Is HubSpot Better Than WordPress

Is HubSpot Better Than W ordPress? A Free E-Book By {{creatorName}} See who comes out on top in this epic 61 page toe-to-toe CM S brawl; are you backing the winner?

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Is H ubSpot Better Than W ordPress?

A Free E-Book By {{creatorNam e}}

See who com es out on top in th is epic 61 page toe-to-toe CM S brawl; are you back ing the winner?


Developing exci t ing digi tal solut ions for our cl ients, using the latest technologies is what M arko thoroughly en joys.

Being able to com bine creat ive output wi th the reach and technological progressiveness of the web (especial ly on m obi le) is a beauti fu l th ing, and to that end, he is constant ly str iving to deepen his understanding of m odern program m ing languages.

Pr ior to tr ansi t ion ing to H ubSpot, M arko developed and custom ised m ul t iple W ordPress tem plates in and out of The Kingdom ; he's seen the h ighs, and the lows of developing on platform s other than H ubSpot.

Abou t The Au thor


Con ten ts

1. Is This Book For You?2. W hat Is W ordPress? W hat Is

H ubSpot?3. In tr oduct ion4. Roun d On e5. Blogging6. SEO7. Analyt ics8. Lists and Em ai l9. Social M edia10. Secur i ty

11. Roun d Tw o12. SSL13. W hat Is SSL?14. W hy Your W ebsite Needs i t15. H ow To Get I t

16. Roun d Thr ee17. H ost ing18. Al l For One And One For Al l19. W or ld-Class Secur i ty and

Suppor t20. Speed That You Can Count On21. H ave m ore t im e, save m ore

m oney, be less str essed

22. Roun d Fou r23. M M enu24. Owl Carousel25. Pace26. Back -To-Top27. Custom Google M ap

28. An d The W i n n er Is...29. Par tner Of The Year30. Subscr ibe31. Share32. Visi t


I s Th i s Book For You?

This e-book dir ect ly com pares W ordPress with H ubSpot, giving you a blow-by-blow account of which platform out-per form s the other across four m ajor areas: content creat ion, secur i ty, host ing and plugins.

Em ployers, m arket ing m anagers and developers who are fed up with the idiosyncrasies of W ordPress, but aren 't confident that

H ubSpot is a sui table replacem ent are encouraged to r ead on - there's a good chance that I 've al r eady exper ienced what you'r e going through; r eading th is book m ight save you the wasted t im e and increased stress I 've had to deal wi th pr ior to m ak ing the jum p to H ubSpot.


What Is Wor dPr ess?

Wor dPr ess st ar t ed as j ust a bl ogging syst em, but has evol ved t o be used as a f ul l cont ent management syst em and so much mor e t hr ough t he t housands of pl ugins and widget s and t hemes.

What Is HubSpot ?

HubSpot is an int egr at ed cont ent mar ket ing pl at f or m which pr ovides t oo l s f or social media mar ket ing, email mar ket ing, cont ent management , web anal yt ics, l anding pages and sear ch engine opt imizat ion, among ot her s.


In t r oduct i on

M igrat ing fr om one websi te creat ion pipel ine to another can often be com pared to walk ing a t ightrope; i t r equires focus, determ inat ion, sk i l l and courage. H owever there are m any var iables that can m ake said walk al l the m ore di ff icul t , i f not fatal .

This e-book wi l l show you why m ak ing the jum p to H ubSpot is not on ly seam less and stress fr ee, but a m ust for the success of your business.


Roun d On eStack ing The Odds:

H ubSpot The W ordPress Ki l ler


So, you?re si t t ing there, browsing your W ordPress adm in screen, batch delet ing today?s 958 spam com m ents, whi le you?re searching for that plugin you real ly need in another tab, hoping that i t?s st i l l fr ee, suppor ted and not bloatware.

