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Live Training and Coaching Session How To Close More Leads, Increase Repeat Revenue Purchases, and Skyrocket Lifetime Customer Value By Using 360° Marketing

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Live Training and Coaching Session

How To Close More Leads, Increase Repeat Revenue

Purchases, and Skyrocket Lifetime Customer Value By Using 360° Marketing

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By John Assaraf

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Write down the new understandings you gain from this interview.

Include thoughts, realizations, and concepts you will use to enhance your business/life.

Record specific actions you will take as a result of this new knowledge.




















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Training & Coaching Session

Quote #1

“…I don’t care

what it is that

your idea is,

your love, your


whether you’re

doing it, or

you’re not yet,

you can make

money doing

anything you


JA Hey everybody, this is John Assaraf, CEO and Founder of Praxis Now and welcome to our monthly session where we’re going to teach you some of the best ideas in the world for skyrocketing your income, growing your business if you have one, making you decide to have a business if you don’t. Because my buddy over here, Jermaine Griggs, he and I have been friends for what, about five, six years.

JG Yeah, something like that.

JA Yeah, five or six years and when he was 17 years old, okay, out of his grandmother’s apartment, if I, if I, if I remember correctly. Had about $70 bucks in his pocket, he decided that he wanted to get out of the inner city and he wanted to really make something of his life and not knowing exactly what to do, but having a skill of being able to play music just by listening to it, played piano specifically, he decided to start a business. And an on-line business. And what I can share with you is, I think he’s 28 today, so he’s a young buck. In the last 11 years, he’s figured out how to start a business, only have three employees and makes about a quarter of a million dollars every month, on-line, teaching people how to play music by ear. So you figure it out.

A quarter-of-a-million dollars a month; money that comes in, automated money that comes in. So there’s a few things that I really want you to understand. One, I don’t care what it is that your idea is, your love, your business, whether you’re doing it, or you’re not yet, you can make money doing anything you choose. Number two, is because of the nature of what we’re doing today and that’s teaching you, I’m not going to be asking Jermaine a whole bunch of questions. We have a presentation that Jermaine has put together of about 30 to 35 slides. I’m going to let him go through that so that you can learn. So I’m going to ask you to do a couple of things. Number one, stop the chit-chat, okay, on the cover it live, with each other.

Unless you have some really big “ah-ha’s” and really pay attention and focus. That’s number one. Number two, because there’s going to be some advanced material here, okay, for those of you who don’t yet have a business, or for those of you who are just starting out, what I want you to understanding is it’s just going to take some time for you to understand the language, understand the sophistication. But also with this, it’s going to give you a vision; very, very clear of what you can do when you learn the right information in the right order and you apply it at the right time, which is what I teach, ya know, every single day, all right. And so without further ado, Buddy?

JG I’m glad to be here.

JA It’s great to be, great to be with you again.

JG Absolutely and thank you.

JA And Jer-, Jermaine is so great. So maybe from just your own perspective, give us 30 or 60 seconds of your background. I did, did most of it from, ya know, what I remember from, ya know, obviously our dialogues that…

JG Sure.

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JA …fill in the blanks. Say hi to everybody.

“So 17, ya

know, with this

idea, why don’t

I take what I’m


locally and put

it into a, a



JG Well, hello everybody.

JA Everybody say hi to Jermaine.

JG Hello, I’m thrilled, now 30 to 60 seconds, that’s a hard feet, but, I started in the inner city of Long Beach and I have this gift. My grandma won this piano on the Price is Right in the 70’s.

JA The Price is Right TV show?

JG The Price is Right.

JA Okay.

JG She won it on the, and I heard she was the most frantic person of that decade. They re-ran it so many times. So I come along…

JA Bob Barker, that’s Bob Barker days.

JG Absolutely. So I come along a decade later and I just find this ability to get on and play basic chords and just hear this music and I could just play it. Little Mermaid, whatever we were watching. I just got on there and I would play it. Found myself playing in church, a couple years after that. Teach the neighborhood kids after that. Meanwhile I just had this desire to…we live in the projects. I don’t know if anybody…

JA The projects, that’s the…

JG …I mean we brought up the mirror with the projects.

JA …the lower inner city.

JG The lower inner city, ya know. And I sold Avon when I was 12.

JA Yep.

JG Lady knocked on my door said, I’m, I’m here to talk to your mom. I said, no you’re here to talk to me. I called the number. I sold pre-paid legal. I just remember, ya know, stationary in school. I just remember being that go-getter. I was knockin’ on doors. So 17, ya know, with this idea, why don’t I take what I’m teaching locally and put it into a, a leveragable form. I didn’t know the “L” word then, but I knew if I put something in a book format, ya know, I could sell it, rather than my own personal, ya know, time being swapped. I understood that. I didn’t have the…

JA I love it.

JG …the filthy ways.

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JA I, I, I want to just make sure you got what he said.

“I launched


m with no

experience, no



whatsoever, but

just a dream

and a vision to

teach people

what I knew

about playing

piano by ear..”

JG Um-hmm.

JA At 17, he decided to take some knowledge, some information he had, and create a leveragable form; so get it out of his head onto a piece of paper basically…

JG Piece of paper.

JA …that you could sell causing leverage.

JG And guess what?

JA Okay, point number one.

JG I didn’t even know how to create word books. So I used PowerPoint. I knew how, ‘cause for church presentations we do PowerPoint.

JA Right.

JG So I used PowerPoint to make my word books. My first ever ‘cause it was like click and drag. I didn’t know all that other stuff. And so fast-forward, I registered the domain name, hereandplay.com, $70.00, network solutions. That’s what it took to buy a domain name; $7.00 we’re in heaven now. It was ten times more. And the rest was history. I launched hearandplay.com with no experience, no business experience whatsoever, but just a dream and a vision to teach people what I knew about playing piano by ear, to represent the other side ‘cause everybody thinks you have to read sheet music, you have to go through classical routes, and, and there’s a purpose for that. But I wanted to represent those folks who had to go through the school of hard knock, like me, and learn how to play just be listening.

JA Did you know how to read sheet music and did you know that back when you were 17, or did you learn that?

JG Not on the piano. I played clarinet in orchestra. So I could read only half of it. Anybody who plays music, treble clef. I could read…

JA I have no idea what he’s talkin’ about ‘cause I can’t play anything.

JG I can only read half of music, let’s just put it that way, but when I really played the piano, sheet music was, was nowhere near. I played what I heard.

JA So you started to teach people in your local market…

JG Um-hmm.

JA …just your Long Beach area. Just what you knew how to do.

JG Yep, yep, I…

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“I know you

can make a lot

of money in

pain, I


that. But I just

like to be with


JA Okay.

JG …and, and I would find knowledge ‘cause there, there’s this part of playing by ear that you just know it, so I’d go to the library and research, ya know, what I was going, ya know. Came up with terms and name for it. Made up my own stuff, quite frankly, as well and just meshed all of that together. Created my first word book, “The Secrets to Playing Piano by Ear.”

JA And how old were you?

JG I was 17.

JA “The Secrets of Playing Piano by Ear” at 17 he created, so, okay. So that was the beginning.

JG That was the beginning.

JA So for any of you that have an idea, this is how it starts. For those of you who are already on your way, you’ve got a business and you want to learn how to learn better Internet marketing, watch out. So, so that, so that’s a great beginning, great place to start.

JG Sure.

JA So, do you believe, because I want to touch on your mind too. Do you believe that everybody should follow their passion and within that passion they could achieve great success?

JG This is a very controversial subject and I got emails on this today, ya know, as early as earlier this morning. I believe in the four P’s. I made a path of them myself – Positivity; I like to be in a market that has positivity. I know you can make a lot of money in pain, I understand that. But I just like to be with positivity. Progression, ya know. Passion. And the fourth one is Progression, Passion and Patience. And so…

JA So…

JG …those are my four P’s.

JA One more time, so the first “P” was…

JG Progression, so it has to be an ongoing path. Patience because I don’t want to be in a market where people need me tomorrow to save them with something. I want them to understand that this is something you’re getting involved with; it takes time and it will come. Playing music, learning golf, ya know those sorts of things take patience, and there’s an understanding for that.

JA So patience, passion…

JG Positivity, that’s the first one.

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JA Patience, Passion, Positivity and Progression.

“Stop trying to



JG Yeah it goes back to what you said about passion. I believe, yes, you have to be passionate about it, and you want to sell to people, my perspective, that are passionate about it as well. So when it gets low and times get a little challenging, you got that passion to fall back on.

JA Right.

JG You want to, you want to really love what you do, and I believe the money will come. I don’t think it will just show up. You gotta take action.

JA Right, we’ll talk about that.

JG You gotta, right, you gotta learn the skills, but I think yeah, you can make it work.

JA Great. And the other thing that I tell people over and over and over again. Get out of the convincing business.

JG Sure, sure.

JA Stop trying to convince people. Find the people who already know that they want a result, that they, that they want to achieve something and then find those people first and work with them.

JG Absolutely.

JA With that said, I, I’ve got a whole series of questions I wanted to make sure that I didn’t miss.

JG Um-hmm.

JA But what I’d also like to do is let’s get started. Somebody has an Internet business.

JG Sure.

JA Okay, one of them, I’m going to give Jermaine the ability right now everybody, to talk for about 15, 20 minutes. We’re going to let you ask some questions, 15, 20 more minutes, ask some questions, 15 or 20 more minutes, just so you can get as much of this as possible. Jermaine has been gracious enough to allow us to take all of the PowerPoints and put them in the membership community so you could look at them, okay, whenever you want as part of a Praxis Now wonderful client. So, Jermaine, take it away buddy.

JG Absolutely. And do you mind if I just take two or three minutes to finish that 17.

JA Go ahead, no.

JG So from 17 I went to college and I made millions of dollars – no. It didn’t work that way.

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JA No, no, you didn’t.

“I believe you

can make it



there’s a



market, you

can make it

work, ya


JG No sales came in, right. For about 18 months I struggled to, to, ya know, we made two or three sales here, there and, ya know, I did what I could, but it wasn’t until I embraced some of the things that I’m going to talk about, and I’m going to share direct response marketing and copywriting, and, and just some of these, these things, and I, I just would discover them by Googling, how to make sales and how to sell my wares, or, or what not. And I came across, ya know, a, a few experts at that time; one who is not with us anymore, and I just remember devouring his material and just learning how to write headlines and bullet points and call to actions, and, ya know, that’s why I said, once you get the knowledge and the “know-how” and you put it to action.

I believe you can make it work; assuming there’s a hungry, starving market, you can make it work, ya know. And so that’s what I did, and I remember March 2, 2002, it’s the day that changed my life. I’ll, I’ll be rockin’ in my rockin’ chair, ya know, 50 years from now, I’ll remember March 2, 2002. I remember changing around my website. I remember going to this long sales letter, which, ya know, whether you believe it still works now or not is neither here nor there, but 2002 I remember I woke up the next day with $1,100.00 in sales in one day and that was the beginning of it.

JA Because you switched one tactic?

JG One tactic, one tactic. So I’m, I’m a believer in if somethin’ doesn’t work, keep at it, ‘cause oftentimes it’s something we’re doin’ wrong, and not outside force. And so one day, and that was the day that changed my life. We do six figures in 2002, move on to two years later, we be doin’ seven figures, and ya know, just growing it as time progressed, and so, that’s kind of the 30-second.

JA I love it. And I, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.

JG Sure.

JA ‘Cause that’s a great ending to the story. So sorry to you and sorry to them. Just so excited to have him here, I want to just get as much as I can out of him for you and for me. You also said one other thing. It says you, you research and sought out experts so that you could learn from them…

JG Absolutely.

JA …was that a defining moment well of learning exactly what to do, when to do it, how to do it, by people that have already done it?

JG Absolutely. Absolutely.

JA Okay.

JG And I thank God every day for just that gumption to go searching because many people they don’t do that, ya know. I was probably 18 or 19 at this point and here I am just searching, and one point to bring up, that course wasn’t cheap for me. It was $200.00 to buy this course. And probably what I had in the bank was $190.00, ya know. Right, I just remember givin’ ‘em whatever I had for this course, and by

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faith, just knowing what would arrive, I remember how, ya know, reading about made me feel. And I said, if I can make people feel like I feel about his product, I have to be successful and I did just that, and here we are today.


to be able to

separate your

people by

desire or

wants, or in my

case, skill level,

or, or genre of

music and

being able to

send them a

tight message

at the right

time is


JA Oh I love it. I gotta give you a high five. Isn’t that inspiring? Doesn’t that just make you want to jump out of your seat and say, let me at it because I, I love hearing his story and I love what he brings to the world.

