It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial,...


Transcript of It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial,...

Page 1: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS


I)I<CE3iISE'ri, ISS'i, TC) JIi21:CR1 1889,



Xl.jITElj, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i . ' ~ l ~ T I I O R I ' ~ i ~ O F


Page 2: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

676 FIFTIETH C O N G R E S S . Sess. 11. CH. 150. lfiS9.

Frbri1ar.Y 24.1889. CHAP. 180.-An act to proriJe for thc dirisioil of Da,kota into two States niid Lo enable tile p~iolilc of Xortli Dakota. South IJakoca, Montana, and Washingto11 to form constitutioi~u and Stat0 governments and to be admitted in to t i~c Union on an eqonl footing wirii the original States, and to make donations of ~iuh!ii: lands to such ' > A - L - . ..,,<LLsa.

i - R e it w~ucle~Z. by the Senate und Housc of I Z e ~ ? r e s r n f i ~ f i ! : c s the

Admission 0' C?n;fi-rJ Stirtes gfA-i,r(:i.;cci ;la (;?yrtg~&w uci.scr~rzliled, Th:+t tile inhiiliitants Stairs. 3orih~akora.Sonrh of a11 that p i~r t of the :ire& of tile Zni t~ i i State;: rlom constituting the

uak"ta~xo"ta""~a~nd \r.shingion. 'l7erritoric.s of Dakota, JIont,aira; ailti TVnshington, as at ire-ent de \-: , scribed, rnay become the States of Sortll Dali-ota: Soutl-i U ~ L otd, 31011- t am, and U'ashi.ngton, respccti~-cly~ as hereinaftor proviiiedi

Divizionuf Dakota. SEC. 2. The area corrrpriaiilg the Territory of Dakota sbail, for tlie purposes of this act. be divided oil the liiie of tile se~-elith standard paaraliel produce4 due we,st t,o the western boundar~ of said Territorj-; and tile cislegates elected as hrreiaafter pro\-iiietl to the ccilistitutional

i.iarenxio~~si?~rnrPt COllVi:lltiOn jj-' d:-.t ar Riarnarcir aiin Sioux J > i r c , ~ , s ilortii uf said parallel sliaii assemble in con- ~ ~ 1 1 s . relition, a t tile tilrie prescribed in tliis act, a t the city of B i s ~ n ~ r c k ;

and the delegates elected it1 districts south of said para,llel shall, a t tlie same time; assemble in coliverltion a,t the city of Sioux Falls.

Ue'e~stestoe3nreD- ~ E C . 3. That all persoils ~vlio are qualified by tile laTs of wi.d Ter- tioils to be ellosen. riiories to vote forrepresei-itatives to tlre legislative assernbiies tllereof, are hereby authorize13 to 1-ote for aiid clloose delegates to form con-

Qualifications. rentioi-1s in said proposed Stat,es: and t,he qualifica,tions for. delegates to sucl? conventions shall be such as by the laws of said Territories respc::ti~~ely persons are rcq1ire.d tci possess to be cligible to the leg- islative assenlblies thereof; arid rhe aforesaid delegates to for111

&vortionlllent. eon~t?nt:io~is sliall be al~portioned n-ithin the limits of the propcised States; in sucli clist,ricts as may he established as herein provided, in proportion t,o t,he popuiation irr each of said coiinties :hi14 districts, as xiear as may be, to be axrrtairied at tile time of niaking said appor- tionments by the persons ilereinafter authorized to maire the smne, from the best information obtainable, in emh of which districts three

. deleg;ltes shall be elected, but no elector shall vote for Illore than two persons for clelegates to sucli c011vel?tioi!s: tlmt said a~)portiorirne~it,s shall be made by the governor, the chief-justice, and the! seeretar37 of

(;orernor?, to issue mid Territories; and the governors of said Territ'ories shall, by proc- proclamationfor elec- tion. laruat,ion, order an electicisi of t,l-ie delegates &foresaid in each of said

proposeti States, t,o be held on the Tuesday after. the second Xunday in >lay, eigliteen hundred and eighty-nine, which pt30clan-iation slri~ll he issued on tile fift,ecnth day of Apnl, eighteen l~undred and eiglily- nine; &nd such election shall be conduct,erl, the returns made; the re- sult :iscert,aiired, ad the certifica, t:; persolis elected to sucfr con- ventioii. issued in the sarila manner as is prescribed by the lavs of tile saidTerritories regulating elections tiiereili for 1)eleyates to Congress; and the number of vott;s cast for deiegatos m c*ich precinct shall also

rjiimber of dele- be retarned. The uuinher of delegatc~s to said coilvt.otiviis respect- gatrs. ively shall be seveiity-five; and all persons resident in said proposed

Sbatea, u-ho are qualific?ci voters of said Tenitories as herein provideti, shall be entitled to vote up011 the election ohloloyates. and under such =ules and regulaticitw as said con~entions :::a7 prescribe, not iii co11- fiict wit,h this act, upon tile ratification or rejection of Lire constitu- tioris.

maceof meting. SEC. 4. That the dele,gatcs to the co~-ivcntions electeil as pro\:icied for in this act shall meet, a t the seat of governmeizt of e:~cli of said Territories, except the delegates elected in Sonth Dakota, xiv,rho shall

Time. meet at the city of Sioux Falls, oil the fourtli day of .July, eigiiteeii h~xndred anti eigkrty-nine. and, after orgariization, shill declare, on

AdoPt io~uf Cornti- behalf of t,he people of said proposed St,ates, that tiley a,dopt the tution. Cofifi:itut,ion of the Cnited St,ates; wlicroupoll the said conventions

shall be, and are hereby, authorized to foriri constitutions and States governmerrts for said States; respectively. The consiitu-

civil rights. tions shall be republican in form, and make no distinction in civil or

Page 3: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS


political rights ciir account of race or color; except (is to Indians not taxed. and not be vepiignant to the Constitution of the United States and tile principles of the Declaration of Independence. And said cunver~tioi~s shall proviile; by ordiilanccs irrevocable ~ritirout; the corlserlt of the United States and the peoplo of said States:

First. That perfect toleration of religions sentinlent shall 11c se- ~eli-ciousireedom.

crLred and that no inhabitant of said States shall ever be molested in l?erscin or property on account of his or her nioiie of religious Torship.

