iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as...

... iREENBELT OOPERATOR va:. tllim s 2 _.,_ 0. C. S. Oets New Directors At August Meeting HEW G.C.S. BOARD II!!IIBERS pictured abcrftl are tron left to M .. cht• DenaU L1nd.s117 ThOIIIU 11 nr. George Treiun, and Mrs. Carnie Harper .. GCS QUARTERLY MEETING Greenbelt Consumer Services held its third quar- terly meEtting of the year, Yiednesday ni;cht, Auf"Ust. 7. 1rlth thet election of four new members t.o the board of directiOrs as i te most important piece of b•Jsiness. Mrs. Carrde Harper, Denzil Wood, Dr. J&orge !reiaAn, and Thomas were the successful car.did! from a of seven. A Co---op quiz feat•ll'ed the openinr, c f the meeting with the prizes to Urs. Beatrice Hesse, Hesse, Mi.lton Thurber, and Abraham Chasancw. tions about the various Greenbelt er.terprises ar.:l the town government were listed in the (lui President Vialter R. re;.ortw! •,r.a t first siY. months of 1940 were the rr.ost sucr•e3sf·1l 1:> the history of the ccmpany. He revealed sabs have increased six per cent as corr.pared tc· the period of 1939 and that net savinys ever the same period hnve increased 5Jc- per cent. The new variety store t<' be located in the' va- cant stcre space beneath the Administration "ff:i ce is to be opened on or about October 15. ::'J(e dis- note presented at the meetir•g lies in the fact thai; re-purchases of stock from people leavine town exc:eeded sales etock to new members by $133.<0. However, it is hoped that this tendency will be c:hecked by the intenslYe memberS1ip campaign now ur.der way which will be continued until the end of the summer under the of Donald staff. ){.r. 'Waf, staff reported that the membership hoped to obtain 200 new members and an additional $3,000 in capital stock investlr.ent. GC S BOARD ELECTS omCERS El.ect.:Lon of officers was the !ir·et order or bua- ines.s at the regular meeting of the board or di.- zoectore c)f the Greenbelt Services, Inc 11 held ·August ill the corporat.i.on offices. Reel.ected off'J.cere anu Walter R. hausen, Mrs. Carnie 'Yic..,;::rea- ident, w. Still, secretary; and Fred c. treasurer. Caand:t;tee chainlen appointed are Dcn&ld s. starr, DL<embershi.p coaaittoej with tr. George Treban as and Lil1daey 'nlcaae, education mittee. Members of the manageent &re Howard c. Custer, lire. Cande Harper, and Dlmlrl.l 0. Wood. The b•::IIU'd authorized the g4111eral Sulo Laakso, ·t.o ct.nge the claeing tt.• ot the Food Stc:lre and the 1 17alet Shop to 6a00 P.K. on 'l\Jee- days, Thu.rad&ya, Uld Frida7t1 1 to 1100 P.JL on W.d- nesdays, and 7a00 P.K. on aad IOWWWilt 'J'be new closing hours 11111 becc.e eftect.- be next S&1iurdq 1 August 17 -Photo by Jl'oenight n-.e ':'n:a:; JE'r 1 8 ,-iven by 'ana- rer rr·e i:,J.d s- :-., ir. t.he absPnce c f Treasw·er Fred liil:H·, U ·t the net savinps !c:r 'the fi.r:st. six tr.e J'"ar v•ere '5,0)',1. 5'>, a incr<:ase c vt•r ia!'t ; ear's cc peric•ri. J..Jr•·r."11"e::ts t<: by-law:· rf Ue :::coperatjve were by .;r .. ;•·; Loftus. ';Lese cJe·!t IT.&inly with ll'.ioor r.nttE•rs e:<.(·ept :·<'r rru• wt.i··h the elec:t·:.n r!' ·.!"'. ·::..rectly tt.e sr:err.bE-rsr.:; ir.s tP.'!.i c!' R>'Y intment by the r.-caJ·d of dirertcrs. '.sin k.-e;,in;· ...-ith t.l.e t-eli:y c fcc--: ;-eraLvcs pivrs the merrbersl.ip as r.urh cr·ntrcl as ,., · s:ble cve:r "..l>-,e affairs c!' t.heir cwr. t.·•;sines·;. A: l t:Oe ::rr:en·:_...ent.s were passed, and Fler.Jar:l Jcno>s, <l."".in Ix>:- . .ier· and Harry E. l;e.ssE• 11ere elvct•:d ( r tr.e aud! t:in::: <r!mittee. FORUM COMMITTEE MEETII Tt.e cc.r.r.:. ttt·r. of tr.e p·opc tied Fc.I"UIII on tt.e f!t;.r;;-ll'a.d::illlc rU. C.onscM.J.'ticn Bill met. last Thursday nt.-·ht to discus::· plam1 fQr the ar.eo:tiTlf.' wi::..l be hcla in the near future. The C'OIU' r.&:; aln·ady p:I"C'cured cr.e spea.Ker fc)r tt.e occas!or., Jj_:-r.y Fitzre: elc, r;atiC'nal Vi::e Corrur.ander of the /.Jner':. -arc Leg::.c n. Or.e r r two other Sj;>eAkE: rs w!ll So£ cu.n·d. _, __ .. ___ .. __ _ Reps Trim Carr-Bosw•ell <i'l Sunday at 1.1.& ::-uder Park in Hyatts·tille, the Jreenbelt Re-ps s'· defended thelr Prince County Soft'::>all c:haz:.pionshlp against C&rr Bros. - ''.o511111!ll ber.ind tile five hit pitch:Lnt: of Ed- die :" -:'hl"ir )-1 victor-.1 qualifies then:. tor the Jistric:t T-:nll'ne·.' •hloh -.rill decUe the ulti:nat.e reprf>:>ent.ativ"! of 1n the NatiCJnal Tourna- lllent at :letroit in .::ept.enbero EMERGENCY PEACE RALLY A sc:; .re-d t i tc : e!'e: :1 ca t ;,· Q-..1t c!' 'l'la.r, ... :,. l'.elc Aur;st 31, Se):,tember J ar.d 2, !n r::t.ic:a,·c Ctica.-c, IllirciE. Reve·re1d .:o.r.r-. r-. -:-rcnp&c-n !;onr.a.r 1 CL&irman of t!'..e l"r:- rer.cP fer r>uman l'e:;.fare, is r:a- .al cf &:rr.a.: c f .. :a::.. r.w-.c!red peace- 1n e•vf.'ry S•'lt•· c f t:r-e t:.r::c!':, rep;re-sentir..,- nearly 1..0 l!'.illion Alr.erica.r.a, a.rt> tJ'.ia undert.akir.g. It ie t: at ":c E- 25,0C'O dele,atee w!ll be at t.t.f' Stactiur ra::.l:f on Labor Day Wf'ekerd. Tt.e p 1 ;r., cf tr.:s convertic• is to werk :::uta pre- gr.-. t.c, r<l Ar-re: ir-a ••• !'ef-J: Ar.e:·i.:-a toerr.ocrat1c ••• ar.d K«.i- C'ut of 'I ar." Housing Oroup Forms Co-op Corporation The Greenbelt Housing group agreed to form a co- operative housing cbrporation, and to prepare a charter and by-laws for the proposed corporation at a meetmg held Tuesday,· August. 6, in the Social Roan. It is expected tmt the cooperative will be incorporated this according to Volckhausen, acting chainnan or the group during the absence or Dayton Hull. "nle services or Hale Walker, original planner ot Grecnbel.t, have been obtained by the F'rll'!'\ AcBini.stration to plan the sites for the ne'l'l' h'JIIIes so th9,t they my harmonize with the present coum-mi- ty. The primary objective of the housing cooperative• to be knOW\ as Greenbel.t Home o.tlers Services, ie the erection of good homes economically. Implement- ing td1ie, the group intends to standardize many ment.s in the homes in order to obtain the advantages ot group buying, but this wil.l not be carried _sc) tar •a t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land tenure which will tend t.;> keep costs down. wil.l be made to protect the equ1.ty or a member who is forced to leave Greenbel.t due to job changes. The Irobable requirements for membersW.p includr· the t'.all purchase of one share of stock in tbe co- operative, as well as an agreement. to purchase .f'1Vf additional ehares, to be paid for at the rate of t.1IO dollars per 111a1 th. This 100ney will be used aa a f\md to repurchase the equity of a mesr.ber 11ho is forced to leave Greenbelt. The members will probab- l;r be required to build on the 11'1; they lease wi.thin one year after becoming a 11181iler. The steering comm:lttee of the group, 'Walter Volckhausen, David Hwnphrey, and Ernest_ Wolfe, wi'th llajor John o. Walker, director of the Resettle- ment Division of the Farm Security Adni.rdstration• Satlll'diQ' morning, August 10, to diecuss recent vel.opJMmts in the plans of the group. Town Council Appropriates Funds For Color Picture At its rcgu1e.t· meeting last )!onday 1 Awrust 12th, the Towr. Co1mcil unanimously passed a motion to tl.crize the town manager tc finance,to the extent o1·· the estimated cost of tl.50.00, a movie project £or tb town of Greenbel.t with the understand:ng tl:at the film, edited and produced, WC',uld become the pro pert.. of' the town. The proposed film will . be rrAde in color, and one showir:g will take approxh-c- atel.y one to one and one half hours. It will on 16 mm filrr. nany or the activities whi()h have al- rcact· heer. shol'IT. on 8 mm fil.m in the Greenbelt the- atre, arn in addition it will. include suet. tr.ose of the tmvn government and its various depart:1ents. !.:r. Chinitz and his associates will produce the movie and only the cost of fil.'l': will be billed to t(l\';n. It was pointed out that after production application or· sound and commercializa- tjcn cf tt.e filrr: m:i.v,ht be possible. Other business of' interest inciluded the passing of a resolution to write a letter of acknowledgment and appreciation of a hospital bed dcnated to tr.e Greenbelt Hospital by l.'r. and lfrs. Haymond J • Clar- inval, and general di !Ocussions of miscellaneous de- concerning the nursery school and the Tcwn Fair. study of the possibili cy of "l'A assistance in the installation of sewers, water lines and streets, in with the propoeed t.ousiru• developr.ent is to be made in the near fut- ure. A reading of a letter concernir.g Internal Rev- e-nuP on taxes on swimming pool admissions showed that no final and complete settlement as to the taxes has yet been Greenbelt To Be Leased ' s. f:'raden, ccmrr.entir.g for the on c nday 's nev•s atcut Greent elt•s transfer to private carj tal, sAid tl'.e was to tl-:e tract to a non-profit corJ.oratir.n with five or seven board members, siir.ilar in fonn to. the hcusing authorities which have been set up all over tl.e cc .. untry through the United States Houejng Auth- od t.y. Tt.e board wou1d serve wittout pay. ·The .::harwe rrigf.t be effected or :not until a year • s tme", l..r. Eraden eaid. He indicfted that there wo1.;.ld te no iiT.mediate upset in the status quo. FARJ.' PRESS WAR '1'he dozene ot little tarm papera which aerve the tarmars ( aa coaqared to the lld.ele& tazm pre ee, which is run b7 the b1.g to fool the .rarmers) are abal t 100% against Amedee 1n-.ol'Ve1118nt. ill war, according to a b7 JIBnD Rlleearch. SCD& tnen suggest that cnu ta.ct.oriee be uec1 for producing -wsetul. goods instead o.r ear.- ploai.ves.

