Is Caffeine a Health Hazard

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  • 8/4/2019 Is Caffeine a Health Hazard


    Is Caffeine a Health Hazard?

    by Ben Best










    Caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in the world, most commonly from the beverages

    coffee, tea and soda. An estimated 80% of the world's population consumes a caffeine-

    containing substance daily. A typical 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of instant coffee contains about

    100 mg of caffeine about twice as much as a cup of tea or a 12-ounce (360-ml) can/bottle

    of soda. A 30-gram chocolate bar might contain as much caffeine as half a cup of tea. Pure

    caffeine can be obtained in powders, caplets or tablets in products like NoDoz.

    The English word caffeine comes from the French (Spanish & Portugese) word forcoffee:

    caf. Caffeine has been identified in over a hundred species of plant, but the most highly

    cultivated sources are the seeds (beans) of the berries from the coffee tree(Coffea arabica or

    Coffea canephora, variety robusta), the leaves & leaf-buds of the tea bush (Thea sinensis,also known as Camellia sinensis), the nut of the kola tree (Cola acuminata) and the seeds

    (beans) of the fruit from the cacao (cocoa) tree (Theobroma cacao). Why caffeine is found in

    so many plants is a matter of speculation, but a popular theory is that caffeine functions as a

    natural pesticide insofar as caffeine is lethally toxic for the larvae of mealworms, mosquitos

    and tobacco hornworms, among others.

    The medicinal use of coffee by Islamic physicians probably began before the second

    Millennium A.D. The first documented use of coffee as a beverage was by the Sufis of

    Yemen, who were using the drink to stay awake during prayers in the mid-1400s. By 1510

    there were coffeehouses in Mecca & Cairo. As coffeehouses spread throughout the Islamicworld, their reputation for becoming places for gaming, secular music, vice and seditious

    political & religious discussion led to periodic prohibitions as well as debates over

    whether the KORAN approves of coffee.

    Although the first coffeehouses opened in England in the 1650s and in Holland a decade

    later, the first Parisian caf (coffeehouse) did not open until 1689. The Dutch introduced the

    coffee plant to the island of Java in 1688. The island's association with coffee production led

    to the use of "Java" as a nickname for high quality coffee.

    Brewing is the process of extracting coffea from the bean into water. Instant coffee is pre-

    brewed in large quantity and then dried to preserve flavor. Most of the water can be removed
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    by evaporation, but the residual water is more difficult to remove. Freeze-drying preserved

    the flavor better than drying at high temperature.

    In 1903 an Italian manufacturer who was impatient with the amount of time his employees

    spent brewing coffee during coffee breaks invented a machine that used high temperature &

    pressure to rapidly extract coffee from grind. The result was espresso (Italian forfast).Coffee connoisseurs regard espresso to be "coffee at its very best". Modern espresso

    machinesforce nearly-boiling water through finely powdered blends of coffee at pressures of

    up to 15 atmospheres in less than half-a-minute. The result is an ounce-and-a-half of syrupy,

    fragrant, richly-flavored coffee emulsified in natural fats & colloids containing about half

    as much caffeine as an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee. Espresso topped with equal parts of

    foamed & steamed milk is called cappuccino.

    Until the end of the 17th century most coffee was produced in Yemen. By the 1950s Brazil

    was producing half the world's coffee and it remains the leading producer. Decaffeination of

    coffee began early in the 20th century. By 1985 nearly one-fifth of coffee-drinkers were

    consuming decaf, but the percentage dropped thereafter. There is no truth to the claim thatdecaf contains residual solvents (the newer methods of producing decaf use high-pressure

    carbon dioxide). The caffeine removed from decaf coffee is used for making soda drinks.

    Tea cultivation is believed to have begun in the Szechwan province of China a few centuries

    before the Common (Christian) Era after the Chinese learned of the plant's use by natives of

    northern India or Southeast Asia. Buddhist priests brought tea-drinking from China to Japan

    in the 6th Century A.D. The word tea in most languages traces from Chinese roots. In the

    17th century the English East India Company became the world's foremost tea monopoly.

    Bitter feelings among Americans culminating in the Boston Tea Party may partially account

    for the fact that the English consume far more tea than Americans and Americans

    consume far more coffee than the English.

