Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7

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  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21 1990


    I'd like to thank the NewThe Bloch. for start KIdsIh mgaope will never endand my new 1, ,ught she pa Jennywas a snob' TI .'- I was stuck up andthat we bot l- .en we

    W KIDSIds and we "; out that vtandnoww

    Thanks 8\ p .tott

    CAM s/

    . II of

    f ...

    n this issue:Travel around th e World h' .ee yourselves in ~ lie In school.Disappearin print, FroshNew Kids c9 Engineers.......and Much ontest, Much More ' ''......

    .j NEW KIDS ONnm BLOCK: o NKOTB Fan, Box 7001 ClubQuincy MA 02269

    I ANARoc riguez Her e AnaKnight on "An 1 orcian...,ost . ge Of Love'" thromantIC son I IS e.. .s ~ o n t b g. ve ever heardS . e Jealous of h--( e you really love the N er

    IU should ewl l _ .ps with th accept theirbecame famous 0 er people. I fyouru:>",..,I o hat ,you wouldn't wantmg your palsfhance '

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    Page 2What are you people ..ondope?It is the fresh fall of a new decade.Once again. happy gurgling frosh floodthe halls of engineering. Older, moresinister, former frosh return andbegin a four month creep. bob. skipabout the corridors. The Iron Warriorwelcomes you all. Peace. Hopefullyscads of you will slide on down to therw and gJve us a hand. We always needpeople to help out on layout nights (no

    experience necessary). and betler yet towrite things for the paper. Write aboutwhatever turns yer crank, gets yourgoat, or makes you Jive. Music, math,people, engineering, cats, books,thermodynamics. glasnost. badmovies, the history of chocolate.anything. Even If you don't help out,you're still welcome to schmooze aboutand Indulge In, fine well -spokenconversation with IW folicThIs issue of the IW tells a bit aboutfrosh week, and discusses some of thestuff that is happening in engineering.The next few issues will hopefullycover a wider range of issues.There are a lot of things going on Inthe world. in Canada, In Waterloo. andIn engineering that piss me off.Hopefully, future Issues of the IronWarrior wlll cover some of thesethings.Waterloo: What kind of bogus moveIs the removal of the alt. newsgroupsfrom usenet ? Apparently thenewsgroups were removed following acomplaint about obscene material,however the administration claimedthat the discussion groups wereremoved from U of W computers foreconomic reasons.Iraq: What the hell Is going on withIraq? Why are Canadian troops there?There Is a big fuss being made overIraq's invasion of Kuwait - Iraq Is anew Nazi Germany. etc. The USA isleading the condemnation of IraqThis position is Interesting, becauseJust a few months ago Americainvaded Panama for Similar reasons.When the US Invaded however there..yas an orgy of - Yee-Haww America is

    Naked Ladies and YouCensorship. A word that strikes a

    garantuan cord of resentmcnt in theheart of every EnlightcnedIndividual. The last issue of Imprintcontained a rather risque articledealing with this controversialsubject. They attempted to approachthe topic from a new direction andfor this I applaud them.Parts of their commentary even hadsome validity. (Read interesting.The views of the head libraian, forinstance.)

    However, it was disappointingthat from such valiant beginningsbegged forth such poor stuff. I f theprobe had been deeper, the searchmore extensive, the commentary moreinsightful, then perhaps the fact ofthe photographs and i\Iustrations

    The Iroq Wmior is a forum forthought-provoking and infonnative anicJeapresented by the academic community ofthe University of Waterloo. View.expressed in the IroB Warrior. other thanthe editorials. are those of the authors anddo not neceuarily reflect the opinions ofthe editors or the Society.The Iron Waaior eBeouraselsubmiuionJ from ltudents. faculty anclother of the universityc:ommrmity. should reflect theconcemJ -of Ihe

    s shureshowed demm coke-snortin', uglylookln', foreign fellas - Bush wasn'treally pals with NOriega - There wasno CIA drug running through Panama.No one mentions the InnocentPanamanian civilians who lost theirlives or homes.Canada: What a summer - what abummer. Meech Lake was amanufactured criSiS which managedto seriously damage Canadian unitydue to Its Incredible mismanagementby the Canadian government. I tpresented a showcase for thegovernment's severely impairednegotiating skills. Unfortunately forCanada. our government ' sIncompetent face, was thrust Into theglobal media spotlight as thebarricades went up at aka. plungJngCanada's weakened post-Meechnatlonallmage down into the sewer.In my opinion, aka was the event ofthe summer and Is continuing to be theevent of the fall. The citizens of theFirst Nations have become politiCized.The situation In aka was andcontinues to be Incredibly bad. Itmakes me want to vomit. Thepolitical leadership in Canada haslost all credibility. The leaders ofevery national party have hid allsummer, not venturing opinions.Justifications, or condemnation as thegovernments of Canada and Quebeccontinually threw matches at theMohawk powderkeg. The onlypolitiCian to go near aka was ElijahHarper. He Is one righteous guy, who,eserves respect.

    would not have caused the stirrighteous anger that it did.

    As the situation stands, I have heardrumours of Senate meetings and otherominous rumblings in the ranks of therulers-up-on-high. Whether Imprintwill actually receive any kind of areprimand, or something more serious,remains to be seen. Any attempt toout-right forbid Imprint from printingsimilar material in the futureshould be avoided,though, as Iconsider the university to be aninstitute of free thought and bonds ofthis kind cannot be tolerated.

    On a different note: The IronWarrior is looking for a newmasthead for use on the cover of thepaper. To this end, we arc announcinga design contest. The winning designwill replace the current bridgegraphic that has been in use since

    AU submissions. unless otherwisestated. become the property of the 1mDWvrior. which reserves the right to refusepublication of material which it deemsunsuitable. The Irgn Wmjor also reserve:rsthe riabl to edit grammar, spelling andportions of text that do not meet universitystandards. Authors wiD be notifaed of anymajor chan es that may be requiredAll submissions and advertisingenquiries should be fctwarded lID:

    The entire situation is insane. AnIdiot of a mayor wanted to expand abloody stupid golf course onto landsthat Indians claim was stolen fromthem. They have been promised landclaim negotiations for years. buthaven't received a thing. TheMohawks refuse to relinquish theland. he tries to force them off theland, and a police officer is killed. Thegovernment keeps qUiet. They do notnegotiate. rather they escalate.playing war-games, trying get theMohawks to back down. Thegovernment turns the army against itsown clUzens. Meanwhile, annoyedthat the Indians are not quietlystaying on the reservation thesurrounding Quebecois turn ugly.Indians frustrated after three hundredyears of genOCide, racism,paternalism, and theft block roads.The QuebeCOiS angered by longer thanusual drives attack women andchildren leaving the reservation forsafety. With sticks and stones, wordsand hate they disgrace Canada. Thepolice, perhaps lookIng for vengeance,stand by watching. not attempting tohalt the attacks.The whole disgusting spectacle couldbe expected In South Africa or thesouthern USA. but not in Canada. Theabsolute incompetence of thegovernment's treatment of the akaaffair Is beyond belief. Canada has alegacy of shame resulting from Itstreatment of the First Nations. Therellglons. customs. languages of theFirst Nations across Canada havebeen all but destroyed. Canada owesthe First Nations an Immense debt.However, Canada has spat In the faceof all Indians. Things must change.If these things piss you off, or youJust want to Inflict yourself oneverybody. wr ite up a little bit.We're gonna be busier than a catcovering crap on a concrete floor. socome Join the fun In IW land, andremember what Chuck D. sez: Fightthe PowerGary Peterson

