IS All 6Al>E nLLE O J rARr 1 t a...

THE Al E nLLE O 6 J rARr 1 t > a it- f f c Tr- vf J- a featfat- to y jcrif- J t- ortof gwau T tbt- Mr ft Jf TT tUr- awlfnft Gaiaw- MM I Cfft MJ Cfcifr- rttf i foam f4nna f vMt t tl- MB asman Mr a Jtfri K I- fffc ft tit ftto E m- gftal vfafc tfotoal ftatf af- fM K Mf fof tk f V- ataff VM fat fttai M l ni that fer- jwrt tk Uiiaff for WPWH Wp LW p lr kwaWwW IMwVf 9PiH P W Trafe ft ftf ur- Ml vMf wHk fck pcreafi lit KMf- plf H W F Klf Kj4 f V- II R X r f CHiH tt 5 C wto fcM t tti if s etlaa for ik Mratly Ulkrrt la oj4 rNMtf f Mt r4 F froM 9 O Mwcr4 t oih r tow vith I LJMA of FalrfeMk owner and rf th r r H Mill at thit l lior to thlt W 4laWajr Mr LfMh j b HiK ore taiy- M4 la 4 lfc tfrmia for fall prxloeta- to a- Mm H M WiilmnpeoB jMt rtfaf Iron filch Hprlngi bat bn vUltfna l r d u i j MM I Y HfigiB T i latur will Dan la a few days for Ht4 r t nt urir when will P IM a oipl r uf J J llrmaMfon of Waldn ru if Ih- MM wM ljr kaown ra n In th Ka4 WM a liuilnci viiltor to f Mr DinaM on to Ml Clara DrHh- afatunaiinod th marrlifc to on the lust Klrhy Hmllh thaptwr I I ld lnt r tlnK and atinnltd- m llNR yHitmilay rvmiliiK at ihn rr- ld ne iol MM J M graham Fitw K rnb M were mrolM and ihw hat r lrglH how liar undrr- lunaa Illark formerly of hag tin wet OKI junior iii tnlifr of TadRKli A It luck uttvnl alarm opurator tint now of HiK f land wli r lit inKBK d in tHMlnvM haa roturnml to il lionif af- tr MiAdlnR mural day with rila- JhUf Jiutlen It K Taylor and hli- eharmlnK UaiiRlit hna and Attorney l nrAl Win II IIIU who hive b n altrndltiK the house arty t llailn lioiimttrad Kanapaha- paMrd thrunxh thin city yrttrrday rn route in Tallahattrt after must delightful awin a his of- Kvatii Hall i j j j i I j I I IS an All T1tfff fI JIOw Zqco- w ltJJ fIIIII IH- IL tfIt r 1- le t Atrrt1 S- rfe 0 t 4 91 P4If1 T A lMthr W C fIIT1I1 1 Shs A- I I A m fi- rf 1 CJftJ- tmill J i f JaM 1Mb ffIfIf I UJ M w MIlt I I IB M Nd Tit E 1 I Wit J 1 j IT fea for Ap I lie u4 P the flU t- he Is whe I I All fl ilk j the a r tlrit r r AtTai OOA RLw- IrtwatN IR i0 K9rs F M l Tit ii oa t P P S rM 1 ilea 11 t v- q If TIYr tllka- rawa Ly JTlss tllr a4 Z wM U- Nlir Agora L tawv 1e Jria R a- kt as AJ W km ttlta wS 1 lnrros Mossf TrWtrty ral tw ift 9 F- jytr w Yi elves t 4 flirr6raI no o rB 04t h f 4 tall 111 w lltM 1i Wtitat- 1ItM Z tttt t IaTgt i 9111 wait t v4 PaTlsy Nor id Nw rte Ya4- l wait Mw f Lai 1 a i it 1Cr11Os01 L ii V tM Mar rllllNN t a ttisata r1 kiNsli fPMNNll- ttt111 liiN eti latl ga Lola wsa 1 f w 1titM d c sis eetla s Is A o- x ddt Nlaa A1lllklta W- Db i la gM kr Ileaq- f S CK p Itne14o- 1MR CNMte tllullw IQ d N Cs 111 Mad wtk tldr A44rtoa ILU tIU Y a ii- EN OsaI11tN dytt4 last y b Dili sun ka iatWR9- 1N i pbMaatllsUrg- YN D1 r mMRtibl pan 4 W us1 laid dr g p4 i a- 1ISi H1l lt NgllW iro- pi m I Msatltlatllao er eara J rt iaia s INi 1 biip kuvaa I p10 wM tllani fiiat a fall turn ski aka e IRRI11 young IAlo eltl yretrrrlsy This rga rrnr occur h- as largely z new the inast nenuraIig ausplcre i Whelp the Mrnt ut b till a Ill tlr hre- l Alb i prod S guru r ot k N 1 r 1 t r r rd re nt n > rg > < > > < > < > < + ++ + + > + + + i f t T VV- S Kt i 7 xij si a fattV f r- es t tij t- In fy Sv- s tits ii ti M o A iv trvlsjr- is ti yy t rJay- Mr T9fa r rf iivb WM Lo- Mr a4 Mn PLf r ar- M f Alaehja at amos s f ilr to tin itj y trday Prof H JIa1 of Aiacfcia K 4 a brif b top to this city yrturday Harry H ic r of Mo r ti