JG Thank you.

JA And so, with that Jermaine, let’s start teaching our friends and our clients around the world, what are some of the things too that they should be doing or looking at, ya know, as it relates to selling more on-line and using the Internet, if they don’t have a business and they want to start one. If they do have a business, how do they really start looking at it the way you do?

JG Sure, sure.

JA The floor is yours.

JG Okay, so we tired of it. How to close more leads? Increase, repeat revenue purchases and skyrocket lifetime customer value by using a term I call “360 degree marketing.” So we’ll be talkin’ about 360 degree marketing and how to center or surround your customers with marketing coming from different angles and on an automated, in an automated way. We already talked about my quick story. Here’s a little bit of what my website looks like now. It didn’t always [13:58 cut off 14:04]…piano but we morphed into that. I’ll skip that slide. But here’s what I’ve changed in my business over time to realize the growth that we have. Here’s the diagram and you guys will want to, ya know, print this out when, when you get the .pdf’s and I can’t see much of it so I’ll refer to my own slides here.

JA Sure.

JG But these are some of the things that I, ya know, implementing, and, and this is what I call 360 degree marketing. And we started in the upper left-hand corner – condition-based marketing, and what that is, is sending – you talk about it a lot – sending the right message to the right person at the right time. Almost the same thing, ya know. And that’s called condition-based marketing, and many of us missed the boat, ya know, by sending one message to all when segmentation, and I don’t care if you have a business or you don’t, this is something to keep in mind. Segmentation, to be able to separate your people by desire or wants, or in my case, skill level, or, or genre of music and being able to send them a tight message at the right time is just…

JA Critical.

JG …critical, absolutely. The second one we’re going to talk about is action-based personalized email marketing. And what that means, ya know, I remember first hearing the term “auto-responder.” This was, ya know eight or ten years ago. You mean I can send a message, ya know, in the future. I can set up a series of messages to go out automatically. Ya know, three days after they sign up for my newsletter or what not. Seven days or, or three weeks. And, and that’s common, but now there’s this idea of action-based follow-up where they’re, and I’m going to get into quantum physics like you do, but there’s these “packets of possibilities,” I

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like to call them, that exist in my system that you’ll get only if you make certain actions. So, ya know, it’s not one message to all. It’s not the regular, oh I have 20 messages ready to go out in a span of six months, ya know, via auto-responders. Now we’re moving towards an action-based behavioral kind of strategy.

“I believe


marketing is

the way of the


JA So I do something…

JG You do something, I respond.

JA …you respond, okay.

JG Ya know, and vice-versa and…

JA And, and I, I want to preface this again. This, for those of you who are new to this, may be advanced, but this is where you’re going to get to over time. And for those of you who are already in business, this stuff is stuff you need to eat up because Jermaine is doing where the market’s going. He won “Marketer of the Year” last year for Infusionsoft. And so he knows this inside and out. So just pay attention, and, and take it wherever you are at, at your level right now.

JG Absolutely, absolutely. And then, keep in mind, these are things that I applied. So we move on to postcard marketing, effective very well, ya know, just be direct mail, but in an automated way. So moving along with that of that same thing of you do something, now I reply. And there’s, ya know, for an Internet guy like me, ya know, who’s, who’s really sold on the Internet side of things, to embrace direct mail was really big for me a, a few years ago. But I went with it with the philosophy that if I’m going to send direct mail, and I already know my mindset on this, I’m going to send it to the best prospects that have proved themselves in, in so many ways, to be worthy of me spending that kind of money. So there, there’s this discriminate thing I, I put in here…

JA Right.

JG …and I’ll talk about that. That’s based on, ya know, things I know about them. How much they’ve clicked on emails and, and things like that. And we’ll get into that. Off-line letter marketing, mobile marketing. I believe mobile marketing is the way of the future. Voice broadcasting, Internet audio, gift and customer ascension marketing. That’s something we’ll talk about here as well. You’d be surprised, ya know, gifts showing up at their doorstep, ya know, based on how much they’ve ordered, and, and they don’t realize it, but I keep up with, with these kinds of metrics and award them, ya know, accordingly. Continuity. Up-selling and birthday and event-based marketing. And retain-based marketing. So these are all things and, I mean it sounds advanced to me, so I…

JA And it is advanced. Trust me it’s advanced. Most people never get to doing this. And, and what I, what I want to just have you help the people that are watching right now. They’re seeing this. Some of them are going, wow, this is great. Others are going, holy shit, this so much.

JG Sure.

JA If we go back, let’s say, three years, five years, seven years, how much of this were you doing?

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JG None, none.

“I’m a

proponent of



before I ask, ya

know, for

money in

exchange. And

it’s worked for


JA So it’s been over time. So what I want you to think about is what he said earlier, is progression.

JG It’s progress-…

JA And the key is, start with one or two things and then you add one or two more and you add one or two more. So we’re giving you the whole enchilada right now so you can at least have something to look forward to. But guess what? Only start with where you’re at and look, ya know, one or two steps further.

JG Absolutely, absolutely. Do not be overwhelmed. When, when I sent it over to you…they say, I want some, we want your good stuff.

JA I know.

JG And so I, I dug in the treasure chest for you guys, but it-, it’s not something that you have to do, I mean this was progressional for me.

JA Right.

JG This was, ya know, some things, ya know, that were here. We had parts of it, but over time, this is what it has gotten us to where we are today. So, let’s, let’s talk about the first one. Condition-based marketing, and that’s on the next slide. Now we all know, or we, we understand follow-up is key. We’ve heard Brian Tracy, yourself say it, ya know, some people say it takes seven exposures, ya know, for a prospect to consider your offer; at least, ya know. There’s many numbers I’ve, I’ve heard on that, ya know, but let’s go with the seven exposures, ya know, whether it’s seven or 12 or 21, ya know, the point is, it’s a follow-up. People don’t buy on their first visit, on their first exposure, ya know, people just don’t buy. I liken it to a, ya know, dating, ya know, ya know, how many of us got married, ya know, the first time we met?

JA Right.

JG Ya know, it takes a relationship-building. Sure there’s some one-night-stands out there and pop culture, ya know, I mean young guys see it but, for the most part, ya know, it requires building a relationship. So ya know that requires sending follow-up emails for example. Ya know, there’s many ways to attract leads - free reports, free videos, ya know. Taking parts of what you offer. Whatever your, your solution that you’re offering and giving it away. I’m a proponent of offering something before I ask, ya know, for money in exchange. And it’s worked for me. And so, ya know, we, we, we’ll off free reports, ya know. We’ll offer a chain of videos, but in that, after they sign up, we’ll send emails. Now the normal way to do it is to have an email ready to go out on, let’s say, day one, or an email go out on, on day four, or, or day 12. Now, the, the way to do it based on how we’ve adopted is, is to do it conditional. So we break it up into, what do we want our prospect to do? What is the, the progression, if you will. I like to go back to that word.

JA No, that’s okay.

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JG But what, what progression do we want them to take? There is a path. Some call it a straight line, ya know. And, and oftentimes the, the battle is keeping them on that straight line, because ya know you got people coming for different reasons, wants and desires. And so what we’ll do is we’ll present them with a piece of content, first of all. It could, ya know, what-, what have you…

“So if they do

this, then you

do that. If they

don’t do this,

then you do


JA A report, an audio, a video, something…

JG Right.

JA …that starts the communication.

JG Right, let’s get that started. Now in most emails programs today, ya know, regardless of what you use. I use Infusionsoft. There’s A-Webber, Get Responses; tons of them out there. Ya know, now offering you the ability to track who’s clicking. Now most of us, ya know, getting started, you find out I just want to get the emails up and stuff, and, and we might ignore those features. But that, that one feature, ya know, find it in whatever you’re using, call them up, ask, ya know, what do I have to do to enable the ability to know who clicks on my emails? That’s the basic concept for anyone. Now when you take it further, ya know, what, what we’ll do is, first of all, we’ll try to get goal number one, ya know, we’ll try many times to do goal number one.

Let’s just say we send a report and the email solution tells us they haven’t clicked. Now does it make sense to send the next report or the next video in day three, or does it make sense to, to send the next step of the progr-, the, the progression or the process if they haven’t done the first thing that I’ve asked of them? It doesn’t. So, so, what we’ll do is, and you’ll see this in, in this slide right here. Content “A” if they don’t click, they’ll get another reminder from me saying, hey the other day, ya know, I noticed you know we sent the report, “Seven Ways to”, ya know, or “Seven Secrets to Improving your Piano Playing,” and you haven’t clicked on it.

Ya know, in so many words, I’m saying what’s up, what’s up with that? And, ya know, I might take a different approach about how, ya know, ya know about why it’s important or, or how serious are they. And then so we’ll let that one go. That might be, ya know, the third day of the campaign. The seventh day of the campaign might be set up, and, and these are with conditions. So when I say conditions, that means if they haven’t taken, ya know, the, the action, or the expected action, then do this. So it’s, it’s a little logic in there.

JA So it, it’s the – “if this, then what.”

JG Absolutely.

JA So if they do this, then you do that. If they don’t do this, then you do that. So you’ve taken the time…

JG Absolutely.

JA …to map out. And it’s what I call the buyer’s decision-making…

JG There ya go.

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JA …or non-decision-making process.

“The CEO of

HubSpot said,

whatever you

give people,

make it

remarkable so

they remark

about it.”

JG Absolutely, absolutely.

JA And so you don’t give them more.

JG Nope.

JA In hopes of, well maybe they’ll click on this one, until they take the first behavior.

JG Absolutely. I’ll stop it right there. I’ll press the brakes. And I’ll, and it, it, it involves sitting down and really mapping it out on a big piece of paper – what do I want them to do? Okay, if I can get them to read this report, I know it’s so good and so juicy, or maybe it’s an indoctrination piece. Maybe it covers all your beliefs or all your core, ya know, values and things, ya know, that they need to know, ya know that you guys are on the right page with each other, or if this is right for them. And you know that, ya know, you know it’s there. You want to know if they’re, they’re going down that path. So I try very hard, and I know the first piece I have for them is so revolutionary. I mean this video’s gotten millions of hits and I mean I’ve gotten rave reviews over this, this one video because what I teach them how to do in this video is how to hear the key of a song. People that are musicians would understand that. Ya know, the key of “C.”

JA So if you want to learn how to play music, this is a critical piece.

JG And I embrace it for them.

JA See you them some great stuff.

JG Absolutely.

JA You give them some great stuff. I heard a, a saying. The CEO of HubSpot said, whatever you give people, make it remarkable so they remark about it.

JG Absolutely.

JA Make it remarkable so they remark about it. So that’s one of the things you’re saying as well; give them something juicy.

JG Give them something juicy that first thing. And you know it, and you believe it in your heart that it’s so good that not following up is doing a disservice. That’s the philosophy I take, because ya know, I can imagine, I can’t see the chat, but I, I can imagine folks thinking well, I don’t want to follow him too much because that’ll turn the person off. But my perspective on it is if they’re not taking that crucial first step to read a free report or take a free video, I, I, I’d be hard-pressed to believe that credit cards coming out of their back pocket as well. So I also think of it that way, that…

JA So you’re not using hope…

JG I’m not using hope.

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JA …as a strategy. Hopium, remember hopium?

“The more you

know, the more

you grow.”

JG I hope, I hope it come here.

JA No hopium with this chap.

JG Or the wish factor. It’s yeah I’m going by statistics and I can clearly see. A thousand people sign up and only 100 click to see the free report, we’ve got a, a problem. I’m losing 90% of my folks. So in that second email I need to back up and I, I need to send something about that first one. Same link to click on. Same link to click on. If they don’t click on that, I’ll send a third one. I usually go three. I work in three’s. I got three kids under six, three employees, ya know.

JA One wife.

JG One wife. Yeah, that, that’s right. I don’t work, yeah and my wife says, keep, keep it in three’s, she doesn’t want to work in four’s or five’s right now. So that’s one thing. And then once they click or they take the intended action and we move on to the second process, ya know, whatever that is. And what we’ll do. Ya know, I have three pieces of content in the first seven to ten days, if you will, that I want them to consume, and then before I, I ask, ya know, for an investment. That’s my, ya know, and I know after they consume this, you could take it a step further for my advanced people. If you’re, if you’re, ya know, I don’t want to call it a bribe, but, what do you call it?

