Investigations VI Semester CLCG

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Transcript of Investigations VI Semester CLCG

  • 8/6/2019 Investigations VI Semester CLCG



    Investigation into affairs of a company

    means an investigation of all it business

    affairs- profits and losses, assets,including goodwill, contracts and

    transactions, investments and other

    property interest, its management and also

    the affairs of its subsidiaries.

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    The need for investigation may arise due tovarious reasons, the most important ofthese being the protection of investors i.e.,

    shareholders and creditors.In most cases, the persons who are in real

    control of the affairs of a company manage

    its affairs in such a way that theshareholders are rendered almostineffective.

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    Why have the shareholders

    receded to the background?1. The shareholders are normally investors

    and are only interested in dividends they

    get.2. They are widely spread over and are not

    in a position to organise themselves. This

    may be either because they are too many

    and their holdings are small or they are

    indifferent to voting and controlling.

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    3. They are ill-equipped to challenge thewisdom and experience of the personswho really control the affairs of the

    company, i.e., its directors and officers.4. Being unorganised, they normally do not

    have the means or ability to act against

    the management. Moreover it is difficult forthem to find out the facts leading to thepoor financial condition of a company.

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  • 8/6/2019 Investigations VI Semester CLCG


    Types of Investigations

    Secs. 235 to 246 deal with the subject of

    investigation of the affairs of a company

    by the Central Government which maycarry out the following types of

    investigation, viz.,

    1. Investigation of the companys affairs

    (Sec. 235 to 246).

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  • 8/6/2019 Investigations VI Semester CLCG


    1. Investigation of a Companys

    Affairs (Secs. 235

    to 246)a. Investigation on Registrars report/ members

    application (Secs. 235 and 236).

    Investigation on Registrars report (Sec.235(1)).

    The Central Government may, where a report

    has been made by the Registrar under Sec.

    234, appoint one or more competent persons

    as inspectors to investigate and report to CG.

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    Investigation on members application (Sec.235 (2)). An aplication for investigating theaffairs of the company may be made to the

    Company Law Board.Power of CG discretionary.

    It is not obligatory for the CG to direct an

    investigation. It has a discretion to appointor not to appoint inspectors forinvestigating the affairs of a company.

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    Application by members to be supported by

    evidence (Sec.236)

    An application by the members of acompany for investigation shall be

    supported by such evidence as the

    Company Law Board may require for the

    purpose of showing that applicants havegood reason for requiring the investigation.

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    Under Sec. 234, the Registrar has power to

    call for information or explanation in

    relation to any documents submitted to

    him within such a time as he may specify.

    If the required information or explanation is

    not furnished within the specified time or it

    disclosed an unsatisfactory state of affairs,the Registrar shall report in writing to CG

    for action.

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    b) Investigation in other cases (Sec. 237)

    Sec. 237 requires the CG to appoint one or

    more competent persons as inspectors toinvestigate the affairs of a company and to

    report thereon in such a manner as the

    CG may direct without prejudice to its

    powers under Sec. 235.

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    i) Investigation obligatory for the CG(Sec.237(a))

    ii) Investigation discretionary for the CG(Sec.237)

    a) Fraud, oppression or illegality, i.e., thatbusiness of the company being

    conducted with intent to defraud itscreditors or members or any otherpersons.

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    b) Fraud, misfeasance or misconduct, I,e.,

    that persons concerned in the formation of

    the company or the management of its

    affairs have in connection therewith been

    guilty of (a) fraud, or (b) misfeasance, or

    (c) other misconduct towards the company

    or towards any of its memebers.

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    iii) Inadequate information, i,e., that the

    members of the company have not been

    given all the information with respect to

    affairs which they might reasonably expect

    including calculation of commission

    payable to (a) a MD or other Directors, or

    (b) the manager of the company.

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    II. Investigation of Ownership of,

    and Interest in a CompanyInvestigation of Ownership (Sec.247)

    Sometimes, the identity of the beneficial

    owners of the shares of a company maybe concealed by vesting shares in trustees

    or nominees who are registered in the

    companys register of members. Same

    may happen in case of debenture also.

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    The real beneficial owners of the shares or

    debentures may be few in number, and

    one of them, or a group of them acting

    together, may, by giving directions to their

    trustees or nominees, be able to control

    the voting at members or debenture

    holders meetings.

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    Some of the beneficial owners may have

    interest inimical to the company, and may

    direct their trustees or nominees to vote in

    a way which will harm the interests of the

    company. Some may be using the device

    of a trust in order to buy the companys

    shares in the market in small amountswithout attracting attention and without

    causing sellers to ask for a higher price.

