ISST Temp NEWS for dec. 17.pdf · Symbol Paper Call for Symbol...

ISST NEWS International Society for Sandplay Therapy National Society and Independent Member News of Sandplay Activities World-Wide In This Issue: BISS and STA Conference Announcements Second Intensive Training Week, Malta Suggested Guidelines: • Writing a Final ISST Sandplay Case • Writing a Sandplay Symbol Paper Call for Symbol Paper Abstracts December 2017, Issue 11, Volume 4, Number 2

Transcript of ISST Temp NEWS for dec. 17.pdf · Symbol Paper Call for Symbol...

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ISST News | December 2017, Issue 11, Volume 4, Number 2 Page 1


International Society for Sandplay Therapy

National Society and Independent Member News of Sandplay Activities World-Wide

In This Issue: BISS and STA Conference Announcements Second Intensive Training Week, Malta

Suggested Guidelines: • Writing a Final ISST Sandplay Case • Writing a Sandplay Symbol Paper

Call for Symbol Paper Abstracts



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ISST News | December 2017, Issue 11, Volume 4, Number 2 Page 2 ISST News | December 2017, Issue 11, Volume 4, Number 2

The ISST Newsletter provides information about Jungian Sandplay Therapy as developed by ISST founder Dora Kalff. It aims to facilitate communication between all ISST members and to provide access to current research, events, and educational opportunities in the field of Sandplay Therapy. Jungian Sandplay is a non-verbal therapeutic and creative process in which individuation is expressed symbolically. ISST encourages the highest quality of Sandplay therapy practice available and represents more than 300 certified members around the world, and 13 National Societies. Please visit our website for information about education and training in Jungian Sandplay: Editors: Alexander Esterhuyzen Trudy Corry Rankin STA Beatrice Donald, CAST Production: Beatrice Donald Consulting Editor: Lenore Steinhardt ISST President: Alexander Esterhuyzen ISST Vice-Presidents: Yasunobu Okada (Asia) Denise Ramos (Americas) Jellemieke Hees- Stauthamer (Europe, Middle East and Africa) Treasurer: Trudy Corry Rankin, STA Secretary: Sylvia Simonyi-Elmer, CAST

ISST Board National Society Representatives: AISPT – Carlo Ruffino BISS – Helen Gogarty CAST – Beatrice Donald DGST – Thomas Mantel & Ulrich Gundermann HKSTA – TBA IBTS – Edna Levy ISTA – Bert Meltzer JAST – Takuji Natori LATVIA – Vera Batna NVST – Jellemieke Hees- Stauthamer SGSST – Rut Boss-Baumann STA – Betty Jackson &Audrey Punnett TSST – Grace Hong

Table of Contents Message from the ISST President ................................................................ 3

Memories of Serving on the ISST Board 2009 – 2017 ................................. 5

Message from the ISST Treasurer ................................................................ 6

News from the National Societies Italy (AISPT) ..................................................................................................... 7

Britain & Ireland (BISS) .................................................................................... 8 BISS Conference Announcement .................................................................... 9 Canada (CAST) .............................................................................................. 10 Germany (DGST) ........................................................................................... 11 Brazil (IBTS) ................................................................................................... 12 Israel (ISTA) ................................................................................................... 13 Japan (JAST) ................................................................................................. 14 Netherlands (NVST) ....................................................................................... 15 Switzerland (SGSST) ..................................................................................... 16 United States (STA) ....................................................................................... 18 STA Conference Announcement ................................................................... 19 Taiwan (TSST) ............................................................................................... 20

News from Independent Members of ISST Heather Lesley-Swan IM, Australia-New Zealand .......................................... 21 Mikyung Jang, IM, South Korea ...................................................................... 22

Guidelines for the Contents of a Final Sandplay Case Study ................. 23

Suggested Guidelines For Writing a Sandplay Symbol Paper ................ 25

Call For Symbol Paper Abstracts ............................................................... 26

What Is An ISST Independent Route Candidate? ..................................... 27

Intensive Training Week In Sandplay, Malta Announcement .................. 28


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Message from the ISST President Alexander Esterhuyzen, Hong Kong, December 2017

Dear members, independent group candidates, and friends of ISST:

As I write, we find ourselves hurtling towards the end of yet another calendar year. I trust that 2017 has been a meaningful and productive year for you all. I hope that this newsletter will provide a few interesting moments of relief from the many end-of-year demands on you.

Our organization has indeed had a productive and meaningful year. We welcomed twenty-four new ISST sandplay therapists who completed the requirements for certification. Eight further applications are being processed as I write. As you know this is the culmination of a long period of study and development for these individuals. The investment and commitment our trainees are prepared to give to the process of certification speaks of its value to them. Many more candidates are working towards certification. Ten ISST members completed their preparation for becoming ISST Teaching Members. We take certification of Teaching Members very seriously because our teachers stand as a direct link between Dora Kalff, the founder of our organization, and future members of ISST. They maintain and pass on the tradition of high professional standards promoted by ISST.

This year the General Assembly voted in two new ISST Societies: The Latvian Society for Sandplay Therapy ( and The Hong Kong Sandplay Therapy Association ( Other societies are preparing constitutions for application to become ISST Societies. ISST Sandplay training and development is taking place in many countries throughout the world.

