IP Panel Ratings

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  • 7/27/2019 IP Panel Ratings


    ating Organizations and Standards

    tings are set by various government agencies, industry groups and/or independent laboratories and are citedanufacturers in order to establish a more exact degree of environmental protection and reliability. Some of thore common standards include:

    q IP Rating

    A three-digit number established by the International Electrotechnical Commission that indicates the levor amount of the protection.

    q NEMA

    The National Electrical Manufacturers Association provides a forum for the standardization of electricalequipment.


    These guidelines specify allowable parts and environmental condition ranges that a tool or other devicemust be able to operate in to meet military compliance.

    q Intrinsic Safety

    An intrinsic safety rating details the specific Hazardous Location in which an electrical device can be usewithout fear of electrostatic discharge that may cause an explosion.

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    P Ratings (Ingress Protection)

    ating for Equipment and Enclosures

    three-digit number established by the International Electrotechnical Commission, is used to provide an IP Rata piece of electronic equipment or to an enclosure for electronic equipment. The IP code indicates the level, o

    mount of the protection.

    e three digits represent three different forms of environmental influence:

    e first digit represents protection against ingress of solid objects.e second digit represents protection against ingress of liquids.e third digit represents protection against mechanical impact damage.

    The third digit is often omitted, resulting in a 2-digit IP Rating covering ingress against solid objects and liquidly).

    e larger the value of each digit, the greater the protection from that influence. As an example, a product rate573 would be better protected against environmental factors than another similar product that was only rated432.

    P TABLE:

    First Number(Solids)

    Second Number(Liquids)

    Third Number(Mechanical Impact)

    No protection No protection No protection

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    Protected against solid objectsover 50mm e.g. hands, largetools.

    Protected against vertically fallingdrops of water or condensation.

    Protected against 0.225 joule impac(150g @ 15cm).

    Protected against solid objectsover 12mm e.g. hands, largetools.

    Protected against direct sprays ofwater up to 15 from vertical.

    Protected against 0.375 joule impac(250g @ 15cm).

    Protected against solid objectsover 2.5mm e.g. wire, smalltools.

    Protected against direct sprays ofwater up to 60 from vertical.

    Protected against 0.5 joule impact(250g @ 20cm).

    Protected against solid objectsover 1.0mm e.g. wires.

    Protected against water sprayed fromany direction. Limited ingresspermitted.

    Limited protection againstdust ingress (no harmfuldeposit)

    Protected against low pressure waterjets from any direction. Limited ingresspermitted.

    Protected against 2.0 joule impact(500g @ 40cm).

    Totally protected against dustingress.

    Protected against high pressure waterjets from any direction. Limited ingresspermitted. (Shipdeck)

    N/A Protected against the effects of immersion between 15cm and 1M.

    Protected against 6.0 joule impact(1.5Kg @ 40cm).

    N/A Protected against long periods of immersion under pressure.

    N/A N/A Protected against 20 joule impact (5@ 40Protected against 0.225 jouleimpact (150g @ 15cm).cm).

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    ational Electrical Manufacturers Association

    MA stands for the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. They provide a forum for the standardizationectrical equipment, enabling consumers to select from a range of safe, effective, and compatible electricaloducts. The organization has also made numerous contributions to the electrical industry by shaping public povelopment and operating as a central confidential agency for gathering, compiling, and analyzing marketatistics and economics data.

    vironmental ratings for enclosures based on "NEMA" Type designations.

    ema Types:nclosure Type: Intended Use and Description:

    Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against limited amounts of falling dirt.

    Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against limited amounts of falling wateand dirt.

    Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, wind blown dust adamage from external ice formation.

    R Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, and damage fromexternal ice formation.

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    S Outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against rain, sleet, windblown dust ato provide for operation of external mechanisms when ice laden.

    Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against windblown dust andrain, splashing water, hose-directed water and damage from external ice formation.

    X Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against corrosion, windblowdust and rain, splashing water, hose-directed water, and damage from external ice formation

    Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against settling airborne dust, falling dand dripping noncorrosive liquids.

    Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection again hose-directed water,the entry of water during occasional temporary submersion at a limited depth and damage frexternal ice formation.

    P Indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against hose-directed watethe entry of water during prolonged submersion at a limited depth and damage from externaice formation.

    Indoor use in locations classified as Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C or D hazardous locatioas defined in the National Electric Code (NFPA 70) (Commonly referred to as explosion-proof

    Indoor or outdoor use in locations classified as Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C or Dhazardous locations as defined in the National Electric Code (NFPA 70) (commonly referred toil immersed).