Second. That tlie people inhal~itiiig said proposed States do agree R e n u n c i a t i o n of

and declare that thq- ffocvcr disclaim all right arid titie t'o the u~iap- Pu'"'e propriated public lands lying within the borindaries thereof, and t,o all laniis lying within said limit,s o ~ ~ u e d or held by any Indian or Indian tribes; and that ituntil the title thereto sliall have been extin- guished by the United States, the same shall be anti remain subject,

. .

to the disposition of the United States, and said Indian lands sirall remain under the absolute juriscliction and control of the Congress of tlro Gnited States: that the lancls belonging to citizer~s of tile United Taxationof lauds. States residing without the said States shall never be taxed at a higher ra,te t,ha:i the lands belousing to ri?siclents thereof; that no taxes shall be imposed by tlle States on lands or property therein belonging to or which may liereafter be purchased by,the Unit,eA States or reserved for its use. But notlring herein, or in t'he ordL na~ices herpin proviiierl for, shall preclude t,he said St,at,es from taxi11~~2;Fg h d s of In- as other lands are taxed a,ny lands owned or held by any Indian who has severed his tribal relations, ancl has obtained frorn the United States or from any person a title thereto by patent or other grant, save and except siicb lands as have been or rnay be granted to any Indian or Indians under any act of Congress containing a pro-' vision rxem % A . t i ~ g the ' , . ' lands thus gra,~it,ed from t,axation; 'but said ordina:nces s all p ro~lde that all such lands shall be exempt. from taxation by said States so long and to such extent as such a t of Con- - gress may "prescribe.

Tliircl. That the debts anit lia,bilities of said Territories shall be Trrriiorinlriebtii.

assuu~.ed and paid b ~ s a i d States, respeclively. Forrrth. Th:it provision shall be made for the establisl-lment aiid . Puiilic schools.

rnaintenalice of systems ctf public scliools, ~vhich shall be open to all t,he chilciren of said States, and free frorn sectarian control.

SEC. 5. That the convention which shall assemble at Bisrtlarclr shall r'3rt" Dakota.

form a consdtution and State gcivernme~it for a State to be kncimri as North Dakota, and t,he convimtion w-hich shall assetnble at Sioux Falls sht~ll form a constiti~tion and State government for a State to be Bno~vin as South Dakota: Pro.aicEetl, That. at the election for deli.gatex g;i?:nkob. to the constitutional convent'ion in Soutli Dakota, as hereinbefore provided, each t?lector nlag have sritten or printed or1 his ballot the woriis "For the Sioux Fails cunstiti~iioii," or the u;ords "agihilist yotecn"SiiiiixFalls the Sioux Falls constitution," a~lil t,hovotes on tlvis questiorr shall i.)c,C"nsritu'io"~" returned aitd ca.nvassed in tile ashme manner t ~ s for the election pro-, rideci for in stct,ion tinree of t,his act; and if a mrcjority of all votes cast on this yuestiori ahall be "for tile Sioirx Fall$ constitution " i t shall he t,he d~i ty of tlie convontiou which. ruay assenible at Sioux Falls; as herein proviileci, to cesitbmit to the people of Sonth Dalcota, ~ o b e resubmitted for ratification or rejection at the electiorihi.reinafter proviiled for in this ant, the constitution framed at Sioux F ~ i l l a and adopted 1\Torem- ber third, eighteeu hundred and eighty-five, anti aIso the articles and proposrtfons sep~r~t te ly submitted at illat election, inclriding the rpes tiori of locating tlie temporary seat of govertruient,~.vith suoii cliaiiges only as relate to tlie narnei~nti bonndary of the proposed State, to the re-apportioi~memt of the judicial :zjid legislative districts, and such amcwlments as may ha necessirry iil ortier to cornply\\-ith t1;ty:is- ions of t h ~ s act; and if a iiinjority bf thn votes cast on the rat.1 icatioii or re;jection of the constihlion shall be f i~ r the constitutio~i irresyrtir- tive of the articles separately subpitted, the State of South Dakota

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shall be admitted a,s a State in the Uiiiori urrder said constitution as .<rehires, eto. hereiilaft,i?r provided; but the archives, recortls, and bc;i>ks of tlie 7'er-

ritc~ry of Dakota. sl1211 remain at Rismarc,k, tile capital of X ortll Bake- ta, until an agreement in reference thereto is reachiid by said States.

* ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Bat if tit the electioli lor delegaies to the coiistitiitiorial corireii1:iori atitation. iii South Dakota a majority of all t,he votes cast at t,hdc electioil shall

be " the Sioux Falls coni t i t~ t ion"~ then and in that ererit it shall be tkc duty of the ci)ni-er;ti~<~-~~~h.l;:h;vi!i asjemh!e rbt%:ie c;i'cy of Siov~x Falls oil the f0urt.h day of Jiily: eigiiteeii liundred ;in(% eighty- aim, to proc,eecl to form a constit,irtioii aiid Stat,e gui.,i?rnrnont as pro- vided iii this act the 3::me asif that questiuii had ~ i o t heen sill-iniiried to a vcte of llie pi:op!e of South Dakota.

