uets of M rs B

uf Mr and Mrs Main street on Mrs John Ben-

of Onarga and if Los Angeles

imk Strains and er Square NV Y and Mrs W C

Jlaiiv street Mrs uelschow itpe sjss-

of Mrs

iWallacc 223 W enter ta in ing Dr Morr is of St k Mrs Morris SVallace

and Miss Clara 1 Mrs J e a n All-gtred to Barr ing-their aun t Mrs

Lincoln avenue

i s enjoyang a Id Timers resort

Martjn visit ing

J Sweitz pent the

^)1 wan ken William II

iri inm of the W a n

IjsffD nvonut I -

l Mrs Tl( 4treiit ha

wiokjend 11 ol Eva

Mrs |Fre iikd MIS H

tlie ludd ( 1 street k

Jfrs rjl let plMlll (thlHilltls

thmi ii


Pa Sll 1 w

and dan eiiut vis

)f Mr a lit li p Wis

C nd Saturdij Only

f Los Angeles is bull mother Mrs

larrington town-

) I l e r r in iah and avenue left SiVt-Mich to spend

Mr IFerr imans

idwer and son avenue Miss Ed-

Stat ion strent and children of

irst par t of the a s guests of Mr )mnth

Chicago spent Olmslead home

bert Marsh (U52 as their guests

dr and Mrs A iston

I Olson Mrs- A Mildred Branson alkitis home 14 nrliiy

I Grothtnan and iday for Merrill bullek (it ihe- home lurenls Mr and

PPP bull bull bull bull

m vffi


guests at the Golden home |wcrte Mr and Mrs Sandfort Rieke and fwn Jack Mrs Ernest Rieke and Mrs Mason Coe and daughter Mary Alice and wn Ned of Barrinilton and Mrr iinna Gomm of Chicago

Jfr and1 M ra daughter Audrey of Wayne traquoont Sunday at- the Henry Wolthhuueu tfitte 0UAV Main sj^et

Little Mis$ riefii Oimsteads spent the welaquok-end JTT the home of Mrs Wallace Qrlttiin of Chieajfo t

a^ied Miss to spend t|ie

ering home

Pickering ho me

Mc and Mrs [jnmilyi of Edison it the home of

Park spent Mr and Mrk

Waldo HeMungH and dore schutt Tieir daughtr Rose r a longer y

I Mr awfl Mrs Roy Klepper and son RoyJr 22raquo V Lincoln avenue sbeM from Sunday until Wednesday ar the Dells

mary remained ft Iter grandparents

Miss Etna Dai Is of aiico a gjiest- of Miss Adeline Okt f day imtil Tuesday

Dr and raquotrs W O Biirklu rdt Iil2

Mrs M a s Lines was amonsr the guests a t a bridge-luncheon Thur sday given by Mrs L C Bobbit of Chishycago bull

Miss Virginia t j jeske-of Wheeling is visiting her uncle and- aiint Mr and Mrs Henry Schroeder

Mrs Ida Jjones of Chicago is spendshying the week 130 W Main s t reet

with Mrs Henry Donleaj

Mr and Mrs E lmer Jackson 31J Grove avenfe are motoring through Canada this month bull

Mr and Mtrade George P rudau and Bernice Collins of Chicago were guests of Miss Ju l ia Lamey Tuesday

Mr and Mrs Charles Wendt and family and Missl Florence Niss of Bar r ing ton spent Tuesday i r i E lg in

Miss Grace Cast le at tended a bridge-luncheon S a t u r d a y - a t the homw of Miss Mary Elizabeth S t ewar t of l ies Pla ines

Mrs Janies Hafftier and daughte r Nancy re turned Sa tu rday from Pal i shysades Mich where they spent the pas t month with Mrs Wesley1 Par shyker

Cooltd-ge avenuf from Cable- W

[the pasttwo wee Their son-in-law and Mrs A L have been their their home in Atlanta Ga S

Mr and Mrs returned Sunday tion at Pelican

D amp and iMrsJ Sa tu rday f i r Can The i r Mild who have spent a d a W j l l re tu rn home with tl em

Mr and Mrs infant daughter Mr and Mrs nesday

Dr and Mrs

Mrs B u r k h a r d t Ehman of Chicaro

Mr and bull Mrs daughters Ellen

M r s F rank Par t r idge and Mrs I I Blood- spent Monday a t thej J Corr home in Woodstuck-

Miss Anna Jean Beck of Wausau Wis is spending the week here with h e r g r a n d m o t h e r Mrs J o h n Welch He-

Miss Evelyn Pickering of-Sheldon Wis was a guest of Miss J u n e Ketel this week Mr and Mrs Albert Ketel and (laughters J u n e and Leona aegt

ctor Rieke and ghter Carol 215 ted last week at airs E Golden

On Sunday other

ny Kind of


flRT MILLER Prop 114 S Cook Street


August 19 to 1 September 3rd

Inclusive Our Regular $7 Permanent Only

$5 Complete with Shampoo and Finger jWave

We test your hairmdashand adshyvise the type of I Wave thats exactly suited to YOU Noth-

bull ing can add more charm to your appearance than peiv

fectly groomed hair Have one of our Permanentsmdashandj be ready for any festivity-

Open Tuesday Fiiday and Satshyurday evenings Other evenings ltby appointment

VANITY BeautySKoppe

POR WQypSS WBiO CARE bull 110N Hough St

Tel Barrington ^01

nd Saturday Aug 19-20


Spring thickens Lamb Smoulder Lamb Stew

furger 2 ax

per lb 23C IA18c iraquo10c ib9 29c

Quck Arrow er 8c

Soap Chips pkg 25c Strawberry Peach (XJ

Mb jar for l t C

Pejuiuf Butter Malco

Rice Krj spies Fresh

We^cSivei Phone 28 Open

10c 2 pkgs 23c

Frui t i anil Vegetables

61 Sunday Morning 800 to 103

( bull



Albert Schutt and

returned where til

ts at Camp i and dauil

rice and fat guests bullbull rett

Friday y spent rescent ter Mr illy who riled to aturday

E Burns an 1 family from a weeds vaea Iiake Wis

Dean Bro Interna tiortal ren Polly ai the summer

Fred Gusjtke and of Chicago Visi ted

D Churifh Wed-

W G Bi 132 Coolidge avenue1 are entertaining

s sister Miss Ida

iv N S4 and Beth


Sunday Tlieb-

sft with

nda was oin gtrf

)ks left Falls

d Deane in Canr


tmvd Sioux Falis 8 I^Tuesday f^en ing Mis JS Iward Jt) dd of Dubuque

acompanied them visit several Rev and ahs Charts DrusselK

bullbull Mr D Hough street Flock and e|iildfeh fHotn a two Black HIHH

1 RkhtiteMi 42 IN and Mrs Win nf tur^e^SunSfJiy

weeks m|gttor trip to tm 8 i)

Mr land Mrs nolluid Butler flnd dauffhtec Betty of dinner guestf of Mr Sehwemiii

Walter ( street and ( ton spentSaturday n at Waupaca

and Mrs Pa MW Chicagoraquospeijt Sunday Gossell horn

Mr and Mrs W family of Jewel park at Woodruff Wis tl

Mr and Mrs daughter Bety Mae frfr Kansas City Mo Monroe f6r a week

Mr and W Station s Mrs Audley t d v e Sunday


weeks w home and bull will t h h e r BAWljitSj

and Mr r

Qlaquok -Park wore and Mrs War)


ijinon i 1 Jharles P

bull - bull bull bull

i SV nusseU iwllk of WHea bulllit and Sunday


a rs and re turned

family Miss ton family M r

son and fain O G511y of

Chailes Wendt and illy of Barring-illiam Niss jjmd Ijeon Fredrick

dnd Mrs Daniel


Tulesday August X3|iid ALL SEATS

il Andrews bull of at the August

838 V Jake street

F Conrad find ace vacationing is week

Dellnyrt Weber and eft Wednesday o visit Mrs M

drs George Butler 2(17 treet entertained Mr 4laquo1

Smith gtf Washington


0 Ricartfo Cort BZ mdash Robert Armstrong

Helei i Twelvetrees in Brightest inappiestNewspaper Stotff

j oftheSeason 1

Nevis Comedy and Sport l ight Added

S h o w s at 700 and 900 d m





Ry-Crlip NiB0 r

torna Doono ihort Bread Cookljus LB Elglt Oclock offlaquoe



2 2 bullgtTL8gta|5e

PKQ i o r

Red Circle Col Fee Bokar Coffee bull Cer o 1 ( ) 1 ( 1 ( 4 Na^ y Beanraquo Blulaquo gt Roce Rice Jel le Oood Luck Margarine

American Family Soap Amitrlcan Fan illy Flakei Noi lhernTluue

Watermelons Cantaloupes Ji|mibo Indiana Blberta Peaches or Barthtt Pears




m LB 1raquoe

LB 23c LB 27c

Bomearc 3 LD8 1 ) r

isa CIO 2-LB mmm PKQ a M




Round Indiana ea 29t 2fgtr25c]


4 lbs 19C

9c PKO

A ta-oz CAN3

4 PKQ 50C

AampP Food Stores C r r a l M l

S T E I U lt D I V I S I O N

a m i I a i i l i i 1 I I lt O I I I I

-Pranli Rutehlns MrVand M HutcHniR Mr and Mnraquo K and flmily ot Oak tfirk w at bull ^Icnjc atr the home of GilJyfBftrriogtdn townVhip day

fitrittn-dAlrM O BlerjJvi 4the following guests iSmu and M rH B Kempner |nnl Heijetw lraquolaquork MIHWlaquo Antm ma Bietsel| of iieerji m Biickiimn -of HnvenswooH

bullV B wick ItiMii 1-1 I


bullbullI mi Mr iv of

bull bull l l urv


GEORGE BRBN 10c imd 30c to s

alter 8^0--15c anc


0 T 00

4 M

after 630



m urn -s

iVED-THURS-Fl AUG] 245-2laquo

ECIAL ADMISS All Seats 1 0 c


7(rrf-H E A V E N

bullF TH1



10c and 30c to 8(0 aftiej-8C0mdash 15c and | 0



Pifty-NinthAiinu| bull bull bull bull i n v 1

Evang OpensHete

lTnl m (bdquo^ed from I1-

bull i K-firlwrn ltuperintelaquodeatt bullIf rifc-l laquoraquogtlaquo bullnlaquoMo u n rJ lh nn lltlaquossltyi espojraquoftion

ampVvZ ltbullKelaquoraquo K T 8 V

bullP liildroiiHdivisionX

l ^ (Vlr nni Mrs VV L t Mult(

lunV M- Wiliiin bullrfWlan Kl44 Slgt bdquo KviiijtilistiV wtrn ia i

AV I ISIIIJIIJIII Bjl in Open H4rorebfttr-

^ i J i T i n - V ^ok 1ieo|ils mpoiii bull (H-hL-afto B r ~ lt V led lgtgt i bulliKi H-iIJyinS laquoIP gt bullraquogt

- i i - i 1 d i a r i e s H - H V a i

bullAvrfllaquop r ^ Kv-tiinS laquotraquoHVPE J |bull raquo- Keen ^

Monday Vu8- Sft bull L bdquo MinistV- i-)iimfil

^ - r-rofessor Keen _ - j

10 sor |llte

I bull)laquo(

|v plvfl mdash bullbullbdquo l i | ) l e s i l l i lymdashil- ro^ i i FelligtWNlngt ^r^n-

n iv nbdquo K_ J Bruso De in

i f-r-y - -

1 Workers J o iferei iiliK-iiHoMal Tafk of j


f i 1 - U ltltgt f hiMHlt 1 -igt

hiivli I I i i r i n i - t i k i i v h x a ^ bull laquo laquo laquo Mraquolaquol- - bull bull j trade-j- ]gt m- Quiet half hirt -riV-n mljtaiiMi anlaquol prjraquoyr

-^7-1- p m-lt s raquo wTvief lit- JrMr Wiewid- ltbull bull j-bull [i-(lii l1 iraquo -Kvonniff wraquo)rslii]raquo serv J y Kev V K Klaquoen -j

Tnltsday A B 3 3 f v n i in Minis ters ro invU

ihgt ilislriet superir-tesule bull clwir pn i ii Missionary prayer nje

ine- bull bull il Id II i is Adilress-ny njgtvinaj

bull_]( 1 1 ( jSulir o f j h ia- ]o | A in - Wonien s n ii-si

gtBf-r - -V Hy -Mrrt li i Mi mati

4 raquoM 11-11 i m Mltsioniify lally i

[vliar ( li unftiittee Add res v j Misgt S i i n liiiierirfiind s i i i e r i n t u Idem i lil|Ie Wgtnieiix rairiih gtwhltraquo1 T1-V- Jigtpnn bullbull 1

(IMi1 p i n Workers ooi fefen^ hTlwiin bull il l-dueatioHiil ask (tho Clinr h II Missionary fmgta^

_Sli- 1 II Itaiiyrii(vJiid I p in (osul Sniijraquogtlaquo rvii-iraquo S (lii ( ii Ivifyiretilaquorieinyllaf

s-inr IV lr- W W Sh-iii^ I IJneMla) Aliff 21 j -

Nl i iii bull Alilllstirs laquoom rilfe i ilplaquo- in-gt uiiTeli^in by traquor Kwilui

-Hi i in Hi-ldi -bulljtiidymdashJe- V pound1-11 i i (Jeniuiu fMeueJi ng frac34 j l i e bull - i i 1 i igtmdashUev M K I filllj I-U i

2 -II | LI Fellowship sltrvii-c Jnmn In li-v 1 -L ^bullIjweifzifr ( i 1in p in Wor^Vs confer pTIiiiiii- Ti IvIin-iiLiiHiiil Tasll

J-Clltir- I l l Ieade|gtliii S | l-ltiv II I Siiinsi-n (

Tlmrvl iy n K 27i l i -Sgt(i i m M i n i v e r s -41111-IjAtiliy| -i^li r r o ^ r a m IV-| WIISI-ln-f (bull

Wlaquo 1 fii Pilil^ sliv I W- Hhi imtVii 2i P uy Kllvvgthn

111011 h i-v p j I W0e| an-1111

0-iU -p 11 Worker Illiiine --n Fliiifi)na|

nmiili- J v lovaltv gt nraquo N is-- bull bull T

S-MKI bdquo Ki-ancelivii I Wm h Kev W W ampbdquobdquo

^oca Womafti Pays $12^ ( lo Ioarn Peddlers i f c x i

raquo piei-ielji l t i i i thl rj If 5straquojk -r a tui |it ^X^ll^e-Ji aiji l i e -drill -

se lU l l f l | ( t l 2

$il I

1-^igt| f |utf llIH


in eat tinii

O v i i i erhei Iter


bullbullii iniie from |^ i l

ttaiiil iM bdquosgtihly d In til 11-1r f | i m i l l

laquo0laquor Hi pelll^ hinvs ty 1 bdquo- l lllK r t l L I (

nlaquo-ki Igt A1 | bdquo r ) tHilt CNils bdquo -f i j s S M i s

|laquor fbdquo nwi bdquo | n v n W i n bdquo U-I]MIK a t a l l

bulllaquobullltgtgtbull Me h a s t o t a i n

^ ^1 v bdquo lt 1PVV1 Nlil1 raquo H - X p e bdquo r l r o | i s

totraquo|l-f-| is mlt-j KH Kti n bdquo n m l l i v t i Wl Hiiin s |bdquo rtverhoai

gtraquobull r-iil - 1 bdquo U [ t ( gt

raquoltbull laquo 1 - r l bdquo bdquo l o n i

JJ-I ~0 |00ti T1 e |aribdquo 11 1 - 5 I 1-11 in long p m t I $ mdash bull bdquogt 1

|-A- and TonnageJSnlei ^rop 393 Per

I i1 l)bullgt-for fh | S B bullbullraquobullraquobull raquoraquo were t t I--- with w 1frac34laquobullbull rj-lod in-11frac34frac34

III- ^V^saiO i^-V1 S S I M l


I K V i-laquolaquoraquolaquoraquo iw nluinti bull HtaW 1laquo V


^ 1 Mi V^ ^ MS bdquo imred laquolaquo Il^ tijjiV rr wn

^V11 decreuKi

111 I

bullFujy 11

bully IIS



of bullHinititi1

Ith of 4


fjer I lisoif


S-1 ^--


Ilj rHi


eoniertip Tiskvlt |

bull bull - bull bull bull bull bull ) amp

+rvv raquo1raquoraquo

1 if ai|gt 4V

ily hi nfi) r bull KKO-S gti- bull

n a n uy~trraquo t


i3U four

SraquoM t)27laquo 11 nd i

toir gtei4

t mi o f iraquoV| or X

laquo4amp of h


k 1 y^

sgtia 5S- ffl i

raquodl laquo pr 1

We| 1-111frac34

Ti reimii

W i

iraquolaquofnlii wer

$y7m Knli^H Wet ton4^2

005 li

There Is a ^Marketfo

JEAL ESTATE L ^ D S bull if in default arl Ki

- frac34 qo t r ^od laftd ^bullurit^s -

m-^ Hiai

pfault W e buy unlived

eouponi cashed

G ^ raquo E i i D r j ^ laquoCdMFAr

l S bull t a l l es t ^ 4 ^ W i o n

4 7 laquo -


bull 1

irmlriit In 1 y HIIlS IMO-|nisitii)n by

T S vi-igtnL

In in

Poui -H Club ROUT d-Up

H i 4-H ( picnh Farm

u h M|iihl IpA bullmummdash


r-itra or

1 lt

-bull fbull Wi

Mr i en-u j iiddreses

r 1113

1- v i bull bull i i l l l i

-Ai l -

Ex at [ITorntr lor r jIJ S Igt s

- t l

TV fraquo ])eer

and to

spOns OFCU

and I [ome

liib ljounduj raquoml farmers by the Lake County Bureaus Pure Milk

a s s o c a t i o k Hotytefr 1 reeders asao-ejr Breeders associashy

tion I Farm Supply cltmpany and Dairj Hejrd Improvement association will lie held at Cedar Crest Country luh igtn l|toujte 59 one k|alfmile north of Grind avlt nue

H ^

govern raquo m IK


bull bull senat


to El

(Mill Ti -k

S bulliS

ceno bdquojf the

h o u r lVlT bull - d i r e c t

bull l i p i T V i

(ltgtX j [Lak( Co System Cuts Bonded

Ijnd^bt edness j $ 139305

Report Shews

bull 1 1


Ni-ii in (bullbullmlcnf

1 vy meet

iin-fiiiV ii 11 missionary

1 IKIgt |

raquoiJlv in Address by -r]raquoi-|iiiin-


bull bullinigtiriiiiiraquo I Task of igt Speaker

1111 OptU

sehediles ltlu



on |

lt I scho




s coninicnted

hllaquo) a





bull bull 111II ad- Sluiiillotl gtbullbull Ilev V I-llillC SCI-

| K-isid-

v I1 S T -1 gty lt J race

bullgtnfitviiltilaquo Y-i if tllli


bullitiH (bulliir liv Philip

ymdashDr W

bulll id ST-i-ii Loek-

bullmfiTcnee bullTask of the

bullaker Rev

Iiiii Will 1

I a ke oiiUry sraquof port

ti tt Illbtf 1 itybt

of anI

dlstrit tin

ts have no Will feel tilt

ill reilficid Inconi only slight-tlieitH 1 Hist cut the corners more Hyj t l te Hii|MvrviitltjnltuU pointed

A Mli l l

Ixper p bulllt siuref nllt

Stall istics prepared fk the report liowi il t|)ht teachers Inijtlio eloriien

Jury IIKJ |MlaquoM owlary schools lnit year eariicl $(115017(1 Tt(ls bullIIKIIV all SI bsfllutes 111

yVuts win ti tight half t

Mnlutuln High

ckniiilv boasls Ilit sell on distri (JllltlM iiuiki llllllV and lM7

4 prop )2S

aimers Picnic Be Held August 30

resijlerit will deliv a t 8 p m D

of th nien v h o have heird Mrs Mies in Lake o u n t y recom-

ery man h^ar Mrs Mies aldreis a^ t i e picnic

bull Mies Stale Home Biir-er one of her S T Many

|gtr Len Sraitll will speak S T ane either Judge

is running for bovernor Dieterich iand^ate for r w i l l s p e a i at 12 noon

p Expicted Run on Normal


ake einintj

15 and open

vounty ho

ring the coning year W ounty superintendent of


w l e u he made

inual reporj to the state

it Monday indelitediiMs

and wl ifh

lijiimhrr r Tp



ut w4uonrgtK-ou

schools will

to on ljormal

IniliuliiiR re-aiul interjext- pity incuts

all Hchool In iniliidlug tirade and xec-

gtts nciOrdiiig to the re-

Hgure lushyll Hiiperlnten-mi or moii

Itank lt cisht high

10(1 ehintjiiiiirv sthool iucliiilc an unprecf-bull with -superior

sdiool liopulntion in-iu th secondary schonls n tfi grades a totiit of

~il ttathers on lllitrp iiro Kiiliir Ktaff imattd valtif of tin stiioo bullty anil pquipiiutilt is S7S0-igainstj -which is Outstanding a

bondc 1 djbt of S2S-(Uirraquo0 Tax in come froni the various districts isjii-27041 If) ntu the total income from ill si Urces for operating the -county

