i&w. and-Equity copartnership Mr-Piaekaoy,€¦ · r«3Ui:tci:or msunriortiikcxiox. If...

''--.S^ * ";-* ty~-i; " ' *. ' " -, y-.-i - ,. .; ' ,l' \ \ '&'':;?\*i-i / >^{y ;'''> ff '- '* I ^pjf : V ...'', -r tj msasBBaaeBBsmSBBBBSssssssssssseesssssssssss^^mmmm^sssssss. .^.^.Hasssss11111111 ^ 1 ^ Xlt aOKXit? H»jOn««T, =-; I ' 1 1 T '* ' f - == " " "" i.CAROM»A, n\tt M IS'JC. .'-.-^IHB * M* - a. r""' '.»..*. /. t^T.n" .. i 3AiJ»3ST « 3?arAZ., PjHuOtA 4n*j Htlari-1'j At 4j KOSBRT 5'HMiiUT, r«3Ui:tci: or ms unri or tiik cxiox. If SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dolhre a ftfV in adruiw, or A>ar dollars at the end of the yiw. ADVSRT2SS31&NT3 Inserted at amroty 5*n ee«t» the sqoim fnr Uw* tot, *3d half that a.uooot fjr^nh contiovoac*. TIM auamer m i3kjimu w or iwik cm u«margin or they vtU be eoatioard and charged acofcrfiagly. Thorn iWMrted r nj-tao»V]i1y 75 cents Md nvMtUlr $1 4 *|Ocf* for er.li iu»r!ion. Cxa<nMtutjaniby util to be jw»i paid or remain antended to. 4 MMjpg.. wnmni ru bit p?.oa?2a^wS or tiii; * t'AHDEN JOURNAL. T^tlE <aWrib«r, having purchased the . C.Vfl&RJi JilUftiVAIi E.u. blishtticnt, intend* to continue its publication. There ban no*, perhaps, been a period of »it uoollu, in the bat Itreulj-firc ri . i. i. t . ywi, 1*131 V>31UUCil ilillt t/KVH m«M>*u» . newspaper, and it would be * rite slander on the rbartcicr bar citura«, in suppose thai Uicy trill not support otic u<ir. stouter of which thr subscriber v. i 11 not -be guilty until he ha* conclujirc evidence of the fact. If there be any of our citizens, either in the town or ewmhere, who fuel an »» -1 4ere*t in Utc continuance of the Jophval, and who are not already lubjiribcri, ihcy lure an opportunity of ntafiifcstiui; thai iiti*£*st by becoming no now. The pub* licatiuo «ill be rc-commcwcd on ur before the Is: Saturday in February next, prcrioo* to vbiih time, the iVoprictur would be pleated to hare at uianv as possibl« of the nstaes of tiiote who fee! sufficient interest iu <h* character and pr«*« perity of Camden, to induce them to aid in the permanent etuablulimcm uf a news- j pip«*r inthe tovr.n. The Proprietor hweu,j3;*rl tSto «erric* of Mr. JutiN C. Wz*r, in the £-tiin< rij' Jcpirtt-riU.<o3<*qoeii!ly, liic polilk«TcJWrtpirr tr!W uuJrrg.i ;so chwir.. U&? auibio the florirmcior i7\c nppnr-j Jig& Party.the rights of the Stated a:i'l linTlrttejfritjr of the Union, ft mar be proper u>a-ij,n< personalities r.nJ scurrilfitr ha*« Retime so cammun a '.rnjmn with the acarspuper pre*', that tSls ptp<r will support no political party which r«ymrcs sadi ai>l for iu success The jmpcr will contain, a* far a* it* Htnlls will permit, the eurtect newt of the dar, domestic particularly, 1 fjrrigu when of (special iotrruU Strict attention wili be p*;id to the Price Current; and weekly remark^ m**h daring **... - .i«« ... which cit n WS WW I *11 H.1[|IWI .' . 1 < be idwl^a fif (beir cnfroctuci< *'/ith 1ham pranihesoa «bc p-tn of t. Pr nmctcr. Ire aJhaLt ibo patron*# m! ;.c ,mMic ROSEHT M'KXDHIT. P-iu^thrr a *.d Jfr.>pr.ttor. T'cMMor Sv&iTtumox..$Opcr nonuai a a'lr^ooo.7) cu. at fbe end of i»ix aretuhs. or £-4 at lire cuuttJu-iio.i of the year. IJf EQUITY. * SUMTER DISTRICT.) February ] John hFDnnalJ.I ant) wife, -fho/Willtanw, I .. r am) & Durant f B,LL" AJia'n. Joseph Durant am) ChsrOur^ni IT i* ordthrW that all person* having ,!r« tnnodfe agaioat the r»iatc of Joseph Darant, dee'd. late sheriff of Sumter District, bo and anue&t before the ToMirousioner of Oiimtfr District, on or l»#»forr ihc !i>ih day of June nc.\l, an«l eslnhlMi ihc »an;c by pr#of. By order of tfie Court, JOHN' U. Ml LICK. Com. Snmtcrrille. Fob. 37, 1836. 710'J B007 & 0203 CTC?.3. THE auhjcrther has now revived a fresh and general as*ortme,r of Mies ant! «rnt!fuifai Boob nntf *9ioe«, of llio latest and nwi fashionable slrlc, which were Mtlcr.ted trilb much cure b) himself . which he bdreres nil! g»*e g»n~a! saiisiacibon to those w 'hj will laror lum witti tin ir custom. His stvk contjtriae# %rer\ description of f#ftdt«i and Gentlemen, at «l I hddren* Boots and Shoes, generally found in a rcgnl r aho« store. The I.a i^i and Gen ^nni ol Camden are respectfully iiinted to call an' eaant.no for thctp.vs ve ALSO-On han*1 a gmcrnl 'i;srirl~nrJtl »>' FX*TR Ktr.tr jx.ATSt Which c*nl by sold on thb irv»;t rcasouab'" terms. W. n D.WiEL?. Februrry 27 .5tf i&w. THE pabscribcr# harp formed a copartnership far the practice of Law and-Equity in Sumter District; Mr. Crosby can !»f consulted in Sumter trill.-, and Mr. M*WiItic in Camden. XV. M'WIMJE. J. J.CROSBY. Feb. 6.2::3m. The iid^hii! Icadeniy, THE t'uhiicarc respectfully informed lha' the duties of Ibis institution cm ajpiu resumed by Mr. W, Richardson. The conrse of tttudint* suited to the present rejquircmeu!* ol^be South Carolina College. Clar.ttn mm. Feb I::i::l3t. ,, CHAIRS. Carpenter 3c Booacy, HAVE on hand a few dozen fine Baltimore and Grecian Stand Chairs. ALSO.Coxnon Windsor and large Rock' i*J cheb #, Which they oflc. loar to clo« a consignment February 27.5tf. D?.. 2. PP^TT'C ARTIFICIAL NIPPLE. THE Sa.nrcriber* hare just purchase J a supply of thg^sbore instrument, which has liren successful!)* used for the l is', two or three- years for that distressing complaint, sure or excoriated nipples; or where the nipple is entirely wanting; or where the clulrij month is so sore that it cannot nunc nn the natural nipple.-.The artificial ni,jplr recommended by the highest medical authorities on the subject* in ti::n country. 0r. Octrees of Phili* iclpi.ii, anJ Dr. Seurall of Washington City, u* t'.c certificates annexed will attest ; to irhtch the medical lacnlty of this place, give their entire concurrence, having witnessed ks-successful application. Dr. Elijah Pratt, DdAtt ^!K ; As I f-cl it a matter of much public importance, to possess a means of lessen, iog the terrible suffering from sore nipples; I httc much pleasure In jicri'g abu» to -av, thit the shield you ofler fur the preventing at J cure of this malady, is t*u»» » 1,11 Lun tf>r* p - t." 'I. -.y f lute iiinJi'irri'Cn. t » tw.r or three inI hare known them to be used. r.'tirh »a<i (faction b~en expressed, and h>;e » hc?it«.li »n to bciicrr, it trill generally succeed. I .