hit nr lf ijrJ H A trrxan ir ttti city MiM Kthl Omat ad of Ala Kjt who n oo a visit to M r Da- Cfnta retorce to hr home yMt r dty- I inc fly 4 aiRM mibttrili will h th nit attraction at th op ra January 17th It will b th- b 4t Of the t aOb Famu M an o I itton a min foreman in wraploy of Dutton 1hMphat Co trar Mtnj nri In thit city j lrd H H Thomson of va in th y jrday Mr Thomson who i a ijar t Mirjj a free dayo with hi friend Ada3i at- Uind or MM W T Jon and baby l terday for Fort Whit where will In Mr Jor hat ae pt d a poiition with iMtton lho- phat Co and will Jr ated near fort Whlti Aniilt Cameron I ft y t rday for Fort Whit accompany Inn tr- t r MM W T who will make h r homo lhrrr MIK Cameron tfifcl to remain at Fort Vhile for turn Wh u yoi corny to iain ivill you lnritid to mmk oat itore your ha Jf art f Uu hare holiday hot and cold drink A f Vidal Company READ THIS l IK Juno I n- lir K V llullHtIotjii Moli ar On liollli of your Won d tr Hall inat li cotrry hn mi of knliuy and lain buck and I cult cheerfully rcomrnrnd it Youra truly JAI K Mooitr Merchant A TEXAS WONDER On small bottln of thin T iat Won d r hails Diaeovrry our all kidny and bladder trouble rtrnov- icrarnl nuri diab ita iiunal waL and back rh utna tin and all irr Kiilaritlft of kid ttiyn and bladdr In Inilh mn and wiitntMi rKulatri bladder troubla in childrnn If not by your will bi by mail on r ifiit of l- Onn mall tnittlii IN two iniinth tr iiiittnl and aildotn talus tn perfect a Dr Firm l W llnilnoln manu i fa4tnr r O tint SJV Ht Louia Mo fur UiotinionlaU Hold by J W 1 1 1000e Lo1ft i t C of t J- t t 1- t 1 1 f 1 t 110- L 4- t a t v 1 l- ru i- a J at 1 2 11 a M r ot J- r 1- A 11 a- t a It1 t- a I1 J 1- t T oo s rt A 1 t 1 11 toi r Uz 0 1- J 1 1- Afr 7 1 1 n z- t t toot r h1 1 Z 1 y rlal- a 01 tu A- tI 1az n- a a- f u lai wu at 1- t1a H u- nrit t wi a t 1 idS a t fIT is oJb IIIM oat c J laserwa 1 Not I d t It the wu buy Taft ell I WIn ft q lulu b fIll t IZ Id- Hu Clwdil hun H U cud u lam lei I till I c lulU Cm I I 1 3 rl are ktr tl t a- irlr 11 r 1 tl- ItYN 1- t RR t r L t el t rw u u t- Lyra r Jnr1- C W Xi N 1rt t s Sr ML4 tWIT G gar e Cq TN yEw t2 j t1 teal rL tRf tIf t JrIR rLr rft Tr4i P tTrtgCtq Irnrt rTr Ly JNlgat giTet tl tit1lt etaq ray yia tw tat tity 1 ttertq h ttaitrg nlttiteo O6ti2a ir- iraJ rtjri- or k the ktr the tou 1 the maker hrs tide for r Junes air goy ivnks tlllonr eta h r Tear until real ti Rune Ill drug rent bend 1e h e L rs ire girt ate = < > > < < > < < = = + + + + + > + j I j yr t- sti 1 1 x trti u- r v- V vC X- vc i T v- av Krt t i t tv s art Mr E C M Oix 5 A attat J I r r r Mk i at i D V Ma IM rf- v vti a i pi strUi of- vcia r astjaf t r to- vt i itt a yiiB ry at Mst 5va ar4 ort i a of sot a at dor tilt vis ann iJ5 t- Mr M L O rof Hifr spn i- f i J frib i it city y trday- Fr td of C J Mzioa will r srr t to- rr ttat h it eoStei to fc bf i- Cjthbrt awl J k- Mr Mar tta Brx ai wc to M e bopy o batorday tint h r trotfcer- tt have r Mri Matti Ki r of Miami who ha- k r ri cn atmt toh r Vlra J M- 3Iantf2 rMyrcd to her hon W W dir of Trailer en of oo- rpror tT farmer y t rday- anl rnw d obligation to Th Sua- Mr F W icing end littl oi- Otor of Jck oriTili in th cty- or a ri it to th fjrrrjr pr rnti Mr- trcj or7 r K Broom I T K flolton and H Chanry rf fa- Cro w jr in 7 t rrday and mad Th Hon an arabl call Holton r rn d lubtenption For Sal CJyd Line ticket Jackion- I Tili to Nw York and return limit t l 1 tja li l If