It's Truly an Honor to Meet Someone of Your Stature and Influence._ _ PhraseMix

“It's truly an honor to meet someone of your stature and influence.” You went to a book signing event for one of your favorite business book authors. You got to speak with him for a few minutes. Now you're ending the conversation. It's truly an honor to meet someone of your stature and influence. It's an honor to (do something) When you get special recognition or a special opportunity from people that you respect highly, it's "an honor". You can use this phrase in sentences like these: It's an honor to meet you. It's such an honor to be invited to speak to you all here today. I don't even care if I win. It's an honor just to be nominated! This phrase is rather formal. When you use it, you sound very thankful and humble. truly The adverb "truly' means "very much" or "honestly". You can use it before an adjective like this: I'm truly sorry for what happened. The most common adjectives that follow "truly" are: truly great truly remarkable truly amazing truly sorry truly happy You can also use "truly" with a verb: I truly forgot all about it.



Transcript of It's Truly an Honor to Meet Someone of Your Stature and Influence._ _ PhraseMix

“It's truly an honor to meet someone of your statureand influence.”

Y ou went to a book signing event for one of y our favorite business book authors. Y ou got to

speak with him for a few minutes. Now y ou're ending the conversation.

It's truly an honor to m eet som eone of your stature and influence.

It's an honor to (do something)When y ou get special recognition or a special

opportunity from people that y ou respect highly , it's "an

honor". Y ou can use this phrase in sentences like these:

It's an honor to meet you.

It's such an honor to be invited to speak to you all

here today.

I don't even care if I win. It's an honor just to be


This phrase is rather formal. When y ou use it, y ou sound

very thankful and humble.

trulyThe adverb "truly ' means "very much" or "honestly ". Y ou

can use it before an adjective like this:

I'm truly sorry for what happened.

The most common adjectives that follow "truly " are:

truly great

truly remarkable

truly amazing

truly sorry

truly happy

Y ou can also use "truly " with a verb:

I truly forgot all about it.

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I truly believe that you will achieve your dream

some day.

"Truly " is pretty formal.

someone of (your/his/etc.) stature"Stature" means "importance" or "status". We use it in the

phrase "someone of (his/her/y our/their) stature" to talk

about people who are very highly respected.

I wouldn't dare ask such a favor from someone of

her stature.

The original meaning of "stature" was actually "height", so

y ou can imagine that a very important person seems

metaphorically taller than others.

(someone) has influenceA person who "has influence" is able to affect or even

control a lot of people or events.

Someone might "have influence" because they 're famous,

becuase they 're wealthy and well-connected, or because

they 're well-known in a certain field.

When y ou're describing someone who "has influence",

y ou can also say that they 're "influential".