*iu so well persuaded of this, at this moment. thau I catinoi forbear id exprras a wish, that our City, tbrti;»*Ji i!t<» van »us Apothecaries, may be sur: !c.U with litem. ! «i, > <u.rs, dee. M. l\ DcIWEft*. M. D. PhiUJeJp.: i, Jan. Iwi'i, !t&L Washington City* February 4lh, 183-1. Having examined Dr. Pratt's uevrly inrental nipple shields, and witnessed its practical applications among my patients, I take great pleasure In recommending it as decidedly superior loi'-y thing previously known. It constitute* perfect remedy for that difire*«ing malady, sore - li.ra*H arhich so freoactiliv - » / u'IIicIm ntjr»tng women. THOMASSKWALL. M. D. Prof. Anal. & Phyaiolopy, Columbia College, D. C. Tlic Instrument i# accompanied villi primed direction* for il* application, and preaer*4tion..It can bo packed up in a AiDttil compiM, and tent in any pari of the country by price $6. Address YOUNG & McKAIN. Camden, 8. C. NOTICE nHiILfirtn heretofore cxwing under tbc JL nunc of 3as VI.3a AYD BJLZ27JJT7RT lm.- been duwolvcd. The subarribcr will con* ii».uf ai the old .stand, the h-mncssol BOUU Ac* and !io(»c.< io merit the public patronage. 1. F URbMER. Fi b 6-2:::tf DARLINGTON DJJtTlUCT. IS Tl/C COltlT OF COMMOS I'LEJS. Itmla (I. RrTUA,) x*. > Owf in .'UtMthm'nt. tV*. Y Km en ) IKIIEAH, !>»» ahintiflT n th** nbovr action 4 v .'id, n I .c Kiui (Ijv t«f Ap'il, A. D in* dr,. titration in !.V office ui Lit C'tfrk of tin* ' lonlilc C -urt, nninal said riefr.-idtitit, who <e iiwi'iit from, and vv:'.iiout ll»r limit* of, tin* Stale, «nd has «rift*,i<ir at tommy Unrwnwithin the o.ii<, <»n w iium n copy « f t!t»> sunt declaration with i » «'.' to ; >ad thereto, w thin » year and a day, j . --'it V M'rvcv! j», therefore, Ord« re S, in jiurt of an act "f tint General Assembly, in that ' it. idf and j>r«»v a.'d that 1h-* said defendant I ipjvar * i plead H th<* Mid dfclarval on on or k ! '^ii? the '«f_*h *.i>' of . uty. m the ynr of our lend j .f»« tli .!i4 id rijfht hundred and Uurtv-ai , .»Uier | ,<k '"na! iin! ahfluu-* judgment will tin n 5w awir 1 n : ax.ast hiai. j j.no ii. BRUcfB, c. c r.v ! u[ C vl *' \ f£: jlild pr f fee AO. .)ar!*.:Jjton. Jtt'y sK1. Ir3. > . .. " SUBSCRIBER IS prepared! in cxtcuio Cabiuct work of it1! ilM«rinli»na nnil koia < « k««.t » mii wvwi *! « mmmm w»i UVMU U,J awartmcnl of Bureau*, Workstandii, Ire. AL.*0. nabopmT ^Ipilfye. Curled 8l Plain MapU BM208TEAD.S. Two apprentices. lw the baait)rs« will be taken, if immediate application is made. W. GARDNER. Jin. 23, 183d.1-tf Jf ST RECEIVED, IN EXCELLENT ORDER, From JV*. Fori: and Philrtdelpkia, a run svrrtr or D?.tT3S & KSDXCBftaS, French & English Chemicals, Together with a iarg>> and various assort men I .if Capping a.id. Em uH i Asulrwrntt of superior quality, deserving the attention of ftiiiMcs as well as practitioner* of McJteinc, Dcr 12- IFJr. KEYSOLDS m Pl/iTi', and ~~ Unadulterated Black Leajl S^tcriUrr 13. WM. H.£Y Roose or Entertainment. >fcfSk /pilC Subscriber inform4 hi* friends and (he public generally, that he has taken the house formerly occupied by Mr V* m. Royal, as a Iloosc of Catcrtainmi^L J and is prepared to acct*«i«rt"diirc til who may fa* or him with a call, ia (he best manner. * * His tabic will be at all limes furnUbc:! «viih the Irsi the up country ma krt com ttffocd. U* bar wall the choicest liquors. I,,.. i,.»i I.I. .»< nmi mm .*%. _>...nu jmn 1 rUicit, auended by fiithftf wjiicr», , »ci from his constant ii;« ii.'on, and uuremil* sing exertions top'ca»et he hopes to ment a share cf n.. Jic patronage. A. D. JOHNSON. Lancaster March 12-7-3m The Charleston Mercury, Columbia Telr.-c<jj>r. Chfr«w (S.<zrtic. Jiul Charlutio Journal will publish tho above four times ant) svikJ ihcir accounts lo this office (or payment* SEME* FOR ISM. Tit Nat York Spirit ef lie Tim*. A METROPOLITAN GAZETTE Of the Sporting, Fashionable, and Literary World, On «r Finn men Original onn .tarocore lbam ana Weekly Journal m Uu United Unlet. » w. t. PoaTsa, xmrroa. THE SPIRIT OF THE TIV.ES uwvoUJlr & Sportioy Journal; but, u it m i *eU Kuoded otjretM againalall mure ratting popart, I I bey (Unmrir noeolM'Htk, ibr ptsu of ibis publication will include a wider range; and the concents of Literature uj (As Drama, Kotnpn and Domestic inteUigenee, ikaagt in tk* FathnmaVt Ctrdttt, le , \c., *UI tail withm thr scope oi our deaign, and render it at once grate fai to IAS sportsman and general reader. For the filnksst of our purposes, numerous subjects wiU claim our atlmOoa, and first, THE SPORTING DEPARTMENT. THE TL'RF..Tte prvuunent dmgn of the Bpi'ilof the Time*, will be to prccoi* io4 (tve interest to the oporto of tW Tart * To thw rod. it wit) present * complete Jmarkaa Racing Calendar, compiled with Lb*i occar*cy which sJoor [itn nloetai rrpdrrof the Turf.The Rwnvttr the principal Coarse* in the C'uion, .will be »eported by oar «nn amenta and connpeodrau it the eoiliest day, sad lor the results oeer oiiwr Courses, we shall txly, u henrtofote, upon the gecntviri of the Clubs, An I, in order to lender this deportment still reote eotnpreheosiee sod rilaiblr, the tie CNuLbll TIRl' will rrcrire cotwunt attention; and the whole racing malter «-i " Boll's I^m's in London'* will be rc,;»»Urljr published bj u», with aery fayioui rxt:actr made Irnra the Kuj uL Sporting Msewinrs. BLOOUKIJ STOCK-All Importations of m. i_.i <t i ...i .!i ....-r i - UIWVW U I ««l UIIJ»W|MM»» mmv* m VtUVA 11 home and in England .arlccted "«aay» on tbr brrrd nj and management «.f horora and a tegnur review of Stalhona with pedigree. performances, 3tr . will be nubhahed in our column#. fROTilNO..Co»»»lan» tocrraa.ng ntirntiou now paid to Trotting Herat* in * country, «» ' the cii'ea of New \ ork and Philadelphia, bev-ond a doubt. own morr hurareol aupertnr >irrnglh and! peed, m tr»Hrr» than all America be^idm.and England to boa;. We shall laho carry rare that full jitatior ia done »o lhr*-.i in out TftOTTIM# CALEN JAI ; and an interrat may le £iv«-r. In this ilrpa. »<rt*n anJ a wli-denom." rivxl y maintain* d, wr ahall rre*.rd al! tl e greal IroUinj Icala both in tbia coinuy and in England SNORTING INTELLIGENCE -go great if . j uber of o r Coriwpendrnla at home and to coAipV ? a*e o jr arrangements ab'oad, that wr ! do not lie*.late to promise our reader* rtu'.irr Kg fnttUijfatce than can fc» prreured throe yti any her chauiv-l. Ernie r thia heed we shall a!