Issue 47

Inside this Issue: Issue 46 JUNE/JULY 2013 Women Stepping Out! Lauretta Pierce Covenant Cookies Article of the Month: How to Bring Your Ideas to Life. Conference, Seminars, Workshops—June/July Highlights from the Empowered Woman Conference 2013


A bi monthly newsletter with information on conferences, seminars and articles

Transcript of Issue 47

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Inside this Issue:

Issue 46


Women Stepping Out!

Lauretta Pierce

Covenant Cookies

Article of the Month:

How to Bring Your Ideas to


Conference, Seminars,


Highlights from the

Empowered Woman



Page 2: Issue 47

Issue 46



You Are An Intellectual Proper-


Highlights of #EWC2013……….. .3

Transformed for Purpose..


Conference, Seminars & Work-

shops for in June/


Women Stepping Out! Lauretta M


Finance for Purpose Breakfast


Special points of interest

Highlight s of #EWC2013

Women Stepping Out! Lau-

retta Pierce of Covenant Cook-

ies Inc.

Transformed for Purpose by

Jacqueline Ani

How to Bring Your Ideas Alive

by Lauretta Pierce

H ello Ladies

It’s been awhile since the last special issue of EW Newsletter, we had a wonderful time at the Em-powered Woman Conference 2013, but I needed to keep my head down and recuperate, re energise and restructure my time and plans for the rest of the year.

Our newsletter is reaching so many of you and we re-ceive reports, updates and testimonials on how our articles, features are empowering you to discover and move in your purpose.

There are some changes to the production of EW Newsletter; in the past the newsletter has been pro-

duced monthly, however due to the progress of the newsletter in reaching more people on an international basis, we will be producing the newsletter quarterly, which gives us enough time to bring to you more exciting, interesting and thought provoking topics to read, and update you on what exciting things women are do-ing locally, nationally and globally, as well as interesting seminars, conferences and workshops that you can attend to help you discover and walk in purpose.

While I’ve been taking time out to recharge my own energy, I spent time attend-ing seminars, reading and of course connecting with the Holy Spirit for direction and I must say I am receiving some deeper revelation about who we are and the powerful beings God has created us to be.

I’m on a trail of understanding the knowledge economy, especially how this ter-minology fits into the Kingdom perspective. I have realised that in understanding the knowledge economy and how we as Christians can partake of this is to under-stand that:

You Are An Intellectual Property

The Knowledge Economy describes important economic changes; Stephen Overell of the Work Foundation admits the term can be misleading in the sense that most UK jobs will be professional, managerial or associate professionals (nurses, techni-cians etc) and the most productive, fastest-growing sectors of all economies are knowledge based. EW

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How Spiritual Transfor-

mation Brings about a

Change in Our Attitudes,

Emotions, Performance

and Life.

Most times we think ac-

cording to the system we live in, our environ-

ment and development tends to shape our

growth and essentially our mind-set.

Spiritual transformation is a process that takes

place when the spirit is born again and our mind

is renewed. Even though our spirits are a new

creation ones saved, the main challenge hap-

pens in the mind, and that is a daily process and

demands constant focus on God’s Will and

words for our lives. As we submit to what and

how He says we should act, think and perform,

that essentially changes our attitudes towards

others, our own emotions and how we see

things and essentially brings success in our per-

formance and life.

Speaker: Pastor Abbiih Oloyede

Transformed for Business is a strong mandate for each one of us to oper-

ate and perform business according to God’s

Kingdom. God has given each one of us ideas

as a form of wealth to create business that

falls in line with His Will for His people. Our

priority is to think about His Purpose for us

and in that if we’re called to business then He

will open doors. Having said this, all forms of

work for the Kingdom of God is business even

though it may not be carried out in the conventional way, transformed

for business is doing business God’s Way. There are so many opportuni-

ties to start your own business and one of such ways in with the internet

business which cost nothing to start and can be a good way to help

women create cash flow to invest in bigger ideas.

Speaker: Placida Acheru

Transformed for Relationships encour-

ages us to deal with hidden baggage,

emotions and wounds from our past

and can affect our future relationships.