This is your l i fe now. W hen you?re not wak ing up in the m iddle of the n ight wi th a cold sweat, wonder ing i f your si te has been brought down again by that hack you can?t get r id off, you?re anxiously ask ing yoursel f i f anyone is even visi t ing your si te at al l .


There is a better way - the H ubSpot way.

The In boun d w ay.

Read on to f ind out why H ubSpot is the way forward as far as m arket ing your websi te on l ine is concerned.


Bl oggi n g

Blogging in W ordPress is a fair ly sim ple affair - which can be both a blessing and a curse. M ain ly a curse. W hen you want to wr i te an ar t icle, you?re essential ly presented with l im ited opt ions (depending of course on which them e you?ve purchased, which plugins you?ve instal led, and i f your websi te hasn?t been hacked in the last 24hrs).


It 's essential ly a cook ie-cutter layout which does i ts job per fect ly wel l for the weekend blogger , who doesn?t par t icular ly care i f or where they rank on Google when they wr i te their 98th obscure post about that th ing you don?t care about.

H owever , i f you?re a business, or an individual who cares about r ank ing, who cares about being seen, and who doesn?t want to do i t through the use of 15 plugins of quest ionable in tegr i ty, then you?l l want to do i t through H ubSpot.

H ubSpot?s blog design was based purely on al terat ions which Google had m ade to their search resul t algor i thm s, and upcom ing tr ends in social search and responsive design - not to m ention the fact that i t?s seam lessly in tegrated with al l of the other tools in H ubSpot?s ever expanding ut i l i ty bel t of m arket ing goodies.

M ar ket er s who have pr ior it ized bl ogging ar e 13x mor e l ikel y t o

enj oy posit ive ROI. (HubSpot St at e of Inbound, 2014)



Out of the box, W ordPress com es with approxim ately zero SEO tools. Yes, i t offer s a m yr iad of SEO plugins, but i t would take lots of t im e, effor t and potent ial ly cost to f ind a plugin that would work anywhere near as effect ively as H ubSpot?s system .

H ubSpot is total ly grounded in SEO - as m entioned ear l ier - the ent i r e COS is pract ical ly a love letter to Google?s recent shi ft in the way they rank pages.

60% of al l or ganic cl icks go t o t he or ganic

t op 3 sear ch r esul t s. (Business2Communit y)


An al yt i cs.

W henever som eone asks m e to descr ibe H ubSpot to them , I general ly begin with the fol lowing l ine:

Im agine i f Google Analyt ics, M ai lchim p and W ordPress had a lovechi ld; that lovechi ld would be H ubSpot.


I say th is because H ubSpot is l ike the per fect un ison of those three di fferent platform s - except instead of being an unorganised m ess, i t becom es th is synerget ic cornucopia of analyt ics r ight across the board.

H ubSpot r ecords and analyses everyth ing that happens on, and fr om your websi te - including visi tor s that com e to see your si te, or em ai ls that you send out to

potent ial custom ers - you even get to see which pages are gett ing cl icks, and which keywords you should tr y to gear your next blog post towards.

W ordPress on the other hand, can show you a handful of useful facts about views, visi tor s and where they?re com ing fr om - orders of m agnitude less than H ubSpot 's analyt ical output.



Li sts an d Em ai l

Lists m ake the wor ld go round in H ubSpot - they al low you to store al l -im por tant contacts, which essential ly opens the way to the rest of H ubSpot 's br ist l ing ar ray of m arket ing ar t i l ler y.

80.8% of user s r epor t r eading email on mobil e

devices. (HubSpot )


Sadly, W ordPress doesn?t offer contact l ists out of the box - what 's worse is that suppor t for such features in the W ordPress ecosystem is hard to com e by.

Add to th is that i t also doesn?t offer em ai l by defaul t ei ther , and th ings star t to get a l i t t le glum . Don?t get m e wrong though, there actual ly are som e adept em ai l apps

out there for W ordPress, but noth ing as lovingly in tegrated as H ubSpot?s em ai l system - which lets you play with fun th ings l ike personal isat ion per r ecipient, SEO optim isat ion and m ore.


