I^TAVIA TM'ES FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1'JO? 31 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Batavia NY...

flBfcaSBs ^K4»K«6«i8*W^K^5<sS£«^SS= waSfiiftMWsagiaBBa WW rt&ttiiHC^f&SU&W i"«H THE I^TAVIA TM'ES FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1'JO? 31 ^ inn i r*»^« mi i _ :*M»»A-MxUjtMmmMV); i*!': WS OP NEW YORK—By Authority; ;very law. unless a different time shall prescribed therein, shall not t a k e e£- untll the twentieth day after it shall e become a law. Section 43. article II, ptrtS, GenwalXawa.) CHAR DOT. ACT to amend chapter nine of the •neral laws, known as the executive w to provide for the filing by notaries thirty . Y a >'«.. the state commissioner o: neaitft -shall appoint a competent physi clan t/o the position, or. should a loca roam of health nominate a physician"-ioi appointment to the position of "health of nc»T. who. in the, judgment' of the state cwnmlssioner of -health. Is not prop.-rh cjunltfic-d for appointment to the position the slate commissioner 0 f health shell no. tlfy the local,board of health of such fact lbUc in the offices of registers of the. and thereupon such local board of healtt rial comities, of their signatures am' [ shall, within thirty days from the date 01 - • ' -- .... -. I 8uco - notice present" to the state coinmis rifficsteS of their appointment, •came a law. April 25, ]<Xi7, with the ap- ial of the Governor, Passed, three- is being present. ie People of the "State of New York, •esentcd in Senate' and "Assembly, do ct «t3 follows: .*"'..- > •ction 1. ChapAer nine of the general s, known as the executive law, is here, amended by "fielding.the following pro- cms, which shall be known as section ity-three-a uf said law. •- 53-a.- Provided, however, that in any n'ty where there is a register as well i county'•-.i-UsSR, a notary public shall in the ofiieo of said register'his auto- 3h s i g n a t u r e and a certificate of a ity clerk as is' provided in section : ty-two for the filing of such signature' certificate in certain cases with a ity clerk. No notary shall exercise in i county any of the functions of his e. and said register shall yiot; record ccept for recording'any.deed or other ten instrument approved ^r acknowl- id in kild county by a. notary public, ss said notary shall have first Com-: 1 with the requirements hereof. The isions herein for tiling of.'such signar and certificate in the office of.a .regis- shall apply whether the notary is act- in the county for which he was ap- ted or in a county in which he-has ified. under the provisions 'of section tv-two. in the latter case, however, rtificater from either the comity clerk re be was originally appointed or i the Comity clerk Where he has'quall- and is acting shall be sufficient. The iter in any county-shall be paid a fee verity-five cents for the filing of each ilure aml-eertilieate as herein provieV intl lie shall keep a book for -entry, of salel signatures'. ' :- Tliis act shall fake, effect, on fhe .dm*..io£.. JJ'tesni'irieteen., hundKvd-^nd « a. ' ' " ' ""' ' " ~ ;:.".'' ; 'of New York, Office of the Se'cre- y bf.State._sg,: .:.-*-. -.--.. ave compared.the preceding with the I nal law on lii'e in this .office, and do ay certify that the same is a correct script therefrom and- of the. whole of original law. . V ' : JOHN f?.WHAI.TJN, •• •.."... Secretary of Slate. In such coneled W.wn's, villages <or cities. LAWS OP NEW YORK—By Authority, Became a law. April 29, lXi7. with the ap (Every law. unless ii different;-time shall s oner of health the name of another phy- sician for appointment to the position ol health.officer, failing in which, the stat« commissioner, of health shall appoint t> physician to the position. He may be re moved tor just cause by the local boarc of health after a hearing.- such removal ! must he approved by the state eommls | sioner of health. The'health officer neec not reside within the village or town for which he shall be chosen, but unless he shall, he must reside in an -a'djolnin; town.. If the,n>oper authorities shall noi nil any vacancies occurring in the mem- bership of any local board within thlrts days ufter the happening of such vacancy tho.mayor of the. city, president of die village, or supervisor of the town, shal appoint a competent person to fill the v<\. cancy for the unexpired term, which ap- pointment shall be immediately filed ir the office of the county clerk, and a dupli- cate thereof, filed w i t h the clerk of the municipality for which such appointment is made. Notice of the membership and iproVA) of the <j'overnor. Passed, three fifths being present. The People of" the State •of New York represented "in Senate ard Assembly, de. enact as follows: . Section J. Any county of this state, con tainlng one or.more towns, villages o: cities which have heretofore Issued.bondi to aid in the construction or any railroac passing through such towns, villages in cities, may present to the court of claim! a claim for the amount of state taxes col lected from or paid by any such railroat within the several towns, villages or eltlo: of such county which were so bonded t< aid in the construction of any such rail- road, since the eighteenth day of May eighteen hundred and sixty.rnlne, ant which said taxes were paid by the count} treasurer of such county to the stati treasurer .... Jurisdiction is hereby confer- red upon the court of claims to hear, au- dit and .determine such claims- and fc make, awards and render Judgments there- for against the state and In favor of suet claimants.. ,5 2. The amount which shall be award- ed to any county as provided in scetior .one of this net, shall be paid to the. coun- ty, treasurer of such county; and sue? county treasurer shall invest or apply th< same In the manner anil for the purpose provided by section twelve of the genera municipal law. except that hi case suet cojmty shall, have heretofore paid to ant organization of BVerC-'.focal boar d of h e a l I I * " " ™ ' village or city, such state tax- s h i l ' ho foci >,-«.-•<>; ,;;,.„. v ••'. \, X. •;;• ! es. or any portion, thereoi. or In cafce suet municipality when , ^ ^ I ^ ^ & ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ •means-iflie city,tillage or town for which] ••• l c " l h "''-'' M "-'<- 1 ,)! " s > any such local board inav bo or Is ap-i pointed. Tile provisions herein Contained for the appointment and number of mem. bers of boards of-health,- arid, for the ap- pointment of health officers, 'shall apply to 'all towns and villages, whether such villages are organized under-general oi special laws. . ; § 2. 'This- adt shall take effect immedi- ately. .- ; •-..."•; - ' . State, of New York, -Office of' the Secre- .-.tary of State; ss.; In the manner jjroyidedvb'y said seetiOr twelve of the general municipal law. (her and in that case, such mou,eys or the- por tion thereof so paid or set aside as afore- said, shall be used and applied by sucl- county treasurei- for t)ie general' pur- poses of the county. •'. § 3. -No av/ard shall be made or Judg- ment rendered herein against the 1 state unless.the facts proved shah make out ? .case against the-state, which would cre- ate a liability, we're the same established in a court ol" law Or equity against an iu ctividual or corporation or niunicipaiity I have 6ompared the preceding with the Se^hv'e^fv",!^?^' 15 ^ Oi ^-r-.«4^0^rna in»otM*-.-*f,cti liability shall be satis- fcahscViH t Wr rin^fn n S ' a w reC factorily. established, .(.hen the court, ol i-raiiscript tHerefrom and oi the whole ol L,i i. • » >i t \ •* •> . , said original law. claims shall award to and render judg 1m ,,, MTHo uv I inent for the claimants for such sums ai c r , f«,', ishallbe just and equitable, notwithstand- v.- . : • . . secretary ot Mate.•-.-., ing the ]allse of time since the acorulnt M U S n i. i ; ,r,i I of said damages, provided any claim here LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. ; under that has heretofore accrued shal / S O F N E W Y O R K — B y Authority. ery law. unless-a different:tirfte shall rescribed therein, shall' hot take ef- unti'* the twefitielti day after it -shali become a law. Section 43) article .11, tcr S. General Laws.] v.'--. "-'..--. CHAP...2S; VCT to amend the-public health law, dive to'..the term of office of local 1th officers.'. . .".--, •anift a law, April 23,1907. with tire ap- d of the Governor. Passed, three- being present. People of the State of New York, sented in Senate and Assembly,, do as follows: -'.'•'•': '„."' lion 1. ^Section twenty of chapter^x« red ' and sixty-one the ' laws of ?cn hundred and. ninety-three, enti- VAn a c t in' relation to the public ii. constituting chapter twenty-five of cneral laws," its amended by chapter lundred and sixty-eight .of the laws igliteen hundred and ninetyrfour. er live hundred aiiel eighiy-four of i\vs of eighteen hundred and ninety* :napter two hundred and eighty-two j.Iaws-of eighteen hundred: and nine- en. chapter three hundred and thir. ie of the laws of nineteen hundred two. chapter, three- hundred and .-three of the laws of nineteen hun- tnd three, chapter four hundred and •-four of the -laws of nineteen hun- and four and chapter two hundred ifty.three of the laws of nineteen ed and ^Ix is hereby amended to is follows: Local boards of health.—There shall uo to be local boards of.health and i officers In the several cities, 'yil- and towns of the state. In the cit- tcept cities of the first and.second the board shall consist of the nu<y- the city who shall be its president,' ^t least six other' persons, one of shall be a competent physician, ihall be app'ointcd by the common 1,- upon the nomination of the may- d shall liolel. oftlco for three years. •Uments of members of such boards be made for such, shorter tcrmsas *- time may be necessary, in ..order he terms of two appointed members expire annually. In the cities;.ex- ities of the first anel second class, ich other cities whose charters oth- provlde,. the board shall appoint, term of four years, a competent ian..'not one of its members, to be alth officer of the city and shall fill icancy that-now exists or.may here- exist from, expiration of term or ise In the office of health officer of y. In villages the board shall con- rip.t less than, three neir more than persons, not trustees of tire village, hail bo appointed by the honrel of s at the lii-st' meeting of the board itees of such village, after the next election of the village: the -merh- ; said board of health shall at their telfng divide themsol\cs by lot into .'lasses, whose^ terms of Office Phall respectively in one; two and three from the annual election held prior r appointment: and In case of an o in the membership of such board, elnattcr provided, there shall be" a >ponlonment by lot. of the aelded j rs. in respect to their terms of of- J the first meeting of said board aft- j :ii increase occurs, whereby the i number of terms expiring annually j t: as nearly equal as possible. From j ter the appointment of said board i •'« provided, the appointment ot tho ors of said monibers shall be mndo nlely after the annual elections of Hfgc and shall continue In office [Every law, unless a different time shall i be prescribed therein, shall-not take el\ I feet until the twentieth day after it shal! j have become a law. Section 43, article II, c h a p t e r IS, G e n e r a ! L a w s . ] •"-CHAP. 2?ii. '.- AN ACT.to amend the agricultural law, in relation to moneys realized by the re- covery of penalties, and certain matters of procedure. • :• Became a law, April 20,1507. with the ap- proval of the Governor. Passed, three, fifths belng-prcseht.\ ';••• The People of the. State of New York,. represented in. Senate and Assembly, dc enact as follows: ; f- Section 1. The title and abstract of con- be filed with the court of claims wlthir one year after^the passage, of- this act and provideel any claim hereunder thai has heretofore accrued shall be filed with the Court otclairns- within one year after the passage of this act, and provided ahj claim hereunder that shall hereafter ac- crue shall be filed With the court of claims within' two years after the accrua' thereof. .,. §• 4. ".This act shall take effect .immedi- ately.' '•;• • ; . ^ State of New York, Office of the Secre- tary of State, ss.: { I have compared the preceding witn the original law on file in this office, andelc hereby .certify that the same is a'correct tents of article fifteen of chapter three I transcript therefrom and of the. whole ol hundred and thirty-eight of. the laws oi j sa i,j original law. eighteen hundred and ninety-three, enti-! tied "An act in relation to agriculture, i constituting, articles one, two, three, four and five of chapter thirty-three of the general laws," as added by chapter five hundred and eighty-four of the laws oi nineteen hundred and six, is hereby amended to read as follows: . ARTICLE XV.-. Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Et Cetera. Section 200. Adulteration and sale, package to be marked. 201. Violation-a misdemeanor; fine. 202. Powers and. duties of commissioner! of agriciilturOi " '"! 203. PenaJ^S'; action to recover. i <i 2, SecTion two hundred and three of j such chapter, as added by chapter five hundred and eighty-four of the .law's of | nineteen hundred and six, is hereby J amended to read as follows: S 203. Penalty; action to recover.—Any j person, firm .or corporation who shall vio-; late any of the provisions of this act. shall, in addition to the fine'or imprison-] ment previously described, for each of- j fonse forfeit and pay a fixed penalty of i One hundred dollars. Such penalty shall j be recovered, -with costs, in any court of. the state having Jurisdiction thereof, in i ah action, to be prosecuted in the name of-, the people.-by the commissioner of agrl-! culture. * " I { 3. This act shall take effect immedi-1 ately. ' State of New York, Office of the Secre-] tary of State, ss JOHN S. WHALEN, Secretary of State. LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority [Every law, unless a different time shall b« prescribeel therein,- shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after it shal! !have become a law. Section 43, article: II chapter S, General Laws.] CHAP. 239. -.••; AN ACT to amend the Insurance law, rel- ative-to. investments and loans by suretj company. Became a law. April 2S. Ii07, with the ap- proval of the Governor. Passed, three- fifths being present . ..... The People of the State of New York represented In- Senate and Assembly, dc enact as follows: . .:..'• Section ]. Section sixteen of chapter sij hundreel anel ninety, of the laws of eight., een hundred and ninety-two, entitled "An act in relation to insurance corporations constituting chapter thirty-eight of tin- general laws," as amended.- by chapter one .hundred and twelve of the laws of eighteen htindred and ninety-three, chap- ter nine hundred and seventeen of the laws-of ^eighteen hundred and ninety-five, chaptertwo hundred-and'eighteen of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-sev- en, and by chapter three hundred arte! twenty-six of the laws of nineteen hun-. dred and six, is hereby amentled to read a"s" f o l l o w s : § 16. Investment of capital and surplus". I have compared the preceding with the! —The cash-capital of every domestic in- Original law on file In Uus"7>ffiee, and do! surance corporation required to have a hercbv ccrtifv that the same )s a correct! capital, fo the extent of the minimum transcript therefrom andiof the whole of. capital required by law, shali be Invest-, be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth "day r.tter It sluOl have become a law. Keetlo.n 43, article II, chapter f. General Laws.). ,.V;. C H A P . 240. AN ACT.to amend chapter two hundred artel thirty-two of the laws pf nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An act re- lating to commissioners of jurors for each county of the state having a cer- tain population and regulating and pre- scribing his duties anel also providing In what manner juries shall bo made up and jurors drawn In courts of record In «uih counties; how they may be ex- empt eel or cxeusi'd nnit the length of sei-vice of such jurors," relative to ..com.-, pensafion .of assessors:-' ..... ' - ... Became it jaw. April 30,1907. with the ap- proval of the Governor,. Passed, three-- fifths being present.: .: ! .- The'• People of the State of New York, represented In Senate and Assembly; do enact as follows: " : ... ; ?•:/.-" Section 1. Section 6cveo_o'f cliapler two hundred and thirty-two ;of tho laws of nineteen hundred and four, entitled "An act relating to cominlssioners of jurors for each county of the state having a cer- tain population and •'regulating anil pre- scribing his duties and also providing in what manner juries shall be made up and jurors "drawn in" courts of record In such counties; how- the-y may, be oxompteel or excused and the length of service of such jurors," is hereby amended to read as follows: '-••-,.'-". . 