Issue 31 eng

MAY 25 th –28 th Secondary Exam week 26 th Year 1 visit to Flag Tower 27 th KS1 House Sports 28 th F1 and 2 visit to Long Bien Fire Station 30 th Invitational Swimming Gala at UNIS JUNE 3 rd Year 3B to visit the cake factory 5 th Year 3I to visit the cake factory UPCOMING EVENTS From Mr. Anthony Rowlands 02 From Mr. Christopher Short 03 Student Council Skype with The British School Kathmandu 03 From Mrs. Karen Hanratty 04 Primary Transition Lunches 05 Key Stage 2 House Sports 06 Swimming Gala 07 Lunch Menu 08 Contacts 09 IN THIS ISSUE May 22 2015 ISSUE 31 Issue 31 1 BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL - HANOI NEWSLETTER

Transcript of Issue 31 eng


25th–28th Secondary Exam week

26th Year 1 visit to Flag Tower

27th KS1 House Sports

28th F1 and 2 visit to Long Bien Fire Station

30th Invitational Swimming Gala at UNIS


3rd Year 3B to visit the cake factory

5th Year 3I to visit the cake factory


From Mr. Anthony Rowlands 02

From Mr. Christopher Short 03

Student Council Skype with The British School Kathmandu 03

From Mrs. Karen Hanratty 04

Primary Transition Lunches 05

Key Stage 2 House Sports 06

Swimming Gala 07

Lunch Menu 08

Contacts 09


May 22 2015 ISSUE 31

Issue 31 1



From Mr Anthony Rowlands - Principal of BIS Hanoi

I was so pleased to hear of the success

of the BIS Hanoi Invitational Swimming

Meet held at our Swimming Pool last

Saturday morning (16th May). Unfortunately,

I was unable to attend as I was in HCMC

but there is no doubt that it was a great

event. I am grateful to Ms Airdrie and all

the staff who supported her in organising this meet. It is

wonderful to see BIS students continue to develop their

swimming skills in a competitive situation. We have

excellent facilities and I am sure that we will see our

students’ abilities in swimming continue to improve as

they gain more exposure to good teaching, coaching and

competition. Two additional things they will need as they

develop as good swimmers will be dedication and

perseverance - a value from our aide memoire to which we

often refer!

Of course we all know of great swimmers who have

shown dedication and perseverance, however, you may

not have heard of this particular swimmer - Joe Wise. In

2002, at the age of 9, Joe Wise was diagnosed with

mitochondrial myopathy - a severe muscular disorder

affecting his legs, hips, core muscles and lungs. At the

time doctors informed his family that he would not live

to see his 15th birthday. However, instead of accepting

this prognosis Joe decided to take up swimming and

excelled. He went on to represent the USA Paralympic

team at both the Beijing (2008) and London (2012)

Olympics. He has now, due to ill-health, retired from

swimming but what a wonderful example of perseverance

to us all. For many years Joe's life has been a roller

coaster ride with his disease, but the one thing that

always remained constant was his perseverance to reach

his goal of competing in the Paralympic Games. He

firmly believed that swimming would be his lifeline.

Doctors were stunned by Joe's achievements, and his

utter defiance of their earlier prognosis.

There is no doubt that swimming is an enjoyable sport and

a most effective way of keeping fit. Although I do not

swim competitively, I do use the school’s swimming pool

as part of my own exercise routine. On that note, I do hope

that you have an enjoyable and healthy weekend!

Issue 31 2

Year 6 'Growing Up' Parents Meeting

Along with the usual busyness of Term 3

this week we have been finalising the

timetable for next year. As you can

imagine in a F1 – Year 13 school this is

quite a daunting task but it’s actually one

of my favourite jobs of the year as it is so

critical to a highly successful school. We

started the process many months ago with a review of our

curriculum in light of our changing student body and the

other curriculum changes we are moving towards. We’re now

in the process of the actual scheduling of lessons. In some

ways this is mundane but it is very satisfying to fit together a

complex jigsaw getting students together with the right

teachers in the right rooms. On one level these are the basic

building blocks of the school but the impact of getting it right

is immense. It’s a little bit like Ronaldo making sure his laces

are tied up properly before he runs onto the pitch to show his

footballing brilliance - if the basics aren’t right then it is

difficult to perform.

From Mr Christopher Short - Head of Secondary

Issue 31 3

Next week is half term in England so there are no IGCSE

and A Level examinations. So while Year 11 and 12 get a

short break the rest of the Secondary section have their

own internal examinations, we wish them all the best in

their final preparation for these over the weekend.