We have six official ISST Developing Groups. These are located in Belgium, France, South Africa, Uruguay,

Singapore, St. Petersburg. A Developing Group is in a country that has no, or fewer than five, certified ISST members, and a group of trainees who are working towards ISST certification with the aim to eventually form an ISST Society. They are registered with ISST, have an ISST teaching member who acts as a liaison between them, the ISST Developing Group committee and the ISST Board. Similarly, each group has a local liaison person who co-ordinates contact and training together with the ISST liaison. For more information on Developing Groups see the ISST Newsletter of June 15, 2015 available on the ISST web site. (

Our Brazilian and American societies co-hosted our bi-annual international Congress, held this year in Hawaii. It

ISST Board members, Left to Right. Yasunobu Okada, VP/Asia; Alexander Esterhuyzen, President; Audrey Punnett, US (STA) Representative, Trudy Rankin, Treasurer; Sylvia Simonyi-Elmer, Secretary; Jellelmieke Hees Stauthamer, VP/Europe; Betty Jackson, US (STA) Representative; Denise Ramos, VP/Americas; Rut Boss-Baumann, Switzerland (SGSST) Representative; Ulrich Gundermann, Germany (DGST) Representative; Thomas Mantel, Germany (DGST) Representative; Takuji Natori, Japan (JAST) Representative; Beatrice Donald, Canada (CAST) Representative; Grace Hong, Taiwan (TSST) Representative; Lenore Steinhardt, Israel (ISTA) Representative; Carlo Ruffino, Italy (AISPT) Representative

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was an outstanding success, thanks to the excellent quality of presentations and the superb efforts of the organizing team. The Congress also provided a space for a rare opportunity for reflection and meeting with others from across the world. Our next International Congress will take place in Berlin, September 5-9, 2019. Please save the dates. We are making every effort to keep the cost of the Congress down so as to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

In August 2018 the Board (capital B) will meet in Malta. Seven Board members will remain behind to offer a reduced-cost Intensive Training Week to local students and trainees from regions where it is difficult to access good quality teaching at a reasonable price.

At press time, the first Intensive Training Week has been filled and a second week to take place August 12-18 has been approved by the Board. Please see the flyer on page 28 of this newsletter.

I would once again like to thank Lenore Steinhardt who is retiring as our newsletter production editor. Lenore inspired the beginning of the newsletter and worked tirelessly on its production for five years, creating ten issues. We welcome Bea Donald who has joined the editing group and taken on the production of this important newsletter about our Society.

The Board members and I wish you warm season’s greetings and the very best for the coming calendar year.






Bea Donald, new production editor of ISST NEWS

Pacific Quest volunteers/room monitors with the Hawaiian Kahu and Kahu Hope. Back Row: Genell Howell; Maureen Sullivan, John Souza, Theresa Hasting, Dara Downs, Kahu Hope Lawrence Kidder Front Row: Deepa Ram-Souza, Lorraine Freedle, Kahu Kauila Clark (deceased 24 December 2017), Shannon Freedle

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Memories of Serving on the ISST Board 2009 – 2017 From Lenore F Steinhardt

For eight intensive years I was privileged to serve on the ISST Board as a representative of the Israeli Sandplay Therapists Association (ISTA) and to take part in the discussions and decisions that kept ISST growing internationally while maintaining high standards of Sandplay training delineated by

Founder Dora Kalff. I began my term as ISTA representative in Kyoto, in 2009, when ISTA was accepted as an ISST National Society. But my first Sandplay memories begin in London in the 1990’s when I attended several excellent BISS Sandplay conferences coordinated by BISS President at that time, Maggie Baron. These conferences were the prelude to my first ISST congress in 2001 in Ittingen, Switzerland as a Certified Sandplay Therapist. The Jungian orientation of the work and the excellent presentations by Sandplay therapists from around the globe, confirmed for me the importance of being part of an international group of dedicated Sandplay therapists from different cultures. In Cambridge in 2007, and then in Kyoto in 2009, I again felt the enthusiasm and dedication to Jungian Sandplay that underscored the importance of a wide array of presentations that cover similar clinical issues and symbols, but through the lenses of different cultures. Because the international Sandplay conferences occur once in two years I felt a need for a communication network for Sandplay therapists between conferences.

In 2010, Ruth Ammann, President of ISST, organized an ITW (Intensive Training Week) in Bulgaria, following the yearly Board Meeting. I participated in the teaching, along with all the Board Members from various National Societies. Sandplay students at the ITW learned a lot about basic theory and also about different approaches to Jungian Sandplay in different countries, but there were also requests for continued training. In 2012, at the Board Meeting in Cracow, I proposed to set up an ISST Electronic Newsletter to be published twice a year, containing information sent in from each National Society about events, training opportunities and literature. Ruth and the Board approved, and in December 2012 we issued the first ISST Newsletter, now under the new Presidency of Alexander Esterhuyzen and Rie Rogers Mitchell. The subsequent 10 issues of the Newsletter became an important international forum for Sandplay therapists and students to become acquainted with each other, and with trainings and events in Jungian Sandplay.

In the following years, I enjoyed meeting Sandplay people at wonderful congresses in Venice in 2013 (where a bonus was to see Jung’s Red Book exhibited at the Biennale), in Ottawa 2015 and in Kona in Hawaii 2017, and at ITW’s in Cracow in 2014 and in Riga in 2016.

In 2017, I attended my last board meeting in Hawaii, and am very pleased to turn over the editorship of the ISST Newsletter to CAST representative, Bea Donald. Welcome Bea!

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Message from the ISST Treasurer By Trudy Corry Rankin

I write this note to you all at the time of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. The holiday brings opportunities to express gratitude for each other. Expressing gratitude seems appropriate for my relationship with ISST, as a member and as the Treasurer.

