IVitftMWff nAfff(Wf ILWW irt1 IVitftMWff m nAfff(Wf I ILWW irt 4 r XIII. NO HONOL1JLTJ, HAWAIIAN...

1 IVitftMWff m nAfff(Wf I ILWW irt 4 r XIII. NO HONOL1JLTJ, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, J OLE 10, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. AS OTHERS SEE US. Western Qfaris. fii! Advertiser HonoMa and San Francisco Mail Service IF YOU ABE IN SEARCH 0E . .1 !, L Except Sundays, The following appears in the San Francisco Chronicle after the terrible description of part of Honolulu in ashes, deaths from grip, scarcity of water, etc.": "While the Queen, was at the Vol- cano some officious kahunas, or native sorcerers f the direct des- cendants of the ancient priesthood performed at night" a sacrifice to thfs crnddess Pele. .It was ft fir.rftnoA IIS 01 I ISO WHITE - I a: J.I B, CASTLE, Commission ' Merchant. right Building, Merchant Street. : Honolulu, H. I. j J. H. DAVIDSON, Attorney and1 ;founsellor-at-L- a. ! OfficerKaahumanu Street, 3- - O TO H. LOSE, Commission Agent. Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com-.poun- d" fjr Clarifying Cane Juice; of which supplies are kept on hand. 35f-- He will attend to any business en- trusted to him. OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. 42. Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152. P. O. Box 338. 2733-3-m VTJ.S r Assurance Company J6 00 p'lii "montbs 3 and weird spectacle, - The pit was B isr. ..r month 5oo all ablaze below; the 8y-was.- il far aglow above, 'lhe kahunas SACHS', : Honolulu, H. 1. h&vZ foreign i1 6 00 m (la office formerly occupied by Mr. O oo their fantastic attire and strange 165Myi t r: Rogers).: 5I,0Eey motions showed up distinct in the -- ttt , T.;r .-- n,--,1 104 Fort Street, ablyln,, w nrA nf fca eidosconic r;olor from " . --- -, - - - . i i foyKtBDEB- - the molten mass below." The WHERE YOU AT - T.AW AND CHOICE WILL FIND A NEW ASSORTMENT OF jgementsmuBt whole article is too long to insert -- n; iirxxL. -- : 5 nere as aiier a very eooa aeacriD- - i : 1808 tionofthe appearance of that by f ent to !k Acknowledgment. J Hono- - FOUNDED - LONDON. Capital. . . Assets, .. mgnt comes a long ueiaiiea rom- - I owics no. is jaanumanu street, ance about t.hfl saRrifirPTin PhIp. nf P 69-- y lulu, H. I. $ 6,000,000 $ 9,000.000 pigs, poultry, and gin. jg Merchant Honolulu. H. I mm m ! . CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and . Notary Public. HXzw CXbMvtimrunls. TIME TABLE OF THE Oceanic Steamship Co. (slej-- ci to chakgk.) The Australia and Zealandia Le&Te San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. Leare Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays. The ThrouKli Steamers Leare San Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. SAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. Mariposa. June 25 .... July 2 Ze&laudia June 30 .... July 7 Australia July 14 .... July 21 Monowai July 23 .... July 30 Zealandia July 28 .... Aug. 4 Australia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18 Alameda ...... Aug. 20 .... Aug. 27 Zealandia Aug. 25 .... tSept. 1 Australia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15 Mariposa Sept. 17 .... Sept. 24 Zealaudia Sept. 22 .... fcept, 29 Australia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13 Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22 LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. HONOLULU. 8AN FRANCISCO. Australia June 30 .... July 7 Monowai July 2 .... July 9 Zealandia July 14 .... July 21 Australia July 28 .... Aug. 4 Alameda...... July 30 .... Aug. 6 Zealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18 Australia Aug. 25 .... bept. 1 Mariposa Aug. 27 Sept. 3 Zealandia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15 Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 29 Monowai Sept. 24 .... Oct. 1 Zealandia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13 Australia Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Alameda ...... Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29 Zealandia...... Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Australia...... Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Mariposa Nov. 9 .... Nov. 26 2690-3- m Australian Mail Service xotice. EMBROIDERED FLOUNCES For Ladies and Children; EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg and Nainsook ; WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; and an immense assmt. of i Fancy Striped knd Plaid Wash Materials In the Newest Designs; - AT REASONABLE PRICES ! Having been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates of premium. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 13fil2684-- q Office with L. A. Thurston. 2703-- q advertisements and ifSlflt be flowed to sell fi w receive payments from i the Daily Adver- - EVERYBODY EATS HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., r Steam --Engines, UVbiw Gazette can al- - purchased from the fiat the office of publica-Cif.itii- nt street. XSojlra .Sugar; ftEllls, Coolers, Brass and Iea4t, Castings, . CRACKERS. 63 W I runt Apvebtisee, $1.50 And machinery of erery description made to frtpr. or ?00 a year. Si - xrl o rear in orcter, . Particular attention paid to snipa' Diacx- - -- ii tiling. Job work 'executed on the shortest mtlce. , ... r r 2651 ftenber wbo pays to the un- - The Popular Mijlkj House, 104 Fort S 2651 -- q Everybody eats crackers and conse i advance, will receive one le" Tourists' Ucide " as Is rpward will be paid for Pioneer Steam CAM FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practical Ooniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. j 5MISS ID. LAMB, Stenograplier and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, gear the Postoffice. 2677 ; DR. EMERSON, OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc- ker's office). Orrics Hou--- 9 to 11 a'm., and 2 to 3 L that will lead to the U of any one stealing the Cfeekly left at the office or Uj subscribers. advertisements should be tin during the day, to insure CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS,- - No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74. 1356 2651 ion the next morning. Short wived up to 10 p. M. PUS GAZETTE CO., j H. M. Whitsey, Manager. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Merchants, AGENTS. Shipping and Commission PLANTATION AND INSURANCE LOVE'S BAKERY Ho. 73 Nnnana Street. MBS. BOB T. LOYE, . . - Proprietress, quently anything relating to their manufacture and sale is of general in- terest. There was a time in the his- tory of the business when crackers were.aU about the same. One brand was just about as good as another and none of them were good enough to be any great temptation to a delicate stomach. That time has passed. It was a good many years ago. The crackers of the present generation are as different as day from night. There are good crackers and bad crackers ; fresh crackers and stale crackers ; and of the whole lot, stale . crackers are the worst. - There are some grocers in the coun- try who sell stale, Unpalatable crack- ers because they can get them cheap and make a big profit on them. They rt new and fins Al steel steamship f. m. ; Banaays, iowa.m. Bell Telephone No. 51. Residence 5 School street. 2704-3m- g vj DR.- - K. KOBAYASHI, DEALERS IN Vieanelves responsible for the ilMiroploicai expressed by our 99 ALAMEDA I NO. 161 FORT STREET. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doe JailtaS Bill No. xS. at Honelnlo (rom Sydney and Auckland on or about tob. If this bill becomes -- Offiok Houbs 8 to 10 a. m. ; 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 P. m. 2G55-2- m : FRANK B. AUERBACH, be the fault of the peo- - BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, PLANTATION SUPPLIES Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS a Government if they think their customers don't Know trie ach or too little money I difference and by and by, when their j Agent to-Taw- ! Acknowledgements to Instruments fob the District ioa, as this bill leaves it cracker trade is all gone, and they don't sell a box in a week, they look ETery Description of Plain and Faniy Bread arid Crackers, -- ibebs Soda Crackers AK I- D- Saloon Bread Alwnyft' on Hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY.. Inland Orders Promptly Attended to, 2651-- q 0. BREWEfi & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE July 30, 1891, And wlllleave for the abeve port with mails and passengers on or about that date. for freight or passage, having 8UPKBI0B ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., AOBNTS. decide in their regular Rainess. If they don't kI o Kona, Oahtj. Office Oalru II: R. & L. Co.'s Depot, up- stairs.,' " r - Mav 11. 1891. ; ; ' 2761 -- lm surprised and say: "Funny how peo- ple's tastes change. People don't care for crackers any more." Don't they though? People don't care for stale, unwholesome crackers. i they can take their Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and and bonds to the bank re, or chaDge their cir- - General Merchandise. that's true, but they do care for a cracker that is pure and fresh, and altogether delightful as an article of For Sydney and Auckland. I'O money. "ave too much they can I food. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?, V I l 1 A . t m mmm . a m uugeia cemncate ot The American uiscuit wo. :jwid an has a manufacturing capacity of 800 interest the j ' LEWERS & COOKE, ; (Suocesiors to Levers & Dlokson) . Importers and IKialers In Lumber And all Kinds of Building Materials. So. 82 FOB T STBEET, Honolnln. 2651 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In aENERAL MERCHANDISE. No. iit Qaeen'StreetHonolnln. 2651 Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. The new and fine Al steel steamship MONOWAI COMMISSION AGENTS. 55 2651 1356-- q positing ig now done at k bank, or if the bor-- p it back he can redeem it Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be barrels of flour daily. This enormous quantity it makes into a greater va- riety of goods than any other bakery in the United States of America, and yet is scarcely able to fill its orders. It is turning out more crackers to-d- ay than it ever did before, and the trade is still growing. Why is it? It is simple enough. Their crackers are the best that are made. People who try them invariably want them again and the rocer who sells them always ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL piticato of deposit or due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about - July 30, 1891. geabIo bond" would give LIST Or OFFICEEB: J . O. Carter President Geo. H. Robertson.... .....Treasurer E. F. Bishop.. Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen.. Auditor DIHECTOE8; JCr of the country all :it7 that trade and pro- - WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attobney and counsellor at law, PETER HIGH, - - - Proprietor. OFITIC-- C ND IV1III1i : And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls an assensers for the above ports. r possibly require, settle the elfistioit.tr For freight or passage, having SDPKBIOB AC finds that they not only prove a good source of revenue to him, but makej his store popular with the people. ' COMMODATIONS, apply to Bent B. TVatCThOtu 9on. C. B, Bishop. Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. 2651 iantity of the currency On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Wm. GL Irwin & Co., C CIUS governed by 2651 Of ficx 36 Merchant Street; Wm. O. Irwin. Clans Hpreckel Chants of trade. fcf 'quality of the cur- - American Crackers are made by skilled bakers, of the very purest and best materials obtainable. . They are sent out of the factory fresh from the ovens, and are 265l-- q : - AGjCNTp. H. HACKFELD & CO., WM. G. IRWIN & COJIPAHY, f'tbe gold, r silver! MOULDINGS, CLAOS SPEECKELS & CO., -- BAJSTKERS. 1 ; never rendered unwholesome ana un- - General Commission Agents (I,lmlted.;3 Efc Etc Wm. G. Ibwut, - President and Manager , BiWs, Screens, Frames Sash Doors HAWAIIAJJ I8LA27DB BOKOLULU Claus Sfeeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt beinp. , 7 Lircaiaon palatable as well by being stored in ? Iul1 tender and a warehouse a month or two waiting wemoBt durable kind for orders. The orders are always tf for its fioal redemption waiting for the crackers. Always ask !?. always Ldy for ? allof its currency at American Cracker3. Gor. Fort Q-t- en Stt., Honolnla. 2651 W. E. R0WELL,: WALIJB M. OIFFAED, - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Thxo. C. Pobtkb, - - - Auditor TURNED AND SAWED WORK. Draw Exchange en the principal parts o th world. w.; fen?er8 it imDossible rf tp nnt aiadv familiar with Rn mnftfli and. Surveyor & I M. T WV W ' - - " i J " ........ " Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. L ;ra by all the eold them, try them and be convinced of J vuuopno Will receive deposits on open account, malr.t collections and condnct a general banlng and exchange business. Boom 5, Spreckels Block. 82-- y r 23-Hav- ing Just received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest !!. t f f tha Kat firms in the East, we are now prepared to do the truth of all that has been said about them. You'll never regret it. Factory, Broadway and liattery Streets, San Francisco, Cal. It AO-K- TS OF THX OCEANIO STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. fovidea V , lDat thl9 good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately ? i n-- aoi fi:K!ass mfihanir.s. we will make a specialty of . BEAVER SALOON, f 1382-t-f. :. Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. (Limited) has Fort Street Opposite Wilder A Co.' assumed the assets and liabilities of the Tr7 Windom. Tht ' H. J. NOLTE, PaOPBXETOB. late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. and will Deposits bearing Interest received In their Bav lugs Department subject to pnbliahed rules and regulations. - 2681-- q FURNISHED EOOMS. ALFRED S. HARTWELL, e ? .:vuuu m oualitv. Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. continue the general business formerly Fint-cls-si Lnncha- - SerTed with' Tea, Coffee, u UUSlnf ,i , J 1 carried on by that house. j 6bi-- z i u?- -q Bo da water, winger &ie or ! system ..flu, the EAGLE HOUSE 07"Prompt attention to all orders. :o Open From 3 m.tlU 10 p.m. 2651 i'lTmBOtAL1 SALOON, I eritinJ!0 , bave different NUUANO" AVENUE. . TELEPHONES Counsellor - at - Law Office in Cartwright Building, opposite Post Office, Honolulu, H. I. i 2789 1379-t- f - Instruction in Music. FORT - ST. HOUSE, No. 1S4 Fort Street. your pen "BELL 498. Cor. Siinsna ana aercusa i IUTXJAL 65. 2724-- q The THIS FIRST-CLAS- S TAMIL. Hotel (situate in the most pleas- ant part of the City) continues to offer the comforts of a home to " sola s tandard of " ' Under the Management of .eep alwayi In stock Variety of thabest Wines, rjaiars. Beers, and lc oold beers on draught at ELtGANT FURMSHED ROOMS either single or en suite, at reason- able rates. Hot and cold water transients and others. arranged to a Adjoining the Main Building are several New Cottages specially constructed for E. MclntTre & Bro. I2UX3BTEBS A5D IEAK H8 I erytrMr u. C01Q standard, inss rtthannf n. PATCH WILL ;.0 cents per glass. baths and all modern conveniences to be found in a first-clas- s house. Apply on the premises to 27IO-l- m WM. P. CROOKS. family use. - laoie unsurpassed. 2651 : r Call and See F.sa OET-Ter- .uo per day, $i.uu weeiy. 8pecial arrangements for monthly totl,! Ctl0nnder it is resume the teach'ng of vocal and m- - ihl " Standard strumental music after Sept. 1st. Refers money eVer7 by permission to her patrons in Honolulu. 1? Usnwf m6asures a nth. Address Kawaiahao Seminary. No- ll. cu Or (!ninrj j ?. t ni.A nt rosiHoncp will be enven on T. KEOUSE. Prop.. boarders. Honolulu. H. I. 26951363-- q Ghroceries, IPro visions and Feed) I LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocefs, PAPER HANGING! PAINTER ! TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOB J?0rtgage and bond : sast coasa poar and king stekkts. JL of Painting of any description done, C IVE J. L. MEYER,THE PAINTER Japanese Employment Office MOVED TO N0.23 MAUNAKEA HAS Mutual Telephone No. 574. . ooods received by every packet from the Eastern States and .Europe ftresh California I JC a call and have your paper hanging J call on the practical Painter, .J L. Jr,L h- - -- err steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the do-- e r,roIDtlv and neatlv. 130 FortS MEYER onlv. . 130 Fort 8t. P.C STREET. i - 111 FORT 2748-l- y .t ' r.i-- iiHtan anlirlted. eausfactlon ruaranted. FostoiSce VOX ro. i i v "P. O.Box387. - - 2748-l- y I Bos 387. lpea SAO F. O. Box 997 I city free of cnargi Telephone Ho. -- in