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    Appointment of Inspectors

    When it appears to the CG that there is a

    good reason so to do, it may appoint one

    or more inspectors to investigate and

    report on the membership of any company

    and other matters relating to the company.

    In particular, it may do so for the purpose

    of determining the true persons-

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    a) Who are or have been financially

    interested in the success o failure,

    whether real or apparent, of the

    company; or

    b) Who are or have been able to control or

    materially influence the policy of the


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  • 8/6/2019 Investigations VI Semester CLCG


    Information regarding persons

    having an interest in co. (Sec.248)

    In certain cases, it may appear to the CG or

    to the CLB in any proceedings before it

    that there is a good reason to investigate

    the ownership of any shares in or

    debentures of a company, or of a body

    corporate which had acted as the

    managing agent (now abolished) orsecretaries and treasures (now abolished)

    of a company.

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    When is a person deemed to have aninterest in a share or debenture-

    (a) If he has any right to acquire or disposeof the share or debenture or any interesttherein or to vote in respect thereof;

    (b) If his consent is necessary for the

    exercise of any of the rights of otherpersons interested therein; or

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    (c) If other persons interested therein can be

    required, or are accustomed, to exercise

    their rights in accordance with his

    directions or instructions.

    Penalty. Any person-

    (a) Who fails to give any information

    required of him, or

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    (b) Who, in giving any such information,makes any statement which he knows tobe false in a material particular, or

    recklessly makes any statement which isfalse in a material particular.

    Shall be punishable with imprisonment for aterm which may to 6 months, or with a finewhich may extend to Rs. 5,000, or withboth.

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    Investigation of Share and

    Debenture Dealings (Sec. 250)

    A reference made by the CG to the CLB inconnection with any investigation underSec. 247, 248 or 249 o find out relevant

    facts about any shares.Restrictions. So long as any shares are

    directed to be sbject to restrictionsimposed-

    (a) Any transfer of these shares shall bevoid.

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    (b) Where these shares are to be issued, theyshall not be issued; and any issue thereof or anytransfer of the right to be issued therewith shall

    be void.(c) No voting right shall be exercisable in respect

    of these shares.

    (d) No further shares shall be issued in right of

    these shares ; and any issue of such shares orany transfer of the right to be issued therewithshall be void.

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    (d) Except in a liquidation, no payment shall be

    made of any sums due from the company on

    those shares, whether in respect of dividend,

    capital or otherwise.Where shares in any company are issued in

    contravention of any of the above restrictions,

    the company, and every officer of the company

    who is in default, shall be punishable with finewhich may extend to Rs. 5,000.

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    Change in the composition of Board ofDirectors As a result of any transfer ofshares of a company a change may take

    place in the composition of the BOD andsuch a change may be prejudicial to tepublic interest.

    In such a case, the CLB may restrain suchchange from taking place from threeyears.

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    Restriction on transfer of shares where the

    CLB has reasonable ground to believe that

    a transfer of shares in a company is likely

    to take place and it is of the opinion that

    any such change would be prejudicial to

    the public interest, it may by order direct

    that any transfer of shares in the companyduring the specified period (not exceeding

    3 years) shall be void.

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    Variance of rescission order- the CLB may,by order at any time, vary or rescind anyorder made by it. The order made by the

    CLB shall be served on the companywithin 14 days of the making of the order.

    Consent of CG required A prosecutionunder Sec. 250 shall not be institutedexcept by, or with the consent of, theCentral Government.

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    Sec. 250 applies in relation to debentures as

    it applies in elation to shares.

    Voluntary winding up of company, etc., notto stop investigation proceedings (Sec.

    250-A) any investigation proceedings

    has started and te company has applied

    for voluntary winding even theninvestigation will not stop.

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    Saving for legal advisers and bankers (Sec.251) A legal advisor need not disclose tothe CLB or to the CG or to the Registrar or

    to any Inspector appointed by the CG, aprivileged communication made to himexcept as respects the name and addressof his client. Again a banker of the

    company need not disclose anyinformation as to the affairs of hiscustomers other than the company.

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    Non-disclosure of information in certain

    cases (Sec. 635-AA) Notwithstanding

    any thing contained in any other law for

    the time being in force, the Registrar, any

    Officer of the CG or any other person shall

    not be compelled to disclose to any Court,

    Tribunal or other authority whence he gotany information which

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    (a) Has led the CG to direct a special audit

    under Sec.233-A or to order an

    investigation under Secs. 235, 237, 247,

    248 or 249; or

    (b) Is or has been material or relevant in

    connection with such special audit or