I am grateful to have been entrusted with managing the bookkeeping and accounting with the able assistance of Leslie Ogilvie. The ISST Board has been willing to let me train them on the structure of the budget and the expenditures of the Board.

I am grateful to be learning about the cultures and traditions of the various countries and regions represented on the Board. The Congress and the Intensive Training Weeks have helped me to develop skills and capacities for this organizational work.

I am grateful to have made friends on the Board. And finally, I have been able to find the strength to admit my mistakes and my mess-ups as I have managed this position on the Board. This is what I am most grateful for.

I send this holiday greeting of gratitude to all of you as professional peers and as the collective community of those called to the healing work of sandplay.

! Trudy Rankin (right) with Jellemieke Hees-Stauthamer






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News from the National Societies Italy (AISPT): The Italian Society For Sandplay TherapyPresident Chiara Ripamonti ISST Board Representative Carlo Ruffino

The ISST 24th Congress that took place in Kona Hawaii in July “was an important occasion for sharing and discussing knowledge, clinical experiences and new perspectives of Sandplay Therapy,” held as usual in a warm and friendly atmosphere that made us feel part of a worldwide and strongly connected community. Few AISPT members were present, but one of our colleagues, Marcella Merlino, gave a presentation titled Piccirillino Comes Out Of The Sand. Growth and Formation Process As Described In A Tuscan Fairytale. In the context of the traditional Italian fairytale Marcella interpreted and commented on the psychodynamics of addicted patients. The audience expressed strong interest and participated in an interesting and lively debate. The presentation will be published in the Journal of Sandplay Therapy.

The training activity in our country continues to be focused on the AISPT Psychotherapy School in Rome and the two year masters programs for Psychotherapists in Rome and Milan. At present registration is open for the new academic year and we hope to maintain a satisfactory number of students. One of the main issues is now to find a way to offer to our young members the possibility of being recognized as Jungian analyst through an abridged pathway. This is particularly important due to the AISPT statute rule that allows only members who are also Jungian analysts to be recognized as Teaching Members.During the last General Assembly, held in Milan October 22nd, a new regulation was introduced allowing organization of different kinds of events aimed at the diffusion of knowledge of Sandplay therapy. It is anticipated that this will make room for more integration of

the activities of the members who would like to offer their contribution.

The Autumn issue of the on-line Journal Le Orme is entirely dedicated to the memory of Rosa Napoliello, and a recollection of her writings. The Spring issue will include the lectures given at the conference held at Milan’s Bicocca University on the relevant topic Cultures, Conflicts, Integration: The Contribution of Sandplay Therapy in a Changing World. In the meantime our ad hoc committee is working to introduce the changes that would allow the Journal to be listed by Scopus, one of the main databases for scientific publications. These changes, including an English version of the articles, should be in place for the Spring issue.

Carlo Ruffino (left) with his wife Elvira and Sylvia Simonyi-Elmer






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Britain & Ireland (BISS): The British and Irish Sandplay Society Co-Chairs Maggie Baron and Helen Gogarty ISST Board Representative Helen Gogarty

BISS has been in a busy phase. Following the AGM of the Society in June and scheduled elections, a new executive was formed. BISS now has Co-Chair positions held by Maggie Baron and Helen Gogarty. Helen will represent BISS on the ISST Board. Apart from the wealth of experience that both women bring to this position, they also by chance introduce a balance of British and Irish to the governance of the Society. Supporting them on the executive are Kate Loiseau and Brendan Harding, placing BISS in a strong, experienced position to press on with the work in hand.

The new training cycle began as planned in September 2017, with eight participants. It is scheduled to conclude in November 2018. The Society’s website has just been modernised and updated and will undergo further development into 2018. This has been made possible

through the conscientious work of Maeve Dooley, one of our ISST members. A comprehensive ‘Training Guidelines’ document worked on by Sue Chapman, the previous Chair of Training, has been finalized. In addition, the Society is currently progressing with arrangements to host a Conference in Scotland next June, Threads through the Weave of Sandplay Therapy. The Conference will be held in Coatbridge, near Glasgow June 8th, 9th and 10th. For anyone interested in attending or perhaps presenting, information is available on our websites and

The Society has also initiated a small publication for its membership in the form of a Newsletter. While the first issue (Winter 2017) has just been published, it is intended that this will be a seasonal publication with the next issue expected in Spring 2018. It is hoped that this might be further developed in serving as a networking resource for members, encouraging greater communication, connectivity and sharing of resources and information.

The need for opportunities for Independent Routers to collect hours and receive support for writing symbol papers has come to our attention. As we do not allow partial use of our training we are looking into ways to respond to these needs.

We very much look forward to our Conference next June, and the opportunity to meet with international colleagues.

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Canada (CAST): The Canadian Association for Sandplay Therapy President Olga Lipadatova ISST Board Representative Beatrice Donald

Conference CAST and the British Columbia Play Therapy Association (BCPTA) co-sponsored a successful, well-attended conference in May in Vancouver. Brenda Weinberg gave a keynote, The New in Play and Sandplay. Olga Lipadatova presented a case illustrating the aliveness of fairytales in the hero’s journey; Sylvia Simonyi-Elmer guided a workshop on experiencing liminal space. Barbara Dalziel and Bea Donald chaired two sessions on symbols presented by six of our trainees from Alberta and northern British Columbia. Their symbols were the sea; water; the

wolf; the elephant; the ladybird, and the wizard. The sessions gave our trainees a rich opportunity to learn and to connect with other sandplay therapists and trainees. Barbara Dalziel also presented a workshop on listening to our felt sense in sandplay; and Bea Donald presented on the meaning and use of creation myth in sandplay. Altogether 96 attended. Sixteen were CAST members and more than sixteen were sandplay trainees.

