

Transcript of isbn9789526206370.compressed














Professor Esa Hohtola

University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen

Postdoctoral research fellow Sanna Taskila

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen

Director Sinikka Eskelinen

Professor Jari Juga

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala

ISBN 978-952-62-0636-3 (Paperback)ISBN 978-952-62-0637-0 (PDF)ISSN 0355-3213 (Print)ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)





OULU 2014

C 508

Suneth Namal



C 508


Suneth Nam


A C T A U N I V E R S I T A T I S O U L U E N S I SC Te c h n i c a 5 0 8



Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent ofthe Doctoral Training Committee of Technology andNatural Sciences of the University of Oulu for publicdefence in the Kuusamonsali (YB210), Linnanmaa, on 19December 2014, at 12 noon


Copyright © 2014Acta Univ. Oul. C 508, 2014

Supervised byProfessor Mika YlianttilaProfessor Andrei Gurtov

Reviewed byProfessor Thomas BauschertProfessor Karl Andersson

ISBN 978-952-62-0636-3 (Paperback)ISBN 978-952-62-0637-0 (PDF)

ISSN 0355-3213 (Printed)ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)

Cover DesignRaimo Ahonen


OpponentProfessor Raimo A. Kantola

Namal, Suneth, Enhanced communication security and mobility management insmall-cell networks. University of Oulu Graduate School; University of Oulu, Faculty of Information Technologyand Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications Engineering; Centre for WirelessCommunicationsActa Univ. Oul. C 508, 2014University of Oulu, P.O. Box 8000, FI-90014 University of Oulu, Finland


Software-Defined Networks (SDN) focus on addressing the challenges of increased complexityand unified communication, for which the conventional networks are not optimally suited due totheir static architecture.

This dissertation discusses the methods about how to enhance communication security andmobility management in small-cell networks with IEEE 802.11 backhaul. Although 802.11 hasbecome a mission-critical component of enterprise networks, in many cases it is not managed withthe same rigor as the wired networks. 802.11 networks are thus in need of undergoing the sameunified management as the wired networks.

This dissertation also addresses several new issues from the perspective of mobilitymanagement in 802.11 backhaul. Due to lack of built-in quality of service support, IEEE 802.11experiences serious challenges in meeting the demands of modern services and applications.802.11 networks require significantly longer duration in association compared to what the real-time applications can tolerate. To optimise host mobility in IEEE 802.11, an extension to the initialauthentication is provided by utilising Host Identity Protocol (HIP) based identity attributes andElliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based session key generation.

Finally, this dissertation puts forward the concept of SDN based cell mobility and networkfunction virtualization, its counterpart. This is validated by introducing a unified SDN andcognitive radio architecture for harmonized end-to-end resource allocation and managementpresented at the end.

Keywords: authentication, fast initial authentication, Host Identity Protocol, mobilefemtocells, OMNet++, OpenFlow, software defined networking

Namal, Suneth, Viestintäturvallisuuden ja liikkuvuudenhallinnan tehostaminenpienisoluisissa verkoissa. Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu; Oulun yliopisto, Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta,Tietoliikennetekniikan osasto; Centre for Wireless CommunicationsActa Univ. Oul. C 508, 2014Oulun yliopisto, PL 8000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto


Ohjelmisto-ohjatut verkot (SDN) keskittyvät ratkaisemaan haasteita liittyen kasvaneeseen verk-kojen monimutkaisuuteen ja yhtenäiseen kommunikaatioon, mihin perinteiset verkot eivät staat-tisen rakenteensa vuoksi sovellu.

Väitöskirja käsittelee menetelmiä, joilla kommunikaation turvallisuutta ja liikkuvuuden hal-lintaa voidaan parantaa IEEE 802.11 langattomissa piensoluverkoissa. Vaikkakin 802.11 onmuodostunut avainkomponentiksi yritysverkoissa, monissa tapauksissa sitä ei hallinnoida yhtätäsmällisesti kuin langallista verkkoa. 802.11 verkoissa on näin ollen tarve samantyyppiselleyhtenäiselle hallinnalle, kuin langallisissa verkoissa on.

Väitöskirja keskittyy myös moniin uusiin liikkuvuuden hallintaan liittyviin ongelmiin 802.11verkoissa. Johtuen sisäänrakennetun yhteyden laatumäärittelyn (QoS) puuttumisesta, IEEE802.11 verkoille on haasteellista vastata modernien palvelujen ja sovellusten vaatimuksiin.802.11 verkot vaativat huomattavasti pidemmän ajan verkkoon liittymisessä, kuin reaaliaikaso-vellukset vaativat. Työssä on esitelty laajennus alustavalle varmennukselle IEEE 802.11-standar-diin isäntälaitteen liikkuvuuden optimoimiseksi, joka hyödyntää Host Identity Protocol (HIP)-pohjaisia identiteettiominaisuuksia sekä elliptisten käyrien salausmenetelmiin (ECC) perustuvaaistunnon avaimen luontia.

Lopuksi työssä esitellään ohjelmisto-ohjattuihin verkkoihin pohjautuva solujen liikkuvuudenkonsepti, sekä siihen olennaisesti liittyvä verkon virtualisointi. Tämä validoidaan esittelemälläyhtenäinen SDN:ään ja kognitiiviseen radioon perustuva arkkitehtuuri harmonisoidulle päästäpäähän resurssien varaamiselle ja hallinnoinnille, joka esitellään lopussa.

Asiasanat: Host Identity Protocol, mobiilit femtosolut, nopea alustava varmennus,ohjelmisto-ohjattu verkko, OMNet++, OpenFlow, varmentaminen


During the journey towards the moment when I could proudly present this dis-

sertation to a wide audience, I have met and received support from many won-

derful people. I would like to thank all those who knowingly or unknowingly

contributed to the completion of this dissertation. This doctoral dissertation

is the result of the time I have spent undertaking research at the Centre for

Wireless Communication (CWC) at the University of Oulu, Finland.

More than a degree, this work represents to me the level of maturity I have

achieved from my, at many times non-orthodox, readings and learning experi-

ences. These years of research have led to constant, systematic changes in my

life, during which I learned to appreciate the dialectics and contradictions of our

world. Through these lenses, I have started to see the problems in depth, un-

derstanding that whatever phenomena we observe might, and usually do, reflect

over-deterministic relationships that are dynamic over time and space.

At the end of the day, this thesis puts together my subjective beliefs about se-

cure mobile communication. I expect that the technical contributions contained

herein will open new paths of research while my philosophical digressions will

motivate readers to go further and further in their own analysis.

Suneth Namal

Oulu, December 1st, 2014




The research work carried out in this thesis was done in the Networking group

(NET), Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), Department of Communi-

cations, University of Oulu, Finland. This work was carried out under the scope

of MEVICO and SIGMONA projects, which are funded by the Finnish Funding

Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES) and industrial partners, includ-

ing, Nokia, Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson, Tallabs, Fsecure and Exfo-NetHawk. In

addition, this doctoral thesis has been financially supported by the Nokia Foun-

dation and Tekniikan edistämissäätiö (TES). The importance of these grants

and funding is gratefully acknowledged.

Foremost, I would like to express my great appreciation to my primary super-

visor, Professor Mika Ylianttila and co-supervisor, Professor Andrei Gurtov, for

supervising me through to the completion of this thesis. Their contributions in

supervising and directing my research work carried out here are conclusive. Their

talks and discussions are highly inspiring, and I have found them very beneficial

to my research work. Without their directions and guidance, the work would not

have been possible. I am also very grateful to Professor Matti Latva-aho who

recruited me as a researcher at CWC. I would also like to thank my project team

members for supporting and contributing to my research work being co-authors.

Apart from my team members, I would like to thank Dr. Mehdi Bennis, Dr.

Kaveh Ghaboosi, Prof. Allen B. MacKenzie, Robert Moskowitz, Jani Pellikka,

Marek Skowron, Dr. Carlos Lima and Konstantinos Georgantas for their advice

and contributions to my research work. Besides these people, I wish to express

my gratitude to Dr. Marian Codreanu and Dr. Chathuranga for first interview-

ing me to come to Oulu. I owe thanks to Professor Nandana Rajatheva who

supervised me in my Master’s thesis and motivated me towards PhD studies. I

am also thankful to Arto and Markus for the Finnish abstract.

In addition, I would like to thank all friends and colleagues that I have met

in my years in CWC, specifically Keeth, Manosha, Dr. Pedro, Satya, Sumudu,

Ijaz, Hamidreza, Helal, Ganesh and Hirley, amongst others. They created a

friendly, joyful working atmosphere, which I enjoyed a lot during these years.

I very much appreciate the administrative support in CWC, including Elina


Komminaho, Hanna Saarela, Kirsi Ojutkangas, Eija Pajunen, Antero Kanges,

Jari Silanpää and many other.

I would not possibly forget the nice moments I shared throughout these

years with the small Sri Lankan community from Oulu: Prof. Rajatheva and

his family, Keeth, Bhagya, Sahas, Praneeth, Manosha, Dilani, Vinudi, Sumudu,

Inosha, Sandun, Chamari, Senehas, Somnas, Tharanga, Dimuthu, Dilru, Bud-

dhika, Pawani, Upul, Uditha, Madusanka, and Nuwan.

I want to express my unreserved gratitude to my loving father and mother

for their love and support throughout my life. I dedicate this thesis to my

loving son Sadev and wife Himali, thank you Himali, without your love, concern,

understanding, motivation and support none of this would have been possible.

My final thanks go to my pre-examiners and opponent for their valuable

comments regarding this thesis work.


List of original articles

This thesis consists of an overview and the following publications which are

referred to in the text by their Roman numerals (I-V).

I Namal S., Pellikka J., & Gurtov A. (2012) Secure and Multihomed Ve-

hicular Femtocells. In proceedings of 75th IEEE Vehicular Technology

Conference (VTC Spring),Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1–5, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/

VETECS.2012.6240063, ISSN: 1550-2252.

II Namal S., Liyanage M., & Gurtov A. (2013) Realization of Mobile Femto-

cells: Operational and Protocol Requirements. Wireless Personal Commu-

nications, Volume 71, Number 1, pp. 339–364, Springer US, DOI:10.1007/

s11277-012-0818-9, ISSN: 0929-6212.

III Namal S., Georgantas K., & Gurtov A. (2013) Lightweight Authentica-

tion and Key Management on 802.11 with Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

In proceedings of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

(WCNC), Shanghai, China, pp. 1830–1835, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/ WCNC.-

2013.6554842, ISSN: 1525-3511.

IV Namal S., Ahmad I., Gurtov A., & Ylianttila M. (2013) Enabling Secure

Mobility with OpenFlow. In proceedings of IEEE Software Defined Net-

working for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS), Trento, Italy, pp. 1–

5, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/SDN4FNS.2013.6702540.

V Namal S., Ahmad I., Jokinen M., Gurtov A., & Ylianttila M. (2014) SDN

Core for Mobility Between Cognitive Radio and 802.11 Networks. In pro-

ceedings of 8th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps,

Services and Technologies (NGMAST’14), in press, 2014

Publication I deals with the problems related to vehicular femtocell backhaul

architectures. This work is further extended in Publication II. Here, we study

the operational and protocol requirements for the realisation of mobile femtocells.

Publication III studies a solution for fast initial authentication in IEEE 802.11

systems. Finally, in Publication IV and V, we study secure and seamless mobility

in OpenFlow enabled software defined networks.

Furthermore, the author of this thesis has participated extensively in the pub-

lication of book chapters and conference papers on this topic and more in various


other research areas, including, admission control, load balancing, ubiquitous net-

working, content delivery, and multimedia services. These studies supplement

the research work presented in this thesis from their own perspectives.





Preface 7

Acknowledgements 9

1 Introduction 15

1.1 Research problems and scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1.2 Background of the research history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1.3 Contributions of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.4 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.5 Organisation of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

2 Literature Overview 25

2.1 Roadmap to small-cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.1.1 Roadmap to modern femtocells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

2.1.2 Significant results & standardisation of femtocells . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.2 Milestones in the history of communication security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

2.3 Towards software-defined networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

2.4 Host identity protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

2.5 Mobile IP (MIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3 Summary of research contributions 45

3.1 Vehicular femtocells in EPC architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

3.1.1 Wireless backhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.1.2 Protocol and operational requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3.1.3 Evaluation of vehicular femtocell architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

3.2 Fast initial authentication in WLAN cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

3.2.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

3.2.2 Design goals and challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3.2.3 Solution overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

3.2.4 Implementation guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

3.2.5 Prototyping and evaluation approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.3 OpenFlow based secure mobile backhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

3.3.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68


3.3.2 Scenario description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

3.3.3 Solution overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

3.3.4 Security consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

3.3.5 Evaluation of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

3.4 SDN core for secure mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

3.4.1 SDN for Wi-Fi networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

3.4.2 Cloudification and wireless device virtualisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

3.4.3 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

3.4.4 Implementation and experimental approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

3.4.5 SDN and software-defined radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

3.4.6 Implementation and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

4 Conclusion and future work 87

4.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

4.2 Discussion and future Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90

References 93

Original articles 105


1 Introduction

“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.”

- Albert Einstein

According to predictions mobile will overtake fixed Internet access by 2014.

To support this demand, the topology and cellular network architecture must

undergo a major paradigm shift from voice-centric, circuit-switched and centrally

optimised for coverage towards data-centric, packet switched and organically

deployed for capacity [1]. While mobile operators are struggling to support

the growth in mobile data traffic, many are using mobile data offloading with

small-cells [2]. However, modern small-cell networks are far beyond the initial

deployment of small-cell networks that can be traced back to the late 1980s.

In this thesis, we investigate how to improve the quality of mobile users ex-

perience in vehicular communication. Furthermore, we discuss future trends of

networking and architectural changes and adaptation of mobile Internet in next

generation services. Small-cell techniques are recognised to be the best way to

deliver high-capacity mobile broadband cellular communication. Security is one

of the critical challenges associated with mobile and Internet applications today.

In this thesis, I share my own view on techniques to enable secure communica-

tion and mobility in small-cell networks with an illustration of unquestionable

performance improvement for corresponding applications.

Initially, the term “small cells” was used to describe the cell size, where a

macrocell is split into a number of smaller cells with reduced transmitting power,

known as metropolitan macrocells or microcells that have a radius of perhaps

several hundred meters. These cells were essentially a small version of macrocells

which required a considerable amount of planning and configuration and inter-

ference management. In 1993, an industry project led by Southwest Bell and

Panasonic revealed an almost similar solution to today’s femtocells that intro-

duced frequency reuse [3]. Implementing smaller cell configurations raises new

challenges in a mobile operator’s backhaul planning. Meanwhile, mobile service

providers are evolving their infrastructures to accommodate new bandwidth-


hungry services and support ever-increasing traffic demands, investing heavily

in new base stations, higher bandwidth connections and new backhaul solutions.

Implementing smaller cell configurations raises new challenges for the mobile

operator’s backhaul planning and operational teams. Although, fixed-line back-

haul solutions provide optimal capacity, operators are generally limited by the

lack of copper and optical fibre availability, as well as by the need to deploy base

stations on telephone poles, lampposts, and other structures that limit wireline

access. Generally, in these deployments the backhaul is partially wireless. In this

thesis, I have devoted my effort on vehicular femtocells that utilise cost-effective

802.11 as a solution to backhaul the mobile traffic.

The IP platform and its architecture in future networks, compared with that

of 3G networks, make the backhaul network and mobile core more vulnerable to

security attacks. A wireless backhaul security solution will enable the flexible

deployment of IPsec encryption and firewalling at a scale to secure mobile data

traffic from cell sites to the network core. Backhaul traffic in LTE networks can

be vulnerable to interception, as data and packet encryption is optional unlike

the backhaul in 2G and 3G networks. Similarly, LTE-based vehicular femtocells

shall also come across the same set of IP based vulnerabilities although it may

present in different forms based on the technologies being used. However, my

interest has been mostly concentrated on 802.11 and corresponding services.

For securing backhaul, we identify two options: 1) IPSec VPN located on (or

behind) a dedicated firewall that separates the wireless network from an intranet;

and 2) using a combination of 802.1X authentication with a back-end Internet

authentication server and dynamic keys for encryption. Unlike stationary cells,

mobilised cells are reluctant to frequent disconnections/reconnections and thus,

do not cater well for time constraints imposed by real-time applications. The

descriptions in the first part of this thesis construct a solution to overcome this

problem using multihoming and identity/locator separation.

In 802.11 handover, the largest portion of the delay is associated with re-

connection (mostly authentication/reauthentication). This has motivated us to

investigate and construct a solution to improve the connection/reconnection pro-

cedures. This is seen as a prerequisite for the current and future mobile Internet.

In a later part of this thesis, the focus is drawn towards architectural require-

ments of next generation networks with control and forwarding plane separation

introduced by SDN. OpenFlow as a SDN enabler, has already laid down a flexi-


ble framework for mobility management and implementation of network security

solutions. Over the time, mobile services are being heavily researched upon, al-

though verification is difficult. Besides that, the handover between different

wireless technologies has become complicated due to the limitations they pose.

Indeed, the backhaul networks may differ, as networks are built around dif-

ferent technologies. By "flattening" these networks, we show that handover

between heterogeneous wireless networks can be achieved in a simple way. In

particular, we have tested several OpenFlow based vendor products in the uni-

versity ELAB. Our test bed integrates both WLAN and Cognitive networks into

SDN core and proves the flexibility of integrating different network segments

thanks to painless flow management utility.

