iUWAMJBX pjy^^^ Yolv^^oHl^ T^fteiflf^u^^inlm^to^ The...

TICK Mi. i*rr . • iwiiil wiUnfiAr jjiveJii* •rirr H. lieifacii !,' l>".T SO!]' 4 fo •.*toiir:jut'*«u*e^^ pyiditfjidVioiiftorwitliin three month* from the ' dare -of sUtwcrtptioft f o r t ? 5 0 at t h e ^ r a t i o n of the year. Offiteesabscribers,'*!.^!), »/2»<«<* in «*««*«, or.§2 at. th«ea4 «f tbeyef''. - , . N o papbrftispontinuefl (unless »> *)"> Wtjpn onhibropWetomillaU arrearages are paid, > ' |lilK|ettira and communications wr the eaitdr , l mua.t.-ta'freeof'poa«*.ge.^ \7~ A \ \> Caviare 1 foeTtAfr 5& f w r l y Advertisements t POETRY ip|ket>-' A of jinji hilt &*l*e t**ii4*io- i creatt'd I it is t< T)nr b»rW waf out—f»r» far from the land, %hen Uie fayeil V o u r gaJIant band: brew sadly p«le, and Waned away liike the'twilight of an autiiinn day. 1 n"dtfWH«j ! (Ltlmrin ice'ia frrtr. 0U,t tO (Jlfi Have fain ito-riatsftiif' *rtfts"*>ir« fmlidiiitisi .We witched"him through lonp hours of pain,. Bot-our cares Were loMTfl'ur hopes weris vain ; Death struck he-gave no coWard alarm, -— For Jie smiled as be died on a messmate's arm "i ; He had rio eoitly winding sheet;, Piit^we^pl*cid a roortd shotat his feet j . 7~%nd he slept in his hammock safe and sound Arkm*; in. Ida I»wn.shr«wireiiaTMeH>»ttnd.— ilie'toiltts lilkftiBjigfL it flm ajjlf/'ill*!. ccMatiitittt hallo t » / M *'•"•- , " T i t .T"3 * \W«-f»rco Uy 4«cl»^^J«8»MiJ|!t--~.~-.^ , With Cola mbia's flag about hii breast; . . We gare him lliat as the badge of the t>rave, irariheirhB^s-^fgnhiVSarlorV^aye. - -r - Ont yojoca broke—our hearts "turned, weak— ? tt tsar* wore seen on the brownest cheek, nd 1 a qoJTer played on the lipi of pride, s we lowered him down the ships dsjxkrside. \ ' i --'••• : •;• i,, _,__,. A plurije—• iplaahr-and our ta»k »ras o er j ~^HT6illows rolled as tfieyroltea IwfoTfeT, but many a rude prayer hsllowed-the wave That etoaed above the sailbr'a grays.. _, ^^M^^^l^SWaSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSBSBSSSSSSSBMBl . /——-SCTsil -^Si^m^ KerspapejrHDeYoted' to the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Politics^ Agriculture, liscellaiieojis tlterature, Domestic and Fareign iDtelMgenc*. 1 1 a? iUWAMJBX .<*-.'- ,'S MCab/ s.urr$T—cabT siirr?—does 4he gentlernan. want a cabb ?" said Jimtney " Yes, my ^ood feljow. Do yon see i£'5$Mh»t lady and' (fentleman.getting,,in ft coach before .us ?" : .-»- ~ •-"- * -••'... —"-1fe3 r to--be-suF«r 1 -7—T^—^^ —" '" Weil, d riye aft?r u tbe^, ajid ju^i- as~ they are fetling themselves down a t tW door, I wish tppe. set dewo too, but not' -oju ite^sp-fen+lyx^Qngsid^g^lienih. \\.~. 'rrFrgm^^tSJitkrJjiy Gametic , The ttleniraa, « By St. Agatha \'.' I b'elieye there is something in the shape olW tear irj thps,e dark eyes of mine, aboufvybfc'h^th'ejwo- •'The gentfetrian wishes"tp^lbe u $$1 I-aees through irl_all,-b«t. t h e m wiU be damagea to the c a b , a n d ——"• '• * . f'.Yes, I gt^e you;ten dollars." >. ; . ^^qgMi^o.u^lcejr^yoi^ onrth^harl^JriCK paivemehl ? you will miss you r mark." In a few nrtomentstjie carriage vye were following slopped at, a v »p!endid mansion. The lady-aadheriaihecalightedand-juat as they were oh the marble ste'p^rny cab lmnri^«4ibrje—beca^efuddenly. resttv«.~ TheJwheel-i^againsLa-convenient lamp coach . and attempting t o get out I - was thrown with my "head " ageinst the curb AV~ pjy^^^ Yolv^^oHl^ men rave; so unmercifully," said the liSQiir^^ilzelafejace,-aB,„aftQr an^ahs^ftcft of twf) years, he came once more in. sight of his native village, of Ma'lhamdale.— StffHd!t^'upoTrrrJeTieigTTtibl?^f^^ iwatched the curling smoke coming up from the cottage crHmney.^ in'the clear blue 8.ky k of evening, whilst, a Utile far; thpr: off^The last beams of the setting sun, ^rk^playingJupoji tbiwesMrji' wMls^of his father's old Caroniiil fliansiort, and, about a mile to- the "right o f it, h e could distinguish the tree's and pleasure grounds of Sir ..Meredith Appleby's less ancient seat. Then he., thought of Julia-Appleby thebaronet's-QrjIy—child,—his—yootrrfiil- playmatej his first^ inend^apd his first love" righttcTchpose for yourself; and so Mir. Fitzolarenoe'multjust break, his heart if he pleases,^ else fight a, desperate duel with Mr; TRallon, with hi's swords and guns..^ -.' -."• -. •••* . :• ' . . - "CM Alice, yoQ^rigfeten m e to deaths There shall be np.duels for me mr bridal bedshnnldhfi m y ^ c a ^ I g l i a l s be true to mV.tford. Trie bare suspicion my ihcqp t .-itancy ,would>turn pbor Al- -fret^ l |l^r^d7~~^kn^w-lrew1^e'da^ I must go to the altar, Alicg, like a lamb to4he slaughter, .Were I to refuse-himr .ybu may. depend upon it he.w,qu!d put an end to his tysistence with five Toaded pis r ;tols,-,-pnJ^nhtnkr-bf"-tb"atj^K$|.>. ;\yira:t: could I say^ror; myself, were-his^.r.erhains "found Tn liis'bed "slirhe,mbrnmgl' r • History does not report, what Alice said Ijer" mistress might,- under such circum. stajices.-say for herself,.b.ut, it U certain ^atlhe^r^^aifle4—talking—together- till the third dinner bell rang. : , '. ' P«st r .an44hecab. ivas-tiwoAvn .against the Sanctioned urid eucouraffed by theirt'e-' and, as he tHough(of her he sigh- ed!- Whenrthey-paTtedvtwoTyears^before, Danrthfin-arl< -*nt4 - AWHAH MM-M«^ "Krt.- ~* tv^f —s*t^*« ^ton%.7~ln'rTTnli^emrity >ell, that my fall^was no trifle;.- t h e . skin on my forehead waa put, and the blood, with the exeitement-of 4lie e»ejningl had. 2;?b]BTwei MigWmE^AN.T.: U If akjtynt . "." r '~ '—~f"" jirijlvv tliej* ird'L»-Jttn-> ||,i.| wttilOif w.oiis.a^ie I't'Bt^MJr be faplirw j(jnii»ie *&& ifl.mirjnilioa W01B»«„' jmali^rrn- I pkiriiknd is lliia S i k e . itjraiitfna^ ji(e, of ini- il littler ahnat. ijiheirJ e aru no idle iiitrid JH»lUr .Hqrgiarejyi'/ nnut %*H otf lart -ieal«(d driven in eitra ; quantity to'^that xegibn, Sowed with decent profusion. A shriek of terror in the sweetest imaginable tope, came fromtlie lady, as'she was standing on the steps of her house*, and she turned round on hearing the noise occasioned by my miajhap.—t became, an in duly boniid. ;••"^ob," said ao unole rushing u\to_my, room, "Pm ruined !" „ ' • * ( .. -, t~ *>lie»Hyl" *aid I knocking the aahes o F ^ t i m d * n d i * « ©igaiv^—j r - Yea, rained, irredeeniahly' ao—my JBecjilattonij^ iifitf, ini aH' haVfe been trl^'rilri' 1 *)!* t •i"rtiii¥ Wll up lutj 1 IVt Jairly .done tip—diddled—cleaned out.' 7 . .) •«Develi«h pity-!—what matt we dot; I'm as badly .off as you, and lost all my i xpeontiolls which, were tae capital on which I traded inaoolety.". My uncle looked grave for the first time< His philosophy- being Epicurean, senseless, but contrived to understand that the fair one"Was verymuch agitated, a^a^RaTKgrialrierrm^s^fly^^^^ iW«^s^d=ine^boT^e^nteHhe^hotii not forgetting to curse my driver, who was all contrition. I was conveyed |p a chamber and laid gently on a velvet couch. - Fejry soon a doptor appemredj pronounced the case, seeing the awoon cWinueaY* critical one, and thereupon. my charmer decided to give me her best auenlion; her tominityjeing strongly "—* ,,] —- 'i ' wi ii'iTa - " ii' i "^t^r^i'iv'infflg;ai?'2JJ:''~'*"'** ••••—Ac\»-«— spective parents, (far there was nothing the old people wished more than a union ween ttleJlWo ftmrlfes,) ^ytha^iswoTtF; eternal fidelity, and plighted their hearts' irrevocably Jo each othe/. -Fiizclarence thought^pf all this, and again he sighed. DifTerent people are differently affected by the s'afne thines. After so long an ab- sej^jnaiLyJU3idn"vi«wild r in the ^x^ber- ance of his feelings, have thrown himself down upon the first bed of wild flowers he came to. and spouted long speeches to himself out of all known plays- ^Out-he- ro preferred indulging in the following little soliloquy.. __^ _ ^ . _ " My father will heja^niazfngly glad to see "rhe7ahd " " my old friend, the antediluvian butler, Morgan ap-Morgan, and so will the point- er, Juno, and so will; my'pony, Troilus— av pretty figure, byahe by, I should cut now upon T-roH us, in this gay military T^fteiflf^u^^inlm^to^ Buffon mentions, in his Natural Histo- ry, the sensibility-the elephant evinces for ttuttOf -D^irin^.tdfprore the^truth of this assertion, a party of oeiebrated ^'"Ar- tistes;" arr.ong Mthbrn ; were : Messrs, JDu ; . vernpy* and. Kreufeer, re'paireof, to the ^neJie—pon^ensM^d^^the^IahoMvljlei) guch a task would, cost hirri. , It cannot be expected that objects, which have, borne, an English nam© lor fi^ty^or a hupir idred-years, could, withSufgieftf diffieulty be'againydesigriated by- their Indian ap* .-peHations, ( howevermach the latter migrit ,- ^ ^ T ~-« nr -. , surpasstfe-formerin beauty. Weare menagerie at the ^aTdintttTTToi,^whpr*^^^^tiored of a nantie as sdon as it becomas, they gave, a regular musicanfeat to an - ••• - ^lep^ant^the^r&sul^isftvvhrte l)-convinced them of the justice of the great Matar.al-. jst's observation^, . ,.- <' ._•._ , The little simple melody, °"6 ma ten. dre Musette," played on ^heviplin hf . \ Tfiie~Fitzclarences were both.true to rheirengHgement...- Notwtthstandirrg eve : ry-exeriionj however? on t^epart'of the two old gentlemen, tliey couid not exact- ly bring aJ)out. that."flo.wof soul" which .they' Bad"" you.ng peqpl was removed, and a few bumpers of clar- et bad TvanW"Sir Meredith's lieaVt,- he said, boldly. * v . . " . "Julia, niytove.'as Alfredvdoes not seem to be-much of a wine-4>ibfte-ivstrp» pose you'show him the -improvements in the gardens and hot-housesy-whilat w<e. sexagenarians remain where we are,'to driflje tojhc health of'sboih, and talk over familiar to our ea rs, no matter how hars.h TTmay h¥ve"~s6tirtiedat firsfr" Tf wecotpr- pare^ Manhattan with.JJew York, weare at once disposedto give the preference-to the la'ter; and yet New York, when we. look into its derivation, is. really anin- sigm^ffrft~aTi^"ioTTrflrtlry »riannie r ipr \h/6 cpm.meroial metropolis of the new world. Manhattan is a noble" -name, and- New York is worthy of wearing it. -.Tiiere are are a few instanQeg. in which. Indian names, after a long proseri-ptibn;, have IJbeen-r-estOFedt- ^^e4-at^cipitol-of--Cpp&rl [ Canada!, which bpre the-rfflrne of York latelyresumed |fr*utzer,^emeVl-to : af|ord-;teuol^^ tionto their atteriiiye auditor; but to>th« brilliant variations that followed, in which innumera.ble difficulties were sur- mounted with the greatest facilty by the highly lalenled performer, the quadruped listened wjth tbejnost perfect mfocha- lence. The merit of a bravura airya}- tIfeugh sung in the first styrejfffexbeUenci) and a, universal fagorjie .amongst. tl|. ^ _ 'lilHlatianii," -was ; hotgolfer aiipreoiatedU^rgc, irr^e\vWorlr ) Hsrnmv.-said~to.--be er a statement rela(i<reto bt^'mii. ' macv with Jane Ide, Miller procee'd^wM his. '•tiitemftit as foPows*:,. _ ,' 4 . . •"A4exLiJha£_teerpa^Id^ mmithsjl'met West in the road asf was.-.'"" cornuig frprnthealeam-mill. -I had sees ,' birrs bill a fgw-times andspokan with him once ortwicej but was.notmuch acquaint od wuh him. ! Me,'desired to koow.ii . could tell^fiim wr/ere he rjouldget work. ItoMJum-luhc^gh^M^ than had been the "variations to the! pr-e-. M . „„ ul „,..„,. "edrng air. One of Bocclierini's. cele, tep'e'S : 'see^^ >le. At Length, after ihScioIK"* f >Urs ' b ° ^Wn,^sljared~the same, or '•••"•' - • evena worse fate] for the elephant could not refrain froten-show-ing direct indicu lions of annoyance, and constantly gapbd during the performance of the celebrated composition (or many years, ha ancient n«me of "'lVrnrj-to ; and Iialce established in its first and almost incom- parably bi autifu=l nainc of How con. " ~-©&^^rnany-i^ors^>! 3 ^n ; »r&F«T^h'^ 1 f: "might profit by t h e examriles, a feAV are here taken at raadonx, with their Indian names affixedL„ . .. :^... Gulfof St.'Lawrenoe, Big Sandy Rivor, him to chpp^ woo^.; t Trt^ siifdvhe^^wotifd co^ejip>jhat.afterrioon^ ;-'^.dljliSidii;e $ -; ' Hie coal pit whije Mr,riae~arfq^,v«er^ ( a't ' work., | intfoddced- him to-Mri'lde-altd' •Mrrrtde hired-liiro.. 'jHe-weqtintrntjdittSi lyYat work/ - Freni thLsumepntiltheidsiy; that West was killed wi v/oxkeitogejhe^_>i atthe-coalpit; sometimesbothoEuasle.pi^ ' auhe coal pit in the cabin,and^ometirnes one~slepTthere and one at the houseftoi^ geiher. We were'al.ways without exce*p- lion, good-^friends.-'- '£•'• riev-'er^ knew—siny^— thing of his having money until th« Sun k day morning on whichihe was killed-T^- On Saturday, xhe, day before,.a man whose name I now forget, came to -trie rCiiai^iikandVsaLdjQj^^ nytbrday and you come to-morrow. "He * said, Yes. On^hat eVenjng he .fdhj-Mf;' Ide that he would go to Albany the'heJtt day *ty dejpd^ite Isome money. We-slept tbgeiiBr thjit. night in the cabiij at the - . coaJp't. 1 heard some patridgesdromi.' ming in~lhe nighr aTIdj[he next Sunday 7 inor-r4ag-b.efore-West_4TOked^u^ Mr. Ba.iiey and borrowed a shot gun and went and shj)L..aJ-ajjmJjidge^ But when the Duvernoy took up. Tt'if horn, to.try the effect of his fascinating powers on the animal—when he plaveda. few bars of "Charmknln f^abrielle," thn , a Cumberland River. a few family matters.' Alfred thus called upon, could not ¥vo«l7istng""frorrrlifs seaVaTTd""o'fierine" er, andsowiir ^iiartts j s^mr=^Bhe s tcpk"itn«th^ijlusht garb of mine, with rdy swprd rattling-be- tween his legs,.and rriy white plumes according lathe practice of the nineteenth century, he lived in the present moment, enjoying life at the races, the clubs, and dabbling now and then (adding, so to j-spelkf *ed pepf«r*e " succe*«ifs <tf defunct lotteries—fancy stocks. H* had hitherto nourished, on. ' ifr«™, and I on him, as his heir and faW-~ ' After injuring ; ihis* startling annouu tiirnt a silence of soma moujentu ensued, daring w^iich time Ifinishedsmoking, and rriy uncle broke f»r>h—"Bob, you are tliirt Id!" alii rty.one years o;i »• \V«.r>«o thamthat, ihirty-lhrce. . nai«.". M 'l^o true» oncle." "Vou must |[et married. It*a full time to give ftp your vagabond life." —"FhienrtkxTiyclgrbut WlroHsrto-aupg pf»rtmet"~ - _. . " ¥o"ur wife ; marry .an heiress." " That's /ust what 1 have n b«en, with alt my seeming ind/fference to marriage, ready to do, But an hef ressis like a ghost of griffin^-spokeh or written of, but ner- er seen.'