    1984. (Look amoungst the New Kidson this issue's cover.)The design must include the currenttext. Deadline for the contest will beOct. 7. P lease summit to the IW boxin the Orifice.Alice Zee

    September 21, 1990

    EditorsGary JBJ PetersonAlice PA Zee

    GraphicsCo ordinatorCat Sullivan

    Layout GodBill o w a l c h y ~

    Advert is ingMatt ManuelJag

    CalendarColleen Winter

    Contr ibutorsDave ClausiAjay JindalCliff KnoxKatherine KoszarnyAndrea LawrenceGigi MaziluElaine MillerTodd Ruthman

    LayoutMark ChahlTeresa FungRon LilycroppT Matheo PowellMathias Wandel

    PhotographyMarko A OinonenAL BeautyMarkAstruud

    r tMr BillRed Helen

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21, 1990 Iron Warrior

    Prez SpewsAndrew Conway,President/Engineering Society

    Hello Everyone I hope you all had asgood a summer as I did I would like towelcome again all the first year students,and a welcome back to all the Vets. Thisis my first term as prez and consequentlymy first prez spew. I would like to makesure everyone knows that they arewelcome to chew my ear off at any timeabout any ideas or criticisms (except whenI'm having a beer in POETS). In fact, allthe exec and directors of EngSoc are herewaiting to serve you.

    This year's frash week has created thecraziest batch of frash ever All of usupper year classes are going to have towatch these frosh carefully during thisterms P**5 race as they are PUMPED.

    My thanks to everyone who gave ofthemselves into the orientation and specialthanks to Mike Scott and 'Super' DaveClausi for pULLing it all together.

    The results are in: The WaterlooEngineering Endowment Foundation(WEEF) currently sits around $200,000So far this is all student money but theAlumni money is starting to roll in, andwe are well on track towards our goal ofsix million dollars in ten years.

    Many people may be wondering whathappens now, and when we'll begin to seethe benefits. The plan is to allocate thefirst funding grant as early as thisNovember. This means that EngSoc willbe gathering together studentrepresentatives to form the FundingCouncil to decid e where th e fund are to

    be directed. (You donated the money soyou get to decide where it is spent.) Getinvolved, make your voice heard, and runfor class endowment rep.A you know, this endowment fund has

    been established by tudents, to becontrolled by students, and to e u ed toimprove undergraduate engineeringeducation at the University of Waterloo.As thi fund is still in it's infancy, thereremains many issues to be addressed. YourEngSoc is currently drafting a constitutionto clearly 'establish an autonomousfoundation responsible to th e 'undergraduate student body in order toadminister and allocate these funds. In theinterim, a resolution to the UniversityBoard of Governors has been accepted ( andis available for inspection in the Orifice)which reaffirms the scope and purpose ofthis fund and defines interim spendingpowers.In the next three months many decisionswill be made concerning the ultimate fonn

    this multi-million dollar fund willassume. These decisions concern you,your money, your education, and thefuture value of your degree. Informalcommittee meetings will be held weeklythis term as we work out the details of theconstitu tion. Your input into this processis just as essential as your donations. Planto attend the introductory meeting onWednesday, Sept. 26 at 4:30 in Orifice orcontact Denise (the Endowment Director)in the Orifice.

    You have taken the first and hardest steptowards ensuring the continuing qualityand value of a University of WaterlooEngineering Degree.Congratulations

    Page 3N EngWants

    YOUCliff Knox,EE 91.3 FM

    Are you not really here? If you are lakingone or more courses toward an engineeringdegree, but for one reason or another not on. stream with your class (or any class), thenNN Eng wants you

    As a member of NN Eng, you will havethe right to disrupt EngSoc council meetingswith irreverent off-colour commentary. Youwill be able to compete in all regularEngSoc events and earn valuable puSpoints (much more prestigious than ClubZ). You'll e able to loosely associate withthe most happening non-class inengineering.

    Sounds like fun? You bel Now you'reprobably asking, "How can I join theremarkable, all-new NN Eng?" It issurprising ly simple. Just run down to yournearest EngSoc Office, and add your nastyparticulars to our handy-dandy sign-up sheeton the 'POSTERS MUST BE STAMPED'board. Do it todayAs an added bonus to those NN Enger's

    who'll be completing their degree in theSpring 91 Term, a special Class of 91.3Yearbook is being planned. Contact yournearestNN rep for detail

    Createyourown future At IBM, you'll be encouraged to pursue your goals, to break new ground and trulycreate your own future.

    Here's what some recent graduates have been doing.

    I worked on l team developing acommunications software packClge toililow different milchines on the plantfloor to cOllllllunicate with each other.During the development , r trave lledto an I3M location in Raleigh, NorthCarolina to learn about a newproduct that works with our package.At IUM, Thilve the opportunity totake on respo nsibility and leilrn alot. "Jrtlia a HSIIUlliversityof Waterloo

    "Students may feilr that they have tostart their careers doing 'drudgework.' My first job at 13M was notlike that. Soon ilfter [ started, I wasgiven total responSibility forcoordinating the installation of lmarketing support database in NewZealand, Australia ilnd Korea. I wasthe leader and made all the decisionsmyself. t was very exciti ng '"Drew SlIelgroveUniversity of Westerll Ontario

    At IBM, the future is yours.-- ____ _

    "I'm a Iiai on betw 'Ctl themarketing rep and th P 'opl whodo order pro C sing. 1 havc lots ofresponsibility on my deskensuring customer satisfaction . ralso have the freedom to usc myinitiative and make decisions on Illyown - especially if it's in thecustomer's best interest."A drea ArllOitWilfred taurier University

    IBM Canada Ltd ....Committed to employment equity.

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    Page 4 Iron Warrior September 21 1990

    Engineern Endangered Species

    Katherine KoszarnyVice-President, EngSoc BTraditionally, engineering issues donot make the news. Every day, we hear

    about politicians, important publicofficials and backbenchers alike. Businesssections, magazines and best-selling bookshighlight various entrepreneurs andexecutives, along with their achievemenLSand ideas. ParenLS encourage their childrento be lawyers, doctors, dentists , andaccountanLS. Engineering isn't regarded inthe same manner. Newspapers, untilrecently, only made mention ofengineering using the catch-all phrase'technOlogy'. Most of the time, that wordis used in the context of how great thetechnology was that provided us with theSkyDome, or the CN Tower, but notreferring to those who actually designthose marvels: engineers using currenttechnology.Engineers are the people who create -the CANDU reactors, the Canadarm, theCP Railway, the snowmobile, thetelecommunications networks, thesatellites, the airplanes, the bridges wedrive over, the cars we drive over thebridges with, the cell ular phones, radios,speakers, and amplifiers that we use in thecars that we dri ve ov er the bridgeswi th . you ge t the picture? It isnothing much - we only crea te thefoundation that OUf entire society is based

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    upon. Thi s being the case, when was thelast time that you picked up a book on thebest-seller list highlighting great Canadianengineering achievements? Anautobiography of some of the greates tengineers in Canada? Okay, I know thisis s tooping low, but I am grasping atanything right now - when was the las ttime you flicked on the television Owatch a program based on an engineering ,practice? How many television charactersportray engineering professionals? L.A.Law, The Cosby Show, S1. Elsewhere,Marcus Welby M.D . , even DoogieHowser M.D.; all glorify the legal andmedical professions. But then again, allwe do is design the backbone: thenetworks, the roadways, the consumergoods, the production lines to buildthem . .Is this recognized? Docs anybodygive any thought to these achievements?

