IUNDAY FEDERAL COMPLETE HARMONY..."cv* r-Anderson, of' SistersvilV. was appointed. Rev....

m: 2 Cents. IUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS ARE HERE i or the twenty-fourth annual Sunday school convention, delegates and visitors for the most part ar¬ rived in tin- itv on the early trains luesday, although, a good many came in Monday in order to lie sure of not mis.-ing a single thing in con¬ nection with this noble work. State Secretary \V. C. Shafer has been in the city several days per¬ fecting plans for the reception of . he delegates and the jftoper ar¬ rangement of the various' churches wherein the different progftiins are being carried out. Every single riclegropo^ in wi|h « shining facc 'and a determination shown-in every eye to make this the grandest con¬ vention in the history of the ojgan-1 uation. The only happening to mar the occasion was the reccipt of a telegram from St. Maryi stating thai Ifev. J. A. Barnes, who1 occupied a prominent part on the program, had met with an accidunt whjle on his * ay to a train at his home. The .extent of his injuries is not yet known, but one eye is said to be ser¬ iously damaged. A prayer was rendered by Rev. Simmons for his welfare as soon as the word was re- .ceiTed. The meeting of the executive com¬ mittee in the executive room at the Firet Baptist church at nine o'clock Tuesday morning was the beginning of tins twenty-fourth annual State Sunday school convention. The Members of the' committee present were Chairman tyr. t\ Humble. <>r l'arkersburg; Recording Secretary M. M. Ifippard, of Middlcbourne; J. C. Bardall, Moumlsville;, Myro;-. Hubbard. Wellsburg; W. C'.'Shiifcr. | Wheeling; Rev. T. A. Anderson. Sis- tersville, ami Mev. D. B. Purulton. who is president of the convention and ex-offipio member of the o*ton- mittee. The meeting of the committee was short and routine business onlv wax transacted, with the exception or some changes in the by-laws and several reports which will not be. made public until they are reported lo the convention at the proper time. At, 10:30 o'clock prompt Tuesday morning, the o|>flhiug session- was be¬ gun. in the First Baptist church auditorium', with President I). B. Pnrintou presiding. The attend¬ ance was nut so large at the opening hour as was anticipated. [.nrge number? arrived on later trail* and ¦before the hour of adjournment had ionic the handsome auditorium was comfortably filled. After calling the ¦convention to order and urging the "necessity of getting in harmonv with the Dord. l)r. Purjnton introduced Prof. E. 0. Excell, of Chicago^ who "Conducted a thirty-minute song ser¬ vice. This gentleman, who scarce¬ ly needed an introduction to the as¬ semblage, has a magnetic nerson-ditv and in a very few seconds had his "hearers warmed up and harmony surely was in the air. A responsive service whs then in¬ augurated by Prof. Kvcell and at the ¦conclusion of this tlw hymn. "'flow, .Gentle Thy Command" was sum:. The famous (rlorv song was next rendered and the willingness dis¬ played by those in attendance to join in was enconraging to siv the leist. This beautiful composition put the audience metre in harmony witfTtlic ¦work to be done, if that had been possible. President Purinton in his open¬ ing remarks expressed himself as confident that harmonv would reign supreme, while Prof.' Excell cried in a pause between vcrs.s of . hvmn that harmony was in the air and that lie felt it everywhere, that they were going to have a good time. At the conclusion of the half-hour sen ice President Purinton called for the expression of gratitude in prawr. which- portion of the urogram was to have Wn conducted by Rev. ,T. A. Barnes. of St. Marys. However, he was detained as mentioned <¦!*.- "cv* r- Anderson, of' SistersvilV. was appointed. Rev. Eh, of Morgantown. offered the first invocation and tlien a moment of silent prayer was asked. Volunteers indiscriminately, all over the large auditorium, then express^! their thankfulness audibly. This' servfee Was heartily received and many vctv the short prayers that went up in earnestness from that mom. Rev. Ely concluded tiie service by an in¬ vocation for the Sunday school work Vlbrever conducted. "Men Shall Not Live By Bread Alone," was the address to linve been delivered by the Rev. William Love, of Parkmburg, but Uev. Uvc wa» also unavoidably detained. Rev. Arthur Gee, of Mannington, proved a most worthy substitute and his re¬ marks wero accorded a most hearty reception bv all. Kev. Gee is one of the most convincing ministers in the State and his reasoning power? were instantly recognizcd and the closest attention was given him. His log¬ ical half-hour talk was one of the most enjoyable features of the first day's proceedings. The delegates were served with luncheon in the basement df the church during the noon hour inter¬ mission. During this period the delegates visited headquarters and registered as follows: Bertha Jl. Mace, Hackers Valley: I. L. Maple, Camden; (!. D. Smith, Fairmont: Clemma Warren. Flat- woods: (J.' 1). Griffin, Morgantowu; Rev. J. 0. Ely, Morgantown; Blanche Lawson, Bridgeport; J. ('. Martin. Carter; Mrs. fi. B. Moore, Everson; A. F. Carr, Buckhannon; Olive Bi*nnd, Fairmont: Mrs. Rich¬ ard Manly. Fairmont; Martha Gra¬ ham, Wheeling: Oline Phillips. Al¬ ton; Mary V. Zinn. Reedsville: 0. O. Bennett, M. D., Hackers Valley; .I. I). Simmons, Buckhannon; Mrs. ( lark White, Freenianslmrg: Stark A. White. Weston; M.'M. Rappard, Middleborne; S. K. Arbuthnot. city; L. E. Peters, city; Alice 1,. Kchois. Wheeling; Grace Cunningham. Wheeling: (i. W. Burdette, Ruck- InHinon; Thomas Dean. Hoover: F. K. Johnson. Replete; J. 1). Pieatt, Buckhannon; Frank- S. Townsend, Buckhannon:.T. CJ. Meredith. Sis- tersville; if- Q- Foster. Adamston; Lloyjl \ f Mclptitji, ^Tew Martins¬ ville W. P. Kewcomer. Indian CnfJjp: It S. Cunningham, Philippi; Mis- Sadie Wright. Eureka: Mrs. F. M. Jones, Lynn; Tillie Hammet. Eureka: J. F. Haverty. Elizabeth; A. A. Bassett, Ella: Mary 1. Scott. Moundsville: John II.' Gillespie, ,Wheeling: A. J.-Heatt, Mounds¬ ville: John McMaster. Wheeling; iLewis Clolian. Wheeling: Li.- H. Farmer. Xew Martinsville: Perry ( A1 ford, Weston: G. A. Feifero, Rivdsville: .Tohn S. Vinson. St. Marys: Myrtle Hainlsette, Eureka; ,T. S. Wade. Clarksburg: Miss.Bypl Staue. Enrekn: Mrs. I). 0. lMwell, Salem: D. (!. Powell, Salem; Rpv. Mm. E. Hudson. Huttonsvin<ff»'W. ,1. Hasdett. . ; .T. M. Farn'ier. Whilds: Henrv Graham, Belmont: AGs. C. Bleakly. Davis; S. B. Hurt. Knottsvillc; riiomas Exline, Sedal- i'i Orrie Smith. Mavsville; R. E N'cir. Mavsville: Rev.' F. F. Allcn- der. Olsa: W. 0. TalberU. Ronw- verte: E. L. Kramer. Roneeverte; James O'Neal. Volga: A. 1). T Pringle, Alton; Mrs. L. A. 