    Tea contains both caffeine and tannins. Tannin (which converts rawhide into leather) is an

    astringent used in folk remedies for diarrhea, bleeding, inflammation and skin eruptions. Teas

    may be fermented (black tea), unfermented (green tea) or partially fermented (oolong).

    Fermenting reduces astringency, while changing color & flavor. Green tea retains

    polyphenols which help prevent cancer, while containing less caffeine than regular (black)


    Use of the cacao (cocoa) bean for a beverage originated with the Indians of South America,

    possibly earlier than 1,000 B.C. The Spanish were introduced to the drink by the Aztecs. Insixteenth century Spain a sugared chocolate drink was consumed in a form that was strong

    enough to manifest the stimulant properties of caffeine & theobromine. In 1828 a Dutch

    chemist devised a means to remove most of the bitter fat from cocoa, neutralize the acids and

    create a water-soluble powder. In 1875, Henri Nestl of Switzerland (inventor of condensed

    milk) helped create the first milk chocolate. As of the year 2000, Switzerland had the highest

    per capital chocolate consumptionin the world nearly twice that of the United States.

    In 1886 the Georgia pharmacist John Pemberton created a beverage flavored by caffeine-

    containing kola nuts and fortified by cocaine from the coca plant (Erythroxylum coca) of Peru

    & Bolivia. He called his beverage Coca-Cola in honor of the plants of origin. Near the turn

    of the century cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola and replaced with more caffeine.(Lithium carbonate currently used as a treatment for mania was not removed from 7-
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    Up until a half-century later.) A 12-ounce (360-ml) container of Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola,

    Dr. Pepper, Tab, Mr Pibb, Mountain Dew and many other soft drinks contains as

    much caffeine as a cup of tea. Jolt, which has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, is

    promoted as having "twice the sugar" and "twice the caffeine of other colas".

    For the caffeine content of common beverages seeCaffeine Content of Foods and Drugs orCaffeine Content of Beverages, Foods and Drugs.

    The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway & Denmark) and the Netherlands have the

    highest per-capita caffeine consumption in the world about 400 milligrams per person per

    day, mostly from coffee. Caffeine consumption in the US, Canada and the UK is about half

    that amount mostly from coffee in North America. In the UK slightly more caffeine comes

    from tea than from coffee, which means drinking many cups of tea to compensate for the

    lower caffeine content of the tea. Only in Ireland & Kuwait is the tea consumption higher

    than in the UK.

    In the United States coffee consumption increases with higher education & income and isparticularly high for Roman Catholics. Claims that coffee-drinking correlates with higher

    intelligence cannot be taken as proof that caffeine increases intelligence or that drinking

    coffee is smart. Lower incidence ofAlzheimer's Disease (AD) among coffee-drinkers could

    easily be a consequence of the negative correlation between level of education & AD and the

    positive correlation between level of education & coffee-drinking rather than evidence that

    caffeine prevents AD.

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    Chemically, caffeine is 1,3,7-

    trimethylxanthine meaning

    it is a xanthine molecule with

    methyl groups replacing all of

    the three hydrogens bound to

    nitrogens in the xanthine ring.Caffeine is metabolized

    (demethylated) in the liver by CYtochrome P450 enzymes known as 1A2 (orCYP1A2). The

    first products of metabolism are all dimethylxanthines: paraxanthine (84% 1,7-

    dimethylxanthine), theobromine (12% 3,7-dimethylxanthine), and theophylline (4% 1,3-

    dimethylxanthine). The half-life for caffeine metabolism is typically 5-6 hours in an adult.

    Theophylline relaxes smooth muscles of the bronchi and has been used for this purpose in

    the treatment of asthma. Theobromine from the cocao tree (Theobroma cacao), contains no

    bromine and is the principal alkaloid in cacao. Theobromine is a diuretic (increases urine

    production) that can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. By weight, chocolate is

    about 2.2% theobromine & 0.1% caffeine, but caffeine is seven times more potent than


    In the body, xanthine is a breakdown product ofadenine & guanine, the two purine baseswhich are key constituents of DNA & RNA. Adenine is also the purine base in the energy-

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    storage molecule ATP (Adenine TriPhosphate) and the second-messengermolecule cAMP

    (cyclic Adenosine MonoPhosphate). Adenine can be deaminated in the body to

    hypoxanthine, oxidized to xanthine and oxidized again to uric acid for excretion. Uric acid

    also has anti-oxidant properties which may help to account for the long lifespans of birds &

    humans but uric acid can lead to gout. Rather than being oxidized, hypoxanthine can be

    recycled to form more AMP, GMP or nucleic acids.