* i | f e a ^ l o fty m^ i mhg&mUI sltuimoTiT , ..God DLlovfl—(Uroe"«n!4he-ancient yoiui§ gentlrbiln who irofe no clothes,but a bow and quiver.) What electrical shocks of passion and delight, thrilled riirorjgh everyifibw-br>tny iraitle, as, the dear, soft hand o f my beloved one wiped pffthegore mnd gently bathed'niy wounds! ^^at«!Btt^y-of^y-as^n'*<^u<ness-waf returning! ' Ho*r I was flattered when she remarked lo her- father, on. my clacsic profile, and compared my look to the. wpundjed ,Hej£tor, Miil;t*«,tOB. icr'je.sstifei-r-* enl it, if us«d - . .•-*« i :e .and otber xbility, to re-' rtettoauil siSe 9ti, Ajiori^y a iHjjptrisnrjpfeof- hlqn iijr'ne^** i.e avrfill, and my boy! Our affairs are* .all m '"tryvfry, ... desperate. The whole pandemonium of iradesrnVn will become y>t-more tmpor- tunste when; they leairt""the full extent-of my losses, which willJbe, before many weeka; your .character wjtl come down with my p¥rae^so~go to workrwithoTiric rrWrnent'sdelsry/"'; ; >"" "Well,uncle, Ml try." v , That evening I dressed, and went concert at the theatre; Ole Bull extracting rapture from catgut, and'just as,he was finishing his first par}, I essay- ed jo change njy position in order to get a nysJir.erj.yiew of a new .beauty, a,divine qunight, in the boxes, when whom'should I esppr. but my tailor, to whom I owed an oH biTT of precisely six^hundredjand thjr- ^.m-ttose--Ts^pi^yTf(i ihTsfirTstbat night.— ifis—tancy Afjer j.^^ mi(Je? ^ ^ ao^of , ^ ^ me next morning,. by_ the ajd of tn,yhost*s ser- vants, I w a s Teady to recejve the visit of my beauiiffal nurse.' She came, all ay m^ pVthy. Her congratulations wore so gen tie at my escape from moria! danger, her trusts so earnest, and sod toned that I would gradually get better, her tender of hospitality so complete, and her light morning d ress so becoming, lh4t she look- cd!ihfirJiiel^riKire iovety than before, and I inwardly blessed her, the cabman, and my stars which gave me such delight,. As the physician had given strict or- ders to ktep my chamber o^uiet, a n d her iattendance in my chamber w a s evidently so cheering to-my spirils. I wias forniflite- ly fregdfromthe yistts ofher falhar,and I had trie dear delight o f seeing her stlone, Several days passed in.this sweet reverie I began to gel better. ' How coald I help myself? The young lady was still at tentive, kmd7so1T-4pWen,and sympatlie^ I The silly girl loves rrie.; her imagination tSTtl she will bore me to-death - wjtji hag sighs .and her tehder'glances, and her allusions to limes pist, and her hopes of time to come, and air Ifio~irfiltefy of a foge«aiok ic. r^fibughi I macktftn impression. At the end of the fifth day, 1 was*sure I had, and determined lo speak, ifoccasion offer edj-wltFother l«ngujige than the grate* : ful glance of an invatiiils eye. Being sa mueh recrnited. I expressed and they walked off together in silence " How devotedly he loves me !" Thought Juliai with a sigh: "No, no, I cannot break hts heart." " Poor girl!" -thought Alfred, bringing- one of hisi whiskers more killingly over his cheek; "her affections are Trrevoca- Hudson River, Catskill Mountains, Long Island, N. Y., Pryeburg, Wnine, . Pembroko, N. rl.>— creature, =ttll attention, moved nearer, and nearer to the player, and wjs jsoon ,«o' jKholly_engEossted in -the- "concord- of sweet sounds,'' that it even condescended to take a pari in the performance, cor- <3 a .„_ M .«, r.ectly-marking the time by agitating iir ^Tdence^R'C ancing to and. fro its_ unwieldy body- |; ohastor . M F . r nay—even in producing ffom time |o Yi tesv . llB * M . . v ' trmm-8ome;tonsti iu perfect untaon witlr 4 ^ - ' •'"•• -with- hi* great gouty leg, will hpbble •' Theyv proflelided down a l o n g gravel through the room in ecstacyas soon as i' W «M» bordered on'both sides with fra- present myself; and'Julia—poop.Julia grant and flowery shrubs; but, except will blush, and smilfc, and come flying in- ttye pebbles tubbed agajnat, each otlfer as to my arms like a shuttlQcdck*.. Heigho! they passed over them, hot a sound was am a" very miserable young officer.— lo be heard. Julia, however, was at length observed, 'to " hem" twice, and -weHHiderstand that Fiizclarence politely "coughed 1 ' an acknowledgment of:the: said " hems •' The lady stopped, and plucked a rose. Fiizclarence stopped also:, and plucked tMqttlU jHrinsmtled; so. did Alfred., J,ullas smile wnsoloaretl away by a sigh ; Alfred immediately sighed too*. Checking himself however, he satw the absolute necessity of com. mencinti a conversation. ._ " Miss Appleby!" said he at Tasl, "Sir?" "h is two years, t think, •the instrument When the mtmio haul ceased, it knolt Child's brain. What in the name of the Pleiades, am I to do ? I believe I had a sort of penchant far her-once, when I w i i a mere Boy, in. my nurse's Leading strings; I believe * did give her soms.slight hopes at one time or other; but, n o w — O ! Ros alind! dear- delightful!". Here hir frelingsTiveTpoiverBd irirrrj and, pulling a miniature from his bosom, ho covered if with kisses. . Sorry am I to P65WigM:Lo^P9nfe5S-,thatJt„was..nof the miniature of Julia. " But what is to be done ?" he at length resumed. " The poor girl will go mad; she will hang herself in/her garters-j-or- Jiocejre last met drown herself, like Ophelia, in a brook under a willow. And'I shall be her mur- derer ! I, „who have never yet' knocked a man on the head in battle, will com- mence my warlike operations by break- ing the heart o f a woman? JByJjb Aga- tha! it must not bej I must be .tfrjte" fo my engagement. Yesj thoqghl myeelf become'a martyr, I must obey the die to a was IqHarsi—-Jrcog Mmr -fit* a wish to leave jtheMionso the next day, feeling that my claims on t h e hospitality of my friends could not longer be extend ed to- meet niy emergency. This being known the father ofmy belovedone enter- ed the chamber- He apologised for not •visiting me, explained the peremptory na- ture of the physician's orders to let no one Writer my ropm unnecessarily, as long as •there was theleastshow.of danger. I—I-murmored my-graiitude to him,and expressed a fear that f eelild never repay isjoijnit^ now jmd',1 JaTreoTiiiitvld' ance^;|i^but m^l l it , .>aorsr '^ftitoittl'iQriHby Mirili%ti Faihily .- FJatj&uiifi, CSjA-r- t J-^sHljIiirpool, rfaliim.-SO Sun- ^td-^iiier^ioferi,which'being literally interpreted, means, it i s wi?e lo.nak the -^?pti|iuii of^your tailor; > ^goiiigu^hHrit& arid extending my hand, fexclaimcdy ^_ : " The Notwegian monster is really wondejrfiik" ; : " " i Q"uileso,"said,Mr. MoriinrjerShears, arjji f therenrjon we discussed ihejr'ernbling ficfdlestrjngs at length.. -^ - >V V. tell rrte the ¥ a m e o f that lady,'*^ arid poTnJ- i'rj-g at the same time to the unknown • " Perfectly. Tt is Miss — T —; of Caro- lina. Tllfp-old geijtlemen with her is her father. They liye iri Walnut street, and C had. iiccasion to. visit hjjm on profession-- bus.ioes.vlaj> 1 ybA]r«t. Biiif powdep ,Vt, 77 JH ifiought as muchVMiv-ShejtrJS.^ bould nptbe mistaken in ybur coatv" «aic J- itaken in ybur coat," Said V, eyeing through my glass the upper gar^ rnent of the Carolina gentlernan. ^rm ices? l*JM2**ui*i*i*n Hiriffrt^rjillCn' | f eojiisiifec'ar yli%#pi»»rft». I sriceaffi a K ttt|iiKa» aiitl hinted at thegfCftt wealth of ^wtsu. wm ^ti^lparj^ate ../_-j : ^ : r ;- , Here f wasj sibme game-afloat. Hpw. to r l !^3"^o^s¥^f r tfi"e7ric6y*t^ l^tfaj^ifc '^ i^^ulmTOm IntFoductibn-r '•'. SlaiP^^Etetlns -tiy^.H^tP)... -,#. rppflyT^ir-; m 'coini'iim ost . f ^^|oytjhe f| .pfdinary visit - these iv^ldTnWsu it ecessities. v A.' botd thought struck .. r will carry it out.- I will get into i l J*ll?S#ft jtfot/fofrtHhuiEel,^btfirt-ft^'day* F*nd niglng. Iwilranpeariri'the m^siii^ terestTtrgTof-ino^forig^ rVympalhiBthy oirr»av-l--w411 stbrm the fo^Ftreas - w i l l retrjgrf Trhy .fofltihe; -So f murmured ^feu:p?-^ihe ^cnir^ibgf ~^il^ jhfe unienitttiiig t and in valuable attention ?ofhis daughte/., " My wife, you mean.'! ' j ; , ° AOhitslinTOu'h^ felt like a than ^reviving in.a family vault,, where he had -been put ^remraturely by- mistake! - t awoke fo death Indeed. What a terrible ^mistakeof mine and jylortinier Shears! ..._:THE RIGHTS OF THE LABORER.-TII is feared thi4 men ot v«.aith.j»^^e«tensjye business-somVTfmes nse the ;ady ; ant8ges which a bountiful Providence has con- ferred, upon.ihern, above th^ir feljow be- ing9,!lo in fringe the right- of choice, and to control the suffrages of those who may depend upon them for employment, and perhaps for^ubsastence^utJidiOj-agco, tales of honor. Forgive .me, Rosalind, heavenliest objeot of my adoration ! Lei not thy Fitzclarence" —— Herejiis voice became again inarticu- late ; and, as he winded down. th« nill, nothing waaheard^bst- the echoes of the r multitudinous kisses be continned to lav- ish on the little briinanlly-set portrait lie held in his hands. _ t ,j Next morning, Sir Meredith Appleby was in the midst of a very sumptuous breakfast, (for, notwithstanding his gout, the baronet contrived to preserve his ap- petite,) and the pretty Julia was presi- ding over the tea and coffee at the other end of the table, with the large, long- eare"d spaniel sitting JbSside\ljjp, and ever ,and anon looking wistfully into her "face, formance of JfonsieurrJDuyernoy, caress-^ ed him with )t» UunkTalid in shorf, en- deavoredTaTter its own, manner, to exprejs the, pleasure jt hadexporfenced from lie unrivalled talent of tho performer^ Hence it results' that the elephant i» decidedly a lover of. niusjci; but that it prefers tltaJohVsimple strains of melody to., the more elaborate combination* ot haFmohy.^lnriot be doubted. . . " " " . " He is a weighty suffrage \. lior can one accuse auch asi amaiieur of having its u&r.' . -. .:" • ; "r -1 years, i think, since we parted." '• Yes, two years on the fifteonth of this month.". _, . . „. ATfrerJ was iifeht. " How she adored me I" thought he j " she can telU to a moment how long it is There was a pause." "You have seen, no doubt, a great since you left,.TtfaIhamdal'e ?" said a very great deal!" replied her deal Julii "O! fovflFw Miss Appleby « hemmed'* once more, and drew in a vast mouthful of-courage. I am told the ladies of England and Ireland are much more attractive than those of Wales?" " Generally speaking, I believa they are. ' Sir?" ingto the principles Qt our the elder Eitzclafence " My dear friend, Alfred ar.rived jast nighT.' -Hetfn^f'IwTHrdhre with yoxrtor dry. Your's, Fiizclarence." - Julia's cheeks grew first -as white as her brow, and Jthen as red'as her lips.— As soon as breakfast was over, she retired <tp her^ owh^aparrniral,"Wnd:'rtbitherr we must for once, take the liberty of follow- ing her. •- i . -...,-•• She sat herself down before her mirror, and deliberately twok from her hair a very tasteful little /knot of fictitious flowers, ich she had fastened in 'it when she ne natufaHy-expeetgd~thTtt~ahe= ^retfeeir-politicatr equahu • The laborer, whether upon property of his own or of -otherar«bould : -be^the—U|ly mdependent man. He producies, more than he-bon ^Mr t ShetoilMhfiidjBepiy^n^ for- his support, he autuatfy creatfes- wealth. He is in .reality" no rnore^de- pendent,ugon;his employer--than4ii^'em. ; hlpyerlsapdh]iim^ TherigJitsarrdobli aliplMlit^iirfSFeeli^ . Mi equal., ^rid'yetthe depepdenpo of the |ne-upon the otjhieii although imaginary, la sfearceiy le'ss'eiffeotive or less ( the means of coercion and oppression, than jf it were jeal., • The ^na'o/Ctd^i^r reqj.ii'es of everjTfaTioTarsoui; a frge, and/hpnest ex^ vfliitions. ^ndnv'hbeWwo^f^Wnle- tiis.right, and corrupt at^s sourcjej the : «fii5IWWfAF' Alontinns. w h a t e v e r f l t h e r V1T. fm^tik10*' ^PM^'WR^P'-^lhe charming Southerner t< llulife^- '§mPP* A; 'W< %«g#girtg^n- *&&$$&$ $ a'mnd imDitioMre^k'e>rl^/ freedprnoffelepUons,whatever other vir. lues 'he may po»i»s9, ca|inot be a real ftiehel tdthe riitbtti of tnjen, and a sincere ..... ... .1 ,..-.r.7 r. * •"•-MhrrlriliiM nf .tneipiea JUI- gbvernmeht iniAei which he -lives-. -W.li£n_ajse.rvant k o u g h t m , o n a J i t t l e ^ F ver tray, a letter from Sir Meredith. The old gentleman read it aloud. It was frorrr the truth is—I should have said—that —that—you have dropped your rose." Fitzclarence stooped to pick it up ; but in so doing, the little miniature which he wore round his neck escaped from under his waistcoat, and, though he did 1 " "ffSPoli" serve if, il was hanging conspicuously on his breast, like an.order, when he present- ed^the flnwer to Julia. "Good heavens! Alfred, that is my cousin Rosalind!",. •**-•*••' ''JYAreeusifrftosaKfhH where ? rrcrwrf Themtmaturei It is ail over with me I • Frederic Da»em«y was born at Montbe- liard. JD thedepartmantoftjie Upper Rhine in thej yeai* 1^71. F r W ' h i s infari6y he> jyL«.hIriM^elLutp_tQJhe4ludjLof the Erencfe horn and compoiition.; and selely, unaided except by hit own taste and genua, he made tuch astonishing progress,' (hat at 17 yeirs pf age, b»e WHS considered fully capa- ble of entering the Italian Opera, at Parity as ''premierCor." r "7~" Aboriginal Kfoincs. While the Indian tribes of North Ame- dca are gridkully waning in numborst, *nd "looking fowtrd to the certain pe- riod whehThotr.de^c^ndantJifin bai tont- ly.extinguished by wars,ordrivon-attlie point of the ba'yonetinto-the i" weslorn ocean," itis. gavatifylng to know that thatr memory will be perpetuated in the prouS names, borne by the rivers, bays, ahd In- land seas of jfce " charming counjtrylIi«4 once was theipar'l-^Trioy" ir*-*4nacribea on llie escutcheons o f no less than eleven, of the States; and, with the exception of the Florida?, it*is quite probable that eve- ry State whiobj may*liereafter be admit- ted into the UiniQp,.wiil have an Indiao name. AH this'ia proner. Tfe; was about Ip; replaije this ornament whh something more splendid—a fevir jewels, : perhapsl;Jajiis_be was not gomgjo_do-ariy thing^of•th'esoirt: She^ra.nor Jhe bell ^ Jier confidftptial attendant, Alice, answer- ed^he siimrnoris' a very wretch,; but I shall be faithful; do not turn nvay, lovex^lo*- not. weep j-dulfal Jujia! what is the matter with you ? She rs~in hysterics; she will go distracted! Julia.! I will marry you! I swear to you by-^-" Jt Do-not swear -by anything at all/' cried Julia, unable any longer to cpnceal her rapture," lest you be transported for perjury.. „ You are my own-my very best Alfred !" " Mad, quite mad," thought Alfred. ','.1 wear a mihia'ture, too," proceeded jhe~radyjrTriid^rrorpaji i " ]La, ma'am," said she, " vvhat is the matterJ Yoii took as ill as m'y AtrnT Bridget." '. * . , ; , yYoTr~have-^heard rrie..