Investigatory paper sample

Chapter I: The Problem and Its Setting


Jaime Cardinal Sin Learning Center

Transcript of Investigatory paper sample

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Chapter I:The Problem and Its Setting

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IntroductionCoffee is a part of our daily lifestyle, especially every morning. With every

cup of this, it helps us to feel relieved. It relieved us from hangovers and stress.

Nowadays, no one could say “NO” to sweets. Because in every food that we

eat is full of sugar. But too much of sweets, may cause DIABETES. Diabetes is

one of the deadly causes of death in the Philippines. To prove this, Some doctors

said that this disease is a hierarchy, while others said that it is too much obsession

to sweets. Diabetes may cause more problems in the human anatomy if it is not yet

prevented. It also may cause heart disease. In fact, the American Heart Association

(AHA) says that the relationship between two conditions is so important; they

believed that diabetes is a cardiovascular disease.

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Having a disease like diabetes is a very complicated stage.

Despite it makes us weak, it also make us lose some money.

Because when you have diabetes, you must not forget your

maintenance. Because when you forgot it, you may lose your life.

Seed from plant fruits like bitter melon seed and malunggay

seed are commonly thrown away in the garbage. But we don’t

know that these trashes can be use again as herbal coffee. There

are many studies and facts regarding the bitter melon and

malunggay’s benefits 

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Herbal coffee is a very good product to make because it is eco-friendly. It helps us reduce our trashes in seeds. It also helps us to be more creative to think what other things can be bring out from trashes and at the same time can benefit our health. It is also a money saver, for example you’ve cooked vegetables, seeds must not be thrown away and use this component of your coffee.

This is why the researchers make an herbal coffee. The researchers choose natural ingredients like seeds in order to lessen the garbage and use the nutrients from the seeds. And the researchers are very interested in the benefits of herbal coffee if its components are seeds and so they decided to make this study.

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Statement of the Problem

This study seeks the feasibility of Bitter melon seed and Malunggay seed as an herbal coffee; specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Is there a difference between “Ampalunggay Herbal Coffee” to the commercialized one?

2. Is “Ampalunggay Herbal Coffee” an effective herbal coffee?

3. How long will our product last?

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Significance of the Study

The rationale of the study is to save more money and to lessen the trashes. And on the other side, the study aims to create a product out of seeds that can help to lower the risk of having diabetes. Hence, this will benefit the people who have diabetes and those who do not have.

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Scope and Delimitations

This study was conducted to reuse the ditched seeds as a herbal coffee as perceived by the people who have Diabetes in Punta, Manila during the year 2014. The aspects looked into were the alternative coffee, how it lower sugar level, and the performance of the product and the problems and proposed solution of our product.

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Limitation of the Study

The study has many different factors controlled and uncontrolled variables, there are some affecting the researcher’s study like when toasting the said ingredients it should be at the exact time and temperature, because when you fail to do that thing your stud is consider as a failure and you will repeat the whole procedures. The positive effect of coffee keeps you awake, and can burn fats. This coffee has many nutrients and minerals.

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Definition of terms


Malunggay was once considered a “poor man’s vegetables” but now it is known as a “miracle tree” or “nature’s medicine cabinet” by scientists and health care workers from around the world because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals that can be effective remedy against many kinds of ailments.

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Bitter Melon

It is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceous, widely grown in the Amazon, Caribbean, South East Asia such as Philippines for its edible fruit. Bitter Melon also kwon as Bitter Ground as the name implies has bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and believes to be among the most bitter of all vegetables.

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Herbal Coffee

Herbal coffee is brewed from herbs that have been roasted and ground to brew and taste like coffee. Most people are aware there is no “milk” in soy milk, and no “burger” in veggie burger. However, many people don’t remember that there is no ”tea” in herbal tea and similarly, there is no “coffee” in herbal coffee

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It is group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), polyphagia (increased hunger)

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Ampalaya seed

Malunggay seed

Bit of Sugar






“ Ampalunggay”

An effective Herbal


Conceptual Framework

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Chapter II:Review of Related Literature and


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Local Related Literature

In terms of drinking the brew, it's best to do it in moderation, despite the body benefits. "Coffee is a natural stimulant, and high intake can bring on headaches, increased heart rate, or insomnia," says Nyree Dardarian, R.D., an adjunct faculty member at Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions in Philadelphia. She recommends capping your daily fix at four six-ounce cups and finishing the last one at least four hours before turning in for the night. 