-1 laquopound


S degrse Uni-


Teaching Staff Is Comphite for

Local Schools Continued from page 1

^tate Teachers eol|eje Whitewater

W i s commercial A

Harold Hunter I

versify of IUinb|s

bookkeeping and -assistant-detach

Miss Olive VYinn B A degree

Iowa State Teachers college Iowa

State university mathematics arid

physical education bull

Miss Esther McKercher B A deshy

gree Iowa State university Univershy

sity of Wisconsin foreign la iguages

T C Hosford B 3 degre 5 ^Cnox

college M A degree University of

Chleago social science awl a|ssistant coach

Paul ^ Clark B p- degree Knox college^1niversity of western university science apd head coach bull bull -gt Miss Ethel Schwab1 B A North Central college dramatics

Miss Annabel Leon hard A B deshygree Northwestern tiniversitjf Engshylish

Miss Marjorie Benjnett B S deshygree University of iJinnesota| home economics

Lee T Smiley 1 A B degreje Iowtt State Teachers-college manui 1 tra^n-iiiR

Miss AgnesWlaquolcli Northeifn Illinshyois State Teachers cq lege Ui iverstty of (hieago Northwestern university junior high librariaij girls education

Drives-Chevrolet Six Through African Jungle

Dr Arthur Torrence antliropolo gist specialist on tropical and Fellow of the Hoyiil So England Ktopped off In Dot cintly on hist way honje front tirlp to Africa on s^ieutllh 11OIIN

(hurrying him on his viny fornia where lie is a


ilisenses-bullletjrof roit re-Hs fifth expedl

0 Cali-nieinbti of the

Hooper foiinilation iiml of th eal School of the University Hforhhi was n 102raquo Chevr whlc-h he drove iKroiJM the ct of Africa from the list to t jcoast through -1000() niiles 0 passage all under the ciir pmyer except for an Iminmsii niiles

Studies of gtjlecpingt

bull Medl-of Ciil let Six Mitinent lie west

Jungle own

hie 100

which Dr Torrence Isan iitt11

al authority took hi in on h niisiion^ to Africa There 1 surveys of Ihie deadly -Tsr spreader of The disease and

sickiiess on rant ion-is early e j made so- fly among


Cents Admission Lharge for Movie a t

c4f-low Nes t Tuesday

his strange cargo there vereit|vo small crocodiles afllieted with the

j which he was taking home ther observation They -are reservoirs nf the parasitic g reported

On an earlier expedition I rence happened into a stranite of dwarfs in the Lake Chad on the edge of the Sahara which one school of scientists

- v bull are a remnant of pre-histori zdtlon and may prove to h|e Cradle of -flip Human Race live in caves a cent1 have a jabber instead of -language on rootsand vegetables and rjesemble

nickelodeon pictures jvhen a small

an adult to recalled next gtple bull of Bar-

pygmies a-Uhougltgt lacking in a ml stflmi lia Dr Tprrenees

courage further-

studies of them during his niost re be set dow n in a

Jnt|gle-ttent tnpj are book from -hispen entitled munia

State Anti-Rabic Treatimeiijt Costs Are Inci eased

Declaring that bankrupt infected with nind dogs nre ly imposing on -the state by If a enforce regulations concerijti and quarantine laws relating io-fan

l)r Andy l lull sfjitt pointed out In 0 rltcet

counties serious-llnre to J

s d

heal h tf stats-

ment thill the demand for ai ti-ruhic treatments at state expentfe this year has exceeded all pciiciirc and that funds


laquo0 ant e

appropri is pur

fur i-

degree sh arid

What part of the tax dollar as It

limes into the federal treasury must

lib expended because of warmdashto meet

charges growing out of wars we have

already had and to pay the cosjt of

national defense maintained in antici

c|ation of possible future wars

That is a question which has been

tsked many times and variously an-

8 wered the answers apparently de-

Iending ratter upon whether those

making them preparedn ojr against i|t than upon any exact

ilrulation But here ils the answer of the sec-

rfetary of the treasury computed upon t i e expenditures of the fiscal year

mi The total

elrnment for t il expenditt revenues) Were $42o725727953 t l i s total current expenditures

ational defense accounted for $70$-531805 p i 1 6 5 2 per cent cent1-02155995707 or 24 per cent repre-s intji niilitar7 pensions annuities alshylowances and life insurance claims on

ocount of p i s t wars and fixed debt c iarges and debt-(principally wrar debt) amount t gt $105201 S98182 or 2471 per c raquo n t Tlie l i s t two amounts aggre-g i t ing $207 09384892 or 4871 per cmt represent- the current cost of r(ast Wars

Tlie expend therefore or

st] nd for national defense during the steal years 1

1)2302950 0 t raquotals expend

spendltures craquopta) for thnt period

Tlie percflMnges -may vary car to year agtNraquoi result of the Inelu

s o n of extnovtlhMjrv itetris perhaps o a tempqri|irv chihacter but there

icy t ttiii r 11 vlti

Sti lion


nley as I tea

11 el IfiHi an 0111 it Lake

ecelved il requl

Mis 1 Injun

y uit lein nisi

lilment or fur-epfable ilm he

Tor-tribe I

strict desert believe civili-The

TJicy tind of subsist

fi|5 Per Cent of Tax Dollar in Federal Treasury Spent

for Past and Future Wars

expenditures of the gov-1931 (exclusive of pos-res payable from postal

Of for

itures of the government^ account of past warsj

)31 amountedto $27774 C 05231 per cent of the[ ures (exclusive of postal payable from postal i-e-i

are for laquo523

nd for

Thgt meir-w to Will hi fir roke inelui line was out ampn art

^ r Kuebler Violthausen

uesday mor


imed Kenni


were for

interest on the publie up Henjry M Stegniattsuggests to

Health Seal Idea Taken Up in Delaware in 19017

The idea of a health seal or the antl-tuberculosls seal was suggested by Jacob Rilsj the social reformer and author In an aftlcle In ihe Outlook for 1907 he told ho Christmas stamps or seals had been sold in Dent mrk for the supshyport of a chlldrei8 hospital and his article suggested the adoptio|n of the Idea In this country i

His Idea was taken uraquo In thill year by Miss 13milyi P Blssell lt f Wilmington Del In a- local camshypaign By this method she raised $1000 toward paying for the site of the first tuberculosis gahitarttiiQ In Delawarei-Hope farm^ -f

bull - - bull bull - bull - i

The nation-wide sale ofiseals wns thereafter sponsored as a means ltf raising funds bythe Red Cross The distribution of them now hOweve Is fn the hands of the National Tushyberculosis association and Its 21C0 state and local branches The double-barred cros which appeals on the Christmas seals Is the symshybol of that organization

Nap Dis t inct V a l u e Thle nap mnly s e r v e a s a plck-m-


1931 For^war past and cents of evtraquorv tux tlo1raquo

ill the KovernimMital aclaquo gts o f piiice 3472 cents

red lit Accident Iflurllu son-- of Mrs

ilou and Will (lalushii iiiitoinoliile Hceldenl near MI Friday evening 8tun-so iliiany scalp wounds red 20 si itches to close oiiiiiiiiiloh was not Her-

(otToetioJt ho found the body of I he Miller who died from a cd (leorge Kuebler The unintentionally omitted Ily published last week

accompanied by Henry inade the discovery on ling of last week

Births and drs Waldo Shuett an-

nbunee the tiirth of a son burn-Fri-d iy Aug 12 at the Barrington Oen-

rul ixospita bull The hoy has been th Lee i

Ads Bring 1esults

-laquogt bullbull ii m-i|i

J C Cadwallader High Grade

Watch and Clock Repairing

the readers of Hygela Magazine- I little snooze for the nervoui tired man in the afternoon ma make his night s leep more soothim

Many persona who have long rides oti elevajed trains or s u b w a j s catch an bour or two of sleep 1 a this wily ft Is surprising bow one ennmechanica l ly t ra in oneself p i t to i sleep past ones destination Others before going out in theeveshyrting catch n few winks of sleep Housewives have found a short hap after the lunch hour of -greijt benefit

One can get n better quality df sleep In n imp than In tho average of u full nights rest for tho ^flrt|t two hours of sltMp are the deepoa The imp Is hardly In consonanqH Willi lite bustling American splri but thnt la nil the more roasoh

It ^ X


ENTERTAINMENT PRICES SLASHHD Fltlr Twerity^ive Cents Admission

Americas Greatest Agricultural Show

The |V

Illinois State Fair j


Aug20to27 Presents t

1 2

bull3 i-4


National Swine Show National Shorthorn Exposition National Hereford Exhibition Regional Jersey Catshytle Show

and bull y All Veterans Day bull Aug 21 A i

Grand Circuit R a c ^ g Aug 22 to 26

fs An Inexpensive Outshying for the Entire Family

vacation Idndmdash rom your Telephone back to the folks at

home let them| hear about the

fun you are hating and know that

you are well and enjoying the priceshy

less vacation days Wherever you

are you will find a Bell System

telephone nearby Remember the

7 it our aim to Jar nisb the best postiile telephone service at bulltbe lowest possible cst cost lis smalL Wherever you call

New Tcrraplane Cars on Display at Hudson-Essex

Driven here from Detroit where Amelia ICarhnrt the first woman aviator tgt make a solo flight ocrosg the Atlai tic christened the first^-of tlie new models by smashing a bottle containini airplane gasoline over i t s radiator the (first of th l new jEssex terraplan i automobiles haye reached Barringtoa and are at the showrooms ofj Barrin [ton Hudson-Essex company lofcal Hudson-Essex dealers

JNamed the terraplane because of its many characteristics in common with the lirplane the mvr car paintshyed a beautiful bronze and with the winge(f)tt rraplape emblem painted on its sides will sell at a lower price

Da It



HDlll now on the American market r he cur ijrrlvlng heri riraquodraquontly

OIK of morn than pound 0 0 0 Whichwet drl en a way from Detroit In a parade Inn icdlately following the dedication of enr No 1 for Orvllle Wright o f

ton 0 inventor of the alfylaae was the biggest driveaway e w r l

stated by any automobile company eve i In Detroit the automobile c a p shyital of the world

The parade route through Detroit wat a sea of banners flog add bunt as testifying1 to the importance wh eh Detroit ] placed on the huge demonstration officially introducing

new Essex gt tcrraplane to the American and Canadian public

Classified Ads Bring Results

Ladies9 and Gent Gleaning Pressin A Iterations and Belining at jprice|s traquo suit every pocket book


5 5 6

Wo C ll and DeUveir





158 V IASTbdquo YEAR


bull A I last winter the Wei ither rep 3ft was Fair attd Wafmia this Wilmette honje (93 free fuel heated its seen^oonGS at a total cost ofjoniy

J under the present house-hlt ating rateitWJby not find what gas heat will gt ost for y nr home Call now] for a ^estimate Public Service Cot tpam of^rtbem Illinois



Elmwo )d Avenie|( Gas thefcare-

Telephonie Harrington

tMnliB yoor appoinf-mpri now for Fn) fan ace inspection t

Arnold H

wiinmhni^ D

WJ will itakc orderdTor fn e heating plant iin-sp iction for the next six da S j Aug 19]25 Inci an I we- will make thi spi ctions prior to Sept 1

PLUMBING mdash H mrim

[f your heating plant needs a new sm )ke pibe wewill njake the installation Of cast pipe at our low- aiummer jate and wi 1 clean ybur furnace or boile bull free i We win install sheet iron nace p| gte and clejan the nace or boiler at a special price

Other r pairs changed at s ack season rates The cosy ltf gt good repair joh will be paid back slt vera times over your saving on fuel


Sass i i



raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 4: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:



bull i





I t

bullM us Troxjrt Become -Bride of


Crystal Mr am rriiiKton

tl ir ilnu F jink If-iit



C fa


Clubs Lahlaquo Man

Mrs Ore ri announce tlie nianiage of

hter Charbtte Mae tar-driiek son ol Mr and Mrs

gtrmiin Itamirnck of [Meljtanpy nve-igt Crystal Lake quiet-weddiiiR was solimt izeltl at lit oclo k Saturday evejiinp A tig with t t Hev thoran church Crys

formed tliij ceremony flio bride anil groom werje n Mi1 Lillian Hamln ck jjnil

I f lndrock sister am] irottycr Kr iltini

Iflilt bride won1 a di ltiraquo ami carried a 1raquo do flowers

llie bridesmaid also laquoift crepe dress and wir

garden flowers The liride is employe] and the ^room at tl tory near Crys ta l I rhey will lgtigt at h

fr lids after AiiKiist 15 tii i near Harr ington

ie immediate fniikilis pres-Kufhnert if tile Jerinaii

lal j al e per-

tteuded Albeit of the

c repe | )f car-


a It life

ieil a bouquet

at Jevtel Tea e Tfrr^ fotta ike gtimraquo to at Cu t

In jsill tnpiet


Mi ny Attend 0 E S bullgt M|e4ing

ffimt fvgt luinilre tei ilcil tin meetim of t i-h jttirof the (raquo E S in at the lnil|raquoigt rooms i Ti nple on Cook street

raquobullgt rescn ta fives from an 1 many visitors from nrampiborinK

ills were present JJtl sts of the ltgti ssie Har t Mrs V H rry X Cole of Chicifco

The hall was beautifully decorated w h an abundance uf (jti sts were served lish

the i-love f the meet at

Bltlal Slu wet Held for s MurteiLr

raquofrs William fJutt-^luilk an Conk me i i jt

TL l|Osti SS|4 jjf 1 I

ii for Miss fmrille V e v e n i n g A b o u t veli | ty re p r e s e n t T I I O M f ru n ltraquolt re M r s (Je u-ce Felu eim a n H e i l l e l bdquo f ( l l i l U l gt r s g f i

I r a i r i - V i e w nml M I L Ki s K l u i e r IJ iV-c a n d M

bull V Ki gti k V pretrv ireen and u Ii

Be enii was cnrriI nut in an I table deivdat intigt 111 cheiili VMS bullTVI a1 Til a ihasiint eveiiini

Ft ti ter Ins t ructor H| Ta tes Itridn bull

LlllHMItie III lit ha e of t h e m a n i i ^ e i lvs AiiiiHidlaquo-11^111 ( l e (

laquooi tot III 11

o f

II se I

he l a W

Ii- IleiiilrieliMiu is the da onis AniuinKrn Li [arii)ift Ili-iili-n taught ii) bullbull1 from lrjl to 1 I alhb-ti- hn h fi |

be l l eni[ I y J i n si-hio si t J

te Lh-Ilosford Ni ilials

mi-i in bullbullvh i~- ngt i| n a - bull Miss r-tii 1 of Ur agtid Mis V K Ion t T C isfnl on | i i i ngt t H a t 11 igtgt|gt

lie Iliitiinnv was bullIJf I V I-istbdquo a hri |s fitnilv ai| t hoi gtgtbull in Joy Aftur lal s rixiiiu in Wi-ron wi he af hmie at str er Iaiiii-in whet is in ingttit i in the

V on II


evei i i ru

( f iner ii-(f11lt-1bull gttbull in thel H a r r i ^

J Troxel of

Fifteen Attend Pl tn l f

rift Birl uIII II e l t l l

raquo 1 the ill1 Da Iter to the lie wet

een members of the BarritiRton flub nttondcd the prganizntions

al picnie laquot the Biltinorft Country beiuh Friday eveniiiR Following

icnii supper served at 8 j oclock memhers w-ere engaRed in a bird

iipoundifi(J|iitiigtn wtitest WJillilmi O son prepared a list of niiwtions ailiiui to birds habits [flint were

be answered 1 the members in mariiier of aspell down Mrs

ter Hiicsins and James IlaSRe the winners in the contest

meitibi rs - at-

li e Mor fc insbury

even-i the Maxouii

bullft lt lapters

rihe -wpre

an Ni

flower refre


Tit hm n j^

I Miss street

shower Miirtett i Tues

Rliests f tOVVll 1 Mrsj d Htitt MiVis lU-e|vn


biiij r I Miss CI I I -

i-e| race

i i l r j i k-

hi^-h sehi| whi i-h laquo Ui r i i i -t -- i n [

URhfer M r

t^le lix-Bll gtbullbull Jan I w a s h i t I t i l l ie l i e

l l r l c i 1 W here

of bull lit- niar-bullbullih raquol-i iRliter eijll bull) TrVr f l iani i ton-

Mi v Hyle Ttsvtliolimiru t o Piiuxhle Club

lenbers uf the Iinoi ertained at the hump

pa bulltlioloniew pHt Si T l irsdiy Honors wen1

lliam Hoffnian Mrs nv Mrs UiiRiist Sl r r y Welaquoe r Z e r

Mt InHlist Clioir Hlt ds I irnic

he eleiir of the Mel en Veil a pietlie supper of Mr and Mrs W A IV stal Lake Friday

sld iarraquoili

iUiize(l A HIT

leTfi|rt l friend


Hi| in the 5tgt2 is

Mr II i i^ j i |sc | i igti


iii lt

ert it

i list at th

Kvan ni

Kva i IIK

Package and Hull

0 urjide creaniis frozen rigit before y(|ur eyes in dur[ from the highest qual|ity materials obtainable


Vanilla i New York Chocolate

Dont bullnildren

Miller i


Ziirderfi Fgtntertain a t Beieflt i icnic

^jlr and Mrs WJ C Zander entei-t a i i ed about one hundred atiid fifty friends from Chicago at a picnic ltiinheoii Wednesday a t their home in C u l a township- AVidnesday fnr the bulliiii gtfit of the Old Peoples hpme of St Pau l s church in Chicago

iss their M i

bulla S tn- a t lt

frac34 ess Sat pa n son

oliored M r s

tt and

M Mr dre pici

M Mai wer am r i i iv

color borne | - j

dainty j t gtse of (

s t r W o

spe - dau

Sarah Dawson Entertains orn Koast

iss Sa rah Ann Dawson w o a group of friends at a cor lrday evening at the home nts Mr and Mrs Roberl west of town The youn

the evening playing gji ing

n t

Saliirt Sunday Sdidor Class Entertained

i i T

Su hon son iug f i ^ -sup |

he Delta AJfiha class of the lay school was entertained bull o f Mr and Mrs F r a n k near Lake Zurich Tuesdn bullIt was guest uightf am were present to enjoy the

icr and sm-ial hour which f

he Woman s Relief Corfo will have only irtie meeting d i i r i tg Sep-ten her It will be on Septenjber 14 A jiirge at tendnnce is expect


eag Mr Co

-tun a w Li

M and ores mit

^ Ma X tliof Yldl

t by gtf Hie at h i ^

tin | cottplt j

Cook is ford j

R fain Mrf


M t e r wet Mrs

M ilam CJio Sufi Iak ton

lull were of Mrs Hyle lltll liVitni won bf Mrgt|] -M

nvlraquo- It irMioi-t laquoon 1 Mrs

hurc l i home




M r s C l a of Oak Vafi K Selniltie Inst wpek

Guests Euifwit 0 Sunday w seina am Miss Ida Calif

i t t h j horn nfftjJ 201 fiu f^fr an

children riensema

3h- an sou Ifowart were^ ifties Foelschow Ktruing a ters

M r s F t of Cen

tsj of Mr |4(X E ml Mrs I

s host-l roast of her Daw-

j f o l k s jes and

t and Mrs Magill and family-mid and Mrs A Oheiiiluf at d cbil

417 Grove HVIMIUI fnj gtyed a ic near St ChilrleH^Sutlda

Miss E was Mi1


velyn Senner of Vera Ci dys

Mr am Russell and Mrs Joseph is a siste

Mrs E street aro


MP^ Eibma Aline Lowe of ChienRo ah ^fer of A itioeh mot ton Moiidiy to visit Louise So

