Investigation Report

Republic of the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources SARANGANI BAY PROTECTED SEASCAPE OFFICE OF THE PROTECTED AREA SUPERINTENDENT Region XII, PENRO Building, Alabel, Sarangani Province Tel. No. (083) 228-6626 Telefax No. (083) 228-6225 November 26, 2014 MEMORANDUM FOR : The Regional Director PAMB – SBPS, Chairman DENR RXII, Koronadal City FROM : The Protected Area Superintendent Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SBPS) SUBJECT : INVESTIGATION/INSPECTION REPORT RELATIVE ON THE ALLEGED CUTTING OF TREES AT THE KALANG-KALANG ISLAND OF BRGY. KAMANGA, MAASIM, SARANGANI PROVICE Please be informed that the undersigned together with Asst. PASu, Jamel A. Tiburon conducted investigation/inspection today, November 26, 2014 in response to the text message received November 25, 2014 at 7:50 in the evening of Governor Steve Chiongbian Solon of Sarangani Province relative on the alleged cutting of trees at Kalang - Kalang Island of Brgy. Kamanga, Maasim, Sarangani Province. Today at exactly 9:30 a.m., the undersigned personally coordinated the Barangay Captain, Rosadelima N. Mangelen of Brgy. Kamanga, Maasim, Sarangani Province relative on the alleged report, it being that subject Island falls under the AOR of that barangay. Coincidentally, a certain Mrs. Ester Dagatan – a care taker of Mr. Paulino Lautingco present at the Barangay Hall during the coordination. Per investigation/inspection, the following information were gathered to wit: 1. That the Island named Kalang-kalang is allegedly claimed by Mr. Paulino Lautingco and some improvements were already established by the



Transcript of Investigation Report

Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources SARANGANI BAY PROTECTED SEASCAPEOFFICE OF THE PROTECTED AREA SUPERINTENDENT Region XII, PENRO Building, Alabel, Sarangani Province Tel No !"#$% &'((&( Telefa) No !"#$% &'(&&*

Nove+ber &(, &",-EORAND!.OR / T"e Re#ional DirectorPA0B 1 SBPS, 2hair+an3ENR RXII, 4oronadal 2it5.RO0 / T"e Protected Area Superintendent Sarangani Ba5 Protected Seascape !SBPS%S6B7E2T / IN$ESTIGATION%INSPECTION REPORT RE&ATI$EONT'EA&&EGEDC!TTINGO(TREES ATT'E)A&ANG*)A&ANGIS&ANDO(BRGY+ )AANGA,AASI, SARANGANI PRO$ICEPlease be infor+ed that the undersigned together 8ith Asst PASu, 7a+el ATiburon conducted investigation9inspection toda5, Nove+ber &(, &",- in response tothe te)t +essage received Nove+ber &*, &",- at :/*" in the evening of ;overnorSteve 2hiongbian Solon of Sarangani Province relative on the alleged cutting of treesat Kalang - Kalang Island of Brg5 4a+anga, 0aasi+, Sarangani ProvinceToda5 at e)actl5 4udarat, Tinoto, 0aasi+ 0r Paulino ?autingco, 2asge=o St, ;eneral Santos 2it5 PS / Attached Photo during the conduct of investigation9inspectionP'OTOGRAP'S TA)EN D!RING T'E IN$ESTIGATION%INSPECTIONCOND!CTED BY PASu . SBPS ON NO$EBER /0, /123 RE&ATI$E ON T'E A&&EGED C!TTING O( TREES AT )A&ANG .)A&ANG IS&AND, BRGY+ )AANGA, AASI, SARANGANI PRO$INCEPASu Dirie P. Macabaning at the Barangay a!! of "a#anga together $ith Mrs. %ster Dagatan and B&'( )fficia!s of Brgy. "a#anga* Maasin* Sarangani Province&eft: PASu Dirie P. Macabaning discussed $ith Brgy. Captain +osade!i#a ,. Mange!en and Mrs. %ster Dagatan re!ative on the a!!eged cutting at "a!ang - "a!ang .s!and+ight: PASu Macabaning at the shore of Sitio Ta#puan* Brgy. "a#anga* Maasi# departing to "a!ang - "a!ang .s!and PASu Macabaning and Asst. PASu Tiburon together $ith 0r 2ornelio 2abreros at "a!ang -"a!ang .s!and during the investigation/inspection 0Pagapat Species planted b5 the P?;6 andthe s+all shed established b5 0r ?autingco apparent in these pictures%