ISOLATION AND GENETIC ANALYSIS OF CAULOBACTER … · 2003. 7. 31. · requiring strain, AE6001...

Copyright 0 1984 by the Genetics Society of America ISOLATION AND GENETIC ANALYSIS OF CAULOBACTER MUTANTS DEFECTIVE IN CELL SHAPE AND MEMBRANE LIPID SYNTHESIS DAVID A. HODGSON,* PENNY SHAWt AND LUCILLE SHAPIRO' *Department of Molecular Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; *Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, Calfornia 94305; +Biogen, Geneva, Switzerland Manuscript received April 2, 1984 Revised copy accepted August 17, 1984 ABSTRACT In this paper we report the isolation, characterization and genetic analysis of several C. crescentus mutants altered in membrane lipid synthesis. One of these, a fatty acid bradytroph, AE6002, was shown to be due to a mutation in thefatA gene. In addition to the presence of the fatA506 mutation, this strain was found to contain two other mutations, one of which caused the production of a water-soluble brown-orange pigment (pigA) and another which caused formation of helical cells (hclA). Egpression of the latter two phenotypes re- quired complex media and both were repressed by glucose. However, the lesions were mapped to loci that are separated by a substantial distance. The hclA and the fatA genes mapped close together, possibly implying that comu- tation had occurred in AE6002. Data are presented that allow the unambigu- ous identification of a second Fat gene (fatB) in C. crescentus. The map position of another mutation in membrane lipid biogenesis, the glycerol-3-P04 auxo- troph gpsA505, was also determined. During this study theflaZ gene was fine- mapped and the positions of proC and $changed from the previously reported location. AULOBACTER crescentus has proven to be a useful organism to study uni- C cellular differentiation (SHAPIRO, NISEN and ELY 198 1). During a discrete portion of its cell cycle this Gram-negative bacterium synthesizes and assembles a flagellum and pili at one pole of the cell. To study the control processes involved in this cell surface differentiation, many mutants have been isolated and characterized. BERT ELY and coworkers have identified greater than 30 linkage groups involved in flagellum synthesis (pa), motility (mot) and che- motaxis (che) (JOHNSON and ELY 1979; JOHNSON, FERBER and ELY 1983; SHAW et al. 1983). Studies involving some of these mutants have demonstrated trans control o f p a and che genes as part of a regulatory hierarchy (BRYAN et al. 1984; OHTA et al. 1984; R. CHAMPER and L. SHAPIRO, unpublished results). These mutants permit access to the controls involved in the final expression of a given differentiation event. Analysis of the initial control events in the differentiation process requires the isolation of conditional mutations that block the cell cycle at either swarmer cell or stalk cell formation and are thus unable Genetics 108: 809-826 December. 1984.

Transcript of ISOLATION AND GENETIC ANALYSIS OF CAULOBACTER … · 2003. 7. 31. · requiring strain, AE6001...

  • Copyright 0 1984 by the Genetics Society of America




    *Department of Molecular Biology, Division of Biological Sciences, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; *Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, Calfornia 94305;

    +Biogen, Geneva, Switzerland

    Manuscript received April 2, 1984 Revised copy accepted August 17, 1984


    In this paper we report the isolation, characterization and genetic analysis of several C. crescentus mutants altered in membrane lipid synthesis. One of these, a fatty acid bradytroph, AE6002, was shown to be due to a mutation in thefatA gene. In addition to the presence of the fatA506 mutation, this strain was found to contain two other mutations, one of which caused the production of a water-soluble brown-orange pigment (pigA) and another which caused formation of helical cells (hclA). Egpression of the latter two phenotypes re- quired complex media and both were repressed by glucose. However, the lesions were mapped to loci that are separated by a substantial distance. The hclA and the fatA genes mapped close together, possibly implying that comu- tation had occurred in AE6002. Data are presented that allow the unambigu- ous identification of a second Fat gene (fatB) in C. crescentus. The map position of another mutation in membrane lipid biogenesis, the glycerol-3-P04 auxo- troph gpsA505, was also determined. During this study theflaZ gene was fine- mapped and the positions of proC and $changed from the previously reported location.

    AULOBACTER crescentus has proven to be a useful organism to study uni- C cellular differentiation (SHAPIRO, NISEN and ELY 198 1). During a discrete portion of its cell cycle this Gram-negative bacterium synthesizes and assembles a flagellum and pili at one pole of the cell. To study the control processes involved in this cell surface differentiation, many mutants have been isolated and characterized. BERT ELY and coworkers have identified greater than 30 linkage groups involved in flagellum synthesis (pa), motility (mot) and che- motaxis (che) (JOHNSON and ELY 1979; JOHNSON, FERBER and ELY 1983; SHAW et al. 1983). Studies involving some of these mutants have demonstrated trans control o f p a and che genes as part of a regulatory hierarchy (BRYAN et al. 1984; OHTA et al. 1984; R. CHAMPER and L. SHAPIRO, unpublished results). These mutants permit access to the controls involved in the final expression of a given differentiation event. Analysis of the initial control events in the differentiation process requires the isolation of conditional mutations that block the cell cycle at either swarmer cell or stalk cell formation and are thus unable

