i.tmose 1 J Laundry oiuautc M [CheraColaM€¦ · WHatYouNeed.1 Pretty line SpringGoods,...

WHat You Need. 1 Pretty line Spring Goods, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percals and Domestics, all at very reasonable prices. Come and see. A beautiful line of Val Laces in match sets, 5c and 10c the yard. I Real Linen Torchon Laces, match sets, only 10c. J An immense line of Lace P Braids, your choice of the lot I only 3c. 1 We defy competition to rnoaf aiip nricoc nn NpffliffW? IUVW VUl *vw v.. - " ^0"0 Shirts, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Men's Overcoats,and cheap Work Pants $1.00 to $1.50 the pair. The oniy 'place in town where you can get Bates' Fast-Colored Ginghams at 15c yd. Splendid line Ging hams at 10c yard. Cream and 31ack Serge Wove 75c to $1.00 the yard. Dainty Embroideries 5c, 10c and 15c the yard. Embroidery! Flouncings 45 in. wide at 60c and 75c. W. E. JENKINSON | a,vrv/rav i* M May this Easter tide bring joy aid gladness to every heart. Mr TE Baggett and family spent Sunday at Lanes. Mr S Alex Tisdale of Benson was in town Monday. Hon W J Smiley, of Cades R F D, was here Saturday. Dr I W Grahamfof Lanes visited Kings tree Saturday. Coroner H J Brown of Cades called at our office Monday. Hon S A Graham of Heinemann was in Kingstree Saturday. Mr J S McCullough of Benson was a Kingstree visitor Monday. Misses Agness Erckmann and Carrie Scott spent Sunday in Florence. Misses Esther Berger and Pearl Marcus spent Sunday with friends in Lake City. Tomorrow (Good Friday) being a l«oral hnlidav. the banks and school will be closed. The county Sunday School convention meets here Sunday at the Baptist church. County Demonstrator S E Evans of Bennettsville visited his homefolk at Workman last week. The grocery stock of Spring & Gee was sold to Mr M H Jacobs by Trustee L D Rodgers Friday, t Rev A E Riemer is convalescing in Charleston and hopes to be able to resume his duties here Sunday. Rev H D Bull has accepted the rectorate of Christ church, Charleston, and will enter upon his new duties May 1. r jp ~~ 13 WHAT Yo WILL RA\ IF YoU JOIN 01 CHRI5TMA BANKIf Al I IE Come in and geta "Christri and join the club. By depos your weekly deposit 10 cen $127.50 in 50 weeks. Help your CHiLDREN to joir and PROSPER. In 50 weeks: l-cent club 2-cent club 5-cent club 10-cent club You can put in $1.00 or $2 in 5U weeKs nave or $iu ^ You can start" i BANK OF W] . KINGSTREE, Reports from Charleston 'are to the effect that Dr Claude McCabe is slowly improving. Mr and Mrs D J Snowden and little daughter of Delmar, Del, are visiting Mr Snowden's sister, Mrs L H McCullough, here. Contractor C E Granby has commenced the erection of an attractive residence for Mr Claude JThompson in North Kingstree. Dr W S Boyd was in Edgefield last week, where Mrs Boyd has been for some time visiting her parents, Rev and Mrs P P Blalock. We are pleased to note that Mr W T Wilkins, who has been confined! to his room the past week by indisposition, is improving. Harmony presbytery met at Union ! church Tuesday. Messrs J P Shaw! and W H Kinder were represents- tives from Kingstree. Messrs J C Lanham of Summerton, Winslow Wright of Scranton and Walter G Green of Charleston were week-end visitors here. Hon J C Graham of Gourdins, Mr and Mrs Bishop Burgess of Mouzons and Mr E B Rhodus of Greelyville were noted in town Saturday. Cadet W G Gamble, Jr, has returned to Charleston and,if not summoned to military service, will resume his studies at the Citadel. The National Congress of the D A R will meet in Washington, D C. next week. Mrs W G Gamble is delegate from the Kingstree chapter. T illion Qoltora nrinrinal of 1X1 lOO JLiiianu UM< vv.w, r. Cedar Swamp Graded school,^was in Kings tree Saturday en route to her home at Salters to spend the weekend. At the State convention of Wesley Bible classes in South Carolina in Columbia last week, Prof 0 M Mitchell was reelected a member of the ! executive committee. The Mission Study class of the Presbyterian church met at the manse yesterday afternoon. The lesson was studied and discussed with much earnestness. ! At the field day exercises at Barnwell last week, Miss Bessie Harper was a judge on geography and the parade, and Miss Florence Bell on the boys' oratorical contest. Kingstree was almost deserted Tuesday,so many of her citizens having gone to Florence to see the big ball game between the New York Americans and Boston Nationals. The Greelyville Tobacco Warehouse company has been chartered, with a capital of $3,000, with S V Taylor, president; W L Rodgers, vice president; P L Keels, secretarytreasurer. I Train No 89 was abouteight hours 1 J . . » OA. late