JA Ethical bribe.

JG Your ethical bribe, yeah, or your, your, whatever you’re offering, ya know, if it’s a video, now we’ve got to the point we do analytics and things like that where you can track if they’re watching a video.

JA Right.

JG And we do. We go as far as that. I believe the more you know, I’m going to make up a quote. The more you know, the more you grow. Ya know.

JA The more you know, the more you grow.

JG That, that’s fresh for you guys.

JA There you go.

JG And so, ya know, we’ll take it a step further. If, if they watch 100% of the video, ya know, they’ll get certain emails from us set up in the future. So, so, let’s take it back to this one right here. The, the content “B” for example, that’s the second one, we’ll take it through the same progression. And honestly these are copy and paste emails, we’ll take a different approach on the reminder about that. Ya know, there’s always different angles to take, ya know.

JA And, and you’re testing all of the time too, aren’t you?

JG Absolutely.

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JA Does this headline work? Does this copy work? Does this get opened? Does that get opened?

“But, but the

mindset that

this guy has is

really where

you want to get

to if you want

your business,

your income,

your finances

to level where

you live that

ideal life.”

JG Sure.

JA You’re always testing everything. You say okay, this one works 10% better than that one.

JG Absolutely. Because these can all be, ya know, another thing with email services now is usually when they’re click, you’re able to like tag the person or come up with some kind of descriptor that lets you know they click. That’s just not for that one email, but it usually stays in their profile. I know Infusionsoft’s like that; other CRN’s. So for me to be able to say, well how many people have clicked, ya know, email “A” versus how many have gotten it, ya know, gives me a, a click through rate. And if one is off in the chain, I can immediately go and, and ya know, retest and go back to the drawing board. So it’s very important to…these are swappable, they’re not set in stone. This is a dynamic process, always expanding and growing.

JA As I’m listening to you, I keep wanting to make sure…

JG Yeah.

JA …that the people that are watching realize and recognize that you have learned how to think this way.

JG Absolutely, absolutely.

JA See for most people, including me, I had to be taught, okay, to think this way. So if you’re not the type of person that thinks this way, remember, there’s four options you always have that I teach. You can hire it out, barter it out, partner it out, or defer payment to people who can help you do this kind of stuff.

JG Absolutely.

JA Or you can learn it. So, what you’re learning right now is, ya know, the program you’re involved in either “Winning the Game of Money,” “Winning the Game of Business,” or, or the “Fear of Procrastination” program, which is, ya know, another program that we have. But, but the mindset that this guy has is really where you want to get to if you want to get your business, your income, your finances to level where you live that ideal life.

JG Absolutely.

JA And it’s just going to take a little bit of time, so…

JG Absolutely.

JA …I just want to make sure we keep coming back to that.

JG Sure, sure.

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“So negative

thoughts, even,

ya know, to this

day, I, I don’t

think I’m

immune to



doubts that set


JA You’re looking at, ya know, 11 years, okay, of practicing, falling, picking himself back up, learning more. By the way, how much do you invest a year in personal development and professional development right now?

JG Easily 10%, ya know, of my income. So you’re talking anywhere from $150,000.00 to $200,000.00. I buy every $2,000.00, $3,000.00 course, and you know there’s, if you want to you can buy one day.

JA I’ll share with mine later. You’re a voracious learner.

JG I wish I had a picture. But I have a bookshelf that, or a book collection that spans an entire two walls. You’re talking eight bookshelves, ten-feet tall. My wife, she thinks I’m just collecting at this point because I, I’d never be able to read all of them. But I, I figure I have friends that do it with DVDs and sports, so I might as well do it with my education so.

JA He’s learning by osmosis. As long as they’re in the library.

JG Yes.

JA It’s all in, he’s absorbing right into there.

JG Right, right, right. So some of them are, are directly, ya know, coming in and other ones are just the, the vibration there, but.

JA So hold on just one second. What I would like to do is we’ve been at this for a few minutes right now. I want to go to you, okay, wherever you are in the world right now. And by the way, hi to all my new Irish friends. I loved Ireland and my new friends in London. Loved being in Ireland and London. Amazing, so welcome to your first call since I was just there last week. So why don’t we give you a chance to ask two questions, just two questions. You see how valuable this stuff is. We’ll save some more time later on. I want Jermaine to be able to get through a lot of this content and, and give you the best. So, Raf, can you maybe give us a couple questions people have.

RD Sure. One question is, so when following your passion, Jermaine, did you have a lot of negative thoughts or negative dialogue taking place?

JG Absolutely. I had to undo a lot of thinking. And I had physical things to undo, ya know. Ya know, growing up in, in the inner city, we, we had some, some issues. I remember turning 18 and I, I had to get stuff off my credit and things like that, ya know. And ya know, and having to undo a lot of things, both physically and just mentally, because, ya know, we have a certain mindset. I grew up in the church. I had a lovely family. We were close-knit, but we didn’t get the business thing, ya know. That, that was something I had to learn from scratch. So negative thoughts, even, ya know, to this day, I, I don’t think I’m immune to those occasional doubts that set in. Oh you think you can do that? Ya know. What makes you think you can do that? And, and so, ya know, even today, I, like I told John, I, I need a little Praxis Now, ya know?

JA Well we’re going work with him to go from $3 million to $10 million. That we talked about earlier.

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JG Absolutely.

“I like the four

P’s. I live




and Patience.”

JA So, so when you had those doubts, those fears, those uncertainties, what did you do? How’d you break through?

JG I think I consumed myself in, in books, in reading and education. On the way here, ya know, if you ask me who I’m listening to, I’m a musician, but for some reason, for long trips like this, I’m not listening to music. I’m listening to spoken word. I’m listening to motivation, inspiration or marketing, or, or, somebody’s continuity program I’m in, and I’m getting CDs daily so there’s always something. I, ya know, what do they call it? Drive Time University? My car is my university. My iPad. I, I mean, I went so far as to buy one of those pillows that have a speaker in them. So my wife can’t hear it. She’s right next to me. If she can, she’ll tell me to turn it down. And I’ll connect that, and so that gives me an extra, ya know, an hour on, on the way to sleep. So I just find when you just consume your yourself with the right information and, ya know, it build up such a wall that when those thoughts come, ya know, they easily bounce off. They’ll come, but ya know, you’ve heard it. It’s all in, in how you respond to it. So somehow, ya know.

JA He’s great at retraining his brain, which is what all of you are all about, so.

JG Yeah, yeah.

JA Awesome, so…

JG Acknowledging the thoughts too. Like I hear, I, I hear it, and just speaking the opposite of it is, ya know.

JA …is one of the ways you do it. Awesome, awesome. One more question please.

RD Okay another questions is, if I’m new to Internet marketing, what is a good plan to learn everything without getting overwhelmed with all the information out there?

JG Sure, I understand it, and John already said it, ya know, you have to take a step, step at a time. Like something like we’re talking about now. Ya know, it’s easy to understand the concept. The, the specifics, like I said, many email programs do this, so when you go to choose your email program, you’ll, you’ll be hard-pressed not to find this as a regular function of it. But, ya know, here, the concept is just to understand, okay, I have to follow-up my prospects. And just to not, ya know, be too assuming in that process that they’re seeing all of your messages. And just to stop and say, wait, what is my first goal? What is my second goal? What is my third goal? And to base your follow-up on that. Ya know, conditionally upon that. It’s really the concept, ya know. And, ya know, it may sound all, ya know, overwhelming, but really it is to, to take it a step at a time. Ya know, you find your market, ya know, and you want a, a starving, hungry niche. I like the four P’s. I live Passion, Positive, Progression and Patience. But I mean there, there’s many niches out there with starving crowds…Gar-, Gary Halbert, you remember he…

JA Writer?

JG …I think he said, ya know, if, if, if, and I’m paraphrasing it, but if, if he could ask for anything just, and it just fall in his lap, he said he’d ask for a starving crowd, ya know.

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JA A starving crowd is somebody who wants what it is that you have – whether it’s your knowledge, your product or your service. That’s why I said, and, and we teach – get out of the convincing business, and find the person who wants your, your process, your knowledge, your advice, your, your, your pill, your, your lotion, your potion, your jewelry, your dentistry work, your cosmetic – what-, whatever it is. There are people who are already looking for you. Our planet just passed 7 billion people. If you could just find a couple million, okay, you’ll be doing great.

“A starving

crowd is

somebody who

wants what it is

that you have –

whether it’s



your product or

your service.”

JG And ya know, a couple million. If I had a couple million…

JA Well you have like 390,000 or so…

JG Yeah and, and out of that, ya know, less than 100,000 are customers. I mean to make a good living, ya know, a couple million you’re, you’re Apple. I mean I don’t know how many iPads they sell every quarter, but, I mean that, that’s big…

JA Millions.

JG …fish, ya know. 10,000 customers is enough to make a great living. 1,000, I guess it depends on your price plan.

JA I tell ya one of my clients who’s in the business of personal development as well, and specifically teaching women business owners how to grow. She’s one of my personal, private consulting clients, has a list of about 20,000 people and she makes $4 to $5 million a year.

JG Absolutely.

JA 20,000 people - $4 to $5 million. So you don’t need a big list, you just need to find your niche, what you love, and get really great at producing incredible content and materials for them.

JG Absolutely.

JA So great question.

JG And now you don’t have to go to a beautiful studio. Like we’re, we’re here, we got the green screen. I, I have no idea what’s showing up on the Internet. I, we got a…

JA Shhh…

JG …oh I’m sorry.

JA Well that’s okay. We’re in a studio, they all know that.

JG Did they think we were in a Star Wars? It looks kind of like, really techni-, I mean but ya know we’re in a fancy studio here. Ya know to get started you can pick up the phone, there’s, there’s services like freeconferencecall.com and literally if you have something to say, you can pick up the phone, press their record button and start talking, and you’ve got yourself an audio file.

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JA Yeah.

“You really

just have to

pick that niche.

Get tuned in,

stay tuned in to

John and

really get those

strategies and

one step at a


JG So I mean, times have progressed as such that it really, the barriers to entry are very low. If you found that hungry niche, that really needs you, and ya know, I, I’d like it for it to be something that you’re interested in, but it doesn’t have to be, but I mean you could make the best fried chicken in the world or, ya know…

JA And sell the recipe.

JG …ya know, my mom was going to do that before, ya know, the health reason set in. She said I don’t think I would serve the world by sharing my fried chicken recipe.

JA You eat too many fried chicken.

JG So ya know it could be health recipes. It could be, ya know, sewing. Or it could be your golf swing.

JA Anything.

JG Ya know, you didn’t go to golf school or you’re not a PGA person but you can just hit that thing 350 yards every time and you could make a video, ya know, with a little $100.00 camera and put that on-line. I mean there…

JA What I’m, what I’m hearing is, you don’t have any excuses period.

JG Sure right.

JA You just don’t have any excuses. In today’s world, you don’t have any excuses, even if you don’t have any money.

JG Absolutely. I’ll tell you in 2000, for me to put a video up on-line. We try to keep our videos under a megabyte because everybody have 14k modems, 28k modems. No one had broadband. So I kept my videos under a minute. I remember taking them from VHS, using this little adapter, this old school adapter and playing it into the computer and recording it in Windows Movie Maker. I mean it was just horrible. Now, I can go from iPhone straight to YouTube in like 30 seconds flat.

JA 30 seconds yeah.

JG So the landscape is totally different now. You really just have to pick that niche. Get tuned in, stay tuned in to John and really get those strategies and one step at a time. You can have your website up, your product made in really…

JA A week…

JG …a week, it’s, it’s…

JA …or less.

JG Absolutely.

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JA Yeah, right.


something I

always say that

the sale doesn’t

start, the sale

doesn’t start

until they say


JG Especially for testing phases. You can always go back and make it perfect or, ya know, once you’re making money, you make it HD or what not, bells and whistles, so.

JA Okay, let’s get back to this. That was your little burst of inspiration, so we eliminate the excuses. Let’s get back and I’m going to let you go at your pace right now. Some of you need just a time check to make sure that, that we are going at a fast enough pace to get through all 30 slides.

JG Okay. Now something I always say that the sale doesn’t start, the sale doesn’t start until they say no. That, that’s a motto for me.

JA The sale doesn’t start until they say no, okay.

JG Yeah, or the selling.

