ISV PARTNER DAY DIGITAl Platform Developer Business


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Platform Developer Business

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9:30-10:00 Keynote with Joe Macri, Microsoft and Matthew Whitton, Grey Matter

10:05-10:50 Collaborative Development with GitHub – Richard Erwin, GitHub

10:55-11:40 Implementing Azure DevOps for continuous delivery and automation – April Edwards, Microsoft

11:50 - 12:35 Developing together with Visual Studio Online – Giles Davies, Microsoft

14:00 - 14:45 Rearchitecting for Azure. A smarter way to deploy – Justin Davies, Microsoft

14:50 - 15:35 Understanding Azure Data Services and Azure Migration Tools – David Stewart, Grey Matter

15:45 - 16:30 Microsoft mapping, intelligent tools and geospatial services – Justine Coates, Microsoft

* All times are British Summer Time (BST)

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We’re really excited to bring you some of our most popular sessions from our Platform and Developer tracks. Everyone is facing challenges with COVID-19 and it’s great to bring our community of ISV partners together through the very technology we live and breathe.

If you attended last year’s Partner Day you will know that we had a brilliant line-up of sessions delivered across three different tracks: Platform, Developer and Business. This format will return for our live event on 14th October – full details will be released later in the year. I hope to see you there!

As always, Grey Matter is here to support you and your business, treating you as an individual and helping you with your specific needs. Through our close relationship with Microsoft we can offer additional support to your business in many areas. Whether that be guiding you through a cloud adoption plan or helping you to identify

opportunities for efficiency, scaling and resiliency in your existing deployment. We can also support your sales growth through the Microsoft Marketplace or help you to achieve recognition as a sell-with partner.

I hope that you enjoy today’s sessions and I look forward to seeing you in person later in the year.

Matthew Whitton, Managing Director at Grey Matter

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Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. We see Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) as key to helping us to achieve this mission. You build IP that enhances our offerings to enable users to be more productive. Especially at a time where organisations are looking to ensure their employees can be as agile and efficient as possible.

With this belief, over the past few years Microsoft has significantly increased investments to ensure we’re best able to support our ISV partners’ innovation. We’ve done this by investing in our business and technologies through acquisitions such as GitHub and it’s great to see a session from them in today’s agenda. We want to enable you to easily build out your solutions’ capabilities through AI so we’ve advanced our cloud offerings. Constantly innovating to increase functionality and add new services such as our intelligent cloud integrations.

Investing in our ISV and Partnering teams has enabled us to provide greater support to ISVs. Helping to grow your businesses and increase profitability through things such as our co-sell programs. You have the ability to sell your solutions via our marketplaces and via our subscriptions, as well as the opportunity to engage with our customers via our account teams to aid our joint success.

The joint opportunity for Microsoft and ISVs has never been greater, which is why Microsoft is keen to partner with Grey Matter in the delivery of ISV Partner Day. Grey Matter is a Microsoft Gold Partner with a proven track record of enabling ISVs. They offer a wealth of knowledge when it comes to supporting ISVs in their adoption of and integration with Microsoft solutions, as well as how best to partner with Microsoft and how to take your solutions to market.

I hope you find the insights shared today incredibly beneficial and I look forward to hearing how you’ve been able to take advantage of these at Grey Matter’s ISV Partner Day in-person event in Reading on 14 October 2020.

Aimee Wood, Partner Development Manager at Microsoft


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One It’s all about you. You’ll always receive independent and

impartial advice. The needs of developers, application makers and independent software vendors comes first at Grey Matter.

TwoGrey Matter Services. Get the technical and

commercial support you need to accelerate your business growth with our range of specialist services.

ThreeMicrosoft CSP Direct and Indirect model. Which

model best suits your business? We can help you decide. We are both a Direct and Indirect Cloud Solution Provider (CSP).

FourExpert licensing advice. You don’t need to navigate the

complicated world of software licensing; we can do it for you.

FiveRegular hands-on events. Knowledge sharing is key to

innovation. We deliver a regular schedule of labs, workshops and hacks where you can explore the latest tools and development platforms.

For nearly 40 years we have helped our partners drive their businesses forward.

Founded by developers for developers, supporting your needs is at the foundation of what we do. ISVs, application builders and software developers face unique challenges which we understand.

We work with our partners to gain in-depth knowledge of their specific technical and commercial needs because we are dedicated to their success. As extensions of their teams, we provide comprehensive strategy roadmaps, detailed cloud migration plans, go-to-market support and much more.