'Peter. Peeks Run; \\. A. Knoggs. Junior: Clay Bland. Sugar Camp: Mrs. C. II. Ilelliwell. Mannington: W. A. Street, Belinirton; ICrnest I;. Uvc. Grafton;G. W. Nnzuin. Leroz; Will A. Strickler, Kllenboro: C. L. Smith, Peilri.lxiro; Miss Minnie (iorrell, Hebron: Louis E. Black. Salem; .1. E. MeVicker. Philippi; John J. I >oan. Lone Run; Mrs. ('. A. Schntte ISalem: <'. A. Schutte. Salem: Mrs. |\\ . P. Able, West Union: B, C. Eaklc. Clay; Louise P. Huhbard, i\\ heeling: Miss Belle Murtin. Monndfiville: L. M. Mott. Davis: Uev. Arthur (tee. Mannington; S. M. Snider. Shinnston: G..H. Snyder iRoekford: D. W. Cunningham. Clarksburg: I,. Kvelvn Dunke. Par- kcrslnirg; Mrs. \Y. Nuttalh Nut- tallsbuxg; It. A. Douglas. Spencer; II. C. Fordyee. Xewburn: John T. Williams, Alpha: II. 1. RifTee. Cas- cara: Amos Roliinson, Elkins: W. II. Ramsey. West I'nion: .1. A. A. Vandale. S|M'nccr: P. D. Dickenson. Philippi; Mrs. Mary E. Holt. Elk- iins; \\. II. Short. Spencer; Miss Mamie Mason. Philippi: Alma G. Raine. Evanwood: 0. 1,. Williams. Blandville: M. I). - Lewis. I'arkers- burg: C. E. Williams, Blandvillc; A. J. Allnian. Parkerslmrg: J. E. Hutchinson, iiavvnswoofl; Mrs. Jnv E. Cmuiinghum. Pcnnsbnro; 1{. S. ftumganJnjT. J&fvisviTle: L. B. Pat- II .KVHinff, Spen¬ cer: .To5-c|!Ti IjnrC Wheeling; (Jrace Whiti-seaner. Grafton: Mrs. If. \V. Anvil. Par-ons: II. W. Anvil..Pur- sons: Myron Hubbsrti. Welislmrz: T. A. Anderson. Sistersville: J. I». Card en. Clay: Arthur Ball. Eliza¬ beth; If. M. Young. Clav C. 11.; IL Recti, Clay; L. W.-Xnt'tall. Nut- Itallsburg; S. C. Jones,-HnrSdtillc; I Mar Balden, tit. Mann; Jfia JJeS j Lowe, Jacksonbttrg; A. S. KeHey, Sistersville; ,M. F. Pnrfj«W^^3Wirt--| laco;, F. X- Smith, Ray¬ mond G. PlffjBn, Fcrd Rogow, Jjumberport; Bessie | Watson, St. Marys; E. S. Harvcv, Sintersville; Mrs. Martha Allen, Lima: C. 11. Cox, St. Marys; Rev. John Hull, Arvilla: Miss MableTre- hame, Wheeling: W. A. llartman, Wheeling; Mrs. R. K. Bolles, Haven Roek; C. P. Craig, St.'Marvs: Win: Stoncstreet. Harrisville; Sophie Hes¬ ter, Belmont; Mrs. Ed. Davenport, Friendly; Mrs. E. L. Fortney. Lum- J>erport; Anna Gates, Woodlands; Mrs. B. F. Morgan, Pine Grove; Al¬ ma Barker, Wheeling; H. R. Hess, Pennshoro ; J. C. Roane, Weston: A. R. Hordv, Calcutta; A. G. Mus- gTove, Hinkle; .7. 11. Hurley, Su«nr Camp: H. Lakin, Bridgeport; A., G. Wilson, Hoffman; J. E. Morgan, I Friendly; C. J. Allen, Lima; & A. Allen. Lima; M. Frances Richard¬ son, Elizabeth; Elsie E. Harmon, West Charleston: B. Martin Keith. Webster Spring,-*: 11. S.- McCurty. ( Schilling; E. M. Hess. Shinmston; T. .T. HioHel, Friendly: S. A. Steele, Mnundsville; B. F. Candill, Hunt¬ ington; A. JL Xuzutn, Fonda; Blanche Carfer. Wheeling; Mrs. .T. D. Turing. Pnrkcrsburg: C. W. Adams, Reader: Martha E. Brown, Wheeling: Pearl Horsey. Moupds- villo; C. H. Farmer, Xew Martins-j ville: Lafayette ^ Starkey. Center Point;.T. H. Davidson, Grafton; M. L. Wood. Huntington. The afternoon session began with songs of praises, conducted bvProf. Excull. As expressed on' the pro¬ gram. "Xot only the singing, but the way it's done counts most." For the most part this service consisted of old-time favorites that are dear to the hearts of all. To'Prof. Excel! undoubtedly, Hie greater-part of the credit for the animation so preval¬ ent this, perhaps tlio greatest of all Sunday school conventions. Every delegate had nothing but praise for the oue of liMlo at Wheel¬ ing, but it is expected that before the present one terminates it will lie unanimously voted the best of all. As every .hour passes .the. heart felt in¬ terest and enthusiasm becomes more and more apparent. One topic of conversation among the delegates and visitors that seems to predom¬ inate. is that of the hospitality ac¬ corded by Clarksburg people. Xot enough can Ik* done by. the ladies to entertain and the strangers do ap¬ preciate it. The afternoon opening song ser¬ vice was even more successful than that of the looming. It is due to the fact that the attendance in the. afternoon was much-larger than in Hie forepart' of the Jay. At 2:1."> o'clock flic Round Table was taken up and tlie! following sub¬ jects wer? iiflmig tijfc tines discussed: 1. The County and District Problems. 2. The'City Problem. fl. The School Problem. 4. The Extension Problem. President Puriuton called at ten-' tion early iu ilftfaftcrnoon meeting to the fact that several counties ill the State are back with their pledges and apportionments financially. This will undoubtedly be satisfactor¬ ily arjustcd before the husims# for the new year is begun. Such will-! ingness to contribute in every con¬ ceivable manner, mental, oral, vocal and so on. insures all the monetary assistance desired. NOTES. Rev, Joseph Lee. former pastor of (ioff chapel h<5re. is a delegate to the convention from Wheeling, and i- bcing warmly greeted by his mam- old friends. M. M. Rep|Hird. of Middlebourne. the efficient recording secretary of the executive committee, is certainly the riirht man in the right place. He is authority on Sunday school work and a glance at his record book wlyelt is neatlv written in typewriting is a model of recording. Headquarters of the reception committee and information bureau are at the Central Presbyterian church, on Pike street. All dele¬ gates uj»on their arrival are escorted 'thereby the numerous polite and ac¬ commodating members <>f the recep¬ tion committee in charge of Chair-, man Frank II. Rhodes. Rev. L. E. Peter* as-l-tr-d by sev-j eral ladies of the city has charge oT the information imrean and as .joon' as delegates- register they are assign¬ ed to the parties at whose lionie^thev- will be entertained and are piloted there by the young men on the re¬ ception committee wlunn it is said take the "long way around." while escorting the numerous yonng lady delegates to tlieir homes. The executive committee met at one ok-l tlisd, nients mitt cd to referral considoi^rtl. Among. i '. * wdreports from *s and depart¬ ure all sub- ifttiee and then invention for their anhmvul apptpval * i ~4T, prominent Sun¬ day school present may !>e mentioned 'W«.4£;-ifeatce.' of Chicago, International Teacher Training' 31 ,Tj. Woods, D. I)., of HiWt ngton; }fi*i Martha V. Graham. 51 * Mnrv I.* Scott, of MoundsviHe: If v. Win. E. Hudson, of HntMwviiJc Dohertv, of New Vorlc,-f-Voo1ate Editor of Methodist Episcopal -Publications; Prof. Charles .f pjtU- burg, and Bev.; 1IV E. Port«r, of Parkcrsbntg. The la*t anngaj convention was hold at. WJietfifc in lDOr». at which there-were and from the registration# ipdsy which was about two hundi n| at noon, this will he tixc lafgcst Verting ifl point of numbers ever It, |J. At 4 o'clock gtfii< aftcrnfljp a children s m«»etjt)g. isjjeing held at (joff Jf. E. cluij-iJi auditorium pre¬ sided over byJJjji Martha V. Gra¬ ham. \\ est \ irginia Primary and Junior Secretary. This eVeuing at 7:30 the conven¬ tion will rcsnnic it# sesison at the First Baptist clAirch. President D. B. Piirinton lrjlh preside. Thirty miiintps-fn soni will lie conducted .