Andrew week of fi

It 108 E

Pede rsen bulliliing a t 0

near Blooner Wi

Saletn at tliej Peder-

even-ahout picnic

I lowed

W a l t e r Calif is Louise ship

Martin of

s Vivian Scott Mrs t and H a r r y X Cole of

bull dinner guests Monday Mrs J Kdwatd Ieiss

Ion township

fiiistfic hicago bullf M r f Itar-

r C P Ilitwley was hostjss itt a and bunco party Wedneraquoilny ajf-

IMIII af her home lM lt ltocik t given for the heneit

nans Reliiff corps of ihe

r- and Mrs Albert Allen spent Sunday it the h ind Mrs Edward Ost tgt0M S street bull bull

of flli-ilue of

iss Leoline 1-raquoix of WauliOian re-ed home Sa turday after s lendiii eel with her cousin Miss Phvflis

r and M r s William Somiuprfield son William and daughter Dol-were guests ofVMrs N Stein-of Rogers P a r T h u r s d a V

Mr anlt children un lay foi two wee father T

Mr C 42 Grovej


is w i t h Helrriirian

Mrs Keith 2L1

Laurii La Coolidge

na iromi-th 10laquo F and Mrs Chicngo week a t and Mrs

Louis Sunday a 221 Cool

Mr an S Hough over the V Mitch

Mr am Rranson visited at E Libert

Mr nni son Edwa Wis to of Mr (J Mis J G

Mr an son Wayi Coolidge i the-1iome of Fr iends

rs K F l iralidt and daughter-ami sons JamiK and Uwiry 417 lough street leTf^Wttlidavt for a

gtr trip to I the Black Hi(ls and iwstone pafk

v and Mrs Charles Dnisisel and y were guests a t the hnme of

and Mrs Leon Newton o|f May- 1 Sunday

rs Cora Purcell and gcaiiddaugh-Lortdei Langendurf spent the -end at the home of Mr and bullWilliam Rut t of Waukegan

r and Mrs George Folkrbd and hters Florence and Mildr^dgt 808

avenue motored to Michigan lay to visit friends a t M ^ g i e l t f n

near IHowagia and also a t Ben-Harbor

r and Mrs William Grunau and Charles of Edisjgtn P a r k visited

Mn Grunau s - parent^ Mr atpl Mrs W Unman Sunday- raquo i

Mlstf Miirjorie Ivuhlman Who is in tra ining at Presbyter ian hosptfai Chiiago is spetidina two weeks vacashytion at tlie home of her parents Mr ami Mrs Higtrniriu Kuhhnan 800 Iibt rty streot

tiLA VOM F^tllSH Strawberry Pintapple-Nui Ban ma-Nut

foi^et Xrt to slaquond| the p ^ n ^ -iftlaquor tliat great bi tgtt V 4 U I I C

P tm

Ask About Our Week-End Specials

Fruits Black Walnut Maple NUt Palmer House



rles Albei tson and children ijk wore 1 uets of M rs B

uf Mr and Mrs Main street on Mrs John Ben-

of Onarga and if Los Angeles

imk Strains and er Square NV Y and Mrs W C

Jlaiiv street Mrs uelschow itpe sjss-

of Mrs

iWallacc 223 W enter ta in ing Dr Morr is of St k Mrs Morris SVallace

and Miss Clara 1 Mrs J e a n All-gtred to Barr ing-their aun t Mrs

Lincoln avenue

i s enjoyang a Id Timers resort

Martjn visit ing

J Sweitz pent the

^)1 wan ken William II

iri inm of the W a n

IjsffD nvonut I -

l Mrs Tl( 4treiit ha

wiokjend 11 ol Eva

Mrs |Fre iikd MIS H

tlie ludd ( 1 street k

Jfrs rjl let plMlll (thlHilltls

thmi ii


Pa Sll 1 w

and dan eiiut vis

)f Mr a lit li p Wis

C nd Saturdij Only

f Los Angeles is bull mother Mrs

larrington town-

) I l e r r in iah and avenue left SiVt-Mich to spend

Mr IFerr imans

idwer and son avenue Miss Ed-

Stat ion strent and children of

irst par t of the a s guests of Mr )mnth

Chicago spent Olmslead home

bert Marsh (U52 as their guests

dr and Mrs A iston

I Olson Mrs- A Mildred Branson alkitis home 14 nrliiy

I Grothtnan and iday for Merrill bullek (it ihe- home lurenls Mr and

PPP bull bull bull bull

m vffi


guests at the Golden home |wcrte Mr and Mrs Sandfort Rieke and fwn Jack Mrs Ernest Rieke and Mrs Mason Coe and daughter Mary Alice and wn Ned of Barrinilton and Mrr iinna Gomm of Chicago

Jfr and1 M ra daughter Audrey of Wayne traquoont Sunday at- the Henry Wolthhuueu tfitte 0UAV Main sj^et

Little Mis$ riefii Oimsteads spent the welaquok-end JTT the home of Mrs Wallace Qrlttiin of Chieajfo t

a^ied Miss to spend t|ie

ering home

Pickering ho me

Mc and Mrs [jnmilyi of Edison it the home of

Park spent Mr and Mrk

Waldo HeMungH and dore schutt Tieir daughtr Rose r a longer y

I Mr awfl Mrs Roy Klepper and son RoyJr 22raquo V Lincoln avenue sbeM from Sunday until Wednesday ar the Dells

mary remained ft Iter grandparents

Miss Etna Dai Is of aiico a gjiest- of Miss Adeline Okt f day imtil Tuesday

Dr and raquotrs W O Biirklu rdt Iil2

Mrs M a s Lines was amonsr the guests a t a bridge-luncheon Thur sday given by Mrs L C Bobbit of Chishycago bull

Miss Virginia t j jeske-of Wheeling is visiting her uncle and- aiint Mr and Mrs Henry Schroeder

Mrs Ida Jjones of Chicago is spendshying the week 130 W Main s t reet

with Mrs Henry Donleaj

Mr and Mrs E lmer Jackson 31J Grove avenfe are motoring through Canada this month bull

Mr and Mtrade George P rudau and Bernice Collins of Chicago were guests of Miss Ju l ia Lamey Tuesday

Mr and Mrs Charles Wendt and family and Missl Florence Niss of Bar r ing ton spent Tuesday i r i E lg in

Miss Grace Cast le at tended a bridge-luncheon S a t u r d a y - a t the homw of Miss Mary Elizabeth S t ewar t of l ies Pla ines

Mrs Janies Hafftier and daughte r Nancy re turned Sa tu rday from Pal i shysades Mich where they spent the pas t month with Mrs Wesley1 Par shyker

Cooltd-ge avenuf from Cable- W

[the pasttwo wee Their son-in-law and Mrs A L have been their their home in Atlanta Ga S

Mr and Mrs returned Sunday tion at Pelican

D amp and iMrsJ Sa tu rday f i r Can The i r Mild who have spent a d a W j l l re tu rn home with tl em

Mr and Mrs infant daughter Mr and Mrs nesday

Dr and Mrs

Mrs B u r k h a r d t Ehman of Chicaro

Mr and bull Mrs daughters Ellen

M r s F rank Par t r idge and Mrs I I Blood- spent Monday a t thej J Corr home in Woodstuck-

Miss Anna Jean Beck of Wausau Wis is spending the week here with h e r g r a n d m o t h e r Mrs J o h n Welch He-

Miss Evelyn Pickering of-Sheldon Wis was a guest of Miss J u n e Ketel this week Mr and Mrs Albert Ketel and (laughters J u n e and Leona aegt

ctor Rieke and ghter Carol 215 ted last week at airs E Golden

On Sunday other

ny Kind of


flRT MILLER Prop 114 S Cook Street


August 19 to 1 September 3rd

Inclusive Our Regular $7 Permanent Only

$5 Complete with Shampoo and Finger jWave

We test your hairmdashand adshyvise the type of I Wave thats exactly suited to YOU Noth-

bull ing can add more charm to your appearance than peiv

fectly groomed hair Have one of our Permanentsmdashandj be ready for any festivity-

Open Tuesday Fiiday and Satshyurday evenings Other evenings ltby appointment

VANITY BeautySKoppe

POR WQypSS WBiO CARE bull 110N Hough St

Tel Barrington ^01

nd Saturday Aug 19-20


Spring thickens Lamb Smoulder Lamb Stew

furger 2 ax

per lb 23C IA18c iraquo10c ib9 29c

Quck Arrow er 8c

Soap Chips pkg 25c Strawberry Peach (XJ

Mb jar for l t C

Pejuiuf Butter Malco

Rice Krj spies Fresh

We^cSivei Phone 28 Open

10c 2 pkgs 23c

Frui t i anil Vegetables

61 Sunday Morning 800 to 103

( bull



Albert Schutt and

returned where til

ts at Camp i and dauil

rice and fat guests bullbull rett

Friday y spent rescent ter Mr illy who riled to aturday

E Burns an 1 family from a weeds vaea Iiake Wis

Dean Bro Interna tiortal ren Polly ai the summer

Fred Gusjtke and of Chicago Visi ted

D Churifh Wed-

W G Bi 132 Coolidge avenue1 are entertaining

s sister Miss Ida

iv N S4 and Beth


Sunday Tlieb-

sft with

nda was oin gtrf

)ks left Falls

d Deane in Canr


tmvd Sioux Falis 8 I^Tuesday f^en ing Mis JS Iward Jt) dd of Dubuque

acompanied them visit several Rev and ahs Charts DrusselK

bullbull Mr D Hough street Flock and e|iildfeh fHotn a two Black HIHH

1 RkhtiteMi 42 IN and Mrs Win nf tur^e^SunSfJiy

weeks m|gttor trip to tm 8 i)

Mr land Mrs nolluid Butler flnd dauffhtec Betty of dinner guestf of Mr Sehwemiii

Walter ( street and ( ton spentSaturday n at Waupaca

and Mrs Pa MW Chicagoraquospeijt Sunday Gossell horn

Mr and Mrs W family of Jewel park at Woodruff Wis tl

Mr and Mrs daughter Bety Mae frfr Kansas City Mo Monroe f6r a week

Mr and W Station s Mrs Audley t d v e Sunday


weeks w home and bull will t h h e r BAWljitSj

and Mr r

Qlaquok -Park wore and Mrs War)


ijinon i 1 Jharles P

bull - bull bull bull

i SV nusseU iwllk of WHea bulllit and Sunday


a rs and re turned

family Miss ton family M r

son and fain O G511y of

Chailes Wendt and illy of Barring-illiam Niss jjmd Ijeon Fredrick

dnd Mrs Daniel


Tulesday August X3|iid ALL SEATS

il Andrews bull of at the August

838 V Jake street

F Conrad find ace vacationing is week

Dellnyrt Weber and eft Wednesday o visit Mrs M

drs George Butler 2(17 treet entertained Mr 4laquo1

Smith gtf Washington


0 Ricartfo Cort BZ mdash Robert Armstrong

Helei i Twelvetrees in Brightest inappiestNewspaper Stotff

j oftheSeason 1

Nevis Comedy and Sport l ight Added

S h o w s at 700 and 900 d m





Ry-Crlip NiB0 r

torna Doono ihort Bread Cookljus LB Elglt Oclock offlaquoe



2 2 bullgtTL8gta|5e

PKQ i o r

Red Circle Col Fee Bokar Coffee bull Cer o 1 ( ) 1 ( 1 ( 4 Na^ y Beanraquo Blulaquo gt Roce Rice Jel le Oood Luck Margarine

American Family Soap Amitrlcan Fan illy Flakei Noi lhernTluue

Watermelons Cantaloupes Ji|mibo Indiana Blberta Peaches or Barthtt Pears




m LB 1raquoe

LB 23c LB 27c

Bomearc 3 LD8 1 ) r

isa CIO 2-LB mmm PKQ a M




Round Indiana ea 29t 2fgtr25c]


4 lbs 19C

9c PKO

A ta-oz CAN3

4 PKQ 50C

AampP Food Stores C r r a l M l

S T E I U lt D I V I S I O N

a m i I a i i l i i 1 I I lt O I I I I

-Pranli Rutehlns MrVand M HutcHniR Mr and Mnraquo K and flmily ot Oak tfirk w at bull ^Icnjc atr the home of GilJyfBftrriogtdn townVhip day

fitrittn-dAlrM O BlerjJvi 4the following guests iSmu and M rH B Kempner |nnl Heijetw lraquolaquork MIHWlaquo Antm ma Bietsel| of iieerji m Biickiimn -of HnvenswooH

bullV B wick ItiMii 1-1 I


bullbullI mi Mr iv of

bull bull l l urv


GEORGE BRBN 10c imd 30c to s

alter 8^0--15c anc


0 T 00

4 M

after 630



m urn -s

iVED-THURS-Fl AUG] 245-2laquo

ECIAL ADMISS All Seats 1 0 c


7(rrf-H E A V E N

bullF TH1



10c and 30c to 8(0 aftiej-8C0mdash 15c and | 0



Pifty-NinthAiinu| bull bull bull bull i n v 1

Evang OpensHete

lTnl m (bdquo^ed from I1-

bull i K-firlwrn ltuperintelaquodeatt bullIf rifc-l laquoraquogtlaquo bullnlaquoMo u n rJ lh nn lltlaquossltyi espojraquoftion

ampVvZ ltbullKelaquoraquo K T 8 V

bullP liildroiiHdivisionX

l ^ (Vlr nni Mrs VV L t Mult(

lunV M- Wiliiin bullrfWlan Kl44 Slgt bdquo KviiijtilistiV wtrn ia i

AV I ISIIIJIIJIII Bjl in Open H4rorebfttr-

^ i J i T i n - V ^ok 1ieo|ils mpoiii bull (H-hL-afto B r ~ lt V led lgtgt i bulliKi H-iIJyinS laquoIP gt bullraquogt

- i i - i 1 d i a r i e s H - H V a i

bullAvrfllaquop r ^ Kv-tiinS laquotraquoHVPE J |bull raquo- Keen ^

Monday Vu8- Sft bull L bdquo MinistV- i-)iimfil

^ - r-rofessor Keen _ - j

10 sor |llte

I bull)laquo(

|v plvfl mdash bullbullbdquo l i | ) l e s i l l i lymdashil- ro^ i i FelligtWNlngt ^r^n-

n iv nbdquo K_ J Bruso De in

i f-r-y - -

1 Workers J o iferei iiliK-iiHoMal Tafk of j


f i 1 - U ltltgt f hiMHlt 1 -igt

hiivli I I i i r i n i - t i k i i v h x a ^ bull laquo laquo laquo Mraquolaquol- - bull bull j trade-j- ]gt m- Quiet half hirt -riV-n mljtaiiMi anlaquol prjraquoyr

-^7-1- p m-lt s raquo wTvief lit- JrMr Wiewid- ltbull bull j-bull [i-(lii l1 iraquo -Kvonniff wraquo)rslii]raquo serv J y Kev V K Klaquoen -j

Tnltsday A B 3 3 f v n i in Minis ters ro invU

ihgt ilislriet superir-tesule bull clwir pn i ii Missionary prayer nje

ine- bull bull il Id II i is Adilress-ny njgtvinaj

bull_]( 1 1 ( jSulir o f j h ia- ]o | A in - Wonien s n ii-si

gtBf-r - -V Hy -Mrrt li i Mi mati

4 raquoM 11-11 i m Mltsioniify lally i

[vliar ( li unftiittee Add res v j Misgt S i i n liiiierirfiind s i i i e r i n t u Idem i lil|Ie Wgtnieiix rairiih gtwhltraquo1 T1-V- Jigtpnn bullbull 1

(IMi1 p i n Workers ooi fefen^ hTlwiin bull il l-dueatioHiil ask (tho Clinr h II Missionary fmgta^

_Sli- 1 II Itaiiyrii(vJiid I p in (osul Sniijraquogtlaquo rvii-iraquo S (lii ( ii Ivifyiretilaquorieinyllaf

s-inr IV lr- W W Sh-iii^ I IJneMla) Aliff 21 j -

Nl i iii bull Alilllstirs laquoom rilfe i ilplaquo- in-gt uiiTeli^in by traquor Kwilui

-Hi i in Hi-ldi -bulljtiidymdashJe- V pound1-11 i i (Jeniuiu fMeueJi ng frac34 j l i e bull - i i 1 i igtmdashUev M K I filllj I-U i

2 -II | LI Fellowship sltrvii-c Jnmn In li-v 1 -L ^bullIjweifzifr ( i 1in p in Wor^Vs confer pTIiiiiii- Ti IvIin-iiLiiHiiil Tasll

J-Clltir- I l l Ieade|gtliii S | l-ltiv II I Siiinsi-n (

Tlmrvl iy n K 27i l i -Sgt(i i m M i n i v e r s -41111-IjAtiliy| -i^li r r o ^ r a m IV-| WIISI-ln-f (bull

Wlaquo 1 fii Pilil^ sliv I W- Hhi imtVii 2i P uy Kllvvgthn

111011 h i-v p j I W0e| an-1111

0-iU -p 11 Worker Illiiine --n Fliiifi)na|

nmiili- J v lovaltv gt nraquo N is-- bull bull T

S-MKI bdquo Ki-ancelivii I Wm h Kev W W ampbdquobdquo

^oca Womafti Pays $12^ ( lo Ioarn Peddlers i f c x i

raquo piei-ielji l t i i i thl rj If 5straquojk -r a tui |it ^X^ll^e-Ji aiji l i e -drill -

se lU l l f l | ( t l 2

$il I

1-^igt| f |utf llIH


in eat tinii

O v i i i erhei Iter


bullbullii iniie from |^ i l

ttaiiil iM bdquosgtihly d In til 11-1r f | i m i l l

laquo0laquor Hi pelll^ hinvs ty 1 bdquo- l lllK r t l L I (

nlaquo-ki Igt A1 | bdquo r ) tHilt CNils bdquo -f i j s S M i s

|laquor fbdquo nwi bdquo | n v n W i n bdquo U-I]MIK a t a l l

bulllaquobullltgtgtbull Me h a s t o t a i n

^ ^1 v bdquo lt 1PVV1 Nlil1 raquo H - X p e bdquo r l r o | i s

totraquo|l-f-| is mlt-j KH Kti n bdquo n m l l i v t i Wl Hiiin s |bdquo rtverhoai

gtraquobull r-iil - 1 bdquo U [ t ( gt

raquoltbull laquo 1 - r l bdquo bdquo l o n i

JJ-I ~0 |00ti T1 e |aribdquo 11 1 - 5 I 1-11 in long p m t I $ mdash bull bdquogt 1

|-A- and TonnageJSnlei ^rop 393 Per

I i1 l)bullgt-for fh | S B bullbullraquobullraquobull raquoraquo were t t I--- with w 1frac34laquobullbull rj-lod in-11frac34frac34

III- ^V^saiO i^-V1 S S I M l


I K V i-laquolaquoraquolaquoraquo iw nluinti bull HtaW 1laquo V


^ 1 Mi V^ ^ MS bdquo imred laquolaquo Il^ tijjiV rr wn

^V11 decreuKi

111 I

bullFujy 11

bully IIS



of bullHinititi1

Ith of 4


fjer I lisoif


S-1 ^--


Ilj rHi


eoniertip Tiskvlt |

bull bull - bull bull bull bull bull ) amp

+rvv raquo1raquoraquo

1 if ai|gt 4V

ily hi nfi) r bull KKO-S gti- bull

n a n uy~trraquo t


i3U four

SraquoM t)27laquo 11 nd i

toir gtei4

t mi o f iraquoV| or X

laquo4amp of h


k 1 y^

sgtia 5S- ffl i

raquodl laquo pr 1

We| 1-111frac34

Ti reimii

W i

iraquolaquofnlii wer

$y7m Knli^H Wet ton4^2

005 li

There Is a ^Marketfo

JEAL ESTATE L ^ D S bull if in default arl Ki

- frac34 qo t r ^od laftd ^bullurit^s -

m-^ Hiai

pfault W e buy unlived

eouponi cashed

G ^ raquo E i i D r j ^ laquoCdMFAr

l S bull t a l l es t ^ 4 ^ W i o n

4 7 laquo -


bull 1

irmlriit In 1 y HIIlS IMO-|nisitii)n by

T S vi-igtnL

In in

Poui -H Club ROUT d-Up

H i 4-H ( picnh Farm

u h M|iihl IpA bullmummdash


r-itra or

1 lt

-bull fbull Wi

Mr i en-u j iiddreses

r 1113

1- v i bull bull i i l l l i

-Ai l -

Ex at [ITorntr lor r jIJ S Igt s

- t l

TV fraquo ])eer

and to

spOns OFCU

and I [ome

liib ljounduj raquoml farmers by the Lake County Bureaus Pure Milk

a s s o c a t i o k Hotytefr 1 reeders asao-ejr Breeders associashy

tion I Farm Supply cltmpany and Dairj Hejrd Improvement association will lie held at Cedar Crest Country luh igtn l|toujte 59 one k|alfmile north of Grind avlt nue

