It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed...

Received: from ([]) by ifw9bct- (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810595764-210953 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:59:57 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1517819E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:34:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO blu139-omc1- by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id c9935774.2483989424.12285.00- (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:59:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from BLU110-W18 ([]) by blu139-omc1- with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:59:56 -0800 $MessageID: <[email protected]> X_Originating_Ip: [] From: Liz BOUSSARD <[email protected]> SendTo: <[email protected]> Subject: “Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping” PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:59:56 AM Importance: 2 MIME_Version: 1.0 X_OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Dec 2007 17:59:56.0092 (UTC) FILETIME=[744ABFC0:01C8497B] X_Spam: [F=0.0047010362; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.318(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:59:57 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT- SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:59:57 AM-12/28/2007 10:59:59 AM,12/28/2007 10:59:59 AM-12/28/2007 11:00:00 AM $Orig: 517A268501115919872573BF0062DF95 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 11:00:00 AM December 28, 2007 John Slown U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office 2105 Osuna NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Dear Mr. Slown:

Transcript of It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed...

Page 1: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810595764-210953 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:59:57 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1517819E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:34:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:59:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from BLU110-W18 ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.3959); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:59:56 -0800 $MessageID: <[email protected]> X_Originating_Ip: [] From: Liz BOUSSARD <[email protected]> SendTo: <[email protected]> Subject: “Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping” PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:59:56 AM Importance: 2 MIME_Version: 1.0 X_OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Dec 2007 17:59:56.0092 (UTC) FILETIME=[744ABFC0:01C8497B] X_Spam: [F=0.0047010362; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.318(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:59:57 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:59:57 AM-12/28/2007 10:59:59 AM,12/28/2007 10:59:59 AM-12/28/2007 11:00:00 AM $Orig: 517A268501115919872573BF0062DF95 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 11:00:00 AM December 28, 2007 John Slown U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office 2105 Osuna NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Dear Mr. Slown:

Page 2: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for the Mexican gray wolf are not being met because a politically biased administration, some members of the Arizona Game & Fish Commission and a handful of local welfare ranchers don't want them to be. Despite the success and scientific evidence of how reintroduced gray wolves in the Northern Rockies ecosystem have improved its health, the FWS has dragged its feet in taking the necessary steps to give the Southwest the same ecological benefit of wolves. I have spent a plethora of time on the Sitgreaves and Coconino national forests and witnessed the damage to rare riparian systems due to overgrazing and the unnatural "lounging" behavior of elk without a natural predator, and no I'm not talking about humans. I have taken field trips with forest service personnel to fenced exclosures of vanishing aspen groves to keep out elk. Mule deer are declining throughout Arizona, no doubt in part to competition with elk. As you aware, wolves in the Northern Rockies have caused resurgence in deer populations, as elk are their preferred prey, not deer. These are just three examples of problems I am familiar with that could be resolved if wolves were able to regain their former ecological role in the region. There have been years of discussion that in order for wolf recovery to actually happen in the Southwest, that the FWS should amend the reintroduction rule to remove the ridiculously artificial recovery area boundary. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a 5th grader to recognize that as the reintroduced population has naturally attempted to create new packs and have moved outside the recovery area, that they need

Page 3: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

more space. A revised rule should remove this boundary and allow not only colonization where the animals desire, but also allow new reintroductions where biologists see fit. The number of wolves that have died as a result of relaxed rules on "take" of an animal of an experimental population surely point out the need to uplist the Mexican gray wolf population to the truly endangered state they are in. Give them the full protection of the ESA where ever they roam. Lastly, the rancher problem. I attended a hearing in Eager, AZ a few years ago where one rancher, then on the AZG&F commission lamented the tragic sight of one of her cows that had been killed by a wolf. Somehow these animist sentiments evaporate when she sends her cows to the cruel treatment they receive going to and at the slaughterhouse. Yet, ranchers in the recovery area have specifically given wolves a taste for beef by not taking the responsibility for removing the carcasses of cows that have succumbed to death through disease, malnutrition, exposure, etc. A revised rule should require ranchers to remove carcasses and include provisions for monitoring that they do so. Please give this incredible species the protection and chance to live that they deserve. Sincerely, Liz Boussard 6755 East Eagle Crest Drive Flagstaff, AZ 86004 928-527-3809 [email protected]

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Page 5: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810511804-210635 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:51:18 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7E8D519E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:25:23 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:51:17 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:51:16 -0600 $MessageID: <14348034.1198864276357.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:51:16 AM From: Denise Horan <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Denise Horan <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4MEK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002224062; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.021(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885518); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:51:18 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:09 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:51:18 AM-12/28/2007 10:51:19 AM,12/28/2007 10:51:19 AM-12/28/2007 10:51:20 AM $Orig: 2E26E565C7360948872573BF0062149C Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:51:20 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Denise Horan 55 Cowell Rd Wrentham, MA 02093-1674

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810510547-210628 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:51:05 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E5B6A19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:25:10 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:51:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:51:03 -0600 $MessageID: <6978136.1198864263852.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:51:03 AM From: Amy Lawless <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Amy Lawless <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4M9K@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001348437; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885432); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:51:05 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:51:05 AM-12/28/2007 10:51:07 AM,12/28/2007 10:51:07 AM-12/28/2007 10:51:08 AM $Orig: 81312F42058A36D4872573BF00620FB3 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:51:08 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Amy Lawless 4825 Kendridge Dr Durham, NC 27712-2627

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505562-210627 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:55 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 17B6D19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:25:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:54 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:54 -0600 $MessageID: <599364.1198864254160.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM From: Carol Lee <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Carol Lee <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4yE4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:57 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:57 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:58 AM $Orig: 9F9DA3B01B9D1F98872573BF00620BDA Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:58 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Carol Lee 626 Sandra Dr Brunswick, OH 44212-2154

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505338-210623 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:53 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CDB0E19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:58 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:50 -0600 $MessageID: <15051358.1198864250599.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:50 AM From: Maggie Solum <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Maggie Solum <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping! MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4nMt@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001045652; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:10 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:56 AM $Orig: DD81993A896DF5CC872573BF00620AFA Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:56 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Maggie Solum 3867 Grandview Ave Gurnee, IL 60031-2372

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505310-210621 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:53 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 87D7519E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:58 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:50 -0600 $MessageID: <407406.1198864250201.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:50 AM From: Danny Ruppert <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Danny Ruppert <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4nn9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885432); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM $Orig: 40DF64D1C7A9C1DB872573BF00620ADE Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 14: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Danny Ruppert 323 E Dunbar Dr Apt 112 Tempe, AZ 85282-6902

Page 15: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505316-210622 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:53 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9B5C619E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:58 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:50 -0600 $MessageID: <2177708.1198864250207.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:50 AM From: "L M. Flores" <[email protected]> ReplyTo: "L M. Flores" <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4ny9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0003114756; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.029(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885417); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM $Orig: 71DEE3326F9E1E14872573BF00620AE4 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:55 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 16: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. L M. Flores PO Box 900333 Far Rockaway, NY 11690-0333

Page 17: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505188-210619 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:51 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 563A019E807B for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:57 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:51 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:49 -0600 $MessageID: <16263009.1198864249824.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:49 AM From: Doreen Chevalier <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Doreen Chevalier <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4nK9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002247678; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.021(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885432); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:51 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:11 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:51 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM $Orig: 2D6A1B74543D815A872573BF00620A64 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 18: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Miss Doreen Chevalier PO Box 94 Kinderhook, NY 12106-0094