\ ^ after which "A Welcomed" Jtjlarksburg" will be delivered byB«r; B. B. Mcbanel. president rij^lng Ministerial As¬ sociation, by addrespe* bv other wclli knof u Sundav scWl j workers. r " ~Anot]ierifiech"tij|rwill ^0 be held tonight at Ooff M. E.Hiureh presid¬ ed over by ^iee Presijfiit U. V.-W. Darlington. ' Thirty- minutes in song will be condiicted.by Bev. f\". M Hudson,. of.,Clarksburg. illustrated with stereopticon. - Addresses will 1m* made hv'^ev. H. G. KielWniseii),. of Clarksburg. Yiec Pwsi^tnt Darl¬ ington. and Prof,! Charles Sennlon. of Pittsburg. ;' :i TO 3t MARRIED The marriage Miss llayme Pritchard. of Parkoreburg, but for¬ merly of Clqrksiwuig. to Mr. Clav Ogden, of Pittsburg, will be solem¬ nized the last of thifmonth at the First Presbyterian church in Piirk- erabnrg. The wedidng will not be, large,hut will be .one of the prettiest nuptial events of the spring Miss Pritchard is located Jn I'arkereburg. but Tor the past few days has beeni visitiug at the home of her. parents in ('oolvil.le, (.). She is a ynnttg lady possessed of tboRe traits of character that have endeared ..her to hosts of friends, and has a bright and genial manner that makes her extremely poptdar wherever she^ visits. Mr. Ogden is a prominent man of Pittsburg, and has a 1-irjrp shoe house in that city, lie is very |K>pular among the I'arkersbunsers whom he ha.- met. and is well known in busi¬ ness ami social circles in Pittsburg. | Mr. OgiTi n is a sou of li. S. Og den, Jr.. of this city, and for sever¬ al years was in the shoe business h. n He has many friends in ('Urkubtirg. After an extended wedidng trip, Mr. Ogden and his bride will reside ill Pittsburg. FINE CATTLE PURCHASED James "B. Supler ha- just returned from Kankakee. 111., jvhere he at¬ tended one of the largest cattle sales ever held in this country. Eighteen hundred Terefords, raised by T. F. B. Sot bam Company in that com¬ munity. were sold by the company at auction. Mr. Supler purchased 8S fine yearling Hereford heifers for his stork farm east of tin- city and will dispose «f some of them at pri¬ vate sale. They are all choice speci¬ mens and will find ready "ale in this countv. Recital Postponed The recital to be given by pupils of Mrs. Homer Jackson at the Waldo Saturday afternoon, lias Iwen post- poned on account of the State Sun¬ day school convention and will !»e given at a later date. Fire Causes Excitement A onvstory miner*' cottage at Chieftain occupied liy-Jtoto- SUifro. caught afire at 7:30 «>I»ck -Tffis- dav morning, causing considerable excitement. The men were called out of the mine to fight the blaze, which they extinguished Ik-fore very much dauuuie was douot - Tbe. ceit- ing t aught froiti'a stove fine and was badlv burned. FEDERAL COURT IN SESSION The regular April term '«£¦ 1-nited Static court began in Clarksburg Tuesday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock with Judge A. G. "Dayton presid¬ ing. i\ lengthy written opinion in tlie llobbs & Company bankrupt ease was first handed down" by Judge Dayton and tlien another in the casC t>f M. Briggs against the Traders Company, in which the petition of the Monougahebi Bank asking to be made a party to the suit and ques¬ tioning jurisdiction was denied, the sale of the property confirmed ami distribution of tlic .proceeds ordered. The grand jury was then em¬ paneled-as follows: Samuel V. Woods. Philippi, fore¬ man; 1 >..01111 rd Mallonee, Grafton; John W. Duncan, Thomas; A. D. Pickering, llamblcton; O. A. An¬ nan. Clarksburg; James E. Hall, Philippi: 11. K. Orublt. Parson*; I/i' Crouch. ICIkins; E. 11. Watson, .Philippi: G. W. Reynolds, Fleming- ton; Alex C. Moore. Clarksburg; Mortimer W. Smith, Clarksburg; 0. P. Roughner, Clarksburg; Parley Do Berry. Terra Alta: Ferdinand Gore, Adamston: 1. X. Lock, Claude; C. H. Rector. Grafton: M. J. Garrett, .Shianston: Harmon T. ShrA-o. li-ji|iber]»ort. and W. J2. Tomplfn, Asior. The petit jurors are'.Mortimer SV. Smitli. Clarksburg; Fred liiiey."Plr-' kersburg: L. M. Springer, Terra Al- fy: T. 1. Elliott, Grafton: C. {(' Page. French Creek; George Gaston, Lost Creek: P. \V. Dipsconib, 1 Ian- j nahsville: 1). If. Jackson, Kingwood: | 0. E. Summers. Nay: David David- ' son. Clarksburg: If. 11. Shinn. West Union: M. I). Riley, Philippi; Cal-| vin llart, Beverly: Howard Post. Clarksburg: B. F. Sayre. Grafton;. Morris I.aw. Tanner: R. A. lteeder. Shinni'ton: B. F.- Bennett, Red Creek: 1±. 1). Robinson, Philippi;' W. A. Law. West Milford; George | Ross. Westnn: French Hoggs, Loek- ney: W. F. Hndkins, Greenwood; C. A. Bailey. Bucklianuon: F. B. j Montgomery. Tunnel ton: J. H. Thomas. Casi-iru: Frederick Moore, Relington: Charles M. Ernst, Clarksburg: B. M. Riddle'. DeKalb ' and SlidelI Brown. Kingwood: ; Judge Dayton dclivcreij liis; charge to the grand jury from 2 to"" 3 o'clock in the afternoon. dwelling ou pystal. tariff. iHtenial reveniK' and Interstate commerce violations, j *isttlfifs 1 i Mmm In circuit court- Tuesday the jury found for the defendants in the suit of the Traders National Bulk against 11. B. Farmer et a!., lo en¬ force payment of a note. In ihe case of Ira W. Beyers vs. The B. & <T. railroad company, for $79 loss of baggage, a demurrer was entered and the jury discharged. The case of A. W. Gregg against fieorge M. Glilfin was on trial in the afternoon. The jury in the case of Chadester' against the Baltimore ft Ohio Rail¬ road company, gave the plaintiff judgment for $150. for ihe killing of three horses at the Despard cross¬ ing eighteen montlis ago. A motion was made to set aside the verdict and grant a new trial. AMUSEMENT COMPANY HAS BRANCHED OUT Charles A. Dobbins, expert kiau¬ tograph operator, who has lieen se¬ cured from the Dreamland theatre in Pittsburg, has charge of the mov¬ ing pictures at the Xickleodocn. Tlie Clarksburg Amusement Company luis also obtained a I'ittsburg house as well -as another farther e.i#t, ami is now in position to give entertain¬ ments at all these op an elaborate scale. Each bouse w<ill have Ad¬ vantage* frrqn_ the other hoos* - as the chain of amusetnenU will fee a*!*! at all of them. A very pleasiirg- prograw is Iwurg Tendered this w<vk at lbe Nickleodcon and large cm«r<fcv arr attending.' LbcKw and thiWrft; j are" especially inritwl, though nun will also find the entertainment very enjoyable. Constable Warden Starter* was business. here Tncsday front on COMPLETE HARMONY AT COUNCIL MEETING Perfect harmony prevailed at,the first meeting of tie n*r council Monday night under the admtnis- tration'of Mayor Harvey W. rner. There was not the *VgM^ clash in any particular and the ft?