Issue 6 Color.

ISSUE 6: DECEMBER 15, 2013 Common Law Legal Clinic Location: NESRI Oces John Street Room Manhattan, NY Time: Tuesdays from Who may attend? Homeowners in foreclosure in the five boroughs of New York City. Interested? Call to make an appointment at: Foreclosure Resisters Monthly Meeting Location: Judson Memorial Church 239 Thompson Street Manhattan Transportation: Closest Subways: A/B/C/D/E/F/M to West 4th St. When: First Saturday of every month from 4-6pm HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! FORECLOSURE RESISTERS Victory for Foreclosure Resister Gabriel Agbaeze! On January 24, 2013, Gabriel went to court to for a hearing. “I was prepared and armed with Court Supporters to face my predatory lender in Court.” The bank’s lawyer saw that Gabriel was accompanied by a large group of Court Supporters and oered to negotiate. The bank’s lawyer agreed to vacate Gabriel’s default judgment, allow him to submit a late answer raising his legal defenses, and restore his case to the settlement conference part. Gabriel was overjoyed: “The result was amazing. Instead of the Resisters meeting the predatory lender’s demands, the predatory lender met our demands!” Gabriel submitted his answer and attended settlement conferences. Recently, Gabriel was oered a loan modification with a fixed 4.125% interest rate and a $200,000 reduction to the principal balance! He now has monthly mortgage payments that are aordable for him and his family and he will be able to pay-othe entire mortgage in just 21 years. Although the modification is a tremendous relief to Gabriel, it is also a community victory. “This is a victory by Resisters through their army of Court Supporters. I am very glad to be a member of the Foreclosure Resisters and will continue to be a member until all predatory lenders learn a lesson.” Gabriel hopes others will join the Foreclosure Resisters’ fight. His message for those who doubt: “Be steadfast and confident. If I can be successful, they will be successful as well.” Congratulations Gabriel! Gabriel Agbaeze attended Common Law’s legal clinic for the first time in August 2012. He recalls: “To my surprise, I was welcomed into a family.” Shortly thereafter, Gabriel became a Foreclosure Resister. At the legal clinic Gabriel learned that a foreclosure action had been filed against him by U.S. Bank in 2009. He was not aware of the foreclosure action because he was never served the Summons and Complaint. Common Law helped him file a motion to vacate his default.


December 2013 Newsletter

Transcript of Issue 6 Color.

Page 1: Issue 6 Color.

ISSUE 6: DECEMBER 15, 2013

Common Law Legal Clinic

Location:NESRI Offices� John StreetRoom���Manhattan, NY

Time:Tuesdays from ��������

Who may attend?Homeowners in foreclosure in the five boroughs of New York City.

Interested? Call to make an appointmentat: �����������


Foreclosure Resisters Monthly Meeting

�Location: Judson Memorial Church 239 Thompson Street Manhattan

Transportation: Closest Subways: A/B/C/D/E/F/M to West 4th St.

When: First Saturday of every month from 4-6pm



Victory for Foreclosure Resister Gabriel Agbaeze!

# # On January 24, 2013, Gabriel went to court to for a hearing. “I was prepared and armed with Court Supporters to face my predatory lender in Court.” The bank’s lawyer saw that Gabriel was accompanied by a large group of Court Supporters and offered to negotiate. The bank’s lawyer agreed to vacate Gabriel’s default judgment, allow him to submit a late answer raising his legal defenses, and restore his case to the settlement conference part. Gabriel was overjoyed: “The result was amazing. Instead of the Resisters meeting the predatory lender’s demands, the predatory lender met our demands!”# Gabriel submitted his answer and attended settlement conferences. Recently, Gabriel was offered a loan modification with a fixed 4.125% interest rate and a $200,000 reduction to the principal balance! He now has monthly mortgage payments that are affordable for him and his family and he will be able to pay-off the entire mortgage in just 21 years. Although the modification is a tremendous relief to Gabriel, it is also a community victory. “This is a victory by Resisters through their army of Court Supporters. I am very glad to be a member of the Foreclosure Resisters and will continue to be a member until all predatory lenders learn a lesson.”# Gabriel hopes others will join the Foreclosure Resisters’ fight. His message for those who doubt: “Be steadfast and confident. If I can be successful, they will be successful as well.” Congratulations Gabriel!

# Gabriel Agbaeze attended Common Law’s legal clinic for the first time in August 2012. He recalls: “To my surprise, I was welcomed into a family.” Shortly thereafter, Gabriel became a Foreclosure Resister. At the legal clinic Gabriel learned that a foreclosure action had been filed against him by U.S. Bank in 2009 . He wa s not aware o f the foreclosure action because he was never served the Summons and Complaint. Common Law helped him file a motion to vacate his default.

Page 2: Issue 6 Color.

ISSUE 6: DECEMBER 15, 2013

Looking Back, Looking Forward# We gathered for the ver y fi rst (ever ! ) Foreclosure Resisters meeting in February 2013. In spring, Foreclosure Resisters worked with New Economy Project to bring homeowner stories to shareholders of Chase Bank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo. Foreclosure Resisters then hit public radio KDVS FM to deliver our message: “Don’t be ashamed! Fight Back!” By summer, Foreclosure Resisters were speaking at community events (Mt. Vernon Health Fair, Christ the King Church in Springfield Gardens) and reminding people that “Knowledge is power” on public access television (“Caribbean Classroom”). In September, we held our first Dinner Dance! What a beautiful gathering and celebration! In fall, we continued our outreach efforts—presenting at the Bronx Housing Forum sponsored by Congressman Jose E. Serrano and NYS Senator Gustavo Rivera.

# As 2013 comes to a close, we are still reaching out to others with our hopeful message of resistance, this month introducing ourselves to the National Action Network and New York City’s network of credit unions. # Throughout this very busy year, we rallied court support more than 15 times. We brought Court Support to Federal Court. Mr. Barnes set the new standard for oral arguments in Queens Supreme Court.

In the new year, we will continue to build our kind and strong community. We will gather on January 19th for FORECLOSURE RESISTER BINGO NIGHT. We will also film two more shows for public access television on January 25th ! In the meantime, we wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday season!



In Brooklyn, the Court—after witnessing Court Support—began referring homeowners to Foreclosure Resisters. We have done so much! And have made a difference! Congratulations, Foreclosure Resisters!