H ^

govern raquo m IK


bull bull senat


to El

(Mill Ti -k

S bulliS

ceno bdquojf the

h o u r lVlT bull - d i r e c t

bull l i p i T V i

(ltgtX j [Lak( Co System Cuts Bonded

Ijnd^bt edness j $ 139305

Report Shews

bull 1 1


Ni-ii in (bullbullmlcnf

1 vy meet

iin-fiiiV ii 11 missionary

1 IKIgt |

raquoiJlv in Address by -r]raquoi-|iiiin-


bull bullinigtiriiiiiraquo I Task of igt Speaker

1111 OptU

sehediles ltlu



on |

lt I scho




s coninicnted

hllaquo) a





bull bull 111II ad- Sluiiillotl gtbullbull Ilev V I-llillC SCI-

| K-isid-

v I1 S T -1 gty lt J race

bullgtnfitviiltilaquo Y-i if tllli


bullitiH (bulliir liv Philip

ymdashDr W

bulll id ST-i-ii Loek-

bullmfiTcnee bullTask of the

bullaker Rev

Iiiii Will 1

I a ke oiiUry sraquof port

ti tt Illbtf 1 itybt

of anI

dlstrit tin

ts have no Will feel tilt

ill reilficid Inconi only slight-tlieitH 1 Hist cut the corners more Hyj t l te Hii|MvrviitltjnltuU pointed

A Mli l l

Ixper p bulllt siuref nllt

Stall istics prepared fk the report liowi il t|)ht teachers Inijtlio eloriien

Jury IIKJ |MlaquoM owlary schools lnit year eariicl $(115017(1 Tt(ls bullIIKIIV all SI bsfllutes 111

yVuts win ti tight half t

Mnlutuln High

ckniiilv boasls Ilit sell on distri (JllltlM iiuiki llllllV and lM7

4 prop )2S

aimers Picnic Be Held August 30

resijlerit will deliv a t 8 p m D

of th nien v h o have heird Mrs Mies in Lake o u n t y recom-

ery man h^ar Mrs Mies aldreis a^ t i e picnic

bull Mies Stale Home Biir-er one of her S T Many

|gtr Len Sraitll will speak S T ane either Judge

is running for bovernor Dieterich iand^ate for r w i l l s p e a i at 12 noon

p Expicted Run on Normal


ake einintj

15 and open

vounty ho

ring the coning year W ounty superintendent of


w l e u he made

inual reporj to the state

it Monday indelitediiMs

and wl ifh

lijiimhrr r Tp



ut w4uonrgtK-ou

schools will

to on ljormal

IniliuliiiR re-aiul interjext- pity incuts

all Hchool In iniliidlug tirade and xec-

gtts nciOrdiiig to the re-

Hgure lushyll Hiiperlnten-mi or moii

Itank lt cisht high

10(1 ehintjiiiiirv sthool iucliiilc an unprecf-bull with -superior

sdiool liopulntion in-iu th secondary schonls n tfi grades a totiit of

~il ttathers on lllitrp iiro Kiiliir Ktaff imattd valtif of tin stiioo bullty anil pquipiiutilt is S7S0-igainstj -which is Outstanding a

bondc 1 djbt of S2S-(Uirraquo0 Tax in come froni the various districts isjii-27041 If) ntu the total income from ill si Urces for operating the -county

-1 laquopound


S degrse Uni-


Teaching Staff Is Comphite for

Local Schools Continued from page 1

^tate Teachers eol|eje Whitewater

W i s commercial A

Harold Hunter I

versify of IUinb|s

bookkeeping and -assistant-detach

Miss Olive VYinn B A degree

Iowa State Teachers college Iowa

State university mathematics arid

physical education bull

Miss Esther McKercher B A deshy

gree Iowa State university Univershy

sity of Wisconsin foreign la iguages

T C Hosford B 3 degre 5 ^Cnox

college M A degree University of

Chleago social science awl a|ssistant coach

Paul ^ Clark B p- degree Knox college^1niversity of western university science apd head coach bull bull -gt Miss Ethel Schwab1 B A North Central college dramatics

Miss Annabel Leon hard A B deshygree Northwestern tiniversitjf Engshylish

Miss Marjorie Benjnett B S deshygree University of iJinnesota| home economics

Lee T Smiley 1 A B degreje Iowtt State Teachers-college manui 1 tra^n-iiiR

Miss AgnesWlaquolcli Northeifn Illinshyois State Teachers cq lege Ui iverstty of (hieago Northwestern university junior high librariaij girls education

Drives-Chevrolet Six Through African Jungle

Dr Arthur Torrence antliropolo gist specialist on tropical and Fellow of the Hoyiil So England Ktopped off In Dot cintly on hist way honje front tirlp to Africa on s^ieutllh 11OIIN

(hurrying him on his viny fornia where lie is a


ilisenses-bullletjrof roit re-Hs fifth expedl

0 Cali-nieinbti of the

Hooper foiinilation iiml of th eal School of the University Hforhhi was n 102raquo Chevr whlc-h he drove iKroiJM the ct of Africa from the list to t jcoast through -1000() niiles 0 passage all under the ciir pmyer except for an Iminmsii niiles

Studies of gtjlecpingt

bull Medl-of Ciil let Six Mitinent lie west

Jungle own

hie 100

which Dr Torrence Isan iitt11

al authority took hi in on h niisiion^ to Africa There 1 surveys of Ihie deadly -Tsr spreader of The disease and

sickiiess on rant ion-is early e j made so- fly among


Cents Admission Lharge for Movie a t

c4f-low Nes t Tuesday

his strange cargo there vereit|vo small crocodiles afllieted with the

j which he was taking home ther observation They -are reservoirs nf the parasitic g reported

On an earlier expedition I rence happened into a stranite of dwarfs in the Lake Chad on the edge of the Sahara which one school of scientists

- v bull are a remnant of pre-histori zdtlon and may prove to h|e Cradle of -flip Human Race live in caves a cent1 have a jabber instead of -language on rootsand vegetables and rjesemble

nickelodeon pictures jvhen a small

an adult to recalled next gtple bull of Bar-

pygmies a-Uhougltgt lacking in a ml stflmi lia Dr Tprrenees

courage further-

studies of them during his niost re be set dow n in a

Jnt|gle-ttent tnpj are book from -hispen entitled munia

State Anti-Rabic Treatimeiijt Costs Are Inci eased

Declaring that bankrupt infected with nind dogs nre ly imposing on -the state by If a enforce regulations concerijti and quarantine laws relating io-fan

l)r Andy l lull sfjitt pointed out In 0 rltcet

counties serious-llnre to J

s d

heal h tf stats-

ment thill the demand for ai ti-ruhic treatments at state expentfe this year has exceeded all pciiciirc and that funds


laquo0 ant e

appropri is pur

fur i-

degree sh arid

What part of the tax dollar as It

limes into the federal treasury must

lib expended because of warmdashto meet

charges growing out of wars we have

already had and to pay the cosjt of

national defense maintained in antici

c|ation of possible future wars

That is a question which has been

tsked many times and variously an-

8 wered the answers apparently de-

Iending ratter upon whether those

making them preparedn ojr against i|t than upon any exact

ilrulation But here ils the answer of the sec-

rfetary of the treasury computed upon t i e expenditures of the fiscal year

mi The total

elrnment for t il expenditt revenues) Were $42o725727953 t l i s total current expenditures

ational defense accounted for $70$-531805 p i 1 6 5 2 per cent cent1-02155995707 or 24 per cent repre-s intji niilitar7 pensions annuities alshylowances and life insurance claims on

ocount of p i s t wars and fixed debt c iarges and debt-(principally wrar debt) amount t gt $105201 S98182 or 2471 per c raquo n t Tlie l i s t two amounts aggre-g i t ing $207 09384892 or 4871 per cmt represent- the current cost of r(ast Wars

Tlie expend therefore or

st] nd for national defense during the steal years 1

1)2302950 0 t raquotals expend

spendltures craquopta) for thnt period

Tlie percflMnges -may vary car to year agtNraquoi result of the Inelu

s o n of extnovtlhMjrv itetris perhaps o a tempqri|irv chihacter but there

icy t ttiii r 11 vlti

Sti lion


nley as I tea

11 el IfiHi an 0111 it Lake

ecelved il requl

Mis 1 Injun

y uit lein nisi

lilment or fur-epfable ilm he

Tor-tribe I

strict desert believe civili-The

TJicy tind of subsist

fi|5 Per Cent of Tax Dollar in Federal Treasury Spent

for Past and Future Wars

expenditures of the gov-1931 (exclusive of pos-res payable from postal

Of for

itures of the government^ account of past warsj

)31 amountedto $27774 C 05231 per cent of the[ ures (exclusive of postal payable from postal i-e-i

are for laquo523

nd for

Thgt meir-w to Will hi fir roke inelui line was out ampn art

^ r Kuebler Violthausen

uesday mor


imed Kenni


were for

interest on the publie up Henjry M Stegniattsuggests to

Health Seal Idea Taken Up in Delaware in 19017

The idea of a health seal or the antl-tuberculosls seal was suggested by Jacob Rilsj the social reformer and author In an aftlcle In ihe Outlook for 1907 he told ho Christmas stamps or seals had been sold in Dent mrk for the supshyport of a chlldrei8 hospital and his article suggested the adoptio|n of the Idea In this country i

His Idea was taken uraquo In thill year by Miss 13milyi P Blssell lt f Wilmington Del In a- local camshypaign By this method she raised $1000 toward paying for the site of the first tuberculosis gahitarttiiQ In Delawarei-Hope farm^ -f

bull - - bull bull - bull - i

The nation-wide sale ofiseals wns thereafter sponsored as a means ltf raising funds bythe Red Cross The distribution of them now hOweve Is fn the hands of the National Tushyberculosis association and Its 21C0 state and local branches The double-barred cros which appeals on the Christmas seals Is the symshybol of that organization

Nap Dis t inct V a l u e Thle nap mnly s e r v e a s a plck-m-


1931 For^war past and cents of evtraquorv tux tlo1raquo

ill the KovernimMital aclaquo gts o f piiice 3472 cents

red lit Accident Iflurllu son-- of Mrs

ilou and Will (lalushii iiiitoinoliile Hceldenl near MI Friday evening 8tun-so iliiany scalp wounds red 20 si itches to close oiiiiiiiiiloh was not Her-

(otToetioJt ho found the body of I he Miller who died from a cd (leorge Kuebler The unintentionally omitted Ily published last week

accompanied by Henry inade the discovery on ling of last week

Births and drs Waldo Shuett an-

nbunee the tiirth of a son burn-Fri-d iy Aug 12 at the Barrington Oen-

rul ixospita bull The hoy has been th Lee i

Ads Bring 1esults

-laquogt bullbull ii m-i|i

J C Cadwallader High Grade

Watch and Clock Repairing

the readers of Hygela Magazine- I little snooze for the nervoui tired man in the afternoon ma make his night s leep more soothim

Many persona who have long rides oti elevajed trains or s u b w a j s catch an bour or two of sleep 1 a this wily ft Is surprising bow one ennmechanica l ly t ra in oneself p i t to i sleep past ones destination Others before going out in theeveshyrting catch n few winks of sleep Housewives have found a short hap after the lunch hour of -greijt benefit

One can get n better quality df sleep In n imp than In tho average of u full nights rest for tho ^flrt|t two hours of sltMp are the deepoa The imp Is hardly In consonanqH Willi lite bustling American splri but thnt la nil the more roasoh

It ^ X


ENTERTAINMENT PRICES SLASHHD Fltlr Twerity^ive Cents Admission

Americas Greatest Agricultural Show

The |V

Illinois State Fair j


Aug20to27 Presents t

1 2

bull3 i-4


National Swine Show National Shorthorn Exposition National Hereford Exhibition Regional Jersey Catshytle Show

and bull y All Veterans Day bull Aug 21 A i

Grand Circuit R a c ^ g Aug 22 to 26

fs An Inexpensive Outshying for the Entire Family

vacation Idndmdash rom your Telephone back to the folks at

home let them| hear about the

fun you are hating and know that

you are well and enjoying the priceshy

less vacation days Wherever you

are you will find a Bell System

telephone nearby Remember the

7 it our aim to Jar nisb the best postiile telephone service at bulltbe lowest possible cst cost lis smalL Wherever you call

New Tcrraplane Cars on Display at Hudson-Essex

Driven here from Detroit where Amelia ICarhnrt the first woman aviator tgt make a solo flight ocrosg the Atlai tic christened the first^-of tlie new models by smashing a bottle containini airplane gasoline over i t s radiator the (first of th l new jEssex terraplan i automobiles haye reached Barringtoa and are at the showrooms ofj Barrin [ton Hudson-Essex company lofcal Hudson-Essex dealers

JNamed the terraplane because of its many characteristics in common with the lirplane the mvr car paintshyed a beautiful bronze and with the winge(f)tt rraplape emblem painted on its sides will sell at a lower price

Da It



HDlll now on the American market r he cur ijrrlvlng heri riraquodraquontly

OIK of morn than pound 0 0 0 Whichwet drl en a way from Detroit In a parade Inn icdlately following the dedication of enr No 1 for Orvllle Wright o f

ton 0 inventor of the alfylaae was the biggest driveaway e w r l

stated by any automobile company eve i In Detroit the automobile c a p shyital of the world

The parade route through Detroit wat a sea of banners flog add bunt as testifying1 to the importance wh eh Detroit ] placed on the huge demonstration officially introducing

new Essex gt tcrraplane to the American and Canadian public

Classified Ads Bring Results

Ladies9 and Gent Gleaning Pressin A Iterations and Belining at jprice|s traquo suit every pocket book


5 5 6

Wo C ll and DeUveir





158 V IASTbdquo YEAR


bull A I last winter the Wei ither rep 3ft was Fair attd Wafmia this Wilmette honje (93 free fuel heated its seen^oonGS at a total cost ofjoniy

J under the present house-hlt ating rateitWJby not find what gas heat will gt ost for y nr home Call now] for a ^estimate Public Service Cot tpam of^rtbem Illinois



Elmwo )d Avenie|( Gas thefcare-

Telephonie Harrington

tMnliB yoor appoinf-mpri now for Fn) fan ace inspection t

Arnold H

wiinmhni^ D

WJ will itakc orderdTor fn e heating plant iin-sp iction for the next six da S j Aug 19]25 Inci an I we- will make thi spi ctions prior to Sept 1

PLUMBING mdash H mrim

[f your heating plant needs a new sm )ke pibe wewill njake the installation Of cast pipe at our low- aiummer jate and wi 1 clean ybur furnace or boile bull free i We win install sheet iron nace p| gte and clejan the nace or boiler at a special price

Other r pairs changed at s ack season rates The cosy ltf gt good repair joh will be paid back slt vera times over your saving on fuel


Sass i i



raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 5: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:

bull 1

irmlriit In 1 y HIIlS IMO-|nisitii)n by

T S vi-igtnL

In in

Poui -H Club ROUT d-Up

H i 4-H ( picnh Farm

u h M|iihl IpA bullmummdash


r-itra or

1 lt

-bull fbull Wi

Mr i en-u j iiddreses

r 1113

1- v i bull bull i i l l l i

-Ai l -

Ex at [ITorntr lor r jIJ S Igt s

- t l

TV fraquo ])eer

and to

spOns OFCU

and I [ome

liib ljounduj raquoml farmers by the Lake County Bureaus Pure Milk

a s s o c a t i o k Hotytefr 1 reeders asao-ejr Breeders associashy

tion I Farm Supply cltmpany and Dairj Hejrd Improvement association will lie held at Cedar Crest Country luh igtn l|toujte 59 one k|alfmile north of Grind avlt nue

H ^

govern raquo m IK


bull bull senat


to El

(Mill Ti -k

S bulliS

ceno bdquojf the

h o u r lVlT bull - d i r e c t

bull l i p i T V i

(ltgtX j [Lak( Co System Cuts Bonded

Ijnd^bt edness j $ 139305

Report Shews

bull 1 1


Ni-ii in (bullbullmlcnf

1 vy meet

iin-fiiiV ii 11 missionary

1 IKIgt |

raquoiJlv in Address by -r]raquoi-|iiiin-


bull bullinigtiriiiiiraquo I Task of igt Speaker

1111 OptU

sehediles ltlu



on |

lt I scho




s coninicnted

hllaquo) a





bull bull 111II ad- Sluiiillotl gtbullbull Ilev V I-llillC SCI-

| K-isid-

v I1 S T -1 gty lt J race

bullgtnfitviiltilaquo Y-i if tllli


bullitiH (bulliir liv Philip

ymdashDr W

bulll id ST-i-ii Loek-

bullmfiTcnee bullTask of the

bullaker Rev

Iiiii Will 1

I a ke oiiUry sraquof port

ti tt Illbtf 1 itybt

of anI

dlstrit tin

ts have no Will feel tilt

ill reilficid Inconi only slight-tlieitH 1 Hist cut the corners more Hyj t l te Hii|MvrviitltjnltuU pointed

A Mli l l

Ixper p bulllt siuref nllt

Stall istics prepared fk the report liowi il t|)ht teachers Inijtlio eloriien

Jury IIKJ |MlaquoM owlary schools lnit year eariicl $(115017(1 Tt(ls bullIIKIIV all SI bsfllutes 111

yVuts win ti tight half t

Mnlutuln High

ckniiilv boasls Ilit sell on distri (JllltlM iiuiki llllllV and lM7

4 prop )2S

aimers Picnic Be Held August 30

resijlerit will deliv a t 8 p m D

of th nien v h o have heird Mrs Mies in Lake o u n t y recom-

ery man h^ar Mrs Mies aldreis a^ t i e picnic

bull Mies Stale Home Biir-er one of her S T Many

|gtr Len Sraitll will speak S T ane either Judge

is running for bovernor Dieterich iand^ate for r w i l l s p e a i at 12 noon

p Expicted Run on Normal


ake einintj

15 and open

vounty ho

ring the coning year W ounty superintendent of


w l e u he made

inual reporj to the state

it Monday indelitediiMs

and wl ifh

lijiimhrr r Tp



ut w4uonrgtK-ou

schools will

to on ljormal

IniliuliiiR re-aiul interjext- pity incuts

all Hchool In iniliidlug tirade and xec-

gtts nciOrdiiig to the re-

Hgure lushyll Hiiperlnten-mi or moii

Itank lt cisht high

10(1 ehintjiiiiirv sthool iucliiilc an unprecf-bull with -superior

sdiool liopulntion in-iu th secondary schonls n tfi grades a totiit of

~il ttathers on lllitrp iiro Kiiliir Ktaff imattd valtif of tin stiioo bullty anil pquipiiutilt is S7S0-igainstj -which is Outstanding a

bondc 1 djbt of S2S-(Uirraquo0 Tax in come froni the various districts isjii-27041 If) ntu the total income from ill si Urces for operating the -county

-1 laquopound


S degrse Uni-


Teaching Staff Is Comphite for

Local Schools Continued from page 1

^tate Teachers eol|eje Whitewater

W i s commercial A

Harold Hunter I

versify of IUinb|s

bookkeeping and -assistant-detach

Miss Olive VYinn B A degree

Iowa State Teachers college Iowa

State university mathematics arid

physical education bull

Miss Esther McKercher B A deshy

gree Iowa State university Univershy

sity of Wisconsin foreign la iguages

T C Hosford B 3 degre 5 ^Cnox

college M A degree University of

Chleago social science awl a|ssistant coach

Paul ^ Clark B p- degree Knox college^1niversity of western university science apd head coach bull bull -gt Miss Ethel Schwab1 B A North Central college dramatics

Miss Annabel Leon hard A B deshygree Northwestern tiniversitjf Engshylish

Miss Marjorie Benjnett B S deshygree University of iJinnesota| home economics

Lee T Smiley 1 A B degreje Iowtt State Teachers-college manui 1 tra^n-iiiR

Miss AgnesWlaquolcli Northeifn Illinshyois State Teachers cq lege Ui iverstty of (hieago Northwestern university junior high librariaij girls education

Drives-Chevrolet Six Through African Jungle

Dr Arthur Torrence antliropolo gist specialist on tropical and Fellow of the Hoyiil So England Ktopped off In Dot cintly on hist way honje front tirlp to Africa on s^ieutllh 11OIIN

