investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination...

COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE BENEFIT PACKAGE A E P Employee Assistance Program INVESTING IN PEOPLE for better health, well-being and performance in your organization

Transcript of investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination...

Page 1: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

c o m p r e h e n s i v e e m p l o y e e a s s i s t a n c e b e n e f i t p a c k a g e

AE P Employee Assistance Program

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

for better health, well-being and performance in your organization

Page 2: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

ICAS supports your company in order to improve the motivation, health and well-being of your employees and management, which increases productivity and reduces costs. That is why ICAS makes an important contribution towards the success and competitiveness of your organization.

Successful and proven with almost 30 years of experience icas has been offering successful

employee assistance programs

since 1987 and has become a global

leader in this field. Worldwide,

icas supports about 4.5 million

employees and their families in over

2,000 companies.

ICAS stands for Effectiveness and Competence Worldwide

ICAS has offices all over the world.

Page 3: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about your business and customize our support locally.

ICAS: Local Service, Global Reach






icas in germany, switzerland, luxembourg, liechtenstein, austria and italy consists

of countrywide networks of permanent and mobile counseling locations.

icas uses primarily certified and licensed psychotherapists who are trained to deal with

mental illnesses.

legal issues are handled via telephone consultation with local lawyers. all our professionals

have been carefully selected, and the quality of their work is constantly evaluated.

ICAS supports businesses of any size in all industriesWe count among our clients leading international corporations, large domestic companies

with up to 1,000 subsidiaries as well as small and medium size businesses.

ICAS Central Offices

Page 4: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

ICAS’ Employee Assistance Programs have a modular design. Based on decades of experience, the following combination of services for employees and their family members has been proven particularly effective.

These programs are successful because: l they are available 24/7

l any questions and issues can be dealt with

l free for employees and family members

l unlimited access

l fast and competent service

l confidentiality guaranteed

l anonymous if desired

Optimal Support for your Employees…

24/7 Telephone Support for Personal Issuesi.e. relationship problems, separation, divorce, anxiety,substance abuse, suicide, depression, family issues,

grief, crisis, violence

24/7 Telephone Assistance for Work Related Issuesi.e. stress, motivation, self management, communication,performance, career, job loss, conflicts, mobbing/bullying,

sexual harassment, burnout

Telephone Counseling with a Psychotherapist for further personal in-depth evaluation, problem solving,

counseling during acute crisis, short-term therapy, all with no long wait times

Telephone support for Practical and Legal Issuesi.e. family, contractual, tenancy, real estate and tax law,

debt, finances, insurance, education,child or eldercare

24/7 Telephone Counseling for Managerial and HR Consultancyi.e. complex management situations, organizational change, conflict resolution, management of serious incidents such as

workplace accidents, crises or disasters

Page 5: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

ICAS’ EAP offers a host of useful services for your company. The services listed in the blue boxes are essential for the ongoing success of an EAP. That's why they are an integral part of our offerings.

ICAS is your strategic and entrepreneurial partner

When necessary, icas can offer custom-made solutions in addition to eaps, for instance:

l seminars, training and coaching

l change management process

l executive training

l resilience and coping with crisis and trauma

l expatriate services

l preventing violence

... and Maximal Benefit for your Organization

ICAS provides personal assistance to your companyby assigning you one of its specialists

who will advise you on all your concerns and eap aspects.

Meaningful, helpful, regular reportsthis information helps your company recognize areas

which need attention in order to improve the performance and well-being of your employees.

Introduction materials for using EAP servicespresentations, video, brochures with telephone cards,

poster boards, information booth, etc. - icas supplies everything you will need for informing your employees.

Ongoing communicationUseful and customized employee documentation and activities

to promote well-being as well as optimal use of icas’ eap services.

Synergy by combining resources and cooperatingwith existing company health advisors

(staff physicians, social workers,psychologists, external specialists, etc.)