<> 51a the lime «:* the dtlerent Raft to cunt, Lr*la of S»trptiaktt o; en Racing and Trotting ChclU**t9t ind nil ifce Om I)tit in the importing World. FIELD JJPORTS.Early reporte of the tnec'.- -aB" * 11 lag* r.T the VYsshinglou and Montreal Hunts ore promised by gentlemen as spirited and graceful with the'pen a* When t.'.ey ' loach kue-» the saddle rt anJcr cuii ganj." The doing* of similar luociiiions el the West end Soalh wUl meet with a cordis! welcome from a*. It woahl.be idle to.go through vitb 'jironiiei of performance" opoa a!! the naaly iRre.iioss which gi t»» x**ltb iifr^-sufacc, that we ere deter-, .xined to make The Spirit tf the Ttnus, * cuurthrrt SrouTisa I'ar i.m^ and iiiiu column* shall be tooud, st intervals, the discassuons and narratives which appertain * to Hie following object#; merely parmisiisg tint AQUATIC S FORTS ««f FfiDRS'i'RI AiN'ISM, which are daily beemuing mere popular with as, shall heaccfi.rth find a- mere rxteodcd"T»oGec. THE AMERICA N»AXp ENGLISH TURF. Importations and isles of Blooded Stock; Breeding and Training; Racing and Trotting Chailen* £*; Antenna Races to cork, Sweepstake* open roughest .he L~.cn. On OiQ in Sporting Circle*; Fedu*ree* and Fn&rmuio>« of n»U&«iihi ^ .- ~ V1I* ifcraea; Ccurriog and Hanuag at hoot* and abroad; ] SU'X»riojj and Fubiny; FLfle and Pwtol pnartict in Auxnca and Ed rapt; Rowing and Sailing; ln> uoctiona tor Toon; Spurtamcn; PrdcsAoawaa;, Skating, and floral* Sparta, dee. Ac. Auu LITERARY DEPARTMENT. Althoafh ihe leading object* of oar paper are of a vportia; cant, oar reader* may rely opoa it that! ve aball ltd be behind band in high and elegant j litrrolore; and if we confine oar origumU to no-i lice* of Jfaa Hooka, JUttitcs and Jbgaxiats, and j di«coaa:oa of earrcnt' Wuera, we abaii* mtkr am-! pie amend* by oar aelecSon* fino the cfekeBtUui btttrcs o! America and Great Britain, and <oaU i we t>ru>f our UM up 10 iftr standard of our tndu? i.jt, ue would iiraauii at v»« that Km selected portion of this depailxcnt should bo g»p, graceful aai rpiriui THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT.. A* an objrct of lire!; xnu>rr%U tie Drama will drtnaod otu boat el&ru. Witbcni stint cr im*> ore, but with cuiJ-Hir and it^tlialitp, *t Aali ulu* cognisance of Urn Oovtluo* preren Urdus"at the thfcc tsuhushacnu no generotufp fostered by Um boootrof this CMurnji;. OccumikJ stale* urate wifl U tiren of (be condition of tU tE*gLsi Stage and tiw standing of ike brightest ornauruts U ptohwon. IViUt inean* adequate to tiie taad, wr «h*U bring to the umjiiUhnfui on* tiring rsanlolktu and an oaUawd tuiod. A*pirauL« to biatrumic distinction cup a!wars lool: to u with r«dUrne* for oncouragpisent and MpjKKl »»< IU4U » lomnOK 10 JJITt publicity lo | bubble worth and neglected ulem, and aithoagh | can never ptotutsur our columns to uphold we j oa Jeserving, we *l»o.U eagerly arcse the "pporiuith! Ijf to extend n helping hand to the tunid and ttn> 1 Known, and reassure them with our might in] tbrir coanw op ftw'i proud summit." DRAMATIC MINIATURE PORTRAITS.. A novel, and we hive reason to Urherr.* poopMtl [fitaTo-iw Uii. j..» .>.,r,irt« texer pjarnyTji eastoaaliy giving Dtuwavic hfjauvcct: P«.r.Tt*ir» i .executed, not with the crayon <-buna, hut pure j pen and ink sketches.of.*>u«r of ue rlu£iagaub~ j ed peiAjfiorn on the American »UJc The nccea* j urj afT3D(r?a:rats iVarcoaJp.'.ab iki* end have h>og' been 1.1 p-^Rh. In «eh sketch will be given t «uc^.aci and authentic biography of lire subject, lOccrnperw J with familiar anecdotes of their del«» lines .1 out ers of their popula. chanctm, uav peculiar style. Ace. Aw. Resides uunjr others that will hereafter he named, thr» falLiariuif taJi*< tmi mn(ii>mrt> hare been SB- !ectrJ to pc« oor dramatic Portnat Gallery. iUmmgtrt afUunrim>f*l Jmtrumn Tktctru. Edwin Foreat, William E. ilwtoo, EltxaSharpe, John 11. Scou, Celeste Kepler, John Fbhar, Sua lUddte, Jotcpii Wood, Mtr« Wood, llfnry Jtnei Finn, Mary Duff, Joon Mason, francfi Mary I'riujbiri.johttirftM, Umiu A. ['hillipi, Henry Jtiurt Hrckrlt, Fanny A, Drake, JoOrph M. Field, Henry tUeide, Mary V«a, Jamas W. Wnllack' Eltaahcth Chapman, Charles Booth Persona, William P. Galas, Emma Wbcalley, Gmrp Baneti, ioolna Brauta Booth, Clara (Fbher) Header, Goo. H. Hill, Tyrooc Power, Charlotte Wataoo, Aof«s> tos A. Adam*, Jnaepbuur ClUloo, Chalks Beam John Barnes, J. W £ Hows. Oiwa R-otn koteiisgcnos win form ca item .in oar Theatrical department, in which we shall ever and toon record the positions and tbs aovsmeota of the ** Surt" in the theatrical firmament; and ."-J 1.^.1- Ia MIS a..lMM« ua Ins tnlksmatiAA AT n iw IP uwj wvt v*i «vmw«M «« inw^ ifaii kind villi all eooudenre of hraring the ume whereabout* cf their errant replev. SALMAGUNDI. * Thu m the miscellancon* dr^utiwttt of the po> P>t. u4 it will be w managed, wo b>f», « io g »ve rest to alt the int "It wilt bo composed of every variety of material; oobrr nrsrf, both foreign om d iQQrtic remark* upnn the nuhio'** fooandlWic acrmrwad oddtUw; la due.every thing are glean of wit tbd tofrruaevt, will be crowdra mlo oar eolamoe. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE. To aid oar own endeavots in sustaining the in Irreat of the paper. Uar proprietor* boee gone to the rxpenoe of eatobiiaMaf a foreign caneapjodenoe, which ie now in fatfoperalicn. Upon this source, we ehall role tor early intelligence ot English Spurt, iny. u well aa for the mterrrting details ot foreign l.' rair, *sls, and fashionable icawUi, Ac. dee. And at Use »inr we *0011 carry on la extensive domestic currrepondence; and oar reader* shall bear a* ofb n aa tbey will Irons the lively letter writers of distant ritim, u well aa from our old and pnpuUr oomtpootrnu, 71* Girts n Tnw . And, lest all thrae attarepU M pleaw-should fall khort of oor wi#hra, we shall shortly commence the publication of GALLERY OF COMICALITIES, Or aenea of cti.