Soci al M ed i a

Again, i ts a stor y of bui l t -in funct ional i ty, versus acquir ing said funct ional i ty by use of th ir d-par ty plugins. In th is scenar io, there are plenty of plugins out there for W ordPress which can do the job - none however seem to have as thorough a l ist of features as H ubSpot?s Social Inbox.


In th is Social Inbox, custom ers can create a segm ented str eam of tweets based on custom ers, or anyth ing else. You can stalk keywords, too. I t can also help you essential ly see som eones l i fe-cycle journey through the tr ansparent f i lm of their social m edia.

83% of mar ket er s indicat e t hat social media is impor t ant f or t heir business. (Social M edia Examiner )


Secur i ty

In the past, we?ve had issues where we?ve had W ordPress websi tes hosted on a shared host ing envir onm ent - which is essential ly l ike swim m ing in a publ ic pool :

I t can be chlor inated to hel l and back , but anyone can get in , and i t 's just a m atter of t im e unt i l som ething you can?t un-see f loats past you.


If that analogy wasn?t obvious enough, let m e elaborate: M any shared host ing envir onm ents wi l l host your W ordPress si te wi thout a problem , and m ost l ikely serve i t at a great speed - however , un less you?re paying through the nose for an addi t ional layer of secur i ty, or you?ve instal led or purchased secur i ty in the form of a plugin speci f ical ly for your copy of W ordPress, OR you m anage to keep your copy of W ordPress updated al l the t im e, there is a chance som eone wi l l get in .

M ore often than not i ts not even necessar i ly a dir ect attack on your si te, but a r oot-k i t or a backdoor left in som eone else?s.

This isn?t a problem with H ubSpot - they have a ver i table shopping l ist of features which wi l l l i teral ly lower your blood-pressure and cholesterol when you hear them - ?Dedicated f i r ewal ls?, ?Enterpr ise-grade In tr usion Detect ion System s?, ?W eb Appl icat ion Fir ewal l?, ?DDoS M it igat ion Services?, the l ist goes on.


Now, th is m ight sound a l i t t le harsh - and i t on ly sounds that way because m any a t im e, i t was I who was asked to breathe l i fe in to a vir gin W ordPress instal lat ion, or tr awl countless plugins and them es, or deal wi th in ternat ional tech-suppor t as a cl ient?s si te would get hacked for the sixth t im e that week .

W ordPress isn?t the lur ching m onstrosi ty th is chapter m ight pain t i t as, but i t cer tain ly isn?t the on ly opt ion out there as far as m arket ing your business on l ine is concerned - there is a better , newer way to do th is, and that way is H ubSpot.


Roun d On e W i n n er

H ubSpot .

Right out of the box, H ubSpot has W ordPress beat. As far as features l ike blogging, SEO, em ai ls and l ists, secur i ty and social m edia go, i t 's in tegrat ion is a winn ing com binat ion.


Roun d Tw oSSL: W hat I t M eans, W hy Your W ebsite Needs I t , &

H ow To Get I t .


I t's recommended that you watch the video below to truly appreciate why Google are spearheading the "H TTPs Everywhere" movement. 


Ear l ier th is year at Inbound 2015, H ubSpot announced the fr ee suppor t for SSL across i ts ent i r e platform . That's r ight, free SSL for all.


H owever , m ore than just being a generous upgrade for i ts legions of users, i t was an im por tant step in conform ing to Google?s H TTPs Everywhere vision.

Google want al l websi tes that people access fr om their own search engine to be secure; as a resul t , any websi tes which are secure, wi l l en joy an im proved Google search rank ing.

I t?s a win-win si tuat ion for H ubSpot users. H istor ical ly, SSL on H ubSpot was both di ff icul t to instal l , and expensive to m aintain .