    Genetics 108: 809-826 December. 1984.


    to form a colony. This problem has been approached by isolating mutants in known biosynthetic pathways and then determining their effect on the expres- sion of the cell cycle. Two types of conditional mutants that lead to a block in the cell cycle have been isolated. These are temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutants which are altered in DNA replication and cell division (OSLEY and NEWTON 1977) and auxotrophic mutants which are altered in membrane bio- synthesis (CONTRERAS et al. 1979, 1980; HODGSON et al. 1984a,b; LETTS et al. 1982; MANSOUR, HENRY and SHAPIRO 1980, 1981; SHAPIRO et al. 1982).

    In this paper we report the map positions of several genes that are involved in lipid metabolism in C. crescentus. The gpsA gene, required for glycerol-3- phosphate dehydrogenase activity (CONTRERAS, SHAPIRO and HENRY 1978), was shown to reside near the novr gene and the fatty acid auxotroph, AE6001 (fatB503), and was mapped near t h e j a E F gene cluster. We also report the isolation and characterization of a mutant of C. crescentus, AE6002, which exhibits a partial dependence on fatty acids for growth. This mutant had a complex phenotype which included the secretion of a brown pigment, in ad- dition to the formation of long helical cells when grown in rich media. The expression of both pigment formation and helical cell formation was shown to be repressed by glucose. Genetic dissection of AE6002 revealed the presence of three independent mutations, all of which were identified and mapped. The partial fatty acid dependence appears to be due to an allele of thefatA gene. This gene was previously shown to be involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis and membrane protein synthesis (HODGSON et al. 198413). We show here that thefatA alleles and another gene involved in the regulation of fatty acid synthesis, fatB (HODGSON et al. 1984a), map in different regions of the chromosome.


    Bacterial strains and growth conditions: C. crescentus CBI 5 (AE5000) and derivative strains (Table 1) were grown at 30" in peptone yeast extract (PYE) broth (POINDEXTER 1964) or in BMG buffered minimal medium with 0.5% glucose (Contreras, SHAPIRO and HENRY 1978). Unsupple- mented media contained 1 % Tergitol NP-40. Supplemented media contained either a mixture of 0.5% Tween 4 0 + 0.5% Tween 80 (TW) or 1 % Tergitol NP-40 plus 1 mM oleic acid (TO) or other fatty acids, as indicated. PYE or BMG agar plates were supplemented with either 0.4 mg/ml of Brij 58 (B) or with 0.4 mg/ml of Brij 58 + 0.1 mg/ml of oleic acid (BO) or with Tween.

    Cultures were shifted from one medium to another by collecting cells in a Falcon sterile dis- posable filtration unit (0.45 pm) and washing them with twice the volume plus Tergitol to remove residual fatty acid. The filter was then transferred to a tube containing a small volume of medium and gently vortexed, and the washed cells were inoculated into the appropriate medium.

    Isolation of mutants: AE6002 (pzgA50I hclA50l fatA506) was obtained by N-methyl-"-nitro- nitrosoguanidine (NTG) mutagenesis of AE5000. A midlog phase culture of AE5000 in PYE broth was added to an equal volume of NTG in PYE (400 pg/ml) and shaken at 30" for 7 0 min. The cells were then collected by centrifugation and washed with PYE and grown to saturation in PYE at 30" (CONTRERAS et al . 1979). The survivors were plated on BMG Tween plates, incubated at 30" and replica plated on BMG plates with and without Tween. A colony that grew on BMG plus Tween, but not on BMG, was purified and chosen for further study (AE6002). Another fatty acid- requiring strain, AE6001 (fatB503), was obtained in a similar manner, except that the mutagenesis and subsequent growth were carried out in BMG plus Tergitol and oleic acid instead of PYE and the mutagenesis was for 30 min instead of 70 min. AE6001, unlike AE6000 (HODGSON et al .


    1984b) and AE6002, did not grow on PYE plates without oleic acid. When plated for single colonies on PYE, AE6001 (fatB503) formed microcolonies. Revertants of AE6001 occurred at a frequency of and were clearly distinguishable as normal-sized colonies. The isolation of AE5168 (gpsA505) has already been described (CONTRERAS et al. 1979).

    Materials: Oleic acid (95% pure) was obtained from Fisher; Brij 58 was obtained from Pierce; Tween 40, Tween 80, Tergitol NP-40 and oleic acid (99% pure) were purchased from Sigma Chemical Company. All other fatty acids (99% or greater purity) were obtained from Supelco, Inc., Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.

