ISSN 0972-6071 Director's Message...Pandey, Satish Kumar, CN Mishra, SK Singh, Gyanendra Singh, HM...

A Half Yearly Publication ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal (An ISO 9001-2015 certified Institute) WHEAT & BARLEY NEWSLETTER Director's Message It gives me immense pleasure to bring out the current issue of Wheat & Barley Newsletter. I am also very delighted to share that during 2017-18, once again, the country has achieved a highest record wheat production of 99.70 mt which is very close to the magical igure of 100 mt from an area of 29.58 mha thereby registering an all-time high productivity of 3371 kg/ha. Similarly, in barley also the country harvested a record production of 1.77 mt from an area of 0.66 mha achieving a record average productivity of 2679 kg/ha. Inter alia, coordinated research, conducive environmental conditions, governments pro-farmers' policies and farmers hard work contributed towards achieving good productivity in both the crops across regions facilitating the farmers to be on the track of “Doubling the Farmers Income by 2022” as envisioned by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. Varieties play a crucial role in the productivity of any crop. During the reported period a total of seven new varieties of wheat (K 1317, DBW 168, DBW 173, UAS 375, HI 1612, MACS 4028 (d) and HI 8777 (d)) and one variety of barley (DWRB 137) were released by the Central Sub-Committee on Crops Standards, Notiication and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops (CVRC) for different production conditions and agro-ecological zones in the country. In addition to varietal development, fourteen genetic stocks of wheat and four of barley were registered by NBPGR, New Delhi. Keeping in view the farmers welfare, ICAR-IIWBR focuses on research and outreach programmes which helps to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the proit with rational use of natural resources and eco-friendly technologies. I feel extreme proud to share that recently the wheat programme of the country bagged the prestigious BGRI Gene Stewardship Award at Marrakech, Morocco in recognition of outstanding work done by the Indian wheat programme which was received by Dr T Mohapatra, Secretary DARE and DG ICAR. The current issue of this Newsletter presents the salient research indings on various aspects of wheat & barley crops, awards and other accomplishments from ICAR-IIWBR. I thank all the wheat and barley research workers and acknowledge their kind support for ending this crop season on a high note with record production. (GP Singh) ISSN 0972-6071 Editorial Board • Lokendra Kumar • Karnam Venkatesh • Mamrutha HM • Sendhil R • Vikas Gupta • Ankita Jha • GP Singh Published by Director ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley Research Karnal-132001, Haryana (India) E-mail : [email protected] Tel : 0184-2297490 Fax : 0184-2267390 Website : Photography Rajinder Kumar Sharma Contents • Research Reports • Celebrations Meetings Organized • Programs/Events Organized • Distinguished Visitors • New Joinings • Transfers • Superannuation July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)

Transcript of ISSN 0972-6071 Director's Message...Pandey, Satish Kumar, CN Mishra, SK Singh, Gyanendra Singh, HM...

  • A Half Yearly PublicationICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    (An ISO 9001-2015 certified Institute)


    Director's MessageIt gives me immense pleasure to bring out the current issue of Wheat & Barley Newsletter. I am also very delighted to share that during 2017-18, once again, the country has achieved a highest record wheat production of 99.70 mt which is very close to the magical �igure of 100 mt from an area of 29.58 mha thereby registering an all-time high productivity of 3371 kg/ha. Similarly, in barley also the country harvested a record production of 1.77 mt from an area of 0.66 mha achieving a record average productivity of 2679 kg/ha. Inter alia, coordinated research, conducive environmental conditions, governments pro-farmers' policies and farmers hard work contributed towards achieving good productivity in both the crops across regions facilitating the farmers to be on the track of “Doubling the Farmers Income by 2022” as envisioned by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

    Varieties play a crucial role in the productivity of any crop. During the reported period a total of seven new varieties of wheat (K 1317, DBW 168, DBW 173, UAS 375, HI 1612, MACS 4028 (d) and HI 8777 (d)) and one variety of barley (DWRB 137) were released by the Central Sub-Committee on Crops Standards, Noti�ication and Release of Varieties for Agricultural Crops (CVRC) for different production conditions and agro-ecological zones in the country. In addition to varietal development, fourteen genetic stocks of wheat and four of barley were registered by NBPGR, New Delhi.

    Keeping in view the farmers welfare, ICAR-IIWBR focuses on research and outreach programmes which helps to reduce the cost of cultivation and increase the pro�it with rational use of natural resources and eco-friendly technologies.

    I feel extreme proud to share that recently the wheat programme of the country bagged the prestigious BGRI Gene Stewardship Award at Marrakech, Morocco in recognition of outstanding work done by the Indian wheat programme which was received by Dr T Mohapatra, Secretary DARE and DG ICAR.

    The current issue of this Newsletter presents the salient research �indings on various aspects of wheat & barley crops, awards and other accomplishments from ICAR-IIWBR. I thank all the wheat and barley research workers and acknowledge their kind support for ending this crop season on a high note with record production.

    (GP Singh)

    ISSN 0972-6071

    Editorial Board

    • Lokendra Kumar• Karnam Venkatesh• Mamrutha HM• Sendhil R• Vikas Gupta• Ankita Jha• GP Singh

    Published by

    DirectorICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat & Barley ResearchKarnal-132001, Haryana (India)E-mail : [email protected] : 0184-2297490Fax : 0184-2267390Website :

    PhotographyRajinder Kumar Sharma


    • Research Reports• Celebrations• Meetings Organized• Programs/Events Organized• Distinguished Visitors• New Joinings• Transfers• Superannuation

    July, 2017 - June, 2018Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)

  • 02 03


    QLD 84: A promising soft grain wheat genotype for biscuit making

    Gopalareddy K, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Satish Kumar, CN Mishra, SK Singh, Gyanendra Singh, HM Mamrutha, OP Gupta, R Tiwari, Lokendra Kumar, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Grain hardness is an important trait in wheat quality with a profound effect on milling, baking and end-use qualities of wheat. It is common to differentiate soft and hard wheat in the world trade for product speci�ic utility. Soft wheat is more friable, requires less energy to mill and produces �lours and meals with �iner particles and lower starch damage; suitable for cake and biscuit production. Soft grain textured wheat produces tender and larger biscuits.

    QLD 84 was developed at ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (ICAR-IIWBR) by crossing

    t h t h3 7 I B W S N 0 5 / 3 6 I B W S N 1 3 8 ( P e d i g r e e : MIANYANG20/3/CMH84.3379/ CMH78.578// MILAN). The genotype was evaluated at 13 centers in Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN) for three consecutive years (2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18). QLD 84 was found to be superior with 18 grain hardness index over the years and locations to all the

    testing genotypes and soft grain check variety HS 490 (Table 1). QLD 84 recorded the lowest grain hardness index in all the 13 tested centers compared to the best check variety (HS 490) for low grain index. QLD 84 recorded lowest grain hardness index of 19, 18 and 18, respectively during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18. Whereas, the check variety HS 490 tested in 2015-16 (grain hardness index: 27) and 2017-18 (grain hardness index was 35). QLD 84 was 41.9% superior over check variety HS490. Low grain hardness index is very important factor to obtain high spread factor of biscuit and better biscuit quality. Thus, QLD 84 could be a potential source to be utilized in future breeding programs to develop bread wheat varieties suitable for better biscuit making.

    QLD 11: A novel source for high grain protein content in bread wheat

    Gopalareddy K, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Arun Gupta, Charan Singh, Vikas Gupta, Sneh Narwal, Raj Kumar, Hanif Khan, AK Sharma, Sewa Ram, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Grain protein is an important trait that determines the nutritional quality and baking properties of wheat. It is one of the major pricing factors for wheat trading at global market and is an important nutritional factor for

    Table 2. Grain protein content of QLD11 and UP2672 (C) at 12 locations during 2015-16 and 2016-17

    January-June, 2018August-December, 2017 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)

    human health. Protein is an essential component of cells and it supports muscle growth, immune system and enzymatic reactions. Protein-energy malnutrition causes Marasmus and Kwashiorkor. Grain yield and grain protein content through its contribution to end-use quality, are the two most important characters determining the economic value of bread wheat.

    QLD 11, a promising bread wheat genotype was

    thselected from 15 High Rainfall Wheat Screening Nursery (HRWSN) with the parentage of MURGA. The genotype was evaluated at 12 locations along with high protein check variety (UP 2672) during 2015-16 and 2016-17 under Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN). QLD 11 was found to be superior with 14.48% protein content over the years and locations to all the testing genotypes and check variety UP 2672 (14.06%)

    (Table-2). QLD 11 recorded high grain protein content in all the 12 tested centers compared to the best check variety (UP 2672) for high grain protein content. QLD 11 recorded high grain protein content of 14.83% and 14.13% during 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively, whereas; the check variety UP 2672 recorded 14.39% and 13.72%, respectively during 2015-16 and 2016-17. Thus, QLD 11 could be a potential source for utilization in future breeding programs to improve grain protein content of bread wheat varieties.

    P r o m i s i n g g e n o t y p e s o f w h e a t f o r h i g h sedimentation value

    K Gopalareddy, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Sewa Ram, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Sedimentation value measures the strength of gluten and determines the wheat for speci�ic utility. Weak, medium and strong gluten as measured by low, medium and high sedimentation value are best suited for biscuit, chapatti and bread making, respectively. Sedimentation value is being used as a screening tool in wheat quality breeding programs globally to develop product speci�ic wheat cultivars. The genotypes were

    evaluated at 15 centers in Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN) during 2017-18. QLD 93, QLD 94, QLD 98, QLD 99, QLD 100, QLD 101, QLD 102, QLD 103 were found to be superior to the best performing check UP 2672. QLD 93, QLD 94, QLD 98, QLD 99, QLD 100, QLD 101, QLD 102, QLD 103 recorded high sedimentation value of 64.8, 65.3, 66.1, 65.5, 66.0, 66.8, 67.2, 65.5, respectively. Whereas, the check varieties C 306, HS 490, UP 2672 and NIAW 1415 recorded sedimentation value of 46.4, 46.4, 45.5 and 49.7, respectively. These genotypes with high sedimentation value could be potential donors to be utilized in bread wheat improvement program.

    DBW 218: Promising quality wheat genotype having high sedimentation value under very late sown conditions.