    Adenosine is an adenine molecule attached to a ribose or deoxyribose sugar molecule. The

    similarity in chemical structure between the adenine portion of adenosine and the caffeinemolecule is the key to how caffeine works. Cells including neurons have adenosine

    receptors. Adenosine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, but is not released from

    synapses. The caffeine molecule is similar enough to adenine to fit into adenosine receptors,

    but is not similar enough to stimulate those receptors. So the main action of caffeine is to

    block adenosine receptors. Ethanolexerts many of its effects by modifying adenosine

    receptor activity.

    Adenosine cyclic AMP
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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP, cyclic Adenosine MonoPhosphate) acts as a cellular signalling

    molecule which transmits signals from the cell membrane to the interior of the cell and to the

    nucleus. Cyclic AMP is quickly metabolized by phosphodiesterases, ie, by enzymes which

    break the diester bond (two oxygen bonds) connecting the 5' carbon to the 3' carbon of theribose between the phosphate forming the cycle. Caffeine is similar enough to adenine that it

    binds to phosphodiesterases, and it can inhibit phosphodiesterase molecules preventing them

    from hydrolyzing (inactivating) cAMP. Practically speaking, however, this effect occurs only

    modestly in the body because the amounts required for a significant effect are greater than the

    plasma levels of caffeine acheived by coffee-drinking.

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    More than 99% of orally

    ingested caffeine is absorbed

    with peak plasma levels

    obtained in 15 to 45 minutes.

    Caffeine is soluble in both

    water & oil and can readily

    cross the blood-brain barrier.Caffeine potentially has

    pharmacological actions other

    than blockage of adenosine

    receptors, but it requires

    20 times as much caffeine to

    inhibit phosphodiesterase,

    40 times as much caffeine to

    blockGABAA receptors and

    100 times as much caffeine to

    mobilize intracellular calcium

    as is required to blockadenosine receptors. Caffeine
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    acts primarily by the direct action of blocking adenosine receptors and by the indirect action

    upon the receptors forneurotransmitters.

    Adenosine is a neuromodulator, not a neurotransmitter . Adenosine is not stored in vesicles

    nor released as a bolus in response to depolarization of a presynaptic membrane. Instead,

    adenosine accumulates in extracellular fluids as a result of cell physiology and is thereforereleased from both neurons and glial cells. Adenosine is produced as a by-product ofATP

    (Adenosine TriPhosphate, the energy source for cellular metabolism) utilization.

    Adenosine actions on adenosine receptors inhibit the release of neurotransmitters. Adenosine

    receptors are classified as A1, A2A, A2B and A3, although only the first two are of significance

    for neurotransmitters because A2B & A3 subtypes are mainly located in peripheral tissues

    outside the brain. Accumulation of adenosine at A1 receptors on presynaptic membranes

    inhibits the release of most brain neurotransmitters, including glutamate, GABA,

    norephinephrine, serotonin and acetylcholine the strongest action being inhibition of

    glutamaterelease. A1 receptors have highest abundance in the brain concentrated in the

    cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum and the reticular formation of the spinal cord.

    Adenosine A1 receptors in the brain are mostly located presynaptically on axons. A1 receptors

    inhibitthe enzyme adenylyl cyclase, decreasing cAMP levels although significant

    physiological action from this effect has not been observed. A1 receptors block presynaptic

    calcium channels and activate potassium channels (causing hyperpolarization). Adenosine A2receptors activate adenylyl cyclase, converting ATP into the second messenger cAMP

    which can inhibit L-type & N-type calcium channels. In the brain, the effects of A 1 receptors

    greatly predominate over those of the A2A receptors both because A1 receptors are more

    numerous and because adenosine has a higher affinity for A1 receptors [EUROPEAN

    JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY 365:9-25 (1999)].

    A1 adenosine receptors inhibit neural activity by both pre-synaptic and post-synaptic

    mechanisms. Pre-synaptic blockage of N-type calcium (Ca2+) channels reduces

    neurotransmitter release. Post-synaptically A1 receptor stimulation causes both enhanced

    Cl- influx (in a GABA-independent manner) and enhanced K+ influx both of which inhibit


    Adenosine stimulates and caffeine blocks all classes of adenosine receptors nonselectively.

