Inventory Management and Archiving Swiss System/Procedures

Inventory Management and Archiving Swiss System/Procedures Paul Filliger Swiss Federal Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Economics and Climate Section CH-3003 Berne ([email protected]) UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems, 11-12 April 2005, Bonn


UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems, 11-12 April 2005, Bonn. Inventory Management and Archiving Swiss System/Procedures. Paul Filliger Swiss Federal Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Economics and Climate Section CH-3003 Berne ([email protected]). Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Inventory Management and Archiving Swiss System/Procedures

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Inventory Management and Archiving

Swiss System/Procedures

Paul Filliger

Swiss Federal Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape

Economics and Climate Section

CH-3003 Berne([email protected])

UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems, 11-12 April 2005, Bonn

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Today’s inventory management system

• and problems

Future inventory management system

• Design, data collection, preparation, import

• Emission calculation, uncertainties

• Reports, History of data handling

Documentation / Archiving

• Data, methods, decisions/reasons

Remaining problems / Conclusion

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Today‘s Inventory Management System

Air Pollution Database EMIS, SAEFL

Swiss Energy Statistics, SFOE SAEFL Internal UNFCCC Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Road Transportation, Waste: Statistics Greenhouse Gas Files CRFand models, SAEFL

Civil/Military Aviation, FOCA/BABLW

Agriculture: Statistics and Models, FOAG / FAL Further National and

LUCF: Forest Statistics and Forest Inventory International Applications

Data from Industry Assoc. and further institut.

EXCEL datasheets

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Internal Greenhouse Gas Files

Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2003

1A1 Energy/Transformation

IPCC Source/Sink Categories Consump. CO2 CO2 biom. CH4 N2O NOx CO NMVOC SO2 CO2 CO2 b. CH4 N2O NOx CO NMVOC SO2

TJ 1'000 Gg 1'000 Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg Gg t/TJ t/TJ kg/TJ kg/TJ kg/TJ kg/TJ kg/TJ kg/TJ

1A1 Energy/Transformation 32'418 1.71043 0.966 0.069 0.1336 1.834 0.592 0.0638 1.2901A1 a Electricity/Heat 21'893 1.055 0.044 0.12728 1.157 0.434 0.039 0.2041A1 ai Electricity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

LFO 73.50 1 0.6 37 11 2 33 HFO 77.00 4 0.8 125 1 2 383 Gas 55.00 6 0.1 28 14 2 0.5 Coal 94.13 9 1.6 200 100 9 500

1A1 aii Combined Heat/Electricity 21'893 1.0550 0.044 0.12728 1.157 0.434 0.03928 0.204 48.19 2.0 5.8 53 20 2 9 LFO 682 0.0501 0.0007 0.000409 0.0252 0.0075 0.0014 0.0224 73.50 1 0.6 37 11 2 33 HFO 77.00 4 0.8 125 15 4 383 Gas 6'736 0.3705 0.040 0.00067 0.189 0.094 0.013 0.003 55.00 6 0.1 28 14 2 0.5 Coal 94.13 9 1.6 200 100 9 500 Biomass 160 0.015 0.00336 0.000256 0.0224 0.0800 0.00112 0.0032 92 21 1.6 140 500 7 20 Other (waste incineration) 14'315 0.634 0.952 0.0000 0.1259 0.9212 0.2519 0.0233 0.1749

1A1 b Petroleum Refining 10'525 0.655 0.0246 0.0063 0.6762 0.1579 0.0246 1.0859 HFO 1'769 0.1362 0.0044 0.00106 0.1946 0.0265 0.0044 0.8670 77.00 2.50 0.6 110 15 2.5 490 Gas (LPG) 8'756 0.5192 0.0201 0.00525 0.4816 0.1313 0.0201 0.2189 59.30 2.30 0.6 55 15 2.3 25

Proceeding: Activity rates stem from GEST (split-calculation in file "FUELS" of LA). Aggregated emission factors from "Emissionsfaktoren; neue CO2-Werte". Actual emissions calculated with actual activity rates and these emission factors.The fraction of stationary motors is so small compared to the total in each fuel, that aggregated emission factors are those from combustion boilers.Petroleum refining with emission factors from EMIS (exception CO2 and N2O LPG); emission factors between 1990 and 1995 interpolated (1995: retrofitting done). Activity rates HFOand LPG from "J ahresberichte Erdölvereinigung".Emissions calculated by multiplying activity rates with emission factors.

Sulfur contents: LFO: 0.0700% HFO: 0.7900%

Energy Consump. Emissions Emission factors



relevant cells linked to CRF

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Advantage of old system

• Simple and stupid, and it works


• System has grown to a vast, almost un-manageable size (>100 tables, thousands of links)

• Modifications possible, but very error sensitive

• Yearly up-date is hard work

• Knowledge about structure is concentrated to the developer’s head

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Reporting Obligations

Expert Information






MESAP Information System



Design of future Inventory Management System


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Data – Collection 1

Input derived from Data surveys Emission measurements Calculations and

modeling Literature studies and


Data compilation per

source category

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Data – Collection 2

Compilation files includes List of treated air

pollutants (climate + air) Definitions and

description of model /

calculation Time series of activity

data (incl. projections) Emission factors References

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Data preparation

Definition of import

format Automatic

plausibility checks Unit conversion (SI) Documentation

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Data import in System User Defined Data

Views Automatic import or

copy/paste User-guided

plausibility checks

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Emission Calculation

Activity rate · Emission

Factor Equation editor Visualization of

calculation result

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Implementation of uncertainty information

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Compile Reports MS Excel Environment Hot-Links to Database Shift inventory year Data link to former

database versions for


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History of Data handling

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Archiving of data

• Inventory database integrated in governmental data processing system (closed environment with high security demands)

• Backups and security on high standard (shadowed disks, daily backups, two different servers at two different locations, daily update of virus software etc.)

Archiving of data is not a problem

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Archiving/Documentation of methods

Two pillar strategy:

1) All methods should be documented (or at least referenced) in the MESAP information systemi) through documentation in compilation filesii) through calculation procedures in the CalQlator

2) A comprehensive (reader friendly) overview is given in the National Inventory Report (NIR) (Annexes for details)

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Archiving of background information(incl. decisions/reasons)

• Includes all “soft” data, which are indirectly linked to data in EMIS or NIR, e.g. - Annual reports from industry (activity data)- Reports about methods (referenced in EMIS, NIR)- Reasons of selection of methods, activity data- Documentation of decisions made during inventory preparation

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Remaining problems

• Archiving of background information, mainly decisions / reasons

• Inclusion of LULUCF data in EMISLand use change data is different in structure from emission data

Inventory preparation and production will remain a step by step improving process which will (probably) never find the final top-level product. Pragmatic, country-adapted solutions are needed.