JA Okay, explain.

JG Yeah the selling doesn’t start until they say no. Many of us are so afraid of the word “no,” and I take it as a challenge. To me, when they’re not clicking on myself, they’re saying no anyway – overtly or, ya know, they’re saying no anyway. So I take it upon myself to, ya know, everything I do is done in, in three’s. Ya know, every email I make, I’m assuming they’re going to say no, and I’m coming up with the second one, coming up with the, the first follow-up, the second follow-up and the third follow-up. Meaning people are one and done, ya know. They’ll come up with an email and, ya know, maybe it, it does well, maybe it doesn’t. And it’s not even always the subject line of the email or the body copy or the, or, or the, the call to action.

Ya know, many times it’s timing, ya know, someone could have missed your email. Ya know, many times on my iPhone I click on something it makes it unbold and I think I’ve read it, and I just miss it forever. And so, ya know, I, I, I don’t – my philosophy is the sale doesn’t start until they say no. So I come up with various emails, ya know, that bring them back to the straight line. In my next slide I give an example. So here at the bottom of our order form, and this is a big thing. We’ll talk about this. But I, I include continuity on every product and for my newbies out there, that’s a monthly program. So at some point in your progression, ya know, you’re going to have so much to say, or, or people are going to want to hear from you so much that they want it at regular intervals.

So we have a CD of the Month program that, let’s put it this way, I’ve recorded 30 months into the future already – 30 CDs. And they, they sign up. They start at CD 1 and it’s done in such a way that my fulfillment house sends them the second, the third. If they stay with me for all 30 months, ya know, great. I decided to end at 30 months, ya know, because only a certain make it that far. But they’ll get in this program and it’s like an automatic, ya know, automated CD of the month. Well we offer this on the order form. Now notice, if they click no, let the party begin. Ya know, that’s…

JA The no doesn’t mean no to you.

JG No doesn’t mean no.

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JA No means I haven’t convinced you yet.

“I say that

there is

information in

everything that

we do.”

JG No means I haven’t done my job because I know you need this because everybody knows to learn piano and, and just fill in the blank for piano. Everybody has the understanding that if you’re going to hire a piano teacher, you’re not going to go to the piano teacher one time, ya know, and, and become a Beethoven, ya know. This is a Patience, Progression – this is the kind of thing. And you’re going to pay way more. So my CD of the Month, for all intents and purposes, is a monthly mentoring – I call it Monthly Music Mentor…

JA Because like you’re on right now with me…

JG Yeah.

JA …our guest Jermaine.

JG Absolutely. You need me monthly to keep you on path if it’s for nothing for motivation for my other products or what-not. So I want them in this program, and at the price point, ya know, $15.00 a month, ya know, they’re saying no. I, I want to make sure I’ve exhausted all possibilities. So they click no on the order form. Now keep in mind 60% will click, ya know, yes right here. Or keep it yes, or what-not.

JA 60%.

JG Yeah, so it’s high already, but that 40% I’m not leaving that up to chance, you know, until they’ve told me, and I’ll, I’ll share with you how you can get people to tell you no, like no means no. There are ways in your email. Okay, if no really means no, click here and I won’t mess with you anymore.

JA Let me ask you a question. We’ve got, let’s say we’ve got a dentist…

JG Sure.

JA …okay who’s watching right now, or a chiropractor, or an engineer – somebody who owns an engineering firm or a head-hunting firm.

JG Sure.

JA And they really can’t have, or I shouldn’t say they can’t. I’m going to be careful what I say to you. If they don’t really understand well what would I get people to pay monthly for? Like this doesn’t apply to me.

JG I say that there is information in everything that we do. I, I’m the type, I’m like a, I didn’t know I was exercising Socratic method, but my wife and my brother, everybody always says, you ask so many questions. I’m the guy that sits in the dentist chair and says why to everything he says. Well the answers to all of those “why’s” are pieces of content that could be going in a monthly newsletter, monthly CDs. I mean there’s ways to floss your teeth that I never knew until I started asking. Ya know.

JA And people are willing to pay for that?

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JG Absolutely, ya know, especially…

“Those are my

best clients that

are hearing

from me month

after month.

Not only are

they committed

with their

wallet, but that,



every month.”

JA Did you hear that? I agree, by the way. I just want to make sure you, you, you hear that so it makes no difference what business you’ve got. If you’re a jewelry store owner, okay, if you’re an investment banker. We’ve got clients all over the world on this. You’ve got to ask the why and how you can versus why you can’t.

JG Absolutely. And, and clearly some industries are different, ya know. Info industries, information is just endless. And ya know for dentists to make it work, honestly you have to think creative. What are the pieces of information and knowledge that if my clients knew it would save them money in having to come see me, ya know. Oftentimes, ya know, we go to see a lot of these practitioners when it’s too late. Ya know, we’ve already messed up. So that preventative knowledge. That’s stuff to be in a newsletter. And there’s something else to be said about continuity programs. Not just for profit. This $15.00 a month, well ya know, that’s great. Ya know I have 5,000 people in that, it helps, ya know, it helps the bottom line. 5,000 people a month giving you $15.00; it’s like a toll booth.

JG Ya know, it’s a big part of that growth. It’s a toll booth, but you know what else it does? Those are my best clients that are hearing from me month after month. Not only are they committed with their wallet, but that, that indoctrination every month. I mean to hear me, it’s not just hearing, here’s how to play a “C” chord. Ya know, I’m reinforcing beliefs. I’m, ya know, I’m telling stories, ya know, they know all my kids. They, I get birthday cards. These are the people that hear from me the most. Ya know, they pay to hear from me, but it also makes a stronger, bigger fan.

JA Relationship.

JG Ya know, those are my die-hards.

JA That’s why I love having all of you on these calls because we can become closer this way.

JG Absolutely. So…

JA I love it. I, I love it.

JG …it’s a built-in benefit, ya know, to be in front of them. But we said all of that because, ya know, I was talking about, well what about the people that don’t take me up? Well the next screen is just a sample email and, and I, I, this is the second one in the, in the chain. You’ll notice that I’ll resend emails, ya know. It, it appears like the bottom email. Ya know when you reply to me that it always shows the bottom one. So I’ll do a strategy whereby I simply act like I’m forwarding my last message, ya know. And I, I remember somebody doing this. And it was like, hey dude, I sent this to you and I, I don’t know if you got it because you haven’t replied it. And it just shows the “from,” the “to,” the “last date,” the “subject.”

That’s a simple way to get that second follow-up. You might be thinking, well, I, I can’t come up with three ways to follow-up with them without sounding, ya know, annoying. Well sometimes the first strategy, if I’m pressed for time for the first time. Copy my last email, put the little original message for it. You could see it right here on the screen. Ya know, hey, Jermaine, just making sure you got this email I sent earlier because I’m low on these intro kits and would like to get one out for you for free since you’re a valued customer, and we, we follow-up that way. So,

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again, when they say no, that’s the beginning of the sale. Let, let it begin. And call them out on it. As soon as they fill out my order form, sure they get their order confirmation. Thank you for ordering. But the next day, guess what? They’re going to get, they’re going to get an email from me saying, I, I’m a little baffled, I’m a little surprised because I, I offered you such a, a great value on, on the order form and I noticed you didn’t, you didn’t take it up. And, ya know, for the people that insist on not taking it up, we send them to surveymonkey.com, and they let me know why. Maybe I’m not doing something right. Maybe I’m not presenting it right. And then the ones that click obviously follow through and will get another 10%, ya know 15% to, to get back in the club that way. So…

“So that’s why,

ya know, I

bring you, ya

know, the

knowledge is

important, but

the application

of the

knowledge is

the most

important. ”

JA Are you guys getting his thinking of how he thinks strategically and acts tactically? There’s a strategy, which is what he’s going to do. There’s the tactics with how specifically he does it. And that’s critical for all you business owners, or for any of you that are thinking of owning your business, okay. You’ve got people like Jermaine and me and our friends. This is the way we either think or we have people on our teams that know how to think this way, and there’s competition for absolutely everybody in the world today. So that’s why, ya know, I bring you, ya know, the knowledge is important, but the application of the knowledge is the most important.

JG Absolutely, and ya know, to be honest, I think local businesses need this more, more than evermore. I just bought another home here in Orange County and ya know with that “pool fencing.” We had a bee hive and pest control. I mean I dealt with at least couple dozen service folks from contractors to painters to you name it, ya know. And, ya know, people will come, they’ll quote me, but guess how many follow up? Ya know, out of that whole group?

JA Almost none.

JG Almost none. Like, and I’ll tell you, I’ll tell a story. One company out of like the 20 or so I’ve deal with in the last year rings me every 14 days, like on the clock. Sometimes, ya know, 14 days, sometimes earlier. Air duct cleaning because they knew I was doing con-, ya know, construction. And ya know, hey, Jermaine, just checking, are, are you done with your construction? Because you know you have to get those air ducts cleaned up before you bring your three little kids in there. Ya know, no we’re not done yet, but ya know, give me a call back, ya know. Ya know, no come back, ya know. They saw no as…

JA No just means no right this second.

JG No they didn’t see it as rejection. Oh let me leave them alone. Even sometimes I’d be in the middle of something. No, no, not right now I’ll give you a call back. Ya know, without fail, two weeks later, Jermaine are you done with your construction? We started this in March. Do you know they finally got a sale. It was $900.00 for me to clean out my air ducts and stuff in October.

JA Wow.

JG But stayed in contact with me that whole time. And when I was ready, the right time, ya know, when I needed it.

JA They were there.

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JG They were there.

“But you have

to stay there

and you have

to be there and

you have to be

cl ir

in forefront in

mind so that

when that need

comes up, you

better believe

I’m going to

ean my a


“And it’s not

always the

action I want.

Sometimes it’s

the lack thereof

that begets, ya

know, the next

response and

the next


JA Top of mind.

JG That’s one of Joe Sugarman’s triggers, ya know.

JA Joe’s a good buddy.

JG Sometimes yeah, when you’re selling it, it’s not the right time.

JA Right.

JG But you have to stay there and you have to be there and you have to be in forefront in mind so that when that need comes up, you better believe I’m going to clean my air ducts. It’s chockfull of, ya know dust.

JA You just reminded me of two things. One is, only 3% to 4%...

JG Are ready.

JA …is ready right now to buy your product, service or knowledge.

JG Sure.

JA The other 97%, let’s say, they may need what you have, but not right now. So if you’re not there with top of mind awareness…

JG Sure, sure.

JA …when they wake up out of a deep sleep, and they think of oh I need my air ducts cleaned and you remember their name. That’s how you have to think about your knowledge, your product or your services. Are people going to in, in a week, or two weeks or two months or two years say, you know what I need. I need somebody to come to fix my dishwasher and you know who the name is.

JG Absolutely. I know the guy. His name is Tom. He called me so much, I just, I know the guy.

JA Awesome.

JG I know his number by heart so. But it goes back to, ya know, “no,” that word no, and not taking it as final rejection, but setting up your campaigns and such that when they say no you have these automatic things in place that will them back in. Well what about this? Ya know, I know you said that you weren’t interested in the monthly music mentor, but we actually have something slightly different, ya know. I noticed you put that you were advanced. Ya know, this one, ya know we’ll have things set up like that. So…

JA And that you could do if you’re a dentist…

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JG You could do it.

“CRM is



management –



that you’re

having with

your customer

is you’re able

to track what

they do or

don’t do, how

they respond or

don’t respond,

what you send

them, what you

don’t, what

dates, calls

you’ve had, etc.

JA …a lawyer, an accountant, a massage therapist, selling information. You could do any of those things on-line or off-line to stay in touch.

JG Absolutely. I mean off-line all this stuff is just, it doubles responsiveness because people aren’t used to it. You’re, you’re doing something in a space that people are just underutilizing. So, ya know, on the next slide is just the, the continuation of that email but, ya know, mo-, most of our emails work in, in this kind of way. Everything I set up, ya know, is done in a way that, ya know, beget, one action begets another. And it’s not always the action I want. Sometimes it’s the lack thereof that begets, ya know, the next response and the next response. So, ya know, you hear people with these massive amounts of follow-up campaigns. How do they come up with so many emails? Ya know, not all of it is fresh content.