.Joiritcc~ilililiissioi:to SEC. ti. It sliall I?<! the duty of ti13 ::onstitiitiona,l ccor~ventinuc of %,vide $r<.3o<::'ty of iiaiiora ref;ttury. Sorili I?a?~ota and Soutii Dakota to apl~oint a joint cciliimission, to

be composed of ii(:it less ihi~ii thretr rnc?r~ilicrs cif earh co:ivc:ntion. ~ihciie duty it shall be to a~ssci~?blr at Bl~rusrclc~ the prcac::t *at of g?v?rrrlnent of said Territory, and agree upon at1 equitable division of

roperly belc~lrging to the Territory of Dakota, the dispositioii 7 - . of a 1 ~ u h 1 i ~ records; and also adjust and agree upon the amount, of the dektsand lia!~ilitieu of tlie Territory, which shall be assumed ant1 pait1 by each of the proposed States of iTort11 Dalrota arid South Dakota; and the agreeme~rt reached respi.cting tlre Territorial debts a114 liabilities sliali be iricorforated irk,tiie respectiye coastilutio~is, avi( e:~eh of said States shal ohllgate itself to a j its yiroport,ioii of such c!eL>ts and liabilities the sa~ue as if thev f) lad been created liv such States respectively. x

~errGria1 ,,orern SXC. 7 . If theconstitutionsfornicd forl~oth Xnrth Dakota arid South mii ;~ to con&uc if coi;stiiutioii . iejecrea. Dakota sliail. be rejected by the people a t the elections for the ratifi-

cation or rejection of their r.espec,tive coiistitutions as provicicd for in this act, the Territoiizil gov::vnmerrt of U:il~tjt,~ shall continue i r i

p~o~isi,n~i~,i.;~srai existence tile sarlie as if this act bad riot bein piissed, E<ut if the eorr- re-ejectiun is" either stitutiorl forrrred for (Gtlier Nortli Dakota or South Llakota sliall be Piortll or Soutti Da- lmia. rejected by the ~~eople , that i?artof t!iie Territory so rejecting its pro-

posed coi~stitution shall colitinue under the Territorial govern~~i; i : of the present Territory of Iia,kota,, but shall, afser tho Siate aclolit- ing its constitution is admitted iiito the Union, be cailed by tile name of tlie Territory of Xc~rth Dakota or SoutEi Dakota, as the case

P ~ . C W ~ ~ O . n1a7 be: E2rovidccl, That if either of the proposed States provided for m this act shali reject the constitutioll wbiclr may be submitted for ratification or rejection at the election provided therefor; tlle go>-errlor of the Territory in 1~11ich siici-i .proposed constitut: ' O I ~ w-as

Reconianing OE dei- l:ejected shall issue his proclaillation recon~enirrg the delegates eleciecl c:ctes to form Brew cot,stiiutioii. to t,he conrt:ntion ~Eiicli. fonnecl suchrejcc:ed eonstitutiori, fixing ilie

time and place &t whicl~ said delegat,es sliall assernhie; and ~rlren so asseiabledthey shall proceed t o fuvrn another constiCi~tiorr o r to cmie~id the rejec,ted co~istiCution, and sI1al1 submit such rie\xj constitution or alnerlded const,itution to t,lie people of the pioposecl St,& for ratifi- cation or rejection, at such time as said r,onvention may deterraine; :rud all the pro~risiolls of this act. so far as appI,ical>le, shall npl.;ly to siich convcnticin so rcasse~iilded and to the coi~st~tution ~k-hich itray he formed; its ratification or rcjrcticin: arid t,o the admission of the pro- p'wd State.

south ~03rotz. SEC. 8. That the constitutional convei~tion which may asseml>le jn siibiiiission of con- South Dakota shall priivide hg ordiiiance for rosubrriittin: the Siorix

stit~itiun for iatiiica- tion. .- Falls co~~stitution of eighteen Iiundved arid eighty-five, atter having

&mended the saille as prorided in seeti011 five of rliis act, to the peo- le of South Dakota for rat,ificii,tiou or rejection at ztn election to he

geld therein on tho first Tuesday in iletober, eighteen hunrireti axid eigbt,y-nine; but i f constitutional coriventioll is authorized and reiii~ired to fonn ;i new coristiti~liori for South Dakota. it sl~alE,~jro- ride for srilx~iitting tlie same in like nl;i.nner to tlre people of SIiuth Dakota for r8tific;ltion or rejection at an election to he held in mid

Page 5: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

FIFTIETH C'OXGRESS. Ssss. 11. C:H. 130, ISS. 679

propose"dtate on the said f is t Tilesiiay ill October. A-liii! t!ie constitit- tior!:xl conve,nt,ious miiich :nay assemble in Xijrth Dak<)ta. blor~tan:~; .~F.tli Dakota. Ifor.-

~ A . I C L , ~ U ~ TVasn~~~zctj j t , aud ~$Vasbiirgton shall provide in like manner for suhlriitting the con- stitntioils fonirzetl by tiiern to tile pt:i~l>le of said prcipiiserl States.,, re- sp~cti~+:jy. for ra,tification Or rejectioi~ at electiorrs to be held in said


prop3"'::i States on tlic said first Tr~escisy in October. At tile elec- ~ocsonzon-rimiior!. riiiils prox.icii?d for in this sec:.iorr the cjualiiieci raters of said prcposcil St8ts.s ~4 i .~ ; l 1-ote directly for i ~ i . :>,g:i.iiist thi! propos3d roustitations. ;~iii! for or ng;rinst any article.; or propositions separately submitted. TIls ieti,l?ilr: of saiCl e~pci;ons ~ l j d e tcj tile secretary <if !,ar2&

C s n ' ~ ? s ~ f ritlli.~E.

oE said Territories, ~ h o , with the governor :~nd chief-justice thered, or ariy tv-o of them, shill canvass tho same; arid if i i majo r i t~ of the legal votes cast sha,!I he for the constit~ition the governor shall certify Certifringresu*t,

tile result to the Yresideiit of the L'rlited St,ates, together =-it!] a st.;itenli;nt of the votes cast tlreueon arrd upon separate articles or, puopositioils. ztriil a copy of said corrstitution, articles! propositicins. and o~iiinances. Auil if the constitutions and governments of said proyoseil States ars republican ill form; and i f ail t'lie proyipions of this act liavc been complied with in the formation thered, it shall be tile duty of the President of the United States to issue his procl:inia- P ~ o c I ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ . tion annoui~cirig the result of the election in eacli, and tilereupon the ""LFSiO" brP="'"ent- p~opos$d Staites which have ailopted coristitntior~s and formed State go\-i1ri;;~ients 21s hcroirr ;urorideL $!lid1 be deemed adinitter! by Con- gress into the Cnion under and. by virtue of this act on an eqnnl footillg wit11 the origiml States from and a f t e ~ the date of said proc- lamntion.