Always on hand to support whenever you need help, we have specialist teams that focus on:

■ ISVs

■ Developer tools

■ Cloud services

■ Mapping

■ Business productivity

■ Education

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Exceed your business goals with our tailored technical solutions and services that empower organisations to exceed their business goals. Every one of our partners benefits from the efficiencies and flexibility that the cloud offers.

Our services team understand that for you to be able to grow your business you need to be able to scale seamlessly, drive down costs and increase revenue. One of the best and easiest ways to do this is through the use of cloud technologies.

Whatever your needs are we can help accelerate your business growth. Advising on the best cloud and hybrid solutions, lending a helping hand to migrate legacy systems and securing IP in the cloud are all ways in which we can support you.


■ Infrastructure design, migration and deployment

■ Technical support, managed infrastructure and health checks

■ Backup and disaster recovery

■ Admin and end user training

■ Data transformation, business intelligence and AI integration

■ Application delivery, design and re-architecture

■ Mapping tools and integration

■ DevOps tools and consultancy

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CSP Indirect Reseller

This is the model for you if you want to resell Azure CSP subscriptions, directly support your customers and manage isolated tenants for each. You would be permitted to resell the Azure hosting charges directly to your end customers.

You would be classed as a Cloud Solutions Reseller and billed for all Azure usage from each of your customers’ Azure CSP subscriptions. These identities and Azure services would have tenant-level isolation. Grey Matter would provision these subscriptions.

CSP Direct Customer

This is the model for you if you want to consume Azure services internally for example if you have a SaaS application charged to end users on a per user per month basis. Alternatively, you can use the Hosting Exception rule to provide a custom solution using Azure

services – without reselling or redistributing Azure services to your customers. You would typically charge your customers based on your hosted solution. All the Azure resources in your customers’ products and services would be created and managed within your own Azure tenant and would be shared. You would need to consider your Azure hosting charges associated with each of the products and services you provide to your end customers.

As the customer you would be billed for all your own Azure usage for any Azure CSP subscriptions provisioned by us.


Sometimes there isn’t a straightforward answer and it’s possible to use both models if they fit how you intend to go to market.

There are pros and cons to both models and there is no ‘one size fits all’ model. We’re here to help you make sense of which will work best for you.

Confused? It’s what our experts are here for! Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

[email protected] |+44 (0) 1364 655 140

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Whichever model you choose, you can access Grey Matter’s cloud automation platform, GMCirrusTM.

It enables you to easily buy and manage Microsoft CSP products along with other cloud-based applications and services, either for Direct or Indirect sale.

We’re here to help you drive growth, efficiency and resilience. Our platform is backed by our support services, licensing knowledge and dedicated account management.

What does GMCirrusTM let you do?

■ Easily buy and manage Microsoft products along with other cloud solutions

■ Add and remove licences easily

■ Access up-to-date pricing

■ Control Microsoft Azure and Office 365 consumption with estimated usage charges, usage notifications and automated invoicing

■ Save time and hassle with self-service

■ View all previous orders that have been placed on the portal

■ Log support tickets, for you and your customers, to Grey Matter

■ Set budget alerts for Azure, so that you get notified if you’re close to meeting your preferred spend for Azure

Additional advantages on Indirect

■ Use the portal as your own branded marketplace to sell Microsoft and/or your own cloud apps and services

■ Collect Microsoft recognition and rebates that count towards your competencies

■ Create custom pricing policies

■ Automate customer billing and send branded invoices automatically using recurring billing methods

■ Manage end-customers’ subscriptions (add / remove licences, add-ons, suspensions)

■ Create a support ticking system for your customers

■ Best in-class support

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Understand the ‘why’ behind your cloud costs with our GMCirrus ViewTM cost management reporting.

Gain control over your entire cloud estate with powerful budget forecasting, the ability to analyse spend and cost, and easily scale resources up and down. Monitor all this accurately (within eight hours) so no nasty billing surprises at the end of the month.

If you’re currently utilising the ISV Royalty Program or SPLA Licensing, then we can help you update your licensing model to CSP.

ISV Royalty Licensing

What is ISV Royalty? It’s an on-premises global licensing program for ISVs and software developers who integrate Microsoft software into their on-premises solutions. Microsoft software is licensed for use within your own applications and then provided to your customers as a unified solution.

SPLA Licensing

What is SPLA? It’s a hosted global licensing program. Microsoft software is integrated into hosted solutions and distributed to end customers world-wide, licensed on a monthly basis.

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One hour Remote Cloud Discovery workshop

Gain a top-level understanding of how to best move to Azure or Microsoft 365. During this remote session, you’ll work with a Microsoft Certified Cloud Architect to create a high-level Cloud Adoption Plan. This will include recommended architecture and associated consumption based on best practice.