The later part of the research presented in this dissertation combines different

aspects of mobility and security management in current and future mobile net-

works. Clearly, the time constraints imposed by real-time applications on mobile

Internet and associated services/applications have been our primary interest.

1.1 Research problems and scope

Smartphones and tablets have transformed the way in which the end-users in-

teract with applications and content in their personal lives, and now they are

demanding a similar experience on the move. In this thesis, we try to enhance the

quality of mobile users experience by dealing with the applications and utilising

both network architecture and IP leveraged protocols. We design architectures

and propose techniques to deploy network functions leading to the performance

enhancement of the corresponding applications. This manuscript consists of five

publications, which cover multiple problems of small-cell wireless networks.

In order to enable seamless connectivity, operators may use multiple paths

of communication between connecting hosts. In Publication I, we propose and

validate an extension to the current femtocell backhauling architecture. The so-

lution is based on IEEE 802.11 technology, assuming the Femto access points are

Wi-Fi enabled. We have realised the potential of HIP for multipath scheduling,

seamless overlay connectivity and the protection of IP traffic with IPSec encryp-

tion. This helps to improve the data throughput and communication security.

In Publication II, we propose different architectural options for vehicular

communication. This article describes protocol and operational requirements for


femtocell mobility. Since, small-cell mobility is always hindered by the cost and

performance of the wireless backhaul, we expect that the architectural options

proposed here will offer a cost-effective solution with enhanced user experience.

However, by its very nature, 802.11 has performance and delay constraints.

Handover is one of the critical shortfalls in the existing IEEE 802.11 architec-

ture. It has lagged the commercial deployment of 802.11 solutions for real-time

applications. We argue that fast initial authentication is an obligation when a

large number of users are entering to a cell. Thus, it requires the authentication

load to be reduced in terms of processing and message length. This has been

the motivation behind the 802.11-based fast initial authentication scheme which

we have proposed and prototyped in Publication III. In the prototype, the ECC-

based reduced key length and computational efficiency were the reasons behind

the initial thoughts towards extending HIP-DEX for initial authentication. We

also suggest this solution to the Wi-Fi Alliance for future considerations to im-

prove initial authentication procedures and to enable the flexibility in the tightly

connected 802.11 state machine.

As the wireless edge becomes more predominant, wireless operators are forced

to deliver business-class Wi-Fi as a service to mobile users. With scalability,

managed WLANs are failing to provide the agility required to meet the rapidly

changing demands from mobile users and applications. A software-defined mobil-

ity approach enables wireless operators to connect mobile users to the network on

demand and embed application containers for dynamic execution environments.

Mobility is not a straightforward solution offered with current version of Open-

Flow (v 1.3). Cell mobility is a more constrained research topic in this scope.

Because, a mobile cell, such as a mobile Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) or a mobile

femtocell is an unmanaged device without the connectivity to the SDN controller,

because the forwarding elements cannot process actions without its assistance.

As a result, the SDN architecture insists on connectivity to the controller wher-

ever an OpenFlow enabled cell roams. Publication IV proposes a solution for

cell mobility by modifying OpenFlow-based connection establishment.

The actual networks contain multiple different types of physical transmis-

sion channels such as Ethernet, WLAN, Cognitive, WiMAX, etc. Inter-system

communication is a challenge in modern networks due to the explicit network

architectures they support. This is the reason why heterogeneity has been an un-

solved problem so far. LTE, 4G, and 5G networks have reduced the complexity


of the network heterogeneity, while SDN has defined a unified architecture with

the isolation of the control and forwarding planes. SDN core is the realisation

of an integrated network system which is presented in Publication V. In this

paper, we further investigate the readiness of networking options for enterprise

exploration with security constraints.

1.2 Background of the research history

I started my research work on small-cells with a major concern in Femto and

WLAN cells in late 2010. I came up with my initial research on admission

control in femtocell networks as a part of my research contributions to the ICT

Befemto project. This research was further fine-tuned after discussions with my

supervisor Professor Gurtov. After studying his book on “Host Identity Protocol

(HIP): Towards the Secure Mobile Internet”, I understood the potential of HIP

as a backhaul solution. We presented the initial design of a mobile femtocell

architecture at IEEE Future Network & Mobile Summit (FutureNetw) in 2011.

This research work was carried out within the scope of the MEVICO project.

It has also been presented to the HIP Research Group (HIPRG) at IETF 81,

Canada. With their comments, this solution was extended to an article with

improved cost-effectiveness. The comments and opinions from HIPRG helped

me to fine-tune the architectural solutions presented in Publications I and II.

Furthermore, the research visits I have paid at the University of Budapest, and

the research team at the Mobile Innovation Center (MIK) helped me to gather

the validation options for this proposal.

In early 2012, Professor Gurtov proposed a few pieces of research works

on fast initial authentication to me. This gave me the motivation towards the

study of 802.11 authentication which was identified to have several open research

questions. Initial authentication delay and security are the major problems in

the current 802.11 architecture. Late 2012, I had a discussion with researcher

Georgantas who was conducting an Internship at Helsinki Institute for IT (HIIT).

He had past research experience in this field. His comments and ideas on this

research were very beneficial to this research. I presented this work (Publication

III) at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC),

Shanghai, China, 2013.


In early 2013, I was involved in contributing to a research project proposal

under the Celtic plus label which was coordinated by Nokia, Finland. There, I

proposed my research topics related to secure mobility with OpenFlow. Discus-

sions with Professor Gurtov always helped me to screen ideas and to construct

solutions. I also appreciate the comments and contributions from the doctoral

thesis researcher Ahmad who was in the same research group with me. The

research visits I paid to Nokia and Aalto University helped me to polish this

idea (Publication IV) and to present it at IEEE SDN4FNS.

In late 2013, I got to know about Tallac Networks, which is a SDN solution

provider in USA. They were interested on my research work and finally, we

ended-up in a research collaboration. Online discussions with Paul Congdon,

the CTO and Matt Davy, the principal solution architect, at Tallac Networks,

helped me in the development of the wireless SDN test bed at University of

Oulu. I implemented Tallac’s software defined mobility solution on the test

bed. Motivated by the discussions with them and under the guidance of my

supervisors, the test bed was extended to integrate an OpenFlow enabled WLAN

with a Cognitive networking platform via SDN core. This research was presented

at NGMAST’14, Oxford, UK.

1.3 Contributions of the thesis

The publications attached to this thesis were originally proposed, validated, and

implemented during the last four years of my doctoral studies. Below, I highlight

my contributions in each of the publications included.

Publication I: I came up with the proposed research idea. Then, I per-

formed simulation using OMNet++ and evaluated the scenario. This work was

also contributed by my co-author Pelikka in terms of proof-reading and contribut-

ing to the literature review included at the beginning of this paper. Professor

Gurtov guided this work by proposing me related subject materials and review-

ing the draft. I proved that the proposed scheme has a 123% of throughput

increment and a 40% of reduction in the packet drop rate.

Publication II: This work is an extension of the previous work. Here I came

up with the problem statement and the described scenarios. I simulated the sce-

narios with OMNet++ and performed the evaluation and completed drafting

the publication. Technical advices were provided by my supervisor, Professor


Gurtov while co-author Liyanage helped me with proof-reading of this article.

This work introduced a new research dimension of “vehicular femtocells". I have

described two mobile femtocell architectures, that utilise 802.11 as the backhaul,

and evaluated them with two candidate mobility protocols. The results demon-

strate the benefits of using identity/locator separation on mobile femtocells.

Publication III: The first idea of using HIP for initial authentication was

proposed by co-author Georgantas. However, his design was not feasible for

implementing. Therefore, I came up with a new solution that overcame the

previous problem and prototyped it. That apart, I undertook the writing of

the draft, as well as conducting and describing the experiments. My supervisor,

Professor Gurtov, helped me by reviewing the draft and suggesting the materials.

The novel initial authentication architecture proposed here introduces a radically

new way of authenticating hosts by using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)

only with two message exchanges, and therefore reduces the authentication delay

by 300% compared to the traditional Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) which

is used most commonly in Wi-Fi networks today.

Publication IV: My supervisor Professor Gurtov first proposed me the ini-

tial research idea for this publication. I came up with the solution architecture

and implemented it. I also completed the performance evaluation and writing

of the paper. Co-author Ahmad helped me with the literature survey, giving

his suggestions to improve the content, and proof-reading the draft. Professor

Gurtov and Professor Ylianttila also helped me by reviewing the paper and sug-

gesting modifications to improve the description of the results and performance

evaluation. This study proposes a replacement for the existing Secure Socket

Layer (SSL) based secure connection establishment procedure defined between

an OpenFlow controller and a switch, while reducing the latency by 177%.

Publication V: I came up with the initial research idea for this work and de-

fined the problem statement and performed the measurements, and drafting the

paper. This work was an outcome of a pilot project with “Tallac Networks”, who

donated the OpenFlow enabled wireless APs. My co-author Ahmad helped me

in proof-reading the draft and setting up the testbed, while researcher Jokinen

helped in setting up the LE-WARP platform. In regard to this work, I appreci-

ate the comments from Professor Gurtov on the illustration of the results and

the review help given by Professor Ylianttila. In this work, I evaluated the ap-


plicability of SDN core for mobility between the WLAN and cognitive networks

and demonstrated a peak throughput of 5.2 Mbps on the test platform.

1.4 Methodology

As with the problem statement, the scope and methodology of this thesis have

three categories: simulation, prototyping and implementation. Firstly, archi-

tectural challenges in introducing seamless and secure mobility into small cell

networks are described in Publications I and II. More specifically the challenges

in realising mobile femtocell concepts are highlighted. Since, a femtocell net-

work requires the remaining cellular systems to be already running, I decided

to evaluate these scenarios using simulations. Initially, it was challenging to se-

lect the most suitable simulation platform since many open-source platforms are

available. After many surveys, I chose OMNet++ tool due to following reasons:

1) the flexible INET framework which allows the implementation of new modules

on top; 2) the added support for HIP and its extensions; 3) the flexibility to run,

evaluate, and analyse application scenarios.

I then started to develop the new modules required for the simulation. A

simulation model is always an approximation of a real-world system, expressing

only a portion of the whole truth of the studied scenario. The estimated per-

formance of the simulation results have a more theoretical value. However, they

can be easily extended to areas that are difficult to measure in a real testbed

environment. It must be stated here that the WLAN mobile backhaul, mobile

femtocells, and relay stations were simulated in the OMNet++ environment.

Secondly, a novel approach for fast initial authentication in 802.11 is proposed

in Publication III. This work is followed by a prototype which needs further

enhancement in order to be deployable on commercial networks. For example, I

propose some optimisations to the IEEE 802.1X/WPA component used in client

stations. In fact, this implements key negotiation with a WPA authenticator and

controls the roaming and IEEE 802.11 authentication/association of the wireless

driver. This work mostly concentrated on working on the codes of the previous

component and integrating a new keying mechanism by eliminating the current

keying mechanism using Open System Authentication (OSA).

Thirdly, in Publication V, an implementation of the SDN platform for seam-

less mobility between 802.11 and cognitive networks is presented. In this case,


the WARP platform with an OFDMA reference design is used for the cognitive

implementation. Meanwhile, the 802.11 network was sliced in to several virtual

LANs in order to define unique Service Set IDentifications (SSID) with QoS

profiles. This study involved working with OpenFlow modules, Linux kernel,

and 802.11 wireless configurations. The results obtained here are more reliable,

because they reflect the impact of real world limitations.

1.5 Organisation of the thesis

Chapter 2 presents a literature review. It also contains a detailed description of

the main concepts, definitions and functional models used throughout the thesis.

Chapter 3 discusses the background work and main findings of the publications

at a high level, as well as presenting some practical examples, while many of the

experimental results and technical details are not repeated. Finally, in Chapter 4,

we conclude this thesis and present future work and discussion.



2 Literature Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the research topic related to communication

security and mobility in small-cell networks. In order to clarify the description of

the subsequent sections, some related concepts are described in the next sections.

2.1 Roadmap to small-cells

Looking back on the history, the idea of small-cells has been around for nearly

three decades. The first evidence of small-cells is found in [4]. Simultaneously,

in the 1980s “cellular enhancers” or “boosters” were introduced to cover the voids

in cellular networks, especially in important areas [5, 6]. However, their reuse

of the licensed spectrum for backhaul limited the achievable throughput; and

hence, these repeaters were neither helpful for improving system capacity nor

simple to deploy [1]. As a result, in the 1990s, a precursor to pico-cells began to

emerge by limiting the cell size from tens of metres one hundred meters [1, 7].

These small-cells were essentially a re-sized version of macro base-stations

which required considerable planning, management and network interfaces. These

“traditional” small-cells were exclusively used for capacity and coverage infill [1],

i.e. where macro penetration was insufficient to provide a reliable connection

or was overloaded. As a result, coverage inside high-rise buildings or campus

environments became an interesting topic.

In the 1990s, an industry project led by BellSouth and Panasonic developed

a similar solution to an indoor femtocell by reusing the same macrocell spectrum

and a wired backhaul (T1 or PSTN). These parasitic indoor systems were as-

sumed to operate with low power, i.e. where they caused negligible interference

to the outdoor cellular systems [8]. Even though frequency reuse was first recog-

nised as early as 1947, in an internal study at Bell Laboratories [9], this project

was deemed to be the first implementation of a femtocell like solution [8].

The outcome of this project was a technological improvement, although it

was economically unsuccessful, since the cost of deploying and operating a large

number of small-cells outweighed the advantage they provided [1]. Thus, oper-

ators began to rethink reducing the operational and cost aspects of femtocell


devices [10]. In 2002, Motorola announced the first 3G home base station prod-

uct which appeared in the market in the second half of 2008 [10–12]1.

Simultaneously, Sprint came-up with their femtocell solution under the name

“Sprint Airave” as a limited roll out of a home-based femtocell built by Sam-

sung [13]. Concurrently, StarHub launched “Home Zone”, the world’s first nation-

wide commercially-available 3G femtocell service [10]. The StarHub 3G femtocell

was a portable cellular access device that connected a user’s 3G mobile phone

directly to a router, so that users could make voice and video calls and send

SMS over StarHub’s cable network from their mobile phones [10].

By the time this thesis was being written, many operators had launched fem-

tocell services, including Vodafone, SFR, AT&T, Sprint Nextel, Verizon, Zain,

Mobile TeleSystems, and Orange. These deployments are more sophisticated

and offer a bulk of applications and services associated with the device.

2.1.1 Roadmap to modern femtocells

Modern femtocell architecture mandates the use of femtocell gateways and other

network infrastructure to appropriately route and serve traffic [1, 14]. Home

NodeB (HNB) and Home eNodeB (HeNB) were first introduced in the 3rd Gen-

eration Partnership Project (3GPP) Release 8 [11, 15]. In early 2008, when the

Femto Forum started discussions on Femto architecture, there were fifteen dif-

ferent variations [15]. Therefore, it is timely important to agree on a common

standardised architecture to enable the success of the product-line.

The operational and cost aspects of femtocells have been the major concerns

in the small-cell industry during the last decade. Femtocells were fundamentally

different from the traditional small-cells in their need to be more autonomous

and self-adaptive [1]. Their major development was the backhaul, which was

IP-based and likely supported a lower rate and higher latency than standard X2

interface connecting macro and pico-cells. This agreement led to the proposal

of the “luh” interface to 3GPP, which then became a 3GPP standard [15, 16].

In the USA, Verizon and AT&T rolled-out their wireless network extender

and 3G micro-cell in 2009 and 2010, respectively. AT&T cooperated with Cisco

1Motorola (2008). Motorola Announces Family of Femtocell Solutions. URI:, Last visited on April



for the development of their micro-cell which was the first 3G femtocell in the

USA, supporting both voice and High Speed Packet Access (HSPA). Both Sprint

and Verizon also upgraded their solution to 3G Code Division Multiple Access

(CDMA) femtocells during 2010 [14]. The major advances of 3G femtocell stan-

dardisation activities in 3GPP and 3GPP2 led to the next generation of femto-

cells, i.e. 4G, particularly LTE, which was the designated next step for 3GPP

and 3GPP2 based operators [15, 16].

In 2011, Airvana announced a successful demonstration of the world’s first

end-to-end Long-Term Evolution (LTE) femtocell solution in partnership with

Hitachi Communications Technology Americas2. Simultaneously, the European

Union (EU) started funding research on small-cells, for example, the ICT-4-

248523 BeFEMTO project, which focused on the development and analysis of

LTE and LTE-Advanced compliant femtocell architecture [17–19]. Efforts over

three decades have made femtocell technology plug-and-play, i.e. they automat-

ically configure, self-optimise, and integrate themselves into current networks.

According to the forecast by “Telecom lead”, a significant growth3 in the

femtocell market is expected in the near future. The estimated growth of small-

cells is shown in Fig. 1. This market growth will occur because there is no other

way to build out cellular data infrastructure in an economical manner. Delivery

of voice services over LTE networks has not yet been standardised. Operators

continue to deliver voice via their 3G networks even though they move data to

LTE. As a result, subscriber devices are a mix of 3G-only and 4G plus 3G, with

very few 4G-only devices. To support these subscribers comprehensively across

all types of mobile services, operators must deploy a multi-mode radio access

infrastructure, including multi-mode femtocells.

In this thesis, we clarify the essence of small-cell deployment that in par-

ticular enhances network coverage and capacity. It is evident that the mobile

Internet has increased the demand for complete coverage both in and out. There-

fore, operators have found small cells to be an interesting solution for improving

coverage in a more cost-effective manner compared to expensive base stations.