SEC. 9. That ulitil the next gellersl census, or unril otjierwise pro- B~resonta-"on i n

vide(! by lawl-, mid Stales shall be entitled lo one Representative in "onmi"S. the EIouse (:)C Representatiyes of the United State., except Soiitli Da- kota? wilich ~lrall ho errtitled to i \~ -u ; and the Representati-ies to t l i c Fifty-tirst Congress, together with t,he go\:ernors and other o%cers proviilt?d for in said consiitutions, nlay be electecl on the satne (jay rlcr:tion.

of the electioll for the ratification or ejection of the constitutions; and unt'il said State oflicers are electtetl and yiialifieil under the provis- ions of eacli constituvio~~ ;rild the Stat,es, respecti;:iy, are admittc?tl into the Union, the Territorial officers shal contirrue to clischargi? tlie ciaties of their respective oiTices in each of saidTerritories.

7 l;b.i?.c. lii/j-Xhat lip-,i)n the ailmission oF ea.cb of said Stat,ex into the ~ c h o o i i a i ~ i i s granted Ullien seCPiijns ilrimberecl sixteen and thirty-six in every to~rtishi 13 of t" sate'. said jiroi;osetl States, and where siicli secttonu, or an\- part,s t,lierco:', hare been so!rl or otherwise dis osetlof bvor under the a~itiiority of any act of Congress, other lanss equivalent thereto, in legal sub- divisions of rrot less tlim one-qiiarter srctiori, ancl as cont,i!.uci~is as may be to tile si:?ctioit in liexi of whicli the sarne is taken. are lic.rc~l)>- g<sm:lt+ to srritl Stkttcs for tlie suiport c!! cornrliqn i?~iiools.isuch in- demnlty 1a.6cls to be Selected wit m salt1 States in SUC~??ZLI~I:F;V :is tire 1egisl;tture may provide, with t,he approval of the Secret:il:y of- tlie Interior: fiovideii, That the sixteenth anii thirty-sixth sectioiis r?.oi.i~,.

em1)ruced in perniarioiit reservations for natiorial purposes sir;~ll not: i,anil-inreizi.r%iioni

at any time, be s~ibject to tila grants nor to the indemnity pi.ovi.;ioiis of thss act, nor shall any lands embraceti in Inclian, rnilita;.y. or other reservatious of ariy charxter be subject to tlie grants or to tire intlernriity provisiolrs uf t l~ i s act unt,il the reservation siiiil! have beon extinziiished and s-i~ch lsrtils be rustored to. aiid i)ecome a na.rt,

~ ~

of, the tlolnain. i SEC. 11. That all lands i~erein grailteii for educationnl p.~rjioses , saic~ofschooliauil3 ~ ~ i z ~ l l he riisposixl of only at public sale, and at a price not Less tiian' ten iioliars per x r e , t,he procei!ds to coirstitiite a permarlent school- . fund, the int, o f mhii.h only h a l l he i:xpc?ridcd in the silppori of said st:l?ools. Hnt said laiids may; under. siich regiiliitiuns as tile lepi~li~tiire.; sliall r>rescrihe. ioe ltiased for neriods of ilot nlore tllai~ idease.


five years, in cjuai~tities not ext:c-ecliilg oneLsectiot~ to any one pc.rsun

Page 6: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

FIFTIETH COSGRESS. SES"; 11. CH. 150, 1889.

or company: azid sue11 land sllall not be subject to pi-e-einption, hornehtead entry, or any other entiy under the land la?q-s of the United States. whether surveyed or unsurveved. but shall be reserveti " . for school pilrposes orlly. i .

iiiu;ds for publ ic SEC. 12. That, 1u1,oii Z6e admission of each of said States into buildiuys. the Gilion, in accordance T<-itb the provisious of this act, fifty 3ec-

tiuns of tlie unappropriated public lands ~rithiil said St:xic:s, t o be sriccfed and located in ieqel subdivisions as ~rovided in section ten

?I of this act, shall be, -nil hereby, grantei~ to said States fcjr tLo wrpose of erectilip public buildings :~ t the e.apital of said States for legislatire, cxecutk-r; arid j~idiciai~~~~~ryioses. -

rive wr cent, of YE<:. 13. That five par cer~tum of the proceecls of t,he sales of pub- ~oce:~r(Ls of p u b l i c tawas io be wait* to lie lanc',s 11-ing \ritlziil saici Statos -,rhick sksa,lll be sold bv ihe United Siates. . .,

States siiiisecjucrit to the adnlissiorl of said Stat'es ill& the Cnion, alter diduetiilg all tlio expenses incident. to tlie same, shall he pu.itl to t ' l~e sa,itl Sta,tes. to be used as a uerrnanent funti. tho iuterest ~ 3 f ~vhich only shall 1-!e expended for ?lxe support of komnro~l ecliools 17-ithin said Sta tes; respectively.

SEC. 11. Tliat tllcj lands granted to the Territories of Ilakota and t711ix.ersits iands to 3fo11t'ana hy the act of F'e&uary eigliteent,h.-~jghteen hutidreci and

wst , in , states. . w:--,?le2 entitleri " A m g ~ i % i ~ t Y E i i % t,6"Ta%ota, Xontana, I uona.. Iilalro. ant1 V7\-onrinir for universitv uurnoses." are herehv

0 ~~~

vested i i the States of $out11 Dakota, r\'ort&dak$ta, &d ~ o n t a , n a , respectively, if such States are a,dmitted into the Uilion, as provided in this act, to the extent of tlic fullqual~titg of serenty-t'wo scctiolls to each of said States, and a,ny portion of s:ijd lai~ds that !nay not have been selected by eiLher of said Territories of Dakota or Rfon- tarla may be selected by tile respective States aforesaid; hut said act of Fei-jruary eigllteentii, eighteen hnsldred and eighty-oire. shall he s o ameniieci as to urovide that none of said lands shall be sold for

xiiiimii~n price for less tliail ten dolit& pcr a,cre, and the proceeds sha,il constitnte a lands. permanent fuild to he safely irlvertedand held by said Sta,tes sev-

erally, arid the income thereof he used exclusively for university r.nive~.sitr iai~i' to pnrposee. And sxich quantity of the lands authorized by the fourth