Transcript of IVitftMWff nAfff(Wf ILWW irt1 IVitftMWff m nAfff(Wf I ILWW irt 4 r XIII. NO HONOL1JLTJ, HAWAIIAN...

  • 1 IVitftMWff m nAfff(WfI ILWW irt4 r XIII. NO HONOL1JLTJ, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, J OLE 10, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS.AS OTHERS SEE US. Western Qfaris.fii! Advertiser HonoMa and San Francisco Mail Service

    IF YOU ABE IN SEARCH 0E. .1 !,L Except Sundays,

    The following appears in theSan Francisco Chronicle after theterrible description of part ofHonolulu in ashes, deaths fromgrip, scarcity of water, etc.":"While the Queen, was at the Vol-cano some officious kahunas, ornative sorcerers fthe direct des-cendants of the ancient priesthoodperformed at night" a sacrifice tothfs crnddess Pele. .It was ft fir.rftnoA


    Commission ' Merchant.right Building,

    Merchant Street. : Honolulu, H. I.

    j J. H. DAVIDSON,

    Attorney and1 ;founsellor-at-L-a.! OfficerKaahumanu Street,

    3-- O TO

    H. LOSE,

    Commission Agent.Patentee of " Lose's Chemical Com-.poun- d"

    fjr Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

    35f--He will attend to any business en-trusted to him.


    Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O. Box 338. 2733-3-m

    VTJ.SrAssurance Company

    J6 00

    p'lii "montbs 3 and weird spectacle, - The pit was Bisr...r month 5oo all ablaze below; the 8y-was.- ilfaraglow above, 'lhe kahunas SACHS',

    : Honolulu, H. 1.h&vZ foreign i1 6 00 m (la office formerly occupied by Mr. O

    oo their fantastic attire and strange 165Myi t r: Rogers).:5I,0Eey motions showed up distinct in the -- ttt , T.;r .-- n,--,1 104 Fort Street,ablyln,, w nrA nf fca eidosconic r;olor from " . --- -,- - - .i i

    foyKtBDEB- - the molten mass below." The WHERE YOUAT - T.AW AND CHOICEWILL FIND A NEWASSORTMENT OFjgementsmuBt whole article is too long to insert -- n; iirxxL. -- :5 nere as aiier a very eooa aeacriD- - i : 1808tionofthe appearance of that by f ent to !k Acknowledgment.


    Capital. . .Assets, ..

    mgnt comes a long ueiaiiea rom- - I owics no. is jaanumanu street,ance about t.hfl saRrifirPTin PhIp. nf P 69--y lulu, H. I. $ 6,000,000

    $ 9,000.000pigs, poultry, and gin.jg Merchant

    Honolulu. H. Immm


    Typewriter and . Notary Public.HXzw CXbMvtimrunls.


    Oceanic Steamship Co.(slej-- ci to chakgk.)

    The Australia and ZealandiaLe&Te San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.

    Leare Honolulu at 12 M. Tuesdays.The ThrouKli Steamers Leare San Fran-

    cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.


    Mariposa. June 25 .... July 2Ze&laudia June 30 .... July 7Australia July 14 .... July 21Monowai July 23 .... July 30Zealandia July 28 .... Aug. 4Australia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18Alameda ...... Aug. 20 .... Aug. 27Zealandia Aug. 25 .... tSept. 1Australia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15Mariposa Sept. 17 .... Sept. 24Zealaudia Sept. 22 .... fcept, 29Australia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22


    Australia June 30 .... July 7Monowai July 2 .... July 9Zealandia July 14 .... July 21Australia July 28 .... Aug. 4Alameda...... July 30 .... Aug. 6Zealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18Australia Aug. 25 .... bept. 1Mariposa Aug. 27 Sept. 3Zealandia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 29Monowai Sept. 24 .... Oct. 1Zealandia Oct. 6 .... Oct. 13Australia Oct. 20 Oct. 27Alameda ...... Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Zealandia...... Nov. 3 Nov. 10Australia...... Nov. 17 Nov. 24Mariposa Nov. 9 .... Nov. 26

    2690-3- m

    Australian Mail Service


    EMBROIDERED FLOUNCESFor Ladies and Children;

    EMBROIDERY, EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS, in Swiss, Hamburg andNainsook ;

    WHITE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; and an immense assmt. ofi

    Fancy Striped knd Plaid Wash MaterialsIn the Newest Designs; -


    Having been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

    H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.13fil2684-- qOffice with L. A. Thurston. 2703--q

    advertisements and


    flowed to sell

    fi w receive payments fromi the Daily Adver- -



    r Steam --Engines,UVbiw Gazette can al- -purchased from the

    fiat the office of publica-Cif.itii- ntstreet.

    XSojlra .Sugar; ftEllls, Coolers, Brassand Iea4t, Castings, .

    CRACKERS. 63 WI runt Apvebtisee, $1.50 And machinery of erery description made tofrtpr. or ?00 a year.Si - xrl o rear in orcter,

    . Particular attention paid to snipa' Diacx- ---iitiling. Job work 'executed on the shortest

    mtlce. , ... r r 2651ftenber wbo pays to the un-- The Popular Mijlkj House, 104 Fort S

    2651 --qEverybody eats crackers and consei advance,will receive one

    le" Tourists' Ucide " as

    Is rpward will be paid forPioneer Steam


    F, HORN Practical Ooniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

    j 5MISS ID. LAMB,

    Stenograplier and Type-write- r,

    Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,gear the Postoffice. 2677

    ; DR. EMERSON,

    OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr. Tuc-ker's office).

    Orrics Hou--- 9 to 11 a'm., and 2 to 3

    L that will lead to theU of any one stealing theCfeekly left at the office orUj subscribers.

    advertisements should betin during the day, to insure

    CASTLE & COOKE,IMPORTERS,- - No. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74.

    1356 2651ion the next morning. Shortwived up to 10 p. M.

    PUS GAZETTE CO.,j H. M. Whitsey, Manager. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.



    Shipping and Commission


    LOVE'S BAKERYHo. 73 Nnnana Street.

    MBS. BOBT. LOYE, . . - Proprietress,

    quently anything relating to theirmanufacture and sale is of general in-terest. There was a time in the his-tory of the business when crackerswere.aU about the same. One brandwas just about as good as another andnone of them were good enough to beany great temptation to a delicatestomach. That time has passed. Itwas a good many years ago. Thecrackers of the present generation areas different as day from night. Thereare good crackers and bad crackers ;fresh crackers and stale crackers ; andof the whole lot, stale . crackers arethe worst. -

    There are some grocers in the coun-try who sell stale, Unpalatable crack-ers because they can get them cheapand make a big profit on them. They

    rt new and fins Al steel steamshipf. m. ; Banaays, iowa.m.

    Bell Telephone No. 51. Residence 5School street. 2704-3m- g

    vj DR.- - K. KOBAYASHI, DEALERS INVieanelves responsible for theilMiroploicai expressed by our 99ALAMEDAI NO. 161 FORT STREET.

    Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be doeJailtaS Bill No. xS. at Honelnlo (rom Sydney and Auckland

    on or abouttob. If this bill becomes

    -- Offiok Houbs 8 to 10 a. m. ; 1 to 4and 7 to 9 P. m. 2G55-2- m

    : FRANK B. AUERBACH,be the fault of the peo- -


    PLANTATION SUPPLIESCarpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,


    a Government if they think their customers don't Know trieach or too little money I difference and by and by, when their j Agent to-Taw- ! Acknowledgements to

    Instruments fob the Districtioa, as this bill leaves it cracker trade is all gone, and theydon't sell a box in a week, they look

    ETery Description of Plain and Faniy

    Bread arid Crackers,--ibebs

    Soda CrackersA K I- D-

    Saloon BreadAlwnyft' on Hand.