-tc*iui««. And tl Xbc-je fail U> mak<* rwidrrv laugh, It will bo Vouw the American JoUnrton and Engliab L'ruikatrank hare ceased lo sketch, nr grown :^u»ly in Uwir wit. tiu'-h ate tlx* prominent features in the plan ot our publication With ronatdenble cxuenene*. and ne enthusiasm in the chosen line of hi* pr.c-sj.on, the edilr. will onIj pM|» hinidi' to bit rv-Jem for the moat xea.^uj and untiring indu*trj. Terms oj Subscription mmd Jdrertisimj Thi- new irfiM of the New V oek Spirit of ttf Timn. i«»r h-wn nd rnBlty, it published crrr} beturtlojr n.»rning. sn U*v quart" form, on papci the Mf «t textcrr, i ib«- i:iajpr.H4h war, and \r f new and rer> Srantifnl irrw, wui forwarded b? Ux earliest mails, n-iUi the u i«a'. care and punctual* t*. at the Mlcring ;>riota : , - . j ki t or c jear » *ab»cr:pU- n, in advance, $5 00 For aix uiontfcs, «| 50 ,]dr*icjtm'i ts.The inra, iab'c charfor idrerhwmer.'s, will be, First u.arrtion pr r square o;'22 lines, 3 03 Each wibrqarut .n.«rrtinn. 0 TiO Adwrturn are expechxl to pay in advance, or give's cite refrfi ore Publication otSce, 171 Broadway, corner of Codr*land-stm.:, where cotnmun.cat,ou<, p a' paid, ms\ be addressed lo WILLIAM T PORTER* Editor, and agent for the proprietor*. New York, Feb. 29, IK" .; ; * PoHlteal. *' SPEECH OP.MR. MANMNG,. \Ow $ocTn,CARoi£»*. , The following re*olaiion« of Mr-Piaekaoy, of Howih Carolina*,-were adopted by an overwhelming vote, in "the House of Representative*, of the Coorrea* of the United State#, on the 8th tifrebroarjvaad are as foilawe: . £ "Rtscbtd, .That all tins memorial* I which hare been offered, dr may hereafter be presented to ibi* House. praying [for the abolition of slavery in the District I of, Colombia, and a!*i> the resolutions offered by an honorable member from I Maine (Mr. Ja-ria) with the amewliii«tt thereto, proposed by ah Vnorahic me^ (her from Virginia, (Mr. Wh^laam 1wSS»iLv± »ther paper or proportion that submitldd iu relation to that subject, be referred to a select committee, aviib id* slrucUcna to report that Congress posses^ sess no constitmionai authority to faiietfere in any way Vltfi U»e institatkms of slavery in any nf the States of lb« eon*; federary^and that in the opinion, of flu! Hou Congress onaht not to itiu»rf..«* in any way with stasery id the District of Colombia^ because it woolJ bo a viofctiad Of the public faith,' unwise, impolitic, and dangerous u> the Union; assigning cueh, reasons for tveae cod clot iocs as in ibn judgment of the. cocr.cuUee may be beat calculated to cniigh'.cn the public mind* to repress agitation, to alloy excitement, to sustain and preserve the jnal rights of the sWehoIJtng Stales, ai.d of the people of tbU District, and to re-estafclish barmo __.i ..«« - .i*-- - UJ «MIU IHUUUIIIIJ «HIWRSH Ulff IIIIWOI sections of the Ifniua." \ t a subsequent .lay, abolition memorials or petition* were presented' to this House. Merabcraeonlcnded, that trader the adopted resolutions chore referred to; that all "petition* subsequently offered, »er« oeceifanljr ai)d properly rt&r«hk» to thi*Select Committee raised under the resolution*. O'.licr gentlemen contended again*! this consrquenfail reference* and insisted tlrttt pet'.ions not under the action of the Ilouit, or not presented mb*» the TtsrrinJon* trcrr atToptec, might receive d different direction than a direct referencd to die Select Committee. The honorable Speaker deeided, that sock petition*** ureic afterward* presented might properly uke toy any other direction, or night be opened for dioeasne*. petitions much indirect direct debate was entertained hy the House. At ieegth a motion was made to reverie the prerlooe decision of the Spcaket, so that necessarily. under the resouttfata, nil abolition memorials or petitions introduced into the. House, «houH go to the select Committee raised uhder Mr. Piokney *s resolutions.' On the vole of the House, the Speakers decision was reversed by a rote of 147 to W- . As considerable letitsde bad been giren Mr. UASm&Q,- of South Ceroid msde the following remarks : - > Mr. Speaker': Should the decision of the Chair, which had bfeen made, remain unreversed, then this strange anomaly wijf be forced : » rcsnfi/ro»:. it, that tho resolution offered by my colleague from Homo CaroH'iavfMr. Pinckhey,) Sc. adopt- vq ©y an orcrwocimiDg nqijnruy ©1 CAM House. intended to answer a definite nfeil. special -bjert will be wholly drf<fte>d; because they will be essentially changed, to ay to fail id answering the roost important purposes for which ihcy were origins^', and on account of which they wro sup* ported by their friends. The objects, highly important as we beliere them to be, intended to bo accomplished by their adoption, will, after the mature and delib crate action of this branch of Congress, be wholly lost aifht of, or be corcpTttrfy* changed. 1 trust that no skill, how tcr adroitly or powerfully osed, will « *rr <0 far succeed as to preeent thofnll>c;iu/ of these resolutions from effectuating if. so 1 -itportant final results, which the ortgir.alor and friends.of tbem do most ardently cnticipate, and which we did, and do still h.ipc in ti c God of our country, will result from ihexoura* ©f action and feeling. (limited by low tiuuse tinticr uaero, una line the M{ionbil of each of these will he verb as in glHden the hearts of patriots a jd soothe arising irritation, by rctto;i0f j»arir.ony and renewing confoViC- in every portion of our eommou country. I n* isrd the«r resolutions now as guides or r ttled rotes of actiu for (bis Hciisc, as uch so as any ,»ther, whirh Congress is competent U> establish, or as any which be made binding upoij it; under ii« lcniroa functional action; as binding as itiy parliamentary 'jytl fin be, aanctton* ed, as fhey may 1by (be wisdom, an 1 . nsecraied by^jhe usages, of the Con rrss of tb<* Ufcited States. Iftbe Speak* csnby fcf* decision reverse these reso:uti(» express and mean M that all :hc memorials « hich have been offered, or nay It* re&fter be presented to litis House, praying for the abolition of slavery in ute District of Columbia, bo referred to a select committee &e,*' so as to mesh n»» more than that all petitions or tnettoritfe