Some things are just simple check-ins, ya know. You, you can set it up if, if you’re an off-line person where every two weeks it checks in. I get an email from somebody, I mean they could do better and personalize it. But it’s kind of the same thing every two weeks until I, I click. And, and ya know, even if you’re a newbie, how you set that up. You just go copy and paste – two weeks, four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks. And then put a condition on there to not send it if they click one of those, ya know. It’s pretty, ya know, simple once you get into it, so that’ll conclude the email part of it. Now the next thing that we did in this, ya know, progression is postcards, ya know. I, I wasn’t quite ready for full direct mail, so I kind of went, ya know, halfway by embracing postcards.

But I didn’t want to be licking stamps and that kind of thing. I had my staff doing that, that sort of thing. So I, I went with a company called “send out cards,” and integrated with my system as such that when they order, they get this beautiful card from us, just a note of thanks. It has little notes, and I, this, this is a little contradictory to my philosophy, but I, ya know, because it has sheet music in it.

JA Um-hmm.

JG It should have a ear. But ya know it works, and so they get postcards the day after they order. So that postcard arrives three days later. 60 days into the relationship they get a “check in.” Hey I was just making sure.

JA By mail?

JG By mail.

JA By direct mail?

JG By mail, by mail, yeah, you might say, well I could easily do that via email, but, ya know, we, we understand that even as great as email is, ya know…

JA Getting something in your hand in your mail, you still love.

JG …yeah absolutely. When it arrives in the mail and you should see the amount of cards. You ta3k about karma and you sow what you reap and the law of, what is it? The law of cause and effect.

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JA Cause and effect.

“So you’re

using mobile




direct response

mail, regular


marketing, and


integrating it


JG Ya know, I thought there was another name for it.

JA I was trying to read his name, which one?

JG There’s many of them. Well the, the main seven, but, ya know, Christmastime I remember getting 1200 cards. Back now, I probably send tens of thousands, but I got 1200 cards during that November – December holiday season back from all sorts of people. And you should’ve seen me and my kids going through all of those cards, ya know, all because I started the gesture. Ya know, I send out, not only thank you cards and postcards like this 60 days in. When they pass a certain threshold of how much they’ve spent – now this is something a little bit more advanced, but, ya know, just know the concept. Ya know, rewarding on ascension, ya know. People spend money, ya know, my, my market’s a little lower. Our courses range from ya know $50.00 to $200.00 and we’ll start doing workshops and higher end stuff, but ya know to spend $2,500.00 with me is a pretty big deal.

JA Sure.

JG You bought like everything…

JA Everything.

JG …and you’re in my continuity, ya know, so as they progress, ya know, I know when they pass $300.00 they’re getting a postcard, they’re getting a Starbucks card. A $10.00 card, it’s not much; $5.00, we, we do $5.00, $10.00 denominations. They get a bag of cookies when they pass $300.00. Ya know when they pass $700.00 they’ll get like a Cheesecake Factory card for like $25.00 or something like that. Now keep in mind, they don’t know how much they’ve spent, I mean…

JA Right.

JG …unless they’re just really meticulous about it. Hey I passed $700.00, ya know. I like that. But I’m keeping track of that and as they pass these, these thresholds, they’re getting these gifts along with postcards. So now we’re, ya know, in this 360 degree circle that I’m trying to build. We started with email and it’s conditional marketing. Now the circle’s getting a little, ya know, bigger with postcards and, so now they’re, they got something from me in their email, they got something, ya know, reinforcing that now in the mail. And it’s personalized so your name is in it and that kind of stuff like that.

That’s why I like to send out cards. So, ya know, and they, they try to make it look handwritten, so we got that kind of thing. The next thing we do is in our off-line mail because, as I, ya know, made the circle bigger I thought okay, well if I send direct mail to them, how am I going to get them back into my, like when they reply, how do I know that they’re replying and when they buy that it’s from this letter and it’s just in my core central system? Ya know, my CRM system.

JA CRM is customer relationship management – the relationship that you’re having with your customer is you’re able to track what they do or don’t do, how they respond or don’t respond, what you send them, what you don’t, what dates, calls you’ve had, etc.

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JG Right, right and if you’re B to B or doing phone sales, you can mark when you’ve talked to them…

JA Right.

“The idea is to

build the

rapport and the

relationship to

give amazing

content and

then when it’s

time to offer

whatever it is

that you’re

offering, you

use urgency,

you use

scarcity, you

use timelines to

get people to

behave, to take

action or not

take action.”

JG …and all that kind of stuff. So I want to be able for those two things to talk to each other so you know. So now every time we send direct mail. This is a strategy, and it’s something that, ya know, if you’re already doing direct mail you can, you can apply. It’s just a simple landing page and on the letter I tell them to put in your, on the page you want to put in your email and your account number, which is like a five digit number, and as soon as they, they get to this page, there’s an audio of me saying, hey thanks for, ya know, responding to my letter.

Just go ahead and put in your email and your account number below and on the next page you know, I’ll send them on their way. And what that does is now that I know who they are, we can continue that, that, ya know, the sales process on-line. So now I have this chain of actions that says, hey Bob has actually replied to direct mail letter one, ya know, direct mail letter two and it’s bringing them together into the same place. So it was my way to marry, ya know, and, and people do this…

JA On-line and off-line combination.

JG …off-line, yeah, personalize URLs can be the same thing, PERLS and things like that. I chose to go this route because I can use this same form for everything and, and I don’t have to make this new, ya know, personalized URLs. But, ya know, as they come off-line to on-line, ya know, I, I want these two systems talking. My, my, my direct mail I want to know when they reply and so, ya know, that, that made for a wonderful marriage of the two. This next slide, I really don’t have to cover. It’s a specific. So as we got, widen the gap, I said well, how else can I be in front of them? Because my, my ideology was, ya know, the more they can hear from Jermaine and see Jermaine when they’re ready to buy, I’ll be their guy. So I said, how could I get to their mobile phones, ya know?

And so, here’s something that we started. After they opt in for their free, ya know, lessons, my big ethical bribe in the beginning. Right on that thank you page, I ask them to make another commitment. Now I want your mobile phone and this is why I want your mobile phone. I think on here I say, oh here it is right here on the thank you page. That’s the page right here, that’s like the landing page that they sign up on, but on the thank you page, how would you like to get helpful, ya know, music tips and advice texted to you weekly? Introducing the mobile music minute. And so ya know they sign up and every Monday without fail, it’s funny because I get ten of them myself. Every Monday without fail there’s a new text message, sent to them every Monday. You might think oh man, another thing for me to keep up with.

JA So you’re using mobile marketing, email marketing, direct response mail, regular mail marketing, and you’re integrating it all?

JG Integrating it all, and I think it’s important. Like I said I use Infusionsoft for that, but ya know, be my guest to, to find a CRM that will do it. Now, with this though, I set all the messages up.

JA Automatic.

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JG Automatic. One day I went through and I did 150 tips. The good thing about text messages, ya know, you have to keep under like, I don’t know, 256 characters. So these were simple tips, like, ya know, to form a major scale, take the first and fifth tone of any scale, ya know.

“But we took it

a step further

and we did



JA So you just take your content and just make it into like a, like a Twitter.

JG Tweets, yeah.

JA Yeah like a little tweet and then you automate it and you just, you do it once and automate for a year.

JG Absolutely.

JA Yeah, so I got it set up for beginners for a year, intermediate for year and advanced. So if you start in the beginning, you’ll get three years. You’ll go from beginner to intermediate. So three years into the future. And, now what that has done. So every Monday now we have mobile relations going back. People saying thank you, no less than 150 texts on Mondays. Thank you so much, this is great, I, I’ve been meaning to order, I’m going to order. I like those text messages. Well don’t let me stop you, ya know, beep me, ya know, and ya know we’ll get the occasional unsubscribe and there are people who change phone numbers, but that’s another way to stay in front of them. So now they’re getting, ya know, they see me in their mailbox. They’re seeing me in their inbox. They’re seeing me on their phone and uh text messages have like a 95% open rate.

JA Yeah.

JG So in between that I’ll throw stuff in there. Now the cool thing about most CRM systems is that you can synchronize this stuff that, ya know, you can also, ya know, and the, like if I’m sending an email day 145 I can also set that up so that my text message goes out in that same day. So now they’re getting a text message saying hey, did you get my email this morning. It’s very important, ya know, please respond as soon as you can or something like that. So sometimes I’ll throw in the occasional text message to reinforce a step here in the email campaign. So when you can start integrating these things, not as just separate things because you know, the mobile thing is on its own pretty much and the email thing is going.

But when you can kind of marry those modalities as well, ya know, and start reinforcing. Like something they’ll get a letter. Like when I get time to really sell something hard, because this is not all just, ya know, free videos. Don’t get it wrong. At some point when they’re ready, I’m going to do a hard offer with an expiration date strong. And that’s when I’m, I’m hitting them. Hey if this isn’t expiring at midnight, they’ll get a text message about that. They might get a postcard seven days prior to beginning that offer. But you know over time I’ve collected all of this data, but then when it’s time to really use it, oh man, the effectiveness of that just skyrockets.

JA So, so, and I, and I want to again, I’m going to preface this. You could do this whether you’re a lawyer offering services, a, a dentist offering services, a massage therapist, it could come with a hundred different businesses. The idea is to build the rapport and the relationship to give amazing content and then when it’s time to offer whatever it is that you’re offering, you use urgency, you use scarcity, you use timelines to get people to behave, to take action or not take action. And if they take action great. If they don’t take action you start another sequence.

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JG Absolutely.

JA Right?

JG And you have all these mediums too to reinforce your, your expiration, your offers…

“And what it

does is it

meshes those

two together

and exports it

in like five

minutes flat.

And now you

have MP3s. ”

JA Right.

JG …pretty much because you’ve already been in those spaces communicating with them, so ya know, occasionally I’ll see people have webinars and they’ll use the, the cell phone, ya know, for a reminder, and never use it again. It was used for that webinar sure, but you know, now you, you have a piece of data that now to me is so valuable, ya know.

JA Yeah.

JG Why not follow-up and say hey, to, to join our tip of the week, ya know, or to add your number. We already have it, just click here to confirm and now you’ll be placed on a tip of the week. And now you’re in front of them every week. Lawyers, you mentioned lawyers, I mean it’s, it’s perfect because there’s so many one-liners, like did you know you could be sued for walking on a sidewalk or something in Boston? Ya know, you hear those. There, there’s just so many things and, and that’s just one example of these little tidbit things that you can send out to them.

JA Yeah.

JG So that, that’s the mobile side of things. We took it a step further. I don’t know if I should even talk about this one. But we took it a step further and we did personalized audio. You know what? I’ll give this to your…I don’t even sell this, but some people might find it fascinating. You guys can have it if I can remember the link or we’ll post it.

JA Thank you.

JG But, yeah this, you don’t even know what it is yet.

JA Hey if, if he’s giving it, I’m saying thank you…

JG You’re going to love it.

JA …on your behalf.

JG You’re going to love it. Okay, I built this from scratch. One thing Steve Jobs inspired with, with his innovation and I always been, ya know, in one way I don’t reinvent the wheel. Don’t get me wrong. There are tried and true improving things. I go all the way back to John Caples, ya know, in advertising, 1925. I love those classics. But then I also see how technology and with technology we can innovate and, and make our marketing better. And so I said, well if I’m already building a relationship, how would it be for me to, ya know, send out an audio button and you click on it and it says, hey John, this is Jermaine, I just wanted to let you know your seven free secrets report is ready. Or hey John it’s your birthday today, happy

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birthday. Ya know, and so I said, well no one’s done it, let me make it. And so this is called audio personalize. I don’t even sell it. I just made it for my own use.

JA I love it.

“But don’t let

it fool you.

Good, pretty,


design doesn’t

always mean a



rate. ”

JG Yeah, you record the names on the left side so you know, you take one day, ya know, of course it’s working, but, but say the top 500 most popular names, John, Mark, Elizabeth – you can download one of those, and I, I think I include it. And you just go hey Mark, hey Bob, hey John, you record it, you save it. It’s there forever. So now when you want to make a new message you come in and on the right side you say, I just wanted to say happy birthday, it’s your birthday today, I hope you’re enjoying it. And what it does is it meshes those two together and exports it in like five minutes flat. And now you have MP3s. It exports it with the person’s name in the, in the link. So all you have to do is…

JA I really like that idea.

JG …send out an email that says, ya know…

JA You should be selling that.