Transcript of iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as...

Page 1: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land


iREENBELT OOPERATOR va:. tllim s ~ :~o. 2 _.,_

0. C. S. Oets New Directors At August Meeting

,~HE HEW G.C.S. BOARD II!!IIBERS pictured abcrftl are tron left to M .. cht• DenaU fiood~ L1nd.s117 ThOIIIU 11 nr. George Treiun, and Mrs. Carnie Harper ..


Greenbelt Consumer Services held its third quar­terly meEtting of the year, Yiednesday ni;cht, Auf"Ust. 7. 1rlth thet election of four new members t.o the board of directiOrs as i te most important piece of b•Jsiness. Mrs. Carrde Harper, Denzil Wood, Dr. J&orge !reiaAn, and Lin~lsey Thomas were the successful car.did! from a of seven.

A Co---op quiz feat•ll'ed the openinr, c f the meeting with the prizes ~in~ to Urs. Beatrice Hesse, H~ry Hesse, Mi.lton Thurber, and Abraham Chasancw. :·..~es­tions about the various Greenbelt er.terprises ar.:l the town government were listed in the (lui z~

President Vialter R. Volckhause~ re;.ortw! •,r.a t t~.e first siY. months of 1940 were the rr.ost sucr•e3sf·1l 1:> the history of the ccmpany. He revealed sabs have increased six per cent as corr.pared tc· the s~.·.~e period of 1939 and that net savinys ever the same period hnve increased 5Jc- per cent.

The new variety store t<' be located in the' va­cant stcre space beneath the Administration "ff:i ce is to be opened on or about October 15. ::'J(e dis­couragin~: note presented at the meetir•g lies in the fact thai; re-purchases of stock from people leavine town exc:eeded sales ~f etock to new members by $133.<0. However, it is hoped that this tendency will be c:hecked by the intenslYe memberS1ip campaign now ur.der way which will be continued until the end of the summer under the l~adershi~ of Donald ~ag­staff. ){.r. 'Waf, staff reported that the membership collliT'ittee~ hoped to obtain 200 new members and an additional $3,000 in capital stock investlr.ent.

G C S BOARD ELECTS omCERS El.ect.:Lon of officers was the !ir·et order or bua­

ines.s at the regular meeting of the board or di.­zoectore c)f the Greenbelt ConSW~~er Services, Inc • 11 held Sa1~urday, ·August 10~ ill the corporat.i.on offices. Reel.ected off'J.cere anu Walter R. Vole~ hausen, preeid~t, Mrs. Carnie Harper~ 'Yic..,;::rea­ident, Jc:~e w. Still, secretary; and Fred c. 11'1lde~ treasurer.

Caand:t;tee chainlen appointed are Dcn&ld s. ~ starr, DL<embershi.p coaaittoej with tr. George Treban as eo-cll~!lirman; and Lil1daey 'nlcaae, education ~ mittee. Members of the manageent c~t.tee &re

Howard c. Custer, lire. Cande Harper, and Dlmlrl.l 0. Wood.

The b•::IIU'd authorized the g4111eral ~. Sulo Laakso, ·t.o ct.nge the claeing tt.• ot the Food Stc:lre and the 117alet Shop to 6a00 P.K. on ·~·• 'l\Jee­days, Thu.rad&ya, Uld Frida7t11 to 1100 P.JL on W.d­nesdays, and 7a00 P.K. on Saturda~ aad IOWWWilt paJday•~e 'J'be new closing hours 11111 becc.e eftect.­be next S&1iurdq 1 August 17 •

-Photo by Jl'oenight

n-.e ':'n:a:; JE'r 1 8 re~rt. ,-iven by 'ana­rer G~c rr·e i:,J.d s- :-., ir. t.he absPnce c f Treasw·er Fred liil:H·, s~.c<rr~·~! U ·t the net savinps !c:r 'the fi.r:st. six r.cnth~ '~ tr.e J'"ar v•ere '5,0)',1. 5'>, a ccnsjdeJ~able incr<:ase c vt•r ia!'t ; ear's cc rres1A:•ndin~ peric•ri.

J..Jr•·r."11"e::ts t<: ~:.t> by-law:· rf Ue :::coperatjve were r-~fer<-d by .;r .. ;•·; ~. Loftus. ';Lese cJe·!t IT.&inly with ll'.ioor r.nttE•rs e:<.(·ept :·<'r rru• wt.i··h lr.Jth::d~:?c! the elec:t·:.n r!' ·.!"'. ~,·.:..\:tln- ocr.~it.tee ·::..rectly f~n tt.e sr:err.bE-rsr.:; ir.s tP.'!.i c!' R>'Y intment by the r.-caJ·d of dirertcrs. ";r.~:; '.sin k.-e;,in;· ...-ith t.l.e democn~.tic t-eli:y c fcc--: ;-eraLvcs ,.~i<"!1 pivrs the merrbersl.ip as r.urh cr·ntrcl as ,., · s:ble cve:r "..l>-,e affairs c!' t.heir cwr. t.·•;sines·;. A: l t:Oe ::rr:en·:_...ent.s were passed, and Fler.Jar:l Jcno>s, Ben~ <l."".in Ix>:-. .ier· and Harry E. l;e.ssE• 11ere elvct•:d ( r tr.e aud! t:in::: <r!mittee.


Tt.e ;::rc.~:-a..~ cc.r.r.:. ttt·r. of tr.e p·opc tied Fc.I"UIII on tt.e f!t;.r;;-ll'a.d::illlc rU. C.onscM.J.'ticn Bill met. last Thursday nt.-·ht to discus::· plam1 fQr the ar.eo:tiTlf.' wL:.c~ wi::..l be hcla in the near future. The C'OIU' r.&:; aln·ady p:I"C'cured cr.e spea.Ker fc)r tt.e occas!or., Jj_:-r.y Fitzre: elc, r;atiC'nal Vi::e Corrur.ander of the /.Jner':. -arc Leg::.c n. Or.e r r two other Sj;>eAkE: rs w!ll r,~ So£ cu.n·d. _, __ .. ___ .. __ _

Reps Trim Carr-Bosw•ell <i'l Sunday at 1.1.& ::-uder Park in Hyatts·tille, the

Jreenbelt Re-ps s'· defended thelr Prince 'Jeor~s County Soft'::>all c:haz:.pionshlp against C&rr Bros. - ''.o511111!ll ber.ind tile five hit pitch:Lnt: of Ed­die :" -:'hl"ir )-1 victor-.1 qualifies then:. tor the Jistric:t T-:nll'ne·.' •hloh -.rill decUe the ulti:nat.e reprf>:>ent.ativ"! of ;~~shin;.;ton 1n the NatiCJnal Tourna­lllent at :letroit in .::ept.enbero

EMERGENCY PEACE RALLY A na~:ic:L. rrt-.rr~~.:-J F~a~·e J.'ct.!li~at.c·:-., !l~r.­

sc:; .re-d t:~· t :.~ ':'.c-:-~ i ~tee- tc : e!'e: :1 ca t ;,· ~:<!!E·pir.g

Q-..1t c!' 'l'la.r, ... -:1~ :,. l'.elc Aur;st 31, Se):,tember J ar.d 2, !n r::t.ic:a,·c ~·.ac.::."JT:, Ctica.-c, IllirciE. Reve·re1d .:o.r.r-. r-. -:-rcnp&c-n c~ !;onr.a.r 1, CL&irman of t!'..e ~c;~ l"r:- (/.:-.~·. rer.cP fer r>uman l'e:;.fare, is r:a­~r- .al cf &:rr.a.: c f tr.~s

S~ev .. :a::.. r.w-.c!red peace- cr~rar.11aticr.s 1n e•vf.'ry S•'lt•· c f t:r-e t:.r::c!':, rep;re-sentir..,- nearly 1..0 l!'.illion Alr.erica.r.a, a.rt> ~;pport1n~t tJ'.ia undert.akir.g. It ie PX.~:Jected t: at ":c E- 25,0C'O dele,atee w!ll be pres~r:t at t.t.f' Stactiur ra::.l:f on Labor Day Wf'ekerd. Tt.e p1;r., cf tr.:s convertic• is to werk :::uta pre­gr.-. t.c, "~~·, r<l Ar-re: ir-a ••• !'ef-J: Ar.e:·i.:-a toerr.ocrat1c ••• ar.d K«.i- C'ut of 'I ar."

Housing Oroup Forms Co-op Corporation

The Greenbelt Housing group agreed to form a co­operative housing cbrporation, and to prepare a charter and by-laws for the proposed corporation at a meetmg held Tuesday,· August. 6, in the Social Roan. It is expected tmt the cooperative will be incorporated this week~ according to Volckhausen, acting chainnan or the group during the absence or Dayton Hull.

"nle services or Hale Walker, original planner ot Grecnbel.t, have been obtained by the F'rll'!'\ AcBini.stration to plan the sites for the ne'l'l' h'JIIIes so th9,t they my harmonize with the present coum-mi­ty.

The primary objective of the housing cooperative• to be knOW\ as Greenbel.t Home o.tlers Services, ie the erection of good homes economically. Implement­ing td1ie, the group intends to standardize many el~ ment.s in the homes in order to obtain the advantages ot group buying, but this wil.l not be carried _sc) tar •a t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land tenure which will tend t.;> keep costs down. wil.l be made to protect the equ1.ty or a member who is forced to leave Greenbel.t due to job changes.