Congratulations to Vo Chau Anh in Year 9 who has

reached the final of the EF public speaking competition

and is performing her speech over the weekend.

On Monday, 18th May some members of our School Council

had a skype conference with Student Council members from The

British School Kathmandu. The students from both schools spent

25 minutes discussing how we could further help the people of

Nepal and what work TBSK were doing themselves. It was

wonderful to see two groups of students discussing such

important issues with maturity and great compassion. The money

we raised from our recent Bake Sale has already been transferred

to Nepal and will be put to good use. I am grateful to the BIS

students – Nguyen Jones Binh, Kieu Vu Hoang Minh, Nguyen

Ha Minh, Tran Hoang Tue Linh, along with Mr. Toner and Mr.

Dunwell for their participation in this worthwhile event.

Student Council Skype with The British School Kathmandu

The Buddha said, ‘Everything changes,

nothing remains without change’. This is

particularly true with children, who are

growing, developing and changing, almost

before our eyes. At this time of year, in

particular, everyone’s thoughts – students,

parents and teachers – start to turn to the

changes ahead of us next year.

In August, our youngest children in F1 will no longer be

the youngest, and will start to take on responsibility

helping their younger peers. F3 will leave the confines of

the EYFS unit and have a change of uniform as they step

into Year 1. Year 2 will cross the road and join the older

Primary children in KS2 in the ‘big’ school and Year 6

will move along the corridor into the Secondary wing of

From Ms Karen Hanratty - Head of Primary

Issue 31 4

the school, seemingly all very grown up! Over the next

few weeks children changing phase will have an

opportunity to eat lunch and play with their future peers.

They will attend assemblies, have some taster lessons and

be prepared to work and think more independently.

Importantly, before the end of this term, all children will

visit their new classrooms and meet their new teachers.

Change is a constant,

and not something to be

afraid of, rather to be

embraced. After all, if

nothing ever changed

there’d be no butterflies!

Issue 31 5

Issue 31 6


Issue 31 7

Issue 31 8


Week Beginning 25th May Monday

25th May


26th May


27th May


28th May


29th May

Rice soup with

chicken American doughnut Steam bun

Sticky rice with

pork cake Nutella sandwich

Juice Juice Milk Juice Milk

Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit Fruit

Roast 5 spices

chicken Pork Omellete

Chinese pork with

rice Beef noodle Fried crispy fish

Yogurt Chiken sushi roll Caramel flan Oatmeal cookie Fresh tofu

Fruit Juice Fruit Soya milk Fruit

Rice soup with

chicken American doughnut Steam bun

Sticky rice with

pork cake Nutella sandwich

Juice Juice Milk Juice Milk

Roast 5 spices


Grilled chicken leg

with pepper sauce Chicken fingers Beef noodle Chicken burger

Pork caramel Pork Omellete Chinese pork with


Sauteed pork with

rice Fried crispy fish

Roast 5 spices


Roast pork with

rice noodle

Chinese pork with

rice Beef noodle

(v) Cheese and

corn quesadillas

(v) Vegetarian

shepherds pie

Grilled chicken leg

with pepper sauce

(v) Vegetarian


Stauteed chicken

with lemon

grass,bell pepper

Fried crispy fish

Pork caramel Pork Omellete Chicken fingers Sauteed pork with


Roast pork with

BBQ sauce

Good communication is important to us and we would like to ensure that you have the correct contact

information in order for you to call the school:

School Number: 04 3946 0435

Extension number:

Receptionist: 0

(For all general enquiries)

Principal’s Office: 208

[email protected]

(If you wish to contact the School Principal)

Business Manager’s Office: 109

[email protected]

Primary Office: 220

[email protected]

(For all enquiries regarding the Primary Section)

Secondary Office: 215

[email protected]

(For all enquiries regarding the Secondary Section)

Admission Department: 222/122/555/777/888

[email protected]

[email protected] (Admission Manager)

[email protected] (Korean Liaison Officer)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Marketing Department: 666

[email protected]

(For all enquiries regarding Marketing)

Finance Department: 202

(For all enquiries regarding school fees)

Medical Room: 117/303

[email protected] (Main school)

[email protected] (Early Years Building)

(For all enquiries regarding Medical Issues)

Uniform Shop: 221

[email protected]

[email protected]

(For all enquiries regarding School Uniform)

School Buses: 218

[email protected]

(For all enquiries regarding School Buses)


Issue 31 9