Now, i t?s essential ly a 2-cl ick instal l , AND the upgrade is for fr ee; i t doesn 't take m uch to m ake your  websi te m ore secure, tr ustwor thy, inbound and Google fr iendly.


W hat Is SSL?

SSL stands for ?Secure Sockets Layer?. I t?s a technology which ensures that your connect ion to a websi te is encrypted, m eaning that the pr ying eyes of m al icious th ir d par t ies cannot in ter cept any of your data.

SSL is t he st andar d

secur it y t echnol ogy

f or est abl ishing an

encr ypt ed l ink bet ween

a web ser ver and a

br owser . This l ink

ensur es t hat al l dat a

passed bet ween t he web

ser ver and br owser s

r emain pr ivat e and

int egr al .

As defined by


From a visual standpoint, you m ay have not iced som ething sim i lar to the im age below - the ?H TTPs? protocol , preceded by a sm al l icon indicat ing that the websi te is protected by the H TTPs standard. A websi te bear ing these sym bols has an SSL cer t i f icate, and is considered secure.

The example below shows what a secure website's URL prefix looks like in Google's Chrome - notice the addition of the "s" and the green lock (or shield) icon.


W hy Your W ebsi te Needs I t .

As you can im agine, SSL is incredibly im por tant for websi tes which rely on the data of their users rem ain ing com pletely pr ivate, and safe - on l ine stores, dat ing websi tes, banks - you get the idea.


The developm ent of tr ust is an in tegral elem ent of inbound m arket ing, which is why i t m ade a lot of sense for H ubSpot to r em ove any hurdles in the way of let t ing their users have a m ore secure, m ore tr ustwor thy, m ore inbound websi te.

Beyond th is though, H ubSpot l ike to stay on the cutt ing edge - which is why they?ve m ade th is m ove to prom ote H TTPs now, r ather than later.

Cur rent ly H TTPs is a low signal pr ior i ty in Google?s search algor i thm s, but i t won?t always be that way - Google want every websi te that is visi ted fr om their search engine to be secure - to be tr ustwor thy.

This, m eans that every websi te wi l l , ideal ly, one day have an SSL cer t i f icate.

"In no uncer t ain t er ms - you need SSL. You need it so t hat your websit e acquir es t he HTTPs pr ef ix , so t hat Googl e?s sear ch al gor it hm knows t hat your websit e is secur e, meaning t hat Googl e wil l r ank it mor e f avour abl y, r esul t ing in a higher r anking, mor e exposur e, and pot ent ial l y mor e l eads."


H ow To Get I t .H ubspot have m ade th is very str aight forward - l i teral ly t ick ing a box and then pressing a button. Sim ple. H ere?s how you in i t iate the process:

- Go to the Dom ain M anager Under Content > Content Sett ings.

- Choose The Dom ain You W ant to Secure.

- Choose the Content Types You W ant to Secure. (Everyth ing)

- Check the ?Enable SSL? box, and cl ick ?Connect Dom ain?.


After you?ve done th is H ubspot wi l l get back to you with an em ai l and instruct ions on how to proceed with the instal lat ion - m eaning the updating of your CNAM E in your DNS. After th is has been done, and the changes have propagated, you?l l be H TTPs secure.

H aving said that, i f you?d rather not touch your DNS or SSL sett ings with a ten-foot-pole for fear of accidental ly break ing your si te, and subsequently losing business in the downtim e, don?t wor r y - we?re m ore than happy to help.

H ere at the Kingdom we deal wi th DNS sett ings and SSL setups on a week ly basis. Cal l us today i f you need help with SSL, or are just wanting to create a m ore successful , m ore secure websi te that works for you, r ather than against you.

Si gn up for a H ost i n g H eal th Check today.


Roun d Tw o W i n n er

H ubSpot .

Even though services l ike Let 's En cr ypt exist which m ake SSL a fr ee service, H ubSpot str eam l ines the service to the point where the custom er on ly needs to in i t iate the process and change their CNAM E to reap the rewards. This one is a no-brainer.