-talk pf-Alfred Fitzclarencej,,Alice,'have, you npl f' -said the lady, languidly, i^nd, at the same time slightly blushing. \ T , " „. «• 0 ! yes, ma'am, I think I have, He .was tp.have been married to you before ho w4nt to the wars.'* . < - t . ' " t * «a., u ,,. J^He has rietait-ned, Alice, and he will !rfee- if1Sra^S^a*Mfr b ' e -^^^ J:B ^ I/11. l&i&!t3 , *S : ^fcji.» tii-lina lioon snlnnnr nWav : iS^llrnlPBttt hehas been so long away ; i|diHp)iy-Dalton has been so constantly, wiMmel; »ndf his tastes and mine are so dbngihial^-! am sure you know, Alice, I """" ' ' OAV could 1 avoio it V- '. «fTpM"1 ure > m ^ aim »y ou h"d the best iris" The muroTer is out! lord bless meT- Julia,.how pale you hear me! have grown;' be comforted. I am but I shall be faithful yet est bosom in the wuild llie likeuesg, 5 gef brilliants, of a, youth provbkingly sorhe^butnaLEitzclajpence. HJulia?* 3 - --• TT .'rT y hand- •«• AlfredF. .' ' :_'"•' \ - " We have both been faithless I" "And now We" are both happy,'' —«1By^St. Agathlt 2 ! ..we are; only ' 1 pannbt help"Wondering at.your taste, Ju- liai; that strlpljngJiag np.whisjtiers-r'' ~ i. ", ^ejlher h>? my causiti/, Roialind"]==• )/et yhilfdu rt<l hef. i rfesis'tible." " Well/ I believe, 'you are right, and besides^de gUsiibM^-1- .beg yoQr pardon fwa^g'oipg to qiiote Lath3^" ' . . Me'adville, Pa., Logapsport, Ind., Nb.rlmvbe-g'H Tot-ter-ee.' Sliaxy-a-nee. Man-hat-tan, «Shaf.1e-mu<» ... Co-ho-haf-a-te-a, . Mb-he-gan-nit-tu Ma-taw-an. A-qtie-hon-go. . Pe-quavr-ket.^- - Ma-tau-paii, Mo-shaw.sio. Quin^ni-pi-ak.~ Ko.s.kon-ohi.co'. <Jttit.ten.ing.o.- JitingfiV.eand I'shot qff jeathers, but didv not kill the bird- I went back to the cab. k-and' left the gun thare unloaded *nd' ivaked tum. upVs 77^. • -. ~7 : 7 T 777r" ~ -H.-'-got up about .5 o'clock, and\ws' •woiUjod at 4ho coal.pit Ufflil about To'- • 'ol'ocU, and then wont together to thehous.e- - ib w br,eaktist.- We breakfiisted.. After ihat, be changed his clpllies—and as he «>as about ready to, start,* he showed om Ca8-fc.wau.ga. Ken.a^pa.corrt-a.qua. I $10gMd pfece,. which was all he showe uud all I e.ver knew he had altho' frotn he fact of his going to Albany to deposit* money, I supposed he had niojsz He then ivent away to A'lbuny. The old gentleman Ide was at ! breaks fast;'but fmifiedr<iVely after brTalffasrhe wm-sta+ted^oT-trre-ceal-ph - When I got in srgrrt.of the coal" l^ saw of( Ide tiieTejf and stopped/ihinking'l wouh as lief.he would do the work, I did not lot him^ee me bul wpnt'dicectly 1 back to ihe house and dressed myself .for.chuTph too All these English Dtamea, however, aire ngjjsn .ihat-fney Will ever bre-displaoe^; byth^eir aboriginals. Bot> fr*» the young country of iheFar Wost, whore names are not so permanently settled,, ohangos could, in numerous instances, be introduced'without producing any serious ino-nvenienco, Irliller^s iccoijit of Himself." The followirtj account of Williurn Miller was written by himielfl lie was ex'eeated at Trpy, on tlw §8th uU, States may pretidly compare jtheir namos' with those of the old members df/tlte Confederacy. Place ihe names of Ohio s Missouri and.Tennessee, along, with (he English compounds of N!ew-rIampshire T Rhode-Island'^rad" Iforth Carolina, md almost every pne will readily acknowl- edge the superior beauty and appropri- ateness of the former. *- We have already been guilty of too much injustice to the poor Indians. IVs» *'i —and waged at ruthless war ngains?them ^vfVepfevef—they •attempted to. ma their just rights. The story of the Indi- hhe money lletving occasion to change anVwrongs-ls-amelancholy-siihject ^aild-|7jne ofthe^"bilts-at ,a. shop,"the jheroharir to an AmfeHean, it is. top humiliating to> dwell upon. IJet us not', in addition to the other itijuriesthey had received at our" hands, rob them of the names by whicht Jthey 'Vv^re_wuui..t?-dis^i!gu.i3h_tiTe. hjndsr .and the waters'of their own primitive do-^ main. , ' Apart from this consideration', the abo- riginal names ouuht t.o .prevail., because they are infinitely triijre beautiful thuri Ihose which have, in most cases, been tike a >tuw ni- si a nco.s: Jaiires River, in Virginia; was called by the Tliatives -Powhatan^the Sain.tLawrenaeAiyer,.C^ar.auqui^^^ ^aint Mary's,, in, Maryls-nd, Yoamaco,— A^branph "of the MDuskinpfinT ift r (JhiS which was known, by the-Indians as'the Mox-a-hala,is nqw honored with theclas- -srcal .name o f JBnathVn'si Greek ; and Wefpirflpmity, in NbTThrWptera'ViirliH- ia, .has yielded^td the doleful. name of THE WRONG MAW HANGED.—rA Liv. :^p^.^ner^ay^haX^m^IpM?na^sidi. ;dier inthe 2.1i-t.Fusileers, now in India, has* confessed that it was he who dashed out the brains of a-gainC-keeperinT^ssex, about 9 years ago, and 'that a man nam r#ve%/ree*rT7,.. ;" rj:< i\—*.. . ..• ./ Very/little taste ^asdisplayed-by |h^ individuals who extirpated the - Indian names of the ^strearhs',', which are no**' know.n as the GposeVths -0uck, the-JEet. the Fish; the Ca^f Pasture,-the:( Sleepy, ihe'Muddy, the B.aekoon,%he''Onion, the ^etl^m£LT ; aXaii^^J^te^^iofltt^ The worst tiarjnes in"*the Indian vocabula- ry, would put this miserable list to shame . It is difficult, at this late period, to as- certain, in a sWti|fabWry' hjanr^ef r allths e<dj' Jdhalker, who waf executed for" tb> aboriginar na«fles whibh liaW>een, dr^ morder/v^aiiirinbclinr^- ; " J «cSfd'eefby fti* Mil*jfeoplej *6f would His-l*4l nin34a #aj : "Jnhft!Lewis Wi Hard H u y . . \VJM,born iti'' France, April ^6, .1815, at Frankf^rt^bn the Rhine--: His father was a mechanic ther% in irkod- orate. ctrcamstajaces- At th'o aga ufeev on years, leA Franco and went oil t h e death of hli mothor with his father 'and fumilytoBayora, in Germany, His fath- er became possessed of a handsomo prop erty by the death of his wife,-and. Miller com'henqi»d.the study of medicine, which llth year of las age. After he loft the study of medicine' ho worked a s a rot, chinist. Bis father was in Germany an agent for sending persons lb Amerloa-— One day a girl of about 18 yearVrjf a g e called to pay her. passage and get her pa persfor America, and Miller concluded to g n to America also, and succeeded in getting the consent of his* parents, and about ,f 40.0 in money, and in a few days sailed in the same ship with the girl.— ThejHanded BT Baltimore, and took rooms together, whoro they lived as man and wife; Miller obtaining work in a maoliino shop ai $ 1 0 pi-r month, H e landed in Bul-timoro m September, 183S. His fataer with iiia two sisters, earcs 4aBaltirrjore-«t Hassmfesc &l same year, and staid at his roomiumi! they had some difficulty with th* girl; when she Ifift with her brother, who re- sided near Little Y«rk, in Pennsylvnuia. About six weiksafterward she returned idUaliimore, aodwished to live with hum again,- bujt his relatives objected. - H e ihen went wiih her to Litlle.^ork, Where he set up a gun shop andconfinued-tollva wiih her. Jie had then ab >ut §200" in tjold amljsilver. VYhile.'there a^man eial- "-perei bany bdid nol'lut them ki.ow* that I ~cii peeled to see 'my .sister, but 1 went out immediately after we stopped* at. the tav- em, and'-weni to Mr. Averhart's $nd saw «*y ajsterV- t nt*id at- the house With' hef about an hour, and whiiu we Walked oul shegaye me in all $110—silveriandgoid xcept (Wo 95 bids 1 then left my sis. •er and returned tb tho isvern.and then | old them I hid got my m6wey. Wather) :<ameupj8Jl^ny J .ajj s Sr^^ £•$5. we" starred "Tfu? BatTdfake a M got" lomo the same da'y. • l' , , ,,.!• On Thursday Jan's Ide and I had a rJiw. iculiy and I,then idldlHailey I would no{ nirry. her^iiut that I.Mmld_Jga^»JiadL I then oh Saturday "fefl hnrne sayfnj|'t *as going down to SljiejCs and Jah'e L.vanted to]gi too. I a1i3 notoBjecft. But •vhile she was in the store I left her and went abouf 1$ mileH on foot, towards Lanesboro', and.tltefe got t'ntd the stage, 1 ind went lo- ffostonv Philadelphia and; rV*-nBirpfr ctent-and ^>el|>ved-homes=plotrglTed-trpr irrg that IMTikr 'kad ^onside rable-specte-, thner honored * graves of tliBir -fafhdrsi exchanged $200 in bills for$150'-inspe- cie. Th'p man immediately left York, inquired i.f whirm he had it. He replied; that he diduotfehqw his name. . Ha was afterwards arrested and gave bail for h i s appearance.. After ermstiltation witlvthe' broihjgr o.f_thl^gi rl "Vgjth wliom hg ttred, he concluded to run jBvay fhrSiigh fear of conviction for the theft.' He went to Philadelphia and enlisted in the U. S Army, and was soori after sent to' Gover nor's-Island, in ty. Y. harbc. lie re- mninPfl ihthe B^r^-jj-gM>r^» J 7__7_ W'ishing to -^min ins. discharge; Fe placed pul^eri'aed brick in his rnouth and pretended to be spitting blood. The stir- geon,thougli„co.OLvincdd7iLwasia_trick|.c<)n; tented at his solicitation to report hifr* as afflicted with o^rBSimpfionj and^fiScSlnafiTi ed his discharge. He then came tf AI bany. This was in3)eo. 1840. He&ad when he TelTinre' arrhy abouf 5)90. f*e- domingacquainted in Albany withsoirtne Germaifs-who4*ved in Sawjlahe, he went Ito-th^larterpiaco to live, and" was hired by 4^^0^tVan,dSer asjjar tender at <6per monih. Hesta'dl^er^but a^fewiays, andtben went to i?o'rk on a fiirni of Mr. ine's. - Having some difficulty v*ith V.'s son, he hired hi'rnsefljF to Hen*y a Huffman, a.German. (md^oSeiLoh fiis. fgrrnf-He-afVeT^ds-^orkeA f6r-»fr Butt?, then Tor "Mft Jluffrnan again, then ^ith.,MT.,Bailfty, and than witfe Mr. Ide. Mr. I. hiredlijnfi.tocutwoojf ar^lOpW mojstb,on.MfieJhst of-Maichi'tlS42." 1 continued wiih t him lioltPhe^ff Smd? lak<?. «w which I aiiondedthat forenoon. From that time I neversnw West, r\'6r ill I was, arrested. «Monday after, West was killed t receiv* d word from Page P M. at ; Sanktakej 'hat there were letters in the ofli'ceformer I went and got tho letters tho same dayj ind I found i leliors frem tfly slsier say. iug that she would let me have some mon^ •y and that ihe-wwuld be. in Albany the" irsiof that; present week and tet mo havf i* I tbetf detenn/jn-S to go to Albany and I-thought I would takejarte and tha ^d lady With me. \S'e started Tuesday jcrtoriting v^ry,^atly t ,witenwi&i.gotjn Ats B iltimore, I went to my father's house in iSaltimoro and staid. . .'wJjji I there married Miss Wilson who'sq • father and family resided in'Baltimore j? . I-staid for the most pan with tbeifimily: ofmy wife and a short time p'refiot/tftc* arrest tm-thfc charge «f-ffiarde^4ht)^ house of my fathf*r*ri.law Was brokeh •>pen and robbed of #180 in money. He- tccused me of the crime and caused me i> be arrested and thrown into jail wherf. : I was at the time ofmy arrest forthemur- _ der of West. L_; . ——I *-r WOMAN'S TEMPER.-Nq trait* of char- acter is more valuable in a'ifemalo than jthe possession of a sweet temper. HomJ can never be made happy Without it. It i like the flowers that spring-ap- In our athivay, revi viui; and cheering usrl»et- _ i man go home at night, wearied "and; _ worn by ibj toijs of the day, and ho^p sgtM'ered-that-lie hnd stolen-Tjoothing ia a <vord ..dictatpd by a gfi bow il.s.position. It is a sunshine falling/upoh; liisTieeTrt. Ite rshappyi^andth.e.carfesof"~" i:"e are forgotten. A sweet temppr-hasa- sooThing irtliuehoe over the minds of a whole fiimily. Where it is found in the wife and mother, you may observe kind- ness andlove' predomlTratfng mwrtbB~bripr feelingor a naturalliiaVt. -^TleySTior^ words and looks churacleriie-the children, and peace and love*have their, dwelling there. Study, to acquire and retain.a sweet temper.. -It is.more valuable than, i>ukl.JLuaplivaifs moie ilnm-beautynand -~3t&m to thp.elose Of life retains al r its freshnau and^npwer. „ . . , ' . 7- " Mass^MrsKTTS-^HC&fc-^TgRMS^Qit- lS43.A5fp '44.—The whole number of l%ildreri-in^^ the. c(^m^V#e*lih^feetwe^nw The ages of 4 aud ie^f92,QZt. Ain't. raised for the suppbW- of schuols,inclu- dfngjheHncome of the surrj«s-rereritj|, $558,197 '1&, Wig nearly 4JJ41.000 mora thaw, Was'ywised-the preVfotfS yeir^- $37,9^r7J©Ua^comfibtUed1or7^r|^^ fuiel.nfttiting art a « g f e g ^ e # " scnoel.! purposes or*59G,149 ' l ^ j y * , amount iVised iV.E^sei coUnjyii !««> $09 S^. Number of ? cbudijErt:.bet^«ei % a n i 16 .years, id,S4,S* *« increafe of 629 since the year" prfeVicus). TheKvgr.^ 4gsiUiuw^ptopriati4MBJ^ county is v '.our cannties-tppt Ai. priafejnort, : H«*' y*«> E "^i *&$£? the sevtirilh p}a|e>;tNurftber ^ e W l , jWlSilem E e t w e e n J l ^ f e ^ W ^ Aaiount raised foe^support of>\pjio \scnools,«jl5,7•2fl5J8 , . ' v -z \.--:-' * J-'* - ^^^ ./ : Ml •^m && a '• ^CSS^;sM'.Z.7&4 w^^ira»M^«ffig»««!a«!«^««^^