    Construction of donor strains by conjugation: Double conjugal donor strains were needed to po- sition genes by three-factor crosses. Some donor strains were constructed by bCr30-mediated general transduction (ELY and JOHNSON 1977). However, in some cases the genes of interest, pigA and pheA, gpsA and leuA, or gpsA and metF were not contransducible. Therefore, RP4-mediated conjugation (BARRETT et al. 1982a,b) had to be used (HOWSON et al. 1984b). First the Tn5- marked gene (pheA, leuA or metF) was transduced into the cell containing the marker of interest (pigA or gpsA). The plasmid pVSl (a kanamycin-sensitive derivative of RP4) was then conjugated from E. coli NC9412 into the double mutants. Two counterselectable markers were needed to use these strains as donors. Therefore, they were mated with a strain containing a drug resistance marker (streptomycin for ts104 or rifampicin for ts140) and a ts marker that was distal to the Tn5-marked gene (ts104 in the case of pheA, and ts140 for leuA and me@). The drug resistance and ts markers were chosen so that when the resultant donor strains were selected against in further crosses there was no interference in the recombination frequencies. The matings were carried out at room temperature so as not to select against the temperature-sensitive mutation. The recombinants were selected on PYE plates with kanamycin plus streptomycin (PigA) or rif- ampicin (me@ or leuA). The new donors were also tested for possession of the Tn5-marked gene, pVS1, and pigA or gpsA. These strains were then used as normal donors with the ts markers and either the rifampicin sensitivity (PigA) or streptomycin sensitivity ( gpsA) as the counterselective markers.

    Scoring of mutant alleles: Possession of gpsA506, fatA506 or fatB503 was scored as the inability of replicated patches of cells to grow on BMG plates lacking 1 mM glycerol plus 1 mM glycerol phosphate, 0.5% Tween 40 plus 0.5% Tween 80 or 0.4% Brij 58 plus 0.1% Fisher oleic acid, respectively. Possession of pigA501 was scored by picking cells from a master plate onto PYE plates (20 clones/plate). After 2-3 days at 30" the production of pigment could be tentatively scored. These plates were then replicated onto additional PYE plates and pigment production by the small patch of cells was again scored after 2 days. Any colonies that gave conflicting results were repicked and replicated until scoring was unambiguous. If colonies were too close together the diffusible pigment was taken up by Pig- cells and false positives were obtained. Helical cell formation (hclA501) was scored by direct microscopic examination of cells picked from the master plate into a drop of water on a microscope slide. Possession of hexB was scored as the inability to utilize glucose. Instead, xylose (0.3%) was used as a carbon source (B. ELY, personal communication). Other mutant phenotypes were scored as detailed elsewhere (BARRET-T et al. 1982b; CONTRERAS et al. 1980; HODCSON et al. 1984b).

    Electron microscopy: Samples were prepared for electron microscopy by placing a drop of cell suspension onto a carbon-coated parlodion grid for 120 sec. The cells were stained with 1% (w/ v) phosphotungstic acid for 1 sec and then visualized in a JOEL JEMIOOS electron microscope at 80 kV.


    Growth requirements of AE6002 and the derivative strain AE5568: The mutant strain AE6002, isolated from cultures of AE5000 treated with NTG, was iden- tified as a leaky fatty acid auxotroph, and upon restreaking on PYE plates supplemented with Tween it was found to excrete copious amounts of a brown- ish pink soluble pigment. Pigment formation was observed only in rich PYE


    TABLE 1

    List of strains

    Strain Genotype

    C. crescentus CB 15 AE5000 AE5 168 AE5438 AE5445 AE5448 AE5449 AE5458


    AE5467 AE5470 AE547 1

    AE5479 AE5480 AE5487 AE5489

    AE5492 AE5498 AE55 12 AE55 13 AE55 14 AE55 17 AE5522 AE5527 AE5531 AE5533 AE5536 AE5537 AE5541 AE5542 AE5552 AE5555


    AE5561 AE5563 AE5567 AE5568 AE5577 AE5660 AE5661 AE6000 AE600 1

    Wild type gpsA505 (RP4 tet[Am]) gpsA505 r i f503 (RP4 t e t [AmJ) gpsA505 $503 ' pheA108::Tn5 pig.4501 hclA5OI fatA506 serA104jlaZ102 nov-105 rij-506 pheAlO8 :Tn5 pigAS01 hclA501 fatA506

    cysD137:Tn5 hclA501 pigAS01 fatA506 riy502

    metB123:Tn5 gpsA505 ny503 ts104 (pVS1) cysEI40::TnS pigA501 hclA5OI fatA506

    79-502 jZaE178::Tn5 ts-104 (pVS1) hexBII6 rijf-508 thrAlO rij-509 pheAlO8::Tn5 pigA501 ts-104 str-153

    j laEl78::Tn5 hexB116 rif508 cysD137::Tn5 hexBII6 rif508 gpsA505 cysD137::Tn5 cysD137::TnZ hclA5OI gpsA505 str-507 ts-140 rij-510 cysD137::Tn5 thrA 101 hclA5OI cysE14O::TnS hclA5OI ts-104 (pVS1) cysD137::Tn5flaF132 ts-104 (pVS1) metF127::Tn5 gpsA505 leuA I3 I : :Tn5 gpsA 505 metF127::Tn5 gpsA505 (pVS 1) leuA131::Tn5 gPsA505 (pVS1) cysD137::TnZ pigA501 fatA506 metFI27::Tn5 gpsA505 ts-140 riff-510

    leuA131::TnS gpsA505 ts-140 rf-510

    cysDZ37::Tn5 thrA101 ts-104 (pVS1) cysD137::Tn5 hclA5Ol ts-104 (pVS1) lacAIOl::Tn5 ts-104 (pVS1) cysD137::Tn5 fatA506 purAl01 str-509 aroBlO2 str-605 nov-501 metB123::Tn5 gpsA505 rij-503 ( p V S I ) fatAS01 fatB503