The truth is that one cannot enjoy a

healthy relationship in marriage and

other business/ministry opportunities if

we’re not seeking God’s restoration for

our wounded hearts. A wounded heart

reveals symptoms and its up to us to seek God for healing. But in seeking

Him is to know truth so that we are set free.

Speaker: Reverend Enomfon Ntefon

Minister Ruth Dick-

son anointed voice

entertained us with

beautiful songs in-

cluding “Jesus You


For more pictures

click below:


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Natural Purpose/Destiny

Divine Purpose/Destiny

Natural Purpose is very much as it says – it develops the car-nal mind of an individual majority of the people you encoun-ter and maybe you are fulfilling everything natural on earth, everything to do with the natural being. Those who concen-trate on fulfilling natural destiny can become victims of natu-ral destiny.

What I mean by this is that they’re in search of a better life-style, lots of money in the bank, a career etc, etc. Some of the people who’ve approached you for coaching, mentoring, personal development because they’re at a crossroad and can’t understand how they ended in such a fix is because they’ve been pursuing natural destiny and missed the leading to make the transition to divine purpose.

Divine Purpose - is what is known as the destiny of God in a man’s life, a course of events organised or orchestrated, structure by God that will only bring glory to Him.

As a Christian, when things don’t go according to our plan, in some cases it doesn’t mean that the devil is at work as some of us like to claim, but rather God’s structural method to achieving His divine plan in your life. He owns that plan, not you and that’s why you can’t accomplish the plan in your own understanding, you have to raise your mind to His own


You may have an idea, a thoughts, a desire what your pur-pose could be, but the strategy to achieving it is with Him.

We introduce our own strategy based on what we believe to be His leading, but when it doesn’t go the way we’ve planned it to go, we think it’s not the way, or way may have missed some vital instructions along the way. Or we find ourselves struggling with the method that will accomplish His Plan for us because we don’t understand God’s Ways.

Our struggle is the process we go through to let go of our own understanding in natural destiny to accomplishing divine destiny through a renewed mind.

True Success lies in understanding that we are wholly reliant on God through the Help of the Holy Spirit, and that success flows as we align with who He created us to be.

The Principle to Your Success is contained in your divine pur-pose not your natural purpose.

Continue Reading

There are so many conflicting messages defining the real meaning of purpose and how we can identify it, achieve it, be successful and still live a healthy lifestyle. Purpose simply means

Your Reason for Being

The intent of a creation of a thing; purpose is linked to lead-ership.

For example – the purpose of a camera is to capture images and store them; once the purpose is decided, then the manu-facturers design the product in line with its purpose. They build it with the ability to capture and store images within the product.

The purpose then determines your belief about the camera. Every manufacture determines a product but they begin the design with the purpose of the product in mind.

Purpose is a desired function of creation. God gave us a rea-son before He created our existence.

In the Creation experience, when God said let Us make man in our own image to be like us, to have dominion over the fish and the animals; He was making man to have sovereign authority – To Lead! He didn’t make man to have dominion over people, only over animals, fish.

Purpose determines potential – your ability is equal to your responsibility. Stop letting people tell you what to do. The only voice you want to hear in life is the voice of God, and in that He will tell you what He created you to do. He built in you the ability to do your purpose.

Everything we are supposed to become is trapped within us, your purpose gives you your ability, potential, power, confi-dence and security. As you operate in your purpose you have authority. Doing what your supposed to do doesn’t mean your proud, but rather you’re humble . For example a bird has an ability to fly.

What is your ability?

Being successful in your ability will challenge you to think a different way.

Your purpose started the minute you were conceived and came into the world. You may not have realised it, but cir-cumstances, situations help to direct you to accomplish what is already built within you – your ability.

There are 2 types of purpose or destiny:

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2 Dates

Wednesday 26th June 10—4pm

Saturday 20th July 10—4pm

Early bird £60.00 till 5th July

After 5th July £80.00 Register NOW

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Lauretta M PierceLauretta M Pierce

CEO & FounderCEO & Founder

Covenant Cookies Inc.Covenant Cookies Inc.

As you all know, I am constantly inspired and encouraged

by women who have been round the block and when I say

this I mean women who have been through every kind of

circumstance, situation, issue and live to tell their story; but

not just tell their story by empowering, encouraging, inspir-

ing others, they do it creatively. Their story is no longer a

sad one, but a story that says, “look what I went through,

but look at me now”.