Transcript of iUWAMJBX pjy^^^ Yolv^^oHl^ T^fteiflf^u^^inlm^to^ The...

Page 1: iUWAMJBX pjy^^^ Yolv^^oHl^ T^fteiflf^u^^inlm^to^ The ttleniraa,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031885/1845-02-11/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 7~%nd he slept in his hammock safe and sound

TICK M i .

i*rr . • i w i i i l

wiUnfiAr jjiveJii* • r i r r H . l ieifacii ! , ' l>".T S O ! ] ' 4


•.*toiir:jut'*«u*e^^ pyiditfjidVioiiftorwitliin three month* from the

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ip|ket>-' A of jinji hilt &*l*e t**ii4*io-i creatt'd I it is t<

T)nr b»rW waf out—f»r» far from the land, %hen Uie fayeil V o u r gaJIant band: brew sadly p«le, and Waned away liike the'twilight of an autiiinn day.


n"dtfWH«j ! (Ltlmrin

ice'ia frrtr. 0U,t tO (Jlfi

Have fain

ito-riatsftiif' * rtfts" *>ir« fmlidiiitisi

.We witched "him through lonp hours of pain,. Bot-our cares Were loMTfl'ur hopes weris vain ; Death struck he-gave no coWard alarm, -— For Jie smiled as be died on a messmate's arm

" i ;

He had rio eoitly winding sheet; , Piit^we^pl*cid a roortd shotat his feet j .