    Gyanendra Singh, Vikas Gupta, Charan Singh, Sonia Sheoran and RK Gupta

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    In order to meet the food nutritional demands of the future population, the breeding programmes need to focus on developing cultivars possessing high yield coupled with good quality characteristics. Wheat


    Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Zone Location QLD 11 UP 2672 (C)

    2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

    NHZ Almora 14.60 14.46 13.27 12.64

    NWPZ Ludhiana 12.70 13.02 12.73 13.26

    Durgapura 15.80 14.80 15.67 13.64

    Delhi 15.10 14.77 14.70 14.24

    Pantnagar 14.20 11.74 12.90 11.84

    Karnal 13.80 14.94 14.00 12.85

    NEPZ Pusa 15.30 12.65 15.10 13.91

    Kanpur 14.00 - 13.83 -

    CZ Junagadh 16.00 14.79 15.33 14.99

    Vijapur 15.70 15.39 14.63 13.89

    PZ Pune 15.10 15.60 14.80 15.00

    Dharwad 15.60 13.30 15.70 14.63

    Mean (National) 14.83 14.13 14.39 13.72

    Two years mean 14.48 14.06

    Table1. Grain hardness index of QLD 84 at 13 locations during three years as compared to the best available check HS490

    Zone Location QLD 84 HS 490 (Check)

    2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2017-18

    NHZ Almora 18 16 - 24 -

    NWPZ Ludhiana 19 13 - 26 -

    Durgapura 13 17 - 33 -

    Delhi 15 19 20 27 39

    Pantnagar 18 22 - 29 -

    Karnal 21 22 - 29 -

    NEPZ Pusa 20 23 - 26 -

    Kanpur 22 - 18 21 30

    CZ Junagadh 20 16 - 25 -

    Vijapur 20 19 16 24 35

    PZ Pune 20 19 - 21 -

    Dharwad 26 11 - 37 -

    Niphad - - 18 - 35

    Mean (National) 19 18 18 27 35

    Pooled mean of years 18 31

    % Superiority of QLD 84 over best check variety HS 490 41.90%

  • 02 03


    QLD 84: A promising soft grain wheat genotype for biscuit making

    Gopalareddy K, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Satish Kumar, CN Mishra, SK Singh, Gyanendra Singh, HM Mamrutha, OP Gupta, R Tiwari, Lokendra Kumar, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Grain hardness is an important trait in wheat quality with a profound effect on milling, baking and end-use qualities of wheat. It is common to differentiate soft and hard wheat in the world trade for product speci�ic utility. Soft wheat is more friable, requires less energy to mill and produces �lours and meals with �iner particles and lower starch damage; suitable for cake and biscuit production. Soft grain textured wheat produces tender and larger biscuits.

    QLD 84 was developed at ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research (ICAR-IIWBR) by crossing

    t h t h3 7 I B W S N 0 5 / 3 6 I B W S N 1 3 8 ( P e d i g r e e : MIANYANG20/3/CMH84.3379/ CMH78.578// MILAN). The genotype was evaluated at 13 centers in Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN) for three consecutive years (2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18). QLD 84 was found to be superior with 18 grain hardness index over the years and locations to all the

    testing genotypes and soft grain check variety HS 490 (Table 1). QLD 84 recorded the lowest grain hardness index in all the 13 tested centers compared to the best check variety (HS 490) for low grain index. QLD 84 recorded lowest grain hardness index of 19, 18 and 18, respectively during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18. Whereas, the check variety HS 490 tested in 2015-16 (grain hardness index: 27) and 2017-18 (grain hardness index was 35). QLD 84 was 41.9% superior over check variety HS490. Low grain hardness index is very important factor to obtain high spread factor of biscuit and better biscuit quality. Thus, QLD 84 could be a potential source to be utilized in future breeding programs to develop bread wheat varieties suitable for better biscuit making.

    QLD 11: A novel source for high grain protein content in bread wheat

    Gopalareddy K, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Arun Gupta, Charan Singh, Vikas Gupta, Sneh Narwal, Raj Kumar, Hanif Khan, AK Sharma, Sewa Ram, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Grain protein is an important trait that determines the nutritional quality and baking properties of wheat. It is one of the major pricing factors for wheat trading at global market and is an important nutritional factor for

    Table 2. Grain protein content of QLD11 and UP2672 (C) at 12 locations during 2015-16 and 2016-17

    January-June, 2018August-December, 2017 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)

    human health. Protein is an essential component of cells and it supports muscle growth, immune system and enzymatic reactions. Protein-energy malnutrition causes Marasmus and Kwashiorkor. Grain yield and grain protein content through its contribution to end-use quality, are the two most important characters determining the economic value of bread wheat.

    QLD 11, a promising bread wheat genotype was

    thselected from 15 High Rainfall Wheat Screening Nursery (HRWSN) with the parentage of MURGA. The genotype was evaluated at 12 locations along with high protein check variety (UP 2672) during 2015-16 and 2016-17 under Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN). QLD 11 was found to be superior with 14.48% protein content over the years and locations to all the testing genotypes and check variety UP 2672 (14.06%)

    (Table-2). QLD 11 recorded high grain protein content in all the 12 tested centers compared to the best check variety (UP 2672) for high grain protein content. QLD 11 recorded high grain protein content of 14.83% and 14.13% during 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively, whereas; the check variety UP 2672 recorded 14.39% and 13.72%, respectively during 2015-16 and 2016-17. Thus, QLD 11 could be a potential source for utilization in future breeding programs to improve grain protein content of bread wheat varieties.

    P r o m i s i n g g e n o t y p e s o f w h e a t f o r h i g h sedimentation value

    K Gopalareddy, BS Tyagi, K Venkatesh, Vanita Pandey, Sewa Ram, Ravish Chatrath and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Sedimentation value measures the strength of gluten and determines the wheat for speci�ic utility. Weak, medium and strong gluten as measured by low, medium and high sedimentation value are best suited for biscuit, chapatti and bread making, respectively. Sedimentation value is being used as a screening tool in wheat quality breeding programs globally to develop product speci�ic wheat cultivars. The genotypes were

    evaluated at 15 centers in Quality Component Screening Nursery (QCSN) during 2017-18. QLD 93, QLD 94, QLD 98, QLD 99, QLD 100, QLD 101, QLD 102, QLD 103 were found to be superior to the best performing check UP 2672. QLD 93, QLD 94, QLD 98, QLD 99, QLD 100, QLD 101, QLD 102, QLD 103 recorded high sedimentation value of 64.8, 65.3, 66.1, 65.5, 66.0, 66.8, 67.2, 65.5, respectively. Whereas, the check varieties C 306, HS 490, UP 2672 and NIAW 1415 recorded sedimentation value of 46.4, 46.4, 45.5 and 49.7, respectively. These genotypes with high sedimentation value could be potential donors to be utilized in bread wheat improvement program.

    DBW 218: Promising quality wheat genotype having high sedimentation value under very late sown conditions.

    Gyanendra Singh, Vikas Gupta, Charan Singh, Sonia Sheoran and RK Gupta

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    In order to meet the food nutritional demands of the future population, the breeding programmes need to focus on developing cultivars possessing high yield coupled with good quality characteristics. Wheat


    Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Zone Location QLD 11 UP 2672 (C)

    2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17

    NHZ Almora 14.60 14.46 13.27 12.64

    NWPZ Ludhiana 12.70 13.02 12.73 13.26

    Durgapura 15.80 14.80 15.67 13.64

    Delhi 15.10 14.77 14.70 14.24

    Pantnagar 14.20 11.74 12.90 11.84

    Karnal 13.80 14.94 14.00 12.85

    NEPZ Pusa 15.30 12.65 15.10 13.91

    Kanpur 14.00 - 13.83 -

    CZ Junagadh 16.00 14.79 15.33 14.99

    Vijapur 15.70 15.39 14.63 13.89

    PZ Pune 15.10 15.60 14.80 15.00

    Dharwad 15.60 13.30 15.70 14.63

    Mean (National) 14.83 14.13 14.39 13.72

    Two years mean 14.48 14.06

    Table1. Grain hardness index of QLD 84 at 13 locations during three years as compared to the best available check HS490

    Zone Location QLD 84 HS 490 (Check)

    2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2017-18

    NHZ Almora 18 16 - 24 -

    NWPZ Ludhiana 19 13 - 26 -

    Durgapura 13 17 - 33 -

    Delhi 15 19 20 27 39

    Pantnagar 18 22 - 29 -

    Karnal 21 22 - 29 -

    NEPZ Pusa 20 23 - 26 -

    Kanpur 22 - 18 21 30

    CZ Junagadh 20 16 - 25 -

    Vijapur 20 19 16 24 35

    PZ Pune 20 19 - 21 -

    Dharwad 26 11 - 37 -

    Niphad - - 18 - 35

    Mean (National) 19 18 18 27 35

    Pooled mean of years 18 31

    % Superiority of QLD 84 over best check variety HS 490 41.90%

  • 04

    genotype, DBW 218 was identi�ied as a promising genotype possessing high sedimentation value, grain protein content and grain hardness along with acceptable yield.

    The new wheat genotype DBW 218 was developed at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, from the cross PRL*PASTOR// PBW343*2/KUKUNA through pedigree method of breeding. This genotype was evaluated at total nine locations including �ive locations (Delhi, Karnal, Hisar,

    Ludhiana and Gurdaspur) of North Western Plains Zone (NWPZ) and four locations (Faizabad, Kanpur, Pusa and Sabour) of North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ) along with the three checks (DBW 71, WR 544, DBW 14) under very late sown trial during 2016-17 for grain yield, disease resistance and quality traits and this followed as criterion for selecting genotypes for end product purpose.

    The key determinants for making good quality chapatti


    are sedimentation value (30-60 ml), grain protein content (11-13%) and grain hardness (40-75). Sedimentation value gives an idea of gluten strength. DBW 218 showed high sedimentation value of 57ml pooled over both the zones (NWPZ & NEPZ) coupled with desired level of protein content (12.7%) and grain hardness (76) as compared to check varieties (Table 4). Besides quality traits, the genotypes showed comparable performance for other agronomic

    characteristics over checks in both the zones indicating its wider adaptability (Table 4). Thus, DBW 218 is a high yielding genotype having desired level of disease resistance and was found exceptionally good for chapatti making (high sedimentation value, grain protein content and grain hardness traits). This promising genotype may be utilized as donor parent (quality, yield and short duration) in breeding programs to improve chapatti quality.

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Table 3. Sedimentation value of promising genotypes and check varieties evaluated at 15 locations during 2017-18.

    Zone Location QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD Check Varieties

    93 94 98 99 100 101 102 103 C306 HS490 UP2672 NIAW1415

    NWPZ Ludhiana 64.3 62.3 69.2 69.7 68.4 66.8 68.8 63.1 46.0 40.7 67.2 50.0

    Durgapura 62.7 66.0 65.2 71.3 70.1 63.9 69.7 68.4 43.3 51.1 64.8 51.7

    Delhi 64.7 69.2 71.3 68.8 68.8 65.6 69.7 65.6 44.7 43.9 63.1 54.8

    Pantnagar 70.5 73.3 59.8 60.3 63.5 70.5 67.2 65.6 42.7 41.3 62.7 46.8

    Karnal 70.9 72.9 72.1 73.7 73.3 73.3 70.1 70.9 46.2 45.8 70.1 53.5

    Hisar 55.4 55.8 50.1 56.6 57.8 57.4 54.1 54.5 42.5 39.7 57.4 44.9

    NEPZ Kanpur 66.4 67.2 67.2 67.2 67.6 65.2 71.3 65.6 46.4 47.8 64.0 51.5

    Sabour 68.4 59.0 59.0 55.4 53.3 58.6 56.6 - 45.1 40.5 57.4 47.8

    CZ Junagadh 65.6 61.5 67.2 65.2 69.7 68.8 69.7 63.5 57.0 47.2 64.2 49.0

    Vijapur 67.0 69.0 70.0 63.0 67.0 66.7 66.5 70.0 51.0 46.0 67.0 47.0

    Indore 63.1 69.7 68.8 69.7 69.7 68.8 66.8 67.2 46.4 42.7 65.6 50.7

    Powarkheda 65.6 64.7 69.7 64.7 63.1 67.6 70.5 63.5 45.4 44.2 58.8 47.4

    PZ Pune 63.1 65.2 62.3 66.0 57.4 67.6 71.3 64.7 45.4 38.0 60.1 48.0

    Dharwad 63.5 67.2 68.8 68.4 70.5 70.5 66.0 66.8 47.6 56.0 60.7 53.5

    Niphad 61.1 57.0 71.3 62.7 69.2 70.1 70.1 67.2 46.8 42.7 65.0 48.6

    Mean (National) 64.8 65.3 66.1 65.5 66 66.8 67.2 65.5 46.4 46.4 44.5 49.7

    Table 4. Mean performance of DBW 218 and checks for agronomic and quality traits in NWPZ and NEPZ (2016-17)

    Genotype Quality traits Agronomic traits

    Sedimentation Grain Protein Content Grain Yield 1000 grain Plant height Days to

    value (ml) hardness (%) (q/ha) weight (g) (cm) maturity

    Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

    DBW 218 57.0 52-62 76.0 66-86 12.7 10.8-15.4 32.7 22.2-45.8 33.0 21-42 90 61-106 101 79-114

    DBW 71 (C) 44.5 42-47 75.0 65-82 12.9 11.3-15.1 32.5 24.4-41.5 33.5 22-40 80 64-94 99 81-115

    WR 544 (C) 43.0 40-45 70.5 62-77 13.7 11.7-15.5 29.1 25.8-35.2 34.5 24-42 88 58-105 95 75-110

    DBW 14 (C) 44.0 42-47 65.5 58-65 13.1 11.8-15.5 31.6 23.8-42.9 33.5 25-40 76 58-85 96 77-115

    Table 6. Sedimentation value of promising genotypes and check varieties evaluated at 15 locations during 2017-18.