The Irobable requirements for membersW.p includr· the t'.all purchase of one share of stock in tbe co­operative, as well as an agreement. to purchase .f'1Vf additional ehares, to be paid for at the rate of t.1IO dollars per 111a1 th. This 100ney will be used aa a f\md to repurchase the equity of a mesr.ber 11ho is forced to leave Greenbelt. The members will probab­l;r be required to build on the 11'1; they lease wi.thin one year after becoming a 11181iler.

The steering comm:lttee of the group, 'Walter Volckhausen, David Hwnphrey, and Ernest_ Wolfe, m~ wi'th llajor John o. Walker, director of the Resettle­ment Division of the Farm Security Adni.rdstration• Satlll'diQ' morning, August 10, to diecuss recent ~ vel.opJMmts in the plans of the group.

Town Council Appropriates Funds For Color Picture

At its rcgu1e.t· meeting last )!onday1 Awrust 12th, the Towr. Co1mcil unanimously passed a motion to a~ tl.crize the town manager tc finance,to the extent o1·· the estimated cost of tl.50.00, a movie project £or tb town of Greenbel.t with the understand:ng tl:at the film, on~e edited and produced, WC',uld become the pro pert.. of' the town. The proposed film will . be rrAde in color, and one showir:g will take approxh-c­atel.y one to one and one half hours. It will portr~ on 16 mm filrr. nany or the activities whi()h have al­rcact· heer. shol'IT. on 8 mm fil.m in the Greenbelt the­atre, arn in addition it will. include activ~ties suet. "'~ tr.ose of the tmvn government and its various depart:1ents. !.:r. Chinitz and his associates will produce the movie and only the cost of fil.'l': will be billed to ~ t(l\';n. It was pointed out that after production application or· sound and commercializa­tjcn cf tt.e filrr: m:i.v,ht be possible.

Other business of' interest inciluded the passing of a resolution to write a letter of acknowledgment and appreciation of a hospital bed dcnated to tr.e Greenbelt Hospital by l.'r. and lfrs. Haymond J • Clar­inval, and general di !Ocussions of miscellaneous de­velopmen~s concerning the nursery school and the Tcwn Fair. study of the possibili cy of "l'A assistance in the installation of sewers, water lines and streets, in co~~ect.ion with the propoeed t.ousiru• developr.ent is to be made in the near fut­ure. A reading of a letter concernir.g Internal Rev­e-nuP ruljr.~s on taxes on swimming pool admissions showed that no final and complete settlement as to the a~propriat~ taxes has yet been rea~hed.

Greenbelt To Be Leased ' s. f:'raden, ccmrr.entir.g for the Coopera~o::- on

~ c nday 's nev•s atcut Greent elt•s transfer to private carj tal, sAid tl'.e was plannin~ to lea~e tl-:e tract to a non-profit corJ.oratir.n with five or seven board members, siir.ilar in fonn to. the hcusing authorities which have been set up all over tl.e cc .. untry through the United States Houejng Auth­od t.y. Tt.e board wou1d serve wittout pay. ·The .::harwe rrigf.t be effected "soc~, or :not until a year • s tme", l..r. Eraden eaid. He indicfted that there wo1.;.ld te no iiT.mediate upset in the status quo.


'1'he dozene ot little tarm papera which re~ aerve the tarmars ( aa coaqared to the lld.ele& tazm pre ee, which is run b7 the b1.g corporatio~ to fool the .rarmers) are abal t 100% against Amedee 1n-.ol'Ve1118nt. ill war, according to a su:r~ey b7 JIBnD Rlleearch. SCD& tnen suggest that cnu ta.ct.oriee be uec1 for producing -wsetul. goods instead o.r ear.­ploai.ves.

Page 2: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land



Telephone: GREENBELT 3131 Publiahed by the Grenbtit Pulol!Uinq ~ticm

&CIITOR • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • . ' ' DOROTHEA FORI!) I~ISINESS MANAGER ...••........•. WARTDI MILLIS .... Sport a Editor 1 l,e .. w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • •, c·hr: c • ~'a,tta.;r Cc; a Editor •••• • • • • •• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • .l.r.r.e c. H-.ll..:L ~ P.r Editor•••••••••••••••-•••••••••Claire S~L

t-.nke-up Ed1 tor ~· , -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •., rar.k 4.4Ael~ STAFF

Jclhn .Ahaeay, Marie Bargu, Richanl Bates, Abra. h11m Chaeanow, Helen Chaeanow, Leah Chini t&, Lu­cj.lle Cooper, llary H. Crose, Howard c. cu.ster, CJ.ara Demuling, SylVia Jo'lemir.,g, F'rancia c. ~&­, Shirley Friedman, Robert R. Gray, Beat.­ri.ce Heese, Gladys Hughes Florence JohanMn Ms.rgaret Kreuser, BeriJ&rd Margolis, Pearl llarp­li.s, Earl Vo Marshall, Bertha L!ai')'Tl, Ro~rt Me-· Clary, Ann Miller, Mildred J.!orrb 1 Jo!-.n f. llu.r-· ray, Donald Nicodimus, John Norvell, S1~uar1~ Robinson, Frpnces Roeenthal, Ben Rosen:r:wetig E·thel Rosenzweig, Jackson Sht- r:nl'- • f.ichard 5n; .. de,:r 1 Werner Steinle 1 l'orr! s Steir.Jr a.r., De r: th,y Te:rkeltaub, l!orrie Terl-:eltat:b 11 Ji'arner, G. Douglas Warner, Ed. Yieit81!'an,JLrt. Wetterb:

1 PollJt

Wo:rsey, Kathryn Wood, Elizabetl" Yuretich.

Sympathy ~.s extended to l:r., end J.::re. Well a r. Honeycutt, of 5 K EastY<ay, on tt:.e death of tt.eiz 801:11 born August 91 at the Groenbelt iioepital.

KID STUFF cme ot the pet theorle ot ctu.ld psychologist!!! and

others who have made a study of workinp,s of the in­fant:l.le mind has been that children !liven the OP­portunity to adequately express tJ-,e:-:eelvea u:"'der prop;:1r leadership, would lose the brattieh tenden­cies that fill the juvenile coyrts of our ).jand to overfloWing. All this by way of' introduction t.c tJ-:e thought that the juvenile court will prohably nr:>t, pass out or existence if and when the opportunities available to Greenbelt youngsters ~come uniVI!rsalJ and by way of suggeeting that perhaps such an ~Lnat:L­tution 110uld not be inapropos to Greentelt itel!

Yiithin the past weeks such recreational ac:t.i~­ties, as slashing tires, putting sand in gas tanks, draining tanks 1 climbing on care to raid birds nests, brealcing glau tail lights and romov1ng bulbs fl"':-m them:1 has been reported. Gardens have r.een report.,d stripped of tomatoes and yarioua other vegetables,. The animal disflase station reports that the hore•!s stationed there have been cau~:ht and ridden I u.:ls latter being more suggestive·of increaeed hoapi~Ll utilization rather than a juvenile court, since a:u or these animals are inoculated with various ~laea&­es ..

Nothing in th~ abovj! should be taken u 1nc11cat.­ing that we have lost !air.n in the kids or ilreen­belt. Kide are kids afu;,r all, and Greenbelt young­stern are no worse than the average. F',urtt.t!rmore we hold the comfortable theory there is nc> aueh a thing as a bad child; only bad parente. And never having that honor, we are, of course, in a P"81.­tion to know.

Sttriously 1 the answer is not a juven1le c:ourt. Courts in ~· cas!! being but symbols of faJlure. The ~Lnswer is probably closer supervision ot c:hil;j .. ren 1 21 play habits on the part of ti'.e parents. Pe­crea1~ion leadets can 1 t ~o everything, yet the aP­parent laxity on the part of some parents would in­dicat-e tnat they should. ------------


TJ•,a.f'fic was stopped at the cornP.r or Northwa.v and Hille:Lde as a result of lightning which struck ila.m box l.:3 charing the cloudburst laat Wednesday. s.n:r­QJ. hc,:Les were "ripped in the box, campletely deatro,._ ing the mechanism, and loosening the supporting t..c1 ot a high tension wire, which looped d0111n eCliDe a1x teet. The Potomac POW6.r and Light Con;:an,;y t1nal.l;r repail~ed the damage and traffic was resumed.

BaJ~ 21, aro\Zld Block 35 ot Ridge Road, p&rt.ioi.­pated by serding in a false a1ann as a result ot a short circuit.

The1 underpass next to the service eta~ ic;~. was suddenly converted into a 511'11r.r.irl£ peel durirl!il.' th.e recent~ deluge. In the ~ewly-rorr.".ed th:-ee-fc-ot pend or waE:te and overnow water, tt.e younger gener,!l.ticn took El respite from the torrid wrf!.tJ:er.

Fr.s~k Russo stepped into his apartlt.ent aft.~r It hard ,::lay at the office ann fcund I': is rut<:, al!'.cng ott-~· er th:S.ngs, noating three inches oft the floor. ---..------- -----


1'h11 W&.lltingt~ Council o t Church Wo-n, om o:r tbe CCI-Opel'&tive JDelllbere of the W&ahi.ncton, D.C. Bl"anch ot the United States Ca.d.ttee tor the car.e of Bllr•opean children, aeka that tbo fol.lowi.n!~; ~­DOUDC4~t be made to the 'ftl'ioua Qreenbelt c.h.arch­eaa

It there are those who deaire to UINIIII• tor an indefinite period, the entire respone1bUi t,y tor. a-t;r re.tuc•IJe children, the;y are asked to te:Leplone to ll'l'a. 1f1lliaa A.. Roberta, l!Xec:utiw Secretar;r of the CctUnCU of SociaJ. A.genciee, lletropolitan 2284. An op:por1Nn1t7 will ~en bt JUde tor an 1ut.ernew. It is importalt that thu procedure be tollo'ftei.

Oetxop lleanig baa bousht a ho• 1n S.V..l7 H1.U.1

Virgil1.ia. U. expect• to 110ft tra. Oreenbel \ S.S>t..­ber 1 w1 th his wife and ....U daQiht.r 1 1ana:r.

I £etters to &lito~ ·To the Ed.ito:-1

We wish to submit thie letter aa the ..asanoe ot the Pac!.f'ist. attitude to•rd the probl•a or det81\ee and conacri:;;tion.