    Inland Orders Promptly Attended to,2651-- q

    0. BREWEfi & COMPANY,



    July 30, 1891,And wlllleave for the abeve port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

    for freight or passage, having 8UPKBI0BACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

    Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AOBNTS.

    decide in their regularRainess. If they don't

    kI o Kona, Oahtj.

    Office Oalru II: R. & L. Co.'s Depot, up-stairs.,' "r -

    Mav 11. 1891. ; ; ' 2761 -- lm

    surprised and say: "Funny how peo-ple's tastes change. People don't carefor crackers any more."

    Don't they though? People don'tcare for stale, unwholesome crackers.

    i they can take their Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, andand bonds to the bankre, or chaDge their cir- - General Merchandise.that's true, but they do care for acracker that is pure and fresh, and

    altogether delightful as an article of For Sydney and Auckland.I'O money."ave too much they can I food.

    Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugal?,V Il 1 A . t m mmm . a muugeia cemncate ot The American uiscuit wo.:jwid an has a manufacturing capacity of 800interest the

    j' LEWERS & COOKE,

    ; (Suocesiors to Levers & Dlokson) .

    Importers and IKialers In LumberAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.

    So. 82 FOB T STBEET, Honolnln. 2651


    Importer and Dealer In

    aENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. iit Qaeen'StreetHonolnln. 2651

    Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

    Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.The new and fine Al steel steamship

    MONOWAI COMMISSION AGENTS.552651 1356-- qpositing ig now done atk bank, or if the bor--p

    it back he can redeem

    it Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be

    barrels of flour daily. This enormousquantity it makes into a greater va-riety of goods than any other bakeryin the United States of America, andyet is scarcely able to fill its orders.It is turning out more crackers to-d-aythan it ever did before, and the tradeis still growing. Why is it? It issimple enough. Their crackers arethe best that are made. People whotry them invariably want them againand the rocer who sells them always

    ENTERPRISE PLANING MILLpiticato of deposit ordue at Honolulu from San Francisco

    or or about -

    July 30, 1891.geabIo bond" would giveLIST Or OFFICEEB:

    J . O. Carter PresidentGeo. H. Robertson.... .....TreasurerE. F. Bishop.. SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen.. Auditor


    JCr of the country all:it7 that trade and pro- - WILLIAM O. AOHI,

    Attobney and counsellor at law,PETER HIGH, - - - Proprietor.

    OFITIC-- C ND IV1III1i :And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls anassensers for the above ports.r possibly require,

    settle the elfistioit.tr For freight or passage, having SDPKBIOB ACfinds that they not only prove a goodsource of revenue to him, but makejhis store popular with the people. ' COMMODATIONS, apply to Bent B. TVatCThOtu9on. C. B, Bishop.Notary Public and Real EstateBroker. 2651iantity of the currency

    On Alakea and Richards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,C CIUS governed by 2651Of ficx 36 Merchant Street; Wm. O. Irwin.Clans HpreckelChants of trade.fcf 'quality of the cur- -

    American Crackersare made by skilled bakers, of thevery purest and best materialsobtainable. . They are sent out of thefactory fresh from the ovens, and are

    265l-- q : - AGjCNTp.H. HACKFELD & CO.,


    --BAJSTKERS.1 ; never rendered unwholesome ana un- - General Commission Agents (I,lmlted.;3

    EfcEtc Wm. G. Ibwut, - President and Manager, BiWs, Screens, FramesSashDoors HAWAIIAJJ I8LA27DBBOKOLULUClaus Sfeeckkls, - - Vice-Preside- nt

    beinp. , 7 Lircaiaon palatable as well by being stored in? Iul1 tender and a warehouse a month or two waiting

    wemoBt durable kind for orders. The orders are alwaystf for its fioal redemption waiting for the crackers. Always ask!?. always Ldy for

    ? allof its currency at American Cracker3.

    Gor. Fort Q-t- en Stt., Honolnla. 2651

    W. E. R0WELL,:WALIJB M. OIFFAED, - - -

    - - Secretary and TreasurerThxo. C. Pobtkb, - - - AuditorTURNED AND SAWED WORK. Draw Exchange en the principal parts o th

    world.w.; fen?er8 it imDossible rf tp nnt aiadv familiar with Rn mnftfli and. Surveyor& I M. T WV W ' - - " i J " ........ " Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.L ;ra by all the eold them, try them and be convinced ofJ vuuopno Will receive

    deposits on open account, malr.tcollections and condnct a general banlng andexchange business.

    Boom 5, Spreckels Block.82-- y r 23-Hav-

    ing Just received some NEW MACHINERY with the latest!!. t f f tha Kat firms in the East, we are now prepared to dothe truth of all that has been saidabout them. You'll never regret it.

    Factory, Broadway and liatteryStreets, San Francisco, Cal.



    OCEANIO STEAMSHIP CO.,Of San Francisco, Cal.fovidea V , lDat thl9 good work at shorter notice and lower rates than ever before, and having lately? i n-- aoi fi:K!ass mfihanir.s. we will make a specialty of .BEAVER

    SALOON,f1382-t-f. :. Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. (Limited) hasFort Street Opposite Wilder A Co.' assumed the assets and liabilities of theTr7 Windom. Tht ' H. J. NOLTE, PaOPBXETOB. late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co.. and will

    Deposits bearing Interest received In their Bavlugs Department subject to pnbliahed rules andregulations. - 2681-- q

    FURNISHED EOOMS.ALFRED S. HARTWELL,e ? .:vuuu m oualitv. Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc. continue the general business formerlyFint-cls-si Lnncha-- SerTed with' Tea, Coffee,u UUSlnf ,i , J 1 carried on by that house. j 6bi--z i u?- -qBoda water, winger &ie or!

    system ..flu, the EAGLE HOUSE07"Prompt attention to all orders.:o

    Open From 3 m.tlU 10 p.m.2651

    i'lTmBOtAL1 SALOON,I eritinJ!0 , bave different NUUANO" AVENUE. .TELEPHONES

    Counsellor - at - LawOffice in Cartwright Building, opposite

    Post Office, Honolulu, H. I. i2789 1379-t- f -

    Instruction in Music.

    FORT - ST. HOUSE,No. 1S4 Fort Street.

    your pen "BELL 498.Cor. Siinsna ana aercusai IUTXJAL 65.2724-- qThe

    THIS FIRST-CLAS- S TAMIL.Hotel (situate in the most pleas-ant part of the City) continues tooffer the comforts of a home to

    " sola standard of" ' Under the Management of

    .eep alwayi In stock Variety of thabest Wines,rjaiars. Beers, and lc oold beers on draught at

    ELtGANT FURMSHED ROOMSeither single or en suite, at reason-able rates. Hot and cold watertransients and others.arranged to a Adjoining the Main Building are several

    New Cottages specially constructed forE. MclntTre & Bro.

    I2UX3BTEBS A5D IEAK H8 IerytrMr u. C01Q standard, inss rtthannf n. PATCH WILL ;.0 cents per glass.

    baths and all modern conveniences to befound in a first-clas- s house. Apply on thepremises to

    27IO-l- m WM. P. CROOKS.family use. - laoie unsurpassed.2651: rCall and See F.sa OET-Ter- .uo per day, $i.uu weeiy.

    8pecial arrangements for monthlytotl,! Ctl0nnder it is resume the teach'ng of vocal and m--ihl " Standard strumental music after Sept. 1st. Refers

    money eVer7 by permission to her patrons in Honolulu.1? Usnwf m6asures anth. Address Kawaiahao Seminary. No-ll. cu Or (!ninrj j ?. t ni.A nt rosiHoncp will be enven on

    T. KEOUSE. Prop..boarders.Honolulu. H. I.26951363--qGhroceries, IProvisions and Feed)I LEWIS & CO.,

    Wholesale and Retail Grocefs,PAPER HANGING! PAINTER !

    TF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLAS- S JOBJ?0rtgage and bond

    : sast coasa poar and king stekkts.JL of Painting of any description done,C IVE J. L. MEYER,THE PAINTER

    Japanese Employment Office

    MOVED TO N0.23 MAUNAKEAHAS Mutual Telephone No. 574. .

    ooods received by every packet from the Eastern States and .Europe ftresh CaliforniaI JC a call and have your paper hanging J call on the practical Painter, .J L.

    Jr,L h-- --err steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the do--e r,roIDtlv and neatlv. 130 FortS MEYER onlv. . 130 Fort 8t. P.CSTREET.i - 111 FORT2748-l- y.t ' r.i-- iiHtan anlirlted. eausfactlon ruaranted. FostoiSce VOX ro. i i v"P. O.Box387.- - 2748-l-y I Bos 387.lpea SAO F. O. Box 997 I city free of cnargiTelephone Ho.


  • S Ayr a" "" 1 : " w" "r -- 22. ; ;v , ,

    Incidentals Auditor- - ball for a bounty of $9,GO0jOO0 fromthe Fereral Treasury, if crop ex

    the masters of their own destiniesfar relations are con-

    cerned.as as foreign

    If they find it to their adHawaiian Hardware Co,, I'd, PACIFIC IIABlHYAliE

    Jb'ort Street, jj(

    A n " ' - - 1

    - : The EDDY Refrigerators and Ice Chests, of vhichways given satisfaction. They are plain, well made and ft0

    The WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE C R F AM FRE FZFRsold hundreds, are generally known and appreciated k'hand from a large invoice just received from the factory, n11paiierpw. "vni

    fSCWe keep reliable goods and sell at reasonuM Ir'S. Immmmmmmmmmm mmh



    Positive Preventat

    Jear8. and A

    on account

    Irigerator, T8

    this market7 W fc

    m Gun



    r' I



    flXTFor Sale by


    certificates have expired and aspirants forteachers' positions will be held at Fort-st- .School, on MONDAY and TUESDAY,July 13th and 14th. Intending applicantswill please communicate with the Office ofthe Board of Education, giving name andaddress.

    ALATAD T. ATKINSON,Inspector-Gener- al of Schools.

    2811-- 3t '


    Of the Hawaiian Treasury forthe Quarter Ending Jane

    30, 1891.

    CURRENT ACCOUNT RECEIPTS.Curent bal., Apr. 1,

    1891 $346,534 37Interior Department. 44.552 12Customs 143,725 12Fines, penalties, costs 11,599 80Revenue stamps 4,592 00San Fran. Consul fees 5,656 50Water 3.979 20Fish Market. 1,617 50Post Offlco 13 378 87Prison 3,279 11Registry Office 2,072 25Brands., 30 00Govt, realizations.... 1,700 27Electric liKht 1.178 15Internal taxes 1,653 70

    $239,014 59$585,548 96

    EXPENDITURES CIVIL LI8T.Salaries $ 8,083 32


    Payments for qu'rter .$ 462 50JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT.