2Airvana (2011). Airvana Demonstrates World’s First End-to-End LTE Femtocell Solution-

(2011 Press Releases). URI:

release-archive/, Last visited in April 2014.3Baburajan K (2013). Tips to telecom operators on small cells and Wi-Fi offload-

ing. URI:

small-cells-and-wi-fi-offloading-13035/, Last visited in April 2014.


Fig 1. The number of small-cell base stations over the world from 2012-2018.

The research outcomes of this thesis demonstrate the benefits of small-cell de-

ployment in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) enhancements.

2.1.2 Signi�cant results & standardisation of femtocells

Early significant results related to femtocells were first presented by Claussen and

co-authors at Bell Labs (UK) [20, 21], which were extended to self-optimisation

strategies and multiple antennas shortly afterward [22, 23]. On the academic

side, there is a growing interest in multi-tier networks, i.e. networks comprising

a conventional cellular network plus embedded femtocell hotspots and remain-

ing network technologies. Spectrum allocation, interference management, self-

organisation, and capacity analysis are a few major research areas related to

multi-tier networks that have been investigated during the last decade [24–27].

In [24], the authors developed an uplink capacity analysis and interference

avoidance strategy in a two-tier CDMA network whereas, in [25], an optimum

decentralised spectrum allocation policy for two-tier networks that employ Fre-

quency Division Multiple Access (including OFDMA) was proposed.

The authors of [26] derived a fundamental relation to provide the largest

feasible cellular Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR), given any set of

feasible femtocell SINRs. With frequency reuse, maximum transmit power is a

major concern that suppresses cross-tier interference at a macrocell station [27].

The next level of fundamental research work related to femtocells was then

extended to enhance handover mechanisms, admission control, security and pri-


vacy management [28–31]. Built on these contributions, the technologies have

emerged over time, and the governing standards are discussed subsequently.

Femtocells are not only characterised as short-range base stations, but also

as service enablers with the ability to seamlessly interact with traditional cel-

lular networks and their services, such as seamless handover, self-organisation,

power control, accounting, etc. Seamless interaction is a counterpart of femtocell

standardisation that has been mostly affected by the Femto Forum4.

The Femto Forum is a non-profit organisation formed in 2007 to promote

small-cell technology worldwide. By now, more than 70 network providers, soft-

ware and hardware vendors, mobile operators, and content providers are mem-

bers of the “Femto Forum”. It is actively participating in two major activities:

1) standardisation, regulation, and interoperability; and 2) marketing and pro-

motion of femtocell solutions across the industry and to journalists, analysts,

regulators, special interest groups and standards bodies [1].

Two main Standard Development Organisations (SDOs) are shaping the stan-

dard for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) related (UTRAN)

Femto technology: 3GPP and the Broadband Forum (BBF) [15]. Most attention

and interest is paid to 3G UMTS (the 3G variant of GSM); the first baseline

femtocell standard was completed in 3GPP Release 8 and formally released at

the end of March 2009. In the 3GPP committees, the focus is not just on 3.5G

UMTS/HSPA standards, but work also continues in parallel for 4G LTE femto-

cells. Building on this success, work is already being done to further incorporate

femtocell technology in the 3GPP Release 9 [16] standard, which will address

LTE femtocells, as well as support more advanced functionalities.

Femtocell standards are also being developed by other industry bodies for

additional air interface technologies. 3GPP is now focused on LTE (formally

3GPP Release 8 onwards) and LTE-A technologies (Release 10 onwards), while

3GPP2 activities have now been essentially discontinued [1]. The physical and

MAC layer impact of femtocells on LTE and WiMAX are quite similar, due to

their comparable physical and MAC layer designs, which are based on OFDMA.

Since LTE is likely to be the dominant cellular platform for the foreseeable future,

the smooth integration of femtocells into LTE is particularly important.

4Small Cell Forum. URI:,(2007-2014), Last visited in April



As for the current 3GPP standards, femtocells are fixed in-home base stations

which neither support mobility nor overlay abstractions. These limitations in

the specification bound their capabilities. Thus, now is the time to revisit the

existing femtocell architecture. In this thesis, we have proposed extensions to

the legacy femtocell architecture to make them mobile.

2.2 Milestones in the history of communication security

In this section, we summarise the milestones in the history of communication se-

curity and present them on a time-line that aids in understanding their evolution.

Fig. 2 unfolds the history of communication security while a detailed description

is given below. Communication security is all about preventing unauthorised

interceptors from accessing communications in an intelligible manner, but still

communicating to the intended parties. The first evidence of communication

security was found in 1898, i.e. a demonstration of a radio controlled boat [32]

that allowed secure communication between the transmitter and the receiver.

During warfare, one of the key aspects of communications is the ability to

transmit messages among the military and allies in utter secrecy and security.

Gilbert Vernam, an engineer at the AT&T Bell labs, invented a secure printing

telegraph cipher system and named it the “Vernam cipher” [33]. It was used for

signaling in the US army during World War I in 1917.

In 1936, Bell Telephone Laboratories (BTL) started developing voice signals

into digital data which could be reconstructed back to intelligible voice. This

was called a “vocoder”, which provoked the exploration of true voice security.

This was the first realization of encrypted telephony called “SIGSALY” [34].

“SIGSALY” was first demonstrated in 1942; and later used in World War II for

the highest-level Allied communication. In 1949, Claude Shannon published an

article “Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems” [35], which was the inception

of the mathematical underpinning of modern cryptography.

After studying US government computer security needs, National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST) identified the need for a standard encryption

for government-wide unclassified, sensitive information. As a result, in 1970,

the first version of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) [36, 37] was submitted

to NIST by IBM. It was based on the early design of the “Lucifer" cipher [38].

After consulting with National Security Agency (NSA), NIST selected a slightly


Fig 2. Milestones in the road-map of communication security. This illustrates the

inventions related to security over time.

modified version, which was then published as a Federal Information Processing

Standard (FIPS). The publication of an NSA-approved encryption standard re-

sulted in the quick adoption of DES internationally and widespread academic

scrutiny. After it was published in the Federal Register, public comments were

requested; and a workshop to discuss proposed standards was held.

Among the criticisms from various parties, the public-key cryptography pi-

oneers, Martin Hellman and Whitfield Diffie, cited the shorter key length and

improper interference from NSA in the design. DES as a symmetric-key crypto-

system works well locally, but not across networks, since the physical medium

the packets cross is insecure. This provoked research in public-key cryptography

since, the symmetric-key algorithm is then considered to be insecure.

In 1976, Diffie and Hellman proposed a method to securely exchange keys be-

tween two parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly establish

a shared secret key over an insecure communications channel [39]. This method

worked only for key exchange, but not for the actual encryption of messages. Fur-

thermore, they discussed the possibility of using this idea for secure public-key

encryption and authentication. Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman

at MIT publicly described their public-key encryption code in 1977. They named

it “RSA”, the initials of their surnames in the same order as on the paper [37].

They made all of the necessary information publicly available using the idea of

the fledgling field of complexity theory where computing in one direction is easy,

but hard to invert. RSA would be useful not only for encrypting data, but also

for authenticating each other. Unlike Diffie-Hellman, the RSA scheme required

the exchange of a public key beforehand. In 1984, Taher ElGamal described a

public-key encryption code based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.


The ElGamal cryptosystem [40] could be considered as a hybrid cryptosys-

tem, i.e. where the message itself is encrypted using a symmetric cryptosystem.

ElGamal was used to encrypt the key used for the symmetric cryptosystem.

Simultaneously, ElGamal described a digital signature scheme [40] which took

into account the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms. Even though, both

Diffie-Hellman and RSA were the first footprints of digital signatures, the ElGa-

mal signature scheme underpinned the design of the Digital Signature Algorithm

(DSA), proposed by NIST in 1991 for the Digital Signature Standard (DSS).

One of the RSA developers, Ron Rivest, continued developing a custom ci-

pher for a US company which was approved by NSA in 1989. It was named,

“Ron’s Code” or “Rivest Cipher” (RC2) [41], and was reverse engineered and

anonymously posted to the Internet in 1996. The successor of RC2, RC4 [42],

became the most widely used software stream cipher and is used in popular pro-

tocols, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Wired Equivalent Privacy

(WEP) [43]. The external analysis of RC4 was invoked by the leakage of its

source code in 1994 to a “cypherpunks” mailing list.

In 1989, Ron Rivest described the Message-Digest Algorithm 2 (MD2) cryp-

tographic hash function which was optimised for 8-bit computers. The MD2

algorithm is intended for digital signature applications, where a large file must

be “compressed” in a secure manner before being signed with a private (secret)

key under a public-key cryptosystem such as RSA [44].

In 1990, Rivest published MD4 [45] which handled messages with an arbitrary

number of bits. A variety of cryptanalytic results cast doubt on the complexity

of the MD4 design [46]. Meanwhile, the security of MD4 has been severely

compromised. The first full collision attack against MD4 was published in 1995,

and several newer attacks have been published since then. In 1991, Ron Revest

replaced his earlier hash function with MD5 [47, 48] which made MD4 likely to

be insecure. In 1996, a flaw was found in the design of MD5. While it was not

deemed a fatal weakness at the time, cryptographers began recommending the

use of other algorithms, such as SHA-1, which was later found to be vulnerable.

Therefore, NIST designed and published the successor to SHA-1, SHA-2,

which significantly differs from its predecessor. However, SHA-1 is the most

widely used of the existing SHA hash functions. The SHA-2 functions are not

as widely used as SHA-1, despite their better security approach.


By combining the hash function with the Message Authentication Code

(MAC), Mihir Bellare, Ran Canetti, and Hugo Krawczyk published a Hash-

based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) in 1996 [49, 50]. As with any

MAC, HMAC could be used to verify both authentication and integrity. Based

on the hash function used, the resulting MAC algorithm is termed HMAC-MD5

or HMAC-SHA1. In the meantime, NIST continued the development of DES

and came up with Double DES and its successor,Triple DES in 1998 [51].

This time, they improved the key size and made it computationally hard

to break by introducing three DES rounds. Usage of weak keys made DES

vulnerable to attacks, although it may not be nearly as obsolete as deemed by

NIST. However, in 2001, the Triple DES algorithm was replaced by the Advanced

Encryption Standard (AES) which was proposed to NIST. Thus, Triple DES is

now considered to be obsolete.

AES is based on the Rijndael cipher which was developed by two Belgian

cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. After selecting Rijndael

during the AES selection process, NIST decided to change the names of some of

its functions to improve the reliability of the standards. AES has been adopted

by the US government and is now used worldwide. The algorithm described in

AES is a symmetric-key algorithm which superseded the DES [52].

AES survived intensive cryptanalytic efforts for more than a decade until

hashing in AES, i.e. SHA-2, shortened by as little as 25% was found to be

not a one-way function. Meanwhile, developers worked out a new public-key

cryptography algorithm based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over

finite fields [53]. The first use of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography (ECC) was

Lenstra’s elliptic curve factoring algorithm, presented in his paper [54].

Inspired by this, in 1985, Koblitz [55] and Miller [56] independently proposed

an application of elliptic curves by using the group of points on an elliptic curve

defined over a finite field in discrete log cryptosystems. In 1999, NIST recom-

mended a collection of elliptic curves which contain choices of private-key length

and underlying fields for the use of federal government. However, elliptic curve

cryptography entered worldwide use in 2004 to 2005.

In the 2000s, many cryptographic algorithms came up; and most of them

were customised for special requirements. Simultaneously, there has been a sig-

nificant growth of proprietary and hybrid cryptosystems developed to be used

with commercial applications and proprietary networks. In particular, the de-


velopment of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) [57] in 1995 by Netscape [58] led the

way for Internet security and e-commerce. However, the development of cryptog-

raphy has been paralleled by the development of cryptanalysis. Cryptography

can provide confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation for

communications in public networks, storage, and more.

Some real-world applications include protocols and technologies such as VPN

networks, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) web transactions, and

management through Secure Shell (SSH). HIP is such a cryptosystem with iden-

tity/locator separation in which we have shown a special interest throughout this

thesis. A long way through the development of cryptography, researchers are

now trying to integrate different cryptosystems to collaboratively perform bet-

ter in application-specific scenarios, such as mobile banking, e-commerce, ATM,

e-channelling, etc. In this thesis, we study mobile backhaul security measures

and analyse the standard and potential solutions.

2.3 Towards software-de�ned networks

During the past twenty years or more, SDN has become more perceptible. In

some ways, SDN revisits the ideas from early telephony networks in which control

and data planes are clearly separated [59]. In the early to mid-1990s, the take-off

of the Internet, the production of more diverse applications and greater use by

the general public drew the attention of researchers eager to test and deploy new

ideas into network services [59].

Due to vertically integrated switches and routers, in the mid-1990s, researchers

thought separation between the hardware and control software was challenging

with the closed or proprietary nature which froze the rapid deployment of new

network services [60, 61]. Active networking [62, 63] laid down the initial idea

of a programmable network infrastructure that could be used for customised

services. In 1998, Chen and Jackson [61] identified a clear distinction between

the transport and control planes with an objective to make the control plane

programmable. In 2004, the “4D project” advocated a clean-slate design that

emphasised the isolation of the routing logic and protocols [64–66].

Their objective was to evoke the “decision” plane a global view of the network,

serviced by a “dissemination” and “discovery” plane, for the control of the “data”

plane for forwarding traffic.


Fig 3. Decoupling of the control plane from the data-forwarding plane enables

centralised control and management by a network administrator.

The existing SDN architecture with a centralised control plane was directly

inspired by this idea. In 2006, the IETF network configuration group proposed a

network configuration protocol (NETCONF) that configures network elements

through an API [67]. This was seen as a new approach for network manage-

ment that would fix the aforementioned shortcomings in the Simple Network

Management Protocol (SNMP). The immediate predecessor to OpenFlow was

published in 2007 [68] and brought forward the idea of a centralised controller

that determined global network policy. In contrast to the omniscient controller,

the switches are simple and dumb, and they simply forward the packets under

the direction of the controller unless matching flow rules are found.

Driven by past research, researchers at UC Berkeley and Stanford Univer-

sity came-up with a clear distinction between the control and data planes [69].

The most widely used SDN enabler, OpenFlow in [69], puts forward the idea of

providing an open protocol to program the flow-tables in different switches and

routers. Thus, the network administrator could partition traffic into production

and research flows by the routes the flows would follow and get through [69].

Driven by the idea of decoupling control and data planes, OpenFlow standard-

ized information exchange between the planes. The separation of the control and

forwarding planes is shown in Fig. 3. The forwarding elements can contain one

or more flow tables and an abstraction layer that enables secure communication

between the switch and the controller via OpenFlow protocol. The entries in the

flow tables determine how packets are processed or forwarded. Typically, flow


tables consist of “match rules” or “fields” that match incoming packet headers,

ingress ports, or meta-data.

The OpenFlow protocol uses “counters” to collect statistics of a particular

flow and “instructions” or “actions” upon matching to a particular match rule.

If a matching entry is not found in the flow tables, the action will follow the

instruction defined by the table-miss flow entry. Each of the flow tables must

contain a table-miss entry to handle table misses. When no match is found,

the dropped packets will be matched against the next flow table or forwarded

to the controller. The switches that are managed by a controller appear to

imply centralisation. Although redundancy is not addressed by OpenFlow, soft-

ware defined networks can implement either a centralised or distributed control

plane [70–72]. Enabling connections from multiple controllers to a switch allows

backup controllers to take over in case of a failure.

A platform called Onix was presented in [70]. Onix describes the imple-

mentation of a distributed management plane through an API. A control plane

using Onix operates on the global view of the network and uses basic state

distribution primitives provided by the platform. HyperFlow [73] realises this

with a physically distributed event-based control plane: it provides scalability

while maintaining the benefits of network control centralisation by passively syn-

chronising networks. The evolution of elastic cloud services, data centres, and

dynamic resource allocation with growing mobile computing and virtualisation

puts forward the need of freedom to move between interfaces without chang-

ing identities or violating specifications. The isolation between the control logic

and data forwarding planes allows network operators to specify network services,

without fusing already complicated specifications with network interfaces.

Network equipment manufacturers have adopted mechanisms for driving net-

work hardware for the purpose of sharing edge between the software-defined

edge and vendor-specific bridging and routing. OpenFlow defines a set of open

commands for forwarding, and globally-aware software controllers, which may

be centralised or distributed to drive the network hardware in order to create a

programmable identity-based overlay on top of the traditional IP core.

Software-defined networking offers a standard interface [74] between con-

troller applications and switch-forwarding tables, and is thus a natural platform

for network virtualisation. Hosted cloud computing and experimental facilities,

such as Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), allow researches


to come up with large-scale experiments on network “slices” on shared resources.

Virtualisation is a key feature in this infrastructure that brought forward the

idea of sharing physical resources.

Although virtual machines are now the standard abstraction for sharing com-

puting resources, the existing solutions differ in the level of detail they are ex-

posed to individuals [74]. Since, enterprises are now moving towards the cloud,

network providers must go beyond strategies for sharing network bandwidth and

to support a wider range of abstraction. The flexible virtualisation layer supports

various abstractions to rampart arbitrary topologies such as data-centres.