Transcript of i&w. and-Equity copartnership Mr-Piaekaoy,€¦ · r«3Ui:tci:or msunriortiikcxiox. If...

Page 1: i&w. and-Equity copartnership Mr-Piaekaoy,€¦ · r«3Ui:tci:or msunriortiikcxiox. If SUBSCRIPTIONS ThreedolhreaftfVin adruiw, orA>ar dollars atthe endoftheyiw. ADVSRT2SS31&NT3 Insertedatamroty5*nee«t

''--.S*̂";-*ty~-i;"'*. ' " -, y-.-i - ,. .; ' ,l' \ \ '&'':;?\*i-i/ >^{y ;'''>ff'- '*I ^pjf : V ...'', -r

tj msasBBaaeBBsmSBBBBSssssssssssseesssssssssss^^mmmm^sssssss..^.^.Hasssss11111111 ^ 1 ^Xlt aOKXit? H»jOn««T,=-;I

' 1 1 T '* '

f - == " " ""

i.CAROM»A, n\tt M IS'JC. .'-.-^IHB* M* -

a. r""''.»..*. /. t^T.n" ..

i 3AiJ»3ST « 3?arAZ.,PjHuOtA 4n*j Htlari-1'j At 4jKOSBRT 5'HMiiUT,r«3Ui:tci: or ms unri or tiik cxiox.


Three dolhre a ftfV in adruiw, or A>ar dollarsat the end ofthe yiw.

ADVSRT2SS31&NT3Inserted at amroty 5*n ee«t» the sqoim fnr Uw*

tot, *3d halfthat a.uooot fjr^nh contiovoac*.TIM auamer m i3kjimu w or iwik cm u«marginor they vtU be eoatioard and charged acofcrfiagly.Thorn iWMrted r nj-tao»V]i1y 75 cents

Md nvMtUlr $1 4 *|Ocf* for er.li iu»r!ion.

Cxa<nMtutjaniby util to be jw»i paid or remainantended to. 4MMjpg.. wnmni rubit

p?.oa?2a^wSor tiii;


t'AHDEN JOURNAL.T^tlE <aWrib«r, having purchased the

. C.Vfl&RJi JilUftiVAIi E.u.blishtticnt, intend* to continue its publication.There ban no*, perhaps, been a period

of »it uoollu, in the bat Itreulj-fircri . i. i. t .

ywi, 1*131 V>31UUCil ilillt t/KVH m«M>*u» .

newspaper, and it would be * rite slanderon the rbartcicr bar citura«, in supposethai Uicy trill not support otic u<ir.

stouter of which thr subscriber v. i 11 not-be guilty until he ha* conclujirc evidenceof the fact.

If there be any of our citizens, eitherin the town or ewmhere, who fuel an »» -14ere*t in Utc continuance of the Jophval,and who are not already lubjiribcri, ihcylure an opportunity of ntafiifcstiui; thaiiiti*£*st by becoming no now. The pub*licatiuo «ill be rc-commcwcd on ur beforethe Is: Saturday in February next,prcrioo* to vbiih time, the iVopricturwould be pleated to hare at uianv as possibl«of the nstaes of tiiote who fee! sufficientinterest iu <h* character and pr«*«

perityof Camden, to induce them to aidin the permanent etuablulimcm uf a news- jpip«*r inthe tovr.n.The Proprietor hweu,j3;*rl tSto «erric*of Mr. JutiN C. Wz*r, in the £-tiin<

rij' Jcpirtt-riU.<o3<*qoeii!ly, liic polilk«TcJWrtpirrtr!W uuJrrg.i ;so chwir..U&? auibio the florirmcior i7\c nppnr-jJig& Party.the rights of the Stated a:i'llinTlrttejfritjr of the Union, ft mar be

proper u>a-ij,n< personalities r.nJ scurrilfitrha*« Retime so cammun a '.rnjmnwith the acarspuper pre*', that tSls ptp<rwill support no political party which r«ymrcssadi ai>l for iu successThe jmpcr will contain, a* far a* it* Htnllswill permit, the eurtect newt of the

dar, domestic particularly, a« 1 fjrriguwhen of (special iotrruU

Strict attention wili be p*;id to the PriceCurrent; and weekly remark^ m**h daring**... - .i«« ... which cit nWS WW I *11 H.1[|IWI .' . 1 <

be idwl^a fif (beir cnfroctuci< *'/ith1ham pranihesoa «bc p-tn of t. Pr nmctcr.Ire aJhaLt ibo patron*# m! ;.c ,mMic

ROSEHT M'KXDHIT.P-iu^thrr a *.d Jfr.>pr.ttor.

T'cMMor Sv&iTtumox..$Opcr nonuai

a a'lr^ooo.7) cu. at fbe end of i»ixaretuhs. or £-4 at lire cuuttJu-iio.i of the year.


February ]John hFDnnalJ.I

ant) wife,

-fho/Willtanw, I .. ram) & Durant f B,LL"AJia'n.

Joseph Durantam) ChsrOur^ni

IT i* ordthrW that all person* having ,!r«tnnodfe agaioat the r»iatc of Joseph Darant,dee'd. late sheriff of Sumter District,

bo and anue&t before the ToMirousioner of

Oiimtfr District, on or l»#»forr ihc !i>ihday of June nc.\l, an«l eslnhlMi ihc »an;c

by pr#of. By order of tfie Court,JOHN' U. Ml LICK. Com.

Snmtcrrille. Fob. 37, 1836. 710'J

B007 & 0203 CTC?.3.

THE auhjcrther has now revived a freshand general as*ortme,r of

Mies ant! «rnt!fuifai Boobnntf *9ioe«,

of llio latest and nwi fashionable slrlc, whichwere Mtlcr.ted trilb much cure b) himself.which he bdreres nil! g»*e g»n~a! saiisiacibonto those w 'hj will laror lum witti tin ir

custom. His stvk contjtriae# %rer\ descriptionof f#ftdt«i and Gentlemen, at «l I hddren*Boots and Shoes, generally found in a rcgnl r

aho« store. The I.a i^i and Gen ^nni olCamden are respectfully iiinted to call an'eaant.no for thctp.vs veALSO-On han*1 a gmcrnl 'i;srirl~nrJtl »>'

FX*TR Ktr.tr jx.ATStWhich c*nl by sold on thb irv»;t rcasouab'"terms.

W. n D.WiEL?.Februrry 27 .5tf

i&w.THE pabscribcr# harp formed a copartnershipfar the practice of Law and-Equityin Sumter District; Mr. Crosby can !»f

consulted in Sumtertrill.-, and Mr. M*WiIticin Camden.XV. M'WIMJE.J. J.CROSBY.

Feb. 6.2::3m.

The iid^hii! Icadeniy,THE t'uhiicarc respectfully informed lha'

the duties of Ibis institution cm ajpiu resumedby Mr. W, Richardson. The conrseof tttudint* suited to the present rejquircmeu!*ol^be South Carolina College.

Clar.ttn mm. Feb I::i::l3t.

,, CHAIRS.Carpenter 3c Booacy,HAVE on hand a few dozen fine

Baltimore and Grecian StandChairs.

ALSO.Coxnon Windsor and large Rock'i*J cheb #,

Which they oflc. loar to clo« a consignmentFebruary 27.5tf.

