Issue 3: 20th Sept · 2020. 2. 27. · importance of the teaching profession, of vocation and of...

FAMILY MATTERS Cont. Pg 6 “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible”, St Thomas Aquinas RESULTS 2019 SPECIAL Year of Sustainability

Transcript of Issue 3: 20th Sept · 2020. 2. 27. · importance of the teaching profession, of vocation and of...

Page 1: Issue 3: 20th Sept · 2020. 2. 27. · importance of the teaching profession, of vocation and of teaching being a noble profession. All encouraging words in these challenging times.

M @HFCSWaltham



Issue 3

Friday 20th Sept. 2019

Cont. Pg 6

“To one who has faith, no

explanation is necessary.

To one without faith, no

explanation is possible”,

St Thomas Aquinas


Year of Sustainability

Page 2: Issue 3: 20th Sept · 2020. 2. 27. · importance of the teaching profession, of vocation and of teaching being a noble profession. All encouraging words in these challenging times.

HEADTEACHER'S MESSAGEQuotation of the week“To one who has faith, no explanationis necessary. To one without faith, noexplanation is possible”, St ThomasAquinas We are a community of Catholics, ofChristians of other denominations, ofpeople of other faiths, and of people ofno faith. All are welcome and all maketheir contribution to our family. The first educatorsWhat’s the most important thing youlearn from your parents? It’s probablynot algebra, important as that may be.Perhaps it is the values that you take infrom them - parents are our first rolemodels and first teachers. The CatholicChurch recognises parents as the firstand best educators. At the Yr 11Evening this week Mr Norman talkedabout success being based on havingthree sturdy legs on a stool. The threelegs represent the partnership betweenparents, students and teachers. Lastyear this worked extremely well withour Yr 11 cohort and they didfantastically well - one in four examentries were graded 7,8 or 9. We areaiming to repeat last year’s examsuccess by ensuring this partnership isequally strong for this year’s Yr 11students.

Aquinas Trust Staff MassThe Aquinas Trust is our softfederation of all the Catholic schoolsin the Waltham Forest Deanery. OnMonday after school Fr Bertrandcelebrated Mass for all of the teachersand staff in all the Aquinas Trustschools. It was a lovely occasion andwe were able to re-dedicate ourselvesto the work of our schools. Fr Bertandspoke in his homily about theimportance of the teaching profession,of vocation and of teaching being anoble profession. All encouragingwords in these challenging times.

ParkingPlease note we have no car-parkingat all for visitors and cars are notpermitted to enter the school groundsbefore, or after school.

Page 3: Issue 3: 20th Sept · 2020. 2. 27. · importance of the teaching profession, of vocation and of teaching being a noble profession. All encouraging words in these challenging times.

HEADTEACHER'S MESSAGE spread the word and encourage yourfriends and family to apply to ourschool if they would like to do so. Youdo not need to be Catholic to attendHoly Family and we welcomeapplications from people of all faiths,or indeed, no faith. We are a verydiverse community and everyone findstheir place here. For this year we still have a fewvacancies in Yr 7 and, if you knowsomeone who wishes to apply, thenplease ask them to contact theborough’s admissions office. They are,of course, also welcome to makecontact with us too and should ask forDeputy Head (Head of Lower School)Mr Murphy. Parents’ surgeryParents’ surgery is every Thursdayfrom 4pm to 5pm on the Walthamstowsite. For those new to the school,parents’ surgery presents anopportunity to see me, as theheadteacher, without an appointmentabout any concerns that you mayhave. If ever I am unavailable, amember of the senior team substitutesfor me. Please continue to remember us inyour prayers. Dr Andy Stone - Headteacher

Yr 11 EveningThank you to parents/carers whoattended our Yr 11 InformationEvening on Wednesday of this week.It was a well attended event and avery useful one. As a parent of a Yr11 student I certainly found it so. Wemust work together, school, parentand student to do the very best wecan in this important year. Rememberacademic success is 99% perspirationand only 1% inspiration! Kick the X-Box, Play-Station and mobile phoneinto touch and get into good habits ofstudy! Alumni EveningOn Thursday evening we welcomedback a number of alumni to see thenew facilities on the Wiseman site. Itwas lovely to see them and to hearwhat they are now doing. Many werekeen to return and talk to our presentstudents about their experiences ofuniversity and careers. This is reallyvaluable and very much appreciatedby our students. Open Evening for prospective Yr 7students (2020 intake)Our Open Evening takes place nextweek, Thursday 26th September at6pm. We will again be able to offeradditional places for next Septemberas the school expands, so please do

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OPEN EVENING 2019Join us on Thursday 26th September 2019 at 6pm for our Open Evening.