Page 19: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505197-210620 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:51 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6B9F719E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:57 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:51 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:48 -0600 $MessageID: <4194057.1198864248965.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:48 AM From: Nicole Demaria <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Nicole Demaria <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4Kte@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001600030; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.015(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885417); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:51 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:12 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:12 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:51 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM $Orig: 91BA1C886BABEB7E872573BF00620A6D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:54 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

Page 20: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Nicole Demaria 43000 12 Oaks Crescent Dr # L4044 Novi, MI 48377-3404

Page 21: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810505076-210615 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:50 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3392A19E807B for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:24:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:50:50 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:50:48 -0600 $MessageID: <14248954.1198864248936.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:48 AM From: "L M. Flores" <[email protected]> ReplyTo: "L M. Flores" <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4KtK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001917463; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.018(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122824); R=0.009(107112885432); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:50:50 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:12 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:12 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:50:50 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:52 AM,12/28/2007 10:50:52 AM-12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM $Orig: 2848F8B092BDC56C872573BF006209F4 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:50:53 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

Page 22: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. L M. Flores PO Box 900333 Far Rockaway, NY 11690-0333

Page 23: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810205026-209555 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:50 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 59C7719E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:49 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:48 -0600 $MessageID: <6911403.1198862448962.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:48 AM From: Nichola Russell <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Nichola Russell <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4ety@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001763997; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.017(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:52 AM $Orig: 18F1CB062ED119BE872573BF005F4AA2 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:52 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 24: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Nichola Russell 6000 17th Ave SW Apt 9 Seattle, WA 98106-3524

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810205073-209556 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:50 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D39AA19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:50 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:49 -0600 $MessageID: <26089969.1198862449424.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:49 AM From: Jenna Winer <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jenna Winer <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4Ke9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:52 AM $Orig: 845A4F765D476545872573BF005F4AD1 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:52 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 26: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Jenna Winer 215 N Oakhurst Dr Beverly Hills, CA 90210-4911

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810204947-209552 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:49 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8A60B19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:54 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:48 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:48 -0600 $MessageID: <961881.1198862448542.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:48 AM From: Terri Oak <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Terri Oak <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4eQ4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001939695; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.018(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:49 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:13 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:49 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM $Orig: DA312A43433034E5872573BF005F4A53 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Terri Oak 1227 Kristopher Ave Scottsburg, IN 47170-1359

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810204992-209554 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:49 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0F47119E8170 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:49 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:48 -0600 $MessageID: <21930485.1198862448904.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:48 AM From: Malia Jones <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Malia Jones <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt4ete@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002276884; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.022(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:49 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:14 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:14 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:49 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:50 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM $Orig: 07D6D2CC41892086872573BF005F4A80 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:51 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Malia Jones 10502 Regent St Los Angeles, CA 90034-6304

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810204668-209549 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:46 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id BE87D19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:51 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:45 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:45 -0600 $MessageID: <24861437.1198862445275.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:45 AM From: susan M <[email protected]> ReplyTo: susan M <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt44EE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001064337; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:46 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:46 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:47 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:47 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:48 AM $Orig: A59A60E926531215872573BF005F493C Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:48 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. susan M 110 Marjorie Dr Albany, NY 12203-6121

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122810203859-209541 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:38 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B11B519E8170 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:54:43 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 10:20:37 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 11:20:37 -0600 $MessageID: <23077468.1198862437605.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:37 AM From: Chris Lofstead <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Chris Lofstead <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt49En@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002809709; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.027(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885417); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 10:20:38 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 10:20:38 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:40 AM,12/28/2007 10:20:40 AM-12/28/2007 10:20:41 AM $Orig: 8D007ED2A02D810F872573BF005F4613 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 10:20:41 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Chris Lofstead 42 Poplar Ave Wheeling, WV 26003-5763

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809510414-208550 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E994419E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:50:58 -0600 $MessageID: <10666302.1198860658226.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:50:58 AM From: Greg Jones <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Greg Jones <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9tet@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001044240; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885514); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:15 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM,12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM $Orig: 8203FC2DE2BE3F5D872573BF005C90F0 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a voting, tax paying citizen concerned with the application of scientifically sound wildlife management practices and one who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. I am a professional Biologist working in research environments every day. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Greg Jones 1726 Peppermint Ln Westminster, MD 21157-7252

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809510493-208553 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B366519E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:02 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:50:57 -0600 $MessageID: <28279672.1198860657636.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:50:57 AM From: Linda Jagger <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Linda Jagger <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9t94@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001148086; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM,12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM $Orig: 61BFB58963314A2A872573BF005C913D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Jagger 119 Belle Terre Dr Madison, MS 39110-7060

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809510438-208551 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3177219E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:50:58 -0600 $MessageID: <30124392.1198860658431.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:50:58 AM From: Laarry Bays <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Laarry Bays <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9tKE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001469132; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885432); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM,12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM $Orig: FF1A9D7778CB1104872573BF005C9107 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:51:07 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Laarry Bays 64 Oak Ln Florissant, CO 80816-9352

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809510269-208548 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:02 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7AD6D19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:07 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:50:57 -0600 $MessageID: <32937268.1198860657762.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:50:57 AM From: Melanie Salvat <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Melanie Salvat <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9t9y@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0013746472; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.119(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(107112885514); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:51:02 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:16 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:51:02 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:03 AM,12/28/2007 09:51:03 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM $Orig: 39FD85CED1E74B14872573BF005C905D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:51:04 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Miss Melanie Salvat Barrio Santana Buzon #11 Calle San Geronimo Arecibo, PR 00612

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809510083-208545 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:51:00 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9CAFD19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:25:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:50:59 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:50:57 -0600 $MessageID: <10872384.1198860657636.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:50:57 AM From: Esmond Urwin <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Esmond Urwin <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9QtQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002028906; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.019(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122822); R=0.009(10711288557); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:51:00 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:17 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:17 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:51:00 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:01 AM,12/28/2007 09:51:01 AM-12/28/2007 09:51:02 AM $Orig: ADFCD198DAD982D3872573BF005C8FA3 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:51:02 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. Esmond Urwin 7 Clumber Avenue Beeston Nottingham, Uk, AK 99510-1234

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809210902-207666 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:09 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7771C19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:55:13 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:21:07 -0600 $MessageID: <13213763.1198858867274.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:07 AM From: Jared Stuart <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jared Stuart <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9MQ9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001717819; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:21:09 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:17 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:17 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:21:09 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:11 AM,12/28/2007 09:21:11 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:11 AM $Orig: 1197C0800C7D88C6872573BF0059D3B6 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:11 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Jared Stuart 3454 Highway 433 N Benton, MS 39039-9224

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809210823-207665 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:08 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B111419E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:55:12 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:07 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:21:06 -0600 $MessageID: <2326085.1198858866713.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:06 AM From: Patricia Callaway <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Patricia Callaway <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9MnE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002228549; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.021(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:21:08 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:21:08 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:10 AM,12/28/2007 09:21:10 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:10 AM $Orig: B997B294D2D0F899872573BF0059D367 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:10 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Patricia Callaway PO Box 336 4 Raven Ridge Rd Rowe, NM 87562-0336

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809210749-207663 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:07 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F13BE19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:55:11 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:06 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:21:06 -0600 $MessageID: <3032454.1198858866519.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:06 AM From: Christine Curcio <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Christine Curcio <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9MKQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002152734; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.020(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:21:07 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:21:07 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:08 AM,12/28/2007 09:21:09 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:09 AM $Orig: EFC1BC9E33FAF55A872573BF0059D31F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:09 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Christine Curcio 205 Lower Valley Rd North Wales, PA 19454-2431