5 7. it shall be the. duty, of the assessors anel supervisors of.'the cities anil town- board and assessors of (he seVefal tow.ns in such counties' to pieel oili the first Tues. day of September In eiich year and to pro- eceel to select.: make ana verify and filc- With commissioner of jurors, the names, places of re-sleienco and occupation of all person's.in such pities and towns respec- tively, liable to jury gtfty. Said names shall be made in two lists; one shall con- sist of a list of- grand jurors as, required by section twenty-six of this act and the other, of the remaining qualified jurors who shall be known as tho trial jurors. Such return shall each be inaele in; writ, ing, signed and verified .by.'a majority'of saitl 'supervisors anel assessors of such cities anel a majority of said town.boards and assessors of jSuch towns. respectively, to the effect thatlhey believe the; persons" named in said lists to be allrthe male cit- izens of the 1'nlted States, residents ol said cities and towns respectively, hot loss than 'twenty-one years of age, nor over the- age of seventy y e a r s , rissessceV for personal property belonging to lilni In his own right to the amount Of two'.hundred and fifty dollars, the owner, of a freehold estate in real property, situated in the county betonglng to him in his own right to the value of one hundred and fifty dol- lars, or the/usbaiid of a w o m a n w h o Is the owner yf a. like freehold estate be- l o n g i n g t o 4»<»r in her own right. In the, possession of his "natural! faculties, not in-' firm or dee-replt, free from all..legal:<ex- ceptions, of goocl character and'approved Integrity, - of sound judgment and well In- formed, able to read and write "the Eng- lish language - understandingly and not contained in any other list required to be filed under this act,-and shall be delivered to the commissioner of jurors on Or be- fore the first Monday of October In the same year. Tho omission to Include the names of one or more persons so liable or any other error or defect In the lists does not affect the validity -of any proceedings prescribed in this section. Upon the filing of the said lists with the .said .commis- sioner of jurors, the said commissioner shall proceed to revise the same and make Inquiries as to the eligibility and qualifi- cation of the jurors therein narn.ee], and he shall proceed to strike therefrom the name of any juror lie finds to be disquali- fied or exempt. Ho shall sit at such places in tiie county as may be reason- ably convenient and shall give such notice of such sittings to the persons named In said lists, as he may deem to .be proper. For the discharge of-the duties required by this act the asseissors of the several towns affected thereby shall be eintltled to receive as compensation the sum of three dollars for each and every day necessari- ly engaged in the discharge of said se>rv. ice in addition to the'other compensation nOT-'. allowed by law which sum is hereby made a town charge. -, 5 2. This act shall take effect Immedi- ately! State of New -Yorkj Office of the Secre- tary-of State, ss.: .' • •-..' I h&ve compared the preceding with the original law on file In this office, and do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom: and of the whole of said original law. JOHN S.. "WHALEN, ' ••.-,''. Secretary of State. - LAWS OF txEW^YORK—By Authority, fEvery law. unless a *ilfter*rit time chull hull bo prescribed therein, shall ne;t tak« ef feet until tho twentieth day after it shall, have become a law. Section 43^'«rtlcl«'lt,< o h a p t e r 8. G e n e r a l " L a w s . ] . ' •'•"•'-•.- C H A P . 243. AN ACT to amend the labor law, relattve, "to hours of.labor on street surface and elevated railroads In cities of the first and second class. ' ! ' Became a law, April 30.1?07, with the ap- proval of the Governor. Parsed,- three- fifths being present.. .--. The People of the'State ofjrJcw- York, fepresented in Senate and Assembly, do, ,-nact as follows; , - -.- -'- ; , . ; Section 1. Section five of. chapter four hundred and fifteen ot the laws!of eight- t>eii h u n d r e d and ninety-seven, entltlcel "An act in relation to labor, constituting thnptejr thirty-two of the general laws," Is hereby amended to read as follows: . j 5. Hours of labor on str&t surface snd elevated rallroads.-^Ten Consecutive hours'-labor, including one-half hour for flintier, shall constitute a day's labor In the. operation of all street surface anel elevated railroads, of whatever motive power! owned or operated by corporations in this state, whose, main line of travel, sr whose routes He principally wlth'n tho corporate limits of cities of the first anel Second class. No employee of any such corporation shall-be permittedhpr iiiioweel \f> work more than ten consecutive hours, Inciuellhg one-half hoii.r for ellnner. in' ntiy ohe day of twenty-four hours. In cases of accident, or unavoidable delay, extra labor, may. be,.performed for extra com-* pensation.- / S 2. This act shall takeelYect July first, nineteen hundred aud seven... : • Stato of: New York; Oiiice: of tho Secre- tary of State, 88.:'. I.have compared the preceding with the original law on file In this office, ami do hereby certify that the same is a.correct transcript therefrom, and of the Whole of Bald original law .;---". JOHN S. WHALEN. - v - Secretary of State. LAWS dp NEW YORK-^By Au<herfty;}.tAW8 OF NEW.YORK---By Auth«rtty, (Kvery lavr, unlt'M adiltel-ent tlrae sholl bo prescribed therein, shs.ll not taKe ef- j feet untli th» l-jk-*ntl«th d»y after It shull] have become u-law. S«ctlon 43. article II,!} chtiptcr S, General LayrtiJ :- . ' - - - { .•;• - ".:": CHAP. 2£«.-.": -, : i AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred. and fifty-one of the" laws- o.f nineteen) ihUntlred, entitled "An act aiilhorUIng! the establishment of' water districts In!) . towns," in relation to the proceelure fort Jin-rj ui,*> u>oics.Ji «•, C'fvtiv.t Uojtj shall be prescribed (nerelti, shall not Mtta "ef»' feet until the.twentieth dayefUj-it shall.: ha\ e become a. taw. Section 43, article 11,' c h a p t e r 8, Qefiet: 1 I^aws;)'.-..•'":->.'• CHAP 253. AN ACT. t6 ame--d thi*!coele. Of fclyll/i^pl •cedure^ In relation:-.'to "sherlffB 1 fB«» a n t j 1 placing cauge-s en the oalendttr, - Became a' l a w , A p r i l : So," ISQTe" Wlflr..th?, approval cf the.Oovernor. tossed, three- fifths, being present, , - > The" I'eopie of tho Statfeot Novr York,'; creating such districts." Became a law, April 30, 1907, with the j ^^^^"(1,"^ Sertat^'ttfid ^« s emWy7'oc^ approval of the Qovernor., Passetl, three-1 en » ot ns foliov-s ; ' .: •; ^ " '>*'"«, Present. , -,-.. _ • . -^. ; -..--, : Se <;tion j ; Subdivision four of BeeilortS ,^.rhe People: of the Slate of Now \ork. thlrty.three huridretl and seven of the cods''-• srepreseiited In Senate rind. Assembly, do 0 f civil, procedure is hereby amended to'! onactu*.follows: ..- A . - v . .. - . . . " k j ^ a . a s foiiovvs- .'-:"-',' A • Section 1. • Seetlon one .of..chaptcr four [ 4; Por notifying JUWH"to ttttenflti,.trial term'-of a court'Of recbrelr: fifty cshts ' tpf'. each .causes placed tipon the.'cn1.rn"tytr; fp>' huhdt^d andflfty-oht! of the"lows of nine-1 tc^fnifcietred, entitled -!!A"n net ahihorl?- ing'lhe estabitshmcht •L\•'• K » ••iV'~\ ii,'u i. , for cateiulni-fees lit one uctloii-Xll« cterkv iV.wn board^ may. establish .water | shhllnot putft cause hpohtho-calenelar,: s, petitlon.-l ho town. hoareV pn the- m t H : ,l by jury, until tha fee Bjjeelfleel ifr, r of a mnjorlty_ of tho Tft^ers of thu subdivision Is paid to him foi: tho tise. ., , w o ls,imc ", t ut water districts] trl8 , b , A j, )ry v to.be paid by the party\ feiSi '; f :" m v ft j!ed- by c lapter fouH n.st puttljiK the pausi-ou the calendar for 1 $?M ' H, T V V"' y " . ,e J'^V'^S "*J"iat tern), But the sheriff Is not.cntitiea i,,,,,l, . hl l1 dr r' 7 1 ?, 01 * |s herob >'|to m<>ro! than one dollar and nrij-. eetifa" ?™l) .^"SZtt'.f ^' V ^.v,ik U&Mot catendrtV tees lit ...iti.action. XllO Clerk districts r C i!!l^ n '-~* ," '•-."-'••-• , "' ••" '"va;,"-' '-• ; thlB subdivision la pa -iri^? „„ i^"--!^;-*> •>, Propused ells- ot t]li sllerin ... : Am) where the caU ; se> la . o w « , ' ii*.1f r m 7'f', "' '' :!m P' c ' slilbllsl ;"ote of Issuo as.prescribed In.sectlohjWnt, SnTni; ffisiHct outside any Incorporated j hlmdl . c a n n d seV cnty-soVon of this act."tho i ¥iW rr? ,?.. ' wl ' ° !- v w , l, ^ l ! , ?Uch party moving the. trial mtislYpay tbitbo 1 ! towr^ Tit-. petition, mufl. dosortbe the j.rei- j clerk for the 0so of the "sheriff .thecaleiw," posed ^(strict anel state: the ^maximum , dAr f c e o r j^,, rolllam | ng unpaid.-/ Nei|: amount proposed to be expended In Hie.; Bhorl(T w) , 0 r<!eolvc , an arniunrshiary .ttt i: %luMT l m . ° , *'!° ' v' l ! lcr ;, syst0 .';'.V T, ' e ' whole-or in.partfonhls sorvjeos slkil'b*';- petltlonnvist be signed by the petll loners,; cn , ulcd tot , 10 fees" provided by this stlb^ and acknowledged ! -tiV the same manner as j dl vi s i on . nhd ^inatll couhiics where,.". th*.C- a elceel1 t o ^ e recorded;A-.- *. . . -_, j gherllf receives s.ich Kinnuat salufr. -thrf; rU. Seetlem two of such chapter Is here- I clerk'shall place nil" causes lipuk the-c»Kf by amended to read as tolle.ws: .. . / j e hdar for trial -without thoipayment or- VV •} '.i^ P n " s --!^'re shall bo an-; c() ,| ( , et i onofi j„ ly fec therefore-i:- - Y ->, nexed to the petit em above provideel. a , } £:: T)IIB A6i ahtin I10t , u rfect\tW-rl»lfe^ nap mul plan showing the sources of wn^ \ of j, n y sheriff iiow In office t<j Wcelvo the) 1 ^L*!',Fi y ."!'.„ ' L ^.^ , . t1 " 1 .'., 0 .- { }\ e L??-"f!» ?ccir. provided !for herein urttiJ. jM&MffiM Jhls terhv br ofiKo, provlelcd ho is )io!w : iawr»"-5 fulij-'ehtltlcd tb receive the ; same.. .--! -. •'-;'-" 5 S. .This act shall take "effect September/' first, nineteen liuntlred ahd.aoveh. '. ">• &^t% i State of New York, offico of tlio' Sccrb"-!; LAWS OP NEW YORK—By Authority, lEvery law, unlcssa different time shali be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after It. shall have become-a law. Section 43, article II, chapters, General Laws.)' . CHAP. 2oi. •'.-' '.-;".;'.. AN A€T to amend chapter two hundred and forty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred-and eighty-tiiree, entitled "Aii act to.Incorporate the International com- ! iiiittee; of young'•men's christian associa- tions," In relation.to amount of proper- ty to be held by such committee. Became a law. April 30. 1907,, with the appro'val of the Governor. Passed! three-. Blttif. being present. • !; The People of the State of New York, represented In' Senate and Assembly,, do enact as follows: ; - ! . _.,"•; !- Section 1. Section four of chapter two hundred and forty-piie pf ; the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, enti- tled " A n act to Incorporate the Interna- tional committee pf young men's Chris- strenms.- Water or water rights to-be ac- quli'eel therefor, nnd the mode ;ut coil'-! struct Ing vtlie proposed water, works amtj the location thereof, Including resfervolr?. 1 mains, dlstrlbtititig pipes anil . hydruiilV. The petition, .map and plans shnllbn, filed \ '.- tQr ., 0 f state as • • With thei town clerk, and a certified copy [ , t havo comparcd'the tireepdln^.with."theV of such map shall: also, btrfiled-tn th«! original law on file Iff this office, and .do? ,.„,, ..... „.., , .. onlcc such iiiap and plans j i 1( , r cby certify th'at the-samd i^.a-corrcet'; transcript therefrom and oC the whole, erf-! tinn associations," is hereby amended to fllecl. At such meeting, the town board said original law. JOHN S. WIIALKN, Secretary of State. LAWS OF NEW. YORK—By Authority [Every law, unless a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after it shall'! have become a law. Section 43. article II, j chapters. General Laws.}' C H A P . 229. AN. ACT to amend the railroad law, in re- j , lation to the collection of fare on'cer-l , tain electric surface railroads. , : ; Became a law. April- Z), 1907, w i t h the- a p - j provai of the Governor. Passed, three-j fifths being present. •' The l'eople of the State of New 'i'ork. j represented in Senate and Assembly, do.j enact as follows: Section 1. Chapter five hundred and six- 1 ty-Ilve of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An act in relation to I railroads, constituting ohapter thirty-nine > of the general laws." Is hereby amended j by ad(ltnjr*thereto a now section after sec- j tion one hundred nnd one thereof, to be j known'as section one hundred and one.a, and to read as follows: \ i i 101-a- Collection of fare.—It shall he; j unlawful for any corporation, or an em- j ployce thereof, operating a street surface \ I raiirond, or a branch thereof, on which ; the motive power' is electricity, which j eel and kept Invested In the kinds of secu- rities; in which deposits with the superin- tendent of. insurance arc reeiuircd by this chapter to be 'made. The residue, of the capital and the surplus money and funds £f every domestic insurance corporation eSyji^and above its capital, and the deposit that it may^ie required tbniake with the superintendent, .may be invested .fay—or I loaped on the pledge, of any of the securi- ! ties In.which deposits are required to be ! invested or in tlio public stocks or bonds 1 of any one of the t'nited States, or except as in this chapter otherwise provided^ in the stocks, bonds or other evidence of In. debtediiess of any solvent Institution In- corporated'uneler the laws of the United States or of any slate thereof, or in such real estate as 11 is authorized by this chapter to hold: but no such funds shall be' invested in or loaned on its own stock or the stock of any other Insurance cor- poration carrying on the same kind of In- surance business except that any such company engaged solely In business as a county clerk shall be prepared by a cbinptfteiit engi n e e r . ! ...••-. •;--.:". -. .;.-.;--.' ; ;-.:--.."'-.••'-•'.• -'-••..-. 5 ' 3 . Section four, of Mich chapter; ns amended' by chapter four luihelri-d nnd. seventy-oneof tho laws of nineteen hun- dred and one, is hereby .amended to read as follows: ,''"••-"• It Action by town board:—When : the petition, map: and. plans are-filed In tho town clerk's office the town: clerk shall cause notice of the. filing of said petition and the object thereof to be published for one week In a! r newspaper published In Btich town or If no newspaper bo publish- ed therein, then by posting said notlce.In at least six public and conspictioug places in the proposed water district described in such petition. Suchnotlco shall also speci- fy a time and place where, the town board will meet to consider the petition, Which meeting sha^ not be less than ten'or more than-; twenty days, after ' the petition Is said original law. JOHN S, WHALEN: . : Soerj.tary bt State*. LAWS OF NEW YORK-^By Authority. [Every law. unless a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after It shall have become a law. Section 43, article II, chapter S, General Laws.j CHAP...247. AN ACT to amend the banking law, rela- tive to the payment ot deposits in sav- ings banks in the. names of more than one person. > . Became a law, April 30, 1907, with the approval of the Governor. Pas.sed,. three- fifths being, present. The People of the State of Now York, represented In Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section one hundred and fourteen of chapter six hundred and eighty-nine of the laws of eighteen hun- dred and nlnety-tw-o, entitled "An act In relation to banking corporations." Is here- by amended to read as follows: 5 114. Deposits of minors, and trust de- posits and deposits In the names of more than one person.—When any deposit shall read as follows: J 4. The said. corporation slftilt In law be capable, of: taking^,receiving and- hold- ing absolutely and InVhwral lor lis gen- eral uses and purposes, and for any par- ticular department of its Work, and for any particular association, by gift, devise, bequest* grant or purchase, subject to the limitation.as to,, amount hereinafter stat-: ed, real and personal property, and, with the consent of the board of trustees hero- in' provided for. of letting, leasing and conveying the same, and shall also have power with the like consent to issue bonds and secure the same by mortgages upon _ Its real estate anel its improvement; the' consent of the said trustees to be evi- denced by affixing their seal to the Instru- ments of Conveyance and bonds and mort- gages, and causing the same .to be signed by their president and treasurer, In pur- suance of a resolution of their, board to that effect. Said. corporation may take and hold as aforesaid property not exceed- ing In value seven million dollars, or the yearly, income derived from which shall not exceed one million five hundred thou- sand dollars. In computing the valua of such property, no Increase In. value aris- ing otherwise than from improvements made thereon ;shall be taken Into account. And the real, estate of this corporation shall->i ; ot be liable for any debt or obliga- tion of the corporation,-unless the same shall have been contracted with the ap- proval of the said board of tiustees. All Devises and bequests, however, to the said corporation shall be subject to tho pre- visions of the "act of the legislature re- lating to wills." passed April thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty, and the acts amendatory thereto. 5 2. This act shall take effect immedi- ately * State of New' York, Office of ,the Secre- tary of State, ss,: -. ; - '." I have compared the preceding with the original law; on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is » correct! transcript therefrom and of th'e : whole .of eald original law. JOHN S. WHALEN, . , . . Secretary of State. suretv company under subdivision four of b ^ m * (U: h >\ or ln ^ " a, " n °f:<n>' minor Ecetlon seventy hf the insurance law. may invest such funds in, or loan such fund? on, the stock ot any other, corporation carrying on solely the same kind 6f busi- ness outside of, but not within, the Unit- ed States. Any elomcstlo insurance corpo- ration may. by the direction and consent Sf two-thirds of its board ot eflrcctors. managers or finance committee, Invest, by "~- - , M _ j , - * t Hull ilt,t I ." ' " uun iiv.11 ^<jiiuiiieie,i-, 11111,01, u* road or branch Is operated wholly or In i ]ofln ^ 6(hfi . w ) s e, any such surplus mon- h^ir »,,„ . ", ." I osrt In A cllv having at least one million nm*. w s ; I* ar ° a >?P"l nl , cd v,n 1 inhabitants and which crosses the bonn-1 no^cd therefrom; provided, howev- ' ^ 7 ^ " cIt y „f ,he first class, to col-] teot faro of a passenger more than once I for and during one continuous ride on a single osr or frsln: excepting that fare d upon failure to .ip|>olnt such 'f health at such first meeting such ment may he made at any subsc- nceting. In [he event of no appoint- avlng bfen ma<lc by the proper im- " as hereinafter provided. The >f,trustees of such village may, in re-tlon. at (he first mettlrig of such it-Id after any annual election of I "go. Inorense the number of mem- I (ho board of h«alth of such vll- j a appoint such additional members crcaftor appoint th»ir successors, j iK the number of members of such »f h e a l t h , ss increnseel. sh«U not I »ev«n. Every such vlllsge liAard 'ft a president nnd secretary, tho ^t to bs elceted' from among tlio "' , of '*lel bonrd. In towns the r hislth shall e-ontl»t of the town nn another citizen of the town In bUnnltlly sppolnted by the town t « motlng thereof aficr each bl- own meeting for the term of two f 'n r C i * nd nfte? s " ch t0,vn meeting " mi successor la Appointed. The »mml»»1oner of he-nlth shall ap- i .