    And then, on December 6, 1989,something horrible happens to twelveengineering students, and suddenly theworld stands up and takes notice. Theengineering profession suddenly vaults toPage One.

    My thoughLS are influenced primarilyby Claudelle Mackay-Lassonde, P.Eng.,who was the first female president of theAPEO. She believes something positivemu st come from the tragedy that occurredat the Ecok Poly echnique; that thosefourteen young women should not havedied in vain. If engineering has the floor,if it's at the top of the public agenda, let's

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  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21, 1990 Iron Warrior Page 5EndangeredContinued)

    engineers. But it is not as easy as that.The latest data shows that full-Limeenrollment in Canadian engineering

    p r o ~ m s has been declining since 1986,while total enrollment in Canadianuniversities is reaching a new peak everyyear. In addition, many engineering

    g r a d u a t ~ s move on to non-engineeringoccupatIons.In the August 1989 WEAL(Wat.erloo Engineering Alumni Letter), exdean of engineering, Bill Lennox wrote:"As I write this, we are in the middle ofadmission procedures for the fall term.Overall ~ p p l i c a t i ? n s to eng ineeringp r ~ g r ~ s 10 OntaTiO are still declining.ThiS wIll be the fourth in a row. I knowthis is true for the United States also andit is not relat.ed to an overall decline in theapplicant pool, but a choice by applicantsto apply to other programs. Artsappl ications are up by 15 percent.". The fulure is looking prelty bleakTight now.

    n adequate supply ofengineering talent is crucialfor Canada s future.My first reaction was that if there is ashortage, it is a good thing that I'll begraduating in the next couple of years.

    However, an adequate supply ofengineering talent is crucial for Canada'sfuture. A small group of us alone cannotprovide all of the diverse ski lls that willbe needed in the future. The globalcompetition is stiff, and Canadian successwill rely heavily on our engineeringcapabilities. Time is of the essence,especially when industries are competing

    in an arena of wift technological changeand innovation. The long-term effects as aresult of diminishing nationalcompetitiveness are frightening.

    What can we do as students?The obvious thing to do i to increaseawareness, and the knowledge ofengineering as a profession. We must letyoung students know that it is an optionwell worth considering . How can we dothis? The answer is imple.

    Let's get involved directly in theeducational process ourselves.As Andrew H. Wilson advise in the

    February 1990 Indicator, " ..engineersmust playa larger part in telling their ownstory to the general public, and especially,to young people and political, bureaucraticand business decision-makers."University of Waterloo engineering

    u n ~ e r g r a d u a t e s are renowned for initiatingactIons to address various issues. In 1989,the graduating class initiated the"Plummer's Pledge Campaign 1989" andpledged $94 800 in support for teachingequipment. Two fourth-year students,John Vellinga and Avi Belinsky,established the Voluntary StudentContribution , the keystone of theEngineering Endowment Fund, in order toassist the facuIty in maintainingexcellence. In this way, we,the students,are tackling the underfunding crisis. Letus take the initiative and address anothercrisis affecting engineering: the imminentshortage of engineers and the publicperception of the profession.In the March 16, 1990 issue of theIron Warrior, Dean Burns revealed hisviews on the subject in a n interview:"It's not just a qucstion of attractingmore women into engineering, it's aquestion of getting far more high schools tudents into science andengineering .. You have to get to them

    when they are in grade 7 and 8 ..Perhapsthe me age that I am giving you asstudents i that when you get out therewith a job, we 'll expect you to come backand find the next stud nts. We'd like somemoney from you, but even more we'd liketime .. .We should become more involved inthe myth-bu ting proce s, in theeducational proces that has to take placeto attack all issues: our image, (he

    predicted hortages, and ignorance aboutthe profession. It is our respon ibility totalk and act like the image that we aretrying to portray and educate people about.I'm not saying that we alone will solve allof the above concerns, but if one moreperson is educated, we have achievedsomething.

    We have a tremendous potcntial. Wehave students out on work terms whenkids are attending elementary and highschool. We al 0 work in a wide variety ofregions, all over Canada. Students ofall ages look up to people that they canrelate to, that is, peopJe th3t are closer tothem in age. Why shouk we not take thisopportunity to aCl as role and getpeople aware and excited :.tbout the

    profes ion that we are entering. Whyshould we not show them the pride thatwe have in what has been achieved in thepast and in engineering as a whole?What I am proposing is setting up aprogram where eng ineering students ontheir workterms speak to elementaryand/or high school students about whatengineering is all about, what being anengineering student involves, and howrewarding the profession can be. Theequation is very simple. A couple ofhours during the next work term times xnumber of people equals an enhancedawareness and interest, and an improvedimage and decreased level of ignorance.This is an idea in its infancy. Thelogistics and details still have to beworked out. I f you're interested inVOlunteering or helping with the coordination and implementation, I urge youto contact Andrew Conway, President ofthe Engineering Society A.

    reprinted with permission fromthe B stream, IW issue July 619 90.)




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  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    Page 6 Iron Warriorbuds on your tongue, just like dx addedup over an AB interval makes up theentire Area; IT'S GONNA WORK

    Septemb er 21, 1990CLEAR GLASS

    Please deposit in a separatecontainer from the coloured glass.Do the Right Thing And if it fails, and you die of amiserable cause anyway, at least youknow you'll be nominated to be sent toHEAVEN, since you've been such anANGEL here on Earth.SO, to getstarted and to make your recyclingefforts worthwhile please depositaccepted recyclables accordingly. The

    WHITE LEOCER PAPERIf it is clean on one side, eitherreuse it yourself or deposit it in one ofthe white plastic recycling containersin the orifice or any of the Watstarrooms.igi Mazilu

    Recycling DirectorSo you have doubts about recycling,

    eh ?In the last few years, more than

    ever before, the media has been talkingabout the crisis and dangers which ourEarth's environment is facing . Thecauses: Global warming, air and waterpoll u tion, vanishing forests,overloaded landfills, etc. Theseproblems have not just materialized allat once, but have been caused by eachand everyone of us through our selfindulgence in our ultimate convenienceand comfort lifestyles.

    We've got a big problem We mustconsider finding a solution before timeruns out. Our kids could grow-up not

    From an individual's point of view,is it worth trying to make a change,when a nuclear war could, withinseconds, destroy everyth;ng that we've . ~ W A . .worked so hard for? All that wastedREDUCING, REUSING &RECYCLING? :Well, 1 think that just by being a ~ ~ vstudent, having decided to spend soooo REC"lC"much time studying, preparing for your - - - - r - r . - - - . - - - : - - : - ~ _ _ : _ - ~ ~ _ ; _ _ _ : _ _future, makes you fairly pessimistic recycla6les should be deposited inregarding the possibility of a global SEPARATE containers in the CPHnuclear war. Foyer according to the following

    1 can't promise that by categories:REDUCING, REUSING ANDRECYCLING we will get rid of ourenvironmental problems over night, but

    possibility of a global nuclearw r ..


    COLOURED LEOCER PAPERDeposit in the specially designated

    container in the orifite.NEWSPAPER

    Deposit in small amounts in thecontainers in the CPH Foyer. Please tieup large quantities newspaper inbundles and deposit them in the CPHFoyer.CARDBOARDPlease unfold the boxes and depositthem in the CPH Foyer across from theC&D.

    ever having seen real trees, not ever it is a great start and an appreciated,rewarding and noticeable contribution.