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809210148-207659 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:01 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id EBA0B19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:55:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:21:00 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:21:00 -0600 $MessageID: <5761567.1198858860436.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:00 AM From: Angie Sentler <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Angie Sentler <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9nt9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001234335; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.012(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885417); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:21:01 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:18 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:21:01 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:03 AM,12/28/2007 09:21:03 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:04 AM $Orig: 10862FF7E60A662B872573BF0059D0C4 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:04 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Angie Sentler Toter Ridge Mooresville, NC 28117

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809205888-207656 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:20:58 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 586C919E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:55:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:20:58 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:20:57 -0600 $MessageID: <29628575.1198858857633.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:20:57 AM From: Kennedy Mckee <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kennedy Mckee <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9nKQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001804302; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.017(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885417); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:20:58 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:20:58 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:00 AM,12/28/2007 09:21:01 AM-12/28/2007 09:21:02 AM $Orig: 00F22DB4EFDE9B2B872573BF0059CFC0 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:21:02 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kennedy Mckee 129 Mimosa Dr Jackson, TN 38301-4249

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122809204138-207642 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:20:41 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D1FD219E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:54:45 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:20:40 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 10:20:40 -0600 $MessageID: <16877756.1198858840407.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 09:20:40 AM From: Catharine Vitale <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Catharine Vitale <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9n9Q@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001384291; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112885531); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 09:20:41 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 09:20:41 AM-12/28/2007 09:20:42 AM,12/28/2007 09:20:42 AM-12/28/2007 09:20:43 AM $Orig: E00537FAB49398D5872573BF0059C8EA Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 09:20:43 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Catharine Vitale 3810 Tattershall Ln Austin, TX 78727-6057

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808504607-206827 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:46 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3870419E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:50 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:45 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:45 -0600 $MessageID: <1227657.1198857045251.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM From: Julia Segalot <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Julia Segalot <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9eEe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001116217; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:19 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:47 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:48 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:48 AM $Orig: 36A4FB91862197D9872573BF00570B9F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:48 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife and as a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them; this is unacceptable. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. In the first place, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Secondly, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Thirdly, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am sure that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my opinion on this vital matter. Sincerely, Ms. Julia Segalot 3 E 75th St New York, NY 10021-2642

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808504505-206826 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:45 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 27CC919E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:49 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:44 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:44 -0600 $MessageID: <5252477.1198857044125.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:44 AM From: Virginia Van Norden <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Virginia Van Norden <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9eKe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001521707; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:47 AM $Orig: 11C23AA0DCE16D25872573BF00570B39 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:47 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Virginia Van Norden 59 Blakeman Rd Madison, CT 06443-2826

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808504390-206825 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:43 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0E72119E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:47 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:43 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:43 -0600 $MessageID: <15004454.1198857043067.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:43 AM From: Valerie Lang <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Valerie Lang <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt9e9y@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001222624; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:43 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:43 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM $Orig: 7442E1546F4E6475872573BF00570AC6 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:46 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. Valerie Lang Hudson Valley Community College Troy, NY 12018

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808504302-206824 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:43 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2DD1D19E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:47 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:42 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:42 -0600 $MessageID: <15030237.1198857042064.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:42 AM From: Kelly Carlson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kelly Carlson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyt94yM@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001197586; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:43 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:20 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:43 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:44 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:44 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM $Orig: 8EC06512409D2E25872573BF00570A6E Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:45 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Kelly Carlson 3218 N Speer Blvd Denver, CO 80211-3222

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808503252-206820 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:32 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A498319E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:36 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:31 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:31 -0600 $MessageID: <28549751.1198857031550.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:31 AM From: KATHLEEN BIANCO <[email protected]> ReplyTo: KATHLEEN BIANCO <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQttQy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822553); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:32 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:32 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:34 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:34 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:35 AM $Orig: FF865B821FCED254872573BF00570654 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:35 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Miss KATHLEEN BIANCO 3034 Rexford Ln Cary, NC 27518-6397

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808503330-206821 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:33 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7089119E8008 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:24:37 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:50:32 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:50:31 -0600 $MessageID: <10162900.1198857031738.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:31 AM From: Julia Wolson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Julia Wolson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQttty@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002618222; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.025(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822553); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:50:33 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:50:33 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:34 AM,12/28/2007 08:50:34 AM-12/28/2007 08:50:35 AM $Orig: 105656ABABA52EBD872573BF005706A2 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:50:35 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Julia Wolson 1975 NE 208th Ter Miami, FL 33179-2264

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808211064-206034 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:21:10 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 725FD19E803D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:55:14 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:21:10 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:21:09 -0600 $MessageID: <15132045.1198855269522.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:21:09 AM From: Heather Hale <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Heather Hale <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQttKE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001044560; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:21:10 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:21 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:21:10 AM-12/28/2007 08:21:12 AM,12/28/2007 08:21:12 AM-12/28/2007 08:21:12 AM $Orig: 18DFE57FA0EA0768872573BF00545618 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:21:12 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Heather Hale 4076 Morgan Rd Tucker, GA 30084-3452

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808210456-206031 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:21:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5F68F19E803D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:55:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:21:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:21:02 -0600 $MessageID: <10878541.1198855262475.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:21:02 AM From: Anne Wasserman <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Anne Wasserman <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtQME@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:21:04 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:21:04 AM-12/28/2007 08:21:06 AM,12/28/2007 08:21:06 AM-12/28/2007 08:21:06 AM $Orig: A5A1094E2DF214B4872573BF005453B8 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:21:06 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Anne Wasserman 1 Lakeview Gdns Natick, MA 01760-2633

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808205273-206027 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:52 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8B05E19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:54:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:20:51 -0600 $MessageID: <30476617.1198855251406.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:51 AM From: Steve Owens <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Steve Owens <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtQeK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001092819; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822553); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:20:52 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:20:52 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:54 AM,12/28/2007 08:20:54 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:54 AM $Orig: 2CF627C5F37FD8B1872573BF00544F19 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:54 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Steve Owens 1018 Riverchase North Dr Brandon, MS 39047-7454

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808203881-206022 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:38 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9AEB619E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:54:42 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:38 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:20:37 -0600 $MessageID: <21316658.1198855237517.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:37 AM From: Stacy Eagle <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Stacy Eagle <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtEE4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001272766; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.012(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:20:38 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:22 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:20:38 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:40 AM,12/28/2007 08:20:41 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:41 AM $Orig: 58B6F1541CF56A48872573BF005449A9 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:41 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, I am a staunch supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing

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to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Stacy Eagle 8 Morgan Ave Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776-2016

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808203037-206019 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:30 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3128F19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:54:34 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:29 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:20:29 -0600 $MessageID: <4760551.1198855229522.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:29 AM From: Kimberly Gargiulo <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kimberly Gargiulo <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtMMQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0003010384; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.028(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:23 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:23 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:31 AM,12/28/2007 08:20:31 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:32 AM $Orig: 11351D537E941AEC872573BF0054465D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:32 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, I have been disappointment at the little effort put forth by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect and support the Mexican gray wolves. I am writing to urge you to please adopt a new way towards wolf management that gives the lobo a real chance at recovery in the

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Southwest. As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kimberly Gargiulo 25 Charles St Apt 6E New York, NY 10014-2745

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808202959-206018 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:29 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 671D819E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:54:33 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:28 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:20:28 -0600 $MessageID: <20266195.1198855228377.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:28 AM From: Jan McCall <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jan McCall <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtM9Q@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0003246941; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.031(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:20:29 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:23 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:23 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:20:29 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:31 AM,12/28/2007 08:20:31 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:32 AM $Orig: A5EE6CA49ED947E1872573BF0054460F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:32 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Jan McCall 278 Vine St West Bend, WI 53095-4735