\T~~l,in@ox>. VUI. 10, p. 805. section of tlie act of Jillg seventeenth, eighteen huildroti and fift .

four, to be reserved for uiiiversit,y iurposes iii the Territory of ~l;asII: $ . ington, as, together with the lati s col~fiimed to the vli+ndees of tlie V O I . ! ~ . ~ . 28. Territory by the act of Xareh fourrreiltht eighteen hundred and

sixtg-four, will make the full quant,ity of sertxity-two entire sec- tions, are hereby granted in like manrwr to tlie State of Washing- ton for the urposes of a university in said Stat,e. Kone of t'hs l a ~ ~ d s grantei in this section shall he sold at less than ten dollars

fe r acro; but said lands n ~ a y he leased in the same mallncr as provi ed, To he uiider rrcfil- in section eleven of this act. , The schools, colleges, and universities sive stat,? C U * ~ P O ~ .

provided for in this act shall. forever remain under the exclusive coritrol of the said Stat'cs, rc:spectively, a.od rio part of t'l?e proceeds arising from t,lle sale or disposal of any laircis herein granted for educational purposes shall he used for the supl?ort of an): sectaria,lr or iienominational school, college, or urriversity. The sactioil of land granted by the act uf Jane sixtccellth, eighteen huii&reii :tn$ etgllty,

ply... ... -.i~.ns~iu:~.South . to the TeFrit,ory of Dakota,, Cot a,n usylurn for the insane shall, upon ile!~ara.

~01.21.i2. 203. the admission of said Stnte of SouthDakota into tlie Cnioii, becorlie the prope?ty of said State.

lhxi<entiarics. Sec. 15. That so mucll of t,Ile larlds bnloriging t'o the Uriited States Sourh Iiairota. as have heeri acquired i~nd set apart for the purpose nleirtioned in VOI. PI, p. 8:s "An act a,ppro@riating moiley f;lr ilie erection of a penitentiarv in .

the Territory of Dakota," approved ?;larch seconcl, eighteen huiidreil , aild eighty-one, together wit11 the buildings thereon, be, and the

stinlo is hereby, granted, together u-ith any unexpended balances of the moneys appropriated therefor by said act! to said State of Soutl~

Xcorlh liaiiot& ard i):xliota~, for the purposes tfiereiildesigna cd, and the Stat'es of Korth wasilin~t0ri. Dakota and Washington sl~all, respective ' 4 ' y, ha1 7 . e llke grants . for the

Page 7: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

FIFTIETH CONGRESS. S E . I . CH. 180. 1889. 68 1

same ~urpoa', and nd.)jcct to like terms axil conditions as ~~rovided in saiu act of March secorr(i? eighteen hiiiidred and eighty-one; for the Territory of :Dakot,a. The )eriitentiarp at Deer Loiige City, Xontana, and all lands connectei therewith aiicl sot apart and re- >I"nt*na. served therefor, 're hereby granted to the State of 3Iontana.

Lands for sgriciii~ SEC. 16. Tliat lrirlety thousanci acres of lanil, to be selei-teci nnii u,,, ,,,,,,, locsterl as provided iir sectio i ten of tllis act. are hereby granteti to each of s a d States, except to the State of South L)al;ota, t,o one hundred and twenty t,l~ousand acres are grsnted, for the use and sup iort of ~griculturi~l coi1i:gi.s in said States, as provicled in tile acts VGI. u, P. $08.

05 eongress making donations of lairds for sncli purpose, SEC. 17. That in lieu of tlio gmnt of land for purposes of internal i,2;$5n::;t:;t"n"'

improvcrnent made to new States 115- t,he eighth section of tl~t? act of a0i.s,p.455. September fourth, eig1.1teen hundreil axil forty-one, wl~ich act is hereby repealed as to tile States provicled for by this act, and in lieu of any claim or deu~aud by the said Stat,es, or either of them, untier tlie act of Sepfember twenty-eighth, eight'een liuntlred and fifty, :~.nrl l-ol,9,1 ,,5a,, section tmenty four huudred i~11.d seventy-nine of the Revised Stat- ~.s,.sec.w-;ci,p.4~ utes, making a grant of swamp and overflowed lands to certain S.tates,. which grant it is hereby declared is not extendecl to the States pro- vided for in this act, and in lieu of any grar~t, of saline Sands to said States, t,hc follox-ing grants of land are hereby made, to wit :

To tlie State of South Ilakota: For the scli~iol of iniiiex: forty southihkoia. thonsand acres; for the reforin scliool, forty tilousand a,cres; for the deaf and dumb a,sylum, forty thousand acres ; for the agricultural college, forty thousand acres; for the university, forty thousand acres: for State normal scllools, eighty thousarid acres; for piiblic buildings at the capital of said State, fifty thousand acres, and for such other educational and charitable purposes as tire legislature of said State mav determine, one hundred and seventv thousand acres: in all f i ~ e huGdred thousaild acres.

To the State of Xorth. Da,kota a like uantity of land as is in tlris xortll Dakota.

section granted to the State of South Da%ota. anrl to be for like our- poses, &d in like proportion as far as


To %e State of Montana: For the esta,blislimnent and inainterlallce uor~ttua. 'of a school of mines, one hunclreci tilousand acres; for State normal schools, orie .hundred thousand acres; for agricultural colleges, in addition to the grant hereinbefore made for that purpose, fift thou.. C-

sand acres; for the establishment of a State reform school fifty thousand acres; for tho establisl~ment of a deaf and duroh asylurn, fifty thousand acres; for pnblic buildings at the capital of the State; in addition to the grant liereinbefovc made for tiltit jnlrpose, o i~e hundred and fifty thousalid acres.