    Sal Chief Justice andAssociates $ 4,832 00

    Sal. clerks and short-- ,hand Teporter 2,368 65

    Sal. interpreters andmessengers 2,163 50

    Sal. Crc't. Judges andclerks 2,481 33

    Sal. Police and Dis-trict Judges 4,208 50

    Exps. Supreme Court 1,177 35Exps. Circuit Court. . 1,165 68

    ,Exps. witnesses crim-inal cases 1,180 55

    Purchase law booksand incidentals .... 295 93

    $ 19,873 49

    DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS.Sal. Minister, clerks.. $ 2,825 00Sal. and exps. Envoy

    at Washington 2,048 86Sal. and exp. Consul- -

    Gen'l San Francisco 4,875 00Diplomatic and con-

    sular services 1.085 25Exps. foreign agents.. 72 76State entertainments. 598 82Incidentals 208 55Education Hawaiian

    youths abroad 645 85Relief, etc., indigent

    Hawaiians 806 50King's Guard 6,072 31Band, flags, salutes.. 7.907 64

    $ 27,146 54

    INTERIOR DEPARTMENT.Sal. Minister, clerks...$ 4,320 00Messenger.incid'ntals 533 07Sal. Surveyor Gen '1.. 875 00Sal. Bureau Survey.. 4,110 00Surveying Molokai... 228 0Exps. field parties .... 800 73Surv'ying homesteads 1,587 58Incidentals Bureau of

    Survey 276 00Meteorology 50 85Sal. Registrar of Con-

    veyances and clerks 1,587 50Incid'ls. Reg. Office. . 13 22Re-indexi- ng Old Rec. 300 00Copying Recs. Land

    Commission 390 00Sal. Insp. Gen'l., Jap.

    lnsp. and Sec'y. Im-migration 1,800 00

    Incidentals Board ofImmigration 152 50

    Return N.Hebrideans 60 00Sal. Wostmaster-Gen'- l

    and clerks 4,772 50Postmasters, mail car-

    riers, incidentals... 8,133 36Sal.Sup.Public Works 875 00Assistants, incid'ntals 1,099 73Repairs, etc., Govern-

    ment buildings . . 6,522 50Iron fence around the

    Palace . 36 00Landings and buoys. 5,185 72Lghthouses 1,119 05Dredging Honolulu

    Harbor 3,002 52Roads and bridges. ... 21,153 40RoadSupr., Hono.... 332 0&Sal. Supt. Water

    Works and clerks.. 1,425 00Reps. & running exps.

    Water Work , . 4,224 15Sal. President & Sec'y

    Board Health 955 50Gen. exps. Bd. Health 1,832 06Bid. repairs, mainte-

    nance hospitals .... 1.667 04Reps & care quar'tne 1,182 56Quarantine Exps 68 50Support of non-lepro- us

    children 2,223 64Medicines 1,001 69Segregation of lepers. 26,126 55Govt, physicians 3,408 32Ex. removing garbage 2,120 17Mamt. of nurseries. .. 683 49

    . Public grounds. 1,710 40Hono. Fire Departm't 4,607 99Repairs, etc., Insane

    Asylum.. 5,307 89Repairs, etc., electric

    light 2,830 13Repairs, etc.markets. 132 50Likelike fun'l claims. 14 20Lighting sts. other

    than Honolulu . 105 70Printing 987 35Guards Aliiolani Hale 150 00Guard R'l Mausoleum 37 50Exps. of election 1,910 25Aid to Queen's Hosp'l. 2,500 00Aid to Kapiolani Ma- -

    - ternity Home 300 00Incidental Expenses

    Homestead Act ... 121 34Quarantine diseased

    animals 408 11Government pounds. 645 09Diamond Hd. station . '198 00


    Monday, July 6.

    . Has it ever occurred to' youthat the best insurance is a fireand burglar-proo- f Safe ? Per-

    haps it has and you thought,from what your friends havetold you of the price they paidlong ago that you could notafford to buy one.

    Good Safes at prices lessthan reasonable are an inno-vation here and we believe weare responsible for it. Take apeep at those just inside theentrance to our store.

    We mentioned, incidentally,last week something aboutHaviland ware; we're throughstock taking now and haveopened a number of casks ofjust such China as you want tomake your table a poem andyour China pantry a picture.Haviland ware not only im-proves the appearance of thetable but adds, as well, to thetaste of the good, things setbefore your guests.

    One great advantage inHaviland is the fact of yourbeing able to buy a singlepiece at the same rate youwould a hundred and you donthave to buy a full set at onetime. You can buy a y2 doz.plates and have a nucleus of adinner or tea set and add to itas you wish. Ifyou have whatis called a "regular set" ofdecorated China and your ser-vant breaks even a singlepiece your set is ruined be-cause it is impossible to matchdishes in such sets. WithHaviland's it is different, wemake a specialty of and rec-ommend a very pretty patternknown as " 2 ig&J' ' --Selectedbecause of its delicate beauty,and because it is the prettiestof a hundred or more differentpatterns made by Haviland.The flowers are so natural inappearance that they needonly fragrance to tempt one topick them from the dish. Youthink we exaggerate but wedon't; come and see for yourself. In addition to the regulation pieces for dinner or teawe have sets for fish, berriessalad, ice cream or roast beef.If you already have a set thatyou do not want to lay asidewe will help you to break themonotony of the meal by selling you the necessary piecesfor a single course, say a saladset. You'll make a great im-pression on your guests if youaccept our suggestions, andyou will be pretty well pleasedwith the taste you have shownin the selection. ?

    Are you interested in lamps?We are and for that reason weare careful to get the best. Soshould you. If Diogenes hadprovided himself with one suchas we offer you he would havefound the honest man he waslooking for and would havepicked out something betterthan a tub as a place of residence. The McKinley bill orsome other Bill has made sucha reduction in the prices at themanufactory where we dealthat we can sell you the bestsubstitute for sunlight at alower price than you ever paidbefore. We have a large andhandsome assortment andevery one prettier than . itsneighbor.

    General's office 82 16: 1 37,130 15

    attorney-gkskral'- s department.Sals. Attorney-Gen- 'l

    and Deputy ........ 2,125 00Sals. Marshal & Clerk. 1.675 00Jailor Oahu Prison. .. 3? 0 00Sheriffs fe Clerks 1,629 17Pay of Police 61.954 60Clerk and incidentals. 6,361 28 .Coroner's inquest?. .. 152 50Support of prisoners. 11,199 59

    150,397 14

    BUREAU OF PUBLIC IK8TBUCTI0S.Sals. Inspector --i3en-

    eral and Clerks. . S 2.125 00Support Eng., Haw'n

    and Com. Schools . . 42.549 97Industrial & Reform

    School 745 00Aid to St. Louis Col . . 5,000 00Ex. Normal instruct'n 150 00Prof, of Chemistry ... 600 00

    ?51,169 97

    SECTION 2.Advertising list of

    Govt, officials S 575 00Subsidy to O.S.S.Co . . 4,000 00Hosp'IFund estimated 192 56

    - 4,7u7 56SECTION 4.

    Exps, steam tug.. ... $ 1,750 068UNDRY EXPENDITURES.

    Funeral Exp. His LateMajesty Kalakaua.$ 3,571 06

    Current Balance.June30,1891 236.899 15

    $585,548 96


    Loan Fund balance.April 1,1891 $151,046 80

    Haw. Postal Sav. Bk. 5,500 00Post.Sav. bk Loan Act 13,700 00Loan Act, Oct.15, '86. 91,000 00

    $110,200 00

    $261,246 80

    EXPENDITURES.Postal Savings Bank,

    withdrawals $ 82,100 00section 3.

    Gov't Storehouse, Esplanade 31 25

    New ma rket house . . . 3,254 31Fire-pr- 'f vaults, Gov't

    Buildings 830 50Repairs court House,

    Makawao 41 60Addition to Insane

    Asvlum 70 00New wharf, Hilo 207 00New wharves, etc., at

    Honolulu 80Repairs breakwater,

    etc., Labama. 1.936 20Honolulu harbor, im

    proving bar 996 80Addition to Hontlulu

    waterworks 6.715 94Filter plant Honolulu

    water works 34 75Koloa water works . . . 778 31Wailuku and Kahului

    water works 608 34Hilo water works 5.351 58Road damages 9.302 84New roads, Kau, Ha

    waii 844 91Roads and bridges, 6.

    itona 747 23Roads and bridges, N.

    iiona 3.193 91Roads and bridges, N.

    Kohala 176 65New road between N.

    and S. Kohala 1.125 03Roads and bridges.

    Hamakua 88 77Volcano Road 955 25Amounts expended

    Volcano Road. etc.. 13.615 09Road from Lahaina

    to Maalaea 34 00Waimea bridge 1.250 00Macadamising str'ts,

    Honolulu 12.325 77Roads, Kalihi valley.. 5,691 17R'd o'er Nuaanu Pali. 98 10R'd back of Honolulu. 2.411 09Bridge, Wailua river. 500 00Aid to immigration . . 12,553 24Addition to electric

    light svstem 5.207 12Aid to Telephone Co.

    on nawau l,ZOU 00Hanalei road, Waioli

    to Haena 600 00-- $ 92,827 55

    Loan Fund balance,J une 30, 1891 86,319 25

    $201,246 80


    April 1, current bal.. $346,534 37Loan Fund balance.. 151,046 80

    Total Treasnry bal. $497,581 17RECEIPTS.

    Current $239,014 59Postal Savings Bank.. 5.500 00Savings B'k Loan Acr.. 13,700 00Lioan Act, Uct. lo, '86 91,000 00

    --$349,214 59

    $81-3,79- 5 76EXPENDITURES.

    Current expenses ....$348,649 81rostal havings Bank,

    Withdrawals 82 100 OftSection 3 92,827 55

    $523,577 36June 30, current bal.. $23699 15.Loan Fund balance.. 86,319 25

    323.218 40

    $846,795 76

    H. A. WIDEMANN,Minister of Finance.

    Treasury Department, July 1, 1891.


    Be Just and fear not;Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

    Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's,

    FRIDAY, ULY 10, 1891.


    A dispatch from New Orleans,dated June 29th, as given in onrCalifornia exchanges, calls atten-tion to the fact that the SugarBounty law passed by the last Con-gress requires that all applicationsfor bounty must be filed with theInternal Revenue Department be-fore Jaly 1. This regulation, how-ever, appears to be widely known,as they have been coming in at therate of from twenty to fifty a daysince the beginning of June. Of840 sugar plantations in Louisiana,about600 have applied, but it isstated that a number of these willnot come within the provisions ofthe law, which requires 80 percentof saccharine matter.

    The applications show that theplanters expect a crop of 450,000,.000 pounds of sugar, which might

    pectations are ' realized. TheLouisiana crop of 1890-- 1 amountedto k19 1,224 tons, and if, as antici-pated, one-thir- d of the sugar madefails to obtain a bounty from lackof purity of the sugar, or fromother causes, the probability is thatthe amount of bounty required tocompensate Louisiana planters willnot be over six or seven millionsinstead of $9,000,000, as the dis-patch estimates.

    Should the next or any futureCongress serve the Louisiana planters as the last served the Hawaii-an planters and terminate thebonuses voted to them withoutnotice and in direct violation of thesacred obligations of treaty andlaw, it will afford another instanceof the uncertainty of human hopes,when based on legislative enactments.



    It was until very lately the boastof those who have been trained insome of the old political schools,saya the N. Y. " Illustrated Aus-strali- an

    and South American," thatthe policy of non-interferen- ce withthe foreign policy of other nationsand the prompt resentment of anyattempt on their part to interferewith us, outlined from the veryfoundation of our government, had,until then, been strictly adhered to,and they are disposed to criticisesharply the increasing tendencydisplayed by our statesmen to con-cern themselves with matters ofstate in which other countries areclosely interested. The part wetook in the Samoan troubles, theinterference of an American ad-miral during the bombardment ofAlexandria, our intervention whenrevolution threatened the Hawaii-an Islands and the despatch of ourcommissioner xto Ilayti during therevolution there, are among themany evidences of our increasingreadiness to act as peace-mak- er orpeace-preserv- er where we are like-ly to be benefitted by such action.

    We run no serious risk of errorwhen we prophesy that this tend-ency is certain to increase. As longas we had no interest in the pur-chasing power of other nations, orwere at most the carriers of theirproducts, we had no reason to in-terfere with their arrangements.They might go up or down andchange rulers every week, it wasseldom that there were any American interests to be injured. Afterthe war, when our flag and the vessels that bore it had almost whollydisappeared from foreign harbors,we were even to a greater extentisolated and sundered from ourneighbors.