    (PVS 1 )

    (PVS 1 )

    (PVS 1 )

    (PVS 1 )

    Derivative or source (donor X recipient)

    CONTRERAS et al. (1 979) AE5 168 spontaneous AE5438 spontaneous SC1300 X AE6002 T " SC849 spontaneous NC9412 X AE5448 Cb

    HODCSON et al. (1 984b)

    SC1287 X AE5445 HODGSON et al. (1 984b) SC 149 1 X AE6008 C

    HODGSON et al. (1 984b) SC 144 spontaneous SC 126 spontaneous AE5458 X SC913 C

    AE5679 X AE5680 C SC 1382 X AE5480 C AE5 168 spontaneous AE5463 X AE5000 T AE5463 X AE5000 T AE5512 spontaneous SC1609 spontaneous AE5463 X SC126 T AE5471 X AE5470 T HODCSON et al. (1 98413) SC1321 X AE5512 T SC1490 X AE5512 T NC9412 X AE5536 C NC9412 X AE5537 C AE5533 X AE6008 C AE5541 X AE5522 C

    AE5542 X AE5522 C

    AE5527 X AE5670 T HODGSON et al. (1 984b) HODGSON et al. (1 984b) AE5552 X AE5000 T SCI 19 spontaneous SC1756 spontaneous NC9412 X AE5467 C HODGSON et al. (1 984b) AE5000 NTG mutagene-



    TABLE 1 -Continued



    AE6005 AE6006 AE6007 AE6008 SC119 SC126 SC144 SC827 SC849 SC913 SCI 140 SC1287 SC 1288 SC 1293 SC 1294 SC 1300 SC1321 SC1382 s c 1 4 1 7 SC1424 SC 1490 SC1491 SC 1609 SC 1708 SC1756

    ~ ~ ~ ~~~

    Derivative or source Genotype (donor X recipient)

    pigA501 hclA5Ol fatA506

    fatB503 str-501 fatB503 ry-501 pigAS01 hclA5Ol fatA506 str-502 pigA501 hclA5Ol fatA506 $502 purA 101 thrA 10 1 hexBll6 proClO6 str-141 serA 104 flaZ102 nov-105 ts-104 str-153 lacA 101 ::Tn5 str-152 metB123::Tn5 ts-104 str-153 (pVSI) hisB137:Tn5 ts-104 str-153 (pVSI) trpK107:Tnfi ts-104 str-153 (pVS1) cysB108::Tn5 ts-104 str-153 (pVSI) pheAlOB::Tn5 ts-104 str-153 (pVS1) metF127::Tn5 ts-140 (pVS1) cysD137::Tn5 ts-104 str-153 (pVS1) serAll3::TnZ ts-104 (pVS1) hisD1?6::Tn5 ts-104 (pVS3) leuA131 ::Tn5 ts-140 (pVS 1) cysEl4O::Tn5 ts-140 str-153 (pVS1) ts-140 cysD 137::Tn5flaF132 ry- 181 aroBlO2 str-605

    AE5000 NTG mutagene-

    AE6001 spontaneous AE6001 spontaneous AE6002 spontaneous AE6002 spontaneous BARRETT et al. (1 982b) JOHNSON and ELY (1 977) JOHNSON and ELY (1977) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (198213) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1 982b) BARRETT et al. (1 982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1 982b) BARRETT et al. (198213) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b) BARRETT et al. (1982b)


    E. coli NC94 12 hsdR hsdM supE44 thr- leuB6 lacy BARRETT et al. (1982b)

    tonA2l thi-1 (pVS1)

    a T = transduction. See MATERIALS AND METHODS. * C = conjugation.

    medium and not in minimal medium. The growth requirements of AE6002 were similar to a fatty acid auxotroph, AE6000 (futASOl), previously described (HODGSON et al. 1984b; LETTS et al. 1982). Both AE6002 and AE6000 grew well on PYE without additional fatty acids and growth on minimal medium occurred in the presence of either fatty acids or biotin. The partial dependence of AE6002 on exogenous fatty acid was exhibited by slow growth on minimal medium in the absence of supplement. AE6002 grew with a doubling time of 2.5 hr in the presence and 4 hr in the absence of oleic acid. This compares with the doubling time of 3 hr, independent of the presence of oleic acid, of the parental strain AE5000.