you want it ttid 3j o jick to ortlc t An aKrfabl mor mnt of bow without any unpl a ant tffcl I rodocd by Charnbtrlaini and Tablet For tale all J T Futrh forrnrly of tti county but now a uec ful merchant Waurhuia rturn d to hi home je mrd y after a brier buini hr j Old friend to i hun j Tax ColJrctor W DickiMion and Tux A or W W Col on base r turned hum Alashun Sprint and sails r point where they hin ocial l uin for the sat i Warranty dccti hril rnortifstf blank fur at thi ofllr the form ii d in Alachua rounty which a7c money in record in K L per hundred or fw prr- doten by mail yn h mutt nccompany order dart j Irof N W Mall principal of the Mnnticha pcho tea arming tho e who iMiunty cnpital r lie rejorto hi chool In excel lnt ronditinii POIII IT Cliv wnrk being door at list term Henry simp n and W s Nine ex peel to make their departure today for iiilf lUmmoek when they will explore the wild of that region for the next few d y There will he tome great of to- puhlih when they return A W Inpfri with your name and bulne printed thereon delivered to any putt of Unitt l States un re- ceipt of Cub molt accompany order 1iMitively no credit to any one AiidrfM The title iainesville Fla f L j 71 t tx 1 I- l T l 1 t t s c to C 1 10 3 1 laot 1 I t- l z t- ot ts- y t LS t 1 1tll l1 t J- I t z- a a 1 r- r oa t l or a 4 A- 1t e T 1 1- a t a a 1 Lt L- a t r t r a- C a a 0- f 1 t t1 I r rl- t t It- r T 111 1- rl Z t rJ 1- T r 1l- I 1 0 vn a4 rnf- O It1 1 t I- 6l t tl t Jt rJ Joht a 1a frt 1 rJ W z g Prrn Lily it hn suaaq ItJftJuj IJrcatur ra al IU AiDZ J elI d t Ir the r ttamtor the II leer t o glary tot I ha- H i days t fIt i I ad VltIHI atlll Ii Ell I Y W t rYI f V t I- r t T I trs GIi w t- I T t J ta CLI4 Jf rhf1 l r- s tt t r1 Ka S art a W t x is 1 coq 4 Stt > past a1- tr SvrririJ1 Svn this orr to where ttr t M1y tor are ill sty M tau t ell Htnma druggist sit Ti veer High I fRa rat visits 1 the i day c Wore Ir IlrAd- I the OIL I ra r s hit chi ir > > = > = > > < = >< > < < < < < < + = = = = = = = + + + + + + + I r J J Clit I 2 i Ztc 4 isc 5 1- 77t ri siti t i- i ji a- i at T i tt 1 i- sCirti frti- ra4 j A C L JT A L i toy oo tthooi ranost- efcarhe Kt r farajtr Writ tatiB7 how r a rsptoy- i for f itf jraatjoa to J W Sais- Qiitaac Ga Mi i K tti LaFiri- tbr of tre fk j the I Lad jot I c hix to that sty day aft r harir2 soot tJi holtdayt with h rp rrt Mr act Mr L N- LtFort Th njs5 rv Gkin fri rnd of tail yoon ifly wr Mr Badly M rt Tr criitioa of Vm of- Wjnijfor who wa rjc dowo by a bicy at t e cornr of Wt MaD and frir n trft Friday i more than a at flrn op o vd- Mr Adm wa not to return to hi tome Friday and went o hom of hi Wend C A W Thoma m tiit city It w t thought that a had tot inTttip tton fhontd oly eTtr- brtjt 4- Tf victim tiffrred cortiJerably through the night but returned to aturday The olera hare to far uoabl to aicrti in th of th rider whom Mr Adamt wa a white boy about twelT year of Badly Shattered Engine Engine No 513 of tilt Atlantic Cot d through i ity Saturday en rout to the repair rhopt of the at High Spring Th nzine wa cnn idrably damaged caurd by j a collision near Croom on the Fl irida completely dmoi hd and heavy iron jppurti to the boiler were broken Th 1jcomotivc under her own t nrn however Took the Buns A bakery wagon wattle victim of a lot of black kids yesterday morning The load uf baked good insisted in part of rum warm bun that lad been made a tpecisl ordtr and whil f the driver vrtnt into huu