Membership and Trainings In Canada we have twelve ISST members. Six are senior teaching members; two are teaching members; and three are certified members who can offer sandplay process; one member is certified and working on her qualification to offer process.

CAST has 69 members, the majority of whom are at various stages of training. Several are aiming to become certified. Trainees include twenty-two in Quebec, taught in French; eight in Toronto; eighteen in Edmonton; and eight in Vancouver. Trainings are underway in Toronto and Kingston, and further trainings are planned for Vancouver and Victoria in British Columbia, and in Calgary, Alberta.

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Germany (DGST): The German Society for Sandplay Therapy President Jörg Rasche ISST Board Representatives: Thomas Mantel & Ulrich Gundermann

I wish you – all over the world – a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year 2018!

The year 2017 was full of various activities of the German Society and its members. Following the successful DGST- SGSST conference in October 2016, the teaching members met in the Spring in Tübingen for the TAST Sandspieltag and again in October 2016 in Berlin before the General Assembly. The aim was to find new and connected ways of training and to bring together old and proven experiences with fresh ideas and current and updated interests and requirements. The next meeting for brainstorming amongst the teachers is planned for April 2018.

The theme of our 12th “Sandspieltage” was anxiety and aggression. It was held in Stuttgart early in the year and was well attended. In the Fall we held a meeting in Tübingen and, for the first time, got together in Freiburg (Black Forest) with presentations on Unconscious Communication Within the Sandplay Relationship (Anke Seitz), Chaos and order (Ulrich Gundermann) and The Relationship Between Aggression and Creativity (Ruth Noel-Hermann).

The Swiss and the German Sandplay Therapists together edited the journal Zeitschrift für Sandspiel-Therapie in a cooperative venture. It has two volumes per year with articles about symbolism, cases, translations, notes about new books and more. For information about a subscription please see our website

Last but not least, please save the dates September 5 – 9, 2019. The 25th ISST conference will be held in Berlin. Detailed information will follow. We are preparing to welcome as many of you as possible and look forward to meeting you in person.

Ulrike Hinsch [email protected]

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Brazil (IBTS): The Brazilian Institute for Sandplay Therapy ISST Board Vice-President Denise Ramos ISST Board Representative Edna Levy

In December, our 2017 trainees will have completed their first year.

As part of their training process, students must work with a low-income patient All of our trainees have patients doing their sandplay process under the supervision of an ISST member.

Trainee Samara Hipolito presented her paper A New Approach to PTSD Treatment: The Successful Sandplay Case of an Adolescent Victim of Sexual Abuse, at the 33rd annual meeting of the International Society for

Traumatic Stress Studies Trauma and Complexity From Self to Cells, held last November in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

The following symbol papers have been completed by our members since May: The Dolphin, by Maria Helena Balthazar; Money by Suzan Carol Albert; and The Mirror by Marcia Rodrigues Sapata.

Five Jungian analysts participated in our training program this year: in July, Ceres Araújo presented Play and the Structuring of the Mind; in September, Aurea Afonso Caetano and Teresa Cristina Machado presented Walking Hand in Hand -- Mind and Matter, Complex and Memory: Integrating Analytical Psychology and Neuroscience; in October, Ricardo P. Souza presented The Divergence Between Freud and Jung; in November Denise Maia, presented Portrait of Dorian Gray; and in December, Vanda di Yorio presented Anima and Animus in Conjugality and Couple therapy.

In June, Alessandra Camargo became a certified Sandplay Therapist. Two candidates from the 2013 class are working to conclude their certification process.

In conclusion, the IBTSandplay site has been translated into English and is now being translated into Spanish.

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Israel (ISTA): The Israeli Sandplay Therapists Association Chair Michal Troudart New ISST Board Representative Bert Meltzer

Three ISTA members lectured at the 24th ISST congress in Hawaii: Lilach Galkin presented a case study: Death, Grief, Hunger and Pregnancy, the therapy process of a woman of 27 whose brother died when she was young. Michal Troudart presented: A Journey Through Water, Earth and Fire, a case study of trauma and healing. Dr. Robin Zeiger gave a talk On The Banks of the Sea: The Ebb and Flow of Our Journey.

The congress marked the end of Lenore Steinhardt’s 8-year term as the ISTA representative to the ISST Board. During her service on the Board she participated in several discussions that took into account economic difficulties in Israel and other countries. For example, the possibility of lowering ISST dues, clarifying the terms of being a retired ISST member, and creating an “inactive member” category for up to 3 years due to economic hardship or illness. In 2011, Lenore proposed the publication of an electronic ISST Newsletter and was founding editor and publication editor for 10 issues, from 2012 to 2017.

A new group of Sandplay trainees has commenced their studies in the two- year Sandplay Training Program at the Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv, directed by Lenore Steinhardt. Trainees in Rina Porat and Bert

Meltzer’s group in the south of Israel, and trainees at the Center for the Study of Jungian Sandplay Therapy in Jerusalem, directed by Michal Troudart, have started the third and final year of their studies.

In October Michal Troudart gave a seminar In Kiev, Ukraine, to a group of Jungian analysts and child therapists who practice Sandplay. This is part of a joint supervision program with Joerg Rasche (DGAP). During the visit Michal also gave an open lecture about the Shadow archetype and its manifestations in Sandplay Therapy.