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122808202881-206017 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:28 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 9AC6719E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:54:32 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 08:20:28 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 09:20:27 -0600 $MessageID: <12324557.1198855227786.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:27 AM From: ted spignesi <[email protected]> ReplyTo: ted spignesi <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtyQy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0008847811; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.080(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122821); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 08:20:28 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:24 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:24 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 08:20:28 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM,12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM-12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM $Orig: 008DE1898E5D2F9F872573BF005445C1 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 08:20:30 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. ted spignesi 7 Brian Ct Meriden, CT 06450-7316

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807505283-205240 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:52 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 53EAC19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:24:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:50:51 -0600 $MessageID: <31110906.1198853451924.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:51 AM From: Sandy Di Bruno <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Sandy Di Bruno <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQty4n@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002813376; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.027(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122820); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:50:52 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:24 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:24 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:50:52 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:53 AM,12/28/2007 07:50:53 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:53 AM $Orig: 944318717DD3429A872573BF00519003 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:53 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Sandy Di Bruno 1520 Forrestal St Philadelphia, PA 19145-5828

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807504382-205236 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:43 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4C5CB19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:24:47 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:43 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:50:42 -0600 $MessageID: <8023415.1198853442902.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:42 AM From: Sharon Killough <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Sharon Killough <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtnQ4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001212102; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122820); R=0.009(107112823452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:25 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:25 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:44 AM,12/28/2007 07:50:44 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:44 AM $Orig: 23843091A4F34C91872573BF00518C7E Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:44 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Sharon Killough 18113 Kingfisher Ridge Dr Lago Vista, TX 78645-8057

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807503768-205234 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:37 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2D3A119E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:24:41 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:37 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:50:36 -0600 $MessageID: <19460956.1198853436726.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:36 AM From: Ann T Reed <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Ann T Reed <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQtKEn@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002627251; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.025(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122820); R=0.009(107112823452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:50:37 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:25 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:25 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:50:37 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM,12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM $Orig: 40D442B969028B6D872573BF00518A19 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:43 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Ann T Reed 8440 Lane Dr Raytown, MO 64138-3275

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807502905-205232 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:29 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 850CF19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:24:32 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:28 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:50:28 -0600 $MessageID: <1182371.1198853428256.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:28 AM From: Johanna Tapio <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Johanna Tapio <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQteE4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0016327311; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.139(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122820); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:50:29 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:26 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:26 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:50:29 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:30 AM,12/28/2007 07:50:30 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:31 AM $Orig: 696F08A370D58527872573BF005186B9 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:31 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. Please consider the following changes: First, to "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. Second, to allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, not to limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Johanna Tapio Kuormaajankatu 2 A 20 TAMPERE, None 33560

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807502740-205231 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:27 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DB3DC19E800E for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:24:30 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:50:26 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:50:26 -0600 $MessageID: <18365490.1198853426338.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:26 AM From: Kerry Ricks <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kerry Ricks <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQt4Q4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001333408; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122820); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:50:27 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:26 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:26 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:50:27 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:30 AM,12/28/2007 07:50:30 AM-12/28/2007 07:50:31 AM $Orig: 7148F4C5E134EA49872573BF00518614 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:50:31 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kerry Ricks 8108 Bald Ridge Dr Charlotte, NC 28227-0316

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807211620-204623 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:16 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 60DA019E8043 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:55:19 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:15 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:21:15 -0600 $MessageID: <24764419.1198851675348.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:15 AM From: Lauren Reilley <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Lauren Reilley <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQt4Kn@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:27 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:27 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:17 AM,12/28/2007 07:21:17 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:17 AM $Orig: ECDB39B15E6E9553872573BF004EDA04 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:17 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 94: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Lauren Reilley New Orleans Road HHI, SC 29926

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807211509-204621 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:15 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4582619E8043 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:55:18 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:14 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:21:14 -0600 $MessageID: <1280822.1198851674266.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:14 AM From: Ronald Cali <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Ronald Cali <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQt9t9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001484864; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:21:15 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:27 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:27 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:21:15 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM,12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM $Orig: 76B321E629905C65872573BF004ED995 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:16 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Ronald Cali 44027 Andale Ave Lancaster, CA 93535-4120

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807211327-204619 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:13 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6D94219E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:55:16 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:12 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:21:12 -0600 $MessageID: <6344075.1198851672338.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:12 AM From: Ross Douglas <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Ross Douglas <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQt9KE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002145053; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.020(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:21:13 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:28 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:28 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:21:13 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:14 AM,12/28/2007 07:21:14 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:14 AM $Orig: 5307AB5383E7D737872573BF004ED8DF Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:14 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Ross Douglas 539 Fireside St Louisville, CO 80027-1305

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807210117-204615 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:01 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 593B219E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:55:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:00 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:21:00 -0600 $MessageID: <5881501.1198851660405.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:00 AM From: Lisa Facciponti <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Lisa Facciponti <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQQQy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001265076; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.012(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:29 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:29 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:02 AM,12/28/2007 07:21:02 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:02 AM $Orig: 5BC6EFE18F30014E872573BF004ED427 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:02 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Lisa Facciponti RR 5 Box 5164 Saylorsburg, PA 18353-9202

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807210031-204614 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:21:00 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7A9A619E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:55:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:20:59 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:20:59 -0600 $MessageID: <11704492.1198851659384.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:20:59 AM From: Melissa Maxwell <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Melissa Maxwell <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQQMK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001185764; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112823438); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:21:00 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:29 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:29 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:21:00 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM,12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM-12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM $Orig: A9430F68E7657ED4872573BF004ED3CF Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:21:01 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Melissa Maxwell 13021 Dessau Rd Lot 47 Austin, TX 78754-1969

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807202331-204599 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:20:23 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 78D7419E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:54:26 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:20:22 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:20:22 -0600 $MessageID: <29989771.1198851622557.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:20:22 AM From: Matthew Smith <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Matthew Smith <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQQ4y@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001055134; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112823452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:30 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:30 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM-12/28/2007 07:20:25 AM,12/28/2007 07:20:25 AM-12/28/2007 07:20:25 AM $Orig: 84C55F5EE48B97E6872573BF004EC55B Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:20:25 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Matthew Smith 127 Dove Cote Ct Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-3261

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122807202225-204598 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:20:22 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 69E4519E8043 for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:54:25 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 07:20:21 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 08:20:21 -0600 $MessageID: <9135877.1198851621318.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 07:20:21 AM From: JACQUE BOCHNOWSKI <[email protected]> ReplyTo: JACQUE BOCHNOWSKI <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQEMQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002011322; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.019(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112823452); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 07:20:22 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:30 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:30 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 07:20:22 AM-12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM,12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM-12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM $Orig: 8795A186EB3D9CCA872573BF004EC4F1 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 07:20:23 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. JACQUE BOCHNOWSKI 715 Alice St Crown Point, IN 46307-5005

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122806510645-204035 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:51:06 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4960019E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:25:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:51:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 07:51:05 -0600 $MessageID: <9496698.1198849865567.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 06:51:05 AM From: Robert Longer <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Robert Longer <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQEn4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001536312; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112823444); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 06:51:06 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:31 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:31 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 06:51:06 AM-12/28/2007 06:51:07 AM,12/28/2007 06:51:07 AM-12/28/2007 06:51:08 AM $Orig: 3538E84DCCB34482872573BF004C1715 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 06:51:08 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Robert Longer 9628 Peller Way Elk Grove, CA 95757-4612