*i?- 0h mUnl «'P«Hty except In the 'the state on the nomination of *' board of health, n compatent ;n. not a member of the looa.1 board n. to be tho health offlear of, th* *»t)-. Tha term of office- of the i7 c *l rt *" t*«/Tour ye«r» and ha no oflle* until fiii» »«,^CT-.«-.« .......... - . PnlV Vl I I " IIIMII'llll" mi*. IVIJ KllillflllK.'l 1 ' may bo one- collected separately outshle I * \ h o vftl |dllv and legalitv of bonds Is- th. city limits for passenger service to or >™ g(a , or ,„. a , . c oouniv from such limits, and once separately | » Villnge, School district, municlpal'l- wlthln tho city for the service therein. Ai parson or corporation violating the pro- visions of this section shall be liable! to '• a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each j violation, recoverable by the passenger- aggrieved thereby. • • j doing business In other states of the- Pnlt- | !. This act shal) take effect Immedi-; «° g * MM or , n f ri r .„ K „ countries, may In- ataly. wo vest the funds required to meet Its obll. State of New York, Office of the Secre-j KA ,| on incurred In such other states or tary of State, ss.: ; f or clgn countries and In conformity to 1 have» compared the preceding with th« (hj , , * w original law on file in this office, and do! cxirI ,| fS j n ,,,ieh other states or»forolgn hereby certify that the same Is a correct countries that such corporation Is by law transcript therefrom and of the whole of > nji 6wc d to Invest In. In this state. Any said orlglnsl law. ! ii». insurance company may lend ,a sum JOHN S. WHALEN, Secretary of Stat«. the same shall be held for the exclusive right and benefit of such depositor, anel free from the control or lien of all other persons, except creditors, and shall he paid, together with the dividends nnd In. terest thereon to the person In whose name the deposit shall have been made, and the receipt or acquittance of such mi- nor shall he a valid and sufficient release and discharge for such deposit or nny part thereof to tho corporation. When any deposit shall be made by any person In trust for another, and no other or fur- ther notice of the existence and terms of a legal and valid trust shall have been given In writing to the bank. In the event of the denth of the trustee, the same, or nny pari thereof, together with the divi- dends or Interest thereon, may be paid to the person for whom the deposit was made. When a deposit shall be" made by any person in the names of such depos- itor and another person and in form to be paid to either or the survlvtr of them such deposit thereupon and any additions thereto made by either of such persons upon the making thereof, shall become the property of such persons ns Joint ten- ants and the same together with all Inier- the iaws thereof. In the same kind of se-( *»t thereon shall be held for the exclu- eys or funds In the bonds Issued by any city, county, town, village or school dis- trict of this state, pursuant to any law of this state. Any corporation organised un- ! der the ninth subdivision of. «.ectIon sev- enty of the Insur'anc* law, for guaranto ty, or other civil division of any state, may invest by loan or otherwise any of such surplus moneys or funds In the bonds which they are authorized to guar- antee. Kvrry such domestic corporation LAW8 OF NEW YORK^-By Authority [Kvery law-, nn!es« a different time shall] fee »r««crlbcd therein, shall not take ef- fect Until the twonllcth day after It shall ftav» become a law. Section ($, article II. olApttr S, General T.aw».} CHAP. »7. AN-ACT-to confer jurisdiction uj>on the court ot cUInwJo heA.r„aue!lt and deter-, not exceeding the lawful reserve which It holds upon any policy, on the pledge to It of such policy nnd Its accumulations as collateral security. But nothing In this section shall be hiilel to authorize one In"- sur»nce corporation to obtain, by pur- chase or otherwise, the control of any other Insurance corporation. I f. This act shall take effect Immedi- ately. StAte of New York, Office of the Secre- tsry of Stat*. «*v: slve use of the persons so named and may be paid to either during the lifetime of both or to the survivor afler the death of one of them nnd such payment and receipt or acquittance of t h e o-no to whom s'nch payment Is mnele shall be a valid nnd suf- ficient relent and discharge to said b.ank for all payments made.on account of such deposit prior to the receipt by said bank Of notice In wilting not to pay siieh-'de- posll In accordance) with the- terms there- of. I 2. This act shall take effect Immedl- *t«ly. i State of New York, Office of th* Secre- tary erf State, »*.: LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. [Every law, unioss a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 43, article II, chapter 8, General Laws.) .:•••!• C H A P . 252. AN A(3T to amend the code of civil pro- cedure, -relative to the records of the weather takon at the arsenal. Central park, New York city, by the meteoro- logical and astronomical observatory, being presumptive evidence. Hccnme a law. April SO. 15W. with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three- fifths being present. The l'eople of the State, of New York, represented In Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section nine hundred and for- ty.fonr of the code of civil procedure, ie hereby nmended to read ns follows: { 844. A copy of a record or other paper, remaining In a department of the govern- ment of thei United States. Is evidence, wffcn certified by the head, or acting chief officer, for the time being, of that depart- ment; or when certified by the officer In whose charge it Is, pursuant to a statute of the United States, or otherwise In ac- cordnnee\ with a statute of the United States, relating to certify the same. A •certificate of the director or other officer In charge of the census of- t h e United States, attested by tho secretary of the Interior, slating the population of any part of the United States, or giving the result of said census otherwise shall be tecolved ns prima facie evidence of such facts. The record of the observations of the weather, taken under the direction of the signal service of the United States, when certified by the omcet In charge thereof, at Ihe place where thoy were tak. en nnd nre kept. Is prima facie evidence of the matters of fact stated therein. The records of the observation of the weather shall determine If said petition Is in fact signed and acknowledged by. a majority of the owners of taxable real property, in said proposed water district: Such-deter- mination shall bo In writing, sighed by. said board and recorded in! the minutes of said meeting,; if the decision;bo that tho petition Is sighed and acknowledged by. a majority of the Owners of taxable real property In the proposed district, then the town board shall mnko'an order establish- ing such district and appointing three lax. payers therein as water: commissioners. Tho order shall be filed with the town clerk and recorded In tho minute book of said board. Such Commissioners first ap- pointed under this act shall hold office for terms' of one, two and three years, to be determined by the town.board in making the appolntriients. The town board shall thereafter nppqlnt caeih year one commis- sioner who shall hold office for the .term of three years an^s^.aJlyfiU-anj'A'atin-hirieVs- that ma,y-oeciir.".' % ! , ! - : § 4. This" act shall lake effect Immedi- ately. ^ ::. ; ': v ' " State of New York,-Office of the Secre- tary of State, ss.: • r - ' ' I have'compared the preceding with the original law on, file ln this office, and.do hereby certify that tho samo Is a correct transcript therefrom and bf'the whole-of said Original law. Y ' ••'••: ..-'JOHNS. WHALEN, r-\ , . , Secretary of State.; L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y Authority. [Every law, Unless a different lime shall be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 4S, article II, Chapter 8, General Laws.] . C H A P . 2G0. ' ' • AN'ACT to amend the forest, 'fish and game law, In- relation to spearing fish In pertain tributaries of lake Ontario. ' Became a law, April 30, 1907,. with the approval of the Governor. Passed,"three- fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented ln Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: -V Section i> Section eighty-four of chap- ter twenty of the laws of nineteen hun- dred, entitled "An act for the protection of the forests, fish and gameof theTstnte, constltutlng'chopter thirty.one of tho gen- oral laws," BB /imendeel by chapter one hundred and twenty-one of the laws of nineteen "hundred and one, chapters sov- «nty-two rind five hundred and fifty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and three, and chapter three hundred and for. ty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred anel five. Is hereby amended to read as fallows: ; 5 St. .Spearing'and hooking.—Suckers, bullheads, eels find dogfish may be spear- ed in tho Delaware river in Sullivan nnd Delaware- counties, nnd in Sandsburg crcckr town of Wnwarslng, In Ulster coiinty.'from the Center street bridge In Ellenville to Port Hlxon dam on said stream, from April first. to September thirtieth, both Inclusive; nnd Shadow creek And Hnyden creek In the town of Springfield. Otsego county, from March Srst. to May first, Inclusive; nnd In the Hyder creek. Fish creek. Mink creek nnd Herkimer creek In the towns of Itlchfield. nnel Bxeter. in Otsego county rrom March first to May fifteenth. Inclusive-, provided that spearing shall not be allowed here, under within twenty rods from the point when- such creeks empty Into Schuyler lake; and it; the creeks In Orleani county excepting Sandy creek. Oak Orchard creek and Johnson's Creek, between the fifteenth day of March and the thirtieth day of April. Inclusive; and In the trlbu- tariei of lake Ontario from the mouth of the Niagara river to the boundary line between Niagara and Orleans counties, snickers, bullheads, eels, dogfish and carp may he apenred from March first to May fifteenth, both Inclusive); and In the wa- ters of lake Ontario.In tha towns of Elite- burg, Henderson, Hounsfield nnd Hrown- vllle In Jefferson county, and in the wa- ters of the towns of Lexington and PfAttaville In Greene county, At any time. Such fish may be taken from December t ftk *,U A J. ,hc , A ^ •' !f :" n, ln Central park uiv i first io May fifteenth, both Inclusive, bv der the direction ct iht* iim^,i,.,f..,.:/.,i , . j ',._,..__ #_ •N^.,*. ..,.. *- ....... / ' der the direction of the meteorological and astronomical observatory of the rlty of New York,-when duly certified by the offi- cial In charge thereof, or his deputy, shall ba presumptive evidence of the facts set forth therein, and shall be received In ev- idence on the trial of any action In all the courls of this state. I t. This act shall t»k» effect Immedi- ately. Bt*t« of New-York, Office of th* Secre- tary of State, ss.: hooking, in Oneida lake, Oneida river. 1 Onondagalake. In the Delaware and Char. i lotte rlvera and their tributary streams ; In the counties of Delaware and Sullivan. j In the Schoharie river and It* tributary streams, In Schoharie nnd Greene coun- ties, and In thf» waters of Cortland, Tioga, Broome. Chenango add Otsego counties. I 1 This act shall take effect Immedl- at*ly- Btatc of New York, Office of the 8ecr«- -m LAWS O F N EW-YORK-^By Authority, ,-:;-! Vy: [Every law, unless a different tfmo^shall ' r £-..j.g be prescribed therein,, shall hot : take, ef- : :' X feet until the twentieth dayRafter it shall •! have become slaw. Seotlon 43, article H,. chapter 8,:General Laws.] -•;•'•:-"'-'!-,-.'-. CHAP. .261. •:; vV.-.'-J."-:V': : T:-; ,-.•• yx^ AN ACT to provide for.a commission to-- InyeHtiga'tc the. condition of f ho rjatio^iat' !, : ..% . gu'areV of: the state "of New.York..',:: . ! . : ".^ '-, Became a law, May 1, 1907, With tho op-; > y - proyal -of the Governor!. Passed,; thre.6«;-.-:.: ri" fifths being present. The People. of the State of New York, represented In Sonate and Assembly,- do v, enact as follbwsi < ; '.-;.•'•./.. -..• : --[: : i •'••- r'J'-•/-• : :.•-• '"."•; Bectlon 1. . Within five days after this :;••/:, act -takes effect there- shall, bo! appointed .":,'- in. the manner hereinafter . provided hlnO;.• ;. i persons whose eluty It! shall bb to lr\qufro -'.'*-! Into the conelltibh of the national.guard -;-..!> and naval militia, bf-.the; stats: of -New" \v""i York,. their, Qrganisatibn,.-' state Of d i s c i - ; >:©> pllne, ! oftloienoW cost -ol.-- : "malntenan.es;,. !i "'*! method of ^•raising' '/"an^'i.fllflliuii'slng'.-'^ltii":.;-!?',^-' funds for the sanvo,-and iforthe clotVifngv •: \ , equipment and materials. thereof, ana therefor, system of cbhstr^iotlon, , malhtelfcCo : •": ance and repairs of armories and ot tho *;- procuring of supplies therefor, and gen- erally .info all matters pertatrilng tb - tha.' : ..'•"'. saieuriationai 'guard nhd. naval mlllUaaa ••'•:" to siicit, commission shall seeVm p r o p e r ; .'. '-'• and further to revise the military-coda_ , • •[ and other laws relating to the saidVntt- " : -'-;V tlonal guard and navalrnllltia and recbrti- /-'-'•'••' mend amendments thorbtb, and It shali bo. . .!-. their duty to submit a! report -so f^rias ';->;• practicable to tha.legislature of nineteen.\!v -'' hundred and sevoh, but If It shjill. rjot: bo priw-ycablo to report- •ffibtfy*M4kw%iht-y$,> -shall sivbrnlt-stheir flhal"report to tn^cghis !.; ; ; iature of nlneteeh hundred and tigfiii its*- gether with bills 'to. carry out^ their rsc- '.':! ommendatlbns In the premises. Threo.ofc'-.'.-'- '•• the said p e r s o n s j s h a p . be. . a p p o i n t e d ' r b y : :,--,-•'• the governor, three shalrbo appolntsd i>y :'-.'•'--; the temporary' prcsldont of the senate, from the senate, and three by. the spealt,-,..-,'/ er. of the assembly from the assembly. The members of such commission s h a l l :"•* recelVe no compensation for their sorv-!; ' > : ' Ices, cxce?Pt that, each shall be entitled, to•••--""•- his actual; and necessary' expenses," In-- ,. curred In the performance of his duties - under the provisions of this act. to. tia•-.'.;.;-'" i paid .by the .treasurer, on the audit and -.': warrant of the comptrolior. '-, •••- • . . .''-!'.". ; { t Such commission Is hereby author-'. -\ lseel and empowered lb require and »n-. forco tho attendance of witnesses and the/ ,-•!'• production of books and papers, and to ' '; administer oaths and to employ counsel, -: experts, stenographers, clerks and such -^ other employees as rnay!J)"e necessary for-- the pUrposo of their Investigation and re- " t port.; ":•;. ••'. \ :: :^ ';'. '- ;:"'--!--•'.,:>:•;'!,.--;:• |3. .The sum. of ten thousand dollira'"-:.. -: (110,000)'or so much thereof as triay. b« neeessarj- Is hereby appropriated out of ; ; : any moneys In the treasury not otherwlsi ..... appropriated, to be paid by the state! • .. treasurer on the audit and Warrant of tho *..-.-, comptroller, to carry out the purpose off. .. this act. '•-.•.•••-•.! .-'!-;...- I 4. This act shall. lake effect Immedi- ately. ' - ' : .-: -•!.-" - ".'-;,. - ; '-5'. ij State of New .York, Office; of the S:cre-." ; fW tary of State, s«.: i .'.;, '-• " .' I have compared the preceding with .tha !•-'•> '"• original-law on-file In. this office, and d,o •.'.' hereby certify that the same Is a correct. .': transcript therefrom and of the whole of .!-.: said original law. • . JOHN S. YVHALEtf,. " \7.;V- :.:•'-. Secretary of State . ... A LAWS OF NEW YORK—By Authority. [Every law, utiles* a.different time shall, be prescribed therein, shall not take ef- fect until the twentieth day after it shall have become a law. Section 44, article It, .' : •ihapter 8, Genera! Laws.) -. "•!--' CHAP. m. -••-•.'..- .'•: AN ACT to amend the hlghWAy law, In,.; relation to exempting certain" counties r " from the-poll tax. •' Became A law. May 2. 1907, with tha np.,. provai of the Governor.' Passe>d, thrse-••-!•.' fifths being present. : - . . -" -. The People of tho Slats of New York, - represented In Senate and Assembly, do ' - enact as fojlows: Section 1." Section fifty-three of chapter five hundred and alxty-elght of t h o l a w s .••"- of eighteen hundred and .ninety, entitled "An act In relation to highways, const!-' tut I riff chapter nineteen of the general laws," as amended by chapter four huh- dred and twelve of the laws of eighteen hundred and nlnety-thres, Chapter thf*a j finndred and \lfty-one of th* laws ot eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, ohap- ter one hundred and fifty-six of the taws of tjjneteen hundred and (wo, chapter (wo hundred and twenty.eiffht'of the laws Of . nineteen hundred nnd three, chapters on* i hundred and elgJtly-thrce and four hui»« : ' dred and seventy-eight or th* law* of nineteen hundred and four, Is hereby amended to read as follows: I 5S, Any town voting In favor of th« money system shall nnnually mls« by tai, to be levied nnd collected the sama ae- -• other town tnxes. for th* repair of the highways, nn annual sum of money, - which shall be equal to at least one-half the value at the commutation rate*, of the hlghWAy labor Which should be ns. sessAblc under the labor system, hut In any town in which ther* ms# be in . corpbratcd viliAjfe. which forme !'-»s^2aS m .' \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of I^TAVIA TM'ES FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1'JO? 31 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Batavia NY...

