Islamic Bonds Sukuk

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Transcript of Islamic Bonds Sukuk

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Topic III

    Islamic Sukuk 

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk



    • 1. Overview

    • 2. Types of Sukuk

    3. Structuring Sukuk• 4. Issues and concerns related to

    Sukuk structures

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Overview of Sukuk 

    • A Sukuk, eaning certicate, is an Islaic variant of aconventional !ond. It is structured to coply wit" S"ari#a.In opposition to conventional !ond "olders, sukuk "oldersare entitled to pro$ts as well as to losses.

    • Sukuk are asset-backed, trada!le and S"ari%a"copati!le trust certi$cates. T"e priary condition ofissuance of Sukuk is t"e e&istence of assets on t"e!alance s"eet of t"e entity w"ic" wants to raise funds.

    •  T"e identi$cation of suita!le assets is t"e $rst, andargua!ly ost integral, step in t"e process of issuingSukuk certi$cates.

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    Types of Sukuk 

    • 1. sukuk al'I(ara"

    • 2. Sukuk al')us"araka

    • 3. Sukuk al')udara!a"

    • 4. Sukuk al'Istisna%a

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al- Ijarah• Ijarah Sukuk : t"ese are certi$cates of e*ual denoination representing p"ysical

    dura!le assets t"at are tied to an i(ara" contract as regulated !y S"aria%a.

    • I(ara" sukuk represent t"e owners"ip of particular assets t"at are leased out. T"eassets can !e parcels of land or e*uipents to !e leased suc" as aircrafts ands"ips. T"e "olders of sukuk receive periodic rentals.

    • I(ara" sukuk are su!(ect to risks related to t"e a!ility and willingness of t"e lessee

    to pay t"e rental installents.

    •  T"e e&pected net return on i(ara" sukuk may not be perfectly known inadvance, as t"ere ig"t !e soe aintenance and insurance e&penses t"at arenot perfectly predicted in advance.

    I(ara" sukuk are negotiable and can !e traded in t"e secondary arkets.

    • I(ara" sukuk "olders as owners !ear full responsibility for w"at "appens to t"eirassets. T"ey are, t"us, re*uired to aintain t"e assets in suc" a good conditiont"at t"e lessee derives as uc" usufruct fro t"e as possi!le.

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    Sukuk al- Ijarah (cont’d)• I(ara" Sukuk structure is t"e ost widely used in issuing

    sukuk. It re*uires t"e o!ligor +!orrower to "ave non'"ypot"ecated assets t"e value of w"ic" e*uals to t"e aountof $nancing needed.

    • I. t inception 




    $. %eclarationof trust andissue ofsukuk 

    &. Sukuk  funding

    '. "urchaseprice (. Transfers

    title toassets

    ). *nilatera

    l"urchase*ndertaking topurchasethe!"#+sinterestin theasset at,"urchas

    e "riceonmaturityor eventofdefault


    $. S- declares a trust in favorof investors and issues Sukuk.&. T"e investors fund t"e S-

    for t"e aount of t"e issue+/-urc"ase -rice0.'. S- pays purc"ase price tot"e o!ligor(. T"e o!ligor transfers title oft"e underlying asset to t"e S-.  T"e S- leases t"e asset

    !ack to t"e o!ligor in e&c"angeof periodic lease rentals).  T"e o!ligor issues anilateral -urc"ase ndertakingto purc"ase !ack S-%s interestin t"e asset on aturity at t"e-urc"ase -rice.

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    Sukuk al- Ijarah (cont’d)

    II. "eriodic "ayments III. t /aturity




    $. "eriodiclease rentals

    &. "eriodicpayments

     T"e o!ligor pays periodic rentals to t"eS- t"at are used to ake regular

    payents to t"e sukuk "olders.




    $. "ays the"urchase "rice

    &. "aysprincipal to

    redeem thecapital

    '. 0edeems


    (. !ells assetback 

    At aturity, t"e o!ligor !uys t"e S-%sinterest in t"e asset !ack at t"e -urc"ase

    -rice and t"e sukuk are redeeed.

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Musharakah

    •  T"e corporation and t"e Special -urpose e"icle +S- enterinto a )us"araka" Arrangeent for a $&ed period.

    •  T"ey agree on s"aring pro$t according to a speci$ed ratio.

     T"e corporation ay !e appointed as an agent to develop andanage t"e !usiness !ased on us"araka".

    •  Any losses will !e !orne !y t"e two us"araka" parties t"ecorporation and t"e S- ' !ased on t"eir respective capitalcontri!utions.

    •  T"e corporation undertakes to purc"ase )us"araka" s"ares oft"e S- eit"er at t"e end of t"e agreed upon period or on aperiodic !asis +in case of diinis"ing us"araka".