One of such women is Ms Lauretta M Pierce , a strong, cre-

ative women who I see as wealthy inside and out. I was

able to connect with the CEO & Founder of a company

called Covenant Cookies Inc.

Hmmm. Delicious, tasty, exquisite, delicious cookies—

Covenant Cookies.

EW: Who Is Lauretta Pierce?

I am a multitude of things all rolled into one. I am a moth-er to four kids and a blessed grandmother of five, that I wouldn't change for anything in the world. I am a daugh-ter who talks to her Mom and Dad long distance daily, to tell them jokes,sing songs over the phone, and still take naps with her mom, watch black and white movies and cuddle on the couch when I am back home. I am a big sis-ter to four siblings that know I am their very first and still very best friend. I am a neighbour who will sip a cup of coffee or tea and have a conversation over the fence early in the morning, or respond to a call late at night. I am the business owner of Covenant Cookies Inc, Covenant Coffee, and Fix My Boo Boo kids organic skin care line. I am a woman that is familiar with struggle, pain and set backs. I am also a woman who can speak on the favour of God turning everything around without notice, in an instant.

EW: How has the experiences of the past brought you to where you are today?

My past is now like looking at someone else. The Apostle Paul wrote; forgetting those things behind. But there are times when I have to look back, brother Paul. When I do, I see God's mercy and grace. I have been in the position of loosing everything I owned, home, car, job...all at one time. God's mercy kept me sane. His grace keeps me humble. Where I am today is a place of total submission to the work of the kingdom. I want to see other women free from bond-age whether it be abuse, low self esteem, fear etc., any-thing that holds a grip to delay their destiny.

I want to see people who would be the least to succeed, the outcast, black sheep to become successful. I want those that don't believe that God can do anything but see me and believe that He is a rewarder of them that diligent-ly seek Him.

EW: There are so many women who due to lack of not knowing who they are have been trapped in relationships that have taken away their essence of who they can be, how would you advice a woman in an abusive relationship to make the break?

I was talking to one today that was in total denial. Her sig-nificant other was a repetitive cheater, but he paid all the bills. That's a form of abuse. She is abusing herself by low-ering her standards and being mentally drained.

A woman must get to the point where she realizes, this is as good as it's going to get. Look at the pattern of behav-iour and decide she is not willing to loose herself in some-one that does not respect her or possibly care. When it comes to physical abuse, there is no option except to move on. He needs help and she is not the therapist.

EW: Covenant Cookies has become a brand and is recog-nised all over the world, how did it start?

Continued on Page 8

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Lauretta M PierceLauretta M Pierce–– CEO & Founder CEO & Founder

Covenant Cookies Inc.Covenant Cookies Inc.

The story is really funny.

After loosing everything I was also dealing with a sick daughter. She lost her vision due to a tumour on her brain at 23years of age.

I decided I wasn't going down with God, and those were the words I spoke to Him. "God, I am not going down with you." I did a good enough job by myself, but I refuse to go down with the creator of the universe. Does it even make sense to see stars in the sky, a moon suspended in air, rain falling from heaven, and God can't heal my child and restore my loss?

So I challenged God to be who He said He was. I was going to do my part, which was "BELIEVE."

That's it. Abraham believed God. When I saw it was so simple to move God's heart through faith in Him, I became a, "Daddy's girl."

I started looking for ways to love Him, bless Him give back to Him because, guess what?...

He healed my daughter!

That was just the beginning. After see-ing Him move like that, I pray for ways to show others how great He was.

One day, at work making 13 dollars and hour. I had a heart to heart talk and said, "Lord I need a word from you."

He spoke back and said these words; "So does everyone else, word of God in a cookie."

Now, I didn't bake so that confirmed this message was from God! lol

After that the Lord would not allow me to talk about it for a while...just pray. Pray for answers. Pray for guidance. Pray for favour.

Dream after dream, night after night, the Lord instructed me. I followed His instructions and a ministry was born. Little did I know God's Big Creative Plan was beyond my dreams. I believe with all my heart this is what He was talking about in this verse, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abun-dantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,~Ephesians 3:20

EW: What are the various areas of con-fectionary that Covenant Cookies co-vers?