Page 1: I^TAVIA TM'ES FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1'JO? 31 - fultonhistory.comfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/Batavia NY Times/Batavia NY Times... · 3h signature and a certificate of a ... villages

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THE I ^ T A V I A TM'ES FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1'JO? 31 ^ inn i r *»^« mi i _ :*M»»A-MxUjtMmmMV); i*!':

WS OP NEW YORK—By Authority; ;very law. u n l e s s a different t i m e s h a l l prescribed there in , s h a l l not t a k e e£-

untl l the t w e n t i e t h d a y a f t e r i t sha l l e become a law. Sect ion 43. a r t i c l e I I , p t r t S , G e n w a l X a w a . )

C H A R DOT. ACT to a m e n d c h a p t e r n ine of the

•neral l aws , k n o w n a s t h e execu t ive w to provide for t h e filing by n o t a r i e s

th i r ty . Ya>'«.. the s t a t e commissioner o: neaitft -shall appoint a competent physi clan t/o the position, or. should a loca roam of heal th nominate a physician"-ioi appo in tmen t to the position of "health of nc»T. who. in the, j udgmen t ' of the state cwnmlss ione r of - h e a l t h . Is not prop.-rh cjunltfic-d for appointment to the position the s l a t e commissioner 0 f hea l th shell no. tlfy the local ,board of health of such fact

lbUc in t h e offices of r e g i s t e r s of the. a n d thereupon such local board of hea l t t r i a l comit ies , of the i r s i g n a t u r e s a m ' [ shall, wi thin th i r ty days from the d a t e 01

- • ' - - . . . . - . I 8 u c o - notice present" to the s t a t e coinmis rifficsteS of the i r a p p o i n t m e n t , •came a l a w . April 25, ]<Xi7, wi th t h e a p -ial of t h e Governor , P a s s e d , t h r e e -is be ing p re sen t . ie People of t h e "State of N e w York , •esentcd in S e n a t e ' a n d "Assembly, do ct «t3 fol lows: . * " ' . . - > •ction 1. ChapAer n ine of t h e g e n e r a l s, k n o w n a s t h e execu t ive law, is h e r e , amended by "fielding.the fol lowing p ro -cms, which sha l l be k n o w n a s sec t ion i ty-three-a u f sa id law. •-53-a.- P rov ided , however , t h a t in a n y n'ty where t h e r e is a r e g i s t e r a s well i county'•-.i-UsSR, a n o t a r y publ ic shal l in the ofiieo of said r e g i s t e r ' h i s a u t o -3h s i g n a t u r e a n d a cer t i f icate of a ity clerk a s i s ' provided in sect ion : ty-two for t h e filing of s u c h s igna tu re '

cert if icate in ce r ta in cases wi th a ity clerk. N o n o t a r y sha l l exe rc i se in i county a n y of the func t ions of his e. and sa id reg i s te r sha l l y i o t ; r eco rd ccept for r e c o r d i n g ' a n y . d e e d or o the r ten i n s t r u m e n t app roved ^ r a c k n o w l -id in k i ld coun ty by a. n o t a r y publ ic , ss said n o t a r y shal l h a v e first Com-: 1 with the r e q u i r e m e n t s hereof. T h e isions he re in for t i l ing of. 'such s igna r and cert if icate in the office o f . a . regis-

shall apply w h e t h e r t h e n o t a r y i s a c t -in the c o u n t y for which h e w a s a p -ted or in a coun ty in which h e - h a s ified. u n d e r the provis ions 'of sec t ion tv-two. in t h e l a t t e r case, however , rtificater from e i the r t h e c o m i t y c lerk re be w a s or ig inal ly appo in t ed or i the Comity c lerk Where he h a s ' q u a l l -and is a c t i n g shal l be sufficient. T h e iter in a n y c o u n t y - s h a l l be pa id a fee verity-five cen t s for t h e filing of e a c h i lu re aml -ee r t i l i ea te a s he re in provieV intl lie shal l k e e p a book for -entry, of salel s ignatures ' . ' :-

Tliis act shal l f ake , effect, on fhe .dm*..io£.. JJ ' tesni ' irieteen., hundKvd-^nd « a. ' ' " ' ""' ' " ~ ;:.".'' ; 'of N e w York , Office of t h e Se'cre-y bf .State ._sg, : .:.-*-. -.--.. ave c o m p a r e d . t h e preced ing w i t h the I nal law on lii'e in th i s .office, a n d do ay cert ify t h a t the s a m e is a c o r r e c t script t h e r e f r o m and- of the . w h o l e of original l aw. . V '

: J O H N f? .WHAI.TJN, •• •.."... S e c r e t a r y of S l a t e .

In such coneled W.wn's, vi l lages <or cities. L A W S O P N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y , Became a law. Apr i l 29, lXi7. wi th the a p (Every law. un less ii different;-time shal l

s oner of hea l th the name of ano the r phy­sician for appoin tment to the position ol health.officer, failing in which, the stat« commissioner , of hea l th shall appoint t> physician to the position. H e m a y be re moved tor jus t cause by the local boarc of heal th af te r a hearing.- such removal ! mus t he approved by the s t a t e eommls | sioner of hea l th . T h e ' h e a l t h officer neec not reside within the village or town for which he sha l l be chosen, bu t unless he shall, he mus t reside in a n -a'djolnin; town. . If the ,n>oper au thor i t i es shall noi nil any vacancies occurr ing in the mem­bership of a n y local board within th l r t s days u f t e r the happening of such vacancy t h o . m a y o r of the. ci ty, pres ident of die village, or supervisor of t h e town, sha l appoint a competen t person to fill the v<\. c ancy for the unexpired t e rm, which ap­pointment shall be immedia te ly filed ir t h e office of the county clerk, and a dupli­cate thereof, filed w i t h the clerk of the municipal i ty for which such appointment i s m a d e . Notice of the membersh ip and

iproVA) of t h e <j'overnor. Passed , t h r e e fifths being present .

T h e People of" t h e Sta te •of N e w York represented "in Sena te a r d Assembly, de. e n a c t a s fol lows: .

Section J. Any county of th is s ta te , con t a in lng one o r . m o r e towns , vil lages o: cities which have heretofore Issued.bondi to aid in the cons t ruc t ion or a n y railroac pass ing t h r o u g h such towns, vi l lages in cities, m a y presen t t o the court of claim! a claim for the a m o u n t of s t a t e t axes col lected from or paid by any such ra i l roa t wi th in the severa l towns , vil lages or eltlo: of such coun ty which were so bonded t< aid in the cons t ruc t ion of a n y such rail­road, since t h e e igh teen th day of May e ighteen hund red and sixty.rnlne, an t which said t a x e s w e r e paid by t h e count} t r e a s u r e r of s u c h coun ty to the s t a t i treasurer. . . . Jur i sd ic t ion is hereby confer­red upon t h e cou r t of c la ims to hear , au­dit a n d .de termine such claims- and fc make , a w a r d s and r ende r J u d g m e n t s there­for aga ins t t h e s t a t e and In favor of s u e t c l a i m a n t s . .

, 5 2. T h e a m o u n t w h i c h shall be award­ed to any coun ty a s provided in scetior .one of th i s ne t , sha l l b e paid to the. coun­ty , t r e a s u r e r of s u c h county; and sue? county t r e a s u r e r sha l l inves t or app ly th< s a m e In the m a n n e r anil for the purpose provided by sec t ion twelve of the gene ra munic ipal law. except tha t hi case suet cojmty shal l , h a v e here tofore paid to a n t

organizat ion of BVerC-'.focal boar d of h e a l I I * " " ™ ' vil lage or city, such s t a t e tax-s h i l ' ho foci >,-«.-•<>; ,;;,.„. v ••'. \, X. • ; ; • ! es. o r a n y port ion, t he r eo i . or In cafce suet

mun ic ipa l i t y when , ^ ^ I ^ ^ & ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 1 ^ •means-iflie c i t y , t i l l a g e or town for w h i c h ] • ••• l c " l h " ' ' - ' ' M"-'<-1 , ) ! " s > any such local board inav bo or Is a p - i pointed. T i l e provisions here in Contained for the appo in tment and n u m b e r of mem. be rs of boa rds of-health,- arid, for the ap­pointment of heal th officers, 'shall apply t o 'a l l t owns and villages, whether such villages a r e organized u n d e r - g e n e r a l oi special l aws . . „

; § 2. 'This- adt shall t ake effect immedi­ately. .- ; •-..."•; - ' . State, of N e w York, -Office of' t h e Secre-.- . tary of Sta te ; ss . ;

In the m a n n e r jjroyidedvb'y said seetiOr twelve of the gene ra l municipal l aw. (her and in t ha t case , such mou,eys or the- por tion thereof so paid or s e t aside a s afore­said, sha l l be used and applied by sucl-county t reasurei- for t)ie g e n e r a l ' pur­poses of the coun ty . •'.

§ 3. - N o av /a rd sha l l be m a d e or Judg­m e n t rendered h e r e i n agains t t h e 1 state u n l e s s . t h e f a c t s p roved s h a h m a k e out ?