    SNo. Entry Heading Maturity Pl. ht. Grains/ spike 1000-gr Yield Yellow rust

    (days) (days) (cm) wt. (g) (q/ha)th th 35 Semi Arid Wheat Screening Nursery (35 SAWSN)

    1 35SAWSN 3267 90 129 110 68 58 77.5 0

    2 35SAWSN 3047 93 131 99 71 41 76.8 0

    3 35SAWSN 3046 96 131 96 61 39 76.2 0

    4 35SAWSN 3269 91 129 102 59 40 63.2 0

    5 35SAWSN 3264 91 132 102 73 35 62.5 0

    6 35SAWSN 3134 92 132 111 75 51 62.2 0

    7 35SAWSN 3130 90 130 102 49 42 56.2 0

    8 35SAWSN 3048 93 131 102 60 42 55.7 0

    9 35SAWSN 3001 94 131 100 53 38 54.2 0

    10 35SAWSN 3045 95 130 102 52 43 53.2 0

    11 35SAWSN 3003 95 130 109 87 40 52.3 0

    12 35SAWSN 3268 91 129 100 57 39 51.7 0

    13 35SAWSN 3037 95 131 110 64 42 51.5 0

    14 35SAWSN 3255 90 128 102 63 43 51.0 0

    15 35SAWSN 3139 90 130 102 61 38 50.3 0

    16 35SAWSN 3181 93 132 88 61 36 49.7 0

    17 35SAWSN 3029 90 129 109 64 45 48.8 0

    18 35SAWSN 3049 94 132 100 68 32 48.3 0

    19 35SAWSN 3205 91 130 92 59 39 48.3 0th th 25 Semi Arid Wheat Yield Trial (25 SAWYT)

    1 25 SAWYT 304 94 133 110 55 43 63.6 0

    2 25 SAWYT 302 93 133 111 68 39 60.5 0

    3 25 SAWYT 348 92 130 102 51 52 60.4 0

    4 25 SAWYT 343 91 133 111 51 53 58.5 0

    5 25 SAWYT 347 92 132 101 46 42 55.5 0

    6 25 SAWYT 345 87 129 99 52 41 50.9 0

    7 25 SAWYT 314 93 132 102 55 41 49.5 0

    8 25 SAWYT 332 90 130 100 56 40 43.1 0

    Preliminary evaluation of elite bread wheat genotypes of semi arid conditions for yield and component traits

    SK Singh, Lokendra Kumar, Suresh Kumar, RP Gangwar, Snehanshu Singh and Gopalareddy K

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Climate change has exposed the wheat crop to higher temperatures during crop growth stages. The international nurseries and trials from CIMMYT, Mexico contributed variable germplasm lines suitable for different environmental conditions. The elite germplasm lines included in the semi arid wheat screening nursery (SAWSN) and semi arid wheat yield trial (SAWYT) were developed for their suitability to semi arid areas. These

    entries were evaluated at IIWBR during 2017-18 for days to heading, maturity, plant height, grain number per spike, 1000-grains weight, grain yield and disease resistance. A wide range was observed for the traits under observation. In SAWYT and SAWSN, high incidence of yellow rust was also observed in most of the lines with incidence as high

    Table 5. Promising genotypes for different traits under drought conditions

    Traits SAWSN SAWYT

    Mean (Range) Mean (Range)

    Heading (days) 91 (83-97) 90 (87-94)

    Maturity (days) 130 (121-134) 130 (126-133)

    Pl. ht. (cm) 101 (84-113) 100 (85-111)

    Grains/ spike 59 (38-87) 51 (39-75)

    1000-gr wt. (g) 38 (22-58) 38 (23-53)

    Yield (q/ha) 39.0 (24.0-77.5) 43.1 (27.7-63.6)

  • 04

    genotype, DBW 218 was identi�ied as a promising genotype possessing high sedimentation value, grain protein content and grain hardness along with acceptable yield.

    The new wheat genotype DBW 218 was developed at ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, from the cross PRL*PASTOR// PBW343*2/KUKUNA through pedigree method of breeding. This genotype was evaluated at total nine locations including �ive locations (Delhi, Karnal, Hisar,

    Ludhiana and Gurdaspur) of North Western Plains Zone (NWPZ) and four locations (Faizabad, Kanpur, Pusa and Sabour) of North Eastern Plains Zone (NEPZ) along with the three checks (DBW 71, WR 544, DBW 14) under very late sown trial during 2016-17 for grain yield, disease resistance and quality traits and this followed as criterion for selecting genotypes for end product purpose.

    The key determinants for making good quality chapatti


    are sedimentation value (30-60 ml), grain protein content (11-13%) and grain hardness (40-75). Sedimentation value gives an idea of gluten strength. DBW 218 showed high sedimentation value of 57ml pooled over both the zones (NWPZ & NEPZ) coupled with desired level of protein content (12.7%) and grain hardness (76) as compared to check varieties (Table 4). Besides quality traits, the genotypes showed comparable performance for other agronomic

    characteristics over checks in both the zones indicating its wider adaptability (Table 4). Thus, DBW 218 is a high yielding genotype having desired level of disease resistance and was found exceptionally good for chapatti making (high sedimentation value, grain protein content and grain hardness traits). This promising genotype may be utilized as donor parent (quality, yield and short duration) in breeding programs to improve chapatti quality.

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Table 3. Sedimentation value of promising genotypes and check varieties evaluated at 15 locations during 2017-18.

    Zone Location QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD Check Varieties

    93 94 98 99 100 101 102 103 C306 HS490 UP2672 NIAW1415

    NWPZ Ludhiana 64.3 62.3 69.2 69.7 68.4 66.8 68.8 63.1 46.0 40.7 67.2 50.0

    Durgapura 62.7 66.0 65.2 71.3 70.1 63.9 69.7 68.4 43.3 51.1 64.8 51.7

    Delhi 64.7 69.2 71.3 68.8 68.8 65.6 69.7 65.6 44.7 43.9 63.1 54.8

    Pantnagar 70.5 73.3 59.8 60.3 63.5 70.5 67.2 65.6 42.7 41.3 62.7 46.8

    Karnal 70.9 72.9 72.1 73.7 73.3 73.3 70.1 70.9 46.2 45.8 70.1 53.5

    Hisar 55.4 55.8 50.1 56.6 57.8 57.4 54.1 54.5 42.5 39.7 57.4 44.9

    NEPZ Kanpur 66.4 67.2 67.2 67.2 67.6 65.2 71.3 65.6 46.4 47.8 64.0 51.5

    Sabour 68.4 59.0 59.0 55.4 53.3 58.6 56.6 - 45.1 40.5 57.4 47.8

    CZ Junagadh 65.6 61.5 67.2 65.2 69.7 68.8 69.7 63.5 57.0 47.2 64.2 49.0

    Vijapur 67.0 69.0 70.0 63.0 67.0 66.7 66.5 70.0 51.0 46.0 67.0 47.0

    Indore 63.1 69.7 68.8 69.7 69.7 68.8 66.8 67.2 46.4 42.7 65.6 50.7

    Powarkheda 65.6 64.7 69.7 64.7 63.1 67.6 70.5 63.5 45.4 44.2 58.8 47.4

    PZ Pune 63.1 65.2 62.3 66.0 57.4 67.6 71.3 64.7 45.4 38.0 60.1 48.0

    Dharwad 63.5 67.2 68.8 68.4 70.5 70.5 66.0 66.8 47.6 56.0 60.7 53.5

    Niphad 61.1 57.0 71.3 62.7 69.2 70.1 70.1 67.2 46.8 42.7 65.0 48.6

    Mean (National) 64.8 65.3 66.1 65.5 66 66.8 67.2 65.5 46.4 46.4 44.5 49.7

    Table 4. Mean performance of DBW 218 and checks for agronomic and quality traits in NWPZ and NEPZ (2016-17)

    Genotype Quality traits Agronomic traits

    Sedimentation Grain Protein Content Grain Yield 1000 grain Plant height Days to

    value (ml) hardness (%) (q/ha) weight (g) (cm) maturity

    Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range

    DBW 218 57.0 52-62 76.0 66-86 12.7 10.8-15.4 32.7 22.2-45.8 33.0 21-42 90 61-106 101 79-114

    DBW 71 (C) 44.5 42-47 75.0 65-82 12.9 11.3-15.1 32.5 24.4-41.5 33.5 22-40 80 64-94 99 81-115

    WR 544 (C) 43.0 40-45 70.5 62-77 13.7 11.7-15.5 29.1 25.8-35.2 34.5 24-42 88 58-105 95 75-110

    DBW 14 (C) 44.0 42-47 65.5 58-65 13.1 11.8-15.5 31.6 23.8-42.9 33.5 25-40 76 58-85 96 77-115

    Table 6. Sedimentation value of promising genotypes and check varieties evaluated at 15 locations during 2017-18.