Owwwwe that's a great question be-cause, it started out as plain fortune cookies with bible verses. God began to enlarge my territory when He sent business partners out of no where. From there we contracted a major fac-tory in California and came up with Logo Cookies, Business Card Cookies, Picture Cookies. 200 products to date, including Gourmet popcorn, chocolate covered strawberries and so much more. Covenant Cookies can be found in bible book stores, coffee shops, hotel gift stores and we are working on ac-counts with QVC and the HSN Net-works. Customers can also go on line to covenant They have been received by the NBA, NFL, Politi-cians, Steve Harvey, TBN, TCT Televi-sion, The 700 Club, ABC, CBS, Bishop TD Jakes, Pastor Paula White, Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant, Gospel Today Maga-

zine, among many others,, Bishop Dale E Bronner, Bernice King of The Martin Luther King Foundation, The Basketball Wives, Major Networks, The NAACP, High schools and colleg-es, Many athletics, homeless shelters, Wall Street and just the streets. Cove-nant Cookies can be found in Africa, have travelled to Russia other coun-tries and are on their way to London.

EW: In one of your videos, you men-tioned that Covenant Cookies wasn't a business initially, but rather a way to inspire others. How did the inspiration develop into a business and what sys-tems have you put in place for sustain-ability and growth?

I must be honest and say I never thought this would happen...a busi-ness. I often say; "I'm not living my dream, I'm living God's dream."

I gave cookies for 3 years away to peo-ple in Atlanta, Georgia. I just wanted to give others the hope I needed when I was at my very lowest. I worked full time, and with the three to four hun-dred dollars left over each pay, I pur-chased Covenant Cookies. I never real-ized God was teaching me, time man-agement, prioritizing, and business skills right from my living room.

My vision was to inspire as many peo-ple as possible. I heard so many stories of near death situations, sickness, di-vorce, hopelessness, and the person received a cookie with just what they needed at that moment. Who could ask for anything more?

Continued on Page 9

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Lauretta M PierceLauretta M Pierce–– CEO & Founder CEO & Founder

Covenant Cookies Inc.Covenant Cookies Inc.

Before I knew it, the word was out on the streets. There was a buzz and I nev-er knew it. Magazines were calling me, television shows booking me, and speaking engagements started to soar. Most of the time I was crying! Crying on the TV set, crying through the inter-views, crying as I'm talking to hun-dreds, then thousands, then millions of people about a God I could not even see, giving me favour.

I came up with a saying, "If God Can Use A Cookie" because that's what He did, He used a cookie and changed my broken life. Then a producer called about a book and later a movie.

I still didn't get the magnitude of this cookie craze. Don't know if I do today.

The system I rely on even today is God. I know more than anyone that a busi-ness plan needs to be followed. The ins and outs of a persons business protocol is very important. But before I make any major decision, I seek God. I have walked away from millions and million-aires because I had signals and red flags, and I haven't lost a nights sleep. If the Lord told me to shut the business down and make it only a ministry, I would shut it down.

He has blessed me with the most phe-nomenal partner and company Presi-dent John Luppo that has that same heart. We pray, seek the Lord and laugh daily! Johnny was a Wall Street Trader, and the owner of Luppo Enter-prises in New York. He also does film work. How did this man become "The Cookie Man" on Wall Street and among his peers?...God!

EW: How does what you do fulfil God’s purpose for your life?

I have always been a giver.

Many years ago I was driving about five in the morning and the sun was just coming up. I saw a vision of myself in the sky and it was raining tiny soft gold flakes all around me. In the vision I was in white spinning around catching them. I collected a huge pile in my arms, as I was holding them a voice spoke and said; "Now what are you going to do with them?" In this vision I flung them and they scattered loose-ly in the air.

Later that day I told this story to a Pas-tor and friend of mine named Kimberly Moore. I said, "Kim I wonder that means?" She replied..."Someday God is going to give you something and you will spread it. Wow! I could have never envisioned it would be cookies!

EW: What does the future hold for Cov-enant Cookies and Lauretta Pierce?

