IT and CS Assignment

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  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    F-2,Block, Amity CampusSec-125, Nodia (UP)

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    ASSI#N$%N& %&AI3S $A'4S

    Assi0met A Fie Su*+ectie 6uestios 1!

    Assi0met B &/ee Su*+ectie 6uestios 7 Case Study 1!

    Assi0met C 85 *+ectie 6uestios 1!

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  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Itoductio to I& ad CS

    Assi0met A

    Q1. Explain register transfer language..

    Q2. What are peripheral devices list them.

    Q3. Describe the circuit implementation of function xyy!.

    Q".What is the difference bet#een assembler $ compiler and interpreter%

    Q&.What are the different level of programming languages%

    Assi0met B

    1. Explain memory hierarchy in brief.

    2. What do you understand by parallel processing%

    3. What is array processor and #hat is the role of attached array


    'here is no case study

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Assi0met C()ultiple *hoice Question+

    Q1. 'he #orlds fastest and most advanced computer.

    a+ )ain frames *omputersb+ ,uper *omputers

    c+ -ersonal *omputers

    d+ )ini *omputers

    Q2. Who is the father of computers.

    a+ laise -ascal

    b+ *harles abbage

    c+ /onrad 0use

    d+ ohn tanasoff

    Q3. Who invented -ascalin.

    a+ laise -ascal

    b+ *harles abbage

    c+ /onrad 0use

    d+ ohn tanasoff

    Q". Who invented * .

    a+ laise -ascal

    b+ *harles abbagec+ /onrad 0use

    d+ ohn tanasoff

    Q&. earned the semiofficial title of 4inventor of the modern


    a+ laise -ascal

    b+ *harles abbage

    c+ /onrad 0use

    d+ ohn tanasoff

    Q5. )6/ series of computers #as designed by

    a+ /onrad 0use

    b+ ohn tanasoff

    c+ 7o#ard i8en

    d+ laise -ascal

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q9. 'he computers of generation replaced vacuum tubes #ith


    a+ 1st

    b+ 2nd

    c+ 3rd

    d+ "th

    Q:. ED;* stand for

    a+ Electronic Discrete ;ariable utomatic *omputer.

    b+ Electronic Discrete ;ariable utomatic *alculator.

    c+ Electric Discrete ;ariable utomatic *omputer.d+ Electric Dependent ;ariable utomatic *alculator.

    Q they compute

    values and stores results.

    a+ Digital computer

    b+ nalog *omputer

    c+ 7ybrid *omputer

    d+ ,uper *omputer

    Q1=. ?n the decimal number system$ there are possible values.

    a+ 2

    b+ 1=c+ :

    d+ 15

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q11. ?n a positional notation system$ the number base is called the


    a+ radix

    b+ radius

    c+ remix

    d+ base value

    Q12. 'he decimal number 153 #ould be represented in *D as follo#s.

    a+ ===1 =11= ==11

    b+ ===1 ==11 =11=

    c+ ===1 ==11 ===1

    d+ ===1 ===1 =11=

    Q13. When a fixed precision binary number is used to hold only positive

    values$ it is said to bea+ unsigned

    b+ ,igned

    c+ -ositive

    d+ @egitave

    Q1". 'he binary number system is numbering system.

    a+ positional notation

    b+ nonApositional notation

    c+ signed

    d+ unsigned

    Q1&. *onvert 391=to binary

    a+ 1==1==

    b+ 1==1=1

    c+ 1=11=1

    d+ 1==11=

    Q15. *onvert the binary number =1=11=11 to a hexadecimal number.

    a+ &

    b+ &

    c+ "

    d+ 5

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q19. ,ometimes called $ memory consists of one or more chips

    on the motherboard or some other circuit board in the computer.

    a+ primary storage

    b+ auxiliary storage

    c+ secondary storage

    d+ permanent storage

    Q1:. Examples of storage media are all of the follo#ing except


    a+ floppy dis8s

    b+ expansion cards

    c+ compact dis8s

    d+ tape


  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q22. elo# are the maBor structural components of *-C except

    a+ *ontrol Cnit

    b+ C

    c+ 6egisters

    d+ 6)

    Q23. F hypothesis that states transistor densities in a single chip #ill

    double every 1: monthsG

    a+ )ores a#

    b+ *-Cs a#

    c+ )oores a#

    d+ 'ransistors a#

    Q2". 6?,* stands for

    a+ 6educed ?nstruction ,et *omputer

    b+ 6edundant ?nstruction ,et *omputer

    c+ 6educed ?nformation ,et *omputer

    d+ 6educed ?nstruction ,et *hip

    Q2&. is not an auxiliary memory.

    a+ 6)

    b+ 7ard Dis8

    c+ 'apes

    d+ D;D

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q25. is most commonly used to store systemAlevel

    programs that #e #ant to have available to the computer at all times.

    a+ 6H)

    b+ 6)

    c+ 7ard Dis8

    d+ *D

    Q29. 'he purpose of is to act as a buffer bet#een the very

    limited$ very highAspeed *-C registers and the relatively slo#er and much

    larger main system memory.

    a+ cache memory

    b+ 6)

    c+ ;irtual memory

    d+ 6H)

    Q2:. When data are found in the cache$ it is called a

    a+ *ache miss

    b+ *ache found

    c+ *ache hit

    d+ *ache data

    Q2 this is called .

    a+ virtual memory

    b+ cache memory

    c+ primary memory

    d+ secondary memory

    Q3= is not an input device.

    a+ )?*6

    b+ H)6

    c+ 'ouch ,creen

    d+ -lotter
  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q31 is not an output device.

    a+ -roBector

    b+ -rinter

    c+ -lotter

    d+ ,canner

    Q32. ll are ;ariants of the )ouse except.

    a+ 'rac8 ball

    b+ 'rac8 pad

    c+ integrated pointing device

    d+ Iame pad

    Q33 is a device that can read text or illustrations and

    translate the information into a form the computer can use.

    a+ -rinter b+ -lotter

    c+ ,canner

    d+ 6eader

    Q3". )?*6 stands for .

    a+ )agnetic ?n8 *haracter 6ecognition

    b+ )agnetic ?n8 *haracter 6eader

    c+ )echanical ?n8 *haracter 6ecognition

    d+ )echanical ?n8 *haracter 6eader

    Q3&. is not an operating system.

    a+ Cnix

    b+ inux

    c+ DH,

    d+ Iteet %=ploe

  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q35. *HH is language.

    a+ 1st

    b+ 2nd

    c) "d

    d+ "th

    Q39. converts source code into obBect code.

    a) Compile

    b+ ?nterpreter

    c+ 'ranslator

    d+ *onverter

    Q3:. is a soft#are program that enables the computer

    hard#are to communicate and operate #ith the computer soft#are.

    a+ pplication ,oft#are

    b+ 'ranslators

    c+ anguages

    d) peati0 System


  • 8/12/2019 IT and CS Assignment


    Q"=. is a language that provides little or no abstraction

    from a computerJs instruction set architecture.

    a+ lo#Alevel programming language

    b+ 7ighA level programming language

    c+ ssembly level programming language

    d+ 6eal fprogramming language