    SNo. Entry Heading Maturity Pl. ht. Grains/ spike 1000-gr Yield Yellow rust

    (days) (days) (cm) wt. (g) (q/ha)th th 35 Semi Arid Wheat Screening Nursery (35 SAWSN)

    1 35SAWSN 3267 90 129 110 68 58 77.5 0

    2 35SAWSN 3047 93 131 99 71 41 76.8 0

    3 35SAWSN 3046 96 131 96 61 39 76.2 0

    4 35SAWSN 3269 91 129 102 59 40 63.2 0

    5 35SAWSN 3264 91 132 102 73 35 62.5 0

    6 35SAWSN 3134 92 132 111 75 51 62.2 0

    7 35SAWSN 3130 90 130 102 49 42 56.2 0

    8 35SAWSN 3048 93 131 102 60 42 55.7 0

    9 35SAWSN 3001 94 131 100 53 38 54.2 0

    10 35SAWSN 3045 95 130 102 52 43 53.2 0

    11 35SAWSN 3003 95 130 109 87 40 52.3 0

    12 35SAWSN 3268 91 129 100 57 39 51.7 0

    13 35SAWSN 3037 95 131 110 64 42 51.5 0

    14 35SAWSN 3255 90 128 102 63 43 51.0 0

    15 35SAWSN 3139 90 130 102 61 38 50.3 0

    16 35SAWSN 3181 93 132 88 61 36 49.7 0

    17 35SAWSN 3029 90 129 109 64 45 48.8 0

    18 35SAWSN 3049 94 132 100 68 32 48.3 0

    19 35SAWSN 3205 91 130 92 59 39 48.3 0th th 25 Semi Arid Wheat Yield Trial (25 SAWYT)

    1 25 SAWYT 304 94 133 110 55 43 63.6 0

    2 25 SAWYT 302 93 133 111 68 39 60.5 0

    3 25 SAWYT 348 92 130 102 51 52 60.4 0

    4 25 SAWYT 343 91 133 111 51 53 58.5 0

    5 25 SAWYT 347 92 132 101 46 42 55.5 0

    6 25 SAWYT 345 87 129 99 52 41 50.9 0

    7 25 SAWYT 314 93 132 102 55 41 49.5 0

    8 25 SAWYT 332 90 130 100 56 40 43.1 0

    Preliminary evaluation of elite bread wheat genotypes of semi arid conditions for yield and component traits

    SK Singh, Lokendra Kumar, Suresh Kumar, RP Gangwar, Snehanshu Singh and Gopalareddy K

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Climate change has exposed the wheat crop to higher temperatures during crop growth stages. The international nurseries and trials from CIMMYT, Mexico contributed variable germplasm lines suitable for different environmental conditions. The elite germplasm lines included in the semi arid wheat screening nursery (SAWSN) and semi arid wheat yield trial (SAWYT) were developed for their suitability to semi arid areas. These

    entries were evaluated at IIWBR during 2017-18 for days to heading, maturity, plant height, grain number per spike, 1000-grains weight, grain yield and disease resistance. A wide range was observed for the traits under observation. In SAWYT and SAWSN, high incidence of yellow rust was also observed in most of the lines with incidence as high

    Table 5. Promising genotypes for different traits under drought conditions

    Traits SAWSN SAWYT

    Mean (Range) Mean (Range)

    Heading (days) 91 (83-97) 90 (87-94)

    Maturity (days) 130 (121-134) 130 (126-133)

    Pl. ht. (cm) 101 (84-113) 100 (85-111)

    Grains/ spike 59 (38-87) 51 (39-75)

    1000-gr wt. (g) 38 (22-58) 38 (23-53)

    Yield (q/ha) 39.0 (24.0-77.5) 43.1 (27.7-63.6)

  • 06 07

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    as 80S. Only 8 entries (16.0%) of SAWYT and 47 entries (21.4%) of SAWSN were found free of yellow rust infection. Promising entries showing higher yield than the check variety HD 3086 with no yellow rust infection are listed below which may be further utilized for wheat improvement programmes.

    Performance of advanced genotypes meant for warmer areas against rusts and leaf blight under epiphytotic conditions

    1SK Singh, RP Gangwar, Suresh Kumar, SP Singh , SI 2

    Patel , Gopalareddy K and DP Singh 1 2

    ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal; NDUA&T, Faizabad; SDAU, Vijapur

    Development of new cultivars for warmer areas requires high yield potential in target environments along with resistance to rust and leaf blight diseases. A total of 120 advanced genotypes developed for warmer areas were evaluated for resistance to rust and leaf blight diseases during 2017-18 crop season under epiphytotic conditions at three hot spot locations, namely Karnal for stripe rust, Vijapur for stem rust and Faizabad for leaf rust and leaf blight. For disease creation, mixtures of most virulent pathotypes were used viz., 46S119, 110S119, 47S103 and 110S84 for stripe rust, 12-5, 77-9, 77-5 and 104-2 for leaf rust and 11, 40A, 42, 122 and 117-6 for stem rust. Leaf blight inoculums maintained at Faizabad centre was used for creating the disease. The rust disease severity was 0-80S for stripe & leaf rust and 0- 40S for stem rust. The leaf blight score ranged from 35-78 on double digit scale. Out of 120 genotypes; 10, 67 and 37 genotypes were found immune to stripe, leaf and stem rust, respectively whereas �ive entries namely PYT17-33 (DBW 87/DBW 92), PYT 17-62 (WH 542/UP 2338), PYT 17-95 (MP 1234/HD 2967), PYT 17-99 (DBW

    87/DBW 16) and PYT 17-101 (WH 542/DBW 16) showed resistance reactions to all three rusts and leaf blight. Some of these promising lines may be further utilised as potential donors for disease resistance.

    Evaluation of elite germplasm lines for yield components and nutritional quality

    1SK Singh, RP Gangwar, Suresh Kumar, SP Singh , SI

    2Patel , Gopalareddy K and DP Singh 1 2ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal; NDUA&T, Faizabad, SDAU, Vijapur

    T h e w a r m e r a r e a p r o g r a m m e f o r w h e a t improvement contributed 13 elite germplasm lines including 5 released cultivars (DBW 17, DBW 71, DBW 93, DBW 107 & DBW 110), 4 genetic stocks (PHSL 5, PHSL 10, PHSL 11, DBW 129) and 4 new germplasm lines (DBW 172, DWAP 1530, DWAP 1531, DWAP 1541) in National Genetic Stock Nursery during 2017-18. These l ines were evaluated at 34 cooperating centres alongwith check varieties Sonalika and HD 2967. The data from 34 locations was pooled for various yield component traits, namely, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height (cm), tillers/m, grain number/spike, 1000-grains weight (g) and spike length (cm) that showed wide range of variability. Trait-wise analysis indicated better performance of DWAP 1531, PHSL 5, PHSL 10, PHSL 11, DBW 11 & DBW 107 for early heading and maturity; DWAP 1530 & DBW 129 for tiller number per m row; PHSL 5, PHSL 10, DWAP 1531 and DWAP 1541 for 1000-grains weight and spike length. Based on overall performance for yield component traits across the locations, genotypes DWAP 1531, PHSL 5 and PHSL 10 showed better performances for three or more traits in combination compared to the respective best check variety. In these lines, iron and zinc

    content was also estimated using XRF machine. The iron and zinc contents ranged from 32.3 to 41.5 ppm and 28.0 to 35.4ppm, respectively. High amount of iron was observed in DBW 107, PHSL 5 and DBW 71 whereas PHSL 10, DBW 17, PHSL 5, DBW 93 and DWAP 1531 showed higher amount of zinc content as compared to check varieties. Based on above results, DWAP 1531, PHSL 5 and PHSL 10 were found promising donors for various traits which can be further utilized in wheat improvement programmes.

    Ef�icacy of plant growth-promoting Bacillus spp. for improving wheat growth at seedling stage

    1Priyanka Chandra , Rinki, Poonam Jasrotia and D P Singh1 ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal; ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Net effect of plant–microbe interactions on plant growth could be positive, neutral or negative. All those

    bacteria inhabiting plant roots and in�luencing the plant growth positively by any mechanism are referred to as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). A large number of Bacillus species, exhibit plant growth-promoting (PGP) activity. Bacillus species reported h a v i n g P G P a b i l i t y i n c l u d e B . s u b t i l i s , B .

    Fig. 2(b): Comparison of germination between untreated and treated seeds of wheat with Bacillus spp.

    Fig. 2(a): Comparison of treated & untreated seedsunder germination test

    Fig. 1: Frequency distribution of resistant and susceptible genotypes of bread wheat during 2012-17

    Table 7. Performance of entries in NGSN during 2017-18

    SN Genotypes Agronomic traits Nutritional quality Days to Days to Pl ht Tillers Grains 1000-gr Spike Iron Zinc heading maturity (cm) /m row / spike wt (g) length (cm) (ppm) (ppm)1 DBW17 83 127 80 97 54 37 10 36.3 35.22 DBW71 79 126 86 81 49 40 10 39.7 31.03 DBW93 81 124 80 97 52 37 9 36.1 33.54 DBW107 78 124 87 93 49 39 10 41.5 30.75 DBW110 82 126 90 88 54 41 10 35.2 29.86 PHSL 5 76 125 109 56 52 51 13 40.7 34.97 PHSL 10 74 123 100 66 51 47 12 36.1 35.48 PHSL 11 75 123 92 82 49 43 10 37.5 28.89 DBW 129 82 128 97 100 54 40 10 37.5 29.410 DBW 172 86 130 90 88 53 37 9 37.5 31.011 DWAP 1530 84 129 93 101 53 36 10 34.8 30.912 DWAP 1531 74 122 95 63 53 48 11 36.4 32.513 DWAP 1541 82 128 105 94 52 42 11 32.3 28.0C1 Sonalika © 81 127 86 94 52 38 9 32.3 29.2C2 HD 2967© 85 129 92 94 56 37 10 35.2 29.6

  • 06 07

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    as 80S. Only 8 entries (16.0%) of SAWYT and 47 entries (21.4%) of SAWSN were found free of yellow rust infection. Promising entries showing higher yield than the check variety HD 3086 with no yellow rust infection are listed below which may be further utilized for wheat improvement programmes.

    Performance of advanced genotypes meant for warmer areas against rusts and leaf blight under epiphytotic conditions

    1SK Singh, RP Gangwar, Suresh Kumar, SP Singh , SI 2

    Patel , Gopalareddy K and DP Singh 1 2

    ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal; NDUA&T, Faizabad; SDAU, Vijapur

    Development of new cultivars for warmer areas requires high yield potential in target environments along with resistance to rust and leaf blight diseases. A total of 120 advanced genotypes developed for warmer areas were evaluated for resistance to rust and leaf blight diseases during 2017-18 crop season under epiphytotic conditions at three hot spot locations, namely Karnal for stripe rust, Vijapur for stem rust and Faizabad for leaf rust and leaf blight. For disease creation, mixtures of most virulent pathotypes were used viz., 46S119, 110S119, 47S103 and 110S84 for stripe rust, 12-5, 77-9, 77-5 and 104-2 for leaf rust and 11, 40A, 42, 122 and 117-6 for stem rust. Leaf blight inoculums maintained at Faizabad centre was used for creating the disease. The rust disease severity was 0-80S for stripe & leaf rust and 0- 40S for stem rust. The leaf blight score ranged from 35-78 on double digit scale. Out of 120 genotypes; 10, 67 and 37 genotypes were found immune to stripe, leaf and stem rust, respectively whereas �ive entries namely PYT17-33 (DBW 87/DBW 92), PYT 17-62 (WH 542/UP 2338), PYT 17-95 (MP 1234/HD 2967), PYT 17-99 (DBW

    87/DBW 16) and PYT 17-101 (WH 542/DBW 16) showed resistance reactions to all three rusts and leaf blight. Some of these promising lines may be further utilised as potential donors for disease resistance.