    The general effect of adenosine in the brain is to inhibit neural activity, whereas the general

    effect of caffeine is to increase neural activity.
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    (A general increase in neural activity is not necessarily a good thing in the worst case

    general stimulation results in an epileptic spasm, rather than the controlled activity of thought

    & learning.Neurons need to rest to work effectively. Caffeine disrupts the time neurons work

    and rest.)

    Adenosine A2A receptors areprominent in endothelial cells,

    resulting in the vasodilation

    effect of adenosine (and the

    vasoconstrictive effect of

    caffeine on cerebral blood

    vessels sometimes used to

    treat migraine headache). In

    the brain, only the A2A subtype

    of A2 receptors have

    significant activity, and these

    are primarily located in thedopamine-rich areas of the

    basal ganglia controlling

    locomotion. A2A receptor

    activity inhibits locomotor

    activity in part by inhibiting

    dopamine action at D2receptors. Adenosine A2Areceptors in the hippocampus

    are of more prominence than the illustration indicates, and adenosine action on those

    receptors facilitate hippocampal glutamatergic synapse transmission by opposing the tonic

    inhibition due to adenosine at A1 receptors [NEUROSCIENCE 112(2):319-329 (2002)],

    although the adenosine A1 receptor effect predominates.

    Caffeine's antagonism of adenosine action on A2A receptors in the globus pallidus decreases

    release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (Gamma-AminoButyric Acid). Caffeine

    can neutralize the effects of benzodiazepine tranquilizers such as diazepam (Valium).

    Benzodiazepines act by enhancing the effect of GABA on GABAA receptors, whereas

    caffeine has an opposite effect by inhibiting GABA release. Unlike cocaine, amphetamine,

    morphine, alcohol and nicotine, caffeine does not activate dopamine release (to D2 receptors),

    in the "pleasure centers" (the shell) of the nucleus accumbens, which are associated with

    addiction. The "addictive" properties of caffeine seem to be almost entirely connected towithdrawal symptoms.
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    Experiments on mice may give an indication of the effects of chronic caffeine administration.

    The density of cortical A1 adenosine receptors increased 20% whereas the density of A2Areceptors in the basal ganglia did not change. Densities of cortical serotonin receptors

    increased by 26-30%, cortical cholinergicreceptor densities increased 40-50% and cortical

    GABAA receptor densities increased 65%. Cortical & cerebellaradrenergic receptor densities

    decreased by 25% [CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY 13(2):247-261(1993)].

    Adenosine typically

    accumulates in the

    extracellular space during

    conditions of fatigue ie,

    when the rate of ATP

    utilization exceeds the rate of

    ATP synthesis. Adenosine

    accumulates in the forebrain &

    hippocampus during sustainedwakefulness (promoting

    sleepiness) and decreases

    during sleep. During seizures,

    hypoxia or ischemia,

    accumulation of adenosine

    may be very rapid. In the heart,

    hypoxia dramatically reduces

    adenosine kinase activity,

    which also promotes adenosine

    accumulation. Adenosine can

    be increased by high levels of

    S-AdenosylHomosysteine (SAH) or reduced by an excess of L-homocysteine.

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    Two physiologically distinctphases of sleep are distinguished: REM (Rapid Eye Movement)

    and non-REM sleep. REM sleep is distinguished from non-REM sleep by brain electrical

    activity comparable to that seen in wakefulness as well as by higher blood pressure & oxygenconsumption. About three-quarters of sleep time is spent in non-REM. Sleep normally begins

    with non-REM sleep, which progresses from stages I & II (light non-REM sleep) to

    stages III & IV (deep non-REM sleep). About half of non-REM sleep is spent in stage II, the

    deeper stage of light sleep. In a typical night's sleep of 8 hours a normal person will go

    through about 5 cycles of alternating non-REM & REM sleep lasting over 90 minutes per


    Brain electrical activity recorded by an EEG (ElectroEncephaloGram) in the waking state is

    characterized by low voltage & high frequency. In deep non-REM sleep EEGs display high

    voltage & low frequency, which is why deep non-REM sleep is also called Slow-Wave Sleep

