IPP for CUC CNMI/USA Modern Independent Energy Plant in the CNMI, an Overseas US Territory

Initiation, Development, Investment, Creation Operation of a Modern Independent Energy Plant in the CNMI, an Overseas US Territory Independent Power Producer for CUC CNMI /USA (MS1-2: IPP for CUC CNMI /USA ) Projects under the common title «Distributed Energy» 4I’s-CNMI, LLC


Company’s main activities: initiation, investment, development, formation and operation of modern, autonomous independent power generating complexes on the Pacific islands and later in the Russian Federation. The model will be built on the concept of distributed energy (DE), where DE = RES + LNG + H2. DE, RES, LNG, LNG TEU ISO, LNG FSRU, Mini LNG (tankers, ports and vessels) Victor Popolitov - Founder, President, [email protected],http://www.4is-cnmi.com

Transcript of IPP for CUC CNMI/USA Modern Independent Energy Plant in the CNMI, an Overseas US Territory

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Initiation, Development, Investment, Creation

Operation of a Modern Independent Energy Plant in the CNMI, an Overseas US Territory

Independent Power Producer for CUC CNMI /USA

(MS1-2: IPP for CUC CNMI /USA )

Projects under the common title «Distributed Energy»


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Tokyo 3249.2 km

Vladivostok 3380.5 km

Manila 2656.5 km

Honolulu 7450.1 km

San-Francisco 9150.4 km

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The Pacific Ocean islands have common problems. The majority of them are significantly worse compare to the same problems of the mainland. The following problems are:

!!High energy cost caused by overpriced mineral energy (diesel, fuel oil, etc..) compare to continental prices for the same type of mineral energy;

!!Extremely high fuel and lubricants cost for vehicles and transportation;

!!Water deficiency and its high cost (no grants are available); !!As a result, there are many incentives and grants available that don’t

get used over a long period of time. Local companies have difficulties doing business on islands and at the same time they are limited to the outside markets to sell their good/services;

!!The above problems have a negative influence on locals. The majority of population lives on welfare and relies on social programs, which designed to promote the basic physical and material well-being of people in need.

ENERGY COST 0.35 – 0.55 $/kwh, GAS/DIESEL COST 5 – 6 $/bbl, !"! 36 – 43 $/MMBTU

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4I’s-CNMI has a great opportunity to reduce the amount of problems on the island by using its founders’ knowledge, experience, and resources to leverage new technologies and climatic features to provide opportunities for using relatively inexpensive and eco-friendly mineral/energy resources - natural gas (shale, methane etc.)

Gas Cost 4 – 15 $/MMBTU, Where the first number is the wholesale cost of 1

MMBTU in the USA and the last number is the wholesale cost for 1 MMBTU for one of the biggest consumer

nearby - Japan

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Currently, the Pacific islands do not use natural gas (NG) due to lack of a port infrastructures, which would allow receiving of tankers with compressed natural gas (CNG) of amounts between 35 and 265 thousand cubic meters at the same time.

4I’s-CNMI has ready solutions for NG delivery to the Pacific islands, including delivery of NG to an

individual homeowner.

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4I’s-CNMI has the technical know-how and the political wherewithal to become a winner of an RFP which is expected in 2013. This proposal will lead to a 20-25 year PPA with a local utility company in the CNMI - The Commonwealth Utility Corporation (CUC).

In this case

People, businesses, companies (private or governmental) of the CNMI will be able to receive power and eco-friendly fuels by paying less, which would significantly improve people’s lives, business and social situation on the island.

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4I’s-CNMI creates a power plant in the CNMI, which will utilize all the best local natural resources, combined with new technologies and economical solutions: !!The “goldmine” of the Northern Mariana islands is the constant eastern trade

winds, discovered in 1521 by Magellan; !!Increased solar radiation due to being located in the tropic zone.

These natural gifts will provide 50-60% of the electricity STRUCTURE RES:

"!10-12 ct. wind turbines with the total capacity of 30 MW; "!Solar PV panels with the total capacity of 10 MW.

Gas technologies will provide 40-50% of electricity, including: "!Gas turbines, fuel cells and/or a combination of gas turbines with fuel cells

with the total capacity of 25 MW.

Fuel cell technologies will allow the use of hydrogen produced using excess energy during periods of above year average wind speeds . This will be cost-

beneficial and prevent price volatility for LNG.