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122806503828-204025 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:50:38 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1DE6219E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:24:41 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:50:37 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 07:50:37 -0600 $MessageID: <29414860.1198849837337.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 06:50:37 AM From: Jennifer Keane <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jennifer Keane <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQyny@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001288367; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.012(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122817); R=0.009(107112822553); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 06:50:38 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:31 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:31 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 06:50:38 AM-12/28/2007 06:50:39 AM,12/28/2007 06:50:39 AM-12/28/2007 06:50:40 AM $Orig: 5BFBB2E5E2D490DC872573BF004C0C14 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 06:50:40 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Miss Jennifer Keane 31 Norwood Ln Ronkonkoma, NY 11779-3317

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122806201979-203586 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:20:19 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4DC2F19E803D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:54:22 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:20:19 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 07:20:18 -0600 $MessageID: <13690941.1198848018538.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 06:20:18 AM From: Susan Lazar <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Susan Lazar <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQe4M@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001913429; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.018(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122816); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 06:20:19 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:32 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:32 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 06:20:19 AM-12/28/2007 06:20:20 AM,12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM-12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM $Orig: 02649A815D7B3E40872573BF004945BB Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Susan Lazar 1N575 Newton Ave Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-3405

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122806201906-203585 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:20:19 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8DC1A19E803D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:54:21 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:20:18 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 07:20:18 -0600 $MessageID: <29055050.1198848018128.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 06:20:18 AM From: Maria Militsi <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Maria Militsi <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQQ4tM@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002493606; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.024(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122816); R=0.009(107112822544); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 06:20:19 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:32 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:32 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 06:20:19 AM-12/28/2007 06:20:20 AM,12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM-12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM $Orig: 1E1548EC46EF8DC2872573BF00494572 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 06:20:21 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Maria Militsi 14-16 Doiranis Str. Athens, None GR-11362

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122805202377-202860 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:20:23 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 85D3619E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:54:25 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:20:23 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 06:20:22 -0600 $MessageID: <28260928.1198844422738.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 05:20:22 AM From: Christian Ascherl <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Christian Ascherl <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEtnQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001698064; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122815); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 05:20:23 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 05:20:23 AM-12/28/2007 05:20:25 AM,12/28/2007 05:20:26 AM-12/28/2007 05:20:27 AM $Orig: F8D8028701817234872573BF0043C90B Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 05:20:27 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Christian Ascherl 2150 Old Dairy Farm Rd Gambrills, MD 21054-1000

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122804501989-202617 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:50:19 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6836719E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:24:21 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:50:19 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 05:50:18 -0600 $MessageID: <32565559.1198842618695.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 04:50:18 AM From: Kimberly Clemens <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kimberly Clemens <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEQ4y@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001421690; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122815); R=0.009(107112822553); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 04:50:19 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 04:50:19 AM-12/28/2007 04:50:20 AM,12/28/2007 04:50:21 AM-12/28/2007 04:50:22 AM $Orig: 11CAE63B4402B18D872573BF00410865 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 04:50:22 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kimberly Clemens 439 S Wyomissing Ave Shillington, PA 19607-3265

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122804201831-202429 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:20:18 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7E0F719E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:54:19 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 04:20:17 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 05:20:17 -0600 $MessageID: <20156736.1198840817104.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 04:20:17 AM From: Rose Kennedy <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Rose Kennedy <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEEKy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001303947; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.012(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122811); R=0.009(107112823444); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 04:20:18 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:33 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 04:20:18 AM-12/28/2007 04:20:19 AM,12/28/2007 04:20:19 AM-12/28/2007 04:20:20 AM $Orig: 3E8A3A007235F4E8872573BF003E48A7 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 04:20:20 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Rose Kennedy 2105 Brighton St Phila, PA 19149-1802

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122803200877-201964 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:20:08 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4EF2419E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:54:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 03:20:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 04:20:07 -0600 $MessageID: <2427294.1198837207812.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 03:20:07 AM From: Daniel Gilmore <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Daniel Gilmore <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEMKe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002565103; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.024(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122809); R=0.009(107112822549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 03:20:08 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:34 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:34 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 03:20:08 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:49 AM,12/28/2007 03:22:49 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:50 AM $Orig: A9F0F3903BF62341872573BF0038C6AD Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 03:22:50 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Daniel Gilmore 735 Rose Ln Brownsburg, IN 46112-9281

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122802500568-201646 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:50:05 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DD91119E802D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:24:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:50:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 03:50:05 -0600 $MessageID: <29911528.1198835404843.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 02:50:04 AM From: Silvia Martinotti <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Silvia Martinotti <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEyQy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002018238; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.019(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122809); R=0.009(107112822556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 02:50:05 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:34 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:34 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 02:50:05 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:47 AM,12/28/2007 03:22:48 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:49 AM $Orig: B53D786238B8B782872573BF00360658 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 03:22:49 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Silvia Martinotti cascina nuova 77 Cereseto, PA 15033

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122802200312-201249 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:20:03 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 013AE19E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:54:02 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 02:20:02 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 03:20:02 -0600 $MessageID: <30521340.1198833601966.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 02:20:01 AM From: Wendy Beadle <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Wendy Beadle <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEyKQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001350861; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122807); R=0.009(1071127204549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 02:20:03 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:35 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:35 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 02:20:03 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:45 AM,12/28/2007 03:22:46 AM-12/28/2007 03:22:47 AM $Orig: 0B7857F38C808247872573BF00334638 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 03:22:47 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, I would like to personalize this "canned" message by simply stating that the wolf has a place in the wild lands of our Country. This is God's Country. It doesn't just belong to cattle ranchers and

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those who bought and paid for our current government administration. I am heartbroken by the damage done to our natural resources in the last 7 years. It will not be forgotten, nor will the names of the corrupt officials who turned aside from their responsibility to the Nation for political gain. As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Wendy Beadle 1449 Yosemite Ave San Jose, CA 95126-2917

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Page 128: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122801495634-200934 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:49:56 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AF41C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:23:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:49:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 02:49:55 -0600 $MessageID: <2060517.1198831795012.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 01:49:55 AM From: william patterson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: william patterson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEnnE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001446802; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122806); R=0.009(1071127204549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 01:49:56 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:35 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:35 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 01:49:56 AM-12/28/2007 01:49:58 AM,12/28/2007 01:49:58 AM-12/28/2007 01:49:59 AM $Orig: D2E77A7AFF0952C4872573BF00308472 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 01:49:59 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. And take heed! There is no time for a President, Vice President and a Congress to be elected in this country who can see beyond the end of their own greedy noses! Act NOW! Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. william patterson 3614 W Sunnyside Dr Phoenix, AZ 85029-3156

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122801200493-200620 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:20:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F178F19E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:54:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:20:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 02:20:03 -0600 $MessageID: <30214120.1198830003946.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 01:20:03 AM From: Pam Fioretti <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Pam Fioretti <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolves - they belong to the world. MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEKtM@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001192634; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122804); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 01:20:04 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 01:20:04 AM-12/28/2007 01:20:07 AM,12/28/2007 01:20:07 AM-12/28/2007 01:20:08 AM $Orig: 66F0215AE7A9B40F872573BF002DC8AD Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 01:20:08 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Pam Fioretti Lock Cr Adelaide, None 5095

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122800501333-200112 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:50:13 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0C5C819E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:24:11 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:50:12 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 01:50:12 -0600 $MessageID: <16358788.1198828212337.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 12:50:12 AM From: ryan wickel <[email protected]> ReplyTo: ryan wickel <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEKyQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002603006; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.025(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122802); R=0.009(107112720462); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 12:50:13 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 12:50:13 AM-12/28/2007 12:50:14 AM,12/28/2007 12:50:14 AM-12/28/2007 12:50:14 AM $Orig: 598DA03B59372441872573BF002B0CD5 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 12:50:14 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. ryan wickel 505 E Paris St Tampa, FL 33604-6744

