inventions proposal RBT

Yaser Barakat “Project WAPS4” Proposal We have a solution for the current energy and pollution crisis. Clean and renewable energy is the future that we can provide. These inventions are called, “Clean Energy Reservoirs.” They use natural elements to power them and do not take up mass amounts of land. They do not have to be built on land at all, for example: They can be built on the ocean shore or in lakes. If built away from the ocean, a canal will lead ocean water to the reservoir, lowering the sea level. These reservoirs can be utilized for fish farms as well. The basic ideas for these inventions are hydropower generation. It consists of a reservoir that produces energy through wind or solar turbines, air-bubble turbines, and water turbines. Each reservoir can hold up to 300 turbines– more or less. The number of turbines depend on how big a reservoir is built. The ideal size of this reservoir is football stadium size. There are three different models for

Transcript of inventions proposal RBT

Yaser Barakat

“Project WAPS4”


We have a solution for the current energy and pollution crisis. Clean and renewable energy is the future that we can provide. These inventions are called, “Clean Energy Reservoirs.” They use natural elements to power them and do not take up mass amounts of land. They do not have to be built on land at all, for example: They can be built on the ocean shore or in lakes. If built away from the ocean, a canal will lead ocean water to the reservoir, lowering the sea level. These reservoirs can be utilized for fish farms as well.

The basic ideas for these inventions are hydropower generation. It consists of a reservoir that produces energy through wind or solar turbines, air-bubble turbines, and water turbines. Each reservoir can hold up to 300 turbines– more or less. The number of turbines depend on how big a reservoir is built. The ideal size of this reservoir is football stadium size. There are three different models for lakes, rivers, and oceans. This will replace dams and current reservoirs. These reservoirs can be paired with desalinization plants to provide them clean and renewable energy- as well as -provide them with a constant amount of water they can pull from if they are built off shore. We also have a solution for the brine left over from the filtered water of desalinization plants.

River Model: Clean Energy Reservoir

This reservoir is built in ground and the water from either an ocean, gray water, or river flows into the canals. (As shown on number 713). This can be used to provide power and water to desalinization plants and cities. It can be used as water storage or it can release water back into the river.

Penstock is located in the canal throughout the outside of the reservoir that carry many turbines. The canals can also be expanded to add more penstock and turbines if needed. The penstock curves around the reservoir (in which more turbines are added) and flows into the middle of the reservoir. Shown in numbers 722, 745, and 752. This carries 300 plus turbines. The middle of the reservoir can hold up to 400 columns and take 15-21 air-bubble turbines on each one.

An air pump pushes air through the middle turning my other invention called, air-bubble turbines. The water splashes up in the middle creating a large ripple effect to which the water flows through the slice gauges (as shown in 716) back into the canals then back into the penstock.

The wind turbines (725) can provide the power for the air compressor (AC).

Air-Bubble Turbine Explanation

The air-bubble turbines are located on columns in the center of the reservoir. (730,735) They use bubbles to push the turbines to create energy. The bubbles are created by the air compressor located outside the reservoir which is powered by the wind turbines. The columns also are installed with air compressors at the top which is powered by the propeller on top of the column (as seen on number 727 and 732). Therefore, more bubbles come out of the columns through specially placed holes (as seen on 733) that have controls for certain amounts of air to escape to keep the pressure equal throughout the column. This causes self-movement. So with or without wind the air compressors create their own energy while creating excess for storage. These air-bubble columns also can be used on land as separate units for wind energy.

Air-Bubble Column with Turbines

This is an example of the Air-Bubble column with turbines.

This is a different model of the reservoir. Designed to be built inside the ocean shore. Built originally without the columns but they can be added.

Wind turbines are needed to power the air compressor for the bubbles in the middle of the reservoir to cause a ripple effect to have water recycle through the slice gauge and into the canal back through the penstock. This reservoir would be great for a fish farm. In the column (150) air-bubble turbines can be added for the extra energy. Around the column it will be ideal for wave turbines to be installed because of the rippling effect of the water.

Here is an example of the reservoir built in the ocean. It can be used for desalinization and doesn’t involve taking space on land.

These reservoirs can be shaped different depending on the width of the shoreline.

Oval ` Rectangular- This can provide a barrier for the shore in case of

tsunamis or huge tidal waves. Circle

This is built inland. It can be used to power desalinization plants it also brings the water further inland to help lower the sea level.

The inventor, Yaser Barakat, will be leading this project.