    Within a few years, however,things have very materiallychanged. With the expansion ofour industrial operations, there hasbeen developed an interest in theprospects of a market abroad fortheir productions, and we are nolonger as indifferent as we were tothe fate of the nations with whichwe have established trade relations.

    The effect of the reciprocitypolicy will naturally be to increaseour solicitude for the welfare ofcertain nations. It is hardly reasonable to suppose that we couldregard, with the indifference thathas characterized our past attitudetowards all foreign nations, the attempt of a great commercial andindustrial power eager to extendits territory and increase the number of its customers, to intimidateor pos3ibly absorb a weaker country with which we had succeededin opening up a profitable business.The opposition that was promptlydeveloped to the proposition thatFrance should acquire control ofthe Panama isthmus, in further-ance of the DeLesseps canalscheme, revealed the existence oliL' 1.! X Jmis scum men L, aim we can imaginehow strongly it would manifest itself should some, one of the greatpowers attempt to seize upon theHawaiian kingdom or any one ofthe Central American republicsthat trade liberally with us.

    A writer in one of the dailypapers, recently called attention tothe fact that the foundations ofevery notable scheme of nationalaggrandisement that was not basedstrictly upon military prowess,were laid in the commercial rela-tions established by the centralpower when consolidating itssmaller and weaker neighbors. Itbegan with an interest in theirmarkets, led to the offer of encouragemeht to their merchants,and concluded with the effacementof commercial and the ultimateobliteration of political barriers.It is urged by this writer that alittle reflection must convince usthat under the guidance of Secretary Blame we have entered on acourse whose fixed and by nomeans distant goal is the acquire-ment for the United States of notonly commercial but politicalascendancy throughout the Western Hemisphere.

    We do not recognize any seriousdanger in such a programme.There is hardly any fear of ourentanglement with European na-tions by reason of such a policy;they have all the possessions theyare likely to acquire in the West-ern .Hemisphere, and the Southand Central American nations are

    vantage to enter into a commercialalliance with us, we cannot seethat we are to be the losers vy iupcompact, and it is folly to antici-pate disaster from relations which,XJ all- - - -should they be consummuieu u ,would be affected only to avert thevery results that the advocates ofthe "Chinese Wall" policy professto fear. As a matter of fact weare gradually "coming out or ourshell," as far as foreign commercialand political interests are con-cerned, and we have alreadyemerged so far that party traditions and jealousies can hardlyimpede our iunuer pufiicoo.vu.FN. Y. Illus. Australian and SouthAmerican.

    Overheard oh the Street.

    Harry "What time is it Charley ?" ....

    Cbas. "Can't find ont from me.Harry" What 1 No watch on the

    end of that chain? "Chas. " Oh, yes, watch enough,

    but it don't keep time."Marry " why don't you nave 11

    put in order? "Chas. "Have tried over and over

    again, but no go."Harry " Have you taken it to

    Wichman?"Chas. "No."Harrv Well, now what have you

    been thinking of? You take it tohim. He has the boss watch maker.and if he can't make her go ontime, there is no go in it."

    "Right you are Harry, I'll remember you at Christmas."

    2808 tf H. . Wichman.

    Brain workers, and all who have tostand the severe mental strain conse-quent on intellectual employment, rindClements Tonic invaluable. Iiol-list- er

    & Co. are the Agents for theislands.

    3Tcu) wrtisemcnts.

    This Day.Special Sale of


    I have been instructed to sell at Public" Auction,

    ON FRIDAY, JULY IOAt IO o'clock, A. Mi.

    At my Salesrooms, a general assortment ofJapanese Ware to close consign-

    ments, consisting ofHand-painte- d Tea Seta,Vases, Desert and Fruit Plates,Flower Pots, Tea Pots,

    Enamel & Inlaid WareVery chaste, in great variety:

    Bamboo and Bead Door Screens,Fire Screens, Umbrellas. Fans,Colored Lanterns, Door Mats,Go d Embroidered Door Screens andBedspreads, Silk Han.1 kerchiefs,Sashes, Robes, Etc. Also,


    Lewis J". Levey,2809-3- t AUCTIONEER.

    A Chance to Buy

    .facialis at ArtiiOn Tuesday, July 14th

    --At 13 o'clock Noon,At my Salesrooms, Queen Street, I will

    sell at Public Auction,

    Choice Homestead Lois

    Situated at Kaluapalena,Kalihi.

    The lots are situated on the main road,in close proximity to King street, and arethe finest Residence Lots offered for sale.

    The lots vary in size from 100x100 feet to1Q0x150 feet.

    Lot No. 10 is an elegant Lot, on which isa new and convenient Dwelling House.

    -Now is the chance to buy a Home-stead in a cool and healthy location.

    XyDon't miss this opportunity 1E&'A large map on view at my Sales-room, where will be given further particu- -

    Jas. F. Morgan,2808-t- f AUCTIONEER.




    At, 3:30 p. M.


    Honoiulus vs. Hawaiis !


    notice:.J)R. G. P. ANDREWS WILL BE OUTof town until July 26th. 28O0-3- t

    113 and 115 HFort Street,1381 2651-- q




    tip .mmm

    Steel and Iron Eanges, Stoves an



    White. Gray and Silver-plate- d-

    J--J JLXX. XT O XA JJN J--r



    Ti ov nrof0i. and Soil PiPesi In

    Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet1


    DIMOND BLOCK, 95 aaa s" -- T

    1356 2601-- q vv



    Subsidy to stmr. be-tween Hono.&Lanai. " COO 00Rent of C. H.LotKa- -

    hului, etc 150 00Physician and agent.

    Act to Mit 316 67$139,298 02


    Sals. Minister, Audi-tor, Registrar, Clerk$ 3,406 00

    Sals. Tax Assessors &Collectors.; 2 558 00

    Dep. Assessors & Cols 367 83Clerk Assessor,Oahu. 375 00Pay Tax Appeal B'rd .5 00Inci'ls.Assessorsoffice 287 43Stamps and dies. .... SO 82Dog tags............. 235 62Messenger & incid'ls. 450 85Printing certificates &

    bonds.... 220 00Int. on public debt... 16,258 50" Sals. Customs bureau 11,476 50Custom House boat. . 236 23Incid'ls Cast'm House 802 43Judgment in favor of

    R. Oliver. .337 78

    WESTERMA.YER'S CABINET PIANU w CWlatest improvements and made expressly w .

    . ALSO Ro'fldo'tf

    r : , . rrMits andJ. & j. tL UttER'S FIANOS UaDines uj-e- -


    (Opp. Spreckela Block),


    P (JThe Weekly Gazette and Daily



    Honolulu and Hawaii play baliif table.No Stam! No Fire! No Boiler! No Danger!

    Farewell Meeting to Mr. Fuller,Retiring Secretary, and Mr.--P. C JoneaHall Filled.

    The Y. M.C. A. Hall waa crowded


    The Supreme Court has two newnotices in this issue.

    1891. 99i MP yrapChief Justice A. F. Judd will hear 17 " occasion being REG1N VAPOR ENGINE!divorce cases to-da- y. - lareweu reception tendered by theassociation to the retiring secretary,

    Inspector-Genera- l A. T. Atkinson Mr S D Fuller, and Mr. P. C. Jones;has a notice for teachers elsewhere. also iT the public recognition of th rp.P.M.



    I a.i58:5

    .. 10:51 3:51 5:45toll .' 4:55 6:50t "j

    Just re-rea- d the announcementof Mr. Levey about the Japaneseware he offers for sale to-da- y.

    Refrigerators are much in demandthese days. The Pacific Hardware

    8:35" 14

    cently-chose- n secretary, Mr. H.W. Peck.Mr. W. J . Lowrie acted at chairman.

    He stated the object of the meeting, re-ferring to the resignation of Mr. Fuller,Mr. Peck's appointment and acceptanceand of the absence from the islands inthe near future of Messrs. P. C. Jonesand S. D. Fuller.

    After a quartette was sung, Mr. H. W.Peck, the new secretary, was introduced.



    6:073 Company keep a full supply.

    There will be a prayer meeting atthe Y. M. C. A. Hall this

    Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Par-sonage. My acquaintance withyour remedy, Boschee's GermanSyrup, was made about fourteenyears ago, when I contracted a Coldwhich resulted in a Hoarseness anda Cough which disabled me fromfilling my pulpit for a number ofSabbaths. After trying a Physician,without obtaining relief I cannotsay now what remedy he prescribed

    I saw the advertisement of yourremedy and obtained a bottle. Ireceived such quick and permanenthelp from it that whenever we havehad Throat or Bronchial troublessince in our family, Boschee's Ger-man Syrup has been our favorite

    "remedy and always with favorableresults. I have never hesitated toreport my experience of its use toothers when I have found themtroubled in like manner." Rev.W. H. Haggartv,


    6:40! evening 4,1 1110 course or nis remarks. He statedcommencing at 7:30 o'clock: subiert, that he had been here for a number ofnnlV. " The presence of God." Strangers ar8an(1 was pretty well acquainted with2786 q me youne tellows. so the work wnnMand all cordially invited.r3 except

    lNTLUaENCE. The regular monthly rifle matchof the Hawaiian Rifle Associationwill take place Saturday afternoon,commencing at 2:30 o'clock. Entries

    be a pleasure. He had intended leavingthe Islands, and while waiting for newsfrom the States, accepted the offer of theassociation. He spoke of the work Mr.Jones has done for and the substantialaid he has given to the Y. M. C. A.,characterising him as its main pillar.Mr. Jones' work in the temperance fieldwas a subject for some of the speaker'searnest remarks. In reference to Mr.Fuller, he spoke of his intimate ac-quaintance with him. thus affordiner an

    .....Hwn Perl Harbor.may be made at the range until thematch commences.

    of the Newark, NewThursday, July 9.Jersey, M.E. Confer- -

    A SafeRemedy.opportunity of judging the worth of the ence, April 25, 90.

    The four arrested several days agofor taking a hand in che fa werefound guilty yesterday in the Po-lice Court and sentenced to pay afine of $500. An appeal was noted.Now for the next arrest; plenty more

    0kaii, HUbus. forLaupabochoe,

    Star, Duncan, forKSt MorningG.G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J.


    The above cut is an excellent illustration of our Horizontal Engines which we manufacture in sizes from U to 20Horse Power, and are adapted for Pumping, Electric Lighting, Running Elevators, Harvesting and Thrashing Machines,Printing Presses, Boot and Shoe Machinery, Circular, Band and Jig Saws, Hoisting, Mill and Mining Machinery, OotleeMills and Roasters, Polishing and Fanning Machines, Ventilating Apparatus, Emery Wheels, etc.; in fact everywhere poweris needed.

    The Regan Vapor Engines having more than realized the anticipations of purchasers, we have now thepleasure to submit Local References.

    REFERENCE :Mr. Joseph Tinker: Honolulu, June 1. 1891. (

    Deab Sir I purchased from you one of youjr 2 Horse-Pow- er Horizontal Regan Vapor Engines, and after four montnstrial it has worked in every way most satisfactorilv. The Engine making 230 Revolutions and running a Rotary Pnip wiUi a oeitmaking 180 Revolutions without anv effort. It is'dehvering the water with great force 45 feet above, at the rate of 30 gallons perminute, or 1,800 gallons per hour. It is run by the yard man, and he finds no trouble whatever in running it. It is doing every-thing thatwas claimed for it. and I should con3id er it a very Handy, Safe and Simple Engine for anyone to run who is not anengineer, and therefore recommend these engines to anyone. I remain, yours respectfully.

