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Transcript of IO54_CJ4LubeOil

  • 7/29/2019 IO54_CJ4LubeOil

    1/210 TDR 54

    I think you will agree with me when I categorize Turbo Diesel owners

    as independent people who are not afraid to try something new. You

    are an ingenious membership who reinvents and improves a product

    to make it better serve your needs. You show a strong willingness

    to share your Shadetree Solutions. With your input each quarter,

    we publish the Member2Member exchange to give you a forum

    to tell other members how you solved a problem.

    Why Do We Need CJ-4 Oils?

    First, lets discuss why this new oil was developed. The EPA wi

    tighten their exhaust emissions thumbscrew on diesel engines

    starting January 1, 2007, to reduce particulate matter (PM) and

    oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions even further. To meet these

    latest requirements most diesel engine manufacturers are resorting

    to the use of diesel particulatelters (DPFs). A DPF differs from the

    catalytic converters we have used for years on gasoline engines in

    that a DPF actually lters the entire diesel exhaust stream.

    On the surface you wouldnt think this would be a big deal

    Europeans have been using DPFs for years. The difference isthat Europeans dont accumulate mileage like Americans and they

    will tolerate much more frequent service intervals. Our EPA ha

    decreed that the new DPFs must go 150,000 miles before needing

    removal for cleaning. This means the soot collected in the DPF

    must be burned off in the exhaust system frequently if trap life is to

    exceed 150,000 miles without removal and cleaning.

    I dont have to tell you that diesel exhaust is relatively dirty. I

    consists of lots of soot (Thats what turns your oil black!) and

    unburned residues from both the fuel and the oil. Sulfur in the

    fuel can signicantly hamper DPF performance. Thats why were

    getting the new ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel this fall (more

    about ULSD fuel later). Phosphorus and sulfur in the lube oil can

    shorten DPF cleaning intervals considerably. Phosphorus (P) canglaze overandplug thetiny holes in the DPF, making the openings

    effectively smaller and quicker to plug. Sulfur (S) can mask the

    DPF, making it temporarily less effective. Sulfated Ash (SA) in the

    lube is thought to build up deposits on the DPF over time. These

    deposits that originate from diesel fuel and lube oil then make the

    DPF effectively smaller and quicker to plug.

    A Little Lube Oil History

    Beforewe talk about what theadditive industry andtheoilcompanie

    have done to meet theEPAs latest directive, we need a brief lube o

    history lesson. Years ago diesels were operated on rened crude

    oils containing virtually no additive chemistry. As power density

    increased oil companies found they needed to add specic chemicacompounds to the oil to provide performance attributes that crude

    oils couldnt deliver. The additive industry was born!

    Traditionally, each new diesel engine oil specication was issued

    because available oils couldnt provide the lube oil performance

    needed. For example, API CE was issued to create oils which

    solved an oil consumption problem in Cummins NTC-400 engines

    Forfty years each new diesel engine oil specication meant a

    better performing diesel engine oil was availableall the way from

    API CD to API CI+4.

    The cause and effect of the lower 2007 diesel emission requirements

    are far reaching. In this issues Member2Member, TDR writer

    Doug Leno will closely examine the changes to ultra low sulfurdiesel (ULSD) fuel. To examine the changes to engine lube oils we

    contracted with a hired gun, John Martin, formerly (25 years of

    service) of Lubrizol Corporation.

    For those not familiar with Lubrizol, Lubrizol is one of a handful of

    companies that make and sell the additive package that goes into

    the fnished product, one gallon lube oil jug.

    More on Johns credentials: He holds several patents and has

    published many industry-related technical articles. He is a past

    Chairman of the Cleveland Section of the Society of Automotive

    Engineers (SAE) and both a Recognized Associate and a Silver

    Spark Plug (their highest honor) of the Technology and Maintenance

    Council of the American Trucking Associations. He is a recognizedlubrication consultant to both the racing (NASCAR and NHRA) and

    trucking industries.

    We are fortunate to have Johns article addressing the CJ-4 lube

    oil specifcations.


    Whats A Guy Supposed to Buy?