.case aga ins t t h e - s t a t e , which would cre­a t e a liabili ty, we're the s a m e established in a cou r t ol" l aw O r equi ty a g a i n s t an iu ctividual or corpora t ion or niunicipai i ty I have 6ompared t h e preceding with the

S e ^ h v ' e ^ f v " , ! ^ ? ^ ' 1 5 ^ O i ^ - r - . « 4 ^ 0 ^ r n a in»otM*-.-*f,cti l iabil i ty shall be satis-fcahscViH t W r rin^fn n S ' a w r e C factorily. es tab l i shed , .(.hen the court , ol i-raiiscript tHerefrom and oi the whole ol L , i i. • » >i t \ •* •> . , said original law. c la ims shal l a w a r d to and render judg

1 m , , , „ M T H o u v I inent for t h e c l a i m a n t s for such s u m s ai • c r , f « , ' , i s h a l l b e j u s t a n d equi table , notwi ths tand-

v.- . : • . . secre ta ry ot Mate.•-.-., i n g t h e ] a l l s e o f t ime since the acorulnt • M U S n i . i ; , r , i I o f said d a m a g e s , provided a n y c la im here L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y . ; unde r t h a t h a s here tofore accrued shal

/ S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y . ery law. un l e s s - a different:tirfte sha l l rescribed the re in , s h a l l ' ho t t a k e ef-unti'* the twefitielti d a y a f te r it -shali become a law. Sect ion 43) a r t i c l e .11,

tcr S. Genera l L a w s . ] v.'--. "- ' . .--. C H A P . . . 2 S ;

VCT to a m e n d the -pub l ic h e a l t h l aw, dive to' . . the t e r m of office of local 1th officers. ' . . .".--, •anift a law, Apri l 23,1907. wi th tire a p -d of the Governor . P a s s e d , t h r ee -

being p re sen t . People of t h e S ta t e of N e w York,

sented in S e n a t e a n d Assembly , , do as fol lows: -'.'•'•': '„ ." '

lion 1. ^Section t w e n t y of c h a p t e r ^ x « red ' and s i x t y - o n e • p£ t h e ' l a w s of ?cn hundred a n d . n ine ty - th ree , e n t i -VAn ac t in' r e l a t ion to the pub l i c ii. cons t i tu t ing c h a p t e r twenty-f ive of cneral l a w s , " its a m e n d e d by c h a p t e r lundred a n d s ix ty-e igh t .of the l a w s igliteen h u n d r e d and nine ty r four . er live h u n d r e d aiiel e igh iy - four of i\vs of e igh teen hundred a n d n inety* :napter two hund red and e i g h t y - t w o j.Iaws-of e ighteen hundred: a n d n i n e -en. c h a p t e r t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d t h i r . ie of the l a w s of n ine teen h u n d r e d two. chapte r , t h r e e - h u n d r e d a n d .-three of the l aws of nine teen h u n -tnd three, c h a p t e r four h u n d r e d a n d •-four of t h e -laws of n ine teen h u n -and four a n d c h a p t e r two h u n d r e d if ty. three of t h e l aws of n ine teen ed and ^Ix i s hereby a m e n d e d t o is follows:

Local b o a r d s of hea l th .—There shal l uo to be local b o a r d s o f . h e a l t h a n d i officers In the s eve ra l c i t ies , ' y i l -and towns of the s t a t e . I n t h e c i t -tcept ci t ies of the first a n d . s e c o n d the b o a r d sha l l consis t of t h e nu<y-the city w h o shal l be i t s pres ident , ' t̂ least s ix o t h e r ' pe rsons , one of shall be a c o m p e t e n t phys ic ian ,

ihall be app'ointcd by t h e c o m m o n 1,- upon the nomina t i on of the m a y -d shal l liolel. oftlco for t h r e e y e a r s . •Uments of m e m b e r s of such b o a r d s be made for s u c h , s h o r t e r t c r m s a s *- t ime m a y be necessa ry , in . .order he t e rms of two appoin ted m e m b e r s expire annua l l y . In t h e c i t i e s ; . ex -ities of the first anel second c lass , ich o ther c i t ies w h o s e c h a r t e r s o th -

provlde,. t h e board shal l appoin t , t e rm of four y e a r s , a c o m p e t e n t

ian.. 'not one of its m e m b e r s , to be alth officer of the c i ty a n d sha l l fill icancy t h a t - n o w ex i s t s o r . m a y h e r e -exist f rom, exp i ra t ion of t e r m o r ise In the office of h e a l t h officer of y. In v i l l ages t h e b o a r d shal l con-rip.t less t h a n , t h ree neir m o r e t h a n

persons, not t r u s t ee s of tire vi l lage, hail bo appo in ted by the honrel of s at the lii-st' mee t ing of the boa rd itees of such vi l lage, a f t e r the n e x t

election of t h e v i l lage: the -merh-; said board o f h e a l t h sha l l a t t he i r telfng divide t h e m s o l \ c s by lot in to .'lasses, whose^ t e r m s of Office Phall respectively in one; t w o and t h r e e from the a n n u a l election held p r io r r a p p o i n t m e n t : and In case of a n o in the m e m b e r s h i p of such boa rd , elnat tcr provided, t h e r e shal l be" a >ponlonment by lot. of t h e aelded j rs. in respec t to the i r t e r m s of of- J the first m e e t i n g of sa id b o a r d aft- j

:ii increase occurs , w h e r e b y t h e i number of t e r m s expi r ing a n n u a l l y j t: a s nea r ly equa l a s possible. F r o m j ter the a p p o i n t m e n t of said b o a r d i •'« provided, t h e a p p o i n t m e n t o t t ho ors of said monibe r s shal l be mndo nlely a f t e r t h e a n n u a l e lec t ions of Hfgc and sha l l con t inue In office

[Every law, unless a different time shall i be prescribed therein, s h a l l - n o t take el\ I feet un t i l t h e twent ie th day a f t e r it sha l ! j have become a law. Section 43, art icle II ,

c h a p t e r IS, Genera! L a w s . ] •"-CHAP. 2?ii. '.-

A N A C T . t o amend t h e agr icu l tura l law, in re la t ion to moneys realized by the re­covery of penalt ies , and cer ta in mat te rs of procedure . • :• Became a law, April 20,1507. w i t h the ap­

proval of the Governor . P a s s e d , three , fifths belng-prcseht . \ ';•••

The People of the . S t a t e of N e w York,. represented in. Sena te and Assembly, dc

• enac t a s fol lows: ; • f-Section 1. The title and a b s t r a c t of con-

be filed w i th t h e cou r t of c la ims wlthir one y e a r a f t e r ^ t h e passage, of- th is ac t and provideel a n y claim he reunder thai h a s here tofore a c c r u e d shal l be filed with t h e Court o t c l a i r n s - wi th in one yea r after the passage of th i s ac t , and provided a h j claim h e r e u n d e r t h a t shall he rea f t e r ac­crue shal l be filed With the court of claims wi th in ' two y e a r s a f te r the accrua ' thereof. . , .

§• 4. ".This a c t shal l t ake effect .immedi­ately.' '•;• • ; . ^ S ta t e of New York, Office of the Secre­

t a r y of S t a t e , s s . : { I h a v e compared the preceding wi tn the or ig inal l a w on file in th is office, a n d e l c hereby .certify t h a t the same is a ' co r r ec t

t e n t s of ar t ic le fifteen of c h a p t e r th ree I t r a n s c r i p t t h e r e f r o m and of the. whole ol hundred and th i r ty -e igh t of. the laws oi j s a i , j or iginal l aw . e ighteen hund red a n d n inety- three , en t i - ! t ied "An a c t in relat ion to agr icul ture , i const i tu t ing, ar t ic les one, two, three, four and five of c h a p t e r t h i r t y - th ree of the general l a w s , " a s added by chapte r five hundred and e ighty-four of t h e laws oi nineteen hundred and six, is • hereby amended to read as follows:

. A R T I C L E XV.-. Turpent ine , Linseed Oil, E t Cetera .

Section 200. Adul te ra t ion and sale , p a c k a g e to be m a r k e d .

201. Vio la t ion-a misdemeanor ; fine. 202. P o w e r s and. du t i e s of commiss ioner!

of agriciilturOi • " ' " ! 203. PenaJ^S'; act ion to recover . i

< i 2 , SecTion two hundred a n d three of j such chapte r , a s added by chap te r five hundred a n d e ighty- four of the .law's of | nineteen hundred and six, is hereby J amended to r ead as follows:

S 203. P e n a l t y ; act ion to recover.—Any j person, firm .or corporat ion who shall vio- ; l a t e a n y of the provisions of this a c t . shal l , in addi t ion to t h e fine'or imprison-] m e n t previously described, for each of- j fonse forfeit and pay a fixed penal ty of i One hundred dol lars . Such pena l ty shal l j b e recovered, -with costs , in a n y court of . t h e s ta te hav ing Jurisdiction thereof, in i a h action, to be prosecuted in t h e name of-, t h e people.-by the commissioner of a g r l - ! cul ture . * " I

{ 3. This act shall t a k e effect immedi-1 a te ly . ' S t a t e of N e w York, Office of the Secre-]

t a r y of S ta te , ss

J O H N S. W H A L E N , Secre ta ry of S ta te .

L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y [Every law, u n l e s s a different t ime shall

b« prescribeel therein,- shal l not t a k e ef­fect unt i l the t w e n t i e t h day af te r i t shal! !have become a law. Section 43, art icle: I I chap te r S, Genera l L a w s . ]

C H A P . 239. -.••; AN ACT to a m e n d t h e Insurance law, rel­

at ive-to. i n v e s t m e n t s and loans by sure t j company . Became a law. Apri l 2S. Ii07, with the ap­

proval of t h e Governor . Passed , three-fifths being presen t . . . . . .

T h e People of t h e S ta t e of New York represented In- S e n a t e and Assembly, dc enac t a s fol lows: . .:. . '•

Section ] . Section sixteen of chap te r s i j hundreel anel ninety, of the laws of eight., een hundred and n inety- two, ent i t led "An ac t in relat ion to i n s u r a n c e corpora t ions cons t i tu t ing c h a p t e r th i r ty-e ight of tin-genera l l aws , " a s amended.- by c h a p t e r one .hundred and twelve of the l aws of eighteen ht indred and n ine ty- three , chap­te r n ine hund red a n d seventeen of the laws-of ^eighteen h u n d r e d and ninety-five, c h a p t e r t w o h u n d r e d - a n d ' e i g h t e e n of the laws of e ighteen h u n d r e d and ninety-sev­en, a n d by c h a p t e r th ree hundred arte! twenty-s ix of the l aws of nineteen hun-. dred a n d six, is he reby amentled to read a"s" fo l lows:

§ 16. I n v e s t m e n t of capi ta l and surplus".

I have compared the preceding with t h e ! —The c a s h - c a p i t a l of every domest ic in-Original law on file In Uus"7>ffiee, and do ! su rance corporat ion requi red to have a hercbv ccrt ifv t h a t t h e s a m e ) s a cor rec t ! capi ta l , fo the ex t en t of the min imum t ransc r ip t therefrom and io f the whole of. capi ta l requi red by law, shali be Invest-,

be prescr ibed there in , shal l not t a k e ef­fect until t h e twen t i e th "day r. t ter It sluOl h a v e become a law. Keetlo.n 43, a r t ic le I I , chap te r f. Genera l Laws . ) .

,.V;. C H A P . 240. A N A C T . t o amend chapte r two hundred

artel t h i r t y - two of the l aws pf nine teen hundred a n d four, enti t led " A n ac t re­la t ing t o commiss ioners of ju ro r s for each coun ty of the s t a t e h a v i n g a cer­tain popula t ion a n d regula t ing and p re ­scribing his du t i e s anel also providing In wha t m a n n e r j u r i e s shall bo m a d e u p and j u r o r s d r a w n In cour t s of record In «u ih coun t i e s ; how they m a y be e x ­empt eel o r cxeusi 'd nnit t h e length of sei-vice of such j u r o r s , " re la t ive to ..com.-, pensafion .of assessors:- ' . . . . . •' - ...

Became it jaw. April 30,1907. with the ap­proval of the G o v e r n o r , . Passed , three--fifths being present. : . : ! .-

The'• People of the S ta te of New York, represented In S e n a t e and Assembly; do enact a s fol lows: ":...; ? • : / . - "

Section 1. Sect ion 6cveo_o'f c l i a p l e r t w o hundred and t h i r t y - two ;of tho l aws of nineteen h u n d r e d a n d four, ent i t led " A n ac t re la t ing to cominlssioners of j u r o r s for each coun ty of t h e s t a t e h a v i n g a ce r ­t a in populat ion and •'regulating anil p re ­scr ibing his du t i e s and also providing in w h a t m a n n e r j u r i e s shall be m a d e up and j u r o r s "drawn in" cour t s of record In such count ies ; how- the-y may, be oxompteel o r excused and the length of service of such ju ro r s , " i s hereby amended to read a s follows: '-••-,.'-".

. 5 7. i t shal l be the. duty, of the a s sesso r s anel supervisors o f . ' t h e cities anil town-board and a s se s so r s of (he seVefal tow.ns in such counties' to pieel oili t he first Tues . day of Sep tember In eiich y e a r and to pro-eceel to select.: m a k e ana verify and filc-With commiss ioner of j u ro r s , the n a m e s , places of re-sleienco and occupation of all person's . in such pit ies and towns respec­tively, liable to j u r y gtfty. Said n a m e s shall be m a d e in two l ists; one shal l con­sist of a l is t of- g r a n d j u r o r s as, required by section twen ty - s ix of th is act a n d the other, of the r e m a i n i n g qualified j u r o r s who shall be known a s tho t r ia l j u ro r s . Such r e tu rn sha l l each be inaele in; wri t , ing, signed and verified .by.'a ma jo r i ty 'o f saitl ' supervisors anel assessors of such cities anel a major i ty of said t own .boa rds and assessors of jSuch towns . respectively, to t h e effect t h a t l h e y believe the ; persons" named in said l is ts to be a l l r the ma le cit­izens of t h e 1'nlted Sta tes , res idents ol said ci t ies and t o w n s respectively, hot loss than ' twen ty -one y e a r s of age , nor over the- age of seven ty years , rissessceV for personal p r o p e r t y belonging to lilni In his own r igh t to t h e a m o u n t Of two ' .hundred and fifty dol lars , the owner, of a freehold es ta t e in real p roper ty , s i tua ted in the county betonglng to h im in his own right to the va lue of one hundred and fifty dol­lars , or t h e / u s b a i i d of a w o m a n who Is the owner y f a . l ike freehold es ta t e be­longing to 4»<»r in he r own r ight . In the, possession of his "natura l ! facult ies , not in-' firm or dee-replt, free from all..legal:<ex-ceptions, of goocl c h a r a c t e r a n d ' a p p r o v e d Integr i ty , - of sound j u d g m e n t and w e l l In­formed, able to read and wr i t e "the Eng­l ish l anguage - unde r s t and ing ly and not contained in a n y o t h e r list requi red to be filed unde r th i s a c t , - a n d shall be delivered to the commiss ioner of j u r o r s on Or be­fore the first M o n d a y of October In the s a m e year . Tho omission to Include the n a m e s of one or m o r e persons so l iable or a n y o ther e r ro r o r defect In the lists does no t affect t h e va l id i ty -of a n y proceedings prescr ibed in th i s sect ion. Upon the filing of the said l is ts wi th the .said .commis­s ioner of j u r o r s , t h e said commissioner shal l proceed to revise the s a m e and m a k e Inquiries a s to t h e eligibility and qualifi­cat ion of the j u r o r s the re in narn.ee], and h e shal l proceed to s t r ike theref rom the n a m e of any ju ro r lie finds to be disquali­fied or exempt . Ho shal l sit a t such p laces in tiie county a s m a y be reason­ably convenient a n d shall g ive such notice of such s i t t ings to the pe r sons named In said l ists, a s he m a y deem to .be proper. F o r the d i scharge o f - t h e du t i es required by th i s ac t the asseissors of the several t owns affected the reby shal l be eintltled to receive a s compensat ion t h e sum of three dol lars for each and every d a y necessari­ly engaged in the d i scharge of said se>rv. ice in addit ion to t h e ' o t h e r compensa t ion nOT-'. allowed by l aw which s u m is hereby m a d e a town cha rge .

-, 5 2. This act shal l t a k e effect Immedi­a te ly! S t a t e of N e w -Yorkj Office of t h e Secre­

tary-of S t a t e , s s . : .' • •-..' I h&ve compared the preceding with the

original l a w on file In th i s office, and do hereby certify t h a t t h e s a m e Is a correct t r ansc r ip t therefrom: and of t h e whole of said or iginal law.