*-.- sion was very business-like. i '* The retiring council was calleq to order at 8 o'clock with Mayor P. 11-' Shields in the chair and all #»<*. iiieml>er8 present. On motion of Mr. Johnson immediately thereafter the council adjourned siue die. A few minutes later Mr.'Hanner oallw) the new council to order and ad¬ dressed the body briefly. He sain, that in assuming the duties of. thy. mayoralty lie "took upon hiouell burdens arid obligations he never fex-< pected to fall upon him. In (ftfng j so, he hoped it was for the best in¬ terests of the city, if not for himself, ire statetl he would make no extend¬ ed remarks as he thought all knew and understood his policy thorough¬ ly. He said the mayor and coun¬ cil came not together us' in tlw cam¬ paign but as representatives of tite business, moral and social inteivlf of the people. He promised tfca» no act of his in council shoulfl tinge, with any effort or desire to pay a debt to fritnd or foe. Hi* higher aim would .be to give the city a busi¬ ness administration. He expected to treat all the nggtope^f the eoijp.- cil as his equal tind asked the same of -them.. He urged that, they do till j in tlifiir power tp.njake Iho adiniuis- f fration the best Clarksburg has ever had, and hoped it fright p.rnve in tbr I best interest? o ftlie- council, Ijibvclj: t and the people. He expressed tWf i hope that it might be looked h ick ;i« I as a period, in which every iutea-i t had been looked after and eared for. and that their deliberations might, ever be to solve the city s problems from tit*- standpoint- of- JMid right, and on a square-deal basis. I'pon motion salaries per month, for the coming year were fixed as follows: Mavor. $00; city cl^rk, $T5: ehief- nf-poliee, $75; street superintendent, .fiiO: water works eommissioner. $(><); citv collector and treasurer. assessor. $20; policeman. «a$»J tr»0; eitv attorney. $16 2-3?; fojatK: officer- $15: cfc surveyor. i'hiitf of. fir<5- ne- jiftrtmnt $0O: assistants f"o 'i"* UwtJ.v9ttfJi)i-1$5J) UllUm^tstwn ,w.- tfmrrs, ItGQ.? of ereiiiMnn. $50;; drive* »f. street team, $50: day lahoi^rs. per ,day, $1.65; drive- bowo and cart", $3; man, two hor-scs anii:'«-^ou, #H;.eouneHmen, each', |§i2i»<pef npintht' v Thc followihg twlkrejuea were elected: Itnrry Brooks, K- Wlrvte.- John- Nelson, \\ llltaiiT" Burke. Jr.. James. Shows, C.eorge- Howe. A. W. Walker, Henry Lowts. and Michael Joyce. ..Then- were several oilier applietnti/bnt.they re-, c-eived only scattering p>tcs. i John Hiekcnbottom was elected janitor, receiving eight votes to two foj Howard Wilkes. D. L>. Britt got six votes fur city engineer and C. A. Osliorn tour. Britt was declared elected. Dr. H. V. Varncr was elected' health e.Tiecr. H. B. Stewart got eight votes for kipper of tlw crematory and Kolierl Heed-two. Stewart will, keep the job. . . . tii*oiye .1^. M ulliemn and 1 JiftnW Stimmell **ore elccted pufnp suftiori engineer* Uy acclamation, tlicro t>«%- ing no other applicants. WiTliam Miwh was elected drivel ,,f the street team in the same nun- ner. ".. >{. Sperrr was re-electcit city attorney by acclamation. The present fire department was retained. . The bond of the city cnlhetor w.i- fixed at $10,WO, that of the waier works commissioner at $4*000 an<l the chief-of-police's at $2,000. The mavor was authorized t<> aet a? be dt-i*'TKvl l>est In tin- matter of applicants for license to sell poj-i eom on tlte streets. ' Mavor Hanwt announced lu- eftnuiiittees 8s follows for the year Finaner.K. J. Wood, J. X H«s- and" -T. 1>. MeHeynolda. . .! Sfreels.J. D. McUeyiMildsi M. J/MeAndrew and C. U . Halter Water.J. N H<-s. M. J. Me- Andrew and E. -T. Wood. Light.C. M. Ernst. .. W. nal- terman and J. IX McRtvnolds. Fire.J. J. Csmntil. E- Cork and X. -B. Smith. ApjK-ab.-M- J. McAndrew, C- M- Rrast and T. L, Anderson. i-Saniation-^'. W. llaherman, jt-.ork and J. J. Coiuiell. Vis - Building.J. u. Smith, T. U -' Anderson and E.' Cork. - " 'j|g L0C1TE B1IUS Sehradi-rV bloodhounds luado i sutx-e&fui man-hunt at Bristol .Mo- an^ ^rar^c<l down two parties who are doubtless implicated «i the burglary of the resident of j ". Johnson in tiiat town. J'l;c depredation was committed Sunday night while the members* of Mr. Johnson's family weer at church. ISj The house was entered by the pilfei- - ew and tlie living rooms ransacked and;a small sum of money cabinet or secretary, wJufth was loe*--^: ed, was carried out of ihe Iiowe anil . X onto tlie Ijlll nearby where it was i broken open and a little monev and a .watch taken. " * '^§| Arrangement* Were mado Moftr^H afternton with J. W. Schroder ir \vilsonburg, fdrthe use of his bln^SS hound# in an effort to locate the- f guilty parties who were believed to he local parties. He went- to lirjs- | } to) with the dogs Monday night unit no diftjcultv was experienced in tskr itig up the trail at the point wh. v^V the secretary had been looted. The dog. circled to the school house and irom there the trail led to the re-i- dnce of two young fellows who had recently moved to Bristol from Tyler county. They have not been seen in the community since. 'Sm STUB EIKE (By Associated'I'rcss.) .lohnstown. Pa*., April -17.Tlie situation today from last-night's riot was so->rioiw that ShrrilC BegU.."-'^ was summoned from Sohifirsk. to > i take charge of affairs hq«] ,an ajipenl was made to Governor l'erinypaekcr>- for troo|k>. Ai 8 o'clock this inot-nipg- -tlie conditions were liiorc quint.I * There was a feeling of ansi to the action that would" bo when. the strikers saw their'-ooru taken from the jail at'.-Sou: whiej^ will be done, soiue tiirU1 This morning I>si)u^..Jfci...... nnrde charges of rioting* "against eight men fjefore a ioeal.jiiiRiei. All are foreigners. Alining Kngineer Dclancy was re" ported this morning to -be in a ious condition. HOOPER GOUTY THE SECOND TIME Mayor.- Mariner l>yhb,i.~'' ' police court last lugbj;. V.'arfeu Ilfwpw- a triaf:fj»r,j ness anil disorderly. acqiiittedribut .i, hour was. back "in the day morning Mayor, him guilty and gavp him" in default of ffie payment At Tuesday ¦morning's *" others goV,"$|l,W.anif . #-t.t>0 each. .Titer. all pair] tuld -to go.. ;Another one" days in 'jail. WE0DIH6 T0HI6HT "" .'/§ Mr. Paul S; Hornor arid Miss Mary Allen will be married 'th» 1 evening at s'o'clockiit the Iwime " Mr. and Mr*. .Inma F. ", Point Comfort. Rev. ]{. . l>au»l w'fTl officiate: «|iiiet Ikiibo-wedding, with * invited gucsts.v >-:* ' Mr.^fofcir Parrill i ijiank* 'Vifl^fco eTe»4tig at CKvff "p»i _ K. Arbiahnotin tb£S .*»? fcw-t.>.*. -*s'Tt Infant An infant of Mr. MeNemar died at Pi Monday nightand- was _ o'cimk Tuesday morning Masonic <vmote»y. of