here Saturday muiuiug uu account of a freight wreck at Fayetteville.N C, in which thirteen box cars were derailed and the track torn up for several hundred feet. But one public sale was made here Monday. In the case of Charles W Stoll, plaintiff,vs Duke Tisdale et al, defendants, 63 acres of land near Salters were sold to J D O'Bryan, Esq, attorney, for $450. & nas BankingClub" Book FREE iting 10 cents and increasing ts each week, you will have * * l ._ c/n/r 1. IC Will ceacn cnem iu ^nvL pays $ 12,75 pays $ 25.50 pays $ 63.75 pays $127.50 .00 or $5.00 each week and 0 or $250. rODAY-START! [LLIAMSBURG S. C. I Mr Hugh McCutchen has discarded his little Metz and is now enjoying a nice new Dodge. But with all of its shortcomings he still has a warm spot in his makeup for the little Metz. Little Miss Marv Jaenhs. the in- teresting daughter of Mr and Mrs W N Jacobs, entertained a number of her young friends yesterday afternoon in honor of her third birthday anniversary. Ed Calhoun,a twelve-months member of the county chaingang, made his escape from that institution last; Friday afternoon but was soon cap- tured in Broad swamp by Jailor Cockfield and his bloodhounds. Army recruiting officers are in Kingstree this week and will remain until Monday afternoon for the pur / _! i? i.t I 1 J pose 01 ennsung mose wno wouiu like to join the United States army, These officers have their headquarters at the postoffice. The second Friday in April being' Field day. the monthly meeting of Williamsburg chapter, U D C, will be held next Wednesday at 4:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs D C Scott. All members will please take notice. This afternoon at 4 o'clock and tonight at 8:15 the great film production "Civilization" will be given at the Uwana theater. This is the greatest picture ever put upon the screen here and one that everybody who possibly can should see. Rev Geo T Harmon was at Rome last Sunday in the interest of the $300,000 fund being raised for the three Methodist colleges.Wofford, Lander and Columbia. There was .' . .- « » f knf /lot? flV- uu service in mu^aiirc uiai uoj Except at the Presbyterian church. At the meeting of the county commissioners Tuesday, the matter of the purchase of a small road engine was considered and a committee consisting: of Supervisor J N Hammet, Road Engineer S W Jennings and Commissioner R B Fitch was appointed to visit Sumter next week i and inspect models. Rev Dr Walter Mitchell will offici- ate at the Episcopal church here next | Sunday (Easter) at 11 a. m. and 7:30: p. m. and at Boyd school at 4 p. m. J The holy communion will be cele- brated at the morning service, after which an election will be held for two delegates and two alternates to ! the diocesan council to meet at Cheraw May 8. At the regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher association Monday. Mrs L W Gilland read a paper on the adolescent girl, and Miss Erckmann read one on the work of other ParentTeacher associations. Both papers were very interesting and elicited considerable discussion. At the final meeting for the scholastic year on May 7, the subject of the introduc-i tion of domestic science will be considered. At the morning service Sunday, Rev P S McChesney stated that the year just closed has been the most prosperous one for the Presbyterian church here in its history. The church now has 5 elders, 8 deacons, 215 communicants, 214 members of the Sundav-school and a flourishing Christian Endeavor society. Offerings for all purposes during the year aggregated $6377, about one-half of which was for the church at large. Invitations have been received here to the marriage of Miss Minnie Pendergrass Stackley and Rev Edwin William Stackley, to be solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs George Stackley, in Florence,next Wednesday afternoon. Miss Stackley is a niece of Mr and Mrs Louis Stackley and Mrs P S Courtney and has a host of friends in Kingstree, who wish her every happiness, The groom, who is pastor of West Kershaw Methodist church, is also highly esteemed here. Gov Manning has appointed next Wednesday as "naval recruiting day," when 21 enlistments are expected from Williamsburg. Applicants must be from 17 to. 30 years old, with good teeth, hearing and sight. The minimum weight for ad-! ults, stripped, is 128 pounds; height,! 64 incne9. Minora must weign atj least 110 pounds at 17 years and be 62 inches in height; 115 pounds at 18 year8,120 pounds at 19 years and 125 pounds at 20 years,the minimum height in each instance being 64 inches. Margaret Gregg Gordon chapter, D A R. was delightfully entertained Tuesday by Mesdames J E Kennedy and W E Rrockinton. The principal it A » 1 t J Dusiness iransacieu was pieaging aid to the Georgetown Industrial; school. The regent.