One day Onsite Cloud Discovery workshop

Get a thorough understanding of how you can move to Azure or Microsoft 365. During this onsite session, you’ll work with a Microsoft Certified Cloud Architect to undertake a deep dive into your current infrastructure. A detailed Cloud Adoption Plan with confirmed architecture, timeline and framework will be created.

We’ll also complete an assessment of your skills and readiness for deployment and operation to ensure that you are fully equipped to hit the ground running.

Azure Cost Analysis assessment

How can you save money on your Azure subscription? With their years of licensing experience, and the help of Microsoft Azure analytics tools, our Cloud Solutions and Licensing team can assess your existing Azure subscriptions and make recommendations that have zero negative impact on you or your customers.

Most recently we were able to save a customer almost £50,000 a year on Azure, equating to a third of their predicated annual spend.

Azure Healthcheck

Get to know your Azure resource utilisation. We’ll assess your current deployment and identify opportunities for improving efficiency, scaling and resiliency based on best practice so you make the most out of your investment.

Azure Skills Enablement

Azure skills shortages can be one of the biggest blockers to the adoption of Azure. Our training providers can help you get skilled up in the following areas:

■ Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-103)

■ Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900)

■ Microsoft Azure Security Technologies (AZ-500)

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■ Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure (AZ-203)

■ Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-300)

■ Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-301)

■ Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions Fast Track (AZ-400)

Online data courses to advance your Power BI skills

It can be difficult scheduling in time to advance skills in more challenging areas like data analysis and visualisation. We’ve teamed up with industry experts to create a series of on-demand, data-focused courses that you can use to develop your data skills at your own pace.

The Power BI pack includes courses and interactive labs that will take you from novice to expert and encompasses:

■ Introduction to Power BI

■ Advanced Power BI

■ Power BI for Consumers

■ Power BI Service Administration

■ Power BI Report Server Administration

■ Power BI with Excel

■ Power Query for Business

■ Introduction to DAX

■ Advanced DAX

■ Building Microsoft Power Platform Solutions

■ Data Storytelling with Power BI

■ Dashboard in a Day

■ Power BI Custom Visuals

■ Advanced Visualisations with Power BI

■ Advanced Data Shaping with Power BI

■ Advanced Data Modelling with Power BI

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Microsoft 365 is a suite of productivity and security tools that includes Office 365, Windows 10 and Enterprise Mobility + Security.

Microsoft 365 for you

If you’re only using one or two tools from the suite, you may find it more cost-effective to consolidate your estate by migrating to Microsoft 365.

Our technical team can support migration from any platform and implementation into your business. Delivering comprehensive admin and end-user training taken straight from best practice across the whole suite of tools in Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Teams. Maximise your investment and resources by taking advantage of our decades of licensing expertise.

Microsoft 365 for your customers

We can also provide you with marketing support and resources if you’re selling Microsoft 365 into your customer base and go-to-market advice if you’re building Microsoft 365 solutions.

“Thank you from all of us. It was a painless migration to Office 365 and a smooth transition to using Microsoft Teams, the handover documents and user guides are a massive help. I’m really pleased how we all pulled together to make it happen and we’re looking forward to experiencing the benefits of better collaboration and the remote working tools.”

Steve Matthews, Riskmonitor

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Maps are not just driving apps today; they are driving economies too. If, as is commonly estimated, 80% of all business data contains a location component, it is critical to understand how location affects business.

Microsoft Bing Maps

Bing Maps is Microsoft’s mapping platform that brings geospatial and location intelligence to enterprise applications and cloud solutions. Added to business data as the visualisation layer, Bing Maps delivers accurate, dynamic maps. The suite of APIs makes it easy for developers to build powerful services and solutions for rich user experiences and improved business performance.

Bing Maps + familiar tools

Bing Maps integrates seamlessly across the Microsoft stack: SQL Server, SharePoint Server, Dynamics 365, Azure, Windows 10, Microsoft .NET, Office 365, Visual Studio, PowerApps and more.

Turn business intelligence into location intelligence

Grey Matter is the Authorised Distributor for Microsoft Bing Maps across EMEA & APAC regions. We work closely with developers and ISVs who want to build innovative solutions for location-based services such as asset tracking, geocoding, fleet management, routing, spatial analysis. REST Services are available for .NET developers.

Building Together

The Bing Maps team has embraced open source, making the source code for many of the maps, APIs and SDKs available for the developer community to see and contribute to via GitHub.

To get started with Microsoft Bing Maps, or to discuss your project or use case, contact the Grey Matter team of mapping specialists.

