IT Doesn’t Matter

Group Members: Anisha Bataju Bhakti Gurung Deepa Tajhya Ganga Ghale



Transcript of IT Doesn’t Matter

Group Members: Anisha Bataju Bhakti GurungDeepa TajhyaGanga Ghale Overview of IT Vanishing Advantage The Commoditization of IT From Offense to Defense New Rules for IT Management IT (Information Technology) Processing, sharing and transporting information in digital form Transformation of business world Backbone of Commerce Expanding ITs power and presence Shifting attitude of top managers Mistaken assumption More valuable when shared than when used in isolation Highly replicable Arrival of Internet has accelerated the Commoditization of IT Most cutting edge IT capabilities quickly become available to all Build outs much closer to its end than its beginning ITs power overtaking most of the business needs it fulfills Price of IT functionality has dropped Internet has caught up with demand IT vendors rushing to position themselves as commodity suppliers Investment bubble has burst Resource essential to competition but inconsequential to strategy creates more risks than advantages. Operational risks: Technical glitches Obsolescence Service outages Unreliable vendors or partners Security breaches Terrorism Magnify risks as companies have moved from tightly controlled, proprietary system to open shared ones. IT disruption can paralyze a Companys ability. IT may be a commodity due to which costs may fall rapidly but is entwined with so many business functions Cost management required by simply cutting out waste Spend less Companies with biggest IT investments rarely post the best financial results. Follow, dont lead The longer you wait to make an IT purchase, the more youll get for your money. Focus on vulnerabilities, not opportunities Prepare for technical glitches, outages, and security breaches, shifting their attention from opportunities to vulnerabilities. Thank you..Any Questions???