f to atcer lain how msny were de ired leaving IIIM wngon aline the hungry kid made a rmd and captured every bun It wa a clean cwep and there were nom to replace to j A Serious Loss Cut John It Dell who own a nice tarn at Hague received in format ion Saturday that tlfty acres of velvet hall had horned in hi Meld Tin indeed a periou trace the crop wa tiny and wa valued at i nut ler than 150 per acre Dissolution Notice Notice i hereby given that on D- reembr KO5 the firm of Dell Jor dan A Co bv mutual w di ulvedS C U Jordan assuming all liabilities of nid S C DEI L J UJKrAv J C Bisiiuv i j j i 1 I t- t fc1 L- T tl t 0 1 T I t L t 1 i t 4 i 1 t 1 a- r T 1 1 r i L I r on a1 I Ct- r 0 t a Y- oy 1 a z- i 1 H- r rt- C t a t- al c vrt t t 1 r- r r r Tr a tt ttz- t ft a at- a c C t a j 1 a a a- at6l t S i t ra w b W ft wit r d a I a- f f a t 1 ad roJiiu t 1 < r C1 m o nil wrC7n arid J- ar trJ to 1 ja dar t w a tan red I I Wind I states t I I I Yltn1 I I Southrll division phut or I catch I the l tIll I I beer j i lu I If Vtli J aY L f Y tI- t aI 1 1 tat r t u r t- rt t L- tli 1 t11o tr- Co i a r we at e- ty aarnr Laitty water ref rata rtb r a rrrored alter e lfltd to hrr reel t I rt Adams clot rice obis > the krre rap been tern name I ate liar par the i The co raw the was I con rnt and t e Tee = > > > < > < > < < + = + = = = = + + + + + + + + + PAINT j DEVOES Lead and Zinc 4 it t li UU a aitt It a Had it w will a hai an t fl 4 with tai PaJat in pnttiar it a r io th wtr tll Ta J H aathvr- risbt at t Jo- tpa F w IIEVOI A 10 AGENTS MKESVILLL FLOKHii A DELIGHTFUL FUNCTION Misses Hampton G e Dance Cor1- plimentary to Mss Nell Bro A aro Oar of tilt mo t ea yatl rvett f the tea ii tfc your ety- l th nit jr irrti ty lion ant K tr rri at th ry ermp rotary to their fnni Mit iJrwarJ of Fort George whj h tt ec h fe for veril- ilnyt a a 2jet uf tkr v UDg ad r tumOer ac 3 tour At the cos- cu ioo of the darue thr repaired th Hamitor h where deicia- Mit Hroward m d many friendi here all of whoa wtI regret mnch hrr deprtor J J FINLEY CHAPTER Will Observe General Lees Birthday January 19 Following an annual custom the J J f I C vrll ob- serve General birthday January lthwith ar cepi n to thOr frendi at the home o K Broom The preideQt wihej to appoint the following committee Literary MnJatnet A Harper J J I Medlin Mufiealp Mr Ja irs J A Good win J U Herald Hefrethment Miidamet W T Chetnnt J H DjugU- Hnu e Madame li K Hrootne T I Kelley C A Nichol When it cornts to the baler industry Miami probably lead world is not a day pa e but 10 or three tutors men and women make their ad vent Uemarkable too i the tact that they are all big utrmg healthy lunged fellow that lice and grow a the dny advance No race miMile here liv Jrrt Flooevelt pUaf take note Miami Metropolii EASY TERMS WePaFrejjit SatisfJClion JTauM HTsTAn In EXCHANGE i- Wriff4tOffjrfviPjr ljr ArJ J T Of I I iHHIf t j v 1 t t MIL u4 Q Or J t t- It tit sicker paD it l tlat I The SJTHOMAS mol j 0 t f n npIt part t 1t taffd hat finly 1 W Teh tat OS tI G HS1- 25IJpwJrJ 3 Upward J 1- We Sell lowes factory Prices And GIJ arr t J OLD III gut PIANOS OR ORGANS 0 AGENTS r dJt leIlie L I t- r I S T tr t i < m4olt rat 4 WT- ki 11tr44V- F trC t e l a hereafter us lktrla aMet Ikea mar r i was iet Nat ptoa Dora t Ttet were I tree prrieat aGd the rfrm ixrre a tear rrttehmrnt Were car Chapter i 1 r lei 1r the These arty Pta 1 r I 1 i ter r i Bnrt Tr4Bllo1 L r > > < > > ¬ < + + > < = + + + + ° + +