"!e have heard that 1t hath been Mid, ".An .,.. !or an eye, and a tooth tor a tooth. 1 Bu·~ I ~ un­to y~, 'Resist not ni.lJ but Whoeoner 1shall Blllite t.'1ee on thy rlght ch•k, turn t.o h1JD the otber &l­eo. .And if any ~ ttue thee at the law, l&nd take a­•:r thy coat, lot hiJII ha,.. th;r cloak aleo.. .And who­soever ehall c:r..pel thee to go a ad.l.e, 1~ With h1JD twain. rave to hilll t.hat aaket.h thee, and 1'roll him that wo"'ld borrow ot thee tun'l not thou &1•7•

"Ye have heard tblt it hath been ~Ld, 'Thou love thy neighbor, and hat.e t.hine «t~·' But I aay unto you, 1 Low :your enaiee, blee1s t:nan that curee you, do good to them that hate you, lind Pl"&1' for ti"Bll Which despitefully uee you, and persecute ;r?UJ .~~nd J11t may be the children ot ycrur Father llhich h in he&vanJ tor he •keth hie sun to nae on the evil and on the good, ..nd tendeth raj.n ~ the just and an t.he un.jwrt..• For it :fou l:JYe them which love you, lllhat ~rd have J11t? do not W«l ._ ~ lj,c~W~a the aa.:De7 And it ye •l-ate yoU!" bJ•etlhren on­ly, lllhat do ye more th.C1 ot.hera7 do not eTen the publlcane so? Be :re therefore per-teet, .,ren ae )'OUr Father ll'h.1ch 111 in he&~ 1e perfect."

Becauee we belieYe theae words are e.g t.r\ae t.oday &II t.hey were 00 the cay they 'W82"e !i.riJt apolicen

1 'W8

are paci N.ate. -~nry ldttJ.e

Eli zabet.h l-ittle

To the Editcr:-l'ur la!->ele:l c:1. tizens .!-.ave beer.. gl_ven edi­

t:lri&l la t1 tude t.o .fill the news columns of your ,?&per 11'1t.h cpinicnat.ed :rer.-.arks on national and in­;ernational affaire, particularly the "draft bill"• ,.J-.ese arnate~ ccl~iats ha·.re arrived at conclusions widely diver~ent from tt.oae ot authoritati,~ welL­informed sources. I enclose the columns of t~ well­known ecl·J.~.nists of the Viaahir.gtor: POST for· Friday Au~ul!lt 9 J Ea:-lan l:.tller and ?;estbrcck Pep-ler. N~ ~.ateura t: ese, but men o£ proven patriotia.,journa­li~tic integ~ity, and uncen~ored expression not ~e:-:1:-eors e! a sedentary ~All-t~wn intellige~tsia w~ese JJ!'-.ysieal development !':as lagged so far beh.1nd tr.e!r pcl1 tical and r.tental growth· that ,,ver ninety percent 11f0·.lld oe rejected for any aetual oo:r,bat duty in defenee of our homeland.

Liberty, hnwever corr:parative variably by the coordination' bleod. !t w~ll be maint.ainec:!. :t ill net a gift or herit.a~re. !"'"JBt re sr.a~d.

has been gained in­of lofty ideals and in the s1~me manner. In a democracy, it

''.!-.l'r civ-Uizaticns ~'>.ave failed• its citi­zt-ns PTe.,. t• •c :sleek, t.t;,o ::at., t.o·o a.rraJ.d, and t.oo in<>ft to figr.t. They !-.ired mercen&r1t•e

1 men ot

acLrr. tc do theri d.irty work. They deprecated p!-.ysi cal atil.i ty, eeupt as spectators. Tht!Y made countless ether mistAkes, chiefly th<>se of inacti­vity t:r<:'crastination. Fa:rbarian t!..ger·s deTOured tr.e:;,-- hu~ry t!•ers. S.e any history textboc'k• t.J-.~ lc!'t;r ide&liats, who have !llflna2 ed to sub­•"e t:.eir na~lJral earr.petit.ive instirlcts ie.ware or D·elievin~ t!-.a~ t~e worJ.d at lar!le 111111 lel•ve them t~is &l'lo8eeti" etic i..'t.op1a, or that Naturt" s pl.&~! any­w .. ere ra ... ors t.r.e surnval or the weak lind ill-defend­c:d..

':'l-;e r.e'llfs ccl\L~II of a r.ewspaper are no place tor ~uc~. cc:-.-,er.ts, evun mine. Ia there ll.l\Y news in ,ree:-.t-e1:,cr ar" all our reporte editors and column­ists a~ hea.rt?

Yl'illiar.: P.. ~et-lett

.,,e U:c.•Y. ::.e li:·erty of condensing Ule t·wo eolumna en-::lcse:l ty J, r. l•ePJ.ett.

·•·es•.t:ro(':.: rer,ler writin~r in the l•aeringtor. r'ost, of A'...lf""Ht 9tl':, en U:e question o£ conscripting wealtr., ~·ain•.ll.!::~d that once the wealth of a nation was· ccnscri?ted tloere would be werth tight.­ir.p fer, s1r.ce all totalita:-iar: governn-.,!nts have cc- nscri;>'~e-:l '~~'<~'&l ~r. since t.l':eir beginninas resulting i~ ""e d' r r "' ' ., ~.. .sar-;:>earance o all personal liberties. only ty -...r.r~atr1cted freedo!!: to .fight for and to ac:.;·.;.i re wealtr. eculu the per5enal lit-er·ties or ~he !.r.di vid'J.&l ~·e !"l&intained.

Harl&:-, l.'.iller 1n t.he 5&l:'.e paper and day mused tr:a~ so:-:., of t.J-.c se agairlst conscription i;n the con­li'Tess we:-e ";Jhc:-.eys- upstarts, second ratere,,ignor­a:::-.'...lses,, nitwj.ta, du.'lderheade

1 ·~r worse."

-~.e Editor

c:r.::::. SERVICE EWJ!NATI~S ---The '}r.i ted St.& tea Ci vU Service C«r..r.111tsiz haa &n:-.ol.Jnced ope1 cr..MpetitiYe eXBl!\i.nations tor ·t.he ~ sitione listed bel~

Inspector, ;:>cwder and explosives, 12,300 11 year; al:n seni ::>r,. S.2,b00 a year; associate $2 000 a year i and jur. b r ~ 1-6.0!0 a year. " ·'

Inspector, ahip eanstruetion, &leo ew.or in­spector, $2,,:00 and 1.2,600 a year reap.lC'~i'V'fllyo O~ticnal branches are hulls, mechanical, e1.\!c1~r'ical, a.., j ra d! o • J'.Jn 1 or inspect or 1 engineering aa t•sr1.ala ~1,1).20 a Je'l.r. E...,.:.lo)'llent 1:1 these posi't~cJOs is ~ the ~:avy :Ppart.oent. tor duty in the t1eld wherever a:Digne:i.

full 1.'1 r~ t ion concern 1ng requiraDent.e1 l~or the eD.r".inatisma may be obtained ~ the United States Ci Yt 1 Service Comr.d.ssion, Washingt...,n, D. c.

Parents o!" chll:irwl who are in the blind &l._ r.­~ded to be rresent 'tdftorraw night, ytida7

1 August

lo, at t.'Jt" Elll!!;r School A.uditoriwa at 8 P.M. A.n orpruu.t.1onal meet1fli 111'.1.1.:1~ be held lind a parents' ':>oard el~ted. S4!V•,!l"&l other illrl:lOI"tclt IIAttere 11':1.11 be diacuaect.

Community Health S. R. Berenberg,· K.D., Director IEPAR'DIENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH

-Part 2-

The child ttwho will not eat" ia the victim of parental overconcern. Not the child, but the Jl81'­enta are the p:roble of pb;yaiciana. FOr the de-. velopDent of nozoma1 eating habita can be obtained Cllll7 by re-eduoating the parents. Not until the anxioua mother aDd !ather loam to oonceaJ. ~ interest in the ch:Ud• a food and manner of eat~ can the ch:Ud transfer his attention from the tun ot IDollllipulating his parents to the pleasures ot eating. The parenta IIIWit GUI"Oiee enough w1ll power ~o. place food before their youngster aDd make no COJIIIIe:ilt if the food ia not touohed or the ch:Ud canplaina. No one ahoulc:t betloq,,' if the child pouta and re­~es to eat tor a :t.w days. For as aoon as tbe ch:Ud ia cominced that he ia not the center ot at­tention a.ncl can not h:!.a pUente to put on' a vaudev1lle p.srformance at meal timea, he will aCfr. just himself to the new condi tiona a.ncl begin to .X.. plore the poaaibUi t.ies ot winning tam:117 app1'09'8l by eating wtat ia gi'Yen !rlm. It takes great will. POifeJ" tar parents to make such a change in their at­t.i tude but they will. be ampq repaid tor their ~ · nese if they perai~.

Scaet~a a pampered ch:Ud mo. has reigned as "Autocrat ot the Breakfast Table" and other meal. per'ioda, can onl;y be helped by complete separation rrom hia parents .tar an interval.. In a new environ­ment, treed trom the ps;ychologicall;y unwholesome at­mosphere of the home, the child reacts more quie~ to new tood habits. And the parents are often able after a separation, during ~ich the;y have been re­lieved from atrain, to adopt a· CO""l'eot attitude to the chlld when he returna. · Unless the parents have. been r«Htducated during the separation the child Will ~diately :relapae into the old bad habits.

'!'he average parent is not able to arrange such separations and most condi tiona can be remedied at home i! the parents can control their own ~ tions. It is not easy !or the parents to break their Cllll'l habits without backsliding. ·sometimes the child, reeling indignant at being suddenl;r ignored at the table, will indulge in a few tantrums before he resigns himself to the new wa;y ot lite • But parents muat gather up the broken di.shea or disre­gard the tears with an outward appearance of calm­neaa. Such scenes oi'ten cl:lmax the last phaee of resistance to change and parenta IIIWit steel t.h-­selves tar this .t.lnal test. Hardest of all tar most parenta is to reaist the tenptation to teed the child betften meals. Such action proves to the child that he ia stUl maater o! the .tami.q.

Parents can Oftl'CCIID8 the problem· ot chlldren "who 1li U not •t•" Bllt it would be eaaier for them to heed the physician' a advice and not create auoh

prob~em" ror thDmsA]'WftJ!•. ------ _ ----·······---·--;~

Mr. and lA'rs. Eernard Jo Bordenet of 1 D Gardenway are the proud parents o:f a baby boy born at 4r45 Pol'., Aup,ust 7, at t.he Greenbelt Hospital.

