Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?

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  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 5 mn2 lklbtomir)

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 8 mn2

    Lnnlbt mn lzveidoia tez herl *i|`hlx mn tez xlt|xir/ ))) :- Tez xlblovtr hlnmxl eid entlx H|rj tez b|tr- Noa|xlr 5 tm 17 Tjl axevjobek tez rtmxy 56

    Bmibk|romir ) 5?

    Evvlidoz 5 ))))) 88- Lkl`litexy dorb|rromi mn `exaoiek tez xetlr

    Evvlidoz 8 ) 8>- Kortoia mn dete rm|xblr

    Evvlidoz 2 ) 8:

    - Dm tjl xobj vey joajlx tezlr=


  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 2 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 4 mn2 txokkomi) \ikocl mtjlx bm|itxolr+ tjl \R jer e klaek blokoia mi tjl

    ietomiek dlht) Nldlxek keq xlu|oxlr Bmiaxlrr tm e|tjmxowl tjl am~lxi`lit

    tm hmxxmq eiy `mily illdld tm vey nmx otr rvlidoia) Tjl dlht blokoia+

    b|xxlitky $54)8?4 txokkomi+ qer xlebjld mi @ey 5>+ 8655+ ebbmxdoia tm tjl

    Rlbxltexy mn tjl Txler|xy+ eid rtlvr `|rt hl tecli tm xeorl ot hy E|a|rt 8+

    8655) Tjl bmirlu|liblr mn e dlne|kt mi tjl dlht+ eid tjl xlketld

    vey`litr+ exl tmm i|`lxm|r eid rlxom|r tm bmitl`vketl) Rm`l je~l l~li

    r|aalrtld tjet tjl Vxlrodlit rjm|kd ro`vky oaimxl tjl dlht blokoia *qjobj

    `ey hl vmtlitoekky |ibmirtot|tomiek/ eid e|tjmxowl tjl Txler|xy dlvext`lit

    tm bmitoi|l `lltoia tjl mhkoaetomir tjet je~l ekxledy hlli `edl *er

    mvvmrld tm oib|x ilq rvlidoia/ oirtled mn xorc e dlne|kt)








    Eaeoirt tjor hebcaxm|id+ tjl `eoi v|xvmrl mn tjor extobkl or tm nmb|r mi tjl

    u|lrtomi mn oibxleroia am~lxi`lit xl~li|lr+ xetjlx tjei b|ttoia rvlidoia+

    qjobj |r|ekky xlblo~lr `mrt mn tjl ettlitomi)

    Bei am~lxi`lit xl~li|lr hl oibxlerld roaionobeitky+ et klert oi tjl rjmxt

    x|i *tm hekeibl tjl h|dalt eid ekrm tm xld|bl tjl ietomiek dlht/+ hy

    oibxleroia tezlr+ lrvlboekky mi tezlr mi tjl ~lxy xobj=
  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal < mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal > mn2?


    _m| b|t tezlr eid tez

    xl~li|lr oibxlerl Vxlrodlit

    H|rj+ 866>

    Cllvoia tezlr kmq dmlrvxmd|bl mxl xl~li|l nmx

    tjl Nldlxek Am~lxi`lit

    ^obl Vxlrodlit Dobc Bjlily)

    tez b|tr er ql ekk cimq+

    oibxlerl xl~li|lr

    Xlv|hkobei Vxlrodlitoek

    beidodetlim`oill Gmji


    O cimq tjet xld|boia tezlroibxlerlr am~lxi`lit

    xl~li|lr Xlv|hkobei

    Vxlrodlitoek beidodetl X|dy

    A|okoeio oi e T^ ed),9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html,9171,1692027,00.html
  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 1 mn2)4

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal : mn2, tm

    e rkoajtky kmqlx 2, tm 2+ tjl i|`hlx mn

    r|bj tez xlt|xir qer 2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal ? mn2 24866< 264 82>215??< :1 15+ 555 ?>+?5??1 544 585+?2>5??: 518 54>+1>15??? 86< 5:8+8?28666 846 88>+286

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 56 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 55 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 58 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 52 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 54 mn2 txokkomi nmx 8655 bei hl lxerld miky on ei

    eddotomiek 8+666+666 tez xlt|xir exl nokld oi tjor oibm`l axm|v) Ao~li tjl

    xlblit txlidr oi tez nokoiar roibl 5??4+ r|bj e j|al oibxlerl beiimt hlbmitl`vketld+ l~li on tjl lbmim`y xlbm~lxr n|kky) Tjor `leir tjet ot or

    O@VMRROHKL tm qovl m|t tjl vxmglbtld h|dalt dlnobotr ro`vky hy tezoia tjl

    xobj+ et tjl re`l b|xxlit xetlr)

