ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 © RHPA39 · 2017. 2. 15. · What's going on? 3) Can't...

ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 2 © RHPA39

Transcript of ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 © RHPA39 · 2017. 2. 15. · What's going on? 3) Can't...

  • ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 2 © RHPA39

  • ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 5 © RHPA39

    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 14 © RHPA39


    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 11 © RHPA39

    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 15 © RHPA39






















  • ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 17 © RHPA39

    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 37 © RHPA39

    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 21 © RHPA39

    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 4 © RHPA39








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    Chapter 6: 1. 1) the nails clicking on the floor 2) strange smell 2. A pendant made of garlic. 3. Because his book said garlic renders vampires immobile. 4. Because the smell was making him sick to his stomach. 5. Chester. Mrs. Monroe had him in the sink lathered with soap to try to get the garlic smell off of him. Page 32: Chapters 6 Questions: 6. He bit him on the ear. He wanted him to help him get Bunnicula out of his cage. 7. He was going to pound it into Bunniculas heart. The book said to pound a sharp stake into the vampire's heart.8. He ran to the kitchen to get a bowl of water to throw at him.9. Mrs. Monroe picked him up and tossed him out the front door. Page 33: Chapters 5&6 Vocabulary & Language: A.1) to send forth, emit 2) a hanging ornament, main piece suspended from a necklace. 3) to view in detail, appraise 4) to come near or nearer to 5. serving to defend, protective 6. brisk, sharp; clear 7. unwilling; disinclined 8. the act of a person or thing that churns B. tomatoes; themselves; teeth; ladies; men; cries; halves; tabbies; noses; bodies; screams; brushes; blushes; bunnies; children; messes; women; leaves; boxes; knives; kisses; kitties; mice; cats Page 34: Chapters5& 6 Vocabulary & Language: C. uneasy; strange; midnight; funniest; strange; awful; peaceful; piercing; feline; toasty it; involuntarily; him; defensively; crisply; peacefully; upon; gently; I; him D.1) nn, nn 2) ss 3) ff 4) ll 5) dd 6) pp 7) tt, ll 8) bb 9) ll 10) ll, ll 11) dd 12) gg Page 35: Chapters5& 6 Vocabulary & Language: E.1) Mr. Monroe cam bounding down the stairs. 2) Holy cow. What's going on? 3) Can't you ask your friend about these vegetables? 4) They've put D.D.T. in them, said Pete. 5) Chester bit Harold on the neck. 6) Why are you wearing garlic on your neck? 7) I've got to stop Bunnicula. 8) Harold couldn't believe Bunnicula was a vampire. 9) Chester pretended to be Dracula rising from the dead. F. explained: ex-plain-ed; impolitely: im-polite-ly; unironed; un-iron-ed; absently: ab-sent-ly; independence: in-depend-ence; unusually: un-usual-ly; unfortunately: un-fortunate-ly; unwrapped: un-wrap-ped; rereading: re-read-ing; unavailable: un-avail-able; unearthly: un-earth-ly; restashed: re-stash-ed; unexplained: un-explain-ed; uneventfully: un-eventful-ly Page 36: Chapter 5&6 Vocabulary & Language: G. Mrs. Monroe; Chester; Pete; Chester; Harold; Mrs. Monroe, Harold; Chester; Mr. Monroe H. Page 37: Chapter 5&6 Writing & Creativity: A. Answers will vary. B. There were white vegetables all over the kitchen. He was wearing Mr. Monroe's towel pretending to be a vampire. Mrs. Monroe thought he was cold. He was trying to keep the vampires away. Chester tried using the steak to pound a stake into Bunnicula's heart. Because he had ruined their steak and was acting crazy.