-Mrs D C Scott,! gave much valuable information along the lines of D A R work. The introduction of "current events" [is otimulating quite 'an enthusiasm for practical reseaech and reading, which will be of great benefit to the, members. Those present were: Me3dames D C Scott, L 0 Montgomery, J F McFadden and Misses Maude Lcgan and Lula Brockinton. I UHION Hl6H SCHOOL. ] »» « » « A «.;i ? .Hup anVwin] no C 1UMUC, li U. VUl OWIII'V* whole seems to take a great interest in the war situation. The eleventh grade, having just studied argument in composition, prepared a very interesting debate in class work. The query was: "Resolved, That the United States should spend at least one year in preparation before entering into war with Germany." The class of ten was equally divided and the debate was thoroughly discussed on both sides. Our English teacher, Miss Jackson, made the decision in favor of the affirmative. This being a question of such vital importance,as well as suitable to the occasion, some of the patrons, after hearing how well it was discussed, requested that the debate be repeated at a meeting of the Francis Marion literaay society held last Friday night: All the papers were handed in to Miss Jackson, from which she selected two of the best from each side, viz: Affirmative, Barnie Williams, FliiPont RViom1 norrqtivp Mllrtip Owens, Clifford Eaddy. The re9t of the papers were turned over to the four selected. At the date appointed, the society was called to order by Llewellyn Pope, president pro tern. The audience was led in prayer by Rev P A Murray, after which the following programme was rendered: Song, "Hats of other days." by six young ladies. Male quartette."Don't bite the hand that's feeding you." Debate."Kesolved, That the United States should spend at least one year before entering into war with Germany," The judges were: Mrs L B Johnson. Hon B B Chandler, chairman of the board of trustees, and Prof E V Yates. After the judges had retired for their decision, beautiful instrumental duets were rendered by Misses Bush and Haddock, Prof Yates announced the decision of the judges in favor of the negative. The remaining members of the class who had hitherto upheld the negative seemed as if they would go wild over their victory. The song, "Wake Up, America,"was sung by the sixth and seventh grade girls.and "Dixie" and "America" by the aud'ence, after -which delicious refreshments 1 *ere serveu. We are trying to organize a company of men and boys for home protection in case the Germans should attack us, finding us unprepared. It seems rather difficult to get some men of the community interested in this work. We are capable of furnishing twenty or twenty-five school boys, who seem to be very much interested. We spend a while each day drilling. So far,under the leadership of Profs 0 M Mitchell and E V Yates, we have learned a few commands. We are glad to say that we have offered to us any assistance that can be rendered by Prof Yates, who is a recent graduate of a military college and well trained. We hcpe to put in good time while he is with us, because we understand that his intention is to go to the front if war is declared. Col Holmes B Springs has promised to secure guns for us if we are successful in our organization. We sincerely hope that we shall succeed, for we don't want to I 4.1.r> l.svkt nave IU 1III. CUCVJCI maua W4i.il HK'IIwood knots. Literary Editor. The beautiful flower plats for which Kingstree is noted have suffered much recently from the depredations of mischievous children. The police may be appealed to if such vandalism is continued. WItJh (Dor Advertisers. We again call attention to the big advertisement in this paper of Mr Chas Tucker, who has been offering some startling bargains in mercahndise the past three week. Mr B F Patrick has an advertisement in this paper calling attention to his line of trimmed hats, and other seasonable merchandise. " IJU 1--I. lL. I UU COIIIU l uveriuuiv uic am active shoe ad of the Kingstree Dry Goods Co in this paper if your eyes are any good at all. This popular concern is the exclusive agents here for Queen Quality Shoes.the shoes for ladies. Attention of our readers is called to the advertising matter of the Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., which appears in this paper, and will continue for some time, with weekly changes. This company is advertising a stock foud product which will find a ready sale in this county. Mr. D. J. Epps is local agent for this well known company's product. Car of Hops