J O H N S.. "WHALEN, ' • • . - , ' ' . S e c r e t a r y of Sta te . -

L A W S O F t x E W ^ Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y , fEvery law. unless a *ilfter*rit t ime chull hull

bo prescr ibed there in , shal l ne;t • t a k « e f feet unt i l tho twen t i e th day a f te r i t shall, h a v e become a law. Sect ion 43^'«rtlcl«'lt,< ohapter 8. Genera l "Laws . ] . ' •'•"•'-•.-

C H A P . 243. AN ACT to a m e n d t h e labor law, relattve, " t o hours o f . l abo r on s t ree t su r face a n d

e levated r a i l r o a d s In cities of the first and second class . ' ! ' B e c a m e a law, April 30.1?07, wi th t h e a p ­

proval of t h e Governor . Parsed , - t h r e e -fifths be ing present . . .--.

T h e People of t h e ' S t a t e o f j r Jcw- York, fepresented in Sena te and Assembly , d o , ,-nact a s follows; , - -.- -'- ; , . ;

Section 1. Section five of. c h a p t e r four hundred a n d fifteen ot the l aws!of e igh t -t>eii hundred and ninety-seven, entltlcel "An act in rela t ion to labor, cons t i t u t i ng thnptejr th i r ty - two of the genera l l a w s , " Is hereby amended t o r e a d a s fol lows: . j 5. H o u r s of labor on s t r & t su r face s n d e levated ra l l roads. -^Ten C o n s e c u t i v e hours ' - l abor , including one-half hour for flintier, shal l cons t i tu te a d a y ' s l abor In the. opera t ion of all s t ree t su r face anel elevated • ra i l roads , of w h a t e v e r mot ive power! owned or opera ted by corpora t ions in th i s s t a t e , whose, ma in l ine of t r ave l , sr whose rou tes He principally w l th ' n tho corporate l imi ts of ci t ies of the first anel Second class . No employee of a n y such corporat ion sha l l -be permi t tedhpr iiiioweel \f> work more than ten consecut ive hours , Inciuellhg one-half hoii.r for ellnner. in' ntiy ohe day of twenty- four hou r s . I n c a s e s of acc iden t , or unavoidable delay, e x t r a labor, m a y . be , .per formed for e x t r a com-* pensation.-

/ S 2. T h i s a c t shal l t a k e e l Y e c t Ju ly first, nineteen hundred aud s e v e n . . . : • Sta to of: N e w York; Oiiice: of tho Secre­

t a r y of S ta te , 8 8 . : ' . I . h a v e compared the preceding with the

original law on file In th i s office, ami do hereby certify t ha t the s a m e is a . c o r r e c t t r ansc r ip t therefrom, a n d of t h e Whole of Bald original law

.;---". J O H N S. W H A L E N . - v - Secre ta ry of S ta t e .

LAWS dp NEW YORK-^By Au<herfty;}.tAW8 OF NEW.YORK---By Auth«rtty, (Kvery lavr, unlt 'M ad i l t e l - en t t l rae sholl

bo prescr ibed there in , shs.ll no t taKe ef- j feet unt l i th» l-jk-*ntl«th d»y a f te r It s h u l l ] h a v e become u - l aw. S«ctlon 43. a r t i c l e II,!} cht iptcr S, Genera l LayrtiJ :- . ' - - - { .•;• - " . :" : C H A P . 2£«.-.": -,:i AN ACT to a m e n d c h a p t e r four h u n d r e d .

and fifty-one of the" laws- o.f n i n e t e e n ) ihUntlred, en t i t l ed " A n a c t a i i l ho rUIng ! t h e e s t ab l i shmen t of' wa t e r d i s t r i c t s In!)

. t o w n s , " in re la t ion t o the proceelure for t

J i n - r j ui,*> u>oics.Ji «•, C'fvt iv. t Uojtj sha l l be prescr ibed (nerelti , sha l l no t Mtta "ef»' feet unt i l t h e . t w e n t i e t h d a y e f U j - i t sha l l . : h a \ e become a. t aw. Sect ion 43, a r t i c l e 11,' c h a p t e r 8, Qefiet: 1 I^aws;)'.-..•'":->.'•

C H A P 253. AN ACT. t6 ame--d thi*!coele. Of fclyll/i^pl

•cedure^ In relation:-.'to "sherlffB1 fB«» ant j 1 p lac ing cauge-s e n the oalendttr,

- B e c a m e a' law, Apr i l : So," ISQTe" Wlflr. . th?, app rova l cf the .Oove rno r . t o s s e d , t h r e e -fifths, be ing present , , - >

The" I 'eopie of tho S t a t f e o t Novr York,'; c r ea t i ng such dis t r ic ts ." B e c a m e a law, Apr i l 30, 1907, wi th t h e j ^ ^ ^ ^ " ( 1 , " ^ Sertat^ ' t tf id ^ « s e m W y 7 ' o c ^

a p p r o v a l of the Qovernor . , Passetl , t h r ee -1 e n » o t n s foliov-s ; ' .: • ; ^ " '>*'"«, Present . , -,-.. _ • . -^ . ; - . . - - , : Se<;tion j ; Subdivis ion four of BeeilortS , ^ . r h e People: of the S l a t e of Now \ o r k . t h l r t y . t h r e e huridretl and seven of t h e cods''-• srepreseiited In S e n a t e rind. Assembly, do 0 f civil , p rocedure i s hereby a m e n d e d to'! o n a c t u * . f o l l o w s : ..- A . - v . . . - . . . • " k j ^ a . a s foiiovvs- . ' - : " - ' , ' A •

Section 1. • Seet lon one .of . .chaptcr four [ 4 ; P o r not i fy ing J U W H " t o ttttenflti,.trial term'-of a cour t 'Of recbrelr: fifty cshts ' tpf'. each .causes placed tipon the.'cn1.rn"tytr; fp>'

huhd t^d andf l f ty -oh t ! of the"lows of nine-1 tc^fnifcietred, ent i t led -!!A"n net ah ihor l?-i n g ' l h e e s t ab i t shmcht

•L\•'• K » ••iV'~\ ii,'u i. , for ca te iu lni - fees lit one u c t l o i i - X l l « c te rkv iV.wn board^ m a y . es tabl i sh .water | s h h l l n o t p u t f t c ause h p o h t h o - c a l e n e l a r , :

s , p e t i t l o n . - l ho town. hoareV pn the- m t H : , l by j u r y , until t ha fee Bjjeelfleel ifr, r of a mnjorlty_ of tho T f t ^ e r s of t h u subdivis ion Is paid t o h im foi: tho t i se .

., , w o l s , i m c " , t u t w a t e r d i s t r i c t s ] t r l 8 , b , A j , ) r y v t o . b e pa id by t h e p a r t y \ feiSi '; f :"mv f t j !ed- by c lapter f o u H n . s t puttljiK the paus i -ou t h e ca l enda r for 1 $?M ' H, TVV"' y " . , e J ' ^ V ' ^ S " * J " i a t te rn) , B u t t h e sheriff Is n o t . c n t i t i e a i , , , , , l , . h l l 1 d r r ' 7 1 ? , 0 1 * | s h e r o b > ' | t o m<>ro! t h a n one dol lar a n d nrij-. eetifa" ?™l) .^"SZtt'.f ^ ' V ^ . v , i k U&Mot catendrtV t ees lit . . .iti .action. XllO Clerk d i s t r i c t s

r C i ! ! l^ n ' -~* ," '•-."- '••-• , " ' ••" '"va;,"-' '-• ; thlB subdivision la pa -iri^? „„ i^"--!^;-*> •>, Propused ells- o t t ] l i s l l e r i n . . . : A m ) whe re t h e caU;se> la .

o w « , ' i i* .1f r m 7 ' f ' , " ' ' ' : ! mP' c ' s l i l b l l s l ; " o t e of Issuo as .p resc r ibed In.sect lohjWnt, S n T n i ; ffisiHct outs ide a n y Incorpora ted j h l m d l . c a n n d s e V cnty-soVon of t h i s act ." tho i ¥iW rr? ,? . . ' w l ' ° !-v w , l , ^ l ! , ? U c h p a r t y mov ing the. t r ia l mtislYpay t b i t b o 1 ! towr^ Tit- . petition, mufl. dosortbe the j.rei- j c lerk for t h e 0so o f the "sheriff . t h e c a l e i w , " posed ^ ( s t r i c t anel s t a t e : the ^max imum , d A r f c e o r j ^ , , r o l l l a m | n g unpaid.- / Nei | : a m o u n t proposed to b e expended In Hie. ; B h o r l ( T w ) , 0 r < ! e o l v c , a n a r n i u n r s h i a r y .ttti: %luMTl m . ° , * ' !° ' v ' l! l c r ; , s y s t 0 . ' ; ' .V T , ' e ' whole -or i n . p a r t f o n h l s sorvjeos s l k i l ' b * ' ; -p e t l t l o n n v i s t be s igned by the petl l loners, ; c n , u l c d t o t , 1 0 fees" provided b y th i s s t l b ^ and acknowledged !-tiV the s a m e m a n n e r a s j d l v i s i o n . nhd ^ i n a t l l couhi ics where,.". th*.C-a elceel1 t o ^ e recorded;A-.- *. . . -_, j gherllf receives s.ich Kinnuat s a l u f r . -thrf; rU. Seetlem two of such chap te r Is here - I c l e r k ' s h a l l p lace nil" causes l i puk t h e - c » K f by amended to r e a d a s tolle.ws: . . . / j e h d a r for t r ia l -wi thout t h o i p a y m e n t o r -

V V • } ' . i ^ P n " s - - ! ^ ' r e shal l bo a n - ; c ( ) , | ( , e t i o n o f i j „ l y fec t h e r e f o r e - i : - - Y - > , nexed to t h e pe t i t em above provideel. a , } £:: T ) I I B A6i ahtin I 1 0 t , u r f e c t \ t W - r l » l f e ^ n a p mul plan showing the sources of wn^ \ o f j , n y sheriff iiow In office t<j Wcelvo the) 1

^ L * ! ' , F i y ."!'.„ ' L ^ . ^ , . t 1 " 1 . ' . , 0 . - {}\e L??-"f!» ?ccir. provided !for here in urttiJ. jM&MffiM J h l s terhv br ofiKo, provlelcd ho is )io!w:iawr»"-5

fuli j- 'ehtl t lcd tb receive t h e ; s a m e . . .--! -. •'-;'-" 5 S. . T h i s a c t shal l t a k e "effect S e p t e m b e r / '

first, n ine teen liuntlred ahd .aoveh . '. ">• &^t% i S t a t e of N e w York , offico of t l io ' Sccrb"-!;

L A W S O P N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y , l E v e r y law, u n l c s s a different t ime shal i

be prescr ibed therein, shal l not t ake ef­fect unt i l the t w e n t i e t h day a f te r It. shal l have become-a law. Section 43, a r t ic le I I , c h a p t e r s , General L a w s . ) '

• . C H A P . 2oi. •'.-' ' . - ; " . ; ' . . AN A € T to amend c h a p t e r two hundred

a n d for ty-one of t h e l aws of eighteen h u n d r e d - a n d eighty-t i i ree, ent i t led "Aii a c t to . Incorpora te the In te rna t iona l com-

! iiiittee; of young'•men's chr i s t ian associa­t i ons , " In r e l a t i o n . t o a m o u n t of proper­ty to be held by such commi t tee . B e c a m e a law. April 30. 1907,, wi th t h e

appro'val of t h e Governor . Passed! three-. Blttif. being present . • !;

T h e People of the S ta te of N e w York, represen ted In' Sena te and Assembly , , do enac t a s fol lows: ; - !. _.,"•; !-

Section 1. Section four of c h a p t e r t w o hund red a n d forty-piie pf ; t h e l aws of eighteen hundred and e igh ty- th ree , en t i ­t led " A n ac t to Incorpora te t h e In te rna­t ional commi t t ee pf y o u n g m e n ' s Chris-

strenms.- Water o r w a t e r r igh ts to -be ac -quli'eel therefor , nnd t h e mode ;ut coil'-! s t ruc t Ing vtlie proposed w a t e r , w o r k s a m t j t h e locat ion thereof, Inc luding resfervolr?. 1 m a i n s , dlstrlbtit i t ig pipes anil . hydruiilV. T h e peti t ion, .map and p lans s h n l l b n , filed \ '.- t Q r . , 0 f s t a t e as • • With • thei town clerk, a n d a certified copy [ , t havo c o m p a r c d ' t h e tireepdln^.with."theV of such m a p sha l l : a l s o , b t r f i l e d - t n t h « ! or iginal l aw on file Iff th i s office, a n d .do? , .„ , , . . . . . „ . . , , .. o n l c c s u c h iiiap a n d p l a n s j i1 ( , rcby cer t i fy th'at t h e - s a m d i^ .a-corrce t ' ;

t r ansc r ip t there f rom and oC the whole, erf-!

t inn a s soc ia t ions , " is he reby a m e n d e d t o fllecl. A t such meet ing , t h e town board

sa id or iginal law. J O H N S. W I I A L K N ,

Secre ta ry of Sta te .

L A W S O F N E W . Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y [Every law, unless a different t ime shall

be prescribed therein, shall not take ef­fect until the twent ie th day a f te r it shall '! h a v e become a law. Section 43. article I I , j c h a p t e r s . General L a w s . } '

C H A P . 229. A N . ACT to a m e n d the ra i l road law, in r e - j , lation to the collection of fare o n ' c e r - l , ta in electr ic sur face ra i l roads . , : ;

Became a law. April- Z), 1907, wi th the- ap - j provai of the Governor . Pas sed , th ree - j fifths being present . •'

The l 'eople of the S t a t e of N e w 'i'ork. j represented in Senate and Assembly, do.j enac t a s follows:

Section 1. Chap te r five hundred and six- 1 ty-Ilve of the laws of eighteen hundred a n d ninety, enti t led "An act in relation to I ra i l roads , cons t i tu t ing ohap te r th i r ty-nine > of the genera l l a w s . " Is hereby amended j by ad(ltnjr*thereto a now section af ter sec- j tion one hundred nnd one thereof, to be j k n o w n ' a s section one hundred and one.a, a n d to read a s follows: \

i i 101-a- Collection of fare.—It shall h e ; j unlawful for any corporat ion, o r an e m - j

ployce thereof, opera t ing a street surface \ I raiirond, or a branch thereof, on which ; • t h e motive power' is electricity, which j

eel and kept Invested In the kinds of secu­r i t ies; in which depos i t s wi th the superin­tendent of. i n s u r a n c e a r c reeiuircd by this chap te r to be 'made. The res idue, of the capi ta l and the su rp lu s money and funds £f every domest ic in su rance corporat ion eSyji^and above i t s cap i t a l , and the deposit t h a t i t m a y ^ i e r equ i red t b n i a k e with the super in tendent , .may be invested .fay—or

I loaped on the pledge, of any of the securi-! t i e s I n . w h i c h depos i t s a r e required to be ! invested or in tlio public s tocks or bonds 1 of a n y one of the t ' n i t e d S ta tes , or except

a s in this c h a p t e r o the rwise provided^ in t h e s tocks , bonds or o the r evidence of In. debtediiess of a n y solvent Inst i tut ion In­corpora ted 'une le r the l aws of the United S t a t e s o r of a n y s l a t e thereof, or in such real e s t a t e a s 11 is author ized by this chap te r to hold: b u t no such funds shall be' invested in or loaned on its own stock or t h e s tock of a n y o t h e r Insurance cor­pora t ion ca r ry ing on the same kind of In­surance bus iness except t h a t a n y such company engaged solely In business a s a

coun ty clerk shal l be prepared by a cbinptfteiit engi neer.! ...••-. •;-- . :". - . .;.-.;--.';;-.:--.."'-.••'-•'.• -'-••..-.