    Jmql~lx+ on hmtj vextolr bei bmitl`vketl tjl o`vmrrohkl eid dm qjet qer

    xlbmaiowld d|xoia tjl Qokrmi Vxlrodliby+ vlxjevr+ e xlt|xi tm e hekeibld

    h|dalt or vmrrohkl) Tjor qm|kd ekrm xlu|oxl e dorbovkoild lnnmxt tm b|t

    am~lxi`lit rvlidoia+ `mrt imtehky `okotexy rvlidoia qjobj jer tj|r nex

    hlli mnn tjl tehkl eid alilxekky kmetjld hy Xlv|hkobeir) Oidlld+ xlblitrt|dolr je~l rjmqi tjet lebj $5 hokkomi oi~lrtld oi mtjlx rlbtmxr mn tjl

    lbmim`y bei yolkdroaionobeitky `mxl gmhrtjei oi~lrtoia oi tjl `okotexy tm

    lotjlx n|id qexr eidmx lijeibl ietomiek rlb|xoty+ rll koicr hlkmq)

    Qjokl xlbmaiowoia tjl n|tokoty mn tezoia tjl xobj+ tm hekeibl tjl h|dalt eidmx

    b|xh *mx l~li vey mnn/ tjl axmqoia ietomiek dlht+ tjl eiekyror jlxl

    xlbmaiowlr tjl o`vmxteibl mn mibl eaeoi oibxleroia tjl joajlrt `exaoiek

    tez xetlr+ er qer dmil oi lexkolx lxer) Tjor+ jmql~lx+ xlu|oxlr tjet ql ekrm

    oibxlerl tjl tez herl eid doxlbt am~lxi`lit rvlidoia tmqexdr hmkd ilq

    eid n|t|xortob Evmkkm `mmi-keidoia tyvl vxmaxe`r *rll dorb|rromi oi tjl

    noxrt mn tjor rlxolr mn tjxll extobklr/+ qjobj oi~lrt qorlky oi bklei lilxay+

    oinxertx|b|t|xl+ ld|betomi+ eid jlektj bexl vxmglbtr tm je~l tjlaxletlrt

    o`vebt mi gmh bxletomi)
  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 5< mn28?tjl-tx|l-bmrt-mn-qex)jt`




    Tehkl 47 RMO H|kkltoi Dete mi Tez Xlblovtr nxm` ekk tezveylxr

    Hlnmxl eid Entlx tjl H|rj tez b|tr mn 8665 eid 8662

    Tez ylex Im) mn tezehkl xlt|xir*oi tjm|reidr/

    Tmtek oibm`l tez*oi $ `okkomir/

    866? 544+562 5+518662 526+484 14:+6518668 526+61> 1?>+?:>

    8665 526+84 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 51 mn27 Tjl tmtek tez xlblovtr dete nmx tjl tez ylexr 8665-866: *doe`midr+ entlxtjl H|rj tez b|tr/ eaeoi nmkkmq e iobl koilex txlid eid oibxlerl er tjl i|`hlx mn

    tezehkl xlt|xir oibxlerl) Jmql~lx+ ekk tjl dete vmoitr nmkkmq e koil qotj e r`ekklx

    rkmvl j) Tjl rmkod dmtr exl tjl lexkolx dete nmx tjl tez ylexr 5??4-8666 *vxomx tm

    tjl H|rj tez b|tr/) Ot or bklex tjet on tjl tez herl oibxlerlr *`mxl tezehkl xlt|xir

    exl nokld/+ tjl joajlx `exaoiek tez xetlr yolkd tjl joajlx tez xlblovtr) Tjor `leir

    tjet+ et klert oi tjl tez ylexr |idlx bmirodlxetomi+ tjl \R lbmim`y jer hlli

    mvlxetoia oi qjet or cimqi er tjl imx`ek xeial mn tjl Kennlx b|x~l+ qjlxl

    am~lxi`lit xl~li|lr exl vxldobtld tm oibxlerl qotj oibxleroia tez xetlr) L~liebbmxdoia tm Kennlx+ am~lxi`lit xl~li|lr qokk oibxlerl qotj dlbxleroia tez xetlr

    miky on tjl lbmim`y or mvlxetoia oi qjet or cimqi er tjl vxmjohoto~l xeial+ rll

    G|il 8664dorb|rromi hy Vxmn) Kennlxjo`rlkn)
  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 5: mn2:4

    txokkomi+ er mvvmrld tm tjl ebt|ek $5)51< txokkomi) Tjor xlvxlrlitr e xl~li|l

    rjmxtnekk mn $6)2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 5? mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 86 mn2, tm 2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 85 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 88 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 82 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 84 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 8< mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 8> mn2

    Oido~od|ek Oibm`l Tez Xlt|xir+ 866> hy G|rtoi Hxyei

    jttv7qqq)oxr)am~v|hoxr-rmo6:nekkh|koitez)vdn 866> . 866

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 8: mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 8? mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 26 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 25 mn26N52N:2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 28 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    Xobjtezvlxrdete8-~k-62G\K55 Veal 24 mn2

  • 8/6/2019 Is Taxing the Rich an Option for Budget Deficit Reduction?


    O`eal hy CG Vexaltlx et jttv7BkovextMn)bm`4>5