    Evaluation of elite germplasm lines for yield components and nutritional quality

    1SK Singh, RP Gangwar, Suresh Kumar, SP Singh , SI

    2Patel , Gopalareddy K and DP Singh 1 2ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal; NDUA&T, Faizabad, SDAU, Vijapur

    T h e w a r m e r a r e a p r o g r a m m e f o r w h e a t improvement contributed 13 elite germplasm lines including 5 released cultivars (DBW 17, DBW 71, DBW 93, DBW 107 & DBW 110), 4 genetic stocks (PHSL 5, PHSL 10, PHSL 11, DBW 129) and 4 new germplasm lines (DBW 172, DWAP 1530, DWAP 1531, DWAP 1541) in National Genetic Stock Nursery during 2017-18. These l ines were evaluated at 34 cooperating centres alongwith check varieties Sonalika and HD 2967. The data from 34 locations was pooled for various yield component traits, namely, days to heading, days to maturity, plant height (cm), tillers/m, grain number/spike, 1000-grains weight (g) and spike length (cm) that showed wide range of variability. Trait-wise analysis indicated better performance of DWAP 1531, PHSL 5, PHSL 10, PHSL 11, DBW 11 & DBW 107 for early heading and maturity; DWAP 1530 & DBW 129 for tiller number per m row; PHSL 5, PHSL 10, DWAP 1531 and DWAP 1541 for 1000-grains weight and spike length. Based on overall performance for yield component traits across the locations, genotypes DWAP 1531, PHSL 5 and PHSL 10 showed better performances for three or more traits in combination compared to the respective best check variety. In these lines, iron and zinc

    content was also estimated using XRF machine. The iron and zinc contents ranged from 32.3 to 41.5 ppm and 28.0 to 35.4ppm, respectively. High amount of iron was observed in DBW 107, PHSL 5 and DBW 71 whereas PHSL 10, DBW 17, PHSL 5, DBW 93 and DWAP 1531 showed higher amount of zinc content as compared to check varieties. Based on above results, DWAP 1531, PHSL 5 and PHSL 10 were found promising donors for various traits which can be further utilized in wheat improvement programmes.

    Ef�icacy of plant growth-promoting Bacillus spp. for improving wheat growth at seedling stage

    1Priyanka Chandra , Rinki, Poonam Jasrotia and D P Singh1 ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal; ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Net effect of plant–microbe interactions on plant growth could be positive, neutral or negative. All those

    bacteria inhabiting plant roots and in�luencing the plant growth positively by any mechanism are referred to as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). A large number of Bacillus species, exhibit plant growth-promoting (PGP) activity. Bacillus species reported h a v i n g P G P a b i l i t y i n c l u d e B . s u b t i l i s , B .

    Fig. 2(b): Comparison of germination between untreated and treated seeds of wheat with Bacillus spp.

    Fig. 2(a): Comparison of treated & untreated seedsunder germination test

    Fig. 1: Frequency distribution of resistant and susceptible genotypes of bread wheat during 2012-17

    Table 7. Performance of entries in NGSN during 2017-18

    SN Genotypes Agronomic traits Nutritional quality Days to Days to Pl ht Tillers Grains 1000-gr Spike Iron Zinc heading maturity (cm) /m row / spike wt (g) length (cm) (ppm) (ppm)1 DBW17 83 127 80 97 54 37 10 36.3 35.22 DBW71 79 126 86 81 49 40 10 39.7 31.03 DBW93 81 124 80 97 52 37 9 36.1 33.54 DBW107 78 124 87 93 49 39 10 41.5 30.75 DBW110 82 126 90 88 54 41 10 35.2 29.86 PHSL 5 76 125 109 56 52 51 13 40.7 34.97 PHSL 10 74 123 100 66 51 47 12 36.1 35.48 PHSL 11 75 123 92 82 49 43 10 37.5 28.89 DBW 129 82 128 97 100 54 40 10 37.5 29.410 DBW 172 86 130 90 88 53 37 9 37.5 31.011 DWAP 1530 84 129 93 101 53 36 10 34.8 30.912 DWAP 1531 74 122 95 63 53 48 11 36.4 32.513 DWAP 1541 82 128 105 94 52 42 11 32.3 28.0C1 Sonalika © 81 127 86 94 52 38 9 32.3 29.2C2 HD 2967© 85 129 92 94 56 37 10 35.2 29.6

  • 08 09

    amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, B. thuringiensis, B. cereus, B. megaterium, and many others. Bacillus spp. enhance plant growth in many ways: a) by controlling pathogens via induced systemic resistance (ISR), b) by synthesizing antibiotics, c) by producing plant hormones such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), cytokinin, and gibberellic acid (GA) and d) by acting synergistically with nitrogen-�ixing or phosphorous-acquiring symbiotic microbes. PGP bacilli are commonly detected in the rhizosphere, phyllosphere, or as endophytes. The Bacillus strains (B. subtilis, B. simplex, B. pumilus, and B. megaterium) which were earlier found to show in-vitro plant growth promoting activities is used in the present study. Effect of Bacillus strains on the growth of plant was studied by seed germination test in wheat.

    Wheat is a staple food crop of many countries and constitutes nearly one-third of the total cereals consumed globally. Hence, a preliminary study was conducted to study the effect of plant growth-promoting on wheat ( ) Bacillus spp Triticum aestivumgrowth and development. Wheat varieties viz. Raj 3765 and DBW 90 were used for the study under late sown conditions. Wheat seeds were surface sterilized by exposing to 95% ethanol and immersing in 0.2% HgCl 2solution for three minutes. The seeds were then subjected to �ive times washing with sterile distilled water. One ml of overnight grown bacterial culture (107-106 cells/ml) was applied on each seed for 10 min and treated seeds were dried. For seed germination test the sterile non treated dried seeds as control, soaked with non inoculated media for 10 min and the treated dried seeds were kept on sterilized wet blotting paper and incubated at 30 C for 2-7 days. The o

    percent seed germination and root length were measured.

    In germination test, the percentage seed germination

    of treated seeds was found high (55-70%) as compared to control (30-45%). The germinated seedlings has been recorded with a root length ranging from 3.1 to 3.7cm and shoot length from 2.4 to 3.1cm, while untreated seedling/control has root and shoot length of 1.9-2.5cm and 1.1-1.3cm, respectively. The number of roots was also more in the treated seeds (5-6) as compared to control (2-4) (Fig. 2(a&b).

    The data obtained from seed germination study demonstrated positive effect of . on root and Bacillus sppshoot elongation compared to control. This indicates that Bacillus strains (B. subtilis, B. simplex, B. pumilus, and B. megaterium) can improve the plant growth and thus can be considered as an effective PGPR.

    Breeder seed scenario of wheat varieties developed at ICAR-IIWBR

    SK Singh, A K Sharma, Raj Kumar and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Seed is an integral component in crop production system which provides initial support to realize potential yield levels. ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal being nodal centre for wheat research and coordination, has mandate of coordinating national seed production programme of wheat and barley. IIWBR has been instrumental in development of 15 bread wheat varieties; of which 12 have entered in seed chain. In

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Table 8. Status of Breeder seed production of IIWBR wheat varieties

    Year Variety DAC Indent Production Share in

    (No.) (q) (q) national

    indent (%)

    2012-2013 6 1468.2 1962.11 6.9

    2013-2014 7 2167.75 2765.66 10.4

    2014-2015 9 2604.8 2088.9 12.0

    2015-2016 10 2116.8 2116.8 10.4

    2016-2017 11 2017.04 2305.25 8.6

    Total 10374.6 11238.7 9.7

    order to support local seed demand and breeder seed requirement of its varieties, a small scale seed

    thproduction programme was taken up. During 12 �ive year plan (2012-17), total breeder seed indent of IIWBR bred varieties was 10374.6 q against which 11238.7 q breeder seed was produced with a surplus of 864.1 q. During this period, the share of IIWBR breeder seed production in national breeder seed production was 9.7%. This quantity of breeder seed produced was expected to produce 7024188 q certi�ied seed at seed multiplication ratio of 1:25 which can cover more than 7.0 million ha wheat area. During 2017-18, an indent of 1687.9q breeder seed of 10 varieties was received.

    IIWBR is instrumental in development and release of improved wheat varieties for all four major zones. Wheat varieties DBW 17, DPW 621-50 and DBW 88 were released for irrigated timely sown conditions whereas, DBW 16, DBW 71 and DBW 90 were released for irrigated late sown conditions of the NWPZ. Similarly, CBW 38 and DBW 39 were released for timely sown and DBW 14 and DBW 107 for late sown conditions in irrigated areas of the NEPZ. DBW 110 and DBW 93 were released for limited irrigation conditions of CZ and PZ, respectively. Among these varieties, IIWBR produced maximum seed of DPW 621-50 (3743.9 q) followed by DBW 17 (3691.9 q) which was

    surplus against the indented quantity. Among late sown varieties, maximum seed was produced for DBW 16 followed by DBW 14, DBW 90, DBW 71 and DBW 107 of which only DBW 14, DBW 71 and DBW 107 showed surplus production. During 2017-18, the total indent of IIWBR bred varieties is 1687.9q with highest indent of DBW 110 (359.0 q) followed by DPW 621-50 (271.6 q), DBW 107 (231.6 q), DBW 88 (226.6 q) and DBW 17 (178.5 q). Besides these, three more varieties namely WB 2 (Zn rich variety for timely sown, NWPZ), DBW 173 (late sown, NWPZ) and DBW 168 (timely sown, PZ) have been released which are yet to enter seed chain along with DBW 93. These varieties have increased demand among farmers and are expected to ful�ill the needs of farmers in different zones under different production conditions.


    Resistance to loose smut (Ustilago tritici) in wheat and triticale

    1 1 1 1DP Singh , Sudheer Kumar , PL Kashyap , GP Singh , 2 3 4 4

    RS Beniwal , SK Jain , Ritu Bala , Jaspal Kaur , PK 5 5 5Shekhawat , RK Bansal , Nitin Chawla , SS

    2 1 1Karwasra , R Selvakumar and MS Saharan1 2ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, Department of Plant Pathology, CCS

    3 4HAU, Hisar, ICAR-VPKAS, Almora, Department of Plant 5Pathology, PAU, Ludhiana, Department of Plant Pathology,

    Fig. 3: Breeder seed indent of IIWBR wheat varieties during last �ive years

    Table 9. Highly resistant (HR) and resistant (R) genotypes and released varieties of Wheat and Triticale to loose smut.

    Wheat types Genotypes and varieties Highly resistant (HR or Free from infection)

    T. aestivum Varieties: DBW 90 Genotypes: HD 3079, MACS 3817, MACS 3828, MACS 3929, KRL 331, UAS 442, VL 1003, VL 3001, VL

    3003, VW 0810, VW 0855 T. durum Varieties: HI 8713, WHD 948 Genotypes: Selection from A9-30-1, AKDW 4749, DDW 32, GW 1276, GW 1277, GW 1280, HI 8724, HI

    8726, HI 8727, HI 8728, HI 8735, HI 8736, HI 8739, HI 8742, MPO 1262, NIDW 706, PDW 327, RKD 219, UPD 94, WHD 950

    T. dicoccum Variety: MACS 2971, DDK 1029 Genotypes: DDK 1042, DDK 1045, MACS 5008, MACS 5022, HW 1099

    Resistant (R having 0.1-5.0% loose smut infection)T. aestivum Varieties: HD 3086, HS 277, HS 542, K 1006, KRL 210, VL 829, WH 1124, UAS 446 Genotypes: HPW 360, HPW 410, HPW 432, HPW 433, HS 597, HW 5237, MACS 3972, NIAW 1773, UP

    2955, VL 3002, VL 3011, VW 0751, VW 0835, VW 0856, WH 1138 T. durum Varieties: HI 8498, HI 8627, HI 8737, HI 8759, MPO 1215, MACS 4028, NIDW 295, UAS 428, PDW 291,

    PDW 344 Genotypes: AKDW 2997-16, DDW 23, HI 8730, RKD 283, UAS 459, UPD 93 T. dicoccum Varieties: DDK 1029, HW 1098 (PZ) Genotypes: MACS 5044, DDK 1051, MACS 5046, MACS 5022, DDK 1046, DDK 1044 Triticale Varieties: TL 2969 Genotypes: TL 2942, TL 2978, TL 2997, TL 3007, TL 3009, TL 3010

  • 08 09

    amyloliquefaciens, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, B. thuringiensis, B. cereus, B. megaterium, and many others. Bacillus spp. enhance plant growth in many ways: a) by controlling pathogens via induced systemic resistance (ISR), b) by synthesizing antibiotics, c) by producing plant hormones such as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), cytokinin, and gibberellic acid (GA) and d) by acting synergistically with nitrogen-�ixing or phosphorous-acquiring symbiotic microbes. PGP bacilli are commonly detected in the rhizosphere, phyllosphere, or as endophytes. The Bacillus strains (B. subtilis, B. simplex, B. pumilus, and B. megaterium) which were earlier found to show in-vitro plant growth promoting activities is used in the present study. Effect of Bacillus strains on the growth of plant was studied by seed germination test in wheat.