D?.. 2. PP^TT'CARTIFICIAL NIPPLE.THE Sa.nrcriber* hare just purchase J

a supply of thg^sbore instrument, whichhas liren successful!)* used for the l is', twoor three- years for that distressing complaint,sure or excoriated nipples; orwhere the nipple is entirely wanting; orwhere the clulrij month is so sore that itcannot nunc nn the natural nipple.-.Theartificial ni,jplr i» recommended by thehighest medical authorities on the subject*in ti::n country. 0r. Octrees of Phili*iclpi.ii, anJ Dr. Seurall of WashingtonCity, u* t'.c certificates annexed will attest; to irhtch the medical lacnlty of thisplace, give their entire concurrence, havingwitnessed ks-successful application.

Dr. Elijah Pratt,DdAtt ^!K ;

As I f-cl it a matter of much publicimportance, to possess a means of lessen,iog the terrible suffering from sore nipples;I httc much pleasure In jicri'g abu»to -av, thit the shield you ofler fur thepreventing at J cure of this malady, ist*u»» » 1,11 Lun tf>r* p - t." 'I. -.y flute iiinJi'irri'Cn. t » tw.r or three inIhare known them to be used.r.'tirh »a<i (faction b~en expressed, andh>;e *» » hc?it«.li »n to bciicrr, it trill generallysucceed. I .*iu so well persuaded ofthis, at this moment. thau I catinoi forbearid exprras a wish, that our City, tbrti;»*Jii!t<» van »us Apothecaries, may be sur: !c.Uwith litem.

! «i, > <u.rs, dee.M. l\ DcIWEft*. M. D.

PhiUJeJp.: i, Jan. Iwi'i, !t&L

Washington City*February 4lh, 183-1.

Having examined Dr. Pratt's uevrly inrentalnipple shields, and witnessed itspractical applications among my patients,I take great pleasure In recommending itas decidedly superior loi'-y thing previouslyknown. It constitute* perfect remedyfor that difire*«ing malady, sore

- li.ra*H arhich so freoactiliv- » /

u'IIicIm ntjr»tng women.

THOMASSKWALL. M. D.Prof. Anal. & Phyaiolopy,

Columbia College, D. C.

Tlic Instrument i# accompanied villiprimed direction* for il* application, andpreaer*4tion..It can bo packed up in a

AiDttil compiM, and tent in any pari of thecountry by price $6.Address

YOUNG & McKAIN.Camden, 8. C.

NOTICEnHiILfirtn heretofore cxwing under tbcJL nunc of3as VI.3a AYD BJLZ27JJT7RTlm.- been duwolvcd. The subarribcr will con*ii».uf ai the old .stand, the h-mncssol

BOUU Ac*and !io(»c.< io merit the public patronage.

1. F URbMER.Fi b 6-2:::tf


x*. > Owf in .'UtMthm'nt.tV*. Y Km en )

IKIIEAH, !>»» ahintiflT n th** nbovr action4 v .'id, n I .c Kiui (Ijv t«f Ap'il, A. DU» in* dr,. titration in !.V office ui Lit C'tfrk of tin*' lonlilc C -urt, nninal said riefr.-idtitit, who <e

iiwi'iit from, and vv:'.iiout ll»r limit* of, tin* Stale,«nd has «rift*,i<ir attommy Unrwnwithin theo.ii<, <»n w iium n copy « f t!t»> sunt declaration withi » «'.' to ; >ad thereto, w thin » year and a day,

j . --'it V M'rvcv! j», therefore, Ord« re S, in jiurtof an act "f tint General Assembly, in that

' it. idf and j>r«»v a.'d that 1h-* said defendant d«I ipjvar * i plead H th<* Mid dfclarval on on or k! '^ii? the '«f_*h *.i>' of . uty. m the ynr of our lendj .f»« tli .!i4 id rijfht hundred and Uurtv-ai , .»Uier

| ,<k '"na! iin! ahfluu-*judgment will tin n 5w awir1 n : ax.ast hiai.

j j.no ii. BRUcfB, c. c r.v! u[ C vl *' \ f£: jlild pr f fee AO..)ar!*.:Jjton. Jtt'y sK1. Ir3. >

. .. "

SUBSCRIBERIS prepared! in cxtcuio Cabiuct work of

it1! ilM«rinli»na nnil koia < « k««.t» mii wvwi *! « mmmm w»i UVMU U,J

awartmcnl ofBureau*, Workstandii, Ire.

AL.*0.nabopmT ^Ipilfye. Curled 8lPlain MapU BM208TEAD.S.Two apprentices. lw the baait)rs« will

be taken, ifimmediate application is made.W. GARDNER.

Jin. 23, 183d.1-tf


From JV*. Fori: and Philrtdelpkia,a run svrrtr or

D?.tT3S & KSDXCBftaS,French & English Chemicals,

Together with a iarg>> and various assortmen I .if Capping a.id.Em uH i Asulrwrnttof superior quality, deserving the attention offtiiiMcs as well as practitioner* of McJteinc,


Pl/iTi', and~~

Unadulterated Black LeajlS^tcriUrr 13. WM. H.£Y

Roose or Entertainment.

>fcfSk/pilC Subscriber inform4 hi* friends

and (he public generally, that he hastaken the house formerly occupied by MrV* m. Royal, as a Iloosc of Catcrtainmi^L Jand is prepared to acct*«i«rt"diirc til who

may fa* or him with a call, ia (he bestmanner. **

His tabic will be at all limes furnUbc:!«viih the Irsi the up country ma krt comttffocd. U* bar wall the choicest liquors.I,,.. i,.»i I.I. .»< nmi mm .*%. _>...nu jmn 1

rUicit, auended by fiithftf wjiicr», ,»ci

from his constant ii;« ii.'on, and uuremil*sing exertions top'ca»et he hopes to menta share cf n.. Jic patronage.

A. D. JOHNSON.Lancaster March 12-7-3mThe Charleston Mercury, Columbia

Telr.-c<jj>r. Chfr«w (S.<zrtic. Jiul CharlutioJournal will publish tho above fourtimes ant) svikJ ihcir accounts lo this office(or payment*


Of the Sporting, Fashionable, and Literary World,On «r Finn men Original onn .tarocore lbam ana

Weekly Journal m Uu United Unlet.»

w. t. PoaTsa, xmrroa.

THE SPIRIT OF THE TIV.ES uwvoUJlr& Sportioy Journal; but, u it m i *eU

Kuoded otjretM againalall mure ratting popart,I Ibey v» (Unmrir noeolM'Htk, ibr ptsu of

ibis publication will include a wider range; and theconcents of Literature uj (As Drama, Kotnpnand Domestic inteUigenee, ikaagt in tk* FathnmaVtCtrdttt, le , \c., *UI tail withm thr scope oiour deaign, and render it at once gratefai to IASsportsman and general reader.