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122800495526-200054 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:49:55 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F058B19E800D for <[email protected]>; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:23:53 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:49:54 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 01:49:53 -0600 $MessageID: <28915871.1198828193728.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 12:49:53 AM From: Anne Veraldi <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Anne Veraldi <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEK9E@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001364926; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122802); R=0.009(1071127204536); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 12:49:55 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:36 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 12:49:55 AM-12/28/2007 12:49:57 AM,12/28/2007 12:49:57 AM-12/28/2007 12:49:57 AM $Orig: 0DF252F2F9EB9F8B872573BF002B05C6 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 12:49:57 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Anne Veraldi 21 Lapidge St San Francisco, CA 94110-1688

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122800200635-199400 ; Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:20:06 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B4AB519E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:54:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Fri, 28 Dec 2007 00:20:05 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 01:20:05 -0600 $MessageID: <24488116.1198826405337.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/28/2007 12:20:05 AM From: Connie Derry <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Connie Derry <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQEeeQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001687520; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204559); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/28/2007 12:20:06 AM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:37 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:37 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/28/2007 12:20:06 AM-12/28/2007 12:20:07 AM,12/28/2007 12:20:07 AM-12/28/2007 12:20:08 AM $Orig: C38F9C1DEF8E6C79872573BF00284AFB Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/28/2007 12:20:08 AM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Connie Derry 36250 S Molalla Forest Rd Molalla, OR 97038-9611

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723503180-198867 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:31 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D5B2C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:24:29 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:31 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:50:07 -0600 $MessageID: <21934764.1198821007144.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:50:07 PM From: Theresa Everett <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Theresa Everett <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMMQe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:50:31 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:37 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:37 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:50:31 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:33 PM,12/27/2007 11:50:33 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:34 PM $Orig: BA89526555836704872573BF002595CC Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:34 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Theresa Everett 500 High Cliffe Ln Tarrytown, NY 10591-5202

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723500918-198859 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:09 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3DA0A19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:24:07 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:50:08 -0600 $MessageID: <19169239.1198824608253.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:08 PM From: Kim Buen <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kim Buen <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE4M4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001724731; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:50:09 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:38 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:38 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:50:09 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:11 PM,12/27/2007 11:50:11 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:12 PM $Orig: 68EB0C8F8E18F6A9872573BF00258CF6 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:12 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kim Buen 1854 W Brookwood Ct Phoenix, AZ 85045-1780

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723500876-198858 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:08 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CA46819E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:24:06 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:50:07 -0600 $MessageID: <5307556.1198824607687.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:07 PM From: Stephanie Leiser <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Stephanie Leiser <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE4Kn@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001934146; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.018(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:50:08 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:38 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:38 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:50:08 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:10 PM,12/27/2007 11:50:10 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:11 PM $Orig: FBA40969545D41BA872573BF00258CCC Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:11 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Miss Stephanie Leiser 4755 Alla Rd Marina Del Rey, CA 90292-6379

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723500799-198857 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:07 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0E84B19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:24:06 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:50:07 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:50:06 -0600 $MessageID: <16624176.1198824606993.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:06 PM From: Joel Sanchez <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Joel Sanchez <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE49E@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002049952; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.019(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:50:07 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:39 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:39 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:50:07 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:09 PM,12/27/2007 11:50:09 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:10 PM $Orig: FCB7F3498502D88E872573BF00258C7F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:10 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Joel Sanchez 6449 W Missouri Ave Glendale, AZ 85301-5624

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723495807-198856 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:58 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2077019E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:23:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:57 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:49:57 -0600 $MessageID: <2061586.1198824597263.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:57 PM From: Jessica Friis <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jessica Friis <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE9yy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001437706; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:49:58 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:39 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:39 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:49:58 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:59 PM,12/27/2007 11:49:59 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:00 PM $Orig: C3FFF5530DDD4491872573BF0025889F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:00 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Jessica Friis 12035 Alta Carmel Ct Unit 209 San Diego, CA 92128-3826

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723495729-198855 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:57 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 5657C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:23:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:56 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:49:56 -0600 $MessageID: <13756182.1198824596319.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:56 PM From: Daryl Gray <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Daryl Gray <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE9nE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:49:57 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:40 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:40 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:49:57 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:59 PM,12/27/2007 11:49:59 PM-12/27/2007 11:50:00 PM $Orig: 7B2C4148AF2F2B2E872573BF00258851 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:50:00 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Daryl Gray 31 Quail Hollow Rd Tijeras, NM 87059-6306

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723495102-198848 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:51 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 179A019E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:23:49 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:50 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:49:50 -0600 $MessageID: <3735905.1198824590102.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:50 PM From: shane thompson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: shane thompson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQE9e4@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001114947; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(1071127204549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:49:51 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:40 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:40 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:49:51 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:52 PM,12/27/2007 11:49:52 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:53 PM $Orig: 91601FE4DA3060BA872573BF002585DE Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:53 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. shane thompson 7050 Lancaster Ct Dublin, CA 94568-2111

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723494413-198844 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:44 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3296B19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:23:42 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:49:43 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:49:43 -0600 $MessageID: <9335365.1198824583151.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:43 PM From: Leslie Cohen <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Leslie Cohen <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMtQK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001541072; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.015(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122749); R=0.009(107112720462); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:49:44 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:41 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:41 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:49:44 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:46 PM,12/27/2007 11:49:46 PM-12/27/2007 11:49:47 PM $Orig: 37D73A574C6A48B6872573BF0025832D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:49:47 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Leslie Cohen 2925 SE 50th Ave Apt 23 Portland, OR 97206-2200

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723202031-198302 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:20:20 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0B81C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:54:17 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:20:19 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:20:19 -0600 $MessageID: <16135483.1198822819342.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:20:19 PM From: Erich Klinghammer <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Erich Klinghammer <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMtey@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002069789; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.020(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122747); R=0.009(1071127204559); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:20:20 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:41 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:41 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:20:20 PM-12/27/2007 11:20:21 PM,12/27/2007 11:20:21 PM-12/27/2007 11:20:22 PM $Orig: 476C0D3E9506FBE8872573BF0022D22F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:20:22 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. Erich Klinghammer 4012 E 800 N Battle Ground, IN 47920-9776

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122723200887-198300 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:20:08 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 947E819E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:54:06 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 23:20:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Dec 2007 00:20:07 -0600 $MessageID: <6706710.1198822807899.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 11:20:07 PM From: Christopher McMullen <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Christopher McMullen <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMQEy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001521348; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122747); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 11:20:08 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:42 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:42 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 11:20:08 PM-12/27/2007 11:20:09 PM,12/27/2007 11:20:09 PM-12/27/2007 11:20:10 PM $Orig: 53E2457661CFB385872573BF0022CDB7 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 11:20:10 PM Dec 28, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Christopher McMullen 400 Nelson St Apt D Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3448

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722501154-197334 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:50:11 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E9C1319E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:24:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:50:10 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:50:10 -0600 $MessageID: <3953027.1198821010625.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:50:10 PM From: Donna Watson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Donna Watson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMEMy@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122745); R=0.009(1071127204549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:50:11 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:42 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:42 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:50:11 PM-12/27/2007 10:50:12 PM,12/27/2007 10:50:12 PM-12/27/2007 10:50:12 PM $Orig: 619D5BFFA62199D8872573BF00200FA2 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:50:12 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Donna Watson 2676 Stonecreek Dr Apt 163 Sacramento, CA 95833-1939