Software-defined data-centres are considered to be the next step in the evolu-

tion of virtualisation and cloud computing, as they provide a solution to support

both legacy enterprise applications and new cloud computing services. The vir-

tualisation needs of software define data centre counts in network, server, and

storage virtualisation. Network virtualisation involves using network resources

through a logical segmentation of a single physical network and treats all servers

and services in the network as a single pool of resources that can be accessed

without regard for its physical components [75]. On the other hand, partitioning

of a physical server to multiple virtual servers helps to dynamically maximise

server resources. In server virtualisation, the resources of the server itself are hid-

den, or masked, from users, and the SDN control layer divides the physical server

into multiple virtual environments, called virtual or private servers [76, 77].

Today, large companies, such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Yahoo!, rou-

tinely use data centres for storage, web search, and large-scale computation [75].

Google has already deployed SDN in their data centres [78]. In the context of

virtualised data centres, network programmability provides a modular interface

for separating physical topologies from virtual topologies, allowing each to be

managed and evolved independently [75].

In a nutshell, SDN has already laid down a platform for the future devel-

opment of services and applications. According to our understanding, SDN is

a step towards mobile Internet. However, realising mobile Internet with SDN

is challenging and thus, there is a need to revisit the existing network architec-

ture. We believe that now the job is in the hands of programmers’ or application

developers’ due to the common interface apparent with OpenFlow.


The open networking foundation

The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is a non-profit industry consortium

that is leading the advancement of SDN and standardising critical elements of

the SDN architecture such as the OpenFlow protocol, which structures com-

munication between the control and data planes of supported network devices.

OpenFlow is the first standard interface designed specifically for SDN, providing

high performance and granular traffic control across multiple devices.

The OpenFlow standard is the first and only vendor-neutral standard commu-

nications interface defined between the control and forwarding layers of an SDN

architecture. ONF working groups are also paving the way for interoperable solu-

tion development by collaborating with the world’s leading experts on SDN and

OpenFlow, regarding SDN concepts, frameworks, architecture, and standards.

ONF advocates an open standards-based approach to software-defined network

implementation. The OpenFlowTM Standard is the only open, standard proto-

col that enables SDN by giving administrators software-based access to the flow

control tasks provided by switches and routers in traditional networks.

2.4 Host identity protocol

Internet has grown very quickly during the last twenty or more years and has

become a part of human life. Simultaneously, IP technology has evolved to serve

a huge number of different services and applications. However, the mobility of

Internet hosts among separate IP networks or multiple connections to several

networks was not discussed in the original design of the Internet. Furthermore,

with the growth of small networks many security issues have become apparent.

In particular, a lack of reliable communication has slowed down the develop-

ment of IP mobility extensions. HIP [79–82] was developed with the intention

to overcome these issues in an integrated approach that fits well within TCP/IP

architecture. The original inventor of HIP, Robert Moskowitz [81], published

the draft “draftmoskowitz-hip-00” as an individual submission to the Internet

Engineering Task Force (IETF) in May 1999. The idea behind HIP is based

on decoupling the network layer from the higher layers in the protocol stack, as

seen in Fig. 4.


Fig 4. Host Identity Protocol architecture

Fundamentals of HIP

HIP defines a new global name-space, the Host Identity (HI) name space, thereby

splits the double meaning of an IP address [83]. HIP is also a security protocol

that defines host identifiers for naming end-points and for performing authenti-

cation and creating IPSec security associations between them. The new protocol

layer is added to the TCP/IP stack between the network and transport layers.

It maps the Host Identifiers to network addresses and vice-versa.

In this way, HIP attains the main architectural goal, i.e. splitting the IP-

based identity/locator attributes. In the traditional TCP/IP architecture, IP

addresses serve as both identifiers and locators, which create problems for mo-

bility and multihoming. Instead, HIP uses Host Identity (HI) which is a self-

generated public-private key pair serving as both identifier and public-key for

the host. This kind of identifier is self-certifying in the sense that it can be used

to verify signatures without access to certificates or a public-key infrastructure.

The host identity is usually represented by the Host Identity Tag (HIT), which

is a 128-bit hash of the HI. The effect of eliminating IP addresses in application

and transport layers decouples transport layer from inter-networking layer.

To create a HIP association, the endpoints first establish session keys with

the HIP Base Exchange (BEX) [84], after which all packets are protected us-

ing the IPSec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). However for mobile hosts,

there is a readdressing mechanism to support IP address updates with mobil-

ity and multihoming [85, 86]. There are situations where a simple end-to-end


readdressing functionality is not sufficient (e.g. the initial reachability of mobile

nodes or simultaneous mobility of nodes).

The HIP-BEX consists of four messages (I1, R1, I2, and R2) transferred

between the initiator and the responder. Fig. 4 illustrates the overall HIP ar-

chitecture including the BEX. The initiator may retrieve the HI/HIT of the

responder from a Domain Name System (DNS) directory by sending a Fully

Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in a DNS query [87]. Instead of resolving the

FQDN to an IP address, the DNS server replies with an HI. The transport layer

creates a packet with the HI as the destination identifier. During the next step

the HI is mapped to an IP address by the HIP daemon in the Host Identity

layer. Finally, the packet is processed in the network layer and routed to the


IPSec for data encryption

After successfully completing BEX, a pair of IPsec ESP Security Associations

(SAs), one for each direction will be created. HIP uses IPsec ESP Bound End-

to-End Mode (BEET) [88] to provide data encryption and integrity protection

for network applications5. The purpose of the mode is to provide limited tunnel

mode semantics without the overhead associated with the regular tunnel mode.

As the name states, the BEET mode is intended solely for end-to-end use.

In BEET mode, the ESP packet is formatted as a transport mode packet, but

the semantics of the connection are the same as for tunnel mode. The “outer"

addresses of the packet are the IP addresses and the “inner" addresses are the

HITs. For outgoing traffic, after the packet has been encrypted, the packet’s IP

header is changed to a new one that contains IP addresses instead of HITs, and

the packet is sent to the network. When the ESP packet is received, the Security

Parameter Index (SPI) value, together with the integrity protection, allows the

packet to be securely associated with the correct HIT pair. The packet header is

replaced with a new header containing HITs, and the packet is decrypted. SPI

is used in ESP to find the correct security association for received packets. The

ESP SPIs have added significance when used with HIP; they are a compressed

5Melen J & Nikander P (2006) A Bound End-to-End Tunnel (BEET) mode for ESP. IETF

Network Working Group, Internet draft draft-nikander-esp-beet-mode-06 (work in progress).


representation of a pair of HITs. Thus, SPIs may be used by intermediary

systems in providing services like address mapping.

HIP diet-exchange

In 2011, Moskowitz came-up with light version of BEX which was named Diet Ex-

change (DEX) 6. DEX used the smallest possible set of established cryptographic

primitives. It was specifically designed to be used with sensor devices [89]; gen-

erally, devices with low processing power. The objectives resemble the earlier

Lightweight HIP (LHIP) mentioned in [79]. However, instead of removing the

public-key cryptosystem, DEX has only removed the expensive Diffie-Hellman

key exchange and replaced it with an ECC variant which is better suited for

sensor nodes [89]. Beyond its capabilities of identity authentication, data encryp-

tion, and message integrity, DEX can be directly used as a keying mechanism

for MAC layer security protocols in sensor devices.

Mobility management with HIP

With HIP, the overlying protocols such as TLS and ESP secure associations are

bounded to Host Identities, while IP addresses are only used for packet forward-

ing. However, each peer must be reachable via at least one IP address used

during the base exchange. As a consequence of this decoupling, network-layer

mobility and host multihoming are simplified. There are a number of situations

where the simple end-to-end readdressing functionality is not sufficient.

These include the initial reachability of a mobile host, location privacy, simul-

taneous mobility, middle-box traversal, and some modes of NAT traversal [90–

92]. In this situation, HIP obtains the support of the Rendezvous Server (RVS)

function [93] to help a HIP node to contact a frequently moving HIP node. The

rendezvous mechanism is a third party function which serves as an initial contact

point (“rendezvous point”) for its clients.

The Rendezvous Server (RVS) stores the HIT-IP bindings for mobile nodes

registered to it by using the HIP Registration Extension [93]. Registration exten-

sion defines how to relay HIP packets arriving for HITs to the node’s registered

6Moskowitz R (2011) HIP Diet EXchange (DEX): draft-moskowitz-hip-rg-dex-05, Internet

Engineering Task Force, Status: Work in progress, Internet draft


IP addresses. Every time the host changes its address, its registration with RVS

must be updated. However, a mobile host can directly notify the associated

peers of IP address changes. In that sense, the use of RVS is limited for initial

contact, i.e. only for hosts that do not have active HIP associations with a mo-

bile host. However, when the initiator and receiver are simultaneously moving

with an active HIP association, the function of RVS is clearly envisioned.

Fig 5. Base exchange with registration extension assuming that the responder is

previously registered to RVS with its HITs and current IP addresses.

Fig. 5 describes base exchange via RVS when the initiator does not know the

responder’s IP address. Here, the initiator obtains the responder’s RVS address

from its DNS record and then sends the I1 packet of the base exchange to RVS.

After notifying the initiator’s HIT, RVS checks its registrations to determine

whether it needs to relay the packets. If the arriving I1 packet is not one of

its own and the responder is already in the registered list, RVS relays the I1

packet to the responder’s registered IP address. Accordingly, the responder can

be reached via RVS as it rewrites the destination IP with the responder’s IP.

Then, BEX can be completed without further assistance from RVS by sending

an R1 directly to the initiator’s IP address, as obtained from the I1 packet.

This mechanism allows the HIP layer to maintain the sessions. In our view,

multihoming is deemed an essential part of mobile communication that brings

seamless mobility for the overlay applications. In this thesis, we unfold the

usability of this approach for mobility and backhaul security.


2.5 Mobile IP (MIP)

Mobile IP is an IETF standard that has added the roaming capabilities of mobile

nodes in IP networks. It is designed to allow mobile users to move from one

network to another while maintaining a permanent IP address. Each mobile

node is always identified by its home address, regardless of its current point of

attachment to the Internet. While situated away from its home, a mobile node

is also associated with a care-of address, which provides information about its

current point of attachment to the Internet [94]. The protocol registers the care-

of address with a home agent. The home agent sends datagram destined for the

mobile node through a tunnel to the care-of address. After arriving at the end

of the tunnel, each datagram is then delivered to the mobile node. With mobile

IPv4, scalability is limited by the number of available free IP addresses. Mobile

IPv6 eliminates this problem with 128 bits addresses.

On one hand, mobile IPv4 has the problem of triangular routing which still

needs to be optimised. On the other hand, mobile IPv6 uses route optimisation

to eliminate this problem. RFC 3775 [95] has described this standard in detail.

The major benefit of this standard is that the mobile nodes (as IPv6 nodes)

change their point of attachment to the IPv6 Internet without changing their

IP address. This allows mobile devices to move from one network to other and

still maintain the existing overlay connections. Although Mobile IPv6 is mainly

targeted at mobile devices, it is equally applicable for wired environments.

In a fixed network, mobile IPv6 is needed because the mobile nodes can not

maintain the previously connected link (using the address assigned from the pre-

viously connected link) after changing the location (Ex: virtual server migration).

To accomplish the need for mobility, connections to mobile IPv6 nodes are made

(without user interaction) with a specific address that is always assigned to the

mobile node, and through which the mobile node is always reachable. Mobile

IPv6 is expected to be used in IP over WLAN, WiMAX or wireless broadband.



3 Summary of research contributions

In this chapter, we summarise our results published in the journal and confer-

ence proceedings. A more detailed analysis of the results is presented in the

corresponding publications attached at the end of this thesis. In Publications I

and II, we evaluate the vehicular femtocell architecture and propose essential

modifications that enable seamless connectivity on the move.

Publication III deals with fast initial authentication-related issues and proto-

typing of an Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based authentication scheme

for IEEE 802.11 systems. Finally, in Publications IV and V, we address the

problems related to OpenFlow mobile backhaul architecture and develop a wire-

less SDN test bed. We realise seamless mobility on the test bed and implement

an access control mechanism integrated to Floodlight-based DHCP module to

secure OpenFlow enabled wireless networks from unauthorised access.

3.1 Vehicular femtocells in EPC architecture

This section describes the proposed vehicular femtocell architectures in Publi-

cations I and II, and comprehensively describes the protocol and operational

requirements. The publication entitled “Secure and Multihomed Vehicular Fem-

tocells” proposes an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) based mobile femtocell archi-

tecture that is evaluated with the OMNet++ network simulation tool.

Communication between the femtocell and the Secure GateWay (SeGW) is

vulnerable to attacks, since both control and data traffic will be carried over

the same unreliable public Internet. Thus, the 3GPP femtocells establish IPSec

tunnels in either direction through the backhaul to protect the communication

from attackers. Femtocell authentication is generally performed using Extensi-

ble Authentication Protocol method for 3rd generation Authentication and Key

Agreement (EAP-AKA), certificates, or as a combination of both. 3GPP stan-

dard presumes that validation and authentication are performed sequentially.

However, these standard solutions will not fit in the context of vehicular fem-

tocells where they demand seamless connectivity to the Internet with mobility.

The duality attribute of the IP limits the freedom of mobility as a result of


Fig 6. HIP in the TCP/IP stack.

the concurrent change of IP layer associations. At this point, it is important

to investigate the possible elimination of the identification or locator attribute

from IP. The identity/locator separation protocols have emerged to overcome

the latter problem, but have not been widely used, since they require additional

APIs to communicate with the application layer. HIP offers multiple advantages

compared to other candidate protocols, such as Locator/ID Separation Protocol

(LISP) or Shim6 [96–99]. HIP multihoming provides a multi-addressing capabil-

ity on HIP-enabled hosts and naturally solves the tasks that are challenging in

any mobile architecture design.

Fig. 6, describes the integration of the HIP layer into the TCP/IP stack. This

includes providing end-to-end security for each flow and facilitating the ability

to traverse NATs and middleboxes, as well as enabling mobility support, which

is inherited from the standard HIP protocol implementation. With mobility,

the active sessions are interrupted by the change of point of attachment to the

network. If IP addresses are only used as geographical locators, only the location

of the mobile node can be identified, but not its identity. Therefore, sessions built

on HITs can still identify the host, even if the locator is updated.


Problem statement

Modern mobile applications claim seamless voice and data sessions continuity

when subscribers are on the move. Service continuity is one of the most critical

quality parameters in a cellular system [100]. Quality of service (QoS) is always

hindered by handover latency and packet loss. On one hand, extending cellular

coverage towards signal infills has been a challenge for a long time until the

small cells appeared to be a potential solution. On the other hand, enabling

5-bar signaling for mobile Internet has been expected, but has not yet been

completely accomplished using the available network infrastructure.

We argue that on-site cells are the appropriate solution to overcome this

problem, as the macrocell signal may drop due to shadows. Coverage inside ve-

hicles, trains, metros, and trams is still questionable due to unexpected channel

conditions experienced on the move. Thus, on-site cells could be a promising

solution to overcome this problem. However, the protocol stack on legacy fem-

tocells must be modified to realise its mobility, although this will introduce new

security vulnerabilities and privacy flaws. Among several other approaches, IP

multihoming is a potential solution for seamless mobility that mainly improves

throughput and reduces packet loss. Theoretically, it can reduce service inter-

ruptions and packet loss during handover. The subsequent sections describe the

usability of these concepts towards the realisation of vehicular femtocells.

3.1.1 Wireless backhaul

Conventional femtocells communicate through home broadband access and/or

Internet. The most critical issue related to the realisation of vehicular femtocells

is the wireless backhaul which delivers the aggregated traffic between the femto-

cell device and the core network/Internet [100, 101]. Here, we consider two use

cases: 1) mobile Internet on metro; 2) mobile Internet on vehicles. The success

of such an application would entirely stand on the effectiveness of the wireless

backhaul architecture, where the demand is always towards the cost-efficient and

QoS compatible solutions.

Choosing the right solution for traffic backhauling from the cell-site to the

IP backbone can make or break such a business case for a carrier’s new mobile

service. At the same time, this solution should be scalable enough to deploy in


Fig 7. Wireless relay station for traf�c backhaul.

large scale and minimise interference and other limiting factors. Thus, sharing

the same cellular spectrum is problematic, and the ability to limit the coverage

area is important.

Therefore, we have chosen IEEE 802.11 for the wireless backhaul between

the cell-site and the network edge. We believe that this is one of the most cost-

effective solutions for wireless backhaul. It is assumed that the handsets and

femtocells are dual-band accessible (cellular and Wi-Fi). With OMNet++ [102,

103], we develop two new modules, one for wireless relay stations and the other

for vehicular femtocells with the IEEE 802.11 interface. OMNeT++ offers an

Eclipse-based IDE and a graphical run-time environment.

In Fig. 7, we present the relay station and modular implementation of the

IEEE 802.11 interface that we have developed. The IEEE 802.11 compatible

femtocells are simulated by customising the “INET” [104, 105] based IEEE 802.11

access point module7. The relay station performs traffic forwarding between

IEEE 802.11 and wired Ethernet interfaces. This allows simple forwarding of

traffic from the vehicular femtocells to the network’s edge. At this point, the

wireless backhaul is too fragile and vulnerable to on-air security attacks.

Thus, it is important to encrypt data and put in proper authentication and

access control. For evaluation purposes, we have been using HIPSim++ [106,

107] which is a HIP simulation framework for INET/OMNeT++ developed to

7Varga, A et al., INET framework for OMNeT++ 4.0,, Last visited

on April 2014


provide a flexible tool-set for the testing and validation of HIP and its extensions.

HIPSim++ is fully OMNeT++ 4.x compatible as it is built on top of INET

Version 20090325. This modular implementation enables a flexible framework

for developing new modules and testing them on OMNeT++ [108].