Transcript of IS All 6Al>E nLLE O J rARr 1 t a...

THE Al E nLLE O6 J rARr 1 t>

a it-

f f c Tr-

vf J-

a featfat-

to y jcrif-

J t-

ortof gwau T tbt-Mr ft Jf TT tUr-


MM I Cfft MJ Cfcifr-rttf i foam f4nna f vMt t tl-

MB asman Mr a Jtfri K I-

fffc ft

tit ftto E m-

gftal vfafc tfotoal ftatf af-

fM K

Mf fof tk f V-

ataff VM fat fttai M l ni that fer-

jwrt tk Uiiaff forWPWH Wp LW p lr kwaWwW IMwVf 9PiH P

W Trafe ft ftfur-Ml vMf wHk fck pcreafi lit


plf H W F Klf Kj4 f V-

II R X r f CHiH tt 5 Cwto fcM t tti if s etlaa for ik

Mratly Ulkrrt la oj4rNMtf fMt r4 F froM

9 O Mwcr4 t oih r tow vith

I LJMA of FalrfeMk owner andr f th r r H Mill at thit

l lior to thltW 4laWajr Mr LfMh j

b HiK ore taiy-M4 la 4 lfc tfrmia for fall prxloeta-to a-

Mm H M WiilmnpeoBjMt rtfaf Iron filch Hprlngi

bat bn vUltfna l r d u i j

MM I Y HfigiB T i latur willDan la a few days for Ht4 r t nt urirwhen will P IM a oipl r uf

J J llrmaMfon of Waldn ru if Ih-

MM wM ljr kaown ra n In thKa4 WM a liuilnci viiltor to

f Mr DinaM on to Ml Clara DrHh-afatunaiinod th marrlifc to onthe lust

Klrhy Hmllh thaptwr I I ldlnt r tlnK and atinnltd-

m llNR yHitmilay rvmiliiK at ihn rr-

ld ne iol MM J M graham FitwK rnb M were mrolM and ihw

hat r lrglH how liar undrr-

lunaa Illark formerly of hagtin wet OKI junior iii tnlifr of

TadRKli A It luck uttvnlalarm opurator tint now of HiK fland wli r lit inKBK d intHMlnvM haa roturnml to il lionif af-

t r MiAdlnR mural day with rila-

JhUf Jiutlen It K Taylor and hli-

eharmlnK UaiiRlit hna andAttorney l nrAl Win II IIIU whohive b n altrndltiK the house artyt llailn lioiimttrad Kanapaha-

paMrd thrunxh thin city yrttrrday rnroute in Tallahattrt aftermust delightful awin a his of-

