
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Backgrond of Public Relations Public Relations as a science still tends to be new to our society. Public Relations or PR is a combination of various sciences and is included in the ranks of the social sciences such as political science, economics, history, psychology, sociology, communication, and through the development of technology has become part of the Public Relations. Almost all large organizations either have a public relations department or outsource their public relations needs to a company. Public relations is seen as a vital part of maintaining the organization’s image and of communicating its message to its customers, investors and the general public. A positive perception of a company or non-profit can increase its sales and improve its bottom line. The functions and key tasks of a public relations specialist can be varied. Nowadays, it can be said PR will determine the viability of the company, organization or institution for PR serves to foster good relationships between each component of the organization and motivation as well as encouraging participation (internal relations) as well as strengthen the company's relationship with the community / public as the target of public relations activities that own (external relations). In practice it is common misconceptions about PR. Sometimes, many people find it difficult to distinguish between PR with advertising, marketing, promotion, sales, propaganda and publicity. B. Formulation Of The Problem 1



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A. Backgrond of Public Relations

Public Relations as a science still tends to be new to our society. Public

Relations or PR is a combination of various sciences and is included in the ranks of the

social sciences such as political science, economics, history, psychology, sociology,

communication, and through the development of technology has become part of the Public


Almost all large organizations either have a public relations department or

outsource their public relations needs to a company. Public relations is seen as a vital part of

maintaining the organization’s image and of communicating its message to its customers,

investors and the general public. A positive perception of a company or non-profit can

increase its sales and improve its bottom line. The functions and key tasks of a public

relations specialist can be varied.

Nowadays, it can be said PR will determine the viability of the company,

organization or institution for PR serves to foster good relationships between each

component of the organization and motivation as well as encouraging participation (internal

relations) as well as strengthen the company's relationship with the community / public as

the target of public relations activities that own (external relations).

In practice it is common misconceptions about PR. Sometimes, many people find

it difficult to distinguish between PR with advertising, marketing, promotion, sales,

propaganda and publicity.

B. Formulation Of The Problem

1. What is the mean of public relations?

2. What are the purpose and function 0f public relations?

3. How is the role of public relatios?

4. How is responsibility of public relations?

C. The Benefit Of The Study

1. To know the meaning of public relations.

2. To know the purpose and function of public relations.

3. To know the role of public relations.

4. To know responsibility of the public relations.


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Defination Of Public Relations

public relation is the practise of managing the spread of information between an

individual or an organization (such as a business, goverment gency, or a nonprofit

organization) and the public.public relations may include an organization or individual

gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do

not require direct payment. this differentiates it from adversing as aform of marketing

communication. the aim of public relationsis to inform the public, prospective customers,

investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholder and ultimatelypersuade them to

maintain a certain view about the organization , its leadership, products, or of political

decisions. public relations professionals typically work for pr and marketing firms, businesses

and companies, government,government agencis, and public officials as PIOs, and

nongovermental organizations and nonprofit organization

The Purpose and Function 0f Public Relations

The main goal of public relations is to influence the behavior of individuals and

groups when interconnected, through dialogue with all groups, where the perceptions,

attitudes, and his opinion is important for a success of a company (Davis, 2003). According

Rosady Ruslan (2001, p.246) public relations purposes are as follows:

1. Develop a positive corporate image to external public or community and


2. Encourage the achievement of mutual understanding between the public

targeted bythe company.

3. Develop synergies with public relations marketing functions.

4. Effective in building brand recognition and brand knowledge.

5. Supporting the marketing mix.

Jefkins (2003, p.54) defines of the many things that can be used as a corporate

public relations purposes, some of which the principal is as follows:

a. To change the public image in the eyes of the public in relation to the new

activities undertakenby the company.

b. To increase the weight of the quality of the candidates.


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c. To spread a story of success that has been achieved by the company to the

public in order to gain recognition.

d. To introduce the company to the public, as well as open up new markets.

e. To prepare and condition the public stock markets on the company's plans to

issue new shares or additional shares.

f. To improve the relationship between the company and their communities,

with respect to the occurrence of an event that resulted in criticism, doubt, or

misunderstanding among the public on the company's goodwill.

g. To educate consumers so that they are more effective and understand in

utilizing the company's products.

h. To convince the public that the company is able to survive or bounce back

after the occurrence of a crisis.

i. To enhance the company's ability and resilience in the face of the risk of a

takeover by another party.

j. To create a new corporate identity.

k. To disseminate information about the activities and participation of corporate

leaders in the organization of everyday social life.

l. To support the involvement of a company as a sponsor of an event.

m. To ensure that the politicians really understand the activities or products of

the company are positive, so that the companies concerned to avoid the

regulation, law, and government policies that harm.

n. To disseminate the research activities that have been done by the company,

so that the public know how the company's emphasis on quality in various


The overall goal of public relations is to create a good image of the company to

generate public loyalty to the products offered by the company (Mulyana, 2007). Besides

public relations aims to create, develop and maintain an attitude of gratitude that is fun

for the institution or organization on the one hand and with the public on the other hand

with a harmonious communication and reciprocity (Mary, 2002).