Roun d Thr eeW hy H osting Your W ebsite On H ubSpot W i l l Save You

Tim e, M oney & Stress.


H ost i n g

I?l l let you in on a l i t t le secret; pr ior to discover ing H ubSpot (and prom ptly thereafter becom ing H ubSpot par tners), we had been through hel l  as far as websi te developm ent and host ing had been concerned. 


From developing W ordPress them es and host ing them on a shared host ing envir onm ent, to hand-coded PH P solut ions which were uploaded through a com binat ion of Git , Jenk ins and dark sorcery, to then m igrat ing al l of our W ordPress si tes to Rackspace (which sadly didn?t offer any secur i ty layer on top of the host ing) to tr ansfer r ing al l of those si tes again to Pagely (which was a step in the r ight dir ect ion, but st i l l not ideal).

I t sounds like an absolute mess doesn?t it?


It was; and an expensive, str essful m ess at that. I t wasted our t im e in term s of having to spend days, or weeks back ing up si tes, tr ansfer r ing them , cleaning them i f they were in fected, cal l ing suppor t personnel fr om each host ing provider , who were som etim es unable to assist, and at other t im es sim ply in the wrong t im ezone to assist in a t im ely m anner.

W orse st i l l , for us i t m eant unhappy custom ers. There was m any a t im e when we weren?t able to provide them with a t im ely solut ion to a host ing related problem . But th is was al l before H ubSpot.


Since we becam e cer t i f ied par tners, and began developing and host ing websi tes on the H ubSpot CRM platform , i t?s been clear sai l ing.

W e?re able to spend less t im e wor r ying about whether or not our cl ient?s si te would get hacked, or i f i t would go off l ine for a r andom and unannounced m aintenance per iod.

W e haven?t once had to pay huge addi t ional sum s of m oney to get tech suppor t on the other side of the wor ld to pul l an al l -n ighter to save our

sk ins - Instead we?ve been able to focus on actual ly bui lding and growing our custom er?s websi tes; adding content to them in a bl issfu l ly un in ter rupted fashion.

Read on to see why host ing (and developing) your websi te with H ubSpot wi l l l i teral ly save you t im e, m oney & stress.


Al l For On e An d On e For Al l .

H ubSpot is a fu l ly form ed m arket ing platform . This m eans that you don?t have to download a m yr iad of plugins (som e of which m ay not work , others which m ay not be fr ee, and others st i l l which m ight be secur i ty holes).


Fur therm ore, work ing with the H ubSpot CM S is now m ore in tu i t ive than ever , wi th an in l ine edi tor in addi t ion to a f lexible design m anager - both of which are consistent ly the sam e. By th is I m ean that the in ter face and toolset you use to create tem plates, em ai ls and blog ar t icles does not change fr om si te to si te, custom er to custom er.

This m eans that speed of developm ent is increased, as you don?t have to r e-learn the tools every t im e you open a new por tal , i t also m eans stress is r educed.

Deadl ines are easier to h i t when H ubSpot websi te developm ent becom es m uscle m em ory.

In addi t ion to th is, H ubSpot h i ts the ground running as a responsive platform - so you, or your developer won?t have to star t m ak ing your websi te m obi le fr iendly fr om scratch - your content wi l l look good no m atter where you view i t .


W or l d -Cl ass Secu r i ty an d Suppor t .

H ubSpot 's secur i ty team has their eyes and ears peeled 24 hours a day. You?l l be pleased to know that your websi te is also protected by a W eb Appl icat ion Fir ewal l (W AF), not to m ention SSL i f you?ve purchased the W ebsite add-on. This secur i ty is NOT an addi t ional extra, i t?s H ubSpot 's defaul t stance.


As they say, ?Secur i ty shouldn?t be a luxury? - and thus far we haven?t had one secur i ty issue with any of our H ubSpot websi tes.