To tho State of Washington: For the estahlishn~ent arid mniiitc- TV&%kington. irance of a scientific scllool, one hundred thousanii acres; for State ncirmal scliools, orre hundred thousand acres; for p~iblic iiuildings at the State capital, in acldition to tlie grant hereinbefore made for that purpose, one hundred thousand acres; for State charitable, edu- cational, perial, anrl reforinatory insiitutions. tvi-o iri~nilued tliousand 8CreS.

That the States proviileil for in this act sball not he erit,itled to nriv v o ftlrtilrrwnts.

further or other grants of land for nny purpose tlinn as expressly rovided in this act. And tile lands granted by this section shall be To be for specified

ielcl, appropriated, and disposed of exclusively for lire prlrposes 3 uses only.

horcin mentioned, in sucli manner as the legislatures of the respeet- ive States may severally provide.

SEC. 18. That all mineral lai~ds shall be cxc-;nptetl froni tbe grants ,miine,ral l ands ex-

made by this act. But if sections sixteeii : ~ n d t,hivi,y-six; or anysrrb- empt.

iiivision or portion of any snisllest subdivision thereof in any toxm- ship shall be foulid by tile Department of tlie Interior tct be inillera1 Iitrrds, said States are hereby :~utliori.zeil and enrpowered to select, in. legal subilivisions, an erlur~l cluantity of other unappropriatect lartds Lands in lieu.

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682 FIFTIETH COXGRESS. Scss 11. H 10. 1559.

insaid States. in lieu tlie;*cof. for tlie use and t,he bcne!it of the com- lriorl sciioois of said States.

seiections tobe u* SEC. 19. That ail la,nds granted ill qiiaiititp or as indemnity by der direction of SPC. 'L;.. mlq-l l 3 ,,,; .,.+,,,,,:ihr ~,,t~. i , ,~ L~~~~ aLu i l l s r i uc :;i!ecterI. ::rider the 'Iire~tlon i)!' the Se~~e t l r rv of :I?e > -- ... , . ~ .

Interior, from the surveied, uiiresrrveii, an13 ili;alipropi.iateii'jiublic lands of the United States witlri:~ the liniits of tlie respecti-i-e States entitled tiiereto. h ~ l d tilere sirail lie deductecl Croii? tile i;ar:iht?- of acres of land doiiatiid lhy this act icir ~pecifii:<:!s to $:rid Stat u s rht:

. 7 r riuiiiber of acres iii encli ~ieretofore donated by (iciilgrnss to saxr re?- ritories for similar objects.

-kppr"Friation SEC. 20. That the s~ilri of twenty t1ir;usand ilio1iar.s; or so i~iucli conreiliioii espcnl-s~ thereof as may be necessirry, is herehy appropriaieii, omt of ail\- mo:ie~ in the Treasr-iry not otl~ri.~i~ise apiiropriated, to eacli of sai;! .'

Territoi.ics for defraying tile expenses of i l ~ e said coi.-eiiti~iis, ex- cept ire Dil.koia, Cui. wlircli the sun1 of forty tliijosand cio!l:t:.:: Is st? appropriated, tiTentj- ttiousar~d doilars eac1-r for Souill Dakvtii uiid 301th Dakota,, ;&nil for tile payment of tire llic~rthers thereof, uoder tlhe same ruies arid regulatioils arid at t,he same rates as are IioTi- giro- vi118d by law for tlse pryi~isrit of the Territtorid legislatures. Ail>: moliey liereby ap jropriatecl not llecessarv for siicll piispose sliail be eoc-cred into the $r(.asury of tiie Cilited States.

Circuit and district SI:C. 21. That each of vaid States: ~-11en adniirtcd as aforesaicl, sl-mil courts estahlislied. eonslitnt,e one judicial district,, tho names tliereof to be thi? same as the liarnes of the States, respecti\-elv; axid t,he circuit arid district, eo~irts tlieiefor shali he lleld at t l ~ c capii:il of such State for the tilde being, arid each of said districts s11:~ll. for judiciai purposes, ~iiitil otheriirise provide;i, be attached t,o the eight11 judicial circuit, excejit Washiilgtosi and Xontana, %-hi& sha,ll he :itt,a.ched to tile vriliill ju-

r , dicia.l circuit. .I here shall hc appointed for each of said districts one Judge, ntzor i leg , district judge, olie United States attorne]~. and oue Uniiecl States

iiiulshul. marsl~al. The jildge of ea,cil of said districts $hail receive a yekiriy saiary of ihree thousand fire liandred doiiar~, payable ill four equal i~istdlinerils, or1 the first days of Jariuaryl Aprll, July, ncd Octc~ber of euci~ p a r . and slid1,reside in the district. Tiievct sliall be all.

ci~rir~. poiviteci clerks of said courts in eacli district: who shall i~e7-j their TWIIIS. oilices at the. capital of said Stciie. The regular terrns of snit1 court-6

shall bo heid in each ciistuict, at tile place aforesaid, oil tlie first Jlon- day i a April aiid tile first Xon(3ay in Xovei~iber of eacli yc:+r_ arid on! v o~ie b eraad jiiry arid one petit jurr sliall he summoned in hot11 said circwlt atid distnct c,,oilrts. Tho circiiit and clis.lrict courts for each of said districts. iirld tlle jiiilges tllereofi res~?(+ctivel~. w slifill !?oP-

Jiirisdictition, etc. SESS the same pon7ers and jurisdiction, aiiil perform t,he sanie dutie.: required to be erformed?)y the other circuit and district eoiirts ail<! 'iltLqes of the 81iiled States, and sh:iil be gv\-elnod by tlie same 2an.s 3 .-

Powers CE uaicers. and regiilatiolis. The &larsbai> clist,rict attorney, ;iiltl clerks of tlie circuit arid district courts of eac;h c,C said (iistricts, and all other oIE- cers triitl persons pel.forrning duties ill tile aclminis1:ration of justice therein, s11aIl ssi:eialiy possess the po~rt:rs and perform tlie duties lavifull~ pi~ssesseti and reqxired to be perforliled by s: , I ~ L L - ' I 21,r officers iil othcr districts of tile L;:litcc! States; anii shall: for the srrrices