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Musharakah (cont’d)

    I. t inception $.  T"e S- +us"arik A issuessukuk in e&c"ange for cas".

    &. T"e S- enters into aus"araka" agreeent wit"t"e corporation +us"arik .

    '.  T"e corporation contri!utes tot"e capital of t"e us"raka"'

    !ased !usiness eit"er wit"cas" or wit" assets.

    (. T"e S- pays its contri!utiont"e us"araka"'!ased!usiness.

    . T"e us"araka" !ased!usiness invests t"eproceeds in s"aria%aperissi!le activities incopliance wit" t"e !usinessplan.







    &. Issueproceeds

    $. %eclaration oftrust and issueof sukuk

    '. 1apitalcontribution

    (. /usharakahshares

    ). /usharakahshares

    . 1apitalcontribution

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Musharakah (cont’d)

    II. "eriodic "ayments

    III. t /aturity







    "eriodic Incentivefees"eriodic 23 of


    "eriodic 4$55-

    263 of prot"eriodicprot

    The prot generated by themusharakah-based business isdistributed periodically to the !"# andthe corporation as per the agreedprot sharing ratio

    The !"# makes priodic protpayments to the sukuk holders.



    !ukuk  holders

    $. "ays the"urchase "rice



    '. "ays principal toredeem capital

    (. 0edeemssukuk 

    The corporation 4as obligor6purchases all of the !"#+smusharakah shares. 7e8t9 the !"#uses the purchase price to redeemthe sukuk. inally9 the !"# is


  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Mudarabah

    •  T"e S- issues sukuk to investors in e&c"ange for cas"

    •  T"e issuer enters into a udara!a agreeent wit" t"e originator +acting ast"e #udari!#

    •  Typical udara!a agreeent T"e udari! invests t"e proceeds inaccordance wit" t"e agreed !usiness plan.

    •  T"e pro$t generated !y t"e !usiness plan is s"ared !etween t"e issuer andt"e udari! according to a pre'agreed sc"edule

    • If t"e issuer#s pro$t s"are e&ceeds t"e aount re*uired for t"e periodicdistri!ution, t"e udari! retains t"e di5erence.

    • If t"e issuer#s pro$t s"are falls s"ort of t"e aount re*uired for t"e periodicdistri!ution, t"e udari! suppleents t"e di5erence.

    •  T"e udari! akes periodic payents to t"e issuer w"ic" are passed on to

    t"e sukuk "olders.

    • At t"e aturity date, t"e orginator +as o!ligor purc"ases all of t"e issuer#sowners"ip interest in t"e udara!a assets

    • 6inally, t"e S- passes t"e proceeds on to t"e sukuk "olders and t"e S- isdissolved.

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Source7I68'Sukuk 9uide!ook"


  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Istisna’a

    1ompany:obligor andproject manager


    !ukuk holders

    &. !ukukproceeds

    $. !ukukissuance

    '. "aymentmade by!"#

    (. Transferownership ofassets to the!"#

    ;nd buyer orlessee

    . Transfer of

    ownership orusufruct). "eriodicpayments<sale proceeds

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    Sukuk al-Istisna’a

    • 1. S- issues Sukuk certi$cates to raise funds for t"e pro(ect.

    • 2. Sukuk issue proceeds are used to pay t"econtractor:!uilder under t"e istisna% contract to !uild anddeliver t"e future pro(ect.

    • 3. Title to assets is transferred to t"e S-

    • 4. 8opleted property:pro(ect is leased or sold to t"e end

    !uyer. T"e end !uyer pays periodic installents to t"e S-.•  

    • ;. T"e returns are distri!uted aong t"e Sukuk "olders.

  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    !*=*= /0=;T

    !ukuk is the most

    popular modern Islamic

    nancial instruments.

    Issuer types:

    1orporate .

    >overnment 0elated



  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    "0I/0? - >@OA@ !*=*=/0=;T

    Total global sukuk issuance volume:  %eclined *!%$$B.Cbln in &5$'9 D.B3 E &5$&.

    "rimary market of issuances in &5$':

    /alaysia as the largest issuances :

    • 0educed market share of )D.D3 from

    C(.53 in &5$&.

    • Issuances were down $.&3 in &5$'.

    =! with issuance volume of

    *!%$(.Cbln 4(5.3 growth6.

    *; issuance volume of *!%C.$bln


    Turkey growth with over )B.'3.

    Ay sukuk structure during &5$':

    /urabahah accounted for C.C3 of total


    Ijarah accounted for ((.$3 of in the >11.

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  • 8/17/2019 Islamic Bonds Sukuk


    >11 !*=*= /0=;T

    >11 !ukuk issuances :

    =! grew the most in &5$' to *!%$(.Cbln 4(5.36 .

    The *; and Aahrain saw issuance volume increase by $).D3 and


    The corporate sector accounted for just under half of all

    issuances in the >11 in &5$'.

    Guasi-sovereign issuance had a share of '$.&3.