------llr. and Mrs. Allan s. Arness announce the birth

or a eon, Frank Forest, born August 3 in Petersburg Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia. '

CIVIL SERVICE- COl.':MISSlUN PRESS RELEASE ...,_.,_ __ _ The United States Civil Service Gornrr.ission has

made the !ollo'fdng statement of general con­cerning the administration of the Hatch Act, aP­prove?- July 191 1940. This act was designed to pre­vent pernicious political activity by officers or employees of State or local agencies whose principal em.,loyment is in connection With activities financed in whole or in p~ by loana or grants made by the Uni~ed States or by ~ Federal agency.

l. Those acts which clearly .fall w1 thin tn•­category or 'pernicious political actiVit.;(' will be prosecuted by the Commission. This Will mean that there will be at all times a reasonable relationship between the offenses prosecuted ~J the Commission's starr, and the only penalty which the Commission can impose, namely, that or removal from office as pre-scribed by the law itsel:f. '

112• The Commission will also administer the law

in such a manner as to protect fully the civil rights cf the employees subject to its proVisions. In this connection, the Commission Will distinguish between P~ticipation in the discussions of issues o£ broad social, economic or general public charac­ter on the one hand and partisan political issues on the other hand. The Commission believes that the primary objective of the legislation is to prevent partisan political activity in connection with the conduct of political campaigns. The Commission's administration of the law will conform to this ob­jective."

The Poet Scorner

There was a ;young fellow named Chaz Whose favorite pastime was razz

But no one shoul.d gripe At the two-peney triPe

It's all the auwsement Chaz has.

-Hi:a best 1"riend am severest critic

Page 3: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land

SUKUER SCHEil.JLE ~ .. Wednes~r, Fri- -9a00 A.lf. t.o l2s00 nooa

- 7a00 P.lf. t.o 9a00 P.~. Tueday, Thvsda:,. - 9s00 A.lf. t.o 12a00 DOOn

- lsOO P.lf. to SiOO P.M. Satur~ - 9a00 A.lf.. t.o l2s00 noon

Among the recent books placed on the library shelves is a _set ()f Public Papers and Addresses by Franklin n. Roose,relt. These volumes contain Presi­dent Roosevelt's public papers and addresses fran 1928 {hls speech <)f acceptance or the nomination tor goven1or of New Y<)rk) to January, 1937• The papers and apeecnes are ll.r!lpl:lfi.ed by annotations supplied by President Roos•JVelt. Contentsa Volume onelJ 'nle Genesis ot the Ne~' Deal, 192B-l932J Volume two, The Year ot :risis, 19JJJ Volume three, The Advances ot Recovery and Refol:nl, 1934J Volume four, The Court Disapproves., l9J5JI Volume five, The People ApprOY8• 19)6.

The following quot.ation is taken 1'rom Clitton Fadiman' s review of the Franklin D. Roosevelt's Public Papers and Addresses for the New York Times.

"The volumes cnn stand canparison with the lAbors or professional lt'riters in more respects than mere quantity. For felf of our statesmen have produced papers or such sunt.ained readabill ty. It is not m~rely in voice and in lli!U'Uler of delivery that the President is eloquent. He is master of c. 1->rilliant­ly effective orat.•:rical style. •. • At no point• so far ais this reviewer has been able to tind, has the President yielded to the temptation to remove any paper, or address or statement that has proved em­barrassing in the' light or subsequent events or in­ccmaistent with h~Ls present views."

--Reba s. Harris.


Two bed lampsJ, bearing the inscription "Mother's Club", .are instlalled in the Greenbelt Hoepital. this weak.

The money tor the lamps w.s appropriated by the llother1 s Club at one ot their last meetings before tha IIUIIIJIBr vacat:Lon.

An adJustable hospUal. bed 11&8 recently donated t.o the Greenbelt Hospital by Mr. and lira. Raymond J. Clarinval of 5-E :Ridge Road, relatives of Joseph C. Tunney, in apprec~lation or the care glven him by the hospital starr during his last illness.

~~•de now tor a :Mew W1ll;ys or a guaranteed uaed car I n.Brown.:!..•' .... Be~1 and Co1e Motor Co. . .e.G Mar7l.and A·,..~·nul!! Hyattsville. Warfield 3650



Farm Bureau Cooperative lnsur·ance Companies


7-A Parkwaty Greenbelt 5512


Wholes:ale Fruita alld Vegetables

1211- 1-213- Maine Ave. S. W. 'Washington D. C.

Natic>nal1125- 6 • 7 .. 8--9

Supplilers to your Food Store

A.llalua'• c; ..... Wt reprueatatiYelet ., ...

JW lilu ud IDODeJ OD .. Gel ud laoaiery far ... ..........

I District 6313 f1Cn .. llt4m -

- &tta4.,.. .__ ·~·ant• .... - .. ,'IIIIIIAJ.

The youngster enjoying his rawrite sport is Josq::•h, Jr., one of the tx-;ys who ft-equentl.y goes to Glreenbel t Lake to 1'1sh.

/lliiOng the varioue fi!h that _,- be ca~ht are bas:1, ;yel.l.ow perch anj crappies.

StiCcess and satisfaction ".aw been ind.icatecl 10,. t.he reports in the office that there are ~ :retur-n rtiJits.

A!"ter nP.a rly tl'l--, mnnti" 1 ~ vacation the BettEtr Buyer leltlders ce11vened '!'"r.ursday,. AUf:'U.St 8, t.o fo:rnr­•J.late' J:·lans for the ccr..inR year. The Jr.eetine was held at the home of Mrs. Clirl Jernberg, the new o:lub chairnran, J.!rs. Henry w.. Brautigan 1 presir!ing.

The leaders preeent aJ..-parently st1.mulated by tl"1e SUI:IIIEtr rest were full of vieor, ent.husiasn and new :ldea:1 for the ~ing year. If the program suggest­•!!d at the meetine is carried O"IJt, Greenbelt is in for ~1cne interest:!r.g adve:r:tures both social. and in­fonnati-.e.

However, the club 1 s first task is to re-organ:i.ze :l ts ~<;roups and perhaps start some ne•.- ones. A m­bership dri v<> W"i 11 so'Jfl be under way ll"' Mrfl• 1;hl!lrles F.. ~l,.u--h ~,..!"V'l :--:~ ~t:'" ,... .... r.bersh!p chairman •

--~-- -·--- ~--------..... bat a Lifto·'', ~-rv::~rca.(!!l ~r.E:ater's current fCTC­

ductior., c ;" l'ci,cta:; fer a t,ro Yfeeks run at tt.e r·ailfy Crof::.;I-ca.~;s '; ir, \"irRinia. Phyllis i".a.t"TlE·r of ·Jreer.telt. ;..lays U.e fe~rir.ine lead in the ,,cpular ccr.ed;, c f scr.ccl lif"e.

'ricke1 ~ rr.ay l e sec1•red at the deer fer 65 centf;.


Try Our Crab Feast - Only 35c Every Friday Night





E3 CJ E3 ,,v 1-J J -r E J',J.-!-\N 68 HILLSIDE - GREENBELT 2791


CoM>er 131io ErG Sn. No'-1 3223

It' 1 New . . • It's Delicious

cne of the participants in the Cooperat.or' s synr­p'>siwn on the oonscription bill reminded. us that during the l'lst war the so-called conscientious ob­je ctors "~Were called "slackers •"

There were a great. many names called during the last war. The Congressmen who voted against our 81)­

tering into the war were abused with a vengeance• although no one now questions t.he conscientiousness of their objections. They have even CCIII8 to be known as heroes.

The fact of the natter is that there are 11BD7 sincerely conscientious objectors. Oi"ten they · are braver than the bravest sol!21ers, racing calml.y not only the invective and scom ot their· selt-right.eous fellowmen, but actual warfare (in amb~ce corps and in h\D'IIBJlit.arian work). The most noted groups of object.ors are the Quakers, llho. are not.~ for their steadfastness, their levelheadedness, &,d their bravery. Their work in relieving distress in Worl'i War-torn Europe is recognized as being miracu­lous, and now they are among the first to show prac­tical concern for the piteous souls made unsheltered and unfed by the present confiict.

Whatever may be our opinion about conscription, and whatever may be the demands our laws make upon our fellow citizens, let us not express 011r opinions by name-calling, and let us not add t.o the burden o£ grief caused by this confiict~ our Olin intolerance for other's beliefs. We rray !'eel forced to demand ot certain or our citizens a rom o-L service con­demned by their fait.h, against the performing ot which their entire beings rebel. But if we fee:! forced to make such demands, we should also feel r~ these unfortunate citizens1 not contempt• but t:a. profoundest sympathy. -HO'Itard c. Custer.


A number or have been moved !'rom the Department ot Agriculture buildiJJg in Washington to the Beltsrtlle Eltperilllmtal. Farms. Thie change adds 500 employees to the Beltsv11le personnel. Housing is a problem for :these people. JI8DIY or whom have ~ pressed desire to bu1l.d haDes in Oreenbel.t. A cca­lli.t.tee !rem the Bel.tsv1lle group wUl. •et with the Greenbelt Rousing Ccmaittee t.o discuss possibillt.i.ea ot joint plans for the t""o groups.

Town llanager Roy s. Braden and Town Engineer Harvey L. Vincent, have discussed the problem at two meetings called in washingtcn by representatives or t.he Nat.ioral Agricultura1 Research Callnittee.


Parents o:f children who are in the band are re­minded to be present tomorrow ·night, Friday1 August 16, at the t.lementary School at 8 P.M. ~ organiza­tional meeting will be held and a parent 1 s board elected. Several other important matters will be discussed.

The tbllowing peop1e have mo'98d 1'rall Greenbeltt Margaret Lauterborn 8 II' Parlaray Road Harold 'Eddina 2 B Ridge Road

The Cooperator wishes th-. luck and happiness in their homes.

'1'heo Cooperator welccmes t.o Greenbelt Kr. & Vrs. Glen Wilbur llho have mved into the apartment at 40 E crescent Road.

Sea Food Store as :Modern as Greenbelt

No. 3~Municipal"Fish Market Washington.D. c ..

Tel. District 6731 - 2 - 3 - 4


Saib, plain dreaea ud coab, cleaaecl 1: praaed 40c AD Work FaDy lanred

Bei'WJD Md. Benr,s 518


Crushed Ralll!lerries in Tempting

Vanilla Ice Cream


.. · ~ .