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722495161-197328 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:51 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 06CF319E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:23:48 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:51 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:49:50 -0600 $MessageID: <7893019.1198820990693.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:50 PM From: Glynis Boyd <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Glynis Boyd <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMMKe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001731774; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122745); R=0.009(1071127204549); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:49:51 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:43 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:43 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:49:51 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:52 PM,12/27/2007 10:49:52 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:53 PM $Orig: 5A7E6AA62926A2EE872573BF002007D9 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:53 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. Glynis Boyd 1609 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd Jefferson, OH 44047-8474

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722495089-197327 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:50 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 49AC419E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:23:48 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:50 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:49:50 -0600 $MessageID: <12430016.1198820990078.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:50 PM From: Lee Cali <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Lee Cali <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMytK@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122745); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:49:50 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:43 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:43 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:49:50 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:52 PM,12/27/2007 10:49:52 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:53 PM $Orig: EC6502B53C9FF58C872573BF00200791 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:53 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Lee Cali 2102 S Elk Cir Cottonwood, AZ 86326-5023

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722494626-197325 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:46 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id A461C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:23:43 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:49:45 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:49:45 -0600 $MessageID: <30919358.1198820985325.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:45 PM From: kim f <[email protected]> ReplyTo: kim f <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMnt9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001677760; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122745); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:49:46 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:44 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:44 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:49:46 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:47 PM,12/27/2007 10:49:47 PM-12/27/2007 10:49:48 PM $Orig: F69E57FD532C0082872573BF002005C2 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:49:48 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. kim f 4430 Minnesota Ave Saint Louis, MO 63111-1217

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722203750-196457 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:37 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 902B519E800E for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:34 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:36 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:35 -0600 $MessageID: <22752873.1198819235381.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:35 PM From: David Leavitt <[email protected]> ReplyTo: David Leavitt <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMKne@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:44 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:44 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:39 PM $Orig: 0916E6D49BD92CF3872573BF001D5AA6 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:39 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 167: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. David Leavitt 2210 Grape Ave Boulder, CO 80304-2342

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722203674-196455 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:36 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C9B2319E800E for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:33 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:36 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:35 -0600 $MessageID: <7029265.1198819235180.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:35 PM From: Amanda Coupey <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Amanda Coupey <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMKKn@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001679880; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.016(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:36 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:45 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:45 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:36 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM $Orig: C740F10592B0013B872573BF001D5A5A Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Amanda Coupey 407 Pleasant Run Murphy, TX 75094-3262

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722203600-196454 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:36 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 15D2E19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:33 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:35 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:35 -0600 $MessageID: <610871.1198819235087.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:35 PM From: Angela Hudson <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Angela Hudson <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMKet@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001487145; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204556); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:36 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:45 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:45 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:36 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:37 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM $Orig: A6BED3EE1C53883E872573BF001D5A10 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:38 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Angela Hudson 220 W Market St Marietta, PA 17547-1414

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722202933-196452 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:29 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 688D619E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:26 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:28 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:28 -0600 $MessageID: <27888322.1198819228432.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:28 PM From: Tina Soulikas <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Tina Soulikas <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMett@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204616); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:29 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:46 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:46 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:29 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:30 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:30 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:31 PM $Orig: D5099FF041CC2D6A872573BF001D5775 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:31 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Tina Soulikas 222A Granite Ave Staten Island, NY 10303-2623

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722201911-196445 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:19 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3131B19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:16 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:18 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:18 -0600 $MessageID: <21521679.1198819218141.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:18 PM From: Jana Colver <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Jana Colver <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQMe9Q@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002737477; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.026(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204536); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:19 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:46 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:46 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:19 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:20 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:20 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:21 PM $Orig: 997FC36D2B3BB465872573BF001D5377 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:21 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Jana Colver 3076 Roanoke Ln Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3020

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722201141-196442 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:11 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7942E19E800E for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:10 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:10 -0600 $MessageID: <19155074.1198819210487.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:10 PM From: Mary Ann Shoff <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Mary Ann Shoff <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQM4et@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0006263568; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.058(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720463); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:11 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:47 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:47 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:11 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:12 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:12 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:13 PM $Orig: 9C8A5C920A5D11E6872573BF001D5075 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:13 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Mary Ann Shoff 3874 Tanager Pl Palm Harbor, FL 34685-1219

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122722200436-196437 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6F7ED19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:54:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:20:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 23:20:03 -0600 $MessageID: <17787969.1198819203418.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:03 PM From: yinet rodriguez <[email protected]> ReplyTo: yinet rodriguez <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQM9E9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001213616; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.011(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204559); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 10:20:04 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:47 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:47 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 10:20:04 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:05 PM,12/27/2007 10:20:05 PM-12/27/2007 10:20:06 PM $Orig: 0AA411110FEB76FC872573BF001D4DB4 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 10:20:06 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. yinet rodriguez 5806 Farragut Rd Apt 6E Brooklyn, NY 11234-1316

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721501327-195554 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:13 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 07E2F19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:24:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:12 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:50:12 -0600 $MessageID: <15039374.1198817412510.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:12 PM From: Kathleen Cox <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kathleen Cox <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQM9KQ@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001064363; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204616); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:48 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:48 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM,12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:15 PM $Orig: 02FAAEC91B310CF9872573BF001A920F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:15 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Kathleen Cox 1107 Fairfield Dr Mt Pleasant, MI 48858-4319

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721501168-195552 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:11 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6999C19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:24:08 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:11 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:50:10 -0600 $MessageID: <21951741.1198817410775.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:10 PM From: Robert Emmert <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Robert Emmert <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQytMt@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001343495; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204616); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:50:11 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:48 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:48 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:50:11 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM,12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM $Orig: 10DADBBC82641E80872573BF001A9170 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Robert Emmert 335 Claydelle Ave Apt C El Cajon, CA 92020-4549

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721501241-195553 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:12 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 2873A19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:24:09 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:11 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:50:11 -0600 $MessageID: <9173788.1198817411236.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:11 PM From: Kristi Eagle Horse <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Kristi Eagle Horse <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQytQE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001020200; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.010(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204616); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:50:12 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:49 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:49 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:50:12 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM,12/27/2007 09:50:13 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM $Orig: 8A02073B806ABA77872573BF001A91B9 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:14 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Kristi Eagle Horse 600 E 4th St Apt 806 Long Beach, CA 90802-2683

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721500353-195550 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:03 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3AEC919E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:24:00 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:02 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:50:02 -0600 $MessageID: <17271801.1198817402722.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:02 PM From: Renee De Martin <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Renee De Martin <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyQyM@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002690531; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.025(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720463); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:50:03 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:49 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:49 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:50:03 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:05 PM,12/27/2007 09:50:05 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:06 PM $Orig: 9881875FD87A2B45872573BF001A8E41 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:06 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. Fourth, stop catering to ranchers. Cattle and sheep are not endangered. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Renee De Martin 4408 Delridge Way SW Seattle, WA 98106-1347

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721500221-195549 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:02 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id EF63919E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:23:58 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:50:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:50:01 -0600 $MessageID: <25132688.1198817401330.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:01 PM From: Michael Zdilla <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Michael Zdilla <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyQ49@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001397234; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.013(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720463); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:50:02 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:50 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:50 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:50:02 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:03 PM,12/27/2007 09:50:03 PM-12/27/2007 09:50:04 PM $Orig: C574CFE292D18C09872573BF001A8DBD Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:50:04 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Dr. Michael Zdilla 3213 Stratus Ct West Lafayette, IN 47906-6865

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721493953-195548 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:49:39 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4856419E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:23:36 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:49:38 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:49:38 -0600 $MessageID: <23331606.1198817378171.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:49:38 PM From: "Stacey A. Ward, Esq." <[email protected]> ReplyTo: "Stacey A. Ward, Esq." <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyMt9@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002084224; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.020(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:49:39 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:50 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:50 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:49:39 PM-12/27/2007 09:49:41 PM,12/27/2007 09:49:41 PM-12/27/2007 09:49:42 PM $Orig: 344904B1B43988F9872573BF001A84E1 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:49:42 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Stacey A. Ward, Esq. 12 Bravo Rd Los Lunas, NM 87031-7949