Page 6: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

Presenteeism isn't just coming to work sick but happens when employees can't function at their best because of worries and problems at work and at home. It causes a loss in productivity and costs a business more than absenteeism.

employees who suffer from presenteeism usually don't show any signs or

symptoms. that is why they have to use their own initiative to reduce their

presenteeism. they can use their personal icas service card and dial the toll free

number. over 70% of employees who call icas report having been able to solve

their problems with icas’ support and have been able to return to productivity.

this shows that icas’ eap is a very effective way to reduce presenteeism.

.....and also Absenteeism

the reasons for presenteeism and absenteeism are very similar.

employees suffering from absenteeism will also receive effective support and

assistance from icas.

additionally, reducing presenteeism lowers the risk of an employee starting to miss

work because of lingering problems.

ICAS’ EAP reduces Presenteeism

Absenteeism:Lost productivity of employees

missing work as a result of illnesses and unresolved problems

PresenteeismLost productivity of employees at work

but unable to focus as a result of illnesses and unresolved problems

Absentmindedness, decreased concentration

stress, physical and mentaldisabilities



Border between being present or absent

Page 7: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

EAPs are recommended by the World Health OrganizationWithin the framework of corporate health management, icas is effective in several ways to reduce absenteeism and presenteeism.

first, it offers practical and targeted solutions to restore health, well-being and performance of affected employees. second, icas’ reports

on the use of eaps provide your business with valuable information on all areas of corporate health management in order to improve

these conditions.

ICAS’ EAP pays for itself in many ways because: lit reduces stress and its adverse consequences (i.e. errors, accidents, burnout, chronic illnesses)

lit reduces the risks of serious consequences for your company and your employees

lit reduces costs and increases productivity

lit achieves immediate return on investments

lit improves employee satisfaction and reduces employee turnover

lit shows appreciation for your workforce

lit promotes a positive employer image

lit reduces hr's work load

ICAS’ EAP improves Health and Well-being

Feedback (reports based

on statistics of anonymous use of EAPs)

Workplace Health Management

Occupational Safety and

Health Administration

Workplace Health Promotion

Solutions for Absenteeism and



Absenteeism, Rehabilitation, Case


Page 8: investing in people E A P - ICAS EAPinvesting in people A key to ICAS’ success is the combination of its presence worldwide and local customer accessibility. We think globally about

i n v e s t i n g i n p e o p l e

Why your company should choose ICAS

l icas is highly recommended by its clients

l Ongoing feedback confirms high customer satisfaction

l icas’ competence and performance ensure its eap success in your organization

l icas produces meaningful and helpful reports including analyses and practical recommendations

l icas’ services are available in four languages: german, english, french, italian, and many more if desired

l icas’ professionals are available 24/7

l 98% of calls are answered within 15 sec., which is important for emergencies

l icas has high expectations of its professionals and requires continual education and supervision

l ICAS’ networks consist of locally certified and licensed psychotherapists and lawyers

l icas mandates professional Quality management with regular internal and external audits

l ICAS’ procedures and protocols are SQS-tested with ISO 9001, and ICAS is certified by GoodPriv@cy for its data protection practices

l ICAS customer companies appreciate the high quality and the benefits of ICAS' services

l icas uses its own custom-made eap software, which is protected by strict security policies and regulations

l icas complies with all data protection safety measures required by law

ICAS Switzerland AG

hertistrasse 25ch-8304 Wallisellenphone +41 (0)44 878 30 00

ICAS Germany GmbH

hansaallee 22D-60322 frankfurtphone +49 (0)69 663 77 980

ICAS Austria GmbH

hegergasse 10/8a-1030 viennaphone +43 (0)1 280 72 52

ICAS Luxembourg SARL

84, route d’arlonl-1150 luxembourgphone +352 26 19 65 64


via vincenzo monti n. 8i-20123 milanphone +39 02 467 12 729

[email protected]