    (SWS). Although SWS corresponds to the lowest blood pressure, the least brain activity andthe deepest sleep, SWS is the stage in which sleepwalking occurs.
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    With long periods of wakefulness adenosine accumulates in neurons as a result of ATP

    breakdown. Adenosine from inside the neurons is transported across cell membranes into the

    extracellular space. The A1 receptors of the basal nucleus neurons are particularly sensitive to

    the increased levels of adenosine, which increases potassium ion influx thereby

    hyperpolarizing (inhibiting) those neurons. Adenosine also reduces the activity of GABA

    neurons in the basal nucleus, thereby disinhibiting neurons in the preoptic/anteriorhypothalamus which promote Slow-Wave Sleep (SWS) [BEHAVIORAL BRAIN

    RESEARCH 115:183-204 (2000)].

    Caffeine promotes wakefulness by opposing all of these actions of adenosine blocking the

    adenosine receptors. Additionally, the neurons in the raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus and

    caudate nucleus are all very sensitive to the ability of caffeine to block the inhibitory

    infulence of adenosine [BRAIN RESEARCH 858:71-77 (2000)]. For these reasons caffeine

    is particularly effective in opposing the sleep-inducing actions of adenosine. Caffeine even

    reduces "sleep" in fruit flies in a dose-dependent manner [SCIENCE; Shaw,PJ; 287:1834-

    1837 (2000)].

    Caffeine increases attention & vigilance and lessens feelings of weariness. Caffeine enhances

    learning in maze tests in which animals are not rewarded, but makes no difference in tests

    that include a food reward. Caffeine reduces the tendency to become bored by a repetitive

    stimulus [BRAIN RESEARCH REVIEWS 17:139-170 (1992)]. Caffeine might therefore

    seem well suited for those working at night, driving long hours or working with hazardous

    equipment and may save lives.

    (For more on the subject of sleep, see my essay The Nature of Sleep and its Impact on


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    Ischemia, hypoxia and reperfusion can cause serious brain damage in stroke or cardiac arrest.

    More than half of patients discharged from hospital after coronary-artery bypass grafting

    show evidence of cognitive decline. Minimizing damage to ischemia & reperfusion is

    critically important in organ transpantation & cryonics. (For more on this subject, see my

    essay Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury in Cryonics.) There is much evidence that adenosine

    can be neuroprotective in such cases.

    Adenosine levels rise during ischemia/hypoxia and this effect is thought to counter the

    detrimental effects by providing substrate for ATP synthesis and reducing excitotoxicity

    through agonist actions of adenosine on A1 receptors. Selective antagonism of A2A receptors

    has been suggested to reduce ischemia because A2A receptors actually mediate excitation in

    the hippocampus (the area of the brain most vulnerable to ischemic/hypoxic

    damage) [BRAIN RESEARCH 705:79-84 (1995)]. Additionally, blockage of A2A receptors

    would be expected to cause enough vasoconstriction to reduce edema (although this could

    worsen ischemia).

    Nonetheless, the predominant effect of elevated adenosine is to protect against ischemic

    damage, because A1 receptors predominate in number and have greater affinity for adenosinethan A2A. Not only does adenosine A1 stimulation reduce excitotoxicity by reducing
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    glutamaterelease, but lower metabolism due to hyperpolarization can reduce further ischemic

    damage and assist in temperature reduction. Adenosine receptor drugs which selectively

    stimulate A1 receptors and inhibit A2A receptors while being less readily metabolized than

    adenosine would be superior to adenosine for protection from ischemia.

    General blockage of all adenosine receptors by caffeine worsens ischemia/hypoxia, primarilythrough blocking the A1 receptors. Caffeine worsens reperfusion injury from neutrophil

    accumulation in vascular beds an effect normally opposed by adenosine action on A2receptors.

    Preconditioning with caffeine a few weeks prior to ischemia with caffeine discontinued

    prior to the time of ischemia can reduce ischemic damage as a result of increased number

    of A1 receptors due to habituation/tolerance. Taking advantage of caffeine in an actual

    clinical/cryonics situation would be difficult because the timing of ischemic episodes &

    clinical death cannot be predicted and the half-life of caffeine in a normal adult is roughly

    5 or 6 hours.