In the first case, we assume the femtocell devices are located inside the train

carriages. According to the standards, the IEEE 802.11 range can be extended

to at most 300 metres. Thus, theoretically, the maximum distance between two

wireless relay stations is less than 600 metres. These relay stations are mounted

on poles along the railway track. They are connected to the network edge over

a wired line or fibre-optic. For cost-effectiveness, the power lines could be used

to deliver traffic. However, data transmission over power lines is still under


The following explanation turns-out the cost-effectiveness of this solution.

Having said that, the theoretical displacement between two relay stations is 600

metres; to avoid problems due to loss of line-of-sight, we assume the maximum

displacement is 500 metres. Assuming the total length of the railway track is “D”

and the displacement between two relay stations is “d”, the total cost of relay

stations required to cover the complete track is given by c[(D/d)+1], where “c” is

the cost per unit. Assuming a track of length 100km, at least 201 relay stations

must be deployed. If a single unit cost 100 USD, the cost of wireless backhaul

would be around 20,000 USD, which an operator would consider worthwhile to

spend to cover such a long track. By utilising the cost model given in [109], the

operational expenditure (OPEX) is calculated to be 50 USD/km.


This case describes the use of on-site femtocells in buses and personal automo-

tives. In this case, we assume that the relay stations are mounted on street

poles. Unlike the previous case, here, the deployment cost depends on the target

area. For example, if we consider an area “A”, the total cost for relay stations

can be calculated as [A/(πr2)]*c, where “r” is the radius of the area covered by

a 802.11 relay station. If we assume an area of 4km2, it will require at least


Fig 8. HIP registration and RVS extension.

16 relay stations to properly cover the whole area, which means about 1,600

USD to cover 2x2 km2 area. By using the same model in [109], the OPEX is

calculated to be less than 100 USD/km2 which is considerably lower than the

OPEX for 3G or 4G systems. The international speed limit in an urban area

ranges below 40kmph. Thus, the maximum dwell time would be around 50s.

This is almost of the same duration as that of an average voice call. Thus, we

can expect that a cell-site would move to a new relay station only once during a

call. This elaborates the feasibility of using 802.11 as a backhauling mechanism

in an urban environment.

3.1.2 Protocol and operational requirements

As wireless backhaul is open to anyone in range, organising an attack or sniffing

traffic on-air is possible using tools that are freely available on the Internet.

End-to-end communication security is an obligation in enterprise networks, since

confidential information may traverse on-air. To provide end-to-end security that

operates at the packet processing layer to protect the network and higher-layer

applications, IETF has defined a suite of security protocols, collectively known

as IPsec [110, 111]. This is capable of securing communications on host-to-host,

network-to-network and network-to-host basis.


IPsec authenticates and encrypts each IP packet within a communications

session. We have proposed IPSec in the ESP mode over HIP identities, thus

HIP-based mutual authentication will generate and share the necessary creden-

tials. The establishment of a secure association between end-hosts is illustrated

in Fig. 8. IPSec ESP in the transport mode can provide protection against DoS,

data origin authenticity, connectionless integrity, anti-replay protection, and lim-

ited traffic flow confidentiality. The ESP header is designed to provide a mix of

security services in IPv4 and IPv6 [88]. The set of services provided depends on

the options selected at the time of security association and on the location of

the implementation in a network.

This provides the same level of security over the wireless backhaul as com-

pared to conventional femtocells and assures that no simple eavesdropping is

possible. The Radio Link Control (RLC) must now use HIP identities, namely

Host Identity Tags (HITs). By the end of successful authentication and IP assign-

ment, a vehicular femtocell must establish a secure association with the Home

eNodeB Management System (H(e)MS) [112, 113].

At this point, the applications can use the HITs instead of IPs. HITs are

self-certified and globally unique; thus, an additional security dimension is given

to the communication. Simultaneously, the globally unique and static identities

on which the applications are built enable enough freedom of mobility, since

they do not change with mobility. The identity/locator separation enabled with

HIP brings seamless mobility for applications developed on top of HIP identities

(HITs). However, now it requires some entity to map the IP addresses to the

HITs, i.e. RVS [83]. Therefore, all HIP-enabled mobile hosts must be registered

to the RVS in the first place in order to initiate mobile communication. In Fig. 9,

the sequence diagram obtained with OMNeT++ presents registration with RVS.

HIP handles change of attachment using the UPDATE method, which in-

volves the exchange of a LOCATOR parameter that carries new address infor-

mation [114]. Using the LOCATOR parameter, the host can inform its peers

of additional (multiple) locators (new address information due to mobility) at

which it can be reached, and can declare the most “preferred” locator [85, 86].

This UPDATE packet must be acknowledged by the peer. The peer can authen-

ticate the contents of the UPDATE packet based on the signature and keyed

hash of the packet. Thus, security back-doors in handover can be minimised.

By using ESP transport format, the host can decide to rekey its security associ-


Fig 9. Registration with RVS.This �gure is obtained with OMNeT++ outpu t vector

results and �lers for the RVS registration extension presented in [ 93]. The hori-

zontal axis presents the time.

ation(s) and possibly generate a new Diffie-Hellman key(s). These actions can

be triggered by including additional parameters in the UPDATE packet.

The UPDATE procedure describes the establishment of network layer asso-

ciations. Even though application sessions built on HIP identities do not experi-

ence any discontinuity, the IP layer associations temporarily disconnect during

UPDATE. With IEEE 802.11, re-establishment of IP connectivity may take as

long as 2-3s, which is not favorable for delay-sensitive applications. Therefore, a

mechanism to overcome this delay is crucial.

Here, we can consider of different approaches: 1) a faster handover process,

which would probably require some modifications in IEEE 802.11 implementa-

tion; 2) IP multihoming to establish multiple channels over different paths that

ensure at least one channel is alive while the old association(s) is(are) depreciated.

Thereby, we need to define primary and secondary channels and to interchange

them due to mobility. Modifying IEEE 802.11 is not a scalable solution, since

there are millions of standard devices already in the market and in use. Thus,

the second option, which is evaluated in this dissertation, has the potential to

be deployed in a global scale.

IP multihoming and mobility

IP multihoming could be deployed as an application that runs over the communi-

cation ports which bring scalability. HIP, Stream Control Transmission Protocol


(SCTP), LISP, Identity/Locator Network Protocol (ILNP), IKEv2 Mobility and

Multihoming Protocol (MOBIKE) are a few realisations of IP multihoming used

in today’s IP networks [115–117]. Multihoming can be implemented in different

ways, based on the IP context. The HIP multihoming solution needs an IP ad-

dress to be paired with an ESP-SPI [88], so that the packets can be forwarded

to the correct SA for a given address. The SPI is used to associate an incoming

packet with the right HIT, since upper-layer protocols, including TCP and ESP,

are bound to HITs but not IP addresses. The job of the HIP sub-layer is to map

arriving ESP packets to a HIT using the SPI value in the packet and select the

source address and interface according to the SPI value set by ESP.

HIP association includes two uni-directional ESP SAs, one in each direction,

although several IP addresses can be added to an SA, the sender can transmit

and receive HIP data packets through any of these addresses. The most impor-

tant property here is the use of SPI to look-up an SA instead of the source IP

address. It is possible to establish multiple such SAs between two HIP hosts.

Thus, they would have different ESP anti-reply windows to avoid receiving mali-

ciously captured and retransmitted packet duplicates. However, use of multiple

IP addresses over a single SA probably leads to a need to modify the ESP

anti-reply window size to be sufficiently large, since packets sent from separate

interfaces are likely to travel via different paths in the network.

In the case of a link fail-over, a host can start using a spare locator. Lets us

consider a case between two hosts, one singlehomed and the other multihomed.

The multihoming host may decide to inform the singlehomed host of its addi-

tional locator. It is recommended to establish a new SA pair with the new

address. At this point, the multihomed host sends the LOCATOR parameter

with an ESP_INFO parameter indicating the request for a new SA pair to use

the new address. This is followed by setting the OLD SPI value to zero and the

NEW SPI value to the newly created incoming SPI. The multihomed host waits

for an ESP_INFO (new outbound SA) from the peer and an ACK for its own

UPDATE. Simultaneously, the peer host must perform an address verification

before actively using the new address, as illustrated in Fig. 10.

With mobility, the UPDATE message sent from a mobile host includes an

ESP_INFO with the OLD SPI set to the previous SPI and the NEW SPI set to

the desired new SPI value for the incoming SA. When an ESP_INFO arrives to

rekey a particular outbound SA, the corresponding inbound SA should also be


Fig 10. Basic multihoming scenario.

rekeyed at the same time. Optionally, as shown in Fig. 10, the host may include

a DIFFIE_HELLMAN parameter for a new Diffie-Hellman key.

The peer completes the request for rekeying as is normally done for HIP rekey-

ing, except that the new address is kept as UNVERIFIED until the UPDATE

nonce challenge is received, as seen in Fig. 10. Thus, the vehicular femtocell

device establishes a HIP association to the network edge, which can be freely

modified on move and utilised for IP multihoming to improve performance dur-

ing handover. Thus, after sensing a new channel, the vehicular femtocell device

may create a new connection which will share the end-to-end bandwidth. On

one hand, this preserves the connectivity to the network on the move, and on

the other hand, it improves the user experience.

Security concerns with IP multihoming and mobility

HIP UPDATE is a secure procedure to update the host’s IP address [86]. By

receiving the first UPDATE packet, a HIP host can cryptographically verify the

sender of an UPDATE. Therefore, forging or replaying a HIP UPDATE packet

is not simple, although impersonation and DoS attacks are still possible in the

UPDATE exchange. An attacker, who is wishing to impersonate another host

will try to mislead its victim by directly communicating with them, or carry out

a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack between the victim and the victim’s desired

communication peer. If the attacker tricks its victim into initiate the connection

over an incorrect routing path, the signatures in the UPDATE message will

prevent this attack.

MitM is always possible if an attacker is present from the initial base-exchange

and if the hosts are not authenticating each other’s identities. However, once the

opportunistic base-exchange has taken place, even a MitM cannot steal the HIP

connection anymore because it is very difficult for an attacker to create an UP-

DATE packet (or any HIP packet) that will be accepted as a legitimate message.


UPDATE packets use HMAC and are signed. Even when an attacker snoops

packets to obtain the SPI and HIT/HI, they still cannot forge an UPDATE

packet without knowing the secret keys [118].

Denial-of-Service (DoS) is a general form of resource exhaust of the target

victim such that the victim ceases to operate correctly. DoS attacks are also pos-

sible with HIP hosts, for example by sending many UPDATE packets containing

many IP addresses that are not flagged as preferred. DoS attacks in distributed

form (DDoS) can be even worse, due to their effectiveness in multiplying the

rate of exhausting resources. An attacker may keep sending these packets until

the number of IP addresses associated with the attacker’s HI crashes the system.

Therefore, the maximum number of IP addresses associated with an HI must

be restricted. Besides this, increasing the lifetime of SAs slows lowering the rate

of rekeying UPDATEs, and by increasing the difficulty of cookies may slower

the attack-orientated connections, which ultimately reduces the opportunities

an attacker would get. There is a possibility of a HIP host spoofing the non-HIP

host’s IP address during the base-exchange or set the non-HIP host’s IP address

as its preferred address via an UPDATE.

Simultaneous user mobility

By extending the research in Publication I, we expanded this work further in

to Publication II. In Fig. 11, the time between capturing a TCP packet and an

associated ACK between two mobile hosts during handover is presented. Han-

dover results in long Round Trip Time (RTT) due to packet rerouting, reordering

and buffering. Our solution utilises the IP multihoming attributes and enables

a make-before-break type of handover that results in seamless connectivity to

the end-host. The gap of around 58s-75s in Fig. 11 illustrates the RTT and its

variation during the handover.

At this point, the RTT suddenly increases to around 60ms from 40ms. This is

a variation of around 20ms from the averaged RTT, however it is still within an

acceptable limit (i.e. a 150ms one-way delay for VoIP). Fig. 12 presents a time-

sequence diagram of TCP traffic over the same period. Fig. 12.1 zooms-in the

time-span of the handover event presented in Fig. 11. Note that a set of markers

stacked above each other in Fig. 12.2 represents a series of packets that have

been sent back-to-back by the vehicular femtocell. As TCP acknowledgments


Fig 11. TCP Round Trip Time (RTT) and its variation during handover.

are cumulative [119, 120], the femtocell has no information as to whether some

of the data beyond the acknowledged byte has been received.

Fig 12. Time-sequence diagram for TCP traf�c.

3.1.3 Evaluation of vehicular femtocell architecture

In publication I, I have simulated the proposed vehicular femtocell scenario,

where the cells are deployed on train carriages. We have illustrated the re-

sults, including throughput, handover latency, and packet drop rate. With IP

multihoming, compared to singlehomed communication, we could improve the


consistency of throughput and simultaneously achieve a 123% of capacity en-

hancement together with a 40% decrement of packet drop rate, while moving at

an average speed of 72kmph. Publication II corresponds to the evaluation of a

different scenario where the femtocells are located on automotives.

This simulation model evaluates different mobility solutions: one with HIP

and the other with Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6). The results reveal a 50% reduction in

location update latency at an average speed of 40kmph. Indeed, location update

is a critical performance measure as many services are context-aware nowadays.


3.2 Fast initial authentication in WLAN cells

The growth of IEEE 802.11 wireless networks over the last decade has been

tremendous. Wi-Fi has penetrated into different markets all around the world

due to its performance and cost efficiency. However, there is still much work to be

done, especially around mobility in IEEE 802.11 networks [121–125]. Handover

in the same wireless domain is expected to be seamless although IEEE 802.11

by its design limits the feasibility. In Publication III, we propose a solution that

reduces the time spent in initial authentication.

This is an effort towards optimising the authentication process which shall

be achieved by modifying or improving the existing standard or by introducing a

completely new standard. In this dissertation, after critically evaluating several

proposed solutions, new proposals are made and the most feasible approach is

considered for the implementation and testing. For this purpose, we set up a

802.11 test bed (in enterprise mode) which is described in this section.

3.2.1 Problem statement

VoIP is gaining acceptance in IEEE 802.11 networks due to the cost effective-

ness it provides. When comparing VoIP over cellular and Wi-Fi networks, it

is evident that cellular networks are bandwidth limited; thus, VoIP experiences

bandwidth constraints when used over cellular access, whereas Wi-Fi has enough

free bandwidth, and hence, provides an uninterrupted service [126].

However, the latter statement is not always true in mobile networks where

mobile STAtions (STA) are on the move from one AP to the other, especially

when they experience a short dwell time within an AP’s coverage area, for exam-

ple, a fast moving mobile STA. It is also not true when a large number of users

are simultaneously entering an AP for the first time, for example, the 802.11

APs located in a railway station or subway. The reason for this inconvenience

is the overhead that the current initial authentication process introduces to a

mobile STA when it first enters to an ESS [127].

Fast Initial Authentication (FIA) is what mobile stations demand in order

to merge in real mobile services. The above use cases justify the need for fast

connection setup. Most of the existing solutions improve the current IEEE 802.11

based authentication mechanisms by reducing the number of exchanged messages


or by piggybacking upper layer information in the authentication phase [128–132].

However, none of these solutions have achieved optimal, i.e. a single round-trip.

3.2.2 Design goals and challenges

In a nutshell, any FIA solution aims at accomplishing some common goals.

Among them, our proposal, by its design attempts to solve following problems:

– Enabling access for a large number of simultaneously entering mobile STAs,

– Problems with small dwell time because of high velocity (i.e. access from

vehicles) and small cell areas within an Extended Service Area (ESA),

– Securing initial authentication.

Initial authentication is limited to authentication and association phases. In

enterprise networks, eleven out of sixteen of the message exchanges during link

setup are consumed by authentication, and two out of sixteen by association

processes [133, 134] which means that roughly 80% of the message exchange is

related to authentication. Thus, the delay mostly depends on authentication.

There are many doubts about the existence of Open System Authentication

(OSA), which is considered to be a pre-Robust Security Network Association

(RSNA) authentication process, which is no longer acceptable in contemporary

wireless networks [135]. Also, there is a doubt as to the usefulness of the first

three messages of the EAP process. Finally, some proposals introduce eliminat-

ing upper layer information on association request/response messages to speed

up link establishment. However, the approach proposed in Publication III is

different from those.

OSA is a null authentication algorithm as the IEEE 802.11 standard states.

Any STA requesting OSA can be authenticated without any secure credentials.

OSA poses some additional overhead in the already time-consuming EAP process.

For the pre-RSNA WLANs of today, it is considered more secure to authenticate

any mobile STA and then proceed with pre-shared WEP encryption rather than

challenging it with a clear-text nonce in order to authenticate it and then use

WEP encryption [136–138]. However, WEP is considered to be highly insecure

now. The dotted line in Fig. 13 presents the removal of OSA.

The IEEE 802.11-2007 standard for Extended Service Set (ESS) transitions

states that authentication is a prerequisite for association. Also, an act of deau-


Fig 13. Supplicant's authentication-association state diagram.

thentication in RSNA network disassociates a STA. Simultaneously, the IEEE

802.1X controlled ports of that STA must be disabled, and Pairwise Transient

Key Security Associations (PTKSAs) must be deleted. At this point, deau-

thentication is an important function in RSNs, and moreover, the association

is closely tightened with authentication. My understanding is that there is a

need to decouple authentication from association, although the state machine is

posing considerable constraints on doing this.