Page 4: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land


:.COME.a TO THE J:. t1-1t FAIR!!

by .J. P. •.tur ray -------To keep the genPral Pl.lblie infonaed •• t.o the

progress beini made by the Gre1mhftl. t P1tJr Colll:rd. tt.e'} an:! its sub-colllllitteea thi.e OOllJI:In 1rll.l be an &d.le:j weekly ~eature of the THE FACTSt The Hanet Greet belt Town Jlhlr. The Lceat!ont

The P!l.elaent.a.ry Sc:hoc•l in Gre~nbel.t, Maryland.

't"ae Dater Septeber 5, 6, 7, 1940. (Ae a tin&le to the feet1Yit1ea a -ter caz'Tli val ia scheduled at t.he pool SeJJt.eaber S).

T~ Purpose a To 8\.IIIIU.rize the past ,..a.r, s growth and development or the t.Qrn. ';'o point 'lfith ~de to a•:tli...,..nts o~ the ftrioua clube. orpni:tationa. ch~rchea, civic e:rrt.erpr1Mat· and eiti­zena. 'to atand baclc w1. th a alight tince or juet1t' pride &nd 5&,Y ""l'hiat 1 a Greenbelt .• "

lllrector t Wallace llabee. Last- year• a extJ~avaganza r&nlrfr •-• one or the

town1s moat aucces1s.t\Jl -nmtures but jwigin.g by the

entries .fbr cant•t..a., application. tar ext-.uu. t apace, inquiriea of interested citizens .P"W'ing 1n at the present rate., the 1940 ..-Jition 'Ifill evan i"ta illuatrioua predeceaeor. .le a att~r or ~act Billy Rose and his Ne'lf York World 1 a JlaL1r Aqua,.... cade are aerioualy or at~~ing to b.1y out the loo&J. anterprJ.•e ~or ~ear UHJ oonpet.1 t.1on will be too atit.t.

lillpreaario Jlabee., aa the ~&e lllO'nrr ot t.he fea­tivitiea, could not be iJIIpr~ UJIOD. fS. h&a a cer­ CCIIlbinatioo ot the lho-.natUp o•f Sanna., the organising abiliv c~ Henr:r Jltrd, tbe per aon&lHy o~ J:l.lmv Walker and the llllllarke7 o~ Bob SW"::'aa. He ~ his :n.rioua c~ t.te.a ., l..1Jc8 de&e for no other apparent reaacm that they would hate to let hbl dolrn. It 1e a good thine he 1.wn 1 t eel ling PUller Brushes or e-ntry closet in :lree:nbel.t would be packed w.1. th thea.

lAJs Sanders, representing the AthLetic Aaeocia.­tion weighed in. with the first contest schedule. en Friday, Septeabar 6_. a IU.niature '!cabinat.ion of a track and sottball -t will be s~~~~ at the old field. On t.he card wU.l be an So :, ~:~1 tussle ~or women, a block relay te•11:1 c•Z.J.:ot~t.j tion frw distance, eto. The .Ul-::Jtar 5<>rt.b&ll :JIIIQe between BLock teaas DJE against A8: will ~ tl'le evening.

Aaron (de Mille} Chinit& ant hia 11ta~~ are al­ready busi~ grindin,g away on theiJ· canera.s chronic­ling the birth o~ th•s Fair. Jlbr the f':l.rat time t..'ley arto employing the l6Ja eamera uBing colc•r ~llm. '!'he_ improvament did not 11111an a great deal to the ?air Colllllittee which know1s litUe of' such t11.i.nga but the explanation by Waestro Chinitz brougM. forth a cheer. It eeema the 16m !'11m is projected on the ordinary size movie screen with the• caarera aubject:J, thereby improving in clarity am ah4rpr1.esa. At be:Jt the old 811111. lett to be deaired.

Aa part o~ the drum beating prcogran, it has been arranged ~or one o~ t:.he major networks. to interview one or 1110re of the j.nfiuential ci thena regarding the .tair. The aetuaJL date 1br the int.erri- 1s not de1'ini tely known but will probahly take place ahort­l:r be ~are opening day.

------------------CANNED FRIJ 1T AHD VIDE'I'ABlE cr PI '!'EST

Attention., ladieaL The canned thli t a.nd vet;e­table contest ~or t.he town th1a year ,......11 again be handled by the Better B&.lyera Club. _The in charp, cmaiatins of wra. Gl&rl:r, Hushes, Mrs. llarion Slaugtl and )f.ra. Bertha Wary-n# Will be glad to receiw &ppl1cat1ona for en'b"y. Re­•mber _. the ta1r 18 but three weeka ~,.-.

PERSONAL ADVIRTISEMENl'S Jo"or sale ? rcorr. r.cuse and ~?.&rare.. l.ct 90 b· ~:CC

feet. Avia Avenue near rire EC":se. fhc>ne !'en•::r. /1i Benson. ........ __________________________ __





-----------Even l011rer pricea on "Rivera:lde l~lera",

America•s beat low tri.ced t.i:rea. These tires amuld only be COI:lpared to other branda eell1ng ~or IIIUCb hi4ther prices. !lly a COIIIJ>letAt set or 4 tire" and tubes on Wards T1.lle ~mt l'lan, only ts.oo a 1110nth.

Say It Isn't So!!!

Ellen ltreba le !'t Greenbelt l.&l!lt Tuesday to take a National Youth Administration job in Youngstown, I:Jhi•). .A.n active JBrticipant :in productions of the :Jr•:enbel'l. r'llliYers., lb"to. "lu-ebs lived on the edge o~ town in t,h .. old 'lfaahburn houae1, which wae being con­v-..:-t.Pd into a National Youth Adm:i;:-~ietratioo project.

Gerha•·'dt Krebe, Ellen 1 a husband, will continue to t.each political science at 'lfe!'l':.ern Reserve tkliversi­._:t in Cleveland., r:Jlio.

Y AND SELL - •. .:.:..:-:::_~----;_-::-._~:.:~

1. ni,·t·r~·i•"V •



Whether it be Breakfast at 7 A. M . ,or -

Dinner at 8 P. M. or nen

Supper at Midai,ht We are happy ud ready te bn yea

VARSITY GRILL E. F. Zaleaa.k, owaer College Park

H oll'lwoo~ tlnn ·~B..Ievard r .. .aa •ri elllar,olaH llaivenitJ

COZY - • UNIQUE • - DELIGHTFUL Steak and Chicken Dinoera-65c & $1.00 Berwza: 114. Berw 3IJ


TO ME Ill ' ...

BELL and COLE MOTOR CO. 1940 WiJlys 4 Door Deluxe Sedan

$710 Delivered

{ ..

Body Work General RW:irs Painting Fender ork .

48 Maryland Ave. Hy-attsville GR.36SO -

LEHMAN'S SUPEJt SERVICE STATION . 12 th 1: K Sb., N. W. Natioaal 0241

Factory Distributor Werling· iD'e. 1: Tuhet

Aak about Lehman' a Multi-Flex lD'e. Guarauteed for 12 moatha apiut aD road hazard.. Yoa laVe. so~ OD tire colt.



BILLHIMER & PAL.NlE~, , $10.00 POWN 36 OlclamoLile 2 door aedaa $21.10 llo.

'31 PI)'JDoatJa 4· door sedan 17.&0 · '37 Ford 2 door sedan 17.60 '36 Ford 2 door tnmk aedu 16.90 '37 Ford coupe 17.10 '35 Ford 2 door aedaa 12.10'

5211 Bleck IMde iilaild Ave. . · GReeawoe4 z·t~oon S.. New C01111 Houe 0,..1:., .... a4

Page 5: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land

wr·rH THE REPS B7 John llln"l"q

"HAIL 'ltl TH! REPSKDB" W1 th apol,ogba 1'D aecrse Karahall. and hie WUbo­

inlton tootbal.l, we would like to borrow their theme and sl01an, with alllht ftrlatione, to ~ homqe 1'D the Greenbelt Repa, ••ter• ot all the7 1NJ"9'8Y an:l. Championa ot 1940 Prince Oeorpe Sottball.

On sunda;r 1h·IIIY' inftded the continea ot ~ Park 1n HyattavUle to do battle with that perenn.1al toe and bitter rift.l tor aectional honor., carr Bros. - Boawell,. 1n the decidin& ...- of the P.o.c. Toum.,.. In the put two pertCII'IIIancea at ~. the Repa had edged out the oppoeiUon b7 olDN acorea ot 2-1 and ~0 behind tbe alante .of curt. Bal"­ker and the Carr• Br'Oa.. StrateCY,.. al1 Mt to re­veree those deciaione wit..'l a plenJwd method of at,... tack. Ben Ooldtadden, 111&ete~m1..nd ot the bpe1 de­cided to upset the dope and gaw the harl.Uc ohDre to !ki<H,e Tr\mlbule; holder ot a record ot eicht wina against one def'eat tor the season.

llbr t1ve i.nJ!dnss he handcuffed th• with but cne hit, and it wasn't untU the seventh that he them to score, 1dth the Reps ooastins behind a three run a4vantage. To add to hie d.I\T 1 he gamered one ot the tin hitls allowad b;r llelaren, and eoored one ot the rune. JBenny Beale 1\lrnished the dqe bie­pet otfenl!ive :spark w1 th a two-run eoorins b1 t 1D the t1l'th 1 whll111 Blanchard and hia 2-3 pronded the 'bellti batting re'ocrd ot the tostidt1ea.

Now the Die1o:rict Tournament beco .. a tact• with the Reps listed ae an outaider and dark hol"M1 but the eeaaon baa 111lread;y w1 tneaeed the downAll. ot the area• s top te&DLs and it J1181r be the role of ~t ld.llera will tall to the Greenbelt c~ent. • Opening day ot the canpetition ie aet tor .Aqaet 171 f.ncl trom there on it ia in the lap of the lOde• we still .tisure that Detroit trip a poeeibU1t7.

em.T chard

Beale Qc.ldtaclden Balrker Ta~1or Bauer Sanches Shssner East Tr.DIIbule

B(]X SCOR! S All ti CWJ.R !llCS mi .6.1 I I 2b 3 0 2 Killer ir ) 0 0 lb 3 0 l. c. ~ •• 3 1 1 2b 2 1 0 Le JIH;y )b 3 0 1 r£ 3 0 0 Arnold r~ 3 0 0 ·~ 3 0 0 McLaren p J o 0 rf ) 0 l. Ed.Jnun1 II l.f ) 0 0 •• 3 0 0 L8w1a of 2 0 0 c 2 0 0 Harris lb 2 o 2 ct o 1 o R. FNt¥ 2b 2 0 0 p ~l!Eclwarde c 201

Total. a Rune batted in I 2 base hitr UD.pi.reer

24 3 S Totals 'S I 3' Beale 2, McL&z'en. c. Frey. IUrw1 ts and Daddaon.