7~%nd he slept in his hammock safe and sound A r k m * ; in. Ida I»wn.shr«wireiiaTMeH>»ttnd.—


lilkftiBjigfL it flm ajjlf/'ill*!. ccMatiitittt

hallo t » / M *'•"•- , " T i t .T"3 *

\W«-f»rco Uy 4«cl»^^J«8»MiJ | ! t - -~ .~- .^ , With Cola mbia's flag about h i i breast; .

. We gare him lliat as the badge of the t>rave, i r a r i h e i r h B ^ s - ^ f g n h i V S a r l o r V ^ a y e . - - r -

Ont yojoca broke—our hearts "turned, weak—

?tt tsar* wore seen on the brownest cheek, nd1 a qoJTer played on the lipi of pride, s we lowered him down the ships dsjxkrside.

\ ' i - - ' • • • : • ; • i , , _ , _ _ , .

A plurije—• iplaahr-and our ta»k »ras o er j ~^HT6illows rolled as tfieyroltea IwfoTfeT,

but many a rude prayer hsllowed-the wave That etoaed above the sailbr'a grays.. _,


. /——-SCTsil -^Si^m^

KerspapejrHDeYoted' to the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, Politics^ Agriculture, liscellaiieojis tlterature, Domestic and Fareign iDtelMgenc*.1 1 a?

iUWAMJBX . < * - . ' - , ' S

MCab/ s.urr$T—cabT siirr?—does 4he gentlernan. want a cabb ?" sa id Jimtney

" Y e s , m y ^ood feljow. D o yon see i£'5$Mh»t lady and ' (fentleman.getting,,in ft

coach before .us ?":.-»- ~ •-"- * -••'... —"-1fe3 r to--be-suF«r 1 -7—T^—^^ —"

'" Weil , d riye aft?ru t b e ^ , ajid ju^i- as~ they are fetling themselves down a t tW door, I wish t p p e . set dewo too, but not'

-oju ite^sp -fen+lyx^Qngsid^g^lienih.

\\.~. 'rrFrgm^^tSJitkrJjiy Gametic

, The ttleniraa, « By S t . Agatha \'.' I b'elieye there is

something in the shape o l W tear irj thps,e dark eyes of mine, aboufvybfc'h^th'ejwo-

• ' T h e gentfetrian wishes"tp^lbe u $ $ 1 I-aees through irl_all,-b«t. t h e m wiU be damagea to the c a b , and ——"• '• * . f'.Yes, I gt^e you;ten dol lars ." >. ; .

^ ^ q g M i ^ o . u ^ l c e j r ^ y o i ^ onrth^harl^JriCK paivemehl ?

you will miss you r mark." • In a few nrtomentstjie carriage vye were following slopped at, av»p!endid mansion. The lady-aadheriaihecal ightedand-juat as they were oh the marble ste'p^rny cab

lmnri^«4ibrje—beca^efuddenly. resttv«.~ TheJwheel- i^againsLa-convenient lamp

coach . and attempting t o get out I - was thrown with my "head " ageinst the curb

AV~ p j y ^ ^ ^ Yo lv^^oH l^

men rave ; so unmerciful ly ," said the liSQiir^^ilzelafejace,-aB,„aftQr an^ahs^ftcft o f twf) years, he came once more in. sight o f his native vil lage, of Ma'lhamdale.— StffHd!t^'upoTrrrJeTieigTTtibl?^f^^ iwatched the curling smoke coming up from the cottage crHmney.^ in'the clear blue 8.kykof evening, whilst, a Utile far; thpr: off^The last beams of the setting sun, ^rk^playingJupoji tbiwesMrji ' wMls^of his father's o ld Caroniiil fliansiort, and, about a mile to- the "right o f it, he could distinguish the tree's and pleasure grounds o f Sir ..Meredith Appleby's less ancient seat. Then he., thought of Julia-Appleby thebaronet's-QrjIy—child,—his—yootrrfiil-playmatej his first^ i n e n d ^ a p d his first love"

righttcTchpose for yourself; and so Mir. Fitzolarenoe'multjust break, his heart i f he p l e a s e s , ^ else fight a, desperate duel with Mr; TRallon, with hi's swords and guns..^ -.' -."• - . •••* . :• ' . . -

"CM Alice, yoQ^rigfeten m e to deaths There shall be np.duels for me mr bridal bedshnnldhfi m y ^ c a ^ I g l i a l s be true to mV.tford. Trie bare suspicion

my ihcqpt.-itancy ,would>turn pbor Al--fret^l|l^r^d7~~^kn^w-lrew1^e'da^ I must go to the altar, Alicg, like a lamb to4he slaughter, . W e r e I to refuse-himr .ybu may. depend upon it he.w,qu!d put an end to his tysistence with five Toaded pisr ;tols,-,-pnJ^nhtnkr-bf"-tb"atj^K$|.>. ;\yira:t: could I say^ror; myself, were-his^.r.erhains "found Tn liis'bed "slirhe,mbrnmgl'r

• History does not report, what Alice said Ijer" mistress might,- under such circum. stajices.-say for herself,.b.ut, it U certain

^atlhe^r^^aifle4—talking—together- till the third dinner bell rang. : , '. '

P«str .an44hecab. ivas-tiwoAvn .against the Sanctioned urid eucouraffed by theirt'e-'

and, as h e tHough(of her he sigh­e d ! - Whenrthey-paTtedvtwoTyears^before, Danrthfin-arl< -*nt4 - A W H A H MM-M«^ "Krt.- ~* tv^f —s*t *«

^ton%.7~ln'rTTnli^emrity > e l l , that m y fall^was n o trifle;.- t h e . skin on my forehead waa put, and the blood, with the exeitement-of 4lie e»ejningl had.



U If akjtynt

. "."r'~ '—~f"" jirijlvv tliej* ird'L»-Jttn-> ||,i.| wttilOif w.oiis.a^ie I't'Bt^MJr be faplirw

j(jnii»ie *&& ifl.mirjnilioa W01B»«„'


I pkiriiknd

is lliia S i k e .

i t j r a i i t f n a ^ ji(e, o f in i -

il littler ahnat. ijiheirJ e aru no idle

iiitrid JH»lUr .Hqrgiarejyi'/ nnut %*H otf lart -ieal«(d

driven in eitra; quantity to' that xegibn, Sowed with decent profusion. A shriek of terror in the sweetest imaginable tope, came fromtlie lady, as'she was standing on the steps of her house*, and she turned round on hearing the noise occasioned by my miajhap.—t became, an in duly boniid.

;••"^ob," said ao unole rushing u\to_my, room, "Pm ruined !" „ ' • * (.. -, t~ *>lie»Hyl" *aid I knocking the aahes o F ^ t i m d * n d i * « ©igaiv^—j r -

Yea, rained, irredeeniahly' ao—my JBecjilattonij^ iifitf, i n i aH' haVfe been

trl^'rilri'1*)!* t •i"rtiii¥ Wll up lutj1

IVt Jairly .done tip—diddled—cleaned out . ' 7 . .) • •

•«Develi«h pity-!—what matt we dot; I'm as badly .off as you, and lost all my i xpeontiolls which, were • tae capital on which I traded inaoolety.".

My uncle looked grave for the first time< His philosophy- being Epicurean,

senseless, but contrived to understand that the fair one"Was verymuch agitated, a^a^RaTKgrialrierrm^s^fly^^^^

iW«^s^d=ine^boT^e^nteHhe^hotii not forgetting to curse my driver, who was all contrition. I was conveyed |p a chamber and laid gently on a velvet couch. - Fejry soon a doptor appemredj pronounced the case, seeing the awoon cWinueaY* critical one, and thereupon. my charmer decided to give me her best auenlion; her tominityjeing strongly

"—*,,]—- 'i ' w i ii'iTa-" ii'i"^t^r^i'iv'infflg;ai?'2JJ:''~'*"'** ••••—Ac\»-«—

spective parents, (far there was nothing the old people wished more than a union

ween ttleJlWo ftmrlfes,) ^ytha^iswoTtF; eternal fidelity, and plighted their hearts' irrevocably Jo each othe/. -Fiizclarence thought^pf all this, and again he sighed. DifTerent people are differently affected by the s'afne thines. After so long an ab-sej^jnaiLyJU3idn"vi«wildrin the ^ x ^ b e r -ance of his feelings, have thrown himself down upon the first bed of wild flowers he came to . and spouted long speeches to himself out of a l l known plays- ^Out-he-ro preferred indulging in the following little sol i loquy. . __^ _ ^ . _

" My father wi l l heja^niazfngly g l a d to see "rhe7ahd " " my old • friend, the antediluvian butler, Morgan ap-Morgan, and so will the point­er, Juno, and s o will; my'pony, Troi lus— av pretty figure, byahe by, I should cut now upon T-roH us, in this gay military

T^fteiflf^u^^inlm^to^ Buffon mentions, in his Natural Histo­

ry, the sensibility-the elephant evinces for ttuttOf - D ^ i r i n ^ . t d f p r o r e the^truth of this assertion, a party o f oeiebrated '"Ar­tistes;" arr.ong Mthbrn; were: Messrs, JDu;. vernpy* and. Kreufeer, re'paireof, to the

^neJie—pon^ensM^d^^the^IahoMvljlei) guch a task would, cost hirri. , It cannot be expected that objects, which have, borne, an English nam© lor fi^ty^or a hupir

idred-years, could, withSufgieftf diffieulty be'againydesigriated by- their Indian ap*

.-peHations,( howevermach the latter migrit ,- ^ ^ T ~ - « nr-. , surpasstfe-formerin beauty. Weare

menagerie at the ^aTdin tttTTToi,^whpr*^^ ^tiored of a nantie as sdon as it becomas, they gave, a regular musicanfeat to an - ••• • -^lep^ant^the^r&sul^isftvvhrte l)-convinced them of the justice of the great Matar.al-. jst's observation^, . ,.- <' .._•._ ,

The little simple melody, °"6 ma ten. dre Musette," played on ^heviplin hf

. \ Tfiie~Fitzclarences were both.true to rheirengHgement...- Notwtthstandirrg eve: ry-exeriionj however? on t^epart'of the two old gentlemen, tliey couid not exact­ly bring aJ)out. that." flo.w of soul" which

.they' Bad"" you.ng peqpl was removed, and a few bumpers of clar­et bad TvanW"Sir Meredith's lieaVt,- he said, boldly. * v . . " .