(hurrying him on his viny fornia where lie is a


ilisenses-bullletjrof roit re-Hs fifth expedl

0 Cali-nieinbti of the

Hooper foiinilation iiml of th eal School of the University Hforhhi was n 102raquo Chevr whlc-h he drove iKroiJM the ct of Africa from the list to t jcoast through -1000() niiles 0 passage all under the ciir pmyer except for an Iminmsii niiles

Studies of gtjlecpingt

bull Medl-of Ciil let Six Mitinent lie west

Jungle own

hie 100

which Dr Torrence Isan iitt11

al authority took hi in on h niisiion^ to Africa There 1 surveys of Ihie deadly -Tsr spreader of The disease and

sickiiess on rant ion-is early e j made so- fly among


Cents Admission Lharge for Movie a t

c4f-low Nes t Tuesday

his strange cargo there vereit|vo small crocodiles afllieted with the

j which he was taking home ther observation They -are reservoirs nf the parasitic g reported

On an earlier expedition I rence happened into a stranite of dwarfs in the Lake Chad on the edge of the Sahara which one school of scientists

- v bull are a remnant of pre-histori zdtlon and may prove to h|e Cradle of -flip Human Race live in caves a cent1 have a jabber instead of -language on rootsand vegetables and rjesemble

nickelodeon pictures jvhen a small

an adult to recalled next gtple bull of Bar-

pygmies a-Uhougltgt lacking in a ml stflmi lia Dr Tprrenees

courage further-

studies of them during his niost re be set dow n in a

Jnt|gle-ttent tnpj are book from -hispen entitled munia

State Anti-Rabic Treatimeiijt Costs Are Inci eased

Declaring that bankrupt infected with nind dogs nre ly imposing on -the state by If a enforce regulations concerijti and quarantine laws relating io-fan

l)r Andy l lull sfjitt pointed out In 0 rltcet

counties serious-llnre to J

s d

heal h tf stats-

ment thill the demand for ai ti-ruhic treatments at state expentfe this year has exceeded all pciiciirc and that funds


laquo0 ant e

appropri is pur

fur i-

degree sh arid

What part of the tax dollar as It

limes into the federal treasury must

lib expended because of warmdashto meet

charges growing out of wars we have

already had and to pay the cosjt of

national defense maintained in antici

c|ation of possible future wars

That is a question which has been

tsked many times and variously an-

8 wered the answers apparently de-

Iending ratter upon whether those

making them preparedn ojr against i|t than upon any exact

ilrulation But here ils the answer of the sec-

rfetary of the treasury computed upon t i e expenditures of the fiscal year

mi The total

elrnment for t il expenditt revenues) Were $42o725727953 t l i s total current expenditures

ational defense accounted for $70$-531805 p i 1 6 5 2 per cent cent1-02155995707 or 24 per cent repre-s intji niilitar7 pensions annuities alshylowances and life insurance claims on

ocount of p i s t wars and fixed debt c iarges and debt-(principally wrar debt) amount t gt $105201 S98182 or 2471 per c raquo n t Tlie l i s t two amounts aggre-g i t ing $207 09384892 or 4871 per cmt represent- the current cost of r(ast Wars

Tlie expend therefore or

st] nd for national defense during the steal years 1

1)2302950 0 t raquotals expend

spendltures craquopta) for thnt period

Tlie percflMnges -may vary car to year agtNraquoi result of the Inelu

s o n of extnovtlhMjrv itetris perhaps o a tempqri|irv chihacter but there

icy t ttiii r 11 vlti

Sti lion


nley as I tea

11 el IfiHi an 0111 it Lake

ecelved il requl

Mis 1 Injun

y uit lein nisi

lilment or fur-epfable ilm he

Tor-tribe I

strict desert believe civili-The

TJicy tind of subsist

fi|5 Per Cent of Tax Dollar in Federal Treasury Spent

for Past and Future Wars

expenditures of the gov-1931 (exclusive of pos-res payable from postal

Of for

itures of the government^ account of past warsj

)31 amountedto $27774 C 05231 per cent of the[ ures (exclusive of postal payable from postal i-e-i

are for laquo523

nd for

Thgt meir-w to Will hi fir roke inelui line was out ampn art

^ r Kuebler Violthausen

uesday mor


imed Kenni


were for

interest on the publie up Henjry M Stegniattsuggests to

Health Seal Idea Taken Up in Delaware in 19017

The idea of a health seal or the antl-tuberculosls seal was suggested by Jacob Rilsj the social reformer and author In an aftlcle In ihe Outlook for 1907 he told ho Christmas stamps or seals had been sold in Dent mrk for the supshyport of a chlldrei8 hospital and his article suggested the adoptio|n of the Idea In this country i

His Idea was taken uraquo In thill year by Miss 13milyi P Blssell lt f Wilmington Del In a- local camshypaign By this method she raised $1000 toward paying for the site of the first tuberculosis gahitarttiiQ In Delawarei-Hope farm^ -f

bull - - bull bull - bull - i

The nation-wide sale ofiseals wns thereafter sponsored as a means ltf raising funds bythe Red Cross The distribution of them now hOweve Is fn the hands of the National Tushyberculosis association and Its 21C0 state and local branches The double-barred cros which appeals on the Christmas seals Is the symshybol of that organization

Nap Dis t inct V a l u e Thle nap mnly s e r v e a s a plck-m-


1931 For^war past and cents of evtraquorv tux tlo1raquo

ill the KovernimMital aclaquo gts o f piiice 3472 cents

red lit Accident Iflurllu son-- of Mrs

ilou and Will (lalushii iiiitoinoliile Hceldenl near MI Friday evening 8tun-so iliiany scalp wounds red 20 si itches to close oiiiiiiiiiloh was not Her-

(otToetioJt ho found the body of I he Miller who died from a cd (leorge Kuebler The unintentionally omitted Ily published last week

accompanied by Henry inade the discovery on ling of last week

Births and drs Waldo Shuett an-

nbunee the tiirth of a son burn-Fri-d iy Aug 12 at the Barrington Oen-

rul ixospita bull The hoy has been th Lee i

Ads Bring 1esults

-laquogt bullbull ii m-i|i

J C Cadwallader High Grade

Watch and Clock Repairing

the readers of Hygela Magazine- I little snooze for the nervoui tired man in the afternoon ma make his night s leep more soothim

Many persona who have long rides oti elevajed trains or s u b w a j s catch an bour or two of sleep 1 a this wily ft Is surprising bow one ennmechanica l ly t ra in oneself p i t to i sleep past ones destination Others before going out in theeveshyrting catch n few winks of sleep Housewives have found a short hap after the lunch hour of -greijt benefit

One can get n better quality df sleep In n imp than In tho average of u full nights rest for tho ^flrt|t two hours of sltMp are the deepoa The imp Is hardly In consonanqH Willi lite bustling American splri but thnt la nil the more roasoh

It ^ X


ENTERTAINMENT PRICES SLASHHD Fltlr Twerity^ive Cents Admission

Americas Greatest Agricultural Show

The |V

Illinois State Fair j


Aug20to27 Presents t

1 2

bull3 i-4


National Swine Show National Shorthorn Exposition National Hereford Exhibition Regional Jersey Catshytle Show

and bull y All Veterans Day bull Aug 21 A i

Grand Circuit R a c ^ g Aug 22 to 26

fs An Inexpensive Outshying for the Entire Family

vacation Idndmdash rom your Telephone back to the folks at

home let them| hear about the

fun you are hating and know that

you are well and enjoying the priceshy

less vacation days Wherever you

are you will find a Bell System

telephone nearby Remember the

7 it our aim to Jar nisb the best postiile telephone service at bulltbe lowest possible cst cost lis smalL Wherever you call

New Tcrraplane Cars on Display at Hudson-Essex

Driven here from Detroit where Amelia ICarhnrt the first woman aviator tgt make a solo flight ocrosg the Atlai tic christened the first^-of tlie new models by smashing a bottle containini airplane gasoline over i t s radiator the (first of th l new jEssex terraplan i automobiles haye reached Barringtoa and are at the showrooms ofj Barrin [ton Hudson-Essex company lofcal Hudson-Essex dealers

JNamed the terraplane because of its many characteristics in common with the lirplane the mvr car paintshyed a beautiful bronze and with the winge(f)tt rraplape emblem painted on its sides will sell at a lower price

Da It



HDlll now on the American market r he cur ijrrlvlng heri riraquodraquontly

OIK of morn than pound 0 0 0 Whichwet drl en a way from Detroit In a parade Inn icdlately following the dedication of enr No 1 for Orvllle Wright o f

ton 0 inventor of the alfylaae was the biggest driveaway e w r l

stated by any automobile company eve i In Detroit the automobile c a p shyital of the world

The parade route through Detroit wat a sea of banners flog add bunt as testifying1 to the importance wh eh Detroit ] placed on the huge demonstration officially introducing

new Essex gt tcrraplane to the American and Canadian public

Classified Ads Bring Results

Ladies9 and Gent Gleaning Pressin A Iterations and Belining at jprice|s traquo suit every pocket book


5 5 6

Wo C ll and DeUveir





158 V IASTbdquo YEAR


bull A I last winter the Wei ither rep 3ft was Fair attd Wafmia this Wilmette honje (93 free fuel heated its seen^oonGS at a total cost ofjoniy

J under the present house-hlt ating rateitWJby not find what gas heat will gt ost for y nr home Call now] for a ^estimate Public Service Cot tpam of^rtbem Illinois



Elmwo )d Avenie|( Gas thefcare-

Telephonie Harrington

tMnliB yoor appoinf-mpri now for Fn) fan ace inspection t

Arnold H

wiinmhni^ D

WJ will itakc orderdTor fn e heating plant iin-sp iction for the next six da S j Aug 19]25 Inci an I we- will make thi spi ctions prior to Sept 1

PLUMBING mdash H mrim

[f your heating plant needs a new sm )ke pibe wewill njake the installation Of cast pipe at our low- aiummer jate and wi 1 clean ybur furnace or boile bull free i We win install sheet iron nace p| gte and clejan the nace or boiler at a special price

Other r pairs changed at s ack season rates The cosy ltf gt good repair joh will be paid back slt vera times over your saving on fuel


Sass i i



raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 6: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:

raquo bull


lt lt bull

V bull

bull j

bullbull- h

bull bull


iHiilillMll fid


poetry memorials a id all bullsetety and church siles and parties givlen for pecuniary besefit wUl be charg d for

Published every rbursdiy afternoon at Harrington Ill inois and entered 4acten postoffice unlt er Act

Cards of thanks

All communicate gtns she

rec Direct

raquo B g laquo mmsmmiiWjmmmmmtmzmreg

BARfeiN(3T(])N R E V I E W E S T A B L I S H E D 1885

L E S L I E W M(CLIJR]3 Editor a i d Publisher

W A L T E I B W t N T E R I N G HAM gtr and Foreman




as Second-classmatter at the Bar-

resolutions of condolence obituary notices id e itertainments or



Loyaltj is one of likewise one of thlt rommunity loyaltymdash and growth of town t failure to laquorow as t often the determinihf

There is one city a bead by the loyult wbom ii re coiBta tit

bulla rent Just now gtr the lack of ft

mi(l ouiities and icy KIKUUI loyalty

factor region that i inhabitant

in this of it

lloOHteTN beat city in nil the land bOci there many yours agraquo The three genera t ion ha tv liieer peast They are all puffed the bent city in exMtncc an

1 ilaquolaquo if they tried they want helMving The spirit of loyultj|raquoix a There may be other lernrlMOH with only n Hellish art helping to build heir tlt Iitjr 1H required ri^r bulllaquo)raquo itwn (bull(immunity hcipi rvetly or Indirectly

In tiff smaller fowiw beard ilfat the local moteli people want Agalt vigt MiuewnVro cine (at spcifiiii people make the tti gt to glt iltHttlon not Vnuntloi the ci A saturation of couiiimnljy Rod the merchants would In want Nothing won to know the home pe gtple[wlti thing they order by other towns

The merchant ilaquo n4ed tjwy have in stock the want and go elscw lefre We were asked recei tly eenld be found in

i had never had o states that might be could not recall hay

hey en it itiln

ol March 8


LOYALTY thei nijost essential


uld be addressed to the

of the virtues ^ e have in mind

In the building cities or their

or disloyalty is

To declni e that it Is the me u habit with the citizens children of the last two or

bullraised -on this brand of up with t inIdea that it is

I they cojild lt believe other-nbt look elsfwhere for what

lie bounty It their own c l t i of then iwsslnn vvlth must

whltraquo njrneike p^itrot)iraquoliig home cn vl iw liii-t they ulso object In

wn No dhtit all

everylnWly In It

had not been advertised Jf the merchants

they will keep it in itocl ont too much waste chants have for sale oftener than they olhervfiw jnpound home people mal 41 development of tho spirit of loyaljty Recorder Louisa Kentucky

lie comp uitM ilo not

l|wir I hill HiiJen |noh mmiotll

ut of I he oytilty wi ve In tftt

ijidrioy wpcijl In OUT snimer or biter ill-

lit lilt

ng tr

nili elt

has been pushed nearly nil of

t us at 10 35 oclock Therj will be leautiful music



We have proved these pint few Sundays that it necjj not be und is not a hard task to aticnd worship on a Bummer morning It was ieally an hraquour of joy beauty and inspiration If not worshiping elsjewhere come with

the choir and the ministci) of the el meditation on this timefy theme Olympics 930 a tendent

Church school N C



Sunday service 1045 a m Sunday school 9 30 a in kugust 21^-Snbject M nd I^olden Test Psalms 11512

mindful of us he w i l l blesi us Wednesday evening meei ing at 8 p The reading rpom 114 E Statiop

building is open to the public from week day and from 7- to 9


griit mental cupn-

n Hornet linen f i t fr i what the

prices life lower il i ly) und laquoiiilt

lit II Hllgllt IC-p and the time

I change nil tills what the people

p|enraquoe the merchants better than uld buy ( r o n them the same

rlpi to purchase In mall t r make t

|ouifa casijon to inquiife dt any ofj several expected to hav t i e m iji stock) and ing noticed them on display They

can findout w If the penpl gt can learn with-


fanfily were roofless whtfrei ]gton acertai decided to surprise home So wit horn builder at a fair wi ge to tu i ld a boust nnd then went on lustiness

vork w Guilder Was left nt~ iwnor I ln said he In his hear bullsaterlal and scamp the work So he out the flute j m t t i i g In i^oor servjee tioibers

Whenthe uood itaiiiiirltnii returned Tlitttji a line IIOIIH- I bu t h e reply (io move ylaquo|ur koase- is yourK Ililtre is tbunderstrHck U e realjisei friend he hud beet

o their ||inr also Oft t imes entleal

W e did

tfo I ii entleal aVtikies that people

bei-ause they do not know it whjere a eerjtai i l ine of articles

n gtt know because


of t imp and energy w h a t he mer-they v i l l buy fronijthem niore-and

do^ T h e 1 acquired in ill if

CHEATING OURSELjVES The story is tob| of a dishonest worker He and his

the people want

this pior man with it comfortable telliiii his purpc

to a fur-uw Ith no watcli

t on the hi folks Into Ijt tile deed

that Injiteii IndiiHlriully cheallng lilnJMlf when

abit of patroniz-way along with

tb home News--

n good Samaritan

se he liired the on a sunny hill

uy countr man but hfc^own 1 can skimp jtho went on spinnjiig pltior nulls poor

the builder wild I Good was

at once for tlie The builder was d of cheaTIng his

bull i Groff Divine services every- |Si| Bible doss and Sunday The Lutheran church ei

present time without a chu to attend its servieesland


$T A 8 n

ass Sunday Low Maw Week days Low A Devotions in honor

of each month MUHH ((UifesHloiis Ritturi ay HiugttiNhi bjf laquoppoi^

bull R E V

of ll lit 1 ly fgt

p m on Saturday

s Hall nday at

urclh will brinir a The Christ



Plagge superin-

T i e Lord hath been

m street Lipofsky to 5 p m each


)30 a m ichool [at pound 45 a m tends to i l l who are-at the

bullch home a sincerein|vitatian classes

C HENJJTING Pastor 13 (2 iN 14Hi Avenue Slelrose Park 111

rtN-EH in and lj) a a in

io Sacred a in p in

men I ioirlt A mii

Chicago dlHtrlct In SCS(I|OII August II)

S A L E M E V A N G E L I C The iiniiual ciiinpinvetlnifOf (he (

the Evangelical church w l I H i e 2U uf the Harrington cnmpWjiidN

Nn Mrvlee will belitJI at Halcnii eliiircli Kindly -nee ciinipiiicetlng program in other iiiirtm of this IHHIK of Tim Review The Burr iigton jiub In Is iwdla l ly In vlled to ntteiid tliCMe meet lugs with UH





By NatlonjU Editorial Association

ltSpecial to The Review)

Heart first Frklay

flCT Pastor

ng Midweek ser-Bible school til 1)3() Hu i vice 73() Wednesday evening

The pastor plans to preicch Sunday All visitors are cordially welcome



930 a m Bible school 1030 a m Morning

Pearl of Great Price Thursday Aug 25

4 p m Outing of Jun

he did not know it was his

They suffer iinder a burden that hag bearable Tbey wail loud of taxation^ wasteful and diture graft and cheap politics But

Aug 21

worship H i

or league

HERMANN E KOSNIG Pastor own house

T h a t i l lustration remin Is u s vivii ly of the predicashyment Our voters and taxpayers lind t l icmselves- in today

and long foolish g(

tniiruing Aug 2H

nglisi The

he was building

cizing the house they built Back a short time bgo

money than brains and

themselves when mo rt of us had more

yjhen wti ere drunk on the power of the almighty dollar we op inly voted for and supportedccundidates of a t pendthrift character knowing

re sl ippiig in shoddy muter-structure we were building justly u id economically ad-

whenwe did so that we- wi HW in the govlernmetital We knew that governmeni

The^pnitiisfered relt|uired our so ler though and honest action yet we dlsnilsscd the thoug|ht with th) snap of the finger anil went right along wit tikdollarWe didnt-havi

Now we lire reaping house webuilt leaks and ci B u t we cant blame It on ourselves

Let us profit Ify our le as it should be Otir de fault The fault lies wltt havi been clientInr ourweh

become almost un-about the burdens yernmental expen-are they not criti-

i our own self Ash pursuit of e time to fote intelligently the rewards Oi course -flu1

ticks and t ircitiens to eollnpwf rtie otlieij-lillciwi f(Wn built

won und lijulld the iioxt houNe inocrath

us votero OMmdashGuide

dovernnient Isnt at who built it W e

ButeHVllle Ark

R U M O R S have been dribbling into Washington for sometime regarding the changes in ambassadorships here Italy [has made the first move by naming Augusto Rosso head |Of the League of Nat ion section of thje Ital-iiln foreign office to succeed Ambassashydor DeMartino It is understood that at least f|our more enyoys are scheduled to walk i h e plank in^the near ftaturemdashDJibuchi of Japan Yon Prittwita] jof Germany Claudel of France arid Gasaurano of Mexico Ambassa^ojr DeMartino of Jtaly i s now dean of the Washington diploshymatic corps If the French ambassashydor leaves us the deanship wjill pass tjb the Turkish ambassador In more prosperous days the foreign embassies Were the centers of lavish entertain-nient The budgets of these foreign establishments have been cut to the bone and when envoys must now reach down in their own pockets to defray the expenses of entertainment social activities have beeii igreatly curtailedi

H E N R l i F I E L D of Iowa ivho reshycently won out over Senatorj Smith W [Brookhart iri the primaries is makinB hi i first visit to Washington He c a m e t o attend the notification clpremoniesifor lresident Hoover nnd evidently make o general Hurvey of the offices he hopes to acquire as a full-fledged United States senator nf-li-r March 1933 Fich1 is a seed mer-ejiuiit and general Htorekeeper He bulliperatcs his own radio station and tburs the Iowa count ies with a- loud-^peaking outfit iijionnted on a truck Mr Field has convevcd the IhipreH-sion while here that be will cnnipfllgn for fleet ion IIM ail out and out sup porter of the Hoover ndniinlHtration

i T H E DHY KAltTION In raquohe re IJublleon party U dlHgnuitlod at tlie nriutldeitCM lift era Dees on the |irnlilraquo tlun i|tilaquoNtlltitii Political Interpreter are mm- ciHliiivorlng to pleiiMe lintli flicHoimi tlio laquoCflaquo nni) ilugt dry The president Inhi spccili of aeccii-tlitice did bin level lient tlaquo tuulte wits n|raquo(l ilrvn meet on ii ilaquolaquoimoii ground hut lmprlaquoKnloiin art Ihut thlaquoy ore Witcly to remain n litraquoult ltl|ivWetl

ngalnst ItKflf The bullbull exttCmlstB In both (nni|iM|arlaquo not|gtjufhUHlnstlc over the proposiil to let tlie states decide for thekHclyeN whelhtfr tbey want to go wet or remain dry