    Wheat is a staple food crop of many countries and constitutes nearly one-third of the total cereals consumed globally. Hence, a preliminary study was conducted to study the effect of plant growth-promoting on wheat ( ) Bacillus spp Triticum aestivumgrowth and development. Wheat varieties viz. Raj 3765 and DBW 90 were used for the study under late sown conditions. Wheat seeds were surface sterilized by exposing to 95% ethanol and immersing in 0.2% HgCl 2solution for three minutes. The seeds were then subjected to �ive times washing with sterile distilled water. One ml of overnight grown bacterial culture (107-106 cells/ml) was applied on each seed for 10 min and treated seeds were dried. For seed germination test the sterile non treated dried seeds as control, soaked with non inoculated media for 10 min and the treated dried seeds were kept on sterilized wet blotting paper and incubated at 30 C for 2-7 days. The o

    percent seed germination and root length were measured.

    In germination test, the percentage seed germination

    of treated seeds was found high (55-70%) as compared to control (30-45%). The germinated seedlings has been recorded with a root length ranging from 3.1 to 3.7cm and shoot length from 2.4 to 3.1cm, while untreated seedling/control has root and shoot length of 1.9-2.5cm and 1.1-1.3cm, respectively. The number of roots was also more in the treated seeds (5-6) as compared to control (2-4) (Fig. 2(a&b).

    The data obtained from seed germination study demonstrated positive effect of . on root and Bacillus sppshoot elongation compared to control. This indicates that Bacillus strains (B. subtilis, B. simplex, B. pumilus, and B. megaterium) can improve the plant growth and thus can be considered as an effective PGPR.

    Breeder seed scenario of wheat varieties developed at ICAR-IIWBR

    SK Singh, A K Sharma, Raj Kumar and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Seed is an integral component in crop production system which provides initial support to realize potential yield levels. ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal being nodal centre for wheat research and coordination, has mandate of coordinating national seed production programme of wheat and barley. IIWBR has been instrumental in development of 15 bread wheat varieties; of which 12 have entered in seed chain. In

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Table 8. Status of Breeder seed production of IIWBR wheat varieties

    Year Variety DAC Indent Production Share in

    (No.) (q) (q) national

    indent (%)

    2012-2013 6 1468.2 1962.11 6.9

    2013-2014 7 2167.75 2765.66 10.4

    2014-2015 9 2604.8 2088.9 12.0

    2015-2016 10 2116.8 2116.8 10.4

    2016-2017 11 2017.04 2305.25 8.6

    Total 10374.6 11238.7 9.7

    order to support local seed demand and breeder seed requirement of its varieties, a small scale seed

    thproduction programme was taken up. During 12 �ive year plan (2012-17), total breeder seed indent of IIWBR bred varieties was 10374.6 q against which 11238.7 q breeder seed was produced with a surplus of 864.1 q. During this period, the share of IIWBR breeder seed production in national breeder seed production was 9.7%. This quantity of breeder seed produced was expected to produce 7024188 q certi�ied seed at seed multiplication ratio of 1:25 which can cover more than 7.0 million ha wheat area. During 2017-18, an indent of 1687.9q breeder seed of 10 varieties was received.

    IIWBR is instrumental in development and release of improved wheat varieties for all four major zones. Wheat varieties DBW 17, DPW 621-50 and DBW 88 were released for irrigated timely sown conditions whereas, DBW 16, DBW 71 and DBW 90 were released for irrigated late sown conditions of the NWPZ. Similarly, CBW 38 and DBW 39 were released for timely sown and DBW 14 and DBW 107 for late sown conditions in irrigated areas of the NEPZ. DBW 110 and DBW 93 were released for limited irrigation conditions of CZ and PZ, respectively. Among these varieties, IIWBR produced maximum seed of DPW 621-50 (3743.9 q) followed by DBW 17 (3691.9 q) which was

    surplus against the indented quantity. Among late sown varieties, maximum seed was produced for DBW 16 followed by DBW 14, DBW 90, DBW 71 and DBW 107 of which only DBW 14, DBW 71 and DBW 107 showed surplus production. During 2017-18, the total indent of IIWBR bred varieties is 1687.9q with highest indent of DBW 110 (359.0 q) followed by DPW 621-50 (271.6 q), DBW 107 (231.6 q), DBW 88 (226.6 q) and DBW 17 (178.5 q). Besides these, three more varieties namely WB 2 (Zn rich variety for timely sown, NWPZ), DBW 173 (late sown, NWPZ) and DBW 168 (timely sown, PZ) have been released which are yet to enter seed chain along with DBW 93. These varieties have increased demand among farmers and are expected to ful�ill the needs of farmers in different zones under different production conditions.


    Resistance to loose smut (Ustilago tritici) in wheat and triticale

    1 1 1 1DP Singh , Sudheer Kumar , PL Kashyap , GP Singh , 2 3 4 4

    RS Beniwal , SK Jain , Ritu Bala , Jaspal Kaur , PK 5 5 5Shekhawat , RK Bansal , Nitin Chawla , SS

    2 1 1Karwasra , R Selvakumar and MS Saharan1 2ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal, Department of Plant Pathology, CCS

    3 4HAU, Hisar, ICAR-VPKAS, Almora, Department of Plant 5Pathology, PAU, Ludhiana, Department of Plant Pathology,

    Fig. 3: Breeder seed indent of IIWBR wheat varieties during last �ive years

    Table 9. Highly resistant (HR) and resistant (R) genotypes and released varieties of Wheat and Triticale to loose smut.

    Wheat types Genotypes and varieties Highly resistant (HR or Free from infection)

    T. aestivum Varieties: DBW 90 Genotypes: HD 3079, MACS 3817, MACS 3828, MACS 3929, KRL 331, UAS 442, VL 1003, VL 3001, VL

    3003, VW 0810, VW 0855 T. durum Varieties: HI 8713, WHD 948 Genotypes: Selection from A9-30-1, AKDW 4749, DDW 32, GW 1276, GW 1277, GW 1280, HI 8724, HI

    8726, HI 8727, HI 8728, HI 8735, HI 8736, HI 8739, HI 8742, MPO 1262, NIDW 706, PDW 327, RKD 219, UPD 94, WHD 950

    T. dicoccum Variety: MACS 2971, DDK 1029 Genotypes: DDK 1042, DDK 1045, MACS 5008, MACS 5022, HW 1099

    Resistant (R having 0.1-5.0% loose smut infection)T. aestivum Varieties: HD 3086, HS 277, HS 542, K 1006, KRL 210, VL 829, WH 1124, UAS 446 Genotypes: HPW 360, HPW 410, HPW 432, HPW 433, HS 597, HW 5237, MACS 3972, NIAW 1773, UP

    2955, VL 3002, VL 3011, VW 0751, VW 0835, VW 0856, WH 1138 T. durum Varieties: HI 8498, HI 8627, HI 8737, HI 8759, MPO 1215, MACS 4028, NIDW 295, UAS 428, PDW 291,

    PDW 344 Genotypes: AKDW 2997-16, DDW 23, HI 8730, RKD 283, UAS 459, UPD 93 T. dicoccum Varieties: DDK 1029, HW 1098 (PZ) Genotypes: MACS 5044, DDK 1051, MACS 5046, MACS 5022, DDK 1046, DDK 1044 Triticale Varieties: TL 2969 Genotypes: TL 2942, TL 2978, TL 2997, TL 3007, TL 3009, TL 3010

  • 10 11

    ARS, RARI, Durgapura

    Loose smut caused by fungus Ustilago tritici (Pers) Rostr. is an exclusively seedborne disease of wheat and triticale in cooler climate. Disease is primarily managed using disease free seeds as well as use of pre-sowing seed treatment using systemic fungicides like c a r b o x i n , c a r b e n d a z i m , t e b u c o n a z o l e a n d thi�luzamide. However, these fungicides are often not used by farmers in developing countries due to ignorance, nature of diseases and its source of primary inoculums and high cost of seed treatment. A total of 1,119 numbers of high yielding bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), durum wheat (T. durum), Khapli wheat (T. dicoccum) and triticale genotypes and varieties along with a highly susceptible check variety, Sonalika, were evaluated against loose smut in India. The evaluation against loose smut was done at hot spot locations, Almora in Northern Hills Zone, Ludhiana, Hisar and Durgapura in North-Western Plains Zone of India under arti�icially inoculated conditions using local isolates of pathogen from 2012-13 to 2017-18 crop seasons. A list of highly resistant (HR or free) and resistant (R having 0.1-5.0% infection) genotypes and released varieties of Wheat and triticale is given in Table 9.

    These genotypes may be used as a donor parents for breeding of disease resistant varieties in Wheat and Triticale. The resistant varieties may be used for deployment in disease endemic areas to curtail losses in yield and reducing use of seed dressing systemic fungicides.

    Karnal bunt situation in different agro-ecological zones of India during 2017-18 crop season

    1 1 1 1DP Singh , Sudheer Kumar , PL Kashyap , GP Singh ,

    2 2 3 4Jaspal Kaur , Ritu Bala , RS Beniwal , PS Shekhawat , 5 6 7 8 8

    SI Patel , TL Prakash , SP Singh , BC Game , BM Ilhe , 8 8 9 10SS Dodake , CB Beldar , Akhilesh Singh , KK Mishra ,

    11 11 11MK Pandey , Amrish Vaid Deepak Kumar and PV

    12Patil1 2 3 4ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, PAU Ludhiana, CCS HAU Hisar, RARI

    5 6 7Durgapra, SDAU Vijapur, ICAR-IARIRS Indore, NDUAT 8 9Faizabad, ARS Niphad, CSKHPKV,HAREC, Dhaulakuan,

    10 11 12JNKVV, ZARS, Powarkheda, SKUAST, Jammu, UAS Dharwad

    The post harvest grain analysis for presence of Karnal bunt in grains of farmers’ �ield collected from different regions was done by different cooperating centres of All India Coordinated Research Project on Wheat and Barley during April-June 2018. The Karnal bunt incidence was lower during 2017-18 crop season as compared to previous years. The report is given below:


    Out of 383 samples collected from Jammu region, 31 (8.09%) samples were having Karnal bunt (KB) infection in the range of 0.01-8.98%. Samples from Jammu were having higher percentage of KB followed by Samba, Kathua and Udhampur whereas samples from Rajouri were free from KB.