Shipped Today. A carload of hoga was shipped from here Thursday by Mr W R Sanders, who is engaged in buying hogs and cattle an this county. These hogs are all for ^consumption within this State.and the prices paid ranged from 8 to 9 cents per pound. This is the third car of hogs shipped from this county recently. Plymouth Rock Eggs for Sale J E B Thornp- S cAl-ti b< ---.i = ti Charlie Wong, « Prop. Chinese Laundry A has moved his Laundry into _ the old Patrick storeroom on North Academy St, where he p is better prepared than ever tr> talrp carp nf vrmr lannHrv >r work. Bring it to me. Prompt service. All work guaranteed to give satisfac- fc tion. 3-15-4t °l cc PVlONAL^l g~ [CheraColaM i L APRIL 18 A ' * F is Receipt Books, Blink Notes, Mortgages anil all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at Cl The Record office. If we have not the P form you wish we can print it cn short, P' notice. A Hats! Ha A big lot of Ladies' and Child] A lot of Men's and Boys' Straw everyday use. Slippers! Slipp New line of Ladies' and Gei prices have not greatly affected, A Large Line of C B. F. PA At R. R. Crossing', «|i i|» I^I I|I I^I \TheM Friends and , . You are invited to drop into the sb Ing and give us a chance to meet yoi You will find our store neat and cl< i any in town.if not more so. Thepr stranglehold on old Mr High Cost of ,L No doubt some of your friends hav T always oeunt on getting pleasant, co are in our store. " f It doesn't matter whether you buy worth, you are entitled to good servi< , H This fetter is simply our way of we] that it won't be long until we know Sincer R. W. I «» "Good THin I Academy Street ^.«f."f°."f*.*f». § ..«f*. § Class Pins and Medals which tice. Mail orders receive promp Bring me your broken VVatche mended. Repairs made same d T. E. BA' I JEWELER, SPECIAL NOTICES Lost One colored man.Darry MGill, bout 75 years of age. Left home about lonth ago to go bis daughter's home at loomvale.in Clarendon county,and has ot been seen or heard of since by relaves. Information concerning him will e appreciated if sent to H P Pressey, Kingstree, S C. ltp W R Sanders will be in Kingstree etween the 1st and 15th of May, 1917, >r the purpose of buying Hogs, Sheep id Cattle. Anyone having hogs should at them up and feed on corn in order > get best j>rices. See either F W airy or l >v dakek. *-o-w. Wanted.A few fat Hogs for imediate use. Highest cash price will ; paid for same. H A Miller, Kingsee, S C. 3-5-2tc For Sale or RENT-One six-room Duse. Apply to M H Jacobs, Kingsee, S C. 4-5-2t For Pent.One three-room house, pply to M H Jacobs, Kingstree. S C. l-5-2t Wanted.Chickens; highest prices aid for same. B F Patrick. ltp Wanted.All kinds of junk.scrap on, old metals and rags. Kingstree [jnk Co. 4-5-4tp For sale-Good farm mule; cheap >r quick sale. Apply to J W Coward. 3-29-2tp " « r OK DALfc UK (VCiHiaB~T oiuautc ubvv land, mile and a quarter north of ingstree. known as the Fulton tract, >ntaining 78 acres, 45 cleared and in x>d state of cultivation. Apply to R Kellahan, Kingstree, S C. 2-1-tf Loans Negotiated upon first mortages on improved farm lands. J D 'Bryan, Kingstree, S C. 3-22-5t Wanted-To buy odd shares of stock f Bank of Williamsburg and Bank of reelyville. Write P 0 Box ^386, ingstree, S C. 3-22-3t For F.ent.Eight rooms over Uwana heater. _ Apply to R J McCabe. For Sale.Nice young cow, fresh, fill sell cheap for cash. Apply to J C lagler, Box 57. R F D 2, Lake City, C. ltp For Sale.Apples, per dozerft 30c; anned apples,per can. 10c; canned peas, er can, 10c; evaporated peaches, per ound, 15c; blackeye peas, per lb, 10c. ,R Moseley, Jr, Salters Depot, SC. ts! Hats! ren's Hats in various styles. Hats and Caps for dress and ers! Slippers! nts' Slfppers that the high Choice Groceries! TDirn L 1 IVlV^ii - Kingstree, S. C. -4».4*.4*~~4*.^.4* §? I Store;; Strang'ers: T ore some time when you are passi and get acquainted. ."> »an and our stock as complete as f ices will help you to get a firmer 1 Living. 4* e already told you that you can urteous attention whenever you A five cents worth or five dollaw j :e and you'll always get it here. Icomincvou to this store.'Hoping [ each other better, ely, vEWIS I gs to Eat" ^ Phone 143 4*.4*.4*' *1* *1*.4* »ji. Now Is the Time for you to make your selection for the sweet girl eraduate. Make your gift a lasting remembrance. I have for this occasion a selection of beautiful goods in Diamond Rings, Gold Watches, Bracelet Watches, Cameos in all settings, Brooch Pins, Necklaces and Hat Pins, also an assortment of can be engraved on short no* « i m it >t attention, rnone 44. >3, Clocks and Jewelry to be ay received. GGETT, KINGSTREE, S. C.