Addit ional ly, al l custom er data is 100% backed up to m ul t iple sources, wi th backups of backups on top of that, so i f the worst does occur , your content wi l l be covered, and can be restored easi ly.

"Highl y avail abl e.

Consist ent l y hit t ing 99.99%

upt ime."


Add to th is a hand-picked team of em ployees who?ve had 3rd par ty background checks, and who m onitor platform and appl icat ion behaviour al l day, every day, and you can see why we?ve stopped wor r ying about downtim e and secur i ty issues. 


Speed That You Can Coun t On .

H ubSpot also runs on a content del iver y network (CDN) (at no addi t ional charge to you). So no m atter where you or your custom ers are on the planet, they?l l be viewing your si te and in teract ing with your content at top speed. To get an i dea of H ubSpot?s

speed i n r el at i on to other com pet i tor s, r ead th i s i n depen den t study.


You get the picture; we?ve com e fr om a developm ent and host ing pipel ine that once resem bled Frankenstein?s M onster ; a lur ching m onstrosi ty of program s, processes and problem s al l sewn together to u l t im ately form a doom ed m ess.

H ave m or e t i m e, save m or e m on ey, be l ess st r essed .

- H ubSpot

"HubSpot ?s inf r ast r uct ur e l ives in t hr ee dist inct geogr aphic r egions and f ive avail abil it y zones, making sur e your l ead gener at ion and sal es suppor t ar e avail abl e whenever you ar e."


Our si tuat ion today with H ubSpot is very di fferent - we now enjoy being par t of a system which is un i f ied, secure, r edundant, speedy, suppor ted and m ost im por tant ly - constant ly growing and im proving with the t im es - i t al lows us a greater fr eedom to help our cl ients wor r y about the im por tant th ings - creat ing and developing a websi te that actual ly funct ions l ike an asset, not a l iabi l i ty.

I f our si tuat ion sounds sim i lar to yours, I urge you to get in touch with us today to see how we can help you out - websi te developm ent and host ing doesn?t need to be a n ightm are - cal l us today for a step in the r ight dir ect ion.

Si gn up for a H ost i n g H eal th Check today.


Roun d Thr ee W i n n er

H ubSpot .

H osting on H ubSpot couldn 't be easier , or safer for that m atter. As soon as you create your por tal , you'r e covered. I ts a di fferent stor y with W ordPress.


Roun d Fou rM ust H ave Plugins

That W i l l Supercharge Your W ebsite


H ubSpot is a great platform on which to develop websi tes quick ly and easi ly, nam ely thanks to i ts str eam l ined Tem plate Bui lder.

You can get qui te far before you have to get your hands dir ty wi th any real coding.

H owever som etim es you just need to up the ante, you need that extra bi t of funct ional i ty, or that sexy new feature that wi l l get your websi te over the l ine and not iced. Going forward, I 'l l r efer to these ?features? as plugins.

At th is t im e, H ubSpot doesn?t have a plugin m arketplace l ike W ordPress does, so gett ing that k i l ler feature ?one-cl ick -instal led? isn?t yet possible; but as cer t i f ied H ubSpot COS Designers, we can m anual ly instal l these easi ly.

Read on to discover our m ost loved, and m ost cher ished plugins that we?ve used in our COS si tes.


M M en u

M M enu is one of those plugins that stops you in your tr acks, and for ces you to f ist pum p the air ; not once, not twice, but thr ice. I t?s a f lu id, dynam ic app-l ike m enu that is designed with a m obi le f i r st m ind-set that com pletely l iberates us as designers and developers, and you as custom ers in term s of what you can do with a m enu. W e love including th is on every responsive websi te we m ake.

Cl i ck her e to l ear n m or e.


Ow l Car ousel

Sl iders on websi tes have been around for years now, and are m ost l ikely going to st ick around for years to com e - wi th the advent of r esponsive web design, i t 's been m ore im por tant than ever to m ake sure that every aspect of your websi te works per fect ly on m obi le - especial ly an aspect that scream s for attent ion l ike feature sl iders.