    MARK.. F. KOliirtoUr.

    iTlEAVI0 TO-DA- Y.

    rBVbop.LeClaire,forPunaluui'mar&w- - ....

    reunng secretary as a man, a Christianand an earnest worker for the interestsof the association. He told of thefoundation of the Hawaiian associtionhas upon which to work,the businessmenbehind it, complimenting the youngmen for their interest and efforts in be-half of its success." The Y. M. C. A. isnon-sectaria- n, with no party in politics,a place for all. One of the points hedwelt upon was the absence of workingmen from the churches ; the efforts theassociation should make in getting theminto church, or if nesessary of going tothem outside. Quotations were given

    Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands. xtZiM for Kauai,

    of them to be arrested.A thoroughbred Irish setter is the

    enviable property of Mr. Whaleylately arrived by the Zealandia.The setter is a pup from -- LadyElcho, sister of Elcho Jr., the mostfamous Irish setter of the world,owned by Mr. Geo. H. Covert, ofChicago. -

    Maas, forii-n-a riaudina,RnV


    MATTER OF ROBERT 8.of Hslo, Hawaii, involuntary Illustrated Catalogues can be had and "the Engine can be seen running in full operation at the City Mebankrupt.

    Creditors nf t.hp sn?rl lumTrI n t;H coil npyt A Chinaman was given the privMarket, Nuuanu street. , ' .

    JOS. TIISTKER, Sol Accentfrom Customs report as to the importa- - hereby notified to come in and prove their, , u ileere of taking the slate roofiner from tion of liquor, dwelling upon the neces ueuia ueiure suuu j us iice oi me oupremethe Crowley upholstery for the re eitv of iessening this traffic. An appeal FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.2781-t- fmoving of it. The slates were as was made to the members of the associa- -

    Uo. tnnA tion to do their parts individually as well?w SLJff v &Dywhere as collectively, beseeching them to workoff in the same way ceaselessly and untiringly

    Court as shall be sitting at Chambers atAliiolani Hale. Honolulu, on WEDNES-DAY, the 15th day of J uly, 1891, between thehours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and noonof the said day, and elect one or more as-signees of the said bankrupt's estate.

    By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

    Honolulu, July 7, 1891. 2811-t- d

    Hawaiian HouseOpera

    oi sugui iui"fltb a cargo

    lraa'terEmma Claudina, Cap-o-da- yin ballast for Fau-- 2

    10 load cobra for ban Fran- -

    Lm barkentine Morning Star,liancao, sailed July 9th in ballast

    iijaier W. G. Hall arrives thisfcfroin windward ports,remaster Kobert Lewers andfcKlikitat will both leave

    ior Puget Sound.

    au um Bmugie ruui is uemoiisnea; A vocal duet was then sang by Missesthe consequence was very few were Emily Halstead and Susie Young so weli HOIXISTEK & CO.,saved whole.

    HawaiianSupremeThe Athletic Exhibition to have Court of theIslands.


    iuer Weiruanalo and schooner DRUGS,

    been given this evening has beenpostponed for about two weeks tillthe Hawaiian Band returns. Theexhibition needs more than pianomusic for a number of the exercises,

    Til 1 1 1

    irere Lauled upon tne Marine 8 O'CLOCK;.sTflursday.

    tiers and two steam plows foruai, were landed ironi the Ger- -



    as to make the audience heartily call foranother, which was equally as well ren-dered.

    Mr. S. D. Fuller being introducedspoke of his early conversion, his workin New England, at Sacramento, and ofhis call here. He referred to his laborshere being of the pleasantest nature,ably seconded by business men, espe-cially Mr. P. C. Jones. He spoke clear-ly, deliberately and earnestly of thework accomplished and what is to bedone in the future. He congratulatedthe association upon its choice of Secre-tary as a man well adapted for the workfrom an educational and Christian stand-point.

    Mr. Geo. P. Castle, President, read aletter from the association to each Mr.Fuller and Mr. Jones.

    Mr. P. C. Jones, when called upon

    C. Glade on Thursday.tican bark Harriet G. Johnson,!by,from Sew lork for Hono- -



    ana inose in cnarge nave oeen un-able to get a good orchestra sincethe Band has gone to Kauai.

    The iron tug Alice which arrivedon Wednesday night from Hilo,Hawaii, has been handed over to its

    ato Boston June o, tor repairs ToiletFind reported: June l.lat. 40,

    N THE MATTER OF WONG HOP,J-- of Makawao, Maui, involuntary bank-rupt.

    Creditors of the said bankrupt are here-by notified to come in and prove theirdebts before sucb Justice of the SupremeCourt as shall be sitting at Chambers atAliiolani Hale, Honolulu, on TUESDAY,the 21st day of July, 1891, betweenthe hours of ten in the forenoonand noon of the said day, and elect one ormore Assignees of the" said Bankrupt'sestate.

    By the Court.HENRY SMITH, Clerk,

    Honolulu, July 7. 1891. 2811-8- t

    Meeting Notice.

    ns in collision with Untisn bars,'aptain Johnson, of and for St.






    S B., from Philadelphia with coal.intrscrew at nrst abandoned tne

    subsequently returned to her,f.ernot so badly damaged as they at theHa-280- 9

    tdGFTickets may be had

    waiian News Co.'s Store.

    new owners, the O. R. & L. Co. TheAlice went ashore several monthsago on the Waiakea beach, Hilo,but was subsequently got off again.It is understood the tug Alice willsoon be taken to Pearl Harbor forservice there.

    Men the log cleared the Mer-:rie- dabout seven miles distant,

    S.E.,wiih ruaintopmast gone and



    and Soaps,

    Sponges, Etc.

    I yard hanging broken. Whattin she sustained besides crushed ROYAL HAWAIIAN


    for an address pleaded the pressure ofbusiness in preparing for his departureas limiting his time to such an extent asto prohibit preparing one. After a fewgeneral remarks, he turned towards Mr.Fuller and presented him with a drafton the California Bank for $360, donatedbv the members of the Y. M. C. A.

    (! could not be discerned. The H.tm lost bowsprit and headgear.I all in port June 17. N. Y. Mar. PERSONALS.


    THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THESugar Mill Co. will please takenotice that the annual meeting of theCompanv will be held at the orfice of C.Brewer & Company, Queen St., MONDAY,July 20, next, at 10 o'clock a. m.

    J. O. CARTER,Secretary H. S. M. Co.

    Honolulu, July 6, 1891. 2807-2- w



    fETEY-- ln this city, to the wifekwksbury, a daughter. '

    m Francisco papers please copy.

    After some more music an attack wasmade upon ice cream and cake of whichthere was more than enough to supplythe large number of people assembledthere. .

    " 10LANTHE "

    Matinee on Saturday2:30 O'CLOCK.

    Capt. John M. Caverly, brother-in-la- wof our townsman, John H. Paty,

    Esq., has recently returned to SanFrancisco from a prolonged visit tohis home in --New England, and isnow in temporary command of oneof the Pacific Mail steamships onthe Panama route. The genial cap-tain is one of the oldest in the ser-vice of that company.

    Miss M. E. Spooner will leave forSan Francisco in the Zealandia nextweek. She has been a teacher in

    DIED.At Honolulu, July 9th, Mrs.

    Jordan, aged 31 years.'Meral to-d- (F

    Eye Glasses,

    Opera Glasses

    Opera-Glasse- s,

    Eye Glasses

    Work on the foundation of abrick building has been commencedfor the electric light plant to bestarted by the company of whichthe first mention of its prospectuspoi

    the house in Kawaiahao lane. THAT NEW BUILDINGAT NO.

    11 Union street. Shop 35 ft. widebv 72 ft. Ions, and 12 it. high. Sui

    i wart-j- uiy Term.

    Admission, 50cts.; Gallery, 25cts.

    Ct?Box Plan open at J. J. Williams'Photo Gallery, Hotel St., on Thursday,Friday and Saturday. 2808-- 5t

    Mikado Eestanrant!No 62 Hotel Street,

    was made in the Advertiser sometime ago. The building is to beone-stor- y, twenty by thirty feet, andwill take the place of the Crowleyupholstery on King street.

    --A. Full Line of Spectaclestable for any kind of mechanical workshop. Inquire of J.N. Wright or R. JayGreene. . 2810-t- f

    FOR 1BEFORE DOLE, J. Oahu College for eight years, and

    many young ladies and gentlemen,who have had the privilege of re

    Thursday, July 9.ien vs. Fernandez ; larceny 3d

    ceiving instruction1, from her, will reHOLLISTER & CO.,- - 109 Fort Street.gret her departure, and2 Wish her cpp. horn's bakery.many alohas. THOSE VERY DESIRABLE

    nremises situate on Punchbowl Hill,


    Camarlno'a RefrigeratorARRIVED PEE 8. 8. ZEALANDIA, CONTAINING

    ON ICE,

    2651-- qEddie S. Damon, son of Hon. S. inst back of residence of J. F. Hack- -M.; Damon, leaves tomorrow for a feld, Esq. The house is just finished, con-tains parlor, dining room, four bed rooms, refurnished inpleasure trip to the Sound by the CSNewly fitted andJapanese handiwork.FRESH CHERRIES, PEACH- -barkentine Klikitat. A pleasant

    es, Plums, Apricots, Pears, To All Those Contemplating Building !voyage of three weeks to the down- -. 1 . 1 ll 1 1 X Jl clean, and cooked inOysters in shell and tins; Cauli CP"Everything

    first-clas- s style.

    I 4Fpeal from Police Court ofRosa for defendant. De- -

    j motion to withdraw plea offeruled. ;

    pnvs.Hana. Having opiumf'i0D- - cAPPeai from Police Court

    St enced t0 niflety days'ii?vs'Keliiauweuweu. Pract- -

    feV8, John E.Bush; libel.demurrer anjued and sus- -

    Ui M,e,nJ ordered amended.vs. Kalakahuna; larceny,

    E r,pefrm Police Court ofSt

    ocnd guilty. R0Sa for de---

    east snipper 01 me oarKeuime auuhis youthful voyager.

    kitchen, Pantry, store room, bathroomand closets; also, fitted with stationarywashstands. There are also stables andcarriage house The premises commandsone of the finest views of the harbor andDiamond Head to be had on the hill.

    Apply to J. A. MAGOON,2796-t- f Adjoining Post Office.


    2808-l- ni7Give us a trial.One of the native sbns of Hawaiihas just been elected and sworn inas Attorney General of the State of

    flower, Celery, Fresh Salmon. Also, Or-anges, Apples. Lemons, Mexican Limes,Cal. Tomatoes.

    On Hand: A full supply of IslandGrapes, Hilo Pears, Pineapples, etc.Prices moderate.

    Cala. Fruit Market,2809--3t Mutual Tel. 378. .

    FOR SALE. I would feel grateful at anytime to have an opportunity to tender for anyRhode Island in the person of Rob kiDd of Building where the plans and specifications are complete; but I positivelyert W. Burbank, son of the late declined give an estimate to any parties w here the specifications constantly re--FRANKLIN Oil er to detail drawings hereinafter furnished; wny not ao me iair ana properhing by the owner and contractor, furnish detail drawings if any are required for

    ;he work, together with the plans and specifications. Otherwise say nothingPer S. S. Zealandia, for Johntycurgus.

    San Francisco Fruit Depot.


    Tuur3day, July 9.BEFORE JUDD. c. T

    UNDERSIGN KU HAV1HUT.HE a Tannery at lwilei close to theSlaughter house, informs the public thathe will purchase hides and do all businessconcerning the lme of Tannery, and hason hand all kinds of Leather for sale atreasonable prices.

    2805--3 m JOAQUIM DA GRELLA.

    Biennial Meeting.

    about details but leave them for the Contractor's imagination : guess woric isgood if you guess right. Respectfully,Ice house fruits, frozen Oystersv ui n ue i . in shell and tin.an.! .v.'x ' Ac- -

    , -- auiarge. The Conrt. Y

    (ANTHRACITE)vBurns Clean, and Without Saioke.

