It - Philosophy Of Yum Blog · A Home Bakery is an entirely different species of Bakery. It’s not...


Transcript of It - Philosophy Of Yum Blog · A Home Bakery is an entirely different species of Bakery. It’s not...


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 2


It’s difficult to draw attention to your Home Bakery.

The number of new Home Bakeries (and storefront Bakeries)

is growing every day…

All over the world, more and more bakers are realizing that they can actually bake for

money – from the comfort of their own home!

And although that’s a wonderful thing, it does present a whole new set of challenges.

With so many talented bakers, how do you manage to get seen and get clients? How

do you draw a client to yourself instead of those other hundreds of bakers?

The answer is quite simple; my friend, you need a CLEAR STRATEGY to STAND OUT

in the crowd! And this is what we call “Marketing”.

I used to think that marketing & sales are about sleezy ways to manipulate people

into buying stuff. And sure, you get that kind of manipulative marketing…

But Marketing the RIGHT way is a beautiful thing and I’ve become totally obsessed

with it!


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 3

Marketing involves all the things you do to help clients understand that YOUR

business is exactly what they’ve been looking for!

In this guide I’m going to share 3 Key (Marketing) strategies to help your Home

Bakery Business stand out. If you apply these strategies you’ll start attracting more

clients – and more sales :D

1. Choose a Home Bakery name that STANDS OUT

Naming your business after yourself is a SUPER popular thing to do. It’s been popular

for ages. But it really isn’t ideal.

My Home Baking Business Name was initially actually Aureo’s Confectionery, believe

it or not!

My own name, Aurelia, is quite long and well, Italian, which made it a bit tough for

South Africans to pronounce or even just remember.

When Oreo cookies finally arrived in South Africa in my first year of high school, my

super cute and easy nickname became Aureo. This was how I introduced myself all

throughout university as well – “just call me Aureo! :)”

So when I started baking for fun and had to choose a business name, Aureo’s

Confectionery was the logical choice. It was personal, it was slightly punny (which is

so me) and made sense…



“I made the mistake of thinking my business is

about ME so I named my business for MYSELF,

not for my clients.”


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 4

The problem with naming your Home Baking Business after yourself is that it doesn’t

say anything about your BUSINESS at all. And it definitely doesn’t say anything about

how you help your clients at all.

In an outsider’s subconscious mind they’ll be thinking: “Yes, you are the baker, but how

does that benefit me?”

Let’s do a little test…

If you read through a list on Google of Bakeries in your area and you see:

Tiffany’s Bakery

Nicole’s Cakes

Katie’s Cookies

Philosophy of Yum

Justine’s Confections

Which one stands out and sparks your interest? Which one already informs you

what the bakery is about before you’ve even been to their website?

It’s probably “Philosophy of Yum”, right?

FLAVOUR and QUALITY totally form the foundation my bakes (and business) and

that’s what makes them so special.

This is what sets me apart from my competitors and the main-steam decoration

obsessed bakeries we find today.

“When I realized that I’m naming my business for

my CLIENTS and not myself, I decided to make a

drastic, necessary decision.”


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 5

After 3 years of baking as “Aureo’s Confectionery”, I changed my business name to

“Philosophy of Yum”. Best decision EVER.

>>So remember that you’re not naming your business for yourself since your

business is not about you.

Your Business Name should ideally sum up how your baking benefits your IDEAL


Get 4 more tips on choosing a business name on my blog post >> 5 Secrets for

Creating a GREAT Home Bakery Business Name

2. Put the “home” in Home Bakery

A Home Bakery is an entirely different species of Bakery. It’s not just a “Bakery at


Yes, you’re producing baked goods at home, but you have a greater OPPORTUNITY

here that you absolutely need to take advantage of.

The focus of an authentic Home Bakery should always be to really bring out the

“Home” in Home Bakery.

And that’s because most of your clients had their own mother/aunt/grandmother

baking birthday cakes, Christmas cakes, cookies, pies and treats for them when they

were kids.

You need to focus just as much on the “Home” as on the “Bakery”. The depth of

nostalgia, love and deep connections attached to the word “Home”, absolutely

permeate the concept of home baking.

>>If you get this balance right, your business will be unforgettable and cosy up in

the hearts of your clients, keeping them coming back for a LONG time.

“Home Baking is not just about the cake.”


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 6

If they just wanted a cake, they could have bought one elsewhere from a full scale

Bakery or grocery store.

>>Truth is that your customers don’t just want the cake. They want a homely

connection as well.

On their special, personal occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries,

graduations, baby showers and more they desire a cake baked by someone they

know, like and trust.

A degree of professionalism is absolutely necessary, but you are first and foremost

expected to present something of “home”, “love” and “family” to your customers,

because of their childhood history with Home Baking.

Your clients want to connect to something, but also to someone.

Don’t be afraid to show who you are and allow them to form a connection with you.

It’s ESSENTIAL for your success, but it also makes

your job MUCH more fulfilling & meaningful!

3. Be GENEROUS in your baking

This is by far the BIGGEST, and yet the most obvious secret.

Since we were tiny little kids, barely able to form a proper sentence, we could identify

the BIGGEST piece of cake!

In a split second we could distinguish which cookie had more chocolate chips. Even

when I got older, I would convince my family that I NEED the biggest piece of cake.

More often than not, I got away with it :D


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 7

My point is this; generosity is something that brings out the kid in us. HOME BAKED

goods are generous by their very nature. Home = generosity.

Our mothers baked goods without calculating every cent spent on ingredients. They

baked things for the sheer pleasure of enjoying something special and delicious with

their own family and guests.

“Home baking is a VERY sentimental thing and it

cannot be skimpy.”

Home baked goods may never, under any circumstances look skimpy. If your bake

contains nuts – use a generous amount. If your recipe contains chocolate – flaunt it! If

you call it a Blueberry Muffin, there better be at least 10 blueberries in each muffin.

I get it, quality ingredients are expensive. I am fully aware of that every day I bake.

But home baking is not about creating something cheap/affordable, it’s about

creating something memorable!

Rather charge a bit extra and be generous with the good stuff!

4. BONUS TIP! Share beautiful photos of your bakes

The quality of your photography really matters a lot because it’s the first glimpse

people get of the type of baking you do.

You need your photos to communicate very clearly to people what they can expect in

real life. Above all, your photos need to make your baked goods absolutely SHINE!

This might sound a bit intimidating and you might have some images in your mind of

your favourite food bloggers and magazines.


FREE GUIDE © Philosophy of Yum | Pg. 8

You’re probably thinking: “I’ll never be able to take photos like that! What am I going to


But let me just take some pressure off your shoulders.

>>WE’RE NOT FOOD BLOGGERS and we don’t need to be.

Our goal is NOT to have an online Food magazine. You don’t need to use any props

or fancy backdrops or do any styling because our goal is just product photos.

If we can just in capture decent images that focus on your bakes, then we have


You can 100% get away with NEVER doing any food photography (which has all the

fancy styling, cameras, etc.). Instead you just need to focus on product photography.

It’s all I’ve been using and it’s really all you need to build a thriving Home Bakery


Once you understand the simple basics of good product photography, it’s very hard

to mess it up! It’s a very quick, super effective technique for home bakers in


In my signature course, Home Bakery Startup you get a free bonus lesson

Photography Essentials for home bakers.

This course might be closed at the moment, but if you’d like to grow your

photography and business skills so that you can become a confident Home Bakery

Business owner, I’d like to invite you to my next free class to get you started!

See you there!