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721493883-195547 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:49:38 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8D74D19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:23:35 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:49:38 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:49:37 -0600 $MessageID: <19125786.1198817377890.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:49:37 PM From: Erin Mellini <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Erin Mellini <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Please STOP Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyMEn@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001989771; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.019(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:49:38 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:51 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:51 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:49:38 PM-12/27/2007 09:49:40 PM,12/27/2007 09:49:40 PM-12/27/2007 09:49:41 PM $Orig: 9E0C1BE3DA40D3B0872573BF001A849B Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:49:41 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Erin Mellini 239 Quaker Church Rd Randolph, NJ 07869-1415

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721201788-194741 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:17 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4AE7A19E800E for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:54:14 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:17 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:20:16 -0600 $MessageID: <14109556.1198815616938.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:16 PM From: Lorraine Derhammer <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Lorraine Derhammer <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyMKe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001879088; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.018(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204541); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:20:17 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:51 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:51 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:20:17 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:19 PM,12/27/2007 09:20:19 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:19 PM $Orig: 27C9D31157DFDDFA872573BF0017D4BC Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:19 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Ms. Lorraine Derhammer 10320 Khamsin Dr NW Albuquerque, NM 87114-3202

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721200556-194737 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:05 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id F197F19E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:54:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:20:04 -0600 $MessageID: <17575520.1198815604676.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:04 PM From: Katarah Udarro <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Katarah Udarro <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyyKM@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001466397; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204536); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:52 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:52 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM,12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM $Orig: 5B3B6878CD100DF2872573BF0017CFEC Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Katarah Udarro 325 E Burlington St # 4 Iowa City, IA 52240-1606

Page 198: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721200559-194738 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:05 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 03F9E19E800E for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:54:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:20:03 -0600 $MessageID: <1256321.1198815603722.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:03 PM From: Mary Owens <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Mary Owens <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyy9n@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0004136354; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.039(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720462); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:52 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:52 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM,12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM $Orig: C837E28065C18E96872573BF0017CFEF Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:07 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

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After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mrs. Mary Owens 311 Curtis St Warner Robins, GA 31093-3377

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721200479-194736 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3871819E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:54:01 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:04 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:20:03 -0600 $MessageID: <5202276.1198815603474.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:03 PM From: Brian Lu <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Brian Lu <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQynty@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0003536064; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.033(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720462); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:20:04 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:53 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:53 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:20:04 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:06 PM,12/27/2007 09:20:06 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:06 PM $Orig: 2F738DE714DA68CA872573BF0017CF9F Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:06 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 201: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Brian Lu 59 Unami Ter Westfield, NJ 07090-1013

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721200406-194735 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:04 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 786B519E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:54:00 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] (EHLO by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with ESMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:20:03 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:20:03 -0600 $MessageID: <17187670.1198815603148.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:03 PM From: Eric Bourgeois <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Eric Bourgeois <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQynQe@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0002479873; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.023(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(107112720462); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:20:04 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:53 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:53 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:20:04 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM,12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM-12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM $Orig: 2F61929A89A1E550872573BF0017CF56 Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:20:05 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery

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efforts in the Southwest. After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Eric Bourgeois 888 Massachusetts Ave Apt 614A Cambridge, MA 02139-3032

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Received: from ([]) by (Lotus Domino Release 7.0.3) with ESMTP id 2007122721195645-194732 ; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:19:56 -0700 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id D7D3419E800D for <[email protected]>; Thu, 27 Dec 2007 20:53:52 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown [] by (mxl_mta-5.3.0-3) with SMTP id (envelope-from <[email protected]>); Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:19:55 -0700 (MST) Received: from unknown (HELO localhost) ([]) by with ESMTP; 27 Dec 2007 22:19:55 -0600 $MessageID: <15851030.1198815595704.JavaMail.www@app30> PostedDate: 12/27/2007 09:19:55 PM From: Eric Polczynski <[email protected]> ReplyTo: Eric Polczynski <[email protected]> SendTo: [email protected] Subject: Mexican Gray Wolf NEPA Scoping MIME_Version: 1.0 Organization: Defenders of Wildlife X_Convio_Version: 5.3.22 X_Gateway: poolcons XData: 1010,9@nyQyKQE@4neQ@wa8S5w5LBc1dSx1c X_ConvioDeliveryGroup: poolb X_Spam: [F=0.0001446354; B=0.500(0); spf=0.500; S=0.014(2007121801); MH=0.500(2007122744); R=0.009(1071127204545); SC=none; SS=0.500] X_Mail_From: <[email protected]> X_SOURCE_IP: [(unknown)] $MIMETrack: Itemize by SMTP Server on IFW9BCT-SMTP1/FWS/DOI(Release 7.0.3|September 26, 2007) at 12/27/2007 09:19:56 PM,MIME-CD by Notes Client on Magdalena Etemadi/R2/FWS/DOI(Release 6.5.1|January 21, 2004) at 01/22/2008 03:10:54 PM,MIME-CD complete at 01/22/2008 03:10:54 PM SMTPOriginator: [email protected] RoutingState: $UpdatedBy: ,CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteServers: CN=IFW9BCT-SMTP1/OU=FWS/O=DOI,CN=FW2ROMAIL/OU=R2/OU=FWS/O=DOI RouteTimes: 12/27/2007 09:19:56 PM-12/27/2007 09:19:58 PM,12/27/2007 09:19:58 PM-12/27/2007 09:19:58 PM $Orig: 4181C3CB31CE56BE872573BF0017CC5D Categories: $Revisions: $MsgTrackFlags: 0 DeliveredDate: 12/27/2007 09:19:58 PM Dec 27, 2007 Brian Millsap Dear Millsap, As a supporter of scientifically sound wildlife management who understands the value wolves can bring to ecosystems, I am writing to urge you to take a more balanced approach to Mexican wolf recovery efforts in the Southwest.

Page 205: It is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals for … › ... › emailed › wolf_email_comments_050.pdfIt is painfully clear that the reintroduction goals

After ten years of reintroduction efforts, there are fewer than 60 wolves in the wild lands of the Southwest, more than 40 short of the reintroduction goal of establishing 102 wolves in the wild by 2006. Mexican wolves are one of the most endangered animals in the world and play an important role in restoring balance to Southwest forests. But despite these facts, the Service hasn't made much progress in restoring them. There are millions of acres of public land in the Southwest where wolves could thrive, but Mexican wolves continue to be confined to a much smaller, politically defined recovery area. The rules as they stand do not live up to the promise of the Endangered Species Act. As one of 900,000 members and supporters of Defenders of Wildlife, I am asking you to make the following changes in the reintroduction rule. First, "uplist" the Mexican wolf to Experimental Essential status. This will preserve the management flexibility of the rule, but require that other agencies consult about impacts on wolves. Second, allow the wolves to disperse beyond the recovery area, and to be released where biologists say is best. Third, don't limit wolf numbers, or allow any new reasons to kill them and ensure that any authorized removals take into account individual wolves' genetic value, the size and health of the population, the number of breeding pairs, and whether progress toward recovery is being made. I am confident that if you make all of these changes, the Mexican gray wolf recovery program will get back on track and these wolves will have a real chance at recovery in the wild lands of the Southwest. Thank you for considering my viewpoints on this incredibly important matter. Sincerely, Mr. Eric Polczynski PO Box 3483 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147-3483