JG I should be selling that, I know but, ya know. And it puts their name in the link so if I send out an email here on play.com/jermainebirthday well my system is going to merge the Jermaine part. And get this, if the name doesn’t exist in my database, it sends them default one. That’s what they would’ve gotten anyway if you didn’t have this program. Hey there, it’s your birthday today. Ya know, so. When we started implementing that stuff, I mean talk about personal relationships. It created one problem. The problem was the amount of replies that we had to reply to…

JA Right.

JG …because people, it’s not deception, but people really feel like it’s coming from me. And ya know we get replies. I get stories of, of, of pages long, ya know.

JA Yeah, it’s hard to read them all.

JG Yeah it’s hard to real them all, ya know. So there is one setback and it’s, ya know, having to keep up with these personal relationships. And you can put staff and canned messages in place and stuff like that. So this was taking the audio part of it. So we’re coming around a circle, I said, ya know, my thinking on it is how can I make my follow-up more effective and get past the clutter? This was one of my answers to it.

JA I love that.

JG The innovative in this form. I talked about…did you want to interrupt me?

JA Yeah, I want to, I wanted to just take a, a second to go back to the audience. You guy, I know you probably have a million questions, all right. So maybe we can take two questions right now and just take a little bit of a break. And if you can gauge how much more content you’ve got for time…

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JG Sure, sure.

JA …we’ll know what, what speed to go. So Rafaella, can you please share with us a couple questions for Jermaine so far. By the way, you guys loving this? Are you getting a, you’re getting a great education, that I know. And, and what, what’s the feedback, people are loving this?

RD Yes, they are loving it. They’re very interesting. Very happy you’re here.

JG How much do we have left?

RD About 15 minutes.

JA All right we got about 15 minutes left. Let me ask you all a question? Can you stay an extra 15 minutes today? If I get Jermaine to, to stick around for an extra 15 minutes…

JG Absolutely.

JA …can you all stay an extra 15 minutes? Because if you can we’re going to keep going because we’ve got a lot of content to go through and maybe I’ll have Jermaine back, if he’ll be kind enough to come back for another session. So, number one, have you enjoyed this? Let’s ask two questions and then we’re going to do an extra 15 minutes. If you can’t, you’ll be able to catch it on the replay.

JG And, and I do apologize if it’s, it’s too specific, because as I’m reading it, I’m like wow, I really did put a lot of specific stuff, so because I, I thought it was more workshop style.

JA That’s okay.

JG So if it’s too much, don’t worry about that, like the specific stuff because I can cover the overarching high level stuff too.

JA Let’s go to the, we’ll go the overarching high level stuff from here…

JG Sure, sure.

JA …and then the people can, can review the slides and that afterwards. So, Raf, let’s do two questions please.

RD Sure, one question is, Jermaine, I love your website. What makes, in your opinion, what makes a high converting website?

JG Well absolutely, well there’s different thoughts. When I first got started and that’s why I preface when I showed my website that it, it hadn’t always been that way. I went, now my home page is a prettier Apple-looking home page hub, if you will. But don’t let it fool you. Good, pretty, appealing design doesn’t always mean a higher conversion rate. So I, I think when you study, ya know, direct response marketing and some of the nitty gritty sales pages that you get in the mail and then, ya know, nice design, Apple kind of thing, there’s this, this divide, and I try to tread, ya know, very carefully, ya know, because I get a lot of press so I want it to seem

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like a professional website for, ya know, off-line press. But I also want it to be high converting, so I never forsake any of the direct response. Headline, sub headlines, self-interest based appeals, ya know. You can type in top John Caple’s headlines and really just go down the list and test those, so I have a lot of the direct response fundamentals, ya know. Ya know, the old school red headline kind of thinking, but I mesh that with prettier design these days, if you will.

“Don’t let a

designer ever

dictate your

sales strategy.”

JA Right.

JG Because Google, Google won’t even let you on their, or on their search now. If it looks anywhere near, ya know, old school sales pages. Now times have changed.

JA Times have changed.

JG And you, you do have to react to it. So what we could do ten years ago, ya know, sometimes now you can’t get away with it. So, ya know, if you, I would study the greats and the classics and the, ya know, Letterman’s, and the Sugarman’s and all those classic advertising books and, and I would like to go sites like vworker.com or elance.com and there are thousands of portfolio of designs.

JA Ninety-nine…

JG Ninety-nine designs.

JA Ninety-ninedesign.com as well.

JG Yeah, you can mesh these two worlds together. Don’t let a designer ever dictate your sales strategy.

JA I think you’ve also got to start with, what’s the purpose of the website? Is it to capture somebody’s name to start a relationship with them?

JG Sure.

JA Is it more of a branding website? So you have to start with the end in mind of what is it that you want people to do. So Apple, for example, they don’t want you to fill in your name and your, your email address so they can stay in touch with you. They’re more of a branding website.

JG Absolutely.

JA Well it costs a hundred of millions of dollars to brand. So it just depends on what is it that you want people to do when they’re there. But the one thing I can share with you is do not make the website about how fantastic, amazing, spectacular…

JG You are.

JA …you or your product is.

JG Right.

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JA That’s number one.

JG Absolutely.

JA Okay, it always has to be around the prospect, the customer, what they’re, either they’re positive need is, or they’re, they’re fear, they’re frustration, they’re irritation, they’re lack of knowledge, lack of expertise that they’re looking to learn more about.

“Okay, it

always has to

be around the

prospect, the

customer, what

they’re, either

they’re positive

need is, or

they’re, they’re

fear, they’re




they’re lack of


lack of

expertise that

they’re looking

to learn more


JG I like that you made that point. I like the niche to be positive, but my headlines aren’t always positive. Do these things scare you?

JA Right.

JG Or have you ever forgotten your music in front of an audience? Ya know, I play, you have to play on those appeals as well, ya know.

JA Right, okay.

JG Ya know, not being good enough is, is a big part of it. So, ya know.

JA Yeah, 100% right.

JG Yep, so, we’ll, we’ll continue…

JA One more question.

RD Okay, Carrie has a question. How long do you wait before sending a follow-up email, and how do you know when you’re mailing too much?

JG Well I can go specific with this. How long do I wait? I usually have a three-day gap, if you will. Longer than a week without hearing from me would, would be out of my character. So it’s usually, ya know, every two to three days. But let me tell you this, with, with the right CRM, they have a lot of them are doing what we call lead scoring right now. And it, all it is is an internal score of how active, if you will, or how strong that prospect or customer is. So the more they click, they start getting points. Now, in Infusionsoft you can set this up. I think they’re even coming out with so it’s now native in the application. And, and other sites are, are starting to follow this concept.

So if you’re clicking everything I send, you might have a score of 500 points versus somebody who hasn’t clicked and may have zero or only 10 points. And so now we’re starting to do something where we, we, we send more frequently to people with more points that are going to be more receptive, or people with more, a higher customer value or, or what not. So there’s, there’s many ways to gauge. I wouldn’t let frequency stop you. I would just segment in, in such a way that the people that have proven themselves to be into you because you’re going to get people who are just so into you and you can’t mail them enough. And you’re going to get some people that weren’t really interested to begin with.

JA Right.

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JG So you don’t want those people to stop you from talking to the people who are really with you, and the best way to do that is to use the numbers, whether it’s lead scoring or whether it’s how many times they’ve clicked on prior links to dictate future marketing. That’s what I mean by condition. Every email is sent with a condition. No email is just out there to be sent to everybody regardless of any kind of behavior. Everything’s sent with a condition.

“And so, and

so we try to

gauge it based

on customers’


desires and

esponse rates

as well.”

“So as soon as

a service says

API, I go to

work because

that means I

can infuse it



JA Yeah and, and Jermaine makes a great point is there’s some people, for example, that would consume an email, ya know, about brain research every single day. And there’s other people that say, ya know what, like once a week is too much. Like why you emailing me that video, ya know? And so, and so we try to gauge it based on customers’ desires and response rates as well.

JG Um-hmm.

JA And so some of the stuff we send out is mass mail and we see who responds, who shows up, who doesn’t and then we start to segment from there. And that’s a little bit more of an advanced…

JG Sure, sure.

JA …ya know, technique. If you have to send an email out, ya know, to everybody because you’re not segmenting yet, then maybe once every two or three days with relevant information around the topic, ya know, that they initially clicked that they want more of.

JG Um-hmm.

JA And that way you developed a relationship maybe, ya know, two or three times a week, and then they’ll read it if they want to or they’ll delete it if they don’t.

JG Um-hmm, I have a 3:1 ratio, ya know, content, not even content, or motivation or, or what have you to sell. So as long as I’m, I feel in my heart that when I’m emailing I’m giving more than I’m selling, and, and it’s, I, I know people that sell daily.

JA Every…some, some twice a day.

JG I’m not immune to selling, ya know. I’m not immune to that, don’t get me wrong. I’m a salesman, and I, I, I’m a proud salesman, that’s my incentive thing. Some people are scared to sell. I’m not scared to sell. I, I’ll sell ice to an Eskimo, as they say, or, or what have you. But, even in that, I, I try to make it like 3:1, so I’m sending content, blog posts, ya know, maybe Facebook update to my fan page, or what have you, ya know. And then, will come, ya know, the offers in between to the people who are ready, ya know. All is based on the style that they’ve told me, they skill level that they’re at, and diagnosing the right product for them. We have 30 products, so diagnosing the right one for them right now, based on what they’ve told me. Even if they’ve forgotten. They told me the info and those emails are coming back at them accordingly.

JA Awesome. All right, so due to time, we’ve got about 30 minutes based on the extra 15 minutes, so.

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JG Okay.

JA Why don’t you take it away, and let’s, I’m going to let you…

JG I’ll go faster.

“The concept

of this is if you



that people are

willing to pay

for, putting it

in monthly

doses and on



the physical

part of it,

because when

people get used

to hearing

from you in the

mail, it, it


increases your


JA …go faster. He and I can talk for days.

JG We, we really could. Birthday marketing, this is, I use the same send out cards. We send out birthdays and, and gift cards. You might say, how do you know their birthday? This is a strategy everybody can apply. I use their, when we have a passage for them to pick up their digital items for, for us, I custom-build a place where you log in with your email and your date of birth. Now even before I wanted to send birthday cards, I said, people are always forgetting their passwords and I just can’t stand the customer service so I, after they log in, the first question they’re asked is what’s your birthday? Why am I asking? Because people don’t forget, people forget passwords, but they don’t forget birthdays.

JA Brilliant.

JG That’s the exact email line I use. So people, okay, I use my birthday, made sense. And then meanwhile, that birthday, because I never ask for something I don’t use. That birthday I got a programmer for $50.00. I said when they fill out their birthday, you think you could send that to Infusionsoft for me? And they’re like, yeah, ya know. Write this word down: API. It’s an advanced word. I think it stands for Application Programming Interface, but what it means is, is you find that a service you use, it could be your phone service, or it could be Google, if they mention the word that they have an API, ya know, and I’m a layman when it comes to that, but all that means is they, they’ve opened up their services to be integrated…

JA To integrate it…

JG …with other places.

JA …yea.

JG So as soon as a service says API, I go to work because that means I can infuse it with Infusionsoft. So that’s what I did with my birthday thing. So now that goes into there and then that triggers the send out cards and bam now we got people getting their digital stuff and birthday cards from one action, ya know. And that’s just, ya know, a nugget, ya know. Don’t take the services at face value, ya know. Dig a little better. And $50.00 on a site like elance or something, will go a long way. You don’t have to know it. Just know what you want out of your, your service and your providers and there’s people out there that can make it happen. This is just one thing, but it offered a $50.00 like change. It opened to me the possibilities of being able to automatically send birthday cards. And another thing, belated birthday cards work better than birthday cards.

JA I missed your birthday, send in.

JG I missed your birthday. Because ya know we sent three birthday cards. You buy from us, you can even spend $20.00. I don’t have a condition on this. My love is unconditional. You get a birthday card first year, second year, but the third one

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you’ll get a belated one, and it’s just me sending it a little later, setting up to go the day of your birthday instead of seven days before. It’ll say, hey, ya know, I’m so sorry, but I figured I, I’d send it out to you anyway. I’m so sorry I missed your birthday.

JA He is one smart cookie, isn’t he? All right you got 15 minutes to go through these.