Removal of the first three messages (Extensible Authentication Protocol

(EAP) over LAN (EAPoL) Start, EAP Request-ID, and EAP Response-ID) of

the EAP process is another approach of FIA. In this way, the mobile STA does

not have to prove its identity, which in any case is sent in clear text to the AP.

This method seems to improve the whole authentication process, but may raise

security concerns. Piggybacking other time-consuming processes and perform-

ing them in parallel with the association process during link set-up is another


approach of optimising authentication [139, 140]. Furthermore, running DHCP

over association frames is a promising solution. However, this will not imme-

diately reduce the time spent on authentication; instead, it will accelerate the

connection establishment by introducing a concurrent process.

3.2.3 Solution overview

After a comprehensive expression of the background and concepts related to

802.11 authentication process, we understood that there can be direct applica-

tions of HIP-DEX in the IEEE 802.11 standard for device authentication and key

agreement. Therefore, we propose that HIP can be integrated into the current

standard to act as a Key Management System (KMS). However, HIP-BEX has

been already tested in 802.11 networks, although the results turned out not to

be so preferable for real-time applications [141–144]. However, neither HIP-BEX

nor HIP-DEX has so far been tested for IEEE 802.11 initial authentication.

HIP-DEX has the advantage of having a directly fitting key model that 802.11

standard has introduced (MK, PTK, Group Temporal Key (GTK)). The aim

here is to let HIP datagrams run over 802.11 authentication frames. We argue

that the GTK could be delivered on an Association Response frame as a reply

to an Association Request frame that contains a HIP UPDATE datagram. The

HIP UPDATE can generally act as a rekeying mechanism when needed. An

AP may introduce PORT-based network access control as with that is used by

the 802.1X framework for ensuring that only authorised supplicants (STAs) may

have access to the network. By introducing a new information element to the

beacon and authentication frames, we can initially announce the HIP capabilities

of the network [141], and then distinguish HIP traffic.

The proposed scheme in Fig. 14 introduces a much simpler architecture and

seamless handovers within the same ESS. More specifically, the established HIP-

DEX SAs can be preserved during handovers within the same ESS, as the SA

establishment is valid between the mobile STA and the wireless controller. Thus,

only the controller, which has the appropriate level of trust by the Authentication

Server (AS), should be responsible for communicating with the AS.

However, the STA and the controller must share long-lasting secure associ-

ations, which indeed provide mutual authentication. In Fig. 15, the proposed

authentication procedure for commercial deployment is presented. First, the


Fig 14. Supplicant's authentication architecture for HIP-DEX.

access point must transmit the beacon frames to advertise the HIP capabilities

of the network and the respondent’s address. Optionally, the mobile STA per-

forms active scanning and initiates HIP exchange with the controller’s link-local

or predefined multicast address [141]. Thereby, the initiator triggers OSA and

association, which is followed by HIP-DEX exchange to the controller, while the

AP act as a relay for the incoming traffic. By now, the uncontrolled port is

unblocked in order to allow the HIP traffic to reach the controller (responder).

The responder, upon reception of the I2 message, communicates with the AS

in order to authenticate the initiator and replies accordingly. This allows to

establish ESP SAs and flow ESP protected traffic without HIP overhead.

In ESS transition (i.e. transition between wireless controllers), mobility may

either include rekeying or not and should use the HIP UPDATE messages to in-

form the peer of changing of the IP address. This certainly promises a reduction

in the number of authentication messages. Thereby, the authentication round-

trips would be reduced to 1.5. Thus, we believe that DEX can provide delays

that can be tolerated by most time-constrained applications. More specifically,

compared to Wireless Protected Access (WPA2) AKM, the solution we propose

in Publication III is proven to be highly efficient.

In terms of exchanged data, the HIP-DEX based approach needs no more

than 550 bytes to complete the AKM process. Taking into account the fact that


Fig 15. Fast initial authentication with HIP-DEX.

every HIP-DEX message is encapsulated into an authentication frame (approxi-

mately 40 bytes) a total of 542 bytes for the complete 4-way handshake can be

counted. WPA2 operation may require the exchange around 1,300 bytes until

the whole AKM process is completed [134, 145]. Although this number may fluc-

tuate depending on the security-specific WPA2 mechanisms used, the advantage

of the solution described above is the seamless BSS handover and the quite low

overhead, that HIP-DEX poses on wireless controller during ESS transition.

Compared to WPA2, HIP-DEX has an impressive performance in terms of

bytes exchanged. However, the HIP-BEX challenge may introduce some addi-

tional delay at the receiver due to processing. This makes HIP-BEX unfavorable

for delay-sensitive applications. Of course, the purpose of HIP-DEX is to sim-

plify and eliminate the above constraints. Additionally, it would be a major

revision for IEEE 802.11 standard to adopt a completely new concept for AKM

operations. It is mostly the willingness of the vendors that will define the po-

tential for this migration to occur, as soon as they are convinced that HIP can

make a difference. However, so far, many attempts to convince them are already

demoted due to backward compatibility.


3.2.4 Implementation guidelines

The design of our solution requires the Linux kernel code to be modified. IEEE

802.11 standard implementation is composed of different subsystems, where each

is responsible for a particular function. Below, we summarise the functional

elements in Fig. 16 that are associated with our solution:

– mac80211: includes the MAC Layer Management entity (MLME) and is

responsible for implementing shared code for soft-MAC/half-MAC wireless

– cfg80211: responsible for checking the protocol translation

– nl80211: provides the userspace with access to cfg80211 functions by means

of the wpa_supplicant and hostapd

– wpa_supplicant: Userspace module to incorporate with cfg80211

– hostapd: Userspace module to implement access-point’s MLME which is

closely bounded up with nl80211

– Userspace Station Management Entity (SME): responsible for authen-

tication and association methods.

The Linux system implements the “wpa_supplicant” module which is responsible

for the key negotiation of the supplicant with the authenticator and controls the

handover, as well as the authentication and association phases. The “hostapd”

is the corresponding module for the access point or the authenticator. These

modules share some common code and directly interact with the lower-level

subsystems through the nl80211 interface. The “wpa_supplicant_event()” func-

tion is critical for any code modification. The actual authentication/association

exchanges begin here. A mobile STA first performs a scan for available APs.

Based on the beacon frames or probe responses depending on the type

of scanning it supports, it generates an “EVENT_SCAN_RESULTS” event

in the “wpa_supplicant_event()” function and normally continues on to the

“wpa_supplicant_scan_results()” where it picks the requested network. Then

it transfers to the “wpa_supplicant_associate()” function through the interme-

diate “wpa_supplicant_connect()” function.

All of the next AKM operations continue by following the same idea. The

association starts from the “ieee80211_association()” function or directly from

the “wpa_drv_associate()” function which is closer to the driver’s level. On the


Fig 16. Wireless subsystem architecture.

AP side, the “ieee802_11_mgmt()” function is the place where all the incoming

management frames are listed in “ieee802 11_defs.h”.

3.2.5 Prototyping and evaluation approach

The prototype system consists of a massive amount of code lines that are inter-

connected and difficult to analyse. The supplicant and authenticator have the

following configurations: the supplicant has an i5 CPU of 2.67GHz and authen-

ticator a CPU of 2.16GHz, both running 2.6.35 Linux kernel. The authentica-

tor has an Atheros AR5001X+ wireless network adapter, and the supplicant is

equipped with an integrated wireless network adapter.

The authenticator is configured to operate on a preconfigured channel, whereas

the supplicant scans all of the channels until it detects the correct Service Set

IDentification (SSID). Channel configuration is important when supplicants use

fast inter-AP transition. IEEE 802.11r can reduce delay at least in the transition

between the APs. However, neither 11r nor 11i addresses the actual problem of

initial authentication. On the other hand, time synchronisation between STAs

and APs in the same BSS would take up to 2ms, which is counted in the total

authentication delay. Attempts to minimise this delay require modifications at

the driver level that also implicate some reinforcements in 802.11 amendments.

Thus, our work is focused on minimising the delay in the protocol level

attachment that goes through several phases, such as authentication, association,

key-generation and exchange. In any authentication scheme, the most time-

consuming process is the AKM. Thus, the developers’ main focus for the AKM


should be to reduce the latency which results in suppressing the overall delay

in 802.11 without weakening the security aspects. HIP-DEX is a secure AKM

scheme that fits with many delay-constrained applications, due to improved

security that it provides with ECC and comparatively lower overhead. The HIP-

DEX module was developed in C++ with the support of OpenSSL version 1.0.1c

with ECC point multiplication for the Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)

handshake [146].

WPA2 is developed on top of the RSN framework, which provides support for

all WPA mechanisms, including Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message

Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) encryption based on AES ciphering (128

bit key in our case) as an alternative to the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol

(TKIP) in WPA. AES lowers the complexity of message encryption, and thus

also reduces the authentication delay. More specifically, the mean authentication

delay for WPA was measured to be around 0.103s and with WPA2 it was around

0.093s. As with ITU-T G.114, for VoIP applications, the maximum affordable

one-way latency is 0.15s. Since the previous results include the entire voice

path, those networks should have a transit latency considerably less than 0.15s.

Together with scan delay and authentication delay neither WPA nor WPA2 fits

in today’s real-time mobile applications.

Our implementation allows us to measure the averaged delay of HIP-WPA

(0.0305s) which is more than 300% of improvement compared to WPA2. It also

protects the hosts from replay attacks by using the puzzle as a nonce and Cipher-

based MAC (CMAC) to generate ECDH. HIP-DEX uses AES encryption to

protect against eavesdropping and ECDH to mitigate spoofing and Sybil attacks.

However, passive attacks such as HIT spoofing have a limited effect depending

on how often the initiator communicates to the spoofing responder.


3.3 OpenFlow based secure mobile backhaul

In recent years, mobile backhaul networks have undergone a period of significant

evolution and innovation, and this trend is set to continue for the foreseeable

future. The vehicular cell scenarios described in this dissertation have been

widely researched, although researchers have not yet come up with a unique

solution to meet the expected demand. The major challenges here are: seamless

connectivity, session continuity and signaling overhead. Most traditional IP

protocols fail to enable seamless user connectivity to Internet while roaming.

A system that would dynamically adjust with the changing network topology

and flow dynamism is beneficial in this case. Therefore, it is important for the

network controller to have an overall view of the network. WLAN has a flexible

framework compared to the cellular systems, which could be easily adapted to

different user scenarios and is also cost-effective as a backhauling solution.

The literature in this area reveals that virtualising the resources would effec-

tively solve the resource allocation problem in a mobile environment. To meet

this demand, the Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach is suggested in

this thesis. OpenFlow is an SDN enabler which provides flexible flow manage-

ment and high-level control over the forwarding infrastructure. On one hand,

there is a barrier between possessing a mechanism for a platform in which one

can readily innovate. On the other hand, it is difficult to differentiate between

different wireless technologies due to the proprietary protocols or interfaces that

they implement. It is expected that the current SDN architecture would solve

these problems effectively. OpenFlow evolves inside network core with static

flows [69, 147, 148]. However, it does not support user mobility, cell mobility or

SDN controller mobility.

In deploying OpenFlow in the WLAN backhaul, it must also guarantee com-

munication security between the mobile cells and the network controller. Al-

though, current SSL-based encryption is capable of encrypting this channel, SSL

will not support encrypting the mobile backhaul. Therefore, a new mechanism

to encrypt the channel must be provided. Fig. 17 presents the OpenFlow switch

architecture. The OpenFlow channel may use either plain TCP or TCP over

SSL/TLS [149]. When using plain TCP, it is recommended to use alterna-

tive security measures to prevent eavesdropping, controller impersonation, or

other attacks on the OpenFlow channel. The OpenFlow switch specification ver-


Fig 17. OpenFlow based switch architecture.

sion 1.4 describes the use of TLS for encrypting traffic between the switch and

the controller. The TLS connection is initiated by the switch to the controller on

start-up over the default TCP port 6653 [149]. However, use of TLS is optional

according to the specification. Fig. 18 and 19 present the delay in TCP and TLS

connection establishment. It is seen that the secure connection establishment

takes more than twice the time of TCP connection establishment, which is not

favorable for the “mobile cell” scenario. This issue is extensively studied in this


3.3.1 Problem statement

Mobility support is indeed a failure that limits the feasibility of using OpenFlow

in vehicular communication. In terms of mobility, we can think of two basic

mobility scenarios: 1) user mobility in wireless environment; and 2) moving net-

works or network mobility, where a set of users follow a mobile cell. User mobility

in OpenFlow networks has been realised in previous studies, although network

mobility with OpenFlow has not yet been proposed or realised in the available


Fig 18. Delay in insecure connection establishment (switch to controller).

Fig 19. Delay in secure connection establishment (switch to controller).

literature. For example, we could consider moving cells, such as vehicular APs,

mobile Femto base stations, or mobile pico-cells. Thus, studying the feasibility

of using OpenFlow on moving cells is a potential research area that would offer

all SDN benefits to the users following the cell.

The mobile cells must always use a wireless backhaul to connect to the Inter-

net or provider edge. In a latter section, we had already presented a promising

cost-effective solution for traffic backhauling. To enable SDN-based cell mobil-

ity, it is important to maintain the connectivity between the moving cell and

the controller, since the controller is the root of the network that is responsible


for the operations of underlying forwarding elements as they are initially dumb

(without inbuilt intelligence to operate on their own) without the controller.

This isolation leaves no option for the underlying network elements with

upcoming events as they are operated on instructions from the controller or

applications run on it. This is the reason why cell mobility with OpenFlow is

critical, unlike in the legacy network architecture. However, multipath connectiv-

ity [150, 151] and/or distributed controllers would provide solutions to overcome

this problem. Multiple connections between the mobile cell and the controller

will provide seamless connectivity even if one channel fails. For this to work, the

mobile cells must support IP multihoming. Despite this, multipath connectiv-

ity inspired by IP multihoming assures the efficient use of installed bandwidth

and increased robustness through the simultaneous use of potentially diversified

paths. This would result in optimal utilisation of the available network resources.

The limitations of the current OpenFlow version insist on modifications to

enable flexibility to move a cell. More specifically, below we present a summary

of shortcomings related to mobility with OpenFlow, which we are trying to solve

in this research.

– Flow processing : A change of address would disrupt flow processing from

network switches. Thus, this requires regular updates to the flow tables

– Secure session management : Changing an IP address may also tear down

active SSL/TCP sessions

– Secure handover : Problem of mutual authentication and reauthentication.

SSL cannot support mobility alone and certificate exchange would not be

preferable for fast moving wireless clients,

– Flow rule management : A change of IP address to solve the latter issue

causes additional overhead, since the flow rules must be updated frequently.

3.3.2 Scenario description

We consider a traveling mobile user who is directly associated with a mobile base

station, vehicular access point, mobile femtocell, or any other mobile cell that is

moving alone with its users, as shown in Fig. 20.

This could be described in brief as a “network mobility” scenario. The cur-

rent OpenFlow implementation (version 1.4.0) does not support moving net-


Fig 20. OpenFlow-based cell mobility

works. Network mobility is a well-investigated research area in IP-based legacy

networks. NEMO is a widely used network mobility protocol which maintains a

bi-directional tunnel to a “Home Agent” that advertises an aggregation of mobile

networks to the infrastructure [152, 153]. The “Mobile Router” in the NEMO

architecture performs as a default gateway for the mobile network to aggregate

traffic from the client [154]. However, “Mobile router” is a common approach to

avoid any modification to a node in a mobile cell, which reduces complexity.

These solutions are completely IP-based, and still require an anchor point,

which may result in routing deficiencies. This approach may require the mobile

router to acquire a block of new addresses, rather than acquiring a single address.

This is only one way to achieve “network mobility”. Creating a tunnel from the

mobile router to some home router in the operator network is another approach

to backhauling traffic in moving networks. Besides this, a mobile node may

delegate the right to do mobility related signaling to the “mobile router”.

Under certain conditions, this delegation may be further extended to another

router on the fixed network side. We believe that a combination of these poten-

tial solutions would be more effective, rather than implementing them alone.

However, in this thesis, we limit our contributions to the backhaul between the

mobile cell and the controller. The change in point of attachment to the net-

works edge results IP layer discontinuity by interrupting channel between cell

and controller. This disrupts packet processing at the mobile cell and makes the

following mobile stations unreachable to their associated peers.


3.3.3 Solution overview

The IP-based connectivity between the switch and the controller is unstable with

mobility. The isolation of a switch from the controller makes it entirely unman-

aged [155]. Since the sessions are built on top of the IPs, mobility would disrupt

packet processing [156]. Thus, we propose HIP-based permanent identifiers to

establish secure control channels in-between the switch and the controller.

Fig 21. OFHIP layered architecture.

We name this solution, “OFHIP” for the convenience of later references.

OFHIP implements a HIP layer in the switch and the controller to establish

a secure channel in-between. This channel encrypts the OpenFlow messages in

IPSec ESP mode. The HIP-based mutual authentication provides secure creden-

tials for IPSec. However, the discontinuity in the network layer associations are

not recovered using OFHIP. Instead, OFHIP introduces multipath connectivity

to the controller and a fast locator update procedure to manage switch/controller

mobility. On one hand, the switch mobility extends SDN’s benefits to mobile

cells, while on the other hand, OFHIP supports controller migration, which is

deemed in network virtualisation. Fig. 21 presents the proposed solution.