    A derivative of AE6002 was constructed (AE5568) which separated the Fat- phenotype from the pigment and helical cell phenotype. Various compounds were tested as supplements of AE5568 growing on BMG solid medium (Table 2). The growth requirements of AE5568 were compared to those exhibited


    TABLE 2

    Supplementation ofAE6001 (fatB503), AE6000 (fatA50 1) and AE5568 (fat-506) ~ ~~

    AE6001" AE6000 AE5568b Additions (fafB503) (fafA501) (faf-506)

    - - - None - N T

    NT + +

    Glycerol (1 mM) - Acetate (0.4%) - - Biotin (2 ng/ml) - Unsaturated fatty acids'

    Linolenic acid (1 8:3 A', A'*, AI5) + + NT - - Linoleic acid (1 8:2, A', A'')

    Vaccinic acid (1 8: 1, A") + + + Oleic acid (1 8: 1, A') + + + Palmitoleic acid (1 6: 1, A') + + +


    Elaidic acid (1 8: 1, A') + + NT Saturated fatty acidsd

    Stearic acid (1 8:O) - NT NT Palmitic acid (1 6:O) - NT N T Myristic acid (14:O) - NT NT

    Scored as to the ability of cells to grow in liquid BMGTO, then washed with BMGT to grow (+) or not (-) in liquid BMGT + supplement or, in the case of saturated fatty acids, lipid PYE + Tergitol (1 %).

    Scored as the ability of cells to grow more rigorously (+) on solid BMGB plates plus supplement after replication from patches grown on a PYE plate. (-) indicates lack of stimulation.

    All fatty acids were added at 1 mM. Saturated fatty acids would not dissolve in BMGT but would in PYE + Tergitol

    (1 %), hence AE6000 and AE5568 could not be tested, N T = not tested.

    by two other fatty acid auxotrophs, AE6000 ( fa tA) and AE6001 ( fa tB) (HODG- SON et al . 1984a,b). The growth requirements of AE5568 were the same as for AE6000 ( fa tA) . All but one of the unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic acid) could stimulate growth. Furthermore, biotin, a vitamin previously shown to supplementfatA5OI-containing strains (HODGSON et a l . 1984b), was an effective supplement for AE5568. AE6001 ( fa tB) differed from both AE6000 (&A) and AE5568 in that biotin had no stimulatory effect.

    Pigment and helical cell formation: Examination of AE6002 in the light mi- croscope showed that it formed helical cells in complex media (PYE) but not minimal media (BMG). Cell morphology was then analyzed by electron mi- croscopy, and it was found that cells grown in PYE formed helices which were a dozen or more cell lengths long (Figure 1). Even single- and double-length cells showed a distinct helical twist (Figure la). The mutant cells all appeared to be thinner than wild-type cells grown in PYE. When AE6002 was grown in BMG (Figure Ib) they were indistinguishable from wild-type cells grown in minimal medium. A similar media dependence was noted concerning the pro- duction of a water-soluble, rapidly diffusable brownish orange pigment. The pigment was produced in copious amounts on PYE but not at all on BMG. Because minimal media used glucose as the sole carbon source, the possibility arises that both of these phenomena are glucose repressible.



    FIGURE 1.-Electron micrographs of C. cresccntw AE6002 grown in (a) or (c) rich PYE media, (b) minimal BMG media and (d) PYE media plus 0.5% glucose. Bar = 5 pm. X 3600.

    T o test this possibility AE6002 cells were grown in PYE in the presence and absence of glucose (Figure I C and d, respectively). Helical cell formation was repressed in the presence of glucose. Other potential carbon sources were tested for their ability to repress helical cell formation and pigment production. These results are summarized in Table 3. Only glucose and sucrose repressed helical cell formation, and these two, in addition to maltose, mannose and


    TABLE 3

    Effect of carbon source on pigment and helical cell formation

    Pigment Helical cell Additions to PYE production” formationb

    None + + 0.5% Glucose - - 30 mM Sucrose 0.5% Acetate + + 0.5% Arabinose + + 0.5% Fructose + +

    + 0.5% Maltose - + 0.5% Mannose - +

    PYE + BM salts‘ + +

    - -

    0.5% Glycerol + +

    0.5% Xylose -

    (+) = production of pigment. * (+) = formation of helical cells as determined under the electron

    microscope. ‘ The salt and buffer components of buffered minimal media

    (CONTRERAS, SHAPIRO and HENRY 1978) were added to PYE in the absence of glucose or other potential carbon sources.

    xylose, repressed pigment formation. However, when nonrepressing sugars, e.g., arabinose, were used as carbon source in minimal media neither helical cells nor pigment were formed, indicating that glucose was not the only cause of the suppression of these phenotypes in B M G . The addition of the compo- nents of BMG (other than glucose) to PYE media did not lead to repression of the phenotypes (Table 3); hence, expression of both the helical cell shape and pigment formation required some component(s) in PYE broth that was not present in BM salt media. T o determine the genetic lesion(s) responsible for the glucose-repressed helical cell and pigment formation and the partial fatty acid dependence in AE6002, the phenotypes were scored independently in the same crosses.