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    Unlike many other foods or recreational drugs (like alcoholor nicotine), there is little

    evidence implicating caffeine to cancerorcardiovascular disease although heart

    disturbances can occur on high doses or in sensitive individuals. Administered acutely,

    moderate doses of caffeine can increase blood pressure and decrease heart rate. For most

    people, tolerance develops to these effects within a few days and there is no alteration in

    cardiovascular effects for habitual caffeine users.

    In a study of one hundred healthy males, 3 cups of coffee daily over 8 weeks led to a small

    increase in both LDL & HDL cholesterol, which would not be expected to increase the risk of


    267(6):811-815 (1992)]. The cholesterol-raising factors have been identified as the lipids

    cafestol & kahweol, which can be removed by paper filtration and are not present in instant

    coffee [ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUTRITION 17:305-324 (1997)].

    A study of nearly fifty thousand male health professionals showed no increase of

    cardiovascular disease due to coffee-drinking [THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF

    MEDICINE 323:1026-1032 (1990)] a result in agreement with the FraminghamStudy [ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 149:1169-1172 (1989)]. Neither

    caffeinated nor decaffeinated coffee are associated with an increased risk of myocardial

    infarction [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 149(2):162-167 (1999)].

    However, coffee in excess of 8 cups per day may aggrevate cardiac arrhythmias [ANNALS

    OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 114:147-150 (1991)] and raise plasma

    homocysteine [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION 76:1244-1248

    (2002)]. Adenosine is sometimes used in emergency medicine to treat supraventricular

    arrhythmias [AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 65(12):2479-2486 (2002)] and caffeine

    may interfere with this treatment. Caffeine equivalent to two cups of coffee has been shown

    to reduce heart blood flow 11% in an exercise test given to coronary heart disease

    patients [PLOS ONE Namdar,M; 4(5):e5665 (2009)].
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    In the period between the 1950s and 1970s many believed that caffeine could be a serious

    cause of cancer in humans because of studies in plants showing chromosome breaks,

    inhibition of mitosis and formation of chromatin bridges after high-dose caffeine

    treatment [MUTATION RESEARCH 26:53-71 (1974)]. A 1994 review, however, concluded

    that caffeine at the doses experienced in coffee-drinking is not mutagenic in humans,

    although heterocyclic amines from roasting and alkylating carbonyls in coffee are somewhatmutagenic [MUTATION RESEARCH 317:145-162 (1994)]. Nonetheless, more recent

    evidence does show a capacity for caffeine to worsen the mutagenicity of ionizing radiation

    and other carcinogenic agents through interference with cell cycle control [MUTATION

    RESEARCH 532:85-102 (2003)].

    Green tea is reputed to help prevent cancer due to its polyphenols.The polyphenol most

    highly concentrated in coffee is chlorogenic acid (5-10%), but a coffee polyphenol present in

    lesser concentrations (caffeic acid) is associated with anti-oxidant activity. Caffeine, like the

    xanthine-derivative uric acid, is an antioxidant that can scavenge the hydroxyl radical which

    can be produced from the hydrogen peroxide in coffee & tea undergoing aFenton reaction

    with metal ions [FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 29(1):1-6 (1991)].

    A review of studies on animals & humans found no conclusive evidence for any increased

    incidence of cancer in any organ due to coffee [WORLD REVIEW OF NUTRITION AND

    DIETETICS 79:185-221 (1996)]. In fact, a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies

    concluded that persons consuming four or more cups of coffee per day have a 24% lower risk

    of colon cancer than those who rarely or never drink coffee [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF

    EPIDEMIOLOGY 147(11):1043-1052 (1998)]. Nonetheless, such an association might be

    due to the higher socio-economic status of coffee-drinkers rather than to the coffee.

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    Caffeine administered acutely increases diuresis (urination), but this effect is not seen for

    habitual users who consume the equivalent of a few cups of coffee per day. Nor do such users

    typically suffer much sleep disturbance especially when most caffeine is consumed in the

    morning. Tolerance to these effects is believed to be due mainly to the adaptive increase

    (upregulation) in number of adenosine receptors. Although tolerance is usually seen for

    elevation of blood glucose by caffeine, there may be little tolerance of this effect for people

    who are obese or who are suffering from maturity-onset diabetes.