“So we have,

we notice the


audience there,

yeah, more hip,



the videos and


streaming them

to their iPods,



JG yeah, I got it. And people call back and say, oh my gosh, he forgot my birthday and he remembered, ya know. It makes a bigger impact. Here, here’s our continuity program. This is specific to Infusionsoft, but we already talked about this. The concept of this is if you have information that people are willing to pay for, putting it in monthly doses and on CDs underscoring the physical part of it, because when people get used to hearing from you in the mail, it, it actually increases your rates, and, and you can really CD of the month clubs, DVD of the month clubs as mediums to sell your other stuff because it’s going to have, assuming they’re consuming your stuff, it’s going to have, ya know, a near perfect open rate. It’s not looked, it, it’s not looked at as an advertisement, ya know, it’s just piggybacking on your products.

JA You know it’s interesting and I, I do have a question for, for all of our clients who are watching right now. We did a survey in one of these sessions of our clients, do you want us to send you something in the mail every month?

JG What’d they say?

JA Seventy-five percent said no.

JG Really?

JA Twenty-five said, yeah, we’d like that. So here’s a question for all of you watching right now, would you like to get something in the mail from us on a monthly basis that you’re either not getting or if we took one of the interviews and put them on a DVD or CD, would you like to get that? And maybe we can get a poll going right now and give us the answer to that, but…

JG Sure, sure.

JA …that was interesting. By the way, we’re doing, we do poll, we do polling as well.

JG You do polls, wow.

JA …while we’re, while we’re live. So…

JG I see, I, I come from the old school, I guess the back in the old school thing and just when I, when those packets arrive in the mail…

JA Yep.

JG …and I know many newsletters, financial newsletters have moved to on-line and stuff and ya know, and there’s, ya know, different strokes for different folks. But I find those, those flyers and, and insertions in those…

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JA Are great, okay.

JG …very effective for us.

JA So even though they may not want it. It still is good for them and it produces more revenue for you as well.

“See the

meaning that

he’s giving

may be tripling

his income is I

have to have



JG Yeah. And that’s not the only one. We do have an on-line only club too.

JA Okay.

JG Our Goth music training center. The price point is $37.00 a month. And that one is purely on-line. So we have, we notice the younger audience there, yeah, more hip, they’re downloading the videos and they’re streaming them to their iPods, totally different. But then I have people on my CD, ya know, 70 years old and you go on my Facebook fan page and they’re people saying wow, I just got my 12 CD, I’ve lost the order, can you send me an order of how they go. Like they want to put them in order, and it’s just, ya know, I’m like wow. I, I didn’t even.

JA And you’re doing all this with three employees? Four employees?

JG They don’t even know what this is. This is automated right here.

JA Okay.

JG Ya know, my…

JA But I’m talking about your whole business?

JG Yeah, yeah the whole thing.

JA Does it seem like he’s doing so much and he’s got like, I’ve got more employees, ya know sitting in here right now.

JG Well yeah, and the funny is all the stuff I talk about is like I just handle. My employees are doing more like task-based customer service stuff, ya know.

JA Okay.

JG I still consider myself CMO.

JA CMO is Chief Marketing Officer.

JG Yeah.

JA So he’s coming up with all the ideas, I love it.

JG Yeah and it works for you and it gets to you. Like you say, getting to $100 million, I don’t think, ya know, I, I, I could hold onto all of these, these kind of…

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JA Well I’m going to help you go from $3 million to $10 million.

JG Sure, let’s do that…

JA I’m going to help you do 300% more income with a, I’ve got some ideas for you. This guy’s sharp.

“So, continuity

is the key here.

So placing

yourself in a

position to get



JG Now is the answer, am I going to have to have ten, ten employees, 15 employees?

JA You might have to have more employees…

JG Okay.

JA …but you won’t have to manage them.

JG Okay, great, great.

JA See your, your problem is you don’t want to manage them. You…

JG That’s right, that’s right.

JA …but you don’t mind having them work, just like outsourcing.

JG I don’t mind it. Sure, sure.

JA Right. See the meaning that he’s giving may be tripling his income is I have to have more employees.

JG Yeah.

JA Change the meaning.

JG To be honest I have that meaning.

JA Right? And change the meaning and all of a sudden he says, if I can do $10 million in revenue, I don’t have to manage any more people, great, I’ll do that.

JG Absolutely. Mindset is everything, ya know, so.

JA Right. I’ll let you keep going.

JG Okay, so, we, we got that part of it. I’m not sure what, what slide that is but that might be specific to Infusionsoft, but the concept, how I applied it might be specific to Infusionsoft.

JA Which one? The one that’s on there right now, or?

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JG Yeah, well, okay, it says, CD of month club. That works sequentially. This is what I wanted to point out how this is different. Ya know, whether, and ya know, fill in the blank. It doesn’t have to be physical CD. Say it was on-line and they logged in for your interview of the month. Same thing. Same concept here. Physical, digital, doesn’t matter in that regard. You can still include banners under that. So, ya know, you can find a way to make it work on-line. But sequential is the key here. Now you lose current events and holidays, but you make your content. Evergreen is such that month one is their month one. I recorded month one August 2009.

JA Right.

“You start with

a vision, then

you create the

strategy, then

you add the

tactics, and in

his case, it was

the continuity

to have



JG Ya know, I refresh myself on it. Month two, ya know, and so I’ve already done the content in advance. I like that because we’re all human and we all get tired saying, or doing, ya know, sometimes, ya know, three years into it it’s like I’m running out of stuff to say, ya know, or what, what have you. For whatever reasons why we stop, ya know, things we, we start. And so I said no this one I’m never stopping until they get to 30. If they get to 30 months, okay…

JA You’re good.

JG …I stop. Ya know. And so we start them at month one and you’d be surprised. I mean the average member stays, for us, about six or seven months. But that 10% die-hard, will be on, it’s a disservice to end them at 30 months, to be honest. That 10% core group that will be paying for years on end. So, continuity is the key here. So placing yourself in a position to get recurring income. We, sadly to say, we didn’t start recurring income until 2007. Before that, one time sales. Launches, ya know, DVDs. But we relied on what we had to sell for that day, ya know. Payment plans maybe, ya know, money coming from past. But no continuity. And at some point I, I said, there has to be a better way. Donny Deutsch, ya know, he, he had a show. And we embraced continuity. And that…

JA My buddy.

JG He…

JA I was on his show four times.

JG You guys kinda favor each other.

JA I was on his show for quite a bit when he was on, so yeah.

JG Really?

JA Great guy.

JG Yeah, I mean I would love to meet him, but ya know, I said there must be a better way. And since we started our continuity programs. We have two, going on three. I’ve ne-, I mean we used to have months that sometimes, ya know, just the ebbs and flows. I’ve never had a future month not beat a previous month, ya know. You got members leaving and coming. But that continuity is just that base. And whatever I sell in one-time products and launches and new innovations and products, to me is just extra credit now, because we built up that base of people in continuity. So whatever you’re doing, find a way to get monthly income from it.

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JA And that, by the way, my friends is the difference between having a business, and having a job. If you have a business, you have recurring revenue. And when you put your systems and your processes in place and you think of your landscaping, your blueprint, that’s the strategy. You start with a vision, then you create the strategy, then you add the tactics, and in his case, it was the continuity to have recurring revenue. I think the first one I heard was, ya know, 5,000 at $15.00 a month, you add another one at $37.00 a month.

JG Yeah, 2,500 people, yeah.

“Ya know if

you had a

limited budget

and you

wanted to

maximize your

response, you’d

use something

like RFM


JA 2,500 at $37.00 a month.

JG We’re starting a jazz one very soon and I hope mimic, ya know, that.

JA Good.

JG So, ya know, the goal is 10,000 people in continuity at any price point, ya know, 15 to 37 and we need to find a way to make it 197, to be honest. In fact, I had a connection with, what’s his name, Herbie Hancock. I was one person away from him. And I, I, ya know, propositioned him on like a $500.00 a month to sit at the feet of Herbie Hancock or what have you. I, I mean the sky’s the limit there…

JA Okay.

JG …ya know, but, but that’s one concept for you there. And stress-free is, is how I call it because I started with, with sequentially, so there’s no need for me to come up with new content unless I want to expand it out. This next slide shows you different months people are at. Like that person’s at month seven. And this is all my, what my fulfillment house looks at. They just download the report and a one report shows them who, what month you’re on. So…

JA You’re just automated.

JG …send them month seven. Yeah, send them month five. And I think that’s the power there.

JA Love it.

JG And you don’t need any extra employees to make this one happen. Up-selling, it goes without question that, ya know, up-selling is important. Offering customers, once they’ve made one purchase, ya know, they’re, they’re at the state where they’re most likely to make their second purchase right then and there, or in the moment of buying or very close to that, that, that, that initial purchase. And so we, we up-sell right away, but we up-sell the same way we email. Our up-sell is not just one thing. Ya know a lot of people set up their up-sell regardless of what they buy. It’s just there. Or it’s based on something. We base, we, we, we hire someone, using the API, to say well what have they bought in the past?

What, what did they just buy? And then what tags, ya know, do they have in their, in their account? And let’s offer them the best item for where they are right then. And it’s a hierarchy, so I can set up my, ya know, based on what they just bought and then if they already have that, it’ll go to the next one. I have maybe up-sells in this hierarchy. So I couldn’t even tell you what up-sell you’d get. Like I couldn’t

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say John you’re going to get the 300-page course up-sell, because it would really solely depend on, ya know, what you’ve done.

JA So it’s intelligent marketing?

JG It’s intellig-, I call it intelligent up-sell.

JA Oh I didn’t even see that, okay. Well actually I do see that on the screen right now.

“You mean we

all have things

that we’re

great at, and

things that



with. ”

JG In-, intelligent up-selling and back-giving, ya know.

JA Right.

JG Based on what they…

JA So an up-sell is just, ya know, somebody buys, it’s, McDonald’s became famous…

JG Yeah.

JG …is do you, do you want fries with that hamburger? Do you want Coke and a dessert? That’s an up-sell. They buy this, you give an opportunity to own one or two or more of your, of your programs right away when they’re making the point of purchase.

JG And you’d be surprised, yep, absolutely, 33% of people will take us up on this. And what happens if they click the “no thank you” button? You guys should know.

JA No thank you means I’m just, I’m still going to try.

JG I’m going to try tomorrow because maybe you missed it or you didn’t understand it, or, or what if I can give it to you right now for free and you can try it out and in 30 days you pay me for it?

JA Right.

JG There’s many ways to make your proposition, ya know, you can make it one. You can; two people can make the same offer two different ways and come out with two different re-, re-, results, and I really believe that. And we’re coming down to the end, but I just wanted to bring up another philosophy that I use. It’s called retention and recentsy-based marketing. RFM – Recentsy, Frequency and Monetary. When I learned this, I must have flipped, ya know. Recentsy. So this, this is in analyzing, ya know, this answers the question, how often to follow-up with people, where your marketing dollars should go?

Ya know if you had a limited budget and you wanted to maximize your response, you’d use something like RFM analysis. And “R” stands for recentsy – when is the last time they bought? The “F” stands for frequency – how often do they buy? And the “M” stands for monetary. And this is how I use it. Recentsy, when is the last, ya know, RFM, it’s an order. So recentsy’s the most important of it, ya know. The people that have bought recently from you are going to be the ones most likely to buy again. Then the people that have bought more frequently from you are also; they’re the second-most important group. And then the people that have, ya know,

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bought the most in mass, ya know, worth more, they’re the third most important. And we put this to work in our system automatically. So 60 days in the sequence, for example. When you buy, I, I tag people have spent money in the last, ya know, 30 days. So say you buy from me today, you get four tags in my account, in my Infusionsoft account. The first one you get spent in the last 30 days. You get spent in the last 60 days. Spent in the last six months and spent in the last year. Because all of those are true, right?

JA Right.

“Everyone on

my team in

marketing will

be listening to

it as well, and

we’ll be

creating the

systems and the

processes to

implement it

because he’s

already done it

and figured it


JG They’re all, but as time goes by, the 30-day one disappears because it’s gone. After 60 days that one disappears and after six months that disappears. So, for me, it was an automated way to, if they have the tag, “spent money in last 30 days,” they’re getting direct mail automatically. And so every time you buy it redoes it so you’re always starting all over. So if you haven’t bought from me in a year and those tags are self-destruction…

JA Right.

JG …set up to self-destruct, ya know, you’re, you’re not going to apply to at least the recentsy one. So that’s how I, how do you, ya know, you say, because RFM, when you think of RFM analysis you think of, okay, get the stats team out, go through the Excel file and let’s figure out the ones who’ve last ordered, let’s add up their order. But no this is a way to do it on a…

JA Automatic basis.