    H. P.

    Karnal Bunt was observed in samples of variety HD 2967, PBW 621, DBW 621-50, HPW 236 and VL 829 in the range 0 .04-0.12 % in Dhaulakuan region.

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal


    A total of 2380 samples were collected from 164 grain markets of Punjab state and 671 (28.19%) samples showed Karnal bunt infection. Among different districts, samples from Pathankot showed highest incidence of KB (81.82%) followed by Amritsar and Kapurthalla. The range of per cent KB infected samples was from 8.26 to 81.82. The severity of KB was highest in Amritsar district followed by Kapurthalla. The range of KB infection in other districts was 0.2-0.9% with average infection of 0.2%.


    A total of 1867 samples collected from both Southwest and Northeast Haryana and analysed for presence of KB and revealed that 49.5% samples were infected with KB and range of infection was 0.5-2.0%. The KB infection was higher in Southwest Haryana (60.3%) as compared to Northeast Haryana (38.6%) which seems to be a major shift in KB distribution. The highest KB infected samples were in districts Dadri and Mahendragarh (100%) followed by Bhiwani (97.3%), Hisar (93.4%), Rewari (83.9%) and Gurugram (80.0%). It may be due to use of sprinkler irrigation as well as little use of rice-wheat cropping system. The least KB infected samples were from districts, Fatehabad (2.5%) followed by Sirsa (6.1%), Jind (8.8%), Ambala (9.3%) and Rohtak (14.3%).


    A total of 249 samples collected from Alwar, Dausa and Jaipur were analysed for presence of KB and 122 samples (49%) were having KB in the range of 0.1-20.2%. A decreased trend in the KB incidence was witnessed during 2017-18 as compared to last crop season which may be due to no rains in months of the February and March accompanied with high temperature at booting stage of crop.

    U. P.

    In district Faizabad, a total of 107 wheat grain samples were collected and examined for Karnal bunt. Karnal bunt was detected in varieties, PBW 154, PBW 502, PBW 343, Lok 1, Sonalika, HD 2329, HD 2733, HD 2967, HP 1633, HP 1731 and HP 1741. Highest percent of KB was recorded in variety HD 2329(0.8%) where as Sonalika has lowest percent (0.1%) infection.

    M. P.

    A total of 400 wheat grain samples collected from different mandi's of Indore and Dewas during April and May, 2018 were analyzed for Karnal bunt infection and none of the samples found was infected with the disease. Likewise, a total of 234 wheat grain samples from 104 villages of 7 blocks across the two districts viz. Hoshangabad and Narsinghpur were collected and examined for KB. Like previous years, none of the grain samples collected so for had KB symptoms.


    Eleven different marketing yards and various farmers' fields located in different wheat growing areas of North Gujarat were surveyed for wheat seed health status. A total of 524 seed samples from marketing yards and 207 samples from farmers' fields were examined. The data indicated that like previous years, all the samples were free from Karnal bunt incidence.


    A total of 180 wheat grain samples were collected from Nandurbar, Akkalkuan, Kopargaon, Chalisgaon, Niphad, Shahada, Chandwad, Nashik and Dindori in the state and like previous years, no KB infection was found.


    A total of 175 wheat samples were collected from Badami, Bagalkot, Mudhol, Athani, Chikkodi, Gokak, Hubli and Navalgund and analysed for the presence of KB. None of the sample showed KB infection and it was found

    Fig. 5 Status of Karnal Bunt in Jammu region Fig. 6 Status of Karnal Bunt in Punjab

    Fig. 4a Infected tillers Fig. 4b Expression of loose smut in �ield

  • 10 11

    ARS, RARI, Durgapura

    Loose smut caused by fungus Ustilago tritici (Pers) Rostr. is an exclusively seedborne disease of wheat and triticale in cooler climate. Disease is primarily managed using disease free seeds as well as use of pre-sowing seed treatment using systemic fungicides like c a r b o x i n , c a r b e n d a z i m , t e b u c o n a z o l e a n d thi�luzamide. However, these fungicides are often not used by farmers in developing countries due to ignorance, nature of diseases and its source of primary inoculums and high cost of seed treatment. A total of 1,119 numbers of high yielding bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), durum wheat (T. durum), Khapli wheat (T. dicoccum) and triticale genotypes and varieties along with a highly susceptible check variety, Sonalika, were evaluated against loose smut in India. The evaluation against loose smut was done at hot spot locations, Almora in Northern Hills Zone, Ludhiana, Hisar and Durgapura in North-Western Plains Zone of India under arti�icially inoculated conditions using local isolates of pathogen from 2012-13 to 2017-18 crop seasons. A list of highly resistant (HR or free) and resistant (R having 0.1-5.0% infection) genotypes and released varieties of Wheat and triticale is given in Table 9.

    These genotypes may be used as a donor parents for breeding of disease resistant varieties in Wheat and Triticale. The resistant varieties may be used for deployment in disease endemic areas to curtail losses in yield and reducing use of seed dressing systemic fungicides.

    Karnal bunt situation in different agro-ecological zones of India during 2017-18 crop season

    1 1 1 1DP Singh , Sudheer Kumar , PL Kashyap , GP Singh ,

    2 2 3 4Jaspal Kaur , Ritu Bala , RS Beniwal , PS Shekhawat , 5 6 7 8 8

    SI Patel , TL Prakash , SP Singh , BC Game , BM Ilhe , 8 8 9 10SS Dodake , CB Beldar , Akhilesh Singh , KK Mishra ,

    11 11 11MK Pandey , Amrish Vaid Deepak Kumar and PV

    12Patil1 2 3 4ICAR-IIWBR Karnal, PAU Ludhiana, CCS HAU Hisar, RARI

    5 6 7Durgapra, SDAU Vijapur, ICAR-IARIRS Indore, NDUAT 8 9Faizabad, ARS Niphad, CSKHPKV,HAREC, Dhaulakuan,

    10 11 12JNKVV, ZARS, Powarkheda, SKUAST, Jammu, UAS Dharwad

    The post harvest grain analysis for presence of Karnal bunt in grains of farmers’ �ield collected from different regions was done by different cooperating centres of All India Coordinated Research Project on Wheat and Barley during April-June 2018. The Karnal bunt incidence was lower during 2017-18 crop season as compared to previous years. The report is given below:


    Out of 383 samples collected from Jammu region, 31 (8.09%) samples were having Karnal bunt (KB) infection in the range of 0.01-8.98%. Samples from Jammu were having higher percentage of KB followed by Samba, Kathua and Udhampur whereas samples from Rajouri were free from KB.

    H. P.

    Karnal Bunt was observed in samples of variety HD 2967, PBW 621, DBW 621-50, HPW 236 and VL 829 in the range 0 .04-0.12 % in Dhaulakuan region.

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal


    A total of 2380 samples were collected from 164 grain markets of Punjab state and 671 (28.19%) samples showed Karnal bunt infection. Among different districts, samples from Pathankot showed highest incidence of KB (81.82%) followed by Amritsar and Kapurthalla. The range of per cent KB infected samples was from 8.26 to 81.82. The severity of KB was highest in Amritsar district followed by Kapurthalla. The range of KB infection in other districts was 0.2-0.9% with average infection of 0.2%.


    A total of 1867 samples collected from both Southwest and Northeast Haryana and analysed for presence of KB and revealed that 49.5% samples were infected with KB and range of infection was 0.5-2.0%. The KB infection was higher in Southwest Haryana (60.3%) as compared to Northeast Haryana (38.6%) which seems to be a major shift in KB distribution. The highest KB infected samples were in districts Dadri and Mahendragarh (100%) followed by Bhiwani (97.3%), Hisar (93.4%), Rewari (83.9%) and Gurugram (80.0%). It may be due to use of sprinkler irrigation as well as little use of rice-wheat cropping system. The least KB infected samples were from districts, Fatehabad (2.5%) followed by Sirsa (6.1%), Jind (8.8%), Ambala (9.3%) and Rohtak (14.3%).


    A total of 249 samples collected from Alwar, Dausa and Jaipur were analysed for presence of KB and 122 samples (49%) were having KB in the range of 0.1-20.2%. A decreased trend in the KB incidence was witnessed during 2017-18 as compared to last crop season which may be due to no rains in months of the February and March accompanied with high temperature at booting stage of crop.

    U. P.

    In district Faizabad, a total of 107 wheat grain samples were collected and examined for Karnal bunt. Karnal bunt was detected in varieties, PBW 154, PBW 502, PBW 343, Lok 1, Sonalika, HD 2329, HD 2733, HD 2967, HP 1633, HP 1731 and HP 1741. Highest percent of KB was recorded in variety HD 2329(0.8%) where as Sonalika has lowest percent (0.1%) infection.

    M. P.

    A total of 400 wheat grain samples collected from different mandi's of Indore and Dewas during April and May, 2018 were analyzed for Karnal bunt infection and none of the samples found was infected with the disease. Likewise, a total of 234 wheat grain samples from 104 villages of 7 blocks across the two districts viz. Hoshangabad and Narsinghpur were collected and examined for KB. Like previous years, none of the grain samples collected so for had KB symptoms.


    Eleven different marketing yards and various farmers' fields located in different wheat growing areas of North Gujarat were surveyed for wheat seed health status. A total of 524 seed samples from marketing yards and 207 samples from farmers' fields were examined. The data indicated that like previous years, all the samples were free from Karnal bunt incidence.


    A total of 180 wheat grain samples were collected from Nandurbar, Akkalkuan, Kopargaon, Chalisgaon, Niphad, Shahada, Chandwad, Nashik and Dindori in the state and like previous years, no KB infection was found.


    A total of 175 wheat samples were collected from Badami, Bagalkot, Mudhol, Athani, Chikkodi, Gokak, Hubli and Navalgund and analysed for the presence of KB. None of the sample showed KB infection and it was found

    Fig. 5 Status of Karnal Bunt in Jammu region Fig. 6 Status of Karnal Bunt in Punjab

    Fig. 4a Infected tillers Fig. 4b Expression of loose smut in �ield

  • 12 13

    Karnataka is free from KB over years.

    It is concluded that KB incidence in Northwestern states is declining which may be due to rice wheat cropping system and lack of rains and fog at boot leaf stage. Unlike this in some drier districts of Haryana, KB incidence rise in may be due to large scale adoption of sprinkler irrigation and little rice-wheat cropping system area. Like previous years, during 2017-18 crop season also M. P. and Gujarat (Central Zone) and Maharashtra and Karnataka (Peninsular Zone) remained free from KB and may be used for KB free wheat production.

    Characterization of microbial diversity associated with corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) infesting wheat crop

    Poonam Jasrotia, PL Kashyap, Sudheer Kumar and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Cereal aphids are serious pests causing damage either directly or by the transmission of viruses in many areas all over the world. Direct effects of aphid feeding on cereals include yellowing and premature

    death of leaves, stunting of the stems and reduction in grain size. Aphids inject toxic salivary secretions during feeding and can cause signi�icant reduction in grain protein. Aphids have become a model system of insect-symbiont interactions as their associations with microbes are widespread in nature and can lead to bene�icial or parasitic interactions.

