ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from...

ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 nd 2020. Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS Staff Learning Centre Dear Parents/Guardians, From Monday May 25, we will welcome back our Year 2 to 6 students. We have missed them very much and we are really looking forward to reuniting all of our classes. The decision to return to school for all students is supported by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer and aligns with the Government’s response to COVID-19. At our school the following measures are in place: - Hygiene practices include regular handwashing for children and adults before and after eating, and on entry to learning spaces, disinfecting of playgrounds between break times, extra cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as light switches and door handles - Students are requested to bring a water bottle for their personal use; - Frequent reminders of cough and sneeze etiquette – verbal and information posters; - Visitors to the school are restricted until further notice – no volunteers or parents on school site unless arrangements have been made with the principal, all contractors report to the office; - If a child is unwell, they must stay at home. In accordance with Queensland Health Directions, parents or carers of any child showing signs of illness will be asked to collect them immediately from the school; - Advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) states that physical distancing is not required for students, but it is still required between adults. All adults are asked to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres; - Technology such as video conferencing is used for gatherings and meetings; - Until further notice we are not able to conduct assemblies, interschool activities, camps, excursions, sports or arts events including concerts and performances. To maintain a safe environment, all parents and visitors are asked not to enter school grounds during this time except to visit the school office. You must phone ahead to make an appointment. All adults are to maintain physical distancing of 1.5m – including not gathering in school carparks or at school gates. The decision to return Year 2-6 students back to school is a final step towards returning to our regular school routines. Assessment and reporting for Semester One will be adjusted to reflect the nature of learning over this time. I will continue to update you as soon as any new information becomes available. On behalf of all staff, I sincerely thank you for your patience and support over recent weeks and months. The positive feedback from our school community and the willingness of parents and carers to partner with us in support of your children’s learning, has been greatly appreciated. It takes a village to educate a child! Thank you for working with us to keep our school family safe. Regards, Mrs Katie Cannell - Acting Principal OFFICE HOURS Monday – 8am to 3.30pm Tuesday – 8am to 3.30pm Wednesday - 8am to 3.30pm Thursday – 8am to 3.30pm Friday – 8am to 3.30pm THE OFFICE WILL BE UNATTENDED OUTSIDE OF THESE HOURS. ‘HHSS Happenings’ Each Thursday morning from 9am: online Playgroup story time and activity - tune in to HHSS Facebook page Monday 25 th May: return to School for EVERYONE Friday 29 th May: P & C fundraiser - Crazy Hair Day – gold coin donation, School uniform still to be worn. Wednesday 24 th June: Burdekin Show Holiday Friday 26 th June: last day of Term 2 Monday 13 th July: School resumes for Term 3

Transcript of ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from...

Page 1: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22nd 2020.

Next P & C Meeting: TBA

HHSS Staff Learning Centre

Dear Parents/Guardians, From Monday May 25, we will welcome back our Year 2 to 6 students. We have missed them very much and we are really looking forward to reuniting all of our classes. The decision to return to school for all students is supported by Queensland’s Chief Health Officer and aligns with the Government’s response to COVID-19. At our school the following measures are in place: - Hygiene practices include regular handwashing for children and adults before and after eating, and on entry to learning spaces, disinfecting of playgrounds between break times, extra cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as light switches and door handles - Students are requested to bring a water bottle for their personal use; - Frequent reminders of cough and sneeze etiquette – verbal and information posters; - Visitors to the school are restricted until further notice – no volunteers or parents on school site unless arrangements have been made with the principal, all contractors report to the office; - If a child is unwell, they must stay at home. In accordance with Queensland Health Directions, parents or carers of any child showing signs of illness will be asked to collect them immediately from the school; - Advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) states that physical distancing is not required for students, but it is still required between adults. All adults are asked to maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres; - Technology such as video conferencing is used for gatherings and meetings; - Until further notice we are not able to conduct assemblies, interschool activities, camps, excursions, sports or arts events including concerts and performances. To maintain a safe environment, all parents and visitors are asked not to enter school grounds during this time except to visit the school office. You must phone ahead to make an appointment. All adults are to maintain physical distancing of 1.5m – including not gathering in school carparks or at school gates. The decision to return Year 2-6 students back to school is a final step towards returning to our regular school routines. Assessment and reporting for Semester One will be adjusted to reflect the nature of learning over this time. I will continue to update you as soon as any new information becomes available. On behalf of all staff, I sincerely thank you for your patience and support over recent weeks and months. The positive feedback from our school community and the willingness of parents and carers to partner with us in support of your children’s learning, has been greatly appreciated. It takes a village to educate a child! Thank you for working with us to keep our school family safe. Regards, Mrs Katie Cannell - Acting Principal


Monday – 8am to 3.30pm

Tuesday – 8am to 3.30pm Wednesday -

8am to 3.30pm Thursday –

8am to 3.30pm Friday –

8am to 3.30pm





‘HHSS Happenings’ Each Thursday morning from 9am:

online Playgroup story time and activity - tune in to HHSS Facebook page

Monday 25th May: return to School for EVERYONE

Friday 29th May: P & C fundraiser - Crazy Hair Day – gold coin donation, School uniform still to be worn.