    Reduced to

    $17.00 per 2000 lbs.,Mv laree Refrieerator in store2- - Wir Q tn . - - - -? . aiA'iinrtra 1

    M and m . oraers same GEO. W. LINCOLN.

    Samuel Burbank, for many yearsManager of the Koloa Plantation,and brother of Miss Barbank, Librar-ian of the Public Library of thiscity. Although quite young (30 yearsof age) Mr. Robert Burbank hasshown marked ability as a lawyer,and in several important suits hasgained a position in the front rankof New England lawyers. A corre-spondent of the N. Y. Tribune saysof him: " Mr. Burbank is of prepos-sessing appearance, and one whoimmediately wins your favor by hisopen-hearte- d manner and his genialsocial qualities. Having served aterm as Assistant Attorney-Genera- l,

    H Wfor aaminifitrators dis- -Sypf F.H. Redward.BIENNIAL MEETING OF THETHE of the Queen's Hospital Cor--

    filled with the finest Cal. fruits in town.2809--3t

    2tu) 2tt)Drttsment0.


    creditors ProvedI .

    - amountine to U ao ar a KEROSENE OILnnrntinn will take place at the Room of CompaOceanic SteamshipIbond? Ppomted assignee underIN BAGS.

    C. BREWER2810-l- w

    & CO.66


    pensive Bathhouse. STAJEt BRAND"FOR SAN FRANCISCO.the Chamber of Commerce on SATUR-DAY, 11th July, 1891, at 10 a. m.

    Per order. F. A. SCHAEFER,

    Honolulu, Jnne 4. 1891. 2807-l- w

    iron sale.WIFE, MARY SUTiiUKL,AriJ,IT The Al steamshiphaving left her bed and board, i win;r Pany has? 6 tthoe at the


    Boston Line of Packets. 3966 ZEALANDIAHighest Test! .Lowest Prices!


    Mr. B. brings to the office a largeexperience, and will fill it with dig-nity and honor." All honor to thesons of Hawaii, wherever they maybe placed in positions of usefulnessand authority, at home or abroad,whether at Hampton or in the Gov

    not be responsible for aeDts coniracieuwithout my written order.

    JAMES SUTHERLAND. vHonolulu, July 7, 1891. 2809-2-w


    ia tiSrV?"R of the kind nnt or nine years old; sound andeentle: easy in the saddle, and IMPORTERS WILL PLEASE

    take notice that the fine'wweafn anywhereP.Ur& regular trained to the carriage: a goodtraveler. Also, a Bridle and a lady's Sad QUEENernment of Rhode Island or in de-partments at Washington, they will1 , ui and cto ul. Wul leave Honolulu for the above port on ST. STORE.2807-l- wdle Inonire at Advertiser office or at BARK AMY TURNER,miTE T7NDERSIGNED HAS BOUGHTOahu College. 2S05-t- f0Qse will KSUlphur ones- - The...nrn 1 not fail to reflect credit to the coun-

    try of their adoption or that of their Capt. Johssos.wuuectea with Tuesday, : July 14tlias Tax Notice.a covered birth. X all of Quini's interest in and the storeat Papaikou. The firm will hereafter beknown as Otsuka & Co. "3809 1383--3t WM. WEIGHT.Election of Officers.

    Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leavefor this Dort on Sept. 15. 1891, if suffi?be of ana wainscoting Jlist Heceived

    Per Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number ofThe World s Fair.In response to the'request of the

    At 13 o'clock noon,i3"For Freight ox Passage apply to f

    WM. (i. IRWIN & CO., L'd.

    cient inducement offers.X?-F-ot further particulars apply to


    Minister of Foreign Aflairs, Hon.--L Collector for the District of Ewa andWaianae will be at the Ewa Court Housefrom Julv 1 to 24. 1891, and at the Courtit A -- SPECIAL MEETING OF O. Pianos Pianos

    of ni? tilea

    9 an attS; Hward. Itk feature of the?hecStripticketa can

    & dy ThkeU (fivdays)

    SamU Parker, the Chamber of Com A-- Brewer fc Company, L'd., held thisrlav. the folio win er oersons were elected as AGENTS.

    2809-- 6 1TO LET.House at "Waianae from July 27 to August1, 1891, for the purpose of assessing andcollection of tares.officers for the remainder of the



    taere at Palama. near King street.thefi rated at S4 AT

    'year: 'Joseph O. Carter. ..Pres. and ManagerGeorge H. Robertson TreasurerE. Faxon Bishop.. Secretary

    E. F. BISHOP,Sec'y C. Brewer & Company.

    Honolulu. June 30, 1891. -- 2304-lm


    All those who own property in the Dis-trict and are at present living out of thesaid District will please return their blanksnot later than July 31st, or no appeal willbe allowed. S. HOOKANO,Deputy Tax Assessor and Coltectorfor Dis-tri- ct

    of Ewa and Waianae. 2801-l- m


    and close to the tramcars. ApplyF. Peterson, over Bishop & Co.'sru uve days, after--"V Prv.. S"Now ready for inspection, for sale :to C.Bank. - 28C2-2- w by.W7?7 has S2.50 per Case

    merce met to take nnder considera-tion the subject of an exhibit to theWorld's Fair at Chicago. It ia thedesire of the Chamber to make anexhibit.

    A committee consisting of Messrs.John Paty, F. M. .Swansey, JohnHackfeld, James A. Hopper and B.F. Dillingham, was appointed toconfer with the Minister of ForeignAffairs with the object of securing aplace in the buildings at Chicago.No further action than securing tBiscan be made till the Legislaturemeets and makes an appropriationfor the exhibit.

    arnt h. rh Mr. Jos v; toCn flnrr, " ALLIGATOR PEARS!m



    Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands. ''

    2712-- q.

    Daily Advertise? 50c .per inionlli

    i r.nin SHOiC-CLAS- P. RETURN TO bay Pony white star on fore--jkimleea2ySend orders to

    L. TURNER,ii. this nfSr.e and receive reward.2804-t- f neaa, inree wnue leei, neavyEd. tail and mane, buitabie re-- CASTLE & C00KE.


    2300-I- W 'mHE ADVERTISER IS , THETthet7Fo7Sai; ward. Return to Fashion Stables.2809-3- ti 2773 1376-t- ! . HQo, Hawaii.JL leading daily paper of the Kingdom

  • 4 :

    t : .'DAlt1fipACrtd':)qbBtttaiA":' "AnvWBTIBBk JCLt 0, Igi



    OF ALL GRADES, IN BARRELS, amThe undersigned have inst rmnletprijr.v v Of-fi- ne .Suitings and Trouserings.. L.J,'

    4... . ,

    The various transatlantic steam-ship companies havo warned theiragents in Europe to bo careful intheir acceptance of applicants forpassage to the United States. TheNorth, German .. Lloyd Companygives notice to its agents that itwill charge them. 621 for everyperson accepted by them and re?turned by the United, States Government.

    The Metropolitan Museum of Artin Now-Yor- k was opened to thepublic for the first time May 31st,

    .Vt )

    ' i .f -

    their NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS, OUR OWN IMPORTATION, CON-an- dare prepared to supply the trade a, STANTLY ON HAND, AND


    ' ' '!2741-3m- q


    Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,

    C A TC A A DTT T A" di T A T H Warehouse tk .



    Q T? CnPT7 T) Q iikj y KJ JL JLU xj SX KJJ9. Importers & Wholesale Grocers,

    26 and 28 California St., San Francisco.2686 1360--y




    th lPnL&i?'pl..a'correct list of articles, with marks, ad--dress, weight, and destination of eachconsignment.. The Original Receipt to be signedby the Aeent of the Comntnv:the Duplicate to be retained by him asulDOryior shipping the property,

    Propeir. forms of shipping receipts canDO Obtained frnm rnr A t, onto of thaGeneral FSaht fHIW l,SXii "

    mlo Trill folra afFanton and after June 15. 1891.

    W. G. ASHLEY,2782-l- m . ' Superintendent.

    C. B. RIPLEY,

    .A.rch.itect3Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.

    (Mutual Tel. 208).New Designs Modern Buildings.

    ComDlete Plans and Snerifipflti



    Absolutely Pure! Befreshing ! Delicious!

    TELEPHONES:, CGMutual 360. 2749-- q ; ggTRell 37S.P. O. Box 480. '? .. ; Mutual Tsl, 90.


    . .: ; ,;-- .. :..

    Prompt Returns Made on Goods Sold " on (feinmissi6iL4.Ba V7'1'1 '

    Every 'Description of BalldfagT m7 I auowe(iby that act, denied ofContracts drawn and careful superin- - by sometendence of construction given when re-- the lern tones.qUi

    Call "a examine plans. The first" of the bribery cases in97 smu connection with the Hennessy easeat New Orleans was decided June

    Pianos, Pianos, Pianos Glaudi, who was accused of offer--i"g S500 to H. B. Atwood, a tales-Jus- tReceived per S. S. Australia. jurorj i he wouM gQ 0Q the jar7and " do the right thing."

    - . A dispatch has been received

    mm ission House:'1 ' Ci 1 !building)

    and) King Streets,H. I.,

    - -- : Proprietor.

    TeaAuction and Co:

    jCfibe-peo- op

    West Cor. NuuanuHonolulu,

    S. W. LEDEEER, -

    gg"All kinds of Second-han- d Farnit-nre

    GEO. W.

    BTJILDEJR andIs. prepared- , . to- - furnish, Pinna

    ;i iff4.1 15mIdings' either Bnckmanner

    Bought and Sold for Cash. 2735-v- l



    The undersigned haying been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

    - - .5 i ! J- - -


    Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

    Bnrnham. Parrv. Williams & fin..1 j j

    rhiladelpliia, Penn.,

    iueeist;ie.for 111680 engines, of aDy

    The Baldwin Locomotivk Works arenow manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adopted

    For Plantation Purposes,

    A number of which have rfinentlv beenreceived at these Islands, and we wiUhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents and Managers with particulars ofgjame.

    over all other makes is not only knownV 1 t. I 1 t - 1 J j i i i j iuere uut is acKnowieagea inrougnoui tneumiea etates.

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,Sols Agbnts for Hawaiian Islands.

    2651-- q


    Life, Fire and Marine

    Insurance Agents!AGENTS FOB f

    Nev England Mutual Life Ins. Co


    --Etna Fire Ins. Co of Hartford.

    UNIONInsurance Company



    nr ; n t o nwm. u. irwin $, toianv,




    e and Cement,PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S

    Compounds and Roofing


    Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.


    "Wool 33u.8t,Bone IVIeal,

    Bisri Guano.ALSO


    High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.


    Cocksfoot, Bye Grass and Clovers.


    vouuau vv. b vuxjicu iBeef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.

    SALMON IN BARRELS,2702-- q

    Pianos For Eent.

    --Tf"fTT-u PIANOS IN GOOD ORDER. .m m j a Ate .virom.wio.uupermontn.


    COMPANY. 79-- q

    Ble 1 Is finnmltAtraAthe leadlnsr remedy forCbtm In Gonorrhoea A Glet.'I To6 DAYS. ine only sate remedy forQnarutead not U

    Stria luieacorrltflea orWhittiui tareI JKi I nrefirrfh It nrt ieiirdooij y safeinrecommendicsrit

    acmNTi.o.i 'Zl A. J. DlN JLK. M. IJL.

    HoixiBTiB &,Co., Wholesale Agents!jtKFson,iaiiTH s uo., wbolesale Agents

    1365 2711-- q

    WM PIT- In adver--. fVPIERCE'S

    Pat(nf -IliOit rriAELASTIC STQtlPD J

    the assor&nce 'isgiven that we areouering tne licit VIK : .'"Tli : . Trni In I&c1l'nrld..