For the filnksst of our purposes, numeroussubjects wiU claim our atlmOoa, and first,

THE SPORTING DEPARTMENT.THE TL'RF..Tte prvuunent dmgn of the

Bpi'ilof the Time*, will be to prccoi* io4 (tveinterest to the oporto of tW Tart * To thw rod. itwit) present * complete Jmarkaa Racing Calendar,compiled with Lb*i occar*cy which sJoor [itnnloetai rrpdrrof the Turf.The Rwnvttrthe principal Coarse* in the C'uion, .will be »eportedby oar «nn amenta and connpeodrau itthe eoiliest day, sad lor the results oeer oiiwrCourses, we shall txly, u henrtofote, upon thegecntviri of the Clubs,An I, in order to lender this deportment still reote

eotnpreheosiee sod rilaiblr, the tieCNuLbll TIRl' will rrcrire cotwunt attention;and the whole racing malter «-i " Boll's I^m's inLondon'* will be rc,;»»Urljr published bj u», withaery fayioui rxt:actr made Irnra the Kuj uL SportingMsewinrs.BLOOUKIJ STOCK-All Importations of

m. i_.i <t i ...i .!i ....-r i -UIWVW U I ««l UIIJ»W|MM»» mmv* m v« VtUVA 11

home and in England .arlccted "«aay» on tbrbrrrd nj and management «.f horora and a tegnurreview of Stalhona with pedigree. performances,3tr . will be nubhahed in our column#.fROTilNO..Co»»»lan» tocrraa.ng ntirntiou i»

now paid to Trotting Herat* in U» * country, «» '

the cii'ea of New \ ork and Philadelphia, bev-onda doubt. own morr hurareol aupertnr >irrnglh and!peed, m tr»Hrr» than all America be^idm.andEngland to boa;. We shall laho carry rare thatfull jitatior ia done »o lhr*-.i in out TftOTTIM#CALEN JAI ; and an interrat may le £iv«-r. In thisilrpa. »<rt*n anJ a wli-denom." rivxl y maintain* d,wr ahall rre*.rd al! tl e greal IroUinj Icala both intbia coinuy and in EnglandSNORTING INTELLIGENCE -go great i»

if . j uber of o r Coriwpendrnla at home andto coAipV ? a*e o jr arrangements ab'oad, that wr

! do not lie*.late to promise our reader* rtu'.irrKg fnttUijfatce than can fc» prreured throe yti anyher chauiv-l. Ernie r thia heed we shall a!<> 51athe lime «:* the dtlerent Raft to cunt, Lr*la of

S»trptiaktt o; en Racing and Trotting ChclU**t9tind nil ifce Om I)tit in the importing World.FIELD JJPORTS.Early reporte of the tnec'.-

-aB" * 11lag* r.T the VYsshinglou and Montreal Hunts orepromised by gentlemen as spirited and gracefulwith the'pen a* When t.'.ey ' loach kue-»the saddle rt anJcr cuii ganj." The doing* ofsimilar luociiiions el the West end Soalh wUlmeet with a cordis! welcome from a*.

It woahl.be idle to.go through vitb 'jironiieiof performance" opoa a!! the naaly iRre.iiosswhich gi t»» x**ltb iifr^-sufacc, that we ere deter-,.xined to make The Spirit tf the Ttnus, * cuurthrrtSrouTisa I'ar i.m^and iiiiucolumn* shall be tooud,st intervals, the discassuons and narratives whichappertain * to Hie following object#; merely parmisiisgtint AQUATIC SFORTS ««f FfiDRS'i'RIAiN'ISM, which are daily beemuing mere popularwith as, shall heaccfi.rth find a- mere rxteodcd"T»oGec.THE AMERICAN»AXp ENGLISH TURF.Importations and isles of Blooded Stock; Breedingand Training; Racing and Trotting Chailen*

£*; Antenna Races to cork, Sweepstake* openroughest .he L~.cn. On OiQ in Sporting Circle*;Fedu*ree* and Fn&rmuio>« of n»U&«iihi^ .- ~ V1I*ifcraea; Ccurriog and Hanuag athoot* and abroad; ]SU'X»riojj and Fubiny; FLfle and Pwtol pnartict in

Auxnca and Edrapt; Rowing and Sailing; ln>uoctiona tor Toon; Spurtamcn; PrdcsAoawaa;,Skating, and floral* Sparta, dee. Ac. Auu

LITERARY DEPARTMENT.Althoafh ihe leading object* of oar paper are of

a vportia; cant, oar reader* may rely opoa itthat!ve aball ltd be behind band in high and elegant jlitrrolore; and if we confine oar origumU to no-ilice* of Jfaa Hooka, JUttitcs and Jbgaxiats, and jdi«coaa:oa of earrcnt' Wuera, we abaii* mtkr am-!pie amend* by oar aelecSon* fino the cfekeBtUuibtttrcs o! America and Great Britain, and <oaU iwe t>ru>f our UM up 10 iftr standard of our tndu?i.jt, ue would iiraauii at v»« that Km selectedportion of this depailxcnt should bo g»p, gracefulaai rpiriui

THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT..A* an objrct of lire!; xnu>rr%U tie Drama will

drtnaod otu boat el&ru. Witbcni stint cr im*>ore, but with cuiJ-Hir and it^tlialitp, *t Aaliulu* cognisance of Urn Oovtluo* prerenUrdus"atthe thfcc tsuhushacnu no generotufp fostered byUm boootrof this CMurnji;. OccumikJ stale*urate wifl U tiren of (be condition of tU tE*gLsiStage and tiw standing of ike brightest ornaurutsU ptohwon. IViUt inean* adequate totiie taad, wr «h*U bring to the umjiiUhnfui on*tiring rsanlolktu andan oaUawd tuiod.

A*pirauL« to biatrumic distinction cup a!warslool: to u with r«dUrne* for oncouragpisent andMpjKKl »»< IU4U » lomnOK 10 JJITt publicity lo |bubble worth and neglected ulem, and aithoagh |v« can never ptotutsur our columns to uphold we joaJeserving, we *l»o.U eagerly arcse the "pporiuith!Ijf to extend n helping hand to the tunid and ttn> 1Known, and reassure them with our might in]tbrir coanw op ftw'i proud summit."DRAMATIC MINIATURE PORTRAITS..

A novel, and we hive reason to Urherr.* poopMtl[fitaTo-iw Uii. j..» .>.,r,irt« texer pjarnyTjieastoaaliy giving Dtuwavic hfjauvcct: P«.r.Tt*ir» i

.executed, not with the crayon <-buna, hut pure jpen and ink sketches.of.*>u«r of ue rlu£iagaub~ jed peiAjfiorn on the American »UJc The nccea* jurj afT3D(r?a:rats iVarcoaJp.'.ab iki* end have h>og'been 1.1 p-^Rh. In «eh sketch will be givent «uc^.aci and authentic biography of lire subject,lOccrnperw J with familiar anecdotes of their del«»lines .1

out ers of their popula. chanctm, uav peculiarstyle. Ace. Aw.

Resides uunjr others that will hereafter he named,thr» falLiariuif taJi*< tmi mn(ii>mrt> hare been SB-

!ectrJ to pc« oor dramatic Portnat Gallery.iUmmgtrt afUunrim>f*l Jmtrumn Tktctru.Edwin Foreat, William E. ilwtoo, EltxaSharpe,

John 11. Scou, Celeste Kepler, John Fbhar, SualUddte, Jotcpii Wood, Mtr« Wood, llfnry JtneiFinn, Mary Duff, Joon Mason, francfi MaryI'riujbiri.johttirftM, Umiu A. ['hillipi, HenryJtiurt Hrckrlt, Fanny A, Drake, JoOrph M. Field,Henry tUeide, Mary V«a, Jamas W. Wnllack'Eltaahcth Chapman, Charles Booth Persona, WilliamP. Galas, Emma Wbcalley, Gmrp Baneti,ioolna Brauta Booth, Clara (Fbher) Header, Goo.H. Hill, Tyrooc Power, Charlotte Wataoo, Aof«s>tos A. Adam*, Jnaepbuur ClUloo, Chalks BeamJohn Barnes, J.W £ Hows.Oiwa R-otn koteiisgcnos win form ca item .in

oar Theatrical department, in which we shall everand toon record the positions and tbs aovsmeotaof the ** Surt" in the theatrical firmament; and

."-J 1.^.1- Ia MIS a..lMM« ua Ins tnlksmatiAA ATn iw IP uwj wvt v» v*i «vmw«M «« inw^

ifaii kind villi all eooudenre of hraring the umewhereabout* cf their errant f»replev.