    Indoor use in locations classified as Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F and G hazardous locatio

    as defined in the National Electric Code (NFPA 70) (commonly referred to as dust-ignition pro

    0 Intended to meet the applicable requirements of the Mine Safety and Health Administration(MSHA).

    2 and 12K Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against circulating dust, falling dirt, andripping noncorrosive liquids.

    3 Indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against dust, spraying of water, oil, annoncorrosive coolant.

    onversion of "NEMA" Type to "IP" Code designations*

    ype Number IP Designation



    R IP14

    S IP54

    and 4X IP56


    and 6P IP67

    2 and 12K IP52

    3 IP54

    Table cannot be used to convert "IP" Codes to "NEMA" Types. See NEMA 250 for additional details.

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    litary Standard or Military Specification

    a series of performance and manufacturing guidelines set by the US Department of Defense for military andmmercial equipment and applications. These guidelines specify allowable parts and environmental condition

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    nges that a tool or other device must be able to operate in to meet compliance.

    L-STD 810 E and F are generally accepted as the highest standard for ruggedized testing by mobile computeranufacturers.

    L-STD 810 test method is used to generate confidence in the environmental worthiness and overall durabilityaterial system design. The testing process follows guidelines which include program documentation, programes, test standards and laboratory test method guidelines for all categories. The laboratory test methods areoken down into 24 categories. The required compliance test categories include:

    nvironment MIL-STD 810F

    ow Pressure (Altitude) Method 500.4

    gh Temperature Method 501.4

    ow Temperature Method 502.4

    emperature Shock Method 503.4

    ontamination by Fluids Method 504

    olar Radiation (Sunshine) Method 505.4

    ain Method 506.4

    umidity Method 507.4

    ungus Method 508.5

    alt Fog Method 509.4

    and and Dust Method 510.4

    xplosive Atmosphere Method 511.4

    mmersion Method 512.4

    cceleration Method 513.5

    bration Method 514.5

    coustic Noise Method 515.5

    hock Method 516.5

    yroshock Method 517

    cidic Atmosphere Method 518

    unfire Vibration Method 519.5

    emperature, Humidity, Vibration, and Altitude Method 520.2

    ing/Freezing Rain Method 521.2

    allistic Shock Method 522

    bro-Acoustic/Temperature Method 523.2

    fore testing can begin, the item has to have environmental exposure, which means that the test item is run

    der standard ambient conditions to ensure the item is operating properly and to ensure pretest baselinerformance data is collected.

    e actual tests are carried out according to pre-defined test plans and criteria. The tests can be laboratory ortural environment field tests, or a combination, which ever applies. The test procedure is dependent on thevironment tested. The procedure(s) and its execution provide the basis for collecting the necessary informatio

    ter completion of each environmental test, the post-test data is examined and recorded in accordance withaterial specifications and program guidelines. The results are compared with the pre-test data. The post testcord includes: test sequence used, deviations from planned test program, performance data, test conditions anature of the test team, to name a few. A final test report will be created for each test which includes an ana

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    the test results.

    u may notice some products will carry a MIL-STD 810E rating and some may state they are MIL-STD 810Fmpliant. MIL-STD 810F is a revision of MIL-STD 810E. The tests and methods are basically the same but muce standard has been rewritten to provide clearer direction. Many of the changes that can be found with the MID 810F are minor or administrative in nature, but technical changes and improvements can be found throughe. additional technical testing guidelines).

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    S Rating

    trinsic Safety

    is a term representing the Hazardous Location classifications as described in the National Fire Protectionsociations (NFPA) National Electrical Code (Article 500). The National Electrical Code (NEC) defines Hazardoucations as those areas where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable gases or vapors, flammauids, combustible dust, or ignitable fibers or flyings.

    intrinsic safety rating details the specific Hazardous Location in which an electrical device can be used withouar of electrostatic discharge that may cause an explosion.



    Gases, vaporsnd liquids

    A: AcetyleneB: Hydrogen, etcC: Ether, etcD: Hydrocarbons, fuels,solvents, etc

    Normally explosive andhazardous

    Not normally present inexplosive concentrations (bmay accidentally exist)

    . Dusts E: Metal dustsF: Carbon dustsG: Flour, starch, grain, plastic,chemical dust

    Ignitable quantities normallyor possibly in suspension

    Dust not normally suspendin an ignitable concentratio(but may exist)

    I. Fibers andyings

    Textiles, wood-working etc. Handled or used inmanufacturing

    Stored or handled in storag

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