Transcript of i.tmose 1 J Laundry oiuautc M [CheraColaM€¦ · WHatYouNeed.1 Pretty line SpringGoods,...

Page 1: i.tmose 1 J Laundry oiuautc M [CheraColaM€¦ · WHatYouNeed.1 Pretty line SpringGoods, DressGoods,Ginghams,Percals and Domestics, all at veryreasonableprices. Come andsee. A beautiful

WHat You Need. 1Pretty line Spring Goods,

Dress Goods, Ginghams, Percalsand Domestics, all atvery reasonable prices. Comeand see.A beautiful line of Val

Laces in match sets, 5c and10c the yard.

I Real Linen Torchon Laces,match sets, only 10c.

J An immense line of LaceP Braids, your choice of the lotI only 3c.1We defy competition to

rnoaf aiip nricoc nn NpffliffW?IUVW VUl *vw v.. - " ^0"0

Shirts, 50c, 75c and $1.00.Men's Overcoats,and cheapWork Pants $1.00 to $1.50the pair.The oniy 'place in town

where you can get Bates'Fast-Colored Ginghams at15c yd. Splendid line Ginghams at 10c yard.Cream and 31ack Serge

Wove 75c to $1.00 the yard.Dainty Embroideries 5c,

10c and 15c the yard. Embroidery!Flouncings 45 in.wide at 60c and 75c.


a,vrv/rav i*

m® MMay this Easter tide bring joy

aid gladness to every heart.Mr T E Baggett and family spent

Sunday at Lanes.Mr S Alex Tisdale of Benson was

in town Monday.Hon W J Smiley, of Cades R F D,

was here Saturday.Dr I W Grahamfof Lanes visited

Kingstree Saturday.Coroner H J Brown of Cades calledat our office Monday.Hon S A Graham of Heinemann

was in Kingstree Saturday.Mr J S McCullough of Benson was

a Kingstree visitor Monday.Misses Agness Erckmann and CarrieScott spent Sunday in Florence.Misses Esther Berger and Pearl

Marcus spent Sunday with friends inLake City.Tomorrow (Good Friday) being a

l«oral hnlidav. the banks and schoolwill be closed.The county Sunday School conventionmeets here Sunday at the

Baptist church.County Demonstrator S E Evans

of Bennettsville visited his homefolkat Workman last week.The grocery stock of Spring &

Gee was sold to Mr M H Jacobs byTrustee L D Rodgers Friday,

t Rev A E Riemer is convalescingin Charleston and hopes to be ableto resume his duties here Sunday.

Rev H D Bull has accepted therectorate of Christ church, Charleston,and will enter upon his new dutiesMay 1.

r jp~~



Come in and geta "Christriand join the club. By deposyour weekly deposit 10 cen$127.50 in 50 weeks.Help your CHiLDREN to joir

and PROSPER.In 50 weeks:

l-cent club2-cent club5-cent club10-cent club

You can put in $1.00 or $2in 5U weeKs nave or $iu

^ You can start"


Reports from Charleston 'are tothe effect that Dr Claude McCabe isslowly improving.Mr and Mrs D J Snowden and littledaughter of Delmar, Del, are visitingMr Snowden's sister, Mrs L H

McCullough, here.Contractor C E Granby has commencedthe erection of an attractive

residence for Mr Claude JThompsonin North Kingstree.Dr W S Boyd was in Edgefield last

week, where Mrs Boyd has been forsome time visiting her parents, Revand Mrs P P Blalock.We are pleased to note that Mr

W T Wilkins, who has been confined!to his room the past week by indisposition,is improving.Harmony presbytery met at Union

! church Tuesday. Messrs J P Shaw!and W H Kinder were represents-tives from Kingstree.

Messrs J C Lanham of Summerton,Winslow Wright of Scrantonand Walter G Green of Charlestonwere week-end visitors here.

Hon J C Graham of Gourdins, Mrand Mrs Bishop Burgess of Mouzonsand Mr E B Rhodus of Greelyvillewere noted in town Saturday.

Cadet W G Gamble, Jr, has returnedto Charleston and,if not summonedto military service, will resumehis studies at the Citadel.The National Congress of the D A

R will meet in Washington, D C.next week. Mrs W G Gamble is delegatefrom the Kingstree chapter.

T illion Qoltora nrinrinal of1X1 lOO JLiiianu UM< vv.w, r.

Cedar Swamp Graded school,^was inKingstree Saturday en route to herhome at Salters to spend the weekend.At the State convention of WesleyBible classes in South Carolina in

Columbia last week, Prof 0 M Mitchellwas reelected a member of the! executive committee.

The Mission Study class of thePresbyterian church met at themanse yesterday afternoon. Thelesson was studied and discussedwith much earnestness.

! At the field day exercises at Barnwelllast week, Miss Bessie Harperwas a judge on geography and theparade, and Miss Florence Bell on theboys' oratorical contest.

Kingstree was almost desertedTuesday,so many of her citizens havinggone to Florence to see the bigball game between the New YorkAmericans and Boston Nationals.The Greelyville Tobacco Warehousecompany has been chartered,

with a capital of $3,000, with S VTaylor, president; W L Rodgers,vice president; P L Keels, secretarytreasurer.