Kvatii Hall










IS an All

T1tfff fIJIOw





IL tfIt


le tAtrrt1


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W C fIIT1I1 1




A m fi-

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IB M NdTit E

1 I

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theflU t-

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tlritr rAtTai OOA RLw-

IrtwatN IR i0 K9rsF

M l Tit ii oa t P P S rM

1 ilea 11 t v-

q If TIYr tllka-

rawa Ly JTlss

tllr a4 Z wM U-

Nlir Agora Ltawv 1e Jria R a-kt as

AJ W km ttlta wS1 lnrros Mossf TrWtrty raltw ift 9 F-

jytr w Yi elvest 4 flirr6raI no o rB 04t h f 4

tall 111 wlltM 1i Wtitat-

1ItM Z tttt t IaTgt i9111 wait t v4 PaTlsyNor id Nw rte Ya4-


wait Mw f

Lai1 a

iit 1Cr11Os01

L iiV tM Mar

rllllNN t a ttisatar1kiNsli fPMNNll-

ttt111 liiN eti latl ga Lola wsa

1 f w 1titM dc siseetla s Is



x ddt Nlaa A1lllklta W-

Db i la gM kr Ileaq-f S CK p

Itne14o-1MR CNMte

tllullw IQ d N Cs111 Mad wtk tldr A44rtoa



EN OsaI11tN dytt4 lasty b Dili sun ka iatWR9-1N i pbMaatllsUrg-

YN D1 r mMRtibl pan4 W us1 laid dr g p4 i a-

1ISi H1l lt NgllW iro-pi m I Msatltlatllao er eara


iaias INi 1

biip kuvaa


p10 wM tllanifiiat a fall



aka eIRRI11


IAlo eltl yretrrrlsy This rga rrnr



as largelyz


inast nenuraIig ausplcre

i Whelpthe Mrnt ut

b till a Ill

tlr hre-


























+ +








f t


S Kt i

7 xij si

a fattVf


es t tij t-

In fy Sv-

s tits ii ti

M o A iv trvlsjr-is ti y y t rJay-

Mr T9fa r rf iivb WM Lo-

Mr a4 Mn PLf r ar-

M f Alaehja at amos sf ilr to tin itj y trday

Prof H JIa1 of AiacfciaK 4 a brif b top to this cityyrturday

Harry H ic r of Mo r ti hitnr lf ijrJ H A trrxan ir ttti city

MiM Kthl Omat ad of Ala Kjt whon oo a visit to M r Da-

Cfnta retorce to hr home yMt rdty-

I inc fly 4 aiRM mibttrili willh th nit attraction at th op ra

January 17th It will b th-

b 4t Of the t aObFamu M an o I itton a min

foreman in wraploy of Dutton1hMphat Co trar Mtnjnri In thit city j lrd

H H Thomson of va in thy jrday Mr Thomson who i

a ijar t Mirjj a free dayowith hi friend Ada3i at-

Uind orMM W T Jon and baby l

terday for Fort Whit where willIn Mr Jor hat ae ptd a poiition with iMtton lho-

phat Co and will Jr ated near fortWhlti

Aniilt Cameron I ft y t rdayfor Fort Whit accompany Inn tr-

t r MM W T who will makeh r homo lhrrr MIK Camerontfifcl to remain at Fort Vhile for

turnWh u yoi corny to iain ivill you

lnritid to mmk oat itore yourha Jf art f Uu hare holiday

hot and cold drink A f VidalCompany


lir K V llullHtIotjii Moli arOn liollli of your Won

d tr Hall inat li cotrry hnmi of knliuy and lain buckand I cult cheerfully rcomrnrnd it

Youra trulyJAI K Mooitr Merchant

A TEXAS WONDEROn small bottln of thin T iat Won

d r hails Diaeovrry our allkidny and bladder trouble rtrnov-icrarnl nuri diab ita iiunal

waL and back rh utnatin and all irr Kiilaritlft of kidttiyn and bladdr In Inilh mn andwiitntMi rKulatri bladder troubla inchildrnn If not by yourwill bi by mail on r ifiit of l-