Transcript of IUNDAY FEDERAL COMPLETE HARMONY..."cv* r-Anderson, of' SistersvilV. was appointed. Rev....

Page 1: IUNDAY FEDERAL COMPLETE HARMONY..."cv* r-Anderson, of' SistersvilV. was appointed. Rev. Eh,ofMorgantown.offered thefirst invocation and tlien a moment of silent prayer wasasked. Volunteers


2 Cents.


i or the twenty-fourth annualSunday school convention, delegatesand visitors for the most part ar¬

rived in tin- itv on the early trainsluesday, although, a good manycame in Monday in order to lie sureof not mis.-ing a single thing in con¬nection with this noble work.

State Secretary \V. C. Shafer hasbeen in the city several days per¬fecting plans for the reception of. he delegates and the jftoper ar¬

rangement of the various' churcheswherein the different progftiins are

being carried out. Every singlericlegropo^ in wi|h « shining facc'and a determination shown-in everyeye to make this the grandest con¬vention in the history of the ojgan-1uation. The only happening to marthe occasion was the reccipt of a

telegram from St. Maryi stating thaiIfev. J. A. Barnes, who1 occupied a

prominent part on the program, hadmet with an accidunt whjle on his* ay to a train at his home. The.extent of his injuries is not yetknown, but one eye is said to be ser¬

iously damaged. A prayer wasrendered by Rev. Simmons for hiswelfare as soon as the word was re-.ceiTed.

The meeting of the executive com¬mittee in the executive room at theFiret Baptist church at nine o'clockTuesday morning was the beginningof tins twenty-fourth annual StateSunday school convention. TheMembers of the' committee presentwere Chairman tyr. t\ Humble. <>rl'arkersburg; Recording SecretaryM. M. Ifippard, of Middlcbourne; J.C. Bardall, Moumlsville;, Myro;-.Hubbard. Wellsburg; W. C'.'Shiifcr.

| Wheeling; Rev. T. A. Anderson. Sis-tersville, ami Mev. D. B. Purulton.who is president of the conventionand ex-offipio member of the o*ton-mittee.The meeting of the committee was

short and routine business onlv waxtransacted, with the exception orsome changes in the by-laws andseveral reports which will not be.made public until they are reportedlo the convention at the proper time.

At, 10:30 o'clock prompt Tuesdaymorning, the o|>flhiug session- was be¬gun. in the First Baptist churchauditorium', with President I). B.Pnrintou presiding. The attend¬ance was nut so large at the openinghour as was anticipated. [.nrgenumber? arrived on later trail* and¦before the hour of adjournment hadionic the handsome auditorium was

comfortably filled. After calling the¦convention to order and urging the"necessity of getting in harmonv withthe Dord. l)r. Purjnton introducedProf. E. 0. Excell, of Chicago^ who"Conducted a thirty-minute song ser¬vice. This gentleman, who scarce¬ly needed an introduction to the as¬

semblage, has a magnetic nerson-ditvand in a very few seconds had his"hearers warmed up and harmonysurely was in the air.A responsive service whs then in¬

augurated by Prof. Kvcell and at the¦conclusion of this tlw hymn. "'flow,.Gentle Thy Command" was sum:.

The famous (rlorv song was nextrendered and the willingness dis¬played by those in attendance to joinin was enconraging to siv the leist.This beautiful composition put theaudience metre in harmony witfTtlic¦work to be done, if that had beenpossible.

President Purinton in his open¬ing remarks expressed himself asconfident that harmonv would reignsupreme, while Prof.' Excell criedin a pause between vcrs.s of . hvmnthat harmony was in the air and thatlie felt it everywhere, that they weregoing to have a good time. At theconclusion of the half-hour sen icePresident Purinton called for theexpression of gratitude in prawr.which- portion of the urogram wasto have Wn conducted by Rev. ,T.A. Barnes. of St. Marys. However,he was detained as mentioned <¦!*.-

"cv* r- Anderson, of'SistersvilV. was appointed. Rev.Eh, of Morgantown. offered the firstinvocation and tlien a moment ofsilent prayer was asked. Volunteersindiscriminately, all over the largeauditorium, then express^! theirthankfulness audibly. This' servfeeWas heartily received and many vctvthe short prayers that went up inearnestness from that mom. Rev.Ely concluded tiie service by an in¬vocation for the Sunday school workVlbrever conducted."Men Shall Not Live By Bread

Alone," was the address to linve beendelivered by the Rev. William Love,of Parkmburg, but Uev. Uvc wa»also unavoidably detained. Rev.Arthur Gee, of Mannington, proveda most worthy substitute and his re¬marks wero accorded a most heartyreception bv all. Kev. Gee is one ofthe most convincing ministers in theState and his reasoning power? wereinstantly recognizcd and the closestattention was given him. His log¬ical half-hour talk was one of themost enjoyable features of the firstday's proceedings.The delegates were served with

luncheon in the basement df thechurch during the noon hour inter¬mission. During this period thedelegates visited headquarters andregistered as follows:Bertha Jl. Mace, Hackers Valley:

I. L. Maple, Camden; (!. D. Smith,Fairmont: Clemma Warren. Flat-woods: (J.' 1). Griffin, Morgantowu;Rev. J. 0. Ely, Morgantown;Blanche Lawson, Bridgeport; J. ('.Martin. Carter; Mrs. fi. B. Moore,Everson; A. F. Carr, Buckhannon;Olive Bi*nnd, Fairmont: Mrs. Rich¬ard Manly. Fairmont; Martha Gra¬ham, Wheeling: Oline Phillips. Al¬ton; Mary V. Zinn. Reedsville: 0.O. Bennett, M. D., Hackers Valley;.I. I). Simmons, Buckhannon; Mrs.( lark White, Freenianslmrg: StarkA. White. Weston; M.'M. Rappard,Middleborne; S. K. Arbuthnot. city;L. E. Peters, city; Alice 1,. Kchois.Wheeling; Grace Cunningham.Wheeling: (i. W. Burdette, Ruck-InHinon; Thomas Dean. Hoover: F.K. Johnson. Replete; J. 1). Pieatt,Buckhannon; Frank- S. Townsend,Buckhannon:.T. CJ. Meredith. Sis-tersville; if- Q- Foster. Adamston;Lloyjl \ f Mclptitji, ^Tew Martins¬ville W. P. Kewcomer. IndianCnfJjp: It S. Cunningham, Philippi;Mis- Sadie Wright. Eureka: Mrs.F. M. Jones, Lynn; Tillie Hammet.Eureka: J. F. Haverty. Elizabeth;A. A. Bassett, Ella: Mary 1. Scott.Moundsville: John II.' Gillespie,,Wheeling: A. J.-Heatt, Mounds¬ville: John McMaster. Wheeling;iLewis Clolian. Wheeling: Li.- H.Farmer. Xew Martinsville: Perry( A1 ford, Weston: G. A. Feifero,Rivdsville: .Tohn S. Vinson. St.Marys: Myrtle Hainlsette, Eureka;,T. S. Wade. Clarksburg: Miss.ByplStaue. Enrekn: Mrs. I). 0. lMwell,Salem: D. (!. Powell, Salem; Rpv.Mm. E. Hudson. Huttonsvin<ff»'W.,1. Hasdett. . ; .T. M. Farn'ier.Whilds: Henrv Graham, Belmont:AGs. C. Bleakly. Davis; S. B. Hurt.Knottsvillc; riiomas Exline, Sedal-i'i '¦ Orrie Smith. Mavsville; R. EN'cir. Mavsville: Rev.' F. F. Allcn-der. Olsa: W. 0. TalberU. Ronw-verte: E. L. Kramer. Roneeverte;James O'Neal. Volga: A. 1). TPringle, Alton; Mrs. L. A. 'Peter.Peeks Run; \\. A. Knoggs. Junior:Clay Bland. Sugar Camp: Mrs. C.II. Ilelliwell. Mannington: W. A.Street, Belinirton; ICrnest I;. Uvc.Grafton;G. W. Nnzuin. Leroz; WillA. Strickler, Kllenboro: C. L. Smith,Peilri.lxiro; Miss Minnie (iorrell,Hebron: Louis E. Black. Salem;.1. E. MeVicker. Philippi; John J.I >oan. Lone Run; Mrs. ('. A. SchntteISalem: <'. A. Schutte. Salem: Mrs.|\\ . P. Able, West Union: B, C.Eaklc. Clay; Louise P. Huhbard,i\\ heeling: Miss Belle Murtin.Monndfiville: L. M. Mott. Davis:Uev. Arthur (tee. Mannington; S.M. Snider. Shinnston: G..H. SnyderiRoekford: D. W. Cunningham.Clarksburg: I,. Kvelvn Dunke. Par-kcrslnirg; Mrs. \Y. Nuttalh Nut-tallsbuxg; It. A. Douglas. Spencer;II. C. Fordyee. Xewburn: John T.Williams, Alpha: II. 1. RifTee. Cas-cara: Amos Roliinson, Elkins: W.II. Ramsey. West I'nion: .1. A. A.Vandale. S|M'nccr: P. D. Dickenson.Philippi; Mrs. Mary E. Holt. Elk-iins; \\. II. Short. Spencer; MissMamie Mason. Philippi: Alma G.Raine. Evanwood: 0. 1,. Williams.Blandville: M. I). - Lewis. I'arkers-burg: C. E. Williams, Blandvillc;A. J. Allnian. Parkerslmrg: J. E.Hutchinson, iiavvnswoofl; Mrs. JnvE. Cmuiinghum. Pcnnsbnro; 1{. S.ftumganJnjT. J&fvisviTle: L. B. Pat-