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RES: Wind Turbines and Solar PV

Gas Turbines and Fuel Cells

CUC, the CNMI Existing power lines,

upgraded to Smart Grid technologies

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A mini LNG port for storage- 10-20 thousand cu m on Saipan or Tinian

Logistics options LNG sparsely populated islands of CNMI

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Combination electric power industry variants sparsely populated islands of CNMI

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Why 4I’s-CNMI Will Succeed? There are many reasons, but this presentation is not intended to wear out the audience by

presenting countless reasonable and realistic factors. So, here are just a few of them:

"!For many years Victor Popolitov has been projecting, building and operating autonomous facilities to produce power, water and telecommunication services in remote communities, where the main focus was on mining, wood processing, farming, fishing etc.

"!For the past four years our international team (Russian, USA, Singapore, Israel, the CNMI) studied and researched the market, visited many exhibits and conferences, made new relationships in the field of renewables and natural gas with the following companies: NREL, AWEA, ASES, HOMER Energy, ORMAT, University of Hawaii, First Wind, FGE, Avelar Energy, FCE, OPRA, INDOX, Siemens, Vestas, GE, Applied NG Fuels, Air Flow, Marine Service, Maersk Line and many others.

"!During 2012-2013 4I’s-CNMI financed a detailed feasibility study of the energy sector in the CNMI. The feasibility study was presented in the form of a report by one of the most competent companies in the island energy sector - HOMER Energy. They have done many projects on the islands of Hawaii, Virgin Islands, including Necker Island, owned by Richard Branson. Currently, 4I’s-CNMI is awaiting for land granted by Governor Inos (on a contract base) to perform the initial wind assessment in the CNMI.

"!During 2011-2012 Victor Popolitov alone with Peter Lilienthal, Ph.D. and CEO of HOMER Energy and Gregory J. Koebel, O’Connor Berman Dotts and Banes showed presentations for local administration, the CNMI Senate, and business organizations. During that period of time Mr. Popolitov had a meeting with the Governor of the CNMI, representatives from the administration and leading business men.

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Why 4I’s-CNMI Will Succeed?

Virgin Islands - Peter Lilienthal, HOMER Energy with Sir Richard Branson, the owner of Necker Island. HOMER Energy did the feasibility study report for 4I’s and many other islands in the Pacific region (2012)

Singapore - meeting with Dr. Fereidum Fesharaki, a consulting leader in the field of energy resources, Facts Global Energy. FGE provided consulting services to Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell, Total, Gazprom and others. Their most recent work is a feasibility study RE LNG in Hawaii (2013)

Kona, the Big Island, Hawaii - learning the experience of Kona Civic Center, where all the energy needs (including electric cars) are covered by its own Solar PV 250 kW. The excess energy is sold to the local utility - HELCO (2013).

4IS-CNMI closely cooperation with the leading NREL experts. Boulder, USA (2012)

Kona, the Big Island, Hawaii - learning the experience of Kona Civic Center - power station for personal and work electric cars (2013)

Saipan, the CNMI - visiting CUC. 4I's and Homer Energy studying the power supply sector on the island and gathering data about CUC and its generating capacity (2012)

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Why 4I’s-CNMI Will Succeed? # 4 is CNMI $%"#&!'()?

4I's-CNMI is a member of related US associations - AWEA, ASES

Mainland and offshore exploration for RES, Saipan/Tinian (2010)

Puna, the Big Island, Hawaii - visiting geothermal plant - 38 MW. Produced heat and hydrogen is used for Ormat Tech Inc. vehicles (2013)

4I's-CNMI is a company, registered in the CNMI in 2010

Los Angeles, CA - 4I's-CNMI keeping close relationship with one of the leading experts at NREL, Sam Sprik, Senior Engineer - H2 Tech (2012)


Feasibility study repot - Energy Investment Opportunities in

Saipan and Tinian

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Dedication We will save Marianas,

We will give our children hope and create conditions

for their well-being!

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This is also gas, but it’s not about us..

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Invitation 4I’s-CNMI invites investors, potential customers

and experts to participate in this and other related projects.

4I’s-CNMI invites investors, potential customers

Don’t lose your way to us! Email [email protected]

Call +1(720) 217-3066

Don’t lose your way to us!

4 is CNMI, LLC Victor Popolitov President, owner

Email [email protected]

Call +1(720) 217-3066