5 ' 3 . Section four , of Mich chap te r ; ns a m e n d e d ' by c h a p t e r four luihelri-d nnd. s e v e n t y - o n e o f tho l aws of nineteen hun­dred and one, is hereby . amended to r ead a s follows: ,''"••-"•

I t Action by town b o a r d : — W h e n : t h e pet i t ion, m a p : and . p l a n s are-f i led In tho t o w n c le rk ' s office t h e t o w n : c lerk shal l c ause notice of the. filing of sa id pet i t ion a n d t h e object thereof to be publ ished for one week In a!r n e w s p a p e r published In Btich town or If no newspape r bo publ ish­ed there in , then by pos t ing said not lce . In a t l eas t s ix public and conspictioug places in t h e proposed w a t e r d i s t r i c t descr ibed in such peti t ion. S u c h n o t l c o shall also speci­fy a t ime a n d p lace where, t h e town boa rd will mee t to consider t h e peti t ion, Which m e e t i n g s h a ^ not be less than t e n ' o r m o r e than-; t w e n t y d a y s , a f te r ' the peti t ion Is

said original law. J O H N S, W H A L E N :

. : Soerj . tary b t State*.

LAWS OF NEW YORK-^By Authority. [Every law. unless a different t ime shall

be prescribed therein, shal l not t ake ef­fect until the twent ie th day a f te r It shall h a v e become a law. Section 43, ar t ic le I I , chap te r S, General Laws . j

CHAP...247. • AN ACT to amend the b a n k i n g law, re la­

t ive to the paymen t o t deposi ts in sav­ings b a n k s in t h e . n a m e s of more than one person. > . Became a law, April 30, 1907, with the

approval of the Governor . Pas.sed,. th ree-fifths being, present .

The People of the S ta te of Now York, represented In Sena te a n d Assembly, do e n a c t a s fol lows:

Section 1. Section one hundred and fourteen of c h a p t e r s ix h u n d r e d and e ighty-nine of the laws of eighteen hun­dred and nlnety-tw-o, ent i t led "An ac t In re la t ion to b a n k i n g corpora t ions . " Is here­by amended to r ead as follows:

5 114. Deposi ts of minors , and t rus t de­pos i t s and deposi ts In the n a m e s of more t h a n one person.—When a n y deposit shall

read a s fol lows: J 4. The sa id . corpora t ion slftilt In l aw

be capable , of: t ak ing^ , rece iv ing and- hold-ing absolu te ly and InVhwral lo r l is gen­eral u ses a n d purposes , and for a n y pa r ­t icular d e p a r t m e n t of i t s W o r k , and for any p a r t i c u l a r associa t ion, by gift, devise, bequest* g r a n t or purchase , subjec t t o the l i m i t a t i o n . a s to,, a m o u n t he re ina f t e r stat-: ed, rea l and personal p roper ty , and , wi th the consen t of the board of t r u s t e e s hero­in' provided for. of le t t ing, leas ing and conveying t h e s a m e , a n d shal l a l so h a v e power wi th t h e like consen t to i ssue bonds and secure t h e same by m o r t g a g e s upon _ Its rea l e s t a t e anel i ts improvemen t ; t h e ' consent of the said t r u s t ee s to be evi­denced by affixing the i r s ea l to the Ins t ru­men t s of Conveyance and bonds and m o r t ­gages , and caus ing the s a m e .to be s igned by the i r p res ident and t r ea su re r , In pur ­suance of a resolut ion of their, board to t h a t effect. S a i d . corporat ion m a y t a k e and hold a s aforesa id p roper ty no t exceed­ing In va lue seven million dol lars , or t h e year ly , income derived from which sha l l not exceed one million five hundred thou­sand dol lars . I n comput ing t h e va lua of such proper ty , no Increase In. va lue a r i s ­ing o the rwise t h a n from i m p r o v e m e n t s made thereon ;shall be t aken Into account . And t h e rea l , e s t a t e of this corpora t ion shall->i;ot be liable for a n y debt or obliga­tion of the corpora t ion , -un less the s a m e shall h a v e been contracted wi th the a p ­proval of the said board o f t i u s t ee s . All Devises a n d beques ts , however , to t h e said corporat ion shal l be subject to tho p r e ­visions of t h e " a c t of t h e leg is la ture r e ­la t ing to wi l l s . " passed Apri l t h i r t een th , eighteen h u n d r e d and s ix ty , a n d t h e a c t s amenda to ry there to .

5 2. T h i s a c t shall t a k e effect immedi ­ately * Sta t e of N e w ' York, Office of , the Secre ­

t a r y of S ta te , s s , : -. ; - '." I have compared the preceding wi th the

original law; on file in this office, and do hereby certify t h a t the s a m e is » correct! t r ansc r ip t therefrom and of th'e : whole .of eald original law.

J O H N S. W H A L E N , . , . . Sec re t a ry of S ta te .

su re tv company u n d e r subdivision four of b ^ m*(U: h>\ o r l n ̂ " a , " n °f:<n>' minor Ecetlon seventy hf the insurance law. may invest such funds in, or loan such fund? on, the stock o t a n y other, corporat ion ca r ry ing on solely t h e same kind 6f busi­ness outside of, but not within, t h e Unit­ed States . Any elomcstlo insurance corpo­ra t ion may . by t h e direct ion and consent Sf two- th i rds of i t s board ot eflrcctors. m a n a g e r s o r finance commit tee , Invest, by

" ~ - — - , M _ j , - * t Hull ilt,t I ." ' " uun iiv.11 ^<jiiuiiieie,i-, 11111,01, u*

road or b ranch Is opera ted wholly or In i ] o f l n ^ 6 ( h f i . w ) s e , a n y such surp lus mon-h^ir »,,„ . ", ." „ I o s r t In A cl lv hav ing a t least one million n m * . w s ;I* a r ° a >?P"l n l , c d v , n 1 inhab i t an t s and which crosses the bonn-1 no^cd t he r e f rom; provided, howev- ' ^ 7 ^ " c I t y „f ,he first c lass , to col - ]

teot faro of a passenger more t h a n once I for and du r ing one cont inuous r ide on a single osr or frs ln : except ing tha t fare

d upon fa i lure to .ip|>olnt s u c h 'f heal th a t such first m e e t i n g s u c h ment m a y he m a d e a t a n y s u b s c -nceting. In [he even t of no appo in t -avlng bfen ma<lc by the proper im-" as he re ina f t e r p rovided . T h e >f,trustees of such vi l lage m a y , in re-tlon. a t (he first me t t l r i g of s u c h it-Id af ter a n y a n n u a l elect ion of I "go. Inorense t h e n u m b e r of m e m - I

(ho board of h«a l th of such vll- j a appoint s u c h add i t iona l m e m b e r s crcaftor appo in t th»ir successors , j iK t h e n u m b e r of m e m b e r s of such »f health, s s increnseel. sh«U no t I »ev«n. E v e r y such vl l l sge liAard ' f t a pres ident nnd s e c r e t a r y , tho ^t to bs e lce ted ' from a m o n g tlio "' , o f '*lel bonrd . In t o w n s the r h i s l t h shal l e-ontl»t of the town nn a n o t h e r ci t izen of the t o w n In • bUnnl t l ly sppo ln ted by t h e town t « m o t l n g thereof a f i c r e a c h b l ­own meet ing for the t e r m of t w o

f ' n r C i *n d n f t e ? s " c h t 0 , v n m e e t i n g

" m i successor la Appointed. T h e »mml»»1oner of he-nlth shal l a p -i .*i?-0h m U n l « ' P « H t y except In the ' t h e s t a t e on the nomina t ion of *' board of hea l th , n c o m p a t e n t ;n. not a m e m b e r of the looa.1 b o a r d n. to be tho h e a l t h offlear of, t h * *»t)-. Tha t e r m of office- of t h e i 7 c * l rt*" t*«/Tour y e « r » a n d h a no oflle* unt i l fiii» » « , ^ C T - . « - . « -»

. . . . . . . . . . - . P n l V V l I I " I I I M I I ' l l l l " m i * . IVIJ K l l i l l f l l l K . ' l 1 '

m a y bo o n e - collected separa te ly outshle I * \ h o v f t l | d l lv and legal i tv of bonds Is-t h . city l imits for passenger service to or >™ g ( a , o r , „ . a , . c „ o o u n i v

from such l imits , and once separa te ly | » Villnge, School dis t r ic t , municlpal'l-wlthln tho city for the service therein. A i parson or corporat ion violating the pro-visions of this section shall be liable! to '• a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each j violation, recoverable by the passenger -aggrieved thereby. • • j doing business In o the r s t a t e s of the- P n l t -

| !. This act shal) t ake effect Immed i - ; « ° g * M M o r , n f r i r . „ K „ count r ies , m a y In-a ta ly . w o vest the funds requi red to meet Its obll. S t a t e of N e w York, Office of the Secre- j K A , | o n incur red In s u c h o the r s t a t e s or

t a r y of S ta te , s s . : ; f o r c lgn count r ies and In conformity to 1 have» compared the preceding wi th th« ( h j , , * w

original law on file in th is office, and d o ! c x i r I , | f S j n ,,,ieh o the r s t a t e s or»forolgn he r eby certify that the s a m e Is a correct

countr ies tha t such corpora t ion Is by law t ransc r ip t therefrom and of the whole of > n j i 6 w c d to Invest In. In this s ta te . Any said orlglnsl law. ! i i» . insurance c o m p a n y m a y lend ,a sum

J O H N S. W H A L E N , Secre ta ry of Stat«.

the same shal l be held for the exclusive r i g h t and benefit of such deposi tor , anel free from the control or lien of all o ther persons , except credi tors , and shall he paid, toge ther with the d ividends nnd In. te res t thereon to the person In whose n a m e the deposi t shal l have been made, and the receipt or acqu i t t ance of such mi­nor shall he a valid and sufficient release and d ischarge for such deposi t or nny p a r t thereof to tho corporat ion. When a n y deposit shall be m a d e by a n y person In t ru s t for ano the r , and no o t h e r o r fur-t h e r notice of the exis tence a n d te rms of a legal and valid t r u s t shal l h a v e been given In wr i t ing to the bank . In the event of t h e denth of the t rus tee , the same, or nny pari thereof, together w i th the divi­dends or In teres t thereon, m a y be paid to the person for whom the deposit was m a d e . When a deposit shal l be" made by a n y person in the names of such depos­itor and ano the r person and in form to be paid to e i ther or the s u r v l v t r of them such deposit thereupon and a n y addit ions t h e r e t o made by ei ther of such persons upon the m a k i n g thereof, shal l become the p roper ty of such persons ns Joint ten-a n t s and the s a m e toge ther with all Inier-

the i aws thereof. In the s a m e kind of se - ( *»t thereon sha l l be held for t h e exclu-

e y s or funds In the b o n d s Issued by a n y city, county, town, vi l lage or school dis­t r ic t of th i s s t a t e , p u r s u a n t to a n y l aw of th i s s ta te . Any corpora t ion organised un-

! de r the ninth subdivis ion of. «.ectIon sev­en ty of the Insur'anc* law, for g u a r a n t o

ty , or other civil division of any s ta te , m a y invest by loan o r otherwise a n y of such surp lus m o n e y s or funds In the bonds which they a r e author ized to guar ­an tee . K v r r y s u c h domest ic corporat ion

L A W 8 O F N E W Y O R K ^ - B y A u t h o r i t y [Kvery law-, nn!es« a different t ime sha l l ]

fee »r««crlbcd therein, shall not t ake ef­fect Until the twonllcth d a y af ter It shall ftav» become a law. Section ($, a r t ic le I I . o l A p t t r S, General T.aw».}

C H A P . »7 . A N - A C T - t o confer jurisdiction uj>on the

cour t o t c U I n w J o heA.r„aue!lt and de te r - ,

no t exceeding the lawful reserve which It holds upon a n y policy, on the pledge to It of such policy nnd Its accumula t ions a s col lateral secur i ty . But nothing In this section shal l be hiilel t o au thor ize one In"-sur»nce corporat ion to obtain, by pur­chase or o the rwise , t h e control of any o ther Insurance corpora t ion .

I f. Th i s a c t shal l t a k e effect Immedi­ately. StAte of N e w York, Office of the Secre-

t s r y of Stat*. «*v:

slve use of the persons so named and may be paid to e i ther dur ing t h e lifetime of both or to the surv ivor af ler the dea th of one of them nnd such paymen t and receipt or acqui t t ance of the o-no to whom s'nch p a y m e n t Is mnele shall be a valid nnd suf­ficient r e l e n t and d i scharge to said b.ank for all p a y m e n t s made .on account of such deposit prior to the receipt by said bank Of notice In w i l t i n g not to pay siieh-'de-posll In accordance) with the- t e r m s there-of.

I 2. T h i s a c t shal l t a k e effect Immedl-*t«ly. i S t a t e of N e w York, Office of t h * Secre­

t a r y erf S ta te , »*.:

L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y . [Every law, unioss a different t i m e shal l

be prescribed therein, shal l not t ake ef­fect until the twen t i e th d a y af te r it shall have become a law. Section 43, ar t ic le I I , chap te r 8, Genera l Laws . )

.:•••!• C H A P . 252. AN A(3T to amend the code of civil pro­

cedure , - r e l a t i v e to t h e records of t h e wea the r t a k o n a t the a r sena l . Cent ra l pa rk , New York ci ty, by the me teo ro ­logical and as t ronomica l obse rva to ry , be ing p resumpt ive evidence. Hccnme a law. April SO. 15W. wi th the

approval of t h e Governor . Pas sed , t h r e e -fifths being present .

The l 'eople of the State, of New York, represented In Sena te and Assembly , do enact a s fol lows:

Section 1. Section nine hundred and for-ty . fonr of the code of civil procedure , ie hereby nmended to read ns fol lows:

{ 844. A copy of a record or o the r paper , r e m a i n i n g In a depa r tmen t of the govern­m e n t of thei United S ta tes . Is evidence, wffcn certified by the head, or a c t i n g chief officer, for the t ime being, of t h a t depa r t ­m e n t ; or when certified by the officer In whose cha rge it Is, p u r s u a n t to a s t a t u t e of the United S ta tes , o r o the rwise In ac -cordnnee\ with a s t a t u t e of t h e Uni ted S ta tes , r e la t ing to certify the same . A

•certificate of the di rector o r o the r officer In cha rge of the census of- the United S ta tes , a t t e s t ed by tho sec re t a ry of the Interior, s l a t i ng the popula t ion of a n y p a r t of t h e United S ta tes , or giv ing t h e resul t of said census o therwise shall be tecolved ns p r ima facie evidence of such facts . The record of the obse rva t ions of the wea ther , t aken under the direct ion of the s ignal service of the United S t a t e s , when certified by t h e omcet In c h a r g e thereof, a t Ihe p lace where thoy w e r e t a k . en nnd nre kept . Is pr ima facie evidence of t h e m a t t e r s of fact s t a t ed there in . The records of the observat ion of the w e a t h e r

shal l de t e rmine If said peti t ion Is in fact s igned and acknowledged b y . a ma jo r i ty of the owners of t a x a b l e real property, i n sa id p roposed w a t e r d is t r ic t : S u c h - d e t e r ­m i n a t i o n shal l bo In w r i t i n g , sighed by. sa id board and recorded in! t h e m i n u t e s of said m e e t i n g , ; i f the decis ion;bo t h a t tho pe t i t ion Is s ighed and acknowledged by. a majo r i ty of t h e Owners of t a x a b l e r ea l p roper ty In the proposed distr ict , then t h e t o w n b o a r d shal l m n k o ' a n o rde r es tab l i sh ­ing such dis t r ic t a n d appo in t ing t h r e e l a x . p a y e r s the re in a s w a t e r : commiss ioners . T h o o rde r sha l l be filed with the town c lerk a n d recorded In t ho m i n u t e book of sa id board. Such Commissioners first a p ­poin ted u n d e r this a c t sha l l hold office for terms ' of one, two and t h r e e years , to be de te rmined by t h e t o w n . b o a r d in m a k i n g t h e appolntr i ients . The town board shal l t he r ea f t e r nppqlnt caeih y e a r one commis ­s ioner who shal l hold office for t h e .term of t h r e e y e a r s an^s^.aJlyfiU-anj'A'atin-hirieVs-t h a t ma,y-oeciir.".' % ! , ! - :

§ 4. This" ac t shal l l a k e effect Immedi ­a t e ly . ^ ::. ;': v ' " S t a t e of New York,-Office of the Secre­

t a r y of S t a t e , s s . : • r - ' ' I h a v e ' c o m p a r e d the preceding wi th t h e

o r ig ina l l aw on, file ln t h i s office, a n d . d o he r eby cert ify t h a t tho s a m o Is a correct t r a n s c r i p t there f rom and b f ' t h e whole-of said Original law. Y

' ••'••: . . - ' J O H N S . W H A L E N , r-\ , . , Sec re t a ry of S t a t e . ;

L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y . [Eve ry law, Unless a different l ime shal l

be prescr ibed there in , sha l l no t t a k e ef­fect until t he twen t i e th d a y a f te r i t shal l h a v e become a law. Sect ion 4S, a r t i c le I I , Chapter 8, Genera l L a w s . ] .