Thu m the miscellancon* dr^utiwttt of the po>P>t. u4 it will bew managed, wo b>f»,« io g»verest to alt the int "It wilt bo composed of everyvariety of material; oobrr nrsrf, both foreign omd iQQrtic remark* upnn the nuhio'** fooandlWicacrmrwad oddtUw; la due.every thing are

glean of wit tbd tofrruaevt, will be crowdra mlooar eolamoe.

FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE.To aid oar own endeavots in sustaining the in

Irreat of the paper. Uar proprietor* boee gone to therxpenoe of eatobiiaMaf a foreign caneapjodenoe,which ie now in fatfoperalicn. Upon this source,we ehall role tor early intelligence ot English Spurt,iny. u well aa for the mterrrting details ot foreignl.' rair, *sls, and fashionable icawUi, Ac. dee. Andat Use »inr we *0011 carry on la extensivedomestic currrepondence; and oar reader* shallbear a* ofb n aa tbey will Irons the lively letterwriters of distant ritim, u well aa from our oldand pnpuUroomtpootrnu, 71* Girts n Tnw.And, lest all thrae attarepU M pleaw-should fallkhort of oor wi#hra, we shall shortly commence thepublication of

GALLERY OF COMICALITIES,Or aenea of cti.-tc*iui««. And tl Xbc-je fail U>

mak<* rwidrrv laugh, It will bo Vouw the AmericanJoUnrton and Engliab L'ruikatrank hare ceasedlo sketch, nr grown :^u»ly in Uwir wit.

tiu'-h ate tlx* prominent features in the plan otour publication With ronatdenble cxuenene*.and ne enthusiasm in the chosen line of hi* pr.c-sj.on,the edilr. will onIj pM|» hinidi' to bitrv-Jem for the moat xea.^uj and untiring indu*trj.

Terms oj Subscription mmd JdrertisimjThi- new irfiM of the New V oek Spirit of ttf

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be addressed loWILLIAM T PORTER*

Editor, and agent for the proprietor*.New York, Feb. 29, IK"

.; ;*PoHlteal.


SPEECH OP.MR. MANMNG,.\Ow $ocTn,CARoi£»*. ,

The following re*olaiion« of Mr-Piaekaoy,of Howih Carolina*,-were adopted byan overwhelming vote, in "the House ofRepresentative*, of the Coorrea* of theUnited State#, on the 8th tifrebroarjvaadare as foilawe: . £"Rtscbtd, .That all tins memorial*I which hare been offered, dr may hereafterbe presented to ibi* House. praying[for the abolition of slavery in the DistrictIof,Colombia, and a!*i> the resolutions offeredby an honorable member fromIMaine (Mr. Ja-ria) with the amewliii«ttthereto, proposed by ah Vnorahic me^(her from Virginia, (Mr. Wh^laam 1wSS»iLv±»ther paper or proportion that

submitlddiu relation to that subject,be referred to a select committee, aviib id*slrucUcna to report that Congress posses^sess no constitmionai authority to faiietferein any wayVltfi U»e institatkms ofslavery in any nf the States of lb« eon*;federary^and that in the opinion, of flu! House,Congress onaht not to itiu»rf..«* 5«in any way with stasery id the District ofColombia^ because it woolJ bo a viofctiadOfthe public faith,' unwise, impolitic, anddangerous u> the Union; assigning cueh,reasons for tveae cod clot iocs as in ibnjudgment ofthe. cocr.cuUee may be beatcalculated to cniigh'.cn the public mind*to repress agitation, to alloy excitement,to sustainand preserve the jnal rights ofthe sWehoIJtng Stales, ai.d of the peopleoftbU District, and to re-estafclish barmo

__.i ..«« - .i*-- -

UJ «MIU IHUUUIIIIJ «HIWRSH UlffIIIIWOIsections ofthe Ifniua."\ t a subsequent .lay, abolition memorialsor petition* were presented' to this

House. Merabcraeonlcnded, that traderthe adopted resolutions chore referred to;that all "petition* subsequently offered,»er« oeceifanljr ai)d properly rt&r«hk»to thi*Select Committee raised under theresolution*. O'.licr gentlemen contendedagain*! this consrquenfail reference* andinsisted tlrttt pet'.ions not under the actionof the Ilouit, or not presented mb*» theTtsrrinJon* trcrr atToptec, might receive ddifferent direction than a direct referencdto die Select Committee. The honorableSpeaker deeided, that sock petition***ureic afterward* presented might properlyuke toy any other direction, or night beopened for dioeasne*.

petitions much indirect direct debate wasentertained hy the House. At ieegth amotion was made to reverie the prerlooedecision of the Spcaket, so that necessarily.under the resouttfata, nil abolition memorialsor petitions introduced into the.House, «houH go to the select Committeeraised uhder Mr. Piokney *s resolutions.'On the vole of the House, the Speakersdecision was reversed by a rote of 147 toW-


As considerable letitsde bad been giren

Mr. UASm&Q,- of South Ceroidmsde the following remarks : - >

Mr. Speaker': Should the decision ofthe Chair, which had bfeen made, remainunreversed, then this strange anomaly wijfbe forced : » rcsnfi/ro»:. it, that tho resolutions,offered by my colleague fromHomo CaroH'iavfMr. Pinckhey,) Sc. adopt-vq ©y an orcrwocimiDgnqijnruy ©1 CAMHouse. intended to answer a definite nfeil.special -bjert will be wholly drf<fte>d; becausethey will be essentially changed, toay to fail id answering the roost importantpurposes for which ihcy were origins^',and on account of which they wro sup*ported by their friends. The objects,highly important as we beliere them tobe, intended to bo accomplished by theiradoption, will, after the mature and delibcrate action of this branch ofCongress,be wholly lost aifht of, or be corcpTttrfy*changed. 1 trust that no skill, how tcr

adroitly or powerfully osed, will « *rr <0far succeed as to preeent thofnll>c;iu/ ofthese resolutions from effectuating if. so1 -itportant final results, which the ortgir.alorand friends.of tbem do most ardentlycnticipate, and which we did, and do stillh.ipc in ti c God of our country, will resultfrom ihexoura* ©f action and feeling.(limited by low tiuuse tinticr uaero, unaline the M{ionbil of each of these will heverb as in glHden the hearts of patriotsa jd soothe arising irritation, by rctto;i0fj»arir.ony and renewing confoViC- in everyportion of our eommou country. I n*isrd the«r resolutions now as guides orr ttled rotes of actiu for (bis Hciisc, asuch so as any ,»ther, whirh Congress is

competent U> establish, or as any whichbe made binding upoij it; under ii« lcniroatcfunctional action; as binding as

itiy parliamentary 'jytl fin be, aanctton*ed, as fhey may 1by (be wisdom, an 1. nsecraied by^jhe usages, of the Conrrss of tb<* Ufcited States. Iftbe Speak*csnby fcf* decision reverse these reso:uti(»n^*bic!»express and mean M that all

:hc memorials « hich have been offered, ornay It* re&fter be presented to litis House,praying for the abolition of slavery in uteDistrict of Columbia, bo referred to a selectcommittee &e,*' so as to mesh n»»more than that all petitions or tnettoritfe