    To distinguish between aluminiumand steel cans, aluminium cans haveshinier bottoms, are lighter and are notattracted to magnets. i.e. cans: TheNatural Fruit Juices sold in the C & 0,Sprite, Canada Dry & V8. Also someCoke and Diet Coke cans but not all.

    Anyone interested in joining theEngineering Recycling Committee orWATROC (Waterloo Recycling OnCampus), or if you have questions andnew ideas for our Waste ManagementProgram, please contact Gigi Mazilu(GMAZILU@MECHANJCAL) or ClareStewart (CLSTEWART@CIVIL) ordrop us a line in our mail box in theStudent Engineering Society Office.

    having swam in real rivers because allwater would be too polluted forswimming. At the same time, wewould generate so much garbage thatwe would have buried ourselves in it.Worse yet, we would have destroyedall the oxygen-generating vegetationand have caused such a big hole in theozone layer that we would run out ofoxygen and get fried at the same time.SCARRRRY, OH NO

    But then again we cpuld all getnu ked a t the single touch of a buttonBOOOM

    Cliff Knox,Professional SocietiesLiaisonTo all the frosh who started here thisweek, I would like to welcome you to theUniversity of Waterloo, and morespecifically, I would like to welcome youto your first exposure to the engineeringprofession . Ours is among the oldest andnoblest professions in the world, despiteits being formalized relatively recently. Inalmost every aspect of our day to dayliving, the comforts and conveniences weenjoy, are the result of some applicationof technology or engineering. As futureengineers we will be called on to buildupon existing knowledge to develop newtechnologies, and our training here isintended to prepare us for the challengeswe will face later in our respective careers.At some point during the four and twothirds years of your program you're bound

    to ask the question, "Just what is'Engineering', anyway?" There are, ofcourse, a number of stock answers that aregiven out by high school guidancecounsellors, but in general. this questionis never adequately answered. Part of theproblem is that the engineering professionis so diverse. Engineering can involvedesign, research and development, plantoperations, project management,conSUlting, and many other areas. Apractising engineer may be involved in aspecific job function or he or she mayhave a broad range of responsibilities. Theother part of the problem is that engineershave been placed in the position of

    STEEL AND TINhate to sound like a commercial,bu t Stop making excuses and JUST 0 0IT, ALRIGHT?I f each one of us helps out, trying tomake the world a better place, it willwork It might sound discouragingconsidering you're only 0.0000000002%of the entire world population, but itwill work; just like the trusses in abridge or La Tour Eiffel, just like themillions and millions of alcoholmolecules working together to tastesati sfying when it touches your taste

    Steel and Tin cans have a dullerbottom than AI, are heavier andattracted to magnets. For yourconvenience, there is a magnet on top ofthe "Steel and Tin" bin. i.e. cans: PepSi,Dr. Pepper and some of the Coke andDiet Coke cans.

    Happy Recycling,

    OLOURED GLASSGrecn, brown and blue bottles can bestored in the same box located by thewhite board in the CPH Foy er.

    Gigi MaziluRecycling Queen

    lUJ [Jl) O W [ J @ D ~ W~ [ W ~ [JlJ 0Jl) ~ @ ITffiJ @ @ ~ ~

    custodians of technology. The bulk ofsociety depends on our relatively smallgroup to introduce appropriatetechnologies in a way that is bothresponsible and 'easy to swallow.' Astechnology changes to meet the needs ofour society, the engineering professionmust also adapt its role accordingly.The next most obvious question youwill probably be asking yourself is "Whyam I in Engineering?" Again, there are anumber of answers. Perhaps you did wellin Math and Science when you were in

    See whatSUZANNESOMERShas 10 say aboutPacHlc Enure.sPrograms~ ~ r r e c t l o n p,roceuNoctumalEnuresis . ' iBEDWETT1NG) 11., .. ~ ~ . . . . , . . ,IIiII'

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    Page 7 Iron Warrior September 21, 1990

    Concerning Women way to being eradicated, however,more damaging are the unconscioussexist stereo-types which may effecta person s ability to accuratelypercei ve a no ther person scapabilities. The goal, of course, is agender blind advancement system.Elaine Millerli he need for engineers is going toquadruple before the turn of thecentury, ...Jas the prediction made byDr. Ford ' in his frosh weekintroductory lecture. High schoolgirls represent a significant untappedsource of potentia l engineers. Thehistory of graduate female engineershas demonstrated aptly enough thatwomen are certainly capable ofcompeting in and contributing to theprofession. But i f it is not ability,why is it that in the last decadeengineering has had an averagefemale enrollment of only 12-16%?

    t is felt that the answer to thisquestion lies in two areas: the realityof women working as professionalengineers, as well as the perceptionwhich high school girls have ofengineering as a profession.

    To address the post-graduationrealities first, I will reference thereport A Profile of the EngineeringCommunity in Canada prepared forthe Canadian Engineering ManpowerBoard (CEMB) in December 1988.This report is the first ever tospecifically identify the status of

    FemaleP.Eng. s%Non-Supervisory 77Self-Employed 3Supervisor 10Manager 4Technical Specialist 3Sr. Supervisor 2Sr. Manager 1Executive 1Other 1TOTAL 100

    women in engineering. t is clear fromFigure 1 that the bulk of the femaleengineers in Canada are between 25and 39 years old, so it foHows thatthe lack of female representationamong senior executives is reasonable.However, if you look closely at thefigure of the Level of JobResponsibility chart, it is clear thatwithin the 25-39 Age group there is adisproportionately low number ofwomen (23%) who actually supervisepersonnel, as compared to 51% ofmale engineers.

    t may be argued that perhapswomen have declined promotions forpersonal reasons, however, theevidence from The Cooper Union

    The Age Distribution of Female Professional EngineersIn Canada Compared to Male Professional Engineers

    4 0 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _

    35 Male P.Eng s

    30 _ _............... _.. -._ _.. _ ......_ _. ........._.................._ _ .25 . _ _ _ . _ ._ _ _ ._..._ _ ._... .............-- --........

    % 2015 :;j- ........ ... ... .. ...................................................... ... ._. . .................



    < ~ 2 4 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 5054 5559 6064 > 6 5ge

    Canadian Englnearlng Manpower Inventory

    1989 National Survey of WomenEngineers indicates the followingopinions of more than two thousandAmerican Women Engineers: onethird agreed that they felt excludedfrom a decision-making capacity bymales in the organization.

    MaleP.Eng. s%495161075323


    sense, less qua lified, to encourageminority involvement, the officialCanadian stance is that affirmativeaction is needed to ensure that themost qualified person is hired andthe systematic barriers whichprevent women from advancing areeliminated. t appears that theconscious, sexist barriers are on the

    The picture may appear to besomewhat discouraging and this isn'tthe case. There is an extremely highlevel of job satisfaction among femaleengineers, and more than 80% say theprofession has met their earningexpectat ions. In April 1990, theArEO passed a resolution whichconfirms their mandate to:

    -affirm its support of equaJ rightsand opportunities for women.

    to establish and fund th eCommittee to Facilitate Women inEngineering.

    - to be a confidential forum forwomen who feel at risk challengingsexism in engineering.Naturally, there are a myriad of

    issues here and this is merely anattempt at an overview. In the nextissue of the IW, I hope to describesome of the facts surrounding thematriculation of students intoengineering programs, and thesituations they find there.

    There is sometimes the perceptionthat women are underpaid in theengineering field. The CEMB reportidentifies that the difference insalary between male and femaleengineers, compared by year ofgraduation, is that males earn, onaverage, one thousand dollars morethan females. This is a statis ticallyarguable difference since it comparesmen and women based on years sincegraduation rather than years workedsince graduation.

