ISS After One Year Peter Dornan Imperial College London.

ISS After One Year Peter Dornan Imperial College London

Transcript of ISS After One Year Peter Dornan Imperial College London.

Page 1: ISS After One Year Peter Dornan Imperial College London.

ISS After One Year

Peter Dornan

Imperial College London

Page 2: ISS After One Year Peter Dornan Imperial College London.

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A Little History



April 2005

May 2005

Plan for a World Design Study towards a future Neutrino Factory - failed to get support

Plan for a proposal to 2nd call in EU FP6 design study programme - 2nd call cancelled

John Wood – CEO CCLRC(RAL) – requests a ‘Scoping Study’ for a future neutrino factory – and promises support

Meeting in London to start the process (~40 people came at short notice)

Committee – S Geer, Y Kuno, V Palladino, K Peach charged with setting up the organisation

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Why an ISS?

From the Physics Community The importance of Neutrino Physics Belief that ultimate measurements will require a new

type of facility

From the Labs And in particular RAL in the UK

The need to plan for the future A number of large projects are being considered

Should a Neutrino Factory feature in this exercise?

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The RAL situation

RAL (Rutherford Appleton Lab) part of CCLRC Used to be a PP accelerator lab More recently has concentrated on neutrons, lasers,

light source But MICE has put PP accelerator activities back on

the map RAL management – with support from the UK

government - wish to host a large future international project and are now examining possibilities

A neutrino factory is a possibility

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The ISS Following the London meeting the ISS was launched at

NuFact05 in Frascati

The brief was broadened to include future superbeams in addition to the neutrino factory

But not beta beams – covered by the Eurisol project

The study became truly international Support from NFMCC in the US, Nufact-J in Japan, BENE in Europe Equal sharing of positions between Europe, Japan and the USA Meetings take place in all three areas

Results to be relevant for the whole community not just one lab.

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The Precision Era - after T2K and Nova

Around 2012 We shall have good measurements of

12, 23, m212, m2


Probably have a measurement of 13

Possibly know the mass hierarchy

So can plan for the ultimate neutrino measurements Refine all parameters Check consistency Measure CP Violation

This is the aim of the ISS

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CP Violation

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Neutrino source – options:

Second generation super-beam CERN, FNAL, BNL,



Neutrino Factory

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ISS: organisation

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Plenary meetings to date: CERN: 22 – 24 September 2005

Attendance: 90 KEK: 23 – 26 January 2006

Attendance: 70 RAL: 24 – 29 April 2006

Attendance: 80 Irvine: 21 – 23 August 2006

Attendance: 70

Working groups: Physics:

Workshops: Imperial: 14 – 21 November 2005 Boston: 6 – 10 March 2006

Valencia: 3 – 6 July 2006 Accelerator:

Workshops: BNL: 07 – 12 December 2005 Princeton: 26 – 28 July 2006

Detector: Workshops CERN: 3 – 5 July 2006 Detector/Physics parallel at Physics workshops

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ISS: motivation

Goal: timely completion of conceptual design Significant international effort taking several years

Requires successful bids to provide the resources

Preparation for design study Review physics case

Critical comparison of options Review options for accelerator complex:

Prepare concept-development and hardware-R&D roadmaps for design-study phase

Review options for neutrino-detection systems Emphasis: identify concept-development and hardware-R&D

roadmaps for design-study phase Establish the Cost Drivers & Optimize

Physics/$ - where there are alternatives Absolute scientific value - where only one method

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Where have things gone well

It has brought together a substantial part of the neutrino community to seriously consider how to plan the future

It has been a truly international effort

It has put a future neutrino facility on the road map as a future international project EPP2010, CERN Council Strategy Document

It has emphasised the need to consider the accelerator and detector together - and also the physics goals

The stage is set now for a detailed design study leading to a CDR But it needs resources

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Where have things gone less well

The problems associated with high power superbeams have not been covered in detail

A significant part of the neutrino community still consider anything but an increased power superbeam to be far in the future - and therefore irrelevant today This does not encourage lab directors and funding agencies to

provide R&D funds now

There has been no serious engineering activity - either for costing or R&D

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The Immediate Future

i.e. under the present ISS structure

This meeting


The ISS Final Report

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This Meeting

Essentially a wrap-up meeting for the one year ISS study

Decide what to present at NUFACT

Decide what should be included in the final report The final report will be critical for obtaining resources

for future activity

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The ISS Report

In each Area

Brief resume of the situation one year ago

Detailed description of the work this year

What is needed to take the work forward

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The ISS Report - Accelerator

For the Neutrino Factory Advantages & Disadvantages of each Technique A baseline design

With some options Potential Difficulties in realising the baseline Options under consideration R&D necessary to establish viability

For the Superbeam Difficulties inherent in operating a superbeam at high

power R&D necessary to establish viability

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The ISS Report - Detector

For the Neutrino Factory Solution Difficulties inherent in large magnetic detectors Options under consideration Advantages & Disadvantages of each Technique A baseline design R&D necessary to establish viability

For the Superbeam Solution Options under consideration R&D necessary to establish viability

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The ISS Report - Physics

For the Theoretical & Phenomenological Groups Justification for accurate measurement of the oscillation

parameters Models considered and their importance in the wider particle

physics context Importance of the tau channels etc.

For the Experimental Group Conclusions on the Comparisons Defects in the simulations which need improvement

For the Muon Group The potential of muon physics How well can it be realised at a neutrino factory

For all Groups What can/should be explored over the next year

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This Meeting – Today

Next After ISS - Some possible ideas about how to take these

studies forward Aimed to start discussion/thoughts with hopefully a conclusion at

the end of NuFact

Coffee Working Group Sessions

Lunch 13.00 Working Group sessions

Can continue until 18:00

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Start 8.30 Plenary Reports from the working groups

2 hours each Dry run of talk for NuFact

Review the achievements of the last year Outstanding problems Future - particularly necessary R&D


After tea General Discussion

Messages to Neutrino Community at NuFact Successes/Failures of the ISS How to take the studies forward

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Start 9.00

Joint meeting of Detector & Physics Groups

Informal ad-hoc meetings to refine NuFact presentations

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At NuFact

Thursday Aug 24 ISS presentations

Short introduction 40 min per group

35 min talk + 5 min discussion

Wednesday Aug 30 Discussion on the Follow-up to the ISS

With hopefully a viable acceptable conclusion