THEI PRO-HOOVER bull demoftstra^ tion here (last Week by the repujtlican Roosevelt I wonien headed by the willow of Theodore -Roosevelt was on of the high-lights of the show T i e arrival of the 71-vear olid for-mlaquor First Lndy of the land by airshyplane fori the notification ceremonies was no doubt designed to equal if not ovcrsrjadow the dramatic flight of Governor Roosevelt to Chicago for Ms notification on July 2 and emphashysize the political breach in the Rooseshyvelt family -

G R A B B I N G H E A D L I N E S has been the greaf political game during the past wcekf with the republicans apparently winning the first game of the series Governor Roosevelts action in placing Mayor Walker on trial at Albany the same day thlaquot Prcsiile^t Horiver delivered jliis ac-Ceptftnec speech was regarded in the republican eainp as a trick to steal tho show which was-being staged iii Constitution hal l in Washington

bullI SECONDARY P I T I E S rather than the nations financial capitals will be jielei-ted as headquarters of thd region-gt1 home loan banks to be estublished under the governments newest credit Isystiun flaquogtr the re l ie f uf mortgage-liHWleiied iiome ownerN It Is reported Huch II policy would bar home banks In such financial centers as New York Boston Chicago Philadelphia Cleveshyland St Lmillaquo And Sun Fraiiciscd


AUGUST 18 1932

Wandering his to That

Wrong W i y to Cut S irp lus Agriculture lias its trouhJeBOroc raquour

pluses but thii is no time them by neglecting yields tnd slightshying other thli igs which t rill reduce the cost of w h i t is grown saysjR II Wilcox of the farm organifBafion and management lt3 epartment agriculture U ljvcrsity of

The yield mtained is kmong the important things influencing the cost of growingcrgtps I t ma often be more profltabl to takje seme of the poorer land ou of cult i tat i m putting it back into pi sture wobdl gtt or other uses than to attempt to arm large acreages in a way that will cut the yields on the i rhole area

For iitstai ce farmers with liw corn costs last year produc gtd ths crgtp for around 35 cents a bus i d includshying a charge for the use of l a i d They were abb gt to keep the costs down to this point because they haa| the soil well built up tjhey obi a-inedj good yields and the worked th sir land- in a thorough ye I economical way

The averaje cost of gmving copn in east central Illinois wa|s 4 3 eeyltts a oushel in 1J81 hut on the figure ran up as high i s 00 ceflts a bushel Seine of theso high-cjjst farmers workeil their gronid and jiut in their corn jcrop without the c^re and thoroughless they used on the hlt tter land in

The same total vdlun prodficHon on n farm may by patting fro n 2 0 to 25 the Jnnd J n sgtil building ns swcjLf clover A gooi wlilcfh inclmh s legumes proves yields 15 to 25 pe


fould b4Ve c o m e of lciojv je obtaiicJ ler ceiitlof crops ru1h

rotation often lin-r eens and

at the same tjme does aWiy wPh IN necessity of pJuwlng |raquond y Writing (|ie 20 to 25 perbdquo(d i t jo f tho l ind that is down In the )oll-jit|llUliig erojw

Slinking ilovh - miiiniiiK I C I Y I I iiiuiifiii in m I H V hlgliwiiyH liilM cached the Mage wliere bnly the ttnn^nrted notion ilom hacked HtntuH A-M rnnys ollleo with thy evil In tho Charles M Ilityim prcNld Chlciigo Motoi Club Tlilaquo lilciit atlaquou i|ieila| meet Imurtl of (Urti utotH of tin Hon wiHed lu| week for I

H of out l ining In InteiiMlvti ngiilhst roiid brigands wi the elections loinlng on 1laquo the | police HRM roaltl8 are won ylng abuiit t of fgtfBoo Othtrs who may in their posts

lgtoft MotarhttY motor i i t s on I ho

by the m iraquor of lhlaquo

pert to nut ol eountpy

are d l s tur l ed becuusu ulmoiitqgt

of m(Hlaquor

euii tftraquo|ifl (|plnloii (if

nit of tiio chili jire

ng of the orgiiiilfcv-

lip puvjioso coiiipnlgii

Id With November

heir t m u l e feel bullHftujre

of many payl ISB weeks a The morale on the highways never ha been at Ilt wer ebb

On the other hand (jar oWaen who have felt the benefits of the imshyproved financii il conditions of the prtdf few weeks and who are taking thkt cars out for the firsHtinn this ypjjir should be allraquo wed tb tget the recreashytion thejampnced so piucb without being subjected to he caprices or to the malice of som man op a motorcycle

Neither sjmpa[tby for t h e p l i g h t of policemen nor thefact that rackshyeteers are in he minority should deshyter us from ujing every h gal niathoil to clean up t i c highway in pSrepuiu-tion for the- (entury of Irbgiess Exshyposition Alre idy right-minded policeshymen have itt( icated a wi lingness to assist the iuihorit ies in i leordorizihg the conditioti which in so ne quarters is a stench iij the nostrils of the public i

Hold Out

lui t


PedcHtrians side of Michel Jackson and astonished Ing a swarm On the yelv and unloadi benches werraquo pulntlngs w wood carvlns and pen and m up in and on the out dftiururt

Door Art walking o

win bouleva VonBurcn t Saturday of artists

lawn o | their wa

jipprnpriat iter colors

Htfhouett^H ink sketches


S T R A V E L S i raquo BfJmlaquo W Ifroofc


col ifnHlon on fniNH I t w show to be

tovriiMratfe All Ri(hta

6 efore lte| lartinSI from WakefieU H Will be vttti o rememher |^ that tin flalaquo of the Unitlaquol State of America was bora of

ltblaquo courage wiaJojn and faitfc opound George Wasbiflgton Aa iill Arlaquoamlaquo here in the) winda at Ida birthplace today one may ia fancy catch i rdm itja flu the celebrntujn in 1932 of the

the herald of a coming event -r- ^^-^^8frac34^^ 200th anniversary of hlabirth-

lt ^ K ndeed thinja are aftir at Wakefield --x haa been turned back to Colonial daya _ antique brick ia doing hia faithful belt witli mules alternating in their lahora to product Color the kind of brick used in the original

primitive kiln Workmen arc engaged in foundation upon which the house is to be

Sale l the east d ijitwecn

jtreets were in witness-

sejttiing down runt pafk

res Parkj d and oil

drawings statuary

were stack-lie beiielMUt is the first Inaugurated

ODt THIUGS AND NEVfmdashBy Lame Io

s laquoA

ye irs fir it one land fo ceiisfuf ft CI ieago wjjth tin ent^y of two Iiwfrtrcfl itrilstH ox th Hi oxboed |raquolaquoilort w) irr



lllHHIld it HrKt

th In

ilch tho INIU

Hiieet It lgt4 face

Oiieii glunl

ItnVH but InivomeH


nn fw ol iciH an

the bby In ts of a

JiiB A C en gos 103 is a s s u m i n g k world

Sevenbulli i iajibr ex stkiidingj pix more

ipproxlmntely a bull(irks of i rt- The sraquolen lb tifwnpft In (Jhlengo laquoli|en(ly i salesIn a corresponding New York the theory on exhibitloi IN held |laquo that ((irrleil u tliif mail In the

Is being hriiNl-iMildly Into ^bcrn lie einnot IMgt|H Maying

ho mini o woman buy im rk of tin oven though ho

mlaquo dollar for It lie or she potent In Mi loviir Ho

MO III lean H to disc Imlnatc und will in Ills in tltil punMianu to

bullfinally I o will be cstight of the most fiiseliiiillng

the wov tlrrtblleetInjf ohlaquo



toi ls

i t

And now comes

ra eta World Igti)tottfa Ten mo itiis hefor

entury o I Interiiatloiml

n g pi iblii

H undredJH [of work in eting steejlj fasten pi raquoeo and laying would sertelan avejrage (HO inhabitajits 4- But wiihin the s l ee t metal fehce exposition grounds 0|ien-air buses of tj pe carrj sightseer i istrntion luifding g and transport bui ldi ig

People gtraquow ( Its official 011011-

ProgreHi-i-hi-eximsltlon- -

s fair atmosphere buildings are

have been begun sn arc busily riv-

wall board in c utilities that

city ofji lOt)

l i b i t

mdash a three oi i the la oon| the g ila pnsi engejr dnvu the shore

i Citch 3 be the tsru of tlteip fix

hey rui I) weigh i tv land I urd un l t nrt of

nil lenpi

SjDictlitn aV

Iji IK

limn W Rtlaquowv4



SLAKB COUNT (Furnished by the III

0oii panyT^Abstracts of bull Guaranteed 220 Washlm Wnilke^an 111 bullBel 4)

euronbi|mdashJ Prepejcbl Hekcrn amp wf jt tens VIgt of lot T (eXH 00BH urn W t VII- Of S i r mill See HI

bullVMMCOIIIIIImdashW Wood Wotlaquo1 J i v W D i Loft I n Vlok Hull laquooo 2li bull iHiirlngtonmdashG A LIIKC of laquo1 Io V W rteliroedcr H qr if NK ur A W lif of Hocraquo Culm tk 111k 1 amp I amp H 111k ^ 1111( ( i n I Lots II 7 H ft 10 11

2amp--mife bull stretfch of that encloses tUe

gayly decorated the semi-trailer from the admin-

to the travel and back again

mile run leither way While irst of a fleet of

boijrts ply up and



Swordfifh Nj iipB erwonlfjsh

grenteBt Sew Zetland

gludint up to ii itnd 12 flt

fetjulr enrofiii

tlie fltriuu nilIIIIICII t after

laquo ( tlio tnklntt tho


Easy Pray is conslderfcd

sport in the wa-Theyj coll

of the ocean tHon mind pounds letin length and gtH tunny bourn of IlKlitlng on the

iiiun Often tho lis 20 foot t ut of | being hooked

4 llriully entire lino

glaquoraquotraquo with

C rfM AVruk NfAbrg

hand of the maimer

a pair in texturl

home Keir ting i t e


bullQT arther along the road are mcidenia of gijea fmdash read in relation to Washingtons after called Oak Grove near Wakefield be waa a Williams to take up the sludy of surveying School which stood on the site now occupi Baptisl Church in Freder|cksburg he began praaice of Rule of Civilty ~ minor incidents watch for their unfolding later in the Washing

moment ife At a

d vised by a vText in

by the he rending

perhaps ton mind

ifl Title Tltlo Htrwi

l iul

Kl oil





Io A1

1 HIIll

bulluf) in

iii w liikf

I wf II | r HW

) iir nl laquo T

il iliitf) Hlk II



I In (I Wiiltmt

t tins uf land

l l l l l l l i of

bullgtm M 7 l-irst Sliinira

A lli-n-nit Nil Kslnics

-ni w l)1lot 1 iVk Villi

nit I IS l


l l lk (I amp Hlk 7 nil In MflMJV (inlm-HA II Klajiroihv MhlnilckWl) Lot 20 nul flriivo Hoc I3

iliueo|idnr-L V Llunp to I Miiurer WD A n in Sec m

iaucondn-i-Lak( (o Mil LlhjprtyvilJe to M P Mo Moloney jt tens Wl)-io Addn to VmsParkSn(j bullLale- I bull

( UbamdashI Stevenson to drils QCli Lot 12 Hlk 2 Tne Biltmore Cotan Seer 13 amp 14 ^aucoiida-^-Lake lto i-itj Bk of Litertyville to A Dainko 414 First Addn td W nisi oh Slocum I ake Sees Lv

Premonit^-G W WilMn to 8 Alkofer QOD A tijjot in Sec 27

WaucondamdashEllenWilli i Hams K Brooks WD Ilt 8tj 01 and 02 William onJSIocum Lake

WaucondamdashM Rnml amp )i is lit Cciiami amp tins jt tens WD)101 lit Blk 4 MylUh Park See )gts

^ b a mdash S SBerry to bullbull( Fischer] WIgti Ijot 4 Barriiigtoii 1 Iviijliis S11I1 Sod 24 and 25 ^ - bull

WaucondamdashL Tiffany Sin Ux K AVllHams 1)- Lots r7 01 A 1)2 Wiiii Piirk Snl m| Lake

iVuiifimdttmdashLuke Co iui Llliortyvllk J o 1 Ketola 1raquo WIJIIIHIIH Park Hub on S rni|in lake) Heita 28 and 1

ffubilmdashFirst Union Tr amp to |M B Doudy 1) Lot bull ITn|it 1 Biltmote (mint -J HoiJH IS 14 amp 2raquo ^

XI I Il kVt

(if hill J

to Wit- bull11 (laquo7(

irk sub

of ICI (17 NT Shiciiw j

llli of j lnlIW

SVKH Ilk j lllk H MnUii I


si of ping I Plan your from advertifieiticntii pearing in The Jte iew




ArtieBeem Indian Maiiager Barringtotil

Local (lub to Play Oiel Colts at Ivaithoe

N-ct Sundaybull- fgt

I |(hngt

bullBoa i

[ t o

11-1 U 1

m i 17 hiw includ uid three floibfes

bull1 11

t w fit1 to tinIM

Itlirowii^ NNl ^i

I Iraiiln- I

^el the Cary U d i a u s 1 1-nl park Sunday -

Arl i jtcenr who formerlyLihanai bdquobdquo n^ilaquoneUlast ^ e k 4 i j 1 laquoil th1 Blgtraquo^- P O laquo a laquo laquo K laquo

t-hv bullIn- tlaquo l i r t s t i i s farmer -tea T w ^ I Kinirr of the Rlime vfi

bullbullpound hiitiol lt1-- B r g bullraquoraquo w U laquo laquo mil ii-isinvle iivtive tr

t m| the fine ^neldingra li KasCh a t^hort bullbull - bull

lay I be Boars yill a $ i-tinj the Htrbii D^it

Mu i-aii THe B e a M were ohe bullijetliive 1 bullMinn to defeat the Col list vi- bullbullt a i i o t l i e r j o a g h gajtoe

JMIHIC1 lt ^

Th lii - bullHnrniifH

[ vvicliii 11- -raquo bull McOum bull

[c it-- bullbull j Bwni bull f It I I - bull |VlaquoiiiIl -^

A MM11- bull KhiiiM 11

[(J AHbullgtrlaquobull 1 flnrbi-tl Il lifniKl-1

IRIi 1 IViiiil-

re 14

- f|

1iirj I Nurrtm bullbull( hitt bullbull Dlniii bull Nitfiii( p r Kuiin 1

Ijimiwii ii | ( |^i i i igti i r

11mm Igt I I Monirh iigt IF 1(11111 IWIilii ^1 IKcil) bullbull

Sll l l l l l l ltgt


r l


^ r

5 4-

js --5


plusmni I

0 bull ( gt bull bull

4 l _

4 4

4 4

raquo bull

- -1

a 2 I bull 2

bull bull 2 r 1

o-0 r 1 1 0


l bull raquo gt

M 0

l 0

0 0 0

i i - b l N Tliroo biiMei

Um Kiiieli T w o - bine liitH- iBciin li llertf McGownn ] ICjlden JBlKi mi hfills off K-videhi $-Stiiuc |laquoulmdashIn Kviilero -2 by ALrlnbiira t IlKmlili jl iys K a s e l i t o ^Vilt|hman 1 [R Here - I Kvidern^to IlansKfrj

SJrrtn- li iiifi5n(s bull I| pj

[towji- no 000 000-- 2 4 -1 BarjWkiii mi 301 1 3 x - 4 4 17| i ) bull bull lt r1

Salem and SL Paul Outfits Witiamptw^ in Softball CifM

The Salem softbal l t e a U ] njlmi bullUtere1 bull - l ins ing 0 to 8 defeat ltto i

IMCthoilis m i t bdquof t h e B a r r i n K t TOpie I mlay niifht after the Meith

Mil the i m d bull thrltuighgtt t Iftmp ami lOniejired tV ltty ( the iwfthe liac nntjl the l a s t p

ini IB of th

Ijweiiih nitiinir The M e t b o d ^ r tew I N 1 io 0 at the end of tile thir land s ltlwli

111 the s e v e n t h Tlie |ir-tlt ) iimiK-ihle Sa lem irWin

1ST in hiUm i mi

| l ^ I1 ih fenme B i | | Trsjampei )

-iinv| lf 1 ^ ^ tajeiu-iuu |Uh Itnv | i V | bull TV bull V- i iV Sal- l-ains recbdquor i |M m(rre | f v laquo e f e a i - K gt f laquo r 4 b lt raquo raquo

la ngt^^ raquo ^ peulnu ti lt H111 I h OitJ

M flaquo Wh |laquoraquo-jlaquoK-feraquotlaquoi

H M-ihvlUi IMUI illaquoihit- M laquo

1 St |iltraquo|tiii

|flaquoil(raquo1(U l l f ^ rMraquolaquo 90

Zv U V r laquolraquolt1i |ler ( h| 5 ^ -hntlnlH fjfi Kriiia tlbdquo

Woii - to

t gtft


I H M1 lt bull 111

i j i Ann-llaquoJraquoi|

lflaquo Ilaquobdquo| |laquollibdquo|M


Lost bullbullIII

4 0 raquo laquo bull bull


bulli Pe

t i laquo

4ft rid 40


Nraquo w o S n o w i l ^ AUkf

raquoraquolaquoNI smnvtluhos tWwwMibai ut

Ami no bdquo ^ th9m ^ (

E laquom$ deg raquo OentiVal M ilaquoi iz lno


317 Bast SUUeq 8 t


Furniture Removals f f calaquo and totuj Distahce

Baffldteg- bull V J- Mtwnbet

Staryids - 1 ^ bull bull lU0 Inited Vaagt

4yr Guaranteed -]bullbullbullbull Mdegth i ^ f t o g SeiTte|



- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 7: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:

- lt bull bull gt bull

WdRMtWH-ilaquoj Utt-

altiF o A rtfu KriCANAftftc eXPLORKRk

i i r j^j i rTK T K A N K K K U H

r rAKt COUNTY I n^M-ii-i fy tllaquo FltlooN Till

bullbdquorbdquo A h u raquo u of T M laquo k fllfo 11I vil VVlttliitiraquolnti KlruolJ i i i traquo t i l tvi 4raquo

0ipoundi I I V pgt jlt lull A wf to | 11-11 ^ i r bull 11 rnitt V|I | N ( nirraquo

It l-MK bull ( laquo M ( r s nnrgtraquo thf) itt] gtilaquo i f S tr raquoMIgt Mr- 10

V (i^-Hbl - W im A wf to V ltif Ii V1gt Ltits 4 anil 5 Lain laquo4 -igt poundltT -bullgt

liraquoH iH^nui- ( A Lnge-chulte amp wf i] t- r WKchrm-ilei 1) in Tr SV i f M |ir amp V hf of SK qr of i 1- Blk 1 amp I4)tlaquo 5 t)

S UikU Blk 4 (ex Lot 0 thof) ts pi T 1raquo 10 11 amp 12 Blk 5j lt ( amp IMk 7 all in Barringtod

Nt|ivvltr p bull ltjtgtn- A II Klaprotb A wf to Plraquo k V1gt IntJJO Blk 3 Va|niilt

i-- S c bull

s | -fVti bulliifiiimdashL F Lamphere amp hul l iM r^r VIgt A tract of land gt-r -- ]

Wjii-1-Lake Co -Natl Bank n | i I - rj vx l- [ M 1raquo Moloney amp

1t(gt ]i-i W-l) Lot 237 First] i i l i - r Win- lnrk Sub on Slicun i uraquo

bdquo jlt-ili I St- -nson to II A- H e n | vpoundkM bullgtbullbull IT 12 Blk 7 f n i t Ni

f gtbull ffftirlt- 0gtuntrv Estates] h 1- raquo

bullJ ii



bullbull h

- - t


i i -

Mi eJ

l ltbull r

I -

[Wii - - i^kf Co Natl Bk ol 1 i|gt^r[ bull]bullbull t A Mnmkd W D Lo |

lljt J-V- AcMu to Wins Park Sulj raquon| SI V4iui lak-- Sees 2gtgt aitd MJ jrr miii -it W Williamson ft wjj