JG …automatic basis.

JA This is called leverage. The one, the one thing I’ve noticed throughout, ya know, our friendship and, and I mean you look for leverage points all the time. So do the work once…

JG Yes.

JA …and have it work for you over the course of years.

JG Right.

JA Then you add some new pieces and think it through and then create leverage points on an ongoing basis.

JG Right. Yeah, it started with that book, ya know. I don’t know, that’s, that’s just the part of my brain that works. Now, not all parts work, ya know. I got other parts.

JA You mean we all have things that we’re great at, and things that we’re challenged with.

JG I’m like scared of a dog. I mean I could use some things there.

JA That I can help you with.

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JG Okay, thank you. Pit-bull comes in this room right now, I’m gone. But in terms of thinking…

JA You used to be gone.

JG I, I’m, yeah I used to be gone.

JA Used to.

JG But in terms of thinking this way. This is me. Ya know, it’s just how I did it.

“I forced my

analytics upon

my customers,

but it, it’s the

route that I

take on, so

that’s pretty

interesting. ”

JA I, I, I want, I want just to remind people of something. I want to help you understand. There are always four types of brains that we’re talking to, selling to, communicating to. And you’ve heard me say this before in the past, but the left brain, all right, there’s the analytical people who analyze a lot of information. Then there’s the left brain structural people who like everything in sequential order. Then on the right side you’ve got conceptual people who see big concepts, and you also have the social people who like to talk about it, see what’s happening socially. His predominant is left brain structural. So to do this stuff, he plays at that. He loves it. He also can analyze stuff and then uses the concepts he’s got, but his predominant strength is left brain anal-, analytical structural.

And so this stuff is easy for him. I understand this stuff because I’m predominantly analytical and conceptual, but I always need help on my team to put all of this in place. So I can tell you, I’m going to listen to this interview over and over and over again. Everyone on my team in marketing will be listening to it as well, and we’ll be creating the systems and the processes to implement it because he’s already done it and figured it out. So that’s the way I work. So I look at, ya know, what can I do? What can he do? And then how do we get help to do all the stuff that we don’t know how to do ourselves or we shouldn’t be doing ourselves?

JG Absolutely, absolutely.

JA So, did I read you right by the way?

JG Yeah you did. Everybody says I’m a mad scientist. But then I must have this secondary one as, for the music side I guess because I’m, I’m like this, ya know, creative ball too.

JA But, but you’re, but you’re still structural because you…

JG I, I guess so yeah.

JA …you, you convert what you hear into structure in your head.

JG That’s true, very true, that, that’s it.

JA So you convert it into structure. So you, you might think well I’m right brain because of musical, but you convert it into structure and that’s being able to merge the two.

JG That’s true, that’s true.

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JA But you go back and forth, which is really unique.

JG That’s what we teach.

JA Yeah.

JG We, we teach how to, guess what, okay. This is just a 30-second aside. When I teach how to play by ear, I teach to turn the major scales into numbers. All of my customers say, you got…

JA What did I just tell ya?

JG …know the system. So it’s, it’s one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and when you hear music you’re hearing two, five, one. My jazz people know what a two, five, one is. So I teach, my method is to convert music into numbers.

JA Yeah.

JG And then, and what you’re listening for are these numbers in place. So it’s, it’s true.

JA Yeah.

JG I forced my analytics upon my customers, but it, it’s the route that I take on, so that’s pretty interesting. And frequency is just how often they buy, so if there’s a way in your, ya know, CRM, or ask your programmer or get the $50.00 coder, say I want to be able to keep up with how many times people buy from me. And for me, it’s just this little record in my account that say, purchases. And it’s a condition that says if the number is 1, turn it to 2; if the number is 2, turn it to 3.

JA That’s a goal you have.

JG It, it’s a goal in there. So every time you order, it triggers this thing and says, oh, John Assaraf has a 3 in his number of purchases. Well the condition says, if it says 3, turn it to 4. So it’s just this incremental thing.

JA Okay, and so once it says turn it to form, to 4, does that set off a sequence of, okay, now I’m going to start you on this new dialogue, this new sequence of emails, videos, audios, snail mail, whatever the case is to get you to 4?

JG It, it could or you could already have one in place. So the, the master sequence you’re already on has this pocket of possibility that says if they’re frequency is greater than 3, ya know, do this. Or if the frequency is under 4. So yeah, you can do it both ways. You can either fire it get them from 4 to 5, or just have that as a data point that something they’re already in is, is looking for. So a lot of my stuff because, ya know, you can go really wild with your follow-up and have 100 follow-up sequences and I try to eliminate too many moving parts, but I’ll make these massive single things with different possibilities in them. So, ya know, if you buy from me, you might get on this master gospel customer follow-up sequence. And it might have, ya know, things like if they’re frequency is under, is under 2 or only a 1. That means they’re a one-night-stand; they’ve only bought from me once, so I can really hone that like well, what can I do to get them to 2 of course. Because I think that’s a major step. Yeah you could’ve bought from me once just

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to check me out, but if you come back a second time, ya know, and a third time, I believe I, I’ve got you. You’re, you come back a third time, you’re, you’re going to be in one of my continuity. So yeah, using that frequency to get them past milestones is absolutely…and we do it, most of us will look at, ya know, at once a year we’ll grab some data, we’ll hear from them and get excited, but the, the point I want to underscore is having it just going dynamically, like where I can pull up customers right now, my top thousand customers by frequency. Or by, I can pull up everybody who’s ordered in the last 30 days, ya know. Or how many have ordered in the last six months, just off of a tag. It doesn’t take a statistician…

“It’s nothing

new, but it’s,

it’s putting it in

place so that

it’s working for

you all the time

and not just an

annual thing

or something

you do before

you’re about to

send out a big


JA Right.

JG …or we don’t have to call in marketing, or, or programmers.

JA It’s all automated.

JG It’s all automated, and, and using it is the other side of it, yak now. And then monetary is just the same thing, but having them talking in such a way that it just adds up how much they bought. So that’s $600.00, that shows up as a field and that’s how we use that to send out the Starbucks cards, and, ya know, once they pass certain thresholds. But I think this is important because…

JA This is, this is golden.

JG …yeah, yeah. And you could take it a step further and, and send out to your top 20% of each one. So, ya know, the top 20% of the last people who have ordered from you, so the last 20%. Ya know, if a thousand people have ordered, the last two-hundred of that, ya know. And then, the top 20% of frequency, ya know. Ya know the top person has ordered 19 times to the last person who’s only ordered once. Take the top 20% of that and then the top 20% of monetary, and you talk about getting a 20% conversion rate on direct mail?

JA Wow.

JG It’s like the battle that you pick. And I go send to my whole list, and, and, and it cost me $30,000.00 with a hope and a prayer, ya know. I, I might not make back that $30,000.00, but if I use RFM and say, who’s the last people that have bought? Who’s the people that have bought the most? Who’s the people that have spent the most? And now I spend that same $30,000.00, or, or what have you, how-, how, how, whichever….

JA Very focused.

JG …ya know, you, you’d be hard-pressed. Your, your marketing piece has to be bad.

JA [inaudible]

JG It would have to mess you up, rather than to help you to not make that work. So, it, it’s picking your battles. And RFM is, I didn’t invent it. It’s nothing new, but it’s, it’s putting it in place so that it’s working for you all the time and not just an annual thing or something you do before you’re about to send out a big campaign.

JA I love it, I love it.

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JG So.

“Number two

is making more

money per sale.

So at the time

th y,

you up-sell

at they bu

them, down-

sell them,






and paradigms,

and having the

strategies and

tactics – what

you do and

how you do it.”

JA There, there’s something I learned many, many years ago and it’s called, there’s only three ways to make money in business.

JG Yep.

JA And number one is to make more money per customer. So when a customer buys, you make more per customer. Number two is making more money per sale. So at the time that they buy, you up-sell them, down-sell them, cross-sell them. And the third is to gain more customers. Number three is the most expensive way, and what Jermaine has just talked about is to take what you’ve already got and maximize that first.

JG Absolutely.

JA Right?

JG Yep. That’s it, that’s it right there. And we’re probably coming down to the end here.

JA I need a time check too please.

JG Yeah, so, we, we are we’re, we’re full, we’re full circle. This particular one right here. This was more specific to Infusionsoft here, so I won’t cover this one. But, no, we’re, we’re back here full circle and I’ll go back over the circle. Here we go right here. So we talked about condition-based marketing. That’s just the understanding that everything we send out ought to have some kind of condition attached to it. If you have to send one email to everybody because, ya know, it’s just not set up that way, okay, ya know, so be it. But, ya know, if you can get a CRM or some kind of system that allows you to track and collect data and then use that data to, ya know, ya know, be selective in who gets your messages, when and that’s, that’s what I advocate here.

Action-based personalized marketing. So that’s doing stuff based on that they’ve done, or lack thereof, ya know. Incorporating postcards and direct mail now. And even sending them to landing pages where, ya know, that connects back to your CRM system. Mobile marketing, voice broadcasting. Oh I didn’t, I skipped that. Audio, personal audio. Gifts and customer ascensions, the birthday thing. Continuity. Intelligent up-selling and birthday-based and retention and recentsy-based marketing. I guess that, that’s what I covered.

JA That’s full circle.

JG It wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it, but it, it’s the full circle.

JA It was great. Listen, what I can share with you friend is we could spend days with what Jermaine knows and that’s one of the reasons I love, ya know, having him as a friend. He’s brilliant at, at what he does. He’s got an amazingly huge, giving, loving heart, which is a beautiful thing about him as well. He’s not here to sell anything. He’s not, he’s doing this. He came down on his own nickel to help you and to help me, and that’s the type of guy he is. And so what I really would like you

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all to do. Number one is, let’s give a virtual, ya know, clap for Jermaine, and just, ya know…

JG I can feel it.

JA …appreciate him right now. And let me know, ya know, how you enjoyed it so that we can give him feedback right now. And don’t be the person who listens to this and then doesn’t listen to it again or watch it again. Repetition is the mother of skill and learning. And so, ya know, get the MP3. You’re going to also get the chance to see all the slides in the members community. You’re going to get a transcript of all of this. And make sure that you go into the members community and start to dialogue around what you’ve just learned, what you understood, what you didn’t understand, what you need more clearance, or, or clarity around.

And, and really make this a, a, a way of thinking and you’ve seen many of my charts in the past that, that only a fraction of the world does whatever it takes. Most of them do some of what it takes or none of what it takes. You can see he’s doing whatever it takes to give great service, give great products, give incredible marketing a fair chance and really setting the standard. And that’s why he was marketer of the year last year for Infusionsoft. That’s why he makes millions of dollars a year. And that’s why he’s going to continue growing because he’s thinking this way and he’s implementing this. And I can tell you, if he can do it, you can do it.

If I could do it, you could do it. We’re all the same, and it’s just a matter of thinking the right way, having the right mindset, which you’ve heard me talk about. Beliefs, habits, perceptions and paradigms, and having the strategies and tactics – what you do and how you do it. And then third circle is all around your systems, your processes and your leverage points. We’ve covered all of that today in under two hours and you’re going to keep hearing the most successful people in the world figure out how to have all three. If you’re missing one or the other, it ain’t good enough to win the gold medal.

JG Yeah.

JA So, Jermaine, I’m going to give you last word.

JG Okay.

JA Number one, if anybody wants to learn how to play music by ear.

JG Yeah, go to hearandplay.com.

JA Here’s what I’m also going to ask you to do, if you would, let’s give him something back. If you have a Facebook, if you’ve got a newsletter, why don’t we give him some promotion as well, just tell people that you just listened to this guy, Jermaine Griggs, who helped us a ton, he’s amazing. If you want to learn to play music by ear, go to his website, hearandplay.com, so we can give him something back.

JG I appreciate that.

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JA And let’s, let’s just keep giving stuff back to each other, and guess what? Together, we can make a different in the world and we can help each other achieve what I call is, Your Ideal Life. Jermaine, thank you so much buddy.

JG Thank you.

JA Absolutely amazing. And thank you all for being amazing friends and clients. God bless you and can’t wait to see you soon in person. And remember, we’re having our Money2 the Neuroscience of Financial Success live event coming up June 14th, 15th and 16th. It will off the hook – amazing. Sign up for that and we’ll see you live in June. Thanks everyone bye bye.

JG All right, thank you.

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