* * * * Next week • s schedule 1e inde!'ini te becauae ot the

atill to be ua1ie up District Tourney ~up. The Navy Yard lll-:;tare are on the llat tor S&tur<IA3f night, but the game iAs tentatiw. ·

**** For a championship tueale 1 Sund&)-1 • pme wa.e

atl'angely qUiet. and unevent1\1l. "J&wn" lleNner .. lone drew the 1.ft"&th or the umpires with hu hecklin& ftoom the third baee coachine bax. He wae -.mad to call McLaren ~- he pleaaed, except, ot al1 thJ.n&a, llcX.Z.en.

**** Reps 0 - I.B.M. 3

S&turdaiY' s gU8 with I.B.M. ... the locale abacrbin& their tirst ehut-out of the aea.aon. Goldtadden uaed the gue ae a prepper fbr ~· o ~ale, and di'Vid.ed the pitchinl between TI'UIIbv.le and Barker. Teeple .Jarrell hurled the tint. tour tor I.s.u., anti Ebb Plaiated tiniahed ott the job• allawing but one hit, a double ~ Butc••

·•*** For the t1rat time this aeaeon the weather

stopped the tennie team. Ite scheduled •tch with Interior wa.e postponed b;r rain and will. be ~tohed aa the laat en.counter ot the aeaaon.

**** .August 17 haa been selected aa the cloeinc date

r~ entriee to the annual. Greeri>elt Tenlu TOUJ1l87• Entrance tee ia twenty-tive cente to cowr coat ot trophies. Taa poston1 at the courte1 ia accepting entnaa.


'n\e Poener twn, winners ot the .A. & w. League and conquerora or cameo, Plasa, and other top t.euul, haa been drawn b;,• the Rep• aa their tirat opponent 1D the District 1'oumament. Thia will be a aee«ld round contest., both teams having drawn tirat round b7e•· ·

aame time at Ballaaton, Virginia will be 3 P.M. Sunday, August• 18.

---------------------lmf SWIMUING CLASSES Bmll'f

The .t1nal ptriod. or ll' claaaers tor tt.e 1940 eeaeon began laet llcnday. 75 children end 20 adu.l ta enrolled for classes on regj.atration day, f"r1d.lli1, Ausu& 9th.

A Senior Ute 5a"linl claae waa aleo etarted laat ll:»nday. It will 1111110t nvy nil#lt except S&turdq and ~ at 7a30 P.!i.

A thleticC'Iub .f-lhoe'9';, auR~.'!'enfs

Last. "ee·..: '!!I u.nder li(lt\ts were p1qed aa ttehe~bl&d, ':.t.e F.a.:!jitera e.c nt.1nu.1n( thei.r ':111 t&~>'.riec ~cl~ t.C' ':.he ;:oenna:.t, ::lce.el,y trailed by the !)eueea. ':"r.e :Je·Jeee, t.o .,:'.n ~~.~ eeec:·nd t,•lf, 111\lst beat the 9a.:1vers •..c~.!;:r.~ "~ '-', cr el10e !t's t.he ';ers illl tr.e ·r · ay ! r. t r ~ • . .r;" :1. :: ~or: ~e &fN'!' •

The :X.·.!~;ers, Yrin:-.e:-:~ cr t.he firat half, have !&1-tent·:i ir. t!'-..e stret::l-., ~eillr knc-elr.e<l c!'f 1Neeeii1.Yel;y b)• •J-.e !':-r.vcs, J 1rate51 ar: ~ ::'uba. ~eek and neek w1th aeven r.ctrrif!s ~.n::i cne lc u each art' t.he Braves .and 'r:ubs. :t.' s ,. t,ct !'1~t aa \UJial in t.he ~:atio:\61 Lea.t;\1111.

J 9lo::l-. • s ctc'Jtle ;:la;.-11 against C Ucekr faney 1n­fittl.:1 play '..:ei t the -:: i•loelc boys f:rorr. rr.akin.f 1 t a ecmt.cst ••••• Slu ·rer :iier!lcl',•a perfeet five fer five, inclu1!nll' tl•·c;.r;!l a::~ a t.ripl~. V.e are atill 'ft'a.! t.!ne fc r a r.l!"t'f ~,c ~r\ll'l reecrd 1n cne r.ame, •• 1 t w! 11 t.aile tr.ree tr s< t " r.ew ntecrd. A 1938 model bat •111 te dcnat.e·rl ".,~ U'.e lJJcky lT."n ••••• ':onti.n'"-1 ;;x;st;>Onr·er.t!l cf t:~·• Es:-·::.:: .. es-I.!ad~;ers contest, with no dee!sin) yet, d•Je t.r' Ju.pi't-t!'r !luV'ius, eauain!l eunry"!s v ! r.r:ut ~r~~ Cap•n and hil!l bo)'l.. up s:-,cb Eill 'lll'l.y ••••• 'l" Jones' c! tt:e Pirates t:ri~le last- ':"h·.::s.ct._,- - 1t would have been a hoc-Atl"'m llt'Ver. !<..r bet ~ve - eharter !tember of the Pi•.o ca.r-:rier:~• :lub. 3.\.':e ~air COIIII!'.!ttee please !c·.~r c::r::.:.r.-!"l.!.:tt :-.e:reby challenges Fl~tet!oot D::i'ft and ':'W!r.f:letces tc " non-st.op race &r>::Wld t.hct ~asea (no a~e: :~tn::-.... e allc•ed frc:r. t.hir:i l;.ase eoach or 5;-~c•~atcrs, ;.·J1:·:.!:1\C'T aqua:1 to be ready at

Those bl!!!l ,-:-o cr. :b·b:; t.'tllliUIIS 1 hands are frozn tl".e !'r•Jl line tc t!'.~ n.a.,. "tll!'.p" Willir.a had\ plent.:;· of cc::-. .J"~·, be!r ... aas~awct by Bennatt Beale, Jeorge Sa,,, ':c-:-.:-:• l-rj'a.r:t ancl lled .Ulen last S&t"..l.r'-· d.a,y nhr.t.. i:lil!t.t!n were al.•o devel.cpcod by acmf! of t .. \'le spe::ta'l :·:~.

Tt'.e :::l·J~ hl~·4Jie !11 rll.~.!~~·· appTYa::hin~ OO!!pleUcn,. 1A1!1t S~tt:U"':!r:•:'!! ,,,:·r:C..:.r C'r'I'W d:1d considerable ~.&r-· jl~!f'.t:.r)' a:.1 ·, •~ter-• a~ r.ter R"d Aller &pJl1ed tho !J.rst cca":. c:: :r.ll!ie ;-.n!nt t.c t!'Je 111alllfe"•errs and spa 'fl'el·e :-,··! •y :::~t-.ult.r., !l'erf')'t'lan a:-:d ~:eblet~ ••

,!1::-:: -:""!::· ?J.!"P. ct'lu~'7-:'£~

Les Sa:de :-s, ~~~ .i&:! n :"l:i ebett.e>d by ':'un1er, ?raoley, ta·a.u, i-'.eA:·.y a;-,:1 'Ji;;.?c:-, :.a\1'8 planned a bang-:.1p pro·· @:J"ar:t !c T F:r:.1ny :-.!..::-.t, Sep'tAI!i:l er b. F'cllowing t.h1! r~1le,y race:~,· .fun-::;r!.r.r &r.1 throwing contests, U'eTI!

1111.11 t:e ar. s.<· !tt.all ~&ml' with the but of Blocks 1., ;. ar.:! C pi~tf'.j a.ya1nst U.e ~L·ht of n, 1:: and J. 1'or~ 1et.&il:t r.f"xt week. !>'m.bers having 1n-­t4tr~&t.tnr: ".,ea..-. c r actic n ph.:lt.os aui table for franin.~ &J•e req'.l4!'st.e1 tc turn t.'"lese 1n to the COI!II',it.tee. It. h pla.rr~ed to ~~~;lAy t!',ese and all clut) trcphie11 at. tl~e fair.

Just a few ncr·e ~reef:s ef a\li!, bOys, SC' lt!t 1s r,tet out 11:-~ tc·.lJ"her '.lp fer winter. '!'t.ere' a plenty t..n be ~one /1.!!1-:e frte!". scft.ball, t.oo, a:~ our eluhhcua" 1:J" c:~.ylet!J'n, an:! •• r.~ted all t.he help we er*"! het. 7t;e fall 5! .. ·:1:! find us er;,;:oyi~ Sl'ltr.c 1n­d•,or a;x:rte 11s '~~~"ell- che::l<era, cr1b'r-.age,•md wha·t. do ;yr.u want"!

WOMENS' SOFTBALL LKAGUB In t.he gU~ee pl.t&;yed l.a•t Tuesday, ~uguat tt, t.he

Do¥•' a dro~ t.heu· firet. cant.eltt ot the Mcond r"o.and,. bow1.n.g t.o tbe Olsen' • b7 a 6 to 5 SOON• Thie wa• the tiret viet.or,y !or the Ol.a.,•e. In t.he aeeond liP ... Ute High Sc.hool girle de!eat.ed the Sulaone' •· ~ ntureda7, Au~rurt S, two aore pmee were pla, ...

eel, the Saneane'• de:~e&tiJ'll t.he OlMD'a 1) to 3 ud t.he Dcwe • • t.M.k1.n8' High School girls b7 an B to 6 aeon.

l!!!!lll Daft'. Scaane•a Hich School O·l.een' •

TlW& 5 TAJIDDIG. '!!!l 1&2!1

) 1 J 1 2 2 1 J

Wc:J.I»P S BCJr .... DGO NEE'I'lNO

A aeet1n~; or t.he Women I. Bowline League wi..U be held U'.i.lll :F'r1da;r, "'"'£UIIt 16, 1940 at 8 in the Social Ro~ of t.he !·c.'1ool. nw formation or tema ond IU"rarl+::'-' o! a schedule w1l.l be t.he l>'.aain.eal!l o!' the

~re. J. ~,, pr~s!.1ent or the Women's ~li.l"lg ~. will preside•, and in<rit.ea e..-ery woman l>:nrler to att,nd. AU womem i.ntendinc to bowl this ye!LZ' :should '1r'tng ~~~ ~ll&r, 'llhieh 11111 be uaed as a l!'ort:'e1t fee.