[email protected] | +44 (0)1364 655 133

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The ability to work remotely has never been as important as it is now. From utilising your current systems but at scale, to implementing a solution from the ground up, our team can help you create a robust platform to suit your business needs.

Need Help? Talk to our team to find out how we can work together to support your business continuity.

[email protected] | +44 (0)1364 655100

Which areas can we help you with?

■ Business operations - Windows Virtual Desktop, Azure Site Recovery and Backup

■ Collaborative development - Visual Studio and Azure DevOps

■ User productivity and collaboration - Microsoft Teams and SharePoint

■ User and security data - Microsoft InTune and Azure Information Protection

■ Employee wellbeing and engagement - Microsoft MyAnalytics and Forms

■ Mobile devices - As a Microsoft Surface Reseller, we can enable your users to work from anywhere with a line-up of devices available in various form factors, sizes and offering ultimate performance.

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Media Trust is a charity that strives to bridge the gap between the media and creative industries and charities, under-represented communities, and young people to give them a stronger voice. Media Trust promote skills-based volunteering, empower young people from diverse backgrounds to join the sector, and help charities to build their communications capabilities.


To update the charity’s legacy IT infrastructure to support their new business structure and a more agile working environment.


Migrating hosted workloads to the Microsoft cloud, implementing a new email and unified communications platforms, and deploying a solution to enhance their data security posture for peace of mind.


Improved employee productivity, increased service availability and enhanced security, as well as greater flexibility and agility.

“Grey Matter were good under pressure and coming up with alternatives. We were able to migrate in the midst of an office move and the support provided made this much easier.”

Naomi White, Head of Operations, Media Trust

Vardells Ltd has supplied the retail industry with Electric Point of Sale (EPoS) and warehouse management solutions for over 30 years in the form of their Vardells Retailer System.


Vardells Ltd were faced with having to update their hardware and Exchange environment to better service their clients in the retail industry, to whom they provide software and hardware support.


Rather than updating their existing legacy hardware, it was more cost-effective to move away from on-site Exchange and employ a hybrid cloud solution with Microsoft Office 365..


Massive time and cost savings, as well as being able to work in a more flexible way, in turn providing better support for their clients.

“I think it fair to say that without Grey Matter we would not have been able to complete the migration as we uncovered some problems we did not know existed along the way…. Grey Matter support staff have saved me a lot of time and worry several times since the migration and they are among the most knowledgeable and helpful folk I have had the pleasure to work with. I would not hesitate to recommend Grey Matter to anyone and we will be using them for a long time to come.”

Neil Beadman, Systems Support Manager

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When you partner with Grey Matter, you can rest assured that you will

benefit from excellent customer service, impeccable technical know-how and a

team that is on hand to provide support whenever you need them.

At Grey Matter we give you a solution, not just a product.

“Grey Matter and their platform GMCirrusTM has provided us with a streamlined way

to manage all our key Microsoft licensing requirements. It’s quick and easy to see

our existing licences and subscriptions or to add or remove licences or components. We also have access to a team who have

experience across the Microsoft platforms to support us with any licensing or

technical queries.”

Angus Hamilton, CTO, Search Laborator

“Having struggled with several companies for months trying to resolve complicated

migration issues, domain changes and email transfers, I was finally put in touch

with Grey Matter. They took time to fully analyse the issues we were having, listen to our requirements and through

perseverance managed to resolve all of the issues where others had failed. My systems now work perfectly, and my long-term IT

support provider is selected. Thank you again Grey Matter.”

Robert Miles, Immersa Limited

“Grey Matter Services offered Visia Software a level of expertise in Azure that allowed us to optimise our software and

make use of scalability. We are now able to offer a great performance for our clients during peak times, while making savings

by cutting unnecessary costs during quieter periods. We would recommend

Grey Matter Services to any organisation considering using Microsoft Azure.”

Mitch Thraves, Visia Software Limited

“DDS provides geospatial data and software for the whole planet and is

honoured to distribute Microsoft Bing Maps to the German market. In this regard

we are in close collaboration with Grey Matter who support DDS in many ways to fulfill our customers’ requirements. Their

knowledge regarding all kinds of licensing questions is just as outstanding as their

ability and willingness to provide customer friendly licensing options that we are happy to implement for our clients.”

Andreas Lehr, DDS Digital Data Services GmbH

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Discover Our partner managers will discuss your project and

set up a technical scoping call with our services team to discuss what you want to achieve, what you have and any limitations there are.

Design When we have worked with you to find

your best option, we’ll design a plan and get to work.