C H A P . 2G0. ' ' • A N ' A C T to amend the forest , 'fish a n d

g a m e law, In- re la t ion to spea r ing fish In p e r t a i n t r i b u t a r i e s of l ake Ontar io . '

B e c a m e a law, Apri l 30, 1907,. w i th t h e a p p r o v a l of t h e Governor . Pa s sed , " t h r ee -fifths be ing p resen t .

T h e People of the S t a t e of N e w York , r ep resen ted ln Sena te and Assembly, do e n a c t a s fol lows: -V

Section i > Section e ighty- four of c h a p ­t e r t w e n t y of the l aws of nine teen h u n ­dred, ent i t led "An ac t for the protec t ion of t h e forests , fish and g a m e o f theTstnte, c o n s t l t u t l n g ' c h o p t e r t h i r t y . one of tho gen-ora l l a w s , " BB /imendeel by c h a p t e r one hund red and twen ty -one of t h e laws of nine teen "hundred and one, c h a p t e r s sov-« n t y - t w o rind five hundred and fifty-eight of t he laws of n ine teen hundred and th ree , and c h a p t e r th ree hundred and fo r . t y - t h r e e of the l aws of nineteen hundred anel five. Is hereby a m e n d e d to read a s fa l lows: ;

• 5 St. . S p e a r i n g ' a n d hooking.—Suckers , bu l lheads , eels find dogfish m a y be spear ­ed in t h o D e l a w a r e r i ve r in Sul l ivan nnd Delaware- count ies , nnd in S a n d s b u r g c rcckr town of W n w a r s l n g , In Uls ter co i in ty . ' f rom the Cen te r s t r e e t br idge In Ellenvi l le to P o r t Hlxon d a m on said s t r e a m , from April first. to Sep tember th i r t i e th , both Inclus ive; nnd Shadow creek And Hnyden creek In the town of Springfield. Otsego coun ty , from March Sr s t . to M a y first, Inc lus ive; nnd In the H y d e r creek. Fish creek. Mink creek nnd H e r k i m e r creek In t h e t o w n s of Itlchfield. nnel Bxe te r . in Otsego coun ty rrom March first to May fif teenth. Inclusive-, provided t h a t spea r ing shal l not be allowed here , u n d e r wi th in t w e n t y r o d s from t h e point when- such c r eeks e m p t y Into Schuyler l a k e ; and it; t h e c r eeks In O r l e a n i coun ty excep t ing S a n d y creek. Oak Orchard creek and J o h n s o n ' s Creek, be tween the fifteenth day of March a n d the th i r t ie th d a y of Apri l . Inclusive; and In the t r lbu-t a r i e i of lake Onta r io from the m o u t h of the N i a g a r a r iver to the boundary line be tween N i a g a r a and Or leans count ies , snickers, bu l lheads , eels, dogfish and c a r p m a y h e apenred from M a r c h first t o May fifteenth, both Inclusive); and In the w a ­t e r s of l ake Onta r io . In t h a t o w n s of El i te -burg , Henderson , Hounsfield nnd Hrown-vllle In Jefferson coun ty , a n d in t h e w a ­t e r s of the t o w n s of Lexing ton and PfAttaville In Greene coun ty , At a n y t ime . Such fish m a y be t aken from December

tftk*,U A J . , h c , A^•'!f:"n, l n Cen t r a l p a r k u iv i first io May fifteenth, both Inclusive, bv der the direction ct iht* i im^,i, . ,f . . , . : / . , i , . j ' , . _ , . . _ _ #_ • N ^ . , * . . . , . . *- . . . . . . . / ' der the direction of the meteorological and as t ronomica l obse rva to ry of t h e r l t y of New York, -when duly certified by the offi­cial In cha rge thereof, or h is depu ty , shal l ba presumpt ive evidence of t h e fac ts set for th there in , and shall be received In ev­idence on the t r ia l of a n y ac t ion In all t h e cour l s of th is s t a t e .

I t. Th i s act shall t»k» effect Immedi ­a te ly . Bt*t« of N e w - Y o r k , Office of t h * Secre ­

t a r y of S ta te , s s . :

hooking, in Oneida lake, Oneida r iver . 1 O n o n d a g a l a k e . In the D e l a w a r e and Cha r . i lo t te r lvera and the i r t r i b u t a r y s t r e a m s ; In the count ies of D e l a w a r e and Sull ivan. j In the Schohar ie r iver and It* t r i b u t a r y

s t r e a m s , In Schohar ie nnd Greene coun­t ies , a n d In thf» w a t e r s of Cor t land , Tioga, Broome. Chenango add Otsego count ies .

I 1 Th i s a c t shal l t a k e effect Immedl-at*ly-Bta tc of N e w York, Office of t h e 8ecr«-


L A W S O F N E W - Y O R K - ^ B y A u t h o r i t y , ,-:;-! Vy: [Every law, unless a different tfmo^shall 'r£-..j.g

be prescr ibed therein, , sha l l h o t : t a k e , e f - : : ' X feet unt i l t h e twen t i e th dayRafter i t sha l l •! h a v e become s l a w . Seotlon 43, a r t i c le H, . c h a p t e r 8 , :General L a w s . ] -•;•'•:-"'-'!-,-.'-. C H A P . .261. • : ; vV.-.'-J."-:V'::T:-; ,-.•• yx^ A N A C T to provide f o r . a commiss ion to - -

InyeHtiga'tc the. condit ion of f ho rjatio^iat' !,:..% . gu'areV of: t h e s t a t e "of N e w . Y o r k . . ' , : : . ! . : ".^ '-, B e c a m e a law, May 1, 1907, With tho op-; > y -proya l -of t h e Governor! . P a s s e d , ; thre.6«;-.-:.: ri" fifths be ing presen t .

T h e P e o p l e . of t h e S t a t e of N e w York , r ep resen ted In Sonate and Assembly,- do v, e n a c t a s follbwsi < ; '.-;.•'•./.. -..• :--[::i •'••- r'J'-•/-•::.•-• '"."•; • Bectlon 1. . Wi th in five d a y s a f t e r t h i s :;••/:, ac t - takes effect there- shal l , bo! appo in ted . " : , ' -in. t h e m a n n e r • he re inaf te r . provided hlnO;.• ;. i p e r s o n s whose eluty It! shal l bb t o lr\qufro - ' . ' * - ! Into the conelltibh of the n a t i o n a l . g u a r d -;-..!> and n a v a l mi l i t i a , b f - . t h e ; s t a t s : of -New" \ v " " i York, . t h e i r , Qrganisatibn,.-' s t a t e Of d i sc i - ; >:©> pllne, ! oftloienoW cost -ol.--: "malntenan.es;,. !i "'*! m e t h o d of ^•raising' '/"an^'i.fllflliuii'slng'.-'^ltii":.;-!?',^-' funds for the sanvo,-and i f o r t h e clotVifngv • : \ , e q u i p m e n t a n d m a t e r i a l s . thereof, a n a therefor , sys t em of cbhstr^iotlon, , malhtelfcCo : •": a n c e a n d r e p a i r s of a r m o r i e s and o t t h o *;-procu r ing of supplies therefor , a n d g e n ­era l ly . info all m a t t e r s per ta t r i lng t b - t h a . ' : ..'•"'. sa ieur ia t ionai 'guard nhd . n a v a l m l l l U a a a ••'•:" t o siicit, commission shal l seeVm p r o p e r ; .'. '-'• a n d fu r t he r to revise t h e mi l i ta ry-coda_ , • •[ a n d o the r l aws re l a t ing to t h e saidVntt- ":-'-;V t l ona l g u a r d and n a v a l r n l l l t i a and recbrti- /-'-'•'••' mend a m e n d m e n t s thorbtb, and It sha l i b o . . .!-. t h e i r d u t y t o s u b m i t a! r e p o r t -so f ^ r i a s ';->;• p rac t i cab le to t h a . l e g i s l a t u r e of nineteen.\!v - ' ' h u n d r e d a n d sevoh, b u t If I t shjill. rjot: bo priw-ycablo to report-•ffibtfy*M4kw%iht-y$,>

-shal l sivbrnlt-stheir flhal"report to t n ^ c g h i s !.; ;; i a t u r e of n lne teeh hund red a n d tigfiii its*-g e t h e r wi th bills ' t o . c a r r y out^ t h e i r r s c - '.':! o m m e n d a t l b n s In t h e premises . Threo.ofc'-.'.-'- '•• t h e said pe r sons j s h a p . be. . appo in ted ' rby : :,--,-•'• t h e governor , t h ree s h a l r b o appo ln t sd i>y :'-.'•'--; t h e t e m p o r a r y ' prcs ldont of t h e sena te , f rom the sena te , and th ree by . the speal t , - , . . - , ' / er. of t h e assembly from t h e a s s e m b l y . T h e m e m b e r s of such commission sha l l :"•* recelVe no compensa t ion for t h e i r so rv - ! ; ' > : ' Ices, cxce?Pt tha t , e a c h shal l b e enti t led, to•••--""•-h i s ac tua l ; and necessa ry ' expenses," In-- , . c u r r e d In t h e p e r f o r m a n c e of his d u t i e s -u n d e r t h e provisions of th i s act . to . tia•-.'.;.;-'" i paid .by t h e . t r e a s u r e r , on t h e a u d i t a n d -.': w a r r a n t of t h e comptrol ior . '-,•••- • . . .''-!'.". ;

{ t Such commiss ion Is he r eby a u t h o r - ' . - \ lseel and empowered lb requ i re and »n-. forco tho a t t e n d a n c e of wi tnesses a n d t h e / ,-•!'• p roduct ion of books a n d papers , a n d to ' ' ; a d m i n i s t e r o a t h s and t o employ counsel , -: exper t s , s t enog raphe r s , c le rks and such -̂ o the r employees a s rnay!J)"e neces sa ry for--t h e pUrposo of the i r Inves t iga t ion and re - " t p o r t . ; ":•;. ••'. \ : : : ^ ';'. '- ;:"'--!--•'.,:>:•;'!,.--;:•

| 3 . . T h e sum. of t en t h o u s a n d doll ira '"-: . . -: (110,000)'or so much thereof a s triay. b« neeessar j - Is hereby a p p r o p r i a t e d ou t • of ; ; : a n y m o n e y s In the t r e a s u r y not o t h e r w l s i . . . . . app ropr i a t ed , t o be paid by the s t a t e ! • . . t r e a s u r e r on the aud i t and War ran t of t ho *..-.-, comptrol ler , t o c a r r y out t h e purpose o f f . .. t h i s ac t . '•-.•.•••-•.! .- '!-; . . .-

I 4. Th i s a c t s h a l l . l ake effect Immedi ­a te ly . ' - ' : . - : -•!.-" - ".'-;,. -;'-5'. ij S t a t e of N e w .York, Office; of t h e S:cre-." ; fW

t a r y of S t a t e , s«. : i .'.;, • '-• " .' I h a v e compared the preceding wi th .tha !•-'•> '"•

or ig ina l - l aw on-file In. th is office, a n d d,o • . ' . ' he reby cer t i fy t h a t the s a m e Is a c o r r e c t . . ' : t r ansc r ip t there f rom and of the whole of .!-.: said or iginal law. • .

J O H N S. YVHALEtf, . " \7.;V-:.:•'-. Sec re ta ry of S t a t e . . . . A

L A W S O F N E W Y O R K — B y A u t h o r i t y . [ E v e r y law, utiles* a .different t ime sha l l ,

be prescr ibed there in , shal l not t a k e ef­fect unt i l t h e twen t i e th d a y a f te r i t sha l l h a v e become a law. Sect ion 44, ar t ic le It, . ' :

•ihapter 8, Genera ! L a w s . ) -. "•!--' C H A P . m . -••-•.'..- .'•:

AN ACT to amend the hlghWAy law, I n , . ; re la t ion to exempt ing certain" coun t ies r " from the-poll t ax . • ' B e c a m e A law. May 2. 1907, wi th tha n p . , .

provai of the Governor . ' Passe>d, thrse-••-!•.' fifths being presen t . : - . . - " - .

T h e People of tho S l a t s of N e w York, -represen ted In Sena te and Assembly , do ' -e n a c t a s fojlows:

Section 1." Sect ion fifty-three of c h a p t e r five h u n d r e d and a lx ty-e lght of tho l a w s .••"-of e ighteen hund red and .ninety, ent i t led " A n act In rela t ion t o h ighways , cons t ! - ' t u t I riff c h a p t e r n ine teen of the genera l l a w s , " a s amended by c h a p t e r four h u h -dred a n d twelve of the l aws of eighteen hundred and n lne ty - th res , Chapter th f*a j finndred and \ l f t y -one of th* l aws ot • e ighteen h u n d r e d a n d ninety-e ight , o h a p ­te r one hund red and fifty-six of the t a w s of t j jneteen hund red and (wo, c h a p t e r ( w o hund red and twenty.eiffht 'of t h e l a w s Of . n ine teen hund red nnd th ree , chap t e r s on* i h u n d r e d and elgJtly-thrce a n d four hui»« : ' d red and seven ty-e igh t o r t h * law* o f nine teen hundred and four, Is he reby amended to read a s fol lows:

I 5S, Any town vo t ing In favor of th« money sys tem shall nnnua l l y m l s « by t a i , t o be levied nnd collected t h e sama a e - - • o t h e r town tnxes . for th* repa i r of t h e h i g h w a y s , nn a n n u a l s u m of money, -which shal l be equal to a t leas t one-half t h e v a l u e a t t h e c o m m u t a t i o n ra t e* , o f t h e hlghWAy labor Which should be n s . sessAblc u n d e r the l abo r sy s t em, h u t In a n y t o w n in which the r* m s # be i n m» . co rpb ra t cd viliAjfe. wh ich forme • !'-»s^2aS


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