    Aphid endosymbionts have frequently been studied by PCR-based techniques, using species-speci�ic primers, nevertheless this approach may omit other non-target bacteria co-habiting a particular host species. Advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies are complementing our knowledge of microbial communities by allowing us to study the whole microbiome of different organisms. Using 16S microbiome pro�iling sequencing, we compared microbiome diversity and abundance among

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Fig. 7 Karnal Bunt status in districts of Haryana Fig. 8 Spectrum of Karnal Bunt in Rajasthan

    Fig. 9 Karnal Bunt infected grains of bread wheat

    �ield-collected populations of the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) infesting tolerant wheat variety, HD 2967 and susceptible genotype, A-9-30-1 was compared. The number of observed bacterial species was comparatively higher (384) and diverse (alpha diversity: 1.66) in aphid collected from tolerant variety HD 2967 than 359 species and 0.84 alpha diversity in susceptible genotype A-9-30-1. The fungal species associated with aphid collected from HD 2967 was 179 with alpha diversity of 3.35 as compared to 61 species with diversity 2.83 in A-9-30-1. Our results suggested that Buchnera (relative abundance of 92.1%) and Pseudomonas (3.7%) were the major bacteria associated with R. maidis collected from A-9-30-1, but in HD 2967, Buchnera was the only abundant species (78.6 %). The major fungal genus associated with aphids were Filobasidium, Alternaria and Cladosporium with relative abundance of 44.5%, 12.5% and 10.4% in aphid collected from susceptible wheat genotype, A-9-30-1. Findings will allow for improved comparative aphid-symbiont research and

    broaden our understanding of the interactions among insects, endo-symbionts and their environments in wheat crop.

    Transcriptome pro�iling of wheat infested with corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis

    Poonam Jasrotia, Prem Lal Kashyap, Sudheer Kumar and G.P. Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research Karnal- 132001, Haryana

    The corn leaf aphid (CLA), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), is a serious economic pest of wheat in North Western Plains Zone of India. Host plant resistance is the preferred method to control CLA infestations. It has been observed that host plant tends to minimize the damage caused by aphid feeding, while aphids tend to manipulate plant response by suppressing plant defense mechanisms or developing strategies to overcome plant defense systems. Both evolve many strategies to successfully exploit or respond to reciprocal adaptation and defense reactions.

    In this study, transcriptome assembly and gene expression analyses of the wheat leaf samples before and after feeding by aphids using Illumina RNA sequencing was performed. The gene expression of tolerant wheat variety, HD 2967 was compared to susceptible genotype, A-9-30-1 before and after infestation by CLA. The transcriptome pro�iling of two genotypes before feeding by aphid (uninfested) generated 47,952 genes, out of which 8378 were expressed only HD 2967 and 1074 were expressed in A- 9 - 3 0 - 1 . Fu r t h e r m o re , c o m p a r i s o n o f t h e transcriptomes indicated 353 were unregulated while 1175 were down regulated. After feeding by aphids,

    Fig. 10 Major bacteria associated with aphid,aphid-infested and uninfested wheat samples

    Fig. 11 Major Fungal species associated with aphid infestedand uninfested wheat samples

    Fig. 13 Expression of genes in wheat genotypes afterinfestation by corn leaf aphid

    Fig. 12 Expression of genes in wheat genotypes beforeinfestation by corn leaf aphid

  • 12 13

    Karnataka is free from KB over years.

    It is concluded that KB incidence in Northwestern states is declining which may be due to rice wheat cropping system and lack of rains and fog at boot leaf stage. Unlike this in some drier districts of Haryana, KB incidence rise in may be due to large scale adoption of sprinkler irrigation and little rice-wheat cropping system area. Like previous years, during 2017-18 crop season also M. P. and Gujarat (Central Zone) and Maharashtra and Karnataka (Peninsular Zone) remained free from KB and may be used for KB free wheat production.

    Characterization of microbial diversity associated with corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) infesting wheat crop

    Poonam Jasrotia, PL Kashyap, Sudheer Kumar and GP Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Cereal aphids are serious pests causing damage either directly or by the transmission of viruses in many areas all over the world. Direct effects of aphid feeding on cereals include yellowing and premature

    death of leaves, stunting of the stems and reduction in grain size. Aphids inject toxic salivary secretions during feeding and can cause signi�icant reduction in grain protein. Aphids have become a model system of insect-symbiont interactions as their associations with microbes are widespread in nature and can lead to bene�icial or parasitic interactions.

    Aphid endosymbionts have frequently been studied by PCR-based techniques, using species-speci�ic primers, nevertheless this approach may omit other non-target bacteria co-habiting a particular host species. Advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies are complementing our knowledge of microbial communities by allowing us to study the whole microbiome of different organisms. Using 16S microbiome pro�iling sequencing, we compared microbiome diversity and abundance among

    July, 2017 - June, 2018July, 2017 - June, 2018 Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1)Volume 11 (2) & 12 (1) Wheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, KarnalWheat & Barley Newsletter, ICAR-IIWBR, Karnal

    Fig. 7 Karnal Bunt status in districts of Haryana Fig. 8 Spectrum of Karnal Bunt in Rajasthan

    Fig. 9 Karnal Bunt infected grains of bread wheat

    �ield-collected populations of the corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) infesting tolerant wheat variety, HD 2967 and susceptible genotype, A-9-30-1 was compared. The number of observed bacterial species was comparatively higher (384) and diverse (alpha diversity: 1.66) in aphid collected from tolerant variety HD 2967 than 359 species and 0.84 alpha diversity in susceptible genotype A-9-30-1. The fungal species associated with aphid collected from HD 2967 was 179 with alpha diversity of 3.35 as compared to 61 species with diversity 2.83 in A-9-30-1. Our results suggested that Buchnera (relative abundance of 92.1%) and Pseudomonas (3.7%) were the major bacteria associated with R. maidis collected from A-9-30-1, but in HD 2967, Buchnera was the only abundant species (78.6 %). The major fungal genus associated with aphids were Filobasidium, Alternaria and Cladosporium with relative abundance of 44.5%, 12.5% and 10.4% in aphid collected from susceptible wheat genotype, A-9-30-1. Findings will allow for improved comparative aphid-symbiont research and

    broaden our understanding of the interactions among insects, endo-symbionts and their environments in wheat crop.

    Transcriptome pro�iling of wheat infested with corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis

    Poonam Jasrotia, Prem Lal Kashyap, Sudheer Kumar and G.P. Singh

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research Karnal- 132001, Haryana

    The corn leaf aphid (CLA), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), is a serious economic pest of wheat in North Western Plains Zone of India. Host plant resistance is the preferred method to control CLA infestations. It has been observed that host plant tends to minimize the damage caused by aphid feeding, while aphids tend to manipulate plant response by suppressing plant defense mechanisms or developing strategies to overcome plant defense systems. Both evolve many strategies to successfully exploit or respond to reciprocal adaptation and defense reactions.

    In this study, transcriptome assembly and gene expression analyses of the wheat leaf samples before and after feeding by aphids using Illumina RNA sequencing was performed. The gene expression of tolerant wheat variety, HD 2967 was compared to susceptible genotype, A-9-30-1 before and after infestation by CLA. The transcriptome pro�iling of two genotypes before feeding by aphid (uninfested) generated 47,952 genes, out of which 8378 were expressed only HD 2967 and 1074 were expressed in A- 9 - 3 0 - 1 . Fu r t h e r m o re , c o m p a r i s o n o f t h e transcriptomes indicated 353 were unregulated while 1175 were down regulated. After feeding by aphids,

    Fig. 10 Major bacteria associated with aphid,aphid-infested and uninfested wheat samples

    Fig. 11 Major Fungal species associated with aphid infestedand uninfested wheat samples

    Fig. 13 Expression of genes in wheat genotypes afterinfestation by corn leaf aphid

    Fig. 12 Expression of genes in wheat genotypes beforeinfestation by corn leaf aphid

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    42655 were expressed in both the hosts. Out of which, 8378 genes were expressed in HD 2967 and 353 genes were expressed in susceptible host A-9-30-1. Also 353 genes were found to be up regulated and 1175 genes were down regulated. It was observed that there was 11.0, 0.2, 15.8, 29.9, 14.1% decrease in the expression of genes expressed in both, only in HD 2967, A-9-30-1, up regulated and down regulated genes, respectively.

    Comparison of the transcriptome pro�iles of the wheat before and after feeding by aphids provided comprehensive gene expression information that could facilitate our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying feeding, ingestion and digestion. Furthermore, analysing and identifying the genes related to aphid resistance in wheat. These �indings will provide a fundamental basis for aphid control in wheat through plant mediated RNAi strategy. These �indings provide a foundation for the elucidation of the molecular basis for compatible and incompatible plant-aphid interactions.

    Susceptibility of few wheat cultivars to major storage insect-pests

    Poonam Jasrotia, PL Kashyap and Sudheer Kumar

    ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal

    Worldwide, grain production has been steadily increasing due to advances in production technology, but at the same time improper storage is causing high losses in grains which sometimes can surpass the losses that crop actually suffer in the �ield. In India, post-harvest losses caused by unscienti�ic storage, insects, rodents, microorganisms etc., account for about 10 per cent of total food grain production. Losses alone by insects have been estimated to be between 5-10 % and these not only include the direct consumption

    of kernels, but also include accumulations of frass, exuviae, webbing and insect cadavers that signi�icantly affect quality of seed and may result in grain that is un�it for human consumption. About 500 species of insects have been associated with stored grain products out of which 100 insect pest species of stored products cause economic losses. Storage insect pests are categorized into two types viz. primary and secondary pests. Primary pests are those that damage whole grains while secondary pests damage broken or already damaged grains. Primary pests are further categorized into internal (Sitophilus oryzae and Rhyzopertha dominica) and external feeders (Tribolium castaneum) based on place of their attack.

    The staple cereals, such as rice, maize, wheat, barley, oats and sorghum vary quite signi�icantly in their inherent resistance or susceptibility to both �ield and post-harvest insect infestations in storage by the more recognized grain storage insects. Keeping in mind, an experiment at IIWBR Karnal was conducted to determine the susceptibility of popular wheat varieties to storage insects; Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica and Tribolium castaneum. The freshly harvested 25g pest-free seed of each variety was taken in petri dishes and 10 adults of each insect were introduced into each perti dish. Observations were recorded on orientation behaviour, life span duration and percent weight loss to grain. It was found that the highest orientation behaviour (9.2 adults) was shown by R. dominica on variety DBW 88 and lowest (5.0) in variety HD 2967 (Fig.14).The longest duration of 49 days to complete life span was taken by S. oryzae on varieties DBW 101 and DBW 88. However, the shortest duration of 31 days was taken by R. dominica on variety WB 2 to complete its life cycle (Fig.15). The highest

    percent loss (42.18) in grain weight was recorded on variety DBW 88 by caused S. oryzae and Tribolium casteneum infestation. The lowest damage of 11.45% was caused by R. dominica in variety HD 2967 (Fig.16)

    The preliminary � indings wil l be useful for determining the levels of inherent resistance or susceptibility of wheat varieties and will ease in understanding the mechanisms underlying those phenomenon.


    Pod vegetable pulse + maize intercropping for higher pro�itability

    S C Tripathi, Subhash Chander Gill, Raj Pal Meena and