"Julia, niytove.'as Alfredvdoes not seem to be-much of a wine-4>ibfte-ivstrp» pose you'show him the -improvements in the gardens and hot-housesy-whilat w<e. sexagenarians remain where we are,'to driflje tojhc health of'sboih, and talk over

familiar to our ea rs, no matter how hars.h TTmay h¥ve"~s6tirtiedat firsfr" Tf wecotpr-pare Manhattan with.JJew York, weare at once disposedto give the preference-to the la'ter; and yet New York, when we. look into its derivation, is. really anin-sigm ffrft~aTi "ioTTrflrtlry »riannieripr \h/6 cpm.meroial metropolis of the new world. Manhattan is a noble" -name, and- New York is worthy of wearing it. -.Tiiere are are a few instanQeg. in which. Indian names, after a long proseri-ptibn;, have

IJbeen-r-estOFedt- ^^e4-at^cipitol-of--Cpp&rl [ Canada!, which bpre the-rfflrne of York


|fr*utzer,^emeVl-to:af|ord-;teuol^^ tionto their atteriiiye auditor; but to>th« brilliant variations that followed, in which innumera.ble difficulties were sur­mounted with the greatest facilty by the highly lalenled performer, the quadruped listened wjth tbejnost perfect mfocha-lence. The merit of a bravura airya}-tIfeugh sung in the first styrejfffexbeUenci) and a, universal fagorjie .amongst. tl|. ^ _ 'lilHlatianii," -was;hotgolfer aiipreoiatedU^rgc, irr^e\vWorlr)Hsrnmv.-said~to.--be

er a statement rela(i<reto bt^'mii. ' macv with Jane Ide, Miller procee'd^wM his. '•tiitemftit as foPows*:,. _ ,' 4. . •"A4exLiJha£_teerpa^Id^ mmithsjl'met West in the road asf was.-.'"" cornuig frprnthealeam-mill. -I had sees ,' birrs bill a fgw-times andspokan with him once ortwicej but was.notmuch acquaint od wuh him. !Me,'desired to koow.ii . could tell fiim wr/ere he rjouldget work. ItoMJum-luhc^gh^M^

than had been the "variations to the! pr-e-. M. „„ul „,..„,. "edrng air. One of Bocclierini's. cele,

tep'e'S:'see^^ >le. At Length, after ihScioIK"*f >Urs'b° ^Wn,^sljared~the same, or

' • • • " • ' - • evena worse fate] for the elephant could not refrain froten-show-ing direct indicu lions of annoyance, and constantly gapbd during the performance of the celebrated composition

(or many years, ha ancient n«me of "'lVrnrj-to ; and Iialce

established in its first and almost incom­parably bi autifu=l nainc of How con. " ~-©&^^rnany-i^ors^>!3^n;»r&F«T^h'^1f:

"might profit by the examriles, a feAV are here taken at raadonx, with their Indian names affixedL„ . .. :^... Gulfof St.'Lawrenoe, Big Sandy Rivor,

him to chpp woo .;t Trt siifdvhe^^wotifd co^ejip>jhat.afterrioon^ ;-'^.dljliSidii;e $ -; ' Hie coal pit whije Mr,riae~arfq^,v«er^(a't ' work., | intfoddced- him to-Mri'lde-altd' •Mrrrtde hired-liiro.. 'jHe-weqtintrntjdittSi lyYat work/ - Freni thLsumepntiltheidsiy; that West was killed wi v/oxkeitogejhe^_>i atthe-coalpit; sometimesbothoEuasle.pi^ ' auhe coal pit in the cabin,and^ometirnes one~slepTthere and one at the houseftoi^ geiher. We were'al.ways without exce*p-lion, good-^friends.-'- '£•'• riev-'er knew—siny^— thing of his having money until th« Sunk

day morning on whichihe was killed-T^-On Saturday, xhe, day before,.a man whose name I now forget, came to -trie rCiiai^iikandVsaLdjQj^^

nytbrday and you come to-morrow. "He * said, Yes. On^hat eVenjng he .fdhj-Mf;' Ide that he would go to Albany the'heJtt day *ty dejpd ite Isome money. We-slept tbgeiiBr thjit. night in the cabiij at the - . coaJp't. 1 heard some patridgesdromi.' ming in~lhe nighr aTIdj[he next Sunday 7 inor-r4ag-b.efore-West_4TOked^u^ Mr. Ba.iiey and borrowed a shot gun and went and shj)L..aJ-ajjmJjidge

But when the Duvernoy took up. Tt'iif horn, to.try the effect of his fascinating powers on the animal—when he plaveda. few bars of "Charmknln f^abrielle," thn

,a Cumberland River.

a few family matters.' Alfred thus called upon, could not

¥vo«l7istng""frorrrlifs seaVaTTd""o'fierine" er, andsowiir ^iiarttsjs^mr=^Bhestcpk"itn«th^ijlusht

garb of mine, with rdy swprd rattling-be­tween his legs,.and rriy white plumes

according lathe practice of the nineteenth century, he lived in the present moment, enjoying life at the races, the clubs, and dabbling now and then (adding, so to

j-spelkf *ed pepf«r*e " succe*«ifs <tf defunct lotteries—fancy

stocks. H* had hitherto nourished, on. ' ifr«™, and I on him, as his heir and faW-~

' After injuring;ihis* startling annouu tiirnt a silence of soma moujentu ensued, daring w iich time I finished smoking, and rriy uncle broke f»r>h—"Bob, you are tliirt I d ! "


rty.one years o;i »• \V«.r>«o thamthat, ihirty-lhrce. .

nai«.". M'l^o true» oncle." "Vou must |[et married. It*a full time

to give ftp your vagabond life." —"FhienrtkxTiyclgrbut WlroHsrto-aupg pf»rtmet"~ - _. .

" ¥o"ur wife ; marry .an heiress." " That's /ust what 1 have nb«en, with

alt my seeming ind/fference to marriage, ready to do, But an hef ressis like a ghost of griffin^-spokeh or written of, but ner-er seen.'*

i | f e a ^ l o fty m^imhg&mUI sltuimoTiT , ..God DLlovfl—(Uroe"«n!4he-ancient yoiui§ gentlrbiln who irofe no clothes,but a bow and quiver.) What electrical shocks of passion and delight, thrilled riirorjgh everyifibw-br>tny iraitle, as, the dear, soft hand o f my beloved one wiped pffthegore mnd gently bathed'niy wounds! ^^at«!Btt^y-of^y-as^n'*<^u<ness-waf returning! ' Ho*r I was flattered when she remarked lo her- father, on. my clacsic profile, and compared my look to the. wpundjed ,Hej£tor,

Miil;t*«,tOB. • icr'je.sstifei-r-*

enl i t , if us«d

- . • . • -*« i

:e .and otber xbility, to re- ' rtettoauil siSe

9ti, Aj iori^y a

iHjjptrisnrjpfeof-hlqn iijr'ne^** i.e avrfill, and

my b o y ! Our affairs are*



'"tryvfry, . . . desperate. T h e whole pandemonium of iradesrnVn wil l become y>t-more tmpor-tunste when; they leairt""the f u l l extent-of m y losses, which w i l l J b e , before many weeka; your .character wjtl c o m e down with m y p¥rae^so~go t o workrwithoTiric rrWrnent'sdelsry/"'; ; >""

" W e l l , u n c l e , M l try ." v , That evening I dressed, and went

concert at the theatre; Ole Bull extracting rapture from catgut, and'just as,he was finishing his first par}, I essay­ed jo change njy position in order to get a nysJir.erj.yiew of a new .beauty, a,divine qunight, in the boxes, when whom'should I esppr. but my tailor, to whom I owed an oH biTT of precisely six^hundredjand thjr-

^.m-ttose--Ts^pi^yTf(i ihTsfirTstbat night.— ifis—tancy A f j e r j . ^ ^ m i ( J e ? ^ ^ ao^of , ^ ^ m e

next morning,. by_ the a jd of tn,yhost*s ser­vants, I w a s Teady to recejve the visit of my beauiiffal nurse.' S h e came, a l l ay m^ pVthy. Her congratulations wore s o gen tie at my escape from moria! danger, her trusts so earnest , and sod toned that I would gradually get better, her tender of hospitality so complete, a n d her light morning d ress so becoming, lh4t she look-cd!ihfirJiiel^riKire iove ty than before, and I inwardly blessed her, the cabman, and my stars which gave m e such delight,.

As the physician had given strict or-ders to ktep my chamber o^uiet, a n d her iattendance in m y chamber w a s evidently so cheering to-my spirils. I wias forniflite-ly f regdfromthe yistts o fher falhar,and I had trie d e a r delight o f seeing her stlone, Several days passed in.this sweet reverie I began to ge l better. ' How coald I help myself? T h e young lady was st i l l at tentive, kmd7so1T-4pWen,and sympatlie^

I The silly girl loves rrie.; her imagination

tSTtl she will bore m e to-death - wjtji hag s ighs .and her tehder'glances, and her allusions to limes pist, and her hopes o f time to come, and air Ifio~irfiltefy o f a foge«aiok

ic. r^fibughi I macktftn impression. At the end of the fifth day, 1 was*sure I had, and determined l o speak, ifoccasion offer edj-wltFother l«ngujige than the grate*

:ful glance o f an invatiiils eye . Being s a mueh recrnited. I expressed

and they walked off together in s i lence " How devotedly he loves m e !" Thought

Juliai with a s i g h : " N o , no, I cannot break hts heart." •

" Poor g ir l !" -thought Alfred, bringing-one o f hisi whiskers more ki l l ingly over his cheek; "her affections are Trrevoca-

Hudson River,

Catskill Mountains, Long Island, N. Y., Pryeburg, Wnine, . Pembroko, N . r l .>—

creature, =ttll attention, moved nearer, and nearer to the p layer , and wjs jsoon ,«o' jKholly_engEossted i n - t h e - "concord- of sweet sounds,'' that it even condescended to take a pari in the performance, cor- <3a .„_ M . « , r.ectly-marking the time b y agitating iir ^ T d e n c e ^ R ' C

ancing to and. fro its_ unwieldy b o d y - | ; o h a s t o r . M F . r nay—even in producing ffom time |o Y i t e s v . l l B * M . . v ' trmm-8ome;tonsti iu perfect untaon witlr4^ - ' •'"••

-with- h i* great g o u t y leg, wi l l hpbble •' Theyv proflelided down a l o n g gravel through the room in e c s t a c y a s soon a s i' W«M» bordered on'both sides with fra-present myse l f ; and'Jul ia—poop.Jul ia grant and flowery shrubs; but, except will blush, and smilfc, and come flying in- ttye pebbles tubbed agajnat, each otlfer a s to my arms like a shuttlQcdck*.. H e i g h o ! they passed over them, hot a sound was

am a" very miserable young officer.— lo be heard. Jul ia , however, was at length observed, 'to " hem" twice, and -weHHiderstand that Fi izc larence politely "coughed 1 ' an acknowledgment of:the: said " hems •' The lady stopped, and plucked a rose. Fiizclarence stopped also:, and plucked t M q t t l U jHrinsmtled; so. did Alfred. , J ,u l las smile wnsoloaretl away by a sigh ; Alfred immediately sighed too*. Checking himself however, he satw the absolute necessity o f c o m . mencinti a conversation. ._

" Miss Appleby!" said h e at Tasl, " S i r ? " "h is two years, t think,

•the instrument When the mtmio haul c e a s e d , it knolt

Child's brain. What in the name of the Pleiades, am I to do ? I believe I had a sort of penchant far her-once, when I w i i a mere Boy, in. my nurse's Leading strings; I believe * did give her soms.slight hopes at one time or other; but, n o w — O ! Ros alind! d e a r - delightful!".

Here hir frelingsTiveTpoiverBd irirrrj and, pulling a miniature from his bosom, ho covered if with kisses . . Sorry am I to P65WigM:Lo^P9nfe5S-,thatJt„was..nof the miniature of Julia.

" But what i s to be done ?" he at length resumed. " T h e poor girl will g o m a d ; she will hang herself in/her garters-j-or- J ioce jre last met drown herself, like Ophelia, in a brook under a wi l low. And'I shall be her mur­derer ! I, „who have never yet' knocked a man on the head in battle, will com­mence my warlike operations by break­i n g the heart o f a woman? J B y J j b Aga­tha! it must not b e j I must be .tfrjte" fo my engagement. Y e s j t h o q g h l myeelf become'a martyr, I must obey the die

to a was

IqHarsi—-Jrcog Mmr - f i t *

a wish to leave jtheMionso t h e next day, feeling that my c la ims on t h e hospitality of my friends could not longer be extend ed to- meet niy emergency. This being known the father ofmy belovedone enter­ed the chamber- He apologised for not •visiting me, explained the peremptory na­ture o f the physician's orders to let no one Writer my ropm • unnecessari ly , as long as •there was the leastshow.of danger. I—I-murmored my-grai i tude to h im,and expressed a fear that f eelild never repay

i s j o i j n i t ^ now jmd',1



m^l l i t , .>aorsr

'^ftitoittl'iQriHby Mirili%ti Faihily .- FJatj&uiifi, CSjA-r-• t J-^sHljIiirpool, rfaliim.-SO Sun-

^td-^iiier^ioferi,which'being l i t e r a l l y interpreted, means, it i s wi?e lo.nak the

-^?pti|iuii of^your tailor; > ^go i i i gu^hHr i t& arid extending my hand, fexc la imcdy _

: " T h e Notwegian monster is really wondejrfiik" ; : " • " iQ"uileso,"said,Mr. MoriinrjerShears, arjjiftherenrjon we discussed ihejr'ernbling ficfdlestrjngs at length.. - ^ - > V V .

tell rrte the ¥ a m e o f that lady,'*^ arid poTnJ-i'rj-g at the same time to t h e unknown

• " Perfectly. Tt is Miss —T—; of Caro­lina. Tllfp-old geijtlemen with her is her father. T h e y liye iri Walnut street, and C had. iiccasion to. visit hjjm on profession--


ybA]r«t. Biiif powdep ,Vt,

77JH ifiought a s muchVMiv-ShejtrJS.^ bould nptbe mistaken i n ybur coatv" «aic

J-itaken i n ybur coat," Said

V, eyeing through my g las s the upper gar^ rnent o f the Carolina gentlernan.