Holy Family is a successful, well-regarded and oversubscribed secondaryschool. Our students achieve very well and make excellent progress over the

course of their studies. This year we are yet again celebrating a recordbreaking year of exam results! We have just opened the doors on our

extensive building programme which has provided excellent new facilities.Students joining the school will have access to all these facilities, including a

new sports hall.

School Aims- Through our Mission statement, to create a caring community inwhich all students can grow as Christians, fulfill their potentialacademically and become well balanced individuals who can make adifference in society.- To provide our students with the skills necessary for success and toprepare them for the demands of adult life.- To recognise the contribution of all cultures and religions to theprogress of humanity and foster positive attitudes towards a multi-cultural society.- To build strong partnerships between, school, home, parish andcommunity.- To provide a safe and secure environment where staff and studentscan work together in a caring atmosphere of respect andfriendliness.- To enable all students to have access to an extensive programme ofextracurricular activities.

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C l a s s o f H o l y F a m i l y

On Thursday we welcomed back former staff and

students of Holy Family to tour around the new

facilities on the Wiseman Site. It was great to catch up

with the Alumni and hear what they have been doing

since leaving Holy Family.

Our current Sixth Formers were great hosts and Head

Girl Mary-Jane gave a touching speech about aspiring

to achieve just as the former Holy Family students

had done.

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We are always keen to welcome ex-students back to

speak with our current students about their journeys

since leaving Holy Family.

If you  know a past Holy Family student please

encourage them to join the Alumni mailing list to hear

about future events -  email Ms Gaynor:

[email protected]

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The Year 11 retreat took place this week and the theme was Great Expectations.We all know how important it is to take time out of our ordinary life to reflect andrelax. It is even more important for Year 11 at the beginning of what is animportant year for them, to have a day of reflection and team building. The day gave them an opportunity to think about where theyare heading, to think about their community, the world around them and to allowJesus to be at the centre of the journey. It was lovely to begin the day by joiningparishioners at Our Lady & St George morning Mass.

The Chaplaincy offers an “open door” providing a welcome forall people in all situations. The Chaplaincy offers a listening ear to provide

help, support, encouragement and care so that Holy Family will be a happy faithfilled place in which all can learn, grow and be valued as a unique child of God.

 Mrs Grierson is the Emmaus Room (Walthamstow site) on a Monday and

Wednesday and in the Chapel office (Wiseman site) on a Tuesday.  

We also thank Fr Niall forcelebrating the Years 12 and 13Welcome Mass. It was a lovelycelebration and thank you to theHead Girl, MaryJane, Head Boy,Joshua and their deputies, Ayseand Ciaran for reading.

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MASSSixth Form Start of Year

A t ime f o r s ome qu i e tr e f l e c t i o n i n p r e p a r a t i o n f o r

t h e bu s y y e a r a h e ad

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International Day of PeaceSaturday 21st September

God of peace,

We pray for peace around the world.

Where there is hatred, sow seeds of calm.

Where there is destruction, help us to rebuild.

Where children are crying, bring an end to tears.

Shelter your peoples and protect them.

Guide them and keep them from harm.


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Year 8 Book Review CornerThe Wizards of OnceReviewed by:

Victoria Chamulak 8R

Plot:The self-centered and careless Xar sets out to catch awitch that he knows are the most deadly creatureswhen encountered.During this daring journey hemeets his mortal enemy, a girl called wish who is thedaughter of queen Sychorax, she is the queen of thewarriors and had supposedly killed all the witches inthe world with one sword.Upon further inspectionXar realises that Wish has the sword which the queenused to kill the witches with her and steals it. Anenraged Wish tries to stop him from doingsomething he will regret when he finds a drop ofwitch blood on the tip of the sword he touches it. Willit turn to chaos or will it turn out to be somethingelse?

Characters:The characters are Xar and his sprites andWish and her cowardly bodyguard Bodkin ,who are the main ones,and also queenSychorax ,leader of the Warrior tribe ,andEncanzo king of the Wizards .My favouritecharacter is Xar because he is the funniestthinking he so amazing but actually he is theonly wizard with no magic powerswhatsoever.

Summary: It is one of my favourite books because it is one of mystery , adventure and most importantly fantasyand magic. The magical element of this book just makes it more and more  interesting because when Iread it I get taken to this different world and I can picture all this magic and I can see the character inmy mind .This book can honestly be read by children of any age but the only disclaimer would be thatit is  a thick books with small letters so not many children under the age of 9 would be able to read it. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED READING THIS BOOK AND I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND !!!!!

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