I TrainNo 89 was abouteight hours1 J . . » OA.

late here Saturday muiuiug uu accountof a freight wreck at Fayetteville.NC, in which thirteen box cars

were derailed and the track torn upfor several hundred feet.But one public sale was made here

Monday. In the case of Charles WStoll, plaintiff,vs Duke Tisdale et al,defendants, 63 acres of land near

Salters were sold to J D O'Bryan,Esq, attorney, for $450.


nas BankingClub" Book FREEiting 10 cents and increasingts each week, you will have

* * l ._ c/n/r1. IC Will ceacn cnem iu ^nvL

pays $ 12,75pays $ 25.50pays $ 63.75pays $127.50.00 or $5.00 each week and0 or $250.rODAY-START!



Mr Hugh McCutchen has discardedhis little Metz and is now enjoyinga nice new Dodge. But with allof its shortcomings he still has a

warm spot in his makeup for thelittle Metz.

Little Miss Marv Jaenhs. the in-teresting daughter of Mr and MrsW N Jacobs, entertained a numberof her young friends yesterday afternoonin honor of her third birthdayanniversary.Ed Calhoun,a twelve-months memberof the county chaingang, made

his escape from that institution last;Friday afternoon but was soon cap-tured in Broad swamp by JailorCockfield and his bloodhounds.Army recruiting officers are in

Kingstree this week and will remainuntil Monday afternoon for the pur

/ _! i? i.t I 1 Jpose 01 ennsung mose wno wouiu

like to join the United States army,These officers have their headquartersat the postoffice.The second Friday in April being'

Field day. the monthly meeting ofWilliamsburg chapter, U D C, willbe held next Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs D C Scott.All members will please take notice.

This afternoon at 4 o'clock andtonight at 8:15 the great film production"Civilization" will be givenat the Uwana theater. This is thegreatest picture ever put upon thescreen here and one that everybodywho possibly can should see.

Rev Geo T Harmon was at Romelast Sunday in the interest of the$300,000 fund being raised for thethree Methodist colleges.Wofford,Lander and Columbia. There was.' . .- « » fknf /lot? flV-uu service in mu^aiirc uiai uoj Exceptat the Presbyterian church.

At the meeting of the county commissionersTuesday, the matter ofthe purchase of a small road enginewas considered and a committee consisting:of Supervisor J N Hammet,Road Engineer S W Jennings andCommissioner R B Fitch was appointedto visit Sumter next week iand inspect models.

Rev Dr Walter Mitchell will offici-ate at the Episcopal church here next |Sunday (Easter) at 11 a. m. and 7:30:p. m. and at Boyd school at 4 p. m. JThe holy communion will be cele-brated at the morning service, afterwhich an election will be held fortwo delegates and two alternates to !the diocesan council to meet at CherawMay 8.

At the regular meeting of the Parent-Teacherassociation Monday.Mrs L W Gilland read a paper on theadolescent girl, and Miss Erckmannread one on the work ofother ParentTeacherassociations. Both paperswere very interesting and elicitedconsiderable discussion. At the finalmeeting for the scholastic year on

May 7, the subject of the introduc-ition of domestic science will be considered.At the morning service Sunday,

Rev P S McChesney stated that theyear just closed has been the mostprosperous one for the Presbyterianchurch here in its history. Thechurch now has 5 elders, 8 deacons,215 communicants, 214 members ofthe Sundav-school and a flourishingChristian Endeavor society. Offeringsfor all purposes during the yearaggregated $6377, about one-half ofwhich was for the church at large.

Invitations have been received hereto the marriage of Miss Minnie PendergrassStackley and Rev EdwinWilliam Stackley, to be solemnizedat the home of the bride's parents,Mr and Mrs George Stackley, inFlorence,next Wednesday afternoon.Miss Stackley is a niece of Mr andMrs Louis Stackley and Mrs P SCourtney and has a host of friendsin Kingstree, who wish her everyhappiness, The groom, who is pastorof West Kershaw Methodist church,is also highly esteemed here.

Gov Manning has appointed nextWednesday as "naval recruitingday," when 21 enlistments are expectedfrom Williamsburg. Applicantsmust be from 17 to. 30 yearsold, with good teeth, hearing andsight. The minimum weight for ad-!ults, stripped, is 128 pounds; height,!64 incne9. Minora must weign atjleast 110 pounds at 17 years and be62 inches in height; 115 pounds at18 year8,120 pounds at 19 years and125 pounds at 20 years,the minimumheight in each instance being 64inches.