'!blare ha~ 'beoen 1:.en l to 0 paee 1n the '-rlcan :r..eec- t.h1• ,......:-.

' Shamrocks Beat Packard

and Arcade. Pontiac Scores: 9-4 and 3-2

The Qreenbel t ~clcta aoond another .double dctol')" the paet WMDnd, when thq trounoecl the Paokii.Z"cl )llc)tora of Wuhinston and noHd out tbe .Ar­oad.e Pontiac Nine. Theee tri...aphe were !NIIbere 17 and. 18 1n 22 pmea tor the local nine, a re~ that all the baseball ftlna of Ql:'eenbelt ehould be proud ot, cone:l.deriftl that this ia the tirat ~ar. ~ 10 to Orltt1th Stad1UII 11hen you oan aee a better pme at hc:.a.

on saturday, behind tbe 6 h1.t !lwliDI · ot ~· Boga, wbo atruck out "1x Uld wllced DA1'7 a -.n, the looela paabed aoroea 2 l"lme 1n the t1rlrt, 4 1n the ts.tth, and ) 1n the ..-..nth, to ooaat to an e&8T 9 to 4 dctol7• 1lu'1nak 1 t.l..uiQ- shortstop, api..'l paoec1 the ~eke attack, for a triple and two ainclea 1D · tin triptl to the plata• 1lh1l.e 'l'holipaon'• 2 tor 3 and Jloore•• 2 tor ·3 helped a poeat deal to pueh aoroea thoee aeeded .zouna.

8\mdq the SMmrooka •t a team ot sterner etutt 1 1Nt with Rol.oohwoat hwlinl hie beet ,.. ot the aeaeon, the looala ecored one 1ft the third, end 2 1D tbe eewnth, to equeese out a 3 to 2 win over Arcade Pontiac." the tiret 13 ..n to taoe him, Holoohwoet had the n.itor• eatin1 out ot hie hand aa he UJii.ted them to four hU. while etr11c:1ns out nine. Twice he pulled out of t11Jlt epote b;r 11hit­.t1nc the batter tor the third out. 'l'he Shamrocks alao ~ onl,y tour h1.te, but 3 were tor extra baaea, Therill for a haaerun and .AndrW!i a double a'ld a tour-baspr. Cain• Dlni'Comer to the l.o­oala, 1ot thl only other hit for the lOcale.

ARCA!Z ~ flunki• 3b Laah;r. ,.

B(]l SCCJII All I ll llB1ijlijN'Rgi,T ~ M

4 0 0 .Andrua cf 4 3 1 1 Bogse lt 4 4 0 0 Raaao lb 4 4 0 0 'l'berrell 3b 3 2 0 1 C&1ft •• 2 4 1 . 1 Zerwick rf 3 4 0 1 Oellasher 2b 3 3 0 0 Todd c 3

11h•tley p Karlen lb Cater l.t 11'.1lloqhby c Johnson 2b Barry ct Deanra rt Tot.ale

-' 2 2 Holoehwoet p -l 32 2 4 29

Arcade 000 001 001 - 2 Qreenbelt 001 000 20E- 3

R H l 2 0 0 0 0 1 ·1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 4

Two baH hite-Andrwt· Rcae :run.a-.Andrua-Therrell Stolen baaea-ZerwJ.ok. Saoritioe., C.:ln. Base on balls ott-Ho1ochwoet 4• StNak out, by Wheatley 9, Ho1oohwoat 9· Umpirea-lllen and Html'J'•


Plan£ ~ 61 R B. lsh Moore 11 4S 10 20 ·444 Therrell 14 46 9 20 ·4.34 Thampaaa 18 60 18 26 ·433 Mullen 10 23 4 9 ·390 Bose• 20 71 17 29 .7/6 Uhr1.bek 19 7) 20 'Z7 ·369 lleDanald 20 76 20 24 ·315 Ruaao 12 39 7 ll .282 Holoebwoltt 17 57 10 16 .280 Andrua 20 66 l.S 18 o'Z72. Todd 16 46 9 10 .217 ReenicJq s 10 2 2 .200 Gallalher s 7 0 0 .ooo'

Swim Meet and Pageant to Close Town Fair

A watez: Pageant, with a larp cast of men, wc:aen• end children, will concl.ude the wwn fair and also the aw1Jia1ng season tor 1940. The Pageant w1l1 be on Sundq 1 September 8, the time depending upon the weattwr.

Qood d1 vera will. be needed tor the pageant. aa ...U aa other n1J1ID1ng acta. ~ one interested plMae contact Doria Dmgan o~ the Recreation~ partunt or leave their name 1 telephone number and wtw.t they can do with the attendant at the pool.

A tiDal lleet will be held during t.he week ot the l'air. There ,....ll be rtenta for •n, .-n, boTe, and g1rla ot all claaeea ot arilllnera. lledala' will be awarded tor each even~ and a ~ tor the winners ot each claae. A list ot the events will be published later. The children of the town will be linn an opport;\Ulit7 to practice tor the eftntl!l in the 1110rn1nge during the laet week ot Aus­uat and the first in September. 'n\ey will have in­atruction 1n racing etarts, 'blrne, aprinti.n&, etc. ----------·----------

Sunday School Softball League only one game was played the past week, the Jit.­

t.erbugs taking the measure ot L.D.s • ., 15-10. Set-.arfer pitched well for the winners with Eebbaugh at bat.

Moat or the second hal~ games haw been postponed beceuae of rain, hot weather, and ot.he:l" reasons. A record 1e being kept or 1hese post.ponement.e and 1.t ia hoped that acme ot the ga.EJ can be pl~ed on week days at 6s00 P.l'. Field and eqW.paent &rr&lll­ll*tts IDUI!It be made with e11her Yr.·. Holochwoet or Jlr'. Goldtadden. Teem captains are requested to no­ti.t) S• Cregger, 6-R, 1.-1 order to receive caaplet.e coverage ot postponed gamea.



1 l.. 1 0 0 0

Aeeoapan;y the Repe to Ball.etou thi.s sunday

LCST 0 0 0 1 2 0

Page 6: iREENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · t.o become monotonous) to prO' services such as tuel and cleaning materials to its membersJ and to operate under a system of land


G·reenHlt Golf Tournament To Be Held Sunday

The. Thil·cl Annual 'Jreenbelt Go, f Tournament, StJOn­sored by the GreenbE'lt Atl:lctie Club, will be held Sunday, August 25, 1940 at 1.2s . .30 P.!!. '\t the A.nac<:J:t­tia Golf Course. There will ~ t.hree prhetu Low net, low f:ross, and kicker 1 s har.d1 cap.

It is E1Xpected that both or last year•a yri:.e .-:!.,... ners, Jot:.n Andestead and L:&rvin 'k>(aey, "!ll t>tr en hand to def•md their laurels.

If you wish to plfY ~ the t.e •rr ·..:~ent cr de:sire f•.1rther infonnat.icn, call James Johnet.o ne, 1r~en~l t 3777, or !.'arlin ?;ofsey, Grf:enbelt 2671.

----------Jo~ lt~ltchinga, rookie Cincinnati pitcher, has

a screwball that comparee with that thrown by K1.n& Carl Hub~l.l .ot the New Yo.1'k Oiante.

ATTENTION BOWLERS 'n\ere 'lrl.ll be a.n i.Japort.ltt ... t~ng or the Qreen­

t•lt i>.lclcpin 3owl!..n~: l.e&&\111 on Tu.easday e'nmin£,1 Auc­~Met 271 lW.O,. •t d P.M. 1n Sc)c1al Roam of ttw "c:hool.

All those dU1.T')'..Ia or Jo1ninl t.h.e le&gld< thia year are ID"pd to atw.nd, u pla.y will atart &bout t.ha lSt.h of September. ~ wishing to &"''tf'r aa a t.ean ahoulr1 or' prior to the l!lll'etinc• lntol'lll&­t1on .r< t.he lea.r.ut be!ore the -~tine -.y be obt.e1ne1 !"rom th~ of !'1.cers or the l•cue• They are F'Nnlc, 19-P htc1r.e RoM, !!'hone 4b86J Uoyd. lil&cben, l~f hiri.t;e :".<>a1J and Bucltc Wil.Uama, 4.2-A r.:rea-:ent Ho&1.

.J1.:.11zcy' Phelan, 'lllulhl.r~ footb&l.l eoecb,. tears 'tJw Ol"epl State &Tid el&llb Uds taU 110re thlln he doee the __.. wit.b W1nneaot& and Southam cal.



The tol.lowing are the scores po1$ted by contes-t.anta 1n the J~ Archery Tournament.

!Irs. Boggs - - - 3633 Mrs. Underwood - - 3550 lire. WUliams .:. - 3053 lira. UcWUllams· - 2245 lira. Neblett. ~ - 2271 llrs. Abrahims - - 2040

Another tournament will be conducted in August in preparation for the big tournament in September.

There are no major chana;es in tJle rootbal.1 ru1~s this year,. aimpl.y cl.ari.f'ying such minor issues as length or cleats, protection for the kicker Clll a quick Ieick and protection for the passer.


' • All 1940 Merchandise- - - - Priced 1 .. o Close Out

Children's Farmerettes

Reduced from

59¢ to 45•

Sizes 8 to 14


Sheer Dresses

]Reduced from 59~ to 45~

Sizes 2to 6

Ne llefuda-

Men's Sport Shirts Solid Colors

Reduced from 49t to 35t

Small - Medium .. Large

Boys' Polo Shirts Stripes aod Solid Colora

Reduced from 49t to 35~

Si:z.H 6 to 12

And at the Fountain __

Children's Twill Shorts

Reduced from

Sizes 8 to 12

Best Buys in Co-op Merchandise

Ask for

Co-op Tissues

500-23¢ 200-10¢

Co-op Sanitary Napkins Absorbent Safe

Package of 12- I 7¢

Enjoy Those Cooling Summer Drinks

Lunches & Dinners Served At Popular Prices

Lunches 3~ .. • Dinners 45~

Shop io Comfon! You.r Variety StCJ•re - NOW Air-Conditioned