    Mapping of mutant alleles in AE6002: a rapid method of preliminary mapping genes in C. crescentus CB15 has recently been devised (BARRETT et al. 198213). This method involves the RP4-mediated conjugation of a series of strains that contain T n 5 inserted into genes of known chromosomal location and the strain containing an allele of the gene to be mapped (Table 4). The Tn5-marked gene was selected by virtue of its kanamycin resistance, and its frequency of cotransfer with the wild-type allele of the gene being mapped indicates the relative closeness of the two genes. When crosses were performed with drug- resistant derivatives of AE6002, the initial striking result was that the helical cell formation (Hcl) and fatty acid bradytrophy (Fat) phenotypes segregated from the pigment formation (Pig) phenotype (Table 4).

    It appeared from the preliminary mapping with Tn5-derived auxotrophs that hcl-501 and fat-506 cosegregated, but later crosses showed they were close but separable; hence, only those crosses involving genes close to cysD were per- formed when mapping fat-506 and hcl-501 precisely. It was known that thrA,

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    q o o o o m m Q , v o ~ o 10

    j 0 0 0 0 ~ m 0 - 0 1 0 I O

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    theflaE,F,G cluster (JOHNSON and ELY 1979; PURUCKER et al. 1982) and hexB mapped close to cysD and the latter two were on opposite sides (B. ELY, personal communication). Therefore, these genes had to be accurately mapped to allow the constrtxtion of a fine structure map of hcl-501 andfat-506. T o do this we performed three-factor crosses (Table 5). If the genes were close enough we used 4Cr3O-mediated transduction; if not we used RP4-mediated conjugation. In cross I (Table 5) a cysD flaF strain was crossed with a hexB strain by transduction. The relative cotransfer frequencies show that cysD is closer to hexB than JaF. Therefore, hexB could be ordered as indicated in column A or column B. It would appear from examining the genotype distri- bution that hexB segregates independently of j laF because the frequency of flaF toflaF+ is the same in both hexB and hexB+ recombinants. This implies that hexB is in the position indicated in column A. The position indicated by the broken arrow would necessitate a quadruple crossover event to generate hexBflaF recombinants, an event known to be rare in C. crescentus (BARRETT et al. 198213). ELY and coworkers had previously shown that thrA was to the left of cysD as drawn (BARRETT et al. 1982a). Therefore, cross I1 of Table 5 was performed. The cotransfer frequencies indicate that cysD is closer to flaF than thrA, hence, the two possible positions of thrA shown in Table 5. Exam- ination of the genotype distribution indicates dependent segregation; namely, there is a severe shortage of theflaF+ thrA+ recombinant class. This is precisely the class that could only be generated by a quadruple crossover event if thrA is in the position indicated in column A. When the results from these two crosses are combined, the gene order is thrA,flaF, cysD, hexB (Figure 2) .

    We were able to use this gene order to determine the position of hclA. We used the same reasoning outlined for cross I, and cross I11 (Table 5) shows that hclA is to the right of cysD as indicated in the upper line of column A. Cross IV shows clear dependent segregation (like cross 11) of hclA and hexB. Therefore, hclA is also to the right of hexB (column A). It had previously been demonstrated that cysE is to the right of cysD (B. ELY, personal communica- tion). Therefore, cross V was performed (Table 5). The lack of the hclA+ hexB+ class of recombinants allows us to conclude that hclA lies between hexB and cysE (Table 5 , column A).

    We next determined the map position offat-506. Cross I11 (lower line) shows that fat-506 maps to the right of hclA (there is dependent segregation of fat and hclA and independent segregation offlaF and fat). Unfortunately, we could not use cysE to further map fat-506, because this Tn5-marked allele obscures the Fat phenotype. This may occur because strains containing this allele grow very poorly on BMG media even if supplemented with cysteine or thiosulfate. Therefore, lacA was used to position fat-506. Crosses by ELY and coworkers (personal communication) indicate that lacA maps between hclA and cysE. Therefore, the gene was used for further mapping. Unfortunately, fa tA was so close to hclA that it was difficult to separate the two by conjugation (data not shown) and the lacA to hclA transduction frequency was so low as to make analysis difficult (cross VI, Table 5). However, the absence of thefat-506 hclA+ recombinant class is indicative of the order shown in column A which, taken


    together with cross 111, indicates thatfat-506 maps within the lacA to hclA gap. This is the map position previously determined for thefatA gene (HODGSON et al. 1982b). The map position offut-506 in addition to its fatty acid and biotin requirements suggests that it is an allele offutA.

