Invidious1 (1)

INVIDIOUS Leah Hope Charlie Dowling Nicole Quartey-Papafio

Transcript of Invidious1 (1)

  • 1. INVIDIOUSLeah Hope Charlie Dowling Nicole Quartey-Papafio

2. GENRE A thriller is a genre of film which revolves around anticipation and suspense. Thrillers are meant to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats and this is done through elements such as music, mis-en-scene, costumes and cinematography. The thriller film emphasises the danger the protagonist faces throughout and the mystery of the antagonist. There are different sub genres of thrillers, such as action thrillers, crime thrillers, psychological thrillers and mystery thrillers. Although there are many different sub genres they all have key features that identify them as thrillers such as red herrings and cliff hangers. The genre of our opening sequence INVIDIOUS is both a crime thriller and a mystery thriller. 3. GENRE Although there are many different sub genres they all have key features that identify them as thrillers such as red herrings and cliff hangers. The genre of our opening sequence INVIDIOUS is both a crime thriller and a mystery thriller. Crime thriller is a subgenre of thrillers which uses both action and psychological aspects to build tension and suspense. The plot of crime thrillers are usually set around a serial killer, murderer or robbery. They also focus on both the protagonist and the antagonist which is a unique aspect of crime thrillers. Mystery thrillers focus on the works of the detective or private investigator to look at the circumstances of the crime or mystery. Using things like evidence, interviews and observations they uncover the mystery of the crimes. The audience follow the investigator as well as the antagonist which keeps them on the edge of their seat in suspense. 4. INFLUENCES Identity is a mystery thriller about a murder investigation. One way in which it influenced us was the titles. We liked the black red and white colour theme as the red and black signified the unknown and gave it a mysterious feel. The white is also overpowered by the dark black background and the piercing red titles which shows the innocence and vulnerability of the protagonist. We used this theme in our titles and our main title. We also liked the mystery thriller elements of the film, where the story is told through the detective investigating the crime. We used this in our opening sequence where we have the detective looking through all of the evidence which is cross cut with the main scenes of the crime. We also used the newspapers very similarly to Identity to help tell the story and show the outcome of the crime. Se7en is another mystery thriller which influenced our opening sequence. In the opening sequence of Se7en there are montages of pictures of the victims. We particularly liked this element of the opening sequence and decided to do a similar thing to ours. We used montages of mug shots of the suspects and the evidence photos of the victims. We also liked the mysterious screeching sounds in the non diagetic sound as it created an eerie atmosphere and added to the mystery element. We used this sound in our opening sequence just before our main title comes on. It helps us along with the very short cross cut clips to build up to a climax. We also liked the transitions of the titles, the way they faded in creating a mysterious effect. We added this to our titles to help add to the atmosphere and also to represent the girl disappearing. 5. INFLUENCES Disturbia is another mystery thriller which influenced our thriller opening sequence. In this film there are scenes which have been filmed in black and white and cross cut with scenes in normal colour. The colour changes showed a distinct difference between what the protagonist saw through his binoculars and what was actually happening in the scene. We used a similar effect to show the clear difference between the shots of the crime, and the shots of the detective looking through the evidence. We think this worked really well as it made the shots of the crime look more mysterious and with full colour on the investigation it highlighted the main pieces of evidence. We also liked the font of the titles in the Disturbia opening sequence, as they looked like an investigators typing and we though this would help create the mystery element of our thriller.When A Stranger Calls is another thriller which influenced us with our thriller opening sequence, INVIDIOUS. In this opening sequence the sound is built to a distinct climax using a screech mixed with a screaming noise. We added this into our opening sequence to build it to an anticlimax just before the films main title INVIDIOUS. This also helps us to build tension and suspense in our opening sequence. There is also a lot of foley sounds such as footsteps and the doors slamming in the house in this opening sequence. When A Stranger Calls influenced us to use foley sounds in our opening sequence, we used foley footsteps and PUT SOMETHING HERERE to add suspense to our thriller. There is also a lighting effect added onto the front cover of the film. We particuarly liked this as it made you focus on the important things in this shot. We used this in our opening sequence. 6. SE7EN OPENING SEQUENCEWe got inspiration from this opening sequence because it uses a similar style of editing to that of what we wanted to use in our project. It uses quick editing and jumps between shots which is the technique we wanted to use as it helps to create tension and suspense. It also has similar themes in the opening sequence so it was easy to use for inspiration for camera shots/angles and other cinematography techniques. 7. DIFFERENT SHOTS FROM OUR OPENING SEQUENCE 8. CHARACTER REPRESENTATIONSThese characters are similar because they are both the films protagonist in the form of a police detective. In these pictures especially, both characters can be seen looking over evidence of their respective crimes. They are wearing similar attire; as they are wearing formal clothing which represents their sense of authority. 9. CHARACTER REPRESENTATIONSOur protagonist is very similar to the one in When A Stranger Calls. Both are victimised by a stalker typed serial killer. They are both shown wearing very pastel coloured clothes, which portrays their innocence and vulnerability. We also tried to do similar camera angles to capture their fear, for example the ones shown above. They are both turned around looking for something, this emphasises their fear and also creates some suspense. 10. DISTRIBUTION-Production Our production company and its logo were designed in the way it is because we thought a film slate would be appropriate because it is an independent film production company. The idea behind the name is that CLN is a abbreviation of our group members names, Charlie, Leah and Nicole. We animated the text in the production logo so that it draws the attention of the audience to the actual name of the company. Our film would have potentially been funded by this production company because it is a low budget film so it would only need an independent production company to rather than a big company such as Universal. Se7en may have been distributed in a similar way to which we believe ours would be as they fall under the same sub genre and are very similar films. They may have been marketed and distributed similarly to the same target audience. 11. DISTRIBUTION A film distribution company is responsible for the marketing of a film. The distributer will set the release date of the film and the method that determines how the film is available to the public e.g. DVD or cinema release. 12. CERTIFICATE We have decided that using the BBFCs guidelines on film classification, that our film is going to be a certificate 15. This is because our film will have themes that are not suitable for people under the age of 15. The genre of our film; a crime/mystery thriller, is the main reason that the themes presented in the film will not be suitable for people under 15.One of the films we used for inspiration, se7en which is also a crime thriller, has a certificate of 18. We feel that our film will not be as graphic in content as se7en so dont feel it necessary to give ours an 18 rating. 13. AUDIENCE The titles in the film Se7en, are similar to ours as they are both small and not in the centre of the screen, this is so the audience is drawn to the title and adds mystery to the opening sequence. (write about music, I dont know what ours sounds like) 14. WHAT WE LEARNT This is the programme we used to make the music for our opening sequence.This programme, LiveType is what we used to Produce all the titles.This is the editing software Adobe premier elements that we used to edit all our footage together. 15. WHAT WE LEARNT Since we have done our preliminary task we have learnt a lot of very useful skills that helped us greatly when we did our final thriller opening scene. The skills we picked up include a much greater knowledge around the editing programme as well as learning how to make the music on GarageBand which we had to learn how to use from the start. While making our production logo we used the programme Photoshop which required us to learn the skills necessary to do so. We also learnt a number of filming techniques such as the 180 degree rule, and match on action, as well as a number of others.