Alk-i-r (^Ctgt A tract of land

id j I


bulli bull

- frac34 ^ H S

titti iu


I f

m1i~iil(ltii Williams to Wtl K Jrouk- WLraquo^Jots 57 t7

til St Wil l iams Park su^ Mi raquom lak raquoVi HI onInmdashM Jtanil k hiis to -itnil frac34 hit jt -tcii-s Wlgt Lot lltj

iu(t J Mvlith Turk Sn -raquoK i|| S f lrry to ( Kinchel

W raquo Ibullbullbull 1 BarriiiKtiut Ilciehts Slid -bullI -1 ^

Aifihti- I TiffH-tiy Shf of LO iijl j u ill-mis Igt Lots 57 ltgt7 N7j

bull j I A Win- Turk Soli rtn Stocnn P I nl ^

VV |i 1a lbdquok (j Nut) Ilk ( I raquo t v n ^ j bdquo 1Kffofn 1raquo Lot IH N Ili--iil- Iufk Sulraquo oil HIIMMIIII lnk(raquoi

Lgt 11 at fifi f i N t 1iiiim Tr A Hv)m IIS

Mi It Itoiily 1raquo Lot - WIV ) raquo | it t Miltinori Country Hittiiii

l l I I amp - bull

$104 Per

Plan your shopping

^bullom advertiseittents raquoP

pearing in The R e v i ^ -

ost$$250aym Saves $2a keek



jrtieBeeni Indian )If Earriniii

u a Former

ger in

bull U K -

01 Lineup | lay DieUs


i l

nhoe (lav

i i i i i(l injgt

liigtli-laquo the

v Inlia-n-s 14

gt liuliv

iy manaKtd -gt wiilaquok and iininliitiT out

1 bullij-miT U-aih-kani WtFO

v ii -11-1-10(1 |i tn- tirips

|illinti and

u ilNplay (it - i-iiitf I Vitas

WgtTIlaquo ontlaquo of

-i- tin- Colts --Mil aaimt U

II 4


f I) Ii

bulll I It I)


L|ions fall Easy to R gtcently



Eaoh ciimes st


Prey Organized

Girls Softball Team

Indians rev I Inirapt Ari


lay the weaker sex be-iraquoonRer and cjonquera new

mains in the cherished macu-Uin real i i

The la-test evidence is the de-it of a Lions club Softball team

bull a n neatly organized team bullnde up Harrington girls

bother or not thej sturdy sex Kvtyp th gt fair maidens the gt me or were takejn off their Kiard do yemls on whose side the stgtry Ujtold Sevjeral of thte

ons n linitted however that

lgt m(iilo


L tih girls j were prettyl good The ( i l s projred excellent at fielding t r d pitching Lehiie Miller pi ehor for the Lions was plus- te td all over the fielfl for a num-ber ofjAolid hits -The final tally wt s 1$ tA 13 for thelgirls

t any rate the gSrls team H out toj aake a mark for itself 11 e girls art schedulk to meet a - gitls team from Palktine at the lo(arpla|-laquorouud ttfelght The (H ijrrlngtpn team I sponoorcd n nil ci)-mamiged by [Mrs Lloyd A laquoi iilitktn md--Mrj William Wei-riih







n I I I il



M 0 It

1 (I-I) 0 lgt

I) 0


wemxmdSt OultitxWin in Mthall

A-lt hitsmdashC Iase hitmdash

ii I Kvidera ra i Struck Altt-nburg G WicliDian to

bull Hansen

B H F nomdash 2 4 2

xmdash14 17 3

Paul Games Circuit

Four Biltmore Worrten Qualify

in State Event (iuiilriet ComoK ThroughMni

Etounil In Competition at Lincoln Pork

A pmrtpt Blltnoro Ctuntry cluh their fying state

golfing ability Monday by quail in the public

which is being held at

courss at L

t---1111 admin-bull ililttVat to the

Harrington V tin- Metho-iiiuliout the

i-n -bull tin- game bullbullraquo jiart of 2ht bullbulliljolist team bull tin- tliiril

i Tin- prtic-

i ai-oiip col-

i l liV l l l i l l -

llill (jlilben- |ll- Wllllltl M

i l -gtbull inifrriil II III II laquotllaquo||Sj||

laiutt of tbo t 1 -

M-i ii i i i rfitgt

t i i -gt l - f i i i t i d

bullbullraquo1gtiilaquoi tt-nnis Hiiil-f In (hi

fir Kridiiy

iiitm- ii far

of women inoinbers of the tlistinguishptl

first flight U the womens parks chami gtionship event

the Waveland |ncoln par4 Chicago this

week The four womeis are Mrs Jn gor (lohs Mrs Lester j Higgins Mrs Agile Henny and Mrs^ Odessja Dro-goscl Mrs Gohs vquitlified with a 107 Mrs Higgins wiH a 108 and the ether t o women vith114 eachf

Thcourse proved to be a difficult one is only five of the large number of pliyers laquoJ-ho played in the qudlifyt ing otfnd vere able 10 break 100 All f ur of the local women won their matel ies in i he first roii nd which was playel Tuesday and sucessfully came through the second round Wednesday One raquof the ^ a l women will be elimshyinate I todayj as Mrs Hi-nry and Mrs HiRg finals

i bull In

club playid

ns nrlaquoj paired for the quarter

I i - bull i


Directors Trophy Reaches Semi-Final at Biltmore Club Don and Glen Heileman Vie

for Winner in Class Junior Championship

bull V J Schreiber and E L Campbell G Rusing and F A Unger a re paired ior the semi-finals in the lirectors trophy at the Biltmore Country club this week-end In the quarter-finals last week Schreiber woit frcm J C Miller 7-5 Campbell dpfeatid P C Stamm 1 up Rusing defeatel G De-wire 2 up and Unger defeated G Wuerst 1 up

Both the club champions hip and junior club championship tournaments are in progress at the club Glen and Don Hfrileman will vie for honors in- class A(over 18 years of age) of the junior tournament Glen won from A Collins hy defanlt trad Don ilpfontwl N Faliede 7-ff ln the first round Only four playors -wero qunl-hgtl in bull tlila oiuss I

in elastv B of tlio Junior division flHnrgo Grecdor dofoflted Wul w Wolf 7-fli Hill Ott-roy Miln hyoi Andy Hnnor ilpfpfttml Bolt Tnwy ft-Tr Bill HoliiiiN won fwim Gnow HlaquoK by iloraquo fnlaquollli K Ifalltunftfi dufowljil Tom 0laquortlliisip | Antifft Lniiloitii [Mmm[ THoy Iturltk M Frmi wmm tltraquoraquo tmm Mmwti (hnM ht it id Hum lraquoV Jtwt hPld a hyo

()liAiii|ilttiwltlti fwmxcy Hfart

Club Championship andWoodlandAcres


i t Barrington Hills Goodman Loses Chance This

Year for Permanent Posshysession of Acres Trophy

Tlulaquo drat -round of iha tltlun ItjtHISliin Wtis Iflaysd I f l sHve tk wluntraquorraquoof tholr mnielipti folluiv A~4i MiBgUiH lioietttert l)i Attttiiiti 4-ili 1raquo U Jearimfltfe illaquofeBtetl I I Grwilor a l l | l tltMiirtili80U tleraquo flaquotttttiHC Hutith 1 B|raquofP l tiofontwl K MorrlsHey 4laquoB j L loff won from K Merreii by default 0 J Schreiber defeated slS L Ml 4 3 -P C 8tamm defnated C Rove 0-5 and C Dewire held i bye

Class Bmdash-0 Barrett dcfeitedB 3 McLamore 1 up W Dlt LotterVer defeated N B Nestlerode G Rusing defeated E J Eppers 1 up iUlintl hill defeated J C Miller W French defeated G Geis 4-3 H Jaco ison deshyfeated D C Potter 1 up 2fgt

A Miller d^feited E I and A E Berg defeated X Dick

inson 5 up

Eight in Home Tournameht the fii st round of| the womens

lonship tournament being the Biltmore course A

Gobi 4-S J Jllig-defentel Ruth Zehh Gerry ^al-woiij fi om M Morrissey by do-

A Il i iry dRfentoii Clara Hltms-

champ - - a t

Tielqn defe|ited I gins lace fault ton H S in class A iji class B V BarrVtt Von SaiiaO Beifg B I using C Hi Imnan

day Xord stralj for a

A driving wiiicb was won liiist She mat hf ilrilt from tlilaquogt

20691 PI (Hwervatifin Tower Planned for Worlds Fa|r


Til towei SH Novi titno sit ion accor tic now 4000 alnv

from L Gltis by default lefented O ilefeated M

Sthenk 2 up i Dftwiro 5f$

defeated 8n|lle Snilth 2-1 contest wtis held Tims-

by Murgltirot i|tV a cionn

first tofl-off (list line of -10 yntids

wo i(tO

(MHjl i nberi 1 till JO hi C

1111frac34 t 1 1TMraquo


ds falltst feet Ivlgli

to snt iimli and IMgt con


htv tury- of 1 tigo op-iiHj plans rlt

proposed hourly ij s loop

obsiTyutlon a ml costing

raquor wtvy lieforo plcted hy tlto rrtgrtsn expn-Tuno 1 UK13 peiitly5 made er will carry

the skies

laquohftiulaquo Tlilaquo IlttlS F M

Hmlth J Det


holes La u ten

and address

- -bull f UIpoundLJ-

Smart Simplicity Dash and Sbphisticaltion

RytexiMyrNtkme STRATELINE A now- onlaquo-ii|Jo namo

ftddross HtaHoneryi Hor thlaquo vory smartest of writing imperH at mi nstoii lug low prleo

Many sumniwr netlvlUlaquo vuctitlons will Ineroiisu eorrus|gtondlaquolHlaquo iiootli iour lirohUuii with thU laquoliariu Ing-flnft qiittllty Vellum1

bullL jlioose your favorite unit sUvidual color uotnbtna|tl Green Orchtil White ami lraquoaper wltli [Black Br Blue or Green ink

and is

Hjmurt ItAi-

ami your


pper In


vory own


-bull lvst Statii n St I I I I ( T O X | ILL

bullbullJrnjture Rlmovals bullbulll and Long distance



-gt-i Van S rvice

bullbullxr (iuarai Mraquo 1rwiflnK






XBOXI Complete with your name

le Poisoti

S A Goodman who was a potenshytial winner for permanent possession )f the Woodland Acres trophy this ear at the Barrington Hills Country lub lost his chances in the first bullound of the tournament last week to B T Milchrist 3-2 The Woodland teres ttopliy play was started In 1926 raquond Goodman is the only player to

liave wonthe tournament two years tytfmanent possession of the cup is liven after the third victory

The results of the -first round ex-i ept for two incompleted matches fol-low F T Mllchriitt defeated 8 A Joodman 11-2 S B White defeated

r 8 Whit ing 2-1 O Iraquo Bogert deshyfeated T M Callahan 3 4 DR C II Mearle ilefonted R A fottlnglH 1 up ltJ J Whipple and F Hi Johnson Incomplete H P Uiilston (lefeitled bull K MneMurrny 4-3 0 fy Hegver I ml J R (Jardwell lnofraquom|gtlelPi T (|1 Heurlo (lefented 0 0 BotH 3raquo3

In Hio flrat round of the|el|ilraquo (gthlaquomraquo 1gt)iumhlp-tournament whipli wnn MINO lliiyed iiaot week H Hllliin flefenietl 11 6 mmt Mi-ll A PvttlnwlH leNtetl ( ( flat IM i F ft (laquo

nil wtiii frrtift II R lliu-l hy aisfmilf i A CIlaquot(hHan won fran II F Ar= gtllaquol lraquoy tlefiuilti S 11 White mm

from T iW 0iraquoiiimiiilaquolaquo by defaulti frac341 M fJallttlijui ilefemeit V M Whlt= ligla upj 1 H) A^vMurnijdefeats Ii IS Navdw-iJt 0dearie dlaquogtfdttled C J Whipple 114 bull

F T Mil hHst 8laquo40raquoT3 nml JJo enrle 814-78 made the best seotes

iraquo the ball sweepstaltis oh Saturday a ml Sundny respectUely bull - -

^frac12frac34 29Yedr^ Pdyr Jpound9htfamptd tAp fttttfruwffirjter) ed thQpirakpiiL926 n bDttitvfftvpffip

Children X love children They do not

[[rattle of yesterday ihelr lnter-ltat8 are all of today and the tomor tow-i-I lovechildrenmdashMnnsfleUi

ylaquots Day at Pair to Draw Mirny 4kndH Drum torpli

llw Mtritawi1igt eotittplHee of lent ers In tbtv mllllnry i)rgnninntldits if Illinois who will eomluct thtt- Vete atiw day program of the Illinois Mint fair bull Sunday August 21 anticipate a crowd that will compare quite flaquolaquo orably with the best records for 1)1 j Thursday Governors day at the at nUal exiraquoosltion F o r this the third annual preset tion gtf this patriotic feature thfe bands drum and bugle corps clow 1 bands and ilrill teams entered ar|e



MT-the the fogt

Adiress as

You may aim buy NAME THEBB-LINB in same color quality and same price Name and on Sheets and Envelope shown below



This stationery a delightfuland


100 E M4tu St TeL Bacringtba No I






bull bull bull bull bull -l gt

HOURS-8301o 930 a m ii to a P- 4laquo

7 to 830 p

ii Sunday 11 to 12 noon



^IJelephone Barrington 23


8peelaJllaquolnr In raquoraquolaquolaquogtlaquogtraquo 0 | Women and Clilldren

- - ^ HOURS bull v

ifiieuilay Thurwlfty 7110-830 pm SattiMlay 230-4 tSO p m

Telepbone Biirrlngton 528

lbreg l^rk Ave alwvo lStcrllaquoH|t Market

mi-kes useful



HOURS 9 to 10 a m 2 to a p m 7 to 8 p m

Sundays by Appdintment

Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg SOI E Main S t

Telephone Barrington 235


ulmtwt tin |iArtlltraquo pat tnkhiut (t thelP miiiill m lraquor0N|Wot(

Oliicnlaquoy reprtssentnl ranged foi to SpHii southern sections the bus ported a coaches ejku aftei lines iii

llild llllll nf 1 ng milt in If illowlitg of It

fi-Bpetive iwsts amp A tremtmdotif ttccortllng to

and Hutiurbna I In (he i-ntry seven special

g)eld Excurs om eastern and

also being ines of the

greater demand they are a

drawing u adjacentj stlates



t ie



Successor to 1 bull - bull - -

1 0 frac14 amp W OLCOTT

Phone Barrington 77 i ts E Main St


Office In Pohlmaii Building ia7E Main St - Barrington

HOURS 9 to la a m ^ bull lt0Bp m --

]i 7 to 9 p m J

TelBarrington 471


Barrington Hudson-Essex Bldg 301 E Main Street

Telephone Barrington 453


000 am to 12 a m 1 p m to 5 p m 7 p m to 9 p m




Howard I Evenings

Tel pan

llOpQ WQ2tgtyltgtdrsgt Plays Centerfold

$)rmimms met WWmy kAymmtzM

mWitALL-TME laquo77AHgt MWamp3W __

WeVMmMmmb-BSUiL-^^ 380

| M laquolaquobulllaquobullbull laquo I P I laquo I bull bull - i3Z I

ti9$MWtte IF^AV MMK

traquortlaquoh forraquo



ML-An bring a

Ulsters id home

fiftnvd lie blHtiljtta

polny llsthnvt frains

s front lorth western ihartered

qtate for chaptered

ble to s their

well arlaquo run the

and re-

upply 1 tilted



lit Ottl


Certlflente Required for Imuranesect Alaquolaquoney

iigitils of tHimpuitles HIWIIHIHI to dtraquo liiess In iK-dlth tiiul AecUUnt lnraquo

siinnte onu lie perfnttteil to do both Is of iitdurnttce by tltejssmuiee Of

cortlfieate Attorney General CdHstroin said lit un opinion- to Harshyry W Hanson Btatc superintendent of insurance The opinion applle togt companies organized or operating un-det the provisions of the Act of 1880raquo whqb companies have availed thentr-sel es of the provisions of the act of L819



National Lif 1 Buildinjt

S LaSalle itreet

D H I C A G O r ^

Teh phone Central 2825

Castle 525 Grpve A^e ngton 502

Howard 1 bull -bull Even



1JJ37 Conway I Idg I l l W Waidlaquolhgt|igtn St

OHIOAQO TeleifItoiio Uantlolili 0144

Brlntllnger ngraquoat818 W

Telopl 011laquo Borrlngti n 060-W


Lincoln Ave



bull 127 Park Avenue


H6URS 830 to 1000 am

J l 0 0 t o 2 30pm 700 to 830evning

Sundays by Appo nfment

Tel Barrington 705



Houra Friday 3-0 p m

Sundays by Appointment

1 7 Pack Ave above Peerleu Market

Phone BarrlngtoB 70S




y 135 Park Avenue 1 1

Phone Barrington 391-J

HOURS 030 to 830 p in

Other Hours and Sunday by Appointment



I 100 W Main Street 1 1


Phone 548 j



^M - g^r

0)8 Summit Sreet

Telephone Barrlngtin 650-J


I U N LaSalli Cbicaio Phone Cen



St ral 4640

j -



102 N Cook Street

- Tel Barrington 2 FOR





C A L K I N S BROS Exijavatlng and Grading Contraetaro

C i)If Courses Subdivision Work Landscaping Roads Drives iwlmmlnf Pools Dams Lakes [ Tennis Courts Bowling Qrmma



A 8 CALKINS Ibons yenhJ


Batrington Phon e 403


1 IS N LaSaUal St

Phme Dearborn


1 1

e U 8 Hough St

Barhrington Phonjs 32-J

OinCAGOOFFlOS 1 0 N LaSalle St

Te|ep|hoae Dearboija gt -


K P W I C H M A N bull l i t V 8tatlon St BARRINGTON ILL


Horaeshoeittc by Appointment 1 at Stable

Ox Acetylene Welding Ornamental Iron Work Auto Springs and

Axles Repaired Tel Barrinjgton SMp-W M H M M M M B

FIRN1TUREREPA1R1NC Jpholsteriog Reftniahing

Cabinet Work Ajntunie Work-Overs raquogt Spedaitr -

at Standai l Ciil StJtlon _ Washington SU amp Northwest Hwy ^

Barrington III j

WMvHJROESLbt Formerly Witt I

Mallei Brothers Cfa

JRtaderSOf too Review find thtraquo dreetojry raquo convenient Indj t ii-

1v islnesl and professional Bar -rlittotk When In need]of some S| eelal eervlee the turri to Hilt pi ce Quickly to locate firms te|e-

pj oni numoera street addresMM T lis dlroetory has fcaen ltfeature lt ol The Revlaw lor almost i T raquora



bullh I

ill l


Wi i gtlt3






i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1


Page 8: •J I WAN - Barrington Area  · PDF fileirtf:




i X bullbull

c f bull bull


bull -bull

j i


gt bull bulllaquo

bull bullbulllt_bullbull bull

- - -it f

I bull





r gt



i i



We Deliver 10 a m 3 p m


Big[ pene^kl Store MR Manager

209 OPEN

t i W i N L A N D ^

S15 Park AvemdashS10 WEDNESDAY bull E E N I N G S

to 216 Station St


Specials Friday and Saturday g IpxtraLean - | A l trappedfrac14-lb pkgAvv

Potatoe^ p^ peck 17c Bacon Neliv White

Armours cellophane-w

Marsh mallows cm ry


Nco i i im ik

StrawbtT Traquoy Sins

SalmonI Milk I C Finest

Med Clean ltJu American

Pkgs Grapenutj Grapeniits Fresh Cat Choice Hills Bros

Tidilct t-if Vi

Flavor Suns Mini tuin wii

ancy Red I G A Evaporated dies Celloph

or Broad 1 $oap Chips

Pamily Soap 2) for

Flakes 2 pkgs pkgs

ba^e lb Apricots

Coffee 1-Ib Dried




Peaches 2 for

Royal Bran(

Yellow Catsup I

3 for Pickles Pickles S^

2 for Shrimp in

salad Preserves

1-lb Flour I

bag Pineapple

heavy Canned

Red your

Peanut Ripe OHv

2 for I G A G Apricots

syrup Coffee bull I Macaroni

bullf fori Peas I G

No 2 Cake Flou Confect

bull 2 fori





tfire Hi pkg 19C li |mli round

ine Sandwich Cookies t l Knell Iurthiixc ]b 2 9 pound A tall can 10gt tall cans 3 for 1 4