    The data presented in Table 4 indicate that pheA is the closest Tn5-marked gene to pigA, the gene responsible for pigment formation. It had been shown previously (B. ELY, personal communication) that serA maps to the right of pheA and that JaZ maps close to PheA, but the position was uncertain. There- fore, cross VI1 was performed to map both pigA and JuZ (Table 5). From analysis of the cotransfer frequencies, JaZ appears closest to pheA, followed by PigA and then serA. Inspection of the pigA/serA segregation data indicates that PigA is to the left of pheA, because segregation was independent (column A, upper line). Segregation of serA andJaZ was dependent and could be ex- plained ifJaZ is between serA and pheA (column A, lower line). Examination of the pigA/JaZ segregation data confirmed this position. Therefore, the final order is pigA pheA J u Z serA (Figure 2). Further crosses (data not shown) in- volving uroC, which has been mapped between serA andflu2 (BARRETT et al. 1982b), confirmed that pigA is to the left to pheA as drawn.

    Mapping of fatB: The mutant strain AE6000 is a fatty acid auxotroph whose supplemented requirements differ from AE6000 (fatA50l) and AE6002 (fatA506) (Table 2; HODGSON et al. 1984a). The data presented in Table 4 indicate that thefatB gene, mutated in AE6001 to give the Fat- phenotype, is close toJaF. It should be noted that these cotransfer frequencies are probably overestimates because the futB503 allele was so detrimental to cell growth, even in the presence of supplement, that during the overnight incubation of the cross mixture on PYE plus Brij and oleic acid thefutB+ cells overgrew the fatB cells. This was only a problem when conjugation was used.

    T o order the fatB gene in the vicinity ofJaE, i.e., hexB, thrA and cysD, three: factor crosses were performed using these markers (Table 5). Transduction cross VI11 (Table 5) demonstrates that fatB is to the left of JaE (column A), because independent segregation had occurred. Furthermore, cross IX indi- cates that fate is between cysD and thrA (column A) because dependent seg- regation had occurred and the predicted recombinant class (fatB hexB) was reduced. From cross VI11 we can infer that futB is positioned between thrA and J a F , and a transduction between AE5525 (JuE::Tn5, thrA) and AE6001 (futB) confirmed this prediction (data not shown). Therefore, the two fatty acid auxotrophs have been shown to map to different positions on the genome.

    Mapping of gpsA: Lesions in the gpsA gene result in glycerol-3-phosphate auxotrophy and the inhibition of phospholipid synthesis when growth is at- tempted in the absence of supplement (CONTRERAS et al. 1979). It was dem- onstrated in vitro that mutations in gpsA resulted in a loss of sn-glycerol-3- phosphate dehygrogenase activity. The map position of this gene involved in membrane lipid synthesis was determined.

    The initial mapping of gpsA505 with Tn5-derived auxotrophs indicated that gpsA was closest to leuA and metF (Table 4). However, when cotransduction was attempted no linkage of gpsA with either marker could be detected. ELY


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    8 m 3 3


    r: L1 00

    5 2 B

    S K U

    K 1 a i$ B

    ? b gs 3 L z i 52 .$ B g %-.e< g 5 5-pj 3 h

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    e . K -


    7 2:

    x , % % $

    " $ 5 % % zz 3 %


    , f/u F

    FIGURE 2.-A portion of the C. crescentus CBI5 genome showing the relative map positions of marker genes on the right (BARRETT et al. 1982a,b) and genes mapped in this and a previous paper (HODGSON et al. 1984b) on the left. 4, Genes with Tn5 insertions; and parentheses, ambi- guity in gene order. The map distances are not necessarily drawn to scale.

    and coworkers (personal communication) had also found an abnormally low ratio of frequency of cotransduction to frequency of coconjugation in this same area of the map. Therefore, we had to construct the donor strains AE5555 (me@ gpsA) and AE5556 (ZeuA gpsA) by conjugation (see MATERIALS AND METH- ODS). Some of the crosses performed with these strains are illustrated in Table 5. When AE5555 (metF gpsA) was crossed with recipient strains containing proA, argC, m u R (data not shown) or purA (cross X) the same result was obtained: dependent segregation with the gpsA purA (or equivalent) recombi- nant class was underrepresented. This indicated that gpsA was to the left (as shown in column A) of all of these genes, the order of which (see Figure 2) had been previously determined (B. ELY, personal communication; BARRETT


    et al. 1982a,b). However, when a proC recipient was used (Cross XI) it ap- peared that proC and gpsA segregated independently, suggesting that they were on opposite sides of metF (column A). This was in contradiction of the pub- lished position of proC (BARRETT et al. 1982a,b). The method used to construct the double donor AE5555 (see MATERIALS AND METHODS) indicated that rzf" was also on the opposite side of metF in relation to gpsA. If rzf" was on the same side as gpsA, AE5555 could only have arisen by a quadruple crossover event. However, the frequency of gpsA+ rif" to gpsA rzf" was 1 : 1. Crosses with AE5556 (lacA gpsA) confirmed these results; namely, gpsA was to the left of nov", nov" aroG and purA were to the left of leuA and ProA and proC were to its right (Figure 2).