Over the past year Bert Meltzer has enjoyed being involved in training/supervision activity in London, Moscow, and St. Petersburg.

Domestically, members of ISTA have continued to be involved with community service social action projects: Rina Porat’s voluntary “Sderot program” for children who have been traumatized by rocket and terrorist attacks continues for its 8th year.

In addition, several of our trainees have established and volunteered for a Sandplay Therapy program to treat undocumented immigrant children and their families, primarily Somali, Sudanese, and Eritrean refugees living in somewhat impoverished conditions in South Tel Aviv. Orli Freedeks organized this project in which professional time was volunteered, and the physical facilities have been funded by local government services. Since this funding is no longer available, Bert is interested in hearing from any ISST members or associates who might be willing to help keep this worthwhile project alive with donations. If anyone has suggestions or wishes to make a donation, please email: [email protected]. Thank you.

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Japan (JAST): The Japanese Association for Sandplay Therapy President Masayoshi Hironaka ISST Board Vice President Yasunobu Okada Representative Takuji Natori

As of November 2017, there are 2,074 members in JAST: 2,060 domestic members and 14 international members. We have nine ISST members, including eight TM’s, including Dr. Yasuhiro Yamanaka, founding and honorary member of ISST, and Dr. Yasunobu Okada, VP and Chair of the JAST/ISST Membership.

The 31st national congress of JAST, Sandplay Therapy in the New Age for our Psyche: Kokoro no Shin-Jidai to Hakoniwa Ryouhou was held at Sophia University, Tokyo, October 7-8, 2017. The Organizing Committee Representative was Prof. Kyoko Yokoyama. There were 557 participants in the Congress; 510 came to twelve workshops. The JAST Society ISST members annual general meeting was held during the Congress.

On the first day, Dr. Masachi Osawa, sociologist, awarded the Kawai Hayao Prize for social sciences and humanities in 2015, presented the keynote lecture. He took a philosophical viewpoint, focusing on the concept of contingency. Citing Herman Melville's novel Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street (1853), he explored how a contingent subjective attitude is growing in the modern psyche. We can see this attitude, he explained, in Bartleby's consistent reply to requests from his boss: "I would prefer not to." Dr. Osawa suggested that the popular attitude of young people in Japan might be understood from the perspective of the concept of contingency as an inability to choose one particular story. He suggested that

in a way, having lost a "big story" in collective consciousness, we are immersing ourselves in a sea of "big data" filled with all sorts of possible stories. Following the lecture, Dr. Toshio Kawai related this idea to the experience of autistic children and the similarity to Mui in Taoism, or Wu-Wei in Chinese, "doing nothing.” He also pointed out that the concept of contingency is useful for understanding our clients’ choices of miniatures from a large collection in Sandplay therapy.

The 32nd congress will be held 20-21 October, 2018 at Niigata Seiryo University. The Chair of the organizing committee is Associate Prof. Mariko Ito. General information about JAST is available in our web site:


Takuji Natori






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Netherlands (NVST): The Dutch Society for Sandplay Therapy, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sandplay Therapy ISST Board Vice-President and Representative Jellemieke Hees-Stauthamer

NVST Board Members are Jellemieke Hees-Stauthamer, President; Anna Schwerdtfeger, Vice-President; Clara Waardenburg, Treasurer; Theresa Foks-Appelman, Secretary; Claire Boers-Stoll, Member.

NVST has seven ISST members of whom four are Teaching Members. Five NVST members are advanced students and five are student members. Two students have completed their personal process; and three have their personal underway. At least two individuals are interested in starting their Sandplay training in 2018.

Odile van Embden-Wolff and Theresa Foks -Appelman retired from their Sandplay therapy practices. They will continue to provide supervision, offer personal process, and teach Sandplay internationally, in addition to their board activities.

As VP of ISST, Jellemieke Hees-Stauthamer represented the Netherlands in Hawaii.

Our Teaching Members Commitee has decided on the criteria required for completing a symbol study. Theresa and Jellemieke will approve the written papers.

Carlo Ruffino from Italy conducted a workshop on Jungian Theory and Sandplay in Utrecht in April. Theresa

conducted introductory workshops at the Rino Instiute in Utrecht and at her practice in Nuenen. She also taught a workshop Sandplay with Children in January.

Odile van Embden - Wolff and Anna Schwerdtfeger continue their supervision group in Utrecht.

At our annual General Meeting in October, ISST member Wouter Bleijenberg gave a presentation on the symbolism of the Tree, and Theresa and Jellemieke presented on the Theoretical Phases of the Sandplay process.

From left to right — Clara Waardenburg, Richard Hees, Jellemieke Hees, Anna Schwerdtfeger, Theresa Foks, Ilse van Esch, Wouter Bleijenberg and Odile van Embden

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Switzerland (SGSST): Swiss Society For Sandplay Therapy President Maria Kendler ISST Board Representative Rut Boss-Baumann

The Swiss Society presently has thirteen certified members, seven of whom are Teaching Members. In addition to the certified members, 3 members are trained at Practitioner level.

Training Groups Currently our Swiss Sandplay group is very active. Most of us are highly involved in organizing and giving trainings in Sandplay Therapy. We were very pleased to welcome 18 new participants in Zurich. They are participating in the 2nd training cycle organized by SGSST. The first year of training was successfully completed in October 2017.

The first 3-year-training-cycle in Vevey, the French speaking part of Switzerland, is still running and is now in its third year, with 14 participants.