Margaret Gregg Gordon chapter,D A R. was delightfully entertainedTuesday by Mesdames J E Kennedyand W E Rrockinton. The principal

it A » 1 t JDusiness iransacieu was pieagingaid to the Georgetown Industrial;school. The regent.-Mrs D C Scott,!gave much valuable informationalong the lines of D A R work. Theintroduction of "current events"

[is otimulating quite 'an enthusiasmfor practical reseaech and reading,which will be of great benefit to the,members. Those present were: Me3damesD C Scott, L 0 Montgomery,J F McFadden and Misses MaudeLcgan and Lula Brockinton.

I UHION Hl6H SCHOOL. ]»» « » "» «

A «.;i ? .Hup anVwin] no C1UMUC, li U. VUl OWIII'V*

wholeseems to take a great interestin the war situation. The eleventhgrade, having just studied argumentin composition, prepared a very interestingdebate in class work. Thequery was: "Resolved, That theUnited States should spend at leastone year in preparation before enteringinto war with Germany."The class of ten was equally dividedand the debate was thoroughly discussedon both sides. Our Englishteacher, Miss Jackson, made the decisionin favor of the affirmative.This being a question of such vitalimportance,as well as suitable to theoccasion, some of the patrons, afterhearing how well it was discussed,requested that the debate be repeatedat a meeting of the Francis Marionliteraay society held last Fridaynight:

All the papers were handed in toMiss Jackson, from which she selectedtwo of the best from each side,viz: Affirmative, Barnie Williams,FliiPont RViom1 norrqtivp Mllrtip

Owens, Clifford Eaddy. The re9t ofthe papers were turned over to thefour selected.

At the date appointed, the societywas called to order by LlewellynPope, president pro tern. The audiencewas led in prayer by Rev P AMurray, after which the followingprogramme was rendered:Song, "Hats of other days." by six

young ladies.Male quartette."Don't bite the hand

that's feeding you."Debate."Kesolved, That the United

States should spend at least one yearbefore entering into war with Germany,"The judges were: Mrs L B Johnson.Hon B B Chandler, chairman of

the board of trustees, and Prof E VYates. After the judges had retiredfor their decision, beautiful instrumentalduets were rendered byMisses Bush and Haddock, ProfYates announced the decision of thejudges in favor of the negative.The remaining members of the classwho had hitherto upheld the negativeseemed as if they would go wildover their victory. The song, "WakeUp, America,"was sung by the sixthand seventh grade girls.and "Dixie"and "America" by the aud'ence, after-which delicious refreshments

1*ere serveu.

We are trying to organize a companyof men and boys for home protectionin case the Germans shouldattack us, finding us unprepared. Itseems rather difficult to get some

men of the community interested inthis work. We are capable of furnishingtwenty or twenty-five schoolboys, who seem to be very much interested.We spend a while each daydrilling. So far,under the leadershipof Profs 0 M Mitchell and E VYates, we have learned a few commands.We are glad to say that wehave offered to us any assistance thatcan be rendered by Prof Yates, whois a recent graduate of a militarycollege and well trained. We hcpeto put in good time while he is withus, because we understand that hisintention is to go to the front if waris declared. Col Holmes B Springshas promised to secure guns for us

if we are successful in our organization.We sincerely hope that we

shall succeed, for we don't want toI4.1.r> l.svkt

nave IU 1III. CUCVJCI maua W4i.il HK'IIwoodknots. Literary Editor.

The beautiful flower plats forwhich Kingstree is noted have sufferedmuch recently from the depredationsof mischievous children.The police may be appealed to if suchvandalism is continued.

WItJh (Dor Advertisers.We again call attention to the big

advertisement in this paper of MrChas Tucker, who has been offeringsome startling bargains in mercahndisethe past three week.Mr B F Patrick has an advertisementin this paper calling attention

to his line of trimmed hats, andother seasonable merchandise." IJU 1--I. lL.I UU COIIIU l uveriuuiv uic am activeshoe ad of the Kingstree Dry

Goods Co in this paper if your eyesare any good at all. This popularconcern is the exclusive agentshere for Queen Quality Shoes.theshoes for ladies.

Attention of our readers is calledto the advertising matter of theBuckeye Cotton Oil Co., which appearsin this paper, and will continuefor some time, with weeklychanges. This company is advertisinga stock foud product whichwill find a ready sale in this county.Mr. D. J. Epps is local agent forthis well known company's product.

Car of Hops Shipped Today.A carload of hoga was shipped

from here Thursday by Mr W RSanders, who is engaged in buyinghogs and cattle an this county. Thesehogs are all for ^consumption withinthis State.and the prices paid rangedfrom 8 to 9 cents per pound. Thisis the third car of hogs shipped fromthis county recently.

Plymouth Rock Eggs for Sale JE B Thornp-

S cAl-tib<

---.i = ti

Charlie Wong, «

Prop. Chinese Laundry Ahas moved his Laundry into _

the old Patrick storeroom onNorth Academy St,where he pis better prepared than evertr> talrp carp nf vrmr lannHrv >r

work. Bring it to me.