    Crosses between either AE5555 or AE5556 and AE5660 (aroB nov") gave conflicting results. The probable reason for this ambiguity is that the linkage frequencies between aroB or gpsA and each of the Tn5-marked genes were very nearly the same. Therefore, as no other Tn5-marked genes had been isolated that were closer to aroB, an alternative cross was performed (Table 5; cross XII). The cross was plated out onto BMG plus glycerol and glycerol-3- phosphate. Therefore, aroB was selected against. It should be noted that pre- vious studies had shown that the efficiency of plating of gpsA strains was the same as gpsA+ strains on BMG plus supplement. Cross XI1 indicated that gpsA mapped between aroB and novR because segregation of gpsA was not inde- pendent of that of nov" and the expected rare recombinant class, gpsA+ novS, occurred at a very low frequency.

    A summary of the map positions determined in this section is presented in Figure 2.


    In this paper we have presented evidence that the mutation resulting in fatty acid bradytrophy of AE6002 (fat-506) is an allele offatA. It maps to the same region, i.e., between hclA and lacA, and can be supplemented by the same fatty acids and biotin. There was one difference, however. fatA506 does not cause cell death in the absence of supplement. This might be explained iffatA506 caused only partial inactivation of the futA gene. We have also identified a second Fat gene (futB) in C. crescentus. Although fatB mapped close to fatA (HODGSON et al. 1982b) it was separated by several unrelated genes (Figure 2).

    The AE6002 strain was shown to carry a mutation that maps to a single locus and affects cell shape. The biochemical basis of the Hcl phenotype is unknown. However, the mutant phenotype was shown to require some com- ponent(s) of PYE broth for its expression. Helical cell mutations have been identified by TILBY (1981) in Bacillus subtilis and by KURIKI (1981) in E. coli. In the former case it was postulated that misalignment of cell wall filaments composed of techoic acid and peptidoglycan were responsible for the pheno- type (MENDELSON 1982; MENDELSON and KEENER 1982; TILBY 1981). In the latter case, Kuriki reported an unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph that formed corkscrew filaments in the presence of linoleate or linolenate at stationary phase and that had changes in its membrane protein composition. No differ-


    ence in membrane protein composition was observed in AE55 14 (cysD: :Tn5 hclA5Ol fa tA+ pigA+) when compared with AE55 13, an isogenic hclAi strain (data not presented). Although hclA strains formed long filaments in stationary phase, numerous individual swarmers were still seen, indicating that cell divi- sion occurred in some instances. Giemsa staining of the filaments indicated uniform distribution of stained areas along the length of the filament, implying that the cells were capable of normal nuclear division.

    The glucose and sucrose repression of the Hcl phenotype and the repression of pigment formation by glucose in addition to several other carbon sources was of interest. It was previously shown that lactose utilization is repressed by glucose in C. crescentus (SHAPIRO et al. 1972). However, it is not known whether the same mechanism of repression affects all three systems. One method of investigation would be the isolation of pigmented pigA cells on PYE plus glucose. These mutants could then be tested for any pleiotropic effect on the other two glucose repression phenomena. Glucose-derepressed mutants have been isolated by equivalent methods in another bacterium (HODGSON 1982). The pigment formed by AE6002 has not been physically characterized. However, the absolute requirement for some component(s) of PYE suggests that it may be the product of a blocked metabolic pathway(s).

    The isolation of three independent mutations in AE6002 during NTG mu- tagenesis reinforces the warning of JOHNSON and ELY (1977) that chemical mutagenesis could lead to multiple mutations in C. crescentus. The presence of two closely linked mutations, fatA506 and hclA501, could be an indication of the process of comutation, a phenomenon previously observed in E. coli (GUER- OLA, INGRAHAM and CERDA-OLMEDO 197 1) and Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) (RANDAZZO et al. 1973), wherein the DNA replication forks have been identi- fied as hot spots for mutations. The genetic studies of AE6002 have demon- strated that, if NTG mutagenesis was used and multiple mutations generated, the present genetic techniques available for C. crescentus CBI 5 allow separation of these mutations. The gene pigA has helped bridge a gap in the conjugation map and has been useful in the mapping offlaZ, and hclA, fa tA and fatB have filled in the thrA to cysE region of the map, a region of particular interest as many genes involved in motility @le, che, mot andfla), a cell cycle-dependent phenomenon in Caulobacter, have been mapped on this area (BRYAN et al. 1984; JOHNSON and ELY 1979; PURUCKER et al. 1982; B. ELY, personal com- munication). The mapping of gpsA led to the discovery that proC and rifare below metF (as drawn in Figure 2) and not above, as previously published. Finally, the mapping of fa tA, fa tB and gpsA has allowed us to construct double mutants in which studies of the epistatic effects of the genes have been possible (HODGSON et al. 1984a).

    This investigation was supported by Public Health Service grants GM 11301 and GM 32506- 0 2 from the National Institutes of Health and the Core Cancer Center grant NIH/NCI P30 CA13330.


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    Corresponding editor: G. MOSIG