    Tti SC )ULU 3 ~ ~ ) U

    Onto the issue of affirmative actionplans, which 'give women a break' inthe employment scene. Whereas theAmerican system is one of hiringpeople who are in the traditional

    AT THE

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    age 8

    Bullwinkle and the Gang.

    Iron Warrior September 21 1990


    Eric Herb Tarlek.

    MARl f f'ioOG-H 1 E-rACCEP1Ev 1 EN lrJEER.IN

    . oT 5MAR ENO )CTH1 Now A N ~ e E ~ f R

    Dave Clausi, co-chairpersonOrientation committee; .Garry PetersonMy darling little frosh,A confession - I miss you. I am sure allyour big brothers and sisters feel as I do .We are sad we can no longer play andskip. I hope you liked our EngineeringOrientation '90, and had a real finetime.You were real good frosh. Happyrunning jumping frosh. You dideverything so well. It made me smile abig happy smile. Even now I still havethat big happy smile in my heart.Wow My mind drifts back . thesmells come to me first the aroma ofhundreds of sweaty mudcaked frashsubtly accented by the acrid scent ofdye. Ahhhhh.The hearty schwelp of mud the rush ofwater ..oh I'M BackAt the Aerial Photo - frosh wanderingconfused aimless.At the Fake Diagnostic - againconfusion. The quizzical look. "Whyfor you do this strangeness to me?".In the brain deadene d post-scunt hoursthe huge Siblings whisper in awe of ofthe strange sophistication of froshscunters.. Some mystic minds evenraised the possibility that those tenderyoung frosh contain the vital essence ofengineers of yesteryear.The blood and gore of the chariot racebrought to mind the Roman arena - thecrowd roars for blood no quarter isgiven and none asked strangereincarnated roman engineers perhaps?Ugh the mind recoils, but wait -they could not all be blood crazedberserker gladiators. The friendlyscrub and buff rub a dub dub ofShinerama disproves that theory. I

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    September 21 1990 Iron Warrior Page 9


    The Moment of Truth.can stand tall as I recall the proud,noble frosh continuing the nobletradition of engineer volunteer work.What a week. t was a joy simplejoy of a week, but such tasty mangos asthis frosh week do not grow on trees.Plan-plan-plan and plan again was themotto of the orientation crew. Everyoneneeds to be thanked. Elvis and his coworkers in first year administrationdidn't us e up too much of the week,they let the fro sh frolic and danceabout the university. The plantoperations command team, and UW'sfinest both had their tolerances pushedwhen the frolicking became too feveredfor fun, but neverthele ss theymaintained their cool. Not a singlefrosh or Big Sibling was killed, shot, oreven tear gassed Quite animprovement over past years. Truepeace people. Instead of snowmobilingacross the northern Ontario tundra, igBrothers and Sisters invested theirenergy in frosh week. Their investmentmade it 'the week that was. The videoteam created the ultimate Frosh Video,and a big gang of roving people gavetheir time. Two extremely dedicatedpeople, need to e mentioned by name.Jeannine Hooper-Yan tackled two largeprojects, the Handbook and the Scunt.Without her persistence, Orientationwould not have run as smoothly. MikeScott had dedica tion above and beyondthe call of duty. A big round ofapplause for everybody.clap-c a p-clap-clap-cla p-cla p-clapclap-cla p-cJap-clap-c ap-cla p-cl apclap-clap-cJap-cJap-clap-clap-clap-


    Roll Baby, Roll

    Justice. Mercy. Shreddies.

    The Tool helps raise money during Shinerama 190

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    Page 10 Iron Warrior September 21, 1990

    ...Looking Fora Few


  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21, 1990 Iron Warrior Page 11

    Hey, I'm not Finnish yet travelling and the other was workingin Finland. The trip gave me theopportunity to do things I neverthought I would get to do. I

    Andrea Lawrence,Vice-president, EngineeringSociety" So did you have a good summer?

    How was your work term ? ", is acommon greeting heard echoing in thehall during the first week of classes.t usually functions as small talkwith people you haven't heard fromin 4 months. t is only when I reply"GREAT, I worked in Finland forthree months and travelled to Soviet

    Union, Sweden, Norway, and

    Denmark during my month off," thatpeople sit up and take notice. I gotthe job through IAESTE the exchangeprogram that gives students technicalexperience abroad . "So why Finland? is another common question, Theanswer requires some explanation, Onmy IAESTE application I onlyrequested one country (not too bright)and during the first rounds of joboffers I did not get any placementoffers, In a panic I called theIAESTE office and was told that Ishould have requested three countrieson my form instead of one. In adesperate attempt to get a joboverseas I said I would accept a jobfrom any English speaking country.Finland doesn't exactly fit thiscategory (it's two official languagesare Finnish and Swedish) but one canget by in English as all schoolchildren are required to learn Englishat a early age and most of thepopulation under the age of 30 have areasonable command of the Englishlanguage.

    I had my doubts about going to acountry I knew hardly anything about,but now I can say I had one of the bestsummers of my life. For those of youwho do not know, Finland is one of thefive Scandinavian countries locatedbetween Sweden and the Soviet Unionwith a population of 5 million. Finland( and all Scandinavian countries) havemany similarities to Canada, the

    climate is similar, looking around inFinland one could think one was incottage country in Canada. But Finlandis not all forests, it's capital city ofHelsinki has a population of 1.5million. Canada has common borderswith the larger United States andFinland with the larger Soviet Unionand both smaller populated countriesat times feel overpowered by theirlarger neighbors.

    travelled up to northern Scandinaviaby train through glaciers in themiddle of July (with a guy fromAustralia who had never seen snow ),and saw the magnificant nature. Iduring t h ~ months of and une I don't think I will ever forget the

    wa.s workmg f o ~ a technical universIty evening six of us climbed a mountaindomg research n the p ~ o c e s s control in Narvik, Norway to watch the

    ~ a b n f o r t u n a t e l ~ I can,t say that my midnigh t sun accross the fjord, t wasj O ~ w,as at all s,tlmulatmg: t ~ e only one of the mostbeautifulthings I'veobjectIOn I have S ,that I dldn t k ~ o w ever seen in my life. I ' did visit allwhat I would be domg before I arnved the large capital cities but I don'tin Finland. f I had the choice to do it 'again I definitely would. The jobexperience is important, but learning

    The whole process started last fallwith my application. I subsequently

    about another culture and language was never imagined would getthe experience that I found the most to the Soviet Union ...interesting and rewarding.received a tentative traineeship offer t was interesting to work at anin February and sent in my tentative university in a foreign country and

    acceptance for it subject to an officialoffer my employer in Finland. I waitedand waited for this formal offer whichcame eventually in April just two weeksbefore I was scheduled to leave, I ranaround in a panic to obtain my planetickets, work permit, and visa in timeto depart. Before I knew it r was on aplane over the Atlantic. Since myofficial job offer came so late I did nothave time to correspond with myemployer about living arrangementsbefore departing, As a result I did notknow where I was living in Finland orif my errlployer had received my offeror knew when I was arriving, Allkinds of thoughts ran through my headabout arriving at the university inLappeenranta and not finding anyone

    ... the formal offer came twoweeks before was scheduledto leave

    compare it to the universities inCanada. In Finland the technicaluniversities are separate from thegeneral universities. The university Iworked at offered five displines ofengineering as well as economics andindustrial management. The universitythere definately has more up to dateequipment than the University ofWaterloo does, Our IBM PCs and ATsin the WATSTAR rooms would belaughed at by any Finnish student. Imight be biased because I had access toall the research labs at the universityin Finland but I don't visit them here inWaterloo. The,. eduction system istotally funded by the government in

    The student s first degree istheir Master s .. which can takebetween fOUT and teu years tocomplete ..