~ e e s . they 111~q' perform, receive the fees aild coillpetlsation allow-i-i.d by Inn- ttu other similar oiiit>~:~s arid persons jicrforruii~g aimilar duties ir, thii St;i.te of Xeljraslca.

i'endiug in S ~ C . '2%. That all cases of appeal or \wit of errc,r ileretofore lxose- Suprenie Court. cuteii a-id n o i ~ peniiing i i ~ tire Suiireme Court of tlie Vnited Stare;: upon any record from the suprerne court of either of the Te~r i to~ies . mentioiied in this act; or that ma,? bctreaft~r lam-fully lie ~i!!oseciiti!c! uljon any record from eit,he;r of said court,s :nay be heard and deter-.

Findi~roce-aws. ~niiied. by said Supreme Court of the C:~.irecl St:~tes. And tlie illan- date of execution or of fiirtlier proceedings shill be iiirixted by the Sul~rinie Court of tlie Ci~iied States to tile circuit or district court hereby establisi.icd tvithiil i.he State succeeding tile Teriitory from

Page 9: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

:Fltl'TIETH COSGRESS. SESS. II. CH. 180. 13S9.

which such record is or maybe pclidigg, or to t11e suprelEi> court of such. State: as t,he nature of the ease riiay requiri? : f'r.or.l!led, Tliiit "ocis".

the marrclate of execution or of furtlier prriceerlings shall, in cases arising in the Territory of I)a~l<ota, be ciirectci1 by tlrr Suyirir?ic Ci;ilr.t mt:iott caiises.

of the ilrrited States to the circuit or district court of the district of Sor:th i>:iliota, i;r te; the eapriwie court of rlie State of South Da,kotx; s r to tlie cirmit or district court iaf tile district of Sortb D:ilcota; or I,;> tkt? si;pi-mie co~iri of the: St:ite of t'or.:li I1n!<oint or to the snpreine ' court of the Territory of Yorth Dakota, as t11en:~tui.e of the casc lriay i . Xi-rll each of tiic circiiit, distri~:t: a.11tl Sin,le coiii~t., hereill swrer:Le Territoriai

couris to besucceeded nxnied, shall, respectively, be the successor of the snprelne courr of by circiiii .iiisir:ci. anit the Territory, as to all sucli cases arising v-ithio the lirnitseilil,raced "'atecourts. within. the jurisdiction of such courts res1~ectivel-i- wit11 filil l~ower to proceeii~ith the same, and award mesile or h a 1 process tbereir~; and that from all judgments and decrees of t'he snprenie court of either of ?he Territories rne!itioned ill this act, in any casc arisirrg ~i-itliin tile limits of any of tile ropo ctl States prior to ailrnissio~r, tlre parties to li;;!!@nents prior t o r ; -" ilaiio". s ~ ~ c h ji1dgmeut slral lra%e tlie same right to proue~:iite appezds and writs uf error to tire Suprersie Court of tile Ui~ited States as they ilia11 have hail by la^\- prior to the aclmission of said Sta.te into tlie Union.

SEC. 23. That in respect to all cases, proceedings, and matters now a ~ ~ ~ f t ! r o f ~ r u d i n , v pendiiig irr the supreme or district courts of either of the Territories men+i(.)ned in this ~t at the time of the admissi!~i? into tlie ITtiii:ii of either of the States mentiontill in this act, arlil arising witliin tlie limits of any silcll State, viler re of the circuit or lilistrict courts by this Circuit a!ld district

act establishecl might have had jiirisdictior~ uncier the 1:tu-n of tlie COUI'IS.

Cniteci States had such courts exisieil a t the time of tire cornrrieiicc- rr~er~t of snclr cases, t,he si~id circuit and district courts. respectivelj~~ shz~ll hi? t . 1 ~ SUCCPS~OPS o f saiil silpreme and iljsi:rict courts of said Territory: and in respect to all other canes, procec;iiingi; and matters st,t,,~ot,rts. pending in tEie supremo or district courts of any of the Territories mentioned ill this act at the time of the admissiixl of such Territory into tlie Eniuii, krising within tile limits of sfhid proposed State? the coilvts establisher1 by such state eliall. ri>sprctiuelg, 1-h: the siiccessor:: of said supreme and district Tesritoviiil coarts; nrrtl a11 thc~ fi!iisl Trsnsrerofi.,lc~s.rec-

orils, ete. recortls, irldictrnents, and proceeiliilgs relating to any surli cases, shall be tric~lsfer~ed to siicll circuit, iiistrict. and Sti1.te cotii.ts, respect- ively, and the same sl1,zll be proceedeel with t,herein in due course of lan-; hut no writ. action, iiidicirrrcnt, cause or proceeding now piiiiii- I V ~ I ~ S . ,,,, ,,,t t,

ing, or that prior to tho ad~nission cif any of the States meirtjni?i-tl in titi:: act, sl~all be pentliiig in any Territoi.ia1 court in any of tlie Tcrri~oi,ies me~?~iosirci in this-act, shall abate by the admission of nriy sucli State into tire Union, hiit the san;e shall be traiisferreii a1u1 pro- cceiicd wit11 in thi: proper TTniteti States circiiitl district i;s State co1u.t; as tlrc? ease 111rty be: J'roridetT, l!or,ucrer, That iii all civil :I(:- fior~,so.

t'ioris, causes. arlil *oceetiings7 in n.hii:h the Uriitcxl Stat,es is not a fg:::;,;;,t;;,triai in P" -. party, trtbiisfers sba 1 not be 11ia(1e to tile circuit an11 district covLrts of the b~iiritecl States, except upon written r11:tliiest of ollc of the parties to such action or proceedirlg filed in the proper court: an<! in tlie abseiice of sue11 request sucli cases shall be proceeded .i~itll in the proper State co-iirts.