II .KVHinff, Spen¬cer: .To5-c|!Ti IjnrC Wheeling; (JraceWhiti-seaner. Grafton: Mrs. If. \V.Anvil. Par-ons: II. W. Anvil..Pur-sons: Myron Hubbsrti. Welislmrz:T. A. Anderson. Sistersville: J. I».Carden. Clay: Arthur Ball. Eliza¬beth; If. M. Young. Clav C. 11.;IL Recti, Clay; L. W.-Xnt'tall. Nut-

Itallsburg; S. C. Jones,-HnrSdtillc;IMar Balden, tit. Mann; JfiaJJeS jLowe, Jacksonbttrg; A. S. KeHey,Sistersville; ,M. F. Pnrfj«W^^3Wirt--|laco;, F. X- Smith, Ray¬mond G. PlffjBn,Fcrd Rogow, Jjumberport; Bessie |Watson, St. Marys; E. S. Harvcv,Sintersville; Mrs. Martha Allen,Lima: C. 11. Cox, St. Marys; Rev.John Hull, Arvilla: Miss MableTre-hame, Wheeling: W. A. llartman,Wheeling; Mrs. R. K. Bolles, HavenRoek; C. P. Craig, St.'Marvs: Win:Stoncstreet. Harrisville; Sophie Hes¬ter, Belmont; Mrs. Ed. Davenport,Friendly; Mrs. E. L. Fortney. Lum-J>erport; Anna Gates, Woodlands;Mrs. B. F. Morgan, Pine Grove; Al¬ma Barker, Wheeling; H. R. Hess,Pennshoro ; J. C. Roane, Weston: A.R. Hordv, Calcutta; A. G. Mus-gTove, Hinkle; .7. 11. Hurley, Su«nrCamp: H. Lakin, Bridgeport; A.,G. Wilson, Hoffman; J. E. Morgan, IFriendly; C. J. Allen, Lima; & A.Allen. Lima; M. Frances Richard¬son, Elizabeth; Elsie E. Harmon,West Charleston: B. Martin Keith.Webster Spring,-*: 11. S.- McCurty. (Schilling; E. M. Hess. Shinmston;T. .T. HioHel, Friendly: S. A. Steele,Mnundsville; B. F. Candill, Hunt¬ington; A. JL Xuzutn, Fonda;Blanche Carfer. Wheeling; Mrs. .T.D. Turing. Pnrkcrsburg: C. W.Adams, Reader: Martha E. Brown,Wheeling: Pearl Horsey. Moupds-villo; C. H. Farmer, Xew Martins-jville: Lafayette ^ Starkey. CenterPoint;.T. H. Davidson, Grafton; M.L. Wood. Huntington.The afternoon session began with

songs of praises, conducted bvProf.Excull. As expressed on' the pro¬gram. "Xot only the singing, but theway it's done counts most." Forthe most part this service consistedof old-time favorites that are dearto the hearts of all. To'Prof. Excel!undoubtedly, Hie greater-part of thecredit for the animation so preval¬ent this, perhaps tlio greatest ofall Sunday school conventions.

Every delegate had nothing butpraise for the oue of liMlo at Wheel¬ing, but it is expected that beforethe present one terminates it willlie unanimously voted the best of all.As every.hour passes .the. heart felt in¬terest and enthusiasm becomes moreand more apparent. One topic ofconversation among the delegatesand visitors that seems to predom¬inate. is that of the hospitality ac¬corded by Clarksburg people. Xotenough can Ik* done by. the ladies toentertain and the strangers do ap¬preciate it.The afternoon opening song ser¬

vice was even more successful thanthat of the looming. It is due tothe fact that the attendance in the.afternoon was much-larger than inHie forepart' of the Jay.At 2:1."> o'clock flic Round Table

was taken up and tlie! following sub¬jects wer? iiflmig tijfc tines discussed:

1. The County and DistrictProblems.

2. The'City Problem.fl. The School Problem.4. The Extension Problem.President Puriuton called at ten-'

tion early iu ilftfaftcrnoon meetingto the fact that several counties illthe State are back with their pledgesand apportionments financially.This will undoubtedly be satisfactor¬ily arjustcd before the husims# forthe new year is begun. Such will-!ingness to contribute in every con¬ceivable manner, mental, oral, vocaland so on. insures all the monetaryassistance desired.


Rev, Joseph Lee. former pastor of(ioff chapel h<5re. is a delegate to theconvention from Wheeling, and i-bcing warmly greeted by his mam-old friends.

M. M. Rep|Hird. of Middlebourne.the efficient recording secretary ofthe executive committee, is certainlythe riirht man in the right place. Heis authority on Sunday school workand a glance at his record book wlyeltis neatlv written in typewriting isa model of recording.

Headquarters of the receptioncommittee and information bureauare at the Central Presbyterianchurch, on Pike street. All dele¬gates uj»on their arrival are escorted'thereby the numerous polite and ac¬commodating members <>f the recep¬tion committee in charge of Chair-,man Frank II. Rhodes.

Rev. L. E. Peter* as-l-tr-d by sev-jeral ladies of the city has charge oTthe information imrean and as .joon'as delegates- register they are assign¬ed to the parties at whose lionie^thev-will be entertained and are pilotedthere by the young men on the re¬ception committee wlunn it is saidtake the "long way around." whileescorting the numerous yonng ladydelegates to tlieir homes.The executive committee met at

one ok-ltlisd,nientsmittcd toreferralconsidoi^rtl.Among.

i '. *

wdreports from*s and depart¬ure all sub-

ifttiee and theninvention for theiranhmvulapptpval

* i ~4T, prominent Sun¬day school present may !>ementioned 'W«.4£;-ifeatce.' ofChicago, International TeacherTraining' 31 ,Tj. Woods,D. I)., of HiWt ngton; }fi*i MarthaV. Graham. 51 * Mnrv I.* Scott, ofMoundsviHe: If v. Win. E. Hudson,of HntMwviiJc Dohertv,of New Vorlc,-f-Voo1ate Editor ofMethodist Episcopal -Publications;Prof. Charles .f pjtU-burg, and Bev.; 1IV E. Port«r, ofParkcrsbntg.The la*t anngaj convention washold at. WJietfifc in lDOr». at whichthere-were and fromthe registration# ipdsy which wasabout two hundi n| at noon, this willhe tixc lafgcst Verting ifl point ofnumbers ever It, |J.At 4 o'clock gtfii< aftcrnfljp a

children s m«»etjt)g. isjjeing held at(joff Jf. E. cluij-iJi auditorium pre¬sided over byJJjji Martha V. Gra¬ham. \\ est \ irginia Primary andJunior Secretary.