^rm ices? l*JM2**ui*i*i*n Hiriffrt^rjillCn' |

f eojiisiifec'ar •

yli%#pi»»rft». I

sriceaffi a K ttt|iiKa» aiitl hinted at thegfCftt wealth of ^wtsu. wm ^ t i ^ l p a r j ^ a t e . . /_-j :^: r;-

, Herefwasj sibme game-afloat. Hpw. to

r l!^3"^o^s¥^frtfi"e7ric6y*t^ l^tfaj^ifc ' i^^ulmTOm IntFoductibn-r'•'.

SlaiP^^Etetlns -tiy^.H^tP)... -,#.

rppflyT^ir-; m 'coini'iim ost . f ^ ^ | o y t j h e f |

.pfdinary visit - these iv^ldTnWsu it ecessities. v A . ' botd thought struck

. . r will carry it out.- I wi l l get into i lJ*l l?S#ft jtfot/fof rtHhuiEel,^btfirt -ft^'day* F*nd niglng. Iwilranpeariri ' the m^siii^ terestTtrgTof-ino^forig^ rVympalhiBthy

oirr»av-l--w411 stbrm the fo^Ftreas - w i l l retrjgrf Trhy .fofltihe; -So f murmured

^feu:p?-^ihe ^cnir^ibgf ~ ^ i l ^

jhfe unienitttiiigt and i n valuable attention ?ofhis daughte / . ,

" M y wife, y o u mean.'! ' j ; , ° AOhitslinTOu'h^ f e l t like a than

^reviving in .a family vault,, where he had -been put ^remraturely by- mistake! - t awoke fo death Indeed. What a terrible ^mistakeof mine and jylortinier Shears!

. . . _ : T H E RIGHTS OF T H E LABORER.-TII is feared thi4 men o t v«.aith.j»^^e«tensjye business-somVTfmes n s e the ;ady;ant8ges which a bountiful Providence h a s con­ferred, upon.ihern, above th^ir feljow be-ing9,!lo in fringe the right- o f choice, and to control the suffrages of those w h o may depend upon them for employment, and perhaps for^ubsastence^utJidiOj-agco,

tales o f honor. Forgive .me, Rosalind, heavenliest objeot o f my adoration ! Le i not thy Fitzclarence" ——

Herejiis voice became again inarticu­late ; and, as he winded down. th« nill , nothing waaheard^bst- the echoes o f the r multitudinous kisses be continned to lav­ish on the little briinanlly-set portrait lie held in his hands. _t ,j

Next morning, Sir Meredith Appleby was in the midst of a very sumptuous breakfast, (for, notwithstanding his gout, the baronet contrived to preserve his ap­petite,) and the pretty Julia was presi­ding over the tea and coffee at the other end of the table, with the large, long-eare"d spaniel sitting JbSside\ljjp, and ever ,and anon looking wistfully into her "face,

formance of JfonsieurrJDuyernoy, caress-^ ed him with )t» UunkTalid in shorf, en-deavoredTaTter its own, manner, to exprejs the, pleasure jt hadexporfenced from lie unrivalled talent of tho performer^

Hence it results' that the elephant i» decidedly a lover of. niusjci; but that it prefers tltaJohVsimple strains of melody to., the more elaborate combination* ot haFmohy.^lnriot be doubted. . .""". " He is a weighty suffrage \. lior can one accuse auch asi amaiieur of having its u&r.' . -. .:" • ; "r-1

years, i think, since we parted."

'• Yes, two years on the fifteonth of this month.". _, . . „.

ATfrerJ was iifeht. " How she adored me I" thought he j

" she can telU to a moment how long it is

There was a pause." "You have seen, no doubt, a great

since you left,.TtfaIhamdal'e ?" said

a very great deal!" replied her

deal Julii

" O ! fovflFw

Miss Appleby « hemmed'* once more, and drew in a vast mouthful of-courage.

I am told the ladies of England and Ireland are much more attractive than those of W a l e s ? "

" General ly speaking, I believa they are.

' Sir?"

ingto the principles Qt our

the elder Eitzclafence " My dear friend, Alfred ar.rived jast

nighT.' -He tfn^f'I wTHrdhre with yoxrtor dry. Your's, Fiizclarence." -

Julia's cheeks grew first -as white as her brow, and Jthen as red'as her lips.— As soon as breakfast was over, she retired <tp her owh^aparrniral,"Wnd:'rtbitherr we must for once, take the liberty of follow­ing her. •- i . - . . . , - • •

She sat herself down before her mirror, and deliberately twok from her hair a very tasteful little /knot of fictitious flowers,

ich she had fastened in 'it when she ne natufaHy-expeetgd~thTtt~ahe=

^retfeeir-politicatr equahu • The laborer, whether upon property of his own or of -otherar«bould:-be^the—U|ly mdependent man. He producies, more than he-bon

^Mrt ShetoilMhfiidjBepiy^n^ for- his support, he autuatfy creatfes-wealth. He is in .reality" no rnore^de-pendent,ugon;his employer--than4ii^'em.; hlpyerlsapdh]iim^ TherigJitsarrdobli

aliplMlit^iirfSFeeli^ . Mi equal., ^rid'yetthe depepdenpo of the |ne-upon the otjhieii although imaginary, la sfearceiy le'ss'eiffeotive or less(the means of coercion and oppression, than jf it were jeal., • The ^na'o /Ctd^i^r reqj.ii'es of everjTfaTioTarsoui; a frge, and/hpnest ex

vfliitions. ^ndnv'hbeWwo^f^Wnle-tiis.right, and corrupt a t ^ s sourcjej the :«fii5IWWfAF' Alontinns. w h a t e v e r f l t h e r V1T.

fm^tik10*' ^PM^'WR^P'-^lhe charming Southerner t< l l u l i f e ^ - '§mPP*A;'W< %«g#girtg^n- *&&$$&$ $

a'mnd imDit ioMre^k'e>r l^ /

freedprnof felepUons, whatever other vir. lues 'he may po»i»s9, ca|inot be a real ftiehel tdthe riitbtti of tnjen, and a sincere . . . . . ... .1 , . . - . r .7 r. * •"•-MhrrlriliiM n f

.tneipiea JUI-gbvernmeht iniAei which he -lives-.

-W.li£n_ajse.rvant k o u g h t m , o n a J i t t l e ^ F ver tray, a letter from Sir Meredith. T h e old gentleman read it aloud. It was frorrr

the truth is—I should have said—that —that—you have dropped your rose ."

Fitzclarence stooped to pick it u p ; but in so doing, the little miniature which he wore round his neck escaped from under his waistcoat, and, though h e did1" "ffSPoli" serve if, il was hanging conspicuously on his breast, like an.order, when he present-ed^the flnwer to Julia.

"Good heavens! Alfred, that is m y cousin Rosalind!",. •**-•*••'

''JYAreeusifrftosaKfhH w h e r e ? rrcrwrf Themtmaturei It is ail over with me I

• Frederic Da»em«y was born at Montbe-liard. JD thedepartmantoftjie Upper Rhine in thej yeai* 1^71. F r W ' h i s infari6y he> jyL«.hIriM^elLutp_tQJhe4ludjLof the Erencfe horn and compoiition.; and selely, unaided except by hit own taste and g e n u a , h e made tuch astonishing progress,' (hat at 17 yeirs pf age, b»e WHS considered fully capa­ble of entering the Italian Opera, at Parity as ''premierCor."

r " 7 ~ " Aboriginal Kfoincs. While the Indian tribes of North Ame-

dca are gridkully waning in numborst, *nd "looking fowtrd to the certain pe­riod whehThotr.de^c^ndantJifin bai tont-ly.extinguished by wars,ordrivon-attlie point of the ba'yonetinto-the i" weslorn ocean," itis. gavatifylng to know that thatr memory will be perpetuated in the prouS names, borne by the rivers, bays, ahd In­land seas of jfce " charming counjtrylIi«4 once was theipar'l-^Trioy" ir*-*4nacribea on llie escutcheons o f no less than eleven, of the States; and, with the exception of the Florida?, it*is quite probable that eve­ry State whiobj may*liereafter be admit­ted into the UiniQp,.wiil have an Indiao name. AH this'ia proner. Tfe;

was about Ip; replaije this ornament whh something more splendid—a fevir jewels, :perhapsl;Jajiis_be was not gomgjo_do-ariy thing^of•th'esoirt: She ra.nor Jhe bell ^ Jier confidftptial attendant, Alice, answer-ed^he siimrnoris'

a very wretch,; but I shall be faithful; do not turn nvay, lovex^lo*- not. weep j-dulfal Jujia! what is the matter with you ? She rs~in hysterics; she will go distracted! Julia.! I will marry you! I swear to you b y - ^ - "

Jt Do-not swear -by anything at al l / ' cried Julia, unable any longer to cpnceal her rapture," lest you be transported for perjury.. „ You are my own-my very best Alfred !"

" Mad, quite mad," thought Alfred. ','.1 wear a mihia'ture, too," proceeded


" ]La, ma'am," said she, " vvhat is the matterJ Yoii took as ill as m'y AtrnT Bridget." '. * . , ; ,

yYoTr~have-^heard rrie..-talk pf-Alfred Fitzclarencej,,Alice,'have, you npl f' -said the lady, languidly, i^nd, a t the same time slightly blushing. \ T , " „ .

«• 0 ! yes, ma'am, I think I have, He .was tp.have been married to you before ho w4nt to the wars.'* .< -t . ' " t*

«a.,u ,,. J^He has rietait-ned, Alice, and he will !rfee- i f 1 S r a ^ S ^ a * M f r b ' e - ^ ^ ^ J : B ^ I / 1 1 . l&i&!t3,*S:^fcji.» tii-lina lioon snlnnnr nWav : iS^llrnlPBttt hehas been so long away ;

i|diHp)iy-Dalton has been so constantly, wiMmel; »ndf his tastes and mine are so dbngihial^-! am sure you know, Alice, I

"""" ' ' OAV could 1 avoio it V-'. «fTpM"1ure>m^ a i m »y o u h"d the best

iris" The muroTer is out! lord bless meT-Julia,.how pale you hear me!

have grown;' be comforted. I am

but I shall be faithful


est bosom in the wuild llie likeuesg,5gef brilliants, of a, youth provbkingly sorhe^butnaLEitzclajpence.

HJulia?*3 - --•



y hand-

•«• AlfredF. .' ' :_'"•' \ -" We have both been faithless I" "And now We" are both happy,''

—«1By^St. Agathlt2! ..we are; only' 1 pannbt help"Wondering at.your taste, Ju­liai; that strlpljngJiag np.whisjtiers-r'' ~ i. ", ^ejlher h>? my causiti/, Roialind"]==• )/et yhilfdu rt<l hef. i rfesis'tible."

" Well/ I believe, 'you are right, and besides^de gUsiibM^-1- .beg yoQr pardon

fwa^g'oipg to qiiote Lath3^" • ' . .

Me'adville, Pa., Logapsport, Ind.,

Nb.rlmvbe-g'H Tot-ter-ee.' Sliaxy-a-nee. Man-hat-tan, «Shaf.1e-mu<» ... Co-ho-haf-a-te-a,

. Mb-he-gan-nit-tu Ma-taw-an. A-qtie-hon-go. . Pe-quavr-ket.^- -

Ma-tau-paii, Mo-shaw.sio. Quin^ni-pi-ak.~

• Ko.s.kon-ohi.co'. <Jttit.ten.ing.o.-

Jiting fiV.e and I'shot qff jeathers, but didv not kill the bird- I went back to the cab. k-and' left the gun thare unloaded *nd' ivaked tum. upVs 77^. • -. ~7:7

T777r" ~ -H.-'-got up about .5 o'clock, and\ws'

•woiUjod at 4ho coal.pit Ufflil about To'- • 'ol'ocU, and then wont together to thehous.e--

ibwbr,eaktist.- We breakfiisted.. After ihat, be changed his clpllies—and as he «>as about ready to, start,* he showed om

Ca8-fc.wau.ga. Ken.a^pa.corrt-a.qua.

I $ 1 0 g M d pfece,. which was all he showe uud all I e.ver knew he had — altho' frotn he fact of his going to Albany to deposit*

money, I supposed he had niojsz He then ivent away to A'lbuny.