    Finland and students have access to afree university education. The biggestdifference in the educational system isthe structure of the study program. Thestudent's first degree is their mastersdegree ( no such thing as a bachelorsdegree) which can take between fourand ten years to complete although theaverage time is six years, The studentsmust take a course but have theopportunity to decide when they willwrite the exam. There are four examperiods during the year and thestudents have to write the exams tograduate, so technically one could takethe course in first year and write theexam in fifth year although it is notadvisable. The system is definatelydifferent with its share of advantagesand disadvantages, personally I like

    whoknew-wh-o-Iw-a-s-an-d-w-ou-Id-be-a-b-le our system better bu t I couldn't say thatto help me. All my worrying turned out too loudly in Finland because I'd haveto be unnecessary as r received note ten people quick to disagree with mewhen I arrived at the airport in and prepa re to start a discussion.Helsinki and met my contact later that ,day. Looking back on my arrival all I.spent a month travellIng after mythe problems just added to the 9 ~ e e k employment, four days toexcitement of the trip. Leningrad and a week to Sweden,Denmark, and Norway. I met so

    many people travelling and evenI was working in a town called though I was technically travellingLappeenranta in the south-eastern area alone I was never alone or lonelyof Finland 30 km from the border of during the travels, I ran into twoSoviet Union. My job was for 9 weeks Waterloo engineering grads, one was

    think large cities do a country justiceas there are so many more things tosee away from the bustle of the cities.One gets a chance to meet the nativesof the country and learn more aboutthe way of life in the small townsand country side. I did meet a lot ofinteresting people, a starvingplaywright (so he told me), and anexecutive of a large chemicalcompany, I never imagined I wouldget to the Soviet Union while thecommunist structure was in place oreven in my lifetime. I am much moreinterested in world history, politics,and language now, The problems andchanges in Europe seemed so far awaybefore I left, but eWn first handaccounts about changes in Germanyand Romania from new found friendsreally made aware of the changes

    and the effect the changes had onindividuals.

    Finland is one of the more activecountries in IAESTE and this gave methe opportunity to meet trainees fromlots of different countries. There wereforty trainees working in my area ofFinland and twelve actually workingat the university with me. We hadrepresentation from Germany,Switzerland, YugoslaviaJ theNetherlands, Hungary, Ghana, theUnited States, France, Great BritainJand myself from Canada. I can now sayI have friends around the world to visitfor the rest of my life,

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    Page 12 Iron Warrior

    Life, love andThe Pursuit Of Happiness

    Ajay Jindallife s full of cliches and the roadto happiness s full of sorrow. MoeBerg and company were in town

    September 12th at the Twist torelate the pain and pleasure oflove .With two albums under their belt,TPOH had a lot to tell .Unfortunately, it seemed theaudience was too intent onlistening to the gospel instead ofrevelling in the performance.Nearly all the songs off their first

    release Love_Junk and theirlatest. One Sided Story wereperformed almost as they hadbeen recorded. It appeared thatone of the backup singers hasbeen replaced (or she cut her hairreally short) with a competent butless exciting woman. The otherone, the blonde that also playsguitar, seemed much morecomfortable on stage and reallygot into the show. Of course, MoeBerg was the centre of attractionwith his androgynous variation onthe Laurie Partridge look. Therewas also a drummer and bassist tohelp fill up the stage and sound.

    The audience seemedunusually sedate for the first threequarters of the show until the bandlet loose with their flagship tune -I'm An Adult Now at which point

    some life seemed to have beeninjected Into some viewersalthough a large contingentrema ined apathetic. Midwaythrough the song, Moe broke intoa fast and furious monologue Inwhich he criticized Fed Hall andthe Imprint and more globally,chocolate companies forfinancing the Really Me anti-drug campaign - as Moe put it,They're basically saying it's badto use drugs but it O.K. to be fat. Its good to see a rocker knowenough about local politics to putit into his show and make it seemmore personal rather than ju:;tanother stop on the tour.

    It was very apparent that MoeBerg s an angry guy - but withgood reason. TPoH wrote thetheme song for the sequel to thefeature film Rock and Roll HighSchool in exchange for the fameof having written a soundtracktune. Turns out the star got bustedfor drugs and the movie will gostraight to video. One thing Berg isgood at s relating little anecdoteslike this between songs.

    Opening band Bootsauceassaulted the ears with songswhich appeared to be acollection of stolen licks from otherbig tunes. or ones that started owith a lot of potential but graduallydegenerated into a mishmash ofdistorted thrash. Andrew Cash wasa welcome relief and did a fine jobof entertaining the crowd with hismelodic artistry.

    I ESTE OFFAndrea LawrenceVice-President, EngineeringSociety

    One way to get a job abroad isthrough IAESTE, The InternationalAssociation for the Exchange ofStudents for Technical Experience.IAESTE is a non-profit organizationwhich is located in 53 countriesworldwide. I t has consultativerelationships to UNESCO, UNEconomic and Social council, and theIndustrial and DevelopmentOrganization. It was founded inLondon in 1948 with only a handful ofmember countries and Canada joinedin 1953 as a full member.So how does one secure a job youask? It's not that difficult if youfollow the registration procedurescorrectly. First, only studentscurrently enrolled in a program at aCanadian university or collegeleading to a degree or diploma in thefollowing fields: any branch ofengineering, all science fields,applied arts and technology(architecture, forestry, agriculture)are eligible to apply. One must beunder 30 years old to apply andCanadian c it izens are givenpreference. Graduating students areeligible to take up training during thesummer following graduation. Mostof the placements are for engineeringstudents who have completed 3 ormore years of study and are for 8 - 12weeks during the summer althoughthere are a limited number of jobsavailable during the fall term.

    The Sandford Fleming Foundation

    September 21 1990

    To register the following must beenclosed: a completed lAESTEapplication form, a registration feeof 140 charged to cover operatingcosts, if no suitable job is found 100is refunded to the applicant), twoc o p i ~ s of an undated resume, and astudent examination record. One canobtain a registration form andinformation at Career Services inNeedles Hall. There are two ways toregister for IAESTE, the first is toregister directly with the nationaloffice in Kingston Ontario. Theirdeadline is December 5, 1990 forsummer jobs and January 7 1991 forfall jobs. This procedure means youwill be on own according to the coop department for your next workterm. The second option, the moreadvantageous procedure is to registerthrough Carol Ann Olheiser, NeedlesHall, Rm 1001, and the deadline tosend her your forms is November 16,1990.There are two very big advantagesto following the latter procedure,firstly you can still take place in theco-op interview procedure providingyou have not received any job offersfrom IAESTE. Once an IAESTEposition is secured it is necessary towithdraw from the co-op interviews.You cannot rank employers whilestill registered with IAESTE butusually you will find out if you havea job before the ranking forms are due.Students who find a job overseas ontheir own are not permitted towithdraw from co-op interviews.The second advantage is you will bepractically assured a credit for yourwork term as long as you get anevaluation filled out during youtwork term.