This eVeuing at 7:30 the conven¬tion will rcsnnic it# sesison at theFirst Baptist clAirch. President D.B. Piirinton lrjlh preside. Thirtymiiintps-fn soni will lie conducted

.\^ after which"A Welcomed" Jtjlarksburg" will bedelivered byB«r; B. B. Mcbanel.president rij^lng Ministerial As¬sociation, by addrespe* bvother wclli knof u Sundav scWl jworkers. r "

~Anot]ierifiech"tij|rwill ^0 be heldtonight at Ooff M. E.Hiureh presid¬ed over by ^iee Presijfiit U. V.-W.Darlington.


Thirty- minutes insong will be condiicted.by Bev. f\". MHudson,. of.,Clarksburg. illustratedwith stereopticon. - Addresses will1m* made hv'^ev. H. G. KielWniseii),.of Clarksburg. Yiec Pwsi^tnt Darl¬ington. and Prof,! Charles Sennlon.of Pittsburg. ;' :i

TO 3t MARRIEDThe marriage o£ Miss llayme

Pritchard. of Parkoreburg, but for¬merly of Clqrksiwuig. to Mr. ClavOgden, of Pittsburg, will be solem¬nized the last of thifmonth at theFirst Presbyterian church in Piirk-erabnrg. The wedidng will not be,large,hut will be.one of the prettiestnuptial events of the spring MissPritchard is locatedJn I'arkereburg.but Tor the past few days has beenivisitiug at the home of her. parentsin ('oolvil.le, (.). She is a ynnttg ladypossessed of tboRe traits of characterthat have endeared ..her to hosts offriends, and has a bright and genialmanner that makes her extremelypoptdar wherever she^ visits.

Mr. Ogden is a prominent man ofPittsburg, and has a 1-irjrp shoe housein that city, lie is very |K>pularamong the I'arkersbunsers whom heha.- met. and is well known in busi¬ness ami social circles in Pittsburg. |Mr. OgiTi n is a sou of li. S. Ogden, Jr.. of this city, and for sever¬al years was in the shoe business h. nHe has many friends in ('Urkubtirg.

After an extended wedidng trip,Mr. Ogden and his bride will resideill Pittsburg.

FINE CATTLE PURCHASEDJames "B. Supler ha- just returned

from Kankakee. 111., jvhere he at¬tended one of the largest cattle salesever held in this country. Eighteenhundred Terefords, raised by T. F.B. Sot bam Company in that com¬munity. were sold by the company atauction. Mr. Supler purchased 8Sfine yearling Hereford heifers forhis stork farm east of tin- city andwill dispose «f some of them at pri¬vate sale. They are all choice speci¬mens and will find ready "ale in thiscountv.

Recital PostponedThe recital to be given by pupilsof Mrs. Homer Jackson at the Waldo

Saturday afternoon, lias Iwen post-poned on account of the State Sun¬day school convention and will !»egiven at a later date.

Fire Causes ExcitementA onvstory miner*' cottage at

Chieftain occupied liy-Jtoto- SUifro.caught afire at 7:30 «>I»ck -Tffis-dav morning, causing considerableexcitement. The men were calledout of the mine to fight the blaze,which they extinguished Ik-fore verymuch dauuuie was douot - Tbe. ceit-ing t aught froiti'a stove fine and wasbadlv burned.


SESSIONThe regular April term '«£¦ 1-nited

Static court began in ClarksburgTuesday forenoon at 10:30 o'clockwith Judge A. G. "Dayton presid¬ing. i\ lengthy written opinion intlie llobbs & Company bankrupt easewas first handed down" by JudgeDayton and tlien another in the casCt>f M. Briggs against the TradersCompany, in which the petition ofthe Monougahebi Bank asking to bemade a party to the suit and ques¬tioning jurisdiction was denied, thesale of the property confirmed amidistribution of tlic .proceeds ordered.The grand jury was then em¬

paneled-as follows:Samuel V. Woods. Philippi, fore¬

man; 1 >..01111 rd Mallonee, Grafton;John W. Duncan, Thomas; A. D.Pickering, llamblcton; O. A. An¬nan. Clarksburg; James E. Hall,Philippi: 11. K. Orublt. Parson*;I/i' Crouch. ICIkins; E. 11. Watson,.Philippi: G. W. Reynolds, Fleming-ton; Alex C. Moore. Clarksburg;Mortimer W. Smith, Clarksburg; 0.P. Roughner, Clarksburg; Parley DoBerry. Terra Alta: Ferdinand Gore,Adamston: 1. X. Lock, Claude; C.H. Rector. Grafton: M. J. Garrett,.Shianston: Harmon T. ShrA-o.li-ji|iber]»ort. and W. J2. Tomplfn,Asior.The petit jurors are'.Mortimer SV.

Smitli. Clarksburg; Fred liiiey."Plr-'kersburg: L. M. Springer, Terra Al-fy: T. 1. Elliott, Grafton: C. {('Page. French Creek; George Gaston,Lost Creek: P. \V. Dipsconib, 1 Ian- jnahsville: 1). If. Jackson, Kingwood: |0. E. Summers. Nay: David David- 'son. Clarksburg: If. 11. Shinn. WestUnion: M. I). Riley, Philippi; Cal-|vin llart, Beverly: Howard Post.Clarksburg: B. F. Sayre. Grafton;.Morris I.aw. Tanner: R. A. lteeder.Shinni'ton: B. F.- Bennett, RedCreek: 1±. 1). Robinson, Philippi;'W. A. Law. West Milford; George |Ross. Westnn: French Hoggs, Loek-ney: W. F. Hndkins, Greenwood;C. A. Bailey. Bucklianuon: F. B. jMontgomery. Tunnelton: J. H.Thomas. Casi-iru: Frederick Moore,Relington: Charles M. Ernst,Clarksburg: B. M. Riddle'. DeKalb '

and SlidelI Brown. Kingwood: ;Judge Dayton dclivcreij liis;charge to the grand jury from 2 to""3 o'clock in the afternoon. dwellingou pystal. tariff. iHtenial reveniK'and Interstate commerce violations, j

*isttlfifs 1iMmm

In circuit court- Tuesday the juryfound for the defendants in thesuit of the Traders National Bulkagainst 11. B. Farmer et a!., lo en¬force payment of a note.

In ihe case of Ira W. Beyers vs.The B. & <T. railroad company, for$79 loss of baggage, a demurrer wasentered and the jury discharged.The case of A. W. Gregg against

fieorge M. Glilfin was on trial in theafternoon.The jury in the case of Chadester'

against the Baltimore ft Ohio Rail¬road company, gave the plaintiffjudgment for $150. for ihe killingof three horses at the Despard cross¬

ing eighteen montlis ago. A motionwas made to set aside the verdict andgrant a new trial.


Charles A. Dobbins, expert kiau¬tograph operator, who has lieen se¬cured from the Dreamland theatrein Pittsburg, has charge of the mov¬ing pictures at the Xickleodocn. TlieClarksburg Amusement Companyluis also obtained a I'ittsburg houseas well -as another farther e.i#t, amiis now in position to give entertain¬ments at all these op an elaboratescale. Each bouse w<ill have Ad¬vantage* frrqn_ the other hoos* - asthe chain of amusetnenU will fee a*!*!at all of them. A very pleasiirg-prograw is Iwurg Tendered this w<vkat lbe Nickleodcon and large cm«r<fcvarr attending.' LbcKw and thiWrft; jare" especially inritwl, though nunwill also find the entertainment veryenjoyable.