Prompt service. All workguaranteed to give satisfac- fc

tion. 3-15-4t°l


PVlONAL^l g~

[CheraColaM iL APRIL 18 A '


Receipt Books, Blink Notes, Mortgages anilall Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at Cl

The Record office. If we have not the Pform you wish we can print it cn short, P'notice. A

Hats! HaA big lot of Ladies' and Child]

A lot of Men's and Boys' Straweveryday use.

Slippers! SlippNew line of Ladies' and Gei

prices have not greatly affected,

A Large Line of C

B. F. PAAt R. R. Crossing',

«|i i|» I^I I|I I^I

\TheMFriends and

, . You are invited to drop into the sb

Ing and give us a chance to meet yoiYou will find our store neat and cl<

i any in town.if not more so. Theprstranglehold on old Mr High Cost of

,L No doubt some of your friends havT always oeunt on getting pleasant, co

are in our store." f It doesn't matter whether you buy

worth, you are entitled to good servi<, H This fetter is simply our way of we]

that it won't be long until we knowSincer

R. W. I«» "Good THin

IAcademy Street

^.«f."f°."f*.*f». §..«f*. §

Class Pins and Medals whichtice. Mail orders receive promp

Bring me your broken VVatchemended. Repairs made same d


SPECIAL NOTICESLost One colored man.Darry MGill,bout 75 years of age. Left home aboutlonth ago to go bis daughter's home atloomvale.in Clarendon county,and hasot been seen or heard of since by relaves.Information concerning him wille appreciated if sent to H P Pressey,Kingstree, S C. ltpW R Sanders will be in Kingstreeetween the 1st and 15th of May, 1917,>r the purpose of buying Hogs, Sheepid Cattle. Anyone having hogs shouldat them up and feed on corn in order> get best j>rices. See either F Wairy or l >v dakek. *-o-w.

Wanted.A few fat Hogs for imediateuse. Highest cash price will; paid for same. H A Miller, Kingsee,S C. 3-5-2tc

For Sale or RENT-One six-roomDuse. Apply to M H Jacobs, Kingsee,S C. 4-5-2t

For Pent.One three-room house,pply to M H Jacobs, Kingstree. S C.l-5-2tWanted.Chickens; highest pricesaid for same. B F Patrick. ltpWanted.All kinds of junk.scrapon, old metals and rags. Kingstree[jnkCo. 4-5-4tpFor sale-Good farm mule; cheap>r quick sale. Apply to J W Coward.3-29-2tp" «r OK DALfc UK (VCiHiaB~T oiuautc ubvv

land, mile and a quarter north ofingstree. known as the Fulton tract,>ntaining 78 acres, 45 cleared and inx>d state of cultivation. Apply to RKellahan, Kingstree, S C. 2-1-tf

Loans Negotiated upon first mortageson improved farm lands. J D'Bryan, Kingstree, S C. 3-22-5t

Wanted-To buy odd shares of stockf Bank of Williamsburg and Bank ofreelyville. Write P 0 Box ^386,ingstree, S C. 3-22-3t

For F.ent.Eight rooms over Uwanaheater.

_Apply to R J McCabe.

For Sale.Nice young cow, fresh,fill sell cheap for cash. Apply to J Clagler, Box 57. R F D 2, Lake City,

C. ltpFor Sale.Apples, per dozerft 30c;anned apples,per can. 10c; canned peas,er can, 10c; evaporated peaches, peround, 15c; blackeye peas, per lb, 10c.,R Moseley, Jr, Salters Depot, SC.

ts! Hats!ren's Hats in various styles.Hats and Caps for dress and

ers! Slippers!nts' Slfppers that the high

Choice Groceries!TDirn

L 1 IVlV^ii- Kingstree, S. C.

-4».4*.4*~~4*.^.4* §?

IStore;;Strang'ers: T

ore some time when you are passiand get acquainted. .">

»an and our stock as complete as fices will help you to get a firmer 1Living. 4*e already told you that you canurteous attention whenever you A

five cents worth or five dollaw j:e and you'll always get it here.Icomincvou to this store.'Hoping [each other better,ely,

vEWIS Igs to Eat" ^

Phone 1434*.4*.4*' *1* *1*.4* »ji.

Now Is the Timefor you to make your selectionfor the sweet girleraduate. Make your gifta lasting remembrance. Ihave for this occasion a

selection of beautifulgoods in Diamond Rings,Gold Watches, BraceletWatches, Cameos in allsettings, Brooch Pins,Necklaces and Hat Pins,also an assortment of

can be engraved on short no*« i m it>t attention, rnone 44.

>3, Clocks and Jewelry to beay received.