Function Public Relations

According to Maria (2002, No.P.31), "public relations is one part of the same breath

in the organization, and must provide the identity of the organization properly and correctly

and be able to communicate so that public trust and have a clear and correct understanding

of the organization The ". It merely provides an overview of the functions of public relations,



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a) Activities aimed at obtaining good faith, trust, mutual understanding and the

good image of the public or society in general.

b) Have a goal to create a public opinion that is acceptable and beneficial to all


c) An important element in the management in order to achieve specific goals,

appropriate public expectations, but it is a peculiarity of the organization or

company. It's important how the organization has a color, culture, image,

atmosphere, conducive and pleasant, increasing performance, and

productivity can be achieved optimally.

d) Enterprises create a harmonious relationship between the organization and

its publics, while creating public opinion as an effect, which is very useful as

input for the organization or company concerned.

Public Relations Roles

In general, public relations professionals can be communication managers who

organize and integrate communication activities, or they can be communication technicians

who primarily write and construct messages. Research in this area led to the identification of

four specific roles: the technician role and three types of communication managers.

Most practitioners begin their careers as communication technicians. This role

requires executing strategies with the communication tactics of news releases, employee

newsletters, position papers, media placements, Web site content, speeches, blogs, and

social media messaging. Practitioners in this role are usually not involved in defining

problems and developing solutions, but base their tactics on the technical skill of writing. The

expert prescriber is similar to the role a doctor performs with a patient: He or she is an

authority on a particular industry, problem, or type of public relations and is given the primary

responsibility to handle this function as a consultant or with little input or participation by

other senior management. The communication facilitator is a boundary spanner who listens

to and brokers information between the organization and its key publics. According to Cutlip,

Center, and Broom, the goal of this role is “to provide both management and publics the

information they need for making decisions of mutual interest.”Cutlip, Center, and Broom

(2006). The problem-solving facilitator collaborates with other managers to define and solve

problems. This role requires that the professional is a part of the dominant coalition of the

organization and has access to other senior managers. The problem-solving facilitator helps

other managers think through organizational problems using a public relations perspective.


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Research on these four roles found that the communication technician role was

distinct from the other three roles and that the latter three roles were highly correlated.Dozier

and Broom (1995), pp. 3–26. In other words, an expert prescriber was also likely to fulfill the

role of the communication facilitator and the problem-solving facilitator. To resolve the lack of

mutual exclusiveness in the latter three roles, they were combined into one role:

communication manager. The dichotomy between the communication technician and the

communication manager more accurately explained the responsibilities of public relations

practitioners within organizations.

Research indicates that practitioners in a predominantly technician role spend the

majority of their time writing, producing, and placing communication messages.Broom and

Dozier (1986), pp. 37–56. Typically, those in this role are creative and talented with

language and images. Their capacity to create and produce messages with powerful

imagery and evocative language is very important to the execution of public relations tactics.

However, technicians rarely have a seat at the management table and do not have a voice in

the strategy of the organization. Once the strategy is decided, the technician is brought in to

execute the deliverables (or tactics) in the strategy.

The communication manager is involved in the strategic thinking of an

organization and must be able to conduct research and measurement and share data that

informs better decisions for managing relationships with key publics. The communications

manager thinks strategically, which means he or she will be focused on the efforts of the

organization that contribute to the mutually beneficial relationships that help an organization

achieve its bottom-line goals. These efforts are not limited to communication strategies, but

include monitoring an organization’s external environment, scanning for issues that might

impact the organization, and helping an organization adapt to the needs of its stakeholders.

A study on excellence in the practice of public relations found that one of the

major predictors of excellence was whether the role of the top public relations executive was

a manager role or a technician role.Grunig, J. E. (1992). Those in the management role were

much more likely to have a positive impact on the organization’s public relations practice. In

order for corporate communication to function strategically, the executive in charge of the

function must have a place at the decision-making table.


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Responsibility Public Relations

As a profession of a PR is responsible for providing information, educate,

convince, gain sympathy, and generate public interest in something or make society

understand and accept the situation.

A publicist then expected to create programs in taking a deliberate and planned

actions in its efforts to maintain, create, and maintain mutual understanding between an

organization and its people.

The position of public relations is to support the achievement of the goals set by

a management organization. PR target is internal and external public, which are

operationally in charge of public relations to foster a harmonious relationship between the

organization and its publics and prevent psychological barriers that might occur between the



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Public Relations is the practice of managing the dissemination of

information between individuals or organizations (such as business, government

district, or a non-profit organization) and public relations. The main goal of PR is

to influence the behavior of individuals and groups when interconnected, through

dialogue with all groups, in which the perceptions, attitudes, and his opinion is

important to the success of a company. Utam functions of public relations to

achieve good corporate image in the eyes of society. Besides the function of PR

is to create a harmonious relationship between the organization and the public,

while creating public opinion as an effect, which is very useful as input for the

organization or company concerned. , The role of public relations in the

preformance company can be set up and the communications manager

integrating communication activities, or they can be a communications

technician who primarily write and build the message. The responsibility of

public relations as a profession of a PR is responsible for providing information,

educate, convince, gain sympathy, and generate public interest in something or

make people understand and accept a situation


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Websites :

Anonim. History of Public Relations.

Accessed September 15th 2015

Yuuki. Pengertian Tujuan dan Fungsi Public Relaition.

s. Accesed September 15th 2015

Gupta, Kashish. 2012 . Public Relations.

relationppt. Accesed September 15th 2015

Endah Natalwati, Wiwik. 2014. Pengertian Humas.

Accesed September 15th 2015