ISLAM. Muhammad Born in Mecca-market town near Shepard, at 25 he married Khadijah (wealthy...


Transcript of ISLAM. Muhammad Born in Mecca-market town near Shepard, at 25 he married Khadijah (wealthy...


Muhammad Born in Mecca-market town near

Shepard, at 25 he married Khadijah (wealthy caravan business owner)

At 40, while meditating he heard the voice of Gabriel, an angel He was being called to be the messenger of God

Islam- Arabic for “to submit to God” Monotheistic- One true God, Allah

Muhammad was threatened with murder so he left Mecca and went to Medina. Arabs in Medina converted to Islam, called Muslims, followers of Islam. There were then many

battles between the Muslims and Meccans

Muhammad returned to Mecca and destroyed all Arab idols in the Kaaba, temple that he believed Abraham built to worship the one true God.

Kaaba is the holiest place in Islam


Monotheistic-belief in one God Prophets-Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed was the last and greatest

Quran-sacred text Arabic-shared language unites Muslims around the world

Teaches God’s will and is a guide to life

Emphasize honesty, generosity, and social justice Harsh penalties for stealing or murder

Judgment Day: Eternal punishment in hell or eternal bliss in paradise


Declaration of faith “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God”

Pray five times a day Ritual washing, face toward the city of Mecca

Pray a home or in mosque, house of worship

Give to charity or to the poor

Fast during Ramadan Sunrise to sunset during the month when Muhammad received his revelations

Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca if a person is physically and financially able

Jihad Struggle in God’s

service Personal duty for


Holy war to defend Islam and the Muslim community

“People of the Book” Jews and Christians-

All three worship the same God

Sharia Body of law that

includes interpretation of the Quran

Moral conduct, family life, business practices, government, and other parts of individual and community life

Women Arab women could not inherit

property, had to obey male guardians, some unwanted daughters were killed at birth

Muslim women Quran prohibited killing of

daughters, granted women inheritance, they were able to reject a marriage offer

Women should dress modestly

Not completely equal to men

Less inheritance, harder to get a divorce