Deploy We will help implement the solution. This may be a

migration, deployment or build. Our solution architects will deliver and/or support you.) We’ll provide testing solutions and services to help to ensure that your application will run successfully once live.

Deliver We can help you launch your app into the cloud

through SaaS, PaaS or IaaS.

Develop Once your project is off the ground and in the cloud,

we’ll continue to support you on your journey. Helping you to continually innovate and explore the latest technologies to help you grow.

THE ISV JOURNEY Wherever you are on your business journey we can help you. Technical

We’ve got a range of cloud, technical and support services to help or further enhance your on-premises, hybrid or cloud development.

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We have a deep understanding of what ISVs need to succeed and can support you with knowledge and advice to help you get your product into the market, not matter the size of your company.


CSP: Azure, Office 365, Dynamics 365 and Visual Studio subscriptions for you and your end users. Manage these yourself at any time, on GMCirrus™, our cloud platform.

SPLA: license the latest eligible Microsoft software products for hosted software and services.

ISV Royalty: embed Microsoft software into your on-prem solution.


We host a whole range of knowledge-sharing events throughout the year, free of charge.

We’ll help you to attain your accreditations to ensure you get the rebates you deserve.

Our specialists are here to free up your time.

Go to Market

Sell your cloud-based apps on our bespoke Marketplace, GMCirrus™. You can manage your customers’ licences and billing.

If your solution is eligible, you could utilise our channel to sell to our customer base. We’ll also help you sell on Microsoft’s Azure Marketplace and App Source.

We provide marketing collateral and advice to help you get the word out.

Our telemarketing team can follow up on leads, open conversations, promote events and offers.

Contact Us It’s what our experts are here for! Get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

[email protected] |+44 (0) 1364 655 140

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For more than 30 years, ESET® has been developing industry-leading IT security software and services for businesses and consumers. With solutions ranging from endpoint and mobile security, to encryption and multi-factor authentication, ESET’s high-performing, easy-to-use products give users the peace of mind to enjoy the full potential of their technology.

Microsoft Bing Maps

Microsoft Bing Maps is an enterprise solution hosted on Azure for cloud access, scalability, speed, and world-class data security, with 99.9% SLAs and free access to technical support. The intelligent APIs, SDKs, spatial analysis tools and dynamic map styles make it easy to create rich, accurate location experiences and solutions for web and mobile applications.


Acronis leads the world in cyber protection – solving safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges with innovative backup, security, disaster recovery, and enterprise file sync and share solutions. Enhanced by AI technologies and blockchain-based authentication, Acronis protects all data in any environment: physical, virtual, cloud, mobile workloads, and applications.

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The Business Software Centre

TBSC specialises in quick, efficient, and cost-effective software asset management. Our Smarter products and services help businesses save money every day by automatically identifying wasted licenses, measuring application usage, assisting in compliance, and managing current software assets closely. We work with on-premise, cloud, or hybrid licenses and pride ourselves on moving businesses to the cloud the Smarter way.


Are you renewing your SQL Server licenses this year? Do you need to consolidate your SQL Server estate that has grown out of control? Are your DBAs under pressure? Quest can help! We offer a range of database management and monitoring solutions to make your life easier.

Intel Software

Intel® Parallel Studio XE boosts application performance from enterprise to cloud, and HPC to AI, and empowers developers to deliver fast, scalable, reliable parallel code with less effort. This comprehensive tool suite addresses the needs of software developers and domain specialists who need to get the most performance out of today’s and future Intel® platforms.

Lumilinks Lumilinks are a data science team that specialise in using AI & ML to create actionable insights in the modern workplace. A great example is our marketing performance platform that uses AI & behavioural science to demonstrates ROI across online & offline Marketing activities, whilst protecting people’s rights to data privacy. Our clients typically see 30% more engagement & sales conversions with their marketing campaigns as a result.


GitHub is the developer company. We make it easier for developers to be developers: to work together, to solve challenging problems, and to create the world’s most important technologies. We foster a collaborative community that can come together—as individuals and in teams—to create the future of software and make a difference in the world.


Revolutionise your training program and simplify the learning curve in any software application. Onboarding new staff can be timely and rolling out new applications can cause challenges. Now is the time to embrace Just-In-Time training with TutorPro. Provide targeted training in any application, where employees need it. Productivity will soar!

Source Code Control

Source Code Control are an open source software and Cloud Transformation consultancy. We help organisations who have software at the core of their company value, build trust in software supply chains and simplify cloud transformation processes. Our main aim is to minimise an organisations risk when dealing with open source and cloud software.

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U.K +44 (0) 1364 654 100 [email protected]

EMEA +353 1 566 7508 [email protected]