    Continued on Page 14, /

    Room 4366, Carl Pollock Hall (519) 885-1211, Ext. 4008University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1

    Did ~ o u h v ~ a fantastic TAduring the past year? You might consider rewarding their hard work bynomlnatmg him or her for an Outstanding TA Award. Each undergraduate class can nominate one TA.The nominations deadline will be published in the next issue of the Iron Warrior.

    ilEver h ~ e an unco.ntrollable urge to spew off on some meaningless topic? The Sandford Fleming Debatesmay Just the thmg for youl Each term, teams from various undergrad classes compete for fame,prestige, and cash w ~ r d s ($10? each to m e m b e ~ s of the winning team, and $50 each to the runners-up).Contact the Debates Directors via the EngSoc Office for more details on this term's debating series.

    An organization devoted to the advancement of engineering education.

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21 1990 ron Warrior

    Blue Rodeo on Grassjay JindalWow A free concert It looks likeI'm getting something for my Fed

    Fees Who playing .... Leslie SpitTrio Lava Hay and Blue Rodeo -HEY I've heard of them But whoare these other two. Let's check'em out.

    In my book. there is nothingbetter than an open air afternoonconcert with lots of sun. preciselywhat conditions were like onWednesday. September 12th onthe Village Green. Although theshow was advertised as starting at2:00pm. things didn't get underway until nearly 3:30pm. In themeantime. Lava Hay did a

    number to appease the crowd.Don 't really remember muchabout the Leslie Spit Trio I hadheard Lava Hay described as apair of peroxide bimbos but closerexamination showed them to be

    very nice. respectable womenwho sang lovely songs. The moststriking thing about theirperformance were the angelicharmonies. and the flute player inthe band. The songs were verysweet and mellow and of the typethat would make you nauseous ifyou listened to them for more thanhalf an hour.

    The headline act. Blue Rodeoput on an aggressive showfeaturing straight ahead rock-n-rollwith a bit of a country flavour. Allthe members performedexcellently but in m hum Iop,n,on it was Bobby thekeyboardist who stole the show.ff on stage left behind a stack ofkeyboards. including a Korg whichmust have been more than 100years old. he modestly addedtexture to the music. His momentof glory came during the song'Piranha Hole, The song began

    with an awesome keyboard soloperformed by Bobby and a frisbee

    ef~ - - -

    \ ~ Y_/

    PLAY wi h

    Page 13

    in the same manner that PeteTownsend played with The Who. Iwouldn't have been surprised it hesmashed his equipment at the endof the solo,

    The audience obviouslyenjoyed the show but with suchgreat. lazy weather. only a smalldie-hard g roup actually rose to thephysical act of dancing . The showlasted well ovor an hour and a half.Including the encor . f afurlng myman Bobby singing and playingguitar. while the bassist took overkeyboards and one of theguitarists. took over bass, Yougot1a respect musicians who canexchange duties like this

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    Page 14 Iron Warrior

    CPSE II The ReturnDave Hook,P**5 DirectorEngSoc B claimed that it was notpossible for us to duplicate their '89frosh week. Personally, I don't care

    whether we did or not, all I know isthat I had a roaring good week and sodid hundreds of others. Whatfollows is a summary of the week'shighlights as seen by myself (it is inmultiple choice form so you frosh canget ready for Phil Eastman's exams.)

    The Coolest Dude during frosh weekwas:A) The ice cream vendor at theSkydome.

    B) 8.}. Birdy with his head onbackwards and wearing a hard hat atthe Skydome.

    C) Dr. Jim "Shades" Ford.

    The Least Cool Dude(s) during froshweek was:A) That knob from AHS who madea complet e fool of himself trying to befunny at the comedy night.

    B) Gang Green. Engineers kick ass,not kiss ass.C) Erica Ehm. Monica Deolautographed Pink's vinegar andketchup packets, but even after muchcoaxing, Erica merely signed a bag ofpopcorn with an X . That's it, I'mcancelling my membership to her fanclub.

    IAESTE continued)

    Salaries in foreign countries areusually conSiderably lower than inCanada but are sufficient to coverliving expenses but not travellingcosts. You are responsible for alltravel arrangements and costs as wellas having a current valid passportand obtaining a proper visa and workpermit. This can prove to be verytime consuming and hectic especiallyif your formal acceptance arrives onlya week before you are scheduled tobegin the traineeship.

    The whole procedure is a long andburacratical procedure that can takeup to six months. IEASTE Canadareceives all the applications inDecember. In January representativesfrom all participating countriesattend a conference and allocateavailable traineeships to eachcountry based on the number of jobseach country is offering. Even if, sayGhana is participating in theexchange Canada might not get anyavailable traineeships in Ghana for

    The Best Dressed Dude of frosh weekwas:A) Blue frosh Psycho with themoose antlers and fish net.B) Party with Eric Langford asEng Feud MCC) Whoever the hell that was asVanna White.

    The Most Ill-fated Challenge duringfrosh week was:A) Twenty vitlage frosh decide to

    throw whipcream and banana peels

    Canadian students. The Canadiancommittee gets together andorganizes the available jobs intodiscipline areas. For each disciplineappl.icants and all availabletraineeships are matched and thetentative offers are sent out to theapplicants who have two weeks toaccept or decline the offer. I f theoffer is declined the trainceship offeris sent to another qualifiedapplicant. If the offer is accepted allthe papers arc sent to the IAESTEcommittee in the country which thetraineeshi p is offered and thiscommittee sends the papers to thecompany for for mal acceptance. 95%of the applications arc accepted bythe companies. An official offer isthan sent via the IAESTE committeesto the applicant along with visa andwork permit applications. The job isnot secured until the applicant sendsoff his/her official acceptance andarrival dates. Hopefully there willbe enough time to have directcorrespondence with the company andarrange accommodations and arrivaltimes after all official governmentalcorrespondence is completed.

    In 1990 more than 300 Canadianstudents were placed in training

    at eight hundred engineering frosh atthe BBQ. Good move, guys. Nexttime, yell Run away, run away ", asyou flee for cover.

    B) Two hundred arts frosh thinkthey can drown out fifty Waterlooengineering frosh at the Skydome.Wrong We sure shut them up in ahurry. What the hell is a Yeomananyway?C) Pink frosh Pete challenges Pinkfrosh plant Tim to boatracing. Seethe enginewsletter for thecatastrophic results.

    positions overseas and 265 studentswere placed in positions in Canada.During the past 38 years more than3500 Canadian students have beenplaced overseas. There has been andstill is a considerable increase in thenumber of applicants during the lastfew years yet the placement is stillgreater than one in three applicantsduring the last few years. There area few ways of improving you chancesof getting placed, one is giving broadavailability date for placement iefour months rather than one or twomonths. It probably doesn't mean youwill work for four months rather thatyou are available to work anytime

    during the four month period. Thesecond way of improving your chancesto apply to three countries andconsider offers from other countries aswell. The following countries offerthe best chance for placementFinland, Germany, France, Sweden,Poland, Netherlands, and Denmark.

    September 21, 1990

    The Highlight of the Scunt was :A) Pink frosh Justin's rap serenade.B) Grape's filming of the Kuwatirefugees.C) Pink's vast collection of assorted

    restaurant and traffic signs, mostwi th the screws still in them.

    I spent Monday the following week:A) Screaming my own coverversions of Ten SecoJll&s ov e rTokyo's cover versions.

    B) Washing purple dye, mud andoatmeal off my and clothes.C) Disguising myself so Edcomwould not recognize me.

    The funniest part of frosh week was:A) The frosh video (which by theway, will be on sale eventually.)B) The Howie Mandel type guy atthe comedy night who dept saying,Are you with me? Thumbs UP This

    is SO COOL "C) My laundry bill.