    Page 38: Chapters 5&6 Writing & Creativity: 1.1) fertilizer 2) insecticides 3) herbicides 2. Spray soap on the leaves. 3. They think the chemicals used on regular vegetables might be harmful to their health. 4. Health Food Stores. 5. No. It is sent to a special mill and sold in health food stores. Page 39: Chapters 5&6 Writing & Creativity: D. Dracula - D; Transylvania - T; garlic - g; blight - B; DDT - D; organic - N-O; rabbits - Q-R; vampire - U-V; species; fangs - F Page 40: Chapters 5&6 Writing & Creativity: E. Answers will vary. F. Answers will vary. G. Answers will vary. Page 41: Chapters 5&6 Writing & Creativity: H. 1) They have to have a constant supply of blood. 2) Lose strength, die and become vampires. 3) 1. Albania 2. Hungary 3. Greece 4. Romania Page 42: Chapters 5&6 Writing & Creativity: I. Answers will vary. Page 43: Chapters 7 Questions: 1) He purred and cooed and cleaned his paws, and rubbed up against everyone's legs. 2) No. He acts that way when he has something devious in the back of his mind. 3) He looked tired and listless and his nose was warmer than it should have been. 4) He realized that Chester was starving Bunnicula by not letting him eat. 5) He thought if he didn't Bunnicula would go from draining vegetables to draining the world. Page 44: Chapters 8 Questions: 1) He found a salad on the table and while Chester slept and everyone was busy he got him out of his cage and put him on the table to eat the salad. 2) Chester woke up before he could eat and jumped on top of him scaring him away. 3) 1.flattened ears 2. wiggled his rear end 3. smiled in anticipation 4) Because he had been caught again and Mrs. Monroe said "That's it Chester. This is Chester's last stand." 5) It means she is done with all of his antics and turmoil he has caused. 6) He now has to go to the vets to get his shots while they get Chester and Bunnicula checked out. Page 45: Chapters 9 Questions: 1) It means that someone is in a lot of trouble. 2) He was suffering from extreme hunger. 3) He was diagnosed as being "emotionally overwrought" from a case of sibling rivalry with Bunnicula. A cat psychiatrist 4) It means competing with your brother or sister for attention. 5) A modern vampire gets his juices from a blender. 6) His newest interest is "finding himself". Page 46: Chapters 7, 8 &9 Vocabulary & Language: A.1) perfect 2) tricky 3) killing 4) upset 5) racket 6) angry 7) food 8) language B. baste, beans, bed, beginning, better, bewilderment, bowl, boy, bread, brussels, Bunnicula, bunny Page 47 & 48: Chapters 7, 8 &9 Vocabulary & Language: C. asked, responded, says, cried, spat, snarled, suggested, whispered D.1) how 2) when 3) where 4) how 5) where 6) when 7) how 8) where 9) when 10) where E. suffering - ing - 2; finished - ed - 2; emotionally - ly - 3; obviously - ly - 2; communicated - d - 4; heavenward - ward - 2; whispered - ed - 2; stumbled - d - 2; needed - ed - 1; hopeless - less - 1; peacefully - ly - 2; explained - ed - 2; whimpered - ed - 2; shouted - ed - 1; scurrying - ing - 2; snarled - ed - 1; determined - d - 3; indicating - ing - 3 Page 48: Chapters 7, 8 & 9 Vocabulary & Language: F.1) cats 2) dog's 3) rabbits 4) carrots 5) garlic 6) ears 7) books 8) vets 9) friends 10) night's G.6, 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 7, 8 Page 49: Chapters 7,8 & 9 Vocabulary & Language: H. Across: 4. devious 6. nourishment 8. hysterical 10. delicious 12. horrified Down: 1.exemplary 2. yes 3. frantic 5. verbalized 7. bewildered 9. commotion 11. dialect Page 50: Chapter 7,8 & 9 Writing & Creativity: A. Answers will vary. B. Answers will vary. Page 51: Chapter7, 8 & 9 Writing & Creativity: C. Answers will vary. D. Answers will vary. Page 52: Chapter 7,8 & 9 Writing & Creativity: E.1) They contain Vitamins B, and small amounts of B2 and C and also contain "Carotene". 2) The body uses carotene to make Vitamin A. 3)They were grown in Greece and Rome. 4) They were used to make medicine. Page 53: Chapters 7,8 & 9 Writing & Creativity: F. Answers will vary. G. Answers will vary. Page 54: Chapters 7,8 & 9 Writing & Creativity: H. Answers will vary.

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    ISBN: 978-1-55319-039-4 36 © RHPA39