Our specific schedule with its flexible structures seems to be a welcoming and interesting possibility for most participants to become a Sandplay Therapist. Teachers are: Dr. Martin Kalff, Dr. Ruth Noel, Rut Boss-Baumann, and Maria Kendler. Dr. Bruno Hofstetter is the organizer.

Swiss-German Sandplay Congress:28th – 30th September, 2018The next Congress of Switzerland (SGSST) and Germany (DGST) will be held in the Italian part of Switzerland in Pura at Lake Lugano. The theme will be

Traces of Memory in the Sand. We plan to translate the keynote presentations into French and Italian in order to include participants who belong to the main linguistic areas of Switzerland.

SGSST Sandplay Day Our Sandplay-day of SGSST took place in Basel, on 18th November 2017 with 44 participants.

The theme was the symbolic connection between emotions and the representation of animals in Sandplay.

Ruth Noel presented a case of a 6 year old girl, who had a mutism disorder. The hedgehog was her identification animal in her Sandplay pictures. In connection with the whole therapy-process Ruth Noel pointed out the symbolic meaning of the fairytale Hans mein Igel/ Hedgedog.

Annabelle Aebersold’s contribution was a case of a very shy and inhibited boy. On the one hand he began to discover his emotional life through his play with animals in his Sandplay therapy, and on the other hand he learned to express his emotions physically in psychomotility therapy.

V.Scheller spoke about the WOLF and it’s symbolic meaning in Sandplay-processes. An Indian saying: If the beasts are gone we will die of loneliness of Spirit was an important theme.

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Martin Kalff showed his film MediTIERE (accessible in German and English on The film gives an interesting insight into the meditative exploration of inner and outer animals.

Swiss/ German Journal Again two volumes of our Swiss/ German journal were published in the last year. The editorial team now consists of Maria Kendler, Jörg Rasche, Ulrike Hinsch, Silvia Höfer and Viola Scheller.

ISST Congress Hawaii Three SGSST members attended the congress in Kona, Hawaii. Besides the highly inspiring Congress it was really a very exceptional event to be on the Big Island, where PELE – Goddess of fire - reigns and having the chance to explore culture, mythology and the natural beauty of the Big Island.

Two members of SGSST gave a contribution to the theme of the Congress.

Maria Kendler’s contribution was in a plenary session: Must Theseus Kill the Minotaur? Coping With Destructive Aggression in Sandplay Therapy. Her presentation will be

published in the American Journal for Sandplay Therapy, vol. 26, Nov. 2017.

Dominique Lepori gave a seminar Abstinence in Sandplay Therapy.

As a small National society we were glad to be actively present in the international world of Sandplay, even at the other side of the world.

Maria Kendler, Keynote Speaker






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United States (STA): Sandplay Therapists of America President Jill Kaplan and President-Elect Sally Sugatt ISST Board Representatives Betty Jackson and Audrey Punnett

Sandplay Therapists of America continues to actively address its mission of providing education and training in Sandplay in the tradition of Dora Kalff.

Highlights of 2017: • Redesign of the STA website in November to make it more user friendly. Take a look, at

• Publication of Volume 26, Numbers 1 and 2 of the Journal of Sandplay Therapy. STA’s journal reflects an international focus with these last two issues which include authors from Australia, China, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

• Co-host, along with the Brazilians, of ISST’s international Congress, Creation and Destruction in the Fertile Fields of Sandplay, in Kona-Kailua, Hawaii in August. A total of twenty-six speakers came from the United States: twenty-three STA members and three Hawaiian cultural speakers. We are so proud of and grateful to Lorraine Freedle, her husband Shannon, and the members of the Hawaii Sandplay Group for their creativity, expertise, and generosity in helping to put on one of the most successful international congresses ever.

Upcoming events we look forward to in 2018: • Our next STA Board Retreat in late January in Menlo Park, California where we will thank Jill Kaplan for her last few years of service and welcome incoming STA Board President Sally Sugatt.

• Participation in the April 2018 Expressive Therapies Summit Los Angeles which will feature a “Sandplay Track” taught by several STA Teaching Members.

• Our next National Conference, Transformation in Sandplay through Image, Story and Ceremony, November 8-11, 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, featuring keynote speakers Donald Kalsched, JA, Harriet Friedman, JA, and Marian Anderson, JA.

Jill Kaplan (left) and Judy Zappacosta in Hawaii

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Image courtesy of Laura Fraqua-Cota of New Mexico.

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Taiwan (TSST): The Taiwanese Society for Sandplay Therapy President Tsung-chain Michael Huang ISST Board Representative Grace Hong

As indicated in our May report, Dr. Yamanaka and Dr. Okada will come to Taiwan to teach in late November. Dr. Yamanaka’s workshop is Sandplay and Me — 50 years of Sandplay and MSSM; Dr. Okada’s workshop is Group Sandplay: A Midlife Woman’s Sandplay Process. Both workshop registrations are almost completely full. In addition, Dr. Yamanaka will give a public lecture: Expressive Art Therapy and Me: 50 years of Knowing and Connecting. We are very excited about these events.

In late April and late June, Dr. Grace Hong conducted two two-day workshops titled The Shadow, Based on a Jungian and Sandplay Perspective. There was a good turnout for both workshops. In early September, ISST Teaching Members Helen Huang and Ann Tang taught a very successful introductory sandplay workshop. Several members attended the Sandplay Intensive and the Congress in Hawaii. We all had a great time learning and playing. A picture of us with Alex is attached. We all had smiles on our faces.