Onn mall tnittlii IN two iniinth triiiittnl and aildotn talus tn perfect a

Dr Firm l W llnilnoln manui fa4tnr r O tint SJV Ht Louia Mo

fur UiotinionlaU Hold by J W

1 1 1000eLo1ft i t

C of t J-

t t 1-

t1 1 f

1 t 110-

L 4-

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f u laiwu at 1-

t1a H u-

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idS at


oJb IIIMoat c J laserwa

1 Not



t It

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Hu Clwdil

hunH U







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1 3 rl

are ktr tl t a-

irlr 11 r 1 tl-

ItYN 1-

t RR t r L

tel t rw u u t-

Lyra r Jnr1-

C W Xi N

1rt t s

Sr ML4 tWIT G gar

e Cq TN yEw t2

j t1 tealrL tRf tIf t JrIR rLr rft

Tr4i P tTrtgCtqIrnrt rTr Ly

JNlgat giTet tltit1lt etaq


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av Krtt i t tv s art Mr


M Oix 5 A attat J I r r rMk i at i D V Ma IM rf-

v vti a i pi strUi of-

vcia r astjaf t r to-

vt i itt a yiiB ry at Mst 5va ar4ort i a of sot a at dortilt vis ann iJ5 t-

Mr M L O rof Hifr spn i-

f i J frib i it city y trday-Fr td of C J Mzioa will r srr t to-

rr ttat h it eoStei to fc bf i-

Cjthbrt awl J k-

Mr Mar tta Brx ai wc to M ebopy o batorday tint h r trotfcer-

tt have r

Mri Matti Ki r of Miami who ha-k r ri cn atmt toh r Vlra J M-

3Iantf2 rMyrcd to her hon

W W dir of Trailer en of oo-rpror tT farmer y t rday-anl rnw d obligation to Th Sua-

Mr F W icing end littl oi-Otor of Jck oriTili in th cty-or a ri it to th fjrrrjr pr rnti Mr-trcj or7 r K Broom

I T K flolton and H Chanry rf fa-Cro w jr in 7 t rrday andmad Th Hon an arabl callHolton r rn d lubtenption

For Sal CJyd Line ticket Jackion-I Tili to Nw York and return limit

t l 1 tja li lIf you want it ttid 3j o jick toortlct

An aKrfabl mor mnt of bowwithout any unpl a ant tffcl

I rodocd by Charnbtrlainiand Tablet For tale all

J T Futrh forrnrly of tti countybut now a uec ful merchantWaurhuia rturn d to hi home jemrd y after a brier buinihr j Old friend to ihun

j Tax ColJrctor W DickiMion andTux A or W W Col on base rturned hum Alashun Sprintand sails r point where theyhin ocial l uin for the sat

i Warranty dccti hril rnortifstf blankfur at thi ofllr the form ii d inAlachua rounty which a7c money inrecord in K L per hundred or fw prr-doten by mail yn h mutt nccompanyorder dart

j Irof N W Mall principal of theMnnticha pcho tea arming tho ewho iMiunty cnpital r

lie rejorto hi chool In excellnt ronditinii POIII IT Cliv wnrkbeing door at list term

Henry simp n and W s Nine expeel to make their departure todayfor iiilf lUmmoek when they willexplore the wild of that region forthe next few d y There will hetome great of to-

puhlih when they return

A W Inpfri with your name andbulne printed thereon delivered toany putt of Unitt l States un re-

ceipt of Cub molt accompanyorder 1iMitively no credit to any oneAiidrfM The title iainesville Fla




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ra4 j A C L JT A L

i toy

oo tthooi ranost-efcarhe Kt r farajtrWrit tatiB7 how r a rsptoy-

i for f itf jraatjoa to J W Sais-Qiitaac Ga

Mi i K tti LaFiri-tbr of tre fk j the I Lad jotI c hix to that styday aft r harir2 soot tJi holtdaytwith h rp rrt Mr act Mr L N-

LtFort Th njs5 rv Gkinfri rnd of tail yoon ifly wr

Mr Badly M rtTr criitioa of Vm of-

Wjnijfor who wa rjc dowo by a bicyat t e cornr of Wt MaD and

frir n trft Friday i morethan a at flrn op o vd-

Mr Adm wa not to returnto hi tome Friday and went o

hom of hi Wend C A WThoma m tiit city It w t thoughtthat a hadtot inTttip tton fhontd oly eTtr-brtjt 4-