The secure control channel only encrypts the traffic between the switch and

the controller, without modifying the standard OpenFlow messages. Because of

the encryption and decryption on either side of the channel, we would expect


a throughput deficiency. However, throughput is not the major concern in a

control channel, since it is meant to deliver only the control information, but

not user-originated traffic. The control channel characteristics are presented in

Publication IV. Fig. 22 illustrates the OFHIP message exchange at the initiation

of the secure channel. With cell mobility, the controller must be notified of the

point of attachment using a HIP UPDATE messages. Then, the switch and

the controller must change their local bindings at the HIP sub-layer (new IP


It may be that both SPI and IP addresses are changed simultaneously in a

single UPDATE. When the switch is multihomed (has more than one globally

routable address), it has multiple addresses available at the HIP sub-layer as

alternative locators for fault tolerance. This would configure multiple IPv4 and

IPv6 addresses on the same interface, or the use of multiple interfaces attached

to different service providers. However, it requires the maintenance of separate

ESP SAs for each interface in order to prevent packets that are arriving over

different paths falling outside of the ESP anti-replay window.

Multihoming, thus, makes it possible for the bindings to be many-to-many in

the outbound direction of the switch. This enables multipath connectivity to the

controller and enhances fault tolerance and robustness. However, only one SPI

and address pair can be used for any given packet, so the switch and the controller

must dynamically manipulate these bindings. Beyond locally managing such

multiple bindings, the peer-to-peer HIP signaling protocol needs to be flexible

enough to define the desired mappings between HITs, SPIs and addresses, and

needs to ensure that UPDATE messages are sent along the right network paths.

The re-establishment of the control channel may follow rekeying or not. In

any case, handover disconnects the current TCP layer associations; thus, at each

handover, the TCP layer associations are reset. Indeed, TCP takes only a few

milliseconds for connection establishment. Using the available locators simulta-

neously, we expect improved throughput and seamless mobility by sequentially

using the locators for a “make-before-break” type of handover.

3.3.4 Security consideration

By replacing SSL/TLS-based security with OpenFlow, we have introduced HIP

Diet exchange for mutually authenticating the forwarding elements to the con-


Fig 22. Message exchange for HIP-aware mobile switch.

troller. HIP is designed to provide secure authentication and to limit the ex-

posure of the hosts to various DoS and MitM attacks. HIP-DEX replaces the

SIGMA authenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange of BEX with a random gen-

erated key exchange encrypted by a Diffie-Hellman derived key [89, 157], which

is contributed by the associated forwarding element and the controller. The

strength of the key is based on the quality of the secrets [158, 159].

It is extremely difficult to compromise a HIP sub-layer-assigned identity (i.e.

HI) because of the way in which they are generated, but, if compromised, all

HIP connections protected by that HI are vulnerable to attacks. The puzzle

mechanism in DEX works the same way as it works in BEX and uses CMAC

to provide assurance of the authenticity hence the integrity, of binary data. In

HIP-DEX implementation, the R1 packet is unprotected and offers an attacker

new resources for exhaustive attacks against the switch. This could be mitigated

by only processing a received R1 when it has sent an I1.

On the other hand, the IPSec encryption between the switch and the con-

troller protects control information. Furthermore, the use of ESP can pro-

vide confidentiality, data origin authentication, connectionless integrity, an anti-

replay service, and (limited) traffic flow confidentiality [160, 161]. However, a

set of security services provided depends on the options selected at the time of

SA establishment and on the location in a network.


3.3.5 Evaluation of results

Our solution replaces the SSL/TLS-based mutual authentication in OpenFlow

version-1.0.0 with HIP-Diet exchange. This allows the expansion of OpenFlow

mobility into moving networks with enhanced security. In a nutshell, our so-

lution, “OFHIP” encrypts the switch to the controller channel using securely

established keys with HIP Diet exchange. This is implemented as a separate

module on top of the OpenFlow implementation.

In our test bed, we compare both OFHIP and SSL based channel establish-

ment. In order to use SSL with OpenFlow, it is necessary to set-up a public-key

infrastructure which includes a pair of Certificate Authorities (CAs) for the con-

troller and switch. We have used a script to generate the Public Key Infrastruc-

ture (PKI). Thereby, we established the private keys and certificate authorities’

certificates for the switch and the controller, and root certificates for their CAs.

The experimental results reveal that SSL/TLS-based encryption consumes

more than twice the time of insecure TCP-based connection establishment. The

SSL secure channel establishment between the switch and the controller took

around 46ms, whereas OFHIP could reduce this to around 26ms. On the same

network, we evaluate throughput characteristics when the switch is on the move.

In this case, the control channel during handover was managed with HIP UP-

DATE exchange, which renews locators. Thereby, mobility does not affect on

the sessions that are built on top of HIP layer identities.


3.4 SDN core for secure mobility

The future of the telecommunications industry is an unstoppable path towards

a more open ecosystem; one that has been previously closed and proprietary

where innovation has been bogged down by a glacial standards process. Beyond

WLAN, enabling other wireless networking methods help multi-band users to

roam seamlessly and communicate with different systems. When there are dif-

ferent systems or backhauling mechanisms on the same network, a successful

integration must always come up with a flexible core.

Rapidly implementing a new mobility management protocol in the current

network is a major challenge. Network operators need to find a more flexible

and easier ways to manage and control their networks. Many SDN based ar-

chitectures are being proposed to improve existing manageability, such as SDN-

based cellular core networks and SDN based radio access networks empowered

by Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) to assist users

to discover non-3GPP access networks such as Wi-Fi or WIMAX [162].

The main idea of SDN is to decouple the data and control planes. In SDN,

switches (data-plane) are simple data forwarding devices which are controlled

and managed by the SDN controller (control plane) via programmatic interfaces.

Acting between mobile users and service providers are the wireless operators,

which could include anyone managing a Wi-Fi network, such as a university,

local coffee shop, hotel chain, airport, shopping mall, private enterprise or venue.

Wireless operators must be prepared to:

– Authenticate and authorise a disparate set of users requesting access

– Meet security, QoS, policy control, and other needs of groups of users

– Handle massive growth in mobile traffic, connections, speeds and video, as

well as increasing data offloading from cellular networks

– Support multiple network service providers, both public and private, sharing

the operator’s WLAN

– Easily add new network service providers to the wireless network

– Support any type of wireless device that comes through the door

– Make end-user analytic data available to the core providers.

To date, wireless operators have been forced to build their wireless networks

by choosing from a plethora of end-to-end proprietary solutions provided by in-


cumbent vendors. While solutions exist, the operators become locked into a

proprietary platform, often ending up paying for capabilities they do not need,

and must wait for vendor-provided upgrades to enhance or add new features.

This approach has defined a generation of business models that burdened wire-

less operators with capital equipment costs, while failing to provide the agility

required to meet the rapidly changing demands of mobile users and applications.

Industry adoption of SDN is already underway, but without solutions for

WLAN, SDN’s true promise is lost. We believe that it is crucial to integrate

Wi-Fi networks within the SDN strategy to simplify the management and to

enhance the capacity of the whole network. With SDN, wired and wireless

network components can be viewed as peer elements and managed as such. Thus,

applications can be seamlessly integrated, and value can be equally added to both

wired and wireless networks. Below, we summarise the benefits of SDN enabled


– Single-pane-of-glass management of the unified wired and wireless network

with policy automation

– The ability to mix and match best-of-breed solutions from different vendors

– Open standards-based APIs to make it easy to create SDN applications

– Simplified network provisioning and lower total cost of ownership

– Ability to manage entire Wi-Fi network from a single dashboard

– Controlled multi-tenant Wi-Fi networks, applications and devices

– Application-based virtual networks

– Cost effective third-party hardware

– OpenFlow-enabled APIs.

Meeting the exploding mobility demand requires a more agile wireless LAN.

As the network edge transits to all-wireless, SDN and OpenFlow are emerging

as a way to bring new levels of agility. With the rapid growth of mobility and

cloud services, the wireless LAN is becoming the primary access method. With

next-generation 802.11ac technology delivering gigabit throughput today, the

transition to an all-wireless access network will only accelerate [163].

In order to achieve the full promise of mobility, wired and wireless LANs must

be provisioned faster and managed more easily. Today, applications and services

depend on these two physically separated network infrastructure platforms. The

user experience differs when using applications over a wired or wireless LAN.


Network administrators must manage and secure wired and wireless access net-

works separately, with discrete tools and consoles. The difficulty of provisioning

and managing these infrastructures independently is a barrier to achieving the

scale required. Software defined networking is an optimal approach to overcome

this problem by separating the control and forwarding layers, and by centralising

the knowledge of the networks.

3.4.1 SDN for Wi-Fi networks

The promise of SDN is that the networks are no longer closed, proprietary and

difficult to program. But the extent of that openness and flexibility ultimately de-

pends on each vendor’s implementation and adherence to the standards. Limited

implementations or proprietary twists will serve only to hamstring the progress

of SDN with customers. To deliver on the promise, SDN must work for all users

and across all networks, with true interoperability among network components

via OpenFlow [60, 164]. With open programmable access to the wireless infras-

tructure, network-aware applications can communicate directly with the wireless

controller and the network can change dynamically in response.

There are different standardised approaches for offloading, mobility, service

discovery, etc. On one hand, Media Independent Handover (MIH) [165] is a

standard being developed by IEEE 802.21 to enable the handover of IP sessions

from one Layer 2 access technology to another, to achieve mobility on end user

devices. On the other hand, Distributed Mobility Management (DMM) [166], a

new architectural paradigm for evolving mobile IP networks aims at transparency

above the IP layer, including maintenance of active transport level sessions as

mobile hosts or entire mobile networks change their point of attachment to the

Internet. However, SDN architecture provides a more flexible framework for

implementing the same functionality but in a different style.

3.4.2 Cloudi�cation and wireless device virtualisation

Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) aims to address the problems of shorter

hardware lifecycles, increasing energy costs, capital investment challenges, and

other collateral issues of hardware based appliances by leveraging standard IT

virtualisation technology to consolidate many network equipment types onto


industry standard high-volume servers, switches and storage, which could be

located in data-centres, network nodes and end user premises [167, 168].

Wi-Fi mobile cloud virtualisation is a new dimension of SDN based mobility.

Emerging SDN technologies complement data-centre switches by automating net-

work policies and provisioning within a broader integrated cloud infrastructure

ecosystem. Cloud controllers, as resource managers to the underlying infras-

tructure drive provisioning decisions on workload placement and mobility [169].

Every time a mobility event occurs, the network must be updated to ensure the

proper provisioning of required resources. Switches must interface with these

controllers in real time, as these nodes are highly mobile.

There have been several research efforts around virtualisation of 802.11 pro-

tocol. In MultiNet [170], clients use a special device driver that makes use of

802.11’s power saving mode in order to continuously switch between multiple

networks. Spider [171] designed a driver that allows clients to be connected

to multiple APs at the same time. The authors of Spider also conclude that

using multiple APs can demonstrate better throughput when the APs are on

the same channel. Wireless virtualisation is an attractive option for testbeds

and experimental facilities. Virtualising the Wi-Fi APs is the first step towards

virtualising the wireless network infrastructure [172]. A virtual AP simulates a

physical access point which is configured on a per-radio basis. Virtual APs al-

low the wireless LAN to be segmented into multiple broadcast domains or slices

that are the wireless equivalent of Ethernet VLANs. Furthermore, this allows

different security mechanisms for different clients on the same access point.

Virtualised APs also provide better control over broadcast and multicast traf-

fic, which can help to avoid negative performance impact on a wireless network.

Each virtual AP is identified by a configured SSID and a unique Basic Service Set

IDentification (BSSID). In this approach, each virtual AP can be independently

enabled or disabled and individually supported with different security mecha-

nisms. In this thesis, we use virtual APs for experiments related to seamless


3.4.3 Motivation

In IEEE 802.11 settings, clients in “managed mode” perform a probe scan in order

to find APs. For this, they generate probe request messages. APs responding


with probe response messages become potential candidates for the clients to

associate with. The client then initiates a series of handshakes with the AP that

culminates in a successful connection between the two entities.

The client can now transmit data frames that will be forwarded by the AP.

At this juncture, the infrastructure has no signaling mechanism to instruct the

client to handover to another AP without explicitly disconnecting the client (that

is done by sending the client a disassociation frame, and forcing it to repeat the

association handshake). This is inconvenient to the clients, especially when they

are in an environment managed by a root, i.e. the SDN controller.

Inter-system communication has been a critical problem so far due to the

technologically different or proprietary platforms on which the indigenous equip-

ments are developed. SDN core is a solid platform to manage traffic from differ-

ent network systems irrespective of their nature. This particularly leads to mo-

bile traffic offloading and roaming, content adaptation (such as adaptive stream-

ing), and mobile traffic optimisation that could be greatly benefited by leveraging

OpenFlow as wlan-SDN. Offloading, Wi-Fi roaming, and network heterogeneity

are highly demanding services in future 5G networks. With SDN, these services

can be easily monitored, and flows could be modified and dynamically set to fit

in the needs. By introducing this manageability in the radio environment, the

networks could be automated through sensing contextual changes in the network,

adapting to the contextual changes, and applying control loop systems to learn

and update themselves for future actions without human intervention.

3.4.4 Implementation and experimental approach

In this section, we tackle the problems of wireless SDN with virtual APs and

high-level abstraction which enables the controller or AP to take over control of a

client’s association decision, and leads to a logical isolation of clients with respect

to the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer. Fig. 23 presents the high-level abstraction of APs’

that virtualise their physical resources. The WLAN clustering service enabled

on the APs handles seamless client mobility by synchronising the client sessions

across the APs in the same Layer 2 domain. Next, we describe the virtual AP

abstraction and how clustering is used to achieve the said logical isolation and

client mobility. In this approach, each client is connected to a unique SSID, i.e.

the clients are given the illusion of owning a network slice over which they can


Fig 23. OpenFlow based WLAN access points.

freely move around. From the client’s perspective, the virtual AP is the regular

IEEE 802.11 AP to which it first associates.

Cluster abstraction among APs enables seamless handover without the client

performing a re-association, generating additional Layer 2 or 3 messages, and

most importantly, without requiring any special software or hardware at the

client. This is because once a client is associated with an AP, the only protocol

level requirement is that the client gets acknowledgment frames for the data

frames that it generates from the AP it is associated with, and receives beacons

from the AP periodically. At the client’s MAC layer, it does not matter if the

actual radio generating these ACK frames changes.

By abstracting the association state of a client’s connection away from in-

dividual physical APs, virtual SSIDs thus achieve a form of wireless network

virtualisation with OpenFlow, where each client in a slice sees a logical SSID

unique to it regardless of the actual physical AP it is communicating with. Intu-

itively, a virtual AP handover is equivalent to physically moving an AP whilst

retaining all its state. The end-point of a link always corresponds to the client’s

IP and MAC addresses, along with a unique SSID assigned.


3.4.5 SDN and software-de�ned radio

Cognitive networking aims to automate networks by sensing contextual changes

in the network, adapting to those and applying control loop systems to learn and

update itself for future actions without human intervention. Cognitive Radio

System (CRS) technology is used to respond to the growing demand of mobile

data traffic by mechanisms for access to shared spectrum and resources.

In mobile broadband networks, CRS technology is supposed to balance traf-

fic growth with network resources by optimising network resources using load

balancing and efficient spectrum access mechanisms. Extending the cognitive

concept beyond the radio domain, a network can be cognitive if it has knowl-

edge about itself, its components, and their interconnection, and it should be

able to share this knowledge and reason about it. Cognitive networks have

the potential to provide high-bandwidth, adaptive and robust communication

through their ability to observe the current state of the network, analyse it, and

adapt to available resources in the most efficient manner possible.

However, the legacy network architectures are tightly coupled with the un-

derlying hardware where a change would require complex manual configurations

and human intervention. For example, the core network is not dynamically ad-

justable at run-time to the changing environment, spectral fluctuations and vary-

ing traffic patterns. Therefore, it is difficult to benefit from cognitive concepts

in legacy network architectures. SDN puts forward the idea of infrastructure-

architecture split and separating intelligence from the datapath to program its

substrate through an open programming environment [173–175].

In other words, SDN disaggregates traditional vertically integrated network-

ing stacks to improve network feature velocity or to customise the operation

for specialised environments. On one hand, cognitive networks are highly adap-

tive by sensing the environment, reasoning through concurrent computation and

dynamically adjusting to the environment or available network resources accord-

ingly. On the other hand, by centralising the cognitive network’s intelligence at

the SDN controller, a programmatic approach to improving and automating this

dynamism through the global visibility of the network state and computational

reasoning in a logically centralised manner can be introduced [175]. Therefore,

in Publication V, we propose SDN core to address the challenges related to the


Fig 24. Integration of Cognitive network and WLAN via SDN core.

integration of different network systems and the realisation of secure mobility

and access control on top of it.

3.4.6 Implementation and evaluation

In Publication V, we present a performance evaluation of seamless mobility with

SDN core. As already mentioned in this dissertation, SDN core is a promising

solution for traffic management in mobile networks. In this study, we set up

the test bed in Fig. 24, which consists of different vendor platforms that enable

both 802.11 and Cognitive access. The network consists of OpenFlow-enabled

APs, Wireless Open-access Research Platform (WARP) based cognitive network

components, and SDN core with NetFPGA platform and OpenFlow-based hard-

ware/software switches [69, 148].

WARP [176] is a programmable FPGA-based platform, which is shown in

Fig. 25. The heart of this board is a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA chip. This

FPGA is well suited for the DSP intensive operations required by PHY layer

algorithms. It also includes two embedded IBM PowerPC 405 (PPC405) proces-

sor cores, providing a resource for implementing higher-layer algorithms that are

better suited for general purpose processors than programmable FPGA logic, e.g.