Nothing but great things! I am a firm believer that "Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life." That makes me stronger than ev-er. Believe it or not, I still look for ways to give back to God. I still at times feel like a mess. But regardless to the feel-ings, I know that I am the head and not the tail. I know that greater is he that is in me. I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. Therefore with these type of weapons I speak great things into being. My future may at times be unsure. There are times I honestly don't know where I will be going. But one thing is for sure... where

ever I go, I don't want to go without God.


To order these mouth watering cookies, go to :


OR 888-692-6654 (Pls dial 001 for inter-national dialling code)

To find out more about articles, inter-views and videos that Lauretta has ap-peared in please go to:

Trinity Broadcasting Network


You may have to sign into your account to view these videos.

Page 10: Issue 47


EE mpowered Woman Ministrympowered Woman Ministry

Venue—Holiday Inn Greenwich Time—10am—2pm Cost—£17.00 early bird until Saturday 31st August £25.00 until 12th September Exquisite Breakfast Buffet Provided

As Christians we have a responsible to fulfill God’s Vision for His Kingdom. Most times moving into purpose can be a challenge in itself because there isn’t always the money availa-ble to make that move. . Having said that our role is to expand our vision be-yond our financial situation and if you happen to be struggling with debt, look for opportunities to ex-pand your wealth and to do this, you have to identify what your intellectual capital is. A financial stewardship is the assumption of respon-sibility of the financial well being of another or a group. The expectation being that this responsibility

will be carried out with great care, keeping in mind the good of the individual or group being served. Financial stewards have been entrusted with the fi-nancial resources of another. There is an expectation of care to be followed when acting as a steward. A financial steward would be expected to make those decisions which would best benefit the individual or group whose financial assets are being cared for; managing expenses, responsible investing, and ac-countability. Topics Include the Following Become Bigger than Your Financial Situa-

tion Understanding the Knowledge Economy in-

line with the Kingdom Identifying Your Intellectual Capital Being a Financial Channel for Purpose Speakers: Saleah Micci—Wealth Creator David Okorodudu—Wisdom House Consulting Hostess: Jacqueline Ani Please register to secure your place

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I think my job suits me, because I have a short attention span. "One day I can obsess over a cookie design, the next day an organic honey farm."

I believe that doing the same thing over and over, year after year is, unconventional.

What do you do when you have an idea, dream or vision stuck in your head during those unconventional times?

What happens when you see others try and not succeed, only to discourage you and the process of you moving for-ward?

What does it take to bring and Idea out or you?

How do you bring your ideas to life?

There comes a day when each of us has to decide that today is the day we are going to put our fears and excuses aside, follow our heart's desire and pursue our dreams our passion our ideas.

You have to be more than “a dreamer,” expecting it all to come to you because you have received a vision from God and that's just that. You have to pull your pants up, put your gloves on and get ready to rumba.

There must be an attitude of, "Just because they didn't make it. Just because they couldn't do it. Maybe just maybe it was so I can...and will!"

I didn't enjoy baking at all. How was I going to start a cookie company when I couldn't bake?

I didn't need to. And today, I still don't bake. What you'll find are easy, simple steps that I followed, and they are still work-ing for me today!

First write that idea down. Look at it over and over. See your-self living it. Dreaming it.

When we write our idea down, we are capturing it! We are putting it into a form whereby we are able to read it, refine it, simplify it, clarify it, share it in an understanding way, and then produce the fruit of what the vision for our idea is all about. It needs to be simple enough so that busy people can read and understand it quickly. At the same time, don't share your idea with everyone. Everyone won't celebrate with you.

Vision for ideas demands that we often have to make deci-sions and commitments to things that are not yet seen. Even if it looks impossible, don't give up!

Second Capture your idea in your heart. (Get the recipe right!) It is vitally important that you are able to capture the idea when it comes to you. God gives you and me vision. It comes to us in the invisible realm by revelation. Once it has come, then it is our responsibility to capture that invisi-ble vision for the idea and bring it through into the visible realm where others can see what we have been seeing all along. A idea is of no use to us – or anyone else – until it has been captured and translated into a physical, working reali-ty. Until that happens we are only “reading the recipe” rather than “producing the cake.”