Wednesday 24th June: Burdekin Show Holiday

Friday 26th June: last day of Term 2

Monday 13th July: School resumes for Term 3

Page 2: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,
Page 3: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,
Page 4: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

Week 5. The changes to School Drop off and pick up procedures have been adopted positively by the families of our Preppies, Year 1’s and Essential workers. It is quite novel to have our students alighting from vehicles and being met by Mrs Cannell and many of our School Staff. The afternoon process is similarly supported by lots of School staff. These processes are new and different! However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority, we can be assured that someone will be assisting our students in these transitions. We are ALL learning! COVID and the rainy weather has meant that the hall has occasionally been a temporary disco/games center. Thank you to our Year 6 students who have been running activities under supervision. Next week is an exciting week as we ALL COME BACK TO SCHOOL to continue learning. Many families have expressed a little “Thank goodness!” and staff are looking forward to welcoming all students. We welcome Mrs Jasmine Vass as our new Teacher of 5/6B. Jasmine has been HHSS Music and Drama teacher so is a familiar face to all of our students. Ms Erica Bonanno has taken a position at Ayr State High School. She starts on class next week (May 25!) We wish Erica well in her new School and Teaching position. Have a safe and positive weekend. See you soon about our great School! Chappie Gwen

Page 5: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

Find your favourite sport or perhaps try something new.

Click or copy the links below and see if you can join us as we get active and have fun.

PE with Coach Joe: Joe Wicks has gone viral across the globe by offering a daily 30-minute kids’ PE class you can do in your lounge room! He is awesome! His YOUTUBE Channel is called: The Body Coach TV : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Netball Australia – NETFIT:– Online netball sessions/workouts, can be applied for all large ball skill activities: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...


This is a 2 minute catching exercise: More are being released each week. (Put together by Antony Stewart – Qld Cricket) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Touch Football:

5 touch drills you can do when in isolation:





NRL Kids:

Check out the crossbar challenge and the kicking tee challenge:


Little Athletics: – lessons, videos and resources:


There’s something for everyone! All it takes is 30 minutes a day!

Page 6: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

NORTHERN REGION SCHOOL SPORT CROSS COUNTRY At this time of year, under ‘normal’ circumstances, schools would be conducting their cross country events, culminating in the Northern Region Cross Country trials, scheduled for June 2nd. As we are all aware, due to the coronavirus, Northern School Sport in unable to offer this event in 2020. In an effort to encourage activity in those students learning@home as well as those students that have been attending school, Northern School Sport is conducting a Virtual Cross Country event. What is this? Students can nominate and submit their time/screenshot from any device/Garmin/Fitbit/mobile phone/sun dial etc showing their time for their respective cross country distance;



3KM: 11, 12 & 13 YRS BOYS & GIRLS

How do Home Hill State School students nominate? AT HOME STUDENTS - Nomination forms and flyers have been sent home. These are also available on the Northern School Sport website - , in Cross Country, under Regional Sport tab. Participating students email their results to [email protected] by June 2nd. The top 3 in each age group will be emailed, through their school, a certificate acknowledging their achievement. Students can submit multiple times and their best time will be used to determine our winners.

AT SCHOOL STUDENTS – Training & timing will be available for interested students on the following days – From 8.15am Tuesday 12th May, Wednesday 13th May, Friday 15th May, Tuesday 19th May, Wednesday 20th May, Friday 22nd May Tuesday 26th May, Wednesday 27th May, Friday 29th May Students who are timed at School will have their times forwarded through to NQ.

What about different courses? It doesn’t matter. Distances can be run on grass / sand / footpath / uphill / downhill / wind assisted / wind resisted. Why do it? This activity serves two purposes. 1) Get our students moving and active; 2) Whilst students have spent the past few weeks in various forms of isolation all of our students are still part of Northern Region. This is an activity that can unify us all.

Please Note – If it is possible, Home Hill State School is hopefully going to run our School Cross Country later in the year. This is one way to Keep Training.

Page 7: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

STEM club with Mrs Camer is going to be held each Wednesday during play time in the room located under Mrs Camer’s Year 1 classroom

(Parliament House), starting with Years 3 and 4 in week 6. Years 5 and 6 will have their turn during week 7.

Page 8: ISSUE 12 - week ending May 22 Next P & C Meeting: TBA HHSS ... · However, if we all operate from the premise that as a School community we have the safety of our students as a priority,

If you would like to advertise your Business in our School Newsletter, please

contact the Office on 47905555.

Scholastic Book Fair is coming in Term 4,

beginning on Wednesday 23rd October.

Invites will be sent home in the first week of Term 4.

For term two the P & C Committee has decided to reduce our tuckshop days. This term the tuckshop will be opened from Tuesday through to Friday. A limited menu will be available, unfortunately there will be no over the counter purchases – all items must be pre-ordered. A new tuckshop menu will

be sent home with your child on Monday as well as emailed out and placed on Facebook.

P & C’s fundraiser for this Term is ‘Crazy Hair Day’ on Friday 29th May – gold coin

donation. PLEASE NOTE that it is NOT a free dress day

– School uniforms are to be worn. Thank you.

Just a reminder: when coming to and leaving School each day, you MUST listen to and follow directions from the Lollipop Ladies and Men.

They are there to keep you safe! Please treat them with RESPECT!

Parents/Carers: It is extremely important that your address and ALL of your contact details are up to date at all times. If your contact details have

changed, can you please inform Admin as soon as possible, thank you.