MAC protocols. The FPGA board also provides flexible and fast interconnection

options for interfacing with peripherals [177].

While the FPGA itself provides significant processing power, its connections

to other devices on the platform allow a variety of applications that can be

targeted at the platform. The FPGA board offers a 10/100 Mbits Ethernet

interface for connecting to standard wired networks. This connection allows

real-time communication between existing wired networks and custom wireless

networks implemented on WARP [178]. The FPGA board has four daughter

card slots, each wired to dedicated FPGA I/O pins. The custom peripheral

boards, like radio daughter boards, can be connected to these slots.

Fig 25. WARP FPGA Board v1.2.

The radio daughter board generates an analogue RF signal from digital I/Q

information and transforms the received analogue RF signal back into digital I/Q

form. It also controls the RX/TX gains used in the RF amplifiers on the radio

daughter board. The Linux Enriched Design for Wireless Open-access Research

Platform (LE-WARP) design [177], with its improved performance and added

features, has enabled us to achieve our goal of realising a self-configurable, self-

aware, and deployable wireless network demonstrator concept.

Thus, this design has been very beneficial to us and shows that there is a need

for this type of system design for integration. In the end, the greater purpose


Fig 26. Time-sequence diagram of traf�c between WLAN and Cognitiv e clients.

Fig 27. Round trip time between WLAN and Cognitive clients.

of the LE-WARP design, i.e. the flexibility to set up wireless test network to

verify complex theoretical algorithms at different layers of OSI model helps in

our solution. We enable traffic forwarding between the WLAN and Cognitive

network by configuring flows that enable reachability to each other.

The implementation of cognitive WARP is rate-limited, which is due to the

clock speed and radio capacity. We have also measured the expected theoreti-

cal limit to prove the bandwidth limitation, which also resembles the test bed


results. WARP uses 10MHz bandwidth with a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

size of 64 and cyclic prefix of 16 samples. This means that one OFDM symbol

takes 64+16=80 samples and with 10MHz sampling, the OFDM symbol dura-

tion is 8µs. Not all sub-carriers are used for data transmission, so 48 out of

64 sub-carriers carry data. We use Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) (2

bits/sub-carrier) modulation and coding rate is 1 (no coding). This means, to

transmit (48x2) bits, it would theoretically take 8µs; thus, the maximum theo-

retical throughput can be calculated as (96bits/8µs)=12Mbit/s. Since, resources

are equally shared, the maximum one-way throughput is 6Mbit/s.

This almost in-lines with our TCP throughput results. If we perform the

same calculation on our WLAN of 22MHz bandwidth and maximum modulation

ratio, 64-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) with 3/4 coding, leads to

a throughput of 59.4Mbit/s, which is in-line with the maximum throughput of

802.11a or 802.11g that is 54Mbit/s. Thus, integrating different systems has

been a quest in traditional networks and EPC, which is expected to emerge by

satisfying the high-level requirements of packet delivery.

This problem is still under the discussion in the SDN community, although

only a few implementation results with network heterogeneity and mobility have

been found in recent literature. In Figs. 26 and 27, we present our test bed

results. The “outlying” packets in Fig. 26 indicate problems with window size

and buffer. In fact, the WARP has a very limited buffer that limits data rates.

The RTT in Fig. 27 varies over a long range due to scheduling in the radio level

resulted by cognitive algorithms and wireless propagation.


4 Conclusion and future work

This chapter summarises the conclusion of this thesis, highlighting our contribu-

tions and main results. In the next section, existing problems in this area are

described and future research directions are highlighted.

4.1 Conclusion

It is evident that the Internet is growing rapidly, and simultaneously the demand

for mobile Internet is gradually increasing. Security and mobility are the most

critical challenges the network operators are facing today with the incremental

use of Internet. Therefore, the concepts and results presented in this thesis

are timely important for network operators to innovate new solutions. Small

cell networks are identified as a clue to improved network capacity, i.e. high

availability of bandwidth. Bringing the network closer to the users by adding

small cells is instrumental in meeting the anticipated increase of data demand.

These facts led the motivation towards the research work presented in Pub-

lication I and II. User mobility is a well-investigated research area where the

operators have already come across several standard solutions. However, pre-

vious publications elaborate more complex mobility scenarios by studying the

network mobility, which is more effective in reducing the signaling load and en-

hancing the quality of experience. Publication I proposes a vehicular femtocell

architecture, which enables seamless mobility over the users following the mobile

cell (i.e. cells in metros, trams, and buses). The mobile backhaul is yet to be

researched due to changing channel conditions although high-level approaches

would help to normalise the discontinuity due to mobility. However, many of

them will not retain the IP connectivity to the peers during handover.

With this, we can argue that multihoming is the foreseeable future of mobile

communication. The solution presented in Publication I illustrates the impact

of handover with both singlehomed and multihomed approaches. Undoubtedly,

there is a clear improvement in user experience according to the results pre-

sented. This evaluation was performed for VoIP traffic, which is a widely used

commercial application over IP networks. It gives significant benefits compared


to legacy phone systems in terms of cost and rich media services, which proves a

certain diversification from Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) to IP networks.

Wireless networks are reluctant to changing channel conditions. Thus, sim-

ulating it needs specific tools. OMNeT++ is a widely used and freely available

tool for innovating networking solutions with 802.11 modular implementation.

The latter research was simulated with OMNeT++ by implementing new mod-

ules for mobile cells and wireless relays.

Publication II is an attempt towards extending this concept to urban areas.

Easy deployability, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility are the concerns of the mo-

bile backhaul architectures presented in this dissertation. From the operators’

point of view, deployment and maintenance costs are the primary concerns in

adapting a backhaul solution. An evaluation of the fixed cost is presented in

Subsection 3.1.1, which is calculated to be less than 500 USD of deployment

cost per km2. According to the proposed cost model in [109], the network man-

agement cost is estimated to be 25% of the equipment and transmission cost, i.e.

around 125 USD/km2, which is relatively low compared to 3G or 4G systems.

Context-awareness is an emerging research with 4G and 5G systems, since

they allow automatic adaptation of devices, systems and applications to the

changing user context. Indeed, location update is an obligation of context aware-

ness, which is expected to be accurate and fast enough. Having said that, the

solution in Publication II has a very high industrial value, since fast location

update and verification are essences of 5G systems.

This fulfills the basic requirement of femtocell communication which is rec-

ommended in 3GPP specifications. This allows a femtocell to move freely while

backhauling traffic via its wireless up-link. Along with mobility, security prob-

lems are always evident, especially due to the wireless nature of communication.

Therefore, in parallel with mobility, proper authentication, configuration man-

agement and, tunnel encryption should be in place. Thus, in overall, the results

presented in the Publication II have a high industrial value which is incremental

with the next generation of communication services.

WLAN is a complement to the next generation networks that is capable of

non-interfering communication with cellular networks. As applications are get-

ting more and more sensitive, initial authentication delay limits the usability of

802.11 in future networks. Several proposals for FIA have already been proposed

in the past literature. However, the problem many standardisation bodies are


facing today is the backward compatibility (millions of devices are already in

use and in the markets). Thus, scalable solutions should always be backward

compatible and minimise the changes to the tightly constructed procedures for

user authentication and association in initial design of 802.11.

Having said that, the work presented in Publication III minimises the changes

to the 802.11 state machine. This solution does not modify the 802.11 association

procedure, since standard parameters are to be set during this phase. Thus, the

proposed authentication scheme in Publication III is naturally followed by the

association. This scheme (HIP-WPA) anticipates in enabling seamless inter-AP

mobility and reducing the control traffic and delay.

HIP-WPA uses a comparable architecture to either WPA or WPA2 while

preserving backward compatibility to some level, and still utilises the associa-

tion frames to exchange low-level information. The ECC-based key exchange

proposed in this scheme well suits next generation mobile applications as it con-

sumes less memory and time due to the reduced key length. Since ECC was

first proposed in the early 2000s, it has not yet reached maturity with wide

acceptance in commercial applications. However, a significant growth of ECC

adoption in mobile applications is expected in the near future.

Even though the literature reveals of WLAN and cellular interoperable sys-

tems, commercial deployment has not yet been successful. Centralised con-

trol over all heterogeneous systems best suits managing the underlying net-

work infrastructure and aggregating the control functions into a separate control

layer. However, the current OpenFlow implementation lacks support for mobil-

ity, which is an essential requirement of commercialisation.

The work presented in Publication IV is driven by the motivation to enhance

mobility support by implementing secure mobile cells that can be deployed in

trains, buses and other automotives. On one hand, this brings the network close

to their clients, and on the other hand, reduces the response time on new packet

arrivals. Since the backhaul is at least partly wireless, our solution (OFHIP)

implements encryption to fulfill the commercialisation needs.

OFHIP can also be extended to migrate the SDN controller as a counter-

part of network function virtualization. According to the available literature,

OFHIP is the first conceptual design of OpenFlow based mobile cells enabling

robust multipath connectivity to the controller. From the operator’s perspective,

management flexibility and scalability are extensively improved with control and


forwarding plane separation. Thus, OFHIP allows network managers to easily

impose new rules, accept and deny traffic, and control quality parameters.

This, in turn, reduces the complexity in network management, which is one

of the challenges the operators are facing today due to wide span of networks

and integration of different management systems and technologies. Having said

that, the work presented in Publication V implements a heterogeneous software-

defined network of both WLAN and Cognitive networking support, which en-

ables seamless mobility via SDN core. The OpenFlow supported APs on the

testbed enable a distributed protocol, which synchronises the user session states

across the APs in the cluster. This allows fast roaming of users between APs.

To configure clustering, the APs were connected to the same Layer 2 broad-

cast domain. The Cognitive network implemented on top of the WARP platform

was also connected to the same Layer 2 domain. We claim that this is the first in-

tegration of 802.11 and Cognitive networks via OpenFlow core. The results help

in understanding the characteristics of channels across different wireless systems.

The “tcpdump” records reveal the impact of scheduling on the cognitive network

side, which is directly associated with the network performance. Thus, the net-

work operators, those who are planning to deploy Cognitive networks on the

current EPC, must consider the performance of the scheduling algorithms. The

results presented here help them to make decisions in designing their network

architectures and identifying the bottlenecks.

4.2 Discussion and future Work

Many open questions remain for future work, which includes a comprehensive

evaluation of proposed solutions and robustness in more realistic dynamic net-

work scenarios and solving the deployment issues. The simulation results in

Publications I and II leave no doubt that multihoming utilises available wire-

less connectivity to enhance throughput and to reduce drop rate while enabling

seamless mobility. Nevertheless, this proposal is not optimal in terms of mobility,

since handover is not seamless in the link layer.

We shall continue attempts to enhance handover in IEEE 802.11. This in-

cludes proposing modifications to the 802.11 state machine. Such a solution

would not be scalable as millions of Wi-Fi devices are already in the use and in

the market. Thus, we are left with two options: 1) extending handover with an


overlay mechanism without modifying the current state machine; 2) changing

the state machine, removing standard authentication and then, optimising.

We believe that the first option is more scalable due to backward compatibil-

ity with the existing devices. Our solution for fast initial authentication has the

potential to lower handover latency for delay-constrained mobile applications.

However, it requires further investigations, since optimising re-authentication

and inter-AP handover is not discussed in the scope of this research. Thus,

the future interests will be towards the design and development of fast re-

authentication and forward secrecy schemes.

The presentations of research related to SDN in this dissertation describe the

implementation of OpenFlow based mobility. Solutions for user mobility with

OpenFlow are already in the market and have captured the attention of the SDN

community and industry. This thesis proposes enhancements over mobile user

experience by deploying OpenFlow-enabled mobile cells. This research studies

the control channel behavior between the mobile cell and the controller. Studying

the data plane characteristics would also help in understanding the feasibility of

deploying similar solutions.

In security perspective, both control and data planes have the similar impor-

tance. As Internet-based commercial applications demand high level of security,

users expect end-to-end encryption. Thus, my future interest will follow the in-

vestigations towards SDN user-plane encryption with IPSec ESP in BEET mode.

This will allow enterprise-level applications to evolve with OpenFlow. The de-

signers of the future Internet aim at efficient and flexible distribution platforms

that scale to the rising demands. The architecture and techniques described in

this dissertation will take a step into this direction.

On legacy networks, heterogeneity increases the network complexity as new

technologies and systems are integrated into the network. SDN brings different

systems under a single management umbrella by isolating the control functions

from the infrastructure. Still, inter-systems communication, seamless mobility,

QoS management, and security support with OpenFlow must be improved to

meet commercialising requirements. The work carried out in the university

ELAB will be extended to innovate solutions for seamless mobility and secu-

rity. By the time of writing this thesis, we have implemented OpenFlow enabled

Cognitive base stations which are currently under validation. They will provide

the initial footprints for new research directions.




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155. Benton K, Camp LJ & Small C (2013) Openflow vulnerability assessment. In:Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Hot Topics in SoftwareDefined Networking, pp. 151–152. ACM.

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157. Gurtov A, Nikolaevsky I & Lukyanenko A (2012) Using HIP DEX for key man-agement and access control in smart objects .

158. Pellikka J, Gurtov A & Faigl Z (2012) Lightweight host and user authenticationprotocol for All-IP telecom networks. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Sym-posium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM),pp. 1–7. IEEE.

159. Meca FV, Ziegeldorf JH, Sanchez PM, Morchon OG, Kumar SS & Keoh SL (2013)HIP security architecture for the IP-based Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of27th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Appli-cations Workshops (WAINA), pp. 1331–1336. IEEE.

160. Kuptsov D, Nechaev B & Gurtov A (2012) Securing medical sensor network withhip. In: Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, pp. 150–157. Springer.

161. Henderson T & Gurtov A (2012) RFC6538: The Host Identity Protocol (HIP)experiment report. Network Working Group,IETF .

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Original articles

I Namal S., Pellikka J., & Gurtov A. (2012) Secure and Multihomed Ve-

hicular Femtocells. In proceedings of 75th IEEE Vehicular Technology

Conference (VTC Spring),Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1–5, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/

VETECS.2012.6240063, ISSN: 1550-2252.

II Namal S., Liyanage M., & Gurtov A. (2013) Realization of Mobile Femto-

cells: Operational and Protocol Requirements. Wireless Personal Commu-

nications, Volume 71, Number 1, pp. 339–364, Springer US, DOI:10.1007/

s11277-012-0818-9, ISSN: 0929-6212.

III Namal S., Georgantas K., & Gurtov A. (2013) Lightweight Authentica-

tion and Key Management on 802.11 with Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

In proceedings of Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

(WCNC), Shanghai, China, pp. 1830–1835, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/ WCNC.-

2013.6554842, ISSN: 1525-3511.

IV Namal S., Ahmad I., Gurtov A., & Ylianttila M. (2013) Enabling Secure

Mobility with OpenFlow. In proceedings of IEEE Software Defined Net-

working for Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS), Trento, Italy, pp. 1–

5, IEEE, DOI:10.1109/SDN4FNS.2013.6702540.

V Namal S., Ahmad I., Jokinen M., Gurtov A., & Ylianttila M. (2014) SDN

Core for Mobility Between Cognitive Radio and 802.11 Networks. In pro-

ceedings of 8th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Apps,

Services and Technologies (NGMAST’14), in press, 2014

Reprinted with permission from IEEE (I,III,IV) and Springer US (II)

Original publications are not included in the electronic version of the disser-





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493. Juntunen, Jouni (2014) Enhancing organizational ambidexterity of the FinnishDefence Forces’ supply chain management

494. Hänninen, Kai (2014) Rapid productisation process : managing an unexpectedproduct increment

495. Mehtonen, Saara (2014) The behavior of stabilized high-chromium ferriticstainless steels in hot deformation

496. Majava, Jukka (2014) Product development : drivers, stakeholders, and customerrepresentation during early development

497. Myllylä, Teemu (2014) Multimodal biomedical measurement methods to studybrain functions simultaneously with functional magnetic resonance imaging

498. Tamminen, Satu (2014) Modelling the rejection probability of a quality testconsisting of multiple measurements

499. Tuovinen, Lauri (2014) From machine learning to learning with machines :remodeling the knowledge discovery process

500. Hosio, Simo (2014) Leveraging Social Networking Services on MultipurposePublic Displays

501. Ohenoja, Katja (2014) Particle size distribution and suspension stability inaqueous submicron grinding of CaCO3 and TiO2

502. Puustinen, Jarkko (2014) Phase structure and surface morphology effects on theoptical properties of nanocrystalline PZT thin films

503. Tuhkala, Marko (2014) Dielectric characterization of powdery substances usingan indirectly coupled open-ended coaxial cavity resonator

504. Rezazadegan Tavakoli, Hamed (2014) Visual saliency and eye movement :modeling and applications

505. Tuovinen, Tommi (2014) Operation of IR-UWB WBAN antennas close to humantissues

506. Vasikainen, Soili (2014) Performance management of the university educationprocess

507. Jurmu, Marko (2014) Towards engaging multipurpose public displays : designspace and case studies

508. Namal, Suneth (2014) Enhanced communication security and mobilitymanagement in small-cell networks














Professor Esa Hohtola

University Lecturer Santeri Palviainen

Postdoctoral research fellow Sanna Taskila

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

University Lecturer Veli-Matti Ulvinen

Director Sinikka Eskelinen

Professor Jari Juga

Professor Olli Vuolteenaho

Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala

ISBN 978-952-62-0636-3 (Paperback)ISBN 978-952-62-0637-0 (PDF)ISSN 0355-3213 (Print)ISSN 1796-2226 (Online)





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Suneth Namal



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