Third Pray for protection over your idea. This was one of the most important tools I needed when launching Covenant Cookies. After much research you will find there are others doing similar if not the same thing you have an idea to do. DON'T get discouraged! PRAY...PRAY...PRAY. Pray for protec-tion over your idea. Pray for God to send you the"right peo-ple" to help you get to your next level. Pray for "creative thoughts." This is when innovation takes place. Which leads me to the Fourth thing.

Fourth be Creative. Think of your competitors and what you can do to be different.

In Seth Godin's book, "The Purple Cow," Seth speaks on see-ing a field while driving and noticing all of the cows were black and white. "What if one were...purple, he thought?" It would stand out among the others.

You want to think of ways to, stand out.

There were other companies that later came out with choco-late dipped fortune cookies. "What could I do to de differ-ent?"

Put the Word of God inside and an Inspirational saying op-posed to a random fortune, and call them "Cookies that In-spire". I tried it, and it worked. Don't be afraid of trying. Don't be afraid of failing. Failing is only final when someone else takes an idea you gave up on and succeeds.

Continued on page 12

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Fifth start Baking. After putting your ideas down, looking them over, praying for protection, getting the proper research such as permits, trade marks, tax laws, etc. You are now ready to start the business plan.

It can be simple and easy to start. A one page plan of where you want to be in the next 2 years, 5 years,10 years is suffice. Don't worry it will change many times. has many plans to look at and review from start up to up and running businesses.

Some ideas are small but touch lives in a big way; others are big and touch a small group of people in a remote area of the world. But all ideas are important. Bringing it to life is as simple as baking a cake. Even if you are not a baker.

Read & study Ingredients (First write that idea down) See the finished picture of the cake.(

Second Capture your idea in your heart) Gather Tools and keep together

(Third Pray for protection over your idea)...Mix the ingredients, and sample while mixing(

Fourth be Creative)...Bake until finished(

Fifth start Baking)


An idea that is real produces a faith that works!

It is the producing of the cake that feeds the people – not the recipe!

People only ask for the recipe when they really enjoy the cake!

To find out more about sessions and to register

for October, please go to:

The Mentoring Academy

Page 13: Issue 47



Join our dynamic group of women in business, ministry, and leadership and

help to make a difference in your community.

We are interested in women who have a desire to further our objectives in

empowering, encouraging and developing women to maximise potential and

fulfil divine purpose.

As a member, you will be entitled to discounts on all our seminars, confer-

ences, workshops and resources and enjoy the opportunity in appearing in fu-

ture television programmes/interviews.

To pay for this subscription please click HERE

Contact Details



[email protected]

Our Purpose—to empower women to empower nations. When a woman is empowered she becomes a wealth of wis-dom to those connected to her in every area of her life.

Our Mission—we deliver vari-ous programmes that will em-power women from one level of life to the next level.

Our Passion—to see women liberated and wealthy in spirit, soul and body.


Page 14: Issue 47



Join our dynamic group of women in business, ministry, and leadership and

help to make a difference in your community.

We are interested in women who have a desire to further our objectives in

empowering, encouraging and developing women to maximise potential and

fulfil divine purpose.

As a member, you will be entitled to discounts on all our seminars, confer-

ences, workshops and resources and enjoy the opportunity in appearing in fu-

ture television programmes/interviews.

To pay for this subscription please click HERE

Contact Details



[email protected]

Our Purpose—to empower women to empower nations. When a woman is empowered she becomes a wealth of wis-dom to those connected to her in every area of her life.

Our Mission—we deliver vari-ous programmes that will em-power women from one level of life to the next level.

Our Passion—to see women liberated and wealthy in spirit, soul and body.

Empowered Woman Ltd is involved in community fundraising and is interested in peo-ple who would like to raise money for their charities. Or if you simply wish to cut the cost of your utility bills by 25% then this opportunity would be a great benefit to you. As we move into winter, the cost of utility bills is set to increase as the weather chang-es. Why not switch your utility bills to Utility Warehouse and save 25% of all bills. And you don’t even have to sign up into a restricted contract to do this; you can join and leave whenever you wish. To find out more watch this French & Saunders

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RAISING FUNDS and view all the services they offer that you can be involved in.