This is where Owl Carousel com es in - I t r esponds to touch and grab inputs on m obi le, is CSS3 hardware accelerated, fu l ly r esponsive, and packed with a ton of opt ions; al l of th is inside a feather l ight package, m eaning that i t won?t slow down your websi te?s per form ance with super fluous features and bloated code.


W e love using i t for feature sl iders, test im onial sl iders, or for anyth ing real ly; what 's m ore, i t works beauti fu l ly wi th H ubSpot?s Custom M odule feature, m eaning that i t can be turned in to a dynam ic tool anyone can use easi ly.

Cl i ck her e to l ear n m or e.



H ubspot doesn?t l ike to si t st i l l when i t com es to developing great new pieces of open source code, and Pace is no exception. Pace is an autom atic page loading bar , which gives you 14 types of loading an im ations to choose fr om , not to m ention the abi l i ty to custom ise the colour of the loading bar to sui t your websi te.

I t?s a subt le feature, but we l ike adding i t to give visi tor s that extra l i t t le bi t of feedback about what?s happening on the si te that they?re viewing.

Cl i ck her e to l ear n m or e.


Back To Top

This is another staple plugin that we use on every si te we m ake. Som etim es web pages can get large - very large, and som etim es i t can be a burden to scrol l al l the way back up m anual ly - that 's where th is plugin shines.

I t generates a button that on ly appears after you?ve star ted scrol l ing, and fades in to the background unt i l

you need i t - but when you do f inal ly cl ick on i t , Back -To-Top sm ooth-scrol ls al l the way (surpr isingly) back up to the top; no m uss, no fuss, no RSI.

Cl i ck her e to l ear n m or e.


Custom Googl e M ap

Last but cer tain ly not least, the Custom Google M ap.

W e?ve never been sat isf ied with sim ply em bedding a standard Google M ap in to our websi tes, nor the websi tes of our cl ients.

This plugin gives us the fr eedom to custom ise the look , feel and behaviour of a Google M ap - giving us control over the colour of the m ap, the appearance of the

m arker , and even lett ing us have m ul t iple m arkers, instead of m ul t iple m aps on one page.

The end resul t? A beauti fu l , sim ple, and funct ional m ap; one that doesn?t have any of the standard Google M ap controls clutter ing the layout.

Cl i ck her e to l ear n m or e.


These are just the t ip of the iceberg; there is an ent i r e ecosystem of great funct ional i ty out there on the In ternet, just wai t ing to be put to work on your websi te.

Com bined with H ubSpot?s Tem plate Bui lder , and Custom M odules, not to m ention H ubL, the sky's the l im it for us as COS Designers and Developers; m ore than that however , you the custom er stand to benefi t m ost fr om these am azing tools.


Roun d Fou r W i n n er

W or dPr ess.

Due to the sheer num ber and var iety of plugins avai lable in the W ordPress ecosystem , not to m ention their ease of instal lat ion m ake W ordPress the clear winner in the plugin stakes.


So there you have i t - H ubSpot wins three out of four r ounds against the reign ing cham p W ordPress.

Speak with The K i n gdom today to f ind out how you can get off the back foot wi th W ordPress and i t?s cohor t of endear ing, but u l t im ately fr ustrat ing qual i t ies off your back , and star t winn ing with H ubSpot.

Si gn up for a H ost i n g H eal th Check today.


W e are the H ubSpot In ternat ional Par tner of the Year. H ere at The Kingdom , we're dedicated to m ak ing your Inbound M arket ing and H ubSpot investm ent super profi table for your business.

As a testam ent to th is, we were just awarded the H ubSpot In ternat ional Par tner of the Year and In ternat ional Rook ie of the Year awards by H ubSpot at Inbound 2015.


Keep a weather eye out for m ore great E-Books.

Subscr ibe today to be not i f ied as soon as they are released.

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