Italy Caracciolo Food and Beverages

Case study - Caracciolo – use of Enterprise Cultural Heritage training material The aim of this case study is to provide you with an example of Enterprise Cultural Heritage training material use by Caracciolo . This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License .


Traditional almond products The Caracciolo family company has operated in Brancaleone, a small town at the very southern end of Italy, since the end of the 1960s. They produce almond paste and Amandula, an almond milk drink . Emanuela and Bruno Caracciolo looked at the Enterprise Cultural Heritage management training material, focusing on the Heritage Management module. “The principal lesson learnt is to look at new ideas for company business development. Enterprise Cultural Heritage is an important area of investment showing our customers the unique identity of our products and services in contrast to the massive homogenisation of the market”

Transcript of Italy Caracciolo Food and Beverages

Page 1: Italy Caracciolo Food and Beverages

Case study - Caracciolo – use of Enterprise Cultural Heritage training material

The aim of this case study is to provide you with an example of Enterprise Cultural Heritage training material use by Caracciolo.

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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Traditional almond products

The Caracciolo family company has operated  in Brancaleone, a small town at the very southern end of Italy, since the end of the 1960s. They produce almond paste and Amandula, an almond milk drink .  The original business established by Giovanni processed and sold almonds to confectioneries and bakeries in the local area expanding into almond paste production in 1974 thanks to Giovanni’s wife Caterina. The new product was a success in local bars and cafes as well as with their existing customers as it is used in making cakes, pastries, ice-creams and drinks. The company developed expertise in almond processing, organic production  and the “Old Sweet Flavour ” brand. Today Giovanni’s son Bruno and his wife Emanuela run the company and have expanded into the drinks sector with the Amandula brand.

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Tradition and craft

Locally grown almonds and traditional craft techniques are used to maintain the quality of the almond paste and to produce an authentic and delicious product without using preservatives.

The company continues to use vintage machinery such as millstones together with secret recipes and traditional craft techniques in the production of its almond paste to get the unique “old sweet flavour”. Records  of old labels and product packaging are kept and there are demonstrations of traditional almond paste production.

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Enterprise Cultural Heritage awareness

Emanuela and Bruno Caracciolo looked at the Enterprise Cultural Heritage management training material, focusing on the Heritage Management module.

“The principal lesson learnt is to look at new ideas for company business development. Enterprise Cultural Heritage is an important area of investment showing our customers the unique identity of our products and services in contrast to the massive homogenisation of the market”.

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Enterprise Cultural Heritage application

The Caracciolos will use the lessons learnt from the ECH training material and: • Highlight their use of craft techniques and vintage

machinery to create the authentic flavour of their product.

• Emphasise the use of authentic raw materials combined with traditional methods of production to create a product with no preservatives.

• Raise customers’ awareness of the quality of the products made using traditional techniques.

• Give demonstrations of their traditional production methods.

• Improve their use of on-line communication channels.

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Find out more…..

Visit Caracciolo Amandula at

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