Constable Warden Starter* was

business.here Tncsday front on


Perfect harmony prevailed at,thefirst meeting of tie n*r councilMonday night under the admtnis-tration'of Mayor Harvey W.rner. There was not the *VgM^clash in any particular and the ft?*-.-sion was very business-like. i '*The retiring council was calleq to

order at 8 o'clock with Mayor P. 11-'Shields in the chair and all #»<*.iiieml>er8 present. On motion ofMr. Johnson immediately thereafterthe council adjourned siue die. Afew minutes later Mr.'Hanner oallw)the new council to order and ad¬dressed the body briefly. He sain,that in assuming the duties of. thy.mayoralty lie "took upon hiouellburdens arid obligations he never fex-<pected to fall upon him. In (ftfng jso, he hoped it was for the best in¬terests of the city, if not for himself,ire statetl he would make no extend¬ed remarks as he thought all knewand understood his policy thorough¬ly. He said the mayor and coun¬cil came not together us' in tlw cam¬paign but as representatives of titebusiness, moral and social inteivlfof the people. He promised tfca»no act of his in council shoulfl tinge,with any effort or desire to pay adebt to fritnd or foe. Hi* higheraim would .be to give the city a busi¬ness administration. He expectedto treat all the nggtope^f the eoijp.-cil as his equal tind asked the sameof -them.. He urged that, they do till jin tlifiir power tp.njake Iho adiniuis-

ffration the best Clarksburg has everhad, and hoped it fright p.rnve in tbr Ibest interest? o ftlie- council, Ijibvclj: tand the people. He expressed tWf ihope that it might be looked h ick ;i« Ias a period, in which every iutea-i thad been looked after and eared for.and that their deliberations might,ever be to solve the city s problemsfrom tit*- standpoint- of- JMidright, and on a square-deal basis.

I'pon motion salaries per month,for the coming year were fixed asfollows:Mavor. $00; city cl^rk, $T5: ehief-

nf-poliee, $75; street superintendent,.fiiO: water works eommissioner.$(><); citv collector and treasurer.

assessor. $20; policeman.«a$»J tr»0; eitv attorney. $16 2-3?;fojatK: officer- $15: cfc surveyor.

i'hiitf of. fir<5- ne-jiftrtmnt $0O: assistants f"o 'i"*UwtJ.v9ttfJi)i-1$5J) UllUm^tstwn ,w.-tfmrrs, ItGQ.? of ereiiiMnn.$50;; drive* »f. street team, $50: daylahoi^rs. per ,day, $1.65; drive-bowo and cart", $3; man, two hor-scsanii:'«-^ou, #H;.eouneHmen, each',|§i2i»<pef npintht'v Thc followihg twlkrejuea wereelected: Itnrry Brooks, K-Wlrvte.- John- Nelson, \\ llltaiiT"Burke. Jr.. James. Shows, C.eorge-Howe. A. W. Walker, Henry Lowts.and Michael Joyce. ..Then- wereseveral oilier applietnti/bnt.they re-,c-eived only scattering p>tcs. i

John Hiekcnbottom was electedjanitor, receiving eight votes to twofoj Howard Wilkes.

D. L>. Britt got six votes fur cityengineer and C. A. Osliorn tour.Britt was declared elected.

Dr. H. V. Varncr was elected'health e.Tiecr.

H. B. Stewart got eight votes forkipper of tlw crematory and KolierlHeed-two. Stewart will, keep thejob. . . .

tii*oiye .1^. Mulliemn and 1 JiftnWStimmell **ore elccted pufnp suftioriengineer* Uy acclamation, tlicro t>«%-ing no other applicants.

WiTliam Miwh was elected drivel,,f the street team in the same nun-ner. "..>{. Sperrr was re-electcit cityattorney by acclamation.The present fire department was


The bond of the city cnlhetor w.i-

fixed at $10,WO, that of the waierworks commissioner at $4*000 an<lthe chief-of-police's at $2,000.The mavor was authorized t<> aet

a? be dt-i*'TKvl l>est In tin- matter ofapplicants for license to sell poj-ieom on tlte streets. '

Mavor Hanwt announced lu-eftnuiiittees 8s follows for the year

Finaner.K. J. Wood, J. X H«s-and" -T. 1>. MeHeynolda. . .!

Sfreels.J. D. McUeyiMildsi M.J/MeAndrew and C. U . HalterWater.J. N H<-s. M. J. Me-

Andrew and E. -T. Wood.Light.C. M. Ernst. .. W. nal-

terman and J. IX McRtvnolds.Fire.J. J. Csmntil. E- Cork and

X. -B. Smith.ApjK-ab.-M- J. McAndrew, C- M-

Rrast and T. L, Anderson.

i-Saniation-^'. W. llaherman,jt-.ork and J. J. Coiuiell. Vis- Building.J. u. Smith, T. U -'Anderson and E.' Cork. -

" 'j|g

L0C1TE B1IUSSehradi-rV bloodhounds luado i

sutx-e&fui man-hunt at Bristol .Mo-an^ ^rar^c<l down two

parties who are doubtless implicated«i the burglary of the resident of

j". Johnson in tiiat town. J'l;c

depredation was committed Sundaynight while the members* of Mr.Johnson's family weer at church. ISjThe house was entered by the pilfei- -

ew and tlie living rooms ransackedand;a small sum of moneycabinet or secretary, wJufth was loe*--^:ed, was carried out of ihe Iiowe anil . Xonto tlie Ijlll nearby where it was ibroken open and a little monev anda .watch taken.


* '^§|Arrangement* Were mado Moftr^H

afternton with J. W. Schroder ir\vilsonburg, fdrthe use of his bln^SShound# in an effort to locate the- fguilty parties who were believed tohe local parties. He went- to lirjs- | }to) with the dogs Monday night unitno diftjcultv was experienced in tskritig up the trail at the point wh. v^Vthe secretary had been looted. Thedog. circled to the school house andirom there the trail led to the re-i-dnce of two young fellows who hadrecently moved to Bristol from Tylercounty. They have not been seenin the community since.


STUB EIKE(By Associated'I'rcss.)

.lohnstown. Pa*., April -17.Tliesituation today from last-night's riotwas so->rioiw that ShrrilC BegU.."-'^was summoned from Sohifirsk. to > itake charge of affairs hq«] ,an ajipenlwas made to Governor l'erinypaekcr>-for troo|k>.

Ai 8 o'clock this inot-nipg- -tlieconditions were liiorc quint.I *

There was a feeling of ansito the action that would" bowhen. the strikers saw their'-oorutaken from the jail at'.-Sou:whiej^ will be done, soiue tiirU1

This morning I>si)u^..Jfci......nnrde charges of rioting* "againsteight men fjefore a ioeal.jiiiRiei. Allare foreigners.

Alining Kngineer Dclancy was re"ported this morning to -be in aious condition.


Mayor.- Mariner l>yhb,i.~'' '

police court last lugbj;.V.'arfeu Ilfwpw- a triaf:fj»r,jness anil disorderly.

acqiiittedribut .i,hour was. back "in theday morning Mayor,him guilty and gavp him"in default of ffie paymentAt Tuesday ¦morning's *"

others goV,"$|l,W.anif .

#-t.t>0 each. .Titer. all pair]tuld -to go.. ;Another one"days in 'jail.

WE0DIH6 T0HI6HT"" "¦ .'/§

Mr. Paul S; Hornor arid MissMary Allen will be married 'th» 1evening at s'o'clockiit the Iwime "

Mr. and Mr*. .Inma F. ",Point Comfort. Rev. ]{. .

l>au»l w'fTl officiate:«|iiiet Ikiibo-wedding, with *

invited gucsts.v >-:* '

Mr.^fofcir Parrill iijiank* 'Vifl^fcoeTe»4tig at CKvff "p»i _K. Arbiahnotin tb£S.*»?fcw-t.>.*.-*s'Tt

InfantAn infant of Mr.

MeNemar died at PiMonday nightand- was _

o'cimk Tuesday morningMasonic <vmote»y.