    Caffeine can significantly increase the secretion of gastric acid & pepsin. But coffee even

    decaf has an even stronger effect. Apparently there is a non-caffeine component to coffee

    which has a significant effect on gastric secretion.

    Caffeine can increase plasma levels of free fatty acids, cortisol and epinephrine effects

    thought to improve athletic performance. But effects on the brain may be more important for

    improving endurance such as increased dopamine signalling in the basal ganglia and

    reduced serotonin signalling (insofar as serotonin mediates fatigue). Elevated epinephrine &

    free fatty acids due to caffeine may cause insulin resistance, but it remains undetermined

    whether tolerance can develop to this effect [DIABETES CARE 25(2):304-369 & 399-400

    (2002)]. Elevation of free fatty acids (which can be twice as high as normal) due to caffeine isnot simply due to elevation of epinephrine [JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY
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    80(3):999-1005 (1996)]. Obese women increase thermogenesis in response to caffeine to a

    lesser extent than do lean women [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY

    269(4 Pt 1):E671-E678 (1995)].

    Caffeine regularly increases energy metabolism throughout the brain while decreasing

    cerebral blood flow and there is no tolerance for these effects. Vasoconstriction due to250 milligrams of caffeine can decrease central blood flow by 20-30%, which is why caffeine

    has been used to treat migraine headache. Because blood glucose is usually more than ample

    for cerebral metabolism the combination of increased metabolism & decreased blood flow

    would be more likely to induce hypoxia than ischemia. But if caffeine increases oxygen

    intake by bronchodilation or increases sensitivity to carbon dioxide in the medulla, then there

    may be compensation. (Both hypoxia and caffeine elevate plasma adenosine.)

    Green tea three times per day can increase total basal metabolism by 4%, but this effect is

    more due to epigallocatechin gallate than caffeine [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL

    NUTRITION; Dullo,AG; 70;1040-1045 (1999)].

    Caffeine can increase both the prevalence and severity of PreMenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

    Among women with severe PMS a single daily cup of caffeine beverage increased the chance

    of PMS by one third, whereas 8-10 daily cups increased the prevalence seven

    times [AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH; Rossignol,AM; 80(9):1106-1110


    The consumption of fewer than four cups of coffee daily during pregnancy is not deemed to

    endanger the child [FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 40:1271-1310 (2002)]. For a

    60 kilogram (132 pound) pregnant woman, an increased risk of spontaneous abortion is only

    seen for coffee consumption in excess of 6 cups per day (equivalent to 12 cups of tea) [NEW

    ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE; Klebanoff,MA; 341(22):1639-1644 (1999)].

    There can be considerable individual variation in the response to caffeine. People with high

    anxiety tend to consume less caffeine. Those who report anxiety due to caffeine usually do

    not report heightened-alertness, and vice-versa. People who normally consume large amounts

    of caffeine report more positive mood changes compared to those who consume the caffeine

    only as part of an experiment. Extroverts show performance improvement with caffeine when

    doses are large, whereas introverts show performance impairments on large doses.

    Caffeine can offset the effects of alcohol when the levels of caffeine are high and the levels

    of alchohol are low. The reversal is best for the sleep-inducing effects of alcohol, but co-ordination & performance may not improve leaving a "wide-awake drunk".

    Without caffeine, habitual users experience withdrawal symptoms that typically peak the

    second day and are gone after the third day. Throbbing headache is the most common

    complaint followed by fatigue or sleepiness and anxiety or irritability. Poorly-planned studies

    purportedly demonstrating improved performance with caffeine have included habitual

    coffee-drinkers experiencing withdrawal symptoms in the placebo group. Some researchers

    provide evidence for the withdrawal reversal hypothesis which claims that the only benefits

    of caffeine on mood, alertness, and mental performance are the reversal of withdrawal

    symptoms on habitual users [PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 167:54-62 (2003)]. This result

    seems inconsistent with the fact that caffeine increases brain metabolism, and that there islittle tolerance or adaptation to this effect (despite the increase in adenosine receptors).
  • 8/4/2019 Is Caffeine a Health Hazard


    Heritablity of heavy caffeine use has been estimated at 77% independent of family

    environment [THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY; Kendler,KS; 156(2):223-

    228 (1999)].

    (A very thorough review of the effects of caffeine on the brain can be found in

    [PHAMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS; 51(1):83-133 (1999)].)