Wrapped Fine lb pkg 15+ lg 5-lb pkg 23+

J lakes Medium Size bullbdquo 3 5 lt

1 9 2 9

- 4 - -1frac12^ I S 2 lbs 29 35 can

id TO AUG 26 Aalifomia Halves in Syrup lg can 1 5

i - -- 2 9 (perr ies New 1932 Pack I G A r can 25- ry Soap I G A 10 lg bars 1 39

GA Nope Better lg bottle 15 4 3

eet Gherkins jfull quart jjar 19 eet Gherkins 7 oz glass j a r JiO j

19^ r glass jar Florida Pack delicious for j a r T L19 Absolutely Pure FrUit all varieties ar I IS A Best Family Patent 24 Vsj-lb j

1-- 4 --- 4 9 I G A- Sliced lg can 8 slices in bull syrup can 19 itpmdashStrawberries Black Raspberries

lMttltd Cherries in rich syrup No 2 can ho|ce can H i 3 for 43

r A Real Value 2-lb j a r 1 9 s Fancy Mission Variety pint cans

2 5 les 29 lucious halves in heavy

21 ) 1-lb pkg 19

gtr Spaghetti Telmo 8-oz pkg 4 15

y June New 1932 Pack as

and fluffy lg pkg 1 7 Sugar 1-lb pkgs



Biitte es

ingdr Ale 3 hot Tree Ripened Ur can

A (A Blbnc

AJ Sifted Ear calls 2 for )

r I G A light jrs or Brown loi ler





For tfafyle Cooking and Baking


ly Margarine approved Mejdical Association

3 size Loaves priced at bullbull


Men11 titrong Worl i Pantt dark color 89c Mens Khaki Panti light weight prl 7laquoc Mens 1 tarable Work 8hoesect pr $149 Wolverine Work Shdes Stay Soft extra quality - Per mt $365

Night Jowns Ladies Rayon bfvalue 89laquo Green and Yellow Trim Cottage Seta ket v59 _

raquo1 Panel Curtafna tan or ieach colors panel 59 fl 2AL Bath To velf 17x40 inc h yellow blue pink 11 rn r green bbrderg each T 10 If1

bull MiM^Mi^h bullbull bullyen i yen - M gt WfSm

Local am 11 Personal Mr

son Wfi weeks Mrs Iloy Turpej a t

Miss Lake is a guest this w



and Mrs ] jioward Stiefeiihoefer and duighter Miry Igt niioved from Lake street to

Mrs Edith n a O t WilliiaklSOa S L Robertson 1 and 5]l)sfs Gladj Bussell 8t Jlt bam a



Mr 21t Vm CfVHtll 1)11laquo

Ml tlnillill noli -a quests IM v n Sundii

and M rs Lesl ampyne returned visit at jt le h gtme of Mr abd


e Niemeier and Friday from a

Elmwood Wis

Mary Jane I vans of Crystal ofgtMiss Ruth Holke

Mathilda Rieke and daughter 417 N Clook street Mrs An-

s [Mrs GJaee Cannon and son Cook street M rs A M| W Main s-treetj

Johnson 124 W-treet ei ijoyed a lajke trip to

seph Mic Thjnrsday

arid Mrs ilxjrt a lid i

Mr son R Diindfk javenue visitinifi felntives

W Langdale and au^hter Carelin 203 spent the week-end at Decatur

de l Mrs Frcdi Mueller of Chi-cujto |)ci)t Sundi

A Ilrijrs Irfike^tiitty and little liobtgtrt

18 H

iifCliltftK I Iitl(e

Jiv uir stonlt rtxUU it (if Httri

of- Mm Rimini (

bullaind Mn eti Jeaiie id it the ll



t upejit nt viiltllt at ultlitjf Mrs W W

llf illllllUO II fllllll Inijtiiu XVIIN a KiHfi IWMII Moiiilny

V MIIIIIIV ami Minn- laite Tliiuiip-

Hhtibc 0|f Eltfin xverv me of Mr ti ml Mm MlaquoJ V Itike -hCreit

Miraquolte4 Mildn

Mr and Mrs Raymond aveni and Mrs S IJOU and| Rose Jarie Mrs W Miller and Son ^Walter eago Suinday

Mr a|nd Mrs daughter Stella and Mr n n j Mis

l l X V

Mr^ E L Mich aiid Miss

end a tbe Keitl Lake

Rev Sublet an d 2trsCharlei

Vin over t

rison spent


te ind Mrs


ent Fox o

anti J rs F AV atreet M t he plaquost v

hicago Saturday

home returned to Ottawa with lt Mr Fox on Monday

Mr and JMrs J Lewis and daughshyter Velna ojf Chicago and Mrs 0 S Hurst of DieKalbspent Saturday land Sunday at the home ot Mr and Mrs Harry Hogluid 503 Division street

bull M mdash bullbullbull- JV Mr and Mrs R G tlagge ahd

son Robert 545 Grove avenue motorshyed to lSahk City Wis Sunday d d were guests at the home of Miss Edna Marquardt fdrmer teacher iii the Barring^on Public school

Mr and Mrs P B Ppmefoy and


daughters Margeri and 3( to StarvedRock Sunday

Mr and Mis Willard Abbott 12laquo AV Main street and Mi bull-Edward Jaines of Chicago

on the (boat Ala-

y atltlie C 1raquo Ilftxv-Cook Htreef

and (laiiHlitir Hclfii

the Pines near Dbron Suniay

an motored

and Mrs motored to

Mrs Emma Lines returned Suhdiy from Maywuod where sh spent the past xveek at the jhojne of her da

ist week at the J home Higher Mrs LednJfewton

Laiigilon N 11 xvhert ^several JIIOIKIIK at the aunt Mrs jfrcd ltnxvlcy

1 LaFern and S)lit ley Biechele Ed( ur Bira-hele and Wilshyliam Thorp attended the postOlym pic games lit Nodiers Fjcid Thursday cen i i g

John Stiglioh 153 e entertained Mr

Gegan and daughters

inil R Miller of fehi-

and W Schnetlage 127 North avenue Walter Sehnetlage

and ion Charlils of Chicago spent Sunday a t the home of Mr arid Mrs W Sphxyemm a f Crystal Lake

Perkins of Sparta Jess Nicolai of Lansshy

ing Mich were bull uests over the week-Cannon home West

Harold t)escher of at the hpme of Mr Schaefer Friday

Ottawawas a guest he week-en amp at the home of Dr

Lindberg 115 Har-ss Hazel Brady who^ eek at the Lindberg

Mr and Mrs Keith Canuon left Tuesday for Sparta Mieh where they will spend several xveeka xyitb Mrs Cannons parents Mr and Mrs K ierlilim bullbull

Misses Kuth Jlollltv WnrUWStiii-ders Clmide ((inn find Richard Drover- ntUgtlraquoltleil the xvaier races at Lincoln Purk Siindiij

Farl lrouty ami family of Hiuok lield ntid Mr ami Mrs K 1raquo Prniity MJieiit the xvci-liMMid xvllh Mri iuigtl

FOR SALEJ-RegiBtered pure bred Guernsey bill four yeajs old Tel

Barrington l-5-W-2

BALED STB AW and alf lifa hay for sale Hartvi ood Farms

Classifiec Ada Bring

Review 2250

m DOWED as housekei

ily Or wou d-like work store Tel Jltake Zurich

Satisfactory 528 Grant ilt Downers

BOARDER in moder

venienees at Home privileges


WANTED FOR CASH ot 2 acres not too far from Bariington preshy

ferably woddid Give description loshycation and j rice Write| Barrington

WOIV^AN ^per in smal

MARRIED 1 IAN American 30 with family experienced in

dairy farminj wants place on farm references

18 1932

Tel 91-W


vants work adtrlt fam-

as clerk in 28-W-L

general and

A Austin Grove 111

vanted Room and board n home wi h all con-

No ice - ng Grove elder mill mil be business very Tuesday and starting August 16 | Cidcjf

Sc per glal Grape juice 5c pir gal Small jobs 75c Birrels and ictes for i ale J H Eiss lc prop Tftljephope Jibertyyi lie 657-M -1

The IA 4pen for I Saturday

Mrs C UilWel of lltellaquolit

Billy Lytic ijeluinccf Sijtuiiliiylii


Ijie has spent mule nT Jii

Mr and Mrs Q H lgt tiiined Mr uud (Mrs Ei Madisoii Wii from Th Sunday bull

inlson cutcii irl-Olson of ur-sdiiy until

i Lois Powergt of Edisbn Park is visiting her bull Kilaiidmotlier Mrs Ly-

Lake street man Poxvers 20] this xveek

tertained Mr and


Mr and Mrs deorge Self ridge en Mrs McDonald of

Chicago over the xveek-end

Mrs Harold Grebe spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Anmette Sheel of Chicago j

Mrs August Meyer 603 Prairie aveiiue Is spending ithe week in Chishycago at the home of Mjr and Mrs J W Ryan

Mrs Albert GleasonJnd daughter Helen are spending several weeks in Los- Angeles and Sacramento Calif

Mr arid Mrs Earl Schkemm entershytained Mr and Mrs Carl Bader and daughters Carol and Gloria of Park-Ridge Sunday

Mrs Charles Welter and Mrs I) G Buck of Genoa visited at the Vershynon Schroeder home 517 S Cook street Monday and Tuesday

Advertisements Thpy Bring Results

Telephone 1 TWO

Fou Grove ririgto



THRi SE ROOM furnished apartment for rent All modern

eonvci iqnefs jlVl bull 70-R A H Boehn er


NEW dence

at 23gt Sept Mgt set rooms seen tlo W Lnl e fjtreet

SIX IU IOM Flraquo IT Tor rent at Pala-i tine

Gas Owner)

TWO $10


p rooms raquo neat



vr V ilh

bullIf 1

W is your opportunity

i real h wne containing ideal in^ conenieriees Must be bei appreciated Call at 239

Rate 10c a Line

Minimum 50c


COTTAGE for ijent $25 month now ml bath Furnace

raquoLincoln avenue Tel Bar

te and ijari ge for rent Located

Russell street Available Here

gt5M th an garage Stove heat

ajjid elccjl ricity $25 month 629 N Chestnut ave Arlingshy

ton Kfeflgb

[bullROOM HOUSE for rent at h Alain jitreet I block- from

SEVEJfl 312

depot A L fc^bertsoi Barrinj ton Te


Orville H Meiners

i-car garage $40 per month j 31 W| 148

ftOlOMS IND BATH Garage i)|)onth 4-room house $25 per

7-room jiOuse $40 per montb S bWkjfe frorri d ipot Frank Trestik 118 I almond a-e Tel 350-M

Main St

GARAGE fori rent Available how Three blocks from huHinese district

Mrs Maude Weigel j $3 per month 422 N Cook rtreet Tel

FOR RENT mom j 400

Bnrrington 48

Large pleai ant sleeping

TWO OR THREE rooms for rent

with kitchen conveniences ring-ton 269-M

Rj Cook


street Tel f

R E E FURNISHED Gas light arid heat -mdash Tel Bar-

ONE OR TUO LIGHT housekeepshying rooms for rent at 403 N Cooft

street Prixate entrance

FOR SALE FOR SALE My client a large Chishy

cago Piano Manufacturer has re cently been forced to take back gey-eral pianos in this general vicinity They irfelude a Baby Grand a bungashylow stjle tJpMghtrand a finePlayer-Piano andj at present are being stored in a tfearbj city J These inshystruments are modern only slightly used with a lirge portion of the purshychase price ajready paid A signed guarantee protects the purchaser I am authorized to transfer these pianos to responsible parties willing

to pay out balance on easy montily payments For full particulars adshydress Attorney P O Box 195 Chishycago 111 i


B - 1 ^

^ N W i N ^ Try

duct Uive

4lt Ylaquow Independent (laquocen3

t entcoo)t i lave pjronouneed


|ai- coni Ww n bmm claquon|rlhB(U to a meal than n utilal MlaquoJnK the ltgt( M It (Urn imil Htlmulntina (tie -nppptttp Hut thlaquo laquolng pa i usalw o r mnr tlcMilnd TANKjANNK Homo Aid

flavor wljfrh maklaquo a gnoil anlnd better K It better than jtnlaquoir oxvu


- V

S E A L E S B I D S Po Whorb I t May Concern f

bullpublic noticeis hereby given that inder Chapter 1 raquo Revised Statutes gtf Illinois the Trlt asurer of thft- State if Illinois will receive sealedjljjds for ill publi money to be depofsiNd pri ictive laquojnl inactive accounts from finy mdallj ]raquoanks dwljf authorized)] to da msiness n the StJte of Illino sj giich jids will be receixed by thei State rreasurje bull at Sprii gfield on or before September 6 1932 at 12 oclock noon Proper Mank forr is for bidding pnd irinted instructiors will be maiijed td gtaeh State and gtational bank dqin^ hisiness in Illinois All deposit must M secure d by eollf teral security to be ipprovcd by the 1 State Treasurer

SDWABJj J BARRETT SptHi Treamjrjr -



day eept Saturday Barber S lop Lake Zuri

VHR $1(0 RADIO SE Any m ike radiorepair d IVltiifln i

Polict o i l s an your af0i w

wi bout 1 ttachments Eh ctj i rei laired md rewound (j all fori 387-R

_ mdash I j bull - bull mdash

J r lt i n i a i l 111


WANTS in the



R^EE- -Bep ession

FRUITU AND IS New Calif ExFmcy ) J1-- -lCHE8fefcFancy4 1bs LfiS D^lclies 7 lbs

lOfi 2 S lt 2 5 lt


2 reg pkgu SPINACH Blue Front

Jgt b 2J can bullK o 2frac12 caii

PEANUT BUTTER Roy|al Blu 1-lb 15c |ir


6 Giant Btrs bullPEACHEJ5


2gtc plcg

| 0

9(frac12 t

2 1 lt

4raquovamp 1 6

1 0 lt

4 6

it 1 8 2 5 c

2 9 ^ Royal Blu|e Pure)

2 9 Aunt Jeniima ^never

Restful Cojffee ll-lb can fampc value

BEANS Gretn o r Wax J isfo ^ 12c cans

SAm FLU^H lg can P i t G S O A f APl t lCOTsi i

2 lg No 2 ^ cans PR1SSERVES

2 l-lbr jajjs P C

sold this lbiw before) VWB

MA ZOLA f p nt can q can


i-bullcooking or salad


l reg

per l b i with eacilpound purchased bull

V EwjET Aol^E^ -S E E M E S S GRAPES^ 2 frac34

bull BANA| A$ lbJ laquo+ v ORANGES ltamp Sunkist 2 doz 5|c PEA^^4b|enbull-^ (0

Aug 19th to Aug 95th Im

RICE 5igVaWe3 lbs fO|c N06DLES Royal Blue Pijre Kglr

Mb cellopji^e 26c pkg |6|c prntim

i 5





depen on it 1 everyth is fresh and oju

pricfSarerigli Food if only one item in p u r lu^y day | I t commands Our entire i in e and attention In selecting the fJKMJs v-e cairy and in safeguarding freshness and tvholesomeness of perishable fop Is we exercise tl e same lt^are thai yoli do in proyi ling for ypi^r own t ib le and we bring wide experienci to the task 11 U can depend oil our goods for qui Jit and not in year have our pi ios been so low f We ihjvite you to cajH on us for (all your grocery weedsi - 2


WcDel vey Iho



ound 13C undsZSC

bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull - gt




of a Chain Stogg TTHINO WE SELL


raquom- bull

-- bull - 1

gt gt bull bull bullbullbull -

imbliaiHMi to maniriPlaquoBltJ i^ towwt lOi fc fW^

in nliiols-^lraquoVraquoClaquo8M


J i i a i ^ ^ Meet 1S1

forNei^ pearly 2ltgt Peoplefee ) ^rm at Swimming Plaquo

Friday Eveniirg

jt LV^ d u a l 8 ^ n f B ^ H V i m b e h r f d laquo t t h e B r r i n t t o i i raquo

- l i t -iOttAveen]wat|vrtaTn8f

t n l n f raquobull ftlnlaquotonjpoland bull i KWI of the forest pre

-Hr INUOH (Yntcr bull bull VoilFi^ ofthetWraquo Praquobullbulllaquolaquo Phraquoraquonlaquo f^thfi laquolaquoraquoraquoraquopraquoeraquo

- J to wi Ian JKiotfor t w o o n h e l

2 o i io^W laquot theWtt

gt laquo laquo I UlaquoW ^ -nfS meet will inolude botV

tm) Mi- rlaquolaquoi arid iy dlvm J lbdquow Uimrdtt Ihn jiark o

bin1- 1 bull - -v -bullprevent ilraquolaquoraquo0|raquoraquo raquogtlaquo

lj1) |-gtrltver Hxvlniming and ltU

intiirmbull(gtbull lm_ promised to Mxiri ijanMig- bullraquo deg1 miuntltathleteH 1

on ti- Invmlern from the forest - ^ - f t - i rM The ability of--Tiiiitiii( nthletep W nojt kBoxvnTl fcut sraquotiKraquof the xwrmniers and di bdquo- btVii hilrtdid as strong coijt Mf-

NlaquoiHIgt- 2raquoltWO Present A t esfifinated at bejEweenl

and i-OM r^ple xvere present at eompitiiivc water meet ahd carjj I Friltiiy evoniiig t6 witness iau laquo c i

proiinun of rhcK fancy diving ptbor witor txhibitjons -

Tlilt proirrom of water sr^rts Tariini wirh music by fernst-copy Bhytlmi kiHB8 i oVcKestra a s show ltltnm-dy ads and the preae tion uf awards lto the boys pndj who hiML passed their life gta test - gt

FltgtI(raquoxviii|f are the winners j|i watlaquor cvtuts v j

Oirlv 40 yartl free styjigt racemdashd -Marie (urnutt first Editb^ R

SCOOIKI -Buys fiiiirjy diving from i the

I board -William Thorp first Hai I - Solh Kiiltindfl -

Boys (-12 to IB) 40 yard^free s t mdashChnrh JKorshaw t fink Will

Dottcrnr swond j gt ( CliililriH under lift djvangmdashB IJOIIK llrsi linlibic Herren Recond

Braquos fiiimy diving froai the boardmdashWjlljinm Thorp first- i WMCIHT siyiond

Tiih nii-igtmdashLeonard Johji Hmvson second

Buys iiicdtey reluymdashwinning mn ltIraquoIII(IOKIMKof Robert Ryanr A 1km Tliic|it Harold Onflcinu Way nt- Nirnicier

OiiU fmiiy dlvhijr from the laquowwl Vlvibdquoi lieud flmt Jane M 0ijrmiiraquo MiHSind

laquo yiinl free raquoroke^or hoyii 11raquo oMir |bdquo|Mrt ljtynn ttrut tin Koth iMMMMid bull bull bull bull

OirU midley relay-winning _ I nni|iltiMgtd of Kdlith Ilopke Carol f0wtili jindRnth Read This teaa

thrrv nieid laquo)rnlnraquot other telaquonm

CaiwilP fi


IX ^ raquo- U IIKilMini iHMfr Hlaquo

folaquor KxvlmiherN Mlna Rgtpk^ - laquoy |raquoo humthedrflt and fourth bull A|gt|iroxilaquoiHtely lfi girls partilaquoipj

in the Niylj Rhow howtnlaquo the la tobnihinj (Hilta early fall drewes- few old fashioned -ba t i ng laquo ltn sliown to add interest

GoldStarAsksT Re8olutiqnJtyr

Permit Rei^ew

_A_resolution sectgt the Illinois raquof corniniRBty to iBspe laquortiamp

laquo necessity i ^ J c o i V e n i e n i ^ to

1WltJ Star MotWr service for ope raquoK a freiirht track line between^ laquoMo and BaHngtofc was p raquoraquolaquoraquoinraquoo18rr by the boardof tnia laquo bull Hula m^t l i i^ lohdy nilaquo

k5ili D chlaquohhJpplaquo^ bullgtlaquo pound laquo i i W f n i l C a i t ^ o n 1

i o i r 1 ^ f ^ ^ bullbull 1J lt3laquod fa ^otlt)t a^j^g

-2r rr trade1 degf ^ ^ bullVoV V ther ilaquoraquolaquoiraquoM Md^Ii

W t ^ c ^ e d delaquoraquot had S o S ^ n ^ t h a e n o t r e U i v ^ d -bullworable attion M i

S T S M W w ^ e k Une-h

bullraquoraquo i n J i ^ ^ n ^ a for m Me to 1 frac34 - - P cootinoon

W d f laquo cnP laquoraquo7raquoat for bullraquo

^^55SS(T JJL JS3^--

^bullraquoIgt iSffT ^fcwof fc r Hraquolaquo of ft degTc bullbull Altlaquo j^l ntZ IF riMgtrtitl Th

S L A tw l laquo i topt

^ frac34 frac34 ^ bullccdcttt 8 1