    What I Did Not Like was:A) RULE NUMBER 6.B) The fact that frosh week lastsone week.C) The fact that frosh week comesonce a year.

    You Did Not Use Your frosh week tothe Fullest if:A) You had a voice left by Sunday.B) You can clearly remember

    everything (not necessarily anencouragement to abuse alcohol.)

    C) You actually found time to buyyour books, register, or eat.

    The following countries are currentmem bers of IAESTE:r g e ~ t i n a Australia

    AustriaBelgium Brazil CanadaColombia Cyprus

    CzechoslovakiaDenmark Egypt EstoniaFinland France GermanyGhana Greece HungaryIceland India Ireland1srael Italy JamaicaJapan Jordan KoreaLebanon Libya LithuaniaLuxembourg Malta MexicoNetherlands Norway

    PakistanParaguay Philippines

    PolandPortugal S. Africa SpainSudan Sweden

    SwitzerlandSyria ThailandTunisiaTurkey U. A. Emirates U.K.Uruguay United States

    YugoslaviaMore information can be obtainedfrom Carol Ann Oldeiscr in Needles

    Hall or from the IAESTE nationaloffice in Kingston. The address is:P. O. Box ]473, Kingston, Ontario,K7L 5C7 Telephone (613) 549-2243.

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    September 21, 1990 Iron WarriorSnapshots from Japan

    Todd RuthmanOn LocationThe French Effect Land in Tokyo. Clear customs with minimum hassle. Discoverthe French effect. Custom's official spews syllables at a mile aminute. Foreign language circuits kick in and Todd, drawing ona four month crash course in Japanese, responds instinctively.Pardon?


    The Bike:

    The People:

    At the COltage: Feels like I'm camping. Mountains form afractal horizon. As many trees as Canada in a country l/IOth or1 20th the size.Rural Japan. Not much to do in Tottori. Costs money to goelsewhere. Can only spend so much time studying engineeringand Japanese. Joined Aikido, a Japanese martial art Japaneseare serious about their clubs. Practice four times a week. Jogbarefoot on Mondays. Seen more of Tottori on foot than bybicycle.(Translated from broken English with Japanese interjections)So, where can I buy a used bicycle?"You need a bike?""Yeah.""We'll lend you one. For the term."It's old but it works. Japanese generosity. Five weeks later, itgets stolen at the train station. Japanese honesty is legendary,with lwO exceptions: umbrellas when it's raining and bikes whenlate. No problem. It may turn up yet."Mr. Todd. Haircut, you get soon?" says Aikido buddy."Hai. Yes. Soon.""My friend is barber. You come, nexl week."Next week. A ride through Tottori on an off-road bike. Get ahaircut in AiJcido buddy's friend's apartment. In the background,Aikido buddy plays Beatles lunes on an acoustical."Ikvra desu lea? No charge."Then we go riding for the first time, not the last. Japanesehospitality.

    The History:

    The School:

    The Language:

    The Vacation:

    The Engineering:

    The Food:

    The Summary:The Message:

    WHO in your class looks the MOST like each of theNEW KIDS O THE BLOCK? ? ?

    Just paste a picture in the space under the matchmg kidThe BEST matched set will win a N.K.O.T.B CALENDARMatch your PROFS for a SPECIAL N.K.O.T.B PRIZE

    Entries should be submitted to the I.W. box in the Orifice by midnight,Sept. 30 1990.

    Page 15Seeing sights from the back of a motorbike after an exhilarating(read insane) ride along the mountain roads."See that temple half way up the mountain?"Yeah.""It was built 18()() years ago."I look again. Canada will be 123 this year.The pace is slow but the term is longer. Most of our effort isexpended deciphcring the lectures. The English ranges fromexcellent to nonexi lenL We have textbooks. We need thean weTS.Were Old Japanese wasn't required to come. Wish we hadlearned it. We're learning, each in our own way. Each new wordlearned adds volumes 10 our conversations. How many sentencescan you make with the verb "to go ? 5 to 1says we can comeup with morc. Walch TV for 2 monlhs with the sound turneddown: an engineering approximation of life in Japan.Three weeks into school, we get one week ofr. Eight Canadiansand three Japanese friends/guides/saviours travel to the southernIsle of Shikoku. Whirlwind tour. Mountains. Beaches.Temples. People. We have another six weeks off Ihis summer.Different needs, different lCchnology. The roads are narrow andmeet at all angles. Big mirrors stand sentry at the comers.Don't look both ways, look at the mirror. Tokyo, earthquakecentral. Massive shock absorbers for the overpasses. Tunnels.A country full of mountains. A country full of tunnels. Noland? Makc it. Flatten mountains and fill in the bays.Sushi. Sunshine. Seaweed. Shrimp flavoured chips. Squidcrackers. Sugar coated french frics. Sake and beer. In Japan,you buy Japanese. No multicultural shipping centres here. Anew experience every day. Bought milk oncc. Turned out to beyogurt drink. Cereal was interesting that week.Been here 2 months. Have many more.Do it. (reprinted with the pennission from

    Ihe B stream, IW issue July 6,1990.)

    Industrial Musi,k,Yaaa

    Greg Cook,Arts DirectorYou ve prob,lbly < ready

    encountered the EngArls Boardb lW(. { n POETS and the Orifice, thetwo 'llQS.t impMlant pltlc('s in youruniversity Iifc. f you have not secnthis board, go look at it right nowOn it will be find notices and ads for awide variety of arts andentertainment activities as well asnumerous worthwhile projects andorganizations.All ads for textbook sales, houserentals, etc. which obviously arc notartistic activities will be promptlyrecycled; however, should you haveany activities to advertise at UW orin K-W please leave the notice in mymailbox in the Orifice.

    Contest not open to employees of Big Step Productions and their families,or Fred Gwynn.

    The Arts Directorship falls underCommunications and the focus will beon communications, creativity andactiv ities for all. Upcoming eventswill include live bands at POETS, theAwesome Photo Contest (A.P.C), ashort fiction writing contest, grouptrips to theatre events, EngArtsOption features in Iron Warrior,mural painting, Industrial Muzik undVideo night, a robotic art seminar,theme movie nights plus whateverincredibly original and great ideasyou tell me about --- remember: ineach Engineer there is a creativemaelstrom, be it photography, music,reading, or chain saw art - just let meknow and watch it happen.

  • 8/14/2019 Iron Warrior: Volume 11, Issue 7


    Page 16 Iron Warr ior September 21 199

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    Offset PrintingGraphic Services, hours 8:00 am-4:30 pmPhotocopying We serve at per copy FST included),discount on volume copying. Collating,stapling and a v riety of paper coloursavailable at no extra cost (available atthe locations l isted below) Self serve copying at 5 per copy available in the libraries and various locationson campus) Venda card copiers are located in the

    Dana Porter and Davis Centre LibrariesCopy Centre LocationsDana Porter Library - LIB 218, ext. 2956Math Centre - e5182, ext. 2335Engineering - E 2353, ext. 2334Arts Centre - HH 370, ext. 2336 .Davis Centre Library - DC 1501, ext. 3878

    Plastic Ring BindingSame day service available at GraphicServices, hours 8:00 am-4:30 pmTypesettingOur Linotronic 300 typesetter will typesetany computer file in PostScript format on aMac diskette, a 5.25 or 3.5 inch PCdiskette, SCRIPT on CMS and TROFF onUNIX.We can translate your PC file to our Macand format into brochures, books, reportsand flyers, etc.For more information about typesetting,call ext. 3540 .General information, call ext. 3451.

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