Dr. Tsung-chian Michael Huang and Dr. Grace Hong started co-teaching a seminar titled Sandplay Therapy and Individuation Process. There are thirteen students. This course runs from October 2017 to June 2018, there is one three-hour session a month.

Our annual assembly is planned for November 30th, when we will elect new board members. We hope there will be a

wonderful turnout of members. We need to restructure the board, especially since our very capable administrative assistant/treasurer, Ms. Yu, who has been with us since we formed the society 18 years ago, had a stroke in early September and is unable to perform her duties at this point. We are all praying for her speedy recovery.

We have exciting news: Dr. Martin Kalff has promised to come to Taiwan to teach and to do supervision a year from now, in November of 2018. As we all know, it is not easy for someone his age to travel so far, from Switzerland to Taiwan. We are truly grateful.

Lastly, the number of our members is increasing; there are about 100 members now. We hope we will soon have more certified members.

Grace Hong (3rd from left) with ISST President Alexander Esterhuyzen (4th from left) and students

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News from Independent Members of ISST Heather Lesley-Swan IM, Australia-New ZealandA vibrant community of ISST Sandplay therapists has beengrowing in leaps and bounds in Australia New Zealand over the last two and a half years. Great thanks to those who have contributed to our development: Alex Esterhuyzen, Judy Zappacosta, Audrey Punnet, Lavon Bobo, Gita Morena, Lorraine Freedle, Laura Soble, Ellen Saul. All have generously made time available for weekend modules in the Australia New Zealand Sandplay Therapy Institute.

The success of ANZ-STI was evident at the ISST Congress in Hawaii this year, where there were TEN participants from the region, and papers delivered by three Australian Sandplay therapists. For a combined Australia/New Zealand population of only 28 million, tenmillion people less than just California, this is quite a result.

The Institute was set up in 2015 by Heather Lesley-Swanto offer consistent ISST learning hours in Australia. Heather was the first CST then first TM in the region, having travelled overseas for most of her learning hours. “It’s great to see the vision flourish”, she said.

ANZ-STI participants have flown into Sydney from every state in Australia, from New Zealand and also from Asia

for their ISST learning hours, which are delivered in a graded sequential program. Heather ensures the curriculum fits together as a ‘whole’.

All live modules are advanced programs. All participants in the advanced modules must first complete the

Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy. This module was initially delivered live, but in order to accommodate therapists who missed the prerequisite and wanted to take the advanced modules, Heather built the Fundamentals of Sandplay Therapy into an extensive on-line package. This package can be completed anywhere, anytime. On-line learners say the program is an enjoyable, solid learning program. ANZ-STI now also has its own purpose-built training venue. When not in use for training, it also accommodates Heather’s Sandplay room and a second room for other practitioners to use with children.

Learning in ANZ-STI’s training venue, Sydney, Australia

Heather Lesley-Swan enjoying the underwater scenery in Hawaii






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Mikyung Jang, IM, South Korea

The theme of the 2017 Korean Society of Sandplay Therapy (KSST) Conference was Relationship Trauma: Dependence and Healing of Orphan Archetype. The keynote speaker was Dr. Audrey Punnett, who is a supervisor and teaching member of ISST, Jungian analyst and associate clinical professor in psychiatry, UCSF–Fresno. The Conference offered an amazing opportunity to experience the healing energy of the orphan archetype for all participants: sandplay therapists, practitioners of psychological counseling, and students of sandplay. After the conference, Dr. Punnett also held a two-day supervision workshop with the members of the KSST.

On June 30, 2017, the KSST released volume 8, number 1 of the Journal of Symbols and Sandplay. This biennialjournal mainly consists of articles on sandplay therapy, symbols, play, and analytical psychology. The KSST

publishes online an English version of the journal to facilitate close exhange with the international sandplay community. It can be downloaded at no cost from its English website: Article submissions from the members of ISST are always welcome.

From December 2017 to February 2018, President Mikyung Jang along with other KSST members will visit Uganda, Nepal, Malaysia and China to provide sandplay therapy to suffering children and their families and will also hold sessions for local sandplay trainees.

The trip will begin in Uganda in December 2017, where sandplay therapy will be provided to orphans and neglected children on the streets, and to therapists training to be NGO workers in the country. In February 2018, the team will go to Malaysia to conduct a research project to screen Rohingya refugee children and their families for mental health from who fled from Myanmar to Malaysia to avoid ethnic cleansing. Sandplay therapy and education will be provided to children at risk and their parents.

In Nepal, where KSST’s sandplay therapy and financial support for the survivors of the 2015 earthquake is ongoing, the team will launch an inquiry into the abuse of lower-caste children in the Chitwan District and the effects of sandplay therapy interventions starting in January 2018. In China, sandplay therapist training as well as group sandplay therapy for Korean-Chinese children living in Yanbian has been provided since 2016.

Cover of the Journal of Symbols and Sandplay

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Guidelines for the Contents of a Final Sandplay Case Study Developed by the ISST Board (Venice 2013)

• 30 – 50 pages of text (clear pictures of the whole tray, including the boundaries of the tray should be presented in a separate file);

• The therapist must declare that he/she received the signed consent of the patient or his parents to use the patient’s material to write this case;

• Confidentiality must be respected;

• The case study presents the whole therapeutic process, which must be completely concluded;

The candidate must demonstrate his/her understanding of the depth of the Sandplay process;

The number of trays should be sufficient to show the development and transformation of the symbolic process.