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Studies show that coffee can help ward off mental decline, certain cancers, Parkinson’s disease, high blood pressure, and even extra pounds. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that each time you refill your cup of jave in a day, you slash your diabetes risk by 7 percent; in another study, drinking two to three cups of coffee each day was associated with a 21 percent lower risk of heart disease. (Women’s Health, March 2011 issue)

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Foreign Related Literature

Diabetes is an abnormally high level of sugar in your blood is the hallmark of diabetes mellitus. It occurs when your body can’t use sugar as it should, either because your pancreas can’t make enough insulin or the insulin you do have is not effective. There are two types of this disorder, Type 1, also called “insulin-dependent diabetes”, develops suddenly and usually affects people under 30. Type 2, also known as “non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)”, is much more common. It develops gradually, and most often affects overweight people over 40. (The Folk Remedy Encyclopedia (Olive oil, Vinegar, Honey, and 1,001 Other Home Remedies), © 2001, 2004)

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Local Related StudiesMore and more medical journals are coming up with reports

about the many health benefits of coffee.  Some benefits have no therapeutic claims to them, but just the same, there are many testimonials about the benefits.

The health benefits include:

• Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. In 2009, a longitudinal study found that moderate coffee drinkers had reduced risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.

• Reduced risk of gallstones disease. According to Harvard School of Public Health, coffee has been correlated with a lower incidence of gallstones and gallbladder disease in both men and women.

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• Cognitive performance. A study found that people over the age of 80 performed significantly better on cognitive tests if they had regularly drunk coffee during their life.

• Alleviated migraine headaches. In some studies, caffeine can alleviate pain by acting on the cerebral blood vessels.

• Anti-diabetic. Coffee may reduce risk of diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes).

• Liver protection. Coffee can also reduce the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver and has been linked to reduced risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, a kind of liver cancer that usually occurs in patients with preexisting cirrhosis.

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• Reduced risk of esophageal, pharyngeal cancer and a modest reduction in breast cancer in post-menopausal women, according to a Swedish study in 2011.

• Coffee is cardio-protective.  In 2009, a prospective study in Japan following nearly 77,000 individuals.

• Coffee is loaded with antioxidants. These are  polyphenols, flavonoids, and anthocynidins which potentially reduce oxidative cell damage.

• Prevention of dental cavities. Tanins in coffee may reduce plaque formation. 

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Foreign Related Studies

The average American coffee drinker consumes about 3.1 cups of coffee a day,5 but extensive research has found that higher volumes - as much as 4 to 12 cups daily - can help prevent most major killers, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, liver disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

For instance, in case-controlled human studies, compared to coffee abstainers, those who drank the most coffee cut their risks of breast cancer by 57% and diabetes by 67%.

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Health authorities expressed alarm over the mushrooming epidemic status of diabetes after a July, 2011, study in Lancet shocked even experts with its estimate of 347 million diabetics worldwide.22 Then, the International Diabetes Federation presented evidence on September 13, 2011, that the real total is closer to 366 million.

Scientific studies have found that regular coffee consumption (with its chlorogenic acid content) lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 67%.21 This appears to result from reduced levels of blood glucose, increased insulin sensitivity, and decreased storage of both fat and carbohydrate.

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In one of a number of studies, a 2009 meta-analysis in the Annals of Internal Medicine combined data on over 450,000 people and found that every additional cup per day of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee lowered the risk of diabetes by 5 to 10%.

Studies suggest that coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, with those putting away four or more cups daily 50 percent less likely. A January 2012 report in the 'Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry" might explain why. It attributes the effect to compounds in coffee that block hIAPP, a polypeptide that can result in abnormal protein fibers, which are found in people with Type 2.

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Coffee has effects on insulin and blood sugar levels that would promote diabetes seem to be temporary. Regular use is associated with lower risk, and high intake (3–6 cups a day) seems to have a greater effect. Protection may come from increases in the hormone adiponectin and other factors that affect insulin and blood sugar levels.

Explanations for the association between coffee consumption and lower rates of heart disease and diabetes often point to chlorogenic acid and other obscure antioxidant substances as the responsible parties. Antioxidants are substances that sop up reactive molecules before they have a chance to harm sensitive tissue like the lining of blood vessels. Chlorogenic acid was probably the main antioxidant in your cup of coffee this morning. Some experiments have shown that it may also inhibit absorption of glucose in the digestive system and even out insulin levels.

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In 2010, researchers discovered that the phenolics in 4-8 cups of coffee daily have the direct action of dampening inflammatory activity.66 Chronic low-level inflammation has been associated with diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes, as well as aging.

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CHAPTER III:Methodology

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Dried Bitter melon seed

Dried Malunggay seed


Food color (optional)

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StoveCasseroleStirrerMortar and PestlePiece of clothNeedle and Thread

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Procedures:1. In a stove with a medium heat, preheat the oil in the


2. When it is already heated, toast the seeds. Stir constantly And when it is already toast, drain the seeds.

3. Using the mortar and pestle, crack the seed according to your will.

4. Put the cracked seed inside the clean piece of cloth. You may also put food color for the color of your coffee.

5. Sew the cloth to seal. Then the Ampalunggay coffee is made.

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CHAPTER IV:Results and Discussion

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CHAPTER V:Summary, Conclusion, and


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The researchers of “Ampalunggay Coffee” recommends:

1.  The researcher recommends the next researchers to continue and develop the study.

2. For better taste, you may use brown sugar.

3. When drinking the coffee, you may put powdered cinnamon as a topping.