    Celebrated Appll-- Vt i iHi i a.nce iu been AitRnnivp-lr-many years and has v&

    Electric Tn (the only eucoessfal oljv. 1rer invented); has no Iron Hoops or 8teelBDrinav About it. and beinff elastic, can b worn -with aim inH Mimfni'tNiirhtiind Day. It'aaiMIfeetrotalner 2 micr further oartioal&rsSTru3, send 4c in stamps for Pamphlet Wo.l amflCnCnOCD tht Dr.Pierce's Genalne Electri.1 1 hi LIIlD L 1 1 Tixusses contain our Private SlgUature exactly like that shown at top of thiiadvertisement. Bewara oi inferior imitationsAddress:



    ! " i? ' "; 1

    ' ; . i ...

    1,1. '


    ; i. ..




    i .





    ii .. ; Jit: .i

    r - - ):

    I. : .: -


    :.1 ':.

    r n j ,mn

    a i ;' ; - --

    ; ..' ' ij ill

    AW -

    VU'-- '

    14 :

    Have onx

    FrooV. 1

    Hay anil a0f HI kci8, at ft

    Phone 348: MnV ?MkJ

    8n Franclico-- 1"

    w.U.TAYLOB..b.8.moob.. ;:

    Builders of Ska I8tonlot,StettlWp.T4I1, ,STEAM VE88KTJI . .. '

    With hull. otwoT,'I1.n.1' kt:

    Tiwble. "WPWHSTEAM LAUUOnPfl t......

    "i" water gurated.9UGIAB MILLS ma aBoiler iron WoTffl


    hydraulic riveti nowork being far to

    i auu Dimm a.iJ

    SOLE Agenta nd.Ooa.t of the Heine BifctJiB?

    PUMPS-Dir- ect Actingcity worki' purposes, tBJH,ititt.DTy TaWe Motion, Mptrtw.,pump.

    JOHN DYER.. M1....B1

    'booxu No. 8,upetairi,gpwelili

    2651 1367q

    G-AZE- H

    Steam Book and Jo


    i 46 Merchant Street

    Is prepared to do all kind d Ccial and Legal Work, (omc.

    and with dispatch.

    Having Lately Received i TgjK

    Stock of all the Rner finia

    Flat Papers of every sLv- -


    i i Fine White and

    And also having added to wri

    OF TB- I-

    Fiitst M Tj(e il I?

    the United States, andK

    , men, we are pre

    out at very

    Letter Heds,Bill Hendii


    Contracts.MortSf e Bl'BBd,


    Stock Ccrtiflcti.

    BuinesMilk Checkf,Meal TicketBank Check.

    Plantation Orderly

    Envelopes --" jpt ,

    class Officer

    At Bed-ro-c

    Gazette Bookaod

    ' "Being a Practical Architect myself, I all Plansand Specifications, and Personally Superintend tne samelr ?rm? -m!!; ankful to all who have entrusted their work to rae heretofore, I hope toa continuance of their patronage, by.giving the same my personalfactioS! ? nt assistants, thereby enabling me to guaranteetisl

    " X7ALL KINDS OF JOBBING and: REPAIRINGOffices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch. - ?mpI?y Tlnaed t0'

    Put up in Boxes of 100 Ltis.,

    of 42 and 56 Bars each .

    Te guarantee our Soap, to be pure,ana mucn oetter tnan the imported.

    S7"Each box is stamped " Honolu- -UVAT V oXiVI ioIIjU

    For Sale by Vail EetaUers.


    J1. .W. 3 f.nnr i auaa.2778-3- m AGENTS.

    New Store ! New Goods 1








    SIillinery,Flowers,Feathers & Novelties

    Ever Seen in Honolulu.

    t Prices Reasonable !

    fiis'NEW Goods 'Every Stkameb.


    GOOD'S,Mclntyre Block, Fort Street.

    2709-3m- q


    james nott, jemTINSMITH & PLUMBEB

    Corner of Kins And Al&kea Sti.,Honolulu, H. I.

    TELEPHONE Workshop. Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.


    43 Estimates furnished on all rtfiaaeftciassluworkmteed in all the above branches of my business at reasonable rates. 79q

    NEW Q-OOD- Sa Fine Assortment.

    We have just received per 8. 8. Australia,'comprisinc:, oae

    elegantHand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set.

    A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


    Assorted colors and patterns of Crepeoiijc onawis. Jiiegani rete-- a te uaps

    auu oauuers. nne 101 01

    Mailila cigarg and cueroots100 in a Box.

    Scarf Pins in great variety,Lily Bulbs.

    . it i' r Ia iew oi uiose nanav mosauito urns, iAlso, an assortment of new styles of

    uw.nvuwnowiiuj.MwwoAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE


    assorxmenc oi xew uooas.

    WING W0 CHAN & CO.

    Kedward & Howell,

    m.MATi.AiiAri &UUU tl UAj LU1 0 .C6 JLlLUUerSX

    Brick, Stone uid Wooden BuildingEitlmatei Given.

    Jobbing Promptly Attended to.76 KING STREET.

    Bell Telephone No. 9. P. O. Box 4382687-- q


    Carpenters and Builders,

    in ARE PREPARED TO CON-tractf- orall kinds of Rm'lriinvaStore and Office Fitting, and Gen- -Send or leave orders with R. Howie at

    Central House, Alakea near Hotel street ;Or With A. Dorward., at hnnsA arUninintr I" iiionoiuju Diary' orm. Y- - M- - C. A. hall.

    BeU Tel. 522, Mutual 398. I2747-lw-tf


    FROMj - i AND ...AFTER. . Iwiia uste we win not be Iresponsible for anyrroitrnr gtfa snmn

    been landed. Purtioa f .v,, :ui Iconsiffnedmustbeatthflir:Hiriczi-w- l." "6 wtv.cicHonoliS 8?nt 5 iSo?AMSHIPnc- -


    during the afternoon. It was esti--matea that 1U,000 people visueu it.

    The United States SupremeCourt save a decision May : 25ththat the Original Package , XawPa8S 7 the last Congress wasconstitutional.;

    New York, June 25. In rela- -tion to the advance of J of a centper pound in the price of raw sugarTreasurer bearles oi tne nave- -meyer sugar Kenning company8aid tbis morning that the rise wasnot unexpected, as there is alwaysa demand for more sugar at this

    The rumor that the Suar Trust isforcinK up the price of sugar be--ca"se it has secured control olmost of the sugar crop is abso- -lutely denied by Searles.

    Tictoria, (B. C. N June 29.- - TheUnited States steamer Alert, Lieut- -enant VVanewright commanding,left for the Bohring. . sea ...to-nig- ht. .Uaptain Hitchcock 18 Still at thehosDital verv ill. sufferinsr from arelapse of the grip. The steamerCosta JRica left for the Behring seathis evening with coal and sup-plies for the war ships.

    A decision has been given inArizona that the Edmunds Act andother laws against polygamy ap-ply to all the Territories, placingthem under the exclusive jurisdic-tion of the United States. The de-cision also affects the right of

    from Ch,lA ftft.ino fK;;cf-:t.""t','Si,,'V,Ur-! aown building and asks that an acre

    I fi J 1 . .. . . . .oi grounu oe aiiottea to it.

    iet no man turn' AsidAever so aliffhtlv fmm thA hmopath of honor on the plausible pre--tcuoo luau mo means are justineuby the goodness of its end. Allgood ends can be worked out bygood means. Those that cannotare bad and can be counted so atonce and left alone. Dickens.


    Nan 600

    Coast of Califo-na- .South Pacific Ocean.Western Pacific Ocean.Coast of, Oregon and Van Oliver's Islana.

    I rrrvvestern Kout to ChinaWest Coast of AmnnW PQo,o

    I Ct T l . 'i can x:as.nharta of w.i"v""1B on Hawaii, Oahu,Mam and Ka"ai- -

    Sz.TrSarD,or 01 Honolulu andPearl River.Norie's and Thorn's Navigation.Wrinkles in Practical Navigation.Bowditche's Navigation.Log Books.American Nautical Almanacs.

    Bl& Also, all articles in the SHIPCHANDLERY LINE

    For Sale byE. 0. HALL & SON,

    S?liip Chandlers.


    UI niSa cef--t constantly on hand andfor sale for

    S3.00 . per CaseAnd under, by

    E. 0 HALL & SON


    1366 2708-- q

    THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILEE. C. Daze's AdvbstistwciAgency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange,San Francisco, Cal., where contracts toadvertising can be made for it,

    . ; v; v.ELKFHONS 275. T2651 -

    3. JH EMers &99 PORT STREET. : - - :

    The attention of 'fNew Silks, ; New . Sateens;? Gloyes,


    assortment, r


    J. L.

    House iiihI

    inree more or tbose Superior

    Hemme & Lug Pianos!Made expressly for H. H. Wlliams

    Jtr rw.They are moth proof, iust the thincrf

    mis country.

    r0fTNowon exhibition and for sale or

    H. H. WILLIAMS & CO.,2778-l- m 1Q5 Fort Street.


    Shipping and Commission Merchants



    Plantation Affents.

    Life, Fire and Marine, Insuraace Agents.

    1356 HONOLULU, H. I. 2651-- q



    Cg from one to an entire set in- -n I I I ocneu on koiu, suver, auum- -

    illlim find TT! hhor ha oddn ..h k 'ZZZZ-i- M.persons wearing rubber plates which are annngfbnf ' ennma : i: A .; wub va imwuua to memoutn and tnroat, we would recommendour irropnyiactic Metal Flate. All Uuerftjons performed in accordance with thelatest ' improvements inTeeth extracted without pain hh! use ofiuviuua VAiut JU9.

    Hotel street, Tregloan premises.; 2651-- q

    '; ;G. AFAT,

    Dealer in Clothing, Furnishing Goods


    General MerchandiseOf every description, entirely new,

    at hisNew Store, 55 and 57 Nuuanu St.,

    next to Empire Saloon.

    iOTThe public are respectfully invitedto call at d inspect the choice selection ofNew Goods. 2767-3- m


    86 Queen Street cor.f Alakea street.Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.

    from San Francisco; the best intne market.

    A fine Stock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.Orders for Groceries promptly filled.CgCash sales small profits. 2677-3m- q


    resumed his practice at his residenceon RpTPtfinia Rtrppt. nrn TTawaiion uri" rr " iai iiuiufiSSumce Hours 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3P. m., and 7 to 8 p. m. 2798-2-


    No. 109 Nuuanu Street;"

    Bef2 e attention of the public tothpir larra snn well splontorl" wwva, ui-

    .1 o.t-ci.- ti a- j. .

    sWe for thi market, which will heiold at lowest prices. 2702-- q I

    pvwuwuuiio mi . tuiu vyuuairuCL an?tone Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory

    w. Lincoln,al. 7K w v,,Wa- -'- fl AVlfllf n ft It C I"

    and INFANT'S WEAR.

    MM mmm MM



    Mil nr.

    0t Honolulu.



    Iron Founders,

    At i Uw i'




    2651-- q

    M 130 fort St.,


    J. N. S. WILLIAMS, 'B. MORE, : "i'h.

    Engineers and

    Sugar 7.;Wgating Machinery. Steam Ectfnev :

    - .9 Cs' EI!rat0r8' Conyor. Fnrnace Fittin7' : : '

    . . Wr8h a"d C Wo 'or House Mlder.,; ' -- Wter-Wheels; and. Gearing; Bar. Iron. Etc.


    --Peltoii : W aterIOTREPAIrs of

    . iWHeel. '.; V

    46 jlerctoRATES and at SHORT NOTTHP T done at . REASONABLE

    11366-2n6- -q- -

    ' .i