Contents Introduction:

• Presentation of the setting, number of sessions, number of pictures and other general circumstances of the therapeutic process

• Theoretical framework and the therapist’s approach to the work; description of the methods that are used in therapy

• Anamnesis (personal and family history of the patient)

• Detailed description of the patient’s symptoms and diagnostic appraisal

• Psychodynamic reflections about the patient’s situation, linking past history and current problems

• Describe patient’s goal and expectations for therapy

Exact description of each Sandpicture in two parts:

1) Clear description of the therapeutic session and process of construction of each Sandpicture (dry/wet sand; how the sand was manipulated; in which order the objects are used/placed in the sand; the relation of the objects to each other). Report the client’s comments. Through this description, the reader must get a vivid impression of the whole picture and the creation process.

2) Analysis/ interpretation of the Sandpicture based on the former description. Symbols should be interpreted in the context of the therapeutic situation and the particular case, using references e.g. to alchemy, fairy tales and mythology, clearly connected to the clinical material

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presented. Kalffian and Jungian concepts should guide the interpretation. Other theoretical backgrounds can be introduced if they are part of the therapist’s training or particularly useful for understanding.

• Transference and counter-transference dynamics shall be included. Describe how the ‘free and protected space“ was maintained.

• Integrate Sandplay literature and other theoretical sources in a consistent way.

• Link the therapeutic process to the actual life of the patient and other data such as dreams, outer life, past experiences, family problems, physical conditions.

• After the description of the pictures, review of the process and its evolution throughout the series of pictures. What happened in terms of psychodynamic evolution /

psychological growth/individuation? Demonstrate the ability to summarize the Sandplay process in a way that makes sense as a meaningful inner process. Describe how the results of the Sandplay process were integrated in the client’s life.

Mechanics The paper must meet professional writing standards, including logical structure and professionally referenced material. It must be well written with correct spelling, sentence structure, and grammar. Include page numbers, title page, table of contents, list of illustrations. Use 12 pt. 1 ½ spaced Times New Roman type face,

Bibliography Add a bibliography of the references used throughout the text.

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Suggested Guidelines For Writing a Sandplay Symbol Paper Prepared by Lenore Steinhardt for the Board Meeting, Kailua-Kona Hawaii

The ISST candidate will write two preliminary papers about a symbol or Sandplay phenomenon. One paper must contain a clinical example of use of the symbol, the second paper can contain clinical material from Sandplay articles or books with clinical material on the subject chosen.

Choice of subject The use of a specific miniature in Jungian-Kalffian Sandplay, or a subject or specific phenomenon connected to Jungian Sandplay that the writer wishes to research.

Examples: any animal, or plant, any man-made or natural object or material, from reality or fantasy; any type of human being, either from reality or fantasy-mythology; any kind of phenomenon or action that appears during a Sandplay process and is related to it. The personal relationship to the subject chosen for research, and the mystery of the symbol is important and is described in the introduction.

Structure The symbol paper can be between 10-15 pages not including pictures, title page, table of contents and list of illustrations. The type face should be Times New Roman 12 pt, and the text double-spaced, 28 rows to a page. The paper should be written clearly and divided into sections according to the research. Titles, and subtitles are emphasized. All references are cited in the text according to APA standards, and listed in the Bibliography. References from the internet list date of access.

Photographic examples connected with the symbol should be included.

Title Page The title page contains the name of the sandplay symbol, the candidates name, address and email, the supervisor’s name or the training program and country and the date of submission.

Sequence of Sections Introduction: reason for choice of the symbol, and chapter content.

Amplification of the Symbol: Theoretical material relevant to all aspects of the symbol, that expand, develop, and augment understanding of the symbol, from biology, history, mythology, literature, arts and film, Jungian oriented literature, symbol dictionaries, and sandplay literature. It is essential to use several references from Jungian sources and from sandplay literature including articles and books, for each section.

Clinical Example: How this symbol appears in a client’s Sandplay process, and how it carries significance for the process.

Conclusion of the work: how the writer benefited from the research process, and a clear summary of the qualities of the symbol that will be useful to other Sandplay therapists.

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Call For Symbol Paper Abstracts To all ISST members who are willing to share their work

We would like to inform all ISST members that the ISST Research Committee, chaired by Denise Ramos, VP/Americas, is gathering a collection of abstracts of symbol papers written by ISST members. The abstracts will be published in a special section of the ISST website.

Newsletter readers interested in a particular symbol will be able to contact the author to request the complete paper.

This collection of abstracts will enable us to have access to useful, valuable symbol papers from international members. These papers are often left and forgotten on the shelves of our institutes.

Please email [email protected] complete information in English, including your name, your email address, the title of the symbol paper, and the abstract of up to a maximum of 500 words.

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What Is An ISST Independent Route Candidate? Even in countries where there are established regional ISST societies with many teaching members, it can be a difficult and arduous journey to become a certified ISST Sandplay therapist. This is even more so in countries where there are no certified therapists, let alone teaching members.

In order to assist individuals who find themselves in these circumstances, it is possible to register as an independent route candidate working towards ISST certification. Registering as an IRC is optional and is not a requirement for training. The candidate needs to meet the ISST requirements for working towards ISST certification and have had some experience of their own personal process and Sandplay theoretical training.

By registering, they are officially recognized as training towards certification and are also allocated an IRC advisor. The advisor is an experienced teaching member who is able to mentor the candidate through the different stages in preparation for certification. This personal contact and guidance can be a real source of encouragement and motivation for candidates often working in isolation from ISST resources.

If you would like more information about becoming an IRC please write to: [email protected]

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