Tf victim tiffrred cortiJerablythrough the night but returned to

aturdayThe olera hare to far uoabl

to aicrti in th of th riderwhom Mr Adamt wa a whiteboy about twelT year of

Badly Shattered EngineEngine No 513 of tilt Atlantic Cot

d through i ity Saturdayen rout to the repair rhopt of the

at High Spring Th nzinewa cnn idrably damaged caurd by j

a collision near Croom on the Fl irida

completely dmoi hdand heavy iron jppurti to theboiler were broken Th 1jcomotivc

under her own t nrn however

Took the BunsA bakery wagon wattle victim of a

lot of black kids yesterday morningThe load uf baked good insisted inpart of rum warm bun that lad beenmade a tpecisl ordtr and whil f thedriver vrtnt into huu f to atcerlain how msny were de ired leavingIIIM wngon aline the hungry kidmade a rmd and captured every bunIt wa a clean cwep and there werenom to replace to

j A Serious LossCut John It Dell who own a nice

tarn at Hague received in format ionSaturday that tlfty acres of velvethall had horned in hi MeldTin indeed a periou trace thecrop wa tiny and wa valued at i

nut ler than 150 per acre

Dissolution NoticeNotice i hereby given that on D-

reembr KO5 the firm of Dell Jordan A Co bv mutual wdi ulvedS C U Jordanassuming all liabilities of nidS C DEI LJ UJKrAvJ C Bisiiuv





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Co i a

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ty aarnr Laittywater ref


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lfltd to hrr reelt I rt





krre rap been


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The coraw




con rntand






















+ +







DEVOESLead and Zinc

4 it t li UU a aitt It

a Had it w will

a hai an t fl 4 with

tai PaJat in pnttiar it a

r io th wtr tll Ta J

H aathvr-

risbt att Jo-

tpa F w IIEVOI A 10




Misses Hampton G e Dance Cor1-plimentary to Mss Nell Bro A aroOar of tilt mo t ea yatl rvett f

the tea ii tfc your ety-

l th nit jr irrti tylion ant K tr rri at th

ry ermp rotary to theirfnni Mit iJrwarJ of FortGeorge whj h tt ec h fe for veril-ilnyt a a 2jet uf tkr v UDg ad r

tumOer ac 3 tour At the cos-cu ioo of the darue thr repaired

th Hamitor h where deicia-

Mit Hroward m d manyfriendi here all of whoa wtI regret

mnch hrr deprtor


Will Observe General Lees BirthdayJanuary 19

Following an annual custom the JJ f I C vrll ob-serve General birthday Januarylthwith a r cepi n to thOr frendiat the home o K Broom

The preideQt wihej to appoint thefollowing committee

Literary MnJatnet A Harper JJ I Medlin

Mufiealp Mr Ja irs J A Goodwin J U Herald

Hefrethment Miidamet W TChetnnt J H DjugU-

Hnu e Madame li K Hrootne T

I Kelley C A Nichol

When it cornts to the baler industryMiami probably lead worldis not a day pa e but 10 or threetutors men and women make their advent Uemarkable too i the tactthat they are all big utrmg healthy

lunged fellow that lice andgrow a the dny advance No racemiMile here liv Jrrt FlooeveltpUaf take note Miami Metropolii


SatisfJClionJTauM HTsTAn In EXCHANGE i-

Wriff4tOffjrfviPjr ljr ArJ JT Of I I iHHIf t


v 1 t t

MIL u4 Q

Or J t t-

It titsicker

paD it

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mol j0 t


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W Teh


OS tI G HS1-25IJpwJrJ 3 Upward



We Sell lowes factory Prices

And GIJ arr tJ OLD




I t-





trt i


m4olt rat 4 WT-

ki 11tr44V-

F trC t e



hereafter us

lktrla aMet

Ikea mar

r iwas iet

Nat ptoaDora t

Ttet were I tree prrieataGd the rfrm ixrre a


rrttehmrnt Were


Chapter i

1 r

lei 1r

the These





i ter r i Bnrt Tr4Bllo1

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