SEG. 21. That the coiistitiitional conventions rriay; hy orciisiniire. ?:Iection f t ) ~ f n i ~ provide for tlie election of oflicers for full Statti go~erl~niei~ts , i~tc:liiel- etal'~C'""L'"""tS~

illg merr?1iers iif the ing~rlaturcs and Ri?l)rrsentat,ivos in thi? r'ift>-- iirst Cong::ri!s-:; but said State governinents slinll rerunin in abeyance until tlie St:rtrs sltall be ailniitted into t l ~ e Union, respectiveiy, ;w 1x0- vitle(l in this act. In case tile const,itrition of iuiy of said proposccl States shall 1)e rittifiecl by the people, bill n!it otE-ii:rciise, the 1i:gislii- tiire tilereof may asserrrble, orgi~riize~ :iliil c!ii:ct tvro Senators of tlie I:iectionofSer~tors. urtitc?d Statis: aiiil tlii? goVt>riic,:. :tiit1;- of state of sui.11 pro- pc~s~il State shall certify tlii? c+l.~.i:tiiiri of the Scixiiors a,nd Represi;iita- tlvcs in the rslaniier rc.qisiri:cl by iilm; arid wlien such State is aclmitied

Page 10: It~lTtOYS, - MT Judicial, PI:lX'~b:Ij, -kXD PT;iiI.ISi%ED B-i .'~l~TIIORI'~i~ OF COSGREiR, 1:411Ef2 TEE DIXECTIOS

FIFTIETE COKGRESS. Ssss. 11. C x s , 180, 201. 202. 1889.

into the Vnion, tlieSciiators 'nci Representatives shall be entitled t,u be adrnitted to seats in Congress, and to all the riditsand privileges of Senators and Representatires of other Stat,es in tlie Congress of *,.A ,T-:i,,il O,,.i...; ,... A i l - . -iT .-... .L i , . .C l i . i . ~ .....-. i. C . ~ ...... 7 1 . ~ LILC UILLLCU u~alrca, ~ I I U ~ i ~ e u i i l ~ r r b ~ i LLIO a ~ i l ~ l i g u v u ~ - i . i ~ u c i ~ ~ s lurrlivu 111 pursuance of said constitut,ions, as provided by the constitutional con- ventions, shall proceed to exercise all the functions of such State ofi-

Esisiingians. eers; and all laws in force niade by said Territories, a t the time of their a,dmission into t,heCniori, sliail lie in force irr saiciSlates, esct-lit asmodified or oharrgc+d liy this act or hy the corrst.itut~ior~s of the States, respective1

~ r ~ e a l a r o ~ ~ ~ o n . ~ E C . 25. %hat all ads or parts of acts in conflict with the provisioris of this act: ~het , l ler passed by the legislatures of said Territories o r by Congress; are hereby repealed.

Approved, February 2.2; 1889.

February St 1889. CHAP. 201.-An act granting the title of theUnited States in certain Sands to the . .~ .. .- county of Rmdolph and State of Illinois, on certain conclitions.

Be it enacted by the Semlr cmcl ITouse of Xep~eserliai i~:es o f , tke Xandul@l County, Cnited States of A inrricn i n Congress asserizblcd, That all riglit? title, Ill. Piihiicla.ui~s2i.nnted and iriterest of tlie Unit,ed States in and to all lands in t,he ASississil?pi

to. bottom, bet\$-een the line of 1.1luEs and t,he 3Iississippi River, in the county of IZanciolph arid State of illinois, be, and the sa1v.e are

F ~ O V ~ S O S . liereby, granted to the said county of Randolph: Pro!.icleCI> That. the legal autliorit,ies of said coiin.ty; on the discovery of ally such

Surrey. lancis within sa,id bounda,ries, shall have the sanie siirveyed at the. expense of said county, and file plats of said surveys with tho Cim- missioner of t,he General Lalid Office; at TT;ashiugt.on, District of Columbia. If, upon examination by said Commissioner, it sirall ap- pear that the t,itle of the United Stat,es has not heretofore been alienated in any tract .shown on said plat or plats, he shall so notify

Purchaqe. the :L~~thorities of said county; and upon l?ayment hy the authorit'ies of said county into the Treasury of the Ciiited States of t,he sum of one dollar and twenty-five for every acre shown on said plat or olats. it shall be the diitv of said Commissioner of i'rre General

Patents. ~ s g d O&ce to prepare and ha\-e executetl isatelits for every tract so p?id for, and tii deliver t,he same on 'ppli&tiori io the legd autlior-

private rights not . ~.. ltles of said countv: Provided fw-ther. That nothing irr this act shall E%',t?CL.S~..

he so co~~strued a;to include any aecietions formexto lands border- ing on the Xississipyri River and owned by private individuals.

F ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? J . la@. CBAP. 202.-~ln act granting the right of xis?? to the 1-ankton and 3Iissouri . Valley Rai1~r.a~ Company ihrotlgh the Yanktom liirlim Reseriation in Dakota.


B e i t erzucird b y the Seizate alzd fTousiuse of Re].?~irsenfaliz:cs of the C-izited States o;f d ,?ne r i ca in Cwngrrss usserntltcl, That tlie Sankto~r and 3Sissouri t7a.llej- Rail~vay Company, a corporation dlily organized under the laws c ~ f the Territory of Dakota,, its snccessors or assigns, are he r~bp invested and elupowered vl-ith tlie right of locating, con- structing. owning, equipping, operating; using, and mairitriiriirrg a r a i l ~ ~ ~ y , telegrapli, and telepliorre line through the Yanktoii Indiali Reservat,ion in said Territory, begirrnirlg at any point, to be selected by said railway company on the east line of said reservatio~r betiveen the ~iorthea,st corner thereof and a point one mile south of the junctiorr of the west fork of Cliot,eau Creek with the east fork tirereof, and running thence westxly or northwesterly tllrough said rt?scrcation, but at no point i'arther than fifteen miles to tlie south of the northerilly boundary thereof: Providedi That if said right of n-ay be so located