T h e old gentleman Ide was at! breaks fast;'but fmifiedr<iVely after brTalffasrhe

wm-sta+ted^oT-trre-ceal-ph -When I got in srgrrt.of the coal" l saw of( Ide tiieTejf and stopped/ ihinking' l wouh as lief.he would do the work, I did not lot him^ee me bul wpnt'dicectly1 back to ihe house and dressed myself .for.chuTph

too A l l these English Dtamea, however, aire ngjjsn

.ihat-fney Will ever bre-displaoe^; byth^eir aboriginals. Bot> fr*» the y o u n g country of i h e F a r Wost, whore names are not so permanently settled,, ohangos could, in numerous instances, b e introduced'without producing any serious ino-nvenienco,

Irliller s iccoijit of Himself." The followirtj account of Williurn Miller was

written by himielfl l ie was ex'eeated at Trpy, on tlw §8th uU,

States may pretidly compare jtheir namos' with those of the o l d members d f / t l t e Confederacy. Place ihe names o f Ohio s Missouri and.Tennessee, along, with (he English compounds o f N!ew-rIampshireT Rhode-Island'^rad" Iforth Carolina, md almost every pne wi l l readily acknowl­e d g e the superior b e a u t y and appropri­ateness of the former. *-

We have a lready been guilty of too much injustice to the poor Indians. IVs»

* ' i

—and waged at ruthless war ngains?them vfVepfevef—they •attempted to. ma

their just rights. The story of the Indi- hhe money lletving occasion to change anVwrongs-ls-amelancholy-siihject ^aild-|7jne ofthe^"bilts-at ,a. shop,"the jheroharir to an AmfeHean, it is. top humiliating to> dwell upon. IJet us not', in addition to the other itijuriesthey had received at our" hands, rob them of the names by whicht Jthey 'Vv^re_wuui..t?-dis i!gu.i3h_tiTe. • hjndsr .and the waters'of their own primitive do- main. , '

Apart from this consideration', the abo­riginal names ouuht t.o .prevail., because they are infinitely triijre beautiful thuri Ihose which have, in most cases, been

tike a >tuw ni­si a nco.s: Jaiires River, in Virginia; was called by the Tliatives -Powhatan^the Sain.tLawrenaeAiyer,.C^ar.auqui^^^ ^aint Mary's,, in, Maryls-nd, Yoamaco,— A^branph "of the MDuskinpfinT iftr (JhiS which was known, by the-Indians as'the Mox-a-hala,is nqw honored with theclas--srcal .name of JBnathVn'si Greek ; and Wefpirflpmity, in NbTThrWptera'ViirliH-ia, .has yielded^td the doleful. name of

THE WRONG MAW HANGED.—rA Liv. :^p^.^ner^ay^haX^m^IpM?na^sidi. ;dier inthe 2.1i-t.Fusileers, now in India, has* confessed that it was he who dashed out the brains of a-gainC-keeperinT^ssex, about 9 years ago, and 'that a man nam

r#ve%/ree*rT7,.. ;" rj:< i\—*.. . ..• ./ Very/little taste ^asdisplayed-by |h^

individuals who extirpated the - Indian names of the strearhs',', which are no**' know.n as the GposeVths -0uck, the-JEet. the Fish; the Ca f Pasture,-the:( Sleepy, ihe'Muddy, the B.aekoon,%he''Onion, the ^e t l^m£LT ; aXai i^^J^te^^ io f l t t^ The worst tiarjnes in"*the Indian vocabula­ry, would put this miserable list to shame . It is difficult, at this late period, to as­

certain, in a sWti|fabWry' hjanr^efrallths e<dj' Jdhalker, who waf executed for" tb> aboriginar na«fles whibh liaW>een, dr^ morder/v^aiiirinbclinr^- ; " J «cSfd'eefby fti* Mil*jfeoplej * 6 f would

His- l*4l nin34a #aj :"Jnhft!Lewis W i Hard H u y . . \VJM,born iti'' France, April ^6, .1815, at Frankf^rt^bn the R h i n e - - : His father was a mechanic ther% in irkod-orate. ctrcamstajaces- At th'o a g a ufeev on years , leA Franco and went oil t h e death of h l i mothor with his father 'and fumilytoBayora, in Germany, His fath­er became possessed of a handsomo prop erty by the death of his wife,-and. Miller com'henqi»d.the study of medicine, which

l l t h year of l a s age. After h e loft the study of medicine' ho worked a s a rot, chinist. B i s father was in Germany an agent for sending persons lb Amerloa-— One day a girl of about 1 8 yearVrjf a g e called to pay her. passage and get her p a persfor America, and Miller concluded to gn to America also, and succeeded in getting the consent of his* parents, and about , f 40.0 in money, and in a few days sailed in the same ship with the girl.— ThejHanded BT Baltimore, and took rooms together, whoro they lived as man and wife; Miller obtaining work in a maoliino shop ai $ 1 0 pi-r month,

H e landed in Bul-timoro m September, 183S. H i s fataer with i i ia two sisters, earcs 4aBaltirrjore-«t Hassmfesc &l same year, and staid at his r o o m i u m i ! they had some difficulty with th* g i r l ; when she Ifift with her brother, who re­sided near Little Y«rk, in Pennsylvnuia. About six weiksafterward she returned idUaliimore, aodwished to live with hum again,- bujt his relatives objected. - H e ihen went wiih her to Litl le .^ork, Where he set up a gun shop andconfinued-tollva wiih her. J i e had then ab >ut §200" in tjold amljsilver. VYhile.'there a^man eial-


bany bdid nol'lut them ki.ow* that I ~cii peeled to see 'my .sister, but 1 went out immediately after w e stopped* at. the tav-e m , and'-weni to Mr. Averhart's $nd saw «*y ajsterV- t nt*id at- the house With' hef about an hour, and whiiu we Walked oul s h e g a y e me in all $110—si lver iandgoid xcept (Wo 9 5 bids 1 then left my sis.

•er and returned tb tho isvern.and then | o ld them I h id got my m6wey. Wather)

: < a m e u p j 8 J l ^ n y J . a j j s S r ^ ^ £•$5. we" starred "Tfu? BatTdfake a M got" lomo the same da'y. • l' , , ,,.!•

On Thursday Jan's Ide and I had a rJiw. icul iy and I,then idldlHailey I would no{ nirry. her^iiut that I.Mmld_Jga^»JiadL I then oh Saturday "fefl hnrne sayfnj|'t *as going down to SljiejCs and Jah'e

L.vanted to]gi too. I a1i3 notoBjecft. But •vhile s h e was in the store I left her and went abouf 1 $ mileH on foot, towards Lanesboro', and.tltefe got t'ntd the stage,1

ind went lo- ffostonv Philadelphia and;


ctent-and ^>el|>ved-homes=plotrglTed-trpr irrg that IMTikr 'kad ^onside rable-specte-, thner honored * graves of tliBir -fafhdrsi exchanged $ 2 0 0 in bi l l s for$150' - inspe-

cie. Th'p man immediately left York,

inquired i.f whirm he had it. H e replied; that he diduotfehqw his name. . Ha w a s afterwards arrested and gave bail for h i s appearance.. After ermstiltation witlvthe' broihjgr o.f_thl^gi rl "Vgjth wliom hg ttred, he concluded t o run jBvay fhrSiigh fear of conviction for the theft.' H e went to Philadelphia and enlisted in the U. S Army, and was soori after sent to' Gover nor's-Island, in ty. Y. h a r b c . lie re-mninPfl ih the B^r^-jj-gM>r^»J7__7_

W'ishing to -^min ins. discharge; Fe placed pul eri'aed brick in his rnouth and pretended to be spitting blood. The stir-geon,thougli„co.OLvincdd7iLwasia_trick|.c<)n; tented at his solicitation to report hifr* as afflicted with o^rBSimpfionj and fiScSlnafiTi ed his discharge. He then came tf AI bany. This was in3)eo. 1840. He&ad when he TelTinre' arrhy abouf 5)90. f*e-domingacquainted in Albany withsoirtne Germaifs-who4*ved in Sawjlahe, he went Ito-th^larterpiaco to live, and" was hired by 4^^0 tVan,dSer asjjar tender at <6per monih. Hesta'dl^er^but a^fewiays, andtben went to i?o'rk on a fiirni of Mr.

ine's. - Having some difficulty v*ith V.'s son, he hired hi'rnsefljF to Hen*y a

Huffman, a.German. (md^oSeiLoh fiis. fgrrnf-He-afVeT^ds-^orkeA f6r-»fr Butt?, then Tor "Mft Jluffrnan again, then ^ith.,MT.,Bailfty, and than witfe Mr. Ide. Mr. I. hiredlijnfi.tocutwoojf ar^lOpW mojstb,on.MfieJhst of-Maichi'tlS42."1

continued wiiht him lioltPhe^ff Smd? lak<?.

« w

which I aiiondedthat forenoon. From that time I neversnw West, r\'6r

ill I was, arrested. «Monday after, West was killed t receiv*

d word from Page P M. at; Sanktakej 'hat there were letters in the ofli'ceformer I went and got tho letters tho same dayj ind I found i leliors frem tfly slsier say. iug that she would let me have some mon^ •y and that ihe-wwuld be. in Albany the" irsiof that; present week and tet mo havf i* I tbetf detenn/jn-S to go to Albany and I-thought I would takejarte and tha ^d lady With me. • \S'e started Tuesday jcrtoriting v^ry,^atlyt,witenwi&i.gotjn Ats

- «

B iltimore, I went to my father's house in iSaltimoro and staid. . .'wJjji

I there married Miss Wilson who'sq • father and family resided in'Baltimore j? . I-staid for the most pan with tbeifimily: ofmy wife and a short time p'refiot/tftc*

arrest tm-thfc charge «f-ffiarde^4ht)^ house of my fathf*r*ri.law Was brokeh •>pen and robbed of #180 in money. He-tccused me of the crime and caused me i> be arrested and thrown into jail wherf.

:I was at the time ofmy arrest forthemur- _ der of West.

L _ ; . — — I * - r

WOMAN'S TEMPER.-Nq trait* of char-ac ter is more valuable in a'ifemalo than jthe possession of a sweet temper. HomJ c a n never be made happy Without it. It

i like the flowers that spring-ap- In our athivay, revi viui; a n d cheer ing u s r l » e t - _

i man g o home at night, wearied "and; _ worn by ibj toijs o f the day, and ho p

sgtM'ered-that-lie hnd stolen-Tjoothing ia a <vord ..dictatpd by a gfi bow

il.s.position. It is a sunshine falling/upoh; liisTieeTrt. I t e rshappyi^andth.e.carfesof"~"

i:"e are forgotten. A sweet temppr-hasa-sooThing irtliuehoe over the minds of a whole fiimily. Where it is found in the wife and mother, you may observe kind-ness andlove' predomlTratfngmwrtbB~bripr f ee l ingor a naturalliiaVt. - ^ T l e y S T i o r ^ words and looks churacleriie-the children, and peace and love*have their, dwelling there. Study, to acquire and retain.a sweet temper.. -It is.more valuable than, i>ukl.JLuaplivaifs moie ilnm-beautynand


to thp.elose Of life retains al r its freshnau and^npwer. „ . . , ' . 7-

" Mass^MrsKTTS-^HC&fc-^TgRMS^Qit-lS43.A5fp '44.—The whole number of l%ildreri-in ^ the. c(^m^V#e*lih^feetwe^nw The ages of 4 aud ie^f92,QZt. Ain't. raised for the suppbW- of schuols,inclu-dfngjheHncome of the surrj«s-rereritj|, $558,197 '1&, Wig nearly 4JJ41.000 mora thaw, Was'ywised-the preVfotfS ye ir^-$37,9^r7J©Ua^comfibtUed1or7^r|^^ fuiel.nfttiting art a « g f e g ^ e # " scnoel.! purposes or*59G,149 ' l ^ j y * , amount iVised iV.E^sei coUnjyii !««> $09 S^. Number of?cbudijErt:.bet^«ei % a n i 16 .years, id,S4,S* *« increafe of 629 since the year" prfeVicus). • TheKvgr.^ 4gsiUiuw^ptopriati4MBJ^ county is v '.our cannties-tppt


priafejnort,: H«*' y*«> E " ^ i *&$£? the sevtirilh p}a|e>;tNurftber ^ e W l , jWlSilem E e t w e e n J l ^ f e ^ W ^ Aaiount raised foe^support of>\pjio

\scnools,«jl5,7•2fl5J8,. ' • v

-z \.--:-' * J-'*-^^^

. / :

Ml •^m && a '• ^CSS^;sM'.Z.7&4 w^^ira»M^«ffig»««!a«!«^««^^