    A new diesel engine oil (API CJ-4) becomes commercial before

    year end 2006. It is important that you understand what API CJ-4

    lube oil is (and isnt), and why it was developed. Armed with the

    proper knowledge imparted by someone who isnt trying to sell you

    something, you can then make an intelligent decision about whichoil to use in your diesel engine.

    It is important that you understand what API CJ-4

    lube oil is (and isnt), and why it was developed.



  • 7/29/2019 IO54_CJ4LubeOil

    2/2 TDR 54 11

    Todaydieselengineoilslookliketheexampleshownin gure1.

    From 20 to 30% of modern diesel engine oil is additives designed

    to improve performance in key areas.These additives are carefully


    dieselenginetestswhich deneanew lubeoilspecicationlike



    temperatures.(They inhibitwaxcrystal formation.) Viscosity


    This makes an oil which we call Multigrade and it simply means

    the multigrade oil acts like a thinner oil at low temperatures and a

    thicker oil at high temperatures.Multigrade diesel engine oils were


    addressed by API formulation CE.



    properties to the oils performance.The important thing to remember

    here is that most additive chemicals (particularly detergents) deplete

    or wear out in service.This is one of the reasons why the oil mustbe changed. Life was good

    So, What Did the EPA Do To Us?

    Now, dont take me wrongIm for a cleaner environment like

    everyone else is.The problem with the EPA is that they just decree

    which emissions will be reduced without once considering the cost,

    the technology needed or its effect on your operation.They refer

    to that as Technology Forcing Legislation.In the case of diese

    engine oils, the EPA forced the adoption of a low-sulfate ash

    phosphorus, and sulfur (low SAPS) oil whose technology hasn


    Low SA(less than 1 percent weight) effectively places a limit on the

    amount of detergent which can be used in these oils.But diesels

    love detergents.In over 25 years of inspecting various dieseenginesintheeld,Iveyettoseeonewhichdidntperformbette

    on oils with higher levels of detergency.

    Low P means t he Feds plac ed a l imit on t he amount o

    Zincdithiophosphate (ZDP) additive which can be utilized.ZDP is

    themosteffectiveoxidation inhibitorandanti-wearagentcurrently

    available. Additive manufacturers are now forced to use more


    wear agents.



    again,manyofthenewashlessoxidation inhibitorshaventbeen



    So, What Oil Should I use?

    If you have a diesel engine equipped with a DPF, you should

    probably use API CJ-4 oils.You really dont have a choice unless

    you want to clean your particulate trap more frequently. Pay

    particular attention to oil change intervals. Interestingly, one o


    their traps more often.Their reasoning is, (1) we have very few


    engine oil to minimize the chance for errors in our shops.I donthink they will be alone!

    If you dont have an engine equipped with a DPF, by all means

    utilize an API CI-4 oil!Your engine will thank you for it!Most of the



    it, but their major customers are demanding the older oil be kep

    on the shelves.

    I know that the major oil marketers are telling their customers tha


    engines), and that is somewhat true.But if you use less detergen

    in an oil, your oil change interval should be shortened accordingly

    Oil marketers dont care if you have to change your oil more

    frequentlyin fact, they love it!Remember oil companies are really

    in the business of moving as much base oil as possible.They love

    short oil change intervals.

    In closing, remember to change your oil as frequently as possible

    so we all can generate some more profits for those poor oi


    John R. Martin

    TDR Writer

    Member 2 Member. . . . Continued

    Typical Diesel Engine Oil Composition

    BaseOils: 69-80%

    Performance Package 15-20%

    ViscosityModier: 5-10%

    Pour Point Depressant 0-1%


    Typical Diesel Oil Performance Package

    DetergentsNeutralize Combustion Acids

    Minimize Wear

    Inhibit Rust Formation


    DispersantsPrevent Agglomeration of

    Soot Particles

    Suspend Contaminants in Oil

    OxidationInhibitorsRetard Oil Decomposition

    Slow Deposit Formation

    Anti-Wear AgentsCreateSacricialFilm

    